Lydia's DreamChapter 9 free porn video

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Pam walked to the library to continue reading the book on dreams. I gave her cash to pay for lunch and for whatever else she needed then dressed and drove down the mountain to meet with Ron, my general manager. I made a mental note to call my bank and have Pam added to my credit card account.

Walking into our company office, I saw Cheryl, my assistant. After greetings, she expressed surprise. "Tom, you look great. Has something good happened?"

"Why do you ask?" I couldn't help but smile.

"You look different ... happier than normal."

"You mean for normal when I return from the cabin?" I grinned.

"Yeah, I suppose."

"You're right. I had a great week and was able to begin focusing on the future for the first time in a long time."

"I'm thrilled. It's been a really rough time for you."

"And I'm sure I made it rough on you, Ron and a lot of our team. I apologize for that. Cheryl, you're the best staff assistant it's possible to have and I just haven't treated you that way in a long time. Can you forgive me?"

Tears came to her eyes and she reached her hand to me.

"Of course. We all love you Tom and we know your world almost ended when Lydia died. You're a wonderful man but you just haven't been yourself. We understand that."

"Are you available for lunch tomorrow? I'd like to take you and Ron out."

"Sure, I was going to meet my daughter but we can do that some other time."

"Good. Can you call Mandi and see if we can get a table at the Rudder for around noon?"


I walked to Ron's office and waited while he yelled at one of our suppliers. Evidently, this guy had delivered some substandard steaks that our chef refused to serve. He promised to give us credit and deliver a new shipment immediately. I wished all such calls ended that well.

"Hey boss! How's it going?"

"Ron, it's good to be back. What were the numbers for last week?"

"They were good. The Bistro is up 5% over the same week last year; the Place is up nearly 9% and the Rudder is up 3%. We launched the new radio ad spot on Monday and saw a pickup in reservations this past weekend. I got your message about adding rabbit to our menu at Bistro and Tim loved the idea. He's searching for a supplier now and is planning to work up some dishes for you to try. Did you see that in a restaurant at the lake?"

"No, I went up to Greenville for a couple of days and had it for dinner in a restaurant there. It was delicious. I don't know of anyone around here serving it, do you?"

"No, I don't. You know your dad had an idea one time to serve various game dishes in the fall and winter. It didn't go over so well but times have changed. I think people are more adventurous now. Tim said that he would also like to try elk and venison dishes."

"You know, that gives me an idea. Why don't we have a contest between the cooking staffs to come up with the best dish from non-traditional meat or fish?"

"That sounds like fun. What rules do you want?"

"Let all the chefs know that they can order sample sizes of any meat or fish they want and have three-person teams compete to see what they can do. It must be an original dish and contain at least two sides. Each team can do two separate entries. The winning team members will be given two extra days of paid vacation and all the bragging rights they want."

"That's a great idea; also very generous. So your idea would be to put some of these dishes on the menu?"

"Why not. Let's shake things up a bit and have some fun."

"Who would be the judge?"

"My dad plus one other person to be named later."

"Uh, okay. That works for me. Can we announce it during the staff call tomorrow morning?"

"That'd be fine."

"Tom, something's happened with you. I haven't seen you this happy in five years. What gives?"

"I'm finally looking forward and not back. This has been a watershed week for me, Ron, and I've finally been able to come to terms with Lydia's death. I can't give you all the details right now but I will soon."

"Does it involve a new woman?"

I grinned and said, "Maybe."

He paused and then grinned. "Okay, I'll wait until you're ready but I'm very happy for you. It's good to have the old you back."

"Thanks buddy. Now let's talk about my plan to meet with the employees." I handed him a printout of the schedule he had emailed me. "I've marked the individuals I'd like to meet with and a suggested time for each one. It's going to take me a couple of weeks to get to everyone but I think it's well worth me doing."

"What do you want me to tell them? This is going to scare them to death if we don't tell them the reason ahead of time."

"Let's tell them that I've been very impressed with their work and I want to personally thank them."

He smiled. "I think that'll work." Ron quickly looked over the schedule and agreed it was doable.

"You mentioned meeting several of our former employees and taking them to lunch. You want to do that, say, in about three weeks?"

"Yes, or whenever they can be scheduled. I know these folks are more problematic so if they say 'no' then we won't push it. But if that happens, I'd like their home addresses so I can send them a personal note."

"I like that. Let me get Cheryl working on it."

We talked about remodeling that was needed and a few minor things before I left for a quiet lunch at Wendy's. I was in the mood for their chili that was both good and low in calories.

As I drove to the airport, I thought about dinner that evening. I had recently heard about a new place, The Boathouse Rotisserie and Raw Bar. The reviews were very positive. All of us liked seafood so I decided to call there for a reservation.

The plane was on time and I caught up with Mom and Dad in baggage claim. We hugged, of course, and I kissed Mom.

She said, "Your father and I are thrilled that there's a young lady in your life again. How did you meet?"

"Pam and I want to tell that whole story tonight as it takes a while. But let me just give a brief outline. We met two weeks ago over at the cabin. Just wait until you meet her. She's everything I could wish for."

Dad asked, "Did you meet at Susan's Place or a store?"

"No, she was in the cabin when I arrived." I saw a confused look on their faces.

He asked, "Did you know she was there?"

"Only after I turned the lights on. She had found a key I left for Jeremy under a flower pot and had been staying there about a week."

Mom exclaimed, "Oh my! So she just made herself at home?"

"Well, there were a lot of good reasons for it and we'll talk about those tonight."

Dad responded, "This ought to be an interesting evening."

Mom asked, "Is she staying at your house?"

"Yes, for now anyway. She's kind of limited on money."

"You said she's having lunch with Donna?" Mom asked.

"Yeah, that's another part of the story we want to tell you."

Dad replied, "Sarah, we better take a nap. This is going to be a long evening."

We loaded the four large bags in the car and drove to their house on Lookout Mountain. They lived in a 90-year-old restored antebellum-style house that has won many decorator and garden awards over the years.

After carrying the luggage upstairs, we sat and visited a few minutes and talked about their two months in Europe. I told them about the Boathouse and our reservation at 7:00 pm. Dad had also heard about it but had not yet dined there.

I returned to the office to continue catching up from the vacation. I called the bank and asked them to add Pam to my credit card account. The bank officer asked me to stop by and sign a form at my first opportunity. While I was on the phone with him, I asked to speak to Jason.

In a few seconds, he came on, "This is Jason, how can I help you?"

"Hey buddy, this is Tom Sumter."

"Hey man! How you doing? It's been too long since we talked."

"I know. Business is improving and I've been really busy. Hey, I've a friend who's looking for a job. I think she would be wonderful working as a teller. Do you know of any openings?"

"I'm amazed at the timing of your call. Just this morning, one of my most experienced tellers told me her husband was being transferred to Atlanta next month. So I'm going to have an opening and there'll be time to train a new person before the turnover. What's you friend's name?"

"Pamela. Jason, this is going to sound unusual. She made me promise not to help her get a job. She wants to do it herself and not have anyone pulling strings to make it happen. I will tell her you have an opening and will send her down. But please evaluate her just like any other applicant and feel free not to hire her if you don't think she can do the job. Understand?"

"Tom, believe it or not, I understand what she's saying. I like that attitude and I promise I'll not show any favoritism."

"Great, that's very important to her."

"Good, I'll look for her."

I walked back to Ron's office and sat down. He had already bounced my contest idea off the chef at Bistro, and Tim was excited about the opportunity to kick Judy and Bill's butts. They were the chefs at the other two restaurants.

"Tim was satisfied with your dad as a judge but he's concerned about your person to be named later."

"Yeah, I want to have a mystery judge so no one can politic with them prior to the tasting."

"Actually, that's a good idea. These folks will do anything to win. And, of course, no one can sweet talk your dad."

We talked a few minutes about other menu changes I was mulling over before I returned to the office to answer emails and review the various on-line comments about our restaurants. Most of the comments were very positive.

Arriving home later that afternoon, I found Pam in the kitchen, looking through cookbooks.

"Hey sweetheart, how was the office?"

"Good. I had a nice meeting with Ron and things are rolling along."

"Did your mom and dad get in on time?"

"Yep, they were in baggage claim when I arrived. They're excited about meeting you. We're going to a new seafood restaurant at 7:00."

"Do we need to pick them up?"

"No, they're meeting us there. How was your lunch with Donna?"

She smiled, "We had a marvelous time. I really like her. We talked about everything. In fact, she's as easy to talk to as you are."

"She's always been that way. They have a ton of friends."

"I think she's going to be like a second mom to me. We went to the Bistro and the food was fantastic."

"How was the service?"

"Very good. We had a lady named Vivian and this nice young man name Eric but he seemed nervous. He actually dropped the basket of rolls when he first walked over."

"You have that effect on guys."

"You weren't nervous when we first met."

"You're right. I was scared to death with all that screaming."

"Awwww, poor baby. Have I made it up to you yet?"

"I think another 50 or 60 years might do it."

She stood and tucked herself in my arms.

"That's a nice thought. Now help me. What should I wear tonight?"

"Pam, don't ask me. Just pick something."

"Seriously Tom, what should I wear? I want to look nice for your parents."

"Sweetheart, this is not a dressy restaurant. I'm going to wear khaki trousers and a long sleeve navy shirt. You're going to look great no matter what you wear."

"Well, you're sweet but I'm a little nervous about meeting your parents."

"Go get a few things and let's pick something together. I need a beer."

While I walked to the kitchen, she walked to her closet and brought several outfits for me to critique. After some debate, she decided on a medium gray wool pants suit with a burgundy blouse and black three-inch spike heels. She also decided to add a colorful silk scarf that was one of Lydia's favorites. Once dressed with glamour makeup, Pam looked amazing. She could have been a cover girl for any magazine.

We decided to drive Angel since the restaurant had valet parking. Valets always put cars like her near the front door so they can keep an eye on them; and it helps advertise the fact that well-to-do people eat there.

My parents walked in a few minutes after we arrived. "Oh there you are," I said.

Mom replied, "Hey Tom, and this young lady must be Pamela." Mom and Dad were all smiles.

"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Sumter."

Dad replied as he approached, "Please call us Jim and Sarah."
Pam hugged both and I remember thinking we would never get that smile off his face.

"And please call me Pam."

Dad surprised me when he replied, "I think I want to call you Pamela. You're just too elegant for a Pam."

Aaaaa that dirty old man was starting to emerge.

Pam's face lit up in a flash. "Tom, why don't you have the charm of your dad?" She hugged him once again, kissed him on the cheek and whispered something in his ear that I couldn't hear. Dad roared with laughter. It became their little secret. The only clue was from that moment on, she called him James and he called her Pamela.

Mom glanced at me and whispered, "I think he likes her."

We were seated immediately. Like in all restaurants, the other patrons stared at Pam as she graced the room.

While we studied the menus, a man walked to our table and introduced himself to Dad. "Mr. Sumter, my name is Ray Walker. I'm the owner and I'm honored to have you here tonight."

"Well, thank you Ray." Dad and I stood. "This is my wife Sarah, my son Tom and his friend Pamela."

The two ladies nodded and smiled while Dad and I shook his hand.

I said, "We've been hearing good things about this restaurant so we wanted to experience it in person."

Ray replied, "Thank you very much. I've been to your restaurants and they set the

standard for all of us. Unfortunately, I've never had a chance to meet you before now."

Dad asked, "How did you know it was us?"

"One of our servers used to work for you and she told me. I quickly checked the reservations book to make sure."

"Oh, who's the server?" Dad asked.

"Morgan Thompson."

I replied, "Fantastic. She was a very hard worker for us. I hated to lose her." Dad didn't know her since he had retired by the time she was hired.

"She's very good ... I'll ask her to stop by. Well, thanks again for coming. Enjoy your meal."

After we placed our orders, Morgan slipped in behind me and tapped my shoulder. "Morgan! Great to see you again." I stood and we embraced as friends before I introduced her to everyone.

"Tom, it's good to see you. You look great."

"And so do you. How long have you been here?"

"Since it opened about three months ago."

"How's your little one doing?"

"Very good. He's in kindergarten now. I've remarried, by the way."

"That's wonderful, Morgan. Congratulations. I'm very happy for you."

She smiled as Mom and Pam congratulated her.

I continued, "My staff assistant is going to be contacting you soon. I want to take you to lunch and talk through a couple of things that I feel guilty about. I owe you some apologies and I really want to talk it through with you. Okay?"

"I'd love to have lunch with you, Tom, but it's not necessary. I know what you were going through was tough and none of us took it personally."

"But that doesn't excuse it. So would you have lunch with me, please?"

There was a pause but then she said, "Sure. I'll be glad to."

"Good. My assistant's name is Cheryl and she'll give you a call."

"Great, you folks enjoy dinner. It's very nice to meet y'all."

Pam looked at me and smiled. I turned to my parents and explained my plan to meet personally with many of our current and former employees to apologize for being out of sorts with them these past couple of years. Dad said he was proud of me for doing that.

As we dined on very nice scallops, shrimp and oysters, the subject turned to Pam and me and our relationship.

Mom smiled before asking, "Can you tell me how you two met?"

Pam started, "Tom broke in on me late one night and I liked him so much I decided to keep him."

Everyone chuckled.

"Pam, maybe I need to tell my version of the story. I arrived very late at the cabin one night a couple of weeks ago. I knew someone was there for several reasons. When I opened the bedroom door, she screamed like a banshee and scared me to death."

I went on, with Pam's help, telling the whole story complete with the assault, our dreams and the revealing of Lydia's dreams with Donna and Susan. Mom and Dad sat quietly with tears in their eyes and appeared to be totally dumbfounded by what we said. A lot of questions were asked and answered.

Dad, as the problem solver he always was, asked, "Pamela, since you had to leave Charlotte so quickly, is there anything we can do to help tie up any loose ends you have there? I know the owner of the restaurant where you worked. Were you able to leave on good terms with him?"

"Yes, I made sure of that James. I told him about the assault and why I had to leave so quickly. He actually paid me that morning for everything I was owed and gave me a $100 bonus. In return, I promised him that I would come back to work there if an opportunity came."

Dad was very pleased and told her so.

I looked at him and said, "Pam has that book she damaged. The policeman who assaulted her has recently been charged with dealing drugs stolen from the evidence locker. We think that book is important to the prosecutor. What should we do?"

"I would give it to the prosecutor and the sooner the better. If this guy is out on bail, he's going to be looking for Pamela to get that book before she can do anything with it."

"That's what I thought," I replied. "Could we give it to Brett and have him send it to the prosecutor in Charlotte? That would let the guy in Charlotte know that other people in authority know about it."

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Marry the Bride and Fuck the Bridal Mother

It is the big day, the day of my wedding, I the groom, marrying my beautiful bride, Bianca in St. Patrick’s Cathedral in the wonderful American city of New York. The weather this morning is beautiful although it was extremely warm. As I am standing, in a dark men’s suit and silver tie, at the altar near the priest waiting for my gorgeous bride to enter, my attention was caught on Bianca’s mom, the mother of the bride, Diane, entering the church and walking down the aisle and sitting down in...

2 years ago
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Fucking My Grandmother

Hello I am Rahul. Today I am going to present you a real story of my life. This is really a true story of my life and is also one of my favourite times. Before introducing you with the story I want to tell you that I got to know about Desi Kahani from my friends so I also thought to post my own real story. This is the story of me and my grandmother. I always didn’t had any interest in my grandmother. I always considered her as my grandmother with full respect. But sometimes I got little bit...

2 years ago
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Get Used To It Sissy

Get Used to It! by Diana Prescott Chapter 1 The cold breeze every time the bus doors opened chilled me to the bone as I sat there on my way home from work. My short skirt and simple pea coat were no match for the biting north winds tonight. Why am I riding the bus? Simple. I don't have a car, I don't even have a driver's license. Uncle Mark and Aunt Sharon said a girl doesn't need anything like that to complicate her life. Even if I had a driver's license there is no way I could...

2 years ago
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Dragons Hole

I had just gotten off of an Internet chat with Joe and Dragon where Dragon had told me her idea of opening a kinky hotel. I made a mention of making it kind of like a FWB&B. Dragon, myself, and Joe all tossed around ideas about what we could add to the new business idea running through our perverted minds.The hotel, Dragon's Hole would be someplace secluded, middle of the forest in Oregon would be perfect, I think. As our visitors approach the hotel, they arrive through a wrought iron...

1 year ago
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OceaniaChapter 10

Claire was edgy. She waited nervously in the empty classroom until the door opened and both her daughters crept in. "What's she doing here?" Hailey protested indignantly. "Hailey, listen to me," Ruth replied, pausing for effect. "It's Mum." "What? Where?" She looked at Claire and realization dawned. "No way." "It is me sweetheart," Claire told her softly. "This isn't right. You're dead. This is some sort of sick joke," the girl cried out in denial. Claire moved towards...

2 years ago
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My Inner Goddess Wins Again

I came home from my Columbus conference, after being fucked good and hard by Wayne Anderson, still in a state of disbelief. Gigi was still comatose, flopped back in her easy chair, with her lips curled up in a deliciously satisfied grin plastered on her face. I text Jake to tell him I was home and I had quite a story to tell him. “Can’t wait to see you and hear about your conference,” he texted back. I made myself a stiff drink, changed into a t-shirt and yoga pants, then piddled around the...

2 years ago
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Amanda and Melinda Twin Sluts

Mandy and Mindy Gibson are identical twin sluts. The first twin was born one minute and twenty-three seconds before the second. Their parents, Carl and Judy Gibson, had pre-determined that the first-born twin would be named Amanda and the second would be called Melinda.Unbeknown to all, a mix up in the maternity ward of Galion Community Hospital, resulted in the firstborn being called Melinda. Growing up, Amanda gloried in being the firstborn. Little did she know, that Melinda was actually the...

4 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 8 Decade Remembered Decade StartedChapter 2 Book of the Circle

Tatiana purred in the afterglow of their loving with her ‘husband’s’ arms wrapped around her nakedness. This was the divine feeling of love and devotion she’d been unable to imagine a decade earlier. She thought back to her first meeting with her beloved David at a January Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas four years prior. His new company had a booth across the aisle from the booth her Russian company Robo-Russ was using. She had an idea to use his company’s high-density batteries in a...

1 year ago
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Cocklust Ch 01

I’ll never forget the first time I dreamt about the dude down the hall.I knew the guy’s name was Chad, but apart from that, I didn’t know much about him.  He didn’t seem to talk much, but he had a hell of a body.Our dorm had communal showers, so I’d seen him naked more than once.  My friends and I had always hated having to go there, but Chad had never seemed to mind.  I figured he must’ve been an athlete, so he’d probably gotten used to showering in the open.  He’d never seemed to have any...

Gay Male
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Sarah und Daniela auf dem Strich

Angefangen hat es vor ein m Monat. Ich lag mit meiner Freundin Sarah im Bett. Sie ist 1,60 m klein, mittellanges glattes braunes Haar, kleiner Hintern, kleine A-Tittchen, 20 Jahre alt, Brille, süßes Lächeln. Wir küssten uns wild. Ich wollte mit meiner Hand in ihre Hose gleiten, da schob sie meine Hand weh, unterbrach den Kuss, gucke mich an und sagte: „ich bin noch Jungfrau und ich möchte nicht von dir entjungferte werden!“ Bahm, das hat gesessen. „Was...wieso... wer soll dich den entjungfern?“...

4 years ago
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A Changed Woman Part 1

A Changed Woman To get the most from this story, please read "The Pageant" part 1-7 Returning to work after a memorable weekend, Barb dressed more conservatively than normal. She would do anything she could to hide the things she had done over the past few days. She was not sure whether it was shame or embarrassment. Either way, she had been a very different woman at the private beauty pageant. She had come home with $5500 in cash. One side of her brain told her it was contest prize money. The...

2 years ago
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My new neighbor f

I just move in to my new apartment after breaking up with my gf back in 2009. It was a nice 2 family home duplex I was told my neighbor was a family very quiet and low key I was like perfect for me. So as the months past I'v seen my neighbor maybe 6 time and was a very quick hi things I felt no bigger she will never borther me this will be great. It was about 3 am when I heard all this yelling someone crying names being call and shit breaking in my neighbors house.I got up threw on some jeans...

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Am ganzen Körper erzitterte ich und Lisa grinste mich lasziv an: «Na, mein Hengst, so eine feine Berührung wird dich doch nicht aus dem Konzept bringen?» - «Du hast ja keine Ahnung, was so kochendes Blut in meinem Schwanz anrichtet… Aber warte nur, das zahle ich dir noch heim!», versprach ich ihr ebenso anzüglich lächelnd.Sie stand auf, meinen strammen Lustpfahl immer noch in der einen Hand du schaute mir tief in die Augen. Mit der anderen Hand fuhr sie unter meine T-Shirt und befahl mit rauer...

1 year ago
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me my hubby his best mate and mine 2nd time

After the fun me and my husband had with eachothers best friends our sex life was back on track we were fucking day and night 7 times in one day we often spoke dirty to eachother while fucking talking about what we would like to do to our friends it was soooooo horny.We had gone to a party and had a real good time we headed home our mates staying over again plus an extra mate of mine she already knew what happend last time as we tell eachother everything.We had drinks and then my steve my hubs...

3 years ago
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MAU The Thule Incident Part 2

MAU: The Thule Incident Part 2 By Danielle J Author's note- This is the second installment of my latest MAU saga. I suggest you read MAU - The Thule Incident before starting on Part 2. You will find Part 1 at Fictionmania listed both under stories by Danielle J and by a category search for MAU stories. I must thank Steve Zink for his editing and hard work in preparing this story for publication. ***** As ordered, Major Koval returned to the interview room for the...

4 years ago
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The Incredibles 2 Elastigirls New Super Suit

I sighed as I look at my curvy body. My rounded bubbly breasts are perfectly cupped by the suit. It feels thin. Thinner than Edna’s suit. But it does the same trick. It can withstand fire blast, bullets, and radiations. I look down at my thighs, I have thin stocking like materials that a bit see through, where people can see the shades of my skin under the stockings. I sighed realizing how thicker my thighs are since the last time I suit up as an old school Elastigirl. “Helen!! Quick!” Bob...

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ExtramaritalChapter 8Seconds Anyone

Zach cleaned up and dressed in preparation for tonight's dinner party. The guests would be arriving soon and, with Carol's help, everything was ready. He dressed casually, a long-sleeved soft pullover with no collar, a pair of loose-fitting white slacks and Italian loafers. Casual enough, he thought to himself. He hoped Carol, Jayne and Robert would be comfortable tonight, not only with each other but also with the couple he invited to join them. He thought about keeping it at four, but another...

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Picture perfect trilogy Pt 3 conclusion

Picture Perfect Trilogy The final Chapter For two hours, Gary listened to every word his ex wife said as she sat across the table from him. It was the first time in, almost, four years since he had seen her. At no time during her story had her eyes been dry and, at times, a tear would escape and leave a trail and it slowly drifted down her cheek. Twice Judy had to excuse herself and go to the ladies room to pull herself together before returning with her account of the events...

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My Brother8217s Bride 8211 Part IV 8211 The Holi Encounter

Hi All, I am Akshay Ganna 36 years old with an athletic body structure standing 6 feet tall. Lot of girls ogle me and show hidden desires, so I use it to the maximum of my advantage. I hope you have read the first 3 parts of “My Brother’s Bride” where I had some great sexual encounters with Bhavana, 22 year old who was going to be my cousin brother Vinay’s wife now and living in Pune. The first 3 parts were about how I made her compromise the situation and gift her virginity to me and we had a...

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Last stop Bollocks

Prelude - This story is based on true event. Only the names have been changed for privacy reasons. (What you thought Raiudoe was real?)Back when I was a male escort I had a client called Mary. Her husband was a professional body builder and was either in the gym or away at some show. When Mary and her husband were together he was rough and she missed having sex instead of being fucked. Also he wouldn't go down on her or touch her arse. After a few sessions Mary felt guilty and cut ties with me....

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Crazy Ass Life Ch 1

So without farther wait. Fellow Gothics, Punks, and Rejects. Crazy Ass Life Ch.1 I love the peacefulness of a cemetery. Especially at night, I was reading all the names on the headstones as me and my friends walked. Jimmy Scribbner, Zach Stepnezki, Allen Lucarrio. "Earth to Cody, you want this or what?" Ally asked me. "huh..oh...ya." I said taking the pipe. I took a drag of my cigg then took a hit from the pipe. I tapped the pipe out and handed it back to her "you guys want to go...

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Eden RescueChapter 13

On board Captain MacPherson proved himself no less dour than at the pre-launch briefing. For the most part he remained sequestered in his cabin, where he'd repaired shortly after the Ark had left Earth orbit, and where none but his first mate Cromartie saw him. On the rare occasions when he ventured forth he had few words for anyone he might encounter, generally no more than a gruff "G'day" as he moved quickly past without pausing. He mostly ignored any pleasantries others directed at...

4 years ago
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Sleep Fuck With Mami

I am Akash, 26 yrs. old slim and shy but always horny. My mami is 42 yrs. old, slim, 5ft 1 inch tall with boobs like Mallika (I don’t understand sizes) and is an insurance agent. She once had to come to Delhi for some work. As I am the only relative living here so far away from home she had to stay in my room; for a week. I had been attracted toward her since childhood and also been peeking over her boobs most of the time we met. She also notices it and I think she deliberately used to show...

2 years ago
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My Insurance paid massage therapy

I had back surgery and in my recovery some nerve damage surgery. My Neurologist suggested soft tissue massage.Sent me to a location near his office. When I arrived the lady who met me was Asian and spoke little English. She took me to one of the rooms and locked the door. Usually the person leaves while you get undressed. Yet she helped me get undressed, including my underwear. She told me to lay face down. She started with oils from the back of my neck to my feet. She was on top of me using...

1 year ago
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Growing Up On The Farm

My parents were able to scratch out a living on small Delta farm. We never were in need of anything yet neither of my parents wanted anything extravagant either. Only got two new cars while I was growing up and only made improvements on the house when it was totally necessary. We lived down a dirt road that was just less than half a mile and our neighbor lived at the other end where the road met up with the state paved highway. Mr. James had been married and I knew his wife while I was growing...

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Billy what really happened

The adventures of Billy, what really ended up happening. Conclusion. Billy stretched and slowly woke up, the sun was drifting in his window announcing mornings arrival. He tried to clear his foggy head, such dreams. He had been having them for a while now, very erotic dreams. They started with an idea he had and went out of control as dreams often do. He sorted through the dream from last night and became very hard again. He slipped into the bathroom to clean up and take care...

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The slags flat mate from rotherham

Well my fuck buddy had gone to work & i was laid in bed, her flat mate was in the other bedroom I had fucked her before I thought, let me go & get in bed with her, I open her door & walk in got in bed with her put my arm around & said are u awake I had my hand on her tit, yes she said I can feel your hard cock on my bum, I guess u want to fuck me, Yes would be nice, I put my hand on her cunt & rubbed my finger down her crack straight into her, she was already wet I'm going...

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Mother Love Daddy the Cuckhold

James had been tempted to join his mother in the shower but decided against it. He needed to sort out in his mind his plan for the evening, how he intended to deal with his father. He had seen a few videos of men being forced to watch their wives being fucked, the wives tormenting their husbands and ridiculing them, that sort of idea appealed to him, he was confident his mother would go along with it. He was thrilled with the way she had taken to their relationship, he had dreamt of getting to...

1 year ago
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Juicy Pussy

I have been reading SS for some time now and I would like to share my experiences. This happened about 5 years ago at work place. She, a Punjabi was my subordinate, about 32 years, married and the husband was working outstation. Daily she will be in the control room for about 4 hours a day and all the while I had no intention of having sex with her though I had quietly looked at her chest. She had big boobs and solid butt. Use to wonder how she is coping with her husband away. Out of the blues...

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The Journey Begins

The Journey BeginsHe waited, naked, tied spread eagle to the upright rectangular frame that stood upon a circular dais like an empty doorframe in the middle of the room. She had told him to survey the wall in front him and reflect upon the various implements that hung there or rested upon shelves. “Think of what those will do to you”, She had told him earlier, “you may end up intimately knowing of each one, If I choose.” She patted his bare ass, “I’m going to rest, I’ll be back when I want...

3 years ago
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Night of the Living Pussy Chapter 2

Two hours laterStephanie woke on the floor and slowly began to rise.  She turned her head to look at the clock, which read 11:23 pm.“Shit…” she muttered as she slowly picked herself up off the floor.  Once on her feet, she yelped as she felt a familiar stir between her legs.“About time you woke up, haha.  Did you have sweet dreams?”  Her pussy taunted.“Oh god… no, no, no, no, no.  This can’t be happening to me.  I mean, I must be going crazy.  You… you can’t be alive. I mean it’s impossible. ...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Gadsden Purchase ScamChapter 3

When I got back to Las Vegas, I turned in my rented horse, sold the 11 horses I didn't want, and stabled my new horse at the livery stable. Man, I was beat! I grabbed a quick supper and went to bed. I must have been tired, because I didn't wake up the next morning until I had to rush to make it to breakfast. After breakfast, I went out onto the veranda roof and rocked away some morning stiffness while I considered my options. I was really no closer to finding Hudson than when I landed back...

4 years ago
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Geek GoddessChapter 9 Kevin

I'm falling in love with my goddess. I think she's falling in love with me also, though I don't understand why a goddess like her would love a geek like me. I had no idea that my goddess was a virgin. I felt honored that she chose me to be her first lover. The most gorgeous girl in the world had to have dozens, if not hundreds of guys chasing after her. Paranoid that Kim might choose someone else, I decided to do everything I could to make sure that she wouldn't. After lunch, Amy...

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