ReginaldChapter 19
- 4 years ago
- 27
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“In a way, but it is not so simple as that. The peculiarities of varying figures often do not mean there is a crime. It can be as simple as an expansion of the work of a department, meaning extra expenditure on staff salaries and expenses; more spent on supplies, and so on. Finding the differences allows you to ask the questions that tell you whether there is an innocent explanation, and if not, you look into it further. Once you have dismissed all the innocent explanations, you start to question possible criminality.”
“So do people do this sort of investigating as a career?” enquired Elizabeth.
“They can do. It is called forensic accounting, but most of it is done by computer programs nowadays. It is expensive so it is only banks and other major financial organisations that need that to happen. If your organisation seems to be running well, there is little point to doubt your own accounts. The problem lies with organisations or companies that lie in the middle range: too big, but not big enough, if you see what I mean. That is the target market for our family’s company: The Recovery Enterprise Group.”
Sidra sat up to suggest, “Dad, does this mean that you are getting paid for going through these accounts? If so, then me and my sister should be getting our cut, if we are going to help.”
“I can see how you might think that, but the company doesn’t work that way. Instead, the concept is that if we find losses and prevent them from continuing, we get a percentage of the savings. At least that is what will happen in the future. This case is what you might call an exploration of concept.”
“How do you mean? Sidra wanted to know.
“We are not asking for payment on this contract. We are getting experience in the field, so to speak, and the University are getting a free examination of their accounts to look for ways to save money.”
“Oh. That makes sense, Reg ... I mean, Dad.”
“In the same way, I see this as a learning process for you young ladies. You will learn about accounting and double-entry book-keeping, and with a bit of luck you might come across something worth exploring further. I can say that, should you find an item worth our efforts, you will be considered for an ex-gratia payment.”
Elizabeth stared at Reg and then looked at Sidra, finding an equally curious face. “Dad, what does ‘ex-gratia’ mean?”
Reg smiled. “Another bit of learning for you. It is Latin, meaning ‘by favour’, and is used in modern English to mean something done out of the goodness of your heart. In the legal world, it means an item done freely, without expectation of payment of any kind. Freda will have learned about that, as she is studying law; her father is a successful lawyer.”
Sidra pointed out a clash of meanings. “But an ex-gratia payment doesn’t make sense. If it is ex-gratia, that means no payment, surely.”
“Not quite, you sharp cookie. It means a payment where there was no obligation or expectation of payment: a payment that the payer does not have to make, but decides to do so out of gratitude; by favour.”
“Ah. I get it. You might decide to give us a payment, even though it is not promised.”
“That’s it. We don’t have income coming in from the contract, thus we don’t have the company finance to pay you, BUT I might decide you merit a reward from my my own pocket, if I feel it is justified.”
“That is more acceptable, Dad. Show us what you want us to do, but first show us how the system works, using the figures you have to work with.”
Reg set to and explained what the figures meant, how all the columns were topped with a heading that indicated the subject that all the figures in that column referred to. The final column gave the total for each line, and the total for that column at the bottom would be also the total of all the column totals on that horizontal line.
They soon got the idea, and Reg was able to give each of them a set of figures for a department or faculty to look through. He could tell that their excitement was growing at the idea of them scrutinising the university’s finances. He had to make a point of emphasizing that all the figures were completely private, and they could never talk to any outsider about what was in them. This calmed them down somewhat, but made them feel even more important.
After an hour or so, they were exhausted with all the figures that had been going before their eyes, so Reg called a halt.
“Okay, girls, I think that is enough for now. Did you see anything that caused you any concern?”
Both said no, and seemed disappointed, so Reg reassured them, “Girls, 99 per cent of what you see in such accounts is beyond reproach; perfectly accurate and justifiable in every way, so please don’t feel as if you have wasted your time. It is like a police investigation: most of the information you collect will tell you nothing, but quite often it is the ‘nothings’ that point up the relevant. Think of yourselves as detectives collecting information that might or might not be relevant.”
This cheered them up, and they went back to their usual studies, feeling refreshed again. The change from their studying was almost as good as a rest for them.
Reg was left to struggle through the accounts by himself, so he was happy when Holly came through to speak to him.
“Reg, Freda has been on the phone to me. She says she is bringing two of her fellow law students to dinner tonight. Is that okay with you?”
“Of course. Why shouldn’t it be fine, Holly? You don’t imagine I am in charge here! My wives rule the roost. As far as I am concerned, some new faces at our table will be interesting. Do we know anything about them?”
“Not really. She just said she wanted to bring a couple of the guys home for a meal, but what she meant by ‘guys’ could be men or women. Women is more likely, as I doubt she would be inviting a couple of men to meet her husband!”
Reg laughed at the picture Holly was portraying. “Who knows, Holly? It doesn’t matter to me; anyone who is at the university is bound to be interesting. Law students, she said?”
“Yes, law students, so they may bore you with legal talk!”
“Hey, even legal talk could be interesting, as we found with the questions over the artwork we found in this building. Legal points can be the difference between a windfall and a liability.”
“Maybe for you Reg, but I don’t expect them to be interesting to anyone else. Any thoughts on what we should have for dinner?”
“Do we have the makings for roast beef and Yorkshire pudding? The Robsons may be able to help with that: I heard that in Yorkshire they have a Yorkshire pudding, plate-size, with gravy, before the meat course. That is, a large pudding each! I presume it is very light in texture.”
Holly was interested. “If I can phone the butcher and get a large piece of roasting beef delivered in the next hour or two, we can do that. It takes a lot of time to roast a large joint. The Yorkshire puds are simple and easy to make. We can do a bunch of veg to go with it. Leave it to me, Reg.”
She shot off to phone the butcher, with whom the Robertsons had an account.
Reg was interrogated at lunchtime by the Robson girls.
“What’s this we hear about two visitors at dinner, Reg?”
Reg looked from one to the other before replying.
“Ladies, this is another part of your training here. Decisions about visitors for meals or any other reason are a matter for the master and mistress of the household, and so should not be the subject of interrogation by anyone else. You can take a gentle approach when seeking information, such as “X mentioned that we will see visitors at dinner tonight. Is it anyone we know?” Or, “Should we dress formally for dinner, for your visitors, or is it an informal event?”
The subtle approach is much better than what sounded like a challenge: “What’s this we hear?” Ladies, I learned quickly from my girls that a cautious attitude is much more preferable in social intercourse. It implies an interest, and not a complaint. The other lesson I learned was to be slow to speak, rather than rushing in with a query.
To answer you directly, I have no idea who these two are, other than classmates of Freda on her law course. Does that satisfy you?”
Hermione had gone red at the start of Reg’s speech, but now relented.
“Thank you for letting us know, Reg. Do you wish us to vacate our spaces to allow for the visitors? We can eat with the others at the second sitting.”
“An excellent response, Hermione. I have no idea, so please check with the twins about the seating arrangement.”
As soon as one of the twins appeared from the kitchen to speak with Reg, Hermione asked her, “Should Jemima and myself move to the other table for dinner, to allow space for the visitors?”
Carol and I worked it out, Hermione. You don’t need to move. We can squeeze the chairs a little closer and add one place on each side, if everyone keeps their elbows in! The ones at each end may find themselves on the corner of the table, but it will make things cosy for everyone.”
Reg asked her, “Should I shift to a normal chair, Holly? I can cope with that much better now.”
“That’s what I came to ask. If you can do that, it will certainly help, Reg., thanks. We’ll fetch a chair for you. Does this mean your wound is healing well?”
“It does. It feels much more comfortable now. I still won’t eat too much: I don’t want my skin too tight round my middle.” He laughed at his own joke, and Holly grinned also.
It seemed a long wait until the girls got home. There were three vehicles, as Hubert and Herbert Pringle had their own shared car. It was an old Peugeot, much loved as shown by the well polished exterior. They parked judiciously, further along from the girls’ cars, allowing the wives to enter first. Freda hung back to be at the door as the young men got there.
Reg had made his way to the hall, for the meeting, so Freda welcomed the two lads into the house, and introduced Reg.
“Herbert, Hubert, this is my husband, Reg.”
The lads were identical twins, just like Carol and Holly. They were around five foot ten, with a mop of curly fair hair, but pleasant faces. They seemed apprehensive about Freda’s husband and family, so Reg tried to put them at ease.
“Welcome to our home, lads. I hear good things about you from Freda, so we thought you ought to visit.”
“It is nice of you to allow us to come to dinner ... Sir.” Herbert or Hubert seemed unsure at this seemingly younger man who was apparently Freda’s husband. “Are you a legal student too?”
Reg gave a quick laugh. “No such luck. I am doing a general degree at the moment, till I decide what to specialise in. Freda is doing law as she hopes to join her father once she graduates. Do come in and meet the others in this complicated household.”
Hubert noticed Reg walking very carefully in front of them, and asked, “Are you hurting, Reg?”
“Just being careful, lads. I am recovering from a recent injury. I am still signed off from classes, but the university have been sending material to me so that I don’t miss anything important.” He led them into the sitting room, where a table was laid out with wine and soft drinks. “Help yourself to a drink while we wait to be called for dinner. I am uncertain of the timetable. Freda, could you ask Holly or Carol as to when we are expected for dinner?”
“Will do, darling. Boys, dig in. The drinks won’t dry up, but there are others to help you dispose of them!”
As she went out, she was replaced by Prudence, Frances, Erika and Fiona. Fiona stared at the Pringle twins, and exclaimed, “It is you two! I didn’t know you were coming.”
Reg raised an eyebrow, and Fiona noticed. She told him, “These two were in the Drama Club last year. They were cast as the Ugly Sisters in the Christmas pantomime show. They were great!”
One of the lads offered a hand, “Hi, Miss Prentiss. Nice to see you again.”
“Hi, boys. And it is Mrs Robertson now. Reg is my husband.”
“Beg pardon.” The words were a cross between a question and an exclamation.
The other girls introduced themselves, “I am Prudence and this is Erika and Frances. Jessica should be along shortly. She is finalising things for the dinner.”
The other young man said to he, “Nice to meet you, Miss; and you other ladies too. Are you residents in this building?”
Frances gave him a pleasant smile. “I should say so, considering that we are married to Reg.”
The caused his jaw to drop, until at last his memory filled him in.
“Oh! You are the Robertson women we heard about at the university!”
Frances countered, “Heard in the nicest possible way, I hope.”
“Um ... yes, of course, Mrs Robertson. Very unusual, but no adverse comment, I believe.”
“Excellent! Then we can offer you a decent feed, in that case.”
“Any room for some more in here?” asked Jessica, shepherding Sidra and Elizabeth into the sitting room. She came over to the twin men.
“Gentlemen, I am Jessica Robertson and this is our daughter Sidra and our daughter Elizabeth.”
The two teenagers shook hands and curtsied to the men. Jessica noted the skewed looks on their faces, and explained, “Sidra is my daughter from a previous marriage and is now Reg’s daughter. Elizabeth is our adopted daughter. She lost her parents in a car accident.”
Reg interrupted. “What’s the state of play over dinner, my love?”
Jessica gave him a ‘thumbs-up’. “Doing fine. The roast is ready and they are preparing the Yorkshires as we speak.”
“Lovely. In that case, we can make our way into the dining room. Do we have table placings, Jessica?”
“The girls thought not. They didn’t know who was coming, so decided it was best to not use name cards. We just choose our own places; take your wine glasses with you, gentlemen. I presume you, Reg, will be at the head of the table?”
“Delighted, my dear. I have asked for a normal chair, instead of the padded chair, so as not to take up too much space.”
They made their way through, and the ladies made sure that Herbert and Hubert were on opposite sides, facing each other and surrounded by Robertson wives who all had a happy demeanour about them. The Pringles were unaware that this was the glow of pregnancy.
As they settled in to wait for the food, chit-chat went on. Fiona told Reg about the Pringles, “The boys were on holiday on the Norfolk Broads last summer, doing a bit of boating.”
“Nice place, I understand. Never been there myself.” Reg commented.
Fiona informed him,”Oh, it has gorgeous scenery. It is a wonderful unspoilt place, a real natural wonderland.”
Reg gave a little smile and nodded. “Certainly unspoilt now, but not natural, Fiona my love.”
“Not natural? It has been there for hundreds of years at least, with no industry to speak of, so certainly natural.”
Reg agreed, “Certainly natural now, but not originally. In the 11th and 12th century, the Broads had no water in them. They were open pits producing peat by spade and shovel for the home fires and for export. At one point Norwich Cathedral was taking in over 300,000 tons of peat per year, mostly for export, so these pits were quite a lucrative peat excavation set of sites. Production ceased because a sea-level rise flooded the deep peat pits, gradually overwhelming all of them. They turned into lakes that became the Norfolk Broads and the Suffolk Broads; then over hundreds of years the peat pits were forgotten, covered by the water. It was only when they were researched by an archaeologist in the 1960s that they were recognised for what they were.”
As Fiona marvelled at this news, Hermione and Jemima entered with flat plates with steaming Yorkshire puddings on top, and a couple of jugs of aromatic gravy. They announced, “The roast beef and vegetables will follow as soon as your plates are empty. Dig in to your genuine Yorkshire puddings with gravy to begin the meal.”
The two Robsons’ poised allure struck the Pringle twins immediately. They were quite taken by these good-looking women bearing the plates. Unfortunately, the ladies saw the young men as too young to be of interest to early twenties women, and so ignored their admiring glances.
While the boys were thus admiring them, they vanished back to the kitchen to collect the vegetables, and potatoes. Carol and Holly were to bring the roast beef and the long knife for Reg to carve the beef.
Sidra was watching from the door, to estimate when the Yorkshire puddings had been consumed, and signalled to the kitchen.
The procession started with Hermione carrying the boiled potatoes and Jemima with the steamed carrots and peas on a tray. After they had laid these on the table and removed the emptied Yorkshire pudding plates, Carol appeared with the large roast beef and Holly with the carving knife, two-tined fork and the sharpening steel. These were all laid in front of Reg for his attention as head of household. Sidra and Elizabeth followed behind, each with a new pile of warmed plates on a tray.
“Will you do the honours, Reg?” asked Holly.
Reg proceeded to sharpen the carving knife with the steel, before cutting thin slices of beef from the roast. Sidra offered Reg one plate at a time to receive the beef slices, and Elizabeth took the plate to lay it in front of one of the diners. Elizabeth was careful to lay the plates of food from the right of the diner, as she had been shown by the wives.
Once each person had his plate of beef, he or she could help themselves to the potatoes and other vegetables. After they were happy that all those served were tucking in, the servers moved to the second table in the room and laid it for themselves.
This gave them time to hurriedly eat their meal, ready to head to the kitchen when the other table seemed to have finished their main course. The six of them were back together with a tray each of tinned fruit and ice cream, which they served to the main table.
As they went round the table, Carol and Holly had more of a chance to look at the two guests, and were astonished to recognise the Pringle brothers as twins. At the same time, the men were distracted from their fellow diners, realising as Carol and Holly stood together that they were also twins.
There was an intake of breath on both sides at this mutual recognition.
“You are twins!” declared both pairs at the same time. Reg smiled, along with all his wives. Bingo!
Now to see what would happen next.
Carol and Holly turned on Freda.
“You didn’t tell us that the visitors were twins! And that they are handsome men!” The Pringle twins beamed at this compliment.
Freda smiled sweetly. “I didn’t tell you ANYTHING about them and you didn’t ask, so what is the problem?”
Holly and Carol glared at her, stymied. They turned to face the two men, and apologised for the underhand way in which they had been invited. The men looked puzzled.
Herbert said, “But Freda didn’t tell us that there were twins in her family. She just invited us to a meal at her home. She didn’t do anything wrong. She certainly didn’t tell us that you were good-looking, and we see that you are pretty competent too.”
Carol ventured, “Strictly speaking, we are not Freda’s family. We are cousins of Frances, who is the Chief Wife here. We are simple employees, as cook and housekeeper; and we have to be competent, to do that job.”
Reg interrupted, “Carol, Holly; Herbert and Hubert? Can I suggest you take your discussion through to the kitchen, once we have eaten, and away from the rest of us? The boys can help with the clearing up, if they want to assist you.”
There was a silence until Hubert declared, “That is a good solution, Mr Robertson. If the rest of you ladies do not mind, we can transfer this argument to the kitchen and sort it out there.”
All those at the table saw this as an equitable solution, and the men swiftly cleared their plates. They were then shown through to the kitchen by Carol and Holly. Hubert could be heard asking, “How old are you girls? I should have thought you would be at university by now.” Holly was trying to explain their feelings about university as they vanished from the dining room.
Hermione snorted after they had left. “Childish antics! I prefer my men more mature than that.”
Reg commented, “Chacun a son gout, Hermione. Each to his own taste”, he translated. “Women tend to like older men and men tend to go for slightly younger women. I fell in between, when Frances and her clique ambushed me. Their approach was more practical and self-serving on both sides, and that was what I thought was happening; but that was before love reared its intrusive head and smote us all.
I have to admit that two of my wives are a few years older than me, but that makes no difference to me. Age is not a long-term factor in a marriage; it is more a matter of compatibility. We have been blessed that way, to my surprise. Mind you, I had no preconceptions. It may be that preconceptions are what mars a marriage: The reality is different from the fantasy world of a girl in love, or a boy for that matter.
From what I have read, most arranged marriages turn out successfully – Jessica’s was one of the exceptions to that general experience. When you don’t have any idea of what will happen, you can accept reality more readily.
Would you accept that thesis, Jessica?”
Jessica was nodding, and spoke up to clarify her opinion. “As a rule, arranged marriages are successful, and can end up with love between the partners. There is always a bad apple or two in every society. I happened to get one of them when I was seventeen, but not now. Reg accepts his women as they come, and loves them with equal enthusiasm.”
Hermione huffed at this, but merely commented, “I have yet to find a man worth marrying, and arranged marriages are a thing of the past, where farming families intermarried to be able to continue their farming practices with offspring brought up in the trade. Jemima and I have no wish to be married off to farmers!”
“Thanks for the invite, but your mother expects me home tonight, so I must refuse. In fact, I’d better be off, so that I am not too late in getting home. My best wishes to all of you. Let me know if you need anything, Frances.” “I will, Dad. Give my love to Mum.” A few minutes later, Mr LeBrun was back in his car and driving away. They all returned to the living room, where they reviewed the visit. Prudence was delighted with Mr LeBrun. “Your Dad is a really likeable guy, Frances.” “I...
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“Ah.” Reg was reticent. “I admitted that you were my girlfriend, Frances.” “I have no problem with that, my darling boy. There must have been more.” Prudence interrupted, “I told Mrs Compton that my tutor was also my boyfriend, when I was talking with her. I didn’t mean to, but it just slipped out. I was so proud of that status.” “From what little I heard, it was a lot more than that, you lot. Give!” Reg told her, “I was called to see Dr Henderson after classes, and he said he had heard...
Erika explained, “Yes, but I think the History of Art may have connections to some of your own scientific subjects. I was intrigued at the idea from Prudence that the first printing ink was based on artists’ oil paint of the time. If there is more crossover from science, then you might be able to help me with aspects of the history of art. Speak to my lecturer, Reg, and see what you think.” Later that day, Reg met Erika outside the door of her lecture room. She dragged him into the room....
“When we were set Robert Heinlein’s ‘Stranger in a Strange Land’ to crit, I was left unsure where to start. That book was notorious when it first came out, I read, so how do we view it without prior bias?” Reg gave a little laugh. “I suspect that was a trap, Frances. We were expected to find reviews from the period, and simply slap together a melange of them, under the guise of our own intellectual examination. We would be slapped down for that. Like so many other examples, the reviewer...
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“Thank you, Reg.” Freda kissed him again, and made a point of rubbing her breasts against him. He took the opportunity to put his arms round her upper torso, to hold her tight to him, and enjoyed the kissing session. They were still in that position when Frances and Erika came into the room. Frances called softly, “Hello, you two. Can you spare us a minute?” Reg was embarrassed. “Sorry, Frances, Freda insisted on apologising, in her own unique way.” “Oh, yes. The other girls. We’ll talk...
Frances concluded, “Right. Do what you want with him tonight, but I get him to myself tomorrow night. Goodnight to the three of you.” She slammed the door shut behind her as she left. Erika murmured, “Wow. She sounds peeved. Reg, was that a promise to fuck you tomorrow?” “I am not certain, darling. It may be, but I am not going to count on it. It might just be a cuddle like we are having now.” Erika disabused him of that notion. “No, Reg, not just a cuddle. Prepare for a lot more. I can...
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“No, I have a good brain, but most people don’t see beyond my height. I am five foot nine, if you wanted to ask. Similar height to you, Reg?” “Should think so. Let’s check. Come and stand in front of me, Prudence, and we’ll see.” She and Reg moved to face each other, and sure enough, they were eye to eye. Reg smiled at her and moved forward to kiss her gently on the lips. She was startled at that familiarity, but reacted by kissing him in return, then stepped back. “Wow! Do you do that...
He hurried in, but she was not in the bedroom as he expected, so he tried the bathroom. Prudence was kneeling naked in the empty tub, with one arm resting on the side. She looked very appealing as the Venus of the bath, but she was truly frustrated. “Reg, I can’t get myself out of the bath! It is too slippery, and my balance is not good at the moment. Can you help me?” She turned her body to face him, again displaying her small breasts in front of him. He took a sharp breath, but...
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“But Prudence is a university student. She won’t want to have a baby while at Uni.” Reg made a factual remark. “Frances, there are at least several female students who are expecting babies, as far as I have observed.” Frances retorted, “Yes, but all of them are married, so it is not such a problem for them.” Reg backed down. “Sorry, I didn’t know that. Sorry I spoke.” Frances patted his arm. “No, it is all right, Reg. Your observation was accurate, just not fully comprehensive. These...
Prudence told him, “For the moment, Reg, do nothing. I phoned your mother back, and explained a little to her about you, me and the girls, but I emphasised that you need a lot of time to adjust from being a loner to dealing with people at large. She said she was willing to wait. I believe her, Reg.” “Thank you, Prudence. I don’t think I could have done that myself. I couldn’t have told her about you girls. You are a wonderful, thoughtful girl. It is no wonder that I love you.” Still...
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Mark’s story Oh my God, Jen had accepted! She was actually going to go out with me. I stripped off and ran a hot bath: I wanted to be as clean as could be, and this student slums apartment doesn’t have a shower, so it’s baths for me. I shampooed and washed up, and then shaved. Time to pick out the right clothes. Well, for me, that meant khakis. This was a few years before the preppy look was in, but I still had some khakis. We weren’t allowed to wear jeans in high school, so I had several...
24th November 2004 I spanked Sarah on Sunday. It was only the second time that I had done so and she more or less provoked me into doing it. She was on her period and a bit grumpy to start with and when I tried to get her to name a date for moving in with me she snapped at me and said tartly, "Perhaps I never will." As she turned away her thoughts came through,
In a previous story, I talked about a situation at work that I regretted. The regret came not from what actually happened, but instead from the fact that I did it behind my amazing husband's back without his knowledge. Now 6 years later, we are closer than ever and always share any extra-marital fun with each other. We give each other freedom to explore ourselves sexually as long as we talk about it and there are no secrets. Unfortunately, I made one last mistake at work before we truly figured...
Making a Sissy By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter Four "Oh gawwdd. This is actually happening." Lynne was beginning to sweat a little. "Is she going to freak out when she wakes up?" "It's impossible to tell," Contessa replied. "Normally they can be cranky at this early stage, and her body will be adjusting hormonally for quite some time." "Wow?" said Lynne, thinking about the situation. "I realize that's what we're here for of course, but I'm not so sure I was even...
I know that Cheryl is and always will be the woman for me. My wife is a petite redhead with a firm ass, pert tits and a sexy, adventurous personality that never fails to arouse my desires. From the start Cheryl was always the more dominant of the two of us but only recently has she given full rein to her domineering nature. I guess I've always been rather submissive and I truly believe that my obedience to my wife's commands was one of the things that initially attracted her to me. At my recent...
Hey everyone. Deepak here. Big thanks to ISS for posting my story and thanks to the readers who came up with good suggestions and comments. Special thanks to all the women who bombarded me with your answers. I never thought so many women . Woah, it seems to be a large number. Many people asked me a lot of questions about us, I will answer some of them at the end. Since I am so vetti, I came again with another part so soon. New readers please go and update yourself with all the . Without any...
IncestMike and I had been working together at Tony's Pizza for about a year. We were both twenty-two years old and we were both losers that didn't give a fuck. I lived at home in the room where my mom had changed me and tucked me in, I saw no need to move on. Mike lived in his sister's basement since his parents had kicked him out.We were both pot heads and we made enough at Tony's to buy some weed. We ate at Tony's and paid no rent. We both either walked, took the bus or road a bike. Picture a...
CrossdressingAnthony is a big boy. He's on the defensive line on the varsity football team and can just plow through anyone to get to whoever has the ball. He weighs in at close to two and a half times my 115 pounds. He was watching me as a fly might watch a spider. A fly that was stuck in that spider's web. I went over to the nightstand next to him and got a wash dish. A wash dish is a plastic container that holds about a half gallon of water. Kind of like a meat loaf pan with some curves. I guess he...
It was early Saturday evening; Tom, Karen and Susan were sitting by the pool. Everyone else had left. “Tom.” Said Karen, I don’t know how to thank you for this weekend. It was just wonderful.” “It sure was dad.” Susan spoken turning toward him, arm holding up her head. “All the girls said that I had the most wonderful dad in the whole world. You really made an impression on them.” “Oh ... come on now ... It was just a ... party.” Tom said, feeling humble. “Tom Wilkins, now you give...
This is adult fiction of erotic nature. If you are too young or just unlucky to live in an area where this is not permitted, then you should get off now. The copyright to this story belongs to Spiller. Please remember that authors' only rewards are your comments, positive or negative. So please take a minute of your time to mail to: [email protected] Chapter 1 Often through our twenty years of marriage I have bitterly regretted that I ever fell in love with my wife - and that my...
When you're happy, you're willing to take risks, right? Humph. I was still nervous when I rang her bell, but at least I had something to do with my hands. After a month, I'd finally worked up the courage to bring Tamara some flowers. Her expression was pure gold when she saw them. "Oh John! Thank you!" she gushed, taking them out of my hands and beckoning me in. Tamara continued to make glowing compliments as she tracked down a vase and got them firmly ensconced as the dining table...
Chapter3:Irmgard and Stefan’s relationship began in late September. Until Christmas, Irmgard continued to spend some sex-filled hours with Stefan at least twice a week, whenever he was in Saarbruecken.Except on two occasions, they did not go out with each other. Irmgard’s weekends were reserved not only for time with her son, but with her continuing, everyday social life, which Stefan neither could nor wanted to share.There was, firstly, the fact that Stefan was not only a stranger but a...
Straight Sex"Hello, Ryan. William is upstairs getting ready. I told him he was going to be late..." Mrs. Bin stood to the side to allow me to slip past the door. I put on a smile and thanked her. Their house is two floors tall, and the grand foyer was— of course— grand. The decor was very comfortable, and made you feel at home. One wall was covered of pictures of his family: aunts, uncles, cousins. She directed me to the stairs, even though I already knew their house like my own, before...
Christine Haversham was a bit mixed up at the moment. Since she had suspected and then had confirmed the relationship between office colleagues Ruth Edrich and Liam Tabram, she had thought of little else. The fact that eighteen-year-old Liam was thirty years younger than Ruth, and indeed twenty years younger than Christine, seemed to be the main reason for her interest. That and the sight of the large bulge in Liam's trousers that she saw when she first actually saw him and Ruth in physical...
MatureLast year I had to have some pretty major surgery. I’d been back on the regular ward for about a week and I was still unable to wash properly which meant I was still getting clean downs from the nurses. Usually they were very careful as they moved my robe not to expose my cock too much and they certainly didn’t touch it or my balls.That changed one day when the usual nurses were busy with a problem and another nurse offered to help them out with bed baths. We’d spoken before as she’d looked...
It was late evening after work and I had had the worst day ever, so I decided to work out some anger at the gym. While on the treadmill the hottest guy I've ever seen, came in he was the typical gym guy with a body to die for he was so toned and fit I smiled to myself and carried on After a while he came up to treadmill next to me he looked at me and smiled as he got on. I suddenly realised he had caught me staring at him and I quickly shot him a smile and carried on. A couple of minutes...
CHAPTER 1: On the Road Again >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The winter storm in Salt Lake City comes to a halt just before sunrise. The interstate is reopened before noon after the roads are plowed and salted. In the motel, Luke and Kathy wake up in bed in the spooning position they were in last night. The same position that gave Luke the opportunity to have an intimate evening with his grandmother. He wakes up thinking it was all just a dream. He knows it wasn’t. Especially once Kathy...
Sweet, cute and petite wife Amari has arrived at her husbands favorite suitor Scotty’s home alone this time and is ready to get her needs taken care of. Scotty, always ready to oblige, wonders where her husband is and Amari lets him know he is out of town and trusts him to handle her need for his big cock, harder and just a bit rougher than her man. Amari slowly sets her hot pussy on his face at the doorway and from then on Scotty satisfies with his cock and covers her cute face full of...
xmoviesforyouNewly pregnant Val Marcolina was delighted at being included in the informal pre-shower meeting that was in progress at her sister Heather's house. Janet was carefully laying out several pictures of different style baby carriages for the other women's inspection. Val's mother pointed to one of the designs. Janet looked on and said, "Hmmmm, well I think it's between this one, and..." she paused to point at the third photo, " ... maybe this one." Val's mother nodded effusively, and...
Kamini Shyamala, Kamakshi Shyamala, Kama Sundari, Kavya Sundari, Kakinada Kaja, Kala Sundari, Kama Sutra, Kinky Sexy, Kokila Sundari, Kaluva Shyamala, Kalla Sundari, Kama Shankhini, Kama Shobha, Kurala Sundari, Kinetic & Sensuous.Part 1Chapter 1Shyamalavathy, a lecturer whose husband was alcoholic and suffered from diabetes that had robbed him of all sexual desire and left them in a sexless marriage for many years. She was forty seven, mother of two girls and a boy aged twenty two,...
August drifted into September and the football team the Bayside Screaming Gulls was three victories into their season. Paul Wilcox, senior player, team co-captain and recruiting prospect of several universities strutted in the halls of the school gleaning adoring looks and hopeful ones from most of the senior and junior girls. Those same girls were hissy fitting over the fact the one girl Paul seemed to concentrate on was the new junior with the eleven year old body, the confirmed nudist, the...
My wife and I have been together for 12 years and married for almost 10 years she told me about her passed and about having sex with a few different black guys growing up but told me that it was mainly because of where she was living but that she was really more into white guys and hearing that she had been with black guys did not turn me on nor did it bother me as I am not racist at all so I was fine with her passed and our relationship continued and grew into marriage.Fast forward to March...
The offices were only half-filled as Natalia came into work and headed towards her office. The 26-year old blonde had rented some office in the shared-space office building and was running a small trading company, which was specialized in importing exotic goods to the country, which were especially catering upper-class customers. While she was greeting some of the other people around, she scrolled through her emails and made a plan for the day in her mind. Especially one thing was still in her...
Mind ControlIt was summer the year I turned 18. I had just gotten my driver's license two weeks before and I couldn't get enough of the freedom a car allowed. As a horny teenager, not yet knowing I was bisexual but knowing that anything to do with sex made my dick spring to attention, I was always on the look out for something, even if I didn't know what that something was.In the previous year, I'd had sex with an older neighbor couple, so I knew that you could get it from both. I had also found a little...
It turned out to be an open winter. We had no time to sit by the fire. Charlie and Pete pushed things along and the timbers were dressed out and moved to the warehouse. The floor of the warehouse at loading dock level was the first portion to be constructed. Soon the shell of the building was being put together and we could say we had a warehouse. Canvas was our major expense, but it was something that could be used over and over again and later sold as used. The warehouse floor was built...
M/F, Teen, Despite the fact that the party was being held in my honor, I knew only about half the people who showed up. We had just graduated high school and while my friends had all chosen to attend nearby Penn State, I was setting off across the country to go to Stanford.And so the party was born and while in theory it was to say goodbye to me, it had quickly turned into an excuse to get drunk and hook-up. Tired of being ignored I took my beer and went outside. As I stood leaning against...
doggy and mistress, had fabulous diner, he was wondering all evening on her charm, beauty, style and her beautiful company and nice way to make him feel a real close person to her, he could not keep his eyes from steeling? look to her gorgeous feet with beautiful golden sandals...finally time came for there first intim meeting... she make a sign for him to ask for the bill and say: when we arrive, the moment u close the door, i want u on ur knees, kiss my feet one time each, those feet that you...
After Lizzie left, Nate's head was spinning. "What the hell just happened?" he asked himself silently. "Was that a dream, or what? Shit, stuff like that doesn't happen to me!" For the remainder of the evening Nate's mind ran the gamut, from feeling incredibly guilty that he cheated on Janice, "How could I do that? Janice trusts me. Sure, I didn't have sex with Lizzie, but hell, I played with her boobs ... they're so incredible ... Shut up you idiot! I played with her boobs, I...
Hi! I am Arif from age is 28.0191/6030/141 I can forget date was 23rd Lanuary 2009. I was just checking my mails in my mail box I found one mail with the subject “Please help me” it was a small mail with very small description but the sender was a lady with age 29. She was a married lady and wants some interactions with me. So the actual story begins from this point onwards. As I replied all the mails which come to my mail box so after one day I replied her mail...
Hi ISS readers, it’s been a while I shared my last experience. So here I am with a new story. So this actually happened in Mumbai where I was for an official trip. I am 26 year old living in Delhi. I was in Mumbai for a project and I was required to be there for 2 weeks. The client has set me up in their guest house which was situated in Dadar. Guest house was simple, 4 rooms on the 4th floor of that building. There was a care taker named Vishnu, he was from Nepal and a cook name Preeti, she...
I don't want to give out my real name, so for the sake of this story call me Bethany Smith. Way, way back when I was in kindergarten, I met three girls who were to be my closest friends all the way through my childhood, High School, College and eventually the workplace. I had no way of knowing this at the time, however, but all three of them would grow up to become the most monumentally stupid, clumsy, accident prone morons the world had ever seen. I was the leader of the group, I suppose,...
Now you may be wondering who exactly is Jordy. Jordy is my best friend, and this is the amazing tale of how he got some, and its true. Jordy is your average 8th grader, around 5’4 in height with a dark complexion. He is most notable for his excessive cuteness or “Fluffiness” as the girls call it. Now it is true he is a tad on the large side, but that certainly doesn’t repel the girls, infact they respond saying “More of him to love” Jordy has light brown hair and a very soft but...
Have you ever wondered how a man can accidentally become a cocksucker? By that, you should not include an experience where a man and a friend sat at home on a Friday night, drinking beer, watching porn and going down on each other. Although, that is how it started out. The story you are about to read is my true experience.A few years ago, my friend and his wife would come to my family's home on Friday nights. We usually ordered pizza, barbecued something, or just cooked whatever we wanted at...
Gay Maleso... there's lots of stuff we have to go through to bring out our gyrl... hair removal, voice training, early clown makeup nightmares (mine still make me shudder...) & all other kinds of stuff... but amongst all the options out there i really love hypnosis...the key to hypnosis is to relax... not relax till you fall asleep but to just relax so that you're brain isn't thinking about anything else but one thing... the hypnosis script... ideally, you'd be in a state of relaxation that's...
We walked back home kind of quietly, Debby holding my hand. The two blocks took only minutes. It was only half past nine when we turned up the walk, but Jenny had already put the kids to bed. Debby fished out some cash for Jenny, and I watched from the porch as the girl went across the street to her own house. Pretty little thing. I often saw her walking around the neighborhood. Slim, with long legs. A bit skinny, but nice, pert young breasts. She mostly wore cutoff shorts and tight, white...
All through the next day, I was virtually lost in my own paradise. My heart danced to a strange amorous tune buzzing in my mind and it kept reeling with rapture. It was very difficult for me to hide my perpetual state of arousal. As a result, I preferred to stay in the solitude of my room so that no one could notice the permanent bulge in front of my pants. It also gave me ample opportunity to relive the events of the last night. I jacked myself off thrice during the day, every time dreaming...