A Tortured SoulChapter 13: It’s Not A Date free porn video

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I was half-dressed when she knocked on the door. That is to say that I was wearing my black jeans and half my face was covered shaving gel lather. I paused as I raised the blade to my face and called out, “It’s not locked.”

I expected it would be Mark or Jem with a glass of Scotland’s finest. And I do mean finest. Every couple of weeks or so I bought a fresh bottle of the best Scotch whisky I could find and the three of us would partake of a glass most nights. But I kept the bottle in Mark’s room rather than mine. I just didn’t trust myself. Not after ... Well, I just didn’t.

The door opened and closed, but instead of one of the guys telling me they’d leave the glass on my desk, a female voice said, in the softest, sweetest north-eastern accent, “Oh, sorry. I didn’t ... Sorry.”

I looked up. “Vanessa? I ... My god, you look ... I mean...”

She smiled (and what a smile).

Typically, the female students didn’t make a massive effort when they went out unless it was a special occasion. Oh, they still looked great, for the most part, but jeans or skirts and tops was the usual uniform rather than party clothes. There were exceptions, of course there were, such as the balls throughout the year, but nights out were pretty casual affairs on the whole.

But Vanessa looked absolutely stunning in a knee-length A-line skirt, black with a pattern of large white flowers. She also wore a complimentary white top with a black flower pattern. Her long blonde hair was sleek and straight and her makeup subtle. Flesh coloured tights (or were they stockings?) and black high-heels completed her outfit.

“I’d hoped you’d like it,” she said, softly.

The odd thing about Vanessa is that, while Imogen had been very shy the first time I met her, Vanessa had been loud and brash and in-your-face. But I guess that was just her way of dealing with the nerves that everyone was suffering from in those first few weeks in the same way that Imogen had tried to hide away. But whereas Imogen came out of herself as I got to know her, Vanessa had mellowed, and the two met somewhere in the middle.

I didn’t know Vanessa as well as I knew Imogen—in fact, my only contact with her was because of Imogen. She usually joined us to watch DVDs in my room on Sunday nights, or for breakfast when she had an early lecture and I sometimes had an evening meal with her and Imogen, but that was about it. But the two were best friends and I was pretty sure that Imogen was a good judge of character, so that meant Vanessa was alright in my book.

At least, that was how I thought until I’d found out that Vanessa had got herself put in the queue for a P.R.E. After that, I wasn’t so sure.

“You look really good,” I said. “I mean, really, really good.”

“You mean that?”

I nodded.


“But, Ness, what are you doing here. I know you’re next in line for a P.R.E.—”

“A what?”

“A Paul Robertson Experience.”

“Oh, right. I’ve never heard it abbreviate like that before.”

“Whatever. But aren’t we meant to meet up in town later? I thought that was how this worked. Or did you think we could start early? Skip the whole going out part and just get on with it straight away? Is that it? Are you that desperate that you couldn’t wait just another couple of hours?”

From the initial look on her face, I thought that maybe I’d gone too far. I actually thought she might start to cry. But she didn’t. She held it together, took a deep breath and said, “No. The opposite actually.”


“Yeah. Look, Paul, what I mean is, like ... I mean ... I thought that maybe ... Oh, I’m messing this up. I was supposed to just walk in here, ask you and that would be it, but I can’t even get my words out. I’m just going to go.”

She turned to leave but I reached out to stop her.

“Ask me what?”

She looked even more like she was going to cry than when I was berating her for turning up early.

“It doesn’t matter. It’s not important. You’d have thought it was a stupid idea anyway.”

“How do you know until you ask?”

“That’s what Gen said. But she’s not the one who’ll make a fool of herself, is she? Look, I’ll see you later, okay?”

She started for the door again and I had to step away from the sink and go after her to stop her from leaving.

“Ness, wait. Whatever it is...”

“Forget it, Paul.”

“No. I can’t forget it. Not now. I’ll be wondering all night.”

She closed her eyes and shook her head slightly. Then, with another deep breath, she said, “Look, I know the deal, okay. I know this is supposed to be all about sex. I know that being next isn’t supposed to be about going on a date or anything. Imogen says that you say you don’t want a relationship or that you’re not ready or something, although she doesn’t know what you mean by that. But I was thinking—”

“Stop. Imogen’s right. I don’t do dates.”

“I know! I just said I know that, didn’t I?” Then under her breath, “I told her this was a bad idea.”

“Told who?”

She half-smiled. “Who do you think?”


She nodded.

“So this was her idea?”

“No. It was my idea, but I dismissed it as a bad one. She talked me into believing that...” She shook her head again. “I’m not saying let’s go on a date. I’m not saying let’s go to the movies, or for dinner or anything romantic or anything like that. But, maybe, since you already know that it’s my turn tonight or whatever, I just thought that we could spend some time getting to know each other a bit, you know? Just ... talk and stuff.”


“Yeah. Talk. Look, Gen’s always saying what a good friend you are and what a great guy you are and how some girl’s gonna be really lucky to have you all to herself one day and then there’s this reputation of yours. The campus stud, the guy who makes girls pass out from too many strong orgasms and it’s like ... I don’t know ... the two just don’t seem to match up. You know?”

I shrugged. I did know. I didn’t want the reputation. I didn’t create the reputation. It wasn’t me. It wasn’t who I was. But I had it and I had to deal with the consequences twice a week.

“Look, I’ll be honest with you, Paul. I’ve fancied you from when we first met—I think a lot of girls in Wintersmith have, although most seem to be attracted to the reputation of the campus stud. But for me, it was the way you came over to Imogen to talk to her even though she was giving off all those leave-me-the-fuck-alone vibes, and then you didn’t push it, you didn’t come on to her, you just offered to be her friend because you were on the same course. And it’s that, and the way you’ve gone on to be a really good friend to her, that makes me think that maybe she’s right and everyone else is wrong. That the reputation is ... I don’t know, a cover story or something. Although I don’t know what you need cover for.”

“Trust me, you don’t want to know.”

“Sounds serious.”

I shrugged again. Sometimes, a good shrug means you can avoid answering awkward questions.

“So how about it?”

“I don’t kn—”

“I’m not asking the world here, Paul. I’m asking you to be a friend to me like you’re a friend to Gen. That’s all.”

“Only, at the end of the night, you want to come back here, get naked and sweaty and be knocked out cold by orgasms, right?”

It was Vanessa’s turn to shrug.

She waited. I looked at her. She did look good. Really good. What the hell, right?



“Okay, we’ll go into town together, we’ll talk—if we can—and then we’ll come back here and I’ll fuck your lights out as much as you want. But that’s it, all right. Don’t expect any more than that.”

She smiled. “I’ll try not to.”

I can’t remember the last time someone watched me shave. Actually, that’s a lie, I can remember exactly the last time someone watched me shave, but I’d rather choose not to. She didn’t just watch either. I don’t know which was more a sign of how much I trusted her, the time I let her shave me or the time she gave me a blowjob as I shaved myself.

I digress.

After I’d scraped away the last forty-eight hour’s growth on my face, I went to the wardrobe to retrieve a white button-down shirt. Usually, I’d wear a polo shirt for a night out because the dress restrictions at the clubs we went to weren’t very tight, but I figured that since Vanessa had made an effort, then I better had as well. I left the collar open though and didn’t even consider a tie. I didn’t want to make too much of an effort.

After locking my room, I told Mark I was walking into town with Vanessa and that I’d meet him and the others in The Mariner later. The seafront pub was our usual final stop off before we headed to either Central Pier or Porky’s.

“So, where to first,” she said as she bounced along beside me. And I do mean bounced. The timid young woman who’d been afraid of making a fool of herself in my room earlier had been replaced by a playful, excited teenager. We were making our way through the campus towards the main entrance on Westmouth Hill Road which was the main road into town.

“I dunno,” I said, “this was your idea. I guess we need to go somewhere quiet if you want to talk.”

“Ha, ha, very funny.” She grinned at me. “Okay, how about The Railwayman’s Arms. That’s usually pretty quiet.”

“That’s because you can only fit about five people in there. It’s tiny.”

“It’s not that small. And besides, they do hot bar snacks. We could share some cheesy chips. Don’t know about you but I’m famished.”

“Cheesy chips?”

“Yeah, you know, a bowl of chips with melted cheese on top. Don’t tell me you’ve never had cheesy chips.”

“Not that I ever recall. And I think I’d remember something like that. Sounds disgusting.”

She gasped. “How can you say that? Cheesy chips are the best! You’ve got to try them.”

I nodded. “Okay. Cheesy chips in The Arms it is. How come you’re so hungry anyway? Didn’t you eat earlier?”

“Well, yeah. But you know what the canteen food is like, right? It’s rubbish. Certainly not as good as cheesy chips. And besides, there’s always room for cheesy chips.”

“You really have a thing for these chips, don’t you?”

She grinned but said nothing.

We were on Westmouth Hill Road by then and starting the descent into town— about a mile’s walk. The night was cool and crisp, with hardly any cloud cover for a change. The breeze blowing up the hill from off the sea wasn’t quite as biting as it had been the past week, but there was a sense in the air that things could take a turn for the worse at any moment.

That’s one thing about Westmouthshire—the weather was never boring. Winter, summer, spring or autumn. Some said the only way to tell them apart was the time the sun set. Summer would see hot sunny days regularly drenched by sudden ferocious storms, while winter could see a week of storms punctuated with sunny spells that almost made you want to break out your shorts. Almost. Hell, I’ve seen people have barbeques in December.

And on this night, the cloudless sky and reasonably gentle breeze were the harbingers of a storm the like of which many of those students new to the area had yet to experience. But for now, it was a pleasant enough evening to be strolling down the hill with a pretty girl by my side.

Vanessa reached out and slipped her hand into mine. I looked down at our hands, then up to find her looking at me and smiling. She had a fabulous smile. Almost as fabulous as—

“Do you mind?” she asked, breaking my train of thought. She swung my hand gently as she held it.

I returned her smile and shook my head slightly. “No.”

She looked ahead and said softly, “Good.”

Vanessa chatted incessantly as we walked. And it wasn’t even as if it was about anything, just idle gossip about people in Wintersmith or on her course, hardly any of whom I knew. I recognised the odd name here and there, but that was about it. But I didn’t mind. It saved me from talking. I mean, what had I got to talk about? Lots, I suppose. I mean, these sorts of dates (although, it wasn’t a date) were all about sharing stories and backgrounds and getting to know each other, weren’t they? And I certainly had what most other people would consider an interesting story to tell. But I really, really didn’t want to tell it. Not now. Not to a girl I barely knew.

So as far as I was concerned, she could talk all night and I’d listen. Well, not listen, exactly. More like, I wouldn’t interrupt. And besides, Vanessa had a lovely accent. Not as lovely as Imogen’s, but lovely nonetheless. I said as much to her as we finally entered the town. She had either run out of things to say or had taken a breather before her next aural assault. I suspected it was the latter.

“Thanks!” She positively beamed at my compliment.

“You’re from Newcastle, right?”

“South Shields, actually. It’s on the coast. Newcastle is further inland. Not much, mind. But enough.”

“It’s a really soft accent you have. It’s lovely.”

“Yeah, well, like, the first few days after we moved down south with me family, like, no-one could understand us could they, like.” She had deliberately thickened her accent as she spoke. “So I learnt quick, like, that I had to speak a bit different to how I normally would, like. You knows?” Her speech softened again as she continued, “I found I had to concentrate on speaking a bit more clearly—pronounce words more—and slow down too. Do that all day, every day, and you’re soon doing it without realising it. But I bet if I goes back up north, you knows to see friends, like, I’ll slip straight back into it. If I don’t, like, they’ll all think I’ve gone posh, you knows.”

“I can relate. While I was in the US, I had to be careful about how I spoke to make myself understood. Not all over the country, but in some places it was like ... I don’t know, it was as if they weren’t even speaking English, you know?”

“Two countries separated by a common language, isn’t that what they say about us?”

“I’ve heard that. It’s true too. So many things are different there, but at the same time, they’re really familiar.”

“That’ll be all the TV shows and films we get sent.”

“I suppose.”

“Why were you in America then? Gap year?”

“Something like that.”

“Hmm, now that sounds interesting. I mean, either it was, or it wasn’t. What did you do? Work at camp? Like, a counsellor or whatever they call it?”

I shook my head. “No, I was just travelling.” Why was I telling her this?

“Cool. With friends? Or was it, like, an organised trip or something?”

“Nope. Just me. Just me and the open road. Free to go where I wanted.” Seriously, why was I telling her this?

“Now, that sounds epic. Was it cool? Where did you go? What did you see?”

And that’s how she conned me into telling her about the past year. Oh, not the details, if you know what I mean. Nothing about the names in the diary. But after we sat down in The Railwayman’s Arms with a pint for me, a glass of white wine for her and a bowl of cheesy chips, I wound up telling her about the places I’d been and the things I’d seen. And yes, I got my phone out and showed her some of the pictures, and yes, that included the world’s largest rubber band ball. Look, it’s cool, okay? Drop it.

It turned out to be a lot of fun. Vanessa had an easy manner and was very, very easy to talk to. Too Easy. She listened well. I mean, really listened. She had a knack of sounding and looking interested. By the time the first pint had been refilled, I realised I needed to be careful, or I’d wind up telling her too much. Far too much. And I’d do it before I even knew what was going on.

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Dr. Lewis was ill tempered when he unlocked his office door. It was a little after eight and he had sessions back to back through out the day. He hated it when Ginger booked them like that. He needed time to recuperate and ground himself. He was doing memory work with some of his clients and that kind of therapy could be intense. He ached for Thursday – two days to go before he could see her. In his journal, which stayed in a locked drawer in his office at home, he had started referring to...

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An American WereHypnotist in London

An American Were-Hypnotist in London Author's Note: There are other Were-Girl stories out there by other authors, this story is not set in that universe. Everyone's heard of what happens if a werewolf bites you, but I'm telling you, there are even stranger were-creatures out there waiting for the moon lay heavy on the sky. Ok, here's the story, I was an archeology student, part of an expedition sent to deepest London to dig up a Roman mosaic; but that?s not important,...

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Lucy The CockSucking Angel of Notre Dame Part 1

The funny thing is – it was a line-up that my three buddies and I had seriously considered leaving. I mean, we’d purposefully gotten out to Notre Dame as early as possible, and dealt with the early-morning rush hour metro crowds, when people are literally packed into the train cars like sardines, so we could AVIOD long line-ups at this huge Paris tourist attraction... but to no avail. After enduring a moderate line to wander through the cathedral itself, we’d exited and turned right to join...

Group Sex
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My Sister Set Me Up on a Blind Date

It was a Friday night at the end of my sophomore year at college. A cop had pulled me over as I was driving home. "Yes it is, Officer." "And your last name is really Chevrolet?" "That's my last name. Just like it was the last name of Louis Chevrolet, the co-founder of the Chevrolet car company." I hated it when people wouldn't believe that my last name was Chevrolet. If it was Ford, they wouldn't think twice. Now if it was "Google" or "FedEx", I could understand...

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The Fifth Date

The Fifth Date By Sarah Goodwoman Chapter 1 Scott paced back and forth with looking at his cell phone in his hand. He was only a half hour away from having his fifth date with Monica and was making big decision. He was either going to cancel the date or go through with it. He strongly wanted to enjoy the evening with Monica, he found her wonderful, yet he knew that if they had their date it ended their budding relationship. Scott knew it will end his relationship, the fifth date...

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The FavorChapter 36 Another Date

"You have a date on Friday night," Jeff told me. He did this quite often. He would set up a date for me, and he would have the person tell me what they paid for the date. It was usually something quite insignificant, like helping Jeff out with a job or something like that. It always humiliated me to know that there were people out there ready to do anything that Jeff asked for, because they knew they would get a sure shot at me. Some of the guys that took me out made sure to tell me what...

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Mia Chapter 8 First Date

It was almost dinner time when Mia got back to the apartment after Jesse dropped her off and brought in her luggage. Since he was working that night so they couldn’t really get the opportunity to hang out, but it gave Mia the chance to unpack and get settled back in. Patrice was back already, but Norah and Kris weren’t due to arrive until the following day. Mia felt a little apprehensive thinking about Norah’s arrival. She was waiting to tell her in person her decision to try things out with...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess3e8 Maree 57 company director from Nottingham

Series 3, Episode 8: Maree Our drone is flying in over the top of the Wollaton Park Golf Club in Nottingham on a drab and dreary cold day. The sky is grey, and the trees are leaning slightly in the wind. We come to rest on the fairway of the 15th hole. Four players, two husband and wife pairs, are wheeling their clubs toward us. We focus in on the two wives who are walking together a few paces ahead of the husbands. One thin, the other more ‘bulky’. We close in further on the bulky one ......

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS10E18 Ayesha Shah 37 from Nottingham

Once again – just as we have for the last seventeen shows – we fade in on the same bedroom set. A rusty old bedframe and a dank old mattress, illuminated in a circle of harsh light from a single spotlight. It strikes us, as it does every week, as the perfect example of the depravity this show has sunk to. It’s disgusting, and people love it ... So, let’s continue... From off camera we hear the clicking of heels on concrete as this week’s guest approaches. Those with good stereo-sound will...

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Savannah And Kats First Date

"So, you're going on your first date now, Mom?" she asked, coming into my bedroom with me."Yes, Lena, I wanted you to meet her first, but she was persistent. She's just another teacher that started this year, and we just hit it off. I've never been with a black woman before either," I replied, doing my hair."She knows about me, though, right? Sometimes kids can be a dealbreaker.""Yes, Kat knows I have an eighteen-year-old daughter, and I'm a widow. So, now I just have to work in all the other...

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Randomness and Nothingness

Colloquialism Vs. Lexical purity: A semantic showdown random / ran-duhm / adj. 1. made, done, etc., without method or conscious choice. 2. contemporary colloquial expression, used for variety of purposes to describe unforseen events, erratic behaviour, unpredictable personality traits, generally anything that is either beyond explanation or normality. (man, you are so random). As he was walking home, his iPod was not being random enough. Music was blaring in his ears and the setting was on...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 14 Planning My First Date

Thursday, March 31, 2005 (Continued) Dinner and the dishes were finished later than normal, and I was about to talk with Dad about the problems caused by predatory girls, when I was buttonholed by all the females to talk about my date tomorrow. #3: If I wrote that, "I was looking forward to it", that'd be the same as saying, "the Pacific Ocean is damp." I had spent years desperately longing for tomorrow night. I would've been wildly...

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My Blind Date

Burying my wife's been such a life-changing event! I'd known Jackie, short for Jacquelyn, for two years, before we started dating ... then four years of dating, finally getting married on Catalina Island on the Fourth of July! Married fifteen glorious years together - until she was diagnosed with lymphoma! Refusing treatment - because she didn't want to live messed up by it - it didn't take long for her to weaken into a person I didn't recognize anymore. I loved her to the very end,...

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Promises and Secrets Tinas Prom Date

Promises and Secrets 3: Tina's Prom Date By Maria Ski Authors note: This story takes place before the events in 'Promises and Secrets'. Tina Grant, to know her is a pleasure; to look at her is to admire her, to fall in love with her... Because Tina Grant has a secret, a secret that she has kept from a very early age. Few people know, but those who do are sworn to not share the secret. Lest it harm Tina in any way. Who am I? I hear you ask, my name is Michael and I had the...

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A Hot First Date

  Charley Wilson hadn’t had a decent date in months. Twenty-two years old and full of raging hormones, he just had to find a suitable woman for his needs. He didn’t understand that he was a jerk; just that he had a pretty face and an athletic body. Charley finally signed up with an internet dating service, as all the women he approached in singles’ bars, restaurants and at work, walked off after a few words with him. He entered his profile into the database; including his age, great bod,...

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My Minotaur Part VI

It was, dear reader, a most trying time in the life of this lady. The least of our worries was that it was raining. While the droplets rolled off of Oluth, and Valsivale somehow kept dry with an invisible barrier, Saela and I were becoming soaked to the core. My decorative parasol was no match for the weather, and in time the dye of my dress was fading, revealing the frigid, supple skin beneath, my nipples pointing the way for us as my teeth chattered. Saela’s inferior little bust was also...

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My Minotaur Part 8

Traveling with Talitanitia was spectacular. Some mornings I would wake up mid-orgasm, her greedy, long tongue snaking in and out of me, lashing across my clit at the same time. Others, I would instead awaken to some audacious act of lovemaking between her and Oluth, one morning the two of them caught in some acrobatic ball of sex, another the great bull on his hands and knees, massive prick pulled back between his legs as she licked and slurped upon the undersides of his upside-down balls. In...

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Sacrifices to the Minotaur

Every seven years the Athenian youth shivered in fear, for every seven years seven youth, among the most gracious and beautiful, were chosen as tributes to be sent over to Crete. While the four young females and three young males boarded the dreaded black sail ship, miles from there on the island kingdom of Crete a lithe young woman was sneaking around the tall structure of the labyrinth. Her silky golden hair flowed behind her as she ducked out of sight to avoid a patrol. Everything about her...

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My Minotaur Part 8

Traveling with Talitanitia was spectacular. Some mornings I would wake up mid-orgasm, her greedy, long tongue snaking in and out of me, lashing across my clit at the same time. Others, I would instead awaken to some audacious act of lovemaking between her and Oluth, one morning the two of them caught in some acrobatic ball of sex, another the great bull on his hands and knees, massive prick pulled back between his legs as she licked and slurped upon the undersides of his upside-down balls. In...

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My Minotaur Part VI

It was, dear reader, a most trying time in the life of this lady. The least of our worries was that it was raining. While the droplets rolled off of Oluth, and Valsivale somehow kept dry with an invisible barrier, Saela and I were becoming soaked to the core. My decorative parasol was no match for the weather, and in time the dye of my dress was fading, revealing the frigid, supple skin beneath, my nipples pointing the way for us as my teeth chattered. Saela's inferior little bust was also...

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Beasts Chapter six Minotaur

"Is this it?" Clara asked him. "This is my home lands.” He answered. "Is it always like this?" Brick looked down at his small companion. "Yes, my kind are a loving, peaceful race. Clara, I will not swear this to be an easy adjustment for you but I do hope that you will call this home." "I know that game!” suddenly her ears perked up. Though still a bit floppy she looked excited. Her hand pulled on the cloak he wore, “Brick I know that game. Father always said it wasn’t appropriate...

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A Date

Dad sat across from me at the table and shoveled oatmeal into his mouth more out of habit than for nourishment. Dark circles under his blue eyes confessed a lack of sleep. His constant sad expression made him look older than his forty-seven years. It didn't help that his hair had rescinded back to his ears. Worry had thinned his once bulky frame. He had been in a declining emotional state since my mother had left us last spring.The day after I graduated high school my mother packed her...

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The Test Date

Ra“Ok, sure!” … wait, did she just say ‘yes?!’I was joking not-joking when I asked and wasn’t expecting her to agree to a ‘test’ date. What even is a test date - I just made it up!I feel a bit sweaty, maybe she was joking too...Maya was a sharp brunette, shaped like a coke bottle, had a sexy waddle like a supermodel (I borrowed that line from her …). She was a bit younger than me and when she smiled, the corner curl of her lips would make me melt, and I think she knew it.Mmmmm her lips … and...

Office Sex
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Just a Date

Thank you to Estragon for editing this story and making it a much better read. DG Hear I heard that to get people interested in your story you have to do it in the first paragraph. I don't know much about writing so I guess I should do it. So, I will start out by saying I had sex with my brother's fiancée. More on this later. My name is Dan Welling. I'm twenty-nine and still single. I was born into a wealthy family. My dad owns Welling Manufacturing. He has three plants at which we make...

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SRU The Prom Date

SRU - The Prom Date "I don't believe this!" said Paul as he arrived at his usual table to eat his dinner. "Don't believe what?" asked his best mate, Mark. "I've just asked Yvonne to go to the prom with me and she told me to get lost!" replied Paul. Paul had had his eyes on Yvonne for ages. Yvonne was one of the hottest looking girls in their year, her light auburn hair fell below her shoulders and her lips were begging to be kissed. "Oh, I'm sorry," said Mark, feeling sorry...

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Make That Date

(TG/F, transform, bondage) Please do not read if under 18 years of age or offended by sexually explicit stories and situations. Make that Date By Couture (c) 2002 Couture e-mail: [email protected] Below is a transcript of a recent episode of a new made for TV series called 'Make that Date'. Chuck: "Hi, everyone, this is Chuck Woolery, and welcome to another episode of..." "Make that Date," the audience screams in unison. Chuck: "I would like everyone to put...

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Joes Date

Joseph Fisher was an up and coming attorney in a prominent downtown law firm.His sharp mind and close attention to detail were assets that the partnersadmired. One day he would undoubtedly manage his own private practice, whichwas indeed his goal. The late twenties single man also made the rounds in town, frequenting themost popular night spots. His smooth style and good looks made him very invitingto the opposite gender. One particular evening he met a long legged foxy lady named Deidre,...

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Bikini Beach Swim Date

Bikini Beach: Swim Date By Ellie Dauber (c) 2000 "Hey, look," Mack Reilly said, "here comes that stuck-up Amy Bowlan." He pointed at a pretty blonde, about 17, who had just come into the school cafeteria. Paul Kauffman put down his Coke, and looked in the direction his friend was pointing. "Aw, I don't think she's stuck-up, man." "Then why won't she go out with anybody? She's either stuck-up or - hell, maybe she's a lesbie. You think?" "Nah. She's new here, just moved in the...

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7th Date

Paul couldn't help grinning as he looked down at the woman nestled into his shoulder. A lock of her hair was tickling her nose, making it twitch as she slept. "Erica..." Nothing. "Ericaaaa..." "Hmmmph." Her eyes batted as the cobwebs started to clear. Then, as if a switch had been flipped, she realized how she'd fallen asleep. She lifted her head with a start, and turned to look at the man sitting next to her on her couch. "Oh. Paul, I'm so sorry. That was rude." She glanced over...

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Hannah and Zack a Sex Date

A story in the sex date universe of stories. Updated and edited for clarity March 2022. This story takes place in a universe created by EazinAlong where parents set up sex dates for their teens. Pretty simple concept. The first story was published in 2016 and recommend reading it first. I consulted with EazinAlong about the story and he reviewed it, though all punctuation errors etc. are mine alone. He also has a new Hannah story in the works. In this story, a neighbor boy Zack has a sex date...

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First time sub domination by my date

My husband asked me several times to put some of my dating experiences in writing since he found them very exciting and felt that others may also find them exciting. This was one of my early experiences that I told him about, and he typed it all up and will post it for all to enjoy. I know I will never forget it, and he seemed to really enjoy hearing it. I hope you do as well.We have been married for many years, and everything has been great. Sometimes you just need to add a little spice to...

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Rhiannas Prom Date

Prom Date Ben Carter waited for all his peers to exit the classroom. His teacher Miss Jamieson had requested he stay behind for a few minutes. It was the end of the day on a Friday and a long weekend loomed. Ben was anxious to get back home. He suspected he knew what the teacher wanted to discuss, "So Ben, what am I going to do with you?" Miss Jamieson asked. She was an older lady with a kind smile and seemed genuinely concerned for Ben. Ben looked at her with a downcast look. "I...

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