Game Night Changed My LifeChapter 13 Saturday
- 3 years ago
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Saturday morning I had to work at the pharmacy, so I got up earlier than I would have liked. I really enjoy sleeping in on the weekends, but I wanted the hours at the store so I could make some money.
I was manning the counter as usual when I started to think about the time that Natalie Davis had come in and given me a blow job right there at the counter. That was one of the hottest things I had ever seen, let alone been a part of. Just the thought of that day made me start to get a hard-on. I pulled myself out of that daydream, because I figured that something like that would never happen again. I just couldn't picture Leslie dropping to her knees right there under the counter and sucking me off. It just seemed out of character for her and there was no way that I could get a repeat performance out of Natalie unless Leslie and I broke up.
I was just contemplating this whole scenario when Leslie walked in. I was surprised to see her because I had forgotten to tell her the night before that I was working that day.
"Hey there, beautiful. What are you doing here?"
"I called your house and your mom told me you were at work. I thought I would come by and see if you wanted to get together later."
"Get together, huh?" I asked in a teasing manner.
"Pervert!" she replied with a laugh and a little swat to my arm. She said that as if it was a bad thing that I implied any sexual meaning, but there was a sexy little twinkle in her eyes that hinted that she wouldn't be completely against it.
"Can't blame a guy for wanting to. Can you? You are just too sexy to resist." I figured that if I was going to talk my way around making racy comments like that then I might as well have some fun with it.
"I don't know where you come up with this stuff, Jeff, but flattery will get you everywhere."
"Did I mention that you get me so fired up just walking into the room that I just can't help myself?" I wanted to see how far I could take this line of talk.
"Oh stop! Now you are blowing smoke up my you know what."
"No I'm not. Come over here." I walked around to the edge of the counter and motioned with my finger for her to come too. I stopped just behind a rack of romance novels at the end of the counter and waited for her to come to me.
When she got to me I did an exaggerated look around motion with my head and then leaned in and gave her a solid kiss on the lips. After about ten seconds of kissing I pulled back and looked her in the eyes.
"I can prove it," I said and I took her hand and guided it to the very hard lump pointing down the leg of my jeans.
She made a shocked "huh" sound as she was caught off guard by my very direct actions. "Oh," she said in a half moan looking down to see what she was feeling. When she looked back up she was a bit flushed and turning red in the face.
"See what you do to me?" I said. "I just can't help myself when you are around." I know, I know. I was laying it on a bit thick, but since we just got back together and I had a whole week away from her I figured I would try to catch us back up to where we should have been by that time.
"Mmm hmm. I do seem to have that effect on you after all."
"I told you. I wasn't kidding."
I could see that this was starting to get to her as well. She was definitely feeling the effects.
"You'll have to wait until later, big boy, if you want to spend some time with me."
"You know I will. No matter what we are going to do. You know I want to be with you."
"Me too. That's why I came here. Remember?"
"Yes, I remember and you know damn well that I will get together with you after work. Was there really ever a question?"
"That's what I like to hear. What time do you get off?"
"You tell me."
"Okay. Just kidding. Two o'clock."
"That's only an hour and a half from now. What do you want to do?"
"I don't know. How about if I pick you up at your house and we go from there?"
"Okay. We still need to make some plans, though."
"How about a movie and then some dinner? My parents are going out tonight and Cara is staying at a friend's for the night. We could get some takeout and go back there and hang out after the movie."
"You are just trying to get me alone so you can get those grubby paws on me."
"Who, me? I would never try to be that sneaky," I replied with great sarcasm.
"Yes you would, and I can't say that it doesn't sound like a lot of fun either."
Hey! Hold the phone. Did she just say that?
"Yes, it will be fun and yes I will get my grubby paws on you. I know just what to do with them, too."
"We'll just see about that."
"Yes we will," I laughed.
She left soon after that and I spent the rest of my shift at the store trying to think of some fun things that I could try that night when we got back to my house. I wanted to be creative and imaginative. I wanted to use the time alone to have as much fun as possible. To me, that meant making sure that Leslie didn't feel threatened, but also that she had a really good time.
I had a really hard time trying to come up with anything original to do with her once we got back to my place. There are only so many things that a teenage boy can come up with and they all seem to center around sex.
In the end I just planned a nice dinner for the two of us and decided that I would surprise her with a nice set up in our dining room. Se would just assume that we were doing take out and sitting in front of he TV or something.
I ran home after my shift was over at work and changed my clothes. After that I set up the dining room table with a nice tablecloth and some candles. I even pulled out the nice china plates and the silverware that we used at the holidays or when my parents entertained friends.
I did a quick look around and found a bottle of wine that my parents probably wouldn't miss. I took a bottle that didn't look like they were saving it for any special occasion and they had enough of them that I figured they wouldn't miss one. I remembered that red wines didn't need to be chilled like the whites, so I picked one of those.
I was almost done setting up when Cara walked in.
"What's all this, Jeff?"
"I'm bringing Leslie back here for dinner tonight since everyone is going out."
"Oh. I forgot to tell you that I changed my plans. I'm having all of the girls over here tonight."
"What! No. Don't have them over here."
I didn't even finish saying that before Cara was laughing really hard.
"Got ya! You should have seen your face!"
"Very funny. I almost had to kill you for a minute there."
"Sure you would. You know you could never hurt me. You love me too much. I'm the best sister around."
That's it. She was just getting too smug for her own good. It was time to knock her down a peg.
"Really? Watch me."
"Wha" She never got to finish what ever she was going to say because I pounced on her and picked her up before she could even react. I grabbed her and threw her over my shoulder and carried her down the hall towards the bedrooms. She was kicking and screaming the whole way there trying to get loose, but she really had no prayer.
I took her straight to her bedroom and tossed her on the bed. Before she had even landed from her bounce I was on her and started to tickle her mercilessly.
Cara is very ticklish and I had her defenseless and laughing hysterically pretty quickly. I didn't let up. I just kept at it until she looked like it was going to make her wet herself.
"Who's the best?" I asked her. "Who's the best brother ever?"
"I'm... the best... sister," she responded between laughs.
"What was that?" I asked and pushed the tickling up a notch.
"I... am," she tried to say again.
"I didn't hear you correctly," I said as I tickled her even harder.
"Okay!... you are... the... best... brother."
"And who's going to be a good girl and give me some privacy tonight?"
"I... am. I'll leave... you two... alone."
"That's better." I said. "You are a good sister after all." I stopped tickling her and she was breathing heavily and almost crying she had been laughing so hard.
"That was cruel, Jeffrey."
"I know, but you love me anyway," I said and gave her a nice peck on the cheek.
"I owe you one now," she threatened.
"No, I really do owe you one. Thanks for talking to Leslie last week and for being a good sister. You really are the best."
That caught her off guard. She was expecting some argument or return threat, not a compliment.
"Oh. No problem. I really felt bad about how you were feeling." She was blushing a little in embarrassment for getting a compliment. It was really sweet.
"I have something in mind for you, but you will have to wait and see what it is."
"What do you mean?"
"Just a little surprise I came up with to repay you for being such a thoughtful sister."
"Jeff! What is it?"
"Nope. I'm not ready to reveal it to you yet. You'll just have to wait and see."
"That is just like you to taunt me with something like that."
"I know," I replied and gave her my best evil cackle.
"Hmm. I have no idea what you could give me, but it better be good after all this hype."
"If I can get it for you it will be good. I promise. I just have to see if I can work it out."
I really didn't have a something to give her, but a someone. The high school homecoming dance was coming up and I know she would be thrilled to go. I knew a freshman guy who was really her type, but probably too shy to have asked anyone to the dance yet. I knew that if he got one look at my sister he would be dying to ask her to go with him. She would be the envy of every 8th-grade girl in her school if she got to go to the dance at the high school with an older guy. Call me a hopeless romantic, but I thought it would be a very cool setup. I just need to work out the "meeting" for the two of them.
I finished up my dinner preparations and left to pick up Leslie soon after my conversation with Cara.
When I rang the door bell at Leslie's house her father answered the door once again.
"Jeff, good to see you. I hear that you worked everything out with my daughter."
"Ah, yeah. Things seem to be back to normal now. Thanks for trying to get her to talk to me on the phone that night. Even though it didn't really work out that night I appreciate you giving me the benefit of the doubt."
"No problem, Jeff. I figured I owed you at least that much after everything you went through to help my daughter."
"Well, thanks anyway."
"Come on in."
Leslie came into the living room where I was waiting for her and announced that she was ready to go. Her father told us to have a good time and reminded her that she needed to be home by midnight.
I grabbed her hand and we walked out to the car together. We agreed on a comedy that was playing at 4:00, so we had to get there soon if we wanted decent seats.
We shared a bucket of popcorn and each got a Coke of our own. I enjoyed being there with Leslie and we held hands through most of the movie. Some of the time I had my arm around her and she rested her head on my shoulder. The movie wasn't really that good and we agreed later on that it was probably not the best movie we could have seen, but we had a good time anyway. Oh well. You can't win them all.
We were both in the mood for Italian food after the movie, so we went to a nice Italian place near the movie theater and ordered some food to take to my house. We drove back to the house and had to turn on some lights by the time we got there. It always depressed me how early it gets dark in the fall and winter.
We took the food into the kitchen so we could unpack it and get started. I asked Leslie to go into the dining room and get the plates for us. She agreed and walked over and flipped on the lights in there.
"Oh my God. Jeff, did you do this?"
I came up behind her and gave her a hug from behind as she admired the setup on the table.
"Yes. I wanted to have a nice dinner with my beautiful girlfriend."
"You are so sweet," she replied and gave me a kiss that made all the effort well worth it. I couldn't resist reaching down during our kiss and giving her sexy ass a nice squeeze. I think we both moaned into the kiss when I did that. Leslie had one sexy ass and I loved having my hands on it.
After getting us both worked up with that little foreplay I pulled back and smiled at her. "I think we should eat while our food is hot."
"Okay, but I think I already had a nice appetizer."
"Me too."
I lit the candles and dimmed the lights in the dining room after we got the food out of the take out containers and onto the china. I had Leslie sit down and I went back into the kitchen and got the bottle of wine that I had picked out earlier.
"May I serve you, my lady?" I asked as I presented the bottle to her.
"Oh, you even got us wine! You are just too much."
I uncorked the bottle and poured us each a nice glass. It was really a very nice dinner sitting alone with her and eating. I had turned on some soft music and we had the great candlelight helping the mood.
"I would like to make a toast. To second chances."
"To second chances," she repeated and we clinked our glasses together.
While were eating I decided that I needed to bring up a subject that we had not talked about.
"Leslie, I haven't had a chance to ask you this, but will you go to Homecoming with me?"
"Yes. I would love to. I was wondering if you were ever going to ask me, then we got all screwed up last week and I wasn't sure if we would even go together."
"You're the only one I want to take. If you didn't want to go with me, I wouldn't go at all."
"Thanks. I wouldn't want to go with anyone else either. You didn't leave me that much time to get a dress! Now I have to go tomorrow and run around looking for one!"
"Yes, I'm sure you will really suffer going clothes shopping. I know how much you hate it!"
"Oh! You are just so smug over there. What about you? Do you have a suit for the Homecoming dance already?"
"That is privileged information and available on a need-to-know basis. You don't need to know," I replied with a wink and a smile.
"I have ways of getting information out of you, Jeff Dugan. I bet I can make you talk."
"I might be... encouraged to discuss this subject further. If you know what I mean."
"I know exactly what you mean, Mr. Dugan, and I don't like the fact that you think you are in control here." She had a strange glint in her eyes that I could not quite place and she casually dropped her napkin on the table and stood up. Where's she going? I was only kidding.
"What are you doing?" I asked as she came around the table toward me. I pulled my chair out from the table prepared to get up and follow her so
I could see where she was going.
She just came around and stood right in front of me looking down at me directly in the eyes. "I'm extracting the information."
She simply dropped to her knees and reached for my belt buckle with a smile. She undid the buckle and zipper, then moved her hand down and rubbed me through my pants. I hardened quickly as she touched me and I couldn't help but moan as she stroked me through my pants.
I was so shocked by her behavior that I didn't know how to react other than just to sit there and let her do what she wanted. I knew that she wasn't totally inexperienced sexually, but I didn't expect her to be this aggressive.
After a minute of teasing me through my pants, Leslie reached in and fished out my very hard cock. When she got it out of my pants it shot up stiffly and stood pointing directly at her face.
"Hmm. What a sexy penis you have here, Jeff. I love the feel of it." She started lightly stroking it up and down and running her finger around the head of it teasing me mercilessly.
"So... Are you going to tell me if you already have your clothes for the dance?" she asked while stroking me continually up and down. It was as if she wasn't going to let me cum until she got the information she was looking for.
"I told you. That is for me to know and you to find out. Later... Much later." I knew that this was going to be a contest of wills. She was going to try to drive me crazy until she found out what she wanted to know and I was going to have to try to get her to push forward enough that I could cum before I told her what she wanted to know.
"Oh, Jeff," she said with a pout, "all you have to do is tell me and I'll make sure you feel really good." She teased me further by leaning down and placing a gentle kiss on the head of my cock that sent tingles though my whole body.
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Permission is granted to post to the TG-fiction list, archive, and Fictionmania site and to the atEROS site. Personal copies for non-commercial use permitted. Anyone else who wants to archive this on a free access website or ftp site, just send me an email telling me that you did so and the url or ftp address. Anyone who wants to archive this on a for-pay site, don't. Member Net Authors and Creators Union - NACU. Authors and creators welcome, email [email protected] for more...
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Sunday morning I decided to put my plan in motion for giving my sister, Cara, a little treat. I had decided that I owed her a favor or two for the way she have helped me out with Leslie so I wanted to do a little something for her. I knew she would love to go to the high school Homecoming Dance even though she was only in eighth grade and I had a guy in mind to set her up with. Who knows? maybe they would hit it off. There was a freshman named Ken Spencer that took guitar lessons from the...
Marcus Is a tall Black man with alethic and muscular features. He and his friends Cal, Jay and Rick call themselves the black knights because of their black skin and muscular toned bodies. They used to run a web site called The Black Knights Club com. On this website they offered a service to a select people who were always married women whose husbands would like to watch their wives be gangbanged by four hung and black men. Marcus and his knights enjoyed what they did in many ways because they...
Wednesday In the garden of the house we share there is a small bower of trees which encloses a seat. When she needs to think it is to that seat that she goes; for the quiet and the lack of diversion. I am not allowed there unless she takes me with her. It is her space. I sat in the room overlooking the garden and watched as she walked to her seat in the late evening sun. She is tall, lithe and graceful. Her dark hair is thick and shines in the sunlight. I watched as she turned and smoothed...
LesbianI don’t relish the idea of working on a Saturday, though I often find myself doing so. I shouldn’t be so quick to complain though. This particular Saturday was an exception. I had gotten to my office about 10:30 a.m., thinking I would work about three or four hours, get a few letters written and maybe catch up on some reading. I was dressed in shorts and a polo shirt, my weekend summer uniform. I hadn’t bothered shaving, though I took a long shower to wake myself up and to try and motivate...
EroticYou and your wife, Jen, have been together for some time now. You have had a very lively and fun sex life together. You both like to try new things and keep things interesting in the bedroom. Tonight is much like any other Saturday night. You both are having a couples’ game night, and tonight your friends, Chloe and Bill, are hosting. You have always been a little jealous of Bill. While of course you love your beautiful wife, you can’t help but appreciate Chloe’s beauty, her charm, and you’ve...
Group SexAn infinite, never-ending black void... check. Can’t feel my own body, check. A blue text box hovering in front of me, check. ‘Wait, wait wait… Hold up, something ain’t right…’ It was at this moment, that I remembered, I died. Well, at least it’s not by a truck, that’d be too cliché. No, I died in a plane crash. What are the odds? It just so happened that a storm appeared right smack dab in the middle of the Pacific Ocean for no reason and somehow my plane is nearby. My last thoughts were,...
FetishDoug Bryant lay on the sandy beach gasping for air. Mary was dry heaving beside him, the contents of her stomach having been left far out in the water. Alyson was crying on the other side of her. Mary and Alyson had briefly gone under with the boat, but had somehow escaped. They broke surface on either side of another life vest. Mary and he had insisted Alyson wear it. He'd had to half-drag Mary to the beach against the pressure of the wind. It hadn't been easy swimming in his canvas deck...
Doug Bryant lay on the sandy beach gasping for air. Mary was dry heaving beside him, the contents of her stomach having been left far out in the water. Alyson was crying on the other side of her. Mary and Alyson had briefly gone under with the boat, but had somehow escaped. They broke surface on either side of another life vest. Mary and he had insisted Alyson wear it. He'd had to half-drag Mary to the beach against the pressure of the wind. It hadn't been easy swimming in his canvas deck...
My best buddy Tom was over one night with his girlfriend Jennie. I was with my girlfriend Mary. Mary and Jennie were very much opposites of each other. Mary was short, Jennie was tall. Mary had big boobs for her size, D cup, while Jennie was not even really an A cup. Mary had jet black hair and Jennie was a blond. The list went on. Tom and I would often go out and play poker and this night the girls wanted to play. We put Rounders on the DVD player, and got out the booze and started playing....
After dinner I had a special surprise for you. "Where are we going?" you asked. "A nice little club," I replied turning down a long alleyway. "There's a club here?" you asked as we pulled into a small, back parking lot. "Not a lot of people know about it. It's sort of a members only place."We walked up to a large, red, intricately carved, wooden door. I rapped three times on a large, iron knocker that was attached to the teeth of a bronze lion head. A small square in the door opened and a...
BDSMShe is 23, 5’6’’ about 125lbs with a thin waist and 34C breasts, mixed (half black) and sexy as hell. She loves to suck dick and is a wildcat in the bedroom. She orgasms very easily. I had decided I was going to invite three of my friends over for a game night. We would drink, smoke some cigars, play some video games, and just enjoy some guy time. Sarah never cared when I had all of the guys over. She got along with most of them and depending on the guy it was an opportunity for her to play....
I just stepped out of the shower, it was my second of the day. I threw on my jeans and a baggy shirt. It was one of those stay home and just relax kind of days. You had been at work and swung by the store on the way home picking up some light bulbs and a nightlight for the bathroom. You always hated having to turn on the bright light when you had to sneak away to the bathroom. We replace the decorative bulb in the hallway and install your nightlight. You clap and twirl at the blue glow...
I managed to make it through the early part of the day with butterflies in my stomach thinking about what Leslie had planned for us in the library. Apparently she thought that what Natalie and I had done in there was so hot that she wanted to do the same thing. It was sort a reenactment. I wanted to do it, but I was a bit nervous. When I had originally fooled around with Natalie in the library, I wasn't really expecting it. It all just sort of happened without any planning or forethought on...
I want share a story about the horniest weekend of my life involving 2 different women. I had started seeing this girl recently and it wasn't too serious as we had only been out once or twice on a date. I had early in the week to meet her on Saturday night and I was hoping I could finally get her into bed to have sex with her. She was very sexy, black bobbed hair, slim and nice tits or so they looked. I couldn't wait but was very nervous on how our date would go. There was a work night out...
I put up part 1 of this story before but instead of posting part 2, I took down part 1 and I am posting the whole thing together. That is how I meant for it to be. I drank a little too much that night. This is all true except for the names...If you only want to read the sexy part, skip ahead to the end of part 2.Part 1It had been awhile since I have had a companion or a lover. Ever since I broke up with my last boyfriend and my last lady lover met someone else I have been pretty lonely. As a...
Aaaahhhh! Alas another Saturday. A day of leisure. I don’t have to worry about traffic jams that make me late for work or what my boss, ‘fat ass’ Katie will have to say about it. No customers asking me for absurd requests like a red wedding cake with purple icing or mango chutney when mangos aren’t in season. Just the normality and me. Following my afternoon nap I slip on my soft pink silk robe over my nakedness, walking over to the window I see that now, contrary to this morning that it’s...
We left the hotel around 9PM and drove her home. I dropped her off about a block from her house. She was a little cock hound too! After all the time we spent in that hotel room fucking and sucking, she played with my cock all the way home. When she got out of the car she gave it a squeeze and told me she'll see my next Saturday, if not sooner. She kissed me and walked up the street. All that week I couldn't get the picture of her tight young body bouncing up and down on my cock crying out as...
BisexualOne Fortnight Only Hi guys. Wow, Part IV already? How did that happen? Huge thanks for all your comments so far, there are some really interesting ideas coming through that seem to want more humiliation and experiences coming Mike's way. Be assured I am reading them all but can't put everything in. If things do continue to go well, I'd definitely consider starting up another 'One Night' series once the Mike & Jay arc is over should enough people request it. If this is your first...
Jessica was looking forward to getting home today. It was Friday and that meant that tonight was game night. It had been a tradition for as long as she could remember that her parents’ and younger brother would spend Friday night playing board games and enjoying each other’s company. She loved her new car that her daddy had bought her recently and loved to play with the radio controls on the steering wheel. She had just turned back to her favorite channel when she heard an announcement that...
In front of a smaller than average congregation, unusually attended by a few of the kingdom's notably agnostic Knightly Order of Dyna, the head priestess of the Holy Church of Merridan addressed "her flock," as it were... even though the warriors in attendance actually outnumbered her faithful. "In conclusion, give generously, my brothers and sisters. A heart that strays from our divine creator, Geod, is a heart that is susceptible to corrupt thoughts and malice against one's fellow man. A...
FantasyGame: Will of Change In its core the game is fairly simple each player takes a turn rolling the die and moving clocwise along the board for the amount they rolled and then draw a colored card corresponding to the color of the square they landed, then the player gets to decide if they will accept the card effect or drop out of the game. The game can end if a player lands on a white or black squre (the final square of each loop) or if only a single player still remains in the game. However there...
FetishIt was finally Friday night. Tonight the summer vacation started and it would start with a bang. Tonight we would drop our college persona's and go back to our high-school roods for a classic game night with our infamous group of friends: The Nerd-Squad. At least that is what we called our self in our teenage years. The game night would be held at the house of the twins. They're still living at their parent's house. Which meant that we would have 138 square meters to ourself for the whole...
Group Sex"See you guys in a few," I called, and headed out where my car was parked. Most of the people had already left the parking lot by the time we had worked out our plans and gotten out of the stadium. We were in no hurry to be the first people sitting in Arby's. I was just about to where my car was parked when I heard the voices. About 100 feet from my car I noticed that, other than my car, Leslie's car and a big pick-up truck were the only cars left in the dark lot. As I got closer I heard...
The Silver Knights organization was growing far beyond the original group of a few kids who were just having fun. Ed Smith suggested that it would be prudent for the Silver Knights to incorporate into a non-profit service organization. As a lawyer, he was happy to donate the time and effort to make this happen. Before long, they were The Silver Knights, Inc. John was president, Mary was CFO, and a couple of other jobs were taken by parents so that they satisfied all of the state’s legal...
A quick note to everybody: This is the next Game On story. I have decided to not go nuts on more than 1 maybe 2 types of games per story. I am also going to declare this as a new 'universe', so anyone that wants to write stories for Game On can do so as long as it some how revolves around a magical and/or sci-fi game. Once again, please feel free to e-mail me ([email protected]), or send me an instant message through ICQ (247193981) I will be happy to receive your comments and...