AllureChapter 9 free porn video

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The workshop was different on Wednesday morning. Nancy steered the workshop to a larger classroom that was ramped. Saul had invited a guest to discuss editing and publishing. It ended up being Liang, who was great. Charming and funny and knowledgeable. Her perspective was interesting as well, since she was head editor of an imprint of the publisher which published Cheryl’s nonfiction bestsellers. She explained it was more a prestige thing, since the stuff she put out would never sell like the stuff published by the main house. Too idiosyncratic or narrow an audience or controversial. Often books of dissent. Often translated from Chinese or French, which, being multilingual, she often translated, or from Middle Eastern languages like Farsi, which someone else did.

Her point was a book didn’t necessarily have to have best seller intentions to be published. They could be important, or there could be a love for the work which compelled the publications.

“There’d be none of my volumes of poetry if it was all about making a buck,” Saul added.

“Which brings me to my final point,” said Liang, pulling a soft cover book from her bag, a wider and longer trade sized book, though slim, and handed it off to her right. “You all want to create beautiful writing, but I wanted you to see how a book can be a beautiful thing in itself. This is a first printing of Saul’s first published play. It was done by a couple of amazing women at their publishing house, which is also their house in Wisconsin. They actually published Saul’s first book, a long poem, which is a work of art as well. Oh, and don’t worry about cracking the spine. The binding is specially designed to spread open. Any questions?”

There were several, and Liang continued to be charming and eloquent answering them.

“Oh wow,” said Carol when she brought the book before me and Miranda and her, and since I was in the middle, placed it in front of me. The text of the play sat atop images of the past productions, but somehow stood out, shifting colors contrasting the colors behind it. And the images themselves were altered, transformed from photos or stills into colorful pictures, somewhere between cartoons and expressionist paintings.

“I want to check something,” I said, and looked at the title page. The text was edited by Joanne and Liang. I raised my hand.

“Yes Joe?” Liang smiled.

“Moonlighting?” I said.

She laughed. “You saw that. I couldn’t convince my boss to publish Saul’s poems, so I guess this is my revenge. Joanne and I plan to publish Saul’s other plays this way.”

“Cool,” I said.

Joanne arrived and Saul decided to take lunch. “We’ll divide up for the afternoon,” he told us. “Betty’s group of playwrights will meet back here. Nancy will show you where each of the other groups will meet. Anything you want to have critiqued you should give to Nancy. We’ll start back up in an hour. Okay?”

Everyone applauded Liang, who blushed.

My little threesome were invited to have lunch with Saul and his ladies. Tanya noticed, and invited herself. Trevor and his limo ended up waiting for us on the street and drove us to the Carnegie Deli. “Carol and I are going to head to the audition,” Joanne told us. “We’ll have lunch there.”

I gave Carol a kiss before exiting the limo. It looked like Miranda wanted one too, but the hurrying out seemed to prevent it. Miranda looked disappointed.

“Carol should be done before we are,” I told her. “We can meet her at Saul’s.”

“Okay,” Miranda smiled.

We had a bit of wait at the deli, but managed a fairly comfortable, delicious and filling lunch. I got a kick out of the very New York waiter that served us. Abrupt, efficient and funny. Trevor’s limo swung by when we left the deli. I wondered how many times he circled. Plenty of honks when he double parked and we hurried inside it.

Four of us of the eight playwrights sat on folding chairs on the sort of stage and read the first act of a two act play. I found it witty in a Woody Allen sort of way more than say a Noel Coward way, but couldn’t quite decipher the point. Others seemed to agree, and we discussed focusing on where a plot might be best developed, though we weren’t all in agreement on which. Nevertheless Tom, a pale heavyset young red headed man, not quite twenty, who, when involved in discussions before tended toward the humorous like his play, his go to tendency, though he received the criticisms seriously, seemed pleased to be given the direction we gave him, however ambiguous it might have been.

Betty came to me at the end of the session. “Have you worked on your assignment?”

“I have a story I want to work on,” I told her. “It’s actually Miranda’s. I’ll try to work something up.”

“You don’t want to work on your own story?” she asked me.

“None really interest me. They all seem ... immature I guess. And I think Miranda’s story will challenge me.”

“Okay,” Betty smiled.

“And to tell you the truth, I don’t know how much time I can work on it. I’m actually working on a screenplay.”

“I suppose you could bring that.”

“I’m not sure that would be a good idea. I’ll have to ask the director.”

“You already have a director for it?”

“It’s sort of his idea. But who knows if it gets made. With film, I’ve heard there can always be problems. Mostly having to do with financing. Or maybe it just doesn’t work. A lot of crossed fingers in Hollywood. Especially for us because Carol and I would be in it.”


“The director has had some success. Small films, but with some audience. I can’t really get too specific.”

“Do what you can, Joe. But I would like to work with you.”

“I’d like that too,” I smiled.

I saw Miranda approach. “Ready?” I asked.

“Unh-hunh. Saul’s waiting.”

“See you tomorrow, Betty.”

“Looking forward to it.”

Miranda waited until we were outside before giggling. “I think Betty has the hots for you.”

I shrugged. “You know Carol is my gatekeeper, and so far she’s not interested.”

“And you?”

“Maybe. She’s still pretty sexy.”

“What are you two talking about?” Saul asked when we met up with him.

“Betty having a crush on Joe,” Miranda smirked.

Saul laughed.

“What?” I asked.

“Betty and I have some history,” Saul explained. “Actually with Moira, Moe. My first big workshop, in Iowa actually. It’s where I first met Moira.”

“So she’s bisexual?” Miranda asked.

“Definitely. Moira and I have hooked up with her since, but she tends to enjoy the younger ones for trysts.”

Trevor’s limo pulled up and Carol got out. We waved him away, wanting to walk. “Oh good,” Carol grinned. “You came along Miranda.”

Miranda got her kiss, along with a hug. After mine, I asked Carol, “How did it go?”

“Really good actually. I should know by Friday. They want to shoot the ad Monday.”

“But you’re not sure?”

“Pretty sure. The other family ... There was a black family that they decided on, and they were still deciding on us white ones. I thought we interacted best, and I thought we looked more interesting or attractive, and the black girl who is supposedly my age, we got along pretty well. The one who would be my father and this younger sister were both kind of prima donnas, as was the black mother, but I think I managed not to roll my eyes in front of the camera. The woman playing my mom was super cool. I think she empathized with me being somewhat new at this and really helped me relax. I think she was like Mel, a teen model or something.”

“You sound really hopeful,” said Miranda.

“As hopeful as I’ve been in a while,” Carol nodded.

“You do,” I agreed. Crossed fingers.

Two blonde women waited for us in Saul’s living room. Both tall. Both middle aged. Both slim. One, nervous, remained attractive and looked similar to Joanne if a few years older. The other was startlingly beautiful. Not quite at Essie’s level, but few I’d met were closer. She looked a lot more comfortable in her gorgeous skin.

“You’re here!” Saul smiled. “Stand and give me a hug Constance!” Clearly an order. I saw a smile hinted when Constance stood, and her nervousness disappear. They hugged, and when it ended, Saul pulled her towards the elevator. “Coming Caroline?”

“Later,” Caroline smiled.

“Why don’t you three come along downstairs,” Saul told me. “I have to let Eddie know I’ll be busy, and I’m sure you’d like a smoke.”

“Sure,” I said.

We entered the elevator together after a quick introduction with Caroline. Constance kept close to Saul, in fact leaning against him and away from us like a shy child.

Downstairs we found Eddie and Rhonda jamming like they had before. Saul leaned over and whispered and Eddie responded. They nodded. Eddie didn’t look too disappointed.

“Oh well,” he said after Saul left, setting aside his twelve string and pulling out his little metal box, and the joint from it.

I remained hovering in the hallway, and watched Saul open the combination on the dungeon door.

“I guess I’ll work in the studio,” said Rhonda.

“Mind if I join you?” Miranda asked.

“You don’t happen to play bass?” Eddie asked, breathing out smoke.

“I did and guitar with my little band of misfits,” said Miranda.

“Cool,” said Rhonda. “Come on.”

While Eddie passed the joint to Carol, I asked, “What’s going on with Constance?”

Eddie chuckled. “You know about Saul’s Dom/Sub relationship with Joanne?”

“I heard,” I said, taking the joint from Carol.

“Constance’s a bit more extreme. And she’s only really comfortable around Saul as far as men goes.”

“I noticed she was nervous,” I said, letting out smoke and handing him the joint.

Conversation paused while he sucked in the smoke. “Constance’s a choreographer,” he breathed out. “Had a world renowned company in the rarified world of modern dance before she had a nervous breakdown maybe fifteen years ago. You know about Morpheus?” I nodded. “It used to be two shows, a dance and Saul’s play. This year they combined for a musical, one that Charlie and I starred in. It’s supposedly her swan song. She’s here to talk to the director who’s taking over the show on Broadway. I think Gayle will be here later. Weirdly she and Joanne have a similar relationship with Saul. Although supposedly Saul invited some woman over tonight that he hopes might be his replacement. Saul’s like that.” He breathed in the smoke from the joint I passed him, becoming a roach.

“What do you mean?” I asked. “Like what?”

We waited.

He tamped out the roach and put it in his little case. “You might have noticed Saul has a fair share of women in his life.” Carol and I both laughed. “It’s like he has this gift of knowing just what a woman wants and giving it to her. He says it’s not just sex, but that has a lot to do with it. Just deeper I guess.

“Anyway, Saul and I were touring after the production ended...”

“Are you going to be in the Broadway production?” Carol asked.

Eddie chuckled. “They need someone who can actually act. Charlie will be in it. He’s amazing. Part of the reason the producer wanted to do the show I think. He’s got a bit of a crush on Charlie. So we’re on this tour, which also has Saul doing readings from his collection that just came out, sort of parallel, you know? And Gayle and the producer find us in San Francisco and they tell Saul about their interest with her directing the Broadway production. They have quite a line of successes.”

“I know who you’re talking about,” I said.

“Yeah. But this won’t be one of those spectaculars of course. Nevertheless they’re really interested. Sparks fly and Gayle ends up joining the tour with Saul and Joanne.”

“Wait,” I said. “Joanne’s with Saul?”

“Unfortunately Charlie had to finish up school, so he looked after Ella. It was just for a month. Mostly a west coast thing and a dip into the south. Charlie’s definitely an asset, with his playing and his singing, but we made do. Fortunately he’ll be with us when we tour Europe after the workshop is finished.”

“What about the show?” I asked.

“Gayle won’t be casting until we get back. There’s a lot of production to deal with first, and getting the theater ready and all that. Oh hey.”

Caroline had come in. “I heard Rhonda’s finally working on her next album.”

“And I see you’re ready to take pictures,” Eddie smiled. Caroline had a really nice Nikon 35mm camera with a medium sized lens affixed to it hanging around her neck.

“If you don’t mind me lighting things up a bit.”

“I think Saul stashed some of your lights in the closet.”

“He did.”

“Is ... never mind.”

Charlie strolled in with a cute if mousy girl about his age and barely over five feet. “Hey Joe, Carol. This is Amy.”

“You guys got together again,” said Eddie.

“Yeah,” Amy grinned, hugging herself to Charlie.

“Saul’s entertaining Constance,” Eddie informed the beautiful young man.

“Of course,” Charlie chuckled.

“But my friend Miranda can play bass,” said Carol.


“You want to work the board again?” Eddie asked me.


“You smoke Amy?” he asked.

“Sometimes,” she smiled shyly.

Eddie handed me the joint. “Light her up Joe,” and followed everyone but Amy, Carol and me into the studio.

Little Nate swept in. “Am I late?”

“Nope,” I chuckled.

The group started working on a new song of Rhonda’s, at least one I’d never heard. The feed was on to the console, and that was fed to the speakers in the control room, so we could hear them working, a lot of it getting Miranda into the swing of things. Eddie, the rock star, was very patient.

“How do you know Charlie?” I asked Amy.

“I used to be in Essie’s special classes,” Amy laughed. “Special as in precocious geniuses. Charlie was in the High School of Performance Art his last couple years. We met at a party.”

“But he went back to Minnesota,” I said. “That’s where I met him.”

“Mostly to start college and be around his mom and work with Saul on the play,” Amy told me. “We’d send letters sometimes, call a lot less frequently. But I’m glad he’s back.”

“I’m sure he is too.”

“As lovers, we’re just friends. You know he’s mostly gay.”

“I heard,” I said, though not the mostly part.

“Yeah, so if I had a boyfriend, we would just be friends. But since I don’t...”

“What about Charlie?”

“He’s not interested in being tied down in a relationship at this point. Partly because when his friend Vic comes around, Victoria, he likes being close with her when she’s not with Saul.”

“Vic who’s with Chandi?”

“Oh you heard?”

“I heard that Moe talked to them both when she called Chandi.”

“Yeah, those two have been living on Vic’s ship for a while. I guess they’re sailing around the Caribbean doing research for Chandi’s novel.”


“Yeah. It’s like an old fashioned three masted schooner. It’s amazing.”

“Sounds like.”

Eventually I put on the headphones and began adjusting the slides. Carol sat closely beside me, and we’d kiss occasionally. Her smile probably reflected mine.

Caroline set up lights on stands and was taking photos while the band pulled together and worked through the song. Eventually they had it down and I recorded it. It was a pretty midtempo rocker, but with a rocking chorus. Kind of punk the way it shifted. Or maybe like Nirvana.

Once done, they all came into the control room and Eddie reversed the tape to listen to it. He didn’t even adjust the tracks, which was kind of cool.

“Let’s work on it after dinner,” he decided. “Can you stick with us Miranda?”

She glanced at Carol and me. “Sure,” she smiled.

We all headed upstairs except Caroline who went the opposite way. I noticed she knew the combination to the dungeon. She glanced back at me and winked before entering it.

Upstairs Moe and Joanne were in the kitchen. I spotted Cheryl with the younger kids in the playroom. “Dinner won’t be ready for an hour,” Moe announced.

The older teens all had the same idea. Charlie and Amy joined us in the elevator, which continued up a floor with those two where his room was. Actually really almost a suite that had been built for him, with a kitchenette and a fairly large open floor where he could rehearse his singing and dancing.

“Just a second,” Carol giggled when we headed to the guest room. Just past it and the bathroom was Joanne’s room. Carol opened the door and slipped in. We waited for her. She came out with a harness and a dildo, not quite as large as the Saul copy or as anatomically correct. In fact it was smooth with a slightly bulbous head.

“Who’s that for?” Miranda laughed.

“Joe of course,” Carol snickered.

“Uhm, no thanks,” I said.

“He still thinks he’s not gay,” Carol smirked.

“I know I’m not,” I insisted.

Carol ended up setting it aside while Miranda stripped, and I followed. Miranda was randy, and lay on the bed face down, her thick, fine ass high. “Fuck me Joe,” she insisted.

My cock fully hard already, I knee walked behind her felt her prodigious wetness, and coated my head with it before pushing in.

“Yes!” Miranda proclaimed.

I had a feeling I wouldn’t last all that long, so I reached around her to rub her clit with my saliva wetted fingers and pull on a hanging teat. When Carol stripped and placed her pussy before Miranda to suck, her fingers took hold of the other nipple.

I was soon thrusting deep and hard, much to the enjoyment of Miranda. I tried staying my orgasm, but ended up with my last fast strokes inside while I ejaculated. It did the trick and she joined me.

Once my softening penis eased out of her sodden pussy, I found myself on my back, my mouth tasting Carol’s nectar, and Carol was gently pulling, keeping me from softening too much. The hardening arrived, and so did Carol’s lips sucking it, Miranda soon joining in the effort.

With success, Carol moved off me and onto her back. I brought the cock she helped revive to her well slicked hole and pushed in all the way. Miranda brought her pussy, with some semen flavoring, to Carol’s mouth.

Despite the first lengthy thrust, I kept a slower pace. We had the ineffable communication, Carol and I, which, in this instance, meant moving slowly to completion especially for me and my slightly less urgent needs after the first cum. And randy Miranda ended up cumming twice before I was swept into the need to fuck hard and fast, and it swept up Carol too, and we came once again together.

“Shower?” Miranda murmured.

We ambled to it naked. With water pouring down, Miranda between us, Carol and I focused on her, rubbing and pulling rather than cleaning, and Miranda ended up leaning over, my head precariously near the shower head and my butt near the knob, and Carol’s pussy open to Miranda’s licks, and once more I fucked Miranda from behind. It seemed to be her favorite position. She certainly reacted that way, cumming after a few minutes of sometimes awkward thrusts.

I remained hard when I withdrew, and both ladies teased the hardness, but it eventually softened though it never quite went flaccid, at least during our shower.

We made it to dinner just as the others were sitting down. Two people I hadn’t met. An older, fairly tall and fairly voluptuous raven haired woman, what would be called an English Rose, I recognized from theater magazines as Gayle, the director. And an even taller woman with short dirty blonde hair, slim yet obviously muscled, wearing tight black jeans that showed off her firm little ass and a black corset that gave cleavage to her small breasts. Sam was her name, and appropriate, because her strong jaw gave her a somewhat masculine look. Except for the corset both her short hair and her smallish ass gave her an ambiguous sexuality. Her focus throughout the meal was engaging Gayle, who seemed a little nervous at first, but by the end looked to be comfortable, enjoying Sam’s company.

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I was eighteen and it was my first day in college.I went to my English class. This girl with long red hair sat next to me.Then I went to my biology class, and the only empty seat was next to that same redhead.Philosophy class was in a big lecture hall. A few minutes into the lecture, I noticed this same girl seated right in front of me.I was headed to the campus cafeteria for lunch, and sure enough, the redhead was walking beside me.I smiled at her. “You seem to be everywhere that I am.”She...

3 years ago
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Drinking is Harmful

I was at a local bar and had one too many, my head was some what spinning. As I made it towards the exit, I stumbled into 2 guys who caught me in their arms. They were very nice and said 'are you alright, could we help you get home?' I looked at the two of them and agreed that 'perhaps that would be a good idea.' The one on my right introduced himself 'I'm Benny, that cute guy there is Joe.' The three of us staggered out and started to walk in the direction of my college. Along the way we ran...

2 years ago
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One Hell of a Ride

One Hell of a Ride I love my boss. I lovemy boss. I love my boss. That was the mantra that Luke Roberts had repeated for the past hour. Really, the lengths he would go to for his boss. Missy Pike was his best friend first, before she became his boss. They went through a lot together: her divorce, her kids leaving for college, his coming out, his first break up, and now her upcoming retirement. They were with each other through thick and thin. And it just so happened that Missy has an extra...

Gay Male
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Hooking Up with an Online Friend Pt I

I had known Lisa from our online chats. We had met on a personals site, emailed, chatted, talked on the phone, and even met in person a few times. The relationship had been very platonic other than a goodbye kiss the first time we met in person. I finally got up the nerve to ask her out on a date, and she agreed to meet up after she finished work. We met at a local bar-restaurant for dinner and a few drinks. We had started with the drinks first to loosen up our nerves. We both had gone through...

Straight Sex
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A Swinging Adventure That Didnt Go As Planned

Rob and his lovely wife Jen were your typical average, middle-class family. They were in their early forties with two children. They had been happily married for almost fifteen years and both had successful careers, but there was one thing that had haunted them, and that was the quality of their sex life. It wasn’t that their sex life was horrible or anything close to that, but it had gotten way too predicable. Jen was a very attractive looking woman and didn’t look anything like her age. Her...

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A lifetime of Curiousity and Devious Behaviour

It was my family's genetics, a witches curse, a distant relative into some arcane things blessing....none of my family knows. Here's what we do know but rarely talk about. About once a generation some one in the immediate or extended family will "inherit," shall we say....abilities. Powers. It comes with the onset of puberty, and most of the "gifted" ones had to be put down before to long.....the gift abused, driven mad with power and lust, or maybe the villagers just pitchforked...

2 years ago
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Introduction: HE DIDNT REACH WHO HE WAS TRYING TO CALL, BUT HE MET ROXY, WHICH WAS EVEN BETTER! Could I possibly be more irritated? I thought to myself as I thumbed through a stack of porno magazines. I had to get out of this foul mood, and I hoped an erotic story or two would help. I was ready to give up when my cell phone rang. I answered and was caught off guard by the deep young voice on the other end. Is Annie there he asked. Im sorry, but Im afraid you have the wrong number. I said in...

3 years ago
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Gay8217s 3someII

Voh railing ke paas khada tha to ham dono uske paas chale gaye, ham dono usko beech mein lekar khade hogaye, voh samjh gaya ke yeh ladka pat gaya hai. Ab andhera hone laga tha, main uska haath pakad kar pane Lund par rakh dya aor bola ke voh doosre haath se voh ladke ka Lund pakde, voh kuch uncomfortable feel karraha tha to ham usko railing ki teraf uski back side karke neeche baith jane ko bole aor ham dono apne legs expand karke usko fully covered kardye. Voh ham dono ke Lund apne dono...

3 years ago
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Prostitutes Daughter

"Darling, I'm going out to the garage apartment to meet with Mr. Evans. It's almost eight and you know how prompt the man is." "He's not your favorite, is he?" the blond teenager replied in sympathy. "Hardly! He always insists on getting atop me even though he's so large, so fat." "That's very inconsiderate of him," the pretty young girl remarked as she gathered her books from the dining room table. "Indeed it is, and I intend to get rid of the boor as soon as can I replace...

3 years ago
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MOM chapter 21

"well i got a taste of you yesterday when i licked all the cum off my panties for you but, those were tainted with all my juices, lets see what you taste like fresh baby" my mom said as she swiped some jizz off her tit with her finger. She slowly inserted her whole finger into her mouth "mmm" and then took my unerect cock and licked the cum from the tip "delicious" she said as she took one more swipe of cum off her tits and began to rub her pussy with it. "how about you get a...

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Not far from my home is my favorite hideaway. It's situated in the most perfect little bookstore run by an eccentric old lady, who’s always telling tales of her wild, crazy days. She always puts a smile on my face and she makes the most delicious earthy black coffee, which almost curls the tongue. I'm sitting in an old high-backed armchair in a little nook in the rear of the store. I’ve kicked off my shoes, curled up my legs beneath me and have a book in my hand, the taste of that amazing...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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RetreadsChapter 7

All of my doubts about my obsession with Connie were gone. I had been sixteen when we broke up before and had wondered every since whether I had really been as deeply in love as it had seemed at the time. Did I really know what love was when I was that young? For that matter, had I ever known what love was? None of my failed marriages had any, that's for sure. Did I know now? I certainly still felt the same attraction and it wasn't just physical. I had probably had more conversations with...

4 years ago
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Hritika8217s Affair With Shekher

My name is Hritika Saxena and I am from Delhi India.Here I am going to write an another affair of mine after marriage.In my previous story ”Starting of Hritika’s affairs” I told a lot about my self and also written how I entered in extra marital affairs with Shekher Ahuja.Hope you have readed that story,If not yet then plz read it also to know me and Shekher a well. Although I am introducing myself a bit again here,I am 23 age,and married,I got married when I was 21,I am already graduate in...

1 year ago
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Caught drinking in College

It had been a pretty long night, and you and the guys were almost ready to go back to your rooms. You had found a good spot in your dormitory to drink some liquor, and had had a good time. But unfortunately, just as you're almost done with your night of fun, you hear knock on the door. Your friend opens. There stand two female Resident Assistants, a hot Indian girl wearing form-fitting jeans that accentuate her well-developed thighs and ass, and an equally hot black girl, with a tremendous ass...

3 years ago
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The Pee Play

The bar finally calmed as night slowly became dawn. The evening had been rowdy because the men had not received liberty in two weeks because of the holiday that had overtaken the city. Each legionary was to be given one day’s liberty over this weekend and Dismas and Gestas had a firm plan that involved a lot of wine and hopefully a prostitute if they could find the money. The two Roman soldiers were auxiliaries and were not paid a soldier’s wage. They were born in neighboring Syria...

3 years ago
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Innocent Wife on New Years Eve

The year was 1988. My name is Luke. At the time, my wife, Maddison (Maddie to her friends) and I were both 20 years old. I was active duty in the Marine Corps and we were stationed in California where we lived in an apartment off-base.Please note, this is not one of those typical hot-wife stories where I share the knowledge that I have always fantasied about watching my wife with other men. That wasn't the case with me.Additionally, it is not the beginning of a journey to slut-hood for my wife....

4 years ago
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Weekend Chores 5

Mom had always had bad migraine headaches growing up.  In high school, she'd even started taking medications, but she complained about the side effects.  The only other non-medical solution they found was a head massage or brushing her hair.  Grandma could really relax her when she rubbed her head and brushed her hair.  I remember Grandma coming to stay for Christmas and helping Mom relax during all of the craziness and pressure of the holidays.I came home Friday from college to find Mom lying...

2 years ago
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Just a Stranger on a Bus

I turned to face the window to watch the town go by. It was slightly more convenient, not having to drive, but being able to go only where the bus took you, canceled out that convenience.My car was in for its quarterly oil change, and, instead of waiting for it at the Quickie Lube, I decided to drop it off, and take the bus. Being Saturday, I didn't need to go to work; I could be on the bus as long as I had to. Ten minutes had already gone by, and, according to the schedule, it'd be another...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Britt Blair Sage Fox All It Took Was A Dare

Joshua Lewis is so over his stepsister Sage Fox and her friend Britt Blair sneaking around the house. Dressed in short miniskirts and tiny tops, the two girls are on the prowl for Christmas presents. Joshua doesn’t want them to ruin their first holiday as a blended family, so he finally announces he’s going to fuck them if they don’t quit it. When Joshua walks into his bedroom, he finds Sage and Britt on their knees sans panties looking under his bed. True to his word, he...

2 years ago
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Bobs Great AdventureCast

Cast of Characters of Bob’s Great Adventure Bob’s Family and Characters from Earth: Bob Stevens 67, M, main character of story Karen Stevens 65, F, Bob’s wife who died of cancer 2 years before story Steve 42, M, Bob’s neighbor & Round Rock Cop James Stevens 46, M, Bob & Karen’s son – lives in Denver Susan Stevens 45, F, James’ wife and mother to Paul & Tom Sally Burton 44, F, Bob & Karen’s daughter – lives in California Jeff Burton 45, M, Sally’s husband Barbara 1,267, F,...

1 year ago
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Do Not Disturb

The girl sat at her Daddy’s feet under his desk as he worked away tirelessly. Her arms were wrapped around one of his calves in a soft embrace with her cheek pressed gently against his knee. He let her sit like this only if she promised to be quiet without disturbing him. He had been working for several hours straight, and the girl knew with his workaholic tendencies he was just getting started. She sighed as his fingers continued to tap away at the keyboard, but she knew he had an important...

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Daphne looked fondly at the framed picture on her desk, sighing to herself as she raised a hand to it. They all looked far too young, too young to be away from home – in her opinion at least. She softly traced the forms of her c***dren with her fingers, smiling at the moving image. Rose was s*******n now, newly crowned head-girl. Her twin brother James also being named head-body, both of her c***dren achieving the best they possible could do.Even though they were both twins, they were separated...

2 years ago
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Meeting the golden surfer

I had been chatting it up online with this really hot guy.He's a little older than me, but oh so sexy! Blonde hair and blue eyes, and all the bad boy tattoos!But, hes not a bad boy, he's from the island of Hawaii.Raised with manners and a calm nature.He ended up being my knight in shinging armour. After chatting a few more days off and on, he wanted me to text him. So, we exchanged numbers and shortly thereafter, my phone was ringing. It was him. He was headed out to a local bar and wanted to...

2 years ago
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Mera Pehla Pyar 8211 Shilpa Madam 8211 Part II

By : Ishant_lover Hello doston men ishaant phir haazir hun ap logon ke samne apni story ka dusra bhaag lekar, jin logon ne meri pehli story “Mera pehla pyar shilpa madam” padhi hai unko dil se thanks aur haan jinhone nahi padhi unko dili guzarish hai ke vo is kahani lo theek se samajhne ke liye pehle part ko zarur padhen. Computer room men hui us raaslila ne mere dimag par itna bura asar kiya ki class me top karne wala ladka unit test men do subject men fail ho gaya or kaise na hota din raat...

1 year ago
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PureTaboo Jaye Summers Unrequited

Young Man Hacks Schoolmate’s Webcam And Develops Unhealthy Obsession With Her. Tom (Rion King) has been so bored lately, stuck in the house all the time. Fortunately, he’s done some tinkering and figured out that he can hack into people’s webcams. After sharing this revelation with a friend of his, he decides to use this newfound skill to spy on one of his classmates, Megan (Jaye Summers), thinking it’ll be a laugh… but he has no idea what he’s getting...

3 years ago
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Thirumana Pennai Iravil Matter Aditha Kathai

Hi friends, enathu peyar ragul vayathu 27 aagugirathu. Naan oru kama veriyan niraiya pengalai oothu irukiren, auntygalaiyum niraiya oothu irukiren. Paarka uyaramaaga irupen, maa niramaaga irukum sunni 7” thadimbalaaga irukum. Maarbu virinthu irukum, thudai thadaiyaaga irukum. Paarka handsome aaga irupen, ennai niraiya pengal sight adipaargal, naanum avargalai sight adithu avargalai usar seithu matter adipen. Enathu nanbanuku thirumanam endru soli iruthaan appozhuthu naanum enathu nanban...

4 years ago
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Incest Cafe Chapter 01 Pumpkin Spice Breastmilk Latte

“Fucking bitch!” I yelled and threw my handbag onto the table, then watched it slide across its shiny surface. It ended up falling off the far end, right at Mandy’s perfectly pedicured feet. She was wearing her open-toe red pumps again, the ones that made her tower over most men. It occurred to me that she’d make a fantastic Dominatrix, at least looks-wise. “Someone’s in a pissy mood,” she mumbled and I glared at her. I was so not in the mood. “So what? Got a problem with me, take it up...

4 years ago
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Mark Tells His StoryChapter 2

I'll always remember the first time we made love. I of course was very anxious. I knew she has been more than a few guys in the past. I've been with a few girls in the past as well. But will she be satisfied with me? The first time happens the day after our first date. I call her on the phone that morning and asked her if she would like to hang out at my apartment. "Hey, Melissa... How are you feeling this morning?" "Hey, babe! I feel wonderful! I really enjoyed last night so much....

3 years ago
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Pleasure Boy 2

You have heard about my first day in San Diego and how much fun I had allowing 4 men to use my body for their sexual enjoyment. Now we fast forward to 4 months later, when I attended my first costume party. Normally when I go into town on Liberty, I would change out of my uniform and into civilian clothes and then walk down this certain street which I called my "walk of pleasure." I called it that because even though men would pick me up in their cars and then use me for their sexual enjoyment,...

Gay Male
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My experience as a webcam model

I was finishing up my freshman year at college when I was approached by an attractive older woman as I was leaving the gym. She asked if I had done any modelling. At first I thought she was joking and kept walking. She caught up to me and handed me a flyer. She seriously thought I had what it took to model. We continued walking to my dormitory. When we got there she asked if we could talk some more in my room. We got several looks as we rode the elevator to my floor. We got to my room. She sat...

2 years ago
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Sensual Erotic Story Of A Lonely Lady

Hi, this is Banner513 as always single (believe me, it’s awesome to b single), 23yrs; you might have read my previous story “My beautiful Maid”, hope so! This is my second story. I am sorry to say, but my stories are fantasy. Just to make sure you ppl (people) enjoy. I like any kind of woman or girls but of my age or bit ! Just said my interest as I didn’tJelder to me had any intercourse yet! Sorry guys it’s lengthy and complete, be patient as you will enjoy every part of it. Thank you! Well,...

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Sexual Fantasy 1 Unexpected fuck

Hello xhamster community,This is the first installment in a series of sexual fantasies that I will be posting on here. Maybe I will find someone that will play out my fantasies with me. These fantasies come from fantasizing about women that I see in my everyday life and others are from what comes in my mind when I masturbate.My woman would be cleaning dishes after eating dinner, and would be in a ski mask. I would be rummaging through her belongings, she walks in the run, sees me and tries to...

2 years ago
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Emilys Crime and PunishmentChapter 4 Bribery revealed

I stared at the splash headline on the front page of the Bistonbury Chronicle and then at the photo of father in his pulpit and the two photos showing me naked front and back. The photos were taken the previous evening and I now guessed that Rocky had a hand in it. As I stood under the dryer after my shower, a man burst into the room and took several pictures before I turned my back on him. The flash went off a number of times until Rocky ushered him out of the room. "Must have left the...

2 years ago
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Got Her Now

Prologue Finally. I'm just watching my wife in her garden. She looks as beautiful as the first time I ever saw her. I can get hard just looking at her beautiful figure and knowing that I have the same effect on her. Two people were not meant to be this happy, but we are. This is the story of how that happened. My wife would tell you herself, but she doesn't remember a lot of it. She just cares about the here and now. And I guess that's for the best. 1. Hidden Desire I knew she was my...

4 years ago
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Playing Footsie

I am fixated with my foot. Apologies but that is an inaccurate generalisation. In truth I am fixated by the way my foot dangles midair. The contrast of deep red shoe against barely black fine hosiery, the sight of the small mole atop it visible through the fine denier, the twin curvature of the toe, and, most mentally seducing, is the way the tops of my toes tap against the inside of the shoe when I wiggle them. It is a quite delightful shoe and certainly deserving of being fixated upon....

3 years ago
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Aphrodisia Ch 02

A few hours after he fell to sleep Jamie Sloane opened his eyes to find himself flying. High over the village and the surrounding countryside he soared upward toward the thick dark clouds above. The water stored in those clouds started to drench him to the bone and he found it odd that his balls weren’t about to drop off considering how cold it must have been up there. Still, despite the immense height, thick rain clouds and English weather he was comfortably warm. Finding no other option since...

2 years ago
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Trapped Trained and Twisted Pt 09 Final

My eyes fluttered open to the brightness of day that filled my Master's bedroom. I felt like I was having a déjà vu moment as I sat up and the sheet fell away from my naked body. My head was pounding in pain and I felt like I had gotten into a fight with a city bus and lost. I gazed at my reflection in the mirror that sat across from the bed and I could see how severely my right eye was swollen shut. My face was inflamed and a colourful combination of red, black, purple and blue. I looked...

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