An ClochánChapter 43 free porn video

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Destiny group exited FTL above Celia's North pole within 0.2 lm (light-minutes) of their intended destination. They were in the process of completing their systems checks when Star said, "Bán and Dearg Task Groups are requesting a connection to all ships."

With a smile Aoife said, "That is fine, set it up."

"Aye, it will be a couple of minutes."

A few moments later Cathan's and Christina's Clans appeared on all the bridge monitors and said, "Good morning. Welcome to Celia system."

"Good morning," responded all the Command Staffs.

"Do you know when you will arrive above Ananu?" asked Cathan.

"Well we are currently 43.8 lm above Celia's pole," replied Joyce. "We've scheduled a 48 hour stay here, so that will put us there in about 74 hours."

"Any particular reason behind your question?" asked Sarah.

"Only that we want to be here when you arrive. Now we know when that will be we can plan our activities. Once you are secured in orbit here we should meet with all the Command Staffs to go over our status. From our perspective, preparations on Gaillimh are further along than we remember seeing on the schedule. We've gone over it a couple of times as we were concerned that something critical had been missed. If it has, we can't find it."

"Okay, let's plan on meeting the second day we are in orbit," said Tara. "That should give us enough time to take care of the arrival check list."

"Fine, we'll plan on that and we'll contact you tomorrow. Edana's and Sharon's teams are really anxious to see you all; well, for that matter, so are we."

"Anything else?"

"Not that we can think of," replied both Cathan and Christina.

"Okay. See you soon," replied the Command Staffs.

"Aye. And you take care."

Jill said, "When Star advised us of the call, I jumped to the conclusion that there was a problem."

"I think they called for two reasons," replied Judy. "They were more concerned about the discrepancy than they were willing to say, besides, it gave them a reason to speak with us. Remember, the role they are filling now is quite different from their previous experience so it's likely the discrepancy worried them."

"But they ... oh I see what you mean," responded Alena. "It will be interesting to see what caused their concern."

It was 12 hours before their scheduled departure from J5 when Chester said, "Sarah's Clan, we were going over the check list for tomorrow and wondered if we should change our cloaking criteria."

"What do you have in mind?" responded Sally.

"Currently, except for Dóchas and the freighters, we are operating cloaked," responded Kelly. "How about dropping our cloaking 12 hours after we leave here? We understand why we had it in the operational plan from the beginning, but since then we've done a lot more exploration in Celia system so we are not sure it is worth the risk."

"We are agreeable," replied Sally. "Out of curiosity, what prompted the risk concern?"

"In Flight Operations today we reviewed the relative vectors used for approach and departure when we are on station," responded Kelly. "After it was over I heard several of the flight crews telling tales. Some of them were close calls while operating cloaked near our ships when there was a lot of traffic. Hearing them caused me to look at our reasons for cloaking while on station over Ananu. When I went back and looked over our notes I saw that it was in our initial plan, but I didn't find anything indicating that it's been reviewed since then."

"Well," said Rusty, "the real question is; what do we gain by entering the system cloaked? When we decided on arriving and entering cloaked we didn't know a lot about this system. We've modified our cloaking plan since so that some ships are visible."

Brittany of Kathryn's Clan said, "By partially uncloaking our fleet we could be aiding anyone who is trying to understand how it is done. If all the ships are visible when we arrive it is more likely that any observers will react. This could aid us in detecting their presence."

Molly said, "I take it that some of us are still puzzled by the lack of advanced life on Ananu."

"Well," responded Alison, "there are aspects of what we've found that prompt those thoughts."

Calvin said, "While I relish the idea of walking boldly in the front door, we were inclined to proceed as planned. However, Brittany made several good points so we've changed our minds. From what was said by the Alliance members in Sol, they find our ships difficult to detect from several light hours away."

"So is everyone in agreement with entering uncloaked?" asked Sarah.

"Agreed," replied the Command Staffs.

Keriann said, "As we approach Ananu, we can begin sending out reconnaissance flights. Once each flight is over 100 km from the formation, they should cloak before turning toward their destination."

Rebeca of Kathryn's Clan said, "Each of the flight plans for those runs has a different distance, both outgoing and incoming, for changing cloaking status. 100 km is the minimum."

"Good. For similar reasons, the flights between us and Ananu should be uncloaked as well."

"Let's think about that a bit," responded Sally. "My thought was, can we use cloaking to give observers the impression that we have more ships hidden? However, the issues we've already raised regarding cloaking are still a factor."

Jenessa said, "Joyce, we recalculated your flight plan and came up with a Sublight factor of 7.53. So we are good with departing at 7.6."

"Good, that is what I calculated this morning. It will be recalculated right before departure. The plan is still for us to catch up with Ananu and enter the orbital window together."

"Yes. The difference in our calculations may be due to the precision we used for the arc's radius. That issue will disappear when we begin to move as we will use your numbers."

"Okay, you provoked my curiosity," said Maeve. "What path are we taking to get to Ananu?"

"Currently, we are over Celia. From here we will make a descending turn to our port until we are a short distance behind Ananu. After that it is just like we did over Mars."

"That makes sense. The way you were describing it was confusing for some reason."

Joyce said, "Okay. The flight plan with the final numbers will be issued 1 hour before departure. Is that soon enough for everyone?"

"It is from our stand point."

"We agree," responded the others.

It was 33.24 hours later that Destiny group approached their orbital window for Ananu. As they had drawn closer to Ananu, many of the large monitors on each ship were showing the planet at least part of the time.

"It is beautiful," said Sarah's Clan as they watched it grow larger on their display.

Joyce added, "There is a similarity to Earth but the colors aren't quite the same."

"Agreed. However, we need to focus on our tasks and not get too distracted by the view," said Sarah. "Destiny Group, report status."

"Iolar. All parameters optimum," replied Maureen. "FLDC-1 indicates all systems optimum."

"Phoenix. All parameters optimum," replied Siobhan.

"Iarracht. All parameters optimum," replied Keriann. " FLDC-2 indicates all systems optimum."

"Taiséalai. All parameters optimum," replied Kathryn.

"Marthanóir. All parameters optimum," replied Molly. " FLDC-3 indicates all systems optimum."

"Fiontar. All parameters optimum," replied Jackie.

"Dóchas. All parameters optimum," replied Jill. "FÓCT-1 indicates all systems optimum."

"Destiny Group," said Joyce, "our course is optimum for entering Ananu's orbital window in 2.88 hours."

Tara said, "Caitriona in FOC just advised us that all the Badb cruisers and Star Fighters with Bán and Cinniúint task groups have docked. Two cruisers accompanied by two flights of Star Fighters have departed from Dóchas to begin their patrol. The other ships are preparing to launch theirs."

"The data that the task groups and recon groups obtained on Celia system is now being uploaded to the library," said Erin. "Redundancy checks are scheduled to start momentarily."

The next couple of hours went quickly as they prepared the ships for arrival. Much of the activity was in shifting from voyage configuration to an orbital base with defensive functions. As they neared Ananu's orbital window, they began reducing their velocity until it was balanced with Ananu's rotational speed at their altitude. Their geosynchronous orbit would be 1,000km west of Gaillimh Isle.

Once Destiny Group was in their orbital position over Ananu, the six Dóchas Class ships that formed the axis of the defensive array rotated into their positions. The four freighters moved so that they were parallel to their associated Dóchas class command ship, but shifted toward the center of the array. This placed the freighters within the defensive sphere and positioned so that they didn't interfere with either surveillance operations or possible FCS activity.

Briana's Clan entered the bridge and said, "Ready to call it a day yet?"

"I think so," replied Rusty.

"All of you are welcome to man the bridge," said Sarah, "but since we are in a holding position we don't really need it staffed at all times."

"True," replied Briana. "But, when no one is here you guys don't really relax, so we thought we would alternate with you for a while until we are comfortable with our surroundings. Besides, there are several things you need to focus on over the next few days. So if we fill this role it makes it easier for you, and actually easier for all the rest of us."

"You have a good point. It will certainly help."

"So go get some rest as it won't be long until breakfast," replied Briana's Clan as Sarah's Clan left the bridge.

Sarah's Clan was near their suite when they met Aine and Brigit accompanied by other four women they didn't recognize.

"We heard the chimes," said Aine, "telling us that we were on station. How did the last part go?"

"Just like it was supposed to," replied Joyce with a smile.

"Good. We won't keep you but we wanted to introduce you to our colleagues Morrigan, Caillech, Niamh and Neala."

"Welcome," said Sarah's Clan as they greeted her colleagues. "We are pleased to have you staying with us. Please let us know if there is anything you need, or how we can improve your stay."

"It is a pleasure to meet all of you," said Caillech. "We don't want to keep you as we understand you've been quite busy. We arrived only a short time ago and already feel very comfortable here. We will see you later today. Branwen should be here by then."

"We will look forward it."

As Sarah's Clan entered their suite Sarah said, "I didn't notice it until now but I am tired, no, exhausted would be a better description."

"Me too. Like you I didn't notice it earlier," replied Joyce.

"Well I'm going take a quick shower then sleep."

"In the shower?" said Janet laughing.

"No silly, although I probably could go to sleep there if I stood still long enough."

As they stepped into the shower Judy said, "One of the reasons we feel so tired is because our trip is over. All the stress of the journey is now past us."

"Good point. Breakfast is in five hours, maybe we can sleep in a bit."

"We can," replied Aoife. "Tomorrow, well actually today, is a relaxed schedule. There is a family meeting after dinner tonight."

"Yes. Amy's Clan will lead most of the topics as they relate to activity on Gaillimh," said Tara.

"Well activity through tomorrow will focus on fleet maintenance," replied Claudette.

As they were crawling into bed Erin said, "Sleep well my loves."

"And likewise my loves," replied everyone.

It was after dinner on their first day orbiting Ananu when Amy's Clan moved to the front of the dining room on Dóchas. "Good evening."

"Good evening," replied the crew. As the crew replied the large wall monitors came on showing the dining areas on the other ships.

Amy's Clan said, "It looks like our conferencing set up is active now so let's get started. This meeting shouldn't last very long although we may have just jinxed it. First on the agenda are James of Sue's Clan and Finnian of Chloe's Clan with an announcement."

"Thank you," replied James and Finnian who were at the podium on Iarracht. "We are pleased to announce that our constitution for Celia World has been approved." The whole family cheered on hearing the news.

"No one expressed any objections to it, however there were some concerns regarding the wording in several places. We will be reviewing the wording in those sections and will consult with those raising the issue on any changes. It is on the network, so please look at it again, especially those sections where concerns were raised. If you see a solution let us know. Once this is sorted we will present the changes to the family for discussion and then formal consideration."

"Frankly," said James, "I'm glad they made their concerns known as they saw issues that we didn't see until the question was raised. Even though we have approved it, we urge anyone who still has any concerns to let us know."

"What time frame do you have in mind?" asked a woman on Fiontar.

Finnian replied, "For addressing the expressed concerns, within the next two months, possibly three, as we will have a lot of activity taking place over the next few weeks. There will be reminders."

"Thank you."

James and Finnian said, "The results of our recent ballot to select the first Council of Celia members have been tallied. It gives us great pleasure to announce that Sarah's, Siobhan's, Maureen's, Keriann's, Kathryn's, Molly's, Jackie's and Amy's Clans have been selected. The date and location for the swearing in ceremony is tentatively set for four weeks from now. Initial plans have it taking place at sunrise on Tara Ardchlár."

"Why the uncertainty?" asked a woman on Taiséalai.

"Basically because there are some logistical issues that could cause it to be delayed for a short time. Also, since these clans are the first members of the Council of Celia World we asked Aine and her associates to administer the oath. They are waiting for the 'Old Ones' approval. While they don't see their participation as a problem, they thought it was wise to check with their coordinator."

"I suspect we are pushing the bounds of their interaction with us."

"We understand that it is a unique request. We expect to know well before the site is ready, which is one reason we set the initial date as four weeks out. Our goal is to complete their installation before we have representatives visiting from other worlds."

"Amy's Clan, that's all we have so we will turn it back to you."

"Thanks. On behalf of all eight clans, we feel very honored by the trust you have placed in us by selecting us to be the first members of the Council of Celia World."

Several clans on Iolar stood and said, "Now everybody all together. Hip, hip, hurray."

"Again. Hip, hip, hurray."

The eight clans responded in unison, "Thank you. We will do our best but it will take all of us working together to make life here and on Celia World a success."

Amy's Clan patiently waited for everyone to quiet down before continuing with, "Now we have a couple of very important announcements.

"Please remember that we will switch to Ananu time and calendar at 24:00 Ó time Lundi, which is two clock cycles from tonight."

"Tomorrow at 07:00 ships time, a group will finish outfitting the two habitats on Tara Ardchlár as medical facilities.

"Even better, the medical group has determined that no one needs to wear environmental suits on Ananu. They do however strongly suggest that you wear coveralls while working. For the time being there are designated shuttles to operate between Tara Ardchlár and our ships. When you return, you will exit them through a decontamination shower.

"The reason we are suggesting that everyone wear coveralls on Ananu is that they provide some protection from abrasions. All of our testing shows that our immune system can handle this environment. However, if you notice any change in your health and body, or experience symptoms such as a rash, fever, congestion, you need to inform the medical staff immediately. Any questions?"

Several people stood on different ships indicating that they had a question. Betsy said, "It looks like we have a couple of questions. Let's start with the person on Marthanóir."

"We thought that there was a lot of concern about our immune system overreacting to the environment on Ananu, so we are very surprised by this announcement."

Betsy said, "We've approached this issue from a very conservative position. So yes, if you compare what we said when we first decided to move here versus this evenings announcement it is a dramatic change, although if you think back over our comments since then, during our voyage we have given hints that this might be case. Around a year ago we started boosting our immunity so that it could handle being on Ananu. It has only been within the last week that we've been able to verify that we would not overreact to Ananu's antigens. Again, we were, and we believe that we are still, being conservative in our approach.

"However, you may still get rashes when you contact some items. You may have sinus congestion. You may have other symptoms of your body reacting and adapting to its new environment. However, with your boosted immunity, these should be minor occurrences. Let us know if you have a severe episode or one that lasts for more than a day. Okay, that is the easy stuff.

"Insect bites are an unknown. If you have a strong reaction to a bite, seek attention immediately. This is why each work group will have at least 2 EMTs with them. For now, overreacting is good. Also, for insect bites try to remember what the insect looked like."

"Does that answer your question?"

"Yes. Thank you."

"Next question is from the lady on Iarracht."

"What's the point of using the decontamination units?"

"Basically to see what is picked up on Ananu, and we will be utilizing more than just the decontamination units for this. We will also be monitoring what the shuttle air filters collect and the dirt that is tracked into them. We are looking for anomalies. If we don't find anything significant then we will discontinue the effort."

"Thank you."

Next question is from the lady on Fiontar."

"You seem to be focusing on issues with the Órarduine. How will this affect the other breeds?"

"Actually our announcement and subsequent comments apply to everyone here."

"Thank you."

The topics of the questions shifted to more general questions about the activities over the next several days.

"It looks like we've reached a dry spell in questions so a couple more announcements. Tomorrow, we will begin moving the items on the FÓCT to Tara on Gaillimh. This includes the equipment for the clinics as well as the site preparation equipment. Once there is a covered area on the island we will begin moving more the items for the settlement. Emptying the freighters also frees up more space for manufacturing.

"Also, an Iridien Spec Ops ship is scheduled to arrive tomorrow at 14:00. It is coming to pick up those who are returning to Tigsu. It is scheduled for departure at 22:00 hours. Transfers to it will be from Dóchas. Current plans are for the departing passengers to board at 21:00 hours in hangar C4. Announcements will be made several times to ensure that all the passengers are on Dóchas and available for boarding prior to departure.

"Is there anything else that we need to cover?" asked Amy's Clan.

"Seeing none, good night and sleep well."

"Congratulations, moms and dad," said Keri and Marnia.

"Thanks," replied Sarah's Clan.

"So what are you all doing tomorrow?" asked Alison.

"Well in the morning we have our classes in engineering, which is followed by a flight simulator session then martial arts. We're scheduled to begin training flights next week."

Kennith and Moya said, "We have pretty much the same thing except engineering and flight simulator times are switched."

"I thought you had all completed flight training," said Janet.

"We did Mom. First it was so we could use the shuttles; this was followed by Star Fighter training. Right now we are studying Star Fighter combat tactics and after that we move to cruisers."

"The Star Fighters are fun to fly," said Sarah.

"Yes, they are," added Alena.

"We're really looking forward to practicing tactics in them," replied their children.

"Don't you need to be taller?" asked Maeve.

"Most of the tactics are taught on simulators, but some are done in the trainers. But yes, we need to be taller before we can actually pilot the Star Fighters. Probably 4 years or more, but doing what we can now helps us with other course work."

"So where are you in your engineering studies?" asked Claudette.

"I think we're about half way through Level 2 of mechanical engineering," said Deirdre. "It is a lot more interesting than Level 1 was."

"It's more interesting," added Moya, "because the exercises relate to building activity at the settlement."

"How is that?" asked Rusty.

"Well, in the latest exercise we looked at how to transfer the force exerted by the roof onto the walls so it doesn't spread the walls. Now we are evaluating ways to alter the roof structure so that a section failure doesn't cascade into a complete failure."

"So your exercises have you looking at the details as well as the whole structure?"


"Are you guys still planning to go through Level 2 courses for all engineering specialties?"

"Yes," answered the children.

Deirdre added, "We think we need Level 2 knowledge before we can make the best choice on a specialty. Besides, having Level 2 knowledge in all specialties makes it easier for us to understand integration issues between our creations and the rest of a project."

"Good point," replied Rusty. "We've seen a few excellent ideas with excellent design execution, but incapable of reliable interaction with other units."

"There are some of those in our exercises."

Deidre added, "We've focused on our engineering and science subjects as they give us the skills to help out. We still have quite a few courses to take relating to language and history."

"We need to head for our suite," said Jill.

"How is exercising your psionic skills coming?" asked Joyce.

"We've gone as far as we can in developing them on board the ship," replied Moya. "Briana told us that there was going to be an exercise area set up on Ananu. Do you know when that will be?"

Sally said, "There is an area on a nearby island that Cathan's and Nicola's Teams were considering. So I don't think it will be very long before a site is designated."

"Star Fighter and Badb Cruiser pilots need practice areas as well," said Tara, "both on the planet and in space."

"We'll talk to them to see what the plans are," replied Moya.

"I'm ready for some sleep," said Jill. "It has been a long day."

"We'll see you all at breakfast," said the children of Sarah's Clan as they went to their area of the suite.

When the morning chimes sounded Tara said grumpily, "You mean it's time to get up already."

"Sounds that way," replied Joyce with a cheerful voice.

"Well you may be cheerful, but I would like a few more hours sleep."

"I would too, but there is too much going on today to sleep late."

"Oh, that's right. We begin moving stuff to Gaillimh."

"You forgot."

"No. It's just taking a bit to get my thoughts organized. I was really sound asleep when the chimes sounded."

As Joyce and Tara were talking, their spouses had given each other hugs before getting out of bed. While they were showering and getting ready for breakfast, their children joined them.

"Morning," they said as the children entered the shower.

"Good morning," replied the children cheerfully with a smile as they all glanced at Tara.

Tara stuck her tongue out at them resulting in them laughing. "I'm not really grumpy. For some reason the chimes really startled me."

"I woke up a little before them," said Aoife, "and I noticed how deeply you were all sleeping."

"Well even though I would've liked to sleep longer, I do feel really rested."

"Good," replied her spouses. "We think we all are."

As they left their suite Sarah's Clan said to the other Command Staffs, "Let's not say anything this morning about the group we are sending to Sol system."

"We weren't planning on saying anything," replied Keriann.

"Good. We don't think that those leaving today need to know those details."

"Agreed," replied all the Command Staffs.

Later Sarah's Clan had just entered Dóchas' bridge when Clarence paged them. Sally said, "Go ahead Clarence."

"Three ships have just exited FTL and at current velocity they are a tad over 100 light seconds out."

"Have you identified them?"

"Preliminary scan indicates two Iridien Spec Ops ships along with another ship."

Maeve said, "Clarence, Communications just received a message from the lead ship requesting a communication link."

"Okay. We are still going to verify their identity though."

"Agreed," replied Sally.

"Attention on bridge," said Maeve, "going live with link to arriving ships." With Maeve's announcement, one monitor changed showing the bridge of one of the incoming ships.

"Greetings Dóchas, this is Iridien Commander Demerti advising of our approach."

"Greetings, Commander Demerti. It is good to see you again. Welcome to Celia system. How was your trip?"

"Interesting. We should be there in 4 hours. Our orders are to turn around as quickly as we can, however we need to check over our ships before we depart."

"You are always welcome to stay. Is there something we can do to assist during your approach? What kind of issues are you having?"

"An exterior integrity check on all three ships should answer some questions. The crew on the transporter has had some power issues and doesn't seem to know how to fix them. There were weapons malfunctions on both Spec Ops ships. Two weapons malfunctioned, but we were able to work around the issue temporarily. It would be nice to have them fully functional before we depart."

"We will alert our crew."

"Good. By the way, we are only detecting three of you, and four freighters along with numerous small ships."

"Be that as it may, we are all here."

"Well we've always had difficulty seeing your ships this far away."

Claudette said, "Commander, it will be easier to do the exterior scan of your ships if you drop your cloaking."

"Oops. Forgot about that."

"Several ships will be coming alongside in about 30 minutes. They will advise when they begin their approach."

"Great. Our AI is indicating that it has the coordinates for our approach and bay assignments."

"Security is telling us that the transport ship's identity doesn't match any Iridien ship in our database."

"Ah ... it won't. It is a Tigsu ship. We were asked to escort it here and back. The Tigsu have it designated as diplomatic ship, and we understand that it is used exclusively for transporting diplomats."

"So how are the systems checks on the Tigsu ship going to be handled? Won't its classification cause a problem?"

"No. The crew operating the ship has minimal contact with the diplomats. From what we've been told it is like two ships in one. The diplomats and their special crew are in one part of the ship separated from the rest of the crew."

"We need to establish communications with its AI in order to guide it into the hangar bay."

"I'll advise them. You do know that there are several Tigsu diplomats on the ship?"

"Sort of figured that from your comments. Even so, that doesn't change the communication requirement. You might remind them that it is for their safety."

"Good point."

"If we can get diagnostics on their power units before you get here it would make it a bit easier to service."

"Yes it would. However, I can only ask."

"Okay. Going back to the AI link issue, if we can't establish a link with them then we will position them alongside. Passengers will be ferried back and forth using our shuttles and boarding tubes."

"That will work and I'll let them know."

"Anything else."

"No. We'll contact you again at 30 minutes out."

"Engineering will advise you of the surface scan results. Security has found a match in the Tigsu database for the ship. According to the specifications, it is a modified cruiser."

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I awake lying naked, on a cot, in a pure white jail cell. Well, almost pure white. There are four black video screens on one wall. As the only non-white things in the room, they attract the eye.There is a large screen in the middle. It is at the eye level of someone seated in the room's only chair. The other screens are on both sides and above it. The cell also has a cot, a toilet, a sink, and a door with a small view port and a small slot at the floor, presumably for the passage of meals,...

Oral Sex
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Lusts What The Doctor OrderedChapter 8

Friday afternoon, Prinz left his office earlier than usual and drove with apprehension to his beach house. He had consented, finally, to the suggested "party," and though he was looking forward to observing the incestuous couplings, he still had some reservations. He had called Mark the day before, and the young medical student had agreed to come, and Coco had agreed to play the part of hostess for the weekend orgy. As he pulled into his drive, Prinz was relieved to find Mark and Coco's...

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Juicy Eileen 2

Juicy Eileen - Chapter 2As we often do on Saturday evening, we went to a fancy restaurant in the village center, and went directy to bed right afterwards. My wife was a little tipsy from the prosecco, and when my wife is a little tipsy she spreads her fine, long legs willingly. I hadn't washed after the earlier encounter with the horny granny just a few blocks away, and was determined to let my wife have a taste at the foul member. It's was going to be easy, since Annemieke, my 29 year old...

3 years ago
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Ciarra the ColdChapter 15 Making Preparations

Amused, I watched Nivra. My new pet is as timid as a Vixen-less Kitten. Wide-Eyed, she flinched at every sound, even though the entrance of every dungeon was a safe area. Mostly. Monsters wouldn’t spawn here, nor would they wander in intentionally. Nivra. A strange name. I don’t like it, but I’m not going to call her human, so she doesn’t fit neatly into the pattern of my pet’s names. I love using themes, especially since I’ll end up with so many pets, animal names aren’t going to be...

1 year ago
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Weekend at Andersons

Chapter 1 Traffic had been a madhouse and Kevin Hamm walked into the offices of Trans-Electron at precisely 4 minutes after 9 in the morning. “Damn!” Kevin muttered, straighten his jacket and thought to himself, “Almost on time anyway. Even with landing that account, I can’t afford be late...I’m sure Ms Anderson is just aching for an excuse to give me a hard time again.” Ms Helen Anderson looked across a large beautifully finished mahogany desk and through the partially opened blinds covering...

3 years ago
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Eileens first time at 75

So Eileen lives just down the road from us and most of you men reading this wouldn't give her a second glance. She is 75, short grey hair & plump and not particularly attractive. In fact even for a horny guy like me who likes an older lady, Eileen wouldn't be in my top 50 to want to fuck.However I have been sure for a number of years that she has a little crush on me. Not that I see her often, but as she lives alone and has no family in the area, my wife and I do a few odd jobs for her. In...

3 years ago
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The Homecoming of Keith BoydChapter 6 Life with Hondo begins

I awoke on the morning of Halloween as if it were any other morning. I took a pee and a shower then struggled into my fake leg and then my clothes. Just like every other morning I made a pot of coffee. Then sat drinking the whole thing while my head removed itself from my ass. I needed to do that before I even came close to getting myself up to speed for a new day. It was my day to hook the water trailer to my scooter for the trip to Fred’s house. There I would fill the twenty gallon plastic...

2 years ago
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A Hot Shower

A few weeks ago my husband and I stayed the night at our old friend Sean’s house on our way through town. It had been a hot day and I was feeling a bit sticky and grimy from the ride. I asked to use the shower and my host showed me where it was. He ushered me into the bathroom with a grin and shut the door behind him. ‘Need a hand?’ he asked. ‘Mmm, will you get all those hard to reach places?” I murmured with a smile in return. ‘I’d like to get my ‘hard’ into all your places,’ he teased back.

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Daughters Pony UrgeChapter 6

Christine grabbed her jeans off the floor and hauled herself up, sliding the faded denim up her long legs. Swaying slightly, she stood on wobbly legs, stiff from being on her knees for so long. Moaning and sore-muscled, she bent over and grabbed the shirt. As she slipped her arms through the sleeves, she staggered out the bedroom. Having been fucked by Laddie had unleashed the full fury of her passion-she wanted more. She knew where to get it. Outside on the porch, her shirt open, her jeans...

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Her power was mesmerising. The way she held herself. The way she commanded the room. It was only me in it, but she owned it. She owned me. She had made her position clear, as she strolled around in grace and thigh high stockings. Heels and lace underwear set. My eyes followed her. She had given me an option: not touch her, or be tied up.  I chose the latter, knowing from experience that I would not be able to trust myself if I was free to move. She walked back over to me, swaying her hips with...

3 years ago
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The Aromas Of Youth 2 Bedrooms Are Where Trouble Starts

After my first little encounter with Mandy's mum - Mrs Hubert - I received no immediate invitation for a follow-up, which I found both surprising and insulting. I decided to get back to my real job: seducing her daughter.I was now armed with my new expertise, which amounted to briefly licking the older woman's snatch and even more briefly penetrating her before losing control and spraying my spunk around like an idiot. But I had done it. I had had sex. I had had my face in Mrs Hubert's crotch...

3 years ago
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Journey to EdenChapter 16 Explanation

Brgghhh Jord sat in stupefied amazement as Jona hurried to Leana’s side. “What are you talking about? You’re not seriously considering this, are you?” Yet even as she spoke, she realized just how serious her friend was, and suddenly she knew who the fourth person must be. “Meta? Nooo!” Speechless, she turned to Jord, as Leana nodded. “And they must go alone, without any help from us,” said Seth. “I understood that, from all the things Ylva told us,” he shook his head, as if trying to wake...

3 years ago
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The Rise of Jade ForceChapter 3 Fall of East Vam

March 3, 1975 Amra pulled all of its forces out of East Vam on March 1. Within two days of the last helicopter leaving, the government of East Vam fell. The news had showed frantic crowds at the airport trying to get out of the country on the last few flights. There were pictures of high level government officials fleeing their homes in luxury cars. They were heading for ports where rows of expensive boats were docked waiting to take them to Filop or Yurago. The entire country was in chaos...

4 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 250

Maybe the Best Newfie Joke Ever! Two Newfies were working for the city public works department. One would dig a hole and the other would follow behind him and fill the hole in. They worked up one side of the street, then down the other, then moved on to the next street, working furiously all day without rest, one man digging a hole, the other filling it in again. An onlooker was amazed at their hard work, but couldn’t understand what they were doing. So he asked the hole digger, ‘I’m...

2 years ago
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After leaving Barry out in front of my apartment complex for 5 minutes, Jenna and I went to check on him.  Actually, we went to laugh at him.  What we saw was Barry trying to hop (handcuffed and anklecuffed) towards some bushes for cover.  If you remember, Barry was wearing only a pink thong panty.  We watched through the glass in the apartment stairwell and laughed until we cried.  Barry hopped towards some trees as a car approached him.  Barry quickly jumped into the bushes and straight into...

1 year ago
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Massage Session To Unexpected Sexual Encounter Part 1

Hey readers. Varun back again after a long time. Well, I’m a 21-year-old lad based in Bangalore. You can give me your feedback and I would love to connect with you all. My email is So this incident is about my new neighbors. I live in a small locality in north Bangalore. Last year a couple and their kid moved into my opposite building. To talk about the couple, the husband Lokesh, 39 was an IT professional. He was like any other average Indian male. Tall dark and hairy with a small potbelly...

1 year ago
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Family life

This happened about twenty years ago. First off, I should explain that I genuinely had no inclinations towards young girls or my own daughter. I mean, as a married man who owns a profitable company, why would I put that at risk? However, sometimes circumstances develop that can very quickly spiral out of control.Our daughter, Emily was only sixteen but was already the same size as her petite mother. I was the founder and managing director of an IT company in Ashford, Kent, which is that little...

3 years ago
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She emailed Duane saying, “Duane, meet me in Cyberland tonight at 2 am. The location is a cabin, deep in the woods, surrounded by snow. The cabin is supplied with everything we need, food, drink, warmth, a calm atmosphere, serenaded by romantic music. We will have a night filled with lust and desire darling.” Kountrygal is the first to arrive. The cabin is a romantic sensuous setting with a roaring fire, a bearskin rug, and a fur covered round bed. After putting her things away, she...

4 years ago
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Passion within

Hi,I m a very cool kind of a guy…now let me tell you about me and the passion tht ws within me provoking me to be wild,to be evil,each day nd each second…it ws difficult fr me to control… I m a graduate in english honors and i ws workin fr 5 years now in a mnc….i m stayin in delhi….i have a very big family who dont stay with me…but we always have a get together on weekends or any ocassion…it ws my 25th birthday…my cousins,parents and all my family members had come to give me best wishes,i have...

1 year ago
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Unexpected Sex With Mother8217s Sister

Hello everyone. I am a regular reader of Indian sex stories since last 4 years. This incident happened recently where I fucked my mother’s sister and we both are fully into each other exploring all the thrust. Even when his husband was at home. Firstly I’m Murali of age 22 completed my graduation. I am 6 ft tall, well built. And had a thick tong of size 7′. From Vizag. Any unsatisfied women and ladies from Vizag can ping me for fulfilling your desires at Without wasting your time let me get...

2 years ago
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Uncle Bobs Gas Station

by Lubrican Chapter 1 Lana Masters approached her brother's service station with some trepidation. This was her first job, in actuality. She'd married young, when her boyfriend had knocked her up at age seventeen. The following ten years had been good, but then he'd been killed by a drunk driver leaving a bar. The life insurance had carried her and their daughter Mindy through for another four years, but then things began to get tight. Lana and her brother had been close when...

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Chace McCartson Part I

Here goes some considerations: - Even having good normal sex scenes and some romance, this story is tends to get darker as it goes, involving torture, extreme sex and some other stuff. This chapter is just the introduction. - I'm not an English speaker and I know I make a lot of mistakes, but I have no one to proof-read for me in time to post, cause I'm really busy and the only time I have I write and I post, so, sorry for any mistake or error. - All the characters follows the...

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Friend8217s beautiful wife

Hi this is Vijay from Hyderabad. This is my first posting before you. I am 27 years old married and having a kid of one month old. I am regular reader of ISS for around one year and I wish to present my first experience before my marriage with my friend’s wife. My friend’ Prasad and myself were very good friends. We were together for last 10 years or so and I am working for a private company and he looks after his business. This incident happened to me before my marriage. He got married to...

3 years ago
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MarlaChapter 1

The pounding was barely audible over the rushing water. Marla ignored it and ducked under the shower head to rinse out her long black hair. Maybe whoever it was would go away. She'd just come off a double shift at the hospital. She needed a shower, food and sleep, in that order. She had to finish her anatomy homework before class the next day. Finished with her hair, she turned up the hot water and let the spray work the ache out of her back. There'd been a ton of emergency flu cases....

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Indian wife and 2 lucky guys

Hi my name is Isha. I was born in India and came to America after getting married with my lovely husband. I was a housewife. It only been 1 year of our marriage. I had no k**s. My husband was good in bed. He always come home and love me and have sex with me in kitchen and balcony and every place in our apt. He was very open minded, he will make me watch porn. I loved watching porn. He wanted to give me a surprise. We both loved watching sharing wife porn and I always wanted to try It. One day,...

4 years ago
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Jesse the twink minx discovers

As a kid, he indulged in dressing up in all manner of clothes, but especially clothing himself in his mother’s shocking red feather boa, a wide brimmed hat, necklaces and precarious high heels. As he wobbled along strutting his stuff in the heels in front of the long full-length mirrors, Jesse would mimic the screen legends of old, pouting and posing, striking sultry poses without understanding the context. He did so normally only sporting a pair of plain colour y-fronts running his hands over...

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My Wonderful Summer

As a kid growing up, I lived next door to a beautiful divorced woman for about 15 years. Amy was gorgeous and did very well for herself, owning/managing a catering business. She had married young and when her husband made a lot of money, he left her. Amy got a good lawyer and took her ex to the cleaners. With the business and the settlement, she led a comfortable life. Over time I got to know Amy well because of her friendship with my parents and because she paid me to do odd jobs...

2 years ago
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Sissification Epidemic 3

"Bartender, give me 2 shots of vodka." I said as I sat down. Fuck. The last hour has been rough on me and I don't feel like dealing with it at the moment. My name is Patrick Shumaker, and I just ended it with my girlfriend of a 6 months. I really liked her too. But when you come home after a long week of work to find her in bed with her dick of an ex, there's not much else you can do. I slam the first shot back and hand him my card. I'm a researcher for a well known drug maker. I'm not...

3 years ago
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Swapping Dates

Chloe knew there was never any spark. She knew that Danny was not the lad for her. Chloe had dated many lads but they all seemed to be idiots. Chloe was looking for someone that was well built but certainly no dick. The problem was is that quote simply Chloe went for badboys, the lads know as Chavs. The one she had met tonight was a lad called Danny Johns. He was slightly older than her by two years. He was 23. He had a steady job as a mechanic but had this attitude that seemed to really grate...

2 years ago
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A light breeze blew through the exposed corridors at the college as I made my way back to my car. I was taking a night class in visual arts, and class had just been dismissed. The normally busy school was nearly deserted now and only a few stragglers remained from late classes like mine. As I took out my keys and turned the last corner of the red brick building, I saw her. I had to look twice, but I had no doubt, her long beautifully flown auburn hair bounced healthily on her shoulders as she...

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Being myself is good enough for me

Being myself is good enough for me My mom always used to tell me to stay away from trouble. Did I listen to her? No. Instead it was like was involved in it, a fight here, the police there, yeah you get the picture. I was born to two god loving parents, having a Christian upbringing. Every Sunday we would go to church and I would always have to wear a stupid dress, even though I hated them. The boys could wear pants, so why couldn't I? "Because you are not a boy, honey," mom would...

1 year ago
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Teachers Summer Vacation

The Teachers Summer VacationHe was a new teacher at the high school, (young, hung and single) and all the girls thought he was dreamy. Because he was able to teach both chemistry and several math classes, he had gotten the job of his choice. It was a very upscale suburban area and close to the small tract of woods he had with the cabin he was building. It was a very modest log cabin but he had some interesting additions. There was a solar outdoor shower and a wood fired sauna. Down the hill was...

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Donny London Courier Driver

CHAPTER 1 Donny London couldn’t understand the fuss some people made about sex, proclaiming its social popularity would end civilization prematurely, killing off millions through STDs. Of course there were the optimistic diehards who proclaimed it as the elixir of life. Well, being a courier guy with a vehicle too small in which to fuck comfortably, Donny could take or leave sex. He often bypassed opportunities because he was not over-fussed. He didn’t like sweating or having to tell a babe...

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Private Daniella Margot Horny Bartender Enjoys Anal

In Private Specials, Rimming Ladies 2 we have the young and gorgeous Danielle Margot, she is a student just looking to earn some cash working at a bar and things soon spice up when a customer (Lutroo) stays late wanting more than just drinks! Danielle is always horny and up for a good time and gladly goes down for a taste of cock and little bit more, watch as this saucy teen shows off her rimming talent with some ass licking action before taking a hard pounding that will culminate with anal and...

3 years ago
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Family History With Kelly

It was sometime in the fall of 1985 and Kelly and I were both twenty-five. Kelly and her mom had always been close. Almost sister-like close, which struck me as odd since she had an older sister, although the age difference left them with little in common, plus Kelly was the youngest of four in the family and her mom was twenty-seven when Kelly arrived. She wasn’t a teen mom (to Kelly) with only a few years age difference.Nonetheless, Kelly shared nearly her (our) entire life with her mom....

2 years ago
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Family NightChapter 7

The next day was Saturday, and fortunately for the entire family, no one had to get up early. Rick and his older sister lay enveloped in each other's arms, dreams of their new exciting adventures and discoveries rippling through their heads as they slept. They always kept both their doors locked now to guard against unwanted intrusions, so they slept peacefully until the sun came streaming in through the bedroom window. When MaryAnn awoke, her bottom still felt a little funny. Her little...

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The Black Rooster Resort Ch04

Down by the eastern wing of the hotel, a large doorway marked the entrance to the Ferris Hall."Here we are," Henrietta said as she looked out over the assembly hall.A runway had been raised in the middle of the room. Beside it, several workers looked up at the voluptuous woman who was inspecting their work. The woman, Deborah Mckinney, wore a snug red dress that accentuated her curvy and thick body. Her enormous breasts poured out of the rounded chest area of her dress.Deborah was the owner of...

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A Facial With Dinner

I was probably 18 years old when I met this girl named Tammy. She was this little red headed thing, cute as a button and just as petite. I really wasn’t that interested in her because red heads just weren’t my thing but she was persistent. In retrospect I suspect she took my disinterest to mean I was being coy or playing hard to get. In fact there was a blonde cashier at the store I worked that I had my eye on, she was tall and firm and had long straight blonde hair that ran half way down...

4 years ago
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My Confusing Relationship With Alice

Alice was one of my closest friends that I have had. But, my friendship with her wasn’t really the kind that I’ve had with other girls I’ve been friends with. We were; what people would call ‘friends with benefits (FWB)’. This isn’t really new or uncommon, in fact, a lot of people even have multiple FWBs. We’ve met during a bus ride, and were both horny enough to actually explore each other during the trip (As I’ve told in my first draft stories). Moving forward, around my 3rd year of...

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Spizoo September Reign Black Cock For Sexy Ebony

September Reign is a hot, chocolate, fit, babe, who is ready to take a hard black cock deep in her wet pussy. Her round ass and big tits make her impossible to resist. She teases and spreads her legs before taking her partner’s big cock balls deep inside her. She rides with the athleticism of an elite slut and takes a massive load sprayed on her huge juggs. Enjoy this beautiful ebony sucking and licking a big black dick, then Rod Jackson gives her good oral sex sucking her pussy and...

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Learning through her eyes

She sat waiting patiently on the couch for him to return home from work. She had done little but think of him and it had been working her into a quiet frenzy, knowing she wouldn’t have to wait much longer to taste, touch, smell, hold, feel, know, have her man. As the sensations she imagined washed over her, she let her eyes drift close, let her head fall back and her hands slip over her ribs to her navel. Because she had been so anxiously waiting for his touch and his hands, it wasn’t hard to...

4 years ago
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We Say Goodbye

Liz was perfect of mind and body. She stood a beautiful five and a half feet tall with brown eyes and hair and a dark complexion. She appeared to be tanned all of the time. She had perfectly flat stomach and a pair of monster boobs, as well as, an equally massive ass which led into womanly legs. You know, legs with substance, not fat but not toothpicks either. And smart, oh my yes, she was a straight A student. If Liz had a flaw it was, believe it or not, lack of self confidence. Which may...

4 years ago
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The Spirit of PolandChapter 14

Anelie was beginning to think she had lost her mind. They had been traveling three days up this magical path. Or so her memory told her. She was unsure. Anelie remembered stopping twice to sleep, setting up camp near a stream very like the one where they had started. They woke. They traveled. They rested. Conversations became rarer. It was like she was in a dream. Maybe she was dreaming. It would explain what she thought she was now sensing. Anelie glanced to the left again. While their...

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MommysGirl Lauren Phillips Emily Willis Silvia Saige Peace Offering

Silvia Saige and her stepdaughter Emily Willis walk up to the front entrance of a home. Emily seems nervous, while Silvia looks stern and determined. They are there to confront the parents of a bully who has been teasing Emily for being a lesbian. Silvia rings the doorbell. A moment later, the bully’s mom, Lauren Phillips, opens the door, smiling pleasantly and dressed in sexy workout clothes. When Silvia and Emily see Lauren, their eyes go wide, both obviously surprised by how hot she...

2 years ago
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Introduction: hubby traping me for a 3 some Hi I am MEENA. I have got a lovely hubby RAJ. We are just married b4 6 month. Today Raj seems to be very happy, as his friend RAHUL comes to our house. He was his thick friend from childhood. He has gone to states 3 months b4 our marriage. He didnt came to our marriage because of it. So he comes to visit us today. I was fair lady.. medium built. I resemble Martina Hingis in appearance. I am at 23 now. I am 34-28-36. RAJ was well built and...

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12 December 2008Chapter 4

“You brought me to a swinger’s party?” Dan asked looking to Carla. “Yes, I did. Just because you, Karen, Wendy and Tina live that lifestyle at home and the Hen House doesn’t mean that those who live very well off don’t enjoy the same pleasures.” “I didn’t know you and your husband were into swinging?” “In my profession, it’s something we keep private. You and your family are the only ones I’ve ever had sex with at work.” “When Carla told me about her attending your last birthday party, I...

3 years ago
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Sexual Awakening First Trip to Europe

She stared out the window at the passing scenery, at seemingly endless acres of fields and vineyards. Her face had taken on the melancholy look of her thoughts as they ran deep. Ten years of marriage she’d given him, fifteen years of her life in all, for what? For him to decide that she wasn’t worth it. They’d been through rough times before, but this time was different. The relationship was cold. And when she suggested they try some time apart, he left and didn’t look back. In the time since...

1 year ago
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Prom Date Part 1

Jody was pretty much a typical 18 year old boy. He liked sports, hanging out with his friends, and playing video games. However, Jody had one deep, dark secret. He was addicted to wearing his sister's clothes. Every time the house was empty and he had the chance, he would sneak into her room and try on something pretty. Jody was always mortified of getting caught so he was very careful. He would only try on clothing and shoes. In other words, he wouldn't risk putting on any makeup or nail...


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