My GirlsChapter 23 free porn video

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The first week that Victoria was gone was hell. The girls tried their best to keep me occupied and distracted, but most of the time it didn't work. Besides, Amy had her own demons to fight. She was very upset about Victoria leaving. Had she been there when Victoria left, I think it might have gotten very ugly. That was probably why Victoria did it the way she did. I will say one thing for Victoria, however; she did her best to stay in contact with the girls. She called them several times each week. I overheard one conversation between Amy and her that started out mainly as monosyllabic answers from Amy. There is nothing in the world Amy loves to do more than talk, so that in itself said volumes. Victoria noticed it and must have commented on it.

"What do you want me to say, mother? You want me to agree with you on this? I don't. You walked out on him. You ripped his heart out, and I'm left here trying to hold the pieces together, trying to keep him from just lying down and dying. There is no reason good enough to do this to him, mother. I love you, but don't expect me to be all warm and cuddly over this. He doesn't have a wife and I don't have a mom and neither of us is very happy over that."

Apparently, Victoria decided that talking to Amy wasn't going to be a pleasant experience, so she asked to talk to me. Amy rolled her eyes, stuck out her tongue at the phone, handed it to me, and left the room.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi. How are you?" I have to admit, she did sound like she really wanted to know.

"Just fine. Haven't had this much fun in years. How are you?" I'm not sure I sounded like I really wanted to know. It still hurt, bad. I was glad to hear her voice. It just made it hurt worse, though.

"Amy is really mad at me. I guess that's not surprising. I know how she feels about you. I wish I could tell her how sorry I am."

"Victoria, she feels the same way about you. You are her hero. She doesn't understand how you can say you love me and then walk out. I can't say I blame her. It's a little confusing to me, too."

"You're not going to make this easy, are you?" Victoria asked. I thought I heard her stifle a small sob.

"Victoria, this doesn't have to be hard. It's easy; just come home. Whatever is bothering you, we can work it out. How bad can it be? Before I knew what you did for a living, do you know what crossed my mind that your job was? I considered you might be a prostitute, with all the lies about where you went, the unscheduled night trips. I still loved you. Honey, I have seen you kill three men. I've seen two others I know you killed. I still loved you, not even a question about it. What can be worse than all that?"

"You've never seen me do this," she whispered, tears in her voice.

"Look, Victoria, you say you left me so you wouldn't hurt me anymore. But you hurt me every day, and Amy too, by leaving. And you will continue hurting me for the rest of my life. I am not going anywhere. I am not looking for anyone new. Ever. I love you, and I will always love you. I will spend the rest of my life loving you, only you. That will not change. Whenever you get this figured out, no matter when it is, no matter where you are, I will be waiting for you. You are always welcome to come home, no matter when. There is nothing you can do about that, nothing you can do to stop it. Do you think not having you here, spending the rest of my life alone is going to hurt less than what you would tell me? Do you really think I can forget you, that I can find someone to take your place?" I was being brutally honest, but she needed to know how I felt if she was going through with this.

"God, I am going to miss you! I love you so much! Maybe someday..." She was sobbing as she hung up.

I stared at the wall for several minutes, and then I got up and went to talk to Amy. She was lying on her back on the bed, staring at the ceiling. I sat on the bed and shifted her head onto my lap. I stroked her hair and reached down to kiss her. She wrapped her arms around my neck, pulled my head down, and kissed me eagerly. When we broke from kissing, I played with her pretty hair, and started to talk to her.

"Amy, you know I just love you to pieces, don't you?" She nodded. "Honey, you told your Mom what you thought tonight. That's good; she needed to know how you feel. Now you need to let it lie, and let her be a mother to you. If we keep bugging her, she'll never come back. She's going through some hard times, similar to what you went through when Cindi died. We just have to be there for her, love her, help her any way we can."

"I know, Dad, but she just makes me so mad. How can she just walk away like that? I know she loves us. I just don't understand."

"I don't either. But hassling her isn't going to help. Just be nice to her, ok?"

"Ok. I really miss her, though. I miss you, too," she whispered hungrily. I slipped into bed with her and cuddled up to her. We kissed for a while, while slowly undressing each other. "We've never made love in my bed before," she whispered. She was excited. Then I kissed her and touched her, and she got really excited. We didn't talk for quite awhile after that. We slept all night in her bed.

The next day I called Captain Jensen. I had to do something about these nightmares. I was no longer convinced they were just nightmares. They were way too vivid and realistic. I asked him to find out everything he could about a Julie Anderson. When he asked for specifics, I described her face as I saw it in my nightmares. When he asked her last known residence and occupation, I told him the place and told him she had died 23 years ago. He was way too much of a professional to tell me I was crazy, but I'm sure he thought I was. Hell, I thought I was too, but it was the only place I knew to start. We had experience with people who were supposed to be dead that turned up mysteriously alive.

There was one bright spot over the last two weeks. One day, the girls came home from school, with Amy towing behind her one of the strays she was wont to pick up periodically. If it was homeless or lonely, be it human or animal, Amy was drawn to it. This 'stray' was human. She was a pretty little girl, about 14 years old, maybe 5' 3'' tall, 100-105 lbs, and the most beautiful curly red hair down past her shoulders I had ever seen. I said Amy was towing her and that was about right; the poor girl was obviously very shy, and was in the grasps of the hurricane we call Amy. Amy introduced her as Megan and said she was hanging around school, waiting for her mom to pick her up. She asked if it was ok if she waited at our house. Why not? One more pretty little girl around wasn't going to hurt any. Megan gave me a tiny 'hello' and a shy little smile and they disappeared into Amy's room. About 5:00, a car pulled into the driveway, beeped, and Megan was out the door, saying it was her Mom.

Megan showed up with Amy again the next day. This time, Amy pulled me aside to talk to me.

"Dad, she's stuck at school everyday until 5:00 when her Mom picks her up. I don't know about her Dad, but he apparently isn't around. Can she just come here every day? She's new in town and doesn't know anywhere else to go. She just hangs around school. Please, Daddy? She's really nice." Amy looked at me with those big begging eyes that she knew I couldn't resist. I told her sure, no problem.

Megan started showing up everyday. She was a sweet little girl, very polite, very quiet and shy. She seemed really smart and friendly once you got through the shyness. After a while, she got over the shyness a little, and started saying hi without looking at the floor and blushing. I even got her to start calling me by my first name. One day towards the end of the week, Amy and I were horsing around, tickling and wrestling on the floor, when Amy reached out and grabbed Megan by the ankle, pulling her down with us. Of course, we both started tickling her. She was giggling hysterically and begging us to stop. Suddenly, she put her arms around my neck and kissed my neck.

"Stop, Daddy!" She whispered, and then kissed me on the lips. Then she suddenly realized what she had done. She turned red, and tried to get up and run out of the room as she started crying. I held her and kissed her on the forehead.

"It's ok, sweetheart. You can call me Daddy. I don't mind. Lots of Amy's friends do"

"But... I don't want to make Amy jealous. She won't like it!" She was still crying.

"Amy, do you mind if Megan calls me Daddy?" I asked her.

"No, I wish you were her daddy," Amy replied. I put my arms around Megan and pulled her over on my lap. She sighed and laid her head against my chest, closing her eyes. I stroked her pretty red hair and kissed her cheek. She threw her arms around my neck again and kissed me again. It was definitely not a kiss normally given to a daddy.

"Do you kiss your Daddy that way too?" I asked softly, hoping I wouldn't embarrass her. It didn't work; she turned red again.

"I did," she said in a tiny voice, and started crying again.

"Honey, is your daddy still around?" I wasn't sure how to ask this. She shook her head no. "Do you ever see him?" I asked. She shook her head again and started crying again.

"He's dead. I miss him so much!" She sobbed. I just held on to her and let her cry. I didn't know what to say. I hate it when pretty little girls are sad. It's even worse when they cry.

Later, we sat on the couch, Amy on one side, and Megan on the other, cuddling together, watching TV. As we were kidding around, Amy leaned over and kissed me. Not the way a daughter should kiss her Dad when others are watching.

"Amy!" I hissed, rolling my eyes over at Megan. Amy looked embarrassed that she had forgotten. Then I felt a little hand on my cheek, turning my head towards Megan. As I turned, Megan kissed me, full on the lips, and slipped her tongue into my mouth. I was stunned for a few seconds, and then I kissed her back. She moved over to kiss my ear and neck and whispered in my ear.

"My Daddy and I did other things, too. Would you like to do those with me, too? I really miss doing things with him and I really, really like you!" She giggled. Then, in a move I never would have expected from such a shy little girl, she took my hand and slipped it up inside her skirt, laying it on the front of her panties. She held it there as she kissed me again. I could feel she was wet already. I was shocked. I turned my head towards Amy, pleading for help with my eyes. Amy was a big help. She took my other hand, slipped it up inside her skirt, and laid it on her panties. Thanks a lot, Amy. She grinned at me, not sorry at all. I rubbed both of their panties softly, listening to them gasp as I rubbed their little clits. I slipped my finger inside their panties, and continued to stroke them softly. It didn't take long for Amy to cry out softly as she had an orgasm. Megan, being not as experienced and a little nervous, had not gotten there yet. After Amy recovered, she moved over and snuggled up to Megan, holding her and whispering in her ear. Then she whispered to me.

"Eat her out, Daddy! She'll really love that!" Megan just looked at us, eyes half closed, as she whimpered and cried out softly, obviously enjoying herself immensely.

"I don't know, Amy. I don't feel right doing this, with the problems Victoria and I are having. I know she wouldn't mind if I did all your cheerleader friends, but it almost seems like cheating after she moved out," I whispered. I didn't want Megan to hear us and get her feelings hurt.

"Daddy, you know Mommy won't mind. The poor girl is hurting, missing her Daddy. You know Mommy will probably yell at you if you don't help her out. Do you want me to call and ask her?" She giggled.

I swatted her little butt for being a smart aleck. I know I wanted to believe that Victoria wouldn't mind. Megan was so pretty and her tears and sadness about missing her Daddy really upset me. Amy decided to help and slipped Megan's panties off for her. Megan looked at me, pleading with her eyes. She took the decision out of my hands, as she gently pulled my head down between her legs. She cried softly, tears running down her face.

"Please? I won't tell anyone. I promise. Mommy wouldn't be upset even if she knew. She knew about Daddy and me," Megan whispered.

I slowly, softly licked the insides of her thighs, moving upwards towards her pussy. She whimpered softly and wiggled, trying to get me there faster. I licked her slit, from her asshole all the way up to her clit. She trembled all over and put her fist in her mouth to keep from crying out. I guess that was habit from when she used to play with her Daddy at night. I sucked her clit into my mouth and licked and sucked it, watching her close her eyes and gasp for breath. I very slowly licked and sucked her, until finally she was trembling all over, moving very slowly towards an orgasm. I didn't speed up, determined to make her come with my slow licks. Finally, she bit her fist and screamed into it, trying to muffle her sounds as much as possible. I kept licking and sucking her until she collapsed on the couch, gasping for breath, eyes closed.

I moved up and held her close to me. She wrapped her arms around me and trembled, calling out for her Daddy over and over, quietly. I told her I was here, and she sighed and seemed to go to sleep.

Amy was beside herself with excitement. She cuddled up close to both of us and moaned.

"Are you going to make love to her, Daddy?" She asked breathlessly.

"No, not tonight, honey. Except for Cindi, I have never made love to anyone without you Mom knowing I was going to do it with that person. Just because she is gone, I am not going to change that. I probably shouldn't have gone as far as I did, but she looked like she needed it so bad. When she wakes up, why don't you take her into the bathroom and help her shower? Give her a pair of your panties to wear; hers needs to be cleaned. Then we can snuggle for awhile."

Amy looked at me with wide eyes. Then she hugged me tightly.

"I love you, Daddy. Mom must be crazy. She better get this figured out soon, or I am going to talk to her!"

"Remember what I said. Don't hassle her," I warned her. She helped Megan up, stuck out her tongue at me, and they went off to the bathroom. I decided to join them, and between the two of us, we made sure Megan was clean. She just held on to us weakly, eyes closed. She shrieked when I couldn't stand looking at her pretty body that close anymore, and made her come again with my fingers.

Later, we cuddled on the couch together, watching a movie. She told me that when her mom picked her up today, she would come to the door, as she didn't know what time she would be here. About 5:30, I heard a car pull into the driveway. A minute later, the doorbell rang. I opened the door to let Megan's mother in, and my mouth fell open with shock. There, standing in the doorway was my college roommate's girlfriend and later wife, Samantha!

I recognized her right away, even though I had not seen her in 14 years or so. My mind flashed back to the weekend we had spent together, in each other's arms, naked, all weekend long. She looked as good as she did then. I felt myself blush as I stood there, looking at her. Then I remembered how she had gotten engaged less than two months after that, because she was pregnant. I looked back at Megan. Could she be... ?

I saw Samantha laughing at me.

"Aren't you going to invite me in? Or are you going to make me stand out here all night while you gawk?" I blushed again, this time from embarrassment, and stepped aside to let her in.

We sat and chatted for a while, catching up on old times. I was really upset to hear that Robert had died. We had lost contact with each other shortly after both our marriages, when they had moved out of the country. While we were talking, Katie and Becky came home, so shortly after we were inundated with teenage giggles, laughs and squeals as the four of them had fun. Before I could get details on the things I wanted to hear about, the phone rang. Since it didn't look like the giggle corps was going to answer it, I picked it up. It was Victoria.

"Hi, what's going on there? It sounds like you are having a party!" I could hear the smile in her voice. That was so good to hear!

"There is someone here you will want to talk to, but you have to guess who. One of your oldest and best friends. And her daughter." I couldn't resist the temptation to tease her. I knew she would guess it right away with that clue.

"Samantha?!? Oh, I have to talk to her!" Then she got more subdued and serious. "Did you know Robert died? I just found out today, that's why I was calling you. Other than just to talk. How does she appear to be doing? How is her daughter? Is she cute? She must be 14 years old now, right? What's her name again?" Victoria hadn't talked this much, with this much interest, in weeks. I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"I don't know how she is doing yet. The giggle corps kicked into full throttle before we could actually talk much. Her daughter's name is Megan. She is really cute. She has actually been coming over here after school for a couple of weeks, but I didn't have any idea who she was. She's really nice. We get along really well. She calls me Daddy!" I was so thrilled that Victoria was being human that I was babbling.

"The poor kid! It must be tough to not have her Dad. I know she really loved him. So did Samantha. You better be especially nice to Megan," she giggled. I hadn't heard that sound in a long time!

"I'm always nice to the girls that come over here! You know that. That's why I'm the favorite Dad in the group."

"Patrick John Phillips, you know what I am talking about! She and her father were really close, in a special way. I expect you to be especially nice to her, in a special way also. You know what I am talking about. Just because you and I are having problems and I'm not there, don't you start changing and getting all noble on me. I expect you to act just as you always have. And don't forget Samantha. She may need some extra attention, too." She giggled again.

"Are you saying... ?"

"You know what I am saying! Samantha has always been special to you. She may need help coping. And I know how you are with teary eyed teenage girls. Relax, dear. I'm not trying to pawn you off on them or trying to get rid of you to make my decision easier. How you help those two cope with Robert's death is not going to affect our relationship, whatever it is right now, one bit. In fact, if you don't act as you normally would, I am going to very upset with you. And Patrick... I do still love you. That has never been the issue. Now, let me talk to Samantha!"

I called Samantha into the other room so she could hear above the din, and gave her the phone. She said hi, then started squealing like the teenagers in the other room, and started crying. I left the room to give her some privacy. As I walked into the living room, Amy looked up, right into my eyes, and mouthed, "Told you!" Damn! Certifiable genius. Was there no privacy from this kid? After Samantha and Victoria were done talking, she walked in and gave the phone to Megan, while giving me a funny little smile. Megan wasn't sure who Victoria was at first, so she got all shy for a while, but Victoria can get a deaf mute to talk. Once she understood who she was, she looked at me with a guilty look on her face, remembering what we had done earlier, and what she had wanted to do. I winked at her and mouthed that it was ok. She smiled and relaxed. Amy grinned at me. Go away, little mind reader!

Just about the time we hung up, after all the girls had talked to Victoria for a while, the doorbell rang again. I let in Victoria's parents. I had forgotten that they were taking the girls for the night. As they were getting ready to go, Megan was standing there looking like her favorite puppy had died. My girls are pretty perceptive, so it didn't take long for them to figure it out.

"Daddy," Katie asked, "Can Megan go with us and spend the night?" You would have thought that someone had just proclaimed Megan homecoming queen or something, the way her whole face lit up. She looked at her mother with a pleading look in her eyes.

"Well, honey, you will have to ask her mother and your grandparents about that," I said, passing the buck. Well, of course, they said yes, and of course then the girls had to all hold on to each other and jump up and down and squeal in the middle of the room.

"So, Megan, do you like coming over here after school everyday?" Samantha asked. By way of an answer, Megan ran over to me and leaped into my arms, wrapping her arms and legs around me.

"I love it, Mommy! Patrick is so cool, and Amy and Katie and Becky are really nice. Can I keep coming here?" She hugged me and kissed me. I was turning red. Everyone else was laughing. Samantha came over and tickled Megan in the sides, making her shriek and let go of me.

"Give the poor guy a break, will you? You're strangling him. Not to mention embarrassing the heck out of him," Samantha laughed.

Soon, everyone was gone except Samantha and me. We looked at each other, trying to get our hearing back, then she walked over, put her arms around my neck, and kissed me. Really kissed me. Her hug and kiss said she really missed me. Then she whispered in my ear.

"Victoria said I am to take very special care of you tonight. She said it had been awhile since you two had been... together. What did she mean? What's going on?" She looked really concerned when my eyes got misty.

I didn't want to go into details about things that were no one's business, so I just told her Victoria was going through a rough time and we had separated for a while. She looked at me with big sad eyes.

"She told me it was all her, not you." She bit her lower lip. "Patrick, Victoria told me to stay with you tonight, to sleep with you, to make love to you. She assured me it was perfectly ok with her, just like last time. Please don't worry; I'm not going to try to take you away from her or tie you down. I know you and Victoria were made for each other and you will get it worked out eventually. But, I've got to tell you, I really want to spend the night with you. Especially you. I would just like a really friendly, soft shoulder to cry on, and a nice body to wake up to every now and then."

Same as My Girls
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Gianna Grey had a great idea. She put a sticky note at the door asking the hot delivery guy to bring the package inside. She wanted to smell good for him so she took a long shower and soaped her beautiful big tits. When Peter Green arrived and entered the house she called him to the bathroom. He was a little hesitant but she asked him to please come open the package and bring her the content. He blushed as he found a pink dildo inside. Gianna asked for full delivery. The dildo was supposed to...

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An old friend of mine returned earlier this evenin

We made love and fell asl**p. I woke a few hours later to a belly pain. Nothing odd, it’s been going on quite a bit and I’m told it’s normal as things work their way back to normal. The super part is I’m losing the tummy and thighs fast while keeping the huge chest. I’m down to 142 pounds and a CC cup. I hope I get to keep the boobs! I’m starting to actually appreciate the softness and size, thought the green veins have to go. I Pee’d, cleaned, pumped and breastfed the hungry one. I made...

2 years ago
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finaly I got to his wife taking my pals wife actua

Well it was a saturday afternoon we at his place prepairing for a barbeque and there were some of his family around since it was still hot and every+ne in there bikkinis by the pool So I follwed his wife gorgeous butt all over the place I was like a love sick puppy but know one realised I hope I even helped a few ladies in the kitchen with the preparations so that when someone asked for some type ao maranade sauce for the meat and they didn't have so I told her I might be having at my place but...

4 years ago
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Lost EmpireChapter 42

0001 - Tempro 0003 - Conner 0097 - Ace 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) 0125 - Lars 0200 - Ellen 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0667 - Marco 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste 0908 - Tara 0999 - Zan 1000 - Sherry Duke Risen’s eyes went wide as he read the report from the spy he’d planted in Tauntoff’s court. The bastard fake to the throne of the Empire had more lives and luck than he could believe. Pacing he knew that the man was going to come after him next. Smiling the Duke thought it was...

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Firefighters Convention

This year was special and Rachel was extremely excited!  She was FINALLY going to meet David, in person!  David was a firemen, from several states away, and had been Rachel’s friend for almost a year.  They had met online and started a friendship, over their mutual love, of the fire and rescue service.  He had come into her life, when she was feeling lonely and ignored, by her husband, and swept her off her feet.  David knew exactly what Rachel needed, sometimes before she did.  He was older...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Sara St Clair 05232017

Come grab a piece of patio furniture, some sun screen, and a cool, tasty beverage…cause you’re poolside at the infamous Dogfart swimming pool, and today — just like any other day there’s a Snowbunny hopping around — it’s gonna go down! It’s gang bang time, and today’s Black Cock Slut is Sara St. Clair, a blonde bunny who’s here to get all her slutty white holes filled by big, black cock. It’s doesn’t take much to get her bikini...

2 years ago
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The Debt Collector Part 2

Introduction: This story is pure fanatsy. After reading stories on this website and being impressed with the basic ideas, but disappointed with the lack of description, I decided to mix a few together with some of my own ideas. I also tried to be a little more descriptive. I encourage more people to do the same. For anyone who doesnt like the themes listed, such as incest or rape, please dont read any further. For everyone else, be thankful for the 1st Amendment. I hope you all enjoy! Part 2 ...

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Elise and Rod

Not all stories that start out with "Once upon a time" have happy endings. The characters do not necessarily live happily ever after as was the case in this one. It started as a fair tale that my wife tried to tell me, but unfortunately for her (or me — depending on how you look at it) I knew the game she was going to play. Once upon a time there was a marriage planned. Elise and I had grown up together and it had always been expected, at least by our mothers, that we would marry when we...

3 years ago
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Awakening an innocent wife 11

Phil looked over his mums shoulder and saw Roger watching, he knew he was being tested.rog gad said that he wanted Phil to be number two in the group,this would give him power over every member, with their full agreement. He made a decision" before we go out there, and give them all what they want, you submitting to me,we need to get some things out in the open. Shut up and listen, arms by your side, turn round and close your eyes" His mum hesitated and then obeyed, tears on her cheeks. Phil...

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Smokin Hot GILF

Recently I got a call from my Mother-in-Law she asked if I could stop by on my way home. She said her neighbor Dianne’s smoke detectors were beeping. She realized she had never changed the backup batteries since she moved in three years ago. She purchased a pack of batteries and got out her ladder but then she realized she was afraid of falling and injuring herself. She asked her neighbor my MIL if she thought I could stop by and install the batteries since my MIL had told her of all the work I...

1 year ago
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Cheating Women Relatives

That my wife cheats is of no surprise to me. In fact I rather anticipated that she would cheat here and there since I'm not particularly well endowed and know that I can't fully satisfy her. Add to this the fact that she frequently travels on business and works in a male-dominated occupation and, well, there is an expectation that she would want to take advantage of the opportunities presented. I recognized this and was supportive of her doing so; in fact, it was a bit of a turn on. Not...

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Teacher Me

I walked into English literature as usual and sat down at my desk, it was thankfully right at the back of the classroom so I didn't have to bother with the lessons as much. I so couldn't be bothered with this lesson, our teacher had been off ill for ages and we hadn't even completed the revision for our exam that was in three weeks. I took out my anthology as the other students filed in, they all looked as sick to death as I was. I began reading some poems before the class fell into its usual...

3 years ago
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The King in Yellow Chapter TwentyOne

Some hours later, Dmitri and Grigori set down their glasses of tea and went upstairs. Shortly after nightfall the others had taken the broken blonde back to Mirenberg leaving the two friends to play a few moves of chess and recover their strength, and now they were curious to see what Alexandra had done with the prodigal. “Perhaps it really is possible for her to disappear” suggested Grigori as they climbed the narrow staircase to the servant’s room. Dmitri turned around. “We daren’t dream...

4 years ago
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Anne and MaryChapter 13 Mary

When Will and I got to the stables, Sarah came out of the office. It was quite a bit colder than the last time we were here and I was glad for my jacket. "Thanks so much for coming today, Mary, I really needed you. There's a guy coming from the bank, and I would have had to cancel the class." "Why didn't you say so when you called? That it was an emergency." "I really didn't want to pressure you. I know you're not happy with teaching yet. But this should be an easy class, they're...

1 year ago
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FamilyXXX Lucy Doll Lucy Gets Covered In Early Xmas BBC Cream

The best Christmas cums early for little cute stepsister Lucy and her big black cock stepbrother Isiah, is the man to deliver the goods! Isiah’s thoughtfulness with a gift gets Lucy thinking about her inner feelings she has for him and now wants to say thank you with her hot mouth and little teen pussy. Isiah is very taken with her sweet dripping pink hole making sure to lick every drop off while her juicy ass covers his face. Lucy is very quick to suck his bbc deep throat with his black...

3 years ago
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Fuller House Fourth of July WeekChapter 2

Fernando Hernandez-Guerrero-Fernandez-Guerrero, Kimmy Gibler’s ex-husband and fiance, received an abrupt cancellation on a date with her, so he was more than a little miffed and came by Jesse’s place, which was the address that he pinged on her phone. This added to his worries, and naturally he knocked at the door with more than a little frustration. If Kimmy wanted to break up with him again, she could do to his face, couldn’t she? When there was no response, he opened the door and found...

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The Lake HouseChapter 6

Meanwhile, back at the Boathouse... ... Jim picked up his shorts and followed, his cock leading the way like a compass pole. The twins had really excited him. They were gorgeous, of course, but they were also incredibly sexy (two things, he discovered later in life, that did not always coincide). But, they also reminded him of every girl in his high school who had snubbed him -- the popular girls and cheerleaders who wouldn’t give him the time of day and acted like he was something nasty...

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Cruising spot

I found this great cruising spot off the freeway. I am happily married with a great sex life but sometimes have the urge to suck anonymous cock. I stop by there occasionally after work to suck someone off on my way home. Most of the guys are married and not getting anything at home. My problem is that as I get horny, my inhibitions disappear and I get even more horny,I stopped by one afternoon thinking I would suck someone off and then head home. When I arrived, there were several cars in the...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Kate Dee Like Father NOT Like StepSon

When my father gets booted from the house for cheating, I’m left alone with my voluptuous stepmom Kate Dee. She doesn’t seem to be taking this well and I (Brick Danger) catch her arriving home at 5am one night! She seems exhausted from being out all night so I help get her into bed, her massive tit keeps poking out of her top… she tells me it’s been months since she has gotten laid. She doesn’t want to fuck strange men, but she needs something! This was all so...

2 years ago
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Meeting Juan Carlos

But in the eyes of many, she wasn't a normal girl. Despite her intelligence and high grades, her parents grounds her if she brings boys in their house. It was a mess for her so much. It was about the second day of her vacation when her baby brother, Marcos who was 13 just joined her illustrous boring vacation. Surprisingly, he was joined by his best friend, Juan Carlos who was the same age as Marcos. Every night since, the living room was in chaos. Isabella had to clean up the mess since...

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LinnetChapter 11

Linnet woke as Jeremy left the bed; she heard him move through the cabin, then the sound of him peeing over the stern. It was quiet, the storm having passed, and the day was just dawning. She got up herself and made use of the sea-toilet, not bothering to dress, then went to the sink to clean her teeth. Jeremy beat her there, though, and she smiled at him as he turned to face her, toothpaste round his mouth. "Great minds think alike," she said, "kissing you is going to be much nicer when...

2 years ago
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Jacobs GranddaughtersChapter 17

February 18, 2015 Standing in the bright afternoon sunshine outside the Rosewood Restaurant, Keri Anderson turned and hugged Jessica. "Thank you so much for lunch." "Keri, it was my pleasure, after all a girl doesn't get engaged very often." Keri grinned. "This is going to be my one and only." "Yeah, I think Joe's a keeper." "Oh, it's not Joe it's the girls ... Joe's just a bonus!" They both laughed. They were dressed in what Keri called their 'professional garb, ' of...

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The Coffee Shop

“So, what do look for in a man? For me, he’s got to be tall and strong, so he makes me feel warm and safe,” said Brianne, looking round at her friends in the coffee shop. “The well-groomed look,” said Eleanor. “Especially the hair. I like to know he takes care of himself.” “His eyes… and his smile,” was Fiona’s contribution. “If he smiles from his eyes I just melt.” She rolled her eyes and pretended to faint, making the girls laugh. All eyes turned to Tiffany. “What does it for you, Tiff?”...

4 years ago
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Girls who like balls

I really enjoy my wife because she can give so much pleasure by sucking my balls! She does it in a such way that I’ve never felt before with any other women, and I’ve already got so many in my life. Firstly, she licks one of the balls, then she licks the other. After, she keeps on licking from one ball to the other at the bottom of the nut sack. She keeps on circling the tip of her tongue around the balls and starts going from side to side. After that, she goes straight to the bottom and licks...

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A Way Back from Disaster Saving the World

Oliver smiled warmly at his wife Jeanette as she returned from taking care of the baby. Between their two jobs and taking care of their three kids, the two of them hardly had any time together anymore, so it was a delight on occasions like this when they were alone in their bedroom. After all these years, Jen was still his best friend. Work had been especially stressful at the lab for the past couple of weeks. "Is she asleep?" Oliver asked. Jeanette nodded and returned his smile, and Oliver...

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A very nice surprise

I had a pleasant surprise yesterday when I got back from a few days away. I have been friends with a guy called Ron who I have known for some years but had lost contact with when I moved about 25 years ago. I bumped into him about 3 years ago again and have met up with him from time to time since. By way of background, Ron is about 70. We agreed at the outset that we would not do anal - neither of us wanted to and have ever done it before. Other than that, just about anything is okay. He has...

1 year ago
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Sucking Licking And Fucking A Lover After Her Wedding

Hello All, I am sharing my real time experience to-day! I am from Bangalore 34 years old guy looks wise normal whom you generally next doors. Any women looking for a secret relationship without disturbing our regular life please email me at age is no bar. This incident happened a couple of years ago, she is my school met. We studied to-gather in our native till plus 2. I loved her deeply expressed by end our Inter Education as I don’t want loose her friendship if she is not interested....

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Hitchhiking Leads to Gay Fun

I was hitchhiking north towards Santa Cruz, to visit some friends. It was late at night, I was standing under a street lamp along the highway, and I realized I wouldn't get there anytime soon. I'd begun to think about where to spend the night...would it be another night sleeping under a bridge? After 20 minutes or so, a BMW pulled over, and I jumped in. He said he wasn't going far, but I wasn't about to turn down a ride!At this point I'd had some experience with gays I'd met while hitchhiking....

3 years ago
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InsomniaChapter 4

I made myself as presentable as possible considering the blouse I was wearing and accompanied Karl out of the subway station and down a quiet residential street. We walked for four long blocks before we reached our destination, a nice one family home on a quiet side street. We went to the front door and Karl opened it without even ringing the bell. I followed Karl into the living room and stood, looking around nervously at the two men leering at me and ogling my breasts through the sheer...

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Spanky bottoms

Spanky spankingI I would love to have had bare bottom OtK spanking OTK from Mrs McCluskey…Were called into the heads office the girls were made to tuck their skirts into their waist bands, take of their knickers so their pussies and bottoms were on show. Then it was my turn to take of my trousers and underpants all the girls could see my throbbing erection, Mrs McCluskey looked at it and smiled.One by one the girls were called and put over the headmistress’s knee. We all stood behind and had a...

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Driving My Brother Crazy

Introduction: Fnd out how a teen deals with her sexual needs. My brother is my inspiration, hes a cross-country runner. I became a cross-country runner because of him, hes graduated, and Im going to graduate. Hes always sort of looked down on me, but Im going to make him look me in the eyes and moan with pleasure. Oh, Im 13 and hes 19. Yo, Sam. I called to my brother, he was staying for the summer and I had some surprises in store for him. What up, Sarah? Sam shouted, I had just gotten back...

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Degrees of Intimacy Ch 03

The waves crashed against the jetty. The same waves, Marla reflected, that might have crashed against the Gibraltan shore on the other side of the straits, waves that were as much Atlantic as they were Mediterranean. Each wave fierce and restful at the same time, built up slowly and steadily out at sea to break sometimes on themselves and sometimes against the concrete jetty that projected into the open water. She glanced down at the postcard on her lap, the same one she’d started writing half...

4 years ago
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Lusting While Dusting

I'd been working for Clobber-Free Cleaners for only two weeks when I met up with Dora. Most of the women I worked for just quietly watched me as I cleaned their house naked. Afterwards they might make me a cup of tea and we'd have a friendly chat. With Dora it was different, she took an evil glee in having a defenceless naked man at her mercy. I felt like a mouse being played with by a tiger cub. I should have seen the warning signs on my first visit when I noticed an enormous purple vibrator...

4 years ago
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Helping a coworker

this starts at work in the post office years ago. I have worked there and with this women for over 25 years her name we'll say is D. She was Married I was a widower losing my wife five years earlier. D was always very friendly and touchy feely but she was a little depressed for a long while and after asking what was wrong at least a dozen time she finally told me one day in the parking lot. She said her husband was totally ignoring her after their daughter left for college and they work...

1 year ago
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Internet Meeting

Fraz was a woman in her early forties. She’d been divorced eleven years and involved with a guy she met on a chat page called Tom and they had a crazy affair just chatting and exchanging email and pictures. But Tom seemed a little reluctant to want to meet Fraz despite her asking, but with him living in Australia and she in Burnley, England – it was always a question of expense. And yet despite the waiting they were deeply in love with each other and spent hours chatting on the phone and...

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The Anomaly Volume Two the Schemes of the Unknown UnknownChapter 4

Almond Grove - 3750 C.E. It was not without a little trepidation that Ellis followed the woman who'd greeted him when his private space ship docked at Almond Grove. Partly, this was because he'd always wanted to see for himself the private residence of the second wealthiest man in the Solar System and this was the reason he used to justify to himself the expense and trouble of travelling for very nearly a month from Venus to Earth orbit. The main reason, of course, was that a summons from...

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How I lost my virginity

Right, this is the story of how I went from being the virgin to the gay slut. I was a virgin up until I was eighteen, I'm bi-sexual and have been dieing to experiment with boys. Anyway, I was told about a party going on off-campus and a lot of my university were going. It was the first week and I was happy just to be invited, but I decided since everyone would be really drunk and no one would recognize me afterwards to go in a sexy little outfit. I had crossdressed before when I went to comicon...

2 years ago
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The Secret Cheerleader Vote 7

On Monday morning, Zane let Stephanie know that he was going to tell the others she was now in on the Secret Vote plot. She had to agree to the same conditions, anything Zane said, she had to go along with, and she had to do anything she could to encourage any girl on the squad to sleep with him. He in turn promised to still keep Stephanie’s secret, even from the seniors. Before school started, Zane found Carly and very quickly filled her in. Stephanie had figured out the whole scam, and Zane...

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First visit to swingers club

We have fantasised and played with the idea as a couple anout doing this for many years. After going to a sex shop and treating my wife to some sexy lingerie, we started talking about a swingers club we had looked up a few times nearby. My wife then whispered in my ear “so you going to take me there or not”. I obviously jumped at the chance as I never thought she actually would. We did a little more shopping and she tried on a few more short teasing dresses and even started to tease me by...

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This dream is for my super sex goddess mistress HEAVAN123 i worship the ground on wich she toers over me on ,i kneel at her feet waiting for her permission to show me wild devotion to her super temple of lust.This is for you my goddess---I am your son in this dream i am a short young man of only about four feet six inches tall,You being my mother on the other hand are a towering stacked wonder of nature standing a full eight feet tall your bust thrust out huge like two massive beach balls...

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The Promise Part 3

Charlie's small, delicate hand slowly touched the soft, smooth skin of her cheek; letting it brush aside a dark lock of hair that had fallen into her view. Her wide, almond eyes stared back at her in a bewildered expression, barely feeling the cool draft that tickled across the her sensitive nipples. Each one stood one end, fully erect and sending small spikes of pleasure through her. Her fingers slowly rose up to her chest, lightly brushing up against one of the stiffened areolas. A...

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