LA FunChapter 53 free porn video

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Life is good and it looks even better when you wake between Jules and Katie, with Willy's head lying on my stomach. I know that she started out next to Jules, but always ends up sleeping on me. The clock said that it was only six fifteen on a lazy Saturday morning.

It was too late; I was awake and would begin to feel guilty if I didn't get up and go down to the gym or go running on the streets. I dressed in clothes that could go either way, and went down to the gym room. No one was there, so I began stretching before running. I had just finished stretching when Sheila walked into the gym room and smiled a good morning. I began on the treadmill while she stretched. Vicki came in while Shelia was loosening up, and began stretching too.

This was fun because it's the way to have fun exercising. Sheila asked me if I knew that Rebecca and she ran together every morning when all three of us were running and had our breathing under control. She said that they had a course they ran that wasn't quite three miles that they finished in a little over twenty-five minutes. She also said that they usually went to the gym to lift three times a week unless they needed to get rid of some energy and went more often.

I stopped, mopped the sweat off my face when I finished the twenty minutes I wanted to run, and began my lifting. Both girls joined me lifting, but used less than half the weight I did. I had lightened up the weights I lifted, and did more reps. Vicki said, "Dai changed our routines to use lighter weights and more reps. I see you do that as well. Did you learn from him or come up with it yourself?"

"Yori, and then Donte, saw how I did more reps and felt I was getting as much or more from my workout. I do use the max weights once every other week, and I can still press my old max weight, so I'm maintaining my strength."

Sheila said that she would begin that routine and show Rebecca.

We went up to the kitchen to get some coffee and to see if anyone had begun making the Saturday pancake treat. I had found a recipe for Hawaiian pancakes that were made with pineapple and shredded coconut in the batter. The syrup was made of pineapple and honey. Our two cooks liked the treat and made them for the family on Saturdays.

We decided to get our showers and begin our day. I had no idea what all was in store for me. Sheila said that Taz and Rose had kept her up until the wee hours. Sheila and I went upstairs and were splitting up to go to our suites when the two downstairs ladies came from one of the rooms carrying their clothes. Now that's being caught red-handed. They both paused for a second, but realized the jig was up so they just smiled and said good morning as they went down the stairs. The naked view from the back was surprisingly delicious.

Sheila said, "No wonder my sister and I are such horn dogs. She's constantly having me come visit since she found Taz. She says that I can take care of my itch and be some variety for Taz. I think that I take care of some of Rose's preferences for some female fun at the same time. I do have a sexy sister."

That's too much information. I smiled, shook my head, and went into my suite. The three lovelies were still snuggled up and asleep. I gave them a shake and told them that it was getting to be time to wake up. Our guests would be up waiting to have breakfast.

Something registered with Jules, and she sat up. "You and the guys have an eight o'clock tee time. You better get them up and get going. You're only playing the back nine where you played yesterday. They all have to leave to go home around noon. I have the room phone numbers and will call them.

I said, "Call the room on our side down the hall. Both couples may be in there." Jules smiled and I heard her tell someone that the men had a tee time at eight. She hung up and said, "My, oh my, our guests do play, don't they."

I rushed through a shower and shave and was dressed in golf clothes in a less than ten minutes. I went into the kitchen downstairs for a cup of coffee and found a platter with some of the fancy pancakes rolled up with cream cheese and more pineapple and shredded coconut inside.

Vicki came in, and said, "It's a good thing that Jules called me because I was going back to bed."

Forest and Dan showed up a little groggy, but brightened up with some coffee and one of the pastries. We left and made it to the golf course by seven-thirty. We put our shoes on and checked a cart out. The starter gave us our cards from yesterday and told us to wait for the threesome that was on the ninth hole to clear the tenth fairway to begin our play.

We rode to the tee area and watched them tee off. They appeared to be playing quickly, so we got ready to tee off when they had made their second shots. We flipped for odd man out to be first, and then the final two flipped. I was first and took a few practice swings. I was remembering the instructions that I had so long ago and tried to recall all the advice that I had been given by the pro.

Just before the last of the threesome in front of us shot his second shot, Dan said, "To continue where we stopped yesterday. All I'm asking is for you to give me a call and maybe talk over some of these changes. I agree with everything you've done since you've been out here, but I don't want you to become too loose."

I teed a ball up and as I focused on the swing and said, "Gotcha, Dan. I'll let you come out and do some of this shit I'm doing. I could use the help and the Assistants would learn a lot from a partner."

I made a great swing with that, and hit the drive perfectly straight almost three hundred yards.

Forest was chuckling, "See what you get when you try to corral the boy wonder. Just let him go, and have him report that you made your next million, or would that be billion."

The back nine was easy today. We were constantly waiting for the threesome ahead of us to move up a stroke. We finished about nine forty-five and would have been finished at least a half hour earlier because we were using carts, but we were following a threesome that must have had a hundred strokes on the back nine.

I know that the attendants on the desk watch to see how groups play and grade them for time as well as adherence to club rules of dress and conduct. The men I played with so far were courteous and gentlemen on the course. They were never loud unless it was laughing. We conservatively drove our cart and didn't dawdle at the tees. We had to be getting good grades. I left my clubs to be cleaned and stored.

We went back to the house where the guys were told to put traveling clothes on as their plane was going to go to Reno, Salt Lake City, and then home to Indy. We had a nice lunch before they left. Dan said, "I still feel like you might be too much of a loose cannon, but you're not making any mistakes and you're handling all kinds of bullshit while you're doing it. Just call me more often. Make an effort to find me if I'm not available and leave messages on my cell phone and office voicemail. At least tell me what you're going to do."

"Like I said, Dan, feel free to come work my Assistants while I go check on my Hawaiian enterprises. I have a feeling that Hideki and Yuu have plans for us there."

That was probably not the best thing to say. I could see the cloud come over Dan's face. I winked at Forest so he would know that I was pulling Dan's chain. What bothered me was that Dan was right, but he was wrong, while I was wrong, but I was right. As a partner, he should have at least been asked to sign off on major commitments of funds and resources, management changes, creation of new executive levels, and so forth, but in order to do that he needed to be on the spot and participating in the work and decision-making that was making him huge amounts of money. Otherwise, he risked derailing a powerful money-making locomotive by making us wait for him to understand and bless what we were doing. It was also pretty chicken-shit of him to carp about the compensation earned by the people in the field as long as he was making 20% or better on his long-ago capital contribution while he sat on his ass in Indianapolis. I'm not religious, but the Bible proverb "Muzzle not the ox that treadeth out the corn" has a lot of truth to it. The local and regional managers were treading out more corn than the partners could eat.

Brindle took the folks to the airport. I had a feeling that we were going to be playing some afternoon pool.

Katie asked, "Feel up to some cash games? We are some winners and can probably make a few bucks. Jules feels a little squeamish today and wants to stay home, so it's you and me, big boy. Let's clean these guys out."

We timed our arrival right because the tables weren't busy yet. Katie and I did some 9-ball, and then some 10-ball practice games. Both of our strokes were looking pretty good when a man I didn't know wanted a match for fifty. He approached me by asking, "How about best to eleven on 9-ball, Texas rules, and alternating break."

The guy said he played out of Samson's in South LA. I knew that hall housed half the pros in the LA area. I probably shouldn't have done the fifty and only gone for twenty. Oh well, I thought I might as well get my feet in the fire.

This man wasn't any good. I thought he was hustling me or just having some nerves at first, but he kept missing easy shots and I won the match eleven to two.

The guy wasn't upset, and said, "Want to see if I can get my money back? How about we do it again for five bills? I think I can beat you now that I've watched you play."

"Five is strong for me, but I'll give you a chance to come out winners. I'll go for a C-note. I won the lag and broke and ran the first game, and ran out the second when he missed. I broke and ran games three, five, seven, and nine and finished the games between. I was up nine games when he broke and did what he should have been doing. He ran the table. It was a good table to do that, but he hadn't done it yet. It was then my break and I ran the table, so I only needed one more game to win. He sank the nine on the break and then I didn't sink a ball on the next break. He ran out the table. He broke and ran the balls but was over-confident on the nine and missed it. The man was becoming formidable, but he left me a makeable shot. I was lining up for the shot when some bleached blonde bimbo walked up and stood at the pocket I was going to shoot for. Her skirt couldn't have been but an inch from the promised land, and I swear I saw a curly hair sticking below the hem.

I backed off the table and asked the young lady to move. She sneered at me and said, "Do I have to move, Sammy? Am I so sexy that I make him lose his concentration?"

"Hang on a second. I need to get some competition." Katie was between matches counting her money. I told her to come and be sure to distract my opponent as he had sent a skank to distract me.

Katie saw the girl, and said, "Oh yeah, I know that guy. I've beat him before and he won't play me because I'm not distracted by his bitch. Let me wave my big'uns at you before you make this shot, and it's a sure thing."

Katie is no shrinking violet. She went over and gave the girl a hip check and said, "Move over not so cute cutie, and let me show you how to distract a guy. You lean over like this to let him see my humongous tits down my shift, and then wave them back and forth so the big nipples rub against the shift. Now I stand up and heft them a couple of times at the guy and watch him sweat. That's the way to get his attention. Now move aside and let him finish this match.

Katie almost pushed her to the side while the crowd was still laughing. I had looked at the shot knowing it was mine because it was the long bad angle shot with the ball on the rail that I practiced often. I ran the nine to the pocket. I smiled at the guy and he was still adjusting his pants after Katie's demonstration. I told the girl that I usually don't give a shit about pussy trying to distract me, but the pussy hair did the trick. She looked down to see if there was really one showing. Katie reached down and yanked it out and gave it to her. There was an 'ouch', but that was all.

Katie and I went to the bar and had a drink. Vicki came to us and said, "I thought I was going to have to interfere, but you two know how to control that kind of bull."

Mattie made a comment that Sammy had been coming in and doing his hustle for over a week, but he couldn't get any takers after his first match with the babe showing it all.

Katie had one more match while I watched. I was offered a couple of matches, but I wasn't in the mood for more people trying to hustle me. I need to lose a few games to get some more competition and challenges. It wasn't that I was that good, but it was because so many of the players get nervous going up against someone they think is better than they are. I am better than they are if they think that, and their fears are proven out. You'll usually not beat someone if you're afraid of them unless you regain your focus.

California, or at least LA, is different from Florida or Indianapolis because you could get five and ten dollar games all night long there, but LA is all high dollars. Most of the challenges are for a big bill, but I can usually talk them down to twenty. The problem is that the challenger gets all huffy if he loses even a twenty. There wouldn't be any hard feelings if we were doing it for a friendly five, and we'd just go at it again with more enthusiasm to beat each other. These people make out like they all have to be the 'Hustler' and win big every time. One thing about pool is that you're not always on top of your game, and another player can take advantage of your mistakes to clean your clock. I sort of missed the friendly wagers over these cutthroat bets for fast money. We almost always played for best of eleven in Florida, but the hot shots here want to go best of seven for heavy bread. No one here wanted to do a good 15/1 match to a hundred. They wanted something quick. I love to do a 15/1 match with someone and will go for a bigger buck because it truly takes some good skills. No one here wants to play a game of one pocket because it takes too long. It isn't that long to me, because you're trying so hard that the time races by.

I missed playing some killer snooker matches. A Saturday afternoon, with a race to two hundred points, playing snooker was always worth a twenty to me.

Everything here was for fast, immediate gratification, and get angry if you lose. Katie came from the Midwest where they played hard, but didn't want to bet the farm on a best of seven games match. I'd always thought it would be cool to go to the UK where snooker was king and play some matches with some of those 'blokes'. They would nurse a pint of Guinness for an entire match. One of the bars in Tampa had four snooker tables and no pool tables. Saturday afternoons there could get to be a drunken mess. I had to have someone come get me and my car more than once. I put my twenty in to enter the big tournament there one St. Paddy's day, and was working my way through the lesser players, but alas, my ability to drink a gallon of that great beer and stay sober didn't happen. I lost my twenty and fell asleep in the corner. A lass who I knew took me home and put me to bed (in her bed). I ended up having to buy her breakfast, lunch, and a great dinner at Franky's. She became a steady who was always up for some fun. What I'm trying to say is pool and billiards is fun and should be played as a game, not the challenge of the century. Katie came from the fun part of the Midwest where pool was fun. Sure, all of us love to win, but there's more to playing than winning.

Katie's family was fun because they really competed with each other. There was a ranking among them, and they let me compete within their family ranking. Now that's pool for fun.

We were riding home with Vicki driving. Jules had decided to come to the pool hall and was in the front, half-turned to Katie and me in the back. Jules said, "Can you get your brothers and sister to come out with their kids to visit now that it's almost getting to be summer? I loved how much fun we had with the kids. I know they'll be older, but I want our kids to be friends with your siblings' children. Maybe we need a couple of groups of kids so that there are more of them to have a good time."

Katie said, "Maybe we need to adopt a pile of kids to be playmates with the ones we'll have. It's either that or we find some more women we like, and have stud boy here knock them all up for more babies. I know that sounds nuts, but it's beginning to sound reasonable considering our lifestyle."

I said, "There are three of you, which is two more than I had previously hoped to find, Ladies. Sure, I love the idea of being a dad and am looking forward to having three of my own to brag about, teach how to play pool, and to be a part of the great American dream. But, and it's a big but, I can't do this with lots of women. I can be your husband and lover, but not to a string of women who may or may not be compatible with us. You can't put a note on Craig's List to find potential wives for a guy who can afford them, especially when the reason I can afford them is my current women. Let's start with the three that are on the way, and we'll have another two or three if you want more. There's a whole lot about raising a bunch of kids that you don't know about, but are going to learn. Having a kid is more than giving birth. It's committing the next twenty years to raising and educating that child to be more than a blob in life. That's one thing I don't think will happen. You three are not the type to have blobs."

That got me some hugs and kisses at home.

Jules said, "I guess I just want what Nobuko has. She has houses that each has children sired by Hideki who love and unconditionally respect Hideki and her. I know that she makes love to and with them when she's there, because I've been there with her. Hideki enjoys and shows his affection to those women as often as he can. They don't get to travel with him often, but they could show up in Hawaii at any time when the house is complete."

"Yuu is more reticent and doesn't have many homes with many wives. He prefers to keep all his women together and to travel with one or two, and sometimes all of them when he can. You are going to be surprised the first time he shows up at our door with all his children. Many are older than me, and some are under ten years of age. Grandmother Nobuko has a great deal of enjoyment with her grandchildren. She'll spoil the great grandchildren we provide them."

We had a nice evening and were relaxed about having a quiet Sunday in preparation for a busy week ahead.

Jules was getting nervous over something Sunday afternoon, and went to the office to search for something. Katie was going to go to the pool hall, but went in the office to help Jules and was soon working as diligently with Jules to come up with an answer for something.

I used the time to practice some of the shots I could have made better recently. I helped smooth my stroke out that I noticed wasn't as precise as it should be. I heard Jules holler, "There it is, I knew it. See if you can figure how much ready cash we have. We have to do this."

Hearing someone wanting to know how much cash you can muster is scary if you don't know what the women are doing and you really don't understand the big deals with trading in commodities and international stock markets. Willy came out to get a couple of soft drinks for the girls, and went back to wait and find out how to help them.

Charles was behind the bar and I went to the bar to enjoy a drink and some food when Tina brought out a small plate of snacks. I heard Jules whoop a couple of times and then calm down. I really wanted to go see what they were up to, but I knew that I wouldn't understand anyway.

Willy came out of the office and went to the kitchen. I had turned the TV on to watch the afternoon baseball game, although I would have rather watched the Rays. Willy came back through the saloon with a tray and a plate of something that looked like some kind of salad with cheese and pieces of meat.

I said to Charles, "Whatever that was looked good. I'm going back there to see what they might have."

The four housekeepers, Brindle, Vicki, and Stephen were sitting around the kitchen counter. They were all scarfing down some kind of salad that was in a huge bowl. There was Romaine, spring greens, red leaf lettuce, baby spinach, several types of cheese, bacon, small pieces of chicken and turkey, pieces of celery, pieces of cherry tomatoes, chopped up hard-boiled eggs, and shredded carrots. I used the big forks and mixed the big bowl up again before I put a bunch of the treat on a plate. Tina came over with a bowl of crumbled blue cheese and a shaker full of parmesan. I was having trouble making my mind up as to what kind of dressing I wanted. Stephen said, "Use the Caesar on this. I know this is not a Caesar salad, but they really go good together. Or try a non-creamy Italian dressing with just a hint of balsamic vinegar. Too much of the balsamic vinegar overwhelms all the other flavors."

I got up and went to the bar where Charles was. I told him, "You saw the salad so you know what it is. What kind of dressing do you want?"

He smiled and said, 'Ranch'.

I brought him the salad I made with a small bowl of ranch dressing so that he could use as much as he liked. I went back and made another salad for myself with Caesar dressing. Something had been added to the fixings as there was a plate of various types of seafood with a couple of anchovies, so I sliced them up and mixed them into my salad. I took a couple of pieces of sushi and went back to the bar. My salad plate was heaping, but it was mostly lettuce and miscellaneous foods so I knew that I wouldn't be overeating. Charles and I ate our salads and watched the rest of the ballgame.

It was getting close to ten, so I ventured to go into the office to see what kind of mood the girls were in. Jules' and Katie's eyes were fixed on the computer monitors. They kept pointing at various figures that meant nothing to me. Jules kept saying, "They know we sucked a lot of profit and wind out of their attempt to take over that group, and they're trying to rebuild to make another run while the rest of the markets are closed. Something like this can't happen on a normal trading day. I don't know who's playing with the market, but they will feed us another big hit if we do it right, and have to buy it back to stay in business. We'll continue to do everything under our pseudo-trading name so that they can't track us down. We're registered with the Chinese, so they may think we're from there."

I gave each a kiss on the cheek and said, "Well, Girls, I'm going to bed. You seem prepared to be going after this for a while. I have to leave at the regular time in the morning because I'm going to Texas tomorrow." They each patted my hand in recognition, but their eyes didn't leave the monitors.

I went through the kitchen and reminded Cindy and Kindle that I would be traveling for two days beginning tomorrow morning. They said that my bag and garment bag would be ready. I needed my iPad to make notes because I was having flashes of things to do tomorrow. I made sure my iPad and laptop were charged. I plugged my phone in so I could begin my day with it fully charged.

I had brushed my teeth and slid into bed when Willy came to bed, and said, "The girls wanted me to put you to sleep. Will you make love to me before you go to sleep?"

How does a guy pass up an offer like that? I wrapped her up and we both shed our clothes while we kissed. I took my time and kissed every square inch of this beauty's body. She had orgasmed several time before I even sucked a nipple. The little woman went ballistic when I dove into her center. She was crying, hollering, and yelling her satisfaction. I finally slid into her a little at a time to make sure she was sufficiently lubricated to take me. She was all liquid at her center, and easily accepted me. We met each other's thrusts for a long time before I felt the little woman go limp. Willy had passed out. I was but a stroke or two from coming, but it isn't much fun to come in a woman who's passed out. That's what you get if you hold back too long.

I snuggled Willy to me with us still partially connected. She shoved her hips to me, taking the rest of me into her, but she was still out of it. I smiled at how intense that was and went to sleep.

Someone was riding my center and slamming into my hips. I was very, very close and pulled the face to me. It was Willy who was having a continuous orgasm, and kept saying, "Come in me, come in me, come in me."

No problem doing that. My insides boiled and it seemed everything inside me shot out of my dick into Willy. That was a big one; correction, that was a huge one. Willy fell forward on me and passed out from her sexual release again. I followed her into dreamland.

I woke at six and went downstairs to use the gym. I did stop in to see how the girls were doing with their trade. They were both still wide awake with a pile of trading slips around them. Jules looked up at me and said, "We got 'em again twice. They keep trying to do a takeover, and we keep taking their money and gaining a bigger piece of the whole thing. We know who it is now, and know that they have to be getting close to calling it quits. I don't want the Saudis to get a big chunk of Sony because it's important for Sony to be more US oriented. They acted like they were going to go after Samsung, but most people wouldn't even consider selling their stock as it has been such a winner. Sony has just about taken over the Tokyo market meanwhile. The Chinese have finally recognized what the Saudis are doing, and even assisted us in obtaining almost a controlling interest in Sony. We'll trade it all back to them tomorrow, but not now."

I had spent enough time learning about their adventures that I thought I would just skip working out. I did my morning routine and went to the kitchen for breakfast. I had some eggs, a small piece of ham, a variety of fruits, juice, and milk. Vicki came into the kitchen for breakfast, and asked, "Will we go to the airport right away or stay in the office a while?"

"We'll leave the office around eight after greeting everyone. Kelly and Georgia are going with us. Let me call them so that we can pick them up on the way in. It isn't that much out of our way. Have Brindle drive us because we don't want to leave a car at the airport. She should be ready to go because she knows that I'm traveling."

Brindle did come in, and said, "I almost thought that Vicki could drive since she was going with you, but I then realized you would be leaving the car at the airport. Sorry about that. The girls can have Michi drive them if they decide to go somewhere early."

I called Kelly and advised her that we would be by to pick her up so that she didn't have to worry about her car. I called Georgia and said the same. She said that she was going to leave her car at Kelly's so she would see us there.

We drove to Kelly's place and then to the office. We were there by seven forty-five which gave me the opportunity to give some last minute instructions. I called the pilot to make sure he expected us by eight-thirty. The four of us left with Brindle driving. I was in the back between Kelly and Georgia feeling almost like they were Jules and Katie. Vicki was in the front passenger seat.

We were dropped at the General Aviation operations building and went through to go out to the tarmac where our plane was waiting. Something had been added. There was a walkthrough metal detector and baggage inspection. Vicki, Kelly, and I had to show our permits and wait while the man went through our baggage slowly enough to memorize each of our bags. I asked why we had to be inspected to fly our own aircraft and the man almost sneered at us and said, "Because Homeland Security wants us to. Do you have a problem with that?"

I wish I had more time because I did have a problem with that. The man had to call each of our IDs into the state to make sure we were legal. I finally said, "We need to be in San Antonio and you have already held us up for an hour. Tell me if there's a problem, otherwise I want to see a supervisor." I turned to Kelly and Georgia and told Kelly, "Call the Homeland Security office here in LA and ask about this. Georgia, call the State Department of Law Enforcement in Sacramento and ask them why a private aircraft owner is being held up from boarding his aircraft."

I turned back to the man and said, "Show me your identification so that I can write it down. Something isn't right here, and I'm not late enough that I'm willing to be later in order to find out what's going on."

Now the man was becoming red in the face with anger. I told him, "There's no sense in being angry now. You've intentionally delayed us for no reason. I want to see your Supervisor or I will have you arrested."

"You and what Army, Buster? I don't give a shit who you are. I don't let you past this point if I don't like your looks. I'll just call some of our people to come get you. That'll put a cramp in your day."

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“Mom, you really started something last spring,” Diane declared as she marched into the kitchen. “Oh?” Mother replied blandly, “what did I do this time?” “It’s Principal Grimes, and Monica, and Gwen...” “What about them?” “Well, when you left school that day, you had pierced and ringed Gwen Merritt in her nipples, navel and clit hood, and pierced and ringed Monica Cumberland in her clitoral hood, too.” She giggled and added, “Almost costing poor Donald Grimes his prick in the process.”...

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Betsys Babies

Betsy’s husband went looking for her. There were only a few places he needed to look. Now that the kids were older she couldn’t just bend over the kitchen table or lay down on the dirty clothes in the laundry room. She had a bit of discretion, after all. Their bedroom was reserved for copulating with him or invited guests in his presence. The rest of the time she could be found in the tack room of the barn or, more likely, in the farmhand quarters. If the 4-wheeler was gone she could be out in...

4 years ago
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The Legend of Zelda Links Reward Day 1

Before her was a golden-haired hero clad in a cap and tunic of forest green. He was tall and muscular and wore leggings of white. A sword and shield were strapped across his back. Though he stared at his princess intently, his face was full of courage, and his eyes positively shone with a warrior's spirit. This was Link, the Hero of Time to whom the people of every realm owed thanks for their lives and the destruction of the evil king Ganondorf. "You are a great and noble hero, Link," the...

3 years ago
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Judy Ch 3 cheating blow jobs and creampie

To better understand this story; please refer to the first two chapters. This story contains cheating and creampies. If you don’t like them, please stop reading. Otherwise, enjoy and please let me know your thoughts by voting and giving feedback. It has been almost two weeks since Judy’s dalliance with AJ the stove repairman. Tim, her husband, almost caught them; but he didn’t seem any wiser to it. She had unleashed her inner slut and her husband Tim was unaware. The only problem was that she...

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A teenage girl finally gives in to her sexually precocious younger cousin

Finally I have actually let him do it. I know, I know. Its perverted, its sick, and I am old enough to know better. But he is so sweet, so persistent, and my God was he grateful! Bradley is my nephew by my older stepbrother. He is 18 and gods gift to boy lovers. I don’t know what the gay men who see him in the street think, but I know he has the face of a cheeky angel, long soft brown hair, soft pink lips and smooth coffee brown skin. His smile is white and somehow faintly knowing. He is...

3 years ago
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Caught by my GFs daughter

One afternoon a few months ago, home alone watching some porn videos on the computer and getting very horny I stripped my clothes off and sat back to enjoy as I masturbated. Some time passed as I watched the videos and was enjoying myself as I slowly rubbed my throbbing hard cock. I was so focused on the porn and stroking away that I didn't hear my GF's 23 year old daughter come into the house. A short while later Maria had walked by my room and saw the porn on the screen through the door which...

4 years ago
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Proving a Point

One evening, a few months after our Marathon Week, when I was out of town, the geeky k** from Taco Bell, Justin, called my wife’s cell. A group of his geeky friends were over playing video games and hadn’t believed his Taco Bell story. He had called her to see if she would confirm the story, so his friends would leave him alone and stop making fun of him. My wife dutifully recalled the entire night in detail, but to no avail. They still didn’t believe their nerdy friend had been able to...

3 years ago
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Teacher Going Crazy Part 8211 1

Hello, everyone of indian sex stories dot net, I’m sam from kolkata..22 years old.This is my first story here.I hope everyone likes it…This story goes back when I was 18 in my 12th…….I was the most famous guy in the school not only because of my academic and sports achievements but also For my personality, looks and the way I interact…. Miss Priyanka came in as our new English teacher…She was around 5’6” very fair measured 36-32-34 a bit healthy…To put in few words she was a Bengali...

3 years ago
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Six Days on the RoadChapter 52

At least I got another turn playing with and then feeding Kita and Chiqa. When those two were full and napping I had a nice plate of my own to deal with and I was more than happy to get rid of the bison steak and mashed potatoes. I did get the hint it was a prelude to some request from Rose though, and I was almost right. It wasn't really a request, but it was a reasonable near order. Rose hadn't bothered to mention the hundred and twenty dozen eggs she'd brought with her. These weren't...

5 years ago
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Call Me Daddy Part 12

She and I walked arm-in-arm as we exited the outdoor seating area, leaving her hubby sitting there dumbfounded."Oh my God" she said softly. "I'm actually trembling right now""Out of excitement?" I questioned "or fear""I'm not sure,.... Daddy" she said, looking up at me as a pretty smile spread across her face. She definitely paused before adding the 'Daddy'. "Do you think that he'll actually follow us to the house or will he just leave me?" she asked, now sounding more serious."Oh, I have a...

3 years ago
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Collateral Damage Book II the SacrificeChapter 10

Tuesday morning, I was finally in my office and I was about to start looking at what I should be doing next, when Laura entered my office and closed the door behind her. “Will, I’d like have a few words with you.” “Just tell me how can I help you, Laura.” I didn’t like the smile that formed at the corner of her mouth. “Jeanie told me.” Even though I knew my face didn’t reveal anything, my mouth suddenly felt dry. Yet, I was not sure if Laura really knew something, or if she was fishing...

2 years ago
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Neighbours 8211 Part 2 Sneaky Sex

Raj went back home thinking about how he can get rid of Vijay for good. “Patience Raj, he will come again, but now the ball is in your court”, he said to himself. He visited his neighbour’s mom Rashmi from time to time trying to create a stronger bond with her so that she can be more comfortable around him while he waited for Vijay to visit her again, which he did. By then, Raj had already figured out exactly which day of the week he visited Rashmi. Raj was on his balcony when he spotted...

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Lizzie Moving InChapter 5

Monday Aug 8 I can't believe it! The program! The Rents signed me up at a school that has the Naked in School Program. The blankety, blank, blank program! Aarggg!!!!! The Mom took us to register for school today. After picking my classes the councilor said, "By the way we have the NIS Program here and participation is compulsory and counts towards your required units. Everyone is required to participate. We do make some allowances for religion however. Will that be the case here?" I...

2 years ago
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Learning The Ropes

“It’s not too tight is it?” He asked the young girl he was sat next to. She shook her head. He looked down at the black rope that bound her wrists together behind her back. Girls like her and their desire to get into BDSM intrigued him, they seemed to be starting younger these days. Usually, it was women in their thirties, married women looking to explore their sexuality that got this adventurous. Abi was only 18, a tall and pretty eighteen year old, an intelligent one as well. She had...

4 years ago
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AftermathChapter 20

"What are we going to do?" Sherrie asked, trying not to let panic overcome him. "Is there any way to land this thing without those pedal thingies?" "Well, there's an auto-rotational landing," Brett said, "but that's not really the ideal solution." "What's an auto-rotational landing?" Sherrie wanted to know, locking onto that in desperation. "If it'll get us down, let's do it." "That means he cuts the power and lets us fall to the ground," Jason said. "At the last...

3 years ago
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Missing Ray

            Ray was hot.   Even now, years after our affair ended, I could think of him and get wet.   There is no two ways about it.   Ray was hot.               I’m Anne.   I’m a mom to two kids, college student, and general housewife.   I have a figure I am normally quite pleased with, although the necessary surgeries left their marks over my abdomen.   Even so, I’m a petite blonde with a 34D chest, a slightly chunky waist, but still about 28”, and full 36” hips.  ...

Straight Sex
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Return to San Diego

Return to San Diego This is a follow up to the story San Diego. In that story, Mark, a 15 year old, went to San Diego with his mother to visit his aunt and cousins. His 17 year old cousin, Suzy, found Mark trying on some of her clothes. She thought it would be fun to get him dressed up for the rest of the week. The week ended with Suzy and Mark going to an all-girls party. This story takes place 15 years later. ----- Mark was a 30 year old man that had began trying on his...

3 years ago
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Mere Boss Ke Biwi Bhabhi Behan 8211 Part II

Hello dostona kaise hai app acha lage tou mujhe mail karne mere id hai first part ka baad ab second part shrua karthe hai. uss din ka chudai ka baad rashmai bahbhi raat ku mere kamare ma athai hai aur chudai karathe hai nirmala khidki se hum dekha thi hai . subah jab main dukaan ka liye jaye raha tha tab chandrashekara shetty humare boss ka jiju ayea tha nirmala ka pati anitha kuch ghar par kaam hai tum akele jalye jan bola kar medical shop ka key’s mere hatth mai diye main puchha Kiye aaj aap...

2 years ago
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MySistersHotFriend Charity Crawford 23337

Charity Crawford’s friend isn’t home, but her friend’s brother Kyle is! It’s a pleasant surprise for Charity, because she’s been dying to get into Kyle’s pants for a long, long time. He happens to be fixing the hot tub for a soak outside when she arrives, and nobody else is home, which gives Charity an idea: it’s fuck time! She invites herself into the hot tub while he’s wrenching on it, but when he bitches at her —oops!, there goes her top, tits out. Dumbfounded, Kyle tries to quiet and cover...

5 years ago
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The Willing Voyeur Part 3

The problem with our next planned meeting was that Friday is my busiest day of the week. Now I don’t have any real problem customers, but you just never know how some people will react to a beautiful exhibitionist, especially in close quarters. I knew that she would probably be quite happy with just staying in the office as other customers came and went, but I was hoping to get Anne out of the office for this occurrence. I really wanted her to ‘stretch her legs’ this time.I’m good friends with...

4 years ago
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I stay at the Astoria Holiday Inn every Monday and some Tuesdays while I’m working in town. I enjoy soothing my bones in the hot tub every night I’m there. Two weeks ago, I had the experience of a lifetime. A couple were sitting in my favorite spot in the tub while their three kids splashed in the pool. I eased in and sat far enough away from them so I wouldn’t intrude in their relaxation. However, the wife, Cheryl, made it obvious that she was eager to play, even though her husband was...

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A Daughters Massage

Oh cruel fate, why did she have to be so unobtainable for me? The object of my greatest desire, yet she was beyond my reach. If circumstances were different maybe I could have her. But as life goes, she was forever beyond my reach. She has the face of an angel and lovely blonde locks. A body of ultimate enticement. Full, luscious breasts and a stomach toned to perfection. A butt so finely sculpted, round as the moon and divinely firm. Legs like satin and a voice like a siren's song. Lips so...

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The Slave with the BBW

I think on here that BBW stands for Big Black Woman or Big Beautiful Woman and in the particular case I must relate it was neither. Unless perhaps it was to be Big Brawny Woman.My Mistress had summoned me one afternoon. This was how it worked with her. I had to check in with her every morning and afternoon by SMS to tell her what I was doing. She didn't always answer but it was her way of checking up on me to make sure that I wasn't being stolen by any other Mistress. Any other woman that she...

3 years ago
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Adventures Of Rickshaw Driver

My name is Aakash and I am from Jaipur. I completed my graduation and came to Mumbai to find a job. My elder cousin brother was staying in 4 Bungalows, Andheri with his family and I came to stay with him. My Bhabhi didn’t like me too much and within 2 days we had arguments and fights in my anger, I just packed my stuff and stepped out of the house but, I had nowhere to go. I didn’t know anyone in the city. I was having little money with me so I took a rickshaw and told the rickshaw driver to...

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Dean Morgan

I’d only met him once, at a recent party, but there was something about him that I couldn’t get out of my mind. He was a few years older than I was, being 21 while I was only 18. I think that added to the attraction, on my side at least. At the party, when we first met, we had sat and talked for hours. He was so intelligent, and interested in what I had to say. We spoke about books, authors, philosophy, world affairs, and eventually, what we thought about love. We both believed that there...

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 Chapter1. Claudia wakes in the morning the sunlight creeping in through the small gap of the red velvet curtains. She looks at the small sunbeam and follows it with her dark green cat eyes as it hits the mirror and reflexes back on its self. Claudia stretches her long slender arms and looks at her neatly painted talon like nails; her thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the old fashion phone. She reaches across and lifts the ivory hand piece as she speaks she hears a slight moan...

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My Wife Alice

It had all started innocently enough when my friend Dr. Jim Amamba told me about his research work on an sexual performance enhancement d**gs for women. Jim and I went back years. We had even done our doctoral research in the same field. The fact that I was white and short while Jim was as black as the ace of spades and built like and American footballer made this friendship seem unlikely on the surface but we shared many common interests. I listened as Jim explained to me that the male market...

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Summer Vocation In A Village

I am Shagufta. I born in village but later came to Delhi for studies. Few years back came to villege in summer vocations. I was 20 year old at that time. And the growth of my body was not wanting to be limited by social restrictions around me. As my boobs had become the size of melons and a narrow waise was supported by lovely hips. I started feeling hot and itchy in my pussy. Maneesh was my neighbor in village home. He had a strong physique and muscular body. My heart throbbed on seeing his...

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PervMom Amber Chase Undressed To Impress

Busty MILF Amber Chase thinks she knows it all. She considers herself quite the fashionista, so when she sees her stepson getting all put together for his date, she warns him that his outfit is a no go. Amber is not trying to be mean, she only wants to help! She decides to lend a hand by giving him some wardrobe advice. But as he gets changed, his thick cock pops out of his pants! Amber is worried that his date will be too distracted by his boner to notice just how good he looks in his outfit....

4 years ago
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In The Parking Garage

he rap of her boot heels echoing off the concrete walls was the only sound as she walked down the long line of cars, looking f In The Parking Garage Dr. Mabeuse ? 2006 The rap of her boot heels echoing off the concrete walls was the only sound as she walked down the long line of cars, looking for where she'd parked. She'd been sure this was the row?13-D?but where was her car? She shifted her bags to her left hand where the black leather glove would keep the handles from biting into her...

1 year ago
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Sweet Punishment 2

Not knowing completely, you lusted for such treatment, not sure what may come next, and yet even as you spoke these words, they freshly imprinted upon his dominant heart; there was a nerve that answered to this pulse of a beautifully submissive woman. Sweet Punishment # 2 “Yes…. my Sir, I want more!” ….you spoke the impassioned words, as he caressed her sumptuous curves in the waning light. Deep down you lusted for such treatment, not sure what may come next, and yet...

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 12 Cousin Sister Bharti Intro Episode

Hello friends, aap sabhi ko meri shubh kaamnaye. Aapke mail mile mujhe, behad khushi hui. Thanks sabko. Chaliye aaj ka episode padhte hai. Jo bhi ye episode pahli baar pad rahe ho unse kahunga ki aap ise padhne se pahle season 1 padhle jisse apko saari kahaniyo ki jad se pata chale. Jo bhi mujhe mail mein messages aur apni sujhaaw dena chahte ho, ye raha mera mail id ( ). Aur haan agar aapko meri series pasand aa rahi ho to mujhe vote karna na bhoole. PART 12: Cousin Sister Bharti – Intro...

2 years ago
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NubileFilms Cadey Mercury Carmen Caliente Honeys

Cadey Mercury and Carmen Caliente have had a night of passion with Logan Pierce, and in the morning after they decide to make him some pancakes. Their cooking adventures get sultry as they play with each other, getting flour and batter everywhere. Nonetheless, when Logan finds them downstairs he is very appreciative of his food. It’s just that he has something else in mind when he sees the honey that the girls have put out to use as a condiment. Grabbing the sweet liquid, Logan dribbles...

3 years ago
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A Morning Hike

It was a glorious morning. I was on vacation and taking a hike along a secluded forest pathway. My camera was finding lots of great subjects for pictures. Nature was posing for me in all her glory. The birds were singing. Some actually sat still while I took their portrait. There were so many flowers in bloom I had difficulty deciding which ones to shoot with my Nikon.The path led up a slight rise. The trees that surrounded me reminded me of a virgin forest. Their beauty was not lost on my...

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Vacation With Sexy Mom 8211 Part 4

“Hey! Mom… Mom… wake up. It’s morning. This isn’t time to sleep, and please move. I have to go pee,” said Anil calmly. Malini woke up and realized where she was. She was happy. She looked at his cock again. It was hard again! “Woah, sorry, beta (dear son). I slept again. It’s just that I got too bored by your father’s office stuff that I became extremely sleepy, haha,” said Malini in a groggy voice. “And how is your cock hard again? It just came loads now. Do you want me to help you again?”...

4 years ago
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Taming a rude sister

Hi, I am Sandeep. This is my first story. I have been reading stories on this website for quite sometimes and I wonder how many of them are actually true. Well this is a real life experience that happened in 2006. I stay in South Delhi and born bought up in a rich Punjabi family. This incident happened when I was 18 years old. I have elder brother who is four years elder to me and a sister who is 2 years older. My brother’s name is Mohit and my sisters’ name is Shweta. Shweta is a typical Delhi...

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The New Guy Chapt 1

When I was younger, my friends always made fun of me. They always teased me; telling me I’m gay and that I will never get a girlfriend. Boy, were they wrong. I’m in my first year of college with my amazing girlfriend of 4 years. Her name is Jess. She’s average height 5’5”, long blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and a light skin tone. Then there is me, first of all, my name is Tyler, and I’m 6’3” average built guy with short brown hair with glasses and light skin tone, with forest green eyes....

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Dick Picture PerfectChapter 10

I had needed four extra strength Tylenol and as many cups of coffee but I was killing it at work. My job had only recently lost its shiny newness and become the slog of wage slavery. That all changed when the fire nation attacked. Not the fire nation, three beautiful colleagues. Not attacked, looked at an electronic capturing of my sexual organs that got them going for me. Not changed, it was the same work I had to do. Anyway, what I mean to say is that life is good when beautiful people...

3 years ago
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My best friend the love of my life Chapter Two

The next few days passed in a blur, nothing seemed to happen and I was walking around in a slump. My parents seemed to guess what had happened after Jessica's abrupt exit the other night and as a result were being extra nice to me. That only made the ache I was feeling become worse. I couldn't understand how something could go from so special to so disastrous that quickly. I began to wonder if I had imagined how Jess had reacted. I was so sure she felt it too. Now fear began to creep in as to...

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FlintkoteChapter 28

“How does it happen that you have two boats?” “Insurance... SV Surprise, the big boat, hold your horses, Lieutenant, the big boat had just finished total scrape, grind, patch and paint. she got a salon makeover and all new fabric ... sails, bedding, cushions ... beautiful example of the kind of work the Starship Yards in Hong Kong can do when she got crushed ... I’m getting to that ... crushed when the Sultan’s warships were sabotaged by terrorists ... or pirates. Turned my little hundred...

4 years ago
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Softball GirlsChapter 3

Copyright©1999 by Dael The next morning dawned bright outside Claire's small tract home and the sunlight streaming through the bay window woke Cherisse first. A little disoriented she first wondered why she was sleeping on the floor and not in her own bed, then focused her eyes on the face of the woman sleeping against her torso and the memory of the night before came flooding back into her consciousness. She remembered Shannon and her making love to her mother and the intensity of her...

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Local Affairs 3 Interlude

Readers are advised to read “Local Affairs" parts 1 & 2 first.  Being awakened by a ringing phone before eight in the morning was not Greg’s idea of the leisurely Sunday lie-in he had hoped to have; but the melodious chuckle that greeted his rather surly “Hello” immediately dispelled his initial mood. It was Sarah. “Hi Greg – sorry to be ringing a bit early. I hope you’re not feeling too worn out.” “No, Sarah, I had a lovely time, and I’m still enjoying the memories.” “I enjoyed it too,...

Straight Sex
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The Loyalty GeneChapter 7

The sudden knock on his bedroom door startled Jason out of his funk. “All right, Mr. End of the World,” his mother said. “You’ve sulked in your room long enough. It’s time to get over it.” Keeping his head down, Jason replied, “It’s not sulking. It’s depression.” Seconds of silence passed before Mom sighed, then his mattress huffed as she sat. “She’s been away for what, three days. It’s not the end of the world.” “I did something dumb and screwed it all up.” “Jason Todd Thomas, did you...

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Try to Be or Not to Be Chapter Five

Emma Hackett shivered with fear on the trolley to which she was bound, her thoughts racing through her head. I'm a he...a male, but I won't be once they cut my male parts off. I don't want this...I never wanted to be a girl, and now there is now way back. And then what? They will force me to be the girlfriend of the boy they selected for me...for how long? "Are you all ready," Sergeant Howard said over his radio. "On the count of, go, go!" At once his officers...

3 years ago
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Lady Forest Officer 8211 Part 2 Humari Hot Chudai Story

Hello, friends. Main Sahil apke liye iss hot chudai story ka dusra part lekar aaya hu. Mujhe umeed hai apko meri story ka pehla part pasand aya hoga. Uss raat hum dono sex kar ke nange so gaye. Kuch der ek dusre ke baaho mein baahe dal kar lipat kar kiss kar rahe the. Aur ek dusre ke badan se khel rahe the aur chus aur chat rahe the. Hume neend kab aayi kuch pata nahi chala. Subhe kuch 7 baje the aur main abhi bhi so raha tha. Tab mujhe mere lund par kuch mehsoos hua. Neend mein mujhe laga ki...

4 years ago
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Sex in call centre

Hi this is Kabir and this is my first story here. I love all the people here sharing there experience so I thought of sharing experience with all of you. I can’t say this is my first experience but I love this because it was a fast fuck. Sorry I am 24 years of age living in Lahore. Now coming to my story I think I will start this story in Hindi and Urdu coz this is iss. Me call centre me kam karta tha or tamam new agents ko train karta tha.aik din aik larki jiska nam kiran tha job ke lie...

4 years ago
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A King and His QueenChapter 30 Scarlet

Dave tossed a manilla folder across the table to Andrew. The folder contained the information on a potential participant in the project. This applicant was a very different prospect from any of the previous ones. Curious about Andrew's reaction, he sat back in his chair to watch his boss. Andrew opened the folder. He took one look at the picture inside, closed the folder, and looked back up at Dave. "Are you kidding?" "No," Dave answered. "She applied. I treated her like all of the...

2 years ago
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Crazy nights with ldquoUncle Drdquo

A true story about 2 crazy nights that happened a couple months ago ?So “Uncle D” is not my real uncle by any means lol his name starts with D, we’ll say Derrick and there’s a reason why I refer to him as “Uncle D”. He is from my moms recent boyfriends side of the family. I just met my moms new boyfriend last year and I don’t know Derrick very well. It’s pretty confusing but anyways. At a get together he mentioned needing help with a few projects around his house and was willing to pay good...

3 years ago
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My Grandmother and me

Well...where do i life changed when i got a place at University. Now the course i wanted..was in a Uni about 10 miles from my Grandmother's home town.I'd lived in the South of England with my mum,dad and younger brother and sister.My nan lived up North nearly 300 miles it was decided that i would live with her for a time,just to see how it worked out! She'd get a bit of extra money,i'd get a bit of company.Now we saw nan a few times a year,and she always spent 2 weeks at...

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3 Evil sistersPart 1

3 Evil sisters-Part 1 Introduction: If you like it, dont like it, just feel like commenting or anything in between, feel free. Feedback is always nice. Thank you My life wasn’t ideal for any 13 year old boy hitting puberty. I grew up in a house with no father (because he kicked the bucket when I was only two years old) a mother who seemed like she was always out of town, and three older sisters. Needless to say I was lacking a father figure in the house, or any kind of figure that would teach...

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