- 2 years ago
- 26
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Glynnis and I had another lovely dinner at her parent's restaurant, Florio's. This time, she recommended the special, Chicken Marsala, and the choice was, as it had been the night before, perfection. We shared a half litre of Pinot Grigio, and continued our conversations from the previous day. I probed gently on who the mystery man might be, but she remained tight-lipped.
She talked a bit about her older brother, Tony, telling me about his success in computer software development in the "big city," Vancouver. They were very close, and I got the impression that Tony was her guardian when she was younger, and that she missed him a great deal since he had moved away.
I had formed the opinion that Glynnis was a very bright and talented young lady with a lot to offer someone who could handle the special needs she would bring with her. She was clearly a very sexual woman and would need a man who could complement her desires. But she had a serious, business side, and she would also need a man who could match her ambition, her desire to succeed. It was going to take a special guy to be "Mr. Right," and I was wondering if such a man was living in Cranbrook, and was still single.
Shortly before nine we walked over to the Crowsnest Club and entered. It was just getting going and the noise level wasn't yet at the eardrum bursting stage. The music was largely contemporary pop and I could recognize most of the tunes. A disc jockey was playing the music without comment, but at this early stage, no one was up dancing and the crowd was pretty thin. I walked to the bar and order each of us a drink and returned to our little table.
We sat and talked for a few minutes as we sipped our drinks and then, I decided that I needed something to occupy our time and I asked Glynnis to dance. We shuffled our way through a few fast numbers and I managed not to embarrass myself too badly. Almost as soon as we took the floor, several other couples joined us, and I was grateful we weren't alone. After the fast numbers came some slow tunes and I was happy to pull Glynnis to me and hold her closely as we danced together. We might have been a bit of a misfit with our height difference, but I really didn't care. She looked beautiful this evening, wearing a more demure outfit of pale blue blouse, navy blue skirt and more sensible low heels. Unlike last night, she was wearing both stockings and a bra and when I stopped to think about it, she was very conservatively dressed.
By ten, I noticed the crowd had grown substantially as had the noise. We were sitting at our table not trying to talk over the music when I noticed a table with three guys on the other side of the room. Actually, I noticed one of the three guys, and he caught my attention because he only seemed to have eyes for Glynnis. He was nursing a beer and looked more like a college student than one of the locals. I was curious who he might be.
When Glynnis got up to go to the washroom, he watched every step she made until she disappeared down the hallway, and his eyes never left that entrance until she reappeared five minutes later. Now I was really interested. There was only one way to find out who he was.
"Glynnis, do you see that table with the three guys drinking beer right across from us?" I asked when there was a break in the music.
"Yeah ... why do you ask?"
"You see the dark haired guy in the glasses with the tan shirt ... do you know him?" I asked casually.
She looked at him carefully and then back at me with a strange expression. "Sure ... that's Peter Barnsley ... why do you ask?" she said with a curious look.
"He's been watching you. In fact, he only has eyes for you, I think."
"Are you sure?" she asked carefully.
"Yup ... damn sure," I said without hesitation.
"Really! Are you absolutely sure?" she challenged me.
"Look ... what's the big deal. You're a beautiful woman, and he's interested in you. At least he doesn't look like Elmer Fudd," I cracked.
She looked at me with a strange frown and I thought I could hear the gears turning in her head. She was obviously startled by what I had told her.
"I didn't think he even knew I was alive," she said vaguely as she carefully avoided looking across the room.
"So tell me about him," I requested with a hint of insistence.
"He's a friend of my brother, Tony. He lived in Kimberley but he went to school here. He used to get a ride into school with his Dad and then back home with him when his dad finished work. He'd go down to his office and do his homework until his Dad closed up. He was Tony's best friend because they were both 'brainiacs.' He's changed a lot. He's been in med school since forever," she finished almost absently.
"So why is it such a surprise he's interested in you?"
"I was just Tony's kid sister. I don't think he even noticed me," she said absently, now looking over to the table of interest.
"Well, I can assure you that's changed. He's definitely noticed you tonight," I said with certainty.
Glynnis turned back toward me and I could clearly see the flushed look on her face and the wide eyed surprise that accompanied it. I had to smile. Was this the mysterious guy she coveted as her last chance? I didn't think so. This seemed to be a complete surprise to her and it had deeply shocked her when she discovered it.
"Don't you think you should go over there and say hi?" I teased.
"Oh god, I couldn't. I mean ... it's been years." She left the thought unfinished.
"Look, Glynnis ... you know I'm going to be gone in a day or so and you're still going to be here. You have to look past the here and now and think about tomorrow. Maybe there's nothing about Pete Barnsley that will connect with you, but you won't know that unless you try." I was pretty sure that there was something going on with Glynnis that involved Peter and I suspected it went back to her school days and her possible infatuation with this guy. I'd seen it before; the little sister grows up and goes from pest to playmate before you even realize it.
She looked at me again with that questioning gaze. She was unsure of herself and possibly a bit frightened. It didn't seem in character for the woman that had virtually attacked me the night before, but there was no denying her uncertainty.
"Go!" I almost shouted as the music pounded in the background.
She got up very tentatively, watching my face and then slowly turned and weaved through the handful of dancers to the other side of the door. I would have given anything to hear the conversation, but I watched the body language carefully. Peter looked up with a very big smile on his face as she approached, and then stood. When was the last time a guy of his age stood when a woman approached his table? He reached out for her and then hugged her closely to himself. I could almost see the breath and tension drain from Glynnis with that simple gesture and a moment later they were talking a mile a minute to each other, oblivious to the other two guys at the table.
I had to smile. My matchmaking skills had been hidden all these years and then, voila! I leaned back in my chair and let that satisfied feeling wash over me. What the hell, it might have happened anyway, but I was glad I pushed the process. There was only one problem; I had probably just pushed my bed partner off on another guy. At least I didn't feel badly about it. In fact, I felt quite good.
I picked up Glynnis's half full glass of wine and walked carefully across the room to the two reunited friends and placed it on the table in front of them. I don't think they even noticed. I smiled. The two 'spare guys' had moved elsewhere and these two were in a world of their own. I walked over to the bar and ordered another beer.
As I surveyed the room, my eyes fell on a tall, slim, very elegant looking woman of indeterminate age. She was almost as tall as me, I thought. Her long, shining, perfectly straight dark hair fell to the center of her shoulder blades, covering an equally elegant looking burgundy blouse. I couldn't see her face except in extreme profile, but I doubted that it would be a disappointment. She had a European look about her, although I don't know exactly why I thought so. She seemed very out of place in this small town dance hall and I decided to study her before I made any move toward her.
I was watching her and oblivious to what was going on elsewhere when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I jumped at the surprise and turned quickly to find Glynnis looking at me with a flushed face and a giant smile.
"Thanks," was the first thing out of her mouth.
"You're welcome," I replied out of instinct. I quickly gathered my insistence at her approaching Peter Barnsley was being acknowledged. "Looks like you two are getting along well."
"Yeah ... really well."
"I'm glad. I hope it works out for you, Glynnis. I know that's what you want."
"Yeah." She had become a woman of few words in the space of ten minutes.
I had to laugh. She was hooked and hooked solidly. I leaned forward and kissed her cheek. "Good luck."
She turned and kissed my cheek. "I think he's the one," she whispered.
I looked over at soon to be Doctor Peter Barnsley and smiled. I gave him a 'thumbs up' behind Glynnis's back and I saw him visibly relax. It was never a contest.
"Before you go back to your new love," I laughed, "who's the lady in the burgundy blouse over by the bar?"
She turned and looked over and then turned back. "Oh, you mean Sophia Sekich, the Ice Queen. Now that's a challenge," she laughed. "Sorry, Lee, I gotta go." She was looking anxiously at Pete.
"I'll see you tomorrow morning. Have a great time." I was already old news to her.
"Thanks again, Lee. You've really been great. I won't forget you. You're probably the second last guy I'll ever make love with," she said with a flounce and a grin.
I watched her head back and rejoin Pete's table, and if she wasn't sitting in his lap, she was damn close. I had a feeling Pete was going to get lucky tonight.
In the meantime, the mysterious Sophia hadn't moved a muscle and continued to sit by herself, watching the dance floor. I guess I had a good dose of self confidence because, I couldn't think of a single reason why she wouldn't want to talk to me. I had gotten used to rejection in my teenage years and I figured, what the hell, I could take as well as I could give. What did I have to lose? I got up and wandered over to her table, approaching her from the side so that I wouldn't startle her.
"Good evening, Sophia," I began. The music was between songs and I didn't have to shout to be heard.
She turned slowly and looked at me like I was some kind of creature from the swamp. "How do you know my name?" she asked in a thick, Slavic-sounding accent.
"I asked Glynnis Florio and she told me."
She looked over to where Glynnis was sitting and then back at me. Her expression had changed from mild contempt to mild interest.
"I do not recognize you. Are you new?" she asked, almost politely.
"Sort of. I'm just visiting while my car is being repaired." I was being careful with what I revealed. I was also interested, very interested. As I looked into her eyes, I was conscious of a woman who was as carefully prepared as a runway model. Her makeup, clothes, bearing, even her attitude seemed to project New York, not Cranbrook. I was on high alert and fascinated. She had an almost Cher-like face; long, thin, and perfect. Her body almost lacked shape from what I was able to see. It was perfect for a model, but lacked the voluptuous curves that wannabe letches like me admired. No big tits, no big ass ... Hmmmm.
"Sorry, it's very rude of me to stare, but you are very beautiful," I continued. "My name is Lee ... Lee Stephenson."
She almost smiled and her eyes were appraising me just as I had appraised her.
She wasn't about to initiate conversation, so I plowed ahead on my own.
"You don't look like you're from around here. More like New York or Paris, I'd say." I was a blatant attempt to flatter her and surprisingly, it seemed to work. She spoke!
"Montreal. I worked there until I came here to join my parents," she responded in a monotone.
"Were you a model?"
"Yes ... but I got too old," she said simply.
"That doesn't make sense. You don't look ... I mean ... how old is too old?" I stumbled.
She laughed and for the first time, she looked like she might have a personality.
"Some days, twenty one is too old. Some days, maybe thirty. It is a hard business. All work ... no play," she said, losing her smile.
"You said you came here to join your parents."
"Yes ... my father was ill. I came to help my mother run their store. He died and now I am here to look after my mother." It was all stated in a matter-of-fact way as if it was exactly what she expected to happen.
"I'm sorry to hear about your father. You must find it difficult to adapt to this town after Montreal."
"Yes and no. I helped my parents when they had a small grocery store in Montreal before I got modeling job. It is not new to me."
"You haven't been here long, have you?"
"No ... just a few weeks. My father died just before I got here. I never got to say goodbye," she said sadly. She looked up at me and I began to think that I had almost pierced that tough exterior. It was a protective shell. It stopped her from being hurt, but it didn't always work. The loss of her father obviously hurt far more that the loss of her career. I decided to change the subject.
"Your accent ... where is your family from?"
"Sarajevo. We left when fighting started. After Olympics, we thought everything would be better but ... not so. Old hatreds, old enemies, friends turn their backs over nothing. It was bad. Papa sold everything and we move to Canada. It was better. I go to French school, and then Agency wants me to be model."
"How old were you?" I asked, fascinated by her story.
"Fifteen. I was tall for girls in my class. I was lucky. They don't treat me badly. I work hard. Soon, I was making lot of money. Papa look after it for me. I have my picture in catalogues and newspaper and magazines. Then, one day, I am too old. Poof! Not model any more." She was using her hands to express her sudden career end.
"Do you miss it?"
"No ... yes ... sometimes." She actually laughed. "I liked being famous. I liked people who see me and then smile like they know me."
"Any boyfriends?"
"Some ... not serious. Not any serious one yet," she said, looking directly into my eyes.
"You are very beautiful. I'm surprised you haven't got a flock of guys surrounding you." I meant it sincerely.
"I am spoiled girl. What you call 'high maintenance, '" she admitted.
I laughed. "What does a high maintenance girl do for fun in Cranbrook?"
"She wait for cool guy to come along and ask her to dance," she said smiling at me.
I put a checkmark beside my personal score card and once again patted myself on the back. I was invincible.
"Well, I'm not sure how cool I am, but I'd love to dance with you."
She smiled back at me and when I offered my hand, she took it gently and I led her out onto the dance floor. As luck would have it (and brother did I have it), it was a slow, romantic tune and she slipped into my embrace and we began to move. She was as light as a feather and almost fragile. Her body was slim and willowy, and her scent was intoxicating. I don't think I had ever been this close to someone so exotic. I felt like I was on display. I could feel the eyes of all the guys on me. I had melted the Ice Queen. I had status!
"You are very good dancer," she said softly in my ear. We were pressed up against each other and I was being very careful to hold her lightly and feel her moves as we slipped across the floor, lost in the music.
"I'm inspired by my partner," I whispered in return.
I know! I know! It's corny as hell, but it happened to be the truth. This woman was so completely different and seemingly unreachable, and yet here I was dancing with her and drawing looks from every guy in the house and quite a few of the girls too. When you're hot, you're hot!
The D.J. took a break for a few minutes and I offered Sophia a drink and she accepted. I got her a glass of white wine and switched to a red for myself. Somehow, beer didn't seem to be the right thing when you were with a woman like this. She excused herself and headed for the Ladies Room and I sat at my table enjoying the moment. I wasn't alone for long. Glynnis almost ran over to me, sliding to a stop at my table.
"What the hell did you put in her drink?" she asked, wide eyed.
"Nothing, love. Just my natural charm I guess." I was bragging of course, but enjoying my conquest.
"You just got into the Cranbrook Studs Hall of Fame," she declared. "I guess I should have known if anyone could melt her, you could."
"Thanks for the vote of confidence, but I suspect her reputation isn't earned. She just takes a little special handling."
"Well, whatever. You sure made everyone here sit up and take notice. It looks good on her too."
"Thanks. How are things going with Peter?" I asked.
"Super! I've had a crush on him for years, but I didn't think he would even remember me. I was Tony's little pest sister when he was around. I guess he remembered better than I thought," she grinned, almost giggling.
"I take it then that he isn't 'Mr. Last Chance?'"
"No, but I don't think 'Mr. Last Chance' is going to get the chance," she laughed.
"I'm happy for you Glynnis. I hope it all works out for you. I'll be calling you someday to find out."
"Thanks. Oh, here comes Sophia. Good luck," she said as she turned to leave. She didn't make it. Sophia cut her off and reached out for her arm. She leaned in and said a few words into her ear. I wasn't sure what was going to happen until I saw a big smile on Glynnis's face and I decided to relax.
Sophia smiled at Glynnis as the two of them looked over at me and a moment later the lithe beauty headed back to our table. I stood up and held out my hand. She took it as I held her chair for her. It seems my manners were improving as I began to read Sophia better. High maintenance meant she had high expectations of her escorts, and I wanted to show her I understood that.
As she sat down, I was aware that somehow we were closer to each other. I could pick up the delightful scent of her perfume and I had a hard time not staring at her. She was almost impossible to ignore. She commanded my attention and I was happy to provide it. I think she expected that. She wasn't disconcerted by my unconcealed admiration and in an emboldened moment, I reached for her hand. She allowed me to take it and I held it below the table on my leg. Sophia looked down at her hand and then up at me and smiled, squeezing my hand lightly.
"Dance?" I asked as a slower tune came on.
She nodded and smiled her acceptance, and I held her chair as she rose. She was a woman of few words, but nonetheless, I was having no trouble communicating with her. I began to plot the rest of my evening with this unique lady. I wondered if we would consummate this lovely affair, but to be truthful, it didn't matter as much as I thought it would. I had already achieved a measure of fame and anything more would be icing on the cake. Mind you, I do like icing.
We danced and I talked and she smiled and said a few words and I reminded myself how much I was enjoying this. My High School skills had been at work and I determined that she was wearing a bra and of course, the lovely burgundy blouse buttoned up the front. Her skirt was black leather, falling well below her knees, the texture and colour matching her shoes. Simple observation told me that it had a side zipper. I was fascinated with what her body would look like naked and I tried to imagine, but I was having trouble. Not enough experience, I guess. I was also wondering what she would be like as a lover. Would she be active or passive, loud or quiet, orgasmic or ... what?
We continued to dance and then rest, dance some more and then sit and enjoy each other's company without many words being exchanged. Finally, I took a chance and as she leaned toward me to hear what I might say, I kissed her cheek. She turned toward me and her eyes narrowed. For a moment, I thought I was in trouble, but that thought was erased when she kissed my lips and I felt the slight probe of her tongue. It was time for a decision.
"Your place or mine?" I asked quietly. Now, I realize I've used this line before, but let's face it, whatever works, right? And low and behold, it didn't fail me.
"Mine," she whispered.
I didn't need any more encouragement. I stood, took her hand and held the back of her chair as she rose. We headed for the coatroom holding hands and with a couple of dollars in the tip jar, we were on our way. I led her to my car and held the door for her as she slipped into the seat and looked up at me with a smile. She couldn't have done anything more to make me feel as good about this. She gave me directions to her place and we drove off.
Sophia lived in a small duplex on the outside of town, very close to where Straker's B & B was. She unlocked the door and turned on a small table lamp as we entered. She closed the door and remembering my manners, I helped her with her coat and hung it in the front closet with my own. I turned to her and waited for her to make the first move.
"Would you like something to drink?" she asked with a smile.
"Not unless you would. I'm happy just to be with you," I said quietly.
She smiled and I was struck by how enigmatic it was. It gave away nothing, and I had to remind myself to be patient. I really did not know what to expect.
She walked the two or three steps toward me and her arms circled my neck. She might have been staring me down, but I let that happen as she finally closed her eyes and began to kiss me. It was a soft and yet passionate kiss with her tongue flicking back and forth between my lips. I opened my mouth and she pushed her tongue a bit further into me. I was caressing her body as she concentrated on the kiss. Finally, we parted and she looked at me with a slight smile.
"Glynnis tells me you are a very accomplished lover," she said unexpectedly.
"Glynnis is very generous," I offered quickly after being caught off guard.
"You did not know we are friends?"
"No, I didn't." I admitted.
"Come with me, Mr. Stey-fan-son," she commanded gently as she led me down the hallway. I kind of liked the European interpretation of my last name. She led me down the hall toward one of the two bedrooms. We entered the one on the left as the door on the right was closed. As we passed it, I was almost sure I could see light coming from under the door. I followed her into the softly lit room, admiring her almost effortless stroll. Once a model, always a model, I guess.
Her bedroom was very austere, not what I had expected. It had a queen size bed with a simple cherry wood headboard and footboard and a pair of simple but quality cherry night tables. A matching dresser flanked the inside wall while a full length mirror was mounted on the closet door. The curtains over a window were drawn closed and they fell almost to the floor. There were no paintings or pictures on the wall and the only pictures on the dresser were of a younger Sophia and another woman who was obviously her mother. I could instantly see that she was an older version of her beautiful daughter and very lovely in her own right. I turned to Sophia and moved toward her. She turned away from me, but was offering herself for me to undress her from behind.
I reached for the buttons on her blouse and they almost fell from their eyes. I pulled it gently from her shoulders and revealed her lovely upper body. Her brassiere was a dark red and captured two small teacup sized breasts. I easily removed the bra and was struck by how perfect her breasts were, almost like sculptures, except they were warm flesh and blood and exquisite in both shape and texture. I palmed them gently for a few moments as I contemplated my next step.
Sophia had closed her eyes and tilted her head back beside mine as I lightly stroked my fingers over her now erect nipples. I took the opportunity to kiss her cheek and nibble on her ear. I was taking this very slowly and I wondered if I wasn't going too slowly for her. I reached for the zipper on her skirt and after undoing the top button, I lowered the zipper and pushed it down with my hands on each side of her slender hips. She playfully swayed as I pushed the skirt away and then stepped carefully out of it, having already removed her shoes. She wasn't wearing stockings. Her panties were the same dark red as the bra and I left them for now. It was my turn.
I placed my hands on her shoulders and turned her around to face me again. Her eyes had remained closed as I had stroked her breasts but they were open now and she was looking searchingly into my eyes. I smiled at her, hopefully giving her confidence that we would soon enjoy our union, but first, there was the matter of my clothes. I began to pull my shirt out of my pants and she reached for my buttons to help me. I unbuckled my belt and began to undo my pant's zipper and step out of them while she finished with my shirt. In less than a minute, we were facing each other wearing only our underwear and she led me to the bed and sat on the edge facing me.
I lay on the bed and pulled Sophia down in my arms. I began to kiss and fondle and nibble and pinch and generally make love to this slender beauty. Her hand had gone to my cock and had softly gripped it and began stroking me to erection. Amazingly, I had not been in a state of arousal and it was another phenomenon that I hadn't experienced before. It didn't bother me since she had quickly corrected that condition, but just the same, it was another new thing to ponder in my new world. I pushed the thought out of my mind and got on with my responsibilities.
I slipped to the floor on my knees and began to remove her panties. I was in for another surprise. For the first time I encountered a completely hairless pussy. I had never seen one before up close and it was both exotic and erotic. It suited this woman perfectly. I should have expected it I suppose, but it I didn't. I gazed at it and then looked up at Sophia's face. She was watching me expectantly. I smiled and bent to my task. I started to stroke the entire length of her pink slit with the top of my tongue, travelling as far down as the perineum and slowing drawing it up to just short of where her clit would be. I spent more than a couple of minutes preparing her for my next touch.
I brought my arms around her lovely, slim thighs and my fingertips stroked her hairless mons. She was moving slightly under my tongue and I lifted my head and my fingers moved to her sex and gently parted her lips. Like everything else about her, it revealed more perfection. I could also see that her clit was prominent and I was ready to move to that target when I resumed my worship of her magnificent body. She may not have been my ideal woman in shape, but she was like a fine piece of jewelry; you had to admire the beauty of design.
I resumed my tongue work and this time I allowed it to travel all the way to the clitoris and I got the immediate response I was hoping for. Her body arched and I heard a gasp as she reacted to the touch on her sensitive nub. I went back to it again and again and each time I was rewarded with her reaction. I looked up briefly and saw that her eyes were closed and her body rigid in expectation, her hands tightly gripping the sheets by her side. I decided to take her all the way if I could, and I stayed with a steady stroke on her labia and clit. It didn't take her very long to reach her release and I heard as well as felt it expressed by her whimpering cry and her rigid torso.
I crawled up on the bed and lay beside Sophia as she came down from her orgasm. She had turned her head toward me and her eyes were blinking as she stared at me. I touched her cheek with my fingertips and she smiled and reached for me. She was obviously pleased with my beginning and soon she was fondling my semi erect cock and bringing it up to full potential. There was no doubt what was expected next.
I rolled over on top of her, carefully spreading her legs as I prepared to enter her. We were both very ready and I aimed my rigid cock at the now obvious entrance and pushed slowly but steadily forward for a couple of inches. She seemed tight, but was reaching for my hips to pull me in. I took that as an invitation and I continued to push steadily until I was finally touching bottom. Sophia was tense, but it seemed to be with expectation rather than concern.
I began to move, very slightly and slowly at first, but gaining a bit of distance on my stroke as I watched her carefully. Her reaction was positive. She was smiling slightly and her hips were moving with me. We were on our way. It wasn't that long before we were really humming. I had that invincible feeling back again and I wasn't worried about it coming to a premature end. I just let it all hang out and we were really rockin' and rollin'.
Her lounge was brightly lit by drow standards although to a human it was dimly lit and indeed that was important as seated in a chair reading a book was her Iilafay’s personal body slave for the last eight years a young human called Sophia. Sophia was stood about 5 foot 8 inches tall , she had long curly red hair reaching down below her shoulders, her skin would have been pale under any circumstances and after a decade without seeing the sun her pale whiteness was a startling contrast when...
I had caught him in the garage masturbating while watching my wife was sunning in the backyard. She was wearing one of her skimpy bathing suits that hid practically nothing. I told him not to move and stay where he was or else I would report him to the cops and his parents.I silently went to get Sophia and took her into the garage and told her to play along.She was very surprised at seeing our college age neighbor, a big coal-black youth with his pants down and his long, deflated cock hanging...
One day I received a mail from someone named Sophia. In the mail, she said she had gone through my postings and that she enjoyed it a lot. She also asked me whether I will be interested in chatting with her. Initially I was a lil bit suspicious because of my experience in chat rooms where there are more men posing as women than real women. However, I replied to that mail and said I will be available online during the evenings. I received a response to my reply after couple of days telling...
I had recently joined as a zoology prof in a college where I went in for first day of lecture. There sat Sophia on the first bench ! The first look of this girl had my head spinning ! She was sexier then any bitch I had seen in before. She was dressed in a white tight blouse which showed off her lovely round tits prominently. As she stood up to greet me I could not stop staring at her sexy thighs which lay exposed ad she was in minies. i kept wondering what was beneath them ! It was really...
BisexualMy name is Jake, I'm 19 years old and this is a story about me and my hairdresser Sophia. Sophia is a 38 year old brunette, she's married to Ryan and they have an 8 year old son. She has been my hairdresser for a few years now and I've always had a thing for her. She is a self-employed hairdresser with her own hair salon at home. This story took place last week. On Tuesday I called Sophia to make an appointment to cut my hair. She told me that I could come around 7 PM on Thursday. It was 6.35...
MILFMy name is Jake, I’m 19 years old and this is a story about me and my hairdresser Sophia. Sophia is a 38 year old brunette, she’s married to Ryan and they have an 8 year old son. She has been my hairdresser for a few years now and I’ve always had a thing for her. She is a self-employed hairdresser with her own hair salon at home. This story took place last week. On Tuesday I called Sophia to make an appointment to cut my hair. She told me that I could come around 7 PM on Thursday.
So my usual girl Yudi wasn't there this time. I was kind of bummed because we had good chemistry and I really enjoyed her but, at the same time, I was looking forward to fucking the shit out of another hot little Asian chick. So, Mama San returns with my change and I not-so-conspicuously flash her my semi-hard dick and, as usual, she checked it out before leaving the room. -That ALWAYS turned me on. Anyway, a few minutes later the tallest Asian girl I've ever seen gently stepped into the room,...
It's time to hit the gay club. We get ready, dressed like total sluts. Corsets, stockings, heels and boots, gloves, jewles and dark make-up. The only big difference is I'm wearing my tight skinnies and you're in a red satan dress. Our colours are red and black, the colours of sin and lust. I'm mostly in black but my lips are stained red. Now that we look hot, we're ready to go catch a man.We enter the club head immerdiatly to the dance floor, bumping and grinding and getting a lot of...
Hi all the readers of ISS this is my 2nd post. I am not an avid fucker like most of you but I love to do it and that too slowly but surely to make it enjoyable. Thanks a lot for your response to Ahmedabad yahoo chatroom to Rajkot Hotel Room coming back to the incident. I work with one of the Fortune 500 companies as Senior Manager in Sales department. I am based out of Ahmedabad and was posted in Surat. It so happened that there was launch planned for Jharkhand and company looking at my...
Hey guys. First of all, I would like to thank for your feedback. It feels awesome to know that your work is being appreciated. As you all know about me. I am 5’11’ tall, average built. I won’t lie that I have a big dick but I can satisfy a woman. The main pleasure is building up the moment. So have to spend time on foreplay too. Let’s come to the story. This experience is with a girl I met in Pune. Let’s call her M. I was bored on Saturdays and Sundays. Surfing net was the only timepass. I...
A few days after my meeting with Masterson I had called the referral he had given me. An interview was quickly scheduled with Ben Silverstein for a possible accounting job with Silverstein and Associates, Public Auditors. The interview had gone very well and a few days later they had called me with an offer. I told them that I wanted to take a week to think it over. The week since the trial had passed quickly and the day of public punishments for these people had arrived! I was to have my...
A small change in typographics - Yvonne is now plain text, Zara is in italics and the Wisdom remains monotype. Sorry :-) I knew this was going to be shit when Zara had to refer to the AI, explanation wise, even before she'd finished describing the assignment. Up to that point, it had been about as routine as my jobs ever get: Go in, remove target #1 — in the presence of targets #2, #3 and #4, thereby giving them a chance to rethink some of their life choices — and then get the hell out....
Tim has been a close friend of both me and my wife Andrea for several years. One evening Andrea and I had been enjoying a few adult beverages and she had puffed some green when the phone rang. It was Tim and he said he was close by and wanted to come by. I told him sure come on over. After hanging up I told Andrea to go put on something sexy for Tim. She jumped up and ran to our room to find something to wear and I went in the kitchen to get another cold one. I heard Tims truck coming up the...
BEST ENJOYED COLD BEST ENJOYED COLD by Velvetglove STANDARD DISCLAIMER AND COPYRIGHT ?Best Enjoyed Cold? is an original work of fiction and fantasy. Neither events nor characters portrayed are based in reality, and any resemblance with actual persons is entirely coincidental. It contains vivid scenes of non-consensual sex and violence so please do not read any further if such things offend or provoke you. As ever with this author?s writings, this story does not contain descriptions...
Steve The damaged pilot and the safe student were both relaxing and having a beer while being attended to by their close friends. I was happy that we came out of this as well as we did. Thinking that Jimmy should be about back, I called his cell, "Hey, Jimmy, how close are you? I'll come out and help you get the aircraft off the truck." "We're about twenty minutes out. We could use some more hands. If Charlie, Jim, and Hank could come with you, that should be enough muscle. We have a...
Introduction: This is a follow up to 4 MILFs share a hung black boy. This is a follow up to 4 MILFs share a hung black boy. You may want to read it first. After dinner Joyce and Don sat in the living room. Joyce was watching TV and Don was reading the days newspaper. Joyce turned off the TV and said, Don. Don put down the paper and looked at his wife. Joyce started a conversation that, at about the same time, was also taking place was taking place in the homes of Donna, Sue and Paula. Have you...
John woke up with Frank's morning wood poking him in the lower back. Before he could move away, Frank stretched and yawned. "Mornin'," Frank grumbled and gave John's thigh a friendly pat. "Hey," John said, unsure of what to do. The idea of snuggling was out of the question, but Frank took matters in hand when his fingers slid forward to grasp John's semi-erect shaft. "Looks like we got the same problem," he chuckled and pushed his cock harder against John's back. "Lemme help...
Before I start with my story, note down my email id – mails me for my sister’s and girlfriends hot and sexy pics. We’ll share lots of fun data. Any girl/aunty/female/hot/short/simple/funny anyone who’d like to have conversation with me, here’s my email id- we’ll have chats and its confidential I’ll keep it secret! Here, I began with my story now, I Ronnie, I was 19 at that time and my little sister, Reenu was in class 9. She was somewhere around 18. but at the age of sixteen, she had a very...
IncestAs I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off, all I could think of was how was I going to make this happen. Be who I was and who I wanted to be without hurting those closest to myself. My head was filled with scenarios and possible future plans but also with a confusion as to why I had been so overwhelmingly flushed with guilt after one of the most intense, if not the most intense sexual release ever? Being dressed in my sisters tennis kit felt so amazingly exciting...
Michelle was exhausted. Everything was finally in place in her new apartment, after a long week of painting walls, cleaning, and disassembling and reassembling furniture. One thought had kept her going, however: she knew that as soon as those helping her had left, she'd get to try out something new.A suction-cup dildo had long been in her collection of sex toys because she'd always been intrigued by its possibilities, especially those involving exposure; now she finally had the chance to try...
MasturbationTo say the Pickle was ecstatic with the news would be an understatement. I wondered, briefly, if she were about to start jumping for joy. Thankfully, if she felt that way, it passed quickly. I was also thankful that she didn't ask where the money was coming from. I had given her a general overview, for which I think she was grateful, where I explained that Huntley's sister had established a defense fund to help defray costs. The smile vanished from her face as quickly as it...
1General Chen?s White Torture SlaveOneTina almost purred with pleasure. She was utterly comfortable at the large yachts stern as she lay on a soft mat, feeling the light ocean breeze and the warm sunlight on her nearly naked body. The ship was making minimal speed and gently rocking up and down on the waves. The warmth and soft motions of the deck made Tina doze off several times, as she was sun bathing for the better part of the afternoon. Every so often, when she was awake, she would open her...
325 The lucky shepherd, Micky thought himself a loner,34 now, and since school he had hated folk, wanted solitude, away from the piss taking, the bullies, and the Hussle and bustle of life in town. He had found solace when his mother died in his work as an under shepherd. She had been his last surviving relative and since his father passed away some ten years before she had been his one sexual outlet. Realising the young man was never going to find lust, much less love on his own, she had...
Through the weeks that passed, Linda and I had sex every night when we went to bed with me doing different things to her that she had never had done to her, and of a mornings, we had to settle to just having quikies so that I wouldn't be late for work during the week, but weekends, we took our time like we did each night.As promised to June, Linda, and I, took June shopping for dresses, and Linda even got a few extra clothes to do her all day teasing in. The divorces went through with just a...
I turned onto Michigan Avenue and headed north toward Lake Shore Drive. Large snowflakes filtered the headlights as we made our way through the darkness and slow-moving traffic toward Jessica's parents' home. She was quiet, trying to repair her makeup and hair, concentrating on the lighted visor mirror. I was hard to believe how much more beautiful she had become. Maybe it was just me seeing the new Jessica and how maturity and self awareness had replaced immaturity and self absorption. I...
Three days until the deadline and four thousand words to write. That's two thousand today and the rest tomorrow, then a quick re-read and edit on the last day. Although you don't want to over do it otherwise you'll never pass – so say just four hours of writing a day, then relax and watch telly for the rest – and maybe have a couple of drinks for all the hard work. Five hundred words an hour then: piece of cake! Oh yeah, and those books first... Of course, if Carman didn't spend so much time...
There’s a Tube Origin to that sticky puddle beside my laptop, by which I mean I had a lot of fun with this next website. The joint’s had a massive explosion in traffic over the last couple months, so maybe you’ve even had the opportunity to appreciate it firsthand. Well over half a million visitors stopped by last month, and I have to wonder just how much productivity they wasted and how many gallons of lube they went through.What are you in the mood for today? Would you rather beat off to a...
Free Porn Tube SitesThe cream spills out of South American beauty Violetta after Liam takes his dick out of her pussy. They’ve sucked, they’ve fucked. Violetta came, and her sexy moans made Liam shoot his load in her pink honeypot. SCORELAND: Have you seen your videos? Violetta: I’ve seen them on my SCORELAND page. SCORELAND: Do you watch your videos with someone or alone? Violetta: I saw them alone. SCORELAND: What did you think? Violetta: I liked the videos. I didn’t see the complete...
xmoviesforyouThe Rookie – Tayari Plaza, nine hours after drop. The Rookie moved into the building, the waypoint on his HUD leading him towards the nearest stairwell. He checked his corners, sweeping his plasma rifle across open doorways and pockets of shadow. This place was still crawling with Covvies, but he didn’t have time to clear every room. He mounted the stairs, trying to ignore the pain in his shoulder, passing the first floor, and then emerging onto the second. A sudden screech from somewhere...
"Thanks so much for having me over Steph!""Aw no problem Danielle, we haven't had a sleepover in such a long time! Those midterms really took a lot out of me, so I'm so happy to have some girl time. I'm gonna run to the washroom, okay? Get changed into your pajamas, and I'll be right back!" Walking down the hallway, I grinned to myself. Danielle and I have know each other for almost eighteen years now, basically since birth. We've had sleepovers since we were young girls, at that awkward...
LesbianI originally did not write this chapter with a sexual scene but I felt like people would complain and I didn't want to hear it. If you'd like to see the original version ask and I'll send it to you. If enough people ask I'll post it.By some miracle I managed to graduate high school. My mother went all out with graduation announcements and somehow got my family to come to the commencement ceremony to watch me graduate.After I graduated I packed my things and told my mother that I was moving out...
PrologueOne day, not long after the ferry terminal episode, Holly, Tiffany, and I were hanging out in a bar having sherry. I didn’t particularly like sherry, but I decided to follow their lead.At one point Tiffany said, “We know another lady who would like to meet a nice young man like you.”I blurted out, “Another one?”“Let me tell you about Catherine, or Cathy. She’s forty-two; she’s also divorced and she has two sons. She’s on the West Side rather than the East.”“That’s a change of pace. So...
Straight SexOccasionally I have to go to London for a meeting, I always arrange for it to finish around lunchtime, so I can head off to my favourite gay bar for a few drinks and then onto a sauna for some fun.yesterday the meeting dragged on and on, and I found I was getting hornier as the minutes passed. Eventually we finished late afternoon, and I decided that I'd go straight to the sauna as I was so horny.... I was already oozing precum!the sauna is a couple of stops away on the underground, and I...
I call & inform you I'll be home around 6pm! You will be shaved smooth, collared & leashed with a nice set of stilettos! As soon as I enter you will greet me on your knees, unzip my pants & pull my cock out into your mouth! You answer with sir yes sir to anything I ask! Failure to do so will result in 3 open handed slaps to each cheek that will certainly leave a handprint on the first one! Each time I strike your ass you will thank me & promise not to forget to say sir yes sir....
I felt her come back into bed and spoon in front of me. She was pressing her nude ass against my morning wood. “What's wrong honey, didn't feel like a bath?” I asked. I wrapped my hand around her, touching her from her flat belly to her ample breasts. When I grabbed her breast, I felt something wrong. It was way too firm. My wife has great breasts, but they are getting a little softer with age. I looked over the blonde head in front of me and saw my daughter Megan. “MEGAN, what are...
The music could be heard from two floors down, but since Carly Shay had been a model tenant since her br*ther left, no one really sought to complain. Besides, it was the teen's graduation night and one big party wasn't going to be the end of the world.The Shay's apartment was filled with at least a hundred people, one of which being an increasingly inebriated Samantha Puckett. The blonde was dancing and devouring the snack plates that were set out by her web star best friend. Truth be told, as...
My name is James Francis and I am a 42 year old married man, with a wife (Jane) who is a flight attendant, two college age c***dren and all the trimmings of an upper middle class family. My troubles began when I did not pay the full amount of an invoice charged by my contractor, Peter, and his efforts to make me pay what was due.Last Thursday Peter and his construction crew had paid me a visit and had beaten me, tied me up and ****d me repeatedly. During the attack, Peter had taken pictures of...
Victoria and her team took off on Monday to Indianapolis. Leaving Josh to fend for himself until Friday evening where he was to pick her up at O'Hare. He found himself without food for dinner. He had enough Cherrios, milk, and bananas until she returned. He could buy his lunch at the deli or the hot dog hut down the street so only his evening meal needed to be bought. He grabbed a cart going straight to the liquor portion to get a couple of twelve packs of beer. He picked up a bottle of...
Pregnant Wife Fucks the Workers It was a warm September afternoon. I was home from work and would be for a while. Being nine months pregnant makes it hard to go to work or do much else for that matter. I was a week over due and miserable. The doctor told me to have sex to help bring on the labor but my husband was not into having sex with anyone whose belly was bigger than his (it was a close call). I wanted this k** out and was willing to do any thing to make it happen. I could not even get...
You awake on to the sound of waves lapping against metal and the smell of the salty sea. Quickly you bolt upright and look around at your surroundings. You are in a circular metal pod of some kind. Its grey metallic surface lit up by a small fluorescent light on the side of the pod. In the pod with you is a bag, you slowly, but carefully peer into it and find binoculars, 10 MRE's, a jug of water, a sleeping bag, a tinderbox, a machete and a spear. You gather these items in a bag and look down...
FantasyDiese Erzählung ist ein reines Phantasieprodukt. Ähnlichkeiten mit der realen Welt wären rein zufällig. Ich bin Anfang 30 und verdiene mein Geld im Rotlichtmilieu. Zusammen mit einigen Partnern betreibe ich in Deutschland mehrere Bordelle und Clubs. Nach außen habe ich natürlich die Fassade eines seriösen Geschäftsmannes mit Villa in einem Nobelviertel und großem Auto aufgebaut. Mir obliegt es unter anderem, immer für ausreichenden Nachschub an Frauen, intern unsere Pferdchen genannt, zu...
{Part One, the Second Survivor} Born amongst the Uchiha Clan to the Legendary Lord Zaskuare Uchiha, an Immortal, who was the Only Son of Izuna Uchiha and the Younger Sister of Hashirama Senju, After your father's dissappearance the Third Hokage and your Maternal Uncle Kakashi Hatake Struck a deal with the Fourth Kazekage, Lord Rasa, to send you to the Hidden Sand Village of Sunagakure. Despite being only a Child at the age of two, You were raised alongside the Kazekage's other Children: Temari,...
Could you do it? Share your wife with another? You may not understand what I did - letting another man touch my wife.First and foremost, you must understand that I love her with all my being. Her happiness is paramount to me. You see, she was a virgin when we married. I, however, had played quite a bit and had experienced many pleasures with women.We hit a rough patch in our marriage years ago. Our communication had lapsed. It took great effort - from both of us - to get our relationship back...
Wife LoversThe two young men were gorgeous. Tall, slim, immaculately dressed in smart casual clothes, clean-shaven, handsome and looking about ten years younger than me. Having entered my room, I was told that they were to prepare me for lunch, and the afternoon "entertainment," as per My Lady's instructions. Firstly, they removed the butt plug from my anus and the cock ring that was biting into me. They then told me to shower.On my return, one fitted my new cock attire. The other busily lubricated my...
Group SexI am Sapna, fair skinned, 35 years old. I make a modern day Indian wife with quite extraordinary attributes and leader of a firm which teaches the women of the society to attain empowerment. I am 5'8 with 34D, 38-28-36 body measurement. I am married to Rushabh, 36 who is 5'11 and has a bulgy physique of almost a working Indian man. We happen to be the parents of two children Neeta and Avi who are 5 and 7 respectively. It is the story of Rushabh getting caught cheating on me and how I being...
After the huge success of my first two forays, I was riding high. I loved looking at their bras and panties, and remembering the moment of the kill. I tried to wait a little while to let things die down, but it was hard. Then, I saw a new girl around. She looked to be around 14, and was pretty. She had shoulder length brown hair, and a slim body. Again, the fact that most of the town bordered on the woods helped. I had another couple of pairs of toy handcuffs, and another rag. ...
My Sister and I loved watching my cock sliding into her pussy, I liked the way her lips caressed my cock and she loved the way it disappeared and reappeared. We would sit for hours playing with each other before putting it in, then, if she was sitting on me, would ride slowly up and down so we could both watch the movement. If I was on top she would sit with her back against the headboard, propped up to see. We were twins and we had enjoyed the sensations for a couple of years now, not that...
Alice was overjoyed to see the papyrus. Now she would have an easier time replacing the paper she used in her internal printer. She still had to eat the right kind of dirt to produce the colored ink, but now she could just eat the papyrus and it would be reprocessed into paper suitable for her printer. With a ready supply of paper, we could start teaching the people of Ruma to read and write. While we were about it, we were going to teach them a common language that could be used all over the...
Kim's life changed too, and not for the better. Old man Calder, who owned the store where she worked as manager, had a stroke and his oldest daughter came to take care of him. Two months later he passed away. The daughter, who had come to care for her father, was in town long enough to learn the gossip about his store manager before he passed, and decided to discharge Kim. The thought was that she could sell the store quicker if the present manager wasn't there. The store languished on the...
Ramona Flowers Presents J.K. Rowling?s HARRY POTTER In The Curse of the Emerald Witch PART I The rays of moonlight shone through the gaps in between the curtains pulls, illuminating the boy?s dormitory like a shiny diamond ring. The four poster beds were placed around the room, the Gryffindor emblems hanging proudly from the walls. The low snoozing of the boys sleeping was defeated by the loud, heavy snores of Ron Weasley who slept in a crooked, awkward position. The wind howled...
A Daughter’s adventure Hello, my name is Michelle, I am Ms. K’s daughter. She has her story on here and thought I might tell you one of my adventures. You might know that I am sharing my mother's husband with her. Those details are in her stories. This will be more about my adventures leading up to fucking daddy. This is how I became a slut just like my mother.Before my accident, I became a bigger slut than my mother. I knew about sex from school. I learned about sex watching my mother. I had...
HI, Mera nam Viren hai, mai 28 sall ka ladka hu. Mai college tha tabhi ek ghatana hui. Mere dady ka accident hua..mai, meri bahen, maa our dady aysa hamara parivar hai. Mere bahen shadi-shuda thi. Papa ke accident ke wajase wo bhi hamare ghar thode dino ke liye ayi hi. Papa ko usi doran paralysis ka attack bhi aya, tha…maa ek padhi kikhi thi.. usne beauty our massaj parla bhi khola tha.. lakin wo bhi kuch dino ke lye band tha. Dhire dhire papa thode thick ho gaye. Papa our bahen ne maa ko...
OK guys – I’ve just come in from some riding and I’m going to sit down and write about how I got my roommate Will down to his speedos for some horny fun. Will moved in at the end of November and we share a room in a 3 bedroom condo. Will is 19yo from Melbourne and plays a fair bit of AFL (Aussie Rules Football). He has just finished his first year of uni and is spending his summer break (yes it is summer now in the southern hemisphere – you can’t believe how many people don’t understand that...
Dianne came home from shopping early one afternoon and was walking down the hallway to her room when Andy's bedroom door opened. He had just finished lifting weights and was heading for the shower stark naked except for a towel draped around his neck. "Ah!" he grunted in surprise. Dianne scanned his athletic nude body. She deliberately let her eyes drop to his crotch, where his cock jerked and twitched with excitement. She looked back into Andy's startled face. "Well," she said, her...
We agree to meet up. I am nervous. I know I like you. I am excited. But I …how will it be? Will it go further than I can handle? Will it go flat and embarrassing? We meet at a sort of coffee bar place that you have suggested and you are already there. Its just..nice. chatty. friendly. Almost girly. Before I order a cake and a coffee you suggest that we take a cake home to yours and relax. Your house is stylish and comfortable and you are welcoming and charming. I am relaxing in your company....
Super curvy MILF Summer Hart is looking more and more scrumptious the longer I stay home with her during lockdown, and the more skin she shows, the more I want to dive into her tight cunt. So, when she bends over and reveals her juicy pink pussy, I can’t keep away. Later, I catch her getting naughty on cam for her boyfriend – I don’t care if she’s taken, I’m going to do my best to seduce this ginger MILF. And when she finally goes back to work as a masseuse, I’m her very first...
xmoviesforyouAnie darling is ready to rinse off after a long day. Climbing into the shower, she points the warm spray at her tits and ass until she is clean. When she’s done, she wraps herself in her towel and struts out wearing nothing else to where Ricky Rascal is waiting in the living room. As soon as Anie joins him on the couch, Ricky urges her to drop the towel so he can fill his mouth with her small boobs and hard nipples. He takes his time feasting on those delightful assets as Anie practically...
xmoviesforyouWe find our ladies in a lusty embrace out in the garden looking very dishevelled but amazingly sexy. Susan drew back from Jenny, giggling as she looked down at their clothes, soaked in hot piss, ruined stockings and shoes but the two friends had both satisfied their lusty desires in a most sensual way.“I think we had better go in and change don’t you darling” Susan enquiredJenny just giggled and said, “I think so darling, but doesn’t it feel lovely soaking ourselves like this” the ladies...