DóchasChapter 21 free porn video

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They were leaving the dining room after breakfast when Dorothy came over to Sarah's Clan. She said, "Sarah, Cynthia, Margaret, Barbara, Diane and Carol will be arriving from the ship in a few moments. Maria and I would like you and Sally to be there when we wake them up."

"Sure. When?"

"Around 9, or perhaps a little before. We won't start until you are there."

It was just after 9 when Sarah, Sally and Terry entered the clinic. Sarah said, "Sorry, we are late."

"Not a problem, they are coming to a level of consciousness where you can easily talk to them telepathically."

"Okay. Ready guys," said Sarah. Terry and Sally both nodded.

Sarah said, "Cynthia, this is Sarah Kelly. You are safe now and going to be okay."

"Sarah, where have you been?" The last I heard no one knew how to reach you."

"My friends and I were kidnapped. Sally and Terry are here with me."

"This seems like a dream, but it feels so real. Hi, Terry. Hi, Sally."

"Hi, Cynthia," they replied. "We're glad you've recovered."

"After what they did to me I am not sure I want to," replied Cynthia with a dejected tone. "That weekend turned into a horrific experience. On top of that I signed documents giving the bastards' everything," sighed Cynthia.

"Relax Cynthia," said Sarah. "We are in a safe place. Our appearance is much different from the last time you saw us."

"I must be dreaming."

"This isn't a dream. Right now we are exchanging thoughts telepathically."

"That is impossible."

"That is what some believe. Before you fully wake up I have a few things to share. Your friends are here with you. They have recovered just like you have. You may be able to sense them as they are here with us. They are probably listening to this conversation."

"If it is not a dream, then I am insane," thought Cynthia as sadness began to overtake her.

"No you are not insane. Would the Sarah you know deceive you?"

"No she wouldn't, but I didn't think Sylvia would do what she did either."

"To me, you and Sylvia were as different as night and day."

Sarah watched as Cynthia sifted through her memories of Sylvia, Sarah, Sally, and their conversation then considered what her surroundings felt like. Cynthia took a deep breath then said, "Okay. I'll accept you are Sarah and you are talking to me telepathically. For some time now, I felt like I was having strange dreams but everything was kind of foggy."

"We understand," said Sarah, Sally and Terry.

Sally continued with, "We had dreams before we woke up here too. Once we were awake, we realized those dreams were of what we had been doing while our bodies recovered."

Sarah said, "The treatments that you and your friends were given, were to alter your bodies. I will explain it more fully when all of you are awake."

"Okay. After they gave us the injections, we were fitted with a butt plug. After several hours, we were horny and aroused. We stayed that way in spite of having to constantly entertain anyone who chose to use us. During that time my breasts were tender and ached as did my pussy. We thought it was due to the virtually continuous fucking."

"It could be that but part of it was most likely due to the drugs. Are you ready to get up?"

"I think so."

"Okay, just a minute, we need to check on your friends. They've probably heard us."

"They're here? Oops, now I remember you telling me that."

Sarah said, "Hello, Margaret. Sally and Terry are here with me."

"Sarah, is that really you?" asked Margaret.

"Yes, it is. I look a little different now than the last time we were together."

"This sure seems like a dream."

"We know, as we've had the same experience. Did you hear us talking with Cynthia?"

"I guess so but I thought it was a dream."

"It can seem like that.

"Diane, Carol, and Barbara, welcome to our home. I guess, you've heard me talking to Cynthia and Margret. My name is Sarah, with me are Terry and Sally."

"Are we dreaming?" responded each one.

"No," she replied with a smile, "This is not a dream. It is a different way of conversing. We'll talk more about this after you are fully awake. We are not sure you remember how you got here. The five of you arrived at a baby farm operated by Sylvia, the day after it was raided. During the raid, the attackers killed everyone except for two and a small group. They tortured Sylvia then left her to die. They gave the other person multiple injections before leaving her restrained in locked room. Between the raid and your arrival, friends of ours rescued the doctor and small group. When you arrived, all of you were in very bad shape physically, so initially we rushed you here. Once the medical staff determined the extent of your health issues, we moved you to an advanced medical facility. There you received some very extensive medical treatments. These altered the outcome of what you were given and it ensured your full recovery. While we don't know for certain, our staff believes that without their intervention your life would have been short and quite painful."

"Sarah, I can feel the sincerity in your words," said Cynthia. "My apologies for the way I acted earlier. Knowing the three of you, I am certain you acted in our best interests."

"I understand," replied Sarah.

"I agree," said Barbara. "And thanks, I feel the decision was a difficult one for you all to make."

"I know them and agree," added Margaret.

Both Carol and Diane added, "I agree."

"Okay. I have not let you see me yet, as I noted before my appearance is different. This is a view of Terry, Sally and I."

"Oh, wow. You are certainly different," said Margaret with the others concurring. "If I look as good as you I couldn't complain."

"Well, all of you do look similar to us. However, your tummy won't be as large as ours, as we are about four months pregnant."

"I don't see a problem with the way any of you look. Pregnant or not," responded all of them.

"The last item I need to share with you is that you can communicate telepathically. We've been using it to share these thoughts."

"When I thought I was dreaming, I heard you tell Cynthia that," responded Barbara. "That should make life interesting."

"It does, in a good sense. You should be awake enough now to get up and move around."

The five women stirred on their bed and soon opened their eyes. They looked around at their surroundings, then saw Sarah, Sally and Terry sitting on the side of the bed. Their expressions showed their shock at seeing what they still thought of as dreams, well until now.

"Hi Cynthia," said Terry, Sally and Sarah, then in turn they bent over and kissed her cheek.

"Hi, Margaret. It is good to see you again," said Sarah and gave her a kiss.

"Yes. That is true for me too, although different circumstances would be a plus."

Everyone laughed.

"Hi, Diane. Hi, Barbara. Hi, Carol. I am Sarah. This is Sally and Terry."

The five women sat silently. Their minds in quiet turmoil as they digested that what they had thought of as dreams were in fact real.

Sarah then said, "We can see you are trying to come to grips with your new situation. So based on our experience, we have a suggestion." She paused until they were looking at her then she added, "Accept what you saw and heard in those dreams as being potentially real. Even the part of us talking before you opened your eyes. We are telepathic and you can now communicate telepathically. Some of us will help you learn to use and manage it." When she shifted to telepathic conversation, their eyes became very big.

"When we arrived here, we were sedated. Our health situation was similar to yours and we received similar treatments. They were designed to specifically fit each of our needs. It is that experience that gives us an insight into the vivid dreams you thought you were having when we talked to you a few moments ago. When we woke up here, we chose to initially accept what we thought of as dreams as being real. Since then we've confirmed the reality of ours. We believe that will be true for yours. Now that you are awake, you can verify them and learn about where we are and the people who helped us, then move on. When you are ready, you can talk through your feelings, concerns and reservations with our medical staff, or any of us. So, can you accept your current situation as a place to start from?"

"Yes, I think so," said Diane. The others nodded in agreement.

Margaret said, "If I had any doubt you were Sarah, you just removed it." She smiled. "In the short time I knew you and we worked together, you never once looked back except to learn. Again, thank you for being there for us." She pulled Sarah over and gave her a firm hug.

After a few moments Sally said, "Do you need to use the restroom?" They all shook their heads no.

"Okay. Before you stand you need to slip your shoes on," said Terry. "They have your name on the insole." They all gasped on seeing the shoes with an 8 inch heel. "Based on experience, you probably expect them to be uncomfortable and painful, however you will find quite the opposite is true. This is due to one of the changes in our bodies." Sarah, Sally and Terry helped them with their shoes and then helped them stand.

"They are comfortable," said Carol. "I never could wear heels comfortably before, even low heels."

"We agree," said Sally as they watched them slowly stand and then tentatively take a small step.

"This feels fine," said Barbara. "My balance is better than I expected it to be."

"Now, we suggest that you examine each other's bodies as there are some significant changes. We've found that this is the best way for you to answer your questions." They began tentatively then quickly explored each other's bodies, frequently pausing to glance in the mirror.

Diane lifted Carol's hair off her back and gasped when she saw the ribbon of hair running down her spine and between her ass cheeks. Her gasp drew the attention of the others as she glanced in the mirror and saw her own back.

Carol ran her hand slowly down Diane's mane, stopping just below the waist when Diane said, "Carol, that feels good," as she in turn ran her fingers through Carol's mane.

"Yes, it does feel good," said Carol as her fingers continued along Diane's mane toward her ass. "You can do that as long as you want to. Your hair runs right down between your ass cheeks." After a few moments, she added, "It feels like a tail," as she bent over to look closer. "It is a tail! It does lie between your cheeks and the hair reaches well down your thigh." Carol's comments prompted the others to examine that part of their friend's anatomy. "Diane, those caresses feel very good, in fact they are arousing."

"Yes, they are," sighed Diane as she pushed back against Carol's caress. "I can tell by what you are doing to me."

Sarah said, "Everyone who arrived here with significant health issues has had them corrected using this treatment. As you can see, one side effect is that we now have tails and manes. This is probably the one aspect that could make it difficult to again be a part of Earth's society. We've found that our tail doesn't get in the way and we hardly notice it. As you've discovered, caressing it does contribute to arousal. We understand that it can be bobbed with a simple surgical procedure."

"What other surprises are there?" asked Carol. "Wait, I didn't mean that the way it sounded."

"We understand," said Sally. "This time we heard your thought both verbally and telepathically. An advantage to telepathic conversations is they include associated emotions. Since your communication includes the emotional aspects, it is easier to avoid misunderstandings. Before we arrived, the people who rescued us communicated almost exclusively by telepathy. Now our communication is a combination of the two. Later we will show you how to manage it, so you can easily direct your thoughts."

"To answer your question Cynthia," said Sarah, "there are other changes. I think they are beneficial. Let me touch on a few then we can join the others you know who are here. First you are lactating. To accommodate this, you need to let you milk down at least twice a day and three times a day is more comfortable. We normally do this is using a special exercise bench as it lets us exercise while expressing our milk. Why do we lactate? The milk provides us with nutrients that we need to maintain our health. Our breasts aren't likely to sag even though we are lactating. This is due to a change in structure and the additional support they have.

"We typically do not wear any covering except when necessary. You will find that being nude is much more comfortable than wearing clothing. This is due to the texture of textiles generally worn by Earth society. They will now feel like you are wearing sand paper after just a short time.

"With respect to telepathy, one of our medical staff will help you learn how to manage it. You've already noticed the changes in your feet. Those changes are not complete which is why you need to wear shoes whenever you are up. At some point, you will find you don't need them as much as you do now, but be careful to not strain your feet and legs. Your height is now around 6 feet 8 inches or so. Your vision is sharper and you have better sensitivity in low light. There is more but it can wait."

"That is quite a list," said Carol and the others nodded in agreement, "and there is more. It's almost like we have new bodies. This will take some getting use too."

"Yes, it does take some time," responded Sarah. "As to our bodies, I would say refurbished rather than new."

"Come on let's go meet the others then we can chat some more," said Terry.

When they stepped out of the room, the five women were surprised to find Dorothy, Maria and the other members of Sarah's Clan. After much hugging and tears, Sarah suggested they go to get something to drink while they talk. They went to the dining room and picked up glasses along with a couple of pitchers of iced tea then went to a small sitting area.

While they chatted, several of Jean's group saw new people and came over. Sarah's Clan gradually backed out of the conversation, so by the time they needed to freshen up for lunch they were well in the background. Even so when Cynthia realized they were leaving she said, "Where will we stay? How will we pay for all this? Those assholes stole everything I have."

Dorothy responded, "We have a set of rooms near Maria and I for all of you. Jean and Andy are in the same area. They really helped me a lot when I was at Sylvia's." She saw expressions of apprehension. "Wait. Don't jump to conclusions. I was just saying that Jean and Andy are very good people. Now I guess we ought to tell you a bit more about how we are organized. Currently we are divided into four groups, no make that six. Nancy, Bob and several friends are one group. Then there is Sarah's Clan who you've met. Besides them there is Ann's Clan, Jean's group and Zoe's group. Amy's Clan is not here at the moment. There are sixteen women who help with the babies. There are currently four sets of twins nearly 4 months old. Now, let me show you your rooms, then you can exercise and let your milk down. After lunch we can give you a tour. As to paying for anything, I wouldn't worry about it."

Maria said, "You may remember those in Zoe's group as they helped with the implementation of the business system."

"Oh, yes. I remember them."

"Dorothy missed mentioning Shirley and her children Thomas and Janice. Shirley works for Bob and Nancy."

"Did I understand you correctly, there are 8 babies under four months old?" asked Diane.

Dorothy looked thoughtful then nodded her head yes.

All four just said, "Wow."

"Yes it has changed things around here a bit." Several people chuckled. "In about four months Sarah's Clan will add 16 more sets of twins to our enclave. Shortly before that Ann's Clan's babies will be born. That's why we hired the nannies we mentioned earlier."

Dorothy and Maria led the group off to see their rooms and take care of the necessary items before lunch. The rest of those in the discussion drifted off to take care of their own needs before lunch.

Sarah's Clan mind-linked as they walked to their rooms. "That went rather well," said Judy. "I had my doubts when you first started talking to them."

"I did too," said Terry. "But, we seemed to have brought them out of their extended sleep and recovery without any major problems. It will be interesting to see how they adapt."

"Yes. We need to keep an eye on that as there is a lot about them we don't know. Will other aspects of this place overwhelm them? How will they fit in? There are two major things we didn't cover, oops, make that three. Those are: Healthcare, why we are here and what they do after completing their recovery."

"Why don't I take that on as a project with Dorothy and Maria?" asked Judy. "Part of it will come out naturally as I am currently the only doctor here."

"That may change shortly, as I think Amy's Clan is nearly ready to be up and Gail can be awakened at any time."

"We should have Dorothy and Maria with Gail when she awakens."

"That would be a good idea."

While exercising and letting their milk down, Sarah's Clan reviewed the progress they had made in the last several weeks. They were all looking forward to the following week when they would host the first group of candidates. It was going to be quite busy between now and the time they left for the resort.

At lunch Dorothy said, "You've all heard about the last group we rescued from the farm. Well now I would like to introduce them. This is Cynthia." Dorothy motioned for Cynthia to stand and after she did, she continued to introduce Margaret, Carol, Diane and Barbara. "They will be staying in the rooms near Jean and Andy's group."

Cynthia said, "May I?"

"Yes. Definitely."

"My friends and I just woke up from a rather long nap." There was chuckling. "I feel a bit like Rip Van Winkle must have felt when he woke up." There was more laughter. "While I don't know many details about my situation or where I am, I am certainly glad to be here. So, thank you very much to those who enabled me to be here and healthy."

"We're glad you could join us," said a voice.

"Yes," added many more voices.

Later that day when Sarah's Clan was on their way to dinner Donna said, "Amy's Clan is ready to wake up. The medical staff would like you all to be there when that happens. Gail is also ready."

"Dorothy and Maria should be there when Gail wakes up. So let's do it tomorrow morning."

"Do we want to leave the babies here or take them with us?" asked Erin.

"I think, we should take them with us," said Jill.

"Several of the nannies will also need to come with us then," responded Sarah.

"Let's take all of them along," said Tara, "at least this time. I see Jill's point. Seeing them will go over well with those living on the ship."

"Okay," said Erin as they entered the dining room, "I'll tell them this evening that we need all of them to go with us tomorrow."

When everyone had finished dinner Rusty stood and said, "Good evening. I guess the big topic this evening is resort preparations. Ann's Clan, is it going to meet our needs?"

Gina said, "I can only vouch for the dining arrangements and accommodations. They will be fine. Everything is in very good shape. After laying out a plan of what needs to be done, we decided that most of us will make daily trips until it is close to time for the visitors to arrive. In the meanwhile time at least two of us will remain there overnight, along with a pair of lions. We are using the resort's food suppliers, except we make the pickups. Bob and Stan are taking care of security so I'll leave that to them to share."

"Laying out the intrusion security has only required a few modifications from what we initially planned," said Bob. "This is due to the topographical maps being very accurate. The resort is located on what is effectively a peninsula. Access is by a road which is more than 3 km long. It follows a narrow crooked strip of land to the main part of the island. The reason I call it a peninsula is that on one side of the road is a rather deep swamp or marsh with a very soft bottom. The other side is dense brush that covers a fairly large area. Besides being marshy, the locals claim there are wild hogs there. The brushy side runs the full length of the road and out to near the water's edge on that side of the resort. Stan and I went into town today and had lunch with the local law enforcement. According to them, there have only been a few incidents involving guests and those were in town. Right now it looks like we will have the sensors in place and tested in about 5 days or less."

"Okay. Any questions or other issues to address this evening?"

"Seeing none, we are going to watch the sunset. Have a good evening."

When dinner was over, Donna and Maria walked around the site with Cynthia's group then took them to watch the sun settle in the west. As it got darker, Cynthia said, "I don't really want to go to bed."

"Why is that?" asked Maria.

"I am afraid this is a dream. No, more than just afraid, scared."

"We can assure you that this is real," responded Dorothy with firmness. "Every bit of it."

"Would you like to talk about it?" asked Maria sensing Cynthia's true worry.

"I guess," responded Cynthia with some hesitancy.

"We can attest to the idea that talking helps," added Dorothy. "I didn't realize how much until Maria and I compared our experiences. There wasn't a whole lot of difference."

"Sylvia was a longtime friend," said Cynthia barely controlling her voice. "We went to college together. She was my best friend. We had a lot of wild, exciting and wonderful times. After college we went our separate ways and I didn't see her for a few years. Once we reconnected it was just like old times although we weren't together all the time like before. The real estate firm was doing well. She also appeared to be doing well although she never told me much about her business. It must have been good with all the property she owned. She would disappear for several months then reappear for a couple of weeks, sometimes for as long as six weeks or so.

"Just prior to our abduction, all of us received invitations to a barbecue. The invitation was a surprise and we thought was some kind of celebration for Sylvia. In looking back there was one strange aspect to the invitations, they pointed out several times that we had to have them with us to be admitted.

"When we entered, a greeter collected the invitations as she applied a number to one of our shoulders. When we asked about the number, she told us it was for a drawing the next morning. She then outlined the schedule. Another woman showed us where we could put our things and where to find refreshments. We swam, played volleyball, sun bathed and had a nice relaxing time. We didn't see Sylvia until dinner time and then we only talked for a few minutes before someone pulled her aside. After dinner the party became even less inhibited. By the time we went to bed everybody was naked and many were sexually engaged.

"When I woke up the next morning, I had one of Margret's nipples in my mouth and someone's hand rubbing my labia, which I could tell were wet. I started to pull my head back but Margret stopped me."

"I did," said Margret. "Her sucking on my nipple felt so good, much better than it had ever felt before. Besides we were adults and we weren't at work."

"You noticed I didn't object," responded Cynthia smiling. "Well it took us a while to get out of bed. Actually we were prompted by a knock on the door and a voice saying, "Breakfast is ready". One of us told them we would be down as soon as we dressed. The greeter opened the door and told us not to bother as no one else was dressed. So after freshening up some, we went downstairs.

"After breakfast they had the drawing. Two women and two men won. The four left of them with several others and we didn't think anything about it. A couple of hours later three of us were walking along a solid fence when a gate opened just as we got to it. We were sort of looking for a place to sunbath and relieve our horniness. Glancing inside, the area looked like just the spot. We had only taken a step inside when a large man stopped us. We were firmly told that we weren't permitted in there. I remember seeing several people there but I didn't get a good look.

"Anyway, the next thing I know the five of us are in a room sitting around a table. I felt funny, no foggy is a better description. Each of us had a drink and lying on the table in front of me, were some papers with my name on them. Before I could really start reading them, I saw Sylvia open the door to let a man enter. She didn't even acknowledge me as she told us the man would help us complete the paper work. While the man was telling us how we were going to sign the papers, I looked through them. I was shocked to the point I didn't hear what he was saying. These were contracts. One set transferred all our assets to an investment firm in return for lifetime membership at what appeared to be a tropical resort. Another was a 10 year renewable personal services contract with an automatic extension clause. Besides having the extension clause, it was transferable, with the owner having sole authority. In the third we authorized a series of medical treatments which were to insure we met the physical requirements described in the personal service contract.

"I wanted to scream and run out of the room. I couldn't make myself move. When I looked at the others, I knew they felt the same way. I simply picked up my drink and took another big swallow. By then he had finished describing the contracts. He asked if we had any questions. No one said a thing. He then suggested that we sign the contracts and that we witness our friend's contracts. We did. Once they were signed, he picked them up and left.

"I think it was a short time after that a woman came in. She told us to finish our drinks and follow her. We did without a squawk. In another room, we were given injections then fitted with collars and cuffs. Next we were told to give each other enemas until the fluid was clear. Once we completed the enemas, we were given a butt plug to place in each other. I felt awful the whole time. What we were doing would have been humiliating and embarrassing if we had been doing it alone, but, it was being done in front of each other, by each other, with people dropping by to watch. I wanted to die I was so embarrassed, at the same time I was also aroused."

While Cynthia was talking Margret and Carol moved to sit next to her.

Margret said, "Cynthia, we haven't had much time to talk since then but I felt the same way. Even though it was obvious we were in the wrong spot at the right time, it felt awful."

"Did you see the others in the fenced off area?"

"I thought I saw someone hanging by their ankles but I didn't get a good look before that guy hollered at us. I wanted to look again but never had the chance."

"Except for the fenced area, your experiences sound very similar to ours," said Dorothy holding Maria's and Diane's hands.

Barbara said, "After the injections, they took us to a room with several thick pads on the floor. A chain was attached between our wrists and collar that kept our hands above our waist and one connected our ankles. It wasn't long until we were very aroused and since we had already engaged in sex with each other we continued. After the first couple of orgasms, we couldn't stop. One would hardly subside before we were looking for the next one.

"Just before dinner a man and woman entered. After we stood up they attached a thick leash to our collars. When it just hung down it reached to our knees. Using it they led to an outdoor shower, where our wrists were released from the chains and were told to clean up. From there we were led to the dining room. In the dining room, we were seated at a table on a riser and facing the room. The chairs forced us to keep our legs spread as we sat down. Once seated our leash was hooked over the back of the chair. At the back of the stage were five large monitors that came on shortly after we sat down. I felt some movement under the table and looked down as something pushed between my tender labia. I moaned as it ached and felt good at the same time. About that time our food was placed in front of us. I remember that it was very tasty and surprised they served roast beef both nights. The cut and the texture seemed different. Anyway I began to eat. Each time I took a bite and chewed the dildo would stroke my cunt. It felt good. I had taken a few bites before I looked up again. I almost screamed when I saw the monitor. It was my cunt up there on the screen with the dildo thrusting into it. When I recovered, I looked at the other monitors. They all had similar scenes which I quickly realized who they were. I then returned to eating as if it was an every day occurrence. The next shock was when I reached for my drink. The top was shaped like the head of a cock and it was filled with a white substance. It was sweet, creamy and tasted great. I think we all had several glasses.

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The other day, I was peeping on my step daughter, Sloan Harper, and her girlfriend, Natalie Porkman, as they were eating each other’s pussies. Later that same day, I snuck in the bathroom as my step daughter was showering. She blew me in the shower for some time. However, she kicked me out, afraid that her girlfriend would discover us. So now I found myself naked in the hallway. As I made my way to the living room, I noticed that my step daughter’s girlfriend was masturbating in the couch. I...

3 years ago
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New Secretary

Its all gentlemen she thinks to herself men in expensive suites dutifully picked up their portfolios and briefcases filing past me oh thank god she thinks its finished. Several of the younger executives looked her up and down openly. One of the older business men stopped by the door obviously intending to be the last one out. He was handsome in that Harrison Ford kind of way and smiled at her looking lustily in her eyes as he closed the door. Weird. “How are you Diane, thank you for being...

4 years ago
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Castaway ExplorerChapter 24

Dr. Cina kneeled in the drained blood of her daughter, next to Nonie was Wendy. Wendy had her throat slashed open. Nonie’s arms were full of protective cuts, having faithfully defended herself. A dead raider and a dead armored crew woman still gripped boarding swords in their hands on the other side of the room. The two sword fighters had given each other death-strokes at the same time. The dead woman had been one of the eager fighters from my original team. I noticed Dr. Cina had her own...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Gianna Dior Hime Marie How To Fuck Your Step Sisters

Oliver Flynn has two hot stepsisters, but he’s figured out a formula for how to get into both of their pants. He even made a video on how to do it so his viewers could learn from his method. Oliver claims that there are three easy steps. First, win their trust. Second, start a rumor. Third, strike. Oliver executed the trust step by putting suntan lotion on both girls as they sunbathed, offering them snacks, and more. The rumor he started was that his dick is big, which encouraged his...

1 year ago
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Masquerades 101 Chapter 26 More Questions

Vicky How can a night be simultaneously the most magical night of my life and the worst night of my life? I thought this while lying in bed, being held tightly by Tyler. I could hear their soft breathing. The room was dark and I could hear cars and people outside coming home from wherever they were tonight. I softly cried. I tried not to wake Tyler up. The horror on Nicole's face - my old face - was burned into my memory. I betrayed her. She betrayed me first, but two wrongs...

3 years ago
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Getting ByChapter 10

"Merry Christmas, Gunny," I murmured leafing through the instruction manual for one of the control consoles. "If you need any help with the computer side of this stuff, just let me know, but it looks like it's fairly straightforward to set up and program. Tell me who you think you can trust to help with the placement and hookup of these units, and I'll send 'em down. Anything you don't need to deploy should be moved out of that cave to a more secure location, but this little spot might...

2 years ago
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James The Slutty RahRah

So James sat on the floor of the room. He was dressed in a little cheerleading uniform. His short pleated skirt was barely long enough to cover. Under his skirt was a pink stringy thong panty. James was completely a panty boi. He was blushing from incredible embarrassment. James had just sucked off 28 Indian guys and guzzled down all of the cum they fed him. The slutty cum-gulping cheerleader licked his lips and blinked his eyes in staggered amazement. He could not believe that his secret as a...

Gay Male
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BJ Sex With My Music Teacher Part 2

Please read part 1 which is the same title without the Part 2 attached to it before you read this please ;)Mr. Milks and I have had sex for the past two weeks. I would usually meet him in his Music room and we would make love in all sorts of ways there, but the reason he was in the Library the first time is because he was filling in for my b*o's library teacher who was sick. Mr. Milks (first name is Tyler) didn't teach any music classes that day so he was free to take over. I'm in high school,...

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As brother and sister go, Carol and I weren't very close for most of our young lives. She didn't want to have much to do with her younger brother, nor I with her. We didn't have any major squabbles; we merely ignored one another and led our separate lives while growing up in the same house. It was during my freshman year in high school, shortly after I turned 15, that the events that I'm about to describe took place. Carol, being a year and several months older, was a junior. Carol...

1 year ago
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A Winter Wonderland

‘Don’t you love Christmas?’ My best friend, Maggie exclaimed. ‘Maggie. We went over this.’ ‘No, we didn’t.’ ‘We did. Suit yourself Maggie.’ It was December 5th, and Maggie was begging me to go Christmas shopping with her. I hate Christmas, and always have. While other kids were wolfing down marshmallows and hot chocolate, I would go to a secluded hill and ski the day away. After 13 horrible years, the memory of my dad’s death lingered fresh in my mind. The scar on my stomach served a reminder....

2 years ago
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ALS 8211 Part V

Hey folks. This is Sid. Here is my 5th story. I have received mails from you to be more romantic than sexual as in my first 2 stories. I love your comments and will try to fulfill your demands. Well I am so addicted to your views and comments that I can’t wait to share my experience with u all after it happened. This one is of 26th Jan this year. Everyone who has read any of my previous stories must know about me and my lovely gf or say future wife Nikki. I will start the start of the day...

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The XFiles Olympia

What could possibly connect a missing space shuttle, a winged demon on a killing spree in the dead of night, and a militia group? Mulder and Scully are called in to investigate what turn out to be linked cases, but why is one of them acting so out of character? (Note: contains only very minor TG) THE X-FILES: OLYMPIA by BobH (c) 2014/2016 [Note: This originally appeared as two separate stories (and part of a third) on another, non-TG website and is set during the 1990s...

2 years ago
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Dee Saves the ProgramChapter 9

As I pedaled home from my time coaching Judy for some reason I found myself thinking of how depressed I'd been after my accident. Maybe coaching Judy today reminded how unwillingly I had passed the torch. God how I'd loved diving. Depressed? Me? You bet, and I never do things by halves. Face it, a broken neck had been a hell of a way to start to my Junior year. I'd cried. I'd cried buckets. I cried enough tears to fill our home swimming pool, a pool that I couldn't even use with my neck...

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 871

Compliments of Aussie John Q: What does a lawyer have in common with Sperm? A: Both have a one-in-a-billion chance of being human. A young boy walks into a brothel dragging a dead frog. He asks the man at the front desk if he can have a woman and the man says “No, son. You have to be 18.” The boy hands the man a one hundred dollar bill and the man tells him to go upstairs to Room 7. Then the boy asks the man if he can have a girl with active herpes. The man says “No, I’m sorry, but all...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Stacy Bloom Shameless Anal Thrills

Hot, curly-haired Stacy Bloom struts, showing off sculpted legs, and she mashes her tits together flirtatiously. She stuffs her fingers into her asshole and licks them clean! Yanick Shaft’s thick cock shaft fills her mouth. She squeezes his dick between her boobs for a titty fuck, slurping his mushroom head. Yanick plows her butthole, making her asshole gape instantly. In the course of an anal drilling, Stacy tongues his bunghole and masturbates to orgasm. See slobbering, ass-to-mouth...

2 years ago
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Abigails cheating story 1

So, where do I start....well, I guess it began about a week before:"Jessica why are you bringing me such slutty clothes? You know I don't want to wear them!" Abigail said to her friend and college roommate, in the changing room at the clothes store, staring into the mirror at the whore outfit she'd been forced to try on. "Because we're going out dancing? To have fun? Remember having fun?!" Jessica replied teasingly. Jess was blonde, a real definition of a bimbo, she had perky D cup breasts, a...

3 years ago
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A boring Summer Holiday Day 3 Friday

Sam woke the following day. It was mid-morning he hadn't heard his parents going to work.He got up, he had slept naked that night. He walked across the landing to the bathroom and jumped into the shower. As he dried himself he still had a morning hard on. He dropped the towel on the floor and walked down the corridor. Sam opened his sister’s bedroom door and looked in. Jo wasn't there. Sam scanned the floor. If he found some of her dirty panties he was thinking of having a wank in to them. The...

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The Daughters of COVID20Chapter 4 Jet Plane

The plane banked and cabin lights came on. The captain’s voice sounded above the engines, “Please return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts. We’ve been diverted to Barkley Regional Airport in Paducah. I’ll give you an update when we have one. Attendants, take your seats and prepare for immediate landing.” Beside me, Chastity stirred and snuggled closer. She rubbed her eyes, looked a question at me, and I responded with a shrug that woke Becky. Except for my car parked in Nashville, this...

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Beautiful Korean neighbor

My job was paying my rent in this upscale condo, I must have been the poorest person who lived there. I had this beautiful fine-ass Korean neighbor that was married to this much older rich American guy who really hated me. Her old ass husband called security on me because he didn’t like the music I was playing, security came and they didn’t do anything because I wasn’t breaking any condo rules. The day after that incident I was at the elevator and my Korean neighbor came over and apologized for...

3 years ago
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Doggie DoctorChapter 8

He did more than stop. Ed Buyers pulled completely out of her. One long sucking stroke and he was out. "Hey... don't... put it back in," she whispered. Ed grinned. Then it slowly faded, his eyes twinkling, seeming to grow a shade murkier. "Now... cunt, you're going to show a little respect for a real cock." Ed's eyes telegraphed messages as he pointed to the corner of the room, his free arm swinging in a long sweeping arc-- pointing. Mimi's eyes followed his movement, then stopped,...

4 years ago
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Magic Ink IV Ken and KellChapter 15

We were awakened early the next morning to the cold gray light of dawn by the Castellan calling to us through the wards across the stairwell entrance. "Master ... Master, you must come out here. Something awful has happened!" As I sat up in bed, my movement disturbed Sunshine, and she sat up also, as the Castellan continued to call to me. "What is wrong?" she asked. "I don't know. I'll have to go and see," I told her, as I pulled on my jeans and reached for my Wizard's...

2 years ago
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My new boss fucked my brains out pt 1

This is a recollection of an experience of mine in the 1970s. I used to work in a freight firm near London Airport, where there were several nice looking men, one of whom I used to suck off regularly round his house, after work. He used to fuck me occasionally afterwards when his wife was away and/orhe wasn't getting any from her. His name was Jim, and he was lovely in and out of bed, tall, hairy, sinewy and manly with about 8 inches of love between his sexy thighs. One day he told me his wife...

3 years ago
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Love cherish obey

 Ada Verraine wrung her hands and fiddled with her hair, then scolded herself silently for being so unstrung. Her husband’s door, large carved cedar decorated with floral and oceanic patterns, was closed as always, yet today it seemed more forbidding than ever before. For all its solidity, she could almost see through the wood and spy James sitting behind his desk, absorbed in his work.Ignoring her, as he had done for a whole year – ever since their wedding.Charles Verraine was a handsome man,...

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Meeting Amanda Tommys Unexpected Fun In The Pool Chapter 2

"I am sorry for bothering you but I just got a call from work. I have to leave out on a plane in about 2 hrs for California. I know we don’t know each other very well but I was wondering, and hoping, that you would be able to let Amanda stay over here till I get back. I will have to be gone a couple days and can come get her as soon as I return." Tommy was kinda surprised to be asked to watch a 16 yr old girl that he didn’t even really know. But the thought of maybe getting a...

2 years ago
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Billy the Delinquent Gets Sent to New Outlooks

Billy the Delinquent Gets Sent to New Outlooks A sequel to the original, "Boarding With Jim", which should probably be read before this... I'm probably playing out this scenario, but we'll see where it goes. I just started another story, "Results of Behavioral Conditioning and Sexual Development Studies at the New Outlooks Research Institute, 1997-1999", which will present another aspect of the findings of this setting... Billy the Delinquent Gets Sent to New Outlooks by Jay...

4 years ago
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CommunityChapter 50

Okay, here's a real Cajun recipe (Author's note: Ever since Cajun food started figuring in my stories, I've gotten requests for a gumbo recipe. Here's one from a blog by a friend of mine. If I wrote recipes, it would be something like this. One more note: through the power of the Internet, you can order ingredients such as file' and prepared roux from online. Google "Cajun grocer".) First, let me state that I was raised Cajun, although Dad's got 50% German Swiss ancestry. It is not...

2 years ago
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The Crumpled Letter

I wonder if anyone has ever done a survey on how husbands find out that their wives are cheating. A suspicion that causes him to look into her activities? Something overheard at a social gathering? A good friend who tells him something that the friend thinks he should know? What percentage would be because the wife or girlfriend of her lover found out and dropped a dime on the couple? I'm betting that a survey would show that the majority would find out the same way I did - by...

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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 78

Jack pulled into the driveway just as Claude was pulling away. They must not have recognized each other because neither acknowledged the other that I could see. It was pretty chilly out so I closed the door. A minute later I heard Jack trudging up the stairs. I went to the door and opened it. He was on the landing with a big green trashcan at his feet. "I already gave at the curb," I said, pretending to close the door in his face. "That's fine," he shouted through the door. I'll just...

3 years ago
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A Massage At The Beach

One time I was at the beach in St. Petersburg, Florida, with a group of friends from the neighborhood bar. One of the women had injured her back that week working in the warehouse. She asked me if I would rub her back. Her back was really bothering her. At that time I was receiving physical therapy and massage for a back injury myself. She was wearing a bikini but had put on a shirt and shorts. I just did to her what they did to me. When she told me her back felt much better then I moved down...

2 years ago
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Amy Terry Tom and OthersChapter 24

It's strange how different stresses affect different people; one might be excused for expecting Chrissie to not wish to perform in public. Certainly it was not an easy thing for her, but she knew that once she was immersed in the music everything else would be secondary. As will be seen, she's certainly not completely 'right' yet... Chrissie, with Dave and Alison, made their way to SB Thistle alongside the quay, where a red-headed man was sawing away at a fiddle, accompanying a wrinkled,...

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When Ronald visited Heidi's apartment that afternoon, the first thing he noticed as he walked in was the pair of knockers on Marta, the Mexican girl that his girlfriend Heidi worked with. He had never met her before, but he had been hearing about her from Heidi for months, and he knew that the two girls had gotten to be quite close. His immediate thought was that he did not himself exactly want to be close to Marta, he wanted to be inside of her, deep in, and resting on those...

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Cant Get Away

"You know what, Marques, I'm gone. I'm tired of your shit. Move!" Freeze Every time I try to leave, he keeps pulling me back. Even when I fight, I still fall weak to him. I mean I know he's not good for me, but he's good to me and makes me feel like nothing I've ever felt before. In his arms I feel safe and free from all that comes with him. It's like when he touches me I become a slave to his passion, he's my master. I get weak as his lips touch my skin. He knows I like when he kisses my neck...

Straight Sex
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Cape Cod winter

Cape Cod Winter {Loosely based on a true story}I was invited to spend New Years week to my pals house down in a summer resort. His wife invited some of her friends. The first few nights was nice. I had my own bedroom but New Year weekend, the house had lots of folks. I was only single guy We went up to the local party town for NYE {New Years Eve} festivities. We had tickets to a buffet/dance party at this famous nightclub. Anything goes at this club. I rode with R. an d his wife J. and we met...

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LovingChapter 23

It was 3:30pm when I awoke. I was alone in bed. I got up and walked around the apartment looking for Carol but she was no where to be found. Then I discovered I was starving. I fixed myself something to eat and opened a beer and turned on the TV. TV was boring and I hit the off button and noticed a thick document laying on the coffee table. On the front it read CAROL'S STORIES. I had been meaning to get this out. Now I opened it. I flipped through Chapter 1 quickly, Carol had told me all...

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The Higher Order MultiplesChapter 6 The Long And Winding Road

Having made several practice runs back and forth to St. Louis via I-70 and twice by back roads, the quartet felt they were familiar enough with their two chosen vehicles to finalize their preparations. They knew that the bridge over the Mississippi was clear, as was I-70 all the way to I-55. The plan was to zigzag between I-55 and I-57 up to the south of Chicago, then across to Washington, DC primarily on US 30. They could hit several universities and state capitals, but really had few...

2 years ago
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My Sweet Neighbour

Hii friends, my self sumit. I’m from Punjab. And its my first story on Indian Sex Stories. Please, share your valuable feedback on my e-mail: Ab story pr aata hu. Ye meri aur meri neighbour ruby ki story hai. Me garmi ki chuttiyon me ghar aaya hua tha. Garmi jyada hone ke karan me saara din ac me rehta aur tv dekhta rehta. 10 din aise hi nikal gaye pta hi nahi chala. Ruby hamari neighbour hai aur me use bhabhi bolta hu. Uska hmare ghar me kaafi aana jaana hai. Pr maine kabhi use es nazar se...

3 years ago
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Best Served Cold

Best Served Cold By Bill Hart Erica stood outside the fence that surrounded the pool. She, like so many others, had gathered to watch the swim team's practice. While most of those gathered cheered and whistled, Erica stood quietly. Her feelings were different. Inside she was seething. Had she been a volcano, there would be an eruption watch in progress. And while she watched, memories of the last few weeks assaulted her. Up until last week, she had been a member of the...

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Melissa Me

[ This is for Melissa, a very sexy young woman who has chatted with me so many times, and so I dedicate this scenario to her! Enjoy. ]She made it very clear that she and I were not going to fuck. "I like you," she said. "But, your too old. Okay? I'm sorry. I don't mean to insult you, or anything, but you are too old. But," she added, just as I was starting to feel the let-down, "you can watch me as I play with my pussy. Okay?""I'm fine with that," I replied. "Your right of course about me being...

2 years ago
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Helping out my room mate

Helping out my room mate "You seem really down lately. Is there anything I can do?" Louisa looked at me and smiled. "Oh, it's nothing you can help with." "Try me," I offered. "Well, it's kind of embarrassing," she laughed. She looked at my face for any hint I might judge her then continued. "It's just... been a while." "Oh," I said. "That's not embarrassing. It's totally understandable. I have some really nice single guy friends if you want, Aidan-" "Casey, no." she smiled tightly. "Oh,...

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Uncle Mikes Slutty Niece

I remember my first fuck like it was yesterday. It was actually 12 years ago. I was 15 years old at the time and a sophomore in high school. I have an older brother, but he was attending university in a town a couple of hours away. My parents had recently got the bad news that one of their old college friends had died. Since the funeral was in Ontario they were going to be gone for a few days. I tried to convince them that I was old enough to take care of myself while they were gone, but they...

1 year ago
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The blackout trick

Note : This story is completely fictional! Its my everyday dream to have my way with my step sis Genelia. She's 18 and has a body to die for. Both of us hardly talk to each other. That made it difficult for me to get close to her let alone fucking her. By the way, I'm Chris 21. My mom 4 years ago. My dad is divorced. My mom was a big time slut. She ran away from home with another man. While Genelia's dad passed away 6 years ago due to illness. Genelia's boyfriend, greg, is my estranged ex...

3 years ago
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The family Reunion

The yearly picnic was planned for the fourth of July weekend.This tear it took place at a scenic mountain lake setting that was perfect because temperatures in the valley were forecast in the low hundreds.These meetings were always fun because my brother sister and myself got to see all of our cousins that lived in a three state radius.It was the summer of my sixteenth birthday and my blossoming sexuality continually kept my mind racing over thoughts of the next opportunity to dip my cock in...

1 year ago
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The amulet part one

The auctioneer droned on, " who'll give me twenty dollar, twenty dollar, twenty dollar, who'll give me twenty dollar twenty dollar, twenty dollar, come on people, we have a box of antique jewelry that's at least worth ten times what were asking here, we have to move this stuff, so please, someone out there give me twenty dollars!!!" Drew thought about it for another second, and then slowly raised his hand! "Finally, we have a bid of twenty dollars, do I hear twenty five, sold, to the man in the...

3 years ago
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Princess SaraChapter 16

She woke up at the very crack of dawn on the day she was due to start her return journey. The Sun's rim had just started to show itself in all its enormous early morning red circumference above the horizon, far away over the blue sea. The white horse had been awake even before the Princess and was pawing the ground, snorting impatiently through his thoroughbred equine nostrils in his eagerness for the great adventure to come. He was bored after months of comparative inactivity. Soon,...

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Blythes Machine 3 the Chinese MenaceChapter 2 Back to the Police Station

In the Custody suite of the police station Susan was arguing with the arresting officer. "How the blazes can this Jack Adams be the one responsible for the murder? He reported it. And what is he supposed to assault?" she demanded. "We did a ballistic check on the gun he gave Brice, they match up with the bullet in that Professor Blythe bloke. His gun, his bullet, he's guilty." The officer replied. "Okay then, what about the assault? Who did he assault?" She pressed the second...

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Dana Indulges Again Part 2

After Dana’s “coming out” party on Brad’s boat, Mark and Dana talked about the experience almost every night in bed, and it led them to having sex more often than they could remember. Sometimes Mark would tell it from his point-of-view, sharing that watching her suck Brad’s cock was the most intense because it felt like Dana at her sluttiest. Other nights Mark wanted Dana to describe her sex with Brad, and he asked her questions and urged Dana to use graphic terms. Dana was surprised how easily...

2 years ago
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Romance Comic Cover Stories Chapter XXIII

Chapter XXIII – Someone to Love (based on Girl’s Love Stories No. 159, DC, May 1971)Beth and I are friends since junior high. Friends like almost sisters. We do almost everything together, like the same kind of music, watch the same tv shows, like the same movies, have the same tastes about stuff. But unfortunately, we shared also a similar but shameful thing: our bad luck with the opposite gender.I don’t know what and why happened, but we never had luck with men. We always tried to find the...

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Remembering Charlie with Joanna 4th Ch

My overseas trip back was uneventful: we flew through the night, I had an opportunity to work and blow my cock under the blanket; the seat beside me was empty. Returning home meant a heavy workload; however I managed to spent time on my hobby, photography. I have been taking landscape and portrait photos for a while now and, although not top professional quality, still quite good (from what people tell me…). The photo business has the tagline: “Professional – Friendly – Privat” and has worked...

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Fun In Bali Part 2

After our last adventure at the bar, we didn’t get up to much until closer to the end of our trip. We moved to a private villa in Uluwatu in Bali. It was a reasonably large one bedroom villa with a kingsized bed, large bathroom, private pool, and outdoor area. As soon as we were shown to our room, James and I stripped naked and jumped in the pool. I wrapped my legs around James and pressed my hard nipples against his well-defined chest as we kissed. I immediately felt his hard cock pressing...

1 year ago
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The Teacher Learns a LessonChapter 3

So, on Saturday night, I brought a bouquet of flowers and two bottles of wine and a very hard penis strapped down in the tightest briefs I had. "You must be Adam, I'm Susanne Franks, come in, Erica's in the kitchen," and I follow this tall, willowy blond inside to the delicious-smelling kitchen. "Oh, Adam, good, you've met Susanne, this is Sharon Willoughby, and this is Heather Knowles. Oh, and flowers, how sweet," and she came over and gave me a big, warm kiss. "I love your apron,...

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