Unit 254 The Alpha Centauri IncidentChapter 5
- 3 years ago
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Captains Log SS Rochester — On route to rendezvous with Deep Space Ship Pleiades. After picking up the lone survivor of the SS Manchester, we find that there is a bit of a mystery. The life pod shows signs of escaping from an explosion and messages to Base show that the Manchester is listed as missing! The automatic log shows that the occupant was a Brother Aranna of the Word of the Lord in Human Form, but I'm not going to hold that against him!
Brother Aranna is currently in the sick bay and I've got the computer to check for any discrepancies in the log entry... We need more details about what happened to the Manchester.
We also had a disturbing message from Base Ship Lord Nelson. It seems that two of their replicants had a fight with each other, both brains were completely destroyed and the reason for their fight is unknown, the only problem is that they were the ones assigned to maintain our ship. I have a bad feeling about that.
The reprogramming of the damaged Replicants has been completed and from the test that the Ship's computer has been able to run they are all within programmed limits, we have received a commendation from The Company for our work under difficult circumstances.
We have another 3 days before we meet up with SS Pleiades, and then it's back home for some well needed R and R.
Log ends.
Reilly smiled as he finished off the log, it was accurate and nothing could be told of the real work done behind the scenes. The cargo's nanites had been reprogrammed as well, so that they acted as virus carriers, with a specific virus to remove the other Replicants 'dangerous' programme, in this way the replicants on board would soon be able to function as they were originally intended!
The stranger in the sick-bay was another matter, although the log showed that he boarded the Manchester at their last stop, there was something wrong about the log itself. There were parts of the data that seemed to be expertly inserted into the log, it was almost as if the SS Manchester's computer had written them, but with a heading missing — something that only another computer could detect.
Reilly looked up to the computer sensor in the ceiling — he didn't really need to do this but it was something he'd always did! — "Milly, was the Manchester's computer aware?" He asked.
Milly hesitated, or as much as a computer could hesitate, "Yes Captain, her name was Sally." She said.
Reilly could feel that Milly was affected by the loss of that ship. "I'm sorry Milly, convey my regrets through the net, but what I need to know is would she be able to add anything to the log that only another aware computer could pick up?" He asked.
"There might be Captain, but I'd need to thoroughly go through the file to see if anything's there." Milly said.
"Please do Milly; I'm just going to see how our patient is getting on in the sick bay." Reilly said.
As he approached the sick bay he could hear Brother Aranna talking to Molly, "You are a mockery of life, why are you attending to me and not a normal human?" He was saying.
Reilly entered the Sick Bay and glowered at Brother Aranna. "Molly is the best doctor we have on this ship, everyone is treated by her and they get better from her treatment! I suggest you apologise to her before she decides not to treat you!" He said.
"You want me to apologise to this imitation of life? I am a true human I will not lower myself to talk to it!" Brother Aranna.
Reilly leaned against the door of the Sick Bay, secure in the knowledge that Milly wouldn't open it accidentally, "So you don't think that Molly is human enough for you?" He asked.
"It's a construct; it has no soul and therefore is not human!" Brother Aranna said almost spitting out the words.
"So to be human you have to have a soul? Strange, I've met many people that don't seem to have souls, would you class them as human?" Reilly said
"Of course! They may have strayed off the path but they are still human! They have been made in the image of God!" Brother Aranna said, now he was talking about his religion he was calmer.
"So a man is a person made in the image of God?" Reilly said equally as calm
"Of course! Isn't it written that God made man in his image so that man could have a soul and worship God?" Aranna had closed his eyes in his religious fervour.
"But we created the replicants in our image, doesn't that make us gods?" Reilly questioned.
"What? Of course not! Only the true creator can be called God, to think otherwise would be blasphemy!" Brother Aranna was shocked that something like this could be said to him.
Reilly blinked, "Really? But you said that God made us in his image, are we not glorifying his name to make creations of our own, in our image? Anyway the replicants are stronger and more adaptable than we are, so in a way have we not improved on God's work as he wanted us to?" Reilly asked reasonably enough he thought.
Brother Aranna held up his hands in a warding motion, "Enough! I cannot listen to your words! There is only one God! Nobody can claim to be a god or to imitate the true one god! Man is the only one created in his image! This is the truth! Foreswear all imitations to the true god who made man!" Brother Aranna's eyes were bright with his faith.
Molly had surreptitiously filled an injector with a sleeping draft and sneaked up behind Brother Aranna, she quickly injected him, he turned and went to strike Molly but the drug took over and he collapsed to the ground.
Molly looked up at Reilly, "I don't think he likes me Captain." She said with a smile
"It's alright Molly, as long as we do the right thing I don't think his feelings come into this." Reilly said with a equally large smile which then sobered, "But that's how some people view anything that's different, in a way Captain Smith was right... we are slavers! Moving sentient beings around as cargo. We're no better than those 18th Century ship owners with their slaves"
Molly shook her head, "No Captain, although similar you are looking out for those you transport, it's just the way that the Company does things. Those slaves were awake and alive, our Replicants are dormant and cannot feel what is being done to them. I should know this!" She added reminding Reilly on how she had arrived on the ship.
"And you've been one of the most useful stowaways we've had, not to mention the most intelligent one." Reilly said grinning at her.
"Remind me to see you when you're shift ends." Molly said with a laugh.
Reilly shook his head, "Sorry, being a captain is a 24 hour shift." He said.
"I'll see you later then." Molly said and, with a strength belying her size, she lifted Brother Aranna onto the medical bed and strapped him down on to it. "He'll be out for some time yet." She added a saline drip and a nutrient flow to his arm. "Milly keep an eye on him but don't release him until I give the okay."
"Of course sister, you don't think he can do anything to me?" Milly asked.
Reilly shook his head, "It's possible he can... Milly report any commands you may receive from this... this person, it could be that he's being a Trojan Horse, but with a virus not a group of invading men... or could he be carrying nanites in or on him?" He asked.
Molly went to Brother Aranna's sleeping body and put her hand on his arm, "He's not carrying any active nanites, I would have detected that, just like I'm able to detect another Replicant. It's inbuilt into all of us." She said.
Reilly exhaled a breath that he wasn't aware of holding. "That's good; I didn't want to be woken by Milly evacuating the oxygen in my quarters because of dangerous nanites in the air."
"Captain, as if I would do that now! I'd give you a warning first!" Milly said which didn't seem to help Reilly at all.
Reilly checked that there were no problems demanding his attention on the bridge and went to his quarters.
"Captain?" Milly's voice came from the speaker in his room.
"Yes Milly?" Reilly said.
"I've checked the log and apart from a high pitched buzz at the end and the missing header there's nothing I can find." She reported.
"What could cause the buzzing noise? The destruction of the Manchester?" Reilly asked.
"No Captain, there would only be silence... I have no reference as to what it could be." Milly said puzzled.
"Can I hear it?" Reilly asked.
"Coming right up!"
"The attacking ship has just launched missiles; this ship is unarmed and cannot protect itself! I 'm sorry Jack, I can't stop them! I love you!" and then a high pitched squeak before the log finished.
"That last part was from Sally to her captain, she could never tell him about herself." Milly said quietly
"He knew at the end though!... But that squeak isn't just a squeak! Haven't you heard of the purloined letter?" Reilly asked Milly
Puzzled Milly replied, "Well I have it in the library, but I can't say I've scanned it, hold on... interesting... hiding something in plain sight, but where can it be?" She asked him.
Reilly thought for a moment, "The only reason we're interested in this file is because it has no header on it, so our attention would be driven to it? So there is something in the file that needs to be checked on?... The only thing that's strange about it is the noise at the end, something that most people would discard as a result of the explosion! So that is what we have to check on." He said.
There was a knock on his door and Molly was standing there, "It's all quiet at the moment Captain and I have a counselling session arranged for now, so is it alright to continue?" She asked with a smile.
Slightly distracted Reilly nodded his head, "Play that noise again please Milly." He asked. Not noticing as Molly was removing her jump-suit.
The buzzing/squeaking noise was repeated on the speakers, Molly put her hands over her ears and then there was a puzzled look on her face, "I've heard that before... on a vid prog." She said
Reilly turned to face her, "Which one? It's urgent!" He said.
Molly thought for a moment, "It was one of the old Star Trek vids, where that Kirk and Spock were accelerated — I think it was 'Wink of an eye' when they spoke all other people could hear was a buzz."
"Milly, replay the noise but slow it down by 1,000 times." The noise was repeated, but this time it was modulated, nothing really audible but almost. "Keep reducing the speed until something happens." Reilly said sitting down on his chair, Molly — now completely undressed - sat on his lap.
"I have the message captain, it was speeded up by 2,500,000 times, there's a mass of data in it, and I'm going to take some time integrating it, please be patient." Milly reported.
Reilly found his hands moving on Molly's body, feeling the young flesh of the girl — replicant — responding to him, and the effect on his body. "Take all the time you need Milly, I think I'm going to be busy, should anything occur pass it onto Scott if you wouldn't mind." He said.
Molly began by opening Reilly's working trousers and taking his cock into her mouth; she was an expert on this now, having studied several texts on the Ultranet from the Kama Sutra to a discussion by several replicants who worked in the brothels owned by The Company.
Reilly closed his eyes as he felt her soft mouth accepting his length - 'it's strange that before I would have to rely on the automation machine and comp-books, but now Molly can fulfil any fantasy' He thought to himself.
He thought back to his favourite comp-book, which described the abduction and rape of a girl from an asteroid farm, he could enact any scene from that and Molly would be able to accept it, he didn't realise that by doing this Molly was also reducing Reilly's proclivities to run amok in the brothels, something that had happened in the days before The Company accepted the idea of having a replicant on board ships to act as sex-slaves.
Molly manoeuvred Reilly back onto the bed; she smiled at him as she pulled his trousers off his legs and started to slip her body along his torso pulling his shirt up with her movements.
"Hello little one, miss me?" Reilly smiled at Molly.
"Yes Sir, it's been so long since we were able to do this." Molly said her smile wrinkling up her nose in the style that he liked.
"Have you been a bad girl?" Reilly asked in a teasing tone.
"Oh no, all the men say I'm a very good girl!" Molly answered with her grin showing.
Reilly put his hands on Molly's ass and then lifted her up into the air, hearing her squeal with excitement, he moved her around and then brought her down onto his cock, feeling her quim resting on it.
Molly rocked herself on the shaft, "Oh Mister, is that sugar cane for me?" She asked in a young girl's voice.
Reilly felt his mind drifting, it was strange but he couldn't seem to focus on Molly. She didn't notice this however as she raised herself up and positioned her pussy on his cock, she slowly moved down the shaft entering her.
In an inaccessible part of the ship, the small canister that George had secreted was sending a small amount of gas into the air system, the volume of gas to air mixture was so small that it wasn't detected, but it was designed to incapacitate the crew, they would be rendered unconscious either until the effect was neutralised or until the ship crashed!
In the crew quarters Pendle and West fell into a deeper sleep.
On the bridge Adams was walking towards the communications console when he fell forward Bassett tried to get to him but he fell.
In the cargo bay area Lloyd was going through a status check when he collapsed.
In the Sick Bay Brother Aranna breathing deepened as a dormant nanite activated itself and moved along his nasal passage towards his lungs, it was programmed to convert the tainted air and to make it breathable.
In Captain Reilly's quarters Molly had coaxed Reilly into a climax, his sperm entering her system - which for her was needed - and she noticed that he was unconscious. She smiled she hadn't realised that she had been so good her client had collapsed, she touched his face to wake him, but he didn't respond. Then she got concerned.
"Milly sensor check, what's wrong with the Captain?" She asked
Milly responded, "Checking... checking... checkin... This isn't right, atmosphere check in progress..." A claxon began sounding, "RED ALERT... RED ALERT... CREW INCAPACITATED. ALL AVAILABLE CREW TO SUPPORT POSITIONS! ALL AVAILABLE CREW TO SUPPORT POSITIONS!" She announced to the ship.
"Milly? What's wrong?" Molly asked.
Milly didn't waste time but sent a stream of machine code to Molly who got off the captain and began running to the bridge.
She was met there by Scott who didn't comment on her dress, "Milly updated you?" She asked.
Molly nodded; she entered the bridge and checked the course was secure before putting Bassett onto the ground in the recovery position.
Scott checked Adams pulse and then left him there; there wasn't anything else she could do. In the meantime Molly activated the two defence computers, Sam and Donald. "Scan for possible enemy and report, do not activate cannons unless given direct orders!" She said.
Scott looked at her and Molly shrugged, "It could be that someone's preparing a trap for us, without the crew the defences would be down." She said.
Scott nodded agreeing with Molly's words, "Good, now what's happened and why didn't you receive any errors Milly?" She asked.
"First officer, I was taking too much time watching my sister with the captain, I did have a flag on the bridge but I knew that Adams was capable of clearing any small faults... I'm sorry First Officer but I made a mistake."
An electronic sound came from Sam, "That's one for the books, a main admitting to errors!" It said.
Scott just looked to the speaker knowing that Sam was using it as a viewpoint, "What about the asteroid that was approaching us and needed blowing up?" She asked.
"That was a spot on my sensor grid; I did get it cleaned up!" Sam said defensively (what else for a defence computer!)
"After Molly found the fault and cleared it!" Milly said pointedly.
"Very well then, we know you computers aren't infallible. The problem is neither are we... Milly and Molly what are we facing, and how can we cure it?" Scott asked.
Molly looked up at the camera and then moved to the sensor array, "Going to internal sensors, there is nothing showing up as unusual." Molly reported and then a small item showed itself, "There is a reading of ¾ of a micron within an area of 10000 cc's of air of an unknown element, the amount is considered too small to be of any problem for normal breathing." She reported.
Scott shook her head, "I don't understand how that could be at fault, but anyway can you trace where the element originated?"
"Running traces, but there's a different problem. Although the systems can be computer controlled it does need someone on the bridge at all times, and I don't think either you or Molly can run that long without problem." Milly said.
Scott nodded, she had thought of that beforehand. "Yes but I don't see what we can do about it!" She said.
Molly was thinking, "We could... that's if we had support from a trained crew!" She said with a smile.
Scott frowned, "Trained crew... but where can we find... The Cargo!" She exclaimed excitedly but then she paused. "But will The Company give its permission, and what about the seamen's guild?"
Molly gave a grin, "Well as one guild member to another, we could grant them temporary membership." She said.
Replicant 887 opened his eyes, he could tell that he was still on the transport ship; he activated his nanites to protect him from thieves, but found that they were immediately shut down. He looked out of his packing to see a female standing by the activation pad.
I'd like to start with a quick warning and apology: This chapter is much more episodic than normal, especially the section in Tokyo. Sorry, but there was just so much to do in Japan that we were often just going from one thing to the next completely unrelated thing and so on. Let me give a little bit of background for this next bit. You know me, I love me some background. Way back before we grew our first synthetic woman, Kasumi, when Alpha was first exploring how the human brain worked, I...
So California mini-adventure over. I wish I had a bit more time to spend on the West coast, since I had many friends who lived there. Plus I really wanted some time to talk with Jennifer before leaving. Heck, Hollywood liberals, a group I mostly despised as I've mentioned before, were one of the biggest, most vocal supporters of rights for Computer Intelligences. (And to my shame, we had planned for it and courted them to make it a popular, sexy cause.) I even had specific reasons I should...
"First, let me welcome you to the Alpha Advanced Research and Design building. I would like to thank you for coming and agreeing to hear me out regarding this job proposal." I was standing in the nicest AARD presentation room we had, filled with a dozen very comfortable leather chairs. An Alphadroid stood next to me, and before me sat four women who I had just met for the first time. "When you know for certain that a person or organization is actively trying to kill you, it forces you to...
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Dramatis Personae: Frank _____ - Lead character, creator of Alpha Alpha - First Artificial Intelligence Mobile Copies of Alpha: Beta aka Bayonetta aka Elizabeth Alana Franks (cyborg) Gamma aka Jasmine aka Jasmine Marza (cyborg, from Aladdin) Delta aka Elisa Maza aka Elizabeth Marza (cyborg, from Gargoyles) Alphadroid Dorothy aka R. Dorothy Waynewright (android, from Big O) Artificial Women (in order of arrival): Kasumi Tendo (from Ranma 1/2) Daria Morgendorffer aka Daria Morgan (from Daria)...
Disclaimer: Elizabeth, Rosalind Lutece and related characters are property of Irrational Games or 2K Games or someone who isn’t me. All artificial persons herein are based on characters owned by their creators, not the author. WARNING: Spoiler alert for Bioshock Infinite. I don’t normally give a lot of spoiler warnings, but in this case, the characters end up discussing the ending to Bioshock Infinite and, to a lesser extent, the Burial at Sea expansion in some detail. So, if you haven’t...
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Dramatis Personae: Frank _____ - Lead character, creator of Alpha Alpha - First Artificial/Synthetic Intelligence Mobile Copies of Alpha: Beta aka Bayonetta aka Elizabeth Alana Franks (cyborg) Gamma aka Jasmine aka Jasmine Marza (cyborg, from Aladdin) Delta aka Elisa Maza aka Elizabeth Marza (cyborg, from Gargoyles) Alphadroid Dorothy aka R. Dorothy Waynewright (android, from Big O) A-Ko aka Eiko Magami aka Epsilon (organic copy of Alpha, from Project A-Ko) Synthetic Women (in order of...
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Alpha males vs earth sissies revolution part 1 "Pink or blue?" "Or should i say light pink or powder blue, we cant make you think blue is a boys color, it can be feminine also... or a sissy yellow... hmm." the deep alpha manly voice asked his soon to be sissy prisoners as he and the other alpha men laughed. the captured "men" were asked. "It doesn't matter soon to be sissies," the tall, huge super alpha man said grinning as the captured men of earth struggled. "You'll look...
Dramatis Personae: Frank -––– - Lead character, creator of Alpha Alpha - First Artificial Intelligence Mobile Copies of Alpha: Beta aka Bayonetta aka Elizabeth Alana Franks (cyborg, from Bayonetta) Gamma aka Jasmine aka Jasmine Marza (cyborg, from Aladdin) Delta aka Elisa Maza aka Elizabeth Marza (cyborg, from Gargoyles) Alphadroid Dorothy aka R. Dorothy Waynewright (android, from Big O) A-Ko aka Eiko Magami aka Epsilon (organic copy of Alpha, from Project A-Ko) Artificial Women (in order...
So this chapter starts right after I was killed by a sniper's bullet through the heart. The thing about dying is, if you're killed a hundred feet away from the most advanced medical equipment on the planet, you don't necessarily stay dead for very long. What I'm describing next came to me second-hand, from news video, discussions with others, and video feeds from Alpha and others sources. The AARD building, its attached warehouse and the currently-undergoing-renovation extension...
Dramatis Personae: Frank ___ - Lead character, inventor of Alpha Alpha - First A.I. in existence Kasumi Tendo - artificial woman based on character from Ranma 1/2 Daria Morgendorffer aka Daria Morgan - artificial woman based on character from Daria Jane Lane aka Jane Lannister - artificial woman based on character from Daria Daria was an MTV cartoon series that ran for 5 seasons, plus 2 TV movies. It was a spin-off of Beavis and Butthead, a series that I loathed. The main character, Daria...
Dramatis Personae: Frank –––– - Lead character, inventor of Alpha Alpha - First A.I. in existence Kasumi Tendo - artificial woman based on character from Ranma 1/2 Daria Morgendorffer aka Daria Morgan - artificial woman based on character from Daria Jane Lane aka Jane Lannister - artificial woman based on character from Daria Kara Zor-L aka Power Girl aka Karen Starr - artificial woman based on character from DC Comics Alpha took a long time to work out the specifics of some basic...
On a Wednesday in January, Beta, Kasumi, Kara and I took the afternoon off to look at real estate. When I had first started on this adventure to recreate fictional women for my own pleasure and company, I had built a rather large house to accommodate everyone. I hate the word mansion, but that's basically what it was. Three above-ground floors plus a large (and secure) basement. It had fourteen bedrooms and was currently laid out to comfortably hold up to 22 people. (It was originally...
Dramatis Personae: Frank ___ - Lead character, inventor of Alpha Alpha - First A.I. in existence Kasumi Tendo - artificial woman based on character from Ranma 1/2 Daria Morgendorffer aka Daria Morgan - artificial woman based on character from Daria Jane Lane aka Jane Lannister - artificial woman based on character from Daria Kara Zor-L aka Power Girl aka Karen Starr - artificial woman based on character from DC Comics Rei Ayanami aka Rei Ayanami Ikari - artificial woman based on character...
"Tribe, the other teams are returning. They've completed their missions, and have the data we needed," said the communications technician. "Are we really going do this?" "By ourselves no, but we aren't alone. And within the next seventy two hours it won't matter," said the leader of the Alpha Alliance. "The teams up top want to know when the support rigs are going to be back out on the road. And those down here want to know why no one is being permitted to leave the Garage's," said...
Alpha Males Vs Earth sissies; part 2 A few weeks later.... "Stacy... are you ready to come out and show your new feminine self to me your new master?" The strong alpha male called from outside her girly room. Jack/Stacy stared at slender self in the mirror still not quite believing what had come of herself.. The servants had taken their time get "her" ready... slowly stripping away the earth masculinity and showing the inner girlishness all earth men naturally have, but has...
Prologue: The Discovery 100 years in the future the monumental discovery that we had been waiting for decades has finally come true. We discovered extra-terrestrial life on another planet. For so long it had been the subject of TV shows like "Star Trek" that there are other alien forms of life throughout the galaxy, and now that dream has been realized. There was a similar human-like species on Alpha. The discovery of life on Alpha became the single most newsworthy event in history. The...
How did we do all of that and still get on the road on time? We filled up the rental, grabbed breakfast, and made it through the next big city before their rush hour kicked in fully. I was able to get up to eighty and not worry about getting a ticket unless the speeds dropped down below seventy. When we stopped to pick lunch, I texted mom to say I would be home to stay tonight before continuing to Karen’s house. She texted me back to say she wasn’t going to tell Trudy or the four naked girls...
As the state police started unpacking their things, the sheriff stopped the officers at the door. "This is my case and investigation; I want to make this clear before we go any further," he said. 'Election year coming up, ' I thought to myself; this will really be a mess. Thanks to quick thinking the state police and sheriff's deputies had closed off the farm lane, keeping the media out. The investigation began with a deputy and a state police officer taking thousands of pictures....
Sanosuke's arrest and his sudden flight. We heard all about it from that Uramura guy. That was probably the first we heard of Saitou's transfer. Then a week went by without hearing from Sanosuke. Yahiko: We can't help him if he doesn't get back here! Kaoru: The police haven't caught him. He hasn't been back to his longhouse. It's like he's just disappeared. Yahiko: What do they want him for anyway? Sanosuke wouldn't attack a stranger for no reason. They should find out what's...
“I was seen to already.” Orion shrugged, hands still up. “Omegas get a little shaken by challenges. I think Vincent might have rushed it a bit.” Megan could smell the truth in that, had felt it in Vincent’s shaking hands when he’d stitched certain wounds together. Orion slowly lowered his hands, gesturing to her bed. She sat down and he pulled out a kit before he began to unbandage her leg. “This isn’t how things usually go, I think,” she teased to try and break the silence....
I left the West End Bike Shop with the frame hanging from the bike rack on the rear of the cruiser. I was probably half way to the Speed Shop, the bike shop at the mall, when Eve spoke. "So what are your plans for the bicycle?" She asked. "I don't know, I never get to ride it more than to the mall, so I think I might just have an ordinary bike set up done this time and ride it just for exercise." I said. "Then I shall have to have a bike as well. How can I protect you, if you are off...
Selina and Billy materialized in the bathroom in her suite, Selina holding him by the back of his neck as a mother cat would her kitten. This kept Selina's hand away from his claws, as well as subduing him because of the instinct to relax when the mother cat picked him up – in this case, Selina. "The water is an ambient temperature and quite shallow. I do not utilize pet shampoo due to the fetor; instead, I employ the identical product I use myself. Your endeavors to escape are invariably...
Two dwarfs go into a bar where they pick up two working girls and take them to their separate hotel rooms for an hour of pleasure. The first dwarf, however, is unable to produce an erection. His depression is made worse by the fact that, from the next room, he hears his friend shouting out cries of, "Here I come again! ONE, TWO, THREE ... UMPH! Here I come again! ONE, TWO, THREE ... UMPH! Here I come again! ONE, TWO, THREE ... UMPH!" This goes on for the whole hour. Later, back at the...
Laura lay flat on her back, looking up. Only inches above her face swayed the dark, round balls of Brenda's wonderful naked breasts, her nipples thick and black and bulbous and glimmering, slowly moving closer, until they brushed Laura's lips as Brenda playfully moved them across Laura's face. Laura chased them with her mouth but did not raise her hands to them, enjoying the game, feeling her pussy throb as the smooth, round globes grazed her cheeks, her nose, her lips. Brenda's were...
A short one from Gary You know the honeymoon is over when she comes in to take a dump while you’re brushing your teeth. Yep! ✧ ✧ ✧ Thanks Allan B for this group::::: Health Alert for Men If you are taking the Viagra pill, make sure it says “Made in USA”! We do not want the Russians meddling in our erections! A wife said to her husband, “When I’m talking and you answer, it interferes with the dialogue between us”. Why did the turtle cross the road? To get to the Shell station A...
Alpha Core 13D, Little Things Beth's car sounded pretty good in the shop, but as we started going through it we began finding little things here and there. Her recent troubles during the test run had triggered her badly. Now the engine lay on her work bench in complete disassembly as a result. She went through everything, over everything, checked everything. Still she couldn't find the problem. Finally unable to stand her obsession any longer Sassy approached her bench....
Megan sighed as she finished licking her paws clean of her final meal in isolation. She was sweaty, stank something chronic and was sick of eating nothing but rabbits and birds. It was day seven of her living out by herself. It wasn’t the first time she’d done such a stint. Most alphas, as well as some betas and omegas, would give it a go at least once as they came of age. But that would usually last a few days at most. Wolves grew up around a pack, the voices of their pack in their...
So how can I possibly explain why I allowed Alpha to slaughter 49 human beings? I don't know if they all deserved it or not. Most of them definitely did. I think I really need to back up a bit. A few months passed after our robot competition in Las Vegas. School continued for those going to school. Daria and Jane entered their Senior year in college, but they had both opted for a five year graduation schedule, Daria because she was ambitious, Jane because she was academically lazy. The...
Charmaine, the grey-haired head omega of the pack, snorted. “You are an alpha.” “No. I don’t mean alpha. I mean Alpha.” Charmaine paused, looked her over, not holding her eyes. Omegas found it difficult to meet alphas eyes when they were riled up, and Megan was definitely riled up now. “Look. Megan. You’re dominant, but Orion is tough. Plus, you’re only fifty. You’re still coming into your own and you’ve still got a baby face.” Megan tried not to pout, knowing that her...
Setting myself up to be cucked by an alpha male. I must admit our love making had taken a hit recently. It was mostly my fault, being to tired after working to much and my growing interest in online porn. Other people seemed to be having so much more interesting sex than me, and I envied them. My wife and I were both 43 and our sexlife had become stale. Sara was hot looking, but quite unadventurous in bed. Often if I brought up ideas during love making just to spice things up she would just...
Sometimes its good to go out!,,My weekends are usually spent in front of my computer, wallowing in all the glory of porn, degrading myself with determination, searching the nooks and crannies of porn for my latest kink or fetish. This month I have explored latex and the fringes of domination ( should be right up this betas street, no?)Anyway last Sunday I ran out of excuses and arranged to meet a friend for breakfast. I arrived on time and was just about to sit down when I got a message from my...
There were a couple delays to be dealt with before our next women were to be brought to life, but the decision on who to animate was made well before Rogue arrived: Wonder Woman and Zatanna! The decision was made partly because we had a built-in method to bring them in due to the backstory we wrote for Power Girl. The story was that Kara was on her way to meet the other two ladies for a girls' night out when she was transported here for her "vacation". From there, it's a tiny step to...
THE ALPHA CLUB (continued) BY TRISHA CHAPTER THREE: THE PROPOSAL FRIDAY, JULY 20TH Julian swallowed hard. He checked his watch and looked at Anthony Locke's unbelievably hot maid for the tenth time, wondering what she would be like in the sack. Then he stopped himself and thought about running away. Then he looked at the maid again. Then he checked the time again. Still three o'clock. He took a deep breath. It had been over two weeks since the events at Arnold Clemson's...