- 3 years ago
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It took so long to drive back to campus that Devlin wasn't sure she was going to make it in one day. She had to stop at the office, her mother's, Emma's store, and finally at Krissi's. At each place she had to recount Evan's proposal and show off her ring. Earlier, before leaving Chicago, she'd spent 20 minutes on the phone to Evan's parents. She was going to make time to fly down to the Keys and naje arrangements for the wedding. Fortunately she had a lot of the details already worked out.
When she got back to her apartment she had a call from Evan on her voicemail: "Love you, miss you, and when can you come out here? We have some things to arrange."
She called him back, getting his voicemail. "I'll have to make time after the season is over for the Athletics. Unless you come here, first."
When she got up the next morning the game of telephone-tag continued. "There's a class that Major League Baseball conducts for players wives, and you need to attend it. It's a two-day class on finances and deportment. They don't require people to take the class, but if you don't, they constantly remind you.
"I think it would be for the best if you came out here. That way we can take time to find an apartment. Plus we have some things we need to talk about."
He'd included a number to call, and reminded her that the people at MLB headquarters in New York would be expecting her call.
Devlin glanced at the time. She had 30 minutes before her first class, barely enough time to get dressed and get there. She smiled as she pulled on her clothes. This certainly wasn't like the dorms. There she could get up 10 minutes before most classes and still make it.
During her lunch break she called the MLB offices in New York. She got the royal runaround until the flunky actually listened to what she was trying to say, and then forwarded her to the right office. The man there was insistent that she drop everything and come out, until she mentioned that she was a college student. Then he was ready to make different arrangements. They finally settled on a date in January when a fresh crop of players, and players' wives, were scheduled to take the class.
She talked with the man so long that she actually got to her next class after the bell rang. The instructor shot her a look, but when she explained it after class he forgave her.
She was leaving her last class when Krissi intercepted her. "Got some time?"
"For what?"
"Dinner," Krissi said. "Nothing more."
"Are you cooking?"
"Me and cooking don't belong in the same sentence."
"I know, that's why I asked."
"How about this place I know just off campus," Krissi said. "It's right around the corner from this coffee shop, and—"
"In other words, the usual place. Sure. When?"
"Doing anything right now?"
"Well, I'm talking with you."
Krissi stuck out her tongue. "C'mon. I've got some questions for you."
The waitress seated them in a small booth against the wall. Krissi waited until they'd been served their coffee, then folded her hands on the table in front of her.
"If I'd gotten a proposal as lame as you got, I would have told him to try again. I don't know how you could have said yes to that."
"But he proposed! He asked the question. That was more important than anything else."
"There wasn't any art to it, no drama. He asked you at breakfast for crying out loud."
"Well he couldn't very well ask me at dinner, could he?"
"There are places in Chicago that are open after the game," she said. "Steve's taken me to a couple."
"And so he proposed to you over scrambled eggs and bacon." Krissi shook her head. "I'm really disappointed in you."
"So what should I have done? Told him no, you'll have to ask later?"
Krissi rolled her eyes. "Once he proposed, of course not. But with only a little effort you could have set it up properly. You needed some place romantic, and trust me, a hotel restaurant is not it."
"Again," Devlin said, "what should I have done? He caught me completely by surprise."
"You told me yesterday, but that was just a summary. Take me through what happened, step by step."
Devlin did so. "In the end," she finished, looking at her ring, "I'm engaged. No matter how he asked me, romantic setting or not, he asked me, and I said yes."
"That's the trouble with you," Krissi said. "You have this utterly practical side to you, and when you listen to it, you're all right."
"I wasn't aware that I listened to it very often."
"Oh, you do, you do," Krissi said. "It kept you in the lifestyle. Most women in this country don't differentiate between sex and love. They figure you have to have both at the same time. There are women who've finally accepted that they can have the passion without having to be in love with the guy first, and they either hop from man to man in their dating life, or get involved in the lifestyle. You figured it out at an early age."
"That was Danny."
"Whatever! Look at all of the girls our age who get hot and bothered over some guy, but don't do anything because they're 'not in love' with him, and then go home and finger themselves repeatedly."
"I didn't realize that was a problem," Devlin said coolly.
"It isn't. But it means they buy a lot of books. In ascending order there's porn, there's erotica, which is porn with a storyline and better lighting, and various forms of romance novels. And that includes Chick Lit and Young Love stories. Don't knock 'em, I've been making some comfortable amounts of money from them.
"But that aside," she continued with a wave of her hand, "they reflect a real element of our culture. There's a split every girl faces: her feelings vs. what society expects of her."
"I've heard this before," Devlin said. "We have this Victorian image of 'nice girls' who are modest to a fault, and chaste. I saw it in high school. If you didn't conform, you were a loose slut. That's why I was always so quiet and low-key."
"And perfectly matched what I'm saying. Girls aren't supposed to go with guys too much older than they are, though after they turn 30 or so that's all right. Girls are supposed to be nice and chaste without a 'naughty' thought in their head, girls are..."
"Sit up straight, keep your legs together, and be nice to older women." Devlin nodded. "I've heard it all before, several times. We're not supposed to sleep with married men who are twice our age, we're not supposed to give in to our libido; a woman is always in control. I think that last causes more harm than anything else."
"Control?" Krissi wrinkled her brow. "In what way?"
"Giving in to your own lusts and fantasies surrenders a bit of control. Giving in so you can climax means you have to give up control to the animal side of your body. A girl has to learn to do that. Too many don't, or do it only partially, and so go through life frustrated as all get out."
"You're quite the philosopher tonight."
"You started it." Devlin refreshed her coffee, giving her friend a smile. "Let's forget all of this about how Evan could have asked me over a romantic dinner. A game finishes between 9 and 10 p.m., assuming they only play 9 innings. Guys have to shower and change, and do various things after a game such as ice down their throwing arms. Then there's the media. By the time they finish and leave the stadium it can be midnight or later. After that you have to find a restaurant and get there... that takes you to 1 a.m. It's no good making reservations, you have no idea when the game's going to be over. One of the wives told me she'd made reservations, and the game went 17 innings and was postponed until the next day when they reached 1:00 a.m."
"What if the player's ejected? He leaves the game early."
"He stays in the locker room until it's time for everyone to leave. Now through all of this I didn't mention the wife, who might be waiting at home, may have gone shopping with other wives on the team, or even be at the game. She's probably been up most of the day, and here it is late at night. Is she expected to get gussied up and go out on the town?" Devlin shook her head. "Not likely."
"So you're saying that doing it over breakfast was logical."
"It might not have been as romantic as you want, but it's what was available."
"Did you think he might flash it up on the scoreboard or something?"
"One of the other wives checked. Evan might have thought of it, but players don't like that sort of distraction. At that level, the difference between success and failure is very small, and breaking a player's concentration can effect the game, and who knows, maybe even the standings."
"That I find hard to believe."
"In 1995 the Seattle Mariners and the California Angels, both of whom are in the same division as Oakland, had to play a one-game playoff. If either of them had managed to have one more victory during the season, or one less, that wouldn't have happened. Both teams used their best pitcher, which meant he wasn't available for part of the first round of the playoffs.
"During a barbeuce during Spring Training, one of the coaches told a story about how a bunt in a game rolled down the third base line, hit a pebble, and bounced foul. On the next pitch the batter struck out, ending the inning. What if that pebble had been just an inch to the left, and the ball bounced fair. Or what if that pebble hadn't been there at all? See? Little things."
"Okay, you've made your point," Krissi said. "He had to do it at breakfast. What did you two do the rest of the day?"
"We did a lot of walking around holding hands."
"And sitting places and kissing I bet."
"Well..." Her voice trailed off as color rose in her cheeks. "Yeah, I think we spent a good part of the lunch hour in a lip lock."
Krissi looked down, chuckling. "You two are going to have to get a room with automatic sprinklers or something for your honeymoon," she said at last. "Otherwise you may set the room on fire."
"We'll make a point of making love in the surf," Devlin said. "You know, like in that old movie."
"From Here to Eternity?" Devlin nodded. "I'll look for clouds of steam rising along the shoreline."
"And boiled fish floating on the surface," Devlin said. "Don't forget that." She took a sip of her coffee. "Seriously, I have a lot of things to do between now and mid-December."
"I figure I'll help you with some of that," Krissi said. She reached into her purse and pulled out a handful of brochures. "I've been looking at honeymoon destinations, and unless you go to some exotic Caribbean hotel and resort, I think your best bet will be a cruise."
"A cruise? You mean one of those big ships?"
Krissi nodded and spread out the brochures. "You only unpack once, and every day or two you have a new destination. All of your meals are taken care of, and..."
She went on speaking, and Devlin felt herself drawn into the idea. Dinner came and went, they went back to Krissi's apartment, and she found herself looking at all of the possibilities of spending a week—or more—on a cruise ship.
Three weeks later, in Oakland, she mentioned it to Evan.
"That sounds interesting," he said. They were sitting on the terrace of a restaurant after a whirlwind day spent looking at apartments. "I've heard a couple of guys on the team mention the idea."
Devlin hid her smile. Most girls she knew in the dorms liked an idea, but only after seeing what her friends thought about it. Evan referred everything back to what his teammates thought. Given the semi-nomadic nature of a ballplayer's life, the team was the only point of stability he had, unless he was married.
"I think so, too," she said. "I think the Princess Cruises out of Ft. Lauderdale would be perfect. Why don't I spend some more time looking into what they have."
"So soon? Or is this part of wedding planning?"
"These ships fill up pretty fast," she replied. "I checked with a travel agent, and she said the earlier you book, the better choice of cabins you get."
"That seems logical," he nodded. "What did you think of the last place we looked at?"
"The apartment was all right, but I wasn't wild about the neighborhood."
"You said that about the three we saw this morning."
"I don't want to live in the middle of town."
"We have a couple of places to look at this afternoon," he said. "They're out a bit farther. I wasn't sure if you'd like them because of that."
"We'll see what they're like."
Evan turned down the first apartment they looked at the next day. It was cramped, and sat right on a very busy street. "I didn't mind the traffic," he told her as they left. "But the streetwalkers were a bit much. The rent was pretty good, though."
"They're just a symptom," she said. "The side streets had garbage in the gutters. I think we should be living some place a little nicer."
"I was thinking of some guy hitting on you if you went out. You look pretty enough that they'd do that."
"I don't wear my skirts that short," Devlin said, "but I've got a big enough bust I'd probably get propositioned. You're right, we're better off somewhere else."
The next apartment was in a building set back in a small canyon. Several players had suggested it, and so had a couple of the wives. It was two-bedroom with a modern kitchen. The living room had a small balcony shaded by some trees. It had a gated entrance, a pool, a workout room, and, nicest of all, it came furnished.
"Good," she murmured as they stood on the balcony and took in the very limited view, "we won't have to buy furniture, at least not yet."
"I agree. Well? Shall we make a down payment?"
"You realize that we probably won't be moving in until next March. That's six months from now."
"Given everything else, that's a small price to pay. I can move over here in a couple of days, that'll help."
She weighed that. They'd certainly been disappointed with everything else they'd seen. Finally she nodded.
The rest of the afternoon was spent signing documents. Evan signed, but she read over everything carefully, just like her company had taught her. Then it was time for him to go to the ballpark, while she had to catch a flight back to Chicago.
"When will we see each other again?" she asked as they waited at the terminal.
"If we make it to the World Series, you're going to be there," he said.
"I hope you do. Otherwise... when?"
"Only one more road trip, and that's to Seattle and Los Angeles, and then we're home to close out against the Rangers. Um, Thanksgiving for sure down in the Keys, and after baseball ends, but before I fly to Puerto Rico we'll want to get together with your mother. But otherwise? Let's see what happens in the post-season."
"Fair enough. I don't have to like it, but I know we don't have much choice in these things."
"Yeah, I know."
They traded high-energy kisses before she got on the plane. When she got home she was too tired to do much of anything except collapse in bed.
She felt the cock sliding in, thick and hard, deliciously hard. And there was a lot of it. She didn't know who the guy was—did it ever matter?—but he was big, and he was taking forever.
She felt his balls on her bottom, felt their hairs mingle, felt his tummy against hers. She sighed happily. Forget everything else, school, work, friends, this was what she was meant to do. She was supposed to take a man, to join her body to his, and to take them both to the heights of passion.
He shifted his weight, stirring himself inside her, stretching her in new directions. She gasped as he withdrew and entered her again. He was so deliciously strong, and he was touching every secret place inside her.
She wasn't sure where they were. She could smell the bed clothes of the apartment she and Jeff had shared for so many weekends. She'd always wondered what had gone through his head. On Sundays they'd wake up and make sweet love before he'd go to church. Sometimes, when he'd come home after Church, they'd make love again, sweet and strong, until it was time for him to go to evening services—she always wondered why he had to go so many times—and then she'd clean up and go back to her room, alone.
Hi readers its Jyothy back, thanking all of you for your wonderful emails and comments. I just go hereabout further in my life – THE PATH as my title suggests, I kind of think that I am writing my autobiography… LOL Just kidding. Ok, here we go through my flashback. After that wonderful experience that night, I called Binu the next morning and thanked him once more for the party he (I) threw last night. I told him that the party was given even before the event of me seeing my new employer;...
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When morning came to the apartment, Nate had left, gone to class for the first time in a week. Melisa and Allison were left to sleep alone without even knowing it. When Nate had vacated the bed earlier that morning, he left a small space between the two girls, but when Melisa had awoken, she found her legs wound around the other girl and her arms around her shoulders. Mel’s dark eyes opened to see the resting eyes of the other girl two inches from her face. She could taste her breath and feel...
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With Angelique and Consuela returning, angels and mortals gathered for the continuation of the Cleopatra Tale. "So how," I asked, "in a royal bloodline that must have been chock full of Simon's blood, did a brother and sister produce an angel for you?" "Subterfuge coming out of necessity," Nick answered. The privacy, the lack of guards, pleases Nick as much as it surprises him. He has brought his daughter, Hippolyta, conceived with his longtime companion Hista, when meeting...
I waited until my anger cooled enough that I wouldn’t get both of us into trouble by starting an argument that would need explaining. I climbed out of the tub, dried off, and then wondered what I would wear. The clothes I wore today were all soaking wet. Even my underwear. My ONLY pair of underwear. I leaned against the sink with my head low. I was stretched too far in too many directions to do what I really needed to do. Yes, I got the police report, but only at the cost of not returning to...
JOANNA SMITH – SEAMAN APPRENTICE By Sailor 861 JoAnna Smith, 34, looked out her living room window with "harley anddavie," her very chatty parakeets, at the sheets of rain pelting downon a grey, muggy mid-September Sunday morning in downtown Philadelphia andglumly summed up the year in five words: fate, discovery, incident, interlude,introspection. Her shoulders, breasts and sex still ached from a B and D session gone terriblywrong a month ago. But she was slowly recuperating, her mind...
Today's Saturday, an' I've still got the rest of the weekend ahead of me to take it all in.Take what in? Well, if you listen to the rest of it, you'll learn summat, same as I did, that's what!Last night, me and me mate Phil went out on the pull. First off, we went to the local, The Crab n' Cockspur, but there wasn't any birds there, so after we'd sunk a couple of pints we headed into Town. We don't go into Town much, coz the beer's too dear, but I was feelin' a bit randy, so I thought we could...
BisexualNew Year cums early First, I’m going to blame my little sister. I mean, she’s the one that first turned me on to the idea of incest. To start, I’m a normal guy, 6’1 about 185 pounds with an average to athletic build. I have brown hair and brown eyes. Being a normal teenager, I would spend my time mudding in my truck with friends and browsing porn online. My sister Sherrie, is a little cutie. Her light brown hair and soft brown eyes are only second to her sweet smile. She has always been in...
"Well, this pill is something I secretly wished for, and finally found a formula that was working... The pill, once a girl takes it, disconnects our mind from our body. In other words, we can't move anymore. Therefore, it's best laying down before taking it. Once the effect is there, even if we desire it, we can't move at all. We can't speak. We can only moan. No movement is possible, but there is a twist to the pill. There is a side effect, which keeps the arousal very high, making us...
Earth time: 9:30 PM Monday, April 25, 2033 EDT (19 hours, 58 minutes to Path closing) Mark was lying in his boyhood bedroom, surprised but somehow happy his old bed was still there. There was no illumination. The clouds outside the window were pitch black. He was in a light doze, and he dimly knew he probably wouldn't get any real sleep. He became aware of his bedroom door opening and closing, and then a warm body climbed into his bed and pressed against him. "Hi Va'an," he...
Oh so young and hot When I was younger I grew up in a mid size town that had 2 major colleges . I was in high school when my older sister left for college and my parents toke in Tammy as a border to off set the cost of my sisters education . Tammy was going to college to be a nurse and she was from a small town about 200 miles from our city . I knew from the first time I saw her that I would some day have a great life changing experience with her and I was hoping it would involve sex. I was...
Great story which has been posted here before but is not available anymore. Not mine!my girlfriend and I had decided we wanted to visit the local adult store to try out a little gloryhole fun. We had watched videos together and she always said she's like to see me getting my cock sucked through the hole, and who am I to turn down getting head, eh? She'd also mentioned that she wanted to try her skills are sucking cock through the hole, so this seemed like a pretty win-win idea.Let me give you a...
The year is 3009... Hybrids, or Furries, have become a popular thing. From Reptiles to Birds, Cats to Dogs, Rodents to Aquatics....they've all become part of society. Some become pets...others do all kinds of jobs. Even some marry with Humans! When you were little, you had one for a pet...but later became like your sister. She was best thing that ever happened to you. But the one thing is clear, they need to see a doctor at times... Which is you. You've been trained in both anatomies of Humans...
FetishWe came to that time in our life when the ki ds are to growing up to come on holiday and it falls to you to start and take your parents away with you instead. We decided to take the mother in law Jenny away, seeing she was newly widowed from Kelly’s step dad and couldn’t face going anywhere by herself.It was one of those late arrivals at the hotel, time the bus travelled around the island a few times by the length of the journey. A quick drop off of bags in the apartment and change of clothes,...
The late afternoon sun peeked through the clouds as the sky began to clear over the lake. After two days of rain that kept us stuck in the cottage, I was ready to get out on the water to feel the wind in my face and course through my hair. It was especially hard to be shut-in during Thunderstorms after months of lockdown and self-isolation due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. We bought our island cottage about 5 years ago to get a respite from work and share some great times with our family and...
I stood in front of the Greyhound bus station and watched her walk away. In the three years since I turned 18 I have tried four times to get sexually involved with a woman I was dating. Sylvia was the fourth to spend a week with me making love. She was also the fourth one to tell me I was a lousy fuck. I tried to accommodate them and do what they wanted, but whenever I tried to ‘eat pussy’, I just gagged and choked on the smell. As far as fucking was concerned, well just the idea of sticking...
It was a Friday evening. Work was finished and I headed to the bars for a social drink with my friends. As we all met up, I noticed a sexy looking blonde at the bar with her friends. They were downing shots, drinking and laughing. As the night went on, I kept my eye on her waiting for an opportunity to speak to her. Finally, it arrived. She headed to the toilet. As she came out and started heading back to her friends, I stopped her. She was wearing red lipstick, a tight red dress and white high...
November 20, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, Tonight was the first of three nights that Dad will be taking part in some large math meeting at the university, so the seven of us were eating dinner without him. “Sandy,” Carol said, “I’ve been thinking about our planned shopping trip with the girls on Wednesday. I think we should just drop them off and pick them up when they’re done.” “But how would they pay for ... Oh, you probably thought of this. We drop an infusion of cash into the accounts of one...
The phone was ringing loudly as I struggled to unlock the door. Finally, the key slipped in, door opens, and I reached for the phone hanging on the wall. “Hello,” I said, trying to shut the door behind me. “Sameer, this is Sonia.” I heard the soft voice answer. “Hey, Sonia. What can I do for you?” I ask, thinking about the caller. She was my buddy Satish’s fiancée, and an incredible looking woman. “Well, I need some help. Satish’s gone with his brothers to his village and I’ve got a sink...
Nobody expected there to be a World War 3, but when it did come, everyone knew the terrible truth. No world leader would give up willingly. Missile defense systems, foreign and otherwise, were designed to withstand nuclear attacks from without, rather than within. Greedy politicians and foreign dictators, spoiled in their positions of absolute power, simply refused to lose to one another. Rather than roll over and admit defeat, several decided that their toys, were only for them,...
Matthew and David most likely became best friends as a matter of convenience. Others may believe that fate and destiny rule when it comes to love. The boys would tell you otherwise. When they met for the , Matt had recently been separated from his best friend after the boys’ parents filed for divorce and sold the family home. It was the greatest loss of Matthew’s young life. They moved away on the last day of school and Matt was left to spend the summer without the only friend that he had known...
GaySubmitted to by the author. * Keme saw movement out of the corner of his eye. Without turning his head, he moved his eyes to get a look. It was that kid again, the one that couldn’t tell nightmares from visions, Vumanesco. Keme moved his eyes back to the target and released his arrow. That annoying kid had been fluttering about since early dawn. He kept approaching him only to sneak away. At one point he had come close enough to speak, had said something completely pointless,...
Michael looked in the bathroom mirror. He had just turned thirty-two in January, but due to a hectic work schedule of sixty plus hours a week, he felt twice as old. Although it was Saturday, he felt compelled to go into work, at least for two or three hours as he knew that his best friend, college buddy and partner, Jim Hutchinson would be there, as he was every day. Washing his face, Michael felt his chin. He hadn’t shaved in two days but, he detected only a hint of stubble and the fact that...
This took place a few years ago my freshman year in college. This is entirely true, only the names have been changed to protect the innocent and the not so innocent. Enjoy!![/u]It was my freshman year at college and I was enjoying the college life and everything it had to offer. I was only a month into the first semester, I liked my roommate, I made pretty cool friends, the girls were beautiful and plentyful and the parties were great. I was enjoying my new taste of freedom, and I planned to...
Hello readers After a long time, I came to Indian sex stories dot net for the encounters of mine. Its been a long time ago jenny and I met on facebook before that I know her she is my childhood friend but for the higher studies I left my village and we didn’t keep in touch After like 5 to 6 years I found her on facebook .. Then we became friends again and we were always ready to chat and all. After lots of chatting and we are going to meet each other. Ab kahani pe ate hain jab hum mile bat...
I wanted ta see what would happen when the bandits ran away, so I told everybody not ta shoot accurately enough ta kill, jus' accurately enough ta chase the bandits away. I figured that we could use this same gang ta good advantage ifen we jus' kept an eye on 'em. We came roarin' in, hell bent fer leather, yellin' an' shootin' our pistols in the general direction of the bandits. They seen us an' took off fer parts unknown. I wuzn't worried, I figured that we would find 'em back at...
I had to attend a boring conference at Reno; so, two days later, my sweet Ana took a flight and joined me to spend together a couple days at Las Vegas.The first whole day we spent in the casino hotel we were staying in. The next day, we rented a car to drive around the city.An adult book store caught Anita’s eye and she asked me if we could go there at night, after dinner. Once we entered the place, we saw some sex books and videos filling the shelves in the walls. In the back was a sign that...
HOSTILE TAKEOVER At only 30, I was one of the youngest CEO's in history, at least I think I was, id have to check the records, but even if I wasn't, I certainly felt like it. As the CEO of the Allison corporation, a position I had after the death of my parents, I oversaw multiple projects and research, for civilian and military purposes. From research on cold fusion to adaptive camoflage for tanks and jets, we were one of the leading research and development corporations in the...
Elmer Peako made his sad wretched entrance into our lives on a deathly cold winter day during February of 1938. Right in the middle of one of the worst blizzards any of us had ever seen—one morning, we heard an unexpected light knocking at our door. "My God, "my Dad said, "Who would be crazy enough to be out in this weather? It's not fit for man or beast out there!" When my Dad tried to open the door, snow had drifted up against it so deep we had to kick the snow away before we could...