A Flawed DiamondChapter 17 free porn video

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The male member of Brock's security detail had regained his feet. He was angry and embarrassed that a 5-foot-5, 120-pound woman had knocked him on his backside.

"This is same woman we spotted trying to tail you home, Mr. Miller," he said. His voice was slightly slurred by the pain in his jaw. "She is the one driving a car with a false registration."

"I was not attempting to follow anyone home," Zoe said plainly. "I have no need to follow Mr. Miller. I have other ways of locating him if I want to. And you must have run my tag before early July. It takes time to get those things transferred. You can rest assured that no laws were violated."

She turned to face the angry security guard.

"And if you attempt to touch me one more time, you'll find yourself either in the hospital or a jail cell," she stated before turning back to Brock. "My name is Zoe Brewer. I am 23 years old. I believe my father is also your father. I am a deputy sheriff for Los Angeles County. If I wanted to know where you lived I would know where you lived. If I wanted to harm you, well, I think you already know how police officers can make people's lives hell. I simply want to talk to you. If your protection has seen me multiple times, it is not because I am stalking you. From what I've read about you, you seem to be a very nice person. But I have lived in Los Angeles my entire life. I know that what the public sees isn't always the same as reality. I wasn't certain I wanted to approach you. I wanted to make sure you were a person I wanted to know before I actually took a chance on getting to know you. There! Are your fears alleviated?"

Brock found himself smiling at the woman who might be his half-sister. She was feisty, that was for certain. He wondered if perhaps his temper had spawned from his father and not from his mother, as he had always suspected.

The guards were watching Brock's reaction closely. Although it was common for long-lost relatives to pop out of the woodwork with a player hit the big time, Brock Miller was actually earning less money as a baseball player than he was collecting on interest on his court settlement from Lewis County.

"Let's find a spot to sit and talk," he decided. "I hope you understand that I have to be very cautious. I don't disbelieve you. It's just that I have no frame of reference. My mother always told me that we would discuss my father 'when the time was right.' She died before we reached that time."

Zoe let out a long sigh but nodded.

"I do understand," she said. "How about this: I'll give my driver's license to your protection detail. They will know where to find me if I somehow manage to kidnap you. We can sit in a very public place and have what most would consider a very private conversation. On the other hand, I can also understand that you probably don't trust very many people. I certainly wouldn't if I were in your place."

"Are you armed?" the female security guard wondered.

"Not at the moment," Zoe answered. She held open her purse to show there was no handgun inside.

"If you're a cop then you know that's the last place to keep a weapon," the male guard stated. "How about on your person? A professional would carry her weapon in an ankle or thigh holster."

"And I am a professional," Zoe said bluntly. "But today I am unarmed. Short of frisking me, you're just going to have to take my word for it."

She reached into her purse and pulled out her official identification. She didn't pass it to the guards but she did offer up her driver's license.

"How about a surety bond?" Brock joked. He was satisfied that, even if this woman wasn't who she claimed to be, she wasn't there to do him ill.

"I'd have to borrow it from you," Zoe replied with a smile. She paused for a moment. "Brock, that's not why I'm here. I don't want anything from you and I won't accept it if you offer it. I am here to see if we might be related. If we find out we are, then we'll decide if we want to become friends or not. But I'm not here to ask you for a favor or a handout. I guess I should have opened my little gambit with that but I got a little flustered when you started to scream."

"You were flustered?" Brock asked with another smile. "I've gotten six letters – as recently as last week – from a woman who has either been played by a con artist or who is completely whacked out of her gourd. Hell, I'd probably be happier if you were armed. Then again, I saw that you are pretty dangerous even without a gun. You could have snapped my neck or stabbed me or shot me before I could have blinked. I'm interested in what you have say – potentially. So let's go across to the bistro for lunch. We can grab a table outside and these guys can sit close by. We'll chat and see where it goes. But I have to be at the park in a couple of hours so we might have to continue our discussion later."

"Deal," Zoe replied.

Brock asked his protection detail to sit at a table near the door – to discourage autograph seekers more than anything else. It was going to be tough enough to get through a conversation with a woman who might be his last living relative without having it interrupted a half dozen times.

Zoe got to the point as soon as they were seated.

"Does the name Robert Brewer mean anything to you?" she asked.

Brock thought for a moment and then shook his head. She produced a picture from her purse and passed it across.

"Do you recognize this woman?" she asked. Brock felt the familiar stab of pain that always lanced through him when he thought about his mother. Unable to speak for a moment, he simply nodded.

He found his voice after taking a sip of iced tea.

"That's my mom," he answered. Zoe gave him a soft smile and tapped the man in the picture.

"That's my dad," she said. "This was taken at his senior prom. He graduated from Lafayette High School a year before you were born."

"The same year as Mom," Brock confirmed.

"I read your biography, it says you were born in May," Zoe continued.

"June," Brock corrected. Zoe looked confused so he explained about emancipation and changing his birthday to match his mother's.

"That makes even more sense," Zoe replied. It was Brock's turn to be puzzled.

"My Dad grew up in Wilkins," she said. "He left there and moved to Hollywood. He wanted to become a famous actor, I suppose. He landed a couple of small roles but things didn't pan out. He married my mother in February and I came along in November. I'll turn 24 in a couple of months."

"So he was already married to your Mom when I was born," Brock pointed out. "Why do you think this man is my father?"

Zoe frowned slightly. She had hoped to tell the story sequentially but she understood Brock's growing anticipation.

"It's actually third-hand information," she related. "My father told my mother and she told me. She didn't mention you by name but I pieced enough things together to realize who she was talking about."

"And what does your father say?" Brock wondered.

"He died when I was seven," Zoe told him. "You would have just turned eight, I guess."

"I'm sorry," Brock replied earnestly. Zoe only shrugged.

"Truthfully, I probably knew him about as well as you did," she admitted. "My Dad didn't land many acting roles but he was in a bunch of movies. He was a stunt man."

"A stunt man?" Brock parroted.

"You know, the guy who takes the bumps in a fight scene or drives the car during a chase," Zoe clarified.

"I know what it is," Brock said. Zoe simply nodded.

"He was always gone," Zoe told him. "He was either on a set or on location somewhere. I would see him two or three days a month, sometimes not that often. From what I understand, I don't really remember much about it, but he was hurt – paralyzed on a shoot for an action film. He developed pneumonia and died about four months later."

"Okay," Brock said. Zoe sighed this time.

"While he was still able, he told my mother about your mother," she said. "At least I'm almost positive it was your mother. He had stopped back in Wilkins for something or another – maybe a class reunion or something – and ran into her, and you, while he was there. He told my Mom that he had tried to get your Mom to move to Hollywood with him when he first came over but I guess her parents didn't like him or something. I don't really know that part."

Brock barely remembered his grandparents – and the memories he did have weren't fond ones.

"Well, that part is certainly accurate," he said. "I don't think there was a man, woman or child on the face of the planet who my grandparents did like. I count myself among the group of disliked."

Zoe smiled slightly and nodded.

"I'm pretty sure that dad contacted your mom when things started to go downhill for him," she continued. "At least that's the impression my mom left me with. Your mom wasn't interested in anything he had to say. Still, he changed his will a week or so before he passed away. He left half of his estate to your mom for your benefit. My mom was pretty unhappy when she learned about it."

Brock tilted his head and pursed his lips. It had to be a pretty insubstantial estate because he didn't recall there ever being much money in the house. In fact, one of the watershed moments of his life was when he realized exactly how much his mom had gone without in order to give him something he wanted. Zoe recognized the look on Brock's face for it was.

"I understand that your mom sent a letter to dad's attorney," she said. "Your mom told him that my dad never had shown interest in being your father while he was living and it seemed pretty stupid to make the attempt once he was dead. She turned the money back to his estate."

It wasn't a far stretch for Brock to imagine his mother writing the letter. She was fiercely independent.

"If mom didn't go with him to Hollywood, it wasn't because her parents didn't want her to," he said firmly. "It was because she didn't want to go. I think my mom might be the only person in the world my grandparents were smart enough not to try to bully. Anyway, enough of ancient history. Your mom can probably tell us if we have the same father or not. If she doesn't know for certain, DNA will give us the answer. I'm more interested in learning a bit about you."

"Mom won't be able to help," Zoe said softly. Brock saw the same look on her face that sometimes crossed his countenance: utter sadness.

"I'm truly sorry for your loss," he said.

Zoe looked up with wet eyes and smiled sadly.

"It's still a little raw for me," she admitted. "She died last winter. She worked at a pharmacy in Glendale. Two meth-heads got pissy because they couldn't buy any more Sudafed. They shot the place up. I'd been a cop for less than six weeks when my mother was murdered."

Brock shook his head solemnly. The sudden loss of the only person in the world who cared for you was devastating no matter what age you were when it happened.

"That's why the car registration came back to my mother," she added. "She had it leased. I was the executor of her estate, so I had to wait until everything was probated before I could pay off the lease and transfer it to my name."

She paused briefly.

"So if it does turn out that we're brother and sister, I guess we're the last family either of us has," she said.

Brock hated to end the conversation but he had a baseball game in a few hours. He was already going to have to skip going home and head straight to the stadium.

"Do you want to come to the game tonight?" he asked. "I mean, I don't know your work schedule or anything but we might have some time to visit afterward."

"I'd like to but I can't," Zoe said. "I work the 4-to-12 shift this month and Saturdays are all hands on deck. In fact, we're both going to have to run. I know you're heading east for 10 days right after the game tomorrow. I don't have vacation yet. I'm still probationary for another two months. I usually have Sundays and Mondays off, though."

"I'm off the Monday we get back from Milwaukee," Brock pointed out. "Let's swap information and we'll see if we can get to know a little bit about the other via e-mail or something. I know it sucks but I don't really see any other option."

"Me either," Zoe said. "Still, I pretty well know most of your life story. Mine's pretty boring and I've already hit the high points. It would be nice to know that there is someone in the world who might be related to me. Meanwhile, I'll see if I can come up with the numbers of a reputable DNA lab. Even if we decide we don't want to hang out very much, it will be nice to know."

"It will," Brock agreed as they parted company. "And Zoe, I'm glad you made contact even if you did scare the crap out me."

"Hey, I'm a cop, remember," she joked. "I would have protected you even from myself. I am truly sorry if my arrival has steered your security team away from whoever is threatening you."

Meredith was the only member of his entourage still in Los Angeles, so Brock looked for her along the third base line. As usual, when he wanted to talk about something, she was nowhere to be found.

Al noticed Brock's distraction immediately though and pulled him aside after batting practice.

"What's up, Rook?" he asked.

Brock let out a sigh.

"I found out this afternoon that I might have a half-sister," Brock replied. It was just about the last response Al had expected. Most relatives come out of the woodwork as soon as any amount of money landed on the table.

"Seriously?" he asked.

"I guess so," Brock told him.

"I thought, well, I didn't think you knew much about your dad," Al said with uncustomary diplomacy. It wasn't a big deal in his neighborhood in New York City. In fact, most of the people he grew up around could have had doubts about their parentage.

"I don't," Brock said. "Or at least I didn't. I still might not. This woman approached me today. She had a picture of my mom with her dad. I guess they dated in high school or something. Her dad moved down here after graduation. I don't know if he knew my mom was pregnant or what. He was a stunt man for the movies. He died about 15 years ago after an accident. Zoe, that's her name by the way, Zoe Brewer. Anyway, she got the information from her mother who supposedly got it from her father. She didn't know for certain but she said she pieced together enough clues to figure out it was me they were talking about."

Al nodded slowly. He wanted to formulate his response carefully. If the woman did turn out to be related, a harsh retort could cause a lot of harm to the friendship he had developed with Brock. With a sigh, he asked what he needed to ask.

"Are you sure it isn't a scam of some sort?" he wondered. He knew there were times when Brock felt alone in the world. The thought of having a family member might cause him to ignore danger signs.

"No, I'm not sure of anything right now," Brock said truthfully. "But it's a pretty elaborate scam if it is. She's a sheriff's deputy. My security guys called to verify that much. We're going to investigate reputable DNA labs over the next few weeks."

Brock gave a half-smile.

"She kicked the crap out of one of my security guys when he grabbed her from behind," he said with a chuckle. "I mean, she literally knocked him on his ass. And those guys are no joke. It's just a lot to take in at one time. I wish I had time to call my second family before I got here but it took me too long to figure out what I thought of the whole situation."

"What do you think?" Al prodded gently.

"Damned if I know," Brock answered with a full laugh this time. "I mean, if it's true, it might be cool to have a little sister. She seemed really nice and I could see us getting along pretty well. If it turns out she misunderstood the clues, I hope I'm not too disappointed."

"Just make sure she doesn't have an ulterior motive," Al advised. "And you might consider having Cynthia Lu run a full background check on her."

Brock looked at the clock when he arrived home. He knew it was past three a.m. in the east so he couldn't call Jen. Melanie and Tara were probably asleep, too. Chastity was in Miami, back at work with the national team. Emmy wouldn't return to Los Angeles for another two weeks. Merie had proven to be a remarkably unreliable friend and Brock wasn't sure where he stood with Sam. Randi was God knew where, somewhere in the middle of her 45-date summer tour.

He doubted any of them would mind being awakened by the news Brock wanted to share but he figured Susan was probably the only one who hadn't been asleep for hours. She was probably the one who could give him the best insight on the matter, since she remembered his mother almost as well as he did. So he dialed her number.

She answered on the second ring.

"Hey," he said. "Sorry for calling so late. I hope I didn't wake you."

"I was in bed but not asleep yet," Susan replied. "What's up?"

Brock wasn't sure how to begin the conversation.

"I ran into someone today," he started. "Uh, do you remember the picture I showed you when you guys were up here?"

"Of course," Susan said, concern evident in her voice. "Brock, are you OK?"

"I'm fine," he said. "Well, sort of fine. Look, Suze, she said she was my sister."

"Your what?" Susan asked, her voice rising with alarm.

"She said she's my sister," Brock repeated. "Well, half-sister anyway. She said we have the same father."

"Is she right?" Susan wondered.

"I don't know," Brock admitted. "Possibly. She had a picture of my mom and her dad from high school. I was born less than a year after mom graduated. It sort of makes sense."

"Did you meet him?" Susan inquired. "What's he like?"

"Dead," Brock answered. "He died even before mom did. She said he was hurt on a movie set. Zoe's mom is dead, too. I'm just not sure what to think right now."

"This was the woman who was sending you those awful letters," Susan said.

"No," Brock cut in. "At least I don't think it was her. She's a cop here in L.A."

"Really," Susan said. "So she's older than you? That doesn't make much sense."

"She's younger," Brock clarified. "She's your age. You and she are about six months apart. She's still a trainee with the sheriff's department. I didn't really get the chance to talk to her much. She had to get to work and so did I."

Susan was still in bed, staring at the ceiling. She wasn't certain how she felt about a relative of Brock's coming forward. She was smart enough to know that one of the reasons he had stayed so close to her, Tara, Jen and Mel was because he really had no one else to be close to. A sister might cause their relationships, already difficult in terms of distance, to change further.

"Do you plan to see her again?" Susan asked.

"Of course," Brock insisted. "I'm on another road trip next week but we're planning to get together when I get back."

"I guess that's good," Susan relented.

"You guess?" Brock asked, anger seeping into his voice. "Susan, I have managed to get myself fed and where I've needed to be without you guys for a while now. I've somehow managed to keep from setting myself on fire or falling into the clutches of evil, scheming women who want to separate me from my money. I don't need you to protect me from the big, bad world any more than you need me to protect you from it."

Same as A Flawed Diamond
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My Girlfriend8217s Threesome Fantasy

This is your boy Ronak again with the most awaited threesome fantasy story of this series. I finally fucked my girlfriend and her sister at the same time. Sorry, I took a long gap from posting because I had college projects. But before starting, let me give you guys a quick reintroduction. I’m Ronak, age 21, and studying Engineering. I have a hot girlfriend, Asmita (20), in the same college as mi. She has a cute little sister Priyanka (19). Before starting, read to catch up on the series. So...

3 years ago
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First ChillChapter 4

Nick continued his Tale, remaining in ancient Siam. “I awaited Chanda’s return, Sokhen my sole companion. I continued telling her history stories, and we continued making love, even better than before. In three months her pregnancy began to become apparent, though subtly and easily hidden. Not that she felt any need to hide it. She cherished it, a most wondrous souvenir of our time together. But in her disguise as a shy nerd, more in her head than her heart or loins, she hid her body as much...

3 years ago
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GND 30Chapter 41

As I reluctantly dragged my butt towards the hospital, resignedly enduring the usual SoCal crawling commute, somehow resisting the temptation to make a screeching U-turn and head back home, I considered how much more fun my life was since I’d gotten together with Mel. Max is a great canine companion, but ... he’s a dog, not a human. Mel knocks spots off of him in so very many ways. Mel’s lips on mine, or Max’s tongue attempting to lick my face? – no contest. Max has been knocked into...

3 years ago
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Piss Drinking Couple Part 2

Introduction: Doris and Jim keep on going Doris and I slept like we were dead for several days. An orgy of sex like we had been on took a lot out of a person. By the sixth day both Doris and I were getting skittish. We had let go and enjoyed all the sex we had and were now ready for some more. I want more cock and I believe that you do too, Doris said to me as she kissed me deeply. I felt her tongue snake its way into our mouths. The only thing thats missing is that your throat isnt coated with...

4 years ago
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Dale looked up from his newspaper and smiled inwardly to himself. His wife Joy had just then come into the kitchen heading immediately towards the sink where she stood rinsing out her coffee cup before pouring herself a fresh one. He smiled, because she really was a joy to look at, never failing to arouse him whenever he saw her, especially when he saw her as she was now, wearing only a man's tee-shirt and nothing else. Her tight firm little behind was peeking out at him beneath the short hem...

2 years ago
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I Hate It When That HappensChapter 11

I'd have to think long and hard before I gave the mama a try at taming. What the hell, I had time, since she was going to be with us for at least three weeks. I could see where it would be beyond valuable to get her on my side too and from the way she was already seeming accustomed to her surroundings I was no longer dismissing the idea out of hand. It might be possible. It was time to leave her alone for now though because on my way to her cage I'd noticed that we had some more prospects...

3 years ago
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Secretaries Revenge

Secretary's Revenge by Cindy V. Femdom, TV, humiliation "Here's your bonus check, boss." That was Nancy, my beautiful secretary, handing me an envelope with my check. Long, silky blonde hair. A wonderful face and body. She would selectively accentuate one part of her body at a time. Sometimes she would wear a short dress and heels to call attention to her long and perfectly proportioned legs. Other times she would hide those gorgeous legs beneath an ankle length skirt, but her...

3 years ago
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Working Girl 9

Working Girl 9 By Susan Brown. 1 Next morning, I woke up not knowing quite where I was. I had a hangover. My head felt as if it had been stuck it in a vice and someone was turning the screw. I could hear a hammering noise right next to my head. My bleary eyes cleared a bit and I realised that the banging was the clock, ticking next to the lumpy settee that I was lying on. I looked down at myself and saw that I was wearing a short pink satin nightie and then some of it came...

2 years ago
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Harry was not having a good year, firstly, he was 'volunteered' for the Triwizard cup yet no-one would believe him when he denied having entering it. Like his life needed more danger. Secondly, and most importantly, Ron, being the idiot he was, yelled at then promptly ignored Harry the night right after his name popped out of the Goblet. Still, one must look at the good things at life, at least Hermione still believed him. It was because of these events, that Harry trudged down to the great...

2 years ago
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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 85

When the small caravan had started east once more, Eli rode alongside the young Mexican who spoke in broken English. They kept up a conversation as best they could as he walked beside Eli’s horse. Motioning toward the four young women with the flock of sheep, Eli asked, “your sisters?” “Si. She is, Silvia, Luisa, Marita, and Ana Maria.” “How old are they?” “Silvia, she is, how you say? sixteen? “She looks much younger.” “No, no. Ana Maria, she younger. She, how you say?...

1 year ago
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Movie Night

It was a cold November evening and I was relaxing at home. It was 7:45 and I had called my boyfriend, Blair, then, like me, a highschool senior, and asked him to come over at 8 and watch some movies with me. My family had left earlier in the day to go to one of my 12-yr-old brother's soccer tournaments. I had just been lounging around in a fluffy yellow towel after my shower so I went upstairs to change. I put on Blair's latest present to me, a black bra, and added my favourite pair of black...

First Time
2 years ago
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Dream State

DREAM STATE - by: snow_girl It's been a long time since I finished a story, but this one just tumbled out. I hope you like it, and thank you to everyone who helped me out of my writer's block. There's a bunch of story fragments laying around that I haven't done very much with, so if you like this style of story, feel free to write me if you want to collaborate. I love getting e-mail and I always respond to it, so send me a note at: [email protected] And this story can be...

2 years ago
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Cheerleader Tryouts

I put on my blue-and-white pleated cheerleader skirt and my white fuzzy sweater and admired myself in the mirror. Though I had just turned 18 last week and knew I was still blossoming, I had already filled out nicely. My 35c-23-34 figure looked awesome in my cheerleader outfit, and my long blonde hair and blue eyes finished the picture off very nicely, I thought. I smiled as I looked at myself and then smoothed my clothes again and ran downstairs. Just before I got to the front door, my mom...

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Campaign of Poltergeists MaraudersChapter 9

Woken up to an emergency in the night As we were waiting for repairs to be finished, we were training and relaxing and dealing with the million and one things needed to keep a mercenary company going. Darius woke me up just after 1am to report a medical emergency. The Med-techs reported that Hammer had slipped into a coma and his vital signs were slowly dropping. Our med-bays were good for the area where we are but they are not the same as a full hospital on a planet in the Inner Sphere or...

3 years ago
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Stephanie part 7

I have a wide grin on my face as I hold up the small, brightly-coloured CD case, turning my face so that each of the cameras can get a clear view of me- and, of course, the CD, which is the real star of the show. I'm wearing a very slinky, silvery red- grey dress that has a halter neck and a short, tight skirt. My waist is taken in a couple of inches by an elasticated waist cincher and my chest is 'enhanced' by a strapless padded bra. My hairless legs are encased in thin, translucent...

4 years ago
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honeymoon part2

So now he and Kim were on their honeymoon. The island resort in the Caribbean she had selected was probably the most exclusive and the most expensive in the world. They had the most expensive villa--$40,000 a night it would cost him. The resort consisted of the whole island. Each villa was isolated. Theirs was more than two miles from any other habitation. It was huge and breathtaking, spectacularly furnished, and located on their own private pearl of a beach. There was a whole staff of...

3 years ago
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Best of YouChapter 5 Cindys Birthday

July 15th was Cindy’s birthday, her sixteenth birthday, the BIG birthday, the one that would allow her to begin dating. And Henry was scared shitless for two reasons. Make that three. The first was the gift. What could he get her that would not set her parents off but at the same time shows that he cares for her, The second was meeting her parents. What was he going to say to them? You should be really proud of your daughter, she gives a mean handjob? Would they know that he had fondled...

3 years ago
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Cuckolded by His SonChapter 2

The next afternoon Rob waited around the corner till he saw his mom jogging across the junction and along the street to her house; then he hung around for another ten minutes before heading to his parents house and letting himself in through the back door. He quietly passed through the kitchen and began to climb the stairs. Just as he got to five steps from the top he stopped dead in his tracks; his mother was not in the shower as he expected; for he could hear her moaning in the bedroom. He...

2 years ago
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False Imprisonment

Having visited a morning magistrate's court in one in one of the UK's major cities some years ago. I was a little surprised at the way many cases especially of prostitution were pushed through at such high speed. Thinking back on my visit the bones of this story emerged. I am sure what happened below is surely not possible, or is it? Tony woke up with a start as the cell door clanged and a police officer walked in with his breakfast. "Here you are miss, you had better hurry up and eat, you...

4 years ago
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working offshore

for years now i have worked away and i have always gave my wife freedom to enjoy life whilst i'm away within reason. she goes away with the girls and has weekends away with them having drinks and spa days. i work hard but when i come home we play hard our sex life was great she gives me everything but lately i have noticed she doesn't cum as much and she is isn't as active. just before i had to back offshore for 3 weeks i sat Jane down and said was there something up cos this last trip home our...

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Harriet was never the most attractive girl. Even as a youngster only her father would ever call her beautiful. She was thin to the point of being skinny, her almost jet black hair was naturally greasy so had to be cut and kept short, and washed daily. Her nose was narrow and pointed, her chin likewise, and her dark eyes looked too large on her already small face. Her bra size never increased beyond an AA, and even her nipples were tiny and dark. Despite looking somewhat unhealthy, she was in...

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Defacing Mom

She'd come to Michael's apartment for a simple discussion, that was all. But somehow she had ended up like this, about to become the bull's-eye for a perverted game of target practice. She'd already taken off her delicate silk blouse to keep it from being ruined, and her large tits hung heavily as they strained against the lacy white cups of her bra. Donna knew she shouldn't allow this wicked scene to progress any further, and yet she couldn't remember the last time she'd felt so...

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Cupids Kiss Ch 02

Stepping out of the plane Melissa took a look around and felt nature’s beauty calm her ruffled nerves. The golden sun was going down behind a green mountain, casting rays that made the clouds in the sky seem like layers of blood floating, mingling and threatening to pour down. Insects had begun to sing their night songs and the last chirps from the birds indicated the descending darkness that was soon going to shroud the trees. ‘Feels good to breathe in the fresh air doesn’t it?’ said Psyche...

3 years ago
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Sweet Revenge

My name is Peter and I need to tell you a story about growing up in hell. Grandma Miller was a bitch. When I was little, I hated her nasty ass with every fiber of my body. Hell, even as I think back on it today, I still get sick thinking about her and just want to fart! Probably not the relationship you would think a young boy would have with his grandma. But Grandma Miller was not one of those sweethearts that hugged her grandchildren and gave them home baked cookies. She was one of those...

4 years ago
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Daddys Little GirlChapter 10

We had a light lunch in Springfield, made the required pit stop, and then headed out to on the next leg of the trip. Most of Ohio is flat, boring countryside driving. They also have a fifty-five mile per hour speed restriction on trucks, so we kept the CB tuned to channel 19 listening for other truckers' warnings of radar traps. Eventually we made our way through Ohio and crossed into West Virginia just below Wheeling. If you sneezed at this point you missed West Virginia and found yourself...

2 years ago
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WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW:This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them.This is a story around a mother, Olivia (Liv) and her daughter, Patricia (Pat). Olivia is 49 and Patricia is 22, the youngest of three c***dren. Olivia has dark brunette hair...

1 year ago
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A Friend of a Friend

It was a boring Thursday night, so I clicked on my Twitter app. So much crap that people thought I might want to read, but they were very wrong. Then I saw that my friend Jeff had favorited a tweet from one of his friends, a very attractive friend, named Tonja. The tweet was snarky, yet funny, and she had my attention. I figured it would be a good idea to check out her profile and that was an excellent decision. Although she didn’t smile in a single picture, it was clear that there was quite...

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GuardianChapter 2

Andrea giggled as she listened to Sheriff Dan Brown explain about his coming into the diner for lunch and finding Myra and her sister-in-law Elizabeth Johnson worked up over the fact that Myra had allowed a total stranger to bring her lunch, without demanding proof of identification. "Between the two of'em," the middle-aged lawman chuckled, "they have you being held hostage, raped, and sliced to pieces in the trunk of the man's car. I told'em they've been watching too many movies, but...

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Linda Learns the Facts of LifeChapter 2

Little Linda Lonnigan or better known in local Gentlemen’s Club’s circles as Destiny, the college girl with “Double-D” God-given boobs of glory. She worked the midnight shift every weekend making more “tax-free” cash in a single weekend than most girls her age made in a month typing, or dishing up hash at the local excuse for a restaurant with take-outs on the side. Linda was smart enough to understand she was in what could loosely be termed a “sex-worker’s” industry and that her product was...

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With Strength and SteelChapter 8

Sure enough, the next day, Billy, Aunt Gene and Aunt Annie were all eagerly awaiting my arrival to the point that they were all lying in wait when I got to work at 10am, which was really early for a Witch - they tended to work best at night. The apprentices had told what they'd witnessed, which would have been quite confusing considering they didn't know anything about either Andras or myself. That and they weren't yet trained in how to read people, so that was another level to...

1 year ago
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Should I encourage her more

Should I encourage her more? By cdveronica Last night my wife and I had a wonderful time. But I'd like to know what you think may be happening and what I should do. My wife and I were in the living room reading the paper and watching TV. She left the room for a few minutes. When she returned, she was wearing a short light green silk nightie. She didn't say anything and just sat back down on the couch. "Are you ready for bed?" I asked. "No not necessarily," she replied....

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The Shower0

"How did you know I was home?" I ask. You laugh and say, "I was lying on the bed reading when I heard your car pull up. I had been fantasizing all morning about showering with you, so I thought I'd make my fantasies come true. The water's nice and warm, so are you going to join me or not?" you ask as you open the curtain and peek out. You see me standing there naked and you smile. "Well, I guess you are," you say with a look of contentment. I step into the shower and you...

2 years ago
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Awakening to the Gayland

You open your eyes to darkness. You are curled into a ball in a tight, confined space, what feels like wood all around you. Despite just being born, you have enough information about the world to get by. You run through these facts in a mental list: -You are an adult man. -You can see, hear, taste, smell, and feel things. -You have the ability to move, hunt, work, create things, solve problems, eat, drink, sleep, and have sex. -Eating, drinking and sleeping are priorities to live. -You do not...

2 years ago
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Her Mom and I help her LOSE her Virginity

I had a nice house but had a small fire one day that required me to get a rental home in a really shitty trailer park here in North Georgia. The place was ok but crowed with young single parent mom's and their equally slutty trailer trash daughters that would hang around all day with no job or anything else for that matter except a welfare check every month, which they used on beer and cigarettes, and their government paid trailer homes.One good thing about it was that since I worked from home...

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