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Harry landed roughly, as he always did when travelling by magical means when it wasn't him controlling it. If anyone had been looking closely, they would have noticed that he was seemingly floating a foot above the ground when he fell before rolling over and jumping to his feet and looking around while placing his wand in the sleeve of his robe while pulling one out of his pocket. If wizards were at all logical, then anyone coming to capture Harry Potter would have grown suspicious that Harry had put his wand away and grabbed another while in an unknown situation, but the fact remained that logic was not one of the traits that most wizards were in possession of to any useful degree. Harry, having gone through the James Tiberious Kirk school of acting, looked around while saying things like "Well, (Dramatic Pause), this does not appear to look like Hogwarts." As well as, "Is this part of the task set before me that I must overcome to win for the honor of Hogwarts and Dumbledork." Anyone who wasn't right next to him would have assumed that he said Dumbledore; only the two who were rapidly moving away from him to complete the task that he had given them were in position to hear what he really said.
Finally, a figure approached out of the dark, carrying what looked like a baby, and Harry knew it was time for the finale to begin in the little drama between Harry Potter and the evil and delusional Tom Riddle and his musical DE's. Harry made a show of peering into the dark and asking who was there, and he was rewarded by a stunning spell hitting him in the chest and making him drop the wand in his hand, which was scooped up by Wormtail.
When Harry was revived, it was in time to see Peter starting the ritual that would give his master back a body so that he could continue on his quest to make the whole world pay because his mommy was an ugly bint who couldn't get a man who was not related without using potions, and his daddy was a muggle who abandoned him and his mummy before he was born. Harry tuned out the whole bone yada, yada, flesh of servant stupidity, and looked forward eagerly to the final stage of the ritual. When Wormtail came toward him with the knife and said the whole blood of an enemy, unwillingly given, Harry began his campaign to mess with the traitorous rat and his malformed master.
"Are you saying I am an enemy? I would say at most I am mildly annoyed with Tommy, leaning more toward indifference really."
"Don't be stupid Harry, I know you hate the Dark Lord and anyone in the house of Slytherin; I heard all of the tails of your confrontations with my master and the most noble house from your best friend Ron Weasley. This time however, Ron Weasley will not be here to save you like he did from my master, the troll, the basilisk, and the dementors. After my master rises, the first new recruit he will have will be Ron Weasley, since he is almost as powerful as my lord and only cares about himself and no one else." Peter stepped forward and dragged the dagger along the bottom of Harry's arm till blood covered the knife, then he made his way to the cauldron and dripped the blood in to complete the dark resurrection ritual. If he had looked back, he would have seen a look of complete incredulity on Harry's face as he mulled over Wormtail's belief that it was Ron who always saved the day.
A light came out of the cauldron as the contents turned a greenish yellow, and then magic pulsed in every direction, shattering the gravestone Harry was tied to and cracking the enormous cauldron, revealing the new body of Tom Riddle.
"Robe me Wormtail." Hissed the voice of the newly risen dark lord, but there was something different from what he expected.
Tom Riddle, even before he assumed the persona of the made up pureblood character of Lord Voldemort, was obsessed with elegance and dignity. As a young man, he went to see any plays or theatrics that involved the speech of upper crust aristocrats, spending hours perfecting his mannerisms and speech until they practically scream out to everyone that he was someone of importance and breeding. He played his part so well that the pureblood idiots fell all over themselves to kiss the hem of his robe since he was obviously of higher breeding than the most ancient of them all. The voice that came out of his new body had none of the nobility and class that he had worked so hard to perfect; instead, it was full of uncertainty, cluelessness, and an odd squeak here and there. Riddle turned to stare at Wormtail in annoyance about the fact that he hadn't been robed, and was met with the last thing he ever expected. Before him was his servant passed out, apparently from blood loss and shock at being in the presence of his resurrected master, and Harry Potter still tied to the grave stone grinning like a loon.
Deciding to deal with the insolent boy after he was clothed and had called his followers, Lord Voldemort picked up his wand from where it lay next to Wormtail and conjured a robe to cover his body. After he was satisfied with his preparations, he stopped the bleeding of his servant's stump and then pressed the tip of his wand against his brand on the other arm, forcing his will into the call that would bring all of his servants to where he was. Wormtail sat up screaming and cradling his arm as if it had been burned, while Lord Voldemort looked to the sky in anticipation of his triumphant return to power. He never noticed that the call he had sent out was much more powerful than he had intended.
Luna handed a wand to Harry that felt familiar in his hand. "Harry, this is a special wand that I had great uncle Ollie make for me as part of my plan to help you. It appears to be the wand of Moldyshorts in every detail, and it will work for him as if it is his actual wand. When Peter is distracted, and before Old Snaky comes out of the stew, you need to perform a wandless switching spell so that the dork lord uses this wand instead of his. When he uses it to summon his junior psychos, you will feel a connection and you need to pour some of your magic down that connection so that his call is more powerful than he intends. This will help to bring all of his boot lickers to the graveyard and we will not have to hunt them down later. Once they have arrived there in the graveyard, old big head will talk about how great he is, how he beat death, and how he will reward those wow were faithful to him and his cause, and how his call is so powerful, that it brought all of his followers to him. While he is busy trying to convince his lemmings that he is more powerful than a little tiny baby or a brooding teenage boy, untie yourself and make sure you are ready to move when he turns his attention back to you. It may take a while for him to get to you because of the ones who arrive in terrible condition because the mark, along with your added magic, forced them through the wards meant to stop them from coming. Just remember Harry, you need to be just as much a showman as snake face, proving to him and everyone watching that you are his equal and are more than able to face him magic to magic. This is as much to put doubt into his mind as it is to convince his followers that they may have picked the wrong narfang to back in the race of rainbow quewpies."
-Flashback ends-
The quiet of the graveyard was shattered as one by one; the followers of the Dark Lord Voldemort appeared around him, kneeling before their master. Since Harry was the only one looking at Tommy's face, he was the only one who saw the flicker of surprise on the dark lord's face when his robed servants were joined by the emaciated and clearly insane followers who had moments before been guests of the ministry in the no star resort of Azkaban. The screams of joy and pain of Bellatrix LeStrange at seeing her master before her and feeling the broken bones and torn muscles that she had received when her master's call pulled her from her cell to be by his side broke the stunned dark lord from his surprise and he was soon ordering his followers to help the new arrivals. No one was paying attention to the boy tied to the grave stone, and that was just fine with Harry since it gave him time to arrange things more to his liking for the showdown he would soon have with his snake faced nemesis.
It took a while for everything to calm down, but when it had the next surprise came when Lucious Malfoy finally looked upon the face of his lord and was immediately pushed into a state of rapture. "My Lord, I knew that it was behind the genius that I saw on the muggle picture box. Only someone of your incomparable genius could make the muggles pay you for making them look so foolish while holding yourself to such a lofty place. I am truly awed at the genius of your ability to hide from the wizarding world while you regained your godlike powers and sense of comedic timing." Lucius finished on his knees, kissing the hem of the robe of his beloved master.
Lord Voldemort had no idea what the blond ponce was going on about, but he would not show any weakness in front of his slaves, so he dove into the mind of his moneyman. What he found gave him a raging headache as echoing throughout the mind of Lucious Malfoy was one word over and over, which had the effect of keeping the master Legilimencer from delving any deeper than the surface.
As Lord Voldemort withdrew from his mind, Lucious looked up into his master's eyes, a look of awe and love in his own eyes, and he made a request. "My master, if it pleases you, I would ask for a favor so that I may share your greatness with the world. I would ask if you would permit me, nay, permit all of us who know of your true power and genius, that is, if it is your will of course; may we call you ... Lord Bean?"
Harry burst into uncontrolled giggles at the look of surprise on Moldyshort's face, and the look of utter devotion on the simpering blond poofter's face who was kneeling before him. He couldn't wait to show this memory to his friends, and he felt that it was worth the wrath of Hermione for bonding Dobby to him, since it was Dobby who had gotten Rowan Atkinson's blood for him from the celebrity blood drive. Luna had told him what arm Peter would take the blood from, and Harry had decided that he didn't want the snake faced bastard to have even one drop of his own blood in the mix. Now the resurrected dork lord looked at himself in a hastily conjured mirror and he was not pleased at what he saw there. His new body was shorter than his original, had a bulbous nose, elastic face that showed all of his thoughts and emotions in over dramatized detail, ears that spread from his head as if trying to grant him flight, and the trade mark red eyes of the most feared dark lord ever. The uncontrolled giggles of Harry brought the attention of the dork lord and his junior psychos to the apparently helpless boy who was tied to the grave stone where Wormtail had put him.
Knowing that he had to play the scene out for his followers, Voldemort stalked his way toward Harry. Even if his new body was far from the ideal that he pictured, it was still a body which he would use to strike fear into the hearts of his enemies, and later on, he would create one that would speak to all who saw it of the power and majesty of its owner.
"So, here we have the great Harry Potter, the one some call the chosen one, the boy who lived, the defeater of me." Lord Voldemort paused his diatribe to look back at his followers, the expressive face he now possessed showing them his disdain at any who would believe that a child could defeat the greatest dark lord in history. After he allowed his followers time to laugh nervously, he once again turned to face the boy who had become his nemesis. "Before this night is over, all of Britain, no, all of the world will know of the greatness of Lord Voldemort and the fact that death cannot stop me, let alone a small boy. Why are you smiling like an idiot, did the sight of your parents killer defeating death addle your brain, or is it the terror of facing the greatest dark lord in history without the Weasley boy to protect you that made you lose contact with your sanity?"
Harry couldn't hold in his laughter anymore and his laughter echoed through the graveyard, leading many of the death eaters to agree with their lord about Potter losing his mind. Harry finally got control of his laughter, and began to breathe in long deep breathes trying to keep his laughter in check. When he was sure that he had himself under control, he decided to answer the megalomaniac before him.
"Tommy, Tommy, Tommy; I am not sure why you don't remember what kind of student Ronald Bilius Weasley was when you taught us first year, but I am sure you remember what happened to you when you and I faced off at the end of my first year. I am guessing that Ron bragged to Scabbers about how essential he was to me defeating you in first year, defeating your shade and the basilisk in second year, the dementors in third, and he probably told your death nibblers at Hogwarts that he was behind the strategies that helped get me through the tasks in the Merlin forsaken tournament that your agent entered me in. I really would wish you luck with your conquest of the world with Ronald Weasley as your follower, but I don't see this going much past this evening. My friends have worked hard to convince me that for the good of the wider world, this dance between us needs to end tonight."
Don't let her blue, big eyes fool you! Don't fall for that innocent face and the all-natural body! Luna Rival bangs like there's no tomorrow, licks, sucks and fucks with the same zeal, turning her content into a masterpiece worthy of my precious attention.Today, I want to discuss Luna Rival's official Twitter account just because tube websites are a fucking bore. Yeah, streaming full-length movies free of charge is great, but watching smut while sorry fuckers leave hateful...
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Luna 1: Drafted Chapter 6 Revelations A Whateley Academy tale By Irvine This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity. If you would like background information on the 'cannon' characters, see: For a copy...
The year is 2037 and it’s my eighteenth birthday, my name is Luna Johnson. I’m by far not your average girl. And have had quite the interesting life. I was born September 4th 2019. My parents were extremely liberal. They were really involved with the LGBTQ. And they hated Trump. They believed that there was no such thing as gender. I was born Asher Johnson. Yes I was born a male. It was around my 4th birthday when all of my c***dhood friends were girls, it was just our neighborhood. So...
Luna 1: Drafted Chapter 5 Freshers A Whateley Academy tale By Irvine This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity. If you would like background information on the 'cannon' characters, see: For a copy of...
I took a moment to admire her naked body; she was absolutely gorgeous. She had curves: lots of them, and they were all fantastic. Since Luna had fallen pregnant I found myself fantasising of nothing but energetic fornication with gravid young ladies. The merest sight of her pregnant form became intensely arousing, as I became desperate for sex with her. I sought out "preggo porn" on the Internet, and spent so much of my evenings watching expectant women fuck their way through masses of...
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Quickie SexLuna 1: Drafted Chapter 3 Poe A Whateley Academy tale By Irvine This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity. If you would like background information on the 'cannon' characters, see: For a copy of the campus map I am using, see: de/Map_v052.jpg For a plan of Poe Cottage...
These are the stories of Luna, A character created by Viredae on Literotica, this is a collection of short stories and side stories not told in her original story run, with Viredae's blessing and help. Luna is a girl who starts to lose bets and learns she is practically addicted to getting stripped and humiliated by people she knows.
Luna chapter 1 Drafted A Whateley Academy tale By Irvine This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity. Most of the jargon found in the Whateley Universe is fairly self explanatory, when common acronyms are used for the first time, I have included the expanded version as an explanation. If you would like a deeper explanation of the terms or background information on the 'cannon' characters,...
Luna 1: Drafted Chapter 2 Arrival A Whateley Academy tale By Irvine This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity. If you would like background information on the 'cannon' characters, see: For a copy of the campus map I am using, see: de/Map_v052.jpg Authors Note: In what...
Luna 1: Drafted Chapter 4 Shopping A Whateley Academy tale By Irvine This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity. If you would like background information on the 'cannon' characters, see: For a copy of the campus map I am using, see: de/Map_v052.jpg Authors note: I mention a...
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I had been chatting for some time online with a guy who said he liked crossdressers and loved getting his cock sucked. we chatted numerous nights, roleplayed online. i guess, i don't remember, but i guess i gave him my address. but i worked long changing hours. one thursdau night about 2 am i was coming home from worked, turned onto my street when i saw a strange car parked there. as i drove by its headlights came on and it pulled out following me. i parked in my driveway and watched as it...
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xmoviesforyouGary's Golf Outing Chapter 24 - Brad's Big Birthday Bash Gabrielle woke up early Saturday morning with morning wood, even though she had spilled a copious amount of cum the night before when Kay fucked her with her squirting dildo. I guess sleeping between two gorgeous girls all night could contribute to that condition. Kay had fucked Heather the night before, too, but, of course, Heather had no visible signs of arousal. "Would you like me to take care of that for you, Honey?" Kay...
Antonio had legally changed his last name to Miller, as it had originally been the same as a well-known Mafia boss. He was the epitome of a Madison Ave. Advertising agency writer and designer, and only thirty-two years old. Antonio had spent much of his time in college taking classes in Psychology, design and photography. His ability to see beyond the normal feelings of an individual were phenomenal, thereby allowing him to peek into the soul, and market an Ad that would sell refrigerators to...
Hello all ISS readers! This is my first attempt to pen down my real life experience with you all. Let me describe you myself: I am JAY from Ahmedabad, Gujarat and the heroine of this story is my cousin sis, Bittu. She is my Fia’s(my fathers sister) daughter. I am 27 year old now with good body build to make any girl fell in love with me. And I have completed my graduation with good degree. Lets come on the main point, THE VACATION FUN. Yea guys you are right this incident took place in...
IncestAaron had Tanith transport them to the clearing beside the transport platform that had not only carried Aaron to Andor originally but was also used by Ashanna in her search for Aaron. The clearing was just as overgrown as it had been when Lady Thalia first found the infant Aaron on the platform in his bassinet. Tanith raised her hands and swept the growth away with a murmur. Aaron immediately felt that recurring urge to plunge head long into the forest. Something was drawing him as it had...
Hi this is Raj, just turned 25. I live in Jallandhar. This is the story when I was in 12th standard. I was preparing for my boards and my parents had to go for a marriage in Amritsar for a couple of days in month of February. As I was alone in home, so my mother asked Rahul Bhaiya to sleep with me at my place as I study till late and it might not be possible for me to go to his place. As he was busy due to his office works and ever changing office hours, it was decided that Monica Bhabhi, Rahul...
IncestSo It’s not every day we get a girl who writes to us and tells us that she wants to be on with all the Big Timers. So when Daya Knight came to us after her volleyball practice ready to go, we were surprised. The surprises didn’t stop there either, Daya is a 36 Double D and they look spectacular. They are perfect in shape and softness You just want to play with them all day. Rub oil on them, suck them or even titty fuck them. Daya also has an incredibly thick ass. It was so...
xmoviesforyouHi friends, This is Vicky from Mumbai, Age-28, Good looking, 6 feet tall, handsome with big Lund. any female who is looking for fun & intimate relationship can contact me at I have been great fan of ISS and reading stories since long time. I too had lots of great experience and wanted to share with you all. This is my first story and this is about my girl friend and her mom. Both of them are extremely sexy and I was fortunate enough to fuck both of them. This is a true story. I met my girl...
What the hell was I thinking, suggesting that? “Clearly you weren’t thinking,” Penelope says. “A good fucking like that will do it.” Yes. I will agree with you on this one. “So you enjoyed it as much as I did?” I hate to admit it, but yes. “If you’re still in need, we can always stop to play,” the witch suggests, pulling out the stone cock from the gargoyle.” I’ll pass. What do you plan to do with that, use it as a dildo? “Maybe or maybe not,” she answers. “I may just put it on a shelf...
Opening the spell book to the page she needed Julia took a deep breath and began to chant, she knew the signs to look for if it was working. The rush of cold air, the lights going out and the unlit candles on the floor lighting on their own, and then the demon would appear to her and he would be at her disposal. However after almost ten minutes of chanting Julia was getting frustrated as nothing was happening. After another ten minutes she sighed and tossed the useless book away realizing that...
Hi, my name is Sonia. I am now a 22 year old and by now, I don’t know how many boys and men have used my body. By writing this series, I will try to recall each and every one of them. However, I will not mention the their real names. They are all my customers and it is against my professional ethics to expose them. What I can tell you is that I have had guys from all walks of society mauling me – from a peon to a mla from rich to poor from jammu to hyderabad and cochin….And from guwhati to...
"Amber, can I ask you something?" "Sure Mom." I tried to act nonchalant, but this could get uncomfortable. "There's been, talk. Among the Moms after PTA. Rumors, just talk." "About what." Oh fuck I thought, who talked. "Sex parties. Girls having sex with lots of boys." "Oh Mom, that probably just gossip. Or, Moms overreacting. Sure some of their daughters are having sex, it's.." "Yes I know. And you don't have to say it, I know of course you're on birth control,...
Mera naam atul hai main bombay se hu meri age 34/m hu muje ladki bhabhi ki chut chatna pasand hai aur dirty sex karna aur couple ke sath sex karna pasand hai aur ladki ki chut chatke uska pani pina aur uski peshab pina pasand hai koi ladki mujse sex karna ya koi couple sex karna chahta hai to mail me Yah stories muje mere ek reader ne bheji he jo me apko pesh karta hu Mera naam anita hay meri age 38 hogi mery pati ranjeet 48 kay hogay Per chudaie kay bohat shoqeen hay. Hamary poros may ek...
We’ve spent the entire night together. We met in the bar, making eye contact from across the room. It’s as if our destiny was to meet, to make eye contact at that very moment. We smiled at each other as he made his way over to me. I could feel my heart thumping. I knew tonight was the right night to do this. I made my choice early this morning. I was tired of being a virgin. I thought I was making the right choice in waiting, but it seemed to never happen for me. So, before I could change my...
Chapter 1"Oh, I'm good at following instructions and love to learn new things, kinda like a sponge," she said and smiled at the smart-looking gentleman who was about halfway between her age and her Dad‘s. "So you think maybe I might do? Shall I come back Friday? Anything in particular I should wear?" she asked.He chuckled at the rapid-fire questions. "You'll definitely do,” he replied, “let's see how it goes Friday but I think we’ll be a good match. There's no dress code as such but smart...