Flawed Red Silk 12 linked stories
- 3 years ago
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The brisk pace of the game meant it concluded just after eight p.m. local time – an especially quick game considering the amount of commercial time the network built into the telecast.
But by the time the team contended with the media and traffic to the airport, it was close to 11 o'clock before they boarded their flight for Cleveland. There was little talking and no joking on the flight across, not because the players were despondent over their loss but because they were mostly asleep.
Brock had taken some ribbing when he boarded the plane for carrying a lined tweed overcoat. Even Meredith had given him a ration of crap for pulling out his coat with a removable liner and telling her to make sure it came with his belongings.
No one was laughing at him when the plane touched down at seven a.m. local time and the pilot announced the temperature was 41 degrees in Cleveland.
For some, such as Danys and Zack, they had never been north of Arizona from late September to early April. Danys was from the Dominican Republic and played Winter Ball there each year. Zack was from Texas and had never seen a snowflake until an early season game in Colorado.
Others, like Al (who was from New York City) and Josh (who was from North Dakota), knew what to expect. Still, they all felt a chill when they departed the plane – except for Brock, who was wearing his overcoat and leather gloves.
He was warm and stylish, he joked.
The second plane arrived four hours later and Brock was napping when Meredith came into the room at the Marriott.
"Jesus Christ," she muttered after she tipped the bellhop for helping with the luggage she carried for her and for Brock. "I thought you were joking."
The forecast called for a high temperature of 51 and overnight lows in the upper 30s.
"I got you a present," Brock informed her, gesturing to a garment bag hanging on the door. Meredith unzipped it to find a leather bomber jacket inside.
"Where did you find this?" she asked.
"Macy's," Brock replied with a shrug. "There's one down the block. I figured you'd want something warm while you're here."
Meredith looked up at him with such love in her eyes that he blushed.
"You like it?" he asked.
"I love you," she replied. "God, after the crap I gave you about bringing a coat, you should have let me freeze."
"I didn't want The Ladies to catch a chill," Brock said, referring to Meredith's nickname for her boobs.
"I tell you what, when we walked out to get the rental car, The Ladies almost drilled a hole in my bra," Meredith said. "You said cold weather gives you shrinkage. Well cold weather gave me pokies. I turned on the heater in the car on the way over. I don't know if my SUV even has a heater. I've never used it."
"I picked up a couple of sweaters for you while I was there," Brock said. "They're going to be delivered this afternoon. If you don't like them, just send them back."
"You fly through the night, get off the plane and the first thing you worry about is if I'll be warm," Meredith said, shaking her head.
"To be honest, the first thing I worried about was rubbing it in to Zack and Danys that I was warm and they were not," Brock admitted. "But the second thing I worried about was you. Let everyone know I set up a charge account over there so they can get anything they might need. Well, don't let everyone know that. I was thinking more along the lines of the ones who probably don't own warm clothing. They said game-time temperatures tomorrow might be in the 30s."
"I'll need some pants," Meredith said with a frown. She owned some lightweight pants but mostly her closet was filled with dresses, skirts and shorts. She preferred to wear those and she knew Brock liked to see her in them. It was a win-win as far as she was concerned. "I'll call Jen and have her coordinate with the others. Can they use the account in Los Angeles, too?"
"With the password," Brock replied.
"Let me write it down," Meredith said, pulling a pen and paper from a desk drawer.
Brock read off a six-digit number that meant nothing to Meredith. She doubted anyone would be able to guess it and access the account Brock had established.
"There is a $2,500 limit per customer," Brock said. "So let Mel know I'm not financing a new wardrobe for her."
"That should let everyone get some warm clothes," Meredith announced. "How much was my jacket?"
"That doesn't matter," Brock replied. He figured she would kill him for spending $500 on a coat she would wear for three days. Still, Brock knew it wouldn't be the last fall or winter trip he took with Meredith so it would be worth it. Hell, he decided, the look on her face was worth it.
Meredith lifted her eyebrows at him.
"You know I'll see your credit card statement when it comes in," she said.
"Fine," Brock replied. "The coat was $500. But it was one of the only ones I thought would look nice on you. The others were, I don't know, they weren't you."
Meredith stood in the center of the room shaking her head. Brock was about to protest that it was his money and he could spend it as he liked when she cut the thought from his head.
"That's it," she declared. "Take off your pants. I am going to show my appreciation in the only way I physically can right now."
When Brock didn't move, Meredith marched forward and pushed him backward on the bed. She was unbuckling his pants when her cell phone rang. Brock was a little disappointed when she answered.
"Sorry, I can't talk right now," she informed whoever was on the other end of the line. "Brock bought a beautiful coat for me and I'm about to go down on him to say thank you. I'll call you back in a half hour."
Brock heard laughter when Meredith pulled the phone away from her ear, turned it off and tossed it across the room. Then she went back to her business.
"Who was that?" Brock asked. Meredith had fished his penis out of his boxers and was licking it like a Popsicle. She paused briefly.
"Mandy," she replied with a shrug before her head disappeared onto Brock's lap again. She ignored his questions until he finally sat back silently and enjoyed Meredith's efforts. When she'd finished, she smiled and went to brush her teeth.
Brock was still sitting on the bed with his pants and underwear at his knees when she returned. She pushed him the rest of the way back on the bed and straddled his waist before leaning forward and kissing him solidly.
"You are seriously the best boyfriend-slash-fiancé ever," she concluded. "But I have to call Mandy back. I think she wants to take some of the other wives shopping."
Josh greeted Brock with a smile and a high five when he arrived in the lobby for the short trek to the stadium for the second media day of the Series. Brock blushed and expected an onslaught of comments but his friend said nothing more.
The media day in Cleveland was lower key than the one before the opening game in Los Angeles. This was mostly newspapers and television and radio stations that dealt solely with the Indians. There were no questions about anything but baseball.
"That's what J.C. loves about this place," Brock commented as the players boarded the bus for the five-block trip to the hotel. Brock was certain he could walk it quicker but the league insisted every visiting player be driven to the stadium.
"We're all going out to dinner tonight," Al advised him as they settled in. "I noticed that you and Meredith weren't mentioned. Do you have other plans or was it just an oversight?"
"We're going to Erie to see Chastity," Brock told them.
"Oh, that's cool," Josh replied. "I heard she was taking a season off and coaching. How's that going for her?"
"I don't really know," Brock admitted. "I had no idea she was doing it. I thought she was in Europe with the rest of the national team. I guess everything happened when I was in Arizona and I missed it."
"You guys having dinner over there?" Al wondered.
"I think we're going to a girls' soccer tournament," Brock related. "Hell, Al, I don't know. I just do what I'm told."
"At least she broke you early," Wade chimed in.
"Oh, I think Brock is in good shape," Josh told them conspiratorially. "He's got his ways to regain control."
Josh ignored the questions from the rest of the players and the guys separated as they debarked at the hotel.
"Tell Chas we said hi," Al told him. "And let her know that Faith has already told us she's going to high school in Erie if Chastity is still coaching there."
Meredith was already in the room when Brock opened the door. She was wearing a pair of blue jeans, a white sweatshirt with the Duke logo on it and running shoes. She had laid out similar apparel for Brock to don – except his sweatshirt was gray and had no emblem.
She topped off her ensemble with her leather jacket, stopping to smell the material when she put it on.
"I had them waterproof it," Brock told her. "That will keep it from cracking if it gets wet."
"You're already getting a solid day of sex as soon as I'm back in commission," Meredith said. "What? Do you plan to shoot for a week?"
"If I can," Brock laughed as he pulled on his heavy coat and started for the door.
"Hey, one more thing," Meredith said, tossing him a baseball cap with the Buffalo Bison logo on it. The Indians had moved their Triple-A affiliate to Columbus so Brock didn't feel like a traitor.
"We're incognito," Meredith announced, pulling Brock down and kissing him solidly. Part of her had wondered if the trip was a good idea. She had pondered what might happen if Chastity elected to continue her sabbatical from playing and decided she wanted to coach near Los Angeles.
"Your butt looks really nice in those jeans," Brock whispered as they boarded the elevator.
"OK, you got your week," Meredith said with a smile.
"Can I work on 10 days?" Brock asked. He leaned over and ran his hand across Meredith's butt.
"You have to behave yourself," she warned as the doors opened and other people entered the car. When the car hit the ground floor, Brock waited until everyone was out before he pinched Meredith's butt, causing her to jump.
She was still laughing when they exited and ran into Cynthia Lu.
"Use caution while you're gone," she urged. "I did not find out about your side trip in time to scout the location."
"It's on the campus of a private school," Meredith informed her. "There are metal detectors at the stadium entrance and the school has its own security team that appears to be well-trained. I checked it out before I suggested it. Sorry, I should have let you know what we planned."
"You have done everything I would have," Cynthia said with a nod. "I know you are capable of protecting yourself and Brock, if necessary."
Meredith beamed at the praise but Brock frowned. Still, he couldn't argue with the statement. Brock insisted that he was driving across Interstate 90 to Erie. It was a relatively straight shot but the roads in Pennsylvania, if he remembered correctly, were terrible. He found out his memory was right as soon as the crossed the border. The sound in the BMW 328i that Meredith had rented changed.
"What's the noise?" Meredith wondered from the passenger seat. "I didn't notice it before."
"It's the road surface," Brock told her. "When I lived up in Ohio and New York, I always heard the Pennsylvania roads were the worst. I finally believe them."
Meredith frowned but was happy that she hadn't rented a lemon. She wanted something sporty to drive around in but she also wanted something functional. The lease on her SUV was up in December and she was shopping around for something different.
The GPS pointed them in the right direction and they saw the lights of the stadium in the distance. They paid $5 each to enter and made their way to the side where Chastity's school was sitting. There was another game going on but Meredith pointed down the way where she recognized Chastity leading a team in warm-ups.
"Good, we got here before it started," she said, glancing around at the other spectators. She was surprised at the number of students in attendance. She couldn't remember ever attending a girls' soccer game during her two years in high school.
Brock heard the triple whistle that he knew signaled the end of the game and saw the two teams meet in the middle of the pitch to shake hands. He had no idea who won or lost. When the field was empty of players, Chastity's team, wearing maroon uniforms, made their way to the middle of the field in a neat formation to loosen up some more.
Chastity made her way to the sideline, carrying a clipboard – and looking pleased. The opposing coach cut her off and shook her hand before heading back to his team. The referee and the linesmen did the same thing before she made her way to her team's bench.
"She's a rock star," Brock joked.
"She is probably the most recognizable soccer player in America," Meredith said seriously. "I would imagine there isn't a girl who plays the game who doesn't know who she is. Look at Faith. My Lord, that girl smiled for two days when Chastity kicked the ball around with her last summer. You know she put the ball away and never used it again? She made Al go out and get a glass case for it. The jersey that she got in Phoenix last year is hung on the wall of honor in Al's den – right beside his All-Star jersey and where his World Series jersey will hang. So, yeah, she's a rock star, all right."
Brock had been kidding with the comment but he could see how Meredith was right. Chastity Durant might be one of the five most famous female athletes in the United States. And she was coaching a high school girls' soccer team instead of making half a million a year to play in Germany or Italy.
Brock and Meredith watched as the game unfolded. Neither had a rooting interest, Brock had never heard of the school where Chastity coached and he certainly didn't know any of the children on her team. But he cheered along with everyone else on his side of the stadium when the girls in maroon made a good play.
He watched Chastity's reaction with one of her defenders came too far forward and set up a goal opportunity for the opposition. The goalie managed to turn away the point-blank shot but there was no help from the defense.
Chastity didn't throw her clipboard or scream at the girl who had made the mistake. She didn't substitute a new player at the next dead ball. Instead she waited for an opportunity to pull the girl aside. With a gentle arm around the player's shoulder, Chastity pointed out where the girl should have been and why she was out of position.
The player paid rapt attention – when you have the opportunity to learn from someone who had accomplished as much as Chastity Durant, you took it. And Brock realized that was what Chastity had been doing. She hadn't been coaching. She'd been teaching, not only about soccer but about responsibility.
When the lesson was over, Chastity ruffled her player's hair and sent her back out on the field.
Meredith had been watching Brock's reaction carefully and she wondered what the small smile that came across his face was about. There was no action on the field. A timeout had been called. He wondered what he was recalling from his days with Chastity that had elicited his reaction.
"Pretty cool," he said softly.
"What?" Meredith asked, not because she hadn't heard him but because she wondered what he was referring to.
"The way she handled that kid," Brock remarked. "Watch the other coach for a minute."
Meredith shifted her gaze down the row slightly (in soccer, both benches are on the same side of the field). The man was pacing like a caged lion, yelling instructions, stamping his feet when a mistake was made.
In contrast, Chastity was standing serenely on the sidelines. Periodically she would turn to her assistant coach and mention something. Other times she would turn to the players on her bench and point out something that had happened on the pitch. She didn't scream at the players on her team. If a correction needed to be made, she did it either by a substitution or during a stoppage in play.
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March 26th You’re beggin’ me to go, you’re makin’ me stay, why do you hurt me so bad? It would help me to know, do I stand in your way, or am I the best thing you’ve had? ‘Love Is A Battlefield’ …Pat Benatar The thirty minute drive to the airport was rather nerve wracking, despite the lack of traffic. My heart pounding so hard I could feel it echo in my head. Sudden thoughts of “what if” kept running through my mind…pushing them firmly back…he would be there!! I kept saying that to myself...
My old neighbor, the plumber When living in Atlanta, we had several good neighbors. One of them was Jack O’, a giant black man in his mid fifties, a widower, who lived alone in a nice house around the street corner. One morning I was arriving home when he passed along and I invited him in for a beer.We were sitting at the kitchen counter joking and telling some stories when my sweet Ana walked in wearing nothing but a short transparent black night gown, tight high stockings, stiletto heels and...
[Note: This is another story written long ago, and forwarded to my by my French friend Avaro. For those who remember, C.C. created the world of Clinton Crayle. He asked me to write a story in a Raymond Chandler hard- bitten detective style, and this is it. So enjoy. And if you want to read another story by C.C. (one of his best), take a look at "The Circus". She-Devil posted it; she just forgot to mention that she didn't write it - C.C. did. TOXIS.] ...
New Style, New Look, New Me. Part 3 By Sim1cats Hi I'm Veronique Dubois age 23 Lead singer of the band Veronique and Purple Haze but this was not always the case I was formerly Eric Walters aged 53. Please read part one and 2 for the story of how my change came about in part 3 my journey continues. As I said at the first chapter Grammar and Punctuation are not my strongest point so I will apologise...
September 1, 1987, Chicago, Illinois “I heard that you have some kind of plan to help Ed,” I said to Connie. “There’s no plan,” she replied. “A witness who saw the shopkeeper alive after Ed left came forward.” That sounded convenient, and I wondered if the witness was real or someone that Anthony had put forward to solve the problem. Certainly, the videotape was real, because I couldn’t imagine how Anthony could have faked that, but the witness? Who knew? “So is he being released? Or is...
David silently accompanied me right through the airport. He left me at the door to the plane. I sat down in my seat in the nineteenth row at the window. Next to me were two Chinese men in their forties. Both gazed up and down at me as I passed them to reach my seat. As they sat one said to the other, "We need more American tourists. How much do you think I should offer this one for a fondle of her tits?" The second man laughed. Quite absently I said, "One hundred dollars," as I turned...
There had to be some way to modify the outgoing signal, or to inject his own data into the stream. Schaffer slammed the console with his fist in frustration. He had mapped every function that he could find and was now reduced to trawling the maze of menus and submenus contained within the operating system. Half of the functions required commands that he did not know, the system was entirely custom, though loosely based on a kind of UNN security system management software that he was somewhat...
This is the first part of a story I’m about to write. It’s quite short but I’m planning to extend the following parts. I hope you enjoy it and feel to comment or make any suggestions!This is a session with your beloved mistress.I have you naked and already hard, you are sitting on a chair tied up with your legs wide open so that I have an easy access. I’m standing right before you thinking how I’m going to make you experience the most memorable day of your day through infinite waves of intense...
Emily looked around the hotel room. The double bed was both luxurious and realistic, made of white linen which felt soft to the touch. There was a bathroom with a shower large enough for two people. The most impressive feature was the view. She stepped onto the balcony and took a deep breath of fresh air while admiring the sunset. Although the sun had almost entirely disappeared behind the mountain that dominated the landscape, the sky was still a gorgeous shade of pink. For a minute, she...
Jamie and the girls landed at Dreghorn and were met by Stuart. While Jamie had been making his broadcast, the girls had completed the task Jamie had set them and he now had a delivery to make. There was another matter to take of first though and Jamie knew he had put it off long enough. "Stuart, how many of the terrorists do you have locked up here in the guardhouse?" he asked. "Eight in total. There are two adults who we think must have been part of the original virus attack and six...
Charlotte's friends always talked in hushed voices about what happens to girls in Pioneer Park at night. Just last week, a jogger was raped there in broad daylight. Before that, another nice white girl went missing for three days. She turned up naked and covered in bruises after a horrifying ordeal. The park lay in a triangle between the State University, the bus terminal, and the old residential neighborhood where Charlotte and her friends lived. It was big and sprawling, full of old trees and...
BDSMJan lay on the padded masseur table gazing up at her father, her legs held wide and extended just over the edge. They were tied by heavy cord within the stirrups her dad had added for their pleasure and she shivered in anticipation of what the long night held in store for her. Jan was sixteen and had been enjoying the forbidden pleasures of familial sex with both her mother and father for the past year now. Reluctant, afraid and ashamed at first she soon found herself craving even further...
My First DateBy: HornyJ My date went well Wednesday night. Jake and I met a few weeks ago at the library whenwe both reached for the same Kellerman book. Jake told me to go ahead and take it, andhe'd check it out when I was done. We got talking about authors we liked, and after a while heasked if I'd like to meet him for coffee sometime. I said sure, and told him I'm usually at thelibrary Tuesday afternoon. He met me there the next week, and we went out for coffee. Samethe following week, but...
My P.I. filled me in on Jack Nixon, 40, years old, occupation: tax lawyer, all around ladies man and trouble maker. Married and divorced three times. Accused of sexual harassment of clients. Purportedly responsible for three divorces (four if you count mine) and three unwanted pregnancies. He has been arrested twice for domestic violence and suspected of some unsolved rapes. I’ve been trying to call Melinda but she’s not answering. When after three days, she hadn’t called back, I called her...
Village Tales Book 1 A Measure of Breeding Alexia: Persuasions and Passions Part 2 3. Escape to Olfberg Before Ingenar had hidden them in the closet he had instructed them to go to Olfberg and find a hostler named Ulric. He was reputed to be pessimistic and stolid but honest and had been paid some weeks earlier to take the girls to the monastery at Saint Michel if anything happened in their village. The invaders had covenanted to respect the religion of neighbouring countries and not impose...
A few minutes later, Misty walked from the cell and was pushed aside. 'I gotta clean this fuckin' place, ' an older black woman rushed by Misty pushing a small mop, holding an empty bucket. 'Damn, I gotta clean this nasty shit hole before the governor gets here, ' she said pushing the mop past the other women. Shelly walked up to the woman. 'Mary you go clean your cell, ours is already clean, ' she said with a laugh as she looked to Misty. 'Poor Mary worked for the governor's...
“I should have asked, but how do you go about determining what the culture or ethos of a business is?” Dave and Ginny were sitting on the sofa in his EneRG office. Ginny stood and went to the flip chart in the corner of the seating area. She turned to a blank page and wrote: traits, behaviors, leaders, and measurements. Opposite those terms she drew a line and wrote clan, adhocracy, market, and hierarchy.” She turned to Dave, “Let’s define some terms. By the term ‘culture’ we mean the...
What could I do to find another successful group of friends, they usually are, to form another choir for my hugely popular TV series The Choir? I have exhausted the ideas, choices and myself in putting this show on the road. Travelling the length and breadth of the UK many times, repeating the journeys several times to meet the groups, rehearse them, appoint a mentor, visit again with them and get to choose the final short list was a struggle, not to mention semi-finals, finals, involved a lot...
This story is a stand-alone one about how Jeff Trumbull, from The Real Me, became Mary. One does not need to read the first story to enjoy this one. For a change, Alistair "Ace" Trumbull woke up early on a Saturday. He was a good husband and good father, but he liked his weekend lay-ins. His wife, Meredith, was more than fine with it because her man deserved the rest. Her Al was a hard worker. He worked on the Southampton dock. A hard drinker, Ace was a regular at The Griffin and The...
SIL SurrenderAs in my previous stories, this is fantasy, not reality. The names have been changed to protect the lusted after, and if you're under 18, you should not be reading this. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Have fun and stay safe.SIL SurrenderEver since I've known my wife Diane, I have been in lust with her sisters. They're all pretty nice looking and I've been trying to get them into bed pretty much since I first met them. Now, my wife knows about it. She...
Hi to all ISS readers, this Sandeep here from Hyderabad city. Come on guys catch your dick in your hand and read to jerk off and girl ready to do fingering and rub your pussy and ready to become wet after reading my story. let me describe my physical structure my height is 6.3 with 7 inch large and thick dick with an circumference of diameter 3 centimeters, I have average built body with little fair color and my age is just 23 single eligible bachelor in Hyderabad city. Any mature women’s or...
"Happy birthday dear Robbie..." The modest crowd cheered as the blond- haired boy cringed. "Happy birthday to you!" Robbie grinned widely as he leaned down and blew out the sixteen candles on his plain chocolate cake, before grimacing as he braced himself for the inevitable. Robbie had always had mixed feelings about his birthday being at the start of August. On the one hand, it meant he was younger than virtually everyone in her school year, but on the other hand, it also meant that...
U braku smo oko 5 godina,ja imam 28 god a moj suprug 29 i ova prica ce vjerovatno mnoge uzbuditi sto je nekako i moja ispovjest ali je sve do detalja istinita sto su se mogli neki od njih i uvjeriti.Prica pocinje prije tacno 2 god.Kao i u svakom braku ima uspona i padova pa tako i nas.Inace ja sam sa svojim muzem mnogo sretna i mnogo se volimo i najvise se nekako razumijemo u krevetu,iako mi muz ima stvarno mali kurac(oko 10 cm) to mi nekako nije predstavljalo problem jer je stvarno dobar u...
I was looking for her car even before I turned off the street onto the parking lot. She was parked in the same place, and there were no cars around. I didn’t park, I made a wide U-turn on the parking lot and pulled up behind her car, stopping to lean across with my hand on my passenger door handle. She was out of her car and into my truck in a matter of seconds. She carried her art case and had it pressed against her chest. “Hi,” she said, exhaling once we were out on the street and headed...
Molly was pissed. “How did I get talked into this?” She thought as she pulled on her tight jeans and sucked in her breath so she could close the zipper. As reluctant as she was to keep this appointment, it had taken her longer than normal to get going. Now she was running very late and was fumbling around her bathroom in a half-hearted attempt to look presentable before she went out. Her vibrant and usually smiling features required little in the way of enhancement, a little lipstick...