ReginaldChapter 19
- 4 years ago
- 26
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“How do you mean, dear?” Frances was unclear.
“If I stood behind you, I could fondle your breasts, then if you bent over the bed and opened your legs, I could enter you from behind while still standing upright. I might be able to fuck without stretching the wound; but it is up to each of you. You will now have two options to choose from; it is the best I can offer at present.”
Frances bent to kiss him. “How considerate of you, my love. I will tell the girls of the options; they can choose for themselves.”
He added, “I forgot to mention: my toenails need cutting, and I can’t bend properly to deal with them. Can someone help me out in the next day or two?”
Frances laughed at such a miniscule problem. “We’ll see about that, Reg,” and she went off to whatever she had decided was her first priority.
Reg found himself annoyed at not knowing about Pringle. He now got his mobile out, logged on to the Internet browser, and did a search for ‘Pringle surname’. He quickly was informed that the surname was originally Hoppringle, from a place-name in the county of Roxburgh, Scotland. It had become shortened over the centuries to Pringle. He sighed with relief, for his memory had not failed him directly. He was simply unaware that it was a shortened version of another name.
Freda queried Reg as to whether the Finance Officer had got back to him about his investigation of the facts and figures.
Reg shook his head. “Not yet, Freda. I didn’t really expect a response today. He is going to have to check through his records and then speak with the maths Professor about certification, so it will probably be tomorrow before he is ready with that document. As to the Chemistry department, who knows how long it will take him to investigate that?”
Holly called them to prepare for dinner, and the Robson girls appeared, ready for clearing the table of Reg’s books and papers, to allow the table to be set. Reg asked Hermione how their afternoon run had gone.
She said, in a quiet voice, “Not bad, Mr Robertson. Elizabeth kept up with us for much of the time, but then we had to slow down to stay with her. It was the right thing to do, we felt, rather than go ahead to suit our own pace.” She looked Reg straight in the eye. “We did listen, this morning. I am sorry for my behaviour, Reg. We will do better; I want my parents to be proud of me for once.”
Reg smiled brightly. “Now that is what I like to hear, Hermione. Learning is what got me where I am, and learning can do the same for you.”
“You mean, getting stabbed in the back?” she gave him a grim look.
“No, I mean finding girls to love. Finding love is the greatest achievement in my life, Hermione, and I got there through learning as much as I could. What I learned was all factual at first, but my loves taught me that learning how to act in society was just as important as learning facts. You and Jemima are here for the same reason. Once you learn to regard other human beings as worthy of your respect, you will gain respect from the people you love.
My apologies for another lecture; I am preventing you you getting on with your tasks.”
Hermione moved to get back to her duties, but her mind was absorbing the lessons she was hearing from Reg Robertson. After today’s debacle, they were starting to sink in to her psyche.
After a night and morning of interesting explorations, Reg was able to stand under the shower while Erika washed him. The experience was deliciously tactile, as was Erika’s careful attention to every part of his body as she washed him.
She smiled at his sighs of satisfaction. “When I finish washing you, Reg, I want you to take me here, standing up, while I lean back against the shower wall.”
“That will mean washing ourselves again, Erika.”
“So what? You have enjoyed your shower; another one will do you no harm, my lovely man.”
“Okay, then, but we’ll need to be quick, or Freda will be here asking for more of the same.”
“If you can manage without pain, so what? Just think yourself lucky that Frances has gone for breakfast, or you would have a queue!”
By the time Reg got to the kitchen table and his comfy chair, he felt he needed the rest. Jessica noticed his lassitude, and raised her eyebrows at Erika. Erika simply smiled happily in return.
Breakfast was happily a fried one, so that filled Reg up satisfactorily, restoring his energy levels.
Frances demanded his essay on megalithic symbols, so that she could hand it in for him this morning. He handed it over, neatly printed on the computer printer yesterday.
“Anything else you want from me, Frances?”
“From you, no; but I’ll call in to the Finance department when I arrive, to see if they have any material for you.”
“Ah, yes. They won’t want to send such sensitive material by email. It should be interesting, if I am right.”
It was after ten a.m. when Reg got a call from the Finance Officer.
“Mr Robertson, I will hand a certified copy of the accounts of the Development Fund to Mrs Robertson at lunchtime. She called in earlier, so she knows to come and collect it. It does not make happy reading.
The gist of it is that considerable sums have been paid out to a company for surveys and draft plans for new buildings, but in discussion with the relevant staff, I can find no evidence of such work being done. It is beginning to look as it this company was being paid for work which was not done.”
Reg queried, “How could that be, sir? It is my understanding that such invoices when they come in have to be signed off by a senior member of staff.”
“Ah, yes. That would be the case, except that I cannot find any record of these invoices having been through that process. They appear to have been paid as soon as presented. Even worse, none of my staff have any record of these invoices ever coming through this department.”
“Fascinating,” commented Reg. “Can I assume that for this to happen and the invoices being paid, that it would take considerable expertise to manage this?”
“That is correct, Mr Robertson. You seem to be quite knowledgeable yourself.”
“One picks things up, sir; one picks things up. You will recall my admonition to bypass the University’s Chief Accountant? I presume that was done?”
“It was. I was puzzled, but your company has the right to advise on such matters.”
“Excellent. Then our current advice is to keep the Chief Accountant in ignorance of our investigations.”
“But why? It is not as if he is under suspicion.” He suddenly stopped, as it hit him. “You actually suspect HIM of malfeasance?”
“I am uncertain, sir, but he is in a position to be the culprit, or it might be a close member of his team. We must keep him out of the loop for his own protection until we can clear him of wrong-doing.”
“That is so, Mr Robertson. We need to get to the bottom of this matter.”
“Indeed. In order to do so, our accountant will need to speak to your bankers about where this rogue company holds its account, so that we can confirm that payment was made as shown in the accounts. To do this, we shall require a power of attorney to examine your bank account’s operation, and find what bank account the cash was sent to. Can you write an authorisation to this company, on behalf of the university?”
“I can do that. The bank knows me, so they will accept it.”
“Good. Our Company Secretary, Mrs Frances Robertson, will be able to collect it at lunchtime, then, when she is collecting the other deed?”
“I can arrange that, sir. You can’t collect it yourself?”
“No. I am medically indisposed at present, you see; confined to my residence.”
“Oh. I am sorry to hear that. I shall expect Mrs Robertson, then.”
As soon as Reg got off the line, he rang Frances and told her about the bank authorisation for checking the university’s accounts there.
“What are you up to, reg. Do you suspect something is amiss?”
“I do, but pinning down the culprit is the main problem. Can we get Freda’s mother, as Company Accountant, go with you to the bank and look at the bank’s records?”
“You don’t want much, do you, Reg? It will mean her driving down here, if she can spare the time. I’ll ask Freda to speak to her Mum and find out the lay of the land, before we contact the university’s bank.”
“Do that, please.” Reg ordered. He was beginning to feel in control again. It occurred to him that for most of the time, he was simply following what his wives wanted; but he did not have a problem with that; never had, right from the start.
The next call he received was from Freda.
“Reg dear, my Mum says she is happy to help out as Company Accountant, but thinks her personal presence is not essential at the start, but only if there are complications arising. She says we should state her name and her CIMA qualification as Company Accountant, so that they know there is a professional looking over their shoulder. She has told me what data we should be looking for in the bank records, so I have passed that to Frances.”
“Surprising, but your Mum knows her stuff, Freda. That’s why she is our Company Accountant. I’ll hear from Frances later. Thanks again, my love.”
Reg got a text from Frances after lunch, saying “Got both items safely. See you when we get home.”
Elizabeth and the Robsons went out jogging in the afternoon again, and he eventually heard them arriving at the door. They sounded cheery, so he gave them time to go shower and get dressed, before asking Sidra to fetch Elizabeth. Reg told Sidra, “I want you to be with her, so she knows not to be concerned about what I ask her.”
Sidra saw his point, and nodded before going. She was back with Elizabeth soon after. Elizabeth looked healthy, and definitely slimmer.
Reg spoke to her, “Elizabeth, you are looking good. Your exercise and diet is making a difference to you. I am very pleased with your progress.
On another matter, how are things between you and the Robson ladies?”
Elizabeth swung her head to look at Sidra for help. When Sidra nodded and said, “You can trust my father, Elizabeth,” she spoke up.
“Things were bad the other day, when I thought they were going to leave; abandon me just when I thought I was getting somewhere, but since then they have been all over me. I am still not certain it is a genuine change, or a temporary ruse to put me at ease, but if it goes on like this, I will be very happy with them.”
“Good. Let’s leave it at that, and see how it goes. Let me know if you have any concerns, even little ones. I’d prefer to correct any slips before they become major problems.”
Elizabeth was cheerful as she responded, “That suits me, Mr Robertson.”
“I meant to speak to you earlier, Elizabeth, about adoption procedures. You have heard the maxim, ‘the law is an ass’?”
“Yes. I understand that one.”
“It seems to be the case with adoption rules here. Both parents have to be aged 21 or over, which precludes me right at the start. Jessica and Fiona fit the requirement, but I don’t, and they expect two parents, male and female, to fit their model.”
Elizabeth’s face fell, but Reg continued, “That awkward fact notwithstanding, how would you feel if we simply acknowledged you within the family as an adopted daughter? We can formalise the status once we later manage to fit all the stereotypes as adoptive parents.”
Elizabeth was slow to take this in, but turned to Sidra for reassurance. Sidra told her, “It means that, to all intents and purposes, you are my sister now. We won’t have a piece of paper to formalise it, but what does a bit of paper matter? If anyone asks, you have been adopted, and that is it!”
Reg expanded, “It is similar to me and my wives, Elizabeth. We don’t have a piece of paper that says we are married, but as far as we and the world are concerned, we are married. Get it?”
Elizabeth beamed, and said slyly, “So that means I can now call you Dad?”
Reg almost giggled in his bubbling joy at her response, but nodded seriously and told her, “Yes, Elizabeth. As you are now our adopted daughter, you can call me Dad!”
She jumped up and came to Reg to wrap her arms around him, and kissed him with enthusiasm. “Thank you, Dad!”
Sidra watched this with interest, and when Elizabeth released Reg, said with a cheeky smile, “Elizabeth, I wonder if we can ask our father for a raise in our pocket money?”
Reg was taken aback, then recognised this for what it was. He replied, “I am open to a negotiation, certainly, Sidra. I would of course be expecting my daughters to excel academically!”
Sidra gave a generous laugh at this, telling Elizabeth, “Reg always expects good results from his family members, Elizabeth. Are you willing to take up his challenge?”
Elizabeth set her lips and responded, “I can at least try, Sidra, if you’ll help me.”
Sidra smiled at her successful ploy. “I thank we can arrange that, Elizabeth. It will make a change from jogging the streets!”
When Frances got home, she handed over to Reg the two items for his perusal, saying, “I need the bank authorisation to call in tomorrow, but you can cast your eyes over it.”
Reg gave it a quick read through. It seemed to be what the bank would need, so he handed it back to Frances. “Should do the trick,” he commented, and she went off with it.
The other document was of more interest. It gave a statement of all the transactions into and out of the Development Fund over five years or so. The first couple of years were all income, then it started to change.
There was a small charge, a fee from the auditors, covering the two years. That was the last fee from the auditors. The following year there was a payment made to Brown and Mayfield, quantity surveyors. Presumably this was for estimation of quantities for a planned development, as there was another payment made, this time to Williams Brothers, architects, for outline planning. Curiously, there was no payment made to the local planning authority for the expected planning department fees. One would have expected any plan to be put before them for outline planning approval before any substantial planning went ahead, and those fees should be shown in the accounts. One would not expect the company to absorb such fees; they would routinely pass them on. They were absent.
The next two years there were several invoices paid to companies, including the same architectural firm; invoices which one would expect in preparation for a substantial building development. The trouble with these payments is that the university accounts showed nothing that would imply that a major development was being contemplated. There should have been indications of a legal invoice for preparing contracts for such a major proposal. It would have been too extensive for in-house work, but there was no indications of such a major contract. The auditors would have had something to say about it impinging on the university’s finances.
So Reg was left with the question: who were these companies who were paid for apparently non-existent work? He did the obvious: looked for these companies online, but not one of them showed up. They appeared to have no online footprint, yet any reputable company today would have at least some online record of their past operations.
Reg was more and more suspicious. He was now thinking of some major fraud operation having taken place to the detriment of the university. The university thought their excess cash was being ploughed into a long-term investment for the future, but seemed unaware that it was being milked, year after year.
Looking at the final balances, Reg was glad to note that a high percentage of the total investment remained in the Fund, but around 100,000 pounds had been paid out to unidentified bodies. He would have to depend on Frances discovering the relevant facts about this skimming operation.
Unless ... unless Freda’s mother could look into these so-called companies? But if they did not exist, how could she find them? Banking records must show the money trail, he concluded, and there Mrs Dangerfield had the expertise that was required. He would toss this thought experiment to Freda for passing on.
He wondered how the university’s Finance Officer was getting on with the Chemistry department accounts. No doubt he would hear eventually.
Instead, he had a call from the university’s open learning officer, the one tasked with the summer courses open to outside learners.
“Mr Robertson? I have been given your number as you asked about the availability of short courses. We have come to an agreement with the Open University to offer certain courses at times outwith the normal curriculum. In this cases, we propose to offer short courses based on weekends, and one of them is a health-based course in basic midwifery, due to the current shortage of midwives. Would you be interested in this for the students on whose behalf you enquired?”
“I expect I would, but it would depend on other factors. When does the course start? How many weekends? Is it a daytime course – not live-in? What level of entry requirement? And what are the fees?”
“I see. Yes, I can understand your need for such questions to be answered. Our fees are not fixed yet. It may depend on the numbers. We will fix the start date if we have enough interest expressed in it. We are approaching Hospital Trusts to discover if they want to enrol nurses in the course, and naturally female members of the public will be made welcome.”
“Female members of the public? Is it your intention that only females may attend the course?”
“It was our assumption that a midwifery course would appeal to females, certainly. Whether to exclude men was not a decision we made, but rather an assumption of the likely take-up.”
Reg harrumphed. “My dear fellow, that is a roundabout way of saying it is a course for females, is it not?”
“Well, Mr Robertson, as the course involves 100 per cent female patients, it would be a natural assumption.”
“So you think that only female doctors can attend to women’s ailments?”
“That is another matter entirely, sir!”
“In what way does it differ? If a male obstetrician can examine female patients for that condition, why cannot male midwives act in a similar fashion dealing with the act of childbirth?”
“Very well, sir. I shall take your points before our panel, to see if they have any medical objection to male midwives.”
Reg told him, “Remind them that male midwives have legally existed in the UK since 1976, just in case they aren’t aware of the fact, like you.”
“Really? 1976?”
“Yes. They did actually exist much earlier but men were banned from the profession in 1951, and it was the Sexual Discrimination Act that brought the men back. They are still rare, but they do exist.”
“My goodness. They say you are always learning, and in this case it is true.”
“I am pleased to hear it, sir. I have two late teenage girls who would be interested in the course, but I might even have a go at it myself, if I can find the time.”
Reg had only just finished this call, when Frances hurried back in to speak to him.
“Reg, could the Reverend Professor visit us tonight? She has just phoned me.”
Reg blinked in surprise. “If you girls are happy about it, I have no objections. When exactly would she arrive?”
Frances looked sheepish. “I suggested she come for tea, if she has no other plans. Are you okay with that, darling?”
Reg gave her the assurance she hoped for. “Of course, Frances my love. Anything that you want, I am happy with.” She beamed her pleasure, and hurried off to warn the twins about an extra place at the table. Reg wondered if everyone could fit round the table, even with the split into two sittings.
Soon there was a buzz around the house at the thought of a visit by a Reverend Professor from the university. Most of the girls were slightly apprehensive, awed by the woman’s title and status. Reginald and his wives were less concerned, having met her before, when she gave their commitment a blessing at the time of Fiona’s addition. Reg was more puzzled than concerned at her sudden appearance, being unsure of her reason for visiting.
Frances delegated Holly to be at the door and open it for their visitor. Holly was fascinated at the idea of a powerful woman coming to have a meal at their household, cooked by her and Carol.
She jittered about near the door while waiting. Frances was just inside the dining room, waiting to hear her being received.
There came a knock at the door, and Holly peered through the spy-hole to confirm who it was, then opened the door. The woman stood outside, presentably dressed and with the inevitable clerical collar prominent. She announced herself, “Professor Jane Harris, to see the Robertson family.”
Holly bobbed a curtsey and said, “Yes, ma’am. You are expected. Do please come in. May I take your coat?”
Holly showed the Professor inside, and hung her coat on the hall coat-rack. Frances came out from the dining-room as if she had just heard, and declared, “Welcome, Reverend Professor, to our home. This young lady who took your coat is Holly LeBrun, one of my twin cousins who act as our cook and housekeeper. They are doing very well at it. Please come into the dining room. We will be dining shortly, so everyone will congregate here and I shall introduce you.”
“Thanks for the invite, but your mother expects me home tonight, so I must refuse. In fact, I’d better be off, so that I am not too late in getting home. My best wishes to all of you. Let me know if you need anything, Frances.” “I will, Dad. Give my love to Mum.” A few minutes later, Mr LeBrun was back in his car and driving away. They all returned to the living room, where they reviewed the visit. Prudence was delighted with Mr LeBrun. “Your Dad is a really likeable guy, Frances.” “I...
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“Ah.” Reg was reticent. “I admitted that you were my girlfriend, Frances.” “I have no problem with that, my darling boy. There must have been more.” Prudence interrupted, “I told Mrs Compton that my tutor was also my boyfriend, when I was talking with her. I didn’t mean to, but it just slipped out. I was so proud of that status.” “From what little I heard, it was a lot more than that, you lot. Give!” Reg told her, “I was called to see Dr Henderson after classes, and he said he had heard...
Erika explained, “Yes, but I think the History of Art may have connections to some of your own scientific subjects. I was intrigued at the idea from Prudence that the first printing ink was based on artists’ oil paint of the time. If there is more crossover from science, then you might be able to help me with aspects of the history of art. Speak to my lecturer, Reg, and see what you think.” Later that day, Reg met Erika outside the door of her lecture room. She dragged him into the room....
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She gaped at him, suddenly aware that he spoke the truth. Her devious plan for him had unravelled, but she rose to the occasion. “Oh. Oh, well, I suppose...” and she grasped her nightie hem and lifted it up and off her body. She was wearing only panties underneath, but quickly dropped these and stepped out of them. She faced Reg and said, “Right. There you are: just as you demanded, Reg, you forceful boy. Happy now?” He was indeed happy, getting a full-frontal view of Frances in all her...
“Thank you, Reg.” Freda kissed him again, and made a point of rubbing her breasts against him. He took the opportunity to put his arms round her upper torso, to hold her tight to him, and enjoyed the kissing session. They were still in that position when Frances and Erika came into the room. Frances called softly, “Hello, you two. Can you spare us a minute?” Reg was embarrassed. “Sorry, Frances, Freda insisted on apologising, in her own unique way.” “Oh, yes. The other girls. We’ll talk...
Frances concluded, “Right. Do what you want with him tonight, but I get him to myself tomorrow night. Goodnight to the three of you.” She slammed the door shut behind her as she left. Erika murmured, “Wow. She sounds peeved. Reg, was that a promise to fuck you tomorrow?” “I am not certain, darling. It may be, but I am not going to count on it. It might just be a cuddle like we are having now.” Erika disabused him of that notion. “No, Reg, not just a cuddle. Prepare for a lot more. I can...
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“No, I have a good brain, but most people don’t see beyond my height. I am five foot nine, if you wanted to ask. Similar height to you, Reg?” “Should think so. Let’s check. Come and stand in front of me, Prudence, and we’ll see.” She and Reg moved to face each other, and sure enough, they were eye to eye. Reg smiled at her and moved forward to kiss her gently on the lips. She was startled at that familiarity, but reacted by kissing him in return, then stepped back. “Wow! Do you do that...
He hurried in, but she was not in the bedroom as he expected, so he tried the bathroom. Prudence was kneeling naked in the empty tub, with one arm resting on the side. She looked very appealing as the Venus of the bath, but she was truly frustrated. “Reg, I can’t get myself out of the bath! It is too slippery, and my balance is not good at the moment. Can you help me?” She turned her body to face him, again displaying her small breasts in front of him. He took a sharp breath, but...
Reg explained, “It was much later, when I observed other children, that I saw how they and their parents seemed to act differently towards each other than my parents were with me. I decided there was something wrong with me, and that was how I couldn’t be loved like other children. I turned my attention to the world around me, and started studying it. I found school a great revelation, for the teachers started explaining what things were, and how they reacted, like water will do magical...
“But Prudence is a university student. She won’t want to have a baby while at Uni.” Reg made a factual remark. “Frances, there are at least several female students who are expecting babies, as far as I have observed.” Frances retorted, “Yes, but all of them are married, so it is not such a problem for them.” Reg backed down. “Sorry, I didn’t know that. Sorry I spoke.” Frances patted his arm. “No, it is all right, Reg. Your observation was accurate, just not fully comprehensive. These...
Prudence told him, “For the moment, Reg, do nothing. I phoned your mother back, and explained a little to her about you, me and the girls, but I emphasised that you need a lot of time to adjust from being a loner to dealing with people at large. She said she was willing to wait. I believe her, Reg.” “Thank you, Prudence. I don’t think I could have done that myself. I couldn’t have told her about you girls. You are a wonderful, thoughtful girl. It is no wonder that I love you.” Still...
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Treat a hooker to lunch There's a curiousss fellow who has decided his reputation is not worth much and has agreed to associate himself with me, in spite of my dastardly character. He is a wordsmith of the first tier. I am proud to have him edit my stories, he makes them flow more smoothly and read more understandably. I do want to say that I tinker with my stories even after his final edit, so whatever anomalies you may find are probably mine. Thanks Curiousss. I saw a new ad for...
I helped my family as much as I could. After a few weeks, Star got able to get around pretty well. Another week and she was fairly pain free. Then she came up to me and told me she wanted to spend some time with me, inside. "Are you up to it Sweetheart?" I asked her. "Husband, if I don't spend some time touching you and loving you I am going to go crazy," she said. "I am glad, because I feel the same way," I told her with a hug. I picked her up and carried her inside. Swan and...
Hi friends, thank you for reading the second part and the feedback. I will narrate what happened after watching my houseowner fucking my mom hard and rough. I have never imagined my mom being so slutty in bed. Initially, I was furious at her for allowing our houseowner to devour her. The way he treated her and fucked her as a slut. But I was so horny. I pumped my dick three times that night to continue to watch. Especially the place where my mom is on her knees and licking my house owner’s...
Linzee Ryder is such a slut. She always is laying around masturbating. No matter the time of day; you can bet her fingers are buried in her pussy. Her Husband is never around to satisfy her sexual cravings and when he is he has a limp dick. Lucky for her; there is a milk man that delivers more than just the daily milk to this horny MILF. Milk man Steve makes Linzee stroke his hard cock milking him for that cum. He buries that cock in that lonely wife; there is no tip like that of a hard long...
xmoviesforyou------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I guess the time my life started to take a turn for the better, was when I got my new apartment. Previous to this, I hadn't been able to stay put for more than a few months, before someone recognized my name, and I was forced to move again. I had begun to regret my appearance on the TV show, even if it had been responsible for my...
It was Saturday night and Jim's wife had promised him a long night with lots of sexual satisfaction. The evening's festivities had not yet begun but Jim was already several hours into somebody's sexual fantasy. Jim and his wife Barb belonged to a couples swap club and tonight they were hosting. The club met once a month and each meeting was hosted by a different couple. Each meeting had a theme. Tonight's theme was Prom Night. Barb had promised Jim that it would be a prom night...
101 PETER AND GRANNIES REVELATIONS Granny used to cook amazing pies, my grandpa had been a cripple and he passed away while I was just 17, my parents had passed away long since and I lived with my Aunt May who worked full time, we were the only family so it fell to me to look after Gran in those next few weeks while she in Aunt Mays words “‘acclimatised’ to her single life!” She stayed with us that first week, until the burial, and then it was to be back to her flat.My gran was short a little...
Many thanks to my editor Lorena Levine. Little by little, light peeked into my eyes as I opened them to the afternoon sun. I was still tired and sore as my arms slowly moved a bit at my side. I finally noticed the room, taking a few seconds for my hazy mind to realize that I didn't know where I was. I slowly took in the room, starting with the bed I was lying in. My first thought of the bed was that it was very soft and plush. What really caught my attention was the fact I was between...
Jack était un gars timide et sans prétention, d’apparence moyenne, à la fois nerveux et excité d’être loin de chez lui pour la première fois. Il attendait avec impatience sa première année à l’université et la liberté de vivre en dortoir après une enfance surprotégée. Surtout, il attendait avec impatience la possibilité de perdre sa virginité. Sandy était une junior très attirante et très extravertie. Elle était aussi une prédatrice sexuelle, dont la « nourriture » préférée était l’ego fragile...
FetishAfter the lovemaking session with Lalita some time back, we could not meet for any further sessions except a few times when I went to my friends place she would come there, or else we would meet for a coffee. We would be kissing each other hurriedly, or sometimes in the lift of her building that’s all. But we got another chance on the day of Holi, she called me up and told that I should be there for the festival , I also agreed , when I went there all my friend were there playing holi ,Lalita...
Leaving the wheelchair behind in that roadside diner had felt a lot like losing a friend, leaving an empty feeling in Ana’s gut as she scurried across the roof of the restaurant. The human Ana had pretended to be was encapsulated by the battered conveyance now sitting empty in the bathroom, waiting quietly to be discovered and eventually discarded. Tears formed in her eyes as she snuck down and through the parking lot, her heart pounding in her chest. She was truly alone, and officially...
I stepped onto the train. feeling tired and flustered. It had been a shit day. Robinson had been a complete bastard, insisting that I stay late and work on his brief. Now I had to endure a long train ride home, as the city sweltered in the midst of an unbearable heat wave. I juggled my bags as the train started and lost my balance, falling into the seat behind me in an ungraceful slump. I looked around with embarrassment, but the only other passenger on the carriage was the blind guy opposite...
Hi, I am regular reader of INDIAN SEX STORIES. It’s a real story happened in my life. My name is Suresh and my wife name is Priya. My wife is fair and has good homely look. After 5 years of our marriage, my sex life seems bored, and I have no interest in sex. But my wife wants sex everyday. But I didn’t get erection properly. One day when I read a story that a husband likes her wife to have sex with others, I got lot of erection. That day I enjoyed sex with my wife for a longer time. So, its...
It was a hot day, another blisterer, they were saying, due to heat causing blisters to rise on exposed backs.We were and holiday in our caravan, my parents and my older sister, who was in our parents bad books, due to her flirtations with the boys, who hung around for a peek at her tits, which she seemed to enjoy accidentally showing.The three of them had gone down to the beach, which was 30 minutes off, leaving me to my own devices, as the cooler shade amongst the canopy of bushes felt nicer...
Adam Jones was a little surprised to be invited along on his work colleague's birthday bash as they had only met two months ago and had little to do with each other even at work. However the invite was for all of them to attend a nightclub with a cabaret that was a hypnotism spectacle and it was to be a team building event. The invite said there were to meet at a local pub before taking in the show 'Rainbow Rosie's World of Hypnotism' and the dress code was to be casual so there was no...
Jason pulled up his shorts and plopped down on the edge of his bed. His “plop” bounced his rolled-up socks into the air and down on to the floor, where they rolled out of reach. Sighing, he stood and reached down to pick them up. “Your Mom’s in a good mood.” The unexpected voice almost made him jump clear across the room. He spun and found Stephanie standing in his bedroom doorway. He stuttered. “H-hi.” “Your Mom’s in the bathroom, and I got tired of waiting for you. Can I come...
If you didn’t read part 1 yet, it is a must, so here you go Now let’s begin part 2.It was only about 15 minutes at my desk before I heard the ping from my Facebook Messenger. I could feel my heart rate pick up and the blood rushing to my cock. Stephanie’s message read, “You taste so good. I licked my panties clean while fingering my wet pussy. I could taste us both, yum!” I quickly replied, “so hot baby!” She shot back, “It’s getting late...
Even looking out through the glass patio doors at another beautiful desert sunset, I was wallowing in self-pity over my lost mobility; confined to a damned wheelchair. Not only was I required to be off my feet for possibly another two weeks but I still had to carry around the damnable halo as well. If you're picturing a sweet, cherubic winged child, erase it. My halo wasn't a luminous circle of light denoting holiness, it was a clumsy steel and leather frame sitting on my shoulders with four...
As I walked through the door I see nothing but darkness. As I shut the door behind me I hear the flick of a match & see the burning of a flame that burns so deep. Someone looking back at me so sexy I become weak in the knees. At each flick of the match I see a trail of candles, leading me up the stairs into my bathroom. Where my food is cooked, chocolate dipped strawberries & cinnamon kissed green apples waiting on me. I'm so surprised I cant even speak no words were spoken as I was...
I still can't believe what I just experienced 2 days ago..I still feel my clit extremely sensitive and I can not stop thinking about it..I am a 43 years old married woman, having an affair at this moment with a 39 years old man. I could be probably judge as a bad wife for cheating my husband, but I like to think that I am not..for reasons that I don't think is relevant at this moment to say why I am cheating, what I can't wait to share is my amazing story about two days ago.I always hear that I...
Since I'm pretty much sub, I don’t really ever say no, but maybe sometimes I should? I got an IM from a guy on a hookup site I sometimes visit and after a little bit of chit chat about the weather and what sorts of music etc we liked, he invited me to his place for an afternoon of fun. I'm usually horny and love to have fun, so I agreed and he gave me his address and digits. I asked him if he would prefer me dressed fem or butch, and he asked me to surprise him. Well, I love playing dressed...
Every year I wish for something at Christmas. Usually it’s things I don’t need, but something that I really want. So about the end of October I started thinking about what I wanted for Christmas this year. You know the stores start putting their Christmas items out. Kmart, Target, Walmart, etc. have all their Christmas lingerie right up front so horny guys walking down the isles can jerk off while thinking about getting their girlfriends, wives, mistresses, or fuck buddies one of these little...
Dinner was a blur of conversation about topics I am hard pressed to remember, since almost as soon as we sat down across from each other I found the pleasant addition of her foot in my lap. I kept one hand on her foot, gently rubbing along its length while I ate with the other. Occasionally her foot would slide down my leg and then run back up again to rest on my thigh. I couldn’t help but be mesmerized with the stare of her deep brown eyes. At one point during the meal she relaxed back into...
Evie and Dave stood at the back door looking out at the driving rain. "Uh, Baby?" Evie looked at him. Dave nodded his head to the right. "There's an umbrella stand behind the door with a couple fucking dozen umbrellas in it. And... I knew the thing was there; I've seen it many times. I just didn't think about it." Evie looked at it, thought about being pissed since they had gotten drenched to the bone while checking on the bear, but opted for a chuckle, instead. "Well, we could...
This is the third chapter in this series. There is a short paragraph setting the scene and you can certainly enjoy this story as a stand alone but to fully appreciate it please read chapter 1 and chapter 2. Enjoy Pillbox Sex Dungeon - Chapter 3 - Introducing a friend Teen, MFF, threesome, oral, anal The steamy weekend sex sessions and occasion weeknight meets continued. Our loved up and sex crazed couple have now been dating for close to three months. With each visit to the pill box Dan...
As we started down the hall I stopped and turned to look at both Cathy and Jim. Jim had a look of shock on his face which caused me to ask, “Jim, you are ok with this, right?”He stared at me but no words could come out of his mouth. Looking into his eyes I was sure he wanted this but at the same time, he really didn’t want it here in his home.I looked at Cathy and asked, “Are you going to join us?” She nodded her head and stood to move to us and Jim also stood. I thought, ‘Here it comes. He is...
Wife LoversHi i m akash from bangalore .this is my first story on iss.hope u guys will enjoy it.this story is a real one describing the incident which happened between me and my mother.we are four member family,father mother,younger sister and myself.i m 23 years of age and studying in an engineering college .my sister also studies in a father is an engineer himself. My mother mamta has slim and tight fgure even at the age of 40.her tight round big boobs(chuchis)add to her sex appeal.her tight...
Incest"Standby, standby, GO!" yelled Ben, launching the assault. Elise used the abilities that the metals gave her to simultaneously transport thirty pairs of troopers — including Ben/Simeone and David/Beckie — into positions around the holiday camp down on the planet's surface. Between them Simon and Carson had thirty-two pairs available so the addition of Ben and the others allowed him to keep four pairs back as reserves. Ben ordered Elise to maintain a close watch on what the Zytol officers...
My 'date' with Robyn after the show was interesting and informative. I'd asked her what she wanted to do and she suggested going to Potawatomi Zoo. It was a pleasant day and I paid the modest admission fee to get into the zoo. We just started working our way around the paths to our right. The first thing, of course, were the tigers. "Isn't it sad?" she said as we looked at the beautiful animal through the glass. "He's all alone in there. He has, like, about the same amount of room as...
After breakfast a detail of twelve men with a Naik in command went out with a cart containing building materials to start work on the rifle range. David was in his new office writing out the points he wished to raise with the Prince, when he was informed a caravan was approaching from the city. By the time he had finished his notes and started to walk to the paddocks, he found the tailor with his wagon by the gate. Spotting Havildar Turin he ordered him to bring out the men inside the...
Their third city was Berlin, where the group visited attractions ranging from the East Side Gallery to the Berlin Philharmonic. They were to stay four days and the accommodations had four quad rooms with two each connecting; this housed eight boys and eight girls. Two double rooms housed the remaining boy pair and girl pair, and Tom and Lynette shared a double. The large quad rooms of the rooming arrangement allowed the whole troop to congregate in one of them in the evenings where they hung...
******************************************************************************* Author’s note – This one is a long one, I considered breaking it into two separate chapters but couldn’t find a way to make that work and still flow. I also know that this was the chapter in which the main plot was to be revealed but the story hasn’t allowed for that yet. I promise the big reveal will come in Chapter 3. As with all my stories, this one is longer on plot than it is on sex, the good stuff only...
Annabelle Maryweather pulled her daughter along the busy train station platform, searching for car number nine. To her, the Great Depression appeared to be a boon to train travel. Everyone seemed to be going somewhere, and going by train. "My Lord, I've never seen Clairmont Station so busy. There it is, Catherine, hurry." "Mother, we're not late. Please, stop pulling. I can't run in these stupid shoes." "I want to see you properly settled. This is a big step for a young lady of...
Early September. School is back in session. Sandy and Randy, being the same age, go to most of the same classes. They, of course, keep it cool between them, since you know how gossipy high-schoolers can be. Because they both were born the same day, they have always celebrated birthdays together. They never minded, and this time was no exception, even now as ‘14-year-old teenagers.’ After school, there was soccer and other sports, so they were always away from each other. Their mom was still...