Malachar's CurseChapter 24: Eyeful Tower free porn video

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Tuesday, August 29th, 2006, Paris, France

Blinding sunlight woke me as it streamed in through the wide-open curtains. They were made of white lace, and they lazily danced around like gossamer-thin butterfly wings as a breeze chose that instant to come sighing through. For a moment, I was disoriented and struggled to remember where I was. Then it all came back to me. We were in France. Across from the Eiffel Tower. And there was another ring hidden somewhere in the Louvre of all places.

Then I remembered more than I wanted to.

Maria was gone.

It hit me all over again, and my heart lurched with the realization. Without a doubt, I’d wake up like this for a long, long time. A conversation I’d had with my Mom about three years ago suddenly flashed through my head. I’d caught her crying in the kitchen one morning and had asked what was wrong as I’d given her a hug, trying my best to comfort her. She’d sobbed that it had been one of those particularly hard mornings and explained that in the foggy confusion between waking up and being aware, that she’d automatically turned over, reaching out to feel for our Dad on his side of the bed, only to realize that she couldn’t because he was gone. That was roughly a year or so after our Dad had been lost to cancer. I imagine that a part of me will always feel the same way—as if there was a ghost in the bed where my Maria should be.

My heart panged again; her mother would be holding an all-night wake tonight, and the funeral was set for tomorrow. I should be there, but I wasn’t because wherever I went, death followed. Fuck did that last thought hurt. I kissed Maria’s necklace, prayed that wherever she was that it was better than here, and then pushed my sorrow and longing from my head, it was a brand new day, and there was a ton of stuff to organize. Violet was right, I couldn’t hold my grief inside to fester, but I also knew that I couldn’t let it consume my day either. I’d need to find a balance and let my women comfort me as I comforted them in return.

My sigh turned into a yawn as I struggled to sit up from between Stacy and Heather, whose naked bodies were pressed up against me on either side. I was face to face with Stacy, and Abby was cuddled tight to her back, both their visages looking serene and beautiful in their slumber. Which reminded me, I needed to address my sister’s guilt and her possible desire to turn sadistic at some point today. What Malachar had told me was disturbing—that she wanted to learn how to torture.

Disentangling myself from Heather’s arm, I slipped out of bed, doing my best not to jostle my shoulder, which was already throbbing like a son-of-a-bitch. It was cute how Heather immediately scooted over, blindly looking for the warm body that was suddenly missing. She found Stacy and snuggled into her without waking up. With a burst of affection flowing through me, I looked over at the digital alarm clock, one of the few things in this place that was modern; it was 7:35. Damn. We had only managed to fall asleep about four hours ago. Apparently, my need for less sleep was back.

I shuffled our mound of suitcases and bags around until I was able to dig mine out. Man, this room was cramped for a master bedroom. Well, more like cramped because I was in here with six women and a toddler, I chuckled ruefully to myself. With a snort, I realized that I’d already gotten so used to living in such relative luxury, and in so short a time, that I was quickly becoming jaded towards anything less than magnificence. This apartment was probably worth a small fortune, but I was already so picky that it failed to meet the numerous requirements that I had developed over the last month. I’d have to watch that, I couldn’t stand snobbery, and if I turned into one, I’d kick my own ass.

I pulled on a pair of shorts, slipped on my sling, checked that my bandages were still secure on my shoulder, and grabbed a morphine pill from my bag. Hopefully, there would be some coffee I could make to wash it down with. Before leaving the room, I glanced over at the bed, and next to it, the mattress on the floor. My heart swelled with love for Billy and my sleeping beauties even as it ached for the one that was missing. They definitely needed the sleep; I hoped they didn’t get up until much later. I had to protect them; I couldn’t lose anyone else.

Trying to be as quiet as possible, I closed the door behind me and stumbled my way to the washroom. I took my morning piss and splashed cold water on my face, washing away any last vestiges of sleep from my eyes. Then I wandered down the long hallway peeking into the library and sitting room, seeing David, Lurch, number Three, and Fourteen sleeping on a couple of couches and a settee within. Sharif and Alan were on the two chesterfields in the living room, and they both cracked their eyes as soon as I entered, closing them again after recognizing that it was me. And here I thought that I was being as quiet as a mouse; soldiers training and instinct, I guess.

I tip-toed my way to the kitchen, where I rummaged through cupboards looking for coffee, which I finally discovered after a few minutes. I groaned when I saw that it was next to a French press. Sure enough, as I scoured the rest of the room, there was no coffee maker. I vaguely knew what a press was but had never used one before and wasn’t quite sure how to do it. Figures they’d be all fancy over here, even about something as simple as making a cup of joe. I located the kettle, put some water on to boil, and then went to find wherever Jaques had crawled off to. He had a job that was way more important than anything the CIA had ever set him to task on—he had to help get me caffeinated.

I stealthily searched each room, even the spare bedrooms, but he wasn’t anywhere to be found. Unexpectedly, I did get a good view of one of Violet’s tits. She was sound asleep facing me when I opened one of the spare bedroom doors, and the light sheet that she and Aimee had used as a blanket had ended up bunched down at their waists. They were back to back, and Violet’s loose nightshirt had pulled up to her armpit underneath her. Her well-rounded, perfect handful of a breast lay wholly exposed, her shirt running diagonally across her body to her hip. God, was it sublime, her nipple was a light dusky-rose, and the smattering of freckles that ran across the top of it and into her cleavage was mouth-watering. I got an instant hardon, and it took every ounce of willpower that I possessed to pull my gaze away while closing the door, preserving her privacy.

Fuck, I wanted her so badly—even though I was mourning. I also wanted to bang the shit out of Angie too. With her, I could get as aggressive as I wanted, and I was feeling mighty aggressive the past few days. She liked rough sex, and I wanted to take my frustration, hurt, anger, and pain out on someone by having a mind-numbing fuck-a-thon. I couldn’t do that with any of the others. Who was I kidding—I couldn’t do that right now either, not with the shape that I was in. Sex with Ang would probably put me straight into the morgue at this point. I sighed in frustration. Maybe I could get her to ride me hard with her ass. Fuck, even just entertaining that thought made me realize that I was delusional.

In my desperation for caffeine, I was just about to go back to the kitchen—intending to try and figure out how to use the press on my own—when Jaques came bustling into the apartment, humming quietly to himself. He was carrying a half dozen boxes; they smelled like fresh baked goods. Whatever it was, it smelled fantastic, and my stomach growled in anticipation.

“Bonjour! Good morning! I’m an early riser and thought that you’d appreciate some fresh croissants when you woke up,” he chattered away amiably as he made his way towards the kitchen. “These are simply to die for. I go out most mornings to get a box from the first batch they make. Did you know that some of the more prestigious bakeries have such a high demand that they are flown into New York daily just in time for the morning rush hour?” Jaques said jovially as he started to putter around, automatically beginning to make the coffee.

“No, I didn’t,” I replied, bemused as he flitted about. I had a feeling that this guy was batting for the other team; his mannerisms were definitely swinging that way, not that I cared. “Those must be some pretty fast jets!”

I laughed in my head.

Sometimes, I lament to myself that you’re my host. It is tragic that the potential freedom from my curse rests in the hands of such an immature boy who possesses less knowledge than a gnat.

I laughed at him, amused with our bantering.

Hummph! Tourettes is no joke, m’boy!

The impertinence of youth these days!

I chuckled inwardly when I heard his exaggerated sigh fill my head.

“It used to be Concordes,” Jaques said with a smile. I watched eagerly as he opened the container marked coffee and poured some beans into a grinder that he snagged from a different cupboard. After a pause to grind, he continued as soon as he was done, “They retired the fleet three years ago; now it’s all Airbus, Gulfstreams, and Bombardiers. They are nowhere near as fast, but they still make the crossing from here to New York in six and a half hours. Bakers around here start at midnight,” he added as he carefully measured out grounds into the press and then danced across to the stove, grabbing the kettle.

I grunted noncommittally. I really couldn’t care less about what the bakeries did or didn’t do or what time they opened. I just wanted coffee. Taking a deep whiff, I almost growled in anticipation; the smell of the freshly ground beans was heavenly.

“Open the box, eat one; they’re still warm,” he said as he nodded at the counter. “I hope you like your coffee strong. Do you take sugar and cream?”

“Yes, I do, and I use both, please,” I muttered as I watched him stir the grounds while pouring in the boiled water.

I took a croissant from the top box, and it was still warm as he’d claimed. It smelled delicious. I took a bite and the damn thing nearly melted in my mouth, and oh man, was it ever good!

“Damn, Jaques! You were right; these things are awesome,” I said with my mouth full while stuffing it with another bite of the buttery, flaky goodness.

“Told you,” he said with a grin, “Coffee needs to steep for a few minutes, and then it’ll be ready.”

“So you have a French name and live here, yet you have almost no accent? How come?” I asked curiously between bites as I wolfed down the rest of the first and then a second croissant.

“I was born in Vermont and grew up there,” he shrugged, giving just that vague explanation. “What’re your plans for today?”

“Research, reconnaissance, and acquisition,” I said with all seriousness.

“Anything that I can help with?”

“Yep, lots actually. As soon as I have a second coffee in my hands, I’m gonna hop onto my laptop—speaking of which, I’ll need the password to the internet. Then I’m going to find a couple of necklaces for two of my lovers, learn as much as I can about the Louvre and when Violet gets up, look for whatever items she’s after. Then at some point this afternoon, I want you to drive Sharif and me around the city so that we can learn a variety of routes from here to the museum. We’ll also need to know quick ways out of the city or to the airport.”

“Sure, I can do that, and yeah, that’ll keep you busy for most of the day. I uh ... I can type the password in for you whenever you need—”

“Nah, just tell me. I don’t want to fuss around whenever I need to sign in. Plus, I’m sure that my girls will wanna be logged on too,” I said firmly while I reached for a third croissant.

He turned his back and started pressing down on the plunger, slowly compressing the grounds in the press. Damn, the coffee smelled even better now that it was brewed.

“It’s Tinkerbell underscore 1963 with a capital T,” he mumbled.

“Tinkerbell? As in the fairie from Peter Pan?”

“Yeah,” he murmured quietly, sounding embarrassed.

“So I take it that you’re gay? And 1963 is the year of your birth?”

Looking askance, he simply nodded as he grabbed a couple of cups from where they hung neatly on little hooks.

“Hey, don’t worry about it. No one here will care. As long as you’re not hitting on them at least,” I said with a chuckle.

He got a creamer from the fridge and then turned to face me while setting a sugar bowl in front of me; he looked relieved.

“Thanks, that makes me feel a little better. Here in France, no one much cares what someone’s sexuality is, but in the US ... Well, let’s just say that I’ve faced my share of prejudice over there. Even from within the agency, and that was from before they knew for sure. I didn’t come out until I was assigned here. I was afraid that maybe you’d hold it against me. Sorry for doubting you,” he replied as he looked relaxed once more.

“No worries,” I said with a grunt as I took a sip of the best damn coffee I’d ever had. “Damn! Is everything better over here!? This is the greatest tasting cup of joe I’ve ever had!” I exclaimed right before greedily downing half my cup in one shot.

“What can I say? The French love their coffee and are quite snobby about it. This is an Arabic blend, and is quite good, although I switch between various beans often, never buying the same twice in a row,” Jaques told me, sounding a bit smug. “So how did you get to be a part of the CIA? You seem awfully young to be out on assignment. And if you don’t mind me asking, how and why are you traveling with so many beautiful women? Are they honey trap agents?”

This way is much better. Besides, it makes you think on your toes, and even though you’re pretty good at that, practice keeps you sharp.

What? Are you surprised that I don’t find you to be a completely useless prick all the time? Most of the people the rings pick are above average in something, so don’t let it go to your head, m’boy. If you want, I can start listing all of the qualities you’re severely lacking in, but I warn you that it will take a better part of the morning to relay.

I picked up my cup and walked over to the large corner window, looking out on the majestic view of the Seine and the Eiffel Tower. It was even more spectacular in the daylight because you could properly see the age and magnificence of the buildings around us and the rows of trees growing along both sides of the river banks. Somehow the tower looked even taller than it did at night, though it certainly was a sight when it was all lit up. What I hadn’t noticed last night was all of the pleasure craft and tour boats, many that were docked on the far side. I wasn’t used to seeing so many on a river like that, mainly just on the coast.

“This place definitely has its perks; being eight floors up grants an amazing view,” I commented benignly before answering his questions. “No, they aren’t honey traps. They are my girlfriends, well, except for Violet; she’s the red-head, but I’m working on that. And Aimee, the part Asian looking hotty, is just a friend. As far as what I’m doing here and my apparent youth, it’s above your pay grade. What I can tell you is that we discovered something of great intellectual value and that it has been sitting in the Louvre unnoticed for a very long time. It was miscategorized and completely overlooked for what it was, and it has come to the attention of not only us but the Russians as well. I’m here to sneak it out from right underneath everyone’s nose. Trust me, that’s all I can say on the subject unless your clearance gets elevated a couple of levels.”


“Really? I haven’t heard of any Russian activity outside of the norm across any of the regular channels. Fascinating. Now I’m curious about what it might be, but I understand that you can’t tell me. I’ll certainly assist in any capacity that I can; just let me know what you or Mr. Jacobson need from me.”

“Mr. Jacobson’s undercover as my butler at the moment, I’ve taken to calling him Lurch because not all of my women know what we’re really doing here, and they think it’s funny. They think I’m rich, and that provides me with great cover. Having so many gorgeous women around can be a great distraction to a target when the situation calls for it, especially when they are unaware of the role they’re playing,” I smirked. “Do me a favor—whatever you may hear outside of what I talk about with you personally, just let it go in one ear and out the other. Not everything is as it seems, so don’t bother trying to understand more than I tell you that you need to know,” I commanded firmly.


“Yes, Sir. Not a problem,” he answered respectfully. “Another coffee, Jake?”

“Yes, and keep them coming, please. I could drink these all day,” I commented after emptying my mug and sighing in contentment.

“Since you seem to be pretty open to questions...” he left unfinished while eyeing the bandages on my side, shoulder, and arm while gesturing curiously.

“Lemme guess, you’re wondering about my injuries?”

“Yes, but if it’s too personal...”

“Nah, it’s alright. If I cared, I would have put on a shirt,” I replied while shrugging my good shoulder. “I got them while fucking Angie—she’s the gorgeous one with the deep chocolate-colored eyes and the rich chestnut brown hair hanging halfway down her back,” I said while doing my best to keep a serious face.

“Oh! Um ... well,” he stammered at a loss for words.

“I’m joking with you! I was shot through my side, thankfully it didn’t do any real damage, and my arm was injured while trying to dodge the person who shot me’s pick-up truck as they tried to run me over. The side mirror caught me as I tried to dive out of the way, and it cut me up pretty good, but I’ll mend,” I said with a grin at his look of amazement.

“Damn! I hope they caught him! Other than for training, I’ve never had occasion to shoot my firearm in the line of duty. What I do for the CIA here is pretty tame and standard since the USSR fell apart. Number crunching, the receiving and passing of files, and keeping tabs on all the other spies—you know pretty much routine agency stuff nowadays. It sure isn’t like how the old-timers describe the seventies and eighties as being—that’s for sure. No cold war Berlin for us!”

“No, we didn’t catch him because he never escaped; he’s dead. Now tell me more about your neighbor across the way,” I asked, changing the subject. “I was thinking of introducing myself in case I need a local contact who’s female to escort me around,” I asked as he took my cup and made me another coffee. He was observant; he put precisely the right amount of sugar and cream.

You’re enjoying this, aren’t you.

James ... James ... Ahh, yes, a scoundrel type of good guy who fucks his way through tons of beautiful women and kills most of his enemies with cold calculation. Not far off from what you’re doing, is it, m’boy? Although, in your case, it’s your brains that are shaken, not stirred.

Ahh, so like the logic in the majority of your thought processes then!

< Dude! The fucking cackling, man! Jeez!>

“Certainly! She’s a wonderful lady, actually, and we’re pretty good friends. She moved in about a month after I did eight years ago, and we hit it off immediately. She was the first one to guess that I was gay. Anyway, she’s a high-profile investment manager for a local hedge fund company, single, no kids, mid-thirties, and I’m sure that you’d find her quite attractive. I’ve seen her date some, but it seems that her job takes up too much of her time. I keep telling her that she’s letting life pass her by ... but what can you do, eh?”

After getting the information I wanted, I politely cut him off; this Dude could jabber at me all day long if I let him. With a third cup of java, I grabbed my laptop from where we’d stacked them in the living room and perched myself in the same overstuffed highbacked chair that Violet had plopped into last night, and proceeded with my research.

After roughly thirty minutes, I’d found two necklaces that I knew would suit both Stacy and Angie. Stacy’s was a white gold chain with four dark emeralds forming a star outlined by little diamonds. It almost perfectly matched her eye color. Angie’s was ideal; it was a beautifully intricate rose made of rubies and platinum, also on a white gold chain, which was a bit thicker than the delicate ones the other’s had, but by no means was it manly. Appropriately it had tiny little thorns; I hoped she appreciated the symbolism even if she rejected the gesture. I still figured she’d spit on me and throw it away as far as she could—guess, we’ll see.

After being assured that the jeweler would take American, I gave Jaques a whack of cash from one of my duffle bags and sent him to pick them up. Maybe they’d even be here before they woke up. I also told him to think of a few decent places for delivery for both lunch and diner. Sheila was a fantastic cook, but there was no way in Hell that she was going to cook for everyone today and Lurch was as yet untested on his cooking capabilities. Fuck that, he probably couldn’t even make cereal, and I wasn’t in the mood to be his guinea pig!

A selfish part of me wished that I’d taken Alejandra as a lover slash cook. Her food was amazing. Plus, she could efficiently serve as many people as we had, and she was undeniably hot enough to get my mojo going. Ahh, well, she was definitely better off far from me. I really liked her and her two sexy friends, which was why I’d sent them away in the first place. I hoped that they’d all made it to California, safe with their families and new identities.

I spent the next hour reading about the Louvre and its three wings; the Sully, Denon, and the Richelieu. What caught my eye was that they allowed private tours with a guide if you had big bucks to spend. Well, I had megabucks, and the more I read, the better it sounded. According to the statistics that I found, over twenty-three thousand people visited the place daily. Fuck that, I wasn’t going to be stuck rubber-necking in a crowd of sweaty, noisy tourists when I could rent it out for thirty grand or so.

I just hoped that my girls would understand when I only took Violet. I knew that they would end up being jealous, but short of using my power on them, I didn’t know how to prevent that. I definitely wasn’t about to expose them just so they could have some fun, and I planned on using elaborate disguises when we went as a fake tourist couple to make things as safe as I could. I’d have to make it up to them later somehow.

I had just made myself yet another cup of coffee and was in the process of searching for Angie when Violet staggered past me in the hallway, giving me a bleary hello. It was just after eleven, and she was the last to get out of bed; I imagine she stayed up way later than the rest of us while reading again. Heather and Stacy were taking a quick shower together, and my other women were in the kitchen, waiting for Jaques to finish making a fresh pot of his Godly brew. None of them had been awake for more than forty minutes.

Sharif and Alan had woken up a half-hour after I had and were currently sitting with Brock and Chayana in the living room. I’d spoken with them for a while and was glad to see that Brock was doing well so far and that his personality seemed no worse for wear. I felt guilty that I hadn’t really checked on him or his progress after discovering that he was still alive when I’d come out of my coma. Number Three and Fourteen were talking with Lurch as he showed them what parts of the city he was familiar with on a map in the library.

As I was mentally tracking where everyone was, I had the absurd notion that Mr. Plum did it in the bedroom with a pipe. I chuckled to myself at my insanity. Sometimes the oddest thoughts came crashing into my brain. Clue—I hadn’t played that in years, not since our Dad was alive. After Risk and Monopoly, that had been my favorite. Shit, if I wasn’t mourning Maria, I was getting nostalgic for the past. What the fuck was wrong with me.

I found Angie, she was with Aimee, and they were having a coffee and some croissants in the sitting room. Out of all the rooms in the apartment, in my opinion, this one was the stuffiest. It had three couches and five high-backed chairs, all made out of dark walnut and covered with the same pinkish flowery pattern on the cushions. It was all very feminine to me. A plush rug, what I assumed to be a Persian, filled with purples and browns, covered most of the floor, and dark smoky stained-glass lamps sat in all four corners. Heavily carved ornate wooden coffee tables, various gilded mirrors, and a multitude of antique framed oil paintings depicting landscapes covered the walls, completing the look.

“Angie, can I speak with you alone for a minute, please?” I asked, interrupting the conversation she was having. “Actually, I’d like to speak with Aimee first and then you,” I said, giving them both my best-disarming grin as I remembered what Malachar had told me about Aimee’s suffering.

“Sure,” Aimee replied a bit nervously as she gave me a weak smile, her pale blue, almond-shaped eyes flitting around the room, unable to stay on mine for longer than a quick glance. It seemed she was constantly looking around as if ready for something to jump out at her—the poor thing.

Angie just nodded her head in acquiescence as she took a sip, her face neutral and her eyes piercing, studying me like a hawk. She looked sexy wearing her loose boy shorts combined with a yellow t-shirt that was a bit too tight on her. I enjoyed seeing just the hint of her dark nipples poking through, as it was clear she wasn’t wearing a bra.

“Come, I won’t bite, I promise,” I told Aimee as I walked to the far corner where the bay window faced out onto the street and river below.

Aimee put her coffee down and followed to where I’d gestured; I couldn’t help admiring her lithe form as she walked over. She was wearing a pair of black short shorts, white ankle socks, and a white wife-beater that draped loosely over an electric blue sports bra.

I took another sip of my coffee and looked down at the bustle below. The streets were crowded, and the riverboats were slowly moving up and down, lazily ferrying their passengers, most of which were clearly tourists who gawked up at the tower and the scenery around them.

“Pretty view, isn’t it?” I asked as I turned my gaze to her.

I’d almost forgotten how short she was until I was standing next to her; I was a good foot taller. She was even smaller than my little Pixiedoll Stacy, although not by much, maybe by five pounds and a couple of inches.

“Yes, it’s gorgeous ... I dreamed of coming here for many years,” she replied with a nervous titter while wringing her hands as she fidgeted.

“I’m sorry that you had to come here under such horrible circumstances, Aimee. I’m sorry that you had to see the nightmare that attacked us and ... and the deaths,” I said, letting out a heavy sigh.

Maria’s dying face flashed before me, and I quickly shook my head, banishing the unwelcome vision. God, I missed her.

“It’s ... it’s okay...” she stammered.

“No, no, it’s not. I got you into this mess, but I promise that I’ll take care of you. Trust me, I won’t let anything bad happen to you, Aimee,” I told her soothingly as she looked up at me with her naive, trusting eyes.


Something about her nature was almost childlike, and it brought out a deep desire within me; I wanted to scoop her up into my arms, to protect her from all evils. She was such a good person. Anyone could see that just from being around her for more than five minutes; it was probably what drew her to becoming a nurse in the first place. I meant well, but I didn’t know who I was lying to more, her or myself. If I couldn’t protect Maria, how could I be promising to do so for her? And if it came down to a choice between her life or the lives of my other girls, I knew that she’d come out on the short end of the stick.

Same as Malachar's Curse
Chapter 24: Eyeful Tower Videos

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A Wizards Tower

There comes a time in every wizard’s life where they realize they’ve at last been afflicted with the dread curse that every one of their kind spends their whole life running from. That curse’s name is boredom. You can only experience something so many times before it loses its luster. You can only chase cosmic truths and the grand laws underpinning reality for so long before you get a bit kooky yourself. Eventually every wizard wakes up and realize they’ve mastered every discipline that they...

Mind Control
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Top of The Tower

It was a snowy November evening when Tessa’s roommate Ana rushed into their apartment, positively bursting with excitement as she handed Tessa a flyer advertising the party. “It’s at The Tower.” She’d explained breathlessly, cheeks still pink from the cold, snowflakes dusting the shoulders of her Burberry trench, “You know where that is, right?” Of course Tessa knew where The Tower was. Everyone knew about the Tower, walking by the block, even on a weekday night, you were sure to hear dance...

3 years ago
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Lighting up the fire tower

Our night started out like any other weekend night. We wanted to go dance and have a few drinks at the local bar that we frequent. We devised a naughty plan to show off a bit at the adult theater (as he loves to show off how sexy I can be) We danced a few more dances and whispered naughty thoughts we were having to each other and continued to get each other worked up. When we couldn't stand to be in the bar any longer we hurried out to the car and took the country roads to the theater. All the...

2 years ago
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Monster Girl Tower

You are a poor farm boy named John Doe, you have never even seen the tower before but as with most young people you are entranced by stories of great fame and riches. So you set off for the capital city of Frostfall where the tower is, with all your money and supplies which amounts to 40gp, a small knife, a blanket, and about 8 days worth of food. Most of your trip is uneventful and you reach Frostfall just before night on the third day so you camp just outside the city for the night with plans...

3 years ago
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The Tower

Kara resisted getting up. She stretched her long legs out, and pretended like she couldn’t see the sun sneaking through her bedroom window. All she wanted was a few extra minutes to stay entwined in her sheets, cumfy in her little cocoon, nice and warm and lazy. But, she knew she couldn’t. Today was going to be a busy day, she reflected with a mixture of glumness and excitement. She threw aside the covers and got up. Stretching cat-like, and smiling, Kara thought of everything she had to do...

1 year ago
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The Lady on the Tower

The view from the top of the tower that August was spectacular and refreshing. I had needed that for some time. Reluctantly, the way one does when it would be nice to just stay right where one is and not have to move, I turned away and leaned back against the railing. It was an effort to extend perhaps just a little longer the time there in the sun and with a magnificent vista all around me. I had not noticed that anyone else had come up. The access door to the upper level was creaky and...

1 year ago
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The inland continent of Hausen has stood high as a testament to tranquil prosperity for well over three thousand years, allowing any and all walks of life into its humble borders. Humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, anyone. It's economically thriving kingdoms and grand living conditions for its citizens are all punctuated by the central city-state of Ghamor, an industrial and political juggernaut ruling over a diverse populace of well over one million. However, only one year ago, the evil wizard,...

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The trip to Alton Towers

It was the only day that you were allowed to be yourself in your own clothes, having a good time and chilling with your mates. It was the ONLY day! Today you felt good about yourself, you felt it was going to be an awesome day; you woke up feeling on top of the world. You got dressed as quickly as you could, ran down stairs grabbed a piece of toast, said by to your mum and jetted out of the door. It was a nice sunny day no need for a coat or fleece, so you make your way to the bus stop....

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The Exchange Tower

Sally Brightwall was on one of London’s famous double-decker buses going down the Marsh Wall Rd. She was on her way to the Harbour Exchange Square, where the London Exchange Tower could be found. This new sixteen storey high skyscraper, comprising of not one, but two giant fortifications, was just one of many modern office blocks that rose from what once was waste ground, and now formed the heart of London’s Docklands. Looking at the other passengers on the bus, Sally couldn’t help feeling...

4 years ago
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An Average Day in Titan Tower

This is Titans Tower. It's a fricking huge "T" on an island. Inside live six unique people (yes, I said six). The first is Robin, brilliant detective and talented martial artist. After deciding to ditch the whole "dynamic duo" thing (probably because of the sarong. That would have made me leave) Robin came to Jump City (or San Francisco if you like) and formed the Titans as their leader. While powerless, his brilliant mind and great moves give him the ability to take down his friends if need...

2 years ago
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The Water Tower

Cast of Characters Margaret Trent- the girl (Maggie) Denny Musgrove- Mr. Orange (Leader) Peter Slocum- Mr. Pink Malcolm Cotter- Mr. Blue Thomas Trent- Mr. White (Tommy) Randy Allen (quarterback- one of Maggie's boyfriends) Edgar Plum — geek "Watch her head, Mr. Blue. The blindfold is slipping. Help him, Mr. Pink," the leader ordered. "The rope is hurting my wrists," Margaret complained. "Mr. Pink, put the blindfold back. Make sure she can't see." "How come I have to be Mr....

4 years ago
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Ivory Tower

"Toasters kill more people than sharks." This was my sister-in-law Beth talking. I saw my wife roll her eyes at Beth's' statement. "No really it's true! I read on the internet that last year over 150 people died in toaster related accidents. The same year, only 3 people were killed in shark attacks." In the Army, there is nothing more dangerous than a newly minted 2nd lieutenant with a map and a compass. In civilian life, people with a high speed internet connection and time on their...

2 years ago
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NC-17 Slash/Incest Disclaimer: I did not create and do not own any readily recognizable media characters. I have no agreement, legal or otherwise, with the creators or owners. This is purely for entertainment--I have not made, do not seek, and will not accept any profit for it. This story is in no way meant to reflect on the lives or life styles of the actors/actresses who originally portrayed the characters. I have nothing but fond affection and respect for them, for giving me so much...

3 years ago
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peeping tom gets more than an eyefull

I discovered my first playboy magazine under my parents bed at around age 10. and that pretty much set off the start of my sex addiction. the sears catalog, jc penny catalog, national geographic magazine... if it had scantily clad women, i was masterbating to it, alot, i mean ALOT... playboy was the one that set me off on a quest to see what else was out there. i was jacking off in the morning before school, sometimes id sneek off the bathroom and jack off during class, as soon as...

1 year ago
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Party At The Watchtower

**All characters in this story are at least 18 years old** Tim Drake, the third Robin and formerly Red Robin, eyed the invitation in his hands as he made his way to the teleporter into the Watchtower. This was the first one of these parties he'd been invited to. He had recently turned 19, and the past year had been a wreck for both him and the League. He'd heard some wild stories about these parties from Dick and some of the older Titans. Apparently Bruce had joined in on the festivities once...

1 year ago
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The Watchtower

Well, this is going to be the last story for a while...I’m taking a breather from writing for a bit. It’s really have been warned! Parallel plots, quite a bit of sex, some fucking, and hopefully you’ll find it a little funny. (Thankfully, this is not a story that makes you want to slit your wrists. :-) ) Also, I got sick of the fact that most stories I read are only about white lesbians, so this group of characters is quite racially diverse. Report grammatical errors here:...

3 years ago
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Trapped in a Tower

One night, she "entertained" a hunting party of Demons roaming through nearby woods. Demons were very large, and loved the chance to have a small human cunt wrapped around them. Of this, two children were born. One was a man named Shawn, who had a large sword and could make certain things happen that seemed almost... Magical. Then there was his mischievous sister Jayca, who had no magical protection, and instead relied upon her lithe feet and quick blade. Everyone always said that when the...

4 years ago
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I Always Knew She Was BrokenChapter 22 Alone Together in the Tower

Before Simeon dropped me off near the canal road where Bess worked, Amy gasped and giggled as the city raced by along the way. Apparently she and Simeon indulged in another joint. Nervous and impatient, my emotions and the hours since I'd indulged in the weed left me quiet and distracted and a little dull. However, before Simeon dropped me off, Amy gave me a kiss that conveyed the intimacy and caring we had for each other. "See you later," she reminded me. "Have fun," I said dully, but...

2 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 3 Sparkling Blue Tower

'It's the bodily maneuvers' Intermediate phase of the Intermediate phase, but it's more refined than mine... ' Zax attentively watched Raroen's movements. 'His strikes are flawless and every thrust releases the Kinetic Force with no difficulty whatsoever... ' The more he reviewed how Raroen moved his body, threw his punches and delivered his kicks, more illusionary manifestations of his own person appeared in his sea of consciousness. Each mimicked a punch, a kick, a movement Raroen...

4 years ago
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Private EyefulChapter 5

Tina and I sit at the breakfast table, drinking coffee. Tina is wearing a thin robe that barely covers her ample tits. I can't keep my eyes off her great cleavage, and her brunette hair is wild from sleeping on it. She looks great She looks over at me with those fantastic blue eyes and sighs. "What's wrong?" I ask. "I just worry you're going to get tired of me," she says. "I mean, look at all the women around you." I try to look normal. This chick is hot right out of the oven:...

3 years ago
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Private EyefulChapter 3

BOOM! The 357 slug rips into the target, tearing a neat hole right where his heart would be. BOOM! Another hole, an inch from the first. BOOM! I watch Tina shooting. She's my foxy little ex-hooker girlfriend, and my new secretary in my P.I. business. She shooting my old Smith and Wesson Highway Patrol Model, from back when I was a cop. Damn, I gotta tell you, there is nothing more sexy than a babe with a piece. The smell of burnt gunpowder and perfume gives me a hard-on for a week. I...

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Private EyefulChapter 10

Okay, I know a lot of you have been going along for the ride. You probably think of me as a kind of nice guy, rough around the edges, but pretty fucking decent. You're about to learn different. We weren't done with J. Thomas Miller. Not entirely. Because he had to tell us where Julianna Krim was buying the little girl. I asked once, nicely. J. Thomas made it clear he didn't want to cooperate. That was a big mistake. Like I say, Jack is my partner. And that means he does some dirty...

2 years ago
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Private EyefulChapter 7

Criminals with badges. That's what my dad used to call crooked cops. Yeah, he was one, for years. It ate him alive. No, he wasn't crooked. He was a clean cop. In a dirty department, that's a dangerous thing to be. I look down at Sheila. She's African-American, with her hair in closely woven braids. She'd be a pretty girl, if it weren't for the fact she just got gang-raped and is hysterical about it. Yeah, she got pulled over by one of our City's finest, a mook by the name of Ronnie...

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Private EyefulChapter 6

I look over at Tina in the bed. She's sleeping on top of the covers now. It's summer and fucking hot. All she's got on is a little black thong, and she's laying on her stomach, giving me a heart wrenching view of her body. Well, okay, my heart isn't the only thing getting wrenched. I pet her hair as she sleeps. Teresa comes in carrying a tray, with a coffee pot and cups and cream and sugar. I smile at her. We had sex last night, the three of us. Teresa is able to enjoy women again,...

2 years ago
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Private EyefulChapter 2

I sit in Dolly's, at the bar, nursing my Chivas Regal Scotch. It's a busy night, and the babes are out in force. The dance floor is full, with girls dancing and kissing and practically humping each other. Damned nice, if ya ask me. Murray Antoinette, P.I., A Limited Liability Corporation, is doing just great, thank you. Teresa catches my eye and smiles. She's the bartender, a hot little Hispanic girl with a slut's taste in clothes. I like her, a lot. She nods, with a leer. Yeah, we...

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Private EyefulChapter 4

Tina walks into the office, dragging off her heavy coat and stomping her feet, leaving snow on the mat just inside the door. "I hate snow," she gripes. I don't mind it. I like snow, but not when ya gotta go out in it. The streets are a fucking sheet of ice out there." Tina turns and smiles. Yeah, that's better. She has on one of her office outfits: real forties looking, with shoulder pads and the whole nine yards. Tina poses for me. Yeah, she is major hot. And I got a major hard-on...

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Private EyefulChapter 8

I watch the babe dancing in the window. This chick is hot, and she looks a lot hotter because of the outfit she has on. It's a bunch of leather cords and metal chains, showing a lot and covering a whole lot less. "Nice," I say quietly. "If you like no muscles or tone," my partner says. "Bitch, bitch, bitch," I say. "Maybe she's too busy fucking to go to the gym." "You wish, Murray," Muscles says. "She's a flirt. Shows it everywhere, but just peekee, no pokee. That costs...

3 years ago
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Giving the neighbours an eyeful

Hi, my name is Annie and I am happily married. I am in my late 40's and still have a very sexy body. I always wear stockings andarely wear any pants.As I have got older sex has become better and more daring Me and hubby love driving along the motorway so that I can flash my shaven pussy to truckers and anybody who wants to watch. We also love havingh sex with the curtains open in the hope of being seen and recently we have driven to local beauty spots where we both sit in the car and...

2 years ago
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An adult son services his mom while dad gets an eyeful

My wife Ellie and I have a good relationship. After 20 years of marriage she still takes down her panties whenever I want to fuck her. She never has a headache or tells me it’s late and she’s tired, or any of that kind of shit. When I want pussy, hers is always available. As for being faithful, well, we have an understanding about that, sort of. I know she’s had several secret lovers throughout our marriage, and she knows I never pass up any pussy that comes my way. When she...

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Private EyefulChapter 9

I meet J. Thomas Miller at the office that morning. He looks like hell. He hands me the papers I asked for, along with the cash retainer I demanded. I start to ruffle through it. "You tell your wife?" I ask. He nods. "Yes," he says. "You two are separating," I tell him. "You move out today. Your wife is going to trash your name around town. You don't want your family seen as a possible way to get to you." He looks shocked. I guess he never thought about that. Fact is, it may not...

4 years ago
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No FutureChapter 68 Ivory Towers

Sally 2091 Sally had a great deal to be satisfied about even though she wasn't the kind of person to take good fortune for granted. She was blessed with relatively affluent parents who loved and cherished her. She was similarly blessed with the intellectual ability to secure a place on a postgraduate course at Oxford, one of England's two greatest universities and one which still ranked moderately highly in the world. She was a talented sportswoman, a girl with an extensive social network...

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No FutureChapter 69 Ivory Towers

Iris 2058 Iris had never lived anywhere other than London before in her life, but now here she was: renting a room in an ancient sprawling house in the suburbs of Oxford. Although she'd had to make new friends, was now earning somewhat less money than she'd used to and had to sleep on a disgusting mattress that should have been replaced years ago, Iris was happier than she'd been for years. The year in which she'd made a living as a prostitute now seemed like nothing more than a...

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No FutureChapter 70 Ivory Towers

Gabrielle 2040 There was a demonstration going on in Oxford's city centre. Normally, Gabrielle wouldn't be worried by something like that, but the taxi she was in would have to pass through it and she was concerned for the safety of Ajit, her Chief Farm Manager. Would they notice that he was Pakistani? "Relax," said Ghazi who was also accompanying her. "Things might be getting heated over there in the Kashmir, but these guys aren't about to be lynching anyone. Look at them. They're...

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No FutureChapter 72 Ivory Towers

Alex 2034 It was several weeks since Alex had last travelled outside of London. As always the exorbitant cost was covered by business expenses, although this time there was no flight across the Atlantic or toward the Far East. A train ride north from Paddington to the University City of Oxford, even first class, wasn't quite the work junket that Alex had now got used to. But he hoped there'd be plenty of good quality wine and perhaps a few class lines to compensate him for the...

3 years ago
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blue eyes

1blue eyes: a story of a Matriarchal society        “Going once; going twice; sold! ... to the Lady in the blue suit,” the auctioneer’s voice sang out, punctuated by the sharp rap of the gavel and the beginning of a polite round of applause from the several hundred Womyn seated in the auditorium.  i barely had time to take in the fact that my display on the auction block had ended when my leash was sharply pulled by the Womyn who had identified Herself only as my “handler” and i was led back...

2 years ago
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An Eye For Eye

Delete An Eye For EyeJohn Lawson was in jail, charged with r****g his daughter's best friend, Janice Beadrum. As if the charge of forcibly r****g a minor was not bad enough, for John it was even worse, because Janice was white and he was black. The trial was scheduled to start in a week. John's daughter Nicole was frantic. She knew that the sex between her father and her best friend had been consensual, but there was not the slightest chance that Janice would admit to that, for fear of her...

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Spanish Eyes

Spanish Eyes I turned the bottle upside down and watched its last contents spill into the glass before me. The golden brown liquid swirled around the expensive Bacarat crystal before settling down onto its leaded glass bottom. I raised the glass and focused my unsteady gaze on the whisky sloshing around, my final remnants of earthly pleasure. The liquor spoke, calling me into oblivion. The edges of the room grew fuzzy as my eyes narrowed on the singular point of focus. The rest of...

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Glassy Eyed Little Old Lady

After John retires he starts drinking wine all day. His wife tells him that he is starting to look like a glassy eyed little old lady. She requires him wear the clothes of a glassy eyed little old lady if he continues to drink wine and eventually he becomes one. Chapter One John and Teresa had been married many years. They never had children but took in some foster kids over the years. Teresa had always been a stay at home mom for the foster children and became very involved...

2 years ago
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SAGN Chapter Thirteen Two Eyes Burning

Chapter Thirteen: Two Eyes Burning Fourth Precinct: Day 26, 1000 hours When whoever it was that was responsible for sketching the layout of the fourth precinct first put drafting pencil to paper, there was one thing they were remarkably consistent about in their vision for the place. And that was that the office space that was assigned to each section head was always on the far end of each department's assigned area. If you were looking at it from the top down you would see that the...

3 years ago
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Fair Game in Her Eyes

I'd always been a bit put off by Cinta. Personality wise, she was the complete opposite of me. Whereas I was placid and reserved, Cinta was outspoken, rudely so in some instances. She had quite a temper from what I'd seen of her at their parents’ house. My younger brother had shared a couple of classes with her in high school, and I'd heard countless stories of her bullying other girls. My boyfriend brushed off her behaviour as just being a teenager. Despite my reservations, he assured me...

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Dangerous Eyes

They say the eyes are the windows to our souls and if that’s the case he could see straight into the very depths of mine. I was rooted to the spot; unable to stop what I knew shouldn’t be happening, all because I didn’t want it to stop. The dark blue of his irises were barely visible as his pupils grew to capture enough light in the dimly lit bar. I don’t think I’ve ever been caught in such an intense, lustful stare in all my thirty years. Not a word passed between us. Time fooled us into...

3 years ago
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Through Our Eyes 3

Her Tuesday Day Three My eyes opened, feeling the warm sun playing on the bed. My dreams had been empty, but I suddenly remembered the previous nights dream. Being held down, my nude body so wanton for him, his eyes ravishing me; I was surprised to realize how much I missed him. ‘Missed him? How could I miss a stranger in a dream? Or, was I missing my handsome neighbor… were they the same?’ Rising quickly, I entered the bath and let the shower’s water heat to a misty steam before entering. The...

Love Stories
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The Eyes Have It

It has been almost 35 years since I last saw those deep thoughtful eyes but I never forgot how much compassion and caring I saw in those eyes. He was my best friend, my confidant and also my little sister’s boyfriend. That alone made him off limits…but I knew we had a connection…I looked forward to when he would come around…and yes there was a little flirting but it didn’t go any further. In fact, he introduced me to a friend of his and we began to double date. There were times when I saw him...

2 years ago
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Stories I like In The Blink Of An Eye

In The Blink Of An Eye It had been six months since I’d moved in next door to an amazing lady. She was in her early to mid sixties, had a vibrant warm personality, and immediately befriended me showing genuine concern after my divorce. Madeline and I became good friends. I very often stopped by after work to check on her, see how she was doing, and generally on the weekends, did a few odd jobs for her. Having Madeline as a friend, someone to talk to, made the days easier to deal with and not...

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Stories I like In The Blink Of An Eye

In The Blink Of An EyeIt had been six months since I'd moved in next door to an amazing lady. She was in her early to mid sixties, had a vibrant warm personality, and immediately befriended me showing genuine concern after my divorce. Madeline and I became good friends. I very often stopped by after work to check on her, see how she was doing, and generally on the weekends, did a few odd jobs for her. Having Madeline as a friend, someone to talk to, made the days easier to deal with and not...

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Eye of Dagon 3

Deals and Thievery. Hakim stepped into the small smoke filled chamber, the weight of some vague dread upon the necromancers shoulders. "Vulkos my ghost, I have a task for you," Quoth Hakim to his retainer. The lithe albino Kushite looked up from his hoopa. "Yes." He stated with elucidate stillness, deadly pink eyes dilated in the thrall of the Stygian drug Noce. This was a substance which placed its imbiber in a detached state, passive to the point of catatonia until they acted....

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With My Little Eye

For the next few days I was much more my old self and none of our friends at school seemed to notice anything different between me and Mel. We shared the occasional conspiratorial smile and probably walked along arm in arm more often than we had before but even though I didn’t feel I was any nearer to achieving that teenage goal of losing my virginity I was still in a very happy mood. I had also refrained from spying on my sister, the camera still remained strapped against the grille in her...

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Eyes Only For Emma

The man and woman at the corner table in the hotel dining room were clearly arguing. The man's swarthy face showed some exasperation as he waved a finger in the air. The woman, with black, shoulder length hair, and slender from Dan's rear view, pointed an occasional finger as she responded. Low tones ensured they attracted no attention from nearer tables.Dan Tiernan turned away, not interested in the troubles of others. He was still trying to decide whether this break in Riva, Lake Garda, had...

Love Stories
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When I was out of college and in my early twenties I got a job selling radio advertising in a suburban/rural area, and although new to the region, I became successful in a fairly short time. After a couple of years I left the radio station and started my own business by acquiring a licensing agreement from a national company to sell direct marketing products. As this was an outlying area and not heavily populated, the company looked at it as an area with limited profit potential and whatever...

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The Assassins Gambit she who has the amethyst eyes

The leader of the four, Finneous, motions instructions to his associates in the silent sign language used by the Assassins Guild; though they already know their goal, no mistakes will be tolerated this night, the contract must be fulfilled…no survivors and no evidence is to be left behind. On that the Grandfather of Assassins, the true ruler of the guild and of Providence is clear. Silent as death, they move between shadows illuminated moment by moment as lightning dances across the...

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