BDSM club
- 2 years ago
- 21
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On the morning of our scheduled meeting in Wichita, I was up early to see Adam off. When he crossed the Oklahoma – Kansas line, he called me on his Dick Tracy, transceiver. His voice came through crystal clear.
I moved all my man-toys out of the shop building and under the open, leanto shed built onto the side the shop. If things develop like we’re hoping, we were going to need the room ... lots of room.
I wanted to fly down and look the lake over before I left, and also make sure there were no more problems with the oil fields.
The contractor had contacted me and informed me that the wells were filling the storage tanks in three days, and shutting down. He assured me that he would have tankers on site to keep the storage tanks drawn down to handle the increased production, since I had kicked them up to triple the output of each well.
I never told him the real story. I just told him – handle it.
Adam had run some tests on the oil in the lab and had come to the conclusion that the oil reserves had moved upward after the entry and impact of the meteoroid. He estimated that for the next two to three hundred years the wells would never keep up with what was now available beneath them.
I made my turn and flew back over the lake then out over the Canadian River, before leaving. As I flew over the river, I looked down to see two girls swimming naked in the muddy water.
Not only was it strange to see anyone this far from the nearest neighbor’s house, it wasn’t healthy for those girls to swim in that river for any length of time. I turned to fly over them again and saw them walking north toward the bridge on the county road that leads to our place. They had no clothes nearby, as near as I could tell. Both looked to be in their late teens; laughing, running, and throwing objects into the water.
“Boyd?” Adam’s voice came over the transceiver.
“Yes,” I answered with my transceiver.
“Come on up – Kendra wants to meet you. I haven’t given her your name yet.”
“Be there shortly,” I responded, and headed for the house. I told Savana and Andrea about the girls and asked them to go check on them. I hugged and kissed each of them – and left for Wichita.
The sky was clear and it was two minutes after 11:00. I knew if I flew fast, no one would even see me ... I was in Wichita in less than two minutes, not even pushing it like I knew I could. The speed indicator showed a smooth 4700 knots. Using the conversion Adam gave me, I was just over 5400 miles per hour. I love this – I was kicking Mach-7 in the ass, and not even smoking the afterburners.
“Adam, I’m here,” I spoke into the transceiver.
“We’re out at the park northwest of the city. You can see my van parked near a single picnic table in a clearing on the far west side of the park.”
“I see you now. Do you want me to drop in, or walk in?”
“Drop in behind her. I’ve already told Kendra to be on the lookout for you. She’s scanning the sky for some sort of ultra-lite, or a gyrocopter.”
I could hear the excitement in Adam’s voice. I was excited too, and nervous about letting someone else in on all this.
I dropped down next to the picnic table, behind the tall woman standing near Adam. She was holding her right hand overhead to shield her eyes from the sun as she scanned the sky.
“Were you expecting me?” I asked ... I had to laugh when she whirled around to see me standing behind her.
“How did you get here?” She looked at me, smiling as she reached out to shake. She was looking me over, taking in my flight suit and my mask.
I was taking her in also. She has dark glasses which she now held in her left hand. She’s tall for a woman – as tall as me. She’s of mixed race, possibly Hawaiian-Asian or Hispanic-Asian, I guessed. The mix looks good on her, whatever it is.
“Kendra Solomon,” she said, smiling as she offered her hand.
“Boyd here,” I said, as I shook her hand.
“Mr. Boyd, did you just fly in here?” She smiled again as she spoke, and her smile made her even more attractive. Her teeth are perfect and her skin looks as if she wears makeup, but I could tell she wore none.
“What would you say if you met a man who really could fly?” I asked. Adam was standing to the side, he was grinning at our exchange, yet keeping quiet.
“I would want to know how he does it, and ask if I could fly with him.”
“I could take you up now, but you’re wearing a short dress.”
“If I thought there was even a possibility you could fly without the aid of some sort of aircraft, I’d strip this instant and fly naked with you.” She joked.
Adam spoke up, “Be careful of what you say in jest, Kendra.”
“Well ... I would ... Now, you have me wondering...
She turned to me and asked, “Please tell me the truth, can you really fly, Mr. Boyd?”
“Will you trust me?”
“With my life, if necessary ... if you’ll take me flying this instant!”
“Are you brave enough to put your arm around my neck and fly with me - short skirt and all?”
She never answered or hesitated as she stepped close on my right side and put her left arm around my neck – I left the ground so quick she sucked her breath into her lungs as if she were on a roller coaster. Not wanting to be seen, I quickly flew vertical for over two miles.
“Mr. Boyd, how do you do this?“ She was yelling and laughing too.
“I’m magic.”
“Then, please, please – show me more, Mr. Magic. This is just as Adam told me ... A matter of grave national importance. The fact that he met me walking and standing upright, was enough to make me ask how he had suddenly been cured and even recovered his strength. Then he told me about a friend of his who would fly in and meet with us ... I have to say, all of this is truly, mysteriously magic to me!”
I went into a dive for close to a thousand feet then banked and flew straight up past where we had been.
“More!” She yelled, laughing as she looked at me.
“Hold onto your skirt. We’re going for a joyride,” I told her as we flew directly toward Oklahoma City. We were there in less than two minutes. Then I banked hard to fly west toward Amarillo, Texas.
“Do you recognize where we are?”
“Yes I do! I want more, Mr. Boyd!”
“Do you feel comfortable flying with me now?”
“Yes, yes, yes – and I want more of this thrilling ride, please! This is absolutely unreal!”
“Hang on,” I told her and set a straight course for Wichita.
She looked at me and grinned as we took off on a roller coaster ride that left her weak and trembling, by the time we settled to the ground beside Adam.
Adam calmly asked her as soon as we set foot on the ground, “Tell me, Kendra – how was your flight?”
“Adam, we need to talk to my former boss! This is the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen, and no matter how Mr. Boyd does it – this will change the future of civilization. I know my old boss will want to have The Big Man with him also, once I explain what I’ve witnessed today.”
“I was thinking the same thing Kendra. Boyd’s ability to fly is a mere sampling of the things we have to discuss. We need to be sure there are no attempts by the FBI, CIA or military to take over anything we show them ... Can your man be trusted?”
“Yes! He will make sure the right people are contacted and he will more than likely want a demonstration. I would make a bet now, that he’ll want the top Air Force Brass involved right from the start.”
I warned her... “Kendra, if there is even one small attempt to take over any part of what Adam and I are doing, or what we’ve discovered, we’ll take all of this and our family to some remote island and we’ll never return to America.”
“You have my word Mr. Boyd – Adam will tell you – I shoot straight.”
I trusted her as a friend of Adam’s, and I also knew we were going to need someone like her with us. “Kendra, if all of this works out, and the CIA is as receptive as you say, would you be willing to come join Adam and me? We have a place for you in the new corporation we’re forming.”
“I would love to know more about what you and Adam are doing ... I’ll be there ... just let me know where and when.”
“Kendra, we also want you with us when we meet with the CIA,” Adam added.
“Adam ... I’m not sure about that part. I’m retired from the agency and they do not like retirees who meddle.”
I let her know how important her being there, meant to us. “Then they won’t meet with us. You’re the key to making this work for us, and for them agreeing to our conditions.”
“I’ll pass that along,” she said as she squirmed on the bench seat of the picnic table.
“Was it that good, Kendra?” Adam asked, smiling at her.
“Adam, I flew higher and faster than I’ve ever flown before, “ she said, looking at me.
“Call us as soon as you can set up a meeting. We’d like to meet here or somewhere just as secretive, if that can be arranged,” Adam told her.
“I will be in touch with you within a day or less,” Kendra said.
“We’ll be ready.”
“Mr. Boyd, it was a pleasure, and I mean a REAL pleasure,” she smiled as she shook my hand again.
The three of us stood there, waiting for someone to make a move.
Then Adam told her, “You go first Kendra. You’ve had enough demonstrations for one day.”
Kendra laughed and walked away. She’s a very sexy woman, coming – going, or flying.
“What do you think Adam?”
“I think we have a good chance to get what we want out of this Boyd. It went even better than I had hoped, after you gave her that ride.”
“Good ... you be careful driving back. I’m heading back too. I saw two teenage girls naked on the river near the bridge and told Andrea and Savana about them before I left. I’m still wondering what that was all about and how they handled it.”
“That does seem odd. Maybe they were swimming and their clothes washed away, or something even more weird... , “ Adam offered as he laughed.
“Could be ... Just be careful and I’ll see you back at the ranch.”
Not wanting to risk another encounter with the airbase patrols, I flew at an angle down to Blackwell, Oklahoma then parallel, down the east side of I-35, far enough away from Enid to stay out of their flight patterns as they patrol the areas around Vance Air Base. I leveled off at fifteen hundred feet, lower than the commercial aircraft and above the small, private aircraft, in an effort not to be seen.
I kept hearing distant radio communications as I flew. The third time I heard parts of it, I dropped down two hundred feet to see if I could make out the conversations, which were becoming more and more frantic. Sure enough, I heard a distress call from a small aircraft.
Mayday, Mayday, this is N-8-1-9-6-2-3 CP, we’re having engine trouble. We’re losing power and altitude, does anyone have a reading on this transmission?Go ahead 8-1-9-6-2-3 this is Perry, Oklahoma Municipal Airport, what is your position?
We are between Ponca City and Stillwater, we are now at one thousand feet and losing altitude. Is there a remote strip nearby where we can attempt to set down.
Negative, 8-1-9-6-2-3, do you see a level surface of any kind to land your aircraft?
Negative, there is nothing but washes, gullies, brush and trees any direction we look.
Keep looking, there may be a roadway, creek bed, pasture, or even a river bank where you can set your aircraft down. We will notify emergency services in the area and keep them posted.
We’re beginning to lose power quickly! We’re going down...
Cut your power – fan your prop – glide as far and as level as you can. Stay aloft – there has to be a place you can set down
I flew as fast as I could in the direction of the radio transmission, then I spotted the aircraft. The prop was spinning slowly, and as I watched, I saw it stop suddenly – then kick back.
I wasn’t sure what, if anything, I could do but I had to try. I knew I was about to scare the living hell out of the pilot, but I had no choice. I flew in close and stood on the left wing, rapping on the canopy.
The pilot reacted just as I knew he would. He nearly jumped out of his harness, into the seat with the woman beside him.
“Turn loose of the controls, I’m going to land your plane,” I yelled through the tiny vent opening in the canopy. Not waiting for an answer, I stepped off the wing and dropped underneath the plane, putting my back against the fuselage.
With my arms spread wide between the fixed struts of the landing gear, I grabbed hold of them, pressing my body upward against the belly of the plane. Sure enough, the plane was rising with very little effort.
I heard the pilot transmitting again; thankfully he wasn’t mentioning me.
Perry, we caught an updraft and now we’re rising. We have leveled off at twelve hundred feet.Hold your altitude as long as you can, 8-1-9-6-2-3. There is a small grass strip about twenty five miles north east of Stillwater. If you can make that, you’ll have a chance to glide in.
We see the strip in the distance – off to the east. We’re going to attempt a turn in that direction, we’ll have to lose altitude to make the turn.
8-1-9-6-2-3, will you be able to maneuver your aircraft and attempt to land on the strip? Do you copy ... Do you copy ... Do you copy... ?
Perry, we’re lining up with the strip now and we’re about to touch down...
We are now on the ground and rolling to a stop
We have emergency services dispatched to your location, 8-1-9-6-2-3. Hold tight.
We have no choice but to sit tight. Thank you Perry for guiding us in.
Both doors popped open and the pilot, along with a woman and a young boy jumped from the wings to the ground. They ran from the plane as if it were on fire. When they turned around, I was standing right behind them. As soon as they saw me, the three of them fell to their knees as if struck by lightning.
“Who are you and what are you doing here?” the man asked.
“I heard your distress call and came to help.” I didn’t dare remove my head gear or reveal my face.
“How did you get here? How did you get on our plane? How did you hear my distress call?”
“I have to go now. Your help will arrive soon – I hear the sirens in the distance. I’ll ask you to please, not mention that I was here.”
“I don’t hear any sirens ... Who are you and how did you get our plane on the ground so easily?”
“I’ll explain it all to you one day real soon ... Have that fuel pump checked out in the meantime, I heard it sucking air.”
“Wait. Where are you going? We wanted to thank you!”
“Wow, Dad, was that Superman? He wasn’t dressed like Superman was he? But he sure took our plane and landed it, didn’t he, Dad?”
“Marty, I’m not sure just who that was, or what it was, for that matter. But we need to keep this to ourselves for now, just as he asked ... Okay Son?”
“Yes Dad. WOW, I bet that was really Superman. Don’t you Mom?”
“Yes Marty. Now remember what your Dad said. Not a word to anyone until we know who he is. He did save our lives. If he had not landed our plane, we may not have survived.”
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xmoviesforyouA Happy Ending I had gotten into trouble with a school bully; a mean cuss who had beaten me and nearly raped me during my last day at high school. This bully, Jake, and his friends had made my last year of school miserable, always taunting me and calling me names like 'fag', 'sissy' and worse. That last day at school I was in the restroom when he came in with a buddy of his. I had just finished my business and Jake thought it would be a fitting end to the school year if I gave him a...
After my first sex night experience with Roopa my cock was still very hard hot rocked in bed morning. I saw Maid Arvind and Akash shell shocked seeing naked body with big hot 7” rock. suddenly my eyes fell on a beautiful, hot and sexy girl dressed in saree a serving girl. Her figure was beautiful, Cute face, juicy lips, lightning eyes and full of sex appeal stunned by her beauty she’s the sexiest woman I have ever seen. She have very big boobs and ass which is enough for me to jerk off. asked,...
When Todd and Allison got downstairs, in the basement, in the dungeon, she gasped. The room was filled with sex toys, lined up along the walls, shelves held other toys. Everything was organized, different whips on one part of the wall, a shelf full of vibrators and dildos… there were hooks all over the ceiling. The walls were painted a shiny black, as was the floor, none of it looked very inviting. In one part of the room there was a kind of horse, it looked almost like a vault that gymnasts...
Ray walked into the room where Lee was. She was so sexy and young and a freak in and out of the sheets. She loved to fuck and he loved fucking her. He was naked but not yet hard. He soon would be when he started messing with her body. She was wearing a bra and a thong and looked so ready to be fucked. He removed her bra but left the thong on and as he kissed her he pulled the thong tight into her pussy lips. He had doubled up on his cock pills so he and this sexy gal could have a great morning....
I love the sun, it always make me feel naughty. Let me introduce myself I am Kristy, I am 23 years old and have been seeing Brian now for 2 years. We have always been a very sexual couple but on holiday we seem to push all the boundaries.This year we decided to go to Tobago, the Heat, the music, the rum and the black men. For this year Brian wanted to explore his fantasy of seeing me with another man and for him he wanted to see me with a Black man.I was a little concerned before leaving and...
Introduction: Cooling down on a hot day in the park just gets hotter! It was a beautiful sunny day and I had been stuck inside the office all morning converting purchases and sales. I could hardly concentrate on the job in hand as I stared through the windows at the bright sunshine beating down on the city. Enough is enough I mused to myself a nice healthy profit for the day so mow Im going to take some me time! and with that I closed down and locked up the office and headed out of the...
I’m a cop in a big city and here is one of my stories, more of it true than false. I was working in uniform on the south side, by myself. I kept busy and certainly loved my job, but after a certain hour it got pretty boring and routine. I was totally bored at home too. The wife and I had grown quite a bit apart, our differing methods of raising the kids being partially responsible for the depth of the divide. I had started surfing the chat rooms and one night encountered a woman who lived in...
Yesterday I was home alone so in between work stuff, I was checking out sites, and stroking my cock. I came close to cumming about 10 times and was getting supper horny. I messaged a few people and did a little camming, but nothing was working out. I had 3 guys talk about coming over but none of them could now and I was not confident they ever would so I decided to visit a hook up site off the side of the freeway. I arrived at a place I had been before and knew it as a hook up site for years,...
Under the blanket I moved my hand towards her flawless body... Christy and I were sitting on the couch watching Netflix. It was a show I'd seen before and I was distracted, by her. It was the middle of winter and I had spent the last 20 minutes slowly inching closer to her. I decided to go for it and pulled the blanket over us. She didn't take her eyes off the TV. “Is there anything you want?” I asked. She turned and smiled at me like she knew something I didn't. I knew it was time...
TeenageIt wasn't as if I was planning this all along. All I wanted was a few more hours with him, a few more hours to only deepen the pain that filled me. I didn't mean it to end up happening the way it did, but he'd been in my dreams and nightmares since that day I walked into the mortuary and saw him lying there, and made love to him. He was so beautiful, so young and innocent, still scarred from the violence of his life, though he'd never talked about it to me. I'd laid him, dressed, on my...
It’s the universe you all know and love. Except there’s one major twist. You’re sending a human sized hook dangling into its skies. A fishing hook dangling from the sky. Why is there a hook dangling from the sky? To catch something? Or someone.... People can have some real fun with a fishing hook; using it as a swing, a crane, a method of transportation. But the most fun someone can have with a hook is riding it. The rush of adrenaline someone feels as they’re carried up into the air by the...
We strolled down the mall and I told her I thought things were on a better track and we had a plan to move forward. We returned to her car and got in, pulling out of the mall parking lot. I watched the mirror on my side to see if I could spot anyone tailing us, but there was no one there. Maybe I WAS paranoid. Dad seemed to think Miranda was in the dark still. I was surprised at how he’d become ‘Dad’ in my head again. I supposed that doing what was necessary to protect his kids had a lot to...
Last night went well. I had another argument with the boss about his business dealings, his personal affairs, and public persona. I guessed it was time to tender my resignation. I could not continue to work for someone whose morals were, hell; I do not even know what happened to his. To think I was once in love with Sly and accepted his marriage proposal. That was some twenty-odd years ago, when he was only a millionaire and a truly nice man, or so I thought.Time for coffee, I flipped the TV on...
MoneyHi dosto mera naam Rohit hai ye meri 2 story hai 1 story meri didi mere takdir ki topi ko achha response mila us k liye thank you readers pehle main apne bare main bta deta hoo meri age 20 saal height 5′ 8 sarir Majboot, lund 16 cm lumba aur 4 cm motta hai or mai Nagpur se hu aur meri didi Neha mami ka nam nitu hai age 26 height 5’5 figure 38 32 38 rang saaf. So iss pe apne comments jarur kare Mama ki shadi ko sirf 1 sal hi huaa tha so unhe koi bacha nahi tha. Mai or mere mami kafi frank hai Q...
That was four years ago. On this particular night, they were sitting on the sofa discussing their newest encounter with a couple named Rex and Julie, who live about an hour from them. They had already met them for pizza and found they were not only exciting to talk to but the chemistry between them made them both want to go to the next step and see how hot the sex could be. Kandy looked into John’s eyes with a sad expression on her face and confessed, “I hope this couple is not like the...
Kay and Ricky slept late Saturday morning. They probably would have slept till noon if the ringing of the telephone hadn't woken them. The Oedipal lovers had fucked most of the night away. Ricky's libido was proving to be unquenchable and his mother's hot cunt was constantly ready for him. Bleary-eyed, Kay picked up the phone on her nightstand. "Hello." "Good morning Kay!" came the voice back. "Who is this?" "It's your brother, James." "Oh, hi James, what's up?" Kay...
Hanson Allen put his feet up on the railing of the porch and sipped the iced tea his mama had just handed him. He was wondering whether or not he should bother borrowing his dad's pickup to drive to Elsie Shelton's that night. What he really wanted to do was see Billie-Ann Wheeler, but almost a week had passed since he'd given her the books at Basset's Pond and there'd been no sign of her either at the pond or walking the dusty roads. It was a pretty sure bet she'd decided not to go...
Thank God for the scholarship. Without that Brooke didn’t think she could afford college—at least not this college. She had run cross country for five years in high school, actually starting as a precocious eighth grader, eventually winning States as a senior. Now, however, she was having difficulty with her coach. Sammy wasn’t much older than the girls she coached—mid 20’s at the most—but she had been an extremely successful runner, both at cross country and track where she specialized in...
This is a total fantasy piece that contains male on male content, if you don’t like that sort of thing search on for other stories that are more suited to your taste. Sometimes my mind twists all around on a topic that I would never have guessed I would write about, this is one of those times.“Please return your tray tables to the upright position and fasten your seat belts as we begin our descent into Kansas City International Airport,” the flight attendant said in a voice that had me half...
You find your self in a dark place but you don't remember how you got there.You stumble through the darkness with arms out stretched so you don't bump into anything but you feel nothing but empty space, then freeze when you hear voices but you can't make out what thay are saying, you think of it like being a room full of people taking at the same time? Suddenly light fills your vision you can finally see but as you look around you see nothing no walls or ceiling nothing but a single person it's...
Fantasy“Daddy, do you need some help with that?” I was caught beating off to video of a teenage girl getting laid by an older guy. I covered my pecker with both hands and turned my head. I knew from the voice that it was Lucy, my stepdaughter who I didn’t expect home yet. She walked up beside my chair glanced at the screen and then down my crotch, wearing a smirky grin. “I know something that would feel a lot better than your hand!” I was still paralyzed when she pulled off her blouse and her big...
With the last of those companies on Grandfather’s list inspected, all that remained was the last item on the list. It was in the form of a real-estate holding and was simply named ‘The Compound,’ the details of which were vague. Nevertheless, I was to fly out to it as soon as possible. Usually, real-estate holdings wouldn’t interest me any more than any other asset. Just something temporary, they come and go. But for some reason, it was on my grandfather’s list to see. While I said...
You've had a long day at work and you're driving down the boulevard. You stop at a red light and something has caught your eye in a parking lot across the intersection. The light turns green and you start to pull away and while you pass the hotel you notice the green car as a stuffed animal in the back window just like your wife's car. Your curiosity has gotten the best of you so you immediately turn the car around at the next corner. You're pulling into the parking lot and driving slowly...
My job at Mariner’s is a godsend. It makes no sense that a person with a law degree and me both make the same pay. Mid thirties per year and Cara is on the hook for tuition loans. We started out with her offering me solace and a place to stay and it turns out that my salary is keeping us afloat, barely. Not that I care about that shit. Simon/Sasha and Leah have dumped the both of us and decamped for LA. No good byes, no I’m sorry, just fucking gone leaving me and Cara alone, broke and...