American Royalty 1: Coming Of AgeChapter 5: Artists—an Interlude free porn video

Kendall Sauvage sat at her piano as the last notes of Scarlatti’s Sonata No. 1 in E Major faded. She was at peace as she could only be when she played. The piece, however, had reflected her agitated mood with its presto momentum. Her husband, Rainer, had his own way of expressing his concern. She could smell the cookies baking in the kitchen. She considered launching into the second sonata, an allegro movement, but she saw lights approaching the house and knew her daughter was home. Kendall breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn’t late—scarcely after dark at their latitude—but knowing she was home safe was always a relief. It was probably enhanced by the fact she was at Green Hill most of the year and was only home for a month before she returned to the boarding school. It was easier not to worry about her when she was away at school.
It was much worse tonight. Meredith had a date with that Cyning boy. Kendall had worried about the day she would be offered that opportunity since the day eight years earlier when her daughter had bloodied the young royal’s nose. Still, it was only after the party that the three girls who had attended were all granted full scholarships to Green Hill Women’s College. While the school called it a merit scholarship, it was plain to see Regina Cyning’s hand in it. Perhaps it was simply a reward for putting up with her insufferable grandson. Even now he lacked tact.
She was naturally curious, so had investigated where the boys had gone to school. Lonnie Porras, of course, had gone with Liam to Elenchus Schole. The other two boys had both gone to a military academy in Virginia. All had full scholarships. Well, Regina Cyning was certainly a quick judge of character and class. Kendall just hoped her daughter didn’t get hurt by her association with the royals. It was so unpredictable.
Meredith came through the front door at the same time Rainer came from the kitchen with a plate of fresh cookies.
“You’re home! I hope you had a good time on your date, dear.” Rainer set the cookies on a coffee table as Kendall led Meredith to sit between them.
“Mama! Papa! You didn’t need to wait up for me. I’m not out past curfew. And cookies? Papa, whatever?”
“Oh, we weren’t waiting up for you. I was lost in my own world on the piano and your father just had to keep himself busy while he waited for me. This is such a pretty dress. Is it new? I don’t remember seeing this before.”
“I met with Dr. Parolini just before I came home for my vacation and she said they had found an irregularity in my scholarship. It seems I’ve been receiving a clothing allowance included in the scholarship that has only been used to purchase school uniforms and had quite a sizable unused balance. She encouraged me to do a little shopping this summer. Do you like it?”
“It’s lovely. But that means...”
“Mama, please don’t go there. I am thankful for my benefactor’s generosity but it was made entirely clear to me that it came without strings. In fact, Peggy Anne and Karen received exactly the same amount.”
“But Peggy Anne and Karen weren’t even invited to the Cynings’ dinner party. We just worry about you, honey. Let me get you a glass of milk with those cookies. Mama?”
“Yes, thank you, dear. Now Meredith, tell us all about what you did today.”
“We had a lovely ride. We talked about many things. He is such an innocent boy in many ways. Did you know he has not spent time with any girl near his own age since I popped him eight years ago? I feel so guilty now.”
“You shouldn’t feel guilty about teaching an insufferable brat an overdue lesson.” Rainer placed the glasses on the table and sat again by his daughter. Everyone took a moment to savor the warm snickerdoodles and cold milk.
“Oh, I don’t really. But I am supposed to teach him how to behave properly. He’s matured a great deal since that eighth birthday party.”
“Certainly you weren’t on horseback in this outfit. Tell us the rest of what you did.”
“Lupe showed me to a room where I could refresh myself and change from riding clothes into this outfit. She even helped with my hair before I met Liam again for dinner. We ate in the dinette off the kitchen with cook and Liam’s valet, Erich, serving us and watching to be sure we were chaperoned. It was lovely, long, and leisurely.”
“La la la,” her mother sang. “Such alliteration. Perhaps I should compose a piece called ‘Lovely, Long, and Leisurely’.”
“And I could create my own menu to go with it. No, don’t tell me what you ate. I want to see how well what I create stacks up against his cook. You could invite him here for dinner one evening.”
“Really? Papa, that would be fantastic! You wouldn’t be uncomfortable having your daughter’s boyfriend over for dinner?”
“Boyfriend? Meri, honey, don’t you think that’s a little ... well, premature? You know that relationship can’t go anywhere. You should stick with the professional aspect of teaching him the things you have learned. Don’t get caught up in romance. You’ll only get hurt.” Kendall petted her daughter’s mahogany locks and sighed that her own brown hair didn’t have such life and sparkle.

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