A Flawed DiamondChapter 17 free porn video

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The male member of Brock's security detail had regained his feet. He was angry and embarrassed that a 5-foot-5, 120-pound woman had knocked him on his backside.

"This is same woman we spotted trying to tail you home, Mr. Miller," he said. His voice was slightly slurred by the pain in his jaw. "She is the one driving a car with a false registration."

"I was not attempting to follow anyone home," Zoe said plainly. "I have no need to follow Mr. Miller. I have other ways of locating him if I want to. And you must have run my tag before early July. It takes time to get those things transferred. You can rest assured that no laws were violated."

She turned to face the angry security guard.

"And if you attempt to touch me one more time, you'll find yourself either in the hospital or a jail cell," she stated before turning back to Brock. "My name is Zoe Brewer. I am 23 years old. I believe my father is also your father. I am a deputy sheriff for Los Angeles County. If I wanted to know where you lived I would know where you lived. If I wanted to harm you, well, I think you already know how police officers can make people's lives hell. I simply want to talk to you. If your protection has seen me multiple times, it is not because I am stalking you. From what I've read about you, you seem to be a very nice person. But I have lived in Los Angeles my entire life. I know that what the public sees isn't always the same as reality. I wasn't certain I wanted to approach you. I wanted to make sure you were a person I wanted to know before I actually took a chance on getting to know you. There! Are your fears alleviated?"

Brock found himself smiling at the woman who might be his half-sister. She was feisty, that was for certain. He wondered if perhaps his temper had spawned from his father and not from his mother, as he had always suspected.

The guards were watching Brock's reaction closely. Although it was common for long-lost relatives to pop out of the woodwork with a player hit the big time, Brock Miller was actually earning less money as a baseball player than he was collecting on interest on his court settlement from Lewis County.

"Let's find a spot to sit and talk," he decided. "I hope you understand that I have to be very cautious. I don't disbelieve you. It's just that I have no frame of reference. My mother always told me that we would discuss my father 'when the time was right.' She died before we reached that time."

Zoe let out a long sigh but nodded.

"I do understand," she said. "How about this: I'll give my driver's license to your protection detail. They will know where to find me if I somehow manage to kidnap you. We can sit in a very public place and have what most would consider a very private conversation. On the other hand, I can also understand that you probably don't trust very many people. I certainly wouldn't if I were in your place."

"Are you armed?" the female security guard wondered.

"Not at the moment," Zoe answered. She held open her purse to show there was no handgun inside.

"If you're a cop then you know that's the last place to keep a weapon," the male guard stated. "How about on your person? A professional would carry her weapon in an ankle or thigh holster."

"And I am a professional," Zoe said bluntly. "But today I am unarmed. Short of frisking me, you're just going to have to take my word for it."

She reached into her purse and pulled out her official identification. She didn't pass it to the guards but she did offer up her driver's license.

"How about a surety bond?" Brock joked. He was satisfied that, even if this woman wasn't who she claimed to be, she wasn't there to do him ill.

"I'd have to borrow it from you," Zoe replied with a smile. She paused for a moment. "Brock, that's not why I'm here. I don't want anything from you and I won't accept it if you offer it. I am here to see if we might be related. If we find out we are, then we'll decide if we want to become friends or not. But I'm not here to ask you for a favor or a handout. I guess I should have opened my little gambit with that but I got a little flustered when you started to scream."

"You were flustered?" Brock asked with another smile. "I've gotten six letters – as recently as last week – from a woman who has either been played by a con artist or who is completely whacked out of her gourd. Hell, I'd probably be happier if you were armed. Then again, I saw that you are pretty dangerous even without a gun. You could have snapped my neck or stabbed me or shot me before I could have blinked. I'm interested in what you have say – potentially. So let's go across to the bistro for lunch. We can grab a table outside and these guys can sit close by. We'll chat and see where it goes. But I have to be at the park in a couple of hours so we might have to continue our discussion later."

"Deal," Zoe replied.

Brock asked his protection detail to sit at a table near the door – to discourage autograph seekers more than anything else. It was going to be tough enough to get through a conversation with a woman who might be his last living relative without having it interrupted a half dozen times.

Zoe got to the point as soon as they were seated.

"Does the name Robert Brewer mean anything to you?" she asked.

Brock thought for a moment and then shook his head. She produced a picture from her purse and passed it across.

"Do you recognize this woman?" she asked. Brock felt the familiar stab of pain that always lanced through him when he thought about his mother. Unable to speak for a moment, he simply nodded.

He found his voice after taking a sip of iced tea.

"That's my mom," he answered. Zoe gave him a soft smile and tapped the man in the picture.

"That's my dad," she said. "This was taken at his senior prom. He graduated from Lafayette High School a year before you were born."

"The same year as Mom," Brock confirmed.

"I read your biography, it says you were born in May," Zoe continued.

"June," Brock corrected. Zoe looked confused so he explained about emancipation and changing his birthday to match his mother's.

"That makes even more sense," Zoe replied. It was Brock's turn to be puzzled.

"My Dad grew up in Wilkins," she said. "He left there and moved to Hollywood. He wanted to become a famous actor, I suppose. He landed a couple of small roles but things didn't pan out. He married my mother in February and I came along in November. I'll turn 24 in a couple of months."

"So he was already married to your Mom when I was born," Brock pointed out. "Why do you think this man is my father?"

Zoe frowned slightly. She had hoped to tell the story sequentially but she understood Brock's growing anticipation.

"It's actually third-hand information," she related. "My father told my mother and she told me. She didn't mention you by name but I pieced enough things together to realize who she was talking about."

"And what does your father say?" Brock wondered.

"He died when I was seven," Zoe told him. "You would have just turned eight, I guess."

"I'm sorry," Brock replied earnestly. Zoe only shrugged.

"Truthfully, I probably knew him about as well as you did," she admitted. "My Dad didn't land many acting roles but he was in a bunch of movies. He was a stunt man."

"A stunt man?" Brock parroted.

"You know, the guy who takes the bumps in a fight scene or drives the car during a chase," Zoe clarified.

"I know what it is," Brock said. Zoe simply nodded.

"He was always gone," Zoe told him. "He was either on a set or on location somewhere. I would see him two or three days a month, sometimes not that often. From what I understand, I don't really remember much about it, but he was hurt – paralyzed on a shoot for an action film. He developed pneumonia and died about four months later."

"Okay," Brock said. Zoe sighed this time.

"While he was still able, he told my mother about your mother," she said. "At least I'm almost positive it was your mother. He had stopped back in Wilkins for something or another – maybe a class reunion or something – and ran into her, and you, while he was there. He told my Mom that he had tried to get your Mom to move to Hollywood with him when he first came over but I guess her parents didn't like him or something. I don't really know that part."

Brock barely remembered his grandparents – and the memories he did have weren't fond ones.

"Well, that part is certainly accurate," he said. "I don't think there was a man, woman or child on the face of the planet who my grandparents did like. I count myself among the group of disliked."

Zoe smiled slightly and nodded.

"I'm pretty sure that dad contacted your mom when things started to go downhill for him," she continued. "At least that's the impression my mom left me with. Your mom wasn't interested in anything he had to say. Still, he changed his will a week or so before he passed away. He left half of his estate to your mom for your benefit. My mom was pretty unhappy when she learned about it."

Brock tilted his head and pursed his lips. It had to be a pretty insubstantial estate because he didn't recall there ever being much money in the house. In fact, one of the watershed moments of his life was when he realized exactly how much his mom had gone without in order to give him something he wanted. Zoe recognized the look on Brock's face for it was.

"I understand that your mom sent a letter to dad's attorney," she said. "Your mom told him that my dad never had shown interest in being your father while he was living and it seemed pretty stupid to make the attempt once he was dead. She turned the money back to his estate."

It wasn't a far stretch for Brock to imagine his mother writing the letter. She was fiercely independent.

"If mom didn't go with him to Hollywood, it wasn't because her parents didn't want her to," he said firmly. "It was because she didn't want to go. I think my mom might be the only person in the world my grandparents were smart enough not to try to bully. Anyway, enough of ancient history. Your mom can probably tell us if we have the same father or not. If she doesn't know for certain, DNA will give us the answer. I'm more interested in learning a bit about you."

"Mom won't be able to help," Zoe said softly. Brock saw the same look on her face that sometimes crossed his countenance: utter sadness.

"I'm truly sorry for your loss," he said.

Zoe looked up with wet eyes and smiled sadly.

"It's still a little raw for me," she admitted. "She died last winter. She worked at a pharmacy in Glendale. Two meth-heads got pissy because they couldn't buy any more Sudafed. They shot the place up. I'd been a cop for less than six weeks when my mother was murdered."

Brock shook his head solemnly. The sudden loss of the only person in the world who cared for you was devastating no matter what age you were when it happened.

"That's why the car registration came back to my mother," she added. "She had it leased. I was the executor of her estate, so I had to wait until everything was probated before I could pay off the lease and transfer it to my name."

She paused briefly.

"So if it does turn out that we're brother and sister, I guess we're the last family either of us has," she said.

Brock hated to end the conversation but he had a baseball game in a few hours. He was already going to have to skip going home and head straight to the stadium.

"Do you want to come to the game tonight?" he asked. "I mean, I don't know your work schedule or anything but we might have some time to visit afterward."

"I'd like to but I can't," Zoe said. "I work the 4-to-12 shift this month and Saturdays are all hands on deck. In fact, we're both going to have to run. I know you're heading east for 10 days right after the game tomorrow. I don't have vacation yet. I'm still probationary for another two months. I usually have Sundays and Mondays off, though."

"I'm off the Monday we get back from Milwaukee," Brock pointed out. "Let's swap information and we'll see if we can get to know a little bit about the other via e-mail or something. I know it sucks but I don't really see any other option."

"Me either," Zoe said. "Still, I pretty well know most of your life story. Mine's pretty boring and I've already hit the high points. It would be nice to know that there is someone in the world who might be related to me. Meanwhile, I'll see if I can come up with the numbers of a reputable DNA lab. Even if we decide we don't want to hang out very much, it will be nice to know."

"It will," Brock agreed as they parted company. "And Zoe, I'm glad you made contact even if you did scare the crap out me."

"Hey, I'm a cop, remember," she joked. "I would have protected you even from myself. I am truly sorry if my arrival has steered your security team away from whoever is threatening you."

Meredith was the only member of his entourage still in Los Angeles, so Brock looked for her along the third base line. As usual, when he wanted to talk about something, she was nowhere to be found.

Al noticed Brock's distraction immediately though and pulled him aside after batting practice.

"What's up, Rook?" he asked.

Brock let out a sigh.

"I found out this afternoon that I might have a half-sister," Brock replied. It was just about the last response Al had expected. Most relatives come out of the woodwork as soon as any amount of money landed on the table.

"Seriously?" he asked.

"I guess so," Brock told him.

"I thought, well, I didn't think you knew much about your dad," Al said with uncustomary diplomacy. It wasn't a big deal in his neighborhood in New York City. In fact, most of the people he grew up around could have had doubts about their parentage.

"I don't," Brock said. "Or at least I didn't. I still might not. This woman approached me today. She had a picture of my mom with her dad. I guess they dated in high school or something. Her dad moved down here after graduation. I don't know if he knew my mom was pregnant or what. He was a stunt man for the movies. He died about 15 years ago after an accident. Zoe, that's her name by the way, Zoe Brewer. Anyway, she got the information from her mother who supposedly got it from her father. She didn't know for certain but she said she pieced together enough clues to figure out it was me they were talking about."

Al nodded slowly. He wanted to formulate his response carefully. If the woman did turn out to be related, a harsh retort could cause a lot of harm to the friendship he had developed with Brock. With a sigh, he asked what he needed to ask.

"Are you sure it isn't a scam of some sort?" he wondered. He knew there were times when Brock felt alone in the world. The thought of having a family member might cause him to ignore danger signs.

"No, I'm not sure of anything right now," Brock said truthfully. "But it's a pretty elaborate scam if it is. She's a sheriff's deputy. My security guys called to verify that much. We're going to investigate reputable DNA labs over the next few weeks."

Brock gave a half-smile.

"She kicked the crap out of one of my security guys when he grabbed her from behind," he said with a chuckle. "I mean, she literally knocked him on his ass. And those guys are no joke. It's just a lot to take in at one time. I wish I had time to call my second family before I got here but it took me too long to figure out what I thought of the whole situation."

"What do you think?" Al prodded gently.

"Damned if I know," Brock answered with a full laugh this time. "I mean, if it's true, it might be cool to have a little sister. She seemed really nice and I could see us getting along pretty well. If it turns out she misunderstood the clues, I hope I'm not too disappointed."

"Just make sure she doesn't have an ulterior motive," Al advised. "And you might consider having Cynthia Lu run a full background check on her."

Brock looked at the clock when he arrived home. He knew it was past three a.m. in the east so he couldn't call Jen. Melanie and Tara were probably asleep, too. Chastity was in Miami, back at work with the national team. Emmy wouldn't return to Los Angeles for another two weeks. Merie had proven to be a remarkably unreliable friend and Brock wasn't sure where he stood with Sam. Randi was God knew where, somewhere in the middle of her 45-date summer tour.

He doubted any of them would mind being awakened by the news Brock wanted to share but he figured Susan was probably the only one who hadn't been asleep for hours. She was probably the one who could give him the best insight on the matter, since she remembered his mother almost as well as he did. So he dialed her number.

She answered on the second ring.

"Hey," he said. "Sorry for calling so late. I hope I didn't wake you."

"I was in bed but not asleep yet," Susan replied. "What's up?"

Brock wasn't sure how to begin the conversation.

"I ran into someone today," he started. "Uh, do you remember the picture I showed you when you guys were up here?"

"Of course," Susan said, concern evident in her voice. "Brock, are you OK?"

"I'm fine," he said. "Well, sort of fine. Look, Suze, she said she was my sister."

"Your what?" Susan asked, her voice rising with alarm.

"She said she's my sister," Brock repeated. "Well, half-sister anyway. She said we have the same father."

"Is she right?" Susan wondered.

"I don't know," Brock admitted. "Possibly. She had a picture of my mom and her dad from high school. I was born less than a year after mom graduated. It sort of makes sense."

"Did you meet him?" Susan inquired. "What's he like?"

"Dead," Brock answered. "He died even before mom did. She said he was hurt on a movie set. Zoe's mom is dead, too. I'm just not sure what to think right now."

"This was the woman who was sending you those awful letters," Susan said.

"No," Brock cut in. "At least I don't think it was her. She's a cop here in L.A."

"Really," Susan said. "So she's older than you? That doesn't make much sense."

"She's younger," Brock clarified. "She's your age. You and she are about six months apart. She's still a trainee with the sheriff's department. I didn't really get the chance to talk to her much. She had to get to work and so did I."

Susan was still in bed, staring at the ceiling. She wasn't certain how she felt about a relative of Brock's coming forward. She was smart enough to know that one of the reasons he had stayed so close to her, Tara, Jen and Mel was because he really had no one else to be close to. A sister might cause their relationships, already difficult in terms of distance, to change further.

"Do you plan to see her again?" Susan asked.

"Of course," Brock insisted. "I'm on another road trip next week but we're planning to get together when I get back."

"I guess that's good," Susan relented.

"You guess?" Brock asked, anger seeping into his voice. "Susan, I have managed to get myself fed and where I've needed to be without you guys for a while now. I've somehow managed to keep from setting myself on fire or falling into the clutches of evil, scheming women who want to separate me from my money. I don't need you to protect me from the big, bad world any more than you need me to protect you from it."

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Today’s DDF Network porn scene is packed with uplifting threesome fun featuring our two hot vixens Amber Jayne and Barbie Sins from England. The two are staying at Sam Bourne’s place. His super sexy girlfriend just left for work when the leggy Milfs show up. They are both super horny from a long trip and can’t wait to make out. They don’t notice the young man spying on them and getting super hard while the two sexy babes squeeze their big tits and rub their crotches. He...

2 years ago
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Farm Camp

You have been working on this farm for the last 6 summers, the first one as a guest and from then on as a counselor. You've enjoyed being a farm camp counselor: especially when you're surrounded by college girls who are the other counselors. Now that you are 20 and have completed one year of college, you are eligible to stay at the farmhouse over the summer. You currently work with 7 girls at the camp. The hottest one is named Barbara a 6'6" all natural supermodel with raven black hair, tits...

3 years ago
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Latex Futa Nuns From Hell Chapter 5 A New Order

The recent rains had turned the farm grounds into a sticky, muddy mess. Normally that would create difficulty while working with horses and other animals, but there weren't many animals left on Stedman Farms. Very soon, there would be none at all. The metamorphosis of the estate was well underway and it was already serving a different purpose than raising animals and staple crops. Margaret heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. They approached her from behind, work boots clomping on...

3 years ago
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My Best Friend Kayla

Kayla is a student at the college I attend. She was in one of my classes this past semester. I noticed her from the very first day. She was striking--the kind of girl you might call an Irish rose; long red hair, cream complexion, tall with long legs that just wouldn't quit. The kind of girl that makes you nervous if you have to approach her for something. But besides her obvious good looks, Kayla was smart. She was assertive in class, one of those people that not only always knows the...

4 years ago
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Caught By Coach Part 2

Jim and Amy rushed to Jim’s house after Coach William released them. Amy’s pussy stayed wet as she could still taste Coach’s cum on her lips. Jim was in a state of half arousal, half confusion as he had just sucked his Coach’s dirty cock after he fucked his girlfriend. He was embarrassed that his cock got so hard watching Coach saw his cock in and out of Amy’s pussy in addition to licking another man’s cum off her ass. “Hey, are you ok baby?” Amy asked her boyfriend as soon as they got into...

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Sexting My Mother

Hello, my Dear Readers. This is a series of text messages between Ayan and his mother, Mona. Happy Reading! Ayan: Hey Mom. Mona: Hi Ayan, have you reached? Ayan: Yes, Mom. I just got inside my room. The train was late by an hour. Mona: I thought so not seeing your message. Ayan: You did not sleep all this while? It is almost 2:00 AM. Mona: No, Ayan. I was waiting to hear from you. Ayan: You should have slept, Mom. This is not the first time I took this train. And I told you I can get a taxi...

3 years ago
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Good Medicine Sophomore YearChapter 46 Clarissa Explains It All

January 30, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “Well isn’t THIS a fine mess,” I sighed. “I didn’t mean to depress you,” Clarissa said. “I was trying to make a point.” “Besides the fact that we’re in love, soulmates, and you’re a lesbian, which kind of makes it all moot?” “Oh, it most definitely does NOT! For someone who has been with at least half-a-dozen girls by my count, you sure have this really stupid mindset about sex! If it was so damned meaningful, you wouldn’t be so free with it! Get your head...

2 years ago
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DevilsFilm Noemie Bilas The Exchange Student

Recently the Bronson family has become a host house for a foreign exchange student — Noemie from the Congo in Africa. Noemie Bilas is a stunning Nubian beauty who is working on a Science degree in America. The eldest son of the family, Nathan Bronson has become smitten with her. Already in trouble with his parents for sneaking peak of her in the shower, he now finds himself home alone with her as she is sunbathing. When she points out in Africa women tan with their tops off he encourages...

4 years ago
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The Dirty DoctorsChapter 12 There is a little Problem

Linda feeling a little powerful said, "Stop talking and get back to eating me, I want to come one more time before you fuck me." As Linda laid there with her legs pulled back and with Peter doing the one thing he loved doing in life, Linda felt very pleased with herself and the day they both had. If she had not suggested the two of them to go see Dr. Harris, she never would have known exactly what Peter wanted and actually needed from her and their marriage bed. She never would have...

1 year ago
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Hentai Fox TV! You weebs need your fix. I swear if you poor fappers don’t see twenty videos of busty hentai babes getting fucked every single day, then you go fucking wild. You need those glorious, glorious frames of horny waifus getting fucked. You know people have to draw that shit, right? It takes time. I know you cucks are eager, but you need to quit learning Japanese so that you can email some poor underpaid hentai artist to try and get spoilers from the next issue. It’s a whole new level...

Hentai Streaming Sites
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In Midst of Rain

This is super short. It was inspired by a dream. I apologize for it’s vagueness however it keeps the entire thing very mysterious and thought provoking. * I walked into the hospital room and immediately realized I wasn’t alone. Although the past week had been a blur, everything in this room was crystal clear in my memory. It was unreal in a way, like this room wasn’t supposed to be there. It was stark white and smelled like sanitizer. There was a constant humming and beeping from the numerous...

4 years ago
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Unconventional Awakening Ch 14

‘He is coming to Chicago’ runs through my mind as an endless loop. I pull my wet sticky pussy juice covered fingers from my for the moment satiated center of my new found womanhood, and run them lazily upward, trembling at the trail of wetness they leave in their wake. My fingers slide upward, between my breasts and up. Caressing the underside of my chin. Upward. Slowing down now. Around the curve. Upward. The scent teases my nostrils. My scent. A scent that until a few days ago was one...

2 years ago
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Hall of Heroines

In this game you would play as the guildmaster for this region's hero's guild and have full control of your guild and its heroes. All of the heroes under your employ are women of varying backgrounds and classes. You assign the heroes their quests based on their skill sets and send them off for days to weeks at a time where they travel and try to complete quests. If a village is under attack you would send a fighter and if a town had a plague you would send the healer. If a place is cursed you...

4 years ago
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Role Playing II Star Lily and the Temple of Horrors

Role Playing II - Star Lily and the Temple of Horrors F/f, bondage, D/s, gothic, romantic, slavery The temple was dark and cold, the trail of spiders clearly visible in shadowedcorners. The stone ceiling was so low that a tall man would have to crouchto walk around. The floor was covered with dust and crawling insects. Deep in the bowels of the earth, it had been forgotten for long aeons. Scholarsmight recall the foul rituals once carried out here, the summoning of monstrousdemons and foul...

1 year ago
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Egotastic All Stars! Hey, now, you’re an AllStar! Is that meme dead yet? Well, if it wasn’t before, I’m pretty sure I’ve killed it with this intro. If not, then I’m just dancing on its grave. But yeah, welcome to EgoAllStars.com, your one-stop shop when it comes to all things celebrity-related. It’s a blog site of a sort, and it offers a lot of pretty good takes on some of the hottest things that celebrities are doing right now. From leaked nudes to sex tapes, it seems that EgoAllStars.com...

The Fappening
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Ganv Ki Girlfriend Ki Pyas Bujhai

Hello dosto Mai Sanu Singh hazir hu apni ek aur story ke sath. Hopefully aapko meri pichhli do kahaniya Thoda sa apne bare me – Mai bihar se hu and currently working in Delhi as software engineer. My age as of now is 25 years. Now let’s proceed with the story – Ye kahani 2005 ki hai jab mai 12th ka exam de chuka tha aur chunki results ane me kuchh waqt tha so i was too free. This was the first time i had sex with some one. Exam khatam huye 1 week huye the aur mai apni azadi ki jindagi ji raha...

2 years ago
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JapanHDV Mao Miyabi Mao Miyabi is at a party with many men who fuck her mouth and pussy

Mao Miyabi is very sexy and hot and she finds herself at a party with several men who think she is very hot and want a piece of her lovely ass. She happens to have stripped down to her sexy lingerie so she looks so lovely that it is going to be hard for these men not to put their hands on her and try to fuck her lovely mouth and sexy pussy. We start off slow as the night is young and while one of the men is licking her mouth and kissing her mouth the other has gotten out his dildo and spread...

2 years ago
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JulesJordan Anny Aurora Interracial Creampie

Jax Slayher is one lucky guy, always getting to bang the hottest chicks and has more hitting him up online to come bang them! What a life, right? Anny Aurora has been sending him private messages but there’s a small issue, she doesn’t speak English, but he doesn’t want to let that stop him since she’s smokin’! Anny knows how to use emoji’s and after sending him a bunch of “snakes”, Jax gets in the car to go meet up with her. She comes out to meet him in the car wearing a sexy zip-up red dress...

3 years ago
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Dare YouInterlude

"It is so boring back home," said Ana, again. "No one is prepared to have a little fun." I caught my daughter's eye and looked to the ceiling, we'd spent the last two days listening to Ana moaning about the state of her existence. According to her she wanted a little excitement in her life but no one was prepared to offer her the chance to live a little. All of her now ex-husbands had been boring, straight-laced and mundane without one iota of get up and go between them, to hear her...

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Choot ki

Hello iss readers, pooja se dosti hone k baad usako maine pahli baar kaise choda wo main aapko pahle bata chuka hu.pooja us din k baad se kayee dino tak mere se nahi mili maine socha ki pooja naraj h gayee hai or usase milane k liye betab ho gaya ki usase milkar sorry mangloo.main usake collage gaya to to bhi wo nahi mili tab maine usaki friend chhaya se pooja ke paas msg bhijwaya or sorry k liye kaha to usaki friend n hum dono ko park main milwaya or hume samjhane lagi friend ship main choti...

2 years ago
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The Mark newly edited draft

What’s up J? Dude, you’ve got to do me a solid. Rachael is home. And I just cant bring myself to be late again. She and I aren’t getting along so well now that I’m working here four nights a week instead of two. I hate splitting my time like this, but I get more daylight with the baby Yes, I’m rolling my eyes at him. Last thing I want to do is drive one of the regular drunks back to whatever shit stained slum they drag themselves out of so they can get drunk, and ogle the club kids in...

3 years ago
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Airport Blowjob

She gets off the plane and starts walking down the tunnel where I am waiting for her. She looks beautiful. I haven't seen this woman in 6 years. Knowing we are going to try and start things fresh and new, I grab her by the waist and pull her in close for a kiss. I have missed that. "Hi" I say after kissing her"Hi" she replies with a laugh and smile"Good flight?" I ask"Yeah not too bad" she repliesWe walk down the stairs and wait for her bag to arrive. We grab it and start to walk to my car...

4 years ago
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Through a Glass DimlyChapter 14

I left for the school feeling better about that meeting but became anxious as I came close to the school. I had the windows down and pulled up to park and wait for her. I heard shots fired from where she would be waiting. I reached under the driver's seat and pulled my Glock, chambered a round, and left the car at a run holding the pistol with two hands in the upright position. I went through the door low and heard a round being chambered. I shot twice in that direction aiming to hit...

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Business Trip With Office Colleague In Kathmandu

By : Silent Dhaka Hi readers, love you all. Let me share one of my special experiences with you with a married colleague of my office. Back then I joined in a company, with a good pay, having some experience helped me to secure the post. The day I joined, I found another person joined, she came through some political reference. As the business needs me and my credential is much stronger, the company couldn’t resist me. This lady had her education in some Arts subject, still joined in my...

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Christal Persursion Chapter 2a Filet His Prick

For those who haven’t already, I would suggest reading Christal Perusasion: Chapter 1_Fucked Up http://xhamster.com/user/edintx99/posts/334817.html Please note, this story is pretty graphic.He was going to pay for his involvement with Petra’s disappearance and our rap3. We’d searched for three night’s straight to find boy-Adonis, the one I remembered from our drvg-induced fuck fest two weeks ago. He had a rude evening ahead of him; much hard probing for answers.“Alex, you sure you have those...

4 years ago
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The Gym Cupboard

It was a bright summer's day in late July and I knew where my object of affection would be, down the gym. Marcus Gordon.He was tall, dark, and dashingly handsome with a dark beard and green eyes. Thirteen years ago, we had a sexy rendevous whilst I had been married to someone else. Since then, we've stayed real close but nothing has happened since then. We've flirted and he gives me random small gifts whenever he sees me so I know he still likes me more than a friend. Today I thought I'd grab...

Straight Sex
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Eleanor Ch 14

‘Ragnar, we were wondering how long it would take you!’ Nikolai jumped from the rocks smiling before shaking Ragnar’s hand. Lowering his voice, Nikolai tried to keep his anger and apprehension from showing. ‘Where is my brother?’ ‘He is coming soon Nikolai.’ ‘And he brings the female?’ Ragnar glanced quickly at Nikolai, an expression of shock crossing his face before his usual calm returned to him. ‘What do you know of her?’ ‘I know that Bruni told me the contract had to be fulfilled.’...

2 years ago
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Submissive Beginnings Ch01

I close the door behind me as I enter the subtly lit room. In the middle of the room you kneel with your back to me, your eyes blindfolded, and your hands cuffed behind your back. Other than the cuffs and blindfold, you are naked. As you hear the door close you kneel up straight, as you were supposed to be. Whilst you waited for me you had rested your arse on the back of your feet. You know you will be in trouble for that at some point. I move into the room, not approaching you. You know I am...

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Office Mating0

Make no mistake: I love my wife, and I love the fact that she's got a near-insatiable sexual apatite. Annie is an all-around gem of womanhood. Statuesquely tall, with a great figure, golden-tan skin and shining, curly black hair, she's a knockout by anyone's standards. She made good money doing part time modeling in her college days, and the intervening twelve years haven't diminished her beauty in the least. And she's smart and funny and a great companion and everything else that goes...

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Mind Swapping Chapter 19

Mind Swapping Chapter 19 John had allowed me to take a shower after our love making. He did not, however, allow me to put on any clothes after I had dried off. He said that he wanted to enjoy the beauty of my feminine nude body as I walked around his home. I actually felt flattered. John wore just his slacks as we went to the kitchen and made sandwiches and poured two glasses of wine. I was a little embarrassed to be naked, my tits jiggling and hairless vagina exposed, in a strange...

2 years ago
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tribute to my wife

It’s just gone 11.30pm and I’m on the last train of the night to Edinburgh, drawing out of Glasgow Queen St station. It’s a miserable night, typical for Glasgow. Heavy rain, strong winds and near-freezing temperatures. I’ve sat myself down in the first class compartment and thankfully I’ve got it all to myself. I’m just returning from a few beers and laughs with some old college buddies so a quiet 50 minutes on the train won’t do me any harm. My cock’s still alive, your appearance on the...

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A Night to Remember Chapter 1 Introduction

It was a warm Saturday night in the middle of August. I own a restaurant at the base of an apartment building in NoHo, also known as North Houston Street. Well it’s only smart because I live upstairs on the 22nd floor of this building. It is a nice little loft/condo: on the first floor there is a living room, balcony, kitchen, and a bar; upstairs (yes, I said upstairs) there are three bathrooms and three bedrooms, two are guestrooms and the other is my master bedroom. I live by myself but my...

2 years ago
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The Poker Game Chapter 2

The Poker Game By: Cissykay Chapter 2 There I was, serving seven beautiful women dinner and drinks dressed as a cheap slut. "We can't call you Ken my dear hubby, so I'll just have to call you Cissy for the rest of the evening." As I walked past, I stared at her with fire in my eyes, and told her she was going to pay later when everyone left. She just laughed and told me to be careful how I talked to her. "After all, I...

4 years ago
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ChatLine Romance

Time and meet up place was arranged, and I saw Tony in his car. All I could say abt him was just amazing great looking! He's rather compatible to my height, standing at 1.85, well bulit, top of all, he had really charm me with his mature yet cute looks. "Hello, nice knowing you, this is Melisa" I said. "Hi! you are just gorgeous"! He replied. "Thanks for that!" I replied again. He bought some drinks and drove me to the seaside. The place is rather dark and I suppose no one would be...

1 year ago
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Nina aunty Part 3

100% fiction! hi friends this is sundhar again, i would like to share my new fucking with my aunt and her friend. while my studies were going well and my life was going superb fucking with my aunt. i was enjoying a lot with her. and one day i was taking bath alone and after that i went to see my aunt naked but at that time my aunt's friend was there chatting with my aunt and when i saw her i felt embarrassed and went inside. then my aunt came inside and told that" my friend needs your help she...

2 years ago
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I80 In Nebraska

Well I finally gave it a trial run guys, I took two of my favorite black dildos with us on a "Road Trip" I guess you could call it. We got a babysitter and went out about 7:00 and headed east on I-80 from North Platte near where we live. Our blue Expedition washed and shiny, and the dusk setting in. We didn't take my car because I knew I would need the room. We drove toward Lincoln, although I knew we wouldn't go that far before we would turn around and head home again. Once it got dark I laid...

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