Pagan O'RourkeChapter 3 free porn video

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Prologue; Scottish Highlands, near Fort William

It was one of those storms, that only come along every two, or three, generations. One that would be a subject of conversation for many years to come, whenever men discussed the weather and its destructive inclinations.

For three days it raged, and people feared that the final days were upon them. Many gestures were made, to ward off evil, and children, who had considered themselves much too old for such behavior, were seeking comfort in the protective arms of their parents, and older siblings.

Thatch was ripped from roofs in great swatches, leaving the occupants exposed to nature's wrathful reminder of, just who was really in charge. Stone cottages, which had stood for centuries, were demolished by sizzling bolts from Zeus' mighty fist, the erstwhile inhabitants fleeing, to seek shelter elsewhere. The Gods were blowing off a little steam; let mortals beware - divine tantrums could prove hazardous to one's health.

An ancient, moss encrusted, truck-sized boulder was reduced to rubble, in the blink of an eye - revealing the entrance it had warded, since the forging of the world.

Fembane Manor, Derbyshire, England

"Well man, what is it, can't you see I'm busy?", demanded the large man, as he turned his attention from the cowering young maid at his feet.

Alternately tightening and relaxing his grip on the riding crop in his hand, Clayton Andrew Madison, 24th Earl of Bramley, glared at the young man, who'd dared to enter his study without permission.

"Beg pardon, Milord!", the frightened secretary offered, "But there's a repugnant, ill-mannered man at the door. Claims he has news that you've been waiting for."

"Scar running down the right side of his face, white streak in his hair, just above the ear?", the slightly mollified Earl demanded.

"That's him, Milord - nasty looking bugger.", the man replied.

"Show him to the kitchen, and have Cook fix him a bite to eat - tell him I'll see him, soon as I've finished here.", His Lordship directed.

Bowing in acknowledgement, the young man left the room, carefully closing the door behind him.

James Whitlock, Privy Secretary to The Earl of Bramley, shuddered, as faint screams began to penetrate the thick portal at his back. It was extremely unwise to get crossways of His Lordship - people frequently went missing, after having done so.

Lord Bramley lit a cigar, and gestured for the scar-faced man to take a seat before his desk. He waited in mute silence, until his secretary had departed the room, closing the door as he exited.

"Well Silk, what have you got for me, were the rumors true?", Lord Bramley inquired, no slightest hint of emotion apparent in his tone.

"Aye, Milord, it's just as you heard.", Alan "Silk" Jeffries - former SAS captain - replied, "It's a small cave in the hillside, not much bigger than this room. The back wall appears to be polished granite, with pictures, and a strange script, engraved on its surface. The main picture depicts a veiled woman in the act of hammering out some object she's placed on an anvil before her. There's a forge in the background, and various weapons are in a rack on her right. The forge, and script, emit a dimly glowing, reddish light."

"Any ideas on the ethnic origin of the writing?", Bramley asked.

"Sorry Milord, it's unlike anything I've come across before.", Silk continued, "The locals say that several experts have been up from Oxford, but none of them are able to make heads nor tails of it. There was even some Yank from Boston, but he didn't know any more than the others. They all agree it's the most significant discovery in modern times, but don't really know any more than the herdsman who found the place. The local Vicar has joined forces with the Lutheran and Methodist preachers. They're ranting on about how it's Satan's work, and have forbidden their congregations to go near the place. One fanatic tried to deface the scene with a hammer and chisel, but he couldn't even put a scratch on it. Witnesses claim that the chisel started to glow white-hot, and the man started screaming whilst smoke poured from his fist. He's in the hospital at Edinburgh, with all the flesh burned from the bones. He'll never use that hand again!"

"Post a couple of our men to keep an eye on the place, and have them submit a daily report on any visitors that show up. I don't lend any credence to all that religious claptrap, but a wall that defends itself against vandalism, is definitely beyond the pale. See if you can ferret out anyone, who can make sense out of the place - try some of those Celtic History experts in Wales. Report back to me every week, unless something important occurs. Sooner or later, someone will show up, who can crack the puzzle. When they do, make sure they don't get the opportunity to talk to anyone else before we can interrogate them. Keep the local fanatics stirred up, as we don't want casual sightseers crowding around, making it difficult to spot our quarry.", The Earl commanded.

"Very good, Milord, I'll get right to it.", Silk complied, "How forceful should we be, if a likely target appears?"

"Anything, short of permanent injury, Captain. I want the individual, or group, in good condition for the questioning. Who knows, I made decide to let them live, should they prove useful to us."

Birthday Party - Freehold, Cambrian Mountains, Wales 2006 C.E.

The High Priest of the Sacred Grove was cheerfully running around, getting in everyone's way, as they tried to decorate the great hall in preparation for Pagan's sixteenth birthday celebration. The busy workers suggested that she take her reverend ass off to pray, or fast, or something - anything which would keep her out of their hair. One even suggested she go find Pagan, and get him to tune up her sanctified engine - a good fuck being just what she needed, to settle her down.

Unfazed by this good natured hazing, she stuck out her tongue, and merrily resumed making a pest of herself.

She spied Didi and Dierdre O'Rourke trying to rattle several of the wrapped presents, and ran over to rain on their parade.

"If you two don't have anything better to do, there's plenty of pots that need scrubbing in the kitchen, and no shortage of spuds that still need to be peeled." she barked at the identical, fourteen year old, girls.

"No thanks, Gram!" they chorused, unimpressed by her rebuke.

"Bubba sent us to do an advance recon.", Didi started, "He wants an..."

"update on the current gift count.", Dierdre kicked in, "He also wants..."

"to know what kind of goodies are on the dining table.", Didi wrapped it up.

"Why that wicked scamp!", chortled their grandmother, "You mean he's too lazy, to come sneak a peek for himself?"

Abandoning their two-sided narration, Didi switched to complete sentences.

"Oh no, Your Reverend Grannyship," Didi smirked, "he's much too busy, trying to powder and diaper twenty seven babies, while Maera and the others rag him about how any one of them could it in half the time!"

"It's too funny for words!", a giggling Dierdre leapt in, "He's having to be so careful not to knock over that gaggle of toddling little niecelets, that are all trying to hug Dada's legs - babbling away at the top of their lungs. He tried to get us to take some of the load, but they totally ignored their loving aunties, and refused to let go of him."

"Oh my word!", laughed their grandmother, "What on earth compelled him to start changing diapers? He certainly never tried that with the first batch."

"He lost a bet with The Wives, about which one would pop first, and they're not letting him renege!"

This was just too much for the delighted High Priest, and she doubled over, grabbing her stomach, as wave after wave of unrestrained laughter rebounded about the great chamber.

All about the room, bustling women paused from their labors, to beam their gratitude at the smirking duo, thankful that the pair had diverted their grandmother from her interfering ways.

Glowingly replete from the wonderful fuckfest he'd just experienced, Pagan wrapped his sweating, well perforated sisters into a snugly embrace, and - while squeezing their delightful little buns - reflected on the day's events.

Everything had been just perfect, he decided. Everyone had been there, his family, clansmen, teachers, and friends. Life just didn't get any better than that. Though he'd concealed it well, he really didn't care about the presents, and would've been quite contented to have received none at all. What could you possibly give someone, who already had it all. The new laptop from Gunny and Maggie was great, but it paled into insignificance, compared to the gratitude he felt for Gunny's return to robust good health. He'd playfully wrestled with the twins for possession of the mouse, but would gladly have given the computer to them, had they really wanted it. The same applied to all the other gifts, none of which could have competed with being amongst those he loved.

As he drifted off into a satisfied sleep, a proud deity looked upon her, umpteen times removed, grand child, and was well pleased with what she saw.

"Rest well, my young champion, enjoy this peaceful interlude while it lasts.", Brighid murmured, "For the time to commence a new forging is fast approaching, and you'll soon be much too busy, for idle reflection."


"You sent for me, Reverend One?", Pagan inquired, meticulously respectful before the gathered crowd.

"Yes child, I have a task, that Our Lady requires your assistance with." the High Priest responded.

"Command me!", he fervently requested.

"Been getting a little bored, have you?", she smilingly inquired, "Afraid that you'll get too domesticated, too pussy whipped from servicing most of the available females in Freehold. Frightened you'll be required to restore our numbers, all on your. Or, maybe you're just ready to escape from tending to the fifty four, official, offspring already gracing us with their presence."

Pagan remained mute, unable to think of an appropriate response.

"Relax child, I'm only teasing you a little. I realize you're probably getting a little desperate for some of the action that three years of preparation have primed you for. You wouldn't be who you are, if the lack of a proper assignment didn't have you champing at the bit."

"There's been a remarkable discovery in the Scottish Highlands. Our base at Fort William has reported the uncovering of a site that's remarkably similar to the one here. The report states that the script embellishing the find is very similar to the one here. Since you're the only mortal capable of translating it, Brighid wants you to go up there and check it out."

"Shall I go alone, Reverend One?", he asked.

After a short consideration, she shook her head.

"Take the Bookends along with you, as there's no telling what they'd get up to, if you weren't here to ride herd on them. You're the only one they'll listen to, and I shudder to imagine some of the possible catastrophes they might create during your absence."

Ignoring the excited squeals coming from behind him, he bowed his head in acceptance.

The assembly dispersed, and Pagan was amused at the excited twins, as they rushed to his side. What had he let himself in for, he mused, as they took his hands.

Highland Holiday

"By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes." - "MacBeth", IV, 1

Pagan and the driver exchanged amused glances, as they rode toward their destination.

The two magpies in the back seat hadn't even paused for breath, since leaving the Cambrian Mountains behind. They were oohing and aaahing over practically every sight they passed, frequently squealing in amazement as some noteworthy spectacle presented itself.

The Shade, who'd been assigned by the council, had been to London many times, and Pagan, though he was often as delighted as the girls, had grown up surrounded by metropolitan vistas. But the girls had never been more than five miles from Freehold, and it was a totally new world for them.

They stopped for a short layover in Glasgow, so the girls could enjoy a little shopping, then continued on to Fort William, stopping only when the need for food and sleep became necessary.

They checked in at the Shadow Base, spent the night, and, accompanied by a local guide, set out at dawn on the eight mile trek to their final destination. The girls, recharged by a good night's sleep, resumed chattering at warp speed, making the trip seem to fly by, as Pagan and their escort were entertained by the nonstop barrage of verbal artillery. It seemed only a few minutes had passed, when they arrived before the entrance to the cave. Taking electric torches from his backpack, the guide passed them out - the twins having fallen silent upon their arrival.

"Someone's here,", the concealed watcher whispered into his cell phone, "two men, and a couple of teenage girls, just went inside."

"Stay alert.", said the voice on the other end, "I'll be right there."

"Oh wow!", Didi whispered, "This is so neat. She looks like she could just step out of the wall."

"Yeah,", Dierdre murmured back, "It's like she's just taking a break between strikes."

Pagan ignored his sisters, as he began copying the writing into his notebook, translating mentally as he wrote;

"Behold! The Master Smith, as She hammers out the mortal plane!"

"Thrice rings Her Hammer, thrice flares The Forge's flame!"

"Thrice roars The Dragon, thrice hisses the Quenched Chain!"

"Thrice times three circlings, must thou make about the tree."

"Sinister in aspect, must thy true direction be."

"Down the steps, Thy Fate bides for thee."

"Are they still in there?", the new arrival asked.

"Affirmative Sergeant Major!", the watcher responded.

"Which direction did they appear from?", The ex sergeant quizzed.

"That way,", the watcher pointed, "from Fort William, maybe."

"I'm going in, maintain your position.", he ordered.

"Aye Sergeant Major, maintaining position.", the watcher affirmed.

"Good morning all!", the ex sergeant greeted, as he entered the cave.

"Good morning Sir!" piped the twins.

"Morning!", the guide replied.

Concentrating on his penmanship, Pagan absently nodded a response.

Pretending to be inspecting the wall, the old soldier surreptitiously examined the notation, which Pagan was entering beside the perfectly copied script.

"Well, you folks have a nice day.", he called back, as he departed the scene.

Lord Bramley tightened his grip on the hair of the young upstairs maid, as she struggled to swallow all of his spurting cum.

"Much better, you little tart.", he moaned, "Nothing like a good taste of the crop for providing incentive to little bitches like yourself."

Maintaining his grip, he reached over and hit the speaker button on the ringing phone.

"Yes, what is it?", he snapped.

"Silk here Milord.", came the voice from the speaker, "We have a possible..."

"Hold up for a moment, Captain!", the Earl interrupted, "I'm not alone."

Putting the caller on hold, Bramley ordered the weeping girl to get out, smiling as he watched her run from the room - tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Go ahead Silk, you were saying?", he continued.

"We've found a possible target, Milord", Silk reported, going on to relay the essence of the Sergeant Major's recent phone call.

"Is the target in a vulnerable position?", queried the Lord of Fembane Manor.

"They were still in the cave, when the headsup came in.", Silk verified.

"Let slip the hounds, Captain, tag 'em and bag 'em.", Bramley ordered.

Aye, Milord, consider it done!", Silk affirmed, before disconnecting.

They were a tired, happy, little group, as they made their way back to base. Pagan was concentrating on answering the girls' questions about the wall's message, while their fascinated guide listened in on their conversation.

None of them heard the silent phttts of the air rifles, as they discharged four darts in rapid succession.

Pagan barely managed to retain consciousness long enough, to press his medallion against the notebook, and utter a phrase in the ancient tongue. As the notebook flared into fiery obliteration, the darkness overwhelmed him, and he knew no more.

In Durance Vile

Pagan awakened abruptly, feeling no after-effects from whatever substance had been used, to render him unconscious. He was restrained, at wrists and ankles, by some kind of stout, buckled cuffs, which were attached to a padded frame. He was semi-reclining at about a thirty degree angle, and was completely nude.

Turning his head, he saw that the others were similarly treated, with the girls placed on either side of him.

"Are you okay, Didi?", he asked, seeing her open her eyes.

Fearing unseen listeners, she simply nodded, and smiled at him.

Seeing him turn to her, Dierdre mimicked her sister's response.

"I'm really sorry I let you guys get into this mess.", he apologized, "Some Big Brother I turned out to be! Gram's going to be so disappointed in me."

Both girls immediately shook their heads, wishing they dared give voice to their total disagreement. If they hadn't been distracting him with questions, he might have been alerted to the impending attack. Both silently vowed to keep any, similar, future interrogations confined to secure locations - that is, if they had a future to look forward to.

Realizing the reason for the twins' silence, Pagan reverted to mentally rebuking himself, for having failed to protect his sisters.

"Why is he still wearing that thing around his neck, Captain?", Lord Bramley asked, as the two men watched the monitor. "Why didn't you remove it?"

"We tried everything, save a cutting torch, Milord!", Silk replied, "There's no clasp, and we ruined a diamond coated blade, without even scratching the blasted thing. We tried a bolt cutter, and only succeeded in snapping one of the jaws off. You said, no permanent damage, so we refrained from the use of fire."

"Very well, let's let them worry about their impending fate, until tomorrow evening. I want to start with the tall one first. The sluts probably don't know anything, but if he doesn't cooperate, we'll see if watching the bitches bleed will loosen his tongue.", Bramley concluded.

Interlude; Freehold

"I want to thank you all, for responding to the summons so promptly!", the High Priest began, "We may have an emergency on our hands. Pagan, the twins, and the guide from Fort William, have all vanished without a trace. They left to inspect the site, over twenty two hours ago, and haven't been heard from since. Someone was sent out to find them, when they hadn't returned by dark - but whatever occurred, did so without leaving a single clue. If they were snaggled, whoever did the deed was very good. I want you all to get with your best people, and see if you can come up with a concrete plan for finding them. Report back here, as soon as you have something we can use."

The council recessed, each member already concentrating on possible scenarios. It would be a very long time, before any of them would see their beds again.

"Do you know what this is?", Silk asked, showing Pagan the object in his hand.

Pagan merely stared back, refusing to respond in any fashion.

"Very well,", Silk resumed. "have it your way. It's a special soldering iron, used for melting gold during certain industrial processes. So much better than heating an iron rod, don't you think? Nothing like technology, for facilitating our little chat. You might want to reconsider your silent approach - much less painful, not to mention damaging. This might have been completely unnecessary, had you not destroyed that notebook."

The quirk of an eyebrow, was Pagan's only response, his spread-eagled confinement preventing a shrug.

"Feel free to scream as much as you like - this room is quite sound-proof.", Silk remarked, as he touched the glowing iron to Pagan's torso.

For all the effect it had on Pagan's flesh, the iron might as well have been at room temperature. It's touch didn't even redden his skin.

"It must be the damned necklace, Milord!", Silk commented to the seated man at his side, "I can feel the iron's heat, even through the heavy glove."

Bramley nodded his head toward Didi, indicating Silk should switch his efforts to her.

"It's really such a shame, to mar such tender young meat with hideous scars." Silk threw at Pagan, as he turned to the helpless girl, "Sure you won't change your mind?"

Pagan ignored this, praying that The Dragon's blood was as potent in the girls, as himself. Else, he'd soon be telling them anything they wanted to know.

Silk pressed the hot iron to the terrified girl's belly and - nothing! He might as well have been poking her with a stick. Didi visibly relaxed, as the realization sunk in. It was all she could do, to keep from laughing in Silk's face.

"Shall I try the other one, Milord?", Silk inquired.

"No need Captain, they're mirror images, so...", Bramley was interrupted by an odd gurgling sound, coming from the smaller man.

An orange-colored foam was drooling from the Shade's mouth, as he convulsed against his bonds. He writhed for a moment, then collapsed into an unnatural stillness.

Stepping over, Silk pressed his fingers to the man's neck, and attempted to locate a pulse.

"Dead Milord, some sort of poison, no doubt.", he reported.

"Very well, Captain!", snapped the pissed off Earl, "Get him down, and have the body disposed of. Meet me back upstairs, and we'll decide our next course of action."

As he watched The Shade's body being carried out, Pagan swore a silent oath, the man's death would not go unavenged.


"What do you have for us, Master Adept?", inquired the High Priest.

"A certain ex SAS Sergeant Major was spotted in the vicinity of Fort William, just prior to the disappearance of our kinsmen.", Sion responded, "The man's a known associate of one Alan "Silk" Jeffries, ex SAS Captain - both men were cashiered out for excessive brutality toward prisoners, and are currently in the employ of Lord Bramley. Bramley's a known collector of ancient antiquities, and has the reputation of being totally unscrupulous. Both Scotland Yard, and MI5, have been trying to pin something on him for years, to no avail. Both agencies have lost several key personnel in the attempt, but have been unable to prove Bramley's involvement. Our sources in London claim that, should something of a terminally permanent nature befall them, both agencies would be happy to close their files on the whole lot - and wouldn't look very closely, for the source of their untimely demise."

"Do you have a possible location in mind?", she asked

"Bramley has a small estate in Derbyshire, Fembane Manor, and the locals have seen Jeffries on the premises a number of times, in the last few weeks. We believe our lost ones are probably being held somewhere on the grounds. The local residents all despise the man, and suspect he's behind the disappearances of eight young women, over the last few years. If action is indicated, we needn't fear local intervention. The man has no allies, aside from hired thugs. I propose a reconnaissance in force. If they're there, we'll have the necessary numbers to effect a rescue.", Sion concluded.

"If they're there, Master Adept, raze the place to the ground, and be sure none of the principals see another dawn!", she commanded, "Fembane Manor indeed, the very name is an abomination!"

"Of course, Reverend One, did you think I'd leave the Sasson scum intact? No one fucks with my children, without paying the toll!", he exclaimed.

Pagan sucked in his breath, as the blade drew a line of pain across his chest. He focused on finding his center, using tantric discipline to shunt the pain into a mental storage compartment. He knew that he would have to pay a severe penalty later, when the bottled agony was released - but, for now, he could maintain a stoic demeanor, allowing his enemies no reward for their efforts. At least they were leaving the girls alone - for now.

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4 years ago
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Heaven and Hell

Heaven and Hell Heaven and HellBy Jeremy Binder  I was frantic and feverish with desire.? She teased me with her delicate and talented fingers, stroking my cock, bringing me closer and closer to the edge of climax.?Would you like me to make you climax?? she teased.How could I possibly answer that?? Of course, I wanted to cum!? Or did I?? How could I ever be sure?? The only things of which I were certain was that the way she touched me felt more intense and pleasurable than anything I had...

1 year ago
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Cum Contest

"Mary, leave my cock alone!" I could not believe my ears. My husband was scolding me, pushing me away and telling me not to jerk him off. From the floor, I looked up at him with doe-like eyes. "But, Steve, I wanna do it. Come on, honey. Pleeease let me. Please. Please. Pretty please." All he did was shake his head. I was furious and clambered to my feet. I saw red, and like a bull I charged with my head down, crashing into his belly. Steve let out a loud oomph and stumbled backwards...

1 year ago
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Brandi Protector of the Gateway Season 2Chapter 17

There were dark rings beneath Mr. Foster’s eyes. Standard for a demon in their home realm, but strange and unsightly in the mortal world. He’d been up half the night, plotting for the day ahead. It wasn’t until five am that he’d managed to get some sleep. Nowhere near the full eight hours he needed, but enough to refresh his powers. Certainly enough for one victim ... even if she was the Protector. At nine, her request for a meeting had come in. He’d scheduled to see her right before...

2 years ago
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Mistress Roulette Part 7

I had no idea what Mistress meant when she said they would be having more fun with me. Maybe I did, but I didn't want to think about it. The plug in my tiny asshole, had me trembling in horny discomfort. It was locked into the frame of my chastity belt, so I knew it was staying put, for a while at least. The problem was, the more I started to get used to the feeling of it invading my tight behind, the more it turned me on. This would normally be a welcomed feeling, but by this point, I was so...

3 years ago
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Sails Sand and Sex

My name is Pam, I am seventeen. On my school holidays I wanted to learn how to sail, so joined a sailing club. Being a female with no experience in sailing did not endear me to most of the guys who were keen sailors. It was considered a sport for guys only. A very few girls did sail but were normally girlfriends of the skippers. I was breaking new ground as girls were only considered good for one thing and I was probably more experienced in that than any of the guys were in sailing. As I had...

4 years ago
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The Conversation AKA No Good Deed

The Conversation AKA No Good Deed By Laura Anne Mason NOTE: I'm a longtime reader, but this is my first story submission - exploring how seemingly kind and charitable intentions could result in a man being trapped in a servile female role... forever! It's a little different than the norm, but hope you like it :) ************* Diane dreaded the conversation she had to have, but she couldn't put it off any longer. With her husband Jack out with friends, now was a perfect time. So...

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good to be bad

One day i saw her prancing around in half our mothers lingerie i say only half because all she was wearing was moms black garter belt and stilletos and one of her own bras and no panties. This shocked the hell out me because she shaved he pussy for the first time this very day. It looked so soft and delicious. I watched from the crack in the door and slowly jerked my rod as she bent over and posed in the mirror. When she began to rub her fat juicy pussy lips and sat down on the edge of moms...

3 years ago
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A typical night in Hawaii

Eleven in the evening in my favorite peep show on Hotel Street, downtown Honolulu. Long time ago. Two connecting dark hallways, lots of booths with full doors that locked. Unlike the mainland, cops never trolled the peep shows looking to bust faggots. Just had to keep those quarters flowing or eventually get told to leave. I would pull on my semihard dick with the door cracked about three inches and wait for someone to walk by. I was young and muscular (not like now) and could usually snag the...

4 years ago
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The Destroyers Book 3 Civil WarChapter 22 Insanity

DMZ, Korean Peninsula: 1-17-05, 05:19 A.M. Sojang (Major-General) Hyun Li raised his binoculars and looked across the DMZ at the American and South Korean forces, as the sun slowly rose over the landscape. Picking up the phone, he gave the order he had been waiting for thirty years, to give. "Fire." Up and down the DMZ, eight thousand artillery pieces and twenty-four hundred multiple missile launchers raised their barrels from hidden weapon emplacements while three thousand aircraft...

4 years ago
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Mum entices her son then has sex with him

Andrew was 15 years old, and he had a little brother called Callum, Callum was only 6 years old. It was a very hot day, and Callum was playing on the trampoline at the bottom of the garden. Andrews mum, Alice, was sunbathing on the decking, while Andrew was finishing off his last piece of homework for the school year. He had had enough, and went to join his mum on the decking. He pulled up a sun chair next to his mum, and began sunbathing. Andrew had always been attracted to his mum. She was 37...

1 year ago
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He is like my daughter

He is like my daughter Chapter 1 I grew up in Delhi, India as the only child of my parents. My parents were a blessing and when my father passed unexpectedly, I was 25 years old and my mother was in her early 50s. His death devastated us. He had left us with a significantly large amount in the bank account as well as with other assets and made sure that his wife and his daughter did not have to worry about anything, ever. However, we needed to get out of Delhi as everything about...

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Protection and Preservation Book 04Chapter 21

[Preservation – Janice] We went out the back with my horse and picked up Bennie's. We stayed in the woods trying to shield our movements from the hill post. Bennie said, "Leave your radio on simplex and try to call Amy. Act like you're concerned but still in the rest area. Let's see what you may hear. I'll monitor Jim on the triple nickel." I nodded. "Amy, this is Janice. Do you read? Are you okay? Over." There was no answer. We wanted to get there immediately but that was our...

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Rachel and Sami have a sleepover

It’s been several weeks since Sam and I went shopping and we’re closer than ever. We had reorganised our room, our beds were now adjacent on the same wall and the rest of the room was laid out with a work area: desks, chairs, and laptops around the corner and a soft furnished kick back zone in the middle.Sam was now widely accepted by our school year, her trendy restyling worked wonders. I deny any suggestions that I might have muttered darkly in the odd ear or two. Sam and I were very open and...

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Sniffing panties

I had to run errands for work yesterday afternoon but the company truck was not available. So my boss told me to use his wife's BMW (she is also our accountant). I grabbed the keys from her and drove off, while I was driving I noticed my Boss's wife's gym bag in the backseat she is 54 years old and I know she works out every morning trying to keep her nice firm ass in shape. During my errands I stopped by my house with her gym bag, I went through it and found a black pair of lacy panties, still...

1 year ago
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TripinChapter 7

I had to take about five steps to reach a large square stucco covered column. The column most likely supported the upstairs balconies. The was large enough to provide me some place to hide. That wasn't my intention. My intention was to just slide down it and sit on the nasty concrete walkway. I could hear the sirens even as I slid down with my back to the post. Once I was in a seated position, I sat the Taurus knock off of a Smith and Wesson chief special, down beside me very carefully. I...

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BoldlyGirls Nekane Valentina Sweet Nekane is back and she8217s bringing some guests

We had to wait for a very long time, but it’s finally happening. You can already uncork the champagne and unzip your pants because… Nekane is back! That’s it folks, Nekane is back, exclusively for CumLouder, after a long break and she’s doing it with lots more energy and willingness to fuck than ever before. There’s nothing better to honor her return than letting her be the star of our fifth anniversary and giving her one of our biggest and youngest dicks to enjoy...

3 years ago
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Ek Such Aisa Bhi

Hi am  varun desai. My email id is am from thane mumbai. Am normal look nd nrmal age is 25 yrs.mai thane me rhta stori mri aur 1 aunty ki hai. Phle bta dun k mai iss ka bht bada fan hun is pe ane wali koi stori aisi nhi hai jise maine nhi pada bahot si fak stories bhi hai jo ghanta 2 ghanta chodne ki bat karte hai aur 10. 12 inch ka land lga lete hai.chutiya banate hai srf sale. Mai aunty k bare me btata hun Unki age 42 hai aur wo thoda moti hai unka naam shilpa(changed 4...

1 year ago
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A Better Solution Than Divorce Part 19

A Better Solution Than Divorce - Part 20 By Jennifer Allison Hillery Knox "Hillery, you need to get out to Tolerance right away." Dr. McLean told Hillery over phone. Before Hillery could ask why, Dr McLean told her. "There has been an accident and one of your patients has died." "Who?" I asked. "Tammy Dawkins," replied Helen. "Oh no!" were the first word out of my mouth. Then she said, "I will be right out there." I knew that the death of Tammy was going to cause big time...

1 year ago
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Friendship becomes more

Jess and I had been friends for nearly 2 years. We had just hit it off one day and were close from then on. We told each other everything. I never really saw Jess in a sexual way, although she was quite attractive with a sexy figure and 34C breasts. I just saw her as a friend. Because we shared everything with one another, it often included our sexual progress with others - and to this point we were still virgins. This obviously created a fair amount of sexual tension between the two of us -...

First Time
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Sex With A Marathi Aunty

Hello to all..!! I am Shekhar, 25 years old, from Nashik. I am a simple next door guy, a working professional, passionate for sex and ISS. Life is full of surprises and you dont know what happens to you at any point in life. Never did I thought of having a nice sexual experience with a mature housewife . Now i begin my story…. I was once returning from Mumbai to Nashik by bus. It was afternoon time. I boarded the bus and occupied back seat, though the bus was half empty. As the bus reached next...

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My Daughters My Life

My Daughters; My Life by olderthandirt My daughters Ashley 20, and Kimberly 18 are my world I have come to depend on them for so much; I truly do not know what I would do without them. They take care of the house, buy the groceries and satisfy their father’s needs. Before I go on maybe I should tell you a little more about my life. My name is Tom or Tommy which a lot of my childhood friends not Thomas which is on my birth certificate. I have never felt like a Thomas, I work for a living always...

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The Body Guard Book 1Chapter 2

With help from Tom, Kay and Sonny setup an account with an investment firm and had the money deposit there. They were advised to buy some stock and make investments. Kay followed the advice, but Sonny spent his share of the money as quickly as it became available to him. Soon threatening phone calls started again. Sonny became more abusive. Kay feared for her life at times. The look on his face at times gave her the chills. He seemed to become more hateful towards her. Kay couldn’t take it...

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Who Am I

Who Am I? By dkb "Who Am I?" is, I think, a rubbish title for an essay. But there it is, this is what I've got to do. I guess the teacher wants us to think about what makes us the kind of people we are, personality, social background, all that stuff. So here I am trying to dictate some notes. If I burble away enough maybe I'll get some ideas. But what can I say? I'm an ordinary girl. I'm Amy Gardner, I'm sixteen, my likes dislikes are...blah, blah, blah. I live with my mum,...

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my frist male gang bang thats black

This is a true story that happened to me a few years ago. I at the time was single and playing both sides of the fence. I was almost always in a a aol chat room looking to hook up with something. I am bi and like to bottom , I am white 5'10 stocky build and curves in the right place for a guy. i was 26 at the time. I had set up a time to met a guy that was a top and when he showed up he didn't look like what he said he did .(this happened a lot ) So i was just going to hang out at the bar...

2 years ago
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Joyce and Me at the Cape Prelude

Joyce was a pretty girl not beautiful like her sister who was 7 years older. She had a brother who is the same age as I am. Joyce is 17 years old soon to be 18. She is 6 feet 4 inches tall. She has 34-19-32 measurements with an AA cup. To say she was thin is putting it mildly. She was skinny. She was a master at having sex. She could/would do anything that involved sex. She was not a nymphomaniac but loved sex. Her older sister Kathryn (Kate) was considered a slut. She was beautiful and had...

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Shes A Hugh Ugly Mother But I Love Her

Now don't get me wrong. In my eyes my mother is the most beautiful woman in the world. But to the rest of the world she is UGLY. And I only use the word ugly because nothing else really fits. When describing my mom the words 'Troll Like" come into mind. She is 6'11" tall and weighs over 400lbs, but little of that is fat. She's just BIG, all over. She wears mens size 16 shoes, her hands are so big she can pick up a basketball as easily as most people pick up a cue ball and her ears are bigger...

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A Black Change

Xenia still looks stunning at her age. She's Asian by nationality, got great body, nice boobs, and beautiful flirty face. She has been married to Gab for about 6 years and have 2 daughters. She is quite dominant in the marriage, lots of people have known her to be the one that is wearing the pants in the relationship. They live comfortably, nice house and nice cars. Xenia is wild by nature, but tamed by the surrounding society of church people. She is quite active too is church activities. The...

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Shirley Dating Chapter Two

This is the continuing story of a married couple where the husband sacrifices his masculinity and dignity to allow his wife to get sexually satisfied by other men. Something, because of a medical problem, he could no longer do, based on a true story. . Chapter Two .... Matt took charge Matt: Both of you girls get on the other bed. You are not to talk or say anything. You are here to watch and learn. Shirley: What am I doing? This whole thing was intended to have me sexually satisfied;...

4 years ago
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Anne and MaryChapter 45 Friday

"Is anyone going home for the summer?" Saul asked. No one was. They had all decided to keep on working — on the house, on the business, and on college. "I'm thinking about going home for a couple of weeks at the end of the term," Mary said. "I'd kind of like to get to know my mother. Telephone only goes so far." They were sitting in the living room, the windows were open and the spring sun warmed the house. On their protected property, they had gotten into the habit of wearing...

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The Worlds First Futa Futas Public DelightsChapter 3 Futarsquos First Naughty Live Interview

April 17th, 2047 “So I have a question for you, Becky,” Adelia said, her hand stroking my thigh with such a familiar fashion, “and I am sure all our viewers and in-studio audience are wondering the same thing.” “Shoot,” I said, my clit-dick aching beneath my skirt. I felt the eyes of the world on me at this exact moment even though Adelia leaned her caramel-hued face closer to me, invoking an intimacy reinforced by our recent fucking during the commercial break. “Given your effect on women...

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BSC08 How Jack and Susan Became NudistsChapter 40 Happy Erogenous Exhaustion

As soon as Rachel uttered those words - ‘He’s all yours’ - things took on a whole new twist. One minute Jack Flynn was on top of Rachel Tims fucking her then the next minute he was on his back as several young teenage girls pinned him down and began kissing, caressing and touching him in the dark. Jack had no idea whose backyard he was in and he still had no idea as to who all these girls were that were now ‘playing’ with him. It was too dark to work any of that out so he gave up trying and...

1 year ago
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Family Life Ch 12 Life changing moments

David was out with his mates until the early hours of Sunday morning and so it was mid afternoon before he finally rose from his bed. He was in the shower when there was a knock on the bathroom door.“Who is it?” He called.“It’s me,” Laura said, “l need to pee and Dad is in the downstairs toilet, he takes ages, you have to let me in or l will wet myself.”David stepped out of the shower and unlocked the door, not bothering to cover himself. As soon as the door opened, Laura rushed to the toilet,...

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Keeping Secrets

"You told her yet?" "No." Troy Garcia looked at his friend. "And don't you tell her, either." Reed Delaney held his hands up. "Not like I was going to. I'm your sponsor and your friend, but I'm not your mom." Troy stared at his half-eaten slice of pizza. "I'm gonna tell her." "When?" "I don't know. Soon." Reed ran a hand over his buzz cut. "That's a little on the vague side." "Got any suggestions?" Troy glared across the table. "Oh, for fuck's sake, man. The...

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An Officer A Gentleman

The alarm went off and I groaned while reaching over to hit the SNOOZE button. “Damn.” I said getting out of bed. As my usual routine, I turned the TV on, turned to channel 2 and waited to see what Atlanta rush hour traffic would have in store for me. “We go now to Karen Minton with your weather.” Fred Blankenship said on the television. I shook my head.“Makes no sense how fine that man is.” I said walking into the bathroom to brush my teeth. It was supposed to be cool that day, a nice November...

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The DST Agent part 3

The DST Agent, part 3 By: Malissa Madison I was a bit nervous, I'd given myself all the same awards that I already had. No sense in trying to fabricate something when I already had a foundation. So now I was a clerk typist who'd been to Warrant Officers School, the really neat part was that my General testing scores qualified me for OCS or WOCS. And the officers that knew who I was already knew that. Some were even intimidated by the fact that my test scores were only two points off...

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Kasc 20101204

When I first got to the party I was a little stressed out, since there was some rushing around after dinner and a series of events made me very late. When I got there, however, I immediately was love-bombed by my girlfriends, and then pulled over by a couple of very attractive women who wanted to play with my long hair. Being petted by hot girls was definitely a calming way to relax, and it got even better when Kasc, a geeky friend of ours whose company I’ve always greatly enjoyed, sat down...

3 years ago
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I Did It for My HusbandChapter 9

Gary finished dressing while Jimmie went in and posted his narrative of everything that has happened to us since our lives were destroyed on Tuesday. We arrived at the diner a little later than usual. The rest of the crew was already there. Probably because it's Saturday there aren't as many other customers in the diner. But I received the normal slack jawed, wide eyed reception from the other diners as I entered with my breasts plainly visible through my blouse and my skirt not quite...

2 years ago
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mumbai mother

I am 20 and my mum in her mid forties. Arjun is not my real name. My dad works away and is home only once a month over a weekend and I supposed to be the man of the house in his absence. And it really happened to be the case in all its senses soon after I turned 18, a couple of years ago. I do my arts in the university nearby. And that was the first time I lost my erection to my girlfriend – the wonderful sex I had with my mother the day before, my sex with my mum for the first time, dominated...

1 year ago
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DeepLush Elsa Jean Eye Contact And Orgasms

This is the second scene featuring the unbelievable Elsa Jean and I having more fun and intimate sex. We kiss and make out a ton before I go down on her. Our sex is intense and close and we fuck all over the bed in a ton of positions. There’s POV shot during the blowjob and while she rides my cock with her ass facing the camera. She has intense orgasms while I fuck her with a hitachi on her clit. The scene ends with a close up of me cumming in her mouth and her licking up the cum off of...

1 year ago
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Lexis Perfect Mouth

My tongue runs over your left nipple, and then your right. You skin is soft under my delicate fingers. Smooth and silky. Your breasts are full, and I love gently kneading my hands in them. Pushing them together on my mouth. Your smiling down at me. Knowing that I am enjoying this new feeling. This new sex. Your body is tan, and your stomach is so tight. I know what I want to touch, and where to touch, but I’m scared. I have felt the soft folds of my pussy. The slick tightness around my fingers....

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Close Shave

Fred Blake was one of the first people I met in the office when I was transferred from Minnesota to Arizona. He had a weathered look, like he was probably in his early fifties. The Phoenix sun had probably done that. Still, he was trim and seemed in good shape. His hair was dark -- almost black -- and graying nicely at the temples. I hope I still have that much hair when I reach his age. We had the same job title but he had been with the firm nearly ten years while I only had two under my...

2 years ago
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A slut must Obey CHAPTER 2

As ordered by Miss Ally, I began my journey from the restaurant to her home. She had given me twenty minutes to reach her. It was impossible. I was at a part of town from where it would take at least an hour to reach my destination. I was definitely going to get there late. Miss Ally knew it and might probably be deciding a suitable punishment for me that very moment. I tried to rush as much as I could, but it still took me fifty five minutes to reach the location. I had never been this...


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