DóchasChapter 28 free porn video

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A chime sounded in the dining room then Ann said, "Before we begin, we want to thank everyone for their help last night and today with the cleanup. The second item is, all of us are very happy to hear that many of you intend to stay. Let's eat." Everyone was quickly through the buffet and the room became very quiet as they ate.

The composition of guests at the tables was more mixed than at the previous two meals. Sarah, Rusty and Judy looked at one another. "It is nice to see the way they are mixing with one another," said Judy. "It is not what I would have expected due to their backgrounds or experience with others."

"We agree, but maybe this is a common bond, which is drawing them together."

"I would agree with your observation," said Aoife. The rest of the spouses in Sarah's clan expressed their agreement with her. "But, that is not all there is to it. A part of it may also be that some are still seeking a group they feel really comfortable with. It's not that they are uncomfortable, or feel unwanted with the group they are currently with, but they now wish to see if it is best for them."

"Very good analysis," said Jill and Janet. "Another aspect is that they may see a potential for them to live with all those they deeply love, where before they had to choose. Once a choice was made, it wasn't easily undone. This adds to the feeling of being able to expand their friendships in ways that weren't possible before."

"The part of relationships that always frightened me," said Judy, "was the sudden possessiveness one partner of a couple came to feel for the other after a commitment was made. While in medical school, I saw many lovely people change into less than nice people once they committed to the one they thought was their life partner. Many could not do anything unless they did it together, down to the tiniest thing. Some of their choices in partners were not well based or thought out."

"Yes, I've seen quite a few like that as well," said Terry.

"It was almost as though once they became a couple all of their insecurities multiplied; perhaps they fed off each other."

"We noticed that in Earth society," said Betsy. "We don't think it occurs very often in ours because of the bonding and mind-link. Our records show that both of these are much stronger in a ship's crew than those residing on our home world, but none of us have lived on our home world, so all we know is what is in the records."

"Wow," said Aoife, "so you've never seen your home world or been there?"

"Not quite, we have all been there mentally and seen it in holographics, but never physically. It has not been possible to even consider it since the accident."

"Why is that?" asked Joyce.

"Two reasons. One is the distance. But the biggest is that since the accident we are not sure where it is relative to here. To get there now, we would need something like a beacon to follow. There is a good possibility that our home world is in a different time line. This is based on the fact that star maps we see now don't match our records. Another possibility is that we could be from a galaxy faraway from here. Our navigation is based on two things, stellar maps and a sense of where to go. I think you might call it a 'sense of direction'."

Several of the diners had followed their open telepathic conversation. They found it a bit shocking that you could converse without speaking vocally. At the same time, it was exciting as everyone in the link shared, saw and understood the thoughts without having to shout.

While they ate, several wondered about their declaration earlier. Each carefully examined their feelings then and now. When they made the declaration, it felt like the best thing they had ever done. The feeling was still with them, even now as they analyzed it. All soon decided that they had not been manipulated into making it. Their decision had clearly been theirs. Many realized that it was one they had made shortly after arriving. Their hesitation was in not wanting to be the first and to see if it continued to feel like the right choice. For a few, the analysis resolved any lingering concerns of overlooking some aspect. All of them felt more relaxed than they had in a long time.

Sarah's Clan hurried through their meal. When they finished eating they took their dishes to the kitchen and cleaned off their table. As they went to stand at the front of the room it became very quiet. Once there, Sarah's Clan said in unison, "Please continue to eat while we share with you what we've learned today, as well as touching on some related topics.

"This won't be quite what we had in mind for tonight when we were at breakfast. First we would like to introduce a new member of the ship's command staff. Aoife, would you stand up." She stood, smiling with a slight glow around her.

"Even though she is a part of the ship's command staff and will be on the bridge, that doesn't mean she is a member of our clan. Our bond with her will be similar to the bond between twins. We understand that she will not be the only one to fill this role." While they were talking, both Maureen and Siobhan had been looking around as though they were looking for something.

"The primary reason we are starting before everyone has finished eating is that we have some bad news to share with you. It has some scary implications. As we noted this morning, our drones have been unable to find three of the groups that we invited to visit us. Two of the groups were to be in the next group visit and the other was in the last. We have been unable to find any trace of them. It is as if they never existed, however we do have pictures of all of them so we know we are not imagining them. We do not believe any of you know them, but their pictures are available on the network if you wish to see them.

"Six other groups are being watched. The information we've acquired today indicates that several gangs are planning to enslave these six groups either this evening or tomorrow. To counter this, earlier this afternoon we asked all six if we could visit them this evening. They have all accepted our request. Since the only contact with them has been Nancy and Julia, we've asked several of you to assist with these visits, they will be leaving for those visits in a few moments.

"We've used one person's name in each candidate group as an identifier. So the groups we will be visiting tonight are Shannon's, Leann's, Muireann's, Sabrina's, Gillian's, and Carmen's. While those representing us are making these visits, we will be unavailable.

"We don't want to take the time now to go into all the details of what we know and how we are responding, they are available to you on our network. If you want to watch, there will be a video feed in the lounge.

"To ease your curiosity some," they paused while many of those in the room chuckled, "our representatives are going to ask the groups to move their visit up, and hopefully they can come tonight. This is going to make us a little more crowded than we intended.

"In our planning this afternoon, we recognized a need to activate more androids, who we usually refer to as bots. The crew on the ship can use some assistance. Just tell Donna, or go to the area where the shuttles have been landing if you are willing to help.

"Again, we apologize for not anticipating these issues which are now affecting your vacation."

Conan stood and Sarah's Clan nodded to him. "Speaking for myself and a few of our group, we appreciate the apology. However, I don't see how you could have anticipated this. In assisting you, it does provide us with an opportunity to really get to know you and learn more about what lies ahead. If I wasn't going with Siobhan to Shannon's, I would be heading to the ship to help where I can. So thank you for the opportunity to be here."

"Here, here," responded many.

"Any questions?"

"Who all is going?"

"Would those making the visits stand please?" said Sarah's Clan. They then identified which group each was visiting. "To back them up, each of them will be accompanied by 4 security bots. We will be actively monitoring them while the visit is taking place. There will also be four security teams less than a minute away to assist them if necessary."

"Any more?"

After pausing for a moment Sarah's Clan said, "Before we leave to get this started, we wanted to note that after breakfast in the morning there will be a meeting. A prime topic will be arranging visits to all the other people we planned on extending an invitation to. Considering what has happened we believe we should make them aware of the fact that some of those we've invited have disappeared. We would also like to schedule them to visit here immediately, which may create complications for them. Some concerns were expressed about giving them this information, as it appears to be pushing them in our direction. However, we felt that to give them the best chance of remaining safe this was something we had to do. Even if they all come, we will still be at less than the resorts capacity." They paused then said, "If there aren't any more questions, we need to get ready. Have a relaxing evening and see you at breakfast."

After Sarah's Clan and those taking part in the visits left the dining room, it was a few minutes before conversation resumed.

Jane said, "Donna, if we go to the ship will we be able to monitor those going on the visits?"


"I wonder if everyone realizes that?"

"Some of them probably heard us but you can tell them."

"Okay..." After a moment Jane stood up then blushed as the room quieted down, taking a deep breath she said, "I asked Donna if we could monitor the activity tonight from the ship. She said yes."

She smiled when she heard several say, "Good, deal."

In the conference room Sarah said, "Are all of you ready?"

Everyone nodded affirmatively.

Alice said, "Bob and Stan wanted to come with us. We reminded them that their talents were needed here."

"They are," responded Sarah. "We're going to be stretched very thinly. Does anyone have any questions before we head out?"

When no one responded Sally said, "Well then let's do it."

As they headed out Maureen and Siobhan said, "We don't think Conan and Brandan have picked up on their telepathic ability yet."

Sally placed a hand on Conan and Brandan's shoulder, and said "They are not alone as there are quite a few here who haven't come to terms with that possibility.

"Have you ever thought you heard voices, Conan? It is okay to say yes." Conan had a puzzled look on his face.

"Yes, I think I hear voices sometimes. Just now I thought I heard Sally. It was very strange. Let see if I can verbalize this. I thought I heard her say that she felt some of us had not come to terms with the possibility that we were telepathic. But, I didn't see her speak."

"Conan, you heard the thought I sent to all of us. Yes, it was spoken in a sense but not expressed verbally."

"So the times I thought I was hearing something, I was sensing the thoughts of someone?"

"Yes quite likely. Brandan, you heard them as well didn't you?" He nodded a bit sheepishly. "Ah, you have been listening for quite a while. Were you afraid to say something?"

"Yes, I was apprehensive about it. I really looked at it as anticipating what was going to be said. In most of my classes, I knew what the conversation would cover before the words were spoken. Sometimes I even responded verbally to unasked questions. Now, that can be very embarrassing."

Sarah said, "We don't have time now to help you activate it or show you how to manage it. Be sure to see Betsy, Connie or us when you get back and we will help you. Actually, Maureen and Siobhan are doing quite well with their ability."

"Why are you still talking if you can mind-link?" asked Conan.

"Well it is like two levels of communication. We think you will see that, once you become more familiar with using it. The other is that not everyone has the same level of ability, so it would be rude to exclude them."

"Okay, I can see that," replied both Conan and Brandan.

"For a while, you will find the connection stronger if you are touching the person with whom you wish to telepathically share thoughts," said Judy. "For your outing tonight, we suggest you listen to it when you can hear it, but be cautious in reacting to anything that comes through the link."

When they reached the shuttles, Sarah gave her spouses a kiss before boarding the one carrying the group going to Shannon's. Once on board Sarah said, "I'll be on the flight deck. Please acknowledge hearing me. Siobhan."

"Yes," replied Siobhan.


"Yes," replied Conan.

"Hon," said Siobhan, "Did you notice the question felt different?" He nodded. "When it feels that way just think the answer or say it to yourself."

"This is going to take some getting used to."

"It does."



"Okay. Bots each in turn say hello to Zoe, Siobhan and Conan."

After each had telepathically spoken Sarah said, "Now, Conan, Zoe and Siobhan when you want to address one of them think of the object you just saw and direct your thought to it. Try it. We are about five minutes from arriving at Shannon's."

Sarah had the shuttle land in Shannon's front yard. When the door opened, the four cloaked bots exited first. Siobhan and Conan followed them out on to the sidewalk. They looked around and then turned toward the house. Continuing to look around as they walked toward the house they didn't see a soul. They could sense the two bots walking behind them.

Sarah said, "We've moved to hover just over the house. The backyard is clear. The watchers don't appear to have noticed your arrival."

They stepped up on the porch, then as Conan started to knock, the door opened, startling them. Standing there was a young man and woman who were slightly taller than either of them and exceptionally good looking. She had long hair and reminded Siobhan of Sally.

They stood and looked at each other for a moment, before the woman said, "Hurry, come inside, we have been expecting your arrival."

"Thank you for agreeing to us coming on such short notice," replied Siobhan as they entered the house. "I am Siobhan. This is Zoe and Conan."

"Hi, I'm Shannon and this is Danny. The timing of your request worked out really well. We had already planned on getting together here this evening. Those people watching us really have us on edge."

"How long have those people been monitoring you?" asked Zoe.

"It has been going on for a week now. Their presence has really made us uneasy. Today, at times there were four people out there. When several of us went shopping, they followed us. They were not very good at it."

"Maybe they want you to know you're being watched. Do you have any idea why they are watching you?"

"None. It's just every time I see them I have a sense of foreboding."

"Have you called the police about it?" asked Zoe.

"Yes, the police said unless the people bothered someone there wasn't anything they could do. They did say that they would keep a closer eye on the area. We have seen patrol cars more frequently since then."

"I hope our visit hasn't upset what you had planned for this evening," said Siobhan.

Shannon hesitated and then said, "Not really. As unbelievable as this sounds, we were going to discuss Nancy's offer. We were considering asking if we could move up the visit. Deciding on our future has become more complex since Nancy and Julia were here. As a group, we don't want to split up, although some of us have just graduated. The job offers they have received have not been very good." As they talked, they moved into the living room.

Shannon turned to the group and said, "This is Siobhan and Conan. This is the couple Nancy asked us to meet with this evening."

A loud woman's voice came from the back of the group, "Shannon, who did you let in this time? Our group needs to talk about our future tonight." Shannon blushed. Danny frowned. Conan tensed as he felt the voice getting closer. "We need to be especially cautious now with those creeps out there watching the house." When the woman saw them she stopped talking, her mouth hung open as she stared at them and her face turned white. Two women in the group stepped up and hugged her. Her mouth opened and closed several times before any more words were heard. "You really are here. I am so sorry for raving like an idiot."

"Note this date," someone called out, "Lydia admitted she could be an idiot." The comment brought chuckles from everyone. Lydia blushed.

A woman entered with a tray of refreshments. Shannon introduced Siobhan, Zoe and Conan to each person in the room. They chatted and sipped the drinks for a while as they became more comfortable with each other.

Siobhan sensing it was time, stood up, bringing the conversations to a stop. "We came this evening to review the opportunity that Nancy and Julia offered you several weeks ago. It is the opportunity to join the crew of a space ship. As she indicated, it doesn't matter whether you've finished college or not. We are here to offer you the chance to go for the introductory visit as soon as you are ready.

"Just this evening Conan and I formally joined the crew. I think we were certain we would when we first arrived for our visit. I suspect that like some of you we had a premonition of this opportunity.

"Oh, I should have asked this first, is everyone here?"

"Yes, surprisingly we are all here this evening," replied Shannon. "I think, there are also a few who weren't here when Nancy and Julia were here before."

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The Lucky One Part 3

The Lucky one, part 3 "Here's the story, of a boy named Eddy, who suddenly had become a girl..." (Ahem. Dorothy here. Any chance we could start off without getting me sued? (Poor Dot. By the way, you folks may have notice the length of time since my last posting, and it's all her fault. ) (Oh this should be good...) (You see, Dot had to take a break for "mental health reasons". I bet she was just on the rag) (Umm, Fluke? You do know what "transgender" means,...

2 years ago
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Off on a TechnicalityChapter 2

I had finally gotten my act together and was headed out to see one of my contacts. At this point, I had decided to expand my original agenda—now I wanted to bring down the whole Carnoli family. I figured that would make them suffer more than simply killing them, and suffering, mentally if not physically, was what I wanted for them. Of course, I would take some physical suffering on their part as icing on the cake. I was driving my special car toward the contact point when I saw an all too...

2 years ago
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Ms Sarah and Danni Pt2

by - sissy debbi Danni was stunned by what Sarah had just done to him. There he was in a pink nightie and panties on Sarah's lap with his own cum all over the front of the nightie. His heart was beating fast and his face turned bright red. Sarah's boobs were still hanging out of her blouse from having "suckled" him. His butt was still red from the hard hairbrush spanking he had been given a few minutes before. She sensed his sudden embarrassment. "Aw sweetie... It's OK! You can...

1 year ago
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Rival humiliation

Molly and Jess have been classmates from an early age now they are both 18 and in the same college. Molly had always been jealous of Jess because even though they were both good looking. Jess had more friends, money, intelligence but what Molly hated most about Jess is that every guy was after her but she wasn't interested ever she was a virgin who just wanted to focus on studying so Molly was always second choice. But now things were going to change as Molly had just gained the ability to...

Mind Control
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The Lady Mayoresss Daughter Part 1

Jenni Harrington was bored, as was normally the case when she had to accompany her mother to yet another evening with the borough's great and good. Jenni's mother, Gillian, was the Lady Mayoress; due to her divorcing Jenni's father two years previously when she had discovered that he had been having an affair with a young barmaid at their local pub, it had become incumbent upon her to stand in for him at the various civic functions the Lady Mayoress was duty bound to attend.As usual, she had...

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A Little RR Ch 03b

Rude made for a quick morning, his shower and breakfast in record time. He was anxious to take a peek into a new issue of Midgar Scribe, a local rag that published obscure works. It had originated as evidence in a case long ago, but after a thorough examination he found it to be most stimulating. Reno waltzed in, his timing impeccable as Rude sat ensconced in a rather intriguing plot. ‘Jesus, Rude, that can’t be all that fascinating.’ Reno taunted, his lips brushing the piercings in Rude’s...

4 years ago
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College life spring semester 8

*******************Kris got his towel to dry off with and dressed in his shorts. I swear hewas getting bigger by the day with a really defined chest, roundedshoulders, defined biceps and triceps with a well designed tattoo aroundone, rock solid abs and that distinctive V-taper with nice cuts down intohis shorts along with solid cut legs. It seemed as though all of us hadlost our razors over the weekend as well with all of us sporting facialhair growth."I think you enjoyed coaching," I said to...

2 years ago
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My Best Friends Girlfriend Chapter 7 The Beginning of the End

“Did you pay my phone bill?” I lift my legs and a broom slides beneath them. I look up at June, and she’s pondering. Her face is wrinkled in concentration, and she pulls her lips to one side. God, I love when she does that.“I thought so,” says June. She shrugs and keeps sweeping. “I hate that the stupid auto-pay isn’t through yet.”“Did you use one of the new cards?”“Yeah.”“Not one of the old cards?”“No. Didn’t you cut them up?”“Yeah, but I thought maybe you wrote them down or memorized...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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3 mature man bang my ass

hello readers , i had read so almost every story of gay on this site. now come to story. mera naam ravi sharma hai, mri age 26 hai,me college me padhta hu ,aur muje boys aur girls dono pasand hai. ye tab ki baat hai jab muje sex karne ka bahut maan karta tha toh me sex ke liye mene dating site pe register kia . me body me thoda mota hu jiski wajah se mere do chote chote boobs bhi hai , mere lund ki size 5 inch hai. ek din mere id pe ek uncle ka reply aya ki real me fun karte ho ya sirf bate...

3 years ago
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Shanti My Darling Maid

It was lazing on a Sunday afternoon as I get only one day to relax after a hectic of pleasing people from all walks of life. It was 11:30 and I knew my maid would press the bell anytime and as I thought so, the bell rang. I generally roam semi naked in the house with only my pyjamas on and no tshirt. Shanti my maid was used to it for last couple of years. She came in with a half hearted smile and went straight to my room to clean unlike other days when she used to chit chat a bit and convey the...

4 years ago
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My weekend babysitting Tyra Part 1

First im gonna have to say sorry about the spelling mistakes, since English is my second languane. Im altso gonna have to say that this story contains sexual relations between adults and kids, so if you not are into that, fin another story=) Im altso gonna have to say that im not a pedo, and that this story is FICTION only, and I would never do anything sexually with kid. I altso like resposes about my story, bot positive and negative, but let be mature, and say it in a real way. Hope you...

4 years ago
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Unguent 3

Storm Clouds Laura stood up after draining her mocha to its chocolate lees. The Japanese girl clicked on the next episode of her anime, while she gave her another polite nod connoting goodbye, tossing her silken black ponytail hither and thither. Laura looked around for the trashcan and spotted it next to the door of the Starbucks. The Indian business boy gulped as Laura’s eyes met his, and then looked away. She got a distinct high school vibe from him. She smiled and tossed her empty mocha cup...

3 years ago
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My first fisting

A little background about our marriage, we are in an open relationship, we swing sometimes, have had 3-somes and are into BDSM. He is Dom and I am a switch, which for those that don’t know what a switch is, I can be both submissive and dominant depending on my mood. We are a very kinky couple and enjoy experimenting in and out of the bedroom. We were recently playing around in the bedroom. I was lying sideways on the bed and my husband was licking my pussy really good. Putting his tongue...

3 years ago
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A Flawed DiamondChapter 64

Although the summer held some travails for Brock and Meredith, it was nothing compared to what the Dodgers' general manager, Steve Morris, faced. The media had never let him forget that the team dropped its first-round playoff series the year before. They had pointed out that he knew all season that the Dodgers had no viable option at shortstop besides its rookie infielder. Jim LaCross had mentioned it any number of times when asked why Brock Miller never seemed to be out of the...

3 years ago
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Lust of Bus

I am mentioning my very own experience during a journey. Before that, let me tell u the bus journeys in cities will be so erotic during monsoon/winter seasons.Aunties/girls can be touched/squeezed whole of their body and without others noticing it. It will be quite exciting to do it in public. I never missed a chance of squeezing buttocks and breasts of any lady irrespective of age and religion. I found women/girls who do not mind where ever they are touched. Slowly I applied little pressure...

2 years ago
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New Years Eve fun with a pantyhosed neighbou

Been trying to post this but haven't had much time since New Years. I was a little disappointed on new years as we had a snow storm and I had to go out snow plowing. I had just finished my mom's driveway and some others in my old neighborhood. As I got near end of the cul-de-sac to turn around I saw a car stuck part way up a unplowed driveway. It was Karen V.'s house.Recently when i was visiting my mom and helping get her house ready for winter I overheard her gossiping on the phone with a...

4 years ago
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4 My Sisters KeeperChapter 2

Officer McConnell's "accident" finding made it possible for me to collect the money from Mom's life insurance policy. I used it to bury her and pay off the mortgage and credit cards. That left the monthly bills, stuff like property taxes, insurance, utilities, clothes, food... I forged Mom's signature and deposited the checks that came from our bastard dad by mail, then wrote checks or withdrew money from the joint account in my own name to pay the bills. It paid nearly all of them. We...

3 years ago
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Detention Ch 03

First chapter: http://www.literotica.com/stories/showstory.php?id=298241 Second chapter: http://www.literotica.com/stories/showstory.php?id=300547 * As Kelly had instructed I booked a hotel room as soon as I got home from school on Monday. I would have done it AT school if I could have found a way for it to sound inconspicuous. But I could already hear the questions. ‘John, why do you need a hotel room in the middle of the week?’ ‘Is there something wrong?’ On and on and on they would go....

3 years ago
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Wednesday NightChapter 3

"That guy was a pig. It was horrible! He was so big that I could barely get it in my mouth, and then he pulled my shirt up and started rubbing my breasts really hard and then he started pinching me. Why would anybody ever do that for a guy?" "I couldn't see everything, but I think you are right. He was a pig. I wish I knew what his name is. I'd tell every girl I knew about him." Heidi was trying to be comforting to her friend, but her words were not much comfort. "And then he...

2 years ago
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My wife rides along on a sail boat race and everybody wins

My wife and I were invited to go sailing on Lake Erie on a small 24′ cabin cruiser. It was just the captain, his first mate and the two of us. It was understood that my wife, Victoria, would play the part of “eye candy” for any on-lookers in the harbor by wearing her very small thong bikini. She was more than happy to accommodate as she has a great slim body, an outstanding ass and loves to turn on other men. Victoria did her job very well prancing around the boat until we got...

4 years ago
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A Little Of This Ch 2

Payback for the Jack Walking up to my front door, I noticed a piece of paper taped to the peephole. I reached up, pulled it off and proceeded to unlock my door. I walked into my house, and went directly into the kitchen. Dropping the bags of groceries on the counter, I unloaded everything I had purchased and put it all in their proper places. Finished with the groceries, I moved into the living room, and sunk into the couch. I remembered the note that had been on my front door, and reached...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life Book 2 JenniferChapter 26 Open Mouth Insert Foot

October-November 1978 On Saturday, Jennifer joined me for lunch at work. Melanie had called her on Friday night. “So, she asked. She told me she agreed to the ground rules you set. She told me she had written Pete as well, and that he wrote back.” “Then it’s up to you, Jen.” “Do you want to do this?” “I agreed to it. It’s really a question of you and what you need. Is inviting Melanie to share us something you can deal with? Will it hurt our relationship as you see it? Do you think she...

4 years ago
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Love in the East

I was in the NDK district, walking along the lover’s bridge, my hands sunk deep into my pockets, my eyes scanning the horizon for her. This was the exact place that we had kissed. A week before I was a simple tourist, snapping pictures of the sites and bathing in the beauty of this city which had been occupied and influenced by such a rich array of cultures. When I had booked the flights it was simply to have a bit of a holiday with my girlfriend and try and rekindle things between us. The...

2 years ago
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Tiny Tits Tight Twat Arrangements

On Saturday morning, I realized we hadn’t set up another date, so I called her just after ten. No answer, but I was pretty sure this was her cell phone. When I called again in two hours, she picked up and I could hear some background noise.“I’m busy for most of the weekend,” was her answer. My cock shriveled in disappointment.I begged a little, and finally she said, “All right, I should be home by five on Sunday. Anytime after.”I turned on the TV to watch the big game and patted my crotch. “A...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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EvilAngel Adria Rae New Slut Makes Him Cum Repeatedly

Adria Rae, an adorable Midwestern cutie with a radiant smile, looks gorgeous in tight shorts, a midriff-baring top and heels. The playful vixen strips and poses, and director Mike Adriano rims her tasty butthole. Ribbons of drool flow from her chin as she sloppily throats shaft. Adria glides her tender twat over Mike’s throbbing meat, squealing as she squirts over the camera! She drives the pervy director to cum multiple times during an intense fuck. He spreads her pussy with a speculum,...

3 years ago
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Mostly Ghostly The Summarised Ending

I've written myself into a corner with this story and can't seem to find a way out so here's the plot in a nutshell. Jack and Regan continue to grow closer and eventually fall in love. Regan wants so desperately to be with Jack that she attempts suicide by overdose. Jack sees what he's doing to Regan and decides to leave so she can move on. Two years later Regan is now Engaged to a man she met at work named Kyle. Jack is a wandering spirit who suddenly finds himself drawn back to town. It turns...

4 years ago
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A Deal Between Men 1

I've known Vinny and Tony since we all attended elementary school together. We were pretty much inseparable through high school. All of us loved any type of sport and we all had a part time job at the same grocery store our last few years of high school. When it was time to move on to college, we each went to different schools, but still managed to get together during spring and summer breaks. After college, Vinny and I took jobs out of state, which greatly reduced our opportunities to get...

2 years ago
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Ghosts of the rainforest

Gnarled roots snare my ankles; protruding rocks scrape my shins and bruise my weary toes. I struggle upwards through dense vegetation, skirting stinging trees, hacking through vines, my eyes peering ever high into the canopy, fervently following the bright swathe cut by the torch strapped to my forehead. Leeches cling in vain; insects bite for no return. I brush them away with mild disgust, dashing their swollen guts into bloody smears. I force a weary, knowing smile and clamber onwards. I seek...

Love Stories
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The Old Man in the bus shelter

I stood shivering as the cold wind blew through the shelter, the only other occupant was an old man, sitting huddled on the edge of the bench, at the entrance, his heavy coat buttoned all the way up, topped by a woollen scarf, wrapped around his neck and face.It was still dark, this far North and as the town clock pealed 06:30, the snow started to fall.I moved further into the shelter to escape the biting cold wind, that swirled around the entrances, at least here in the centre of the shelter,...

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Die wahre Geschichte von Tanja

Die wahre Geschichte ?ber Tanja by Thomas Ich habe nun lange ?berlegt ob ich die ganzen Geschehnisse der letzten Jahre zu Papier bringen soll oder es lieber f?r mich behalten. Nachdem nun aber einige Jahre vergangen sind, m?chte ich auch euch diese Dinge nicht vorenthalten. Vielleicht findet der eine oder andere ja auch Spa? daran. Um mit der Geschichte beginnen zu k?nnen, m?ssen wir einige Jahre in der Zeit zur?ck gehen. Ich war damals 24 Jahre alt und Single. Ich genoss mein Leben mit einem ...

3 years ago
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A New Taste Part 40 Sweat and Swallow

As lockdown eased I found myself still furloughed and sat at home during a heatwave. My weekly visit from Tom continued to be a delightful affair but a little bit of me yearned for an opportunity to worship a larger member. I wasn’t shy in asking my regulars but I needed to be patient and be satisfied with my good fortune, they would contact me when they needed my services. Nick did call though. He had some news. “Listen Ben, do you fancy helping me out? I have a new ‘friend’ and I need you to...

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