Tim The Teenage MCPart 8 Virtual Timality
- 4 years ago
- 24
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Eric awoke to the sounds of static coming from an old black and white television set. Sitting up, he realized he was in his dad’s parents’ living room, and as he took the room in, everything appeared to be the way he remembered seeing it the last time he had been there. Everything except for the television set.
As Eric stood up, the static faded into a picture of a little boy sitting on a couch playing with a four-inch high Red Indian figurine. The couch looked as dated as the TV Eric was viewing it on, and just as Eric recognized the room being the very one he stood in, a young voice cried distantly from the TV, “Mom? Have you seen my Red Indian?”
The little boy jerked, accidentally knocking the figurine off the arm of the couch where it fell into the floor register beside the couch with a clank. The little boy became very alarmed, scrambled off the couch and peered down the register.
Eric immediately recognized his dad when an older boy entered the room and asked, “Eric, do you do have my Red Indian?”
“No,” the little boy said without looking away from the register.
“Are you still trying to see the mouse?” little Steven Roberts asked, kneeling beside his little brother.
“I thought I heard it again,” the little boy made up.
The two boys listened quietly for over a minute before little Steven sighed and said, “You want to watch Flash Gordon?”
The two boys got up, then as little Eric sat back down on the couch, little Steven walked up beside the camera’s view. With a click, the TV’s picture flashed and went back to static.
Eric walked up to the TV and changed the channel a few times, but every channel was the same static, so he flipped it off.
When he turned away from the TV, a painted wooden ray gun toy sitting on the coffee table caught his eye. He picked it up and looked at it and was about to set it back down when the crayon marking on the side caught his eye.
“Shrink ray?” Eric said aloud. “You want me to shrink myself?”
“Yes,” the whisper answered.
“Hello again,” Eric said. “I was wondering if you were going to come back. I take it you want me to shrink myself and go down the vent?”
Eric shrugged his shoulders, then pointed the toy at himself and pulled the trigger.
“Nothing is happening,” Eric said after a few moments.
“Wind it up.”
Eric took another look at the gun, found the winder on the side and gave it a good couple turns. He pointed it at himself again and was about to pull the trigger when he thought better of it and stepped over to the register.
“Here goes nothing,” Eric said as he pointed the toy at himself again and pressed the trigger.
A flash of blue light shot out and Eric found himself falling through the vent.
The slope of the duct was beneath him before he knew what was happening, and within a few seconds, he was sliding to a stop.
Eric stood up and dusted some of the large clumps of dust from his legs and shirt while staring into the dark duct immediately ahead of him. Just beyond where the register grill above him stopped, the duct went straight down.
“I don’t see it,” Eric said. “There’s a penny, a couple of ball bearings, and other stuff, but no Indian here.”
“I knew you were going to say that,” Eric sighed as he looked over the edge into the blackness. “I can’t see a thing down there. Any chance of getting a light?”
When no answer came, Eric rolled one of the bowling ball sized ball bearings over the edge and listened for it to hit. It bounced off the side wall twice before hitting bottom, apparently making a soft landing from the sound.
“Geronimo, I guess,” Eric mused before walking right off the edge.
Eric had a little trouble standing up from the cushion of dust and, strangely enough, ashes, but once he had, he spotted a dusty object a full sized foot away and rushed over to it.
To his horror, it wasn’t the red Indian, but the skeletal remains of a rodent. Eric continued walking down the black passage until he couldn’t see, then turned and doubled back to make sure he hadn’t missed anything. He hadn’t.
“I can’t see how it could be down here,” Eric finally announced after returning to where the blackness was complete. “It couldn’t have bounce this far.”
“Keep going.”
After taking a few careful steps, Eric asked, “Look, are you going to tell me who you are?”
“Are you grandma?” Eric asked as he started walking at a normal pace. “Or grandpa?”
When he didn’t get an answer, Eric stopped and said, “I’m not going another step unless you tell me who you are.”
Silence was met with more silence.
Eric said honestly, “You know I can always just lie down and go to sleep.”
More silence.
“Fine,” Eric sighed as he bent over to lie down.
After lying on his back for several minutes, Eric rolled over onto his side and felt his breath hitting something. He opened his eyes and vaguely made out a pair of blank eyes, which startled him so much that he jerked and kicked something hard.
“Shit,” Eric exclaimed as he calmed down, realizing he had finally found the figurine.
“Okay, I found the Indian. Now what?”
“Keep going.”
Eric sighed again but got up and started walking again.
“Feels like we’re going back up,” Eric commented a moment later. “How much farther?”
After not getting an answer, Eric picked up his pace. After twenty or so paces, he felt the floor level out, then he tripped over a metal lip and slammed into the ground, hard.
Echoes of spraying water filled his ears as the sight of wet grey and white tile filled his eyes.
“Are you okay?” an unfamiliar voice asked behind him.
Eric turned onto his side, finding himself in a locker room’s shower he didn’t recognize. The sensation of water hitting his bare skin was just registering when the voice said, “Let me help you up.”
Eric’s blood turned cold in shock from the sight of his Uncle Eric standing over him naked offering his hand.
“Are you alright?” the elder Eric asked with concern.
“You’re just a dream,” Eric said as he pulled himself together.
“Not exactly,” the elder Eric said as he helped his nephew to his feet.
When his nephew’s face expressed his disbelief, the uncle said, “This is a dream, but I’m not.”
Eric said bluntly, “Okay, but you’re dead.”
“I know,” the uncle said. “And this wasn’t my idea.”
“What wasn’t?”
“All of this,” he said, indicating the showers before taking a bar of soap from its dish and working up a lather in his hands.
“So, whose idea is it?”
“I don’t know,” he said with a shrug as he bent over to soap up his legs.
When Eric realized he was staring at his dead uncle’s rose, he turned towards the wall, then noticing the soap in the dish in front of him, he found himself following his uncle’s example.
“Your dad and I used to do this all the time,” Eric senior said, drawing Eric junior’s attention to the fact they were soaping each other instead of themselves.
“Randy and I started to do this once at school,” Eric said as his disturbed feelings evaporated. “I chickened out though, because...”
“Because of what happened to me,” Eric senior finished for him as he tugged on his trunk to get it growing. “Are you bigger than your dad?”
“No,” Eric junior said, finding his trunk growing too. “You?”
“Nope,” Eric senior said, offering to let his nephew hold his mammoth cock.
“Wow,” Eric junior said with awe as he grasped the giant one-eyed monster. “Dad never let me touch his.”
“Weird, isn’t it? You don’t really realize how big yours is until you hold one that’s just as big.”
“Yeah,” Eric junior said, giving it a couple testing strokes. “I wish I had had a brother like you or my dad.”
“You’ve done alright,” Eric senior said tenderly. “I’m very proud of you, Eric. You and your dad.”
Eric let go of his uncle’s snake as his cheeks burned from his blush, then said, “Dad misses you a lot. He...”
“I know,” Eric senior said as he rinsed himself off. “He still blames himself a little for what happened to me.”
Eric was very conscious of his uncle’s eyes watching him as he rinsed himself. He thought it was strange that he wasn’t disturbed by it, but he admitted that he had always wished to have met his uncle, and on a few occasions even had even wished for the chance to do something sexual with him like his dad had.
So finding his uncle’s body pressed up against his backside giving him a hug was a somewhat pleasant surprise.
“I need to tell you some things, but not here. Let’s go to your room,” Eric senior said gently as he ended the hug and took his nephew’s hand. “This way.”
Eric followed his uncle willingly, barely noticing the hall they were walking down was the one in his house in Atlanta. His room’s door was open, but after they were both inside, the door was already shut when he turned to close it.
“I’m not going too fast for you, am I?” Eric senior said in his right ear from behind him.
Eric turned, finding himself on his back in his bed with his uncle on his side next to him.
Eric smiled and said, “No, not really.”
“Good,” he said with tenderness as he gently touched Eric’s nose with his finger, then repeated it.
Eric couldn’t help but let out a happy giggle when his uncle missed Eric’s nose on the fourth touch and gave the finger a kiss when it approached to try again.
“You remind me so much of your dad,” Eric senior sighed as he moved the hand down to stroke his nephew’s chest. “You’re built a lot like him, and you’re sweet like him. It’s no wonder you’re losing your interest in guys.”
“What?” Eric said, losing his warm happy feelings.
Eric’s uncle slid himself on top of his nephew’s body, instantly relaxing Eric and bringing back the smile to his lips.
“When your dad came home from college for Christmas, he was different. He wasn’t eager to mess around, and I thought at first he was mad at me. After three days of excuses, I finally cornered him in the bathroom and ... I got him in the mood.”
“You peed on him in the shower,” Eric said with a grin.
“He told you?”
“No, Tim sort of showed me when we were together.”
“Oh. I forgot about that.”
“And I know my dad started noticing girls when he started college. He did tell me about that.”
“A couple weeks ago,” Eric shrugged.
“I must have missed that while I was with Karen.”
“She’s a lot like your mom was. She saved her virginity until she met someone who swept her off her feet.”
“So Karen ... Got swept?”
“About a month ago,” Eric senior said, before looking Eric in the eyes and saying very gently, “She doesn’t know this yet, but she’s pregnant.”
“Pregnant?” Eric said with concern.
“It’ll be a boy,” Eric senior said. “And I’m pretty sure he’ll inherit the Roberts’s shlong.”
Eric grinned, then reached up to touch his uncle’s lips with his right index finger. After his uncle kissed it, Eric kissed it himself before touching his uncle’s nose.
“Yep, Karen takes after her mom,” Eric senior said. “But you and Jodie definitely take after me and your dad.”
“We always said Jodie took after Mom, the way she likes us gays.”
“I guess she takes after all of us then,” Eric senior said, scooting down a little and laying his head on his nephew’s chest. “Remember what you were like at fifteen? She’s just as horny as you were. You should talk to her before she does something stupid like you did when you were fourteen.”
“What did I do?”
“You threw yourself at Tim. You really don’t know how lucky you are he wasn’t what I thought he was.”
“And what was that?”
He said, “It doesn’t matter.”
“Uncle? Who am I?”
Eric’s uncle looked up at Eric’s stressed face and said, “I told you before. You are your mom and dad’s son.”
Eric shook the warm and fuzzy feeling off as he connected the dots.
“You’re the one who’s been helping me?”
“Eric, I won’t lie to you and say everything you feel is really you,” Eric senior said, sliding up to his face. “Some of it is still Tim, but most of it is really you. You have to believe me when I say the feelings you felt about Candice in that dream were all yours.”
“But I’m gay,” Eric said, struggling against the warm, happy feelings his uncle’s touch was generating. “Like you.”
“I’m not gay anymore, Eric,” he said, running his fingers through Eric’s hair. “I’m dead, remember? And if I hadn’t died, I may have ended up liking girls just like your dad did. My mom’s brother and her dad did the same thing. Though those were different times back then.”
Eric stopped resisting the feelings his uncle’s touch was giving him, but this time the uncomfortable feelings in his gut didn’t leave.
So Eric asked, “Nothing says I can’t stay gay, right?”
“No,” Eric senior said as he slid down to lay his head on Eric’s chest again. “Eric, it’s your life. Gay men have a harder time finding a lover to spend the rest of their life with, and you can’t have children with another man. I guess what I’m trying to say is don’t force yourself to choose now. Let yourself find your own way as time goes on. Enjoy the time you have left with Randy, then let whatever happens, happen.”
Eric repeated with emotion, “What time I have left?”
Eric senior sighed, slid up to his nephew’s face again and said, “Randy hasn’t ... matured enough yet. He cares about you, but it really isn’t love. You didn’t really believe you and he would be together forever, did you?”
“No, but...”
“He hasn’t cheated on you yet, but it’s only a matter of time before he does. And don’t blame yourself when it happens.”
“Get off me,” Eric commanded angrily. “You don’t know shit about Randy!”
Eric senior did as he asked and didn’t stop him when he got out of bed.
When Eric turned to face him, his bedroom and his uncle were gone.
“Uncle?” Eric cried anxiously into the blackness. “I’m sorry! Please come back?”
“The others need you now,” the whisper said. “Take them to Tim.”
“I can’t,” Eric said, holding back tears. “Suzi’s parents won’t take her to Tim’s.”
“You don’t need to take their bodies, just their minds.”
“Oh,” Eric said with mixed feelings. “I wish you could have told me that before.”
“Go now.”
“Uncle?” Eric said without having moved. “Just one more minute?”
When nothing happened, Eric asked softly, “Please?”
“I’m here,” his uncle’s voice said from the dark.
“Where ... Oh,” Eric said as he found the bed right where it had been. “No lights?”
“I’m afraid not,” Eric senior said, touching his nephew’s nose with his finger.
When Eric once again found himself lying on his back without having done it himself, he rolled over on his side to face his uncle, then slipped his arms around the warm body he found there and hugged it.
“I love you too,” Eric senior said tenderly as he returned the hug. “Tell your dad I’m proud of him and I’ll always be with him. I’m with all of you.”
“Will I ever see you again?”
“I don’t know,” he whispered in Eric’s ear. “Now take your friends to Tim. I won’t be able to help you anymore, so don’t let anything distract you until you find him.”
Eric didn’t move a muscle, afraid if he did, his uncle would disappear. But when he sensed light hitting his closed eyelids and he opened them, he saw someone else’s face attached to the body he was holding in his dresser’s mirror’s reflection.
“Eric? Is that you?” the body’s owner asked who was also looking at their reflection in the mirror.
Eric looked up at the somewhat familiar face, and when the boy’s face saw his hesitation, he said, “Randy. Randy Byers?”
“Randy?” Eric said in shock, finally recognizing his first suck mate’s features on the seventeen-year-old’s face. “What are you doing here?”
“I...” he said as he looked around in confusion. “Where is here?”
“A dream of my room,” Eric said, unsure whether he was talking to a real person or not.
“A dream?” Randy asked as they moved apart. “That explains why I’m naked, but ... Are you just part of my dream?”
“That depends if you’re just part of mine or not.”
“Wow!” Randy exclaimed when he saw Eric’s cock. “This has to be my dream. You’re huge!”
“Randy, I don’t have time for this,” Eric said when Randy took Eric’s snake into his hand and gave it a squeeze.
“Well, you’re not going anywhere until I get to suck it,” Randy said excitedly as he got on his hands and knees to move around. “Do you want to suck me too?”
“No, and you’re not...” Eric began as he tried to get up but found he couldn’t get his body to move.
“Not what?” Randy asked with a crooked grin before straddling Eric in a 69 position and added, “Now open up.”
Eric did open his mouth to refuse, but found it wouldn’t close back up, and then his tongue reached out to welcome the cock descending into it.
The more Eric struggled to counteract the movements his body was making, the less control he seemed to have over it, so he gave up and completely shut down.
When Eric’s body moved on its own to get on top, Eric found himself detached from his body, and immediately got up off the bed.
“Wow,” Eric said, finding Randy’s mouth and throat stretched and bulging as his dream body’s cock fucked it with abandon.
Eric stood there watching them for a moment, then snapped himself out of his daze and said, “Randy, I have to go now.”
Randy’s eyes bulged when he glanced over to Eric and saw him, then he used his hands to free himself from the dream Eric’s cock.
“Sorry,” Randy said as he brushed the still sucking mouth from his cock. “I just thought...”
“It doesn’t matter,” Eric said, turning to leave.
“Eric, wait a sec.”
Eric paused, then turned to find himself in a slightly familiar bedroom with Randy standing up from a twin bed fully clothed. It took Eric a moment to recognize it was Randy’s bedroom.
“If it’s really you, and if you can remember when you wake up, could you ... call me? I really need to talk.”
“Uh ... Sure, I guess,” Eric said, not sure if he really meant it. “I think I still have your old number.”
“Thanks,” he said relieved. “I’ve been having these really weird dreams where I’m always wanting to suck guys off and stuff, but I when I’m awake, I’m totally turned off by them. I think that guy at camp made it so I couldn’t talk to anyone about stuff like that but you.”
“Sounds like something Tim would have done back then,” Eric admitted. “I promise I’ll call you, Randy.”
“Thanks,” Randy said, picking up a school bag. “I have to go to school now. See you later.”
“But its summer and...” Eric said as the bedroom door shut.
After following Randy out, Eric called Randy’s name down the familiar hallway a few times before getting an unexpected response.
“Eric?” Suzi’s voice cried emotionally. “Eric, RUN!”
“Suz?” Eric called, hurrying down the hallway towards where Suzi’s voice had come.
When Eric turned into the room she was in, he found two Borg creatures strapping Suzi down to a chair while another larger Borg picked up a foot long syringe containing a green liquid and approached her.
“Joey, stop, please stop,” Suzi sobbed.
“Both of you stop,” Eric commanded. “You’re dreaming again!”
“Eric RUN!” Suzi again cried as the bigger Borg turned towards him.
“Joey?” Eric exclaimed, seeing Joey’s face beneath the electro mechanical pieces attached to it.
Two more Borg suddenly grabbed Eric from behind and held Eric still with strength beyond any human as Joey approached and said, “Resistance is futile.”
“Yes, it is,” Eric admitted as he relaxed.
“YEOW!” he cried a moment later when Joey stuck the syringe’s needle into Eric’s neck.
Eric’s senses exploded with pleasure as the contents of the syringe was emptied into Eric’s bloodstream. His body grew distant as electronic noises began filling his head, and he suddenly felt lost and unable to think as the electronic noises took control of his mind.
“Eric?” Suzi sobbed as the Borg beside him released their grip. “Eric?”
Pity momentarily flared through Eric’s brain before the electronic noises washed it away and instructed him to refill the syringe.
“Eric, fight it! Please, Eric, fight it!”
It took the electronic noises longer this time to flush the emotion from Eric’s mind, but as Eric turned towards Suzi with the refilled syringe, he was again completely under the electronic noises’ control.
“No, Eric ... No, please,” Suzi sobbed, shaking all over from the intensity.
This time when his emotions flared up, Eric immediately shut himself down. When his borgified body took another step forward, it left Eric behind.
Eric tapped his other body’s right shoulder and said, “Excuse me. Can I see that?”
The expression on his borgified face made Eric grin before he punched it in the chest and sent it flying across the room.
Eric’s double hit the far concrete wall with such force the concrete broke, and moments after it hit, sparks flew out of Eric’s double before its body went limp.
“One down, five to go,” Eric said to Suzi before turning around.
“Or ten more,” Eric corrected himself before running headfirst into the horde of Borg.
Eric punched his fist through one’s gut, kicked another’s head off as he did a back-flip into the air, crushing two more with his feet when he landed, then tossed Joey toward a second chair saying, “Have a seat, Joey. I’ll be right with you.”
When Joey immediately rushed towards him again, Eric grabbed the phaser still attached to Joey’s belt and stunned him.
Eric popped the remaining Borg’s heads off with a couple of quick kicks, then dusted his hands and said, “Well, so much for the Borg.”
“Eric, how...” Suzi said, before glancing down at Joey. “Untie me.”
“We’re dreaming, you know,” Eric reminded her as he undid the restraints.
“I know, and I think Joey knows it too,” Suzi said. “But the dream takes over and you can’t stop yourself.”
“Yes you can,” Eric said as Suzi undid the last restraint herself and got up. “You have to let everything go and ignore everything you seem to be doing. Then you just sort of fall out.”
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VoyeurVirtual Valerie 2 is like the Street Fighter 2 of porn: everyone knows that particular game, everyone knows it's a sequel, but nobody really cares about the first episode.THE STORYThe year is 1995. I only began learning english so I only had the basics. The PlayStation was yet to be released in Belgium but I couldn't care less about that: my older brother bought a brand new IBM PC. Pentium 100 MHz with 8 MB of RAM, a 2 GB hard drive and Windows 95. Coming straight from the Super Nintendo, I was...
1950'S VIRTUAL WORLD ? by: Milida This story is set in the not too distant future, where both virtual and artificial reality worlds have become commonplace. For my annual holiday, I decided to visit a recreated 1950's world. This world physically existed on a small Island in the pacific. Massive effort had been made to make the place as realistic to the period as possible. The clothes the architecture and the customs were all authentic. The majority robot inhabitants of the...
VirtualTaboo! Yes! Welcome to the future, perverts. We fucking made it! We’re well beyond the days of just streaming hardcore pornography to our TVs, computers, and phones. No, today we can stream smut directly into our eyeballs with sites like VirtualTaboo.com.VR movies are the next obvious evolution of the fuck film, bringing us one big-ass step closer to being right there in the scenes. Good virtual reality porn will make you feel like a pornstar; jerk off to the bad stuff, and you’ll feel...
VR Porn SitesAuthor's note: I'd like to take this chance to thank Mandy, Sarah, Charlotte, Melody, Pam, and Rachel, who - as of the time of this writing - have been kind enough to review "Transfusion," my first story for Fictionmania. Let's see if the second story measures up to the first! Comments and feedback are always, *always* appreciated, and if you'd like to get in touch with me I've put together an email address specifically for that purpose, at [email protected]. Without...
CHAPTER 1It’s certainly not good for a supposedly happily married woman, to fall in love. That’s what happened to me, as I fell in love with a man, much younger to me. And, to make matter worse, the man with whom I fell in love, was none other than my own son. After remaining faithful to my husband for nearly twenty years, one fine day I found that I was interested in my own teenage son.My feeling towards my son, Rahul had nothing to do with a motherly love; a mother has for her son. In...
THE ARABIAN NIGHTS VIRTUAL WORLD In the not too distant future holiday trips to virtual worlds will become a reality. This story is based on a trip to one such created world. To work the worlds would of course have there own rules and the very good ones would feel just as real as reality itself. Whilst the worlds would all have some emergency escape option, it is probable for realism that these would be difficult to access. The visitor would most likely exit via a certain portal...
My guess was right; Hothamburger was the pseudonym of my son. His mailbox was full with erotic mails, mostly spams, like I used to get into my mailbox. I tried to read some of the mails that appeared genuine. The revelation was encouraging. It seemed, that my beloved son was a member of some adult pen pal club, and he had been receiving plenty of erotic e-mails. There were five such mails, each from a different sender and I read all of them. My son was enjoying a virtual relationship with five...
IncestAuthor?s Note:This is a work of fiction Author?s Note:? This is a work of fiction.? Any and all similarities to persons, living or dead, is/are purely coincidental.? No relationship to any person, living or dead, is intended by these fictional depictions.? The author treats this as a work of fantasy, and does not encourage any such activity in real life other than consensual activities between adults of legal age.? Copyright remains with the author.? My thanks to the unknown creator of...
Jacqui smiles as she looked at her virtual chair. She had a new mod she'd found that she wanted to try as well as one she'd written herself. She could feel the anticipation in her body just thinking about it. She sit in her virtual chair and got herself comfortable. She pressed a button on the arm and the headset lowered onto her head. She relaxed as she felt the slight tingle of the electrodes beginning to stimulate her brain and the real world faded into a virtual one. She looked around...
There was a flash of light and in an instant you found yourself standing in a white feild of nothingness. In all directions you could only see the pale white landscape which stretched on forever. Your bare feet felt chilled against the cool smooth floor of ivory you stood upon. When you looked down you realized you were naked. Standing in the nude, your body was not your own but instead an unfamiliar form of a young male. It was common for simulations to place users in a premade form which...
Fetish“Walls have ears.” You may have heard someone say that; allow me to let you in on the secret – they have eyes and ears and can sometimes see into the minds of the people and creatures who live within those walls. Not every mind, not every wall: just special ones that are open enough, working on the right wavelengths, and so manage to connect. I can’t generalise, I’m a building, I can’t go around doing surveys and interviewing other buildings to aggregate their experience. I can read, I can...
VoyeurVirtual Transition--PART I I saw the advertisement on the Internet and it piqued my interest... "A trip to Fantasy Land ...Explore what your imagination conceives without risk. Your dreams made real." The number was called, an appointment made and soon my life was changed forever. Let me explain. Life was good, money no problem and my time was my own due to a large inheritance received on my 21st birthday. All that was missing was adventure. There were many things I yearned to...
It all seemed so simple to begin with. They'd all played the parlour trick where you stand in a doorway, close to one side, with your arm straight down by your side, but pressing outwards. Nothing happens of course, because your arm is pressing against the door jamb, and what are you going to do, make the opening bigger? After a couple of minutes you step away from the doorway. Then, if you relax, your arm will of its own accord start to rise. You've played a trick on your body. Except Nick...
I was waiting for William to come online. I was pregnant and the pregnancy hormones were making me crazy horny. When he was at home he would fuck me senseless all hours of the day. But he had to go out on a short business trip and I was horny as usual. We had had virtual sex in the morning and now I was waiting for him to help me find release. We were going to try webcam sex. The chat app ringing gets my attention. William’s face comes online and he looks handsome with a 5 o’ clock shadow on...
BlogOur first encounter was a virtual one through an online game. My name is Noah and I was a host of a strong alliance in the online game and she, Jane was a new member to the alliance. Jane had come over from a dying alliance and I was one of the best players in the game. Jane knew she could learn from him and become a stronger player.We chatted a lot about the game, I gave her more responsibility and they became closer. Jane opened up and expressed her feelings, she lived in Tasmania and her...
Honestly, I had no idea where I was taking this one after I got about half way through writing it. But in the end I really enjoyed where it ended up. I hope those of you who read it and give it a chance enjoy it too. Virtual Girl CBA "Everything is just about ready" thought Lindsey. Lindsey had waited patiently for almost a year after deciding to enact revenge on Robert Dillinger. Yes 'that' Robert Dillenger, one of the youngest self made billionaires ever. Lindsey hadn't...
Recently, the Internet keeps popping up very much new social networks. After the success of such networks as Facebook and Vk, many people hope to repeat this success and make a lot of money. The main motto of the builders of these sites - Earnings. Stupidity utter! Because of this, fill the Internet with hundreds of thousands of useless sites stuffed with ads for 99% of the visible place of the screen. In the end - to find a really interesting place to communicate virtually - impossible:...
"Good morning John." a hollow voice rings out to you in the dark of the room you can see anything or move but you feel cold and definitely naked. A shiver of shame runs the length of your spine knowing that much, and wondering how many eyes wandered over every unconscious inch of you. "Welcome to VK Incorporated or specifically to 'the cell' its beta tester for human sexual training. Our you greatest breakthrough in virtual programming is youra to experience first hand your mind will start to...
Kelly stared at the paper in her hand with excitement, her heating beating rapidly in her chest. 'I can't believe it!' she thought, her eyes brightening. 'I've actually been chosen!' Nearly skipping in excitement, Kelly quickly reached her phone and dialed the number that she had gotten from the sheet, excitedly declaring her positive response. Now, to get prepared. "Virtual Reality is the most advanced gaming and training technology found on Earth," the man talking to her said. He was leering...
Welcome John Doe to "virtual sex with Jennifer Anniston"< you will soon find out for yourself that this is one of the most detailed and descriptive interactive sex scenes you will ever have the privilege to witness. The first ten or so steps of the story are to set up your specific sex scene, out of the options that we provide you. The first option listed is to choose what attitude Miss Aniston has towards you, it could be any of the three below: 1) Innocent 2) Naughty 3) Dirty Girl 4) Sexy...
Danya had been anticipating this moment for, well, literally for YEARS she realized as she rushed into the house. She could still remember the first time she heard about this game, and it must have been three years ago. There was an article in VR Gaming magazine, one of those little sidelines on coming games and industry buzz. VirtuTech, a new company, had announced they were developing a new style of game that would go beyond virtual. Through a combination of breakthrough software and...
Ms Jones, the junior school Sex Ed teacher, visited Molly and Rachael's sixth form college to ask for their assistance in producing some new training material,she thought they might enjoy.The new guidance, due to become compulsory in September 2020, requires the teaching of age-related Relationships and Sex Education in all UK schools.The college had recently obtained a number of Virtual Reality headsets and was keen to demonstrate that it's psychology students could assist in evaluating some...
So, this sex story began last year. I’m 26 yr old guy working in a reputed MNC in Bengaluru. It was my first job and it was just 6 months for me in that company and everyone was just colleagues and didn’t have any friends in office as such. One day, I got to know that a lady is getting transferred to our branch from the other branch of another state. I was little bothered by it. And then she joined, her name was Nidhi (name changed). Then, I got to know that she is married and it’s her 4th...
Joanna's best friend Tiffani had called her up and invited her over to see something very special. Tiffani was very secretive on the phone as to what it was. She said it was something that Joanna would never believe in a million years. With her curiosity peaked Joanna left her home immediately and soon arrived at Tiffani's house. Joanna rang the bell and within a few seconds Tiffani opened the door. They hugged upon seeing each other as old friends often do. Once the hug was broken,...
A new virtual reality technology has been created and facilities all over the world have been popping up. Large buildings filled with these VR Pods all with their own themed virtual world designed to their fantasies. You are an excited newcomer to the technology and want to use it to live out your BDSM latex fantasy. There are several facilities to choose from all with different rules in your area.
BDSMLike so many people in this year of 2023, we had all hoped the worst was behind us. The vaccine programs were only partially effective and the virus kept mutating putting more and more people at risk. The changes in society were almost unbelievable. I know no one would have predicted a several year lock-down, but it is proving effective. You could literally go days without seeing anyone, except your immediate family.Shopping was all done online and delivered with drones. Groceries were packed...
MedicalVirtual Seduction…4 by arjun He was now stretched over the bed, his rock hard cock jetting out of his dark thatches, erected like a mast. He had sensed what the future had in store for him, and he was watching me with eagerness. I mounted the bed and straddled his lean athletic body between my plump thighs. I took hold of his massive cock and lowered my cunt till his cock head came into contact with my wet bush. I rubbed his stiff organ along my dripping crack and slowly guided its bulbous head...
IncestIt’s finally here! You scrimped and saved, and the most hyped technological breakthrough in years is finally yours! You open the package and pull out the black spandex full body suit, almost midnight in color except for the neon blue thick line running down the body and each limb. The Virtual Integrated Suit System, or VISS, claimed to be able to perfectly recreate every touch, sound, and smell in any form. It had already become a craze in the online gaming stream, especially in shooters and...
BDSMIt all started out as harmless fun. Just another mod of a popular video game character warping them in either a humorous or kinky fashion. Or both. Except this wasn't your average video game character. It was Monika, the sinister sweetheart of the indie hit Doki Doki Literature Club. The twisted puppetmaster that manipulated her game to win the affection of the user, even if it meant betraying her 'friends' and altering the game. But of course, the internet loves sexualizing anime girls and...
The year is 2057, and the latest state of the art technology has just been invented – the virtual simulator. This model has the ability to immerse you in worlds tailored specifically to your choice, and you can feel, hear, taste and see everything as if in real life. The best part of it is that you get to alter your appearance, and while in the simulator, real time passes at such a slow rate you could spend years in there and barely minutes will have passed outside. Death is of course, not an...
Welcome to the Virtual Sex Simulator! Today, your partner will be the beautiful Jessica Alba! You must make a series of tough choices in order to continue on with the simulator. Choose wisely, because your choices will affect your chances with the beautiful Jessica. --START!--
Dear Applicant, Congratulations you have been selected for a special new test product of Bio-Hum Industries. We here at Bio-Hum believe in quality video products geared to a wide range of people and audiences. We are introducing a new product, rather a new industry in an ever-growing world market. Introducing the Dreamer-Tron 480 dream machine, capable of simulating real life in a virtual/subconscious synergy. Capable of simulating real life it will revolutionize the world as we know...
"Just ease yourself in, Sir," the technician tells you as she's pressing you into a spongy recliner. Its black rubber is buttery soft and your whole body sinks deep into its moist warmth. She takes out a tube of lubricant and pours it liberally onto her hand before rubbing it over your chest. "This will aid the sensors in reading and stimulating you as you experience the various environments." You can't believe that you've finally gotten into the Virtual Sex lab to help break in the software....
My virtual love making with beautiful Jodi TaylorThere were times, and I am sure it was my imagination, that she enjoyed teasing me by having sex while I was in the house.I am only human and have to admit that looking at Jodi's hot body turned me on like any red blooded canadian boy, but I never forgot that she was a porn star.So, this is where my story starts. Jodi Taylor the woman of my dreams. She is sexy, smart, loves sex, and has the most beautiful long white brown hair you have ever...
Hi everyone… Thank you one and all for reading my previous postings and providing your valuable feedback. I am in fact overwhelmed by the response I received for my postings and that has inspired me to pen down my latest experience for you lovely people out there. I am dedicating this posting to Sophia, a beautiful, hot and lovely Mexican girl. This is no fiction but a real incident that happened to me very recently and I thank ISS for this wonderful experience. I thank ISS for the fact that...
Prologue The image of a naked woman fills the notebook computer screen. She is on her knees, seen from behind and to her right side. Her asshole and dilated shaven sex are clearly visible. The upturned soles of her feet. The side of one white breast flattened against a burgundy bedspread. Her face, but for one startlingly blue eye which seems to be staring not at the bedspread an inch away but inward, is hidden by outstretched arms and a sweep of black hair. The arms extend to wrists bound...
Virtual Seduction…5 by arjun Suddenly, Rahul bent his head near to me and whispered in my ear. “Mom. I wanna fuck your ass.” He was panting with effort. “You’re most welcome honey, fuck me anywhere you feel like.” Rahul withdrew his cock from my pussy. He sat back on his heels and opening my ass cheeks he buried his face between them, his tongue rapidly fluttering at my anal opening. He deposited a large chunk of his saliva over my hole and with his tongue he spread it over my opening,...