Girlfriend ki mast chudaai
- 4 years ago
- 30
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Oh man, six o'clock comes early. I don't know how I woke up, but I looked at my wrist watch to see it was six. I jumped up, washed my face, brushed my teeth, and brushed my hair before putting it into a ponytail.
I found a clean pair of shorts and a T-shirt and was just opening the door when DeDe pulled up in small white pickup truck that had S&S air charter on the door, but along with that, there were cartoon characters all over it. She waved at me to get in, so I locked the trailer door and climbed in.
We only went a couple of blocks and parked with a bunch of golf carts in front of a huge manufactured home with an even bigger screened area attached to it. DeDe said, "This is the patio. Whenever you hear anyone refer to the patio, this is it. Come in, I'll introduce you around. We're a little shy on single men lately, but never fear, there will be some around."
When you walk into the screened room, you are met with the chatter of thirty or forty people. There were people having coffee, kids drinking milk and eating cereal, more kids sitting with parents eating breakfast sandwiches, and still more kids sitting together, talking. DeDe took me up to an area that looked like a bar. She said, "Sue, Steve, this is Gerry, a new tenant. She just moved in last night and I wanted you to meet her."
Sue said, "Nice to meet you, Gerry. I'm glad you came to visit us this morning. Feel free to join us in the morning and come for supper too if you want. We have a great time in the evening with a lot more people here than there is now."
The guy named Steve stuck out his hand and said, "Good that you're here with us, Gerry." He looked at Sue and said, "You should invite her to come over and play."
Sue laughed, "Down boy, you have enough women to take care of around here." She looked at me and said, "You'll have to forgive him, but he always thinks I will bring him a new toy when he sees a cute girl like you."
I blushed and said, "You two are both nice. Maybe I wouldn't mind being a toy."
DeDe said, "These two are something. You never know about them though. Let's get some coffee and something to eat."
When we poured two cups of coffee, DeDe introduced me to a nice older lady. "Gerry, this is Glenda, Glenda, Gerry, a new tenant. Glenda knows everyone out here and whatever you need to know, she can help. Glenda goes up to the pool most every morning to get some sun and visit with the ladies. She'll introduce you around."
Glenda smiled and said, "Talk to me anytime, Gerry. I'm usually right here on this patio most of the time. If you want to be a part of our family, the door is always open."
DeDe and I sat at one of the long tables and ate a breakfast sandwich along with our coffee. I asked, "I'm going to need some groceries. Where is the nearest store?"
"Just on the other side of the park is a nice little group of stores. There is a good beauty shop there too. You have to make an appointment in advance, but it's worth it. The lady has five beauticians and stylists there and the six of them are busy all the time. They are very nice, you'll like them."
I said, "Wow, it seems like everything is right here, close by. Where do you get your car worked on? I try to keep my old car serviced and after the long trip here, I'm sure it's time."
DeDe turned and hollered, "Hey, Mark, come here a second."
An older guy came over to us with his coffee cup and sat down. DeDe said, "This is Gerry, a new tenant, and probably a new friend of everyone. She needs her car serviced. Can you do it or tell her where she can go get it done? She can afford to pay for it."
Mark reached across the table to shake my hand and said, "Nice to meet you, Gerry, you can probably take it to Tom Brown's Tuffy shop back in the business park. He's fair and is pretty quick. If you make an appointment, they'll do it fast. If you get in trouble, call me, I'll help you out." Mark handed me a card, then got up and went back to the group he had been sitting with.
"See," DeDe said, "this is a great place. The more people you meet, the more you'll like it. You don't act like a dirty leg, so you'll be popular out here. You'll have to watch yourself though, as a lot of the women out here do like good looking young things such as yourself. You saw the look Sue gave you. That was real. See that other short girl over there with Sue? That's Mercy, another of Steve's wives. She really likes women too. Don't be surprised if she corners you. Oh yeah, over there are Mandy and Sandy. Those two love women. They have guys, but that doesn't keep them from chasing each other and other girls. Then there is Mickey, the one in the Sheriff's deputy uniform. She and her roommate, Samantha, like each other and invite other girls to come visit. I know both have visited with Sue and Steve, so they're bi, but are very women oriented."
"My goodness, DeDe, do you know the private life of everyone out here?"
DeDe grinned, "Honey, there isn't that much privacy out here. When you live close like this, you get to know everyone and everything about each other. Don't be put off, as pretty soon you'll just let it all hang out. If they don't like the way you are, fuck em'. You be who you want to be."
"And you used to be a dancer?" I asked.
"Star and me both. We danced for eight years. It took that long for me to finish all my pilot training and get an undergraduate degree. Hang on, you have to meet the man of my life, or should I say of our life."
A guy walked up to the table where we were and lifted DeDe right out of her chair to hug her and give her a kiss. He put her back down to repeat the action with Star, and with a drawl said, "Morning, loves of my life, who's this cute thing you've brought me this morning."
"You wish. You haven't been taking care of us enough lately. I think you've been pumpin' Star more than me lately. You're going to have to pay me more attention."
The man blushed, "How could that be darling? I know that last night was the first night I haven't spent with you in a month. I didn't get in from Wichita until almost two, and didn't think you would want me knockin' on your door."
DeDe said, "Star and I would have loved to have you. You could have been snuggled up between us."
Blushing again the man said, "We wouldn't have gotten much sleep. That's just too excitin' for words. Are you going to introduce me to this lady, or is she just passing through?"
DeDe said, "Wes, this is Gerry, Gerry, Wes."
I stuck my hand out and said, "Nice to meet you, Wes."
Wes' eyes opened big, "Uh oh, do I detect some Texas in that voice?"
"Northern Texas, around Dumas. I just left Canyon a few weeks ago."
He said, "Were you in school there?"
"I was, but dropped out my last semester for stupid reasons," I said. "Perhaps I can finish here."
DeDe said, "USF, right here in town, is a good school, and UCF in Orlando is also a good school."
I nodded, "I only need a few hours to graduate. I'll take my transcript over to USF to see how many of my hours will be accepted here."
Wes had left and came back with a cup of coffee and a sandwich, "What were you studying at Canyon?"
"Don't laugh, but I was interested in both geology and metallurgy. I've actually finished the geology hours I need, but have about eight to go in metallurgy."
Wes asked, "What were you planning on doing when you finished school?"
I said, "I thought I might work the oil fields or possibly work for one of the uranium mining companies. Both areas interest me. The other thing I was thinking of was possibly working with someone in the R&D field, bonding metals to use within composites for automobiles or other structures. I have an idea that would work for travel trailers, boats, cars, trucks. I think it would work, but a lot of research has to be done yet."
"You're in the right place, Honey. There is an R&D center right over there in the business park that is working on exactly that right now. You'll have to get with Dennis and Jeff. They are working on a composite body for a small aircraft."
I said, "That does sound interesting. First though, I'm into earning some money and catching up on getting my life back together."
Wes said, "When you're ready, have DeDe introduce you to Dennis, and perhaps you can help them out."
DeDe said, "Let me take Gerry back to her trailer and I'll meet you out at the airpark later."
I asked, "Do you really know how to fly?"
DeDe smiled, "I sure do. Do you want to learn how? Want to get involved in flying some of our charters? It'll take a lot of time and hours, but you too can fly for S&S if you want."
"Let me get settled and I'll take you up on that. It must be really neat to be able to fly places."
Wes said, "It's the greatest thing on earth. There is nothing like flying."
"Come on, let's get or Wes will be talking for the next week about flying."
When we got back to my trailer, before I got out of DeDe's truck I reached over and took her hand and squeezed it. "Thank you so much for renting to me and for introducing all those people to me. This is truly a new start for me."
"My pleasure, Gerry, I'm glad you want to fit in."
As I got out of the truck I asked, "Where's the laundry room at?"
DeDe said, "Just on the other side of the recreation building and pool. There is the laundry building, and then across the street is the mail kiosk. You can use change, or get a discount if you go to the office and buy a card. The office is across from the mail kiosk."
"Thanks, DeDe, I may work late tonight. I'm trying to build up a little extra right now."
DeDe smiled, "I know what you mean. Don't overdo it. You'll make more money if you're fresh and rested. See you later."
I watched her drive away then looked around. The trailer next to mine had a minivan in the driveway, and on the end away from the street it had a little fenced area with kids' toys; apparently a family with little ones.
Inside the trailer, I put my dirty clothes into a laundry basket that was in the closet and walked over to the office. Inside, I met a lady named Matty. I told her where I had moved while buying a laundry machine card.
After loading up two washers, I went outside to buy a newspaper from a vending machine. I read the paper, getting a feel for the area. There was a section called Law and Order. Right there in the newspaper was a source of happiness.
It said Randall Mortinson was arrested for soliciting, offering women for prostitution, receiving the proceeds of a prostitute, possession of stolen property, possession of a large quantity of both marijuana and cocaine, and was being held without bail as he was wanted by the state of Texas for several warrants. He was arrested along with two prostitutes as a result of a sting operation.
I smiled to myself, good riddance. I was the dumb blonde who went along with him. Thank goodness that's all that I did. I did think that I should probably go to a doctor or to that county clinic to get checked out. I'll look it up.
There was a pay telephone with a telephone book, so I did look up the county health clinic for testing. They even had a map in the phone book so I knew how to get there.
As soon as my clothes were dry, I went back to the trailer, put my clothes away, and dressed for work. I left off the panty hose and put on a pair of regular panties.
Thinking that I needed to count yesterday's money then find a bank, I sat at the kitchen table and counted. Oh my, thirteen hundred forty-six dollars. I kept out two hundred and some singles and got ready to deposit eleven hundred. Knowing I would need records, I booted up my laptop and set up an Excel worksheet with rows for dates and amounts. That should do it for right now. I entered the two amounts for my first two days then tried to find the internet. No problem, I hooked up to someone's wireless router instantly. I didn't want to mess with the net right now, so I logged off and shut down my laptop. Now off to make sure I'm not malignant or something.
The health clinic was a real eye opener. I was in line with a string of hookers. There were some men with worried looks and some swishy looking guys hanging onto each other, giggling. I guess they wanted to make sure they were okay before they did the deed.
It took longer for the wait than it did for the inspection and test. The nurse checked my pubes for bugs, took some swabs, and took some blood. She said that the results would be mailed to me and would be available in two business days. That would be next Monday.
On the way to the Mons Venus, I stopped at a Wendy's for a chicken sandwich then drove to the club. It was still before noon but there were several men already there watching some of the older dancers up on stage. The morning manager greeted me and said, "Hi, Tess, I'm Cindy."
"How did you know me?" I asked.
"Easy, Gladys has your picture up there on her "New Performers" board. She takes pictures of all the girls when they start. Nice to have you here, anyway. Do you want to start early today?"
"If you want me to, sure. I'll dance a set if you want, but I don't want to cut in on the regular girls' time."
Cindy said, "Don't worry, they would rather you do the teasing and they'll do the lap dances. You get 'em up and they'll take 'em down. The morning crowd isn't very generous, so don't break your butt trying to get them to part with their dollars."
I put on my thong, but not my panty hose. I thought I might save those for later. I did put my two garters around my wrist and would put them on during my dance.
After selecting my music and saying hi to a bouncer I had not met before, I waited for the dancer working to finish. As soon as her set was over, she was out on the floor naked, drumming up business. I went up on stage and did my strut around the stage to prime the men at the stage bar.
Cindy was right; these guys were more tight fisted than the men from yesterday. I did make about thirty bucks, so it wasn't a total bust. With my skirt and loose top on, I began working the floor, which was beginning to fill up a little. A clean looking guy in his thirties gave me fifty for a set and I went right to work on him. When I was rubbing my butt around on his zipper he whispered to me, "Don't take off your skirt. I like it to cover what you do."
The dumb blonde didn't put it together but I continued to give the guy a dance. During the second song I was again rubbing on his lap while he was cupping my small breasts and gently pinching my nipples. I was getting hot but oh well, that was what my fingers were for. When I slid across his lap I thought something felt funny and when I slid forward, I was impaled by a very live, very hard dick. It wasn't that long but it did give me a shock and almost made me cum. Knowing this was a no-no, I jumped up, turned around and slapped the asshole. Eddy, the new bouncer had been watching me and immediately had the guy by the collar and was half-dragging, half-walking him to the door with his dick still sticking out. The bouncer actually pitched the guy out into the parking lot then came back in and stood in front of me.
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Group SexThe knock on the door came a couple of days after I spoke to the Everyboat Insurance receptionist ... who assured me that Mr. Arbuthnot was perfectly fine. “There wasn’t anything he struck on the way down, Miss Flintkote. He just ‘wilted.’ I’m calling our Hong Kong office. An adjuster will contact you soon. May I have your current address?” “Mr. Kwan? Would you speak to the lady?” Information soon passed, the call disconnected and I resumed fretting. Oh ... I wasn’t brooding over the boat...
Me,”have you ever kissed anyone in the lips? She, “yeah, my ex boyfriend” Me, “you have a boyfriend?” She, “had, he was only looking for sex and took me as a slut” Me. “which ultimately means only I haven’t experienced a kiss” I was acting disappointed. She, “why I kiss you everyday” Me, “That’s different, it’s not on lips, hey wait, can I please kiss your lips?” I finally said it. She, “no (laughing)” Me, “please?” She”ok, I guess it wouldn’t hurt”. I came close to her, the atmosphere grew...
IncestFriends of ours invited us over to their house for a house-warming party. The construction of their house only completed about a month earlier and they were finally moved in and settled. Everyone going to the party was a friend or co-worker of Sheri’s. I still didn’t know many of her co-workers, so I was looking forward to putting faces with names. One person I was very much looking forward to meeting was her friend Ana. Sheri spoke of Ana often and had commented once or twice to me on how...
VoyeurSexy and sensual Latina wife Serena is so happy her husband has let her play with stud Danny all weekend long, just the two of them this time, at the vacation home! Danny relaxes in the tub as Serena walks in looking stunning in her blue lingerie as she hops in stroking his cock. Serena slips his throbbing meat down her hungry throat, sucking it to her delight until Danny bends her over and slides right inside her hot tight wet married pussy pounding her hard between her big juicy ass cheeks....
xmoviesforyouWhere to begin... I'm not a very good writer. I taught history for 6 years but I've recently taken a sabbatical. I'm told that some of my sexual encounters are story worthy so I'm going to post a few here, starting with the most recent.One of my former students (lets call him Travis) posted that he was soon to be deployed with the army, on his social media. I messaged him to tell him that I was proud of him, which lead to a long conversation. He admitted that he had a crush on me when I taught...
I’m Angie, just started my A Levels in the lower sixth and I’m head girl at my Co-ed Grammar School in the North West. I play hockey in the first team so I’m pretty fit. Being a co-ed school it’s not always easy to concentrate as the boys get very competitive and are always joking around. However, our newly arrived headmistress told the school that she determined to root out any acts of sexism. Two weeks ago I was invited by the headmistress to watch Mike get the strap and the cane. Because I...
SpankingMost men consider me very attractive. I have a lovely face with a great and easy smile, shoulder length brown hair and hazel eyes. At thirty-one, I am still 34B - 26 - 35, carrying 135 pounds on a five four frame. But, women... all women... are afraid of losing their looks, particularly single women like me who are fighting a war with a lot of younger competitors for the available men out there. So, I spend a lot on clothes and makeup. Really, I should spend more time in the gym, but, who has...
Would like to thank ISS for making this happened bcoz of your website I met with a memorable encounter with a south India dusky beauty. Well coming to the story which is true no fiction, last year I posted an story and got many one mail appreciation and among them was a mail which looked more impressed and sweet and I replied to the mail and I had waited for nearly 2-3 week for the response and then it all started. I thanked her for the mail and she replied back as well narrated and every mail...
So I did. After about an hour Jenny said she was getting tired and needed to go. I was dissappointed until the other girls said they wanted to stay but Jenny needed a ride. So of course I volunteered. She lived fairly close in a little studio apartment. I was so happy when she invited me in. When I walked in there was an elderly woman and two little girls watching TV. The elderly lady got up and Jenny gave her some money and she left. The two girls Cinthia 10 and Lily 6 got up and hugged their...
Jake was sadly disappointed when Marion told him that she had decided she wanted to ride alone that morning. She explained that she still hadn't come to terms with her conscience about her adultery. But then, to brighten his day, Marion also told him that she figured she would be able to resolve her emotions during a long, solitary ride... and that he could come to her room when she returned. She refused his offer to saddle the horse. Jake went off to wait for her to get back, and he tried...
The next two hours were a blur of exercise and pain. Sergeant O'Malley never broke a sweat as he first had everyone run around the clearing while he promised to train us to fight and then he proceeded to show us a series of dirty tricks and holds we could use to disable an opponent. When Jessica, Jason, Morgan and I were too tired to continue, he had us lay down while he took the ladies around and showed them how to break free from any hold a person might try. It was exhausting, but at the...
“Congratulations! Quest completed: Kill a single human being!” “Congratulations! You have completely unlocked class: PROTEAN!” The two messages flashed before me for a moment before a myriad of consecutive messages followed it. “Quest rewards rewarded: 10000 XP, four appearance slots!” “Congratulations! You reached level three!” “Level up reward: One appearance slot!” “Level up reward: One appearance slot!” “Title Achieved: Avenger! You got your due revenge. Which fool said revenge is...
Wish Shift: Chapter Seven Reactions Year 1 A.S. Day 45 Kira saw Jenny's big black truck pull up outside the restaurant. Bob's Country Kitchen was a small local chain that specialized in quick lunches, but served breakfast and dinner as well. The menu was a regular rotation of specials with a standard menu that didn't vary much. Between the prices and the general quality it had been a successful enterprise for the family that owned it. They had decided that they would meet there...
Jack moved down to Denise's hard pink nipples and began sucking them hard, not caring that her chest was covered in his cum. Denise moved her hands to the back of his head and pressed him closer, trying to get him to take the full breast in his mouth. Jack tried to oblige, sucking in a large portion of her right tit and leaving a large red mark on it. Denise moved his head to her cleavage and moaned contentedly when he began licking the flesh between her perky breasts, cleaning his previous...
It was my volunteer night at the homeless shelter when I saw her in a corner, the darkest one in the room. As I walked her way to make her welcome, since I’ve never seen her before, she seemed to shrink as if to hide. My greeting was not responded to. Peering out of the shadowy hoodie was a Hispanic face with a very dark skin color. I went to get one of our translators. Martina, who was also a social worker whom I had known for many years, was a big help. The girl, at least that was our...
Jake Morgan is not a normal child by any measure. Jake is the youngest son and only boy in a family with two lesbian mothers. He has 5 sisters, all born through a sperm donor and selectively bred to be the strongest, smartest, and hottest looking children two madly in love dykes could have. Much like the genetic supremacy of his sisters, Jake has a chiseled 6' stature, blue eyes, blonde hair, and a 10" beast of a cock. To the surprise of his family, Jake secretes a hormone that turns on any...
IncestSO FAR: Divorcee Hope Honeybun has commissioned Nash Carson to write a novel based on her colorful and turbulent life, much of which spans the time she has lived in the valley But as Nash learns more about the development of the valley and about her lusty father and his three illigitimate children. He confirms through his research that this indeed is a Valley of Sinners and becomes entangled in that himself. This interloper and sinner also has the prospect of finding real love as Hope’s...
If an insecure young teen feels she has a weird nose it can very well land her a weird nose job. Strange string of observations: 1. A lot of young girls who enter amateur paid porn look like models, but their nose. 2. The first thing an insecure teen sees, since she started to look in the mirror at ten or eleven. Her nose!!!3. Soon she sees nothing but her nose, whenever she walks past a mirror.She almost goes crazy! Mirors are everywhere in crazy capitalism. Even in school. Mirrors become...
As I finished my tale the room was quiet, no one moved or spoke. There was a tenseness in the air that scared me. I looked from one face to another but couldn’t read anything out of any of them. Finally I looked at Hawk. His face was inscrutable to, but behind it I saw hurt in his eyes and wanted to wipe it away. I reached up and ran my hand over his face. ‘I’m sorry Hawk…I’m so sorry.’ It was suddenly like a dam broke and the water was filling a village. Everyone started talking at once....
Dr Roberta Simmonds, Bobbi to her friends was getting used to the idea that life was now going to be very different. Thanks to a very good deal negotiated by an intermediary she now had her own firm to commercially develop her invention. An unexpected complication was that she was very much attracted to the intermediary and he her. The problem was that he was married but as it turned out this wasn’t an impediment. Whilst negotiation were on going Anthony wanted to stop the other side being able...
Jeff and Lisa were at the lake with Betsy and me again last weekend. A few weeks ago, Jeff had turned Betsy’s cunt into a large, sexy cream pie. Now they were back and I wondered what excitement was in store for her and us. It was rainy and very warm this past weekend. We spent most of the time on the covered back porch. Jeff had a beer while the girls drank their wine. No one actually spoke of last weekend. It was almost as if it never happened. Lisa never let on that her husband fucked my...
When we last visited our survivors John and Rich had found another survivor, Tina, a 16 year old red head. She and Allie had just bonded in a special way. As mentioned in the last story, young Tina was a virgin and very reluctant to share intimate time with Allie, but Allie had persuaded her and they enjoyed each other that day and many times after that. Allie didn’t want to rush her new lover and did not even mention Tina being with one of the guys, even though Rich and John both were aching...
Since its Valentines Day I just wanna share a little about us to let you get to know us better...My bubby is definitely the romantic one of the relationship... the early section of the week went perfectly, time permitted and we were going to start our celebration of love a day before the actual Valentine holiday,,, our love and passion is too large for one day, 24 hours,,,, not gonna work, too much to fit in, was going to take more like 48 hours... after all, you guys can't forget, I am...