An ClochánChapter 50 free porn video

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“Good morning,” said Sarah’s Clan as they entered the conference room on Iarracht.

“Good morning,” responded Keriann’s Clan. “Siobhan’s Clan is going to connect via video.”

“We suspected they might,” replied Tara. “Their babies are really cute.”

“Yes they are.”

“So how are you all feeling?”

“Pretty good now,” replied Keriann. “Well actually, compared to last week I feel very good. I think I may have been overdoing it since our spouses left and last week it caught up with me. In fact I think that that is true for all three of us.”

“Pregnancy can do that, or it could be that plus what could be a new strain of cold virus,” responded Judy. “Quite a few patients have experienced symptoms similar to what that would cause. In most cases it was beginning to clear up by the time they decide they should see us. As a result we don’t have a good handle on the actual cause.”

“Well I am glad it is behind me.”

Sally said, “How soon will the others be here?”

“Except for Siobhan’s Clan, they should be here any time. Although, Amy’s Clan indicated that they may be a little late but to go ahead and start without them. Amy said they would mind-link with us if that happened.”

“Good,” replied Joyce.

Eleánóir of Keriann’s Clan said, “Well I will certainly be glad when our spouses return from An Clochán. Even though we can connect with them via our mind link, it seems like they’ve been gone forever.”

“Yes, it does,” responded Kathryn as her clan followed her into the conference room. “Good morning all.”

“Good morning,” responded everyone.

Elana said, “The others are just behind us.” She had hardly finished speaking when the remaining Command Staffs entered.

Once they finished greeting each other Keriann said, “From the responses we saw, moving the Councilor’s ceremony and Landing Day celebration to Thirday, Sevmonth was well received.”

“And that is?” asked Kriss of Molly’s Clan.

“Oh, 4490,” responded Jackie. “We are happy that we’re moving toward using our new calendar, but thinking of events by cumulative date is still convenient at times.”

“Once we are comfortable with the calendar we should have a better perspective on the relationships between events,” said Amy. “Figuring out when to celebrate an event will definitely be easier with a calendar as it makes them more visible.”

Erin of Sarah’s Clan said, “With those coming from the Alliance of Worlds delaying their arrival, we will have more time to prepare. Although it is convenient for us we’ve wondered what prompted it.”

“Well the extra 40 clock cycles means that we can adjust the timing of the celebration if we have to so that those coming from An Clochán will be able to participate,” added Kendra of Siobhan’s Clan.

“Finnian of Chloe’s Clan told me that all the comments on the net regarding the proposed holidays were positive,” said Angie of Kathryn’s Clan. “A few had questions about how the date of Founders Day was determined.” Seeing the others expressions she continued, “To determine a date for the Órarduine’s beginning, and its anniversary, they changed the elapsed clock cycles to fit Ananu’s time scale. When you do that, today is clock cycle 3569 rather than 4446.”

“I didn’t think we were going to do that!” exclaimed Kaitlin of Maureen’s Clan.

Niamh quickly responded with, “Oh, that hasn’t changed, we’re not. However, it did come up again when the group was trying to establish the date for Founder’s Day on the Ananu calendar. Needless to say, the idea of shifting the dates in our history came up again and was a hot topic for a while. Some liked the idea of having a consistent time line rather than the discontinuity we have now. Those that liked the concept were able to convince the group to look at it again in detail. It didn’t take them long to realize that it makes the past very messy, so they decided to only use that method to determine the date for Founder’s Day. Oh, it is also used for setting the day of the year for birthdays.”

“What about ages?” asked Kathryn.

“You can go there if you want to,” responded Angie with a smile, “but none of the group wanted any part of that. It would significantly change everyone’s age, to about two-thirds of their current age in fact.”

“Hey, it is a natural question, but I am not saying any more about it.” Her response caused many to chuckle.

Betsy of Amy’s Clan said, “In terms of aging, continuing with the number of elapsed clock cycles is probably the best choice. This is a psychological issue as a person perceives their aging by the number of days they’ve lived. However, from a physiological stand point elapsed time has a stronger link to aging. But the difference doesn’t outweigh the psychological benefit so you’ve made a good choice. The use of elapsed time is an excellent way to shift a past date to our Ananu calendar as it will spread them over the whole year.”

“Thank you,” responded Angie. “I’ll share that as there are still some doubters. Also, Founder’s Day is based on when Sarah’s Clan came out of the tubes, not the day Sarah woke up. There is a difference of 156 twenty-four hour clock cycles between the two dates, so the proposed anniversary date is the 400th day of the year, or Tenday, Fouweek, Ninmonth.”

Niamh of Keriann’s Clan said, “So how do we plan on handling the Cross Quarters since Ananu has two satellites.”

{Author’s Note: Cross Quarters is the mid point between a solstice and an equinox or an equinox and a solstice. Two solstices and two equinoxes per year, results in 4 mid points or Cross Quarters. On Earth the names for the Cross Quarters varies with the culture.}

“But solstice and equinox is based on Ananu’s orientation toward Celia,” responded Kaitlin of Maureen’s Clan.

“Oops, sorry. I don’t know why I thought it was related to the moons.”

“No problem. This places Samhain on the Firday, Firmonth, which we’ve set as the beginning of our calendar year. Imbloc is on Fivday, Foumonth. Beltane is on Firday, Sevmonth. Lughnasadh is on Fivday, Tenmonth.”

“While you’re at it, what are the rest of them?”

“Except for this, year Celia Councilors will begin their term and take their oath on the Firday, Thirweek, Secmonth. Future Landing Day celebrations will be on the Firday, Fivmonth. Thanksgiving will be on the Firday, Twelmonth.”

“Thanks for indulging me, but it is hard to remember. Still, I suspect that once we have calendars it won’t be an issue.”

“Not a problem. Based on the nodding of heads I see here, you aren’t the only one with that issue.”

“She is not,” responded Emma of Keriann’s Clan with many others in the room nodding in agreement.

Angie said, “Our online scheduler layout is now using the Ananu calendar. Once the family formally agrees to the dates for the holidays their notation will change. Currently they are shown as awaiting ratification so that we have visual cues. We are still working out the birthdays for everyone, which as noted earlier are based on elapsed time. One advantage to this is that it distributes them over the whole year.”

“Good,” responded several.

Tara said, “It seems to me as though we’ve gone full circle, and I am now wondering what we’ve gained.”

“Basically we have documented the implications that arise when the time base for past events is changed,” responded Angie. “We didn’t find any references to this situation in the library so we suspect that it is an unusual one.”

“Sort of,” said Amy. “Many of the new settlements we’re familiar with just took the year they settled and worked from there. Even though we set up the Órarduine calendar several years ago, we never really moved away from using the cumulative day count. Your basis for considering this as the 6th year is stronger than many we’ve seen. So going full circle, today is the 30th day in the Sixmonth of the 6th year, or clock cycle 4446.

“Angie, I just realized that there is an aspect that we need to be sure is included in the documentation, if it is not already there. Previously we numbered Órarduine days from when Sarah woke up and thought of that as their emergence. This is what we had in mind for the Founder’s Day celebration. I like this new choice as it is closer to being the birth of Órarduine, and is based on an event relating to all those who would become a clan and not just one individual. We need to make sure that the difference in starting point is noted, and the reasoning behind the change.”

“Okay. I’ll make sure that is included.”

“We think this new approach is much better,” said Tara. “We know that Sarah was a little uncomfortable with her waking up being set as our beginning. Basing it on the emergence of the first eight from the incubators is a more accurate and more logical date. We like the calendar layout, and the holidays being spread over the whole year.”

“We agree,” responded everyone.

Keriann said, “It looks to me like we’ve covered that topic.” Hearing no objections she added, “Next is the status of the Durale prisoners.”

Alison said, “Well the interrogations are complete. These have provided us with a lot more information about the Durale culture, their plans and their perspective of others. It is not a pretty picture and seems very different from what we learnt of the Dutsuz from Commander Timalta in Sol. These people see the universe as being there solely for their benefit. Thus, it belongs solely to them, so they can use it in any manner they choose. They view themselves as being above all others.

“Using what we learned about their ships in Sol, we’ve been able to recover the surviving ship’s logs and reference material. These include details of its last several missions as well as their next assignment. However, even using the Durale navigation data Astrogation hasn’t been able to determine where this trip originated. They don’t think it was in the Dutsuz system. The coordinates for other voyages don’t seem to fit with the star maps we have from the Alliance either.”

Emma said, “While we were in Sol, the data we obtained indicated that they had absorbed those they found on other planets. Included in the data were indications that they had agents in critical locations of the Alliance members, which gave them access to privileged information. With that kind of access those same agents could hide their interactions with other select worlds.”

“Good point. With that in mind, there are a couple of prisoners we should question again as I don’t believe that that possibility was considered before.”

“Another thing to consider is that the coordinates may be coded in some way.”

“We’ve considered that. We do have descriptions of the places they’ve been to, so hopefully our visitors from the Alliance can help decipher them.”

“How are they doing on the island?” asked Brigid.

Several laughed as Brittany said, “Actually, better than some expected. It took the first groups several days to realize that they had no choice but to stay there. Apparently they didn’t believe us when we told them to leave the lions alone. Several attempts were made to capture or kill them, resulting in 5 deaths.

“Recently two more died when they attempted to capture those delivering food. The lions put the attackers down, and in the process their food was scattered, some of it was covered with the attackers’ remains. The next several deliveries were made by a Security team accompanied by a pair of lions. There haven’t been any more issues with delivery.

“The remaining prisoners have split into small groups and set up camps around the island. The groups appear to be based on where they grew up and there doesn’t seem to be much interaction between them. However, they all show up for food deliveries and seem to be satisfied with the food. During the deliveries there is usually very little talking, although occasionally they will ask for something. No request has been refused and we are keeping a log of what we give them.”

“What do they know of their future?” asked Ron of Jackie’s Clan.

“They were told that they are restricted to the island until we can make other arrangements. If one of our visitors wants them then we will move them from the island to a transfer point.”

“What is the status of their ships?”

“We placed the three we captured together in a stable orbit. Two are pretty much junk. We haven’t done anything with them, as we thought our visitors might want to look through them. As for the one we disabled, the exterior is sealed and it has a partial atmosphere. The systems are in what we consider to be a standby state but not hibernation. The data systems weren’t shut down due to concerns over how to bring them back online. Currently our ferrets can access them. We haven’t identified any self-destruct commands and we think there should be some. It is something we have on our ships.”

Sally said, “Considering their attitude, there may not be any.”

“That is a possibility, but we didn’t think it was worth taking the chance. The other issue is access codes and whether we’ve correctly reset them, as the available manuals aren’t clear to us.”

Rusty asked, “Were you able to figure out whether they sent a message regarding the status of the mission? If they didn’t send one, were they supposed to?”

“From what we can tell, they didn’t, and there is no indication that they were supposed to send one afterwards either.”

“Strange,” said Terry. “You would think their commanders would want to know if the mission was successful, unless they didn’t expect any of them to return. Another alternative would be to monitor this system.”

“We agree,” said Keriann. “Are we monitoring their conversations on the island?”

“Most of them.”

“We should try to do better than that as there could be clues in what they say to each other. From what you’ve said about their attitude, if they didn’t know the mission was to destroy the planet’s biosphere they may expect to be rescued.”

“We’ll see what we can do regarding monitoring all of their conversations,” responded Alison.

“Is there a problem in doing that?”

“Primarily resources, but perhaps we should look again at how we are using them. Thanks.”

“From your expression, it looks like you’ve discovered something.”

“Only that we may not being using the lions observations, or what they hear, as well as we could.”

“Anything else regarding the prisoners?” asked Keriann.

“Not from us,” said Conan of Siobhan’s Clan with others in the room nodding in agreement.

“Next item is the people coming from An Clochán. For openers, how do we describe them?”

“They are all ‘new Family members’ from our perspective,” responded Maeve. “I think that that is better than ‘crew member’, although some will likely seek opportunities in that area.”

“We don’t have any problem with that,” responded Tiff of Siobhan’s Clan, with the others indicating their agreement. “So, seeing that we all agree, we should refer to them in that manner from now on.”

“I think that is a good idea,” said Amber. “I don’t think our spouses at An Clochán were sure of the best description either.”

Kaitlin of Maureen’s Clan said, “That is likely the best way. Besides, a lot of those we’ve interacted with on Earth seem to gravitate toward joining us. When I first noticed this I was concerned that we were somehow enticing them. However, I don’t now believe that this is the case.”

“I think they will fit in just fine,” responded Kendra. “With so many at one time, it may take a little longer, mostly due to the delay in joining us. By the way, the Staffing group at An Clochán arranged to purchase enough iPads so everyone could have one. With some minor modifications they can connect to our learning system and library. With these, people will have something to do in addition to the other activities during the trip.”

“Great idea,” said Courtney. “I’ll bet Apple was happy with that purchase. Would they be a benefit here?”

“Could be, but we need to bounce that off our network systems engineers,” said Claudette. “A key reason for getting the iPads is the lack of learning center terminals that will be available during the trip to Celia. They may be the best choice for some other situations, especially if it is relatively easy to configure them to interact with our systems. They could increase the capacity of the learning centers, which is a current project. The centers are currently in high demand, and with our new arrivals they will continue to be for some time.”

“Jim, are there any issues at Tara Ardchlár?” asked Molly.

“Not really. The first tunnels should be connected in the next day or two, although it could be a few days more. The primary tunnels One South and Two South are useable from Three East to just a little east of One East. The connecting tunnels to 2E 1S, 1E 1S and 2E will be finished tomorrow then work can begin adding the next levels to them. The primary tunnels 0ne East and Two East are progressing. Tunnel One East is useable between Three South to just past One South and Two East is close to where One North will be. The We have enough resources to work on three buildings concurrently with 5 in progress. By having this many buildings under construction at the same time we can use our resources more efficiently. This is in part because we can move to a different building when we need to pause on one being worked on. Currently plans call for the Common buildings at 2E 1S and 1E 2S to be covered before we begin the residence towers for 2E 1S. This should happen within the next 60 days. The other buildings are at 1E, 2E, and 1E 1S.”

“That quickly!” exclaimed several in the link.

“We think it could be a little quicker, but it could also be several weeks longer. In planning activities several people think that we should delay the outer ring of residence towers until all 8 residence groupings are built. They think that by doing that there will be less time loss due too many activities in an area.”

Caitlyn of Keriann’s Clan said, “We like the idea of limiting a residence group to having just 8 towers. Would you refresh my memory on tunnel names?”

“Sure. We are placing the tunnels under the grid lines for Tara Ardchlár. So the first east – west tunnel south of Central Square is labeled One South. The first north – south tunnel east of Central Square is One East. The layout for the streets hasn’t been decided or how they will be named.

“As to the residence towers, we will finish 3 Common buildings before starting the residence towers. Even so we will continue to build Common buildings but at a slower rate. The connecting tunnels between the Residence Hub and towers will be added as each one is built. The towers will start the same way we did the Common buildings.” Sensing puzzlement he continued, “Sublevel 3 and Sublevel 2 are built first, but Sublevel 2 is not covered. This makes it easier to move stuff between ground level and the tunneling activity. Even though the utilities are on Sublevel 3, provisions are made to allow the equipment to be readily replaced. I hope that is not too much detail.”

“Not from my perspective. Have you thought about how building would progress beyond this corner?” asked Violetta of Kathryn’s Clan.

“Our plans are to build the Residence groups at 2E 1N and 1E 2N next, which would be toward the space port. This would include the nearby Common buildings as well. We considered building west then north since it would delay the need to move the space port north. However after considering resource use, we’ve decided to continue as planned. This would make the Residence groups at 1W 2S and 2W 1S and the nearby Common buildings next in line. An exception is being made for the Medical Center at 1W and 1W 1S.”

Terry said, “If I remember the criteria correctly, the defensive system that obscures our presence on the ground becomes more effective as each pair of Residence groups is added. Once we have all eight up we can effectively obscure the whole site.”

“Your memory is correct,” responded Mairia of Jackie’s Clan.

“Does this cause any difficulties with the underground access?” queried Kriss of Molly’s Clan.

“Not really. Once the connecting tunnels for these five buildings are complete, plans are to continue extending tunnels for One South and Two South to where they would connect with Four West. One East and Two East will be extended to the SpacePort. These efforts will be at a more leisurely pace than we are currently. Doing this has several advantages. One is that the tunnels will be ready when we start a new building’s foundation. Another is that we can shift resources from this task to other areas.”

Rusty said, “So we need to decide on any changes before you finish with these first buildings.”

“If we are going to make a change then it should be within the next 8 weeks.”

“Well considering our current situation, we don’t see any need to make any changes,” said Brandan of Maureen’s Clan. “We agree with an initial placement of 8 residence towers in each grouping, with provisions to add more if they are needed once all 8 groupings are complete. Besides, with just the eight towers in a grouping everyone has a better view. An alternative would be to continue with some people living in the Residence Hub.”

“We agree,” said Jackie. “Jim, has anyone asked about placing buildings near the farms?”

“Yes. There will be some centered among the cultivated fields. Those are relatively simple buildings to set up. Where they will be placed hasn’t been established yet as the group is still laying out the fields.”

“When will they begin planting?”

“From what we heard,” replied Amy, “with in a couple of weeks.”

Erica said, “An engineering group is currently planning on how to move the asteroids to be used as forts to where we want them. One consideration is to place one at both the L4 and L5 points of both moons. These locations would presumably have the smallest need for station keeping. Expectations are that we will have two in position, and with construction underway, in 2 months. Currently the forts have a higher priority than setting up an asteroid for manufacturing.”

“Good,” replied Sally. “We need to have a discussion on this aspect of our defense as I don’t think we set any clear objectives or capabilities.”

“Let’s plan on doing that after our spouses return,” proposed Brittany. “One potential issue I see with the L4, L5 choices is that they won’t deviate very far from the ecliptic plane.”

“Good point,” responded Oriel of Keriann’s Clan. “The L4 of one will be fairly close to the L5 of the other, so they would have similar fields of fire.”

“Yes, they would,” said Conan. “We agree with Brittany and Sally, so let’s discuss this a week or so after they return.”

“Agreed,” replied everyone.

Erica said, “I will schedule the meeting and include the appropriate engineering and security staff. Obviously the Command Staffs are included.”

Rusty added, “As food for thought, when I think of a space fort, I see something like our ships FCS but with about 5 to 10 times the fire power. The field of fire of one fort should overlap those of the other forts. They obviously need all the support elements that a ship has.”

Keriann said, “I agree with Rusty’s concept. I also think that we’ve covered this well enough for now. The summary on the planetary activity was the last item on the agenda. Does anyone have anything else?” After pausing a few moments, she added, “Seeing no new issues, let’s adjourn until this time next week when we will meet at Tara Ardchlár.”

Brigid said, “We hope you can all stay for dinner. If you are Muiriol can tell you which suite she has set aside for you to use.”

Rusty said, “Erica, wouldn’t it be better to set up an asteroid for manufacturing before we begin working on the forts.”

“Yes. It would make building the forts a lot easier. Based on our brief discussion, I think the asteroids we’ve picked are too small.”

“Why is that?”

“Not enough mass. Besides, when you add the required support systems, their emissions will be difficult to hide. In light of all that, the timing for starting the project was likely in error.”

“While having forts available quickly would be nice, we don’t see it as a necessity. It just means that until we have them we are restricted on how long our primary ships can leave the system. Actually that is also true for the cruisers.”

“I agree with both of you,” said Keriann who had walked up during their conversation. “Before we have the discussion about fort details, those with tactical experience need to decide how we would capture a world like this. Having that information will make it easier to determine how and where we want to place the forts. In any case, when they are positioned, we should leave what appears to be two weak points, one more obvious than the other, but both with a defensive arrangement that would minimize any escape once an intruder was committed to an attack.”

“When we discuss this we should ask our Mentor friends to join us,” said Rusty.

“Maybe we ought to use this as a strategy class,” responded Keriann.

“I think you two should handle that aspect,” said Erica. “I sort of know your intent, but think it would be better if you all do it.”

“We can,” replied Keriann with Rusty nodding.

“Are you joining us for dinner?” queried Caitlyn.

“Yes,” replied Rusty and Erica.

Erica added, “We will be leaving after dinner.”

“I don’t believe anyone is staying over.”

It was a few days later that the Iridien passenger ship, IGN404, entered a Martian geosynchronous orbit. That orbit positioned the ship to the east of An Clochán. A few hours after it arrived over Mars, 2 Iridien Spec Ops cruisers entered Sol system.

Kara was in An Clochán’s Security Center with Effie when Breacadh alerted them to the cruisers FTL transition. Their systems soon detected valid IFF codes from the cruisers and they then heard Sol41 say in Iridien, “Welcome to Sol, Commander.”

“Task Group 33 is glad to be here,” came the reply. “We should be there in 6 hours.”


“Both cruisers need a few repairs. If the hangar and technicians are available then they can be accomplished in a fairly short time. Otherwise it is a normal restock.”

“Duration of stay?”

“Only a few days.”

“In that case we can discuss the details after you arrive. Advise when over Sol41, to receive approach vectors.”

“Will do.”

“Sol41 Approach Control, this is Kara at An Clochán. We need the contact details for IGN404.”

“Oops, sorry. We thought you had those.”

“No, I guess those involved thought someone else did. Since our preferred departure is only a few days off, we thought we would have heard from them by now. The message regarding the passenger ships just indicated that they were being sent, and an approximate arrival time. The two Monque operated ships are due to arrive within the next two clock cycles.”

“Sorry, we thought you already had that information. We just sent communication protocols for IGN404 to Breacadh. This ship is under the command of Captain Ersatz.”

“Thanks. Do you have the Monque ship ids and the names of the commanders?”

“No. Their IFF codes were just forwarded to Breacadh. If they were Iridien, I could probably guess who the Captain was and be right. We’ll pass that on once their identification is verified, and we will specifically direct them to contact you. Actually we are surprised that Captain Ersatz hasn’t contacted you already.”


Effie said, “Breacadh, please establish a connection with IGN404 Captain Ersatz.”

“Aye.” Then a few moments later, “Connection established.”

“An Clochán Security Center calling Captain Ersatz,” said Effie.

“Please confirm who this is,” replied a female voice.

“This is Effie in An Clochán Security Center. We need to speak with Captain Ersatz.”

“He is with Propulsion Engineering at the moment. Can you wait until he returns to the bridge?”

“We were calling to establish a time for us to visit. Is there a problem?”


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In one my classes at the university, I met Dorothy,a beautiful woman in her mid 50s . She is big boned ,with a nice plump ass (that I later learned she has perfect control over) ,short dark hair and beautiful big feet, the veins show with her every movement, and she loves to wrap her toes around the desk and dangle her shoes. We sat next to each other and we begin making small talk. She was from New Jersey, had the accent, and cussed in such away it made me want her more. After class one day,...

1 year ago
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The Secret Cheerleader Vote 9

Zane reflected on the events that had taken place the night before. Bella had finally surrendered herself to him. She had thought she would be able to just have sex with him and get everything she wanted. Instead, she had surrendered herself to him totally. More importantly, she had surrendered to him recording everything, so she was essentially his slave now. His pet. His toy, to play with however he chose. As a result of that surrender, she also became the “property” of the rest of the...

2 years ago
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Sweet Journey With Young Lady

Hi all, thanks for reading my experience, I am have been reading and enjoying ISS since 15 years. I am good fan of this site. Due to time constraint and laziness, I hesitated to write about my experience. Please share your feedback to which will enrage me to share my all experiences. I am sakthi 39 years old working in a reputed company in Chennai. My interest is approaching stranger where ever possible and make with them soft sex. I got majority of the experience while traveling in bus. This...

2 years ago
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IT'S ONLY A DREAM, ONLY A DREAM, ONLY A DReam, only a dre........ I felt myself regaining consciousness, coming up from the depths of a deep sleep. I could see a pinpoint of light at the end of a long tunnel and I started towards it slowly and involuntarily. After what seemed like an eternity the light began to grow larger until it suddenly winked out, finally there was a feeling of great discomfort followed by an explosion of brilliance and then I someone gave me a swat on the...

2 years ago
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Blackmail of Alex Part 1

When one day, the Goddess of Luck showed her liking of me, and granted me a gift of opportunity. I was rifling through her computer comfortably in my room one day with the help of a RAT like I do at least once per day since first seeing her. As per my usual routine I turned on her webcam and screen tracker, what I saw shocked, surprised, and turned me on like no porn can ever do. On her computer, she was looking at a redhead getting fucked hard doggy style while another guy was fucking her...

2 years ago
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A Dozen Red Roses

By Star Noble I had just stepped out of the shower when there was a knock on my door. I put on my bathrobe and went to open the door. To my surprise there he was with suitcase and a dozen of the most beautiful red roses I had ever seen before. I screamed as I opened the door as he yelled “Surprise” “What are you doing here” I said. He hugged me and said “I couldn’t stand being away from you anymore. So I got on the first flight I could find” “Oh god, you are such a romantic guy” I...

4 years ago
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Arabian Nights

Another day, another dollar.I was waiting at the subway station for my wife to pick me up. She had taken the day off to go on a job interview. I jumped in the car. It was early summer, and she was wearing a cute floral-patterned sundress and a big smile, the picture of a demure suburban housewife happily picking up her husband."I was a bad girl today.""Yeah.  How'd the interview go?  What'd you do?""Well, Mohammed called me. I told him I was busy today and had to go for a job interview, and he...

2 years ago
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Ted WhoChapter 2

So February finally came and I set aside my dreams of working out with the Oakland A's in Arizona and headed for the Orioles' Florida minor league training camp. It turned out to be a pretty well-organized place, with some coaches and trainers who seemed to know what they were doing. I got all sorts of physical examinations in the first three days, taking up practically all my off-field daylight-hours free time. Maybe the Orioles were making certain the Athletics hadn't palmed off some...

4 years ago
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Perfect Escape

Groggily, Henry awoke to the pleasant sound of birds chirping. The warm sun glinted through the window, cascading across the room in a patchwork of radiant energy. Rousing him from his solace, a cool, crisp breeze billowed through the room, sending a slight shiver up his spine. Stumbling out of bed, Henry walked through the labyrinth of rooms and by chance found himself in the kitchen. He emptied the last remaining drops of cold, stale coffee from his cup and refilled with the fresh pot that...

1 year ago
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Bride4K Anna De Ville Surprise Under Her Dress

They say there is no happier moment for a young woman than a wedding. It is also true to say that a wedding is one of the most nerve-racking events in a woman’s life. And, of course, a special role in life plays the first wedding night. In general, she only worries about all the wedding things. The heroine of this story was so worried she would not be able to impress her husband on their wedding night, that she decided to practice spreading her legs five minutes before the vows at the...

1 year ago
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AnalMom Jennifer White Complimentary Breast Exam

Dr. Jack Vegas visits hot housewife Jennifer White to do a complimentary breast exam in honor of breast cancer awareness month. Jennifer had never heard of this but after Dr. Vegas shares some statistics she’s happy and grateful for his visit. Dr. Vegas proceeds to do the breast exam and finds them to feel very healthy, so he then offers to do a complimentary rectal exam to check for ovarian cancer. Jennifer wasn’t expecting the exam to feel so good so she doesn’t mind when Dr. Vegas decides to...

3 years ago
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Prodigious CollectionChapter 17

8 Section 79 -- Udders "We volunteer to suck your nipples," giggled Erin, "so they'll get toughened up and you'll be more ready to nurse Adam." The twins sat on both sides of the startled Diane and insinuated themselves beneath her arms, their shining faces turned up toward hers. Diane laughed heartily and hugged the girls to her. "Methinks you two have hatched a new plot that will end with you singing your own orgasms!" "Moi?" the twins asked in unison. They batted their eyes at...

4 years ago
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Open wide slut pt2

I stood there and looked down at the hot young slut. I had just fucked her, and now I held her hair in my two clenched fists. Rachel was on her knees in nothing but a short red plaid miniskirt. She had clasped her hands behind her back. I admired her perfect thighs; her taught belly; her firm C-size tits all the way up to her perfect face and pink and black dyed hair. Her open mouth and large imploring eyes looked up at me as she begged me to fuck her face.She licked her lips and spoke with a...

1 year ago
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Claiming Whats Yours

You have me pinned on the bed, ours mouths on each other, your fingers teasing my clit. Im moaning into your mouth. I move against your hand, my body begging you for more. You continue teasing me with your fingers and tongue. Im moaning into your mouth and trying to move against you. I feel your fingers slide into my hot wet pussy. You are fingering me, so the palm of your hand smacks against my clit. I start whining for more, you do what you want, taking your time, driving me crazy, making me...

2 years ago
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Summer CampEpisode 11 Who else is involved in this plot

Jennifer then asked them... "Have you thought of the way to get that stuff to the island without everyone, including Mr. Hartwell, finding out? Besides, Cookie is much too close to his kitchen for him not to notice the missing food. Your plan is not too bad, as far as it goes, but you did not think it through. From now on, you two do as I say. Lisa, tomorrow, you and I will be going out on errands. While you're gone, delegate Samantha as straw boss. She is to report to Pete for any...

3 years ago
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Delilah Too

Prologue Missus Sally Smallbridge – Missus! – parked the elderly motorcycle-sidecar combination and locked her helmet in the ‘boot’ of the ‘chair’. A year after marrying the man (me) who she preferred to think of as ‘Master’, I had persuaded (ordered) her to learn to drive and manage a motorcycle. In my turn, I’d learned to use the assorted instruments of destruction my great-uncle had left. Sally had, eventually, got me to ‘order’ her to teach me to shoot, and to use a selection of...

4 years ago
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Hes With Her and Shes With Her Too Part 1

That morning, Lila had chosen a red silk scoop-neck sweater over a black skirt, and in her heels she wobbled just a bit now as she approached the front door. She also had on a long black twill coat and driving gloves. Black thigh-highs with seams down the back, a garter belt and a shelf bra completed her ensemble. She had thought about a sheer black thong she liked a lot, but in the end she'd decided to wear no undies at all. She could feel how hard her nipples were under the sweater, and she...

Group Sex
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My Naughty Nipples

I was driving the car as my boyfriend was in inebriated state. When i reached his home i had to carry him to his bedroom as he was unable to walk. He was heavy and i couldn’t lift him In the late night at 2 pm its difficult to find somebody. We were attending a late night party. I stopped a taxi and asked the driver for help. He said he will take hundred rs for carrying him to his bedroom. at that i didn’t think how much money i had with me. He looked at my sexy cleavage revealing outfit with...

2 years ago
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Junior Year Part IIIChapter 17 A Piece That Fits

Allard and I signed in and then went next door to a deli to grab a quick sandwich. I came back to Fritz giving me the stink eye. “I know, I know,” I said, holding up my hand. “Who’s this?” Allard asked. “This is Fritz, the head of my security, and I’m in trouble for leaving the hotel without him,” I admitted. “I could be with you 24/7 if you’d prefer,” Fritz threatened. “I’ll make sure he lets you know,” Allard assured Fritz. I don’t think he wanted Fritz in our bedroom. What he didn’t...

4 years ago
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Becoming My Girlfriend

Becoming My Girlfriend by Jaana "A college boy unwittingly swaps his cock for a pussy, his girlfriend tricking him into believing it's a temporary thing, but it becomes harder and harder to believe as piece by piece, she steals the rest of his body. But is this seeming nightmare really a blessing in disguise?" *** WARNING: The following story contains graphic depictions of sex, female transformation and female arousal. You have been warned! *** "UUNNNNNGGG...." Bernard...

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Learning to be a Good Boy Part 7

There I was, on my elbows and knees, my ass high in the air and my hard-on straining the thin-skin covering it as it throbbed for release. A butt plug was imbedded inside my rectum and I was licking Mrs. Perkins’, my new ‘Mommies', very wet and gapping pussy. Another woman was behind me, pulling and pushing on the butt plug yet her identity was a secret, due to the leather half-hood covering my eyes. NOW, the woman behind me was sliding under my hips and taking my length into her hot, wet...

4 years ago
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Violent VixenChapter 2

She was hoping he would be waiting, but for several nights was disappointed. Cautious, maybe. Or maybe she would never see him again. Her spirits sagged further each night her trip home was uneventful. She found herself getting horny, but not wanting another fight with one of the amateurs. She took special interest in Jimmy Lester, a good looking senior who was learning fast. He wasn't in her class, but the large teenage boy's club worked on the next mat over. He was a little old for...

3 years ago
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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 42

I awoke at dusk and led my party back to the Harmons’ house, where I found Tate still in the midst of screwing Vivien and Violet. I chuckled as I considered my options before collecting mother and daughter alike. I brought my group with me to Jason Stackhouse’s place, where we found Amy, Emely, and Jason in the middle of a threesome as well. It was hardly a surprise, of course, especially with Jason being, well, Jason. “Hey, guys, what’s new?” I announced myself while Amy and Emely both...

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Chance Meeting

She caught my eye in the foyer of the hotel as I was collecting my key and I found myself reflecting her smile. It seemed like she was waiting for someone. I felt myself swelling under her gaze and hoped that my attraction hadn't become to obvious as I turned to take the lift. I wondered if it could have really been her but as I had arrive early I didn't think it could have been.I found my room at the end of a soul-less corridor and headed for the shower. The hot water was soothing and...

2 years ago
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Keep a copy if you want. Distribute to FREE sites only, and may not be used in a publication that is sold. ====================================================================================== He was born a six weeks premature to John and April McSweeney. They called him Christopher Allen. All through his younger years he was the smallest kid in the neighborhood, and then in school. His mother said that he’d grow, and he did. Mostly. But he was always behind the other boys in...

1 year ago
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Kelli Goes Out

Kelli Goes Out By Kelli Andrews I finally decided to take the plunge and go out in public dressed as a woman. I had only been out twice before, each time just walking around an outside shopping center and doing some window shopping, but this time I was going to go to a club for a drink. I'm 34 years old, 5'7", 145 lbs., and married to a wonderful woman who has no idea about this side of me. She obviously knows that I shave my body, but I had been doing that since before we met and she...

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Julie Kay Daddy Fuck My Ass

Steve Holmes’ wife won’t fuck him anymore because she says he got too fat! Papa Steve wanted to take action, so he decided to learn some workout tips and tricks from his sexy fit stepdaughter Julie Kay. After watching her perform some perfect pelvic thrusts and deep squats showcasing those shapely buns – he couldn’t control himself or his boner through his spandex leotard. It was so wrong- but so right! Julie loved her stepfather dearly, and thought he was great just the...

4 years ago
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Marching Band Part 7

I was sitting in my car on the way to another band practice. Luckily, Lauren made it much more bearable. Actually, at the moment, she was making it harder for me. As a thank you for driving her to and from band practice, she started giving me certain... "gifts" on the way to practice. Right now, her feet were in my lap, stroking my cock. It was hard to focus on the road. Let's talk about Lauren and I for a bit. Now, I haven't mentioned her much since we fucked several weeks ago, but...

4 years ago
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Elevator Meeting

Here is another one. Hopefully you all will like this story better than my last. I do this for fun so try not to be to harsh of a critic. It was a dark and stormy night. As Sarah pulled her car to the curb outside of the bar, she took two deep breaths. ‘This is it,’ she thought to herself. ‘This is the night that things are finally going to change.’ She stepped out of her car and ran to the door where she was greeted by Ron the bouncer. ‘Hey little lady! Hurry up and get in there before the...

2 years ago
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Cam Girl

Lori was at small one hundred and two pounds with DDD tits. She worked at a strip club and was extremely popular. Her private dances were always booked. The men paid $100 per thirty minutes. In that short time she quickly got naked let them suck and lick her huge jugs and she would suck their cock and let them fuck her. Then she sent them home with a snap shot with her holding their hard cock. She loved sex and began fucking when she was merely a teen as her fathers best friend was the first to...

1 year ago
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Mom Gets it OnChapter 4

Oddly, Sandy felt no guilt over what she had done with her son. On the contrary, she had enjoyed the experience tremendously. It had been so good, she was looking forward to fucking him again. Since it was a weekend, and Rob would be home in just a few more hours, she would be unable to fuck her son or give him the blowjob he seemed to want quite badly. Her lack of jealousy did not disturb her. In a way, she was pleased that Joey was much more interested in whether Lori Layne would suck him...

4 years ago
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The Best Birthday Party

Okay, so this is my first sex story here Please share reviews/contact/hookup on: A little about myself: I’m just an 18-year-old kinda attractive guy from the capital who is managing to swim through his raging hormones. It was summer 2016, yep last year. My friend was throwing his birthday party at a fancy pub in the NCR region. I was excited because that area is filled with hot guys (yes, hot in caps), all his friends from school, college and elsewhere came. It was fun. We all were dancing and...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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For SarahChapter 3

The next day I found an envelope attached to the front door with a piece of tape. I opened it and pulled out a handwritten note from Arnold. "Mrs. Morrison," it began, "I can't in good conscious stay working for you. Please send a check for my last week's wages to my home. I hope that you know that what you're doing is wrong." Tommy didn't return until Friday and we again had sex out by the pool. But this time he allowed me to go out naked. After he'd filled me with his sperm he...

3 years ago
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As I stepped into the department store, I had to resist thenatural urge to turn left and head for the electronics section.Instead, I turned right, penetrating deep into the mysteriousworld of women's apparel. Feeling conspicuous, I tried to look asif I belonged, relieved that there were no crowds so early in theday. This was the third time I had attempted this, and I wasdetermined not to chicken out again. I knew what I wanted, but not where to find it - and I wasfar too nervous to ask for...

2 years ago
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debbie leaves the light on

This story happened about twenty-three years ago. Shortly after our daughter was born, our sex life shifted into high gear and we had great sex almost every night. Debbie had lost a lot of weight after the pregnancy, looked great and knew it. She started wearing more revealing clothes -- shorter shorts, halter-type tops, slinky sundresses and often went without a bra and sometimes, even without panties. She bought some very sexy teddies and nightgowns and we played in the evening for hours at a...

4 years ago
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Emma Becomes a Slutwife

Chapter 1Our marriage of just over 4 years has been thrown totally upside down over the past few weeks. Changedbeyond all recognition. I've now been well and truly cuckolded by Emma, who has astonished me! First byher blatant unfaithfulness, and then by transforming herself into an extremely slutty 'hotwife'! I didn't see itcoming. But, to be honest, I'm not at all unhappy at the outcome.About a month ago Emma announced she was going on a 'girls night out' on Friday evening. Although it'snot...

1 year ago
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ManuelFerrara Elena Koshka Finally Lets Manuel Penetrate Her Beautiful Backdoor

The long-haired and luscious Elena Koshka is feeling happy to be with Manuel. She is in actress mode as she behaves very shy yet slips out of her see-throughs post haste. She gets Manuel to remove his pants and mounts him, slowly sitting on his rod. Elena hops off and says she wants to taste Manuel’s meat. After wrapping her sexy lips around his cock, Manuel convinces her that 69 is a wonderful number. Elena can barely keep her mouth on Manuel’s dick as he eats and licks her pussy....

4 years ago
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Breaking Point GordyChapter 3

With constant urging from Gordy, Randall found a very good engineer who was able to replace Gordy after eight months. The final five months before approval probably did not suffer from Gordy's abscence. At first, Gordy had been tempted to contact the HR person who had called him out of the blue. First, though, he investigated that company's ownership. Obviously, he never called. While still contracting with Medi-Vanced, Gordy was contacted by another medical firm, but one with no products...

1 year ago
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my first threesome

I was 21 at the time, very curious age i would say. It all started when was talking with this guy , Andres, i met at a party recently and i could tell he wanted to fuck me since the time he saw me, so after chatting a bit we decided to do something about it. Andres asked me to meet him at his friend's apt downtown, he said his buddy had work all day and he wouldn't be home so we could spend some time there, so i went and met up with him. Andres was a pretty hot guy, latino 5'9 tall toned...

2 years ago
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My Best Friends Dad Part 3

  My Best Friends Dad   Part 3     My day started at 10 AM and all I had to do was stand around in 5 inch fuck me heels, a short black dress with my big boobs almost on display and remember two things that Bert told me not to forget. 1) Smile and giggle at their jokes. 2) That I was 19, not 17. Later in the day Bert came up to me.   “How you doing girl, you’re a big hit, had a lot of guys telling me what a good looking ass you are.”

2 years ago
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KinksChapter 4

The following morning, as I was going into the bathroom, I spotted a pair of Mum’s knickers lying on the floor in front of the airing cupboard. Mum had been in there a few minutes earlier. I guessed she’d taken a pile of her clean clothes out to take to her room, and had dropped these ones without noticing. I whipped them up and stuffed them down inside my boxers. After brushing my teeth I went back to my room and took them out, spreading them on the bed and looked at them. I couldn’t help...

1 year ago
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The Bosss Daughter Pt 4

~ Clint ~ Alright, dancing with Emily may not have been the smartest idea I’ve ever had. I just got lost in the moment and wanted to keep her smiling and laughing, but now she’s looking me with those glazed over, star struck eyes. I won’t lie, holding her close like that was exciting in more ways than one, but things are getting too weird now. She’s great, smart, beautiful, fun, but we can’t have something between us – right? I mean I’m 32, just shy of double her age! There’s no way we could...

2 years ago
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Intruders neue Ziele

Unser Held, Frauenschwarm und Alptraum zugleich bricht auf zu neuen Abenteuern er findet sein neuen Damen zunächst in Kalifornien und spendet großzügig sein Erbmateral den Damen, die sich mit ihm vereinigen wollen oder auch nicht. Als Alphamann sieht seine Aufgabe, der er sich auch nicht entziehen will.

3 years ago
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The Ring AOChapter 69 Xrays

The next few days just seem to disappear. On Wednesday morning, Lisa asked Helena if she would like to attend Tim’s retirement, Helena declined saying it was for his workers but if you or any of our staff want to attend she has no problem. Fred came into the unit advising “I have been trying to find out some information about the cargo from Vanuatu but their web site tell you nothing. How about we see Tim and the Customs/Border force people to find out the best was to process. Tim did...

2 years ago
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My Love My Brother

My name is Joanna. (Name change) When I was 18, I was still living at home. I grew up in a house that was miles away from town, so I did not see too many people. I was home schooled all my life, so to sum it all up, I really did not have much of a social life. There were plenty of things to do to avoid boredom, but my favorite pastime was masturbating. I did not have a car, so I was stuck out here, and at the same time, my sex drive kept getting bigger and bigger. I was sick of just using my...

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Catherine Dixons PunishmentChapter 2

Catherine Dixon stood staring nervously across the large inlaid leather desk toward the big powerfully built man sitting in a huge leather swivel chair to her side, holding Catherine’s leash, stood Joan, wearing a leather skirt and jacket, waiting for her charge to speak. “Master Tony,”began Catherine eventually, It ... It is my desire to ... to demonstrate to you that I, Catherine Dixon ... fully understand I am now a trained sex slave, ready to serve my Master and owner, Sean without...

2 years ago
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Fucked In The College Toilet

Hello Friends! I am Chahat Khanna. I am back with another of my sexual escapade. Let me start with a brief description of myself. Chahat Khanna, height 5’7″, fair complexion, big eyes. I have been blessed with 34 sized boobs and a 24 inches waist carved on a base of 34 inches with a glowing milk tone. Not boring you any longer, I will start with my story straightaway. I woke up and ate breakfast. Then took a bath and wore a black bra to cover my big soft breasts and a black panty and a...

2 years ago
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The Breeding Party Part 3

Linda's second guest dressed, and went out. She cleaned herself thoroughly, douching again, and, since it seemed that everyone in attendance had already seen her naked, AND getting railed, she decided to go into the waiting room, since it was separated from the rest of the spa by a heavy curtain, still naked. There were a set of beaded curtains between the rooms and the waiting area.She opened the smaller curtain and stepped out into the waiting area. Sure as she'd thought, there were 6 or 7...

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