Samantha Surrenders Part 1
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When I got home I took an hour to store all the equipment correctly, then I locked the scooter to Big Bertha. I also took the pedal bike out for a ride. I rode a leisurely eight mile out and then reversed the ride. I wanted to try the full twenty miles, but I didn’t want to re-injure myself, so I stayed with the sixteen miles round trip.
After I arrived home I sat staring at the bag of chocolate chip mint cookies. There were ten left. I was torn between wolfing them down, and tossing them out for the birds. As usual I made a compromise with myself. I ate six and tossed the other four to the birds. I never said I played fair.
I was sitting almost naked watching the original Magnificent Seven movie on my computer. Hell, even the movie’s sound track was worth owning. I didn’t own either. I was just on a vintage movie free site; of course my door bell rang, I didn’t bother to add anything to my old faded gym shorts, they were the ones in which I slept. Actually I did add the ‘1911’ but since I carried it maybe I shouldn’t mention it. Semantics were too hard a decision for 8 PM on a Sunday night, I decided.
I recognized the twenty-something Assistant District Attorney for Chatham county. “Ah, Mona Lisa McMillan?” I asked.
“Close enough,” she began.
I pointed to my chair beside the computer station, while I slipped on a green tee shirt with the number 29 on it. When I was more or less decent I asked, “So what brings you here?”
“You refused to come to me, so I came to you,” she said.
“So, are you a Muslim?” I asked with a rude smile.
“No, it’s a common quote,” she said.
“Yes I know. So what is so important that you need me?” I demanded to know.
“Eddie ‘Shoes’ Allen gave us the name of his supplier, but he has since disappeared.” she informed me.
“That’s bad luck,” I commented while refilling my glass of tea glass. “Want one?” I asked.
She shook her head as she said, “Or someone else is cleaning up after himself.”
“I would say that is a possibility,” I agreed. “I’m not a cop, so why tell me?”
“You aren’t a cop is why I’m here. If you worked on this, no one would put two and two together,” She suggested.
“Well, sorry, Mona. There is no equation to solve. At least not for me.” I admitted.
“We can give you a job with a decent income,” She offered.
“I especially don’t want a government job,” I laughed.
“Then what do you want?” she asked.
“Look, I’m not a cop. I wouldn’t even know where to begin,” I said.
“I know you are not a cop. The word I got is that you are an expediter. Someone who gets things done. Things no one else can figure out. The word I got was that the solutions are not always what the bosses want, but they always work,” Lora Lee suggested. “And it’s Lora Lee.”
“I’m sorry the answer is still no,” I said.
“Well, I always wanted to know how the other half lived,” she said.
“What other half?” I asked.
“The ones who buy a huge antique safe. Then it just disappears. Makes me wonder why a simple man would need a safe that big. What do you reckon the owner has stored in it?
“I wonder what I would have to do, or who I would have to screw to get a search warrant for the Hokey Pokey self storage business?” she asked with what might pass for a slutty smile.
“Isn’t that called blackmail?” I asked.
“No, that is called giving a person a chance to save themselves,” Lora Lee countered.
One thing I knew was she might think she knew something, but she was wrong. I had been around the block a few more times than she had. She was just under thirty, but I was just under sixty.
“Lora Lee McMillan, I think we are through,” I said.
“No, we are not through,” she said.
“Yes we are,” I said, holding up my phone. “It’s amazing all the good shit you can do with one of these.”
“You bastard,” she said.
“Yes, an accident of birth in my case, what’s your excuse?” I asked with a grin.
I fell asleep shorty after she left. I have no idea why I sleep better in crisis mode, but I always do. I did dream about having sex with Lora Lee. I supposed when I awoke in a cold sweat that it was a sign that the sex hadn’t been very good.
When the clock woke me at 5 AM, I rode off on the road bike. I checked closely for anyone following me. I was pretty sure she didn’t have a really professional chase squad. So I rode to the Hokey Pokey self storage facility, more or less directly.
I rode around to my unit in the middle of the night. I opened the outside roll up door, then I checked before I went in. I checked to be sure my tells were still in place. Things like the corn starch around the safe. There were no foot prints, and the tooth pick was still laying against the side of the safe door. If someone had opened the safe there would be signs of a disturbance somewhere. There was nothing, so I opened the safe and removed the tiny pocket new testament. It was the book I used for a book cypher. It was the key to finding where all the bodies were buried.
I also removed a large box of milk duds from the safe. Then I climbed onto the bike and rode home. The round trip had been thirty miles and I really did ache.
Once I got inside the house I slipped the new testament into a bookcase. The milk duds went onto the basket inside my small new chest freezer. After all that, I took a shower. I allowed the hot water to run on my back and hips for a longer time than usual. I also swallowed the maximum dosage of my pain meds.
I fully expected to be in too much pain to do even the simplest of things. I had exceeded even my ‘pre pain flareup’ levels of bike riding at one time. I sat around more or less pain free for a couple of hours, then I took the scooter out for a grocery run. I figured I better get on with it, while I wasn’t bent over with pain.
I bought two weeks worth of frozen meals, just in case I had an emergency. I even took the basket trailer Jasper had built for me. I used it just in case I had to lift it. I didn’t want to put any more strain on my injured back and hips than was necessary.
I put all the groceries away, and I even made room for the trailer by stacking it on top of the cargo trailer. Only then did I raise the packing case side and lock it. I locked the scooter to the handrail of the deck. It was probably the most secure structure on the place. A four by four post anchored three feet deep in concrete was pretty damned secure.
I still didn’t have more than my ordinary pain. Since I loaded up on painkillers, the ordinary pain should not have risen to a noticeable level. The phone rang. I almost didn’t answer it, but I surrender to my curiosity. It was another blocked number.
“Okay whatever your selling, or giving away count me out,” I said before I even said hello.
“Those guys bug you too, I wouldn’t think they would even bother with you,” Martin’s voice said.
“Of course they bug me. They bug dead people,” I commented with a laugh. “So what can I do for you?”
“You looking for a job?” Martin accused.
“No, why would you ask that? Especially in that tone?” I demanded.
“Seems we have had five or six people asking about you. If you are ready to work again, just call me. I can find something for you.”
“I’m not looking, but who called?” I asked.
“Some county attorney, or something like that. Then there was the Southern Justice League. They are some kind of non profit company. And a couple of law firms. I think they were trying to find a hit man for one of their clients,” Martin informed me.
“Gee, the only one I’m interested in is the hit man position,” I replied with a laugh.
“Well I have to tell you there is a certain Prince in the middle east looking for a bodyguard,” Martin said.
“Why would he bother with me? From what I hear he has a bodyguard in the house,” I laughed.
“He doesn’t think she will ever find a husband. At least not one who she can’t beat the shit out of,” Martin laughed.
“Tell him not to look at me. On my best day ever, she could kick my ass,” I laughed again. “So you got anything else?”
“No just wanted to let you know, and I wanted to ask how they knew about me?” he asked.
Everything about me became public record after that asshole burned my house.”
“I should have asked, do I send flowers or a file,” Martin sounded almost serious.
“He is doing five years in the pen for first degree arson,” I admitted. “Even that was reduced to three years for his help with some other things.”
“So, should I warn him that you have a long memory, so he can start looking for a new home?” the LT asked seriously.
“No, man, I done changed,” I said in Eddie Shoes voice.
“Lucy sends her love. You should call her. I don’t know why, but she has been worried that you might eat your 1911.” he suggested in a sad voice.
“Not a chance, tell her I expect her to shoot me, maybe with my own gun,” I said with yet another laugh.
After Martin left the line, I walked out to my porch under the awning. I sat down in the shade it cast with a thirty two ounce thermos of Iced tea. I kept the phone within reach. I was half expecting some kind of trick from Lora Lee McMillan. Prosecutors are filled with cheap tricks. They don’t believe in right and wrong, just in their conviction rates. Most will do whatever it takes to keep a positive conviction rate.
The call which I received half way through the thermos of tea was from James Mason. His phone was open, so I decided to be nice to him, whoever he might be.
“Yes Mr. Mason who are you, and what the hell do you want with me?” I asked.
“I’d like to meet, and talk about a job,” he suggested.
“Frankly James, I had an offer from the state’s attorney general. I had to turn him down. I’m just not up to working again just now,” I explained.
“Tasha Goldberg said that you would say that. I’m supposed to tell you that you owe her father.” James said.
“Where does she figure into this?” I asked.
“She works with us now,” he replied. “We have a lot of immigrants, who we think are being mistreated. We need someone to fight for them. Not some pie in the sky liberal house wife. We need a pragmatic man with a background that won’t be questioned by the gun toting conservatives,” He demanded.
“That is quite a pitch, but I’m not interested,” I said.
“I can respect that, but can we call on you to consult on just the operational planning?” he suggested.
“What the fuck kind of operations are you talking about?” I asked.
“Anything that endangers innocent human life and any free man’s liberty,” he said. “Or just someone that pisses enough of us off.”
“Oh god, not an honest and rational liberal. I don’t think I can stand I. I might just faint,” I said.
“How do you think I feel? I’m trying to hire a former CIA operative,” he said.
“You do need someone, your intelligence sucks,” I said.
“Oh, course, you would say that. Too bad Tasha already outed you,” he said.
“The next sound you hear will be hanging up on you,” I said it while breaking the connection. Since I had no idea how to get in touch with Ms Goldberg, I returned to my ice tea while I watched the cars go by.
Sure I was getting bored, but I still had camping and fishing to play around with. Who knows, I might write a blog, I suggested to myself.
To cure the boredom for one afternoon I decided to take the scooter and go to Little Caesar’s for a pizza. I carried it to one of the local parks. I didn’t want to ride all the way to Haw river on that Monday.
It was hard for me to believe so many things were being juggled by so many people at the same time. Fortunately they would all go away in a day or so. I thought that, but it didn’t happen.
Two days later I was having the last of the pizza for breakfast. It was just as good cold as hot. It was different, but it was still good. The knock on the door at 9 AM was a surprise. I opened the door with the 1911 in my hand. It was just a habit, since I had been blown up. Yeah I knew that I could be overly dramatic at times.
The man was in one of those fancy uniforms that only small town cops, who are in high positions wear. “Mr Selfridge, I am here to ask you man to man, why does the local DA want me to watch you?” he asked.
“I have no idea,” I said honestly, but it helped to know that I probably hadn’t been watched on my trip to the Hokey Pokey Storage building.
“Yesterday I called everyone who knows you, and they all say you are not into anything. So until the DA can come up with a good reason, I’m not going to waste my meager resources on this stupid assignment. But let me warn you, I will be back, if you come to my attention again,” he threatened.
“Sounds fair,” I replied.
Now that lady DA was beginning to piss me off. She obviously didn’t like to take no for an answer. This was one time she had no choice; she was driving me into the arms of her competitors.
I picked up the phone and made the call. “Okay, I have changed my mind. Be sure to bring Tasha with you for the meeting. Call me when you get to town. We can meet at Scooter’s diner; Tasha knows where it is.” I said it then immediately hung up.
Lora Lee might have a bug on my phone, but she was going to get a real shock when she figured out what was going on, I thought. I spent the rest of the morning doing nothing but pure research on the Southern Justice League Inc. It was one of those bleeding heart outfits, but they had gotten a few people off death row and out of jail.
There had even been a documentary about one man who had been on death row for twenty plus years. They had actually gotten men out of jail for lesser crimes than murder. They had a good rate of success. I did a lot of research before 7 PM.
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Straight SexHii guys I am sonia and I am from delhi or mai abhi 38 years ki hu or dosto ye meri first story hai to ho sakta hai kuch galti ho per I hope ki aap log mujhe maaf kar denge because mai apni sari stories aap logo ke sath share karna chahti hu me aap sab se dosti karna chahti hu mai aap sab ki raat ki rani banna chahti hu mai chahti hu ki jab bhi aap apne lund ka use kare to aap ki jawan se sirf mera hi naam nikle sonia fuck me ahhh plz to ab me aapko apne bare me batati hu mai sonia mai 38 saal...
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Hi everybody I am Harshini and I am 30 yrs old now. I am married and have no kids. My hubby is now in gulf for the past 3 years. Thanks for all your comment on my previous two story. This is not my story but i took it from other site, enjoy reading it and give me your feed back. The next two weeks felt as though they were the hardest and most exhausting of Sada’s life. She practiced hard, reminding her body of so many things she no longer used. Her muscled ached constantly, she slept like the...
Also, this story in no way ties into my other stories. Sorry if there has been any confusion. ============================== "You are the one. Come with me." A flash of light blinded me, and I was no longer in my room. I'm blind, was the first thought that went through my head. I must be mad, was the second, as my vision began to clear, and my surroundings came into focus. Or rather, lack of surroundings. A faint bluish haze filled the area, making it hard to distinguish were...
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On my completion of my mba. I tried to learn french as i was trying to work in france. So i searched for some classes in chennai. Later i found a homely french tution were a married muslim lady of age 2e3 is taking class. So i enquired the fees and joined there and i found only three members are only studying. First i will describe about faridha the heroine of this story a very fantastic figure with normal boob size and and she looks beautiful in her pardha. On the first day itself i sawn her...
Blair and Liam have been dating since Blair’s senior year of high school. Liam graduated a year before her. They’ve gone through thick and thin together and just a month ago, after a year of dating, they moved in together. You could say that Blair had no idea what to expect. She’s a 19 year old virgin. By choice, of course. Her bleach blonde hair, chocolate brown eyes and petite frame make her quite desirable to most men. Though, she only has eyes for Liam and Liam only has eyes for...
Hi friends my name atul 33/m , from mumbai,my id is Yeh artical maine ek news paper me pada tha muje achha laga is liye mein yah artical iss me likh raha hu, pasand aye to jarur mail karna,life me sex ke bina kuch b nahi he, sex is life hai, life is sex,jina hai to sex ka enjoy kijiye, sex enjoy karneke liye sexy bante bahut jaruri hai. Women just as men love to talk dirty as well as be a part of talk that is dirty in detail. Therefore, a man must know how to talk dirty to his woman....
IncestI was desperately seeking a new roommate when I found Ami online. She was thirty-two, from Japan, and splitting up with her American husband of six months. She seemed very nice and had the rent in cash and moved in that day. Her English wasn’t very good so we didn’t talk very much, but she was a good roommate. When she wasn’t at work she stayed in her room and was very quiet. Sometimes at night I could hear her crying, which was sad. The first time I showed her my tail I made it seem like an...
Two days before finals was Charlene’s birthday. We asked her what she wanted; she said “All of you and everything.” It’s wonderful when you can get a woman exactly what she asks for. The five of us took turns giving her oral sex. Valerie retrieved Charlene’s vibrator from her purse and got to work on Charlene’s quim. Seth and I each took a nipple and made love to it. Charlene guided Jay’s cock into her mouth and slowly took it in and let it out. After half an hour and three orgasms, Charlene...
BisexualI’m Rick, 39, single, and a year removed from a twenty year stint in the US Marines Corp. I went in when I finished high school, and loved my position so much, I stayed the required twenty for retirement. I left as an E-7 Gunnery Sergeant. Loved my time in the service, although there was a few times it got harry out in the field. I am 5’ 10, 175 pounds, brown hair and eyes, and in good shape, even today. When I got out, I landed a job at this company that manufactures products for the...
When Rachel opened her apartment door she was holding her robe in front of her. "You're 15 minutes early Josh!" she exclaimed. "I'm not even dressed yet!" "It's ok, take your time," he said as he stepped into the apartment and closed the door. When he turned, Rachel was already on her way back to her bedroom. Still clutching her robe she presented Josh with an arousing sight. Her voluptuous hips swayed back and forth, encircled by black lace bikini panties and a matching garter belt...
First Parking lot experience Since it was warm, I put on my knee length buttons up front dress, sexy panties, no bra, thigh high black stockings and black pumps. We went to nice restaurant by the beach, had a few drinks and talked about what we were going to do. Rick said to me. “We came here to see how you feel about getting fucked by a stranger with me watching.” “Yes, I know. You know I have been fucked, sucked, I have given blowjobs, and been fucked up the ass a lot of times in my teens...
Julia's head pressed back into the plump, white pillow as her legs clamped closed, the muscles in her vagina pulsing around the hard plastic shaft buried inside her. Her eyes remained closed as the orgasm washed over her, her free hand teasing her stiff nipple. "Mom?" The voice coming from down the hallway outside her bedroom drifted through the euphoria and into her head. "Mom, I'm leaving now. I'll see you later. Love you!"Julia's breathing was still labored as she called out a reply, not...
MILFFinally, she screamed: “You really are a wonderful fucker”, as she exploded and collapsed underneath me. My cock slid out of her rather rapidly, and I moved next to her. After lying together and resting for awhile, K suggested that we go to her place. We sloppily put our clothes back on and got into our vehicles. I followed her. We drove for perhaps 45 minutes, until we pulled up in front of her small house. I had some time to think a little of how wonderful she was. KiKi’s...
The following day Doreen ran into Paul by the pool and quickly led him back to her place for some more fun and games. Entering the sitting room of the suite, Doreen was amused to see her husband slumped in a chair while her son was preparing to mount his little sister on a couch. Seeing a slippery string of cum hanging from the end of her husband's limp prick, Doreen knew that he's just fucked their horny little daughter. Babs was spread out nakedly on her back, her cute young legs waving...
“Gennex” The sign just outside of the security pylons and fencing read in bold red letters, illuminated by low hanging LED lights that flickered on after 7 at night once the sun went down. Just pass the security detail and a football field sized parking lot was a five story building that looked too much like an old library than a genetics research facility, with grey brick walls polished and smoothed over to a shimmer even in the moonlight with Arcadian style pillars at the front double doors...
By the time Audrey and Donald returned from breakfast Katrina and Jeff were dressed and finishing their coffee. “How was ‘Brekky? Audrey asked, now emulating Donald’s pronunciation. “Breakfast was nice,” Katrina replied evenly. “We had the TV news on and there was a story about the problem on the ship but nothing that added to what we already know. I imagine that we’re going to have to go to the ship in order to find out what’s up. One of the evacuating passengers told us that the ship was...
Wife LoversI gave my Dad a hug as soon as he came through the front door. As soon as I pulled away from him he said, “Considering how we left things this morning there must have been something between then and now that made you really happy. Because that has never been your response when we’ve had arguments before. So was it a new lady in your life or an old flame you never told me about that has helped to put this smile across your face? Or were you really needing in your room?” I knew I must be...
I never spoke to Ms. Applegate about that episode in the bathroom, much less told my girlfriend anything. Since then, I have never been to their house, preferring to meet with my girlfriend at my home or somewhere else. Everything seemed to be forgotten. Well, after all, it was just an innocent handjob. I mean, yes, I jizzed all over my gf mom’s face, but I didn’t even fuck her! Anyway, everything seemed to be working out. We were doing well with my gf and even were planning on getting...
Around 7 the next morning my brother came knocking on my door. “Kara, it’s me. Dad left for work. It’s safe to come out.” whispered my brother. I opened the door just a crack and asked, “If he really is gone then why are you whispering?” Hiro looked down the hall behind him then back to me and whispered again, “Because she who must not be named is still asleep. I really don’t want to take the chances of waking her when she stayed up the night before and hasn’t had her coffee yet.” I...
Hello, girls and guys. I am Shivang here. I am 25, from Mumbai. Your feedback is welcome on So this sex story is about a guy- Naveen and how his mother was fooled by a Swami to engage in a sexual relationship. Here on, in Naveen’s words. Hello, friends. I am Naveen. I am 25, unmarried. I live with a small family in a small town of Nashik near Mumbai. My mother-Swati is 49 and a housewife. My father-Kamlesh is 56 and in Government service. My sister-Aditi is 29 now. My mother-Swati is an...
IncestNow that Sister Katherine and I had mated several times, Magdalene had informed me that her work here was done. Since I had now accepted and embraced physical pleasure as an important part of my life, She felt compelled to seek out others and leave me to explore the depths of my feelings. Last night, I received a phone call from the convent on the other side of the church. Apparently there were some plumbing issues and, since it was after hours, could I come over and snake out some pipes,...
They say write about what you know. I know sex. I think in sex most of the day. I thought I knew most of what there was to know about sex, exploration in sex and experimentation. I was wrong!Not long after I had moved in with my other half, we very quickly began to discover a whole new intriguing world together. We couldn’t even recall, if we wanted to, how we got to that path. But a naughty playful spank over the kitchen table when fucking or my own innocent admittance of my love for nipple...
BDSMShe pulled herself together in time to go to work like nothing ever happened. Just a normal Monday morning. She supposed that all things considered, she wasn't really cut out to be a basement slave for the rest of her life after all, but living out the fantasy of it would have been better if it had lasted longer. Though just like fairy tales and romantic comedies ending at the wedding, stories and roleplays of breaking the will of a kidnapped slave always stop after the exciting parts. The...
Hello ISS readers, this is Prakash, age 25 staying in Chennai. This is a real incident happened few days back. It has happened between me and my office friend. About me, I am really a sportive guy, jovial and take care of any one who is close to me. And about her, her name is Abhinaya, aged 22. She is 5.5’, looks pleasant, fair and her structure is 38 30 34. She is very close to me and we both like each other presence. I have lots of admiration and honor over her way of behavior to me. I didn’t...
My wife informed me last Thursday that she wouldn't be home Friday when I got home. I asked her why. She told me that she was going camping at the lake. I said alone? She said no that some of her friends would be with her. I didn't want to keep asking questions because I know that makes her mad. So I just said OK and then asked if I needed to help her pack her camping gear? She said that she didn't need to take anything that her friends where carrying all the gear. I asked what about cloths?...