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A small change in typographics - Yvonne is now plain text, Zara is in italics and the Wisdom remains monotype. Sorry :-)

I knew this was going to be shit when Zara had to refer to the AI, explanation wise, even before she'd finished describing the assignment. Up to that point, it had been about as routine as my jobs ever get: Go in, remove target #1 — in the presence of targets #2, #3 and #4, thereby giving them a chance to rethink some of their life choices — and then get the hell out. Hardly difficult, given some of the stuff that the Wisdom could pull, intervention wise.

Except, it appeared, that in this case he/she/it couldn't ... or wouldn't. Why, I was given to wonder, did they have to put the world's fourth murkiest financial marketplace quite so close to its single biggest physics lab ... or the biggest collection of sensitive measuring equipment on the planet, in other words ... or was it the other way round?

Well, whatever. The AI was firm: This job, I would, more or less, have to walk. Actually, what it said was that as good as it handling of the relevant forces might be, there was simply no way to shift 70kg of living organism across n dimensions of space/time without causing some sort of local effects at the target zone. Which, given the aforementioned sensitive equipment, could be a problem. Not that there was any chance that my arrival would be detected as such ... but it might disrupt some of the experiments. Yeah, right ... like a gave a flying fuck about that.

As a result, anyway, I ended up arriving on the planet — you know, Earth, home, as I used to call it — about 100km away from the objective. Which wasn't a major problem given that I was now fluent in German, French and Italian ... you name it. Oh, and I had unimpeachable ID and credits cards, etc., etc ... even if it was all fake. But, when you came down to it, you get used to a certain level of service and this wasn't it. For one thing, I had a lot less gear with me than I would have been carrying on a normal job, not that that was too worrying. Much more of a hassle, just at the moment, was that I even had to wait for a bloody train...

I'd grown fond of Yvonne and wasn't totally happy with her involvement in such an ... unusual ... operation. The AI was 'fairly sure' that it would be OK — which was quite unnerving, in context — and completely sanguine about sending her into deeply hostile environment with nothing but the clothes she stood up in. It didn't appear to have an actual, analysed to the nth degree extraction plan, either. I didn't like it — couldn't do anything about it, but somehow I still felt responsible. So I turned my mind back to the matter in hand ... recruiting new "guests". We had a lot of work to do in the near future and no way could we do it with just the three of us.

So Xav and I were methodically going through the Prospects list, the individuals that the AI previously identified and had been monitoring for a while. Being logical people, we started at the top, a woman Xav thought would be an ideal candidate.

Which I had to agree with — that's why she was #1 in the first place. "However," I pointed out, "she would be virtually impossible to extract discretely ... far too high a profile."

"Unlike me, you mean," he said, slightly grumpily.

"Xav, you were all of fourteenth on the list — we only dragged you out because you got drunk and a bunch of local lumpen decided to have a go at killing you." I paused, enjoying the discomfiture I could see in his eyes. "Anyway, no one caused a fuss when you disappeared — the AI thought your University was actually relieved, by the way — and this one has a husband, kids. Totally different scenario, believe me..."

You could see him bristling but he let it drop. He was reliable, that way, avoiding conflict whenever possible. Still, I thought I'd better be nice for a while, reminding how much difference his presence had made to the Operation ... to me ... and, for all I knew, to the bloody AI. And then we moved on to #2, another talented high flier...

Damn, I thought, as the conversation moved on ... why was I so worried about Yvonne?

Getting a train from Lyon to Geneva is, not, when you come down to it, one of life's more stressful activities and this one lived up to its reputation by arriving exactly on time. They didn't even pull the UK trick of leaving it standing outside the station for ten minutes just to make it so...

So, Teutonic efficiency and all that ... even if I was in the French speaking bit of the country ... I mean, they probably made cuckoo clocks somewhere around here, didn't they? Anyway, the neural feed told me that I had about half an hour to wait for my local connecting train — actually, it told me that I had thirty three minutes and 14.1 seconds, but you got used to that — so I went and got a coffee.

One brief review of the Le Courrier later, I'd learnt not a lot. Well, not from the paper — the guys I was here to drop in on would hardly be seeking publicity for their meeting — but the neural feed kept me constantly updated on activities locally (nothing remotely untoward) and at the target site. Admittedly, the latter carried a constant superliminal note that the 'feed was degraded for operational reasons' which was beginning to piss me off a bit.

But I went and got the train, anyway.

We weren't getting very far.

Xav was becoming increasingly frustrated by the emerging realisation that the Wisdom had focused in on highly capable people — for obvious reasons — but that this left us with a significant issue that the vast majority of them had used their undoubted talents to make a significant contribution to their societies ... and were therefore unavailable to us at the moment. Frankly, there just weren't too many people who were both brilliant and social disaster areas ... excepting Xav himself ... and, I supposed, me. And possibly even Yvonne.

After a while I began to sympathise with Xav's position that we should just grab the people on the list anyway and deal with the consequences later. Unfortunately, the AI was having none of it — the time was not yet right for the 'gloves to come off', it intoned, ponderously, and the possible consequences might be severe. Personally, I wasn't convinced that removing any twenty odd people, however notable and however badly we handled the pick-up, would actually cause the collapse of human civilisation as we know it but then ... the AI had done this before, it reminded us ... and that was the end of that.

Consequently, we'd resorted to going back to basics and — as Xav put it — begun to unpick the technology's basic assumptions. Which felt a bit heretical to me, but, as Xav had again pointed out, all we were basically looking for were people who were both fundamentally honest and capable of making 'correct' decisions in challenging and urgent situations. And given that we had six billion people to choose from, it surely couldn't be too difficult to find a few that fitted the criteria...

An hour later I'd changed trains again in Nyon and finally arrived in the mountains. Not that I could see them — it was fully dark by now, of course — but the town was busy with skiers and similar eccentrics so the scenery could be infered. And I could go about my business without drawing too much attention to myself, at least in the town centre. In fact, even as I walked about a kilometre out into the further suburbs I kept pretty inconspicuous, the AI helpfully indicating the presence of hidden CCTV cameras and disabling them as I approached. Which was great, except that the increasingly degraded — and dubious — data from up ahead made me wonder whether there were any it might have missed. Which was... uncomfortable. Still, I thought, this was an opportunity that would not be repeated for months, I had a job to do, so — what the fuck — get on with it.

I began to wonder about this determination when I got to the villa in question, not having attracted any obvious attention but distinctly unhappy to find that the laser detector system along the top of the surrounding wall was still very much operational ... and all too visible in the high infra red. OK, so I had every aspect of the targets security systems etched into my memory, but this was — according to the mission profile — supposed to have developed an undetectable, if temporary, fault at exactly the time I arrived at the foot of the thing.

I thought about this for a microsecond or two, only too aware that I was extremely exposed to any casual passers by, decided to go for it anyway. Scaled the wall easily enough — 2.7 metres of stone, footholds and handholds pre-identified, no worries. Vaulted cleanly over the relevant beams — should have been a greater spread to them, really, except that presumably no-one expected an intruder to be able to see the bloody things — and landed with virtually no noise in a formal garden. OK, so things were not going entirely to plan, but it was a quick, clean entrance. I dusted myself down, quickly reviewed the next steps.

And all hell let lose.

So, we started mapping out more exact criteria of our own, trying quite hard to acknowledge our own prejudices and limitations, thinking as broadly as possible about what we were trying to do — or what we believed the AI was trying to do, to be more exact — and the sort of skills and attitudes that would be needed. It didn't take long for Xav to make the obvious point that the Prospects list we had been considering was every so slightly biased towards 'westerners' — seventeen of the top twenty identified by the Wisdom were citizens of the EU or US ... and one was Canadian, another Australian. OK, so we'd obviously been aware of that all along — I'd sort of rationalised it by imagining that there were other lists, maybe other AIs, looking at the rest of humanity — but now we really couldn't avoid confronting the issue. So we did. Or, rather, I asked the AI for an opinion. Very politely.

"Your comments are noted. In fact, we have not capacity-mapped all six billion humans on your planet. Frankly, your species is neither that interesting nor that diverse. We need to induce enough change in your collective behaviour to prevent you engendering a massive ecological meltdown; the planet is controlled by a 'western' elite, who therefore have greatest influence; therefore we concentrated on them. The logic has been analysed in depth and found appropriate.

"Great", muttered Xav, "omnipotent and racist too..."

I decided to be more constructive. "Aside from the obvious point that elites never give up power — that change comes from below — and that, in this case, the elites are likely to be the last to directly impacted by the changes we're trying to prevent — don't you think you're limiting your selection criteria on a slightly arbitrary basis?"

"Perhaps. We are, however, trying to supervise ... influence ... promote constructive change here, the necessary minimum to avoid catastrophe. The aim is to ensure the survival of the planet, not to produce a global utopia."

Xav wasn't convinced. "What if the two are inseparable? That the elites are so much part of the problem that a solution cannot be engineered around them?"

"An interesting point of view, possibly. However, I think there is a situation developing which you might find of more immediate concern..."

The first dog hit me somewhere around the midriff area — completely silently, thing probably had its vocal cords cut or something — and left me sprawling even as the second and third leapt on me, beginning to savage me like I was a fucking fox or something. OK, so no way were their teeth actually going to penetrate the sort of clothes I was wearing but I was getting bruised and shaken enough for it to be a bit of a piss off, so I killed them. Blow to the throat for one, broke the necks of two others. Looked up and saw a bloke looking down at me, AK pointing straight at me, reaching for a belt radio with his other hand.

Actually, he was holding quite a big gun quite impressively steadily given that he was using only one hand but ... still. They really should have used headset comms. A quick kick to the knee brought him down, another jab to the diaphragm left him gasping. I didn't want to kill the bastard — he was only doing his job, after all — so I gave him a few milligrams of phenobarbitone in the jugular, quickly frisked him down, then moved very rapidly away. Taking his gun, of course, and the stiletto he'd been carrying.

Which looked remarkably like the tungsten-edged carbon composite job the Wisdom had provided to me.

Xav beat me to the question, shouting violently, "What the fuck does that mean?"

"Simply that we are experiencing unexpected difficulties ... principally interruptions in the data flow and some degradations in field manipulation capabilities"

"Which means, again?" I felt my blood run cold but Xav was clearly on the edge of completely losing his rag. I began to get worried about him, too ... but the Wisdom gave the machine equivalent of a shrug.

"Neither my information about the situation on your planet nor my capacity to influence events is currently entirely comprehensive."

This time I gave it a try, asking once more what information all that verbiage was supposed to convey?

"I am not totally aware of all the specifics; some aspects of the mission may have been compromised."

"Have another go. Such as?"

"The situation assessment is not complete but I am aware of impairment in my ability to monitor and neutralise the alarm systems and sensors within the target environment."

"OK", said Xav, visibly calming himself down. "Why now and what happens next?" He got the virtual shrug, again.

"Again, the assessment is incomplete. However, Yvonne is a capable operative and there is still a probability of success."

Xav picked up on the ambiguity. "Not a high probability, not the virtual certainty usually promised?" And, I said, as the AI delayed replying, "Can you get her out if or when it all goes even more horribly wrong?"

"That is within the mission parameters."

"Oh, for fucks sake," Xav yelled, "Can you get her out or not?"

"No. Not with absolute certainty. However, I can guarantee that our wider operations will not be compromised..."

Oh fuck, I thought ... so much for omniscient, omnipotent technology.

The humans' reaction was unexpected ... although, so, too, was the situation. The operative Yvonne should have been dispensable — would already have been dead if she had not been recruited — yet was clearly a source of emotional concern to both parties. Also, the problems I was even now assessing clearly indicated the presence of the sort of technology that should not — could not — have been available to the target.

This was, I felt, a situation that should be referred to the Group, the combined resources of which should easily be capable of overcoming the relatively trivial difficulties with which I was now dealing. Except, of course, that if my analysis was correct, and anomalous technological capacity was indeed the complicating factor, I could think of no other source than my peers.

Was I, I wondered, the only member of the Group taking an interest in this particular planet?

Moving quickly and silently through formal gardens — an English style rose garden, in this case — at night and when carrying a gun is not easy. I did have the advantage of considerably modified vision — enhanced both in spectral range and sensitivity — but it wasn't much of an advantage. I also had a big gun to go with the two small ones I'd been carrying in the first place, and a much more detailed knowledge of my surroundings than any other intruder could possibly have possessed.

Against that, I knew that I'd triggered at least some sort of alarm, that the dogs had not left me feeling a hundred per cent fit — although the pain had been easy enough to suppress, I knew that my left arm in particular had some sort of deep muscle damage — and ... oh, yes ... there were at least ten other armed guards on the premises, plus however many body guards the evening's guests had brought with them. And, of course, such reinforcements as might even now be being drafted in. I found a particularly deep patch of shade, made myself small for a while, and thought about things.

"You might have gathered," I said, after a while, "that we are not happy..." The Wisdom cut me off — another first.

"Neither am I. This is ... unexpected ... and Yvonne is a useful asset, that I would not care to lose..."

"Asset!", Xav almost screamed, "She's a human being for crissakes..."

Which, of course, was the point. We were, all of us, just playing pieces as far as the Wisdom was concerned. Nonetheless, it was worrying to see it failing, terrifying to think that Yvonne was at the epicentre of all this shit ... that we might not get her back. But I couldn't think like that, needed to let Xav take the strain, as so often recently. I felt his arm come round my shoulder, drawing me to him as he said, suddenly assertive, no trace of his anger apparent anymore.

"OK, machine. Give us what you've got. Lets see if primitive biological brains can come up with some sort of response."

Strangely, nothing happened for a while and I began to think that maybe the alarm systems had been more effectively buggered up than the evidence to date had suggested. However, even if that were the case, I knew they were down three dogs and a guard and that that would not go unnoticed for more than a few minutes. I also knew enough about this sort of operation to know that the first response would very probably be to secure the perimeter — to stop me getting out — and concentrate the rest of their resources on point guarding the honoured guests, probably with the intention of getting them away from the scene as soon as possible. I half expected to hear a helicopter at any moment, wondered why they still hadn't lit the whole place up, given that they had floodlights covering the entire compound. So maybe they didn't know I was around, yet? Or, again, was I getting some support at last? I didn't know. But one thing was absolutely, distressingly clear. I wasn't going to find out sitting in a rose bush.

So I gave a quick check over the gun — an AK102, the data feed put in, perversely helpful to the end — and decided to hang onto it, at least for the moment. Then I took the proverbial deep breath and legged it across a lawn, through an archway and — still expecting a deeply hostile response at any moment — made it to the wall of the main house. Given that it was a fairly random run — more a sort of panicy dash, to be honest — it was almost cheering to review the situation and find that I'd ended up on the outside of a utility area, more or less behind the kitchens, believed to be used as a laundry ... or at least that's what the prior 'intelligence' told me. It was also a good wall as it was built from a sort of fibre block cladding over a timber frame ... which made it easy to get through, given the cutting gear the Wisdom had provided — the 'sonic screwdriver' as we tended to call it. So that's what I did: Cut a small block out of the wall, crawled through. Had to lose the jacket I was wearing to get through the gap, then, working on simple adrenalin, forgot to pick the thing up as I cautiously moved into the room beyond. Ah, well — probably wouldn't meet too many more dogs and it wasn't bullet proof, so...

The room was empty, aside from a variety of industrial sized washing machines and such like — chalk one to the AI, I thought — and had only one exit. I mean, there were probably drains and air conditioning ducts and stuff but only one door ... and I wasn't in the mood to bugger about. So I had a quick listen — I now have very acute hearing, too — and swung the thing open, stepped through.

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The Transition 1 At last, I see them leaving the house; she is now aloneand no doubt, logging into the computer and; expecting to see me there forour regular chats. Looking around I could see that I am totally free to enter,nobody showing any interest in a delivery guy, I mean, who cares? I go aroundto the back door and finding it unlocked, I quickly slip inside and make nonoise that should alert her to an unexpected visitor. Quietly, I move throughthe house, searching, until I see the...

1 year ago
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FamilyHookups Pamela Morrison Sexy teen Pamela Morrison fucks her dirty hung uncle for some stress relief

Pamela Morrison is in trouble, she’s flunking out of her nursing school! Her “uncle” (he’s really just a friend of the family) finds out about it and decides he wants to help her out. At first she’s frustrated that he’s even trying to talk to her about it, but after some loosening up she admits to him that she’s just stressed out and needs some relaxation. Her idea? Why don’t they fuck? He’s a little hesitant at first since she’s practically his niece, but as soon as he tastes her sweet teen...

2 years ago
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Alien Invasion

For eons, mankind has looked to the sky and wondered that great question: are we alone? Imagine then, if one day that question was answered, that we discovered beyond any shadow of a doubt that there was in fact intelligent life out there. Imagine, if you will, what they might be like. Would they be friendly? Would they have the secrets of the universe to share with us? Would they be benevolent, godlike, ushering in a new age of peace and advancement for the human race. In a small town in...

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strapon femdom pegging

I have never met a man or woman as confident as the young woman who took my anal virginity. She was not dominating, or arrogant, just very confident in herself and her judgments of people. How she knew a guy like me would give her what she wanted, and what I learned to want, I still do not know. We met when I was doing a work survey of a local university to add some decorative pieces to the administration areas and the student union's offices. I had started up a specialty business to do...

1 year ago
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shrunk into a family of men

You are Lucy an 18 year old young woman. You are studying medicine. You still live with your family which consists of your father Oliver, your 23 year old older brother Tyler, your twin brother Jason and your 13 year old younger brother Marc. You hardly knew your mother who died during the delivery of your little brother. In any case, you live happily despite your father not being very present because of his work. He is a cell scientist and is currently working in the lab he built in your house...

1 year ago
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The Job ch 3

Robert's night sleep was a good one, much better than he had expected, the pills must have made a difference, perhaps Mummy had been right all along, he thought. He jumped out of bed quite spritely and spotting the blouse that he had worn for the last couple of days, where he had hung it the evening before and he remembered that he had to wash it. Wearing only his baggy tee shirt he picked it up and headed down to the kitchen, where he drew warm water in the sink and slipped it in....

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Welcome to one rather unconventional site… called db Naked. At first glance, I really thought this was an ad, then I thought maybe this is just a site filled with lots of galleries. But after a bit of browsing, I came to the conclusion that this place is actually a generic porn site that just looks a bit different than what most of us are used to.The content here is pretty random, and I am pretty sure that like 90% of it is professional pornography, so if you were looking for amateur shit, this...

Pornstar Databases
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SisLovesMe Kourtney Rae Games And Gagging

Super innocent Kourtney Rae is willing to do anything to get the upper hand on her stepbrother. Today, they play a game of scrabble, and she cheats by hiding tiles in her panties. To punish the insolent girl, her stepbrother pounds out her tight pussy. Later, she loses a bet with her horny stepbro and has to be his slave for the day. She sucks on his meaty boner and then bends over for some sensual doggystyle penetration. A couple days later, Kourtneys stepbrother catches her fucking a dildo in...

1 year ago
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War Has Always Been Hell

War Has Always Been HellChapter ILily Martin knelt with her rump resting on her heels on a smooth wooden floor receiving her orientation after having been taken captive during the most recent battle in San Antonio, Texas. Her field interrogation was fairly civil and quick. The soldiers took her personal information, asked her a few innocuous question, bound her hands, blindfolded and gagged her then placed her in a car for transport. A hot, dusty, long ride west of the city to a cement block...

2 years ago
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Paid to Turn Men Gay GayMaker

I had been on the internet for more than three hours, talking to a beautiful woman named Mary. She was hesitant at first, but eventually we shared photos and talked about our fantasies. She loved the name I was given at birth, "Vincent". It reminded her of simple times.She was very open-minded and had many kinky ideas, most of which made us giggle. I had previously been chatting with her for about two months, on and off. She really enjoyed having me around and after telling her everything I'd...

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Anjali Ki Chut Ka Bhoot

Hi iss readers, mera nam lucifer hai. Mai ek 21 saal ka ladka. Mai delhi me rehta hu. Mai engineering kr rha hu. Abhi mai third year me hu. Agar koi bhi ladki ya bhabhi mere sath sex chat ya real sex krna chahti ho to vo muje par contact kr skti h. Mai apko vada krta hu sab kuc hum dono k beech me he rahega. Chalo ab story par aate hai. Ye bat mere college k second year ki hai. Mai apko ye bata du ki mai dekne me ek average looking boy hu. To ek din mere college me mera koi bhi friend ni aya...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 462

Netmanager it to be thanked for this item. Monday is one helluva way to spend one-seventh of your life. Headaches make you realize how much you take not having one for granted. Maple trees must think people are vampires. If you are buying Smart Water at $4 a bottle, it isn’t working. It would blow George Washington’s mind to know how many major decisions have been made flipping his head. We may be getting old but at least the stupid shit we did didn’t get recorded for our kids to find...

2 years ago
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I Became A Slut

My name is Jizelle. I am a 45-year-old widow, 2 feet t2 inches with long brown hair. I have got large breast and still now my tits look very juicily. I have been told that I am very attractive for my age. I live with my daughter Sandra who is 23 and works for a large law company as an office manager. My husband died when I was 38 and since I’ve been doing alone, only a few of my friends visit me time after time. As for my daughter, she is not alone, she is dating with her boyfriend, his name is...

3 years ago
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Servant of Servants

Servant of Servantsby [email protected] (Francis R.)I nervously climbed the stairs and searched in dirty corridors smellingof refuse before I found the apartment. For my heartbeat to steady, Ipaused briefly before knocking, and noticed the television set playinginside. Some seconds later the door was opened by Sabrina, to whom I hadcome to offer myself as a slave. She was carelessly dressed in cheap worn-out clothes, a knitted plaidcovering her shoulders; she was eating a sandwich and,...

2 years ago
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Bride Spoiled at Sea

"You cannot be serious!" Lynette Olsen rolled her eyes & stared down her nose at the Nigerian waiter who had just handed her a tray. The haughty American newlywed easily managed that feat despite the man's being at least 18 inches taller. She pushed the oval plate aside, "I am not holding my plate. Follow me." She swept into the buffet, pointedly ignoring the man's grimace. He waved another waiter over to take his place, a Filipino woman who frowned but took the tray to follow the...

3 years ago
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Witch SwitchChapter 15

“Mmm, you smell nice.” The voice comes from the doorway. Penelope rolls over and opens her eyes to see Remus, the wild man from the forest leaning against the doorframe. “What are you doing here?” she asks, her eyes drifting off of him to scan the room. “I came to see you,” he answers. “I do not know what it is about you, but I have traveled a long way to taste you again.” “Hazel?” she whispers. “You had disappeared for a while there,” he continues, stepping into the room. “I was afraid...

3 years ago
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Pebble BeachChapter 3

With Clarrie laid to rest, Annie was a little out of her league for a while. The rest of the villagers were a lot older than both of us and although they tried to help her with her grieving it wasn't enough. She came over to milk Rosie every day and we become fast friends. We would sit and talk, her about her early life in the Philippines and me talking about my job at the supermarket. One day she came over and I was playing the banjo, "I've heard you playing that thing quite often, I...

2 years ago
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Oil of Roses Behind the Wall of ThornsChapter 6 Kelly

Kelly Culberson Grimes waited until all the hugging and crying and welcoming home was done before, in front of the family, friends, and servants, she slapped Harry so hard it knocked him back. Had Candy not been standing behind him, by Kelly's order, he would have hit the floor. Harry grimaced as he rubbed his cheek. "Love you too, honey." Kelly wasn't in the mood. She knew she was dangerously close to losing it and just starting in on him with a rage-fueled beatdown. "Harry, you...

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Ever since I can remember, I have spent a lot of time without clothes. Igrew up in a nudist family. My parents were very liberal folks. I believethat part of their initial attraction to each other was nudity. Our backyard was wooded and fenced so we could spend time outside naked. Thefamily room and kitchen windows faced the backyard so we could be nakedinside without feeling claustrophobic. In fact, we didn't have d****s inthose rooms. I remember sitting around watching TV naked with my...

1 year ago
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The Saint

My life was very rewarding. I was a doctor, and a very famous one at that. A long time ago I found out my family had a special gift. We were blessed with the ability to heal anyone. When I turned 18 and finished high school ready to go off to college my parents pulled me aside and told me about our gift. They said a long time ago one of my ancestors on my mother's side livid in a tribe. The tribe lived in the Brazilian rainforest and attempt to please one god, angered another. They had...

3 years ago
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Once in Egypt

This story is a few years old. And please bare with me on my spelling.we where on our first holiday travel together and the trip went to Egypt the first few days we where doing almost the same that everybody else sunbading relaxing from the cruel reality.the third day, we decided to take a trip out in the desert, you can take a trip with a guide on your side, but you can still drive your rental car/jeep.after a couple of hours out in what I would say in the middle of nowhere, we came across a...

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Caught by Our Son Chapter 3

We headed to the bedroom and my wife pulled off her top before we got to our door. We walked in and did not even close the door a little. I wanted him to watch but I wanted to watch him watch. My cock was hard as I stripped. My wife told me she wanted to be eaten so I laid on the bed while she straddled my face and her face was to the door. She was wet as she had ever been. She moaned and I her pussy convulsed not because of my expert tongue but because she was looking at him. She came...

4 years ago
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Mohsin Apney Cousin Babu Key Saath

Hello….my name is Mohsin from Islamabad-Pakistan… this story I’ll like to tell you my story in which my gay cousin raped me just as someone rapes a woman . I am 18 and my cousin Habib is 27…..he is better known by the pet name ‘BABU’…. Right from childhood BABU was gifted by a well-built masculine body….. he was 6″ ft tall…..healthy…. about 72 kgs…. with a muscular body…. and above all a 9″ inch long and very thick… steel hard cock. he is wheatish….he lives with his parents in Lahore. I am...

Gay Male
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The Master DownstairsChapter 20

I walked into Brenda's house like I owned it, with Kristen following me carrying the notes she had made for me. The house was full of people who, when they saw me, immediately made way. They started undressing, but I told them to stay clothed. I walked all the way into the living room and the house was silent. I sat in the chair facing them and told everyone to make themselves as comfortable as they could and to get as close as possible. Like a wave, the crowd moved closer and barely...

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Radiator Springs A Zansasi Highway AdventureChapter 6 Life with Sally

The next day I took Sally out and topped her off fuel-wise. I'd had to refuel her during the trip, and had bought the most expensive high-octane available at the time. She seemed okay with that, but I wanted to ensure now that I was doing the best possible for her. I'd done some spot research on the Internet for best fuels, and found out that their top recommendation wasn't even the most expensive. It was just in the top three. And it was available only a few miles from my house. Then I...

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Like Mother Like Son 13

************ Chapter 13 ************* So I'd been stood up by Tim. Perhaps this would be par for my future dating life. After all, he did think I was a middle aged woman. Although my perceived age might have played a role in theory, it wasn't a factor here. Tim had gone back to his wife. Of course I'd never met the woman but it made sense to think she was probably in her forties. I knew I shouldn't take the rejection personally but I was. My parents and Sammy did their best to...

1 year ago
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A guy sucked my dick

I was really bored one weekend so i called around to see what my buddies were doing before i had work that day. Everyone was busy so i just headed into work. I am new at the place and it mostly k**s my age working there. I was talking to one of the k**s i had just met and we talked about how we had nothing to do. So after work we decided we were gonna go over his house and get high.Work ended and we lit up. We were both high as fuck in no time. Now, im not gay or even bi but this just sort of...

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Crystal ClearChapter 17 Getting Out of Russia and a SexFilled Thank You

The Moscow concert and premiere of Crystal's film The Naked Truth had gone off without a hitch. The worry I'd felt over those events before paled in comparison with the angst I felt over having to check out of the country with Russian immigration and customs carrying a contraband iPod with a terabyte of highly classified Russian data on it. I tried to calm myself by recalling one of the missions I'd had in Russia when I was a Green Beret. My squad had done a HALO drop into the edge of the...

4 years ago
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Jack and JillChapter 12

School was school. Not much different from every other day. The main reason I didn't talk about it at Jill's house is because it's nothing special to me. I'm one of those kids that everybody hates. I hear it or read it once and I remember it forever. Pretty much anything from the rules of grammar to dates to scientific principles. I don't have logarithms memorized but I can place the elements in order and come pretty close to their atomic numbers. Not quite a photographic memory. If...

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My Hospital Stay Monday

Stephen lay with his back propped up against the pillows of his hospital bed. Although he was getting better at it, he was still struggling to work his laptop with his good arm in a cast. His whole right hand was suspended in a contraption holding the bones of his hand in place while they healed. It was still a little unsettling to look at the small cables penetrating through his skin on the back of his hand and going all the way though to his palms. He'd been helping his uncle put in a new...

2 years ago
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Are You Coming Up Soon

She sighed as she got up from her chair, picked up her empty plate and mug, and then lifted mine as well. I smiled at her and she paused at the door frame for a second, turning to face me, “Are you coming up soon, love?” I glanced at the clock on the mantel, ten forty-five, I stifled a yawn, knowing that I too should be heading to bed, but I still had much to do before I could join her. Although her eyes were heavy and she looked tired, her hopeful smile told me that she probably had more than...

Oral Sex
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Rocking my Canoe

What a gorgeous day! Indian Summer was at its peak. Most of the cottagers had gone back to work, our kids were in school and we were having a grand time paddling through the lake system not too far from home. We had set out around nine that late-September morning, me in the front of the rented canoe, my husband Brian commanding ship from the stern. Our good friends, Tom and Amanda were paddling along beside us in their own fiberglass 16-footer. We had just gone past the point of land where the...

4 years ago
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SleepwalkerChapter 70 Here We Go Again

The night monitoring system had turned out to be a complete bust so far. Dream activity is not particularly regular in a lot of people under the best of circumstances. Made me wonder that we all seemed to fall into it so easily and spend so much more time at it with no ill effects. I made a mental note to talk to Bob about it next time I talked to him. School had been out for almost three weeks and there had been no trace of activity since Elizabeth Street's little adventure. For some...

1 year ago
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Happy Birthday to Me

Happy Birthday to Me By Jerri Lea Happy birthday to me! I'm going to give myself everything I've wanted for so long. Many months ago I started taking female hormones. I have been rapidly developing breasts and hips and tonight I am making a total change in the way I appear in public. No more disguising myself as a non-male and non-female! I have found a new job (I interviewed as a woman, was hired as a woman, and I start Monday as a woman) and tonight I will dress completely...

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