UnconqueredChapter 14 free porn video

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One would think that being the Unconquered, chosen of the Sun himself, and destined to shake the pillars of heaven and topple the thrones of unjust kings would mean that I wouldn’t have so much paperwork to do. But liberating three cities and a good chunk of the Burning Sea from the jade-heeled boot of the Regency had dumped a great deal of it right into my heavily bandaged, severely burned lap. The only thing that cheered me up about the paperwork was that, at the very least, it took my mind off how long I would be in bed.

“Remind me, Chirp,” I said as they sat on the side of my bed, their back leaning against one of my heavily bandaged and splinted limbs. I could just barely see my Ruby through the heavy gauze that wrapped around my eyes, and my lips ached as they formed the words. “If I ever want to critique your lunar goddess again, let me do it from underneath a lot of rocks. And metal. And ... castles.”

Chirp wilted slightly, their pointed ears drooping.

“Nah, do it on a mesa directly under her gaze again, that was fucking hilarious.”

I couldn’t see who was speaking, but I knew it was Ceaith. She must have slipped into my hospital room to lounge herself on the side of the bed. She was also using my bandages for a place to sharpen her claws, kneading me. The bandages were just thick enough that her claws didn’t touch my burned skin – but the faint tugging made me sway in my suspension.

“Stop that,” I said.

“Hmm, nah,” Ceaith said, channeling her aspect animal as she kneaded me more.

“Chirp, help,” I whispered.

“Ceaith...” Chirp said.

“Nah,” Ceaith said. “So, what’s you got there? More stupid tax rolls?”

“T-They’re not stupid!” Chirp said, their cheeks darkening. They looked down at the rolls. “The desert tribes, the Ben’Shoud, the F’Reman and the Tuathar are all sending, in total, ten thousand goats to provide supply for the cities. Tallying up the city populations, those goats will provide five tenths of the milk and meat required to keep everyone in keeping – but the Tuathar have also sent a god-goat among the herds. It’s ... bigger than a house?” They narrowed their eyes leaning in close. “That cannot be right.”

I closed my eyes, trying to keep the numbers in my head. “We have enough foods ... a-are you sure the desert tribes aren’t being taxed too hard?”

“This is the stuff they’re providing voluntarily,” Chirp said, smiling down at me. They reached up and patted my forehead. “They’re just happy to be under the Unconquered and not a usurper who has been destroying their religion for the past century.”

“Yay...” I tried to wiggle my fingers in appreciation. Ceaith kept clawing at me.

Once the tax rolls were read, we went on to the bureaucratic decisions that needed to be made. While a new Legion’s worth of infantry were being trained by Ejana and Goat – who had allowed for a pause in my training in martial arts due to me being ‘wrapped head to toe in bandages and burned nearly to the bone by the holy might of the lunar goddess Ruby’ - the cities were working to build munitions and tools for the Legion to use. While they couldn’t make vortex arrow launchers, they could fletch and forge the implosion-caps that made vortex arrows so lethal. Crossbows and spears were entirely doable. The desert tribes, too, had a long skill with raptor-riding and equestrian arts, and honing those skills with Ejana to turn them from something greater than auxiliaries – though not quite the same as the terrifyingly well trained Legionary cavalry.

But all this weapon building and ammo crafting and training had created dozens of opportunities for people to cheat, lie, steal and abuse one another. Ceaith was my spy on the ground and Chirp was my spy in the air, and between the two of them, they had found every single person who wasn’t following my order to free their slaves, everyone who treated their freed laborers as no better than slaves, and everyone who was trying to siphon funds and resources away from the public works and into their own pockets.

Once we had that information, me and my Lunars all met – with them gathered around my bed, while I listened to their ideas. Xora only suggested that I do what was right. Ceaith and Jaquline got into a hissing, snarling shouting match over whether we should co-opt the worst of the criminal rings to our own ends, transforming the criminal elements into our own spies and agents subtly. Ceaith was in favor of it. Jaquline thought it was just wasting time when we should be hanging people. Chirp, meanwhile, had stuck out their chin and put in their oar about the fact that the ending of certain religious practices by dictate hadn’t been followed – specifically the requirement of queer citizens to hide their loves and their desires from the surrounding city. In the end, the only thing that kept all three from going from an argument to a brawl was the calming presence of Tayar, who was very quiet until she didn’t need to be anymore.


One advantage of being in bed all day is I had time to think – and I gave orders that seemed to feel right to me. I listened to my Lunars and I listened to the reports that I was brought. Sometimes, I sent words for mortal savants and specialists and, once, I asked to speak to the poorest man and woman in the city. Once I had heard everyone’s side of things, I decided.

The gangs of looters, I broke up – but gently. I sent in Xora, knowing that she could fight off a hundred gangsters with knives and crude martial arts, without killing a single one. Then I put Chirp on the job of drafting a way of getting the criminals back into the city without punishing them overmuch – what mattered was they stopped doing crimes, not that someone broke their thumbs or something. While Xora did that, I had Tayar and Ceaith handle the guild-masters who were doing the more overt kinds of crimes. Like, the bricklayers guild had given ‘probationary’ apprenticeships to their old slaves, the ones who had dragged clay from the pit and worked the kilns and dragged the bricks about – but they still treated them terribly and taught them nothing.

So, while Tayar spun a comforting web of diplomatic nothings, Ceaith spied, listened, interjected, and manipulated the bricklayers guild into altering their ways.

“I also dangled the fat fuck off a balcony,” Ceaith said as she stretched and then flung herself atop my belly, curling up and purring loudly. “By the ankle”

“Ceaith!” I squeaked.

“What, you’re a girl right now, this isn’t straight,” Ceaith said. Then she paused and prodded at my chest. “You are a girl right now, right?”

“That’s ... a bandage!” I hissed. “And. Also. I. Am. Covered. In. Aggravated. Damage.”

“Ew,” Ceaith slid off me – though she didn’t do it very quickly. Ceaith was more comfortable being physically intimate with me when I was a girl, it was true. But ... there was a part of her that liked touching me, no matter what pronouns I had.

That part also happened to be her most cattish part.

Once she was laying beside me, I heard the door opening. The gloriously curvaceous form of my Pearl walked through the door, her black hair glinting in the light cast off by the glow-globe set in the celing. Tayar brushed fingers that almost looked like talons through her hair, sending strands drifting on the air before settling behind her in a cascading wave of midnight beauty – and as she paused, standing beside me, I heard Ceaith hissing.


“Ceaith...” I muttered.

“Ejana is currently showering in the public baths in the first level of the palace after a long frustrating day of beating the shit out of recruits,” Tayar said, her voice a warm promise, drifting into my ears like downy fuzz. The sudden absence of Ceaith by my side was announced by a tingle along my sides, a faint flare of lapis blue light, and a soft crack of displaced air. The wind blew past Tayar’s hair and made some of the feathered tufts stand out for a moment. Her smirk was playful as she walked over and sat beside me, taking my bandaged hand.

“She’s going to murder you once she finds out you tricked her,” I said, feeling the comforting pressure of her fingers against my bandaged knuckles.

“I’m sure she’ll forgive me when she discovers that it is not Ejana, but rather, Jaquline soaping up Xora while Chirp plays on her sanxian...” Tayar chuckled, softly. “Besides. She has already called a ‘dibs’ upon me. Which did seem a mite impious for our Lapis, considering how I’m your wife and not hers but... “She shrugged her shoulders, which set off the most fascinating sway to her breasts. I tried to keep my eyes locked to her face, but I was not having a very good job of it. But, in my defense ... uh...

Tayar ... warm...

And ... tiddy soft...

“W-Well, uh, none of us have dibs. I mean. Are. Dibs. No, no, have dibs was right,” I stammered, shaking my head slightly. I blushed, closed my eyes, then tried to get the words out without sounding like a dumbass. “Uh, w-while being an Unconquered and a Lunar has tied us together, t-through magic, it doesn’t ... I don’t want to take advantage of-”

Tayar put her finger on my lips. “I know, my Unconquered. I’ve observed you and I have a fairly good sense for people ... most of the time.” She sighed, softly. “I admit, I rather expected you and Ceaith to have less energy after you pleasured one another. But I suppose that underestimating the Unconquered is a cycles old tradition.” She chuckled, softly, her finger caressing my knuckles. It was a gentle touch. And ... there was something strange happening. As Tayar sat beside me, her posture shifted. She was still beautiful ... but she was accentuating different things about herself. The way light and shadow played along her body dwelled on different things, in different light. I found it increasingly difficult to think of her sexually.

It was ... curious. But it wasn’t bad. I mean, Tayar was still beautiful. And I liked being with her. And I definitely liked the gentle touch of her thumb – soft and warm and ever present – rolling along my knuckles, ruffling the bandages a bit. “I came to see how your healing was going – and to ask you some questions.” She smiled. “We are newly weds, after all. And while I could spy upon you, or interrogate Chirp or Xora for the juicy details, I would rather skip that and go straight to hearing your tearful confessions and braggardly boasts.” Her eyes sparkled.

I grinned at her. “It’s mostly the latter. I’ve been lucky. Not many tears in my life.”

Tayar chuckled. “A philosopher once said tears are the salt and spice of life – they give it the flavor, the meaning, and the direction. Agony and pain are the sinews, and struggle, the muscle and bone. Joy, he declared, was likened to fat.”

I made a face, feeling faint twinges along my healing burn scars. “Sounds charming.”

“He was very fun at parties,” Tayar said. “Enjoyed wearing paincloth and drinking unfiltered poison.”

I snorted. “So. Ask away.”

“How were you Chosen?” she asked. “I know the Unconquered are chosen by facing three trials – they are given the easy, but cowardly and unjust, route three times, each one more dangerous and dire. At the final, they are Chosen and given the powers of the Sun himself. I’m curious what the fates arranged for you.”

I nodded. “All right...” I said – then told her of how June had absconded with the golden blade of the most valuable spear in Rataka Village. I told her of how I had first stood up for June, then traveled into the Wildfree Woods to rescue her, then stepped between June and the Infused Knight Jerin Kah and, at that moment, been Chosen. Once I was done, I smiled at her. “And you?”

“Oh, my story is rather dull,” Tayar said.

“How?” I asked, my voice shocked.

Tayar chuckled. “I mean, there was a burning nunnery and half a dozen orphans in peril, but-”

Before she could continue, the door to the room banged open. One of our Legionaries – one who was clearly on guard duty (which always struck me as a bit silly, considering how any assassin that might threaten me in my weakened state would easily be able to kill the guard without blinking) – stuck his head into the room.

“Sir,” he said. “There’s an urgent report here.”

The guard actually sounded a bit disappointing. His eyes were looking at Tayar. She grinned and leaned down to whisper to me, sotto vocce: “He was expecting we would be making love.”

“Uh, send the report in!” I said, blushing furiously behind my bandages. At least. I thought I might be blushing. I hadn’t actually seen what my skin looked like underneath. The guard nodded – but before he turned back, Tayar reached up, casually hooked her fingers on the front of her kimono and tugged it open, letting it slip open. Her back was to me, so all I saw was the shadow of the small of her back and her elegant shoulders, half concealed by her own waterfall of hair. The guard gaped at her, standing half in and out of the door – his eyes actually unfocusing slightly. Tayar tugged her kimono back closed and the guard shook himself from head to toe, like a wet dog, then hurried out.

“The poor virgin needed at least a little treat,” Tayar murmured. “I should set him up with that redheaded boy from the artillery division...”

“Hey, why does he get to see your boobs?” I asked.

“Well, you didn’t ask, my Unconquered,” Tayar said, her voice playful. “You said you didn’t want to presume.”

“W-Well, I...” I spluttered. The door opened again and I closed my mouth as the messenger stepped in. She was clad in the lighter armor of one of the raptor riders and had an almost raptorish look to herself, with her bright green hair done up in frills that thrust out behind her head. She bowed to me.

“Ia, Unconquered,” she said. “I come bearing news from our scouts by Harpy Ridge. They say that they’ve spotted a cloud.”

“ ... a...” I blinked. “A very fast cloud?”

“A very fast solitary cloud,” the scout said, grinning at me.

“I’m sorry, I am completely lost,” Tayar whispered.

“It’s the Starshrike!” I said, excitement bubbling in me. I nodded. “Tell the patrolling skyships to send them a signal that they can land without being troubled.” The messenger bowed and hurried off. As she did so, Tayar looked down at me.

“The Starshrike?” she asked.

“It’s my skyship,” I said, smiling. “It was built by the Unconquered, the Third Unconquered, before she...” I paused. “How did the Third Unconquered die. Do ... do you remember?” I asked. Tayar bit her lower lip, thinking as she did so. Her finger continued to caress my knuckle as she thought. “I have read of it. I believe that she was killed during an experiment with one of her devices – it was something that was very secret. A great many of the Unconquered slay themselves using their own greatest talent. So, don’t you go trying to do something beyond even your prodigious might.”

“You know my specialty?” I asked.

“It’s hard to miss hearing the stories of you and the golden statue – the word spread here almost before you arrived,” Tayar said, reaching down to caress my head. “Now, lets see about getting you ready for meeting your Starshrike.”

“T-Tayar,” I said, biting my lip. “I...” I gulped. “I noticed how, when you sat beside me, you tried to present yourself as less...” I shrugged. “Sexual?”

Tayar chuckled. She looked down at her hands. “Ceaith has her obvious spikey trouble. Xora has hers. Ceaith has theirs. The only one of us who is entirely at ease with her relationship with you is Jaquline – but I don’t think Jaquline could be ill at ease with any kind of sex, even if she was about to be mounted by the Shadow Dragon of the Devil Court and his three mile long barbed dick.” She shook her head.

“I excuse me, his what?” I spluttered.

“But no,” Tayar said, letting me splutter and stammer and squirm. “It’s not quite a problem for me. I will gladly ride your cock to the best of my ability. Which, I hasten to add, is quite spectacular. I did work my way from standing on a corner to owning my own brothel full of summoned demons, after all.” Her grin flashed in the shadows of the room. “But I won’t derive anything from it, other than the happiness I know that I gave you. It ... it’ll honestly be a little boring...” She looked a bit nervous at that, biting her lower lip. “Sorry.”

I blinked at her. “Is ... is something wrong with-”

She laughed, softly. “No, you silly boy. No more than there’s anything wrong with Ceaith for straddling and rejecting the binary of their homeland, nor with you for thinking mostly with your dick.” Her voice was playful, even as she cupped the bulge of my groin through the bandages. “Gods above, you’ve been struck by the furious ire of one of the lunar goddesses, with an energy that melted a half mile deep hole into the Black Mesa Flats, and you can still get a hardon! As one professional to another, I am impressed!”

I gulped. It took a bit for me to play through all that Tayar had dropped onto my lap. I mean ... I ... I didn’t want to bore my wife. It made me feel a bit like an uncouth, jerkish lout to go ‘perform for me, fucktoy’ and snap my fingers imperiously. But gods, she was beautiful. And I had that damned inherent, semi-magical compulsion, forcing me to want to be with her, to caress her, to listen to her, to hold her close and never let her go. I wasn’t sure exactly where the compulsion ended and the natural attraction between a boy nearly on the cusp of his twentieth year and gloriously curvaceous girl with an hourglass figure dressed in an insufficiently concealing kimono began. But probing that boundary area had driven Ceaith to utter distraction – I wasn’t about to let it do the same to me.

“I mean, I don’t want to bore you,” I said.

“Bore might be the wrong word,” she said. “There’s a lot of focus. And a lot of prana bindu muscle meditations.” She took my hand in hers, gently placing my bandaged fingers at the space just below her belly button. I felt very tiny twitches and quivers and she made quiet grunting noises as I saw minute movements of her body – her thighs, her back, her ... uh...

“Wow,” I whispered.

“Well worth the trip to the Arena of Love and Despair for that trick, huh?” she asked.

“How long have you been a Pearl?” I asked.

“I was Chosen ten years ago,” she said, casually.

“Ten years?” My eyes bugged. “B-but ... I thought...”

She shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know why either – the ways of being Chosen are mysterious, despite all that has been written about it. But I have kept myself quiet – remaining out of observation. It did not take a genius to realize that the Regency would have sent legions after me. And as a Pearl and a streetwalker, I did not exactly have the martial art to stand up to an Infused Knight.” She grinned. “Though, I’m not completely useless in battle.”

I nodded, slowly.

“So, yes, you will not bore me,” she said. “And I will be happy to see you happy, my Unconquered.”

I blushed. “S-So...”

“Yes, I will do any kind of roleplay you want,” Tayar said, her voice still playful. “Would you prefer a bit of forbidden trysts? I have a shrine maiden outfit somewhere in my brothel. Or, maybe, I could call you-” She leaned close and breathed hot, forbidden temptation in my ear. Before that temptation could become a word, I squirmed, wriggled, and tried to say ‘no, no, that’s fine!’ no matter what my cock tried to say.

Tayar laughed. “For the Chosen and solar anointed god-emperor of all creation, you are remarkably bashful. I think that is why I love you already.” Her eyes sparkled and she stood, casually. She turned her back to me, then cast her kimono off with a casual flick of her arms. It puddled around her ankles and her long, long hair actually shrank into her head with a pale white glow. Soon, she had short cropped, hair that was mostly bristling feathers, giving her a wild, feral look, and allowing her entire beautiful backside to be exposed to the warm orange glow of the glowglobes. She stretched her arms, rolling her shoulders as she casually walked to the door – flicking the lock shut.

“Uh...” I whispered.

Tayar grinned, turning to face me. Her breasts had just enough sag to accentuate their size, and her nipples were puffy and hard. Her sex began to gleam as she walked forward and I saw slowly sliding droplets of fluid dripping along her thighs. She prowled forward, her voice soft. “Do I not look as if I yern for you, my Unconquered?” She crawled up onto the bed, making he sway in my restraints. “Do I not look as if my cunt is soaked with need?”

“Uh...” I whispered again.

My cock was straining against my bandages, creating an alarming bulge – and an even more alarming creak noise. Tayar leaned close, her voice soft. “I can do anything for you with a joy in my hear, Unconquered. Unburden yourself to me.”

“I want you,” I whispered, my voice a husky croak.

“Mm, flattering, but unspecific.” Her finger teased along my cock, sliding up and down the bulge. My cock throbbed with even that fleeting, twice removed contact. My tongue darted along my lips as I looked into her warm, golden eyes. Her pearl soulgem seemed to glow all the brighter in the shadows of her face.

“Uh...” My brain whirled. “Uh, evil assassin come to kill me by suffocating me with your pussy?”

Tayar laughed. “Delightful. But a bit selfish on my case.” She grinned. “But don’t worry. I have a slight alteration to your idea.” Her finger suddenly whipped up, pressing to my throat. “Oh, blasphemer, I have you at my mercy...” Her voice was cold and deadly and her face had a wicked, sensual sneer – she looked pure evil and gods above, it was setting my head spinning. She swung her thigh wide as she straddled me, her sex dripping upon my bandages. Her breasts grazed against my bandaged chest as she leaned forward, her cold voice growing hot against my ear. “Have you ever heard of Fanecunt toxin?”

“N-No...” I whispered.

“You apply it to the insides of your sex. It’s entirely harmless – until it is touched by the cum of beeyour target, which awakens the toxin. It rushes up your cock, into your heart, and kills you. I am told the final orgasm is quite something. Shame no one has ever come back to tell it since the last Necromancer was killed.” Her teeth flashed. “And you’re all alone here, blasphemer. And once I have slain you, I shall be paid fifty times my weight in solid jade.”

She reached down and tugged my bandages aside. My cock swung free and smacked against her bare rump with a meaty thump. There was no clear scar tissue or burns on my bright red dick – but there was a definite, throbbing need for Tayar, visible in every straining vein on my cock. Tayar grinned down at me, grinding against me slowly. “Poor men. They cannot ever help themselves around me. I’ve killed at least a dozen this way. Though, sometimes, I do just enjoy strangling them as they fuck me.” She purred. “That won’t work on the Unconquered, though.”

As she spoke, she rolled her hips up and down, up and down. Each motion glided her pussy lips against my cock, slipping me up with her juices. She panted, softly. “Mm, mmm, I’m already on a hair trigger. Ah. Ah!” She shuddered and I felt a frothing squirt of her girljuces, splashing against the tip of my cock, sliding down to drip along my balls. I gaped at her – and my eyes actually flared with gold as I fed mana into my senses, trying to see if she was...

Had she just cum?

And I saw that I couldn’t actually tell. Her acting was so good – or she had actually just climaxed from teasing me. Either way, the truth remained murky. Seeing my flare and my gape, she smirked. “The bindu muscles can simulate an orgasm. And squirting. I can seem to cum on cue – it’s actually quite useful,” she said, dropping her assassin character with such fluidity that it nearly gave me whiplash. However, as she spoke, she kept grinding against me. Teasing me. Driving me to utter fucking distraction. “You will not believe how often I’ve been hired by some wealthy noble because their sons or daughters are virgins into their twenties or their thirties.” She shook her head.

“You fake it for them?” I whispered.

“Oh, no, it’s for after,” she said, grinning wickedly. “Usually, the parent comes in to see if I’ve successfully kindled their child’s heterosexuality – by and large, that tended to be the problem.” She licked her lips. “So, I would lay in bed, moaning in pure bliss, and they would caress me and I’d trigger fake orgasms and quadruple by pay.”

“Wow.” I blinked. “S-So, uh ... Fanecunt toxin isn’t real, is it?”

She laughed. “Of course it is, you silly Unconquered.”

And with that, she was back into her assassin persona. Her hands went to my throat and she growled. “Ready to die, blasphemer?”

“My Lunars will-” I started, trying to get into character as well.

“I’ve already dealt with your Lunars. I dosed Ceaith with a toxin that sent her into a cat’s heat.” She purred. “She’s being nailed to the wall by half the male guards in the castle. They’re just fucking her lesbian pussy for all that it’s worth, dumping their cum into her cunny. Chirp and Xora, they were easy. I just hit them with sleeping darts and then chained them up in the kennel.” She grinned. “The raptor kennel. Those poor stallion-raptors do need their balls drain. Jaquline, I bribed.” She sat back down – her cunt enveloping my achingly cock. My cheeks burned with a mixture of shame, arousal, and shock as I threw my head back, groaning.

“F-Fuck, why is that hot?” I gasped.

“Oh, you’re an easy man to read,” she purred, then leaned forward and began to fuck me. Her hips slapped against my bandaged hips and her whole body jiggled with the movements as those muscle movements that she had learned were unleashed upon my cock. She clenched, then slurped up and down my body, her sex feeling almost like a second mouth rather than a pussy. She was able to fondle my cock with minute movements of her sex, and she put pressure I hadn’t thought possible against the glans of my cock with every slamming movement. She gasped out – and I felt my own orgasm rushing towards me so fast that I almost felt mortal.

I clenched my teeth – and fed mana into my stamina. I clenched my hands and curled my toes and tried to fuck her back. My body began to glow with a golden light as she laughed. “Trying to resist me, blasphemer?” She flung herself back, so that she was resting on her haunches, her thighs spread wide, the slight tuft of her black feathers which served as her pubic hair was visible, so that my cock being buried in her sex was shown to me. It was so lewd. So proud. My cheeks burned as she reached down to rub her clit, with a single dainty finger. Her grin was so wicked. “No man has ever resisted cumming inside of me ... and you won’t be the first. So go ahead. Burn your anima. See if I care.”

She grinned at me – and I clenched my hands – and didn’t just begin to trickle mana through me. I burned it. I blazed it with a wild abandon, like a man casting books into a coke furnace. My hips strained against the hanging restraints and my bandages began to unfurl as gold fire crackled along my body. My wrists strained – and then the leather straps holding me into place exploded. I sat upwards, my bandages cascading off my body. I expected scars. I expected burned tissue. I expected still healing wounds. Instead, my whole body was wreathed in flames and my skin looked as fresh as if it had never been injured. My hands gripped my shocked Pearl by the shoulders and I kicked off the bed. The two of us backflipped into the air – my hips driving against hers, my cock pushing even deeper.

She landed on her back under me on the bed, her legs locking around her as I gripped the headboard – and I began to fuck into her with a snarl. “Oh Tayar!” I roared, throwing my head back. Her sex clenched around my cock and hot juices spurted against my balls as she threw out her back, her mouth opening in shock, her eyes wide. Her spine arched and she shuddered, her own arms wrapping around my back. “Ahhh! Ah! Ah! Ember! Ah! Gods!”

The legs of the bed snapped.

The bed collapsed. The adjoining medical instruments cascaded to the floor – glass components shattering and victuals that had been fed to me bubbling along the floor. The glow globe sparked and went out as my animal exploded through the room and I came.


My balls clenched and I felt my seed gushing into into her and her fingers dug into my back.

The two of us remained frozen like that – our bodies tight, tense. Our muscles straining. Then, slowly, we sagged down. It was like all the energy had been bled from our bodies, and I laid atop Tayar, my cheek pressed to her breast, nuzzling her gently. “How...” I whispered. “Was that?”

“I just came...” Tayar whispered.

I grinned, slightly. “It’s okay, Tayar, you-”

“No, I mean ... I actually just came,” she said, blinking slowly, her mouth opening, then closing in shock. “I ... I suppose ... it does make sense. The Unconquered is all about doing the impossible...” Her voice was coming more clearly than I’d have expected – but once she was done speaking, she began to breath in deep, gasping gulps. Only after she had finished doing that did she finish. “Like, wow.”

Same as Unconquered
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Lexi Lore is totally addicted to big dicks, and her mom Alana Cruise and her stepbrother Justin Hunt are concerned. When Lexi hears that her stepbro is packing heat down below, she becomes obsessed with seeing him whip it out. Justin isn’t really digging it, but his stepsister is both hot and persuasive and eventually she gets her way. Once Lexi lays eyes on Justin’s hardon, she can’t keep her hands off it! She sucks him down in a deep throat BJ and then backs off so she can...

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Brenda and Sharon

My name is Brenda. I came to the university on my own. Parents gave me some money but I was working getting loans and grants for the rest. I had lived off campus with a dude who turned out to be a douce. He tried to put the moves on me and I wasn’t interested, for whatever reason. He just didn’t do anything for me. Anyway, I decided that day that I needed to move out and find a new room-mate. I couldn’t afford a place by myself. But this time I was going to find a female room mate. So I checked...

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Simone The Schoolgirl Part One

I looked at her with new eyes. Her hair was hanging forwards and her sweet face looked so soft. I looked at her perfectly straight legs, slightly tanned. He thighs were full and her calves had a lovely roundness to them. She had a woman’s legs - not those of a typical skinny schoolgirl. I felt my cock starting to twitch and decided the best thing would be to get this over with a.s.a.p. I moved behind her, holding the ruler poised above her glorious behind. Simone The Schoolgirl (Part One) A...

2 years ago
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My Daddy

"Ring"...I look at my cel phone quickly as I am driving. Its him.I get these phone calls at sporadic times. It just says 'Bring your Miku outfit'. I swing by my house and pick up my cosplay outfit of Hatsune Miku. For some reason he just loves it when I come over in a cosplay outfit. I pull up into his front yard with a bag of clothes in hand and get out slowly. Why do I do this, I wonder to myself. I am just a hole to him. I am also pretty sure he is married and just calls me when his...

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Shoplyfter Jada Kai No Help From Dad

Security officer Jovan Jordan has caught young thief Jada Kai trying to walk out of the store with a bunch of merchandise on her, so he handcuffs her and brings her to the back room for questioning. Jada denies everything claiming she’s completely innocent, and when Officer Jovan threatens to involve the police, she makes him call her father who is an important lawyer, but he says she’s done this too many times, he won’t help her cause she needs to learn her lesson. Jada’s only way out now is...

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MonstersOfCock Kate Bloom Kate8217s First Big Black Cock

It’s time to slip and slide! Louie Smalls is prepared to have Kate Bloom over for a quick fuck and to go have fun on the slip and slide, but when he finds out that this is going to be her first black dick, he knows he has to make it special. She’s so much smaller than he is, so he has to show off his muscles. He picks her up and bench presses her. She takes off her clothes and shows off her cute, tiny body. She can’t wait any longer to see how big his dick is. She pulls it out...

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Private Catherine Knight Friends With Benefits

Today in Private Specials, Girls Do Magic, the sexy Catherine Knight is looking for her first ever fuck friend, and of course, there’s no better man for the job than stud, Erik Everhard! A pussy tasting serves as the perfect warm-up for this horny brunette as she spreads her legs and gets intimate with her new sexual partner. Then watch the rest of the action on www.private.com as Catherine enjoys a hot fuck in all her favorite positions before showing off her cock sucking expertise and...

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Gods FlockChapter 2

Nan and I spent the next 30 minutes or so with our faces close together in the space under the floor of the hall. We kissed a little, sure, stroked each other's faces, looked into each other's eyes, but mostly just talked. I remember dragging the back of my hand down her chest, it illicited a little embarrassed smile. We didn't do much but it was still a very erotic moment. I think we were both charged with desire but uncertain how to proceed. So we talked about our hopes, feelings,...

2 years ago
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Spring Breakdown

Angela Whitman is a good looking 19 year old. At 5 foot 7 inches, she was well endowed, athletic and the body to show it. With her blonde hair and blue eyes, she was always being approached by the jocks in her school. Her friends call her Angel, for short. Today she decided to go and surprise some friends from back home for spring break, rather than joining her friends at Fort Lauderdale. She had a four hour drive on the Interstate and things where going well. As she wasn't expecting to be on...

2 years ago
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Mother Fucks Son In The Absence Of Dad

Mother Fucks Son In The Absence Of Dad Note: ——I am NOT the author!so plz Don't ask me about part two,am simply sharing I am Latha. I am telling my sex story with my son. This happened when my husband was working in gulf. We had a big debt because of business failure and husband had to sign a bond to work abroad for 5 years. He left last year and I was alone without sex for almost 1 year. My son was in school at that time and after one year, he joined PUC. He was not good in study and failed...

2 years ago
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I knew her my whole life but she is now married

Disclaimer: Stories that I will post in following weeks are partialy based in my own experience, some are pure fiction and fantasy, while all participants in mentioned stories, both fictional and based on real people, are over the age of 18. English is not my first language, so bare with me, allright?I have known her my whole life. We went to school together, and our lives parted ways when we went to college. In all that time, she was a friend of mine, not too close, but far enough, since she...

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Barbara Ch 12

Chapter 12: The Pool Hall Gangbang (pt2) This is intended for adults 21 and over only. If you are offended by graphic descriptions of a sexual nature, please, don’t read this or download it. If this is illegal where ever you are reading this stop now. * * * * * Barbara had cum just about everywhere on her. Her cunt was seeping with sperm, her asshole was flooded with jizz and her face and hair were sticky and slimy from all of it. She knelt there in the middle of the floor. She was like a...

2 years ago
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Seducing Sexy Fat Lady 2

Hi IIS reader..Thanks for the comments on my real time experience.. This is my continued story for the last published story..Sorry.. I forgot to tell about my sexy little fatty aunty.. Her assets are very huge… I dont want to disclose her name here.. For the story i will name her as Ramya.. Because i love Kannada actress Ramya with huge boobs.. I really amazed and shocked to see her assets for the first time in full day light.. She has assets of 52-36-50.. Her boobs are so sexy and fully...

4 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 345

When I walked into the meeting room I was pleasantly surprised to see the boys in carry seats on one of the tables, sound asleep. Our meeting would be a quiet one, for sure. I listened to Marcy's updated finance report. She ran some kind of program daily. Then I was surprised again when she told us that she was negotiating with another utility to take over their leasing package. This utility was a big one, compared to the other two we had under contract. Southern Power and Gas had 4000...

4 years ago
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Mandas Massage

On the spur of the moment, I decide to make a surprise visit to my next-door neighbor at State U. Partly it's because I haven't seen her since Christmas. But mostly, it's because she's an incredible fox. And so are her friends. She wasn't always so hot. Growing up, she was just the sweet little kid next door. Amanda was pretty, to be sure, but a skinny little tomboy you'd never give a second glance. Somehow she blossomed into a total hottie who stops traffic just by walking down the sidewalk....

Oral Sex
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The Lesson

When you got to your desk in Health and Wellness that morning, you found your term paper, face-down. You turned it over. It was a D-. There was a hand-written note on the top. "Shawn- Let's talk about this. See me after class." It was signed by Miss Danielson. You were really worried, and could hardly concentrate for the 45 minutes of class.The bell rang, and you waited at your desk while everyone else went off to lunch. Miss Danielson walked down the row of desks until she got to yours....

1 year ago
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1969 Part two

Review: Melissa had just befriended a group of African graduate and post graduate students, with her body. She had become the ultimate white Jezebel for the men. And Jezebel had a very special meaning for these African men. ‘Jezebel’ even required a very special tradition, treatment or ritual... Melissa had not only just been physically changed, the most intensive changes were done in full view of a graduate residence hall. When we last saw Melissa, after her extreme sexual workout, she was in...

1 year ago
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My first MMF time Part 3

After our shower and some rest she took me to my house to get my things while her man went to the store for more things to put on the grill and a stop by the liquor store. We got back before him and she started fixing some side dishes for our meal, When he got back we got the grill ready and just hung out on the deck, she joined us later and we all fixed some margaritas, I could tell it was going to be another good day, drinks at 3.30 and when she took her first sip of her drink she stripped...

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Theres Something About Alice

Finally, July was upon us and I was sitting in the living room of our house waiting for Nicola to finish her preparations for the afternoon and evening at Diane and James' house. While she did her ablutions and I waited, my eyes fell on the picture gallery on the wall.I looked at a picture of Nicola and Olivia, she was growing into the spitting image of her mother, only at fifteen, she was already a couple of inches taller. My eyes then drifted to one of the three of us in the hospital when...

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Punished At St Sades by loyalsock

I went to boarding school at the Convent of St Sade where rigid discipline was very much at the centre of life. It was a "crammer" for 18 year olds who had failed their A levels. No-one knows more about punishment than nuns and correct behaviour was enforced by pain and humiliation. All of us girls came from the sort of home where our school hols were spent under the watchful eye of our parents and there was definitely no opportunity to meet boys during term time so I am fairly certain we were...

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Revenge New Lessons of Love

New Lessons of Love 1 By LorasPa6 loraspa6 (a) hotmail.comStory Codes: F/m, ChastityNote: This is a sequel to my Revenge storyline and fully set in that same universe. I highly recommend you take the time to read Revenge first as it lays out the history and culture of the society featured in this story. I'd like to thank Richard Alexander for allowing me to borrow his characters Monica and Steven (and their story) as the basis for my characters of the same names in this reality. Find their...

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Teacher Teacher chapter 7

Once her side of the room was finished she walked out into the courtyard to enjoy the sunshine. Susan walked over to a nice tree and sat down and turned on her iPad and started to read. The story was about a student and teacher having an affair. It was an erotic story that had the student dominating her female teacher. Ever since high school it had become Susan's favorite fantasy. Susan closed her eyes and reminisced about those couple of days last year in high school. She thought about how...

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My SisterInLaw Became A Slut

Hello friends, first of all I like to thanks all the ladies, gals and aunties who have read my earlier story and given me an enthusiastic responses which lended me to submit my second story for all you people I am vikram, 27yrs of age married and currently working with a reputed company and currently in Bangalore , I am athletic build and my height is 5.7 and my cock size is 7inchs and any aunties and gals near and away unsatisfied can contact me at This story is about me and my...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 75 Full Circle

July 10, 2007 I don't usually remember my dreams very well, unless I happen to wake up in the middle of one. However, the night after we decided to take part in the band competition in New Jersey, I had a dream unlike any I'd ever had before. It was so vivid, and so detailed, it didn't seem like a dream at all. In it, I was an observer. I merely took in the happenings around me, with the people appearing like actors in a play. I was positioned inside what appeared to be a hotel lobby...

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TeamSkeetClassics Nikki Capone Megan Sage Keeping Quiet

What’s up, Team Skeet fans? It’s time for a Classics update. You may remember this one because it’s a certified hit from our Family Strokes series back in 2016. In this scene, Megan Sage wants tv time for herself, but her stepbrother, Dylan Snow, is busy watching the game. To convince Dylan to change his mind, Megan climbs on top of her stepbrother to reveal she’s not wearing any panties under her skimpy dress. She grinds against Dylan harder and harder, making it insanely difficult to resist...

3 years ago
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Taking the Risk Ch 08

This is a slow, romantic build to eventual hot sex in later chapters, between two lovers who find each other. Character based the story is about people who care and want to give pleasure to each other, in all aspects of their lives. If you like romantic stories please enjoy, and please give feedback as the ending is not yet written! Just like in real life. * Looking down at the menu in her hand, Froo sat and let the conversation swirl around her, feeling slightly overdressed. Everyone,...

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Coach this is your tape

anyways, we met at a party. you were in the in crowd. I was passing out whiskey shots as part of my costume. I also didnt have a bottle opener for my hard cider. you did. you and your wife were so kind and down to earth. We all became fast friends. you always have nice things to say to me in and out of the bedroom. The amount of effort matching is a huge green flag. as well as the lack of games and idiocy. everyone can be themselves. Its a good friends with benefits setup. we do...

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SyntheticChapter 22

Sawyer's parents returned. The two boys had tried to hash out a a good explanation for her presence, but there wasn't one. She'd have to stay hidden. Renee rolled onto her back. Even with the clothing pile, the floor of Zack's closet was too hard. The tiny nook was so cramped, she'd barely manage to doze off before her muscles would protest and awaken her. And she didn't know when Zack would come back. Exhaustion tugged her bones. She'd been in this blasted room for the entire...

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Junior YearChapter 10 Alpha Male Unleashed

When I got up, Duke and I went to the kitchen and found Mom and Dad making breakfast. Things had seemed to settle down some in the past couple of weeks, and this weekend was planned so they could have some alone-time without me under their feet. I had no idea what that meant; and, to be honest, I didn’t want to know. “I visited Tim in the hospital, yesterday. His surgery found more damage than they’d hoped. He won’t be able to play until next season,” Mom said. I’d seen the hit, and it had...

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The Sugar Hill Inn

The Sugar Hill Inn Chapter I Jay could feel his heart beating and the knots begin to form in the pit of his stomach as he drove north, through the rolling hills of New England. The fall foliage was at its' peak as he crossed the boarder into New Hampshire and he realized that he was less then 30 minutes away from experiencing his destiny. Jay turned 40 in January and he made himself a promise. After years of hiding his true self, in the proverbial closet and the relative safety of...

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Moms sweet pussy

She pulled into the drive, and headed for the door. As she walked to the door, she looked good. I knew where I got my looks from. I smiled. I hope I look that good at 42, I thought to myself, as she walked into the house. Hi honey, she said as she hugged and kissed me. Coffee is ready, lets sit and catch up, I told her. Where is the great white hunter? she asked, while laughing. She has never really liked Tom. Where do you think, he is in the woods with his buddies, I answered her....

2 years ago
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The Paper RouteChapter 2

Dad came home not long after Mom started supper. He always comes to the kitchen to hug Mom and kiss her cheek. Today she grabbed him and kissed his lips as she hugged him. “Goodness, this is some welcome ... do I get more?” Dad laughed, hugging Mom as they twirled round and round in the kitchen. “Don, I got a raise today. I’m so happy,” Mom said kissing him again. “Hey congratulations, Pat. I’m proud of you.” I saw Dad run his hand under Mom’s t-shirt and she snuggled closer as his hand...

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Boxing the Diva

“This will be a two round bout scheduled for 2 minutes each.” The ring announcer announced as you watched the ring intently and a little shocked at how much attention this was getting. You were never the wrestling or boxing fan as most of your boyfriends had an affinity for women throwing each other around or making out in pools of mud. Probably a major reason you never made it six months with any of them. In the ring was your best friend, Marsha, and she was so excited to try her hand. She had...

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My Crazy Sex Slave Fantasy

Hi, myself Vivek (name changed) from Bangalore, currently staying in Mysore. I am more the average good looking and have a little chubby body. I have a 6 ft body. My skin is light brown. I have a small size penis but I have good energy. I was really feeling aroused when I saw a slave video. I wanted to be a slave. One day I casually uploaded an ad on Locanto to search a female who wants a slave. I really didn’t expect any reply considering my body and penis size. After a week I logged in to...

4 years ago
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Mom Ki Bra Nikalne Mein Madad Ki 8211 Part 2

Hi, I am Harsh from Bangalore. Main 24 saal ka hun, a software engineer working in an MNC. Mere ghar mein 4 log hain, mom, dad, sister aur main. Elder sister: Nandini (25 years), uski shadi ho chuki hai. My dad: Rakesh (55 years), woh bhi ek MNC mein hai. My mom: Janavi (45 years), jo ek interior designer hai. Mere dad ki job Chennai mein hai. Iss wajah se mom-dad Chennai mein rahte hai aur sister apne pati ke sath Delhi mein. Ab sidha story pe ata hun Mom: Aram se khao itani...

3 years ago
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Equal SharesChapter 7

Elizabeth was, of course, all over him on Tuesday morning, wanting to know how the dance lesson had gone. "Well, thank you, Elizabeth. I actually enjoyed it." "Good. So, what's it like? What did you do?" So, Stan briefly described the hall, and told her that they'd begun learning the Foxtrot. "Ah, yes. My mum and dad used to do all of those. She tried to teach me once, but I never really got it. I was more into rock'n'roll," she said. Then, "Did you meet anyone?" she...

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Learning Experience

Kelly told me to suck my tongue into my mouth and see if I liked how it tasted. I did so, It tasted kinda different, I can't explain it but it gave my tongue a nombing feeling. Kelly ran her finger over my lips and asked if I liked it. I told her I did and I would like some more. Kelly started rubbing my nipples and said I would get some more. She called for my uncle, then I noticed he was standing in the doorway, who knows how long he was there but just the thought of making him proud in my...

4 years ago
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Wife Akriti Became A Slut 8211 Part 1

Hi mera naam Akshit hai. Main aaj aap sab ke samne mere aur meri biwi ke sath hui ek ghatna share karna chahta hu. Agar koi galti ho toh maaf karna. Meri biwi ka naam hai Akriti. Uska size 38-32-36 hai. Hum dono sex ke mamle kafi open minded hai aur khub enjoy krte h. Shadi ke kareeb ek saal baad Akriti ko tej viral hua tha, mjhe usko hospital mein admit karana pada. Waha humne ek private ward book kar rakha tha. Kuch 3-4 din mein who recover ho gai aur doctor ne ek sham kaha ki agle din...

2 years ago
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The Thrill of CheatingChapter 9

Jen closed the door as she walked into her old bedroom. She was staying the night in her parent's house, and they had all just gotten back from the rehearsal dinner. Mike was at a hotel. He wouldn't see his bride again until the next day, at their wedding. All evening her thoughts had drifted to David. Really, the sex that David represented. Spending some time in her room would give her a chance to be alone with her thoughts. Could she really go through with the wedding? She loved Mike,...

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Bowling for porn

I have had other experiences with older men at this point in my life. However this one in particular, sticks out as one of my most memorable. I had been 18 for all of 3 weeks at this point. I hadn't moved out yet but I had been given quite a bit more freedom than I had been used to. Unfortunately, I didn't live in a very interesting town. There wasn't that much to do. There was a theater. Yawn. There was an 18 and up nightclub. But there was only really one night a week that was any fun. And...

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NubileFilms Maya Bijou Nia Nacci Two To Please

Logan Long knows he’s about to have an amazing time as beauties Maya Bijou and Nia Nacci join him in the bedroom. The trio exchange lingering kisses that show without a doubt their affection for one another. As their lips remain locked, all three of their hands start to wander. Soon the girls’ skirts are around their waists to reveal their bottoms and their tops are pulled down to allow plenty of tit licking. Whipping out Logan’s hardon while stepping out of their dresses, the...

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Missys Revenge

Missy grew up in a very poor family, and lived most of her young years in the projects. Her family's small apartment complex was in one of the worst parts of town. Missy's mother had left when she was only five years old and she barely remembered her. Her father drank every meal, and spent all of his money on alcohol. Missy and her sister had to wear hand me down clothing, and were often un-bathed and unruly. She rarely had time to play with the other c***dren who were mostly black. Once...

3 years ago
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Walk A Crooked Milf Chapter Two

Chapter Two - Don't Be a Sissy! "I'm not sure I like you referring to me as a MILF," Mrs Cashmore said. I had counted the hours until I was back in Mrs Cashmore's house. Much to my mother's regret I had not elected to go on to university and had taken a job in a hardware store to help my mother pay the bills. I had told her that I intended to continue my education when our finances could afford it. The reality was that I was now so infatuated with Mrs Cashmore that I could...

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Jock TalesDevestation PT 2

Jock Tales—Devastation PT 2I arrived at 'the spot' about 11:30 PM. It was about 12 miles North of town on old RT 4. Small dusty road in the middle of nowhere. Some of the older folks in town referred to it as 'that place where the homosexuals go'. I laughed my ass off the first time I heard that—how the fuck do they know that if they ain't been there themselves ?Mostly out of town truckers, bikers, and construction types. Pretty rough dudes mostly, lots of muscles and ink, or maybe some married...

2 years ago
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Never in a million yearsChapter 4

Chrissy and Sean hadn't seen each other for a long time. Chrissy was still in school and she was busy with all her classes and playing tennis at for her high school. But they didn't forget about each other. Every second of every day they dreamed about the next time they would be together. At school, things were different for Chrissy, she didn't feel like she fit in anymore after she had been with an older man. Sean didn't know what to think, he was starting to fall in love with this young...

4 years ago
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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 66

I took the boys to a club guest room. The Angels wasted no time striping each other. "Come here, Nosey." I gestured Yeuhan to me as I took off my tie. "Today, I was planning to fuck you while we watched them fuck." I kissed him and found the boy trembling. "How does that sound?" "I was concerned that - that you didn't want me." He whispered. I'd made him wait the 30 days, but since watching me fuck the others set him off every time, I'd spent another week making him watch, feed...

3 years ago
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Sleeping Cousin

18 year old Danielle yawned and stretched in bed, slowly opening her eyes. She looked beside her and saw her cousin, Tanya, who was 19, sleeping beside her. “Oh yeah,” she thought to herself. “Tanya’s family was over last night, and we shared a bed because there weren’t enough for everyone. Danielle looked at her cousin, sleeping deeply on her back. Her 32DD breasts rose and fell underneath her tight white t-shirt with each breath. Danielle had always had a secret desire for Tanya, but she had...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Mary Rock Foot Play Princess

Pink salmon colored heels frame her perfectly manicured toes peeking out just beneath a tiny little strap covering her sweet little piggies. She dances before you like a perfect muse in an oasis, stripping off her matching bra and panties, caressing her tiny little perfect tits, her long hair covering those sweet perky nipples. Her round tight ass up in the sky as she slides down her tiny little G-string panties, placing them in between her sexy princess toes. She delicately slides her sexy...

1 year ago
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Rani Cums Again

Hi friends. This is Rani. I have shared my sexual escapades in my previous two stories, ‘rani’s first fuck’ and ‘Rani and her boss’. I am encouraged to write again my experience with Pradhan. I received many sexual letters from my readers, some of you who wanted guidance on losing virginity, and some who are in the fast lane to fuck. I’m truly flattered, and wish you ‘breast’ of luck. I’m 26 years now and I take deep pleasure in seducing and screwing men I adore. In a man’s world, It is solely...

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Catherine Kidnapped

Catherine was terrified. She’d been on her regular morning run when a city maintenance van blocked part of the street and most of the running path ahead of her. Catherine swung to the right, intending to run past. Too late, she saw the open door on the side of the van and the two men in stocking masks. One of them jumped in front of her and pinned her arms while the second man slapped a cloth over her face. Within seconds, she was unconscious. Now, Catherine was in a chair with her eyes...

2 years ago
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How I Became a Slut part 2

Thanks for the feedback on part 1. I was excited to be going to my first college party but I was nervous too. Ashley had picked out my clothes. To be fair about it, she was dressed almost the same as me. We were both wearing tight cut-off jeans that were so short the bottom of our ass cheeks showed. She had cut out the pockets so skin showed through all four pocket holes. She did give me a little black thong to wear under it. For my shirt I had a tight yellow crop top. She told me I would be...

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Immune To My Beauty Chapter 2

"Wow! That was the hardest I've ever been spanked." My ass was really burning and I wasn't looking forward to tucking it back into my dress, but I knew I had to at least try to get back to the party before my big sister left with her new hubby."Sorry about that, but it seemed like what you wanted. My hands are a little sore, too.""You did great, Brett. Best fuck I've had in two weeks. Hey, I don't mean to rush you, but we should both get down there to say goodbye to the happy couple.""Oh, good...


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