John Henry Bain Bounty Hunter
- 3 years ago
- 31
- 0
The harsh chords of Motorhead’s Ace of Spades pierced the air as the lone occupant of the house sang along. A hard knocking somehow made it through Lemmy’s gravelly vocals and brought a halt to the single woman concert that had taken over the living room.
“Hold on!” the occupant shouted while lowering the volume and shuffling over to the door wearing yellow ankle socks, pink booty shorts – white draw-strings tied in a bow at the front – and a wife-beater.
She gazed through the peep-hole and backed away with raised brows, whispering, "damn," before opening the door. Upon swinging it open, she leaned on the door-way and stared lasciviously at a statuesque black woman sporting afro curls, a brown leather jacket, a red close-fitting undershirt and dark jeans which cupped her curves like a second skin.
“Good afternoon, ma’am,” said the visitor, “My name is Cricket Jones. Are you, Luna Hennig?”
“Well,” started the occupant, scanning the visitor’s hourglass frame with a lip bite, “Depends on who’s asking.”
Cricket dipped her head and scoffed. “Hello, Luna.”
“Hello, Cricket,” she said with unabashed enthusiasm, “That’s an awesome name by the way and hey, how did you know it was me?”
“Mmmm.” The taller woman’s eyes searched and she pursed her thick lips, tapping them with an index finger. “An educated guess.”
“It’s the only answer that makes sense.” Luna shrugged and directed her palms upwards providing a broad grin. “Come on in.” She waved her visitor inside and shuffled to the living room – her cheeks wiggling on the way inside.
“Am, okay,” Cricket replied trying to withhold laughter and stared at the white text Cum In on her rumbling bottom. “Ms. Hennig, with all due respect, you don’t even know why I’m here and you’re just blindly letting me into your home...”
The sentence trailed off in observance of her hostess’ singing and playing air guitar amongst the wooden decor after raising the stereo’s volume. Her blonde tresses bounced wildly from their untidy top knot and hairline due to her incessant head-banging. Luna paused for a moment, turned to the side and extended a hand in Cricket’s direction.
“You’re free to join in,” she said with her chin lowered and closest eyebrow raised.
“No thank you. Um, Ms. Hennig…”
“God, please call me Luna. Leave Ms. Hennig for my mom or auntie. And don’t just stand there. Come on, take a seat if you’re not gonna dance with me.”
“Sure,” Cricket said nodding slowly and squatting into the cream two-seater facing her hostess. “Luna, here’s the thing: I’m a bail enforcement agent and I’m here to take you in.”
“Oh.” She paused and jutted out her lower lip, exposing the pink interior before reeling it in and replied flatly. “Okay.”
“Oh… okay?”
“Yeah, sure okay.” Her head jostled about like a doll of similar nature on a bumpy country drive.
“Alright, you do understand I’m here to take you in for skipping your court date right?”
“Oh yeah, I know.” Luna raised her hand and bent her wrist while blowing a raspberry. “Took you guys long enough to send somebody. I’ve been back home for like three days now.”
“Right?” Luna switched the tunes off, skipped towards her seated guest and plopped into the space next to her. Cricket swallowed, inched away slowly, and angled herself to keep the blonde within her sights.
“You gotta excuse me but I’m not used to skips willfully being so close after I disclose who I am – or being friendly for that matter.”
“Skips? Is that some sorta bounty hunter lingo?” Luna’s chin rested in both palms as fingers tapped temples and her cheeks puffed while her elbows bore into her thighs.
“Yes please.”
“Ooh, so mannerly. That’s kinda hot.” Her grin plumped her cheeks between splayed fingers, giving her face a rounder appearance. Cricket subsequently broke into laughter.
“Oh my God,” she continued laughing, “So sorry about that, but you’re the cutest damn thing.”
“Thing?” Luna furrowed her brows and leaned away. “Do you call your male bounties that too?”
“Girl, I’m all about equality when it comes to this shit,” Cricket said pointing downwards.
“Eh, I was just busting ya balls,” she replied with a put on Jersey accent.
“I gotcha, I gotcha. No balls here though, just two big li-.” She cupped her mouth and popped her eyeballs as Luna did the same and giggled. After a few moments, they cackled one after the other. “I am so sorry, that was very unprofessional of me,” Cricket chortled.
“It’s totally fine.” Luna’s smile finally took its leave. She spread her elbows onto the top of the couch and dangled her forearms, slapping them and flattened palms against the backrest. Her legs were fully stretched and the ceramic-tiled floor below was under attack from bludgeoning heels. Left, right; sometimes simultaneously and she said, “Here’s the thing: I’m not about to put up a fight with you or anything because, well… you’re bigger and would mop the floor with me anyhow, but…”
“Even though you’d whup me, I’m the kinda gal that’s going to leave some scratches and bruises still. Plus, this charge is such a bullshit charge.”
“How so?”
“So look, picture this.” Luna put up both hands with outward-facing adjacent palms, blocking her bland expression from Cricket and spread them apart horizontally, to reintroduce a wide-eyed glare, “I’m in the line, minding my fucking business, waiting to order some grub like everyone else when I feel this smack on my ass. So I look around and this guy was staring off all nonchalant, chewing gum and shit, right? Worse yet, he wasn’t even cute, so I slapped the fucker like seven times!”
“Wait hold up, hold up.” Cricket did a time-out gesture while chuckling. “You slapped him not because he smacked ya booty, but because that muthafucka was ugly?”
“Uh, yeah,” Luna replied wagging up top, presenting a puzzled demeanour.
The afro-wearing beauty screamed into a fit of laughter, holding her belly and nearly falling off the couch before re-balancing herself and sitting up straight. “Girl, you are so ba-ha-ha-ha-ad. That is so mean.”
“Well,” Luna winced, “It was, but it gets interesting. It wasn’t him that smacked me.”
“So who was it?” Cricket leaned in and placed a light hand on her skip’s thigh.
“Some other ugly motherfucker!” She threw her hands up into the air and slapped the couch on either side of her. “Can you believe that shit?”
Cricket cackled again until tears trickled. Luna mirrored her and the pair rested hands on the opposite’s shoulders as if they were old friends.
“Wooo, girl,” Cricket said wiping away tears with a kerchief that was stuffed in her pants’ pocket, “I’m sure this could all be resolved properly if you state your case, but you gotta attend your court dates, love. Well, I mean you ain’t got a choice now since you forfeited the bond.”
“Yeah-yeah,” Luna replied rolling her eyes, “Alright, before you haul me off – and so I don’t fight back – can you do me one favour?”
“Anything to avoid a scrap.” She nodded and sighed in relief.
Luna sprang from the chair, cupped her braless tits and bounced them while licking her lips. The nipple outline so crisp, it seemed a default feature of the wife-beater. After, she spun one-eighty and hopped on the spot to clap and jiggle her buttocks with the shorts riding further up her deep crack with each bounce – the text now reading Cun instead. It was soon clear to her visitor that those shorts were the only barrier between Luna’s ample, naked backside and her stiff gaze.
“Whaddya think?” she asked.
“I think, you a baddie.” Cricket nodded with a squint. “So what you want?”
“I have this strap-on in my room and I—”
“Whoa, hold on baby girl, pause.” Cricket held up a hand and dipped so that Luna could only see the apex of her bountiful afro curls before tilting her head and peering through the brow ridge. “Ah don’t know ‘bout whatever you trying to do, but I get enough dick that I ain’t need to get strapped. Thanks but no thanks.”
“No silly.” Luna flung her wrist and bent it with an incredulous expression. “I wanted you to use it on me.”
“Oh…” Cricket leaned back and crossed her legs, then clasped the dominant knee.
“Yeah, let me go and get it.” Luna pointed over her shoulder and smirked.
“I’m coming with you. Can’t risk you jumping through a window or some shit. ” The bounty hunter stood and towered over her supposed prey.
“The only way I’m jumping through a window is if I can’t handle what you’re about to give me.”
Luna led the way down a peach-toned, broad hallway decorated with several pictures of two older ladies – sometimes an older man – and her until hooking left and jogging towards a drawer. She folded her mouth – tongue peeking out a corner – and pulled it open before clawing out a long, girthy, black phallic object and waving it in front of her face.
“You seem really sure that I’m actually gonna fuck you, Ms. Thang.” Cricket leaned on the bedroom doorway with folded arms and a smirk. The room consisted of peach walls, a tan, wooden chest of drawers with scattered hygienic products on top, a built-in closet, and a full-size mattress laid out on a divan.
“Come on. You can’t tell me you don’t wanna take out all of that frustration from searching for me for the past nine days? To…” Luna beat the dildo against her jaw and chin, “Punish me for being such a bad girl?”
Cricket walked towards her and giggled, eased the strap from her and dangled it at eye-level between their leers. Her soon to be captive, traced its erratic wobbling with an open-mouthed smile; one which displayed an almost curious innocence.
“What it is with you white women and your obsession with big black dicks; real or plastic?” She tapped Luna’s pouted lips with the glans five times.
“I personally don’t care about the dick colour. This was the only dildo left at this size in the sex shop.”
“You actually walked into a shop and bought this shit? Girl, people buy these muthafuckas online nowadays.”
“That’s cool and all, but I’m not embarrassed by that kinda thing. I love cumming so I’m gonna do what I have to in order to achieve that.”
“You’re crazy.” Cricket squinted again. “You are damn sexy though. And you’re right, I am a little pissed looking all around for over a week, only for you to be here the last three days.”
“Mmhmm.” Luna stood on her toes. “Tell me about it, vent to me.” She gave Cricket a peck and dropped down flat on her feet.
“Can’t believe you just did that.” Cricket licked her lips, clutched Luna’s throat one-handed and massaged as the latter purred. “This is very unethical.”
“Taboo even.” Luna grabbed Cricket’s forearm with both hands and stuck out her tongue. Cricket snarled, pulled her in and drooled onto her waiting tongue. In response, Luna’s mouth gaped and she curled her tongue inwards to ingest Cricket’s saliva.
“I like nasty lil bitches like you.” She smiled and snaked her tongue around the smaller woman’s. Loud, smacking noises emanated from their kisses. Their mouths and surrounding areas were soon slimed and bubbling with saliva.
“Spank my ass.” Luna sucked on Cricket’s probing thumb.
“Must mean I ain’t ugly then.” Cricket gave a half-smile.
“Oooh, you’ve been listening.” Luna’s eyebrows hopped several times. Cricket grabbed her top knot and she spun to show off her pink-clad buttocks with an arch. A firm smack across the right cheek, then left caused several soft moans to waft from her throat. She rolled the shorts down to just above her knees and wiggled her reddening bottom some more.
“Damn, you got a nice ass girl.” She leaned forward, her warm breath caressing Luna’s neck, ear canal and whispered, “I’m gonna fuck the shit outta you.”
“Nasty girrrl,” Luna whispered, lowered three fingers and curled into her damp cunt. As they squelched in and out, Cricket continued spanking her bare bottom. It wasn’t long before she removed Luna’s fingers and replaced them with hers.
“This is my pussy now.” Cricket licked her victim’s neck and sucked on it, continuing her vigorous invasion. “This is whatchu get for making me run around for nine muthafucking days, bitch.” Her tone switched to aggressive and she gritted her teeth upon delivery.
“Yessss, punish me. Fuck…” Luna’s eyes crossed and her hips bucked as she spasmed all over the invading digits.
“That’s right, nut for me you pretty ass bitch.” The aggression of Cricket’s fingering increased making Luna shudder again into orgasm before she recovered properly from the first. She caught spaghetti legs but Cricket held her up long enough to shove her onto the closeby bed.
“Fuuuck. Don’t you want me to take care of you now?” Luna said while lying prone; her red, tanned buttocks swaying. Shorts still rolled above her knees and arms outstretched above her head with the tail of the wife-beater rested above her Venus dimples.
“Oh, that’ll come,” Cricket said while unbuttoning her pants, “but I ain’t done with you yet.” Her see-through, violet, lace panties soon followed along with her jacket and a shoulder holster carrying a small handgun and taser.
“Lookie, a cutesie-pooksie little shooter.” Luna’s elbows bent and she clapped quickly over one shoulder before flattening them onto the bed again with a goofy smile.
“Yep, a Glock G43x.”
“Those are cute, but I love my Desert Eagle 50.”
“A Desert Ea… girl what are you doing with that fucking cannon?” She burst into laughter midway through rolling up her shirt. Luna smiled and blinked slowly at the scenery behind her.
“I’m deceptively strong… and you’re ridiculously hot, Cric,” Luna said softly, “Now destroy my pretty pussy.”
“Calling me Cric? So we familiar now huh? Well, I’m a make you say my entire first name again in a few.” She hauled her undershirt over her afro curls and flung it backwards, leaving dual, heaving brown globes encapsulated in a violet lace bra. As the strap-on was fastened to Cricket’s hips, Luna curved her buttocks up and twerked while wagging her tongue out of the corner of her mouth. The large, black phallus smacked against her rear – the centre of each glute, crack and their undercut.
“Fuck, it’s so heavy,” she giggled while writhing along its length as it lay in her crack. Cricket swiped the shaft down and poked the bulbous tip inside her sopping crevice. Luna’s cheeks inflated, contracted her features and blew spit bubbles upon exhalation the deeper the dildo sunk. The angled movements alternated between slow thrusts and gyrations. With each that went to the hilt, Luna pushed her buttocks hard against Cricket’s pelvis and released an elongated fuck. The sheets above crinkled in her enclosed fists and those at face level and below darkened with tears and cum. “Jesus Christ, I’m fucking cumming.”
“Yeah, cum all over this big black dick,” Cricket encouraged and thrashed Luna against the mattress by the hair.
“Yesss,” Luna hissed as a sick smile grew due to her pretty face’s thrashing and sweet pussy’s spasming. She untied the top knot and shook blonde locks down her slender back and over her flushed visage. “That was good, but you’ve gotta be way more pissed at me than that. I want you to hate-fuck me.” She pushed up and rested on all fours, glancing over her shoulder and still wagging her arched tail in the air.
“I want that butt-hole then,” Cricket said in a husky tone and licking her upper lip at the winking orifice of discussion.
“Didn’t do any anal prep today,” she grimaced, “Sorry.”
“Oh don’t apologise to me, babygirl. Apologise to your poor pussy.” Cricket’s mouth formed an ‘O’ and her tongue clicked its ceiling five times while shaking her head. The entry into Luna’s cunt was far rougher this time and she gasped with her mouth hung open again and bulging eyes. Cricket grabbed her lower jaw with one hand, the back of her neck with the other and proceeded to fuck as if she were trying to bore another hole through her vessel. The clapping of buttocks was so meaty and sharp, Luna didn’t recall ever hearing them hit such a high decibel range.
“Fucking FUCK ME, CRICKET! Oh my GOD!” Drool escaped and her eyes rolled until she croaked audibly like the undead. Cricket refused to let up on the assault and Luna’s rump made several ocean swells during the ongoing tropical storm in her bedroom. “I’m cummiiiiing agaaain you fuucking biiitch…” she slurred through the grunts and thrashed about violently upon reaching another orgasm that shattered her soul. From her toe-nails, up to her eye-lashes, the intensity was such that her orgasm quota very well might have been used up for the calendar year.
“Damn,” Cricket started while unfastening the strap and letting it drop, “After seeing all that, now I need to bust a nut. Lay ya pretty ass flat on ya stomach. I’m coming up there so you could eat this pussy.”
Luna dropped forward with her arms laid at the sides and panting. Cricket sat but a queef away from her pointed nose – knees bent and pointing at opposing forty-five-degree angles – and rubbed against her own clit, then slipped into her pink folds shielded by gorgeous, mocha skin. She diddled her cunt for a bit before sitting forward and rubbing her slick fingers over Luna’s lips. A smile formed for the latter and she propped onto her elbows to grab Cricket’s hand before sucking on all fingers that had sampled her cunt.
“You’re so goddamn pretty, Cricket,” she said, gazing longingly.
“You are too, Luna.”
They both smiled at each other and Luna dragged herself forward to sink her features into her pursuer’s womanhood. Cricket held her in place as she motorboated, flicked, curled and sucked all over her clit, labia and inner thighs.
“I’m cumming, baby,” she whispered, “Oooh shit.”
Just as firmly as she held Luna’s head, the latter cupped her lifting, plump cheeks off the mattress and her cunt ground into the face of its devourer; multiple spasms massaging its soft contours. This repeated for twenty minutes with five more climaxes from Cricket before crumpling into a heap. Her companion’s countenance nestled against her stubbly beaver and between her thick, brown thighs as sanctuary.
An hour after proceedings, they lay in each other’s arms opening up with the restraint that best friends would. There were a few kisses, nipple sucks and fingerings in between, but an unexplainable connection had formed. It wasn’t quite romantic, but more along the lines of someone that could always be there for the other, no matter what shape it took. Another hour had passed and they fell asleep with Cricket being the big spoon and Luna the little. This was why when big spoon woke up and didn’t see little spoon, her heart galloped into overtime and she scampered for her possessions while cussing for being so naïve and foolish.
“Fuck, how could I be so fucking stupid! Dammit!” She hopped into her jeans and nearly toppled over until bumping into a fully dressed and groomed blonde who was reappearing at the same time.
“Hey, you alright?” Luna asked balancing Cricket into a standing position. “Aaaaaah, you thought I ran off didn’t you? Didn’t you?” She nudged her elbow into Cricket’s rib and gave a mischievous side-eye.
“That ain’t funny lil girl,” Cricket replied with raised brows and a wavering finger. They stared at each other, mouths folded and burst into an ocean of cackles. “Aight, aight, so it was a little funny.”
“Oh my God, you should’ve seen yourself hopping and cussing up a storm.”
“With my goofy ass. God, I can’t believe I panicked like that.” She covered her shame and muffled her giggles.
“And who you calling lil girl? We’re only seven years apart.”
“Probably the Bajan in me girl.”
“You gonna cuff me?”
“Nah, that ain’t necessary. Hey, you’re lucky this isn’t a place where bail skipping is a felony. That bond is lost though.”
They left the bedroom, strolled across the living room and exited through the door. As they padded along the walk path next to a freshly manicured lawn, giggles arose due to their unsuspecting appearances in the immediate sub-urban setting. The fact that they fucked with such venom and vigour only a few hours ago would be a distant thought to any observer. Luna wore a long-sleeved, jade hoodie, white denim pants, a taut, low ponytail and oversized sunglasses. Cricket’s ensemble was as it were when she initially visited except for a drier, more slightly puffed afro, but nothing unusual to draw attention.
“That’s nothing; I’ll pay my aunt back.”
“About that: I can’t believe you could’ve paid the entire thing but refused to.”
“Like I told you, that charge is bullshit. I would’ve rather stayed inside until it was all sorted than pay anything to the local government. I had no idea my aunt was gonna hire a bail bondsman.”
“She’s a good woman from what you told me.”
“She’s the best, to be honest.”
They reached Cricket’s bronze sedan that was parked a few millimetres off the side-walk in front of Luna’s peach and white house. Cricket opened the back door, allowed her to sit, got into the front and swung the engine to peel towards the drop-off.
“I forgot to tell you something about that whole ass smacking incident, Cric.”
“Whatchu forget to tell me?” Cricket asked looking between traffic and her passenger in the rearview mirror.
“So this guy, Alan shot a load up my butt that morning, so when I got smacked later, I felt some of it run out, that’s what really pissed me to fuck off.”
“Say what?
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Group SexBook Six: Heart's Longing Chapter Six: Bounty Hunter Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Lady Delilah – Black Glass Aerie, The Island of Birds The ladder creaked while the wind whipped at my long, red hair. It danced about my naked shoulders. Energy burned through my body from the alchemical drink Fredagest gave me. The gnome bounty hunter climbed above me, her small body navigating the ladder with ease. The sun rose, painting the...
As I walked away from the two corpses at my feet, I couldn’t help but sigh. This was already the third attempt at such a trick this week. I just wished that people would be innovative in their attempt to kill me. Sadly, that wasn’t to be. Everyone had more or less had the same trick up their sleeve. You would guess I would be tired of such tedious attempts at my life almost every other day but you would be very wrong. I loved it. The shot of adrenaline that burst through my veins when...
Anna closed the door behind her as she entered her apartment after her daily ritual of going to visit the local bar for breakfast every morning. Life had finally gained some semblance of normalcy and routine once the whole affair of the Bounty Hunter was over. She thought that whole episode to be over as she had finally found closure. Of course, the Bounty Hunter knew her real name but she didn’t think he would bother with her. From what she had heard on the forums, he had his own share of...
Bright light assaulted his senses almost as soon as he opened his eyes, forcing him to shut them once again, for fear of getting a migraine. He struggled to gather his bearings as he tried to recall where he was. He opened his eyes once again, slowly this time. Looking around, he found himself in unfamiliar surroundings, making him wary almost immediately. The room he was in resembled a hospital of the old world. He wasn’t aware that such a place existed anymore. Whatever this room was, it...
This is a sequel to the story "the brotherhood of swain" by Elegy. If you haven't read it. I highly recommend it. You really should read it first. So just in case here it is: ... Hunter stood there his gaze transfixed while his semiconscious best friend was loaded onto the scooter and then the man drove off. He watched as the tail light receded into the darkness and then disappeared. Hunter stood there...
Anna woke up groggily, the effect of last night’s slosh fest still weighing heavily on her. Her unwillingness to get up from the couch was only aided by the fact that her head was throbbing, almost as if all the fluid in her brain was dying to burst out. Anna tried to gather her bearings as best as she could, wondering how she would go through the rest of her day. The rest of her life even. Any purpose she had in life seemed to have been lost. She got up from the couch, stumbling over the...
The next morning, on my way to pick up my prisoners, I got to thinking about the piece of shit needle gun I had bought. I was mad at the way it had misfired, the first time I had used it. Since I was spending so much to get into this bounty hunting business anyway, I thought I might as well do it right, rather than use a weapon that might misfire or jam. That could cost me my life. The first thing I needed to do was replace it. Then maybe I should pick up a few others, also. Stopping at the...
By the time they reached Lincoln, Hank and Bill had become good friends. Things were still kind of unsettled in Lincoln County, even though the war was over. The Army had clamped a lid on the town and county, so life was quiet for a change. Billy the Kid and his bunch had left town, so there was nobody for Murphy and Dolan to fight, since John Chisum didn't want to get directly involved. There was still a reward out for some of the Regulators, but Hank wasn't sure that the reward would be...
{Odessen} In the Eternal Alliance Base are the Eight Outlanders led by Their Commander, Darth Imperious. But in the Cantina is The Last Grand Champion of the Great Hunt, Tor Lok, who is trading War Stories with Fellow Mandalorians Khomo Fett, Torian Cadera, and Mand'alor the Avenger. Tor is the Founder of the ExoGeneral Corp, and the Former Champion and Right Hand of Mand'alor the Vindicated, and Public Enemy Number one for the Republic's Most Wanted list. Whereas in the Force Enclave is Darth...
Originally posted on: Sun Jul 20, 2008 6:01 pm Allison and I finally found our way to bed, tired but still floating on the happy feeling of knowing our other dad had beat the odds, and even happier that our friends would not have to bear the loss of husband and father. Tired as we were we still had the strength to celebrate the triumph of life. It was pretty late before I was able to go looking for Rebecca. As expected I found her with Bob, and using one of my new tricks I scoped out the...
I spent the night in a decent hotel, but the bed cost me two-bits (25¢). That made it look like I was going to need $1 per day just to live reasonably comfortably in this time. In that case, I had better start looking for crooks to capture. There did not seem like much chance of finding crooks wandering around in downtown Phoenix, so I was going to need a horse. I needed one to move around the countryside and to get from town to town. I would not classify myself as a very good judge of...
Introduction: Prequel of one of my stories ( Guardian Angel ) During a calm saturday morning, Jake slept peacefully in his room. There was a knocking on the door, and the door was opened slowly and quietly. A boy entered Jakes room, and gently sat next to the sleeping boy. Jake felt someone breathing next to his left ear, and as he opened his eyes, the boy joined his lips with Jakes. After a moment, the kiss was broken: Morning, sleepy head! shouted Hunter, who started laughing and playing...
Luna 1: Drafted Chapter 3 Poe A Whateley Academy tale By Irvine This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity. If you would like background information on the 'cannon' characters, see: For a copy of the campus map I am using, see: de/Map_v052.jpg For a plan of Poe Cottage...
These are the stories of Luna, A character created by Viredae on Literotica, this is a collection of short stories and side stories not told in her original story run, with Viredae's blessing and help. Luna is a girl who starts to lose bets and learns she is practically addicted to getting stripped and humiliated by people she knows.
"Morning, sleepy head!" shouted Hunter, who started laughing and playing with Jake's hair. "Hunter! Can't you see I was sleeping?" complained Jake. "Not anymore! C'mon, we got stuff to do!" "Like what?" asked Jake, as he tried to fully wake up and get out of the bed. "You promised we'd go to Mount Gloria today!" shouted Hunter, as he followed Jake, wherever he went in the room, as the boy looked for some clothes to wear. "Mount Gloria?" asked Jake. "Yeah, it's where we...
Slowly peering over the rock, the dull glow of the setting sun provided poor visibility for the hunter, he saw shadows all around him and heard more noises than just wet snapping of branches under heavy bear paws. Trying to focus on the bear's shadow and sounds, blocking out all else, he moved into a somewhat open space with a clear view of the shadow, he raised his rifle, and with the head of the grizzly shadow caught in its crosshairs he fired. But instead of a thud of bear corps hitting...
NAUGHTY FAIRY TALES: Sexy Snow White and the Hot Hunter Once upon a time there was an evil queen who ruled the Kingdom of Vaenia. This queen was called Goldoria. But despite her evil nature and her age (she was three hundred years old), the queen was the most stunningly beautiful woman in all the land. She had pale white skin, fiery auburn hair and striking emerald eyes. She was strong and powerful, capable of fighting or even talking her way out of a fight. Hells, she didn’t even...
Author note 1: A special thanks to Eric and BobH for reading this in beta and offering their advice. Author note 2: If you haven't read Bounty Hunters, I recommend that you read it first, since it sets the stage for this story. An Urban Fantasy Bounty Hunters Part 2 "Family Reunions" Magic has always existed and is now openly acknowledged. 10% of the population is magically sensitive and 5% can...
Part One: Showtime When our new neighbor forgot (?) to pull her shades down she put on quite a show for my husband and me. "Honey," my husband called to me from the bedroom. "She's doing' it again. Come watch." We had a new neighbor, a single woman named Shayla. We had talked to her over the fence a few times, but really didn't know her very well. We thought she was a little shy. We were going to be proved wrong on that. A few weeks after she moved in Lee and I were lying in bed with the...
M.I.B.D. Artemis The Hunter Synopsis:Is the sequel to The Academy where The Agency and Hunter Enterprises face off against the Academy in a final showdown that changes the world. ~*******************~ Synopsis:Jo Ellen is the heir of Diana Hunter: the tragic heroine who was Joe Rossi. Joe was a Mafia "wise guy". Joe was often bullied by the larger boys due to his small size. Joe soon developed a reputation as a small, tough and wiry fighter. His speed, dexterity and agility made him...
You have been tracking a fugitive on a planet called Kumaj. The fugitive's name is Khorm Kilak, he's a serial rapist and a murderer. He loves to kill his victims with a blunt weapon after he rapes them. Unless his victims made an special impression on Khorm, he rarely lets them live. Khorm is wanted alive for 40 million credits, one of the biggest pay out there is in the galaxy. With that much money, you could retired early, settle down and possibly start a family. That or drugs and...
I puzzled over when this threatened attack might come. I was only relieved of my worry when we arrived back in dock. Captain's Log: Our meeting with the Admiral went as well as could be expected. He was most troubled by the presence of Rouge, as well as having his granddaughter wearing a black market bounty on her head. Well, at least he had the satisfaction of knowing that some hotshot wouldn't try anything. Million credit bounties were not normally placed on rookies. As such, rookie...
Hank was approaching Alamogordo with some trepidation. He had resolved to find a new partner to replace Bill Jones. Now that Bill was married, there was no way he was going to traipse around NMT with the chance of getting killed at any moment when he could be home in the arms (and between the legs) of his loving wife. How could Hank find a bounty hunting partner? Particularly one he had liked and trusted as much as Bill. Oh, well, he had to start out by looking and asking around. He would...
Mirage rose to fill his glass after he drained it then returned to her seat, crossing her legs uncomfortably. She wasn't used to being dressed like this in front of anyone but Lineal and Lynette and she was feeling a bit naked in front of Hunter. It might have helped if he wasn't looking at her the way he was, as if she were sitting here in that extreme state of undress. She drank more of her whiskey, clearing her throat. "Okay, anytime you want to start. I don't have all night...
It got truly strange that evening. At 1800, just as we were being served dinner, a major showed up wearing a crisply starched ACU. Starching Army Combat Uniforms was prohibited since it supposedly screwed up the flame resistance and infrared signature patterns on them. Maybe he never got the memo, or maybe he didn’t care. By that point they had me up and walking around. He sat down at the table we were at and introduced himself. “I’m Major Duckworth and I’m with the Public Affairs Office. I’m...
I spent a lot of time in Mr. Schwartz's firing range practicing a quick draw with my shoulder holster. He let me use his range because I bought a lot of ammunition from him. I have been at it for three weeks, and Mr. Schwartz said that I was the fastest he had ever seen at drawing a gun. That made me feel good, but I knew that there was surely somebody around who was faster than me. I worked on making up for that flaw with my accuracy. I got to the point that I could draw and hit my target...
Her name is Elisa Grumway and although she may look like a Supermodel she is anything but. She drinks to much, smokes cheap cigars and eats more McDonalds than a long haul trucker and yet she has an amazing figure. When asked how she pulls it off she always answers: "Good Genes and lots of Running"Elisa is a Bail Enforcement Officer aka Bounty Hunter. You may ask how a Woman who looks like so stunning and should be prancing down a Catwalk in Milan fell into the Hunting game, well it all began...
The gun season for white-tail deer starts a week before Thanksgiving and even though ‘my’ woods are privately owned, hunters encroach on them from neighboring game lands. My grandfather's brother really owns the land, and he doesn't give a shit about hunters, so none of it is posted. When I hike into what I call ‘my’ cove during hunting season, I have to be careful or I could get shot. After what happened last year though, I’ve learned the risk can be worth it.My great-uncle owes 125 acres of...
Gay MaleI had fifteen Summers, and had reached my full growth a span of seasons before. It was past time that my clan consider me Sree. I'd first spilled my seed on the ground during my twelfth Summer, and had, right after that, spent my half moon's time alone in the forest, in order to prove myself to my clan a Mek Hunter. In my clan, Mek means boy and Sree means man. For a Mek to get to be a Sree, there had to be unanimous agreement from the Sree hunters. At my last petition, I'd only received...
Luna chapter 1 Drafted A Whateley Academy tale By Irvine This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity. Most of the jargon found in the Whateley Universe is fairly self explanatory, when common acronyms are used for the first time, I have included the expanded version as an explanation. If you would like a deeper explanation of the terms or background information on the 'cannon' characters,...
Luna 1: Drafted Chapter 2 Arrival A Whateley Academy tale By Irvine This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity. If you would like background information on the 'cannon' characters, see: For a copy of the campus map I am using, see: de/Map_v052.jpg Authors Note: In what...
Luna 1: Drafted Chapter 4 Shopping A Whateley Academy tale By Irvine This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity. If you would like background information on the 'cannon' characters, see: For a copy of the campus map I am using, see: de/Map_v052.jpg Authors note: I mention a...
The place is always different, but's somehow it always feels the same. A shitty bar on Nar Shadaa, a rundown Cantina on Tatooine; it really doesn't matter. The music is always too loud, the drinks are never strong enough, no one smiles when they see you. Big wide galaxy, but nothing really changes. Sure, the job might be different. Sometimes it's a fool who borrows money he knows he can't repay, or a "virgin" daughter runs off with a handsome smuggler. But someone's always trying to find...
The thieves appeared to be overconfident. The acted as if they didn't have a care in the world. There was a lot of laughing and joking as they moved the wagons to a storage area and put the mules in a corral. Hank and Bill counted 11 men working on getting things ready for the night before going into a building for supper. They figured that there were at least 12 men in the gang, since there obviously was a cook working inside on supper while the 11 they could see were working...
I turned the AI autopilot back on, and we went back to our love play. I thought to myself, this is much better than the personality unit in the AI. We continued our love play until we were docked. Captains Log, I received a summons from the Admiral, a little bit ago. I was taken aback that it came over the ship's systems, rather than in my head. It seems Bonnie and I were officially summoned to appear in the Admiral's office, as soon as we were docked. I decided to use normal priority...