y3013 Chapter One The Fallout
- 4 years ago
- 31
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There was a light, hesitant tapping on Neil's door and he tried to get up and failed. The clock read 5, but he felt like he'd barely laid down. He sat up and croaked "come in".
Mae opened the door, which drew a low groan from Neil. "Are you... are you OK, Neil?"
Neil slid back into his blankets. "I don't know. I still have a job... although that's not something you'd want to bet cash on."
Mae came over and sat in the camp chair. "I waited for you, I thought you were... teaching me another lesson" she grumbled.
Neil looked from under from his pillow. "I was at the hospital, then I was at Derrick's father's hotel room, getting the third degree."
Mae accepted this, then started to stand. "OK. I just wanted. to... you know... see if you were OK."
Neil rolled a bit. "Mae, what did you mean, teaching you another lesson?"
"That's what those days were, weren't they? Teaching me a lesson?" She sounded bitter, but not angry.
"I suppose. I've thought about it Mae, and... well... it was cold of me. You didn't deserve..."
"No. No I didn't." Mae said sharply. She frowned and hugged herself, then sat back down. "But I was being really unfair. To you. I guess."
"You guess?"
"Well... yes. OK? I know! I know I was being unfair and it was wrong... but you... you hurt me... "
Neil sat up. "What?"
"When you left me here... when you ignored me... when you treated me... and I KNOW! I know you did it... because you were showing me what I was... but it's wasn't fucking fair, Neil. OK?"
Neil started to build an argument, but it fell apart. "No. You're right. It wasn't fair and I'm sorry. I wanted to... 'teach you a lesson' but I also wanted to get back at you for what you were doing to me. And that... that's not really right. I was cold, and I'm sorry, Mae."
Mae sat and nodded again...
"Forgive me?"
Mae nodded. "Can... Can I have it back?"
Neil blanked, having no idea what she was talking about.
Mae took it as Neil considering and looked up. "You never... told me that you stopped loving me..." she said with her voice edging into a whine. "So, can I have..."
Neil got the idea. "No" he said softly. "You had my heart and I never took it back... so I can't give it to you again."
Mae smiled sadly and walked over. "Its not right between us. You understand? I'm... really stuck now. I didn't want a boyfriend... and you won't let me be anything else." A tear started down her nose and Neil moved to wipe it, but she stopped him. "See? SEE? You can't... stop being Neil and I'm don't want..."
Neil grumbled and pulled her into an unwilling hug.
"At least we can be... friendly? A little?"
Mae relaxed into the hug and nodded. "No more Mister Mean?"
Neil nodded "Unless you want a little mean... "
Mae giggled and pulled away. "See, you're a fucking bastard at heart" she said without much malice.
Neil grinned and stretched. "I guess today I find out if it makes any difference. I may be on my way home"
"You really think Mom will fire you?"
"I don't know. But I wouldn't be surprised."
After his early shower, Neil took a walk to the stables to check on Arnoss. The big geld was perfectly content in his stall, with no injury markers on the posts. Neil gave him a good checkover anyway, noting a few minor dings in the shoes but no other issues. He was on his way back to the cabin when Harry called to him from the Cave.
"Hallo, Neil. I hear you had a bit of trouble yesterday."
"A bit?"
Harry chuckled. "I'm not one to listen to rumors, but I have to say killing a camper is frowned on. Especially when you ride your horse back and forth over his corpse!"
Neil sighed. "Is that what the latest is?"
"Well, some suggest you were hired by a mob family to kill him, then brought his head back as a trophy, but I'm not convinced of that one."
Neil growled. "Jesus. Derrick is fine. Broken leg, but otherwise..."
"And a cracked rib."
Neil nodded, then looked hard at Harry. "How... "
Harry grinned. "I got a call from a certain Nathanial Rothcrest last night. Very late, too. He'd been drinking."
"You... know him?"
"Quite well, actually. Nathanial is a sponsor of another one of my equestrian projects. Well... his wife was a client more than Nathanial."
"Derrick's mother?"
"Eh? oh no. She was his second wife, this was his third. Quite the avid dressage rider."
"The lady who was with him last night?"
Harry chuckled. "She is... his fourth. Or fifth. I don't know. Anyway, Nathanial and I became friendly, in a sense. He investigated some rumors concerning his wife and... well, me. Totally untrue, of course."
Neil sat in a daze. "That's... interesting..."
"You and I are due in Mom's office in an hour. You should eat."
The crowd in Mom's office was surprising. Along with Harry and Gwen, whose sharp features were dragged down with emotional weight, there were the two medics, the trail captain, a trail guard, Mitchell the stable master and a stable hand, Leah, Gail, one of his students, and surprisingly enough, Cynthia.
Mom and Nathanial arrived, talking to each other and a third woman, who was arguing vocally with Nathanial.
"He's in AGONY!" she shrieked.
Nathanial waved his hands "He's on medication and only seems to feel any pain when you're there."
The woman was statuesque. There was simply no other word. If her hips had ever borne children, they'd long since forgotten. She was older, but had no grey in her reddish hair. Her breasts were perky and clearly synthetic and she had a "worked" look to her face that suggested a lot of knives had touched up its surface. The sum, however, was only faded slightly by the construction. She was beautiful and shapely, even with her face always settling on "fury" or "grief stricken". Nathanial's newest wife was not in attendance and Neil did not have to wonder why.
Mom settled behind her desk and rapped a knuckle on it. Everyone turned toward her, expectantly.
"I've spoken with most of you here, but I want to hear Neil's side of the story. The WHOLE story" she said.
Neil sighed. He started with his earliest classes, discussing Derrick's issues with equipment and safety. He hesitated to tell Gwen's part, but he was finally forced to by Mom's unblinking stare. He continued through the safety test, stopping afterwards when Mom spoke up.
"Is this true, Gwen?"
Gwen sobbed and nodded, "I didn't tell Neil the truth, then, I was scared that..."
"Enough. Continue Neil"
Neil flinched, then continued. He described Derrick's riding issues, how he knew how to ride, but only through his dressage classes. He also described seeing Derrick's skill test, but left out the fact that he called Gwen's mother. It was a moment of personal dishonesty he didn't feel like sharing.
Mom pulled Derrick's folder and noted the scores for the group, then called on Harry.
"Its true. And I bear some guilt for not telling you, but Neil said he had nothing but bits and pieces. It was probably enough"
"It WAS enough..." Mom corrected, then indicated Neil should continue.
Neil described a few other scenes, including Cynthia's skill test and Derrick's threat.
"He'd NEVER!" Derrick's mother yelled, trying to stand.
"Sit DOWN Amanda!" Nathanial growled. "Your son has shown himself to be a dishonorable LIAR. I will not tolerate your outbursts".
Mom paused, then got to the point. "And so we come to yesterday. Neil?"
Neil nodded. "I assigned uh... Guido to Derrick. He's a level 1, a good trail rider, very docile. When we got out on the trail, though, I saw he was on a different horse."
"Arnoss." Mom noted. "The two are certainly similar, but not identical."
"No... they're not" Neil admitted. "Guido has a faint white star. I told Derrick to stop, and tried to halt the line, but the leader was pretty far ahead. So I stopped the rear third of the line. Derrick tried to pass, but Arnoss didn't like it. He reared and spun, then headed back down the trail. When we got to the intersection, he took off."
Mom paused, noting nods from the other girls in his class, then continued. "And we know the rest. Arnoss threw Derrick on the access road, and he broke his leg, cracked a rib and has other minor injuries"
"Minor?!?" Amanda shouted, standing again. "I'll SUE!"
Mom stared at her for a long moment. Amanda faded under her gaze, then sat back down. "You signed a release when your son arrived. Derrick was injured in a riding accident due to his own negligence. I invite you to sue me."
Amanda sat down heavily.
"Now. I've spoken to Harry and Cynthia, as well as the other campers and groundspeople and have no reason to doubt the story so far. Does anyone have anything else to add?"
There were silent head shakes around the room.
"So. Derrick is suspended from the academy for the remainder of the summer. His actions violated parts two, four and five of his camp agreement. Neil will be reprimanded for his failures as a counselor, but will retain his job, should he choose to stay."
Neil realized it was nearly a question and looked up. Mom gave him a curious glance and he nodded quickly.
"Done. I believe that Mr. Rothcrest and Harry should stay. Also Gwen for the moment. The rest of you are dismissed."
Amanda's protests faded down the hallway into the admin foyer and Neil steeled himself for the eventual "other shoe". Nathanial had a few quiet words with Gwen in the far corner, and she left with tears in her eyes and a huge smile on her face. She managed a last wave to Neil, then ran out. Neil looked up and smiled at Nathanial, who sighed.
"It hurts that she would... think I could deny her..."
"She's tough, I wish she could go back into Dressage" Neil answered.
"She will, I'll put her in some winter classes. She'll make up the difference, and Western is probably good for her."
Harry came over and clapped Nathanial on the shoulder. "What do you know about western... or horses... or little girls for that matter!?"
Nathanial chuckled and took a seat next to Harry.
Mom took her seat behind the desk and looked wearily at Neil. "You know, I got a long list of compliments from parents in the younger class..."
Neil was surprised, thinking back of who might have bothered to say anything to Mom.
"Sixteen." she said, pulling a stack of papers. "Ten hand written notes, four emails and a pair of those feedback forms we send out in the mail."
Neil smiled despite himself.
"Jesus, Neil... I wish you'd come to me." she said heavily.
"I'm sorry, Mom... I just didn't have... proof..."
"You had suspicions based on facts. Good facts. And THIS!" she said, flapping Derrick's skill transfer sheet. "What a pile of crap. I'll speak to Martha about THIS."
Neil nodded.
"Nathanial?" she probed.
Nathanial looked at Neil with a long appraising glance. "I'm satisfied that Neil did... what he felt was right. He certainly made some mistakes in judgement, but he's young and Derrick got better than he might have."
Mom grunted. "He might have gotten two horseshoe prints in his skull. Harry, why the fuck didn't you say anything to me?"
Neil jumped to hear Mom curse, but Harry's laughter shocked him more.
"Ah Abbey, I should've. I am sorry. The boy holds the world on his shoulders."
Mom threw the now balled up skill sheet at Harry, then regarded Neil. "I forget that you're only eighteen, Neil." she sighed, pulling a sheet out of her cabinet. "If I don't do something, the campers and parents will think you skated... so, I'm putting your Trail cert on probation. See Jackie for a refresher. It'll take you ten minutes, but at least it'll sound good. Your safety cert is revoked, go retake the tests. You're on stable duty every morning for the rest of the summer and you'll get a written reprimand from the stable master for not double checking the horses you assigned and a verbal reprimand on record from me. Plus I'm docking your pay"
Neil sighed and nodded.
"Yesterday from five on, today for... oh, three hours. That's... I don't know, fifty bucks or something." Mom's eyes twinkled and she threw her pencil at him. "Next time come tell me." she growled. "Now all of you get out of my fucking office. Harry, tell the students that I yelled at him for two hours."
"Like a banshee with hemorrhoids, Abbey"
"Get. Out."
Neil sat at breakfast in a state of shock. Every counselor's eyes were fixed on him, shocked that he was still alive and apparently employed. He ate quickly, deciding to head back to the stables for his first duty assignment. Ruth and Dave spotted him, but he shook his head and mimed "later" before rushing off.
Mitchell grumbled about having to write some damn reprimand and eventually assigned Neil to write it himself. He was doubly annoyed at having Neil underfoot, and ordered him to show up late the next morning and leave early. Neil wrote his reprimand as quickly as possible, unsure of how stern to be. He tried to show it to the stable master, who balled it up and threw it into a pile of manure.
"Bloody nonsense. It got lost, get out." he growled.
Neil had to remind himself that it was Friday, and ran off to find his class. They would be in the arena, and he wasn't looking forward to seeing them.
He sat the entire class down in the grass near the arena. "I've heard the rumors, and I'm sure you're all a little confused and concerned, so here's the honest truth. Derrick took a horse he wasn't qualified for."
There were several exchanged glances from his circle of followers, several of which were a bit guilty.
"Derrick lied on his transfer sheet, and wasn't qualified to ride western and trail. He took a faster horse, probably to impress someone." More exchanged glances and Neil was satisfied at the levels of guilt present. "It was a... bad decision. Arnoss is a runner, and can be a dangerous horse for a novice rider. Derrick got thrown on the access road on the far side of the lake. He broke his leg... badly and hurt his ribs."
The glances were more urgent this time, and some of the accomplices started to turn red. Neil took a hard look around as a few started to raise their hands, shaking his head to stop them. "Derrick has been kicked out of Silverspire." There were a few nods, and Neil steeled himself for the final part. He had to play this one for Mom and to drive a last sharp spike of guilt into those responsible.
"As for me..." he started, drawing every eye. "I am... currently going to be keeping my job... barely". Stunned looks greeted him as he let that sink in. He left the doubt out there for them to chew on for a while. "Although it was a... tight decision, the school has decided not to fire me for not stopping Derrick"
"But you didn't know!" one of the red-faced girls said suddenly. She had her hands over her mouth in a second, her eyes wide.
"No. I didn't. But its my job to pay attention to every rider, every horse, at every second. I've had two of my certs suspended, trail and safety. I've had my pay docked and I've been reprimanded by both the stable master and the owner of the academy. I've also spent a very long time discussing the situation with Derrick's mother and... father". Neil dropped father in a whisper, as if remembering a week of torture.
Neil let them think for a long moment, then stood. "Well, back to work then. We have our first competition tomorrow, and I'd very much like to see you all do well."
For the next hour, Neil put a very obedient and restrained group of girls through a solid workout in the Western arena. Even Leah kept to herself, smiling shyly at him between runs. Neil gave her a very reserved smile and kept the pressure on the riders. All told, it was probably the most productive arena time he'd ever put them through. By the end several of the girls seemed to have taken his advice to heart and, in a shocking twist, applied it to their riding.
Neil kept his sadsack face on through most of lunch, managing to get sympathy from Harriet, Ruth and even Mae. Dave was incredulous that he was still employed and tossed aside each and every claim of punishment and reprimand with a casual "Fuck that!" Neil was eventually forced to fess up, revealing the entire story in small, quiet bites to his slowly growing audience. Harry stopped by to chip in his two cents and Cynthia came over to make sure her part was accurately portrayed.
"I swear, you are amazing" Harriet grumbled.
"That's what Ruth keeps saying" he joked.
Ruth choked and coughed, giving him a deep look of "shut up"
Harriet's eyes grew and after a sideways glance at Ruth mumbled something like "chatty bitch" and slid over to have a conversation with her ladyfriend.
Dave continued his disbelief, but toned it down after Harry and Cynthia left. "I swear man, I drop a kid off a horse and I'd be dead... especially some rich Rothcrest brat."
Neil shrugged. "Yeah, look its done. I'm ready to move on."
"Yeah. Hey, Ruthie and Harriet want to hook up tonight, you in?"
Neil glanced over at Mae, who was concentrating on her lunch. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm in. I don't know what good I'll be, I'm seriously exhausted."
"Tell Ruth to do the work. She's into that"
"Doing work?"
"Being on top."
"Ah. Have you had a chance to, you know, reacquaint yourself with Harriet?"
Dave grinned. "Yeah. And a two-fer with Ruth"
"No, that's why I need you back. Not fucking kidding, man"
"They too much for you?"
"They work against me. One's talking dirty in my ear while the other works me over. Ruth held me down and rubbed everything she had in my face while Harriet blew me. I lasted like four minutes."
Neil laughed and Dave tried to smack him.
"Fucking serious, man. Harriet was going down on Ruth while I did her, holy... jesus. I about lost it. I had to pull out and cool down. Then they went at each other and gave me a play by play"
Neil cracked up, glancing over at the girls who were chatting away about some class. "They're a pair."
"A pair of ruthless bitches in the sack. If you're there, I can pass one off, you know? Tagteam style. Take it down a notch. Or they can double team you. How do you NOT blow?"
Neil shrugged. "Sometimes I do. Harriet got me yesterday at lunch, I was... uh, putty in her hands."
Dave laughed. "I just can't fight it, you know. They're hardcore"
"The monster in your head" Neil said with a grin.
"That's what I call it... what I think. Its like a monster in your head, a werewolf or whatever. It feeds on lust. Y'know"
"Yeah, that's pretty good. The monster in my head is a fucker. I can't stop it and BOOM, they win. Think about baseball my ass..."
Neil slapped Dave on the shoulder and stood. "I'll be your wingman."
"Tonight? Awesome."
With a wink to the two girls, Neil was off to the stables. They were due for a short trail ride and more time in the arena.
For the trail ride, Neil was triple cautious until they were out of the stable and on the trail. He sent Leah forward to lead, noticing that her teasing and flirting had eased back from nothing to barely any. He didn't need it right then, so she got banished to the front of the pack. Gwen returned from her morning with her uncle, and was in a talkative mood, so he set Gail as the tailgunner and rode with Gwen, listening to her chatter away.
She'd had a long talk with her uncle, and described him as a kind man with no free time who had haunted her life like some ghost who barely showed up for holidays. He'd been quite friendly and promised her that she would not miss any more summer courses.
"But if I take dressage, you won't be my teacher!"
"Well, you'll have Harry. He's nice too"
"But not as..." Gwen blushed and Neil gave her a quick glance.
"Not as tall?" he offered.
Gwen looked over and nodded, facing her saddle.
Neil chuckled but inside he felt the monster take heed. He was a bastard, alright, a bastard with a penis and a conscious who wasn't doing a fucking thing for him.
Neil had decided to take them down the East trail to the mazes, then back along the access road next to the lake. It was a bit of a exorcism for him, he didn't want to always associate the area with the accident, so he took them casually around the corner and down the road, the horses' hooves clopping on the gravel. Neil moved back until he reached Gail in the back of the line. She smiled gently, paying attention to her horse. Neil noticed her riding position and started to wonder.
"What's wrong with your leg, Gail?"
Gail shook her head, but his look stopped her. "I'm... sore from yesterday. We rode kind of fast back and I was paying more attention to..."
"Thank you, Gail." Neil said, interrupting her.
She looked up in surprise.
"You and the other leaders took over at a bad point, and I appreciate that. You got everyone home safe and the horses back in. That was a big help"
Gail almost blushed, shifting a bit.
Neil realized it wasn't her leg that hurt, it was her butt and he couldn't quite stop himself from laughing. Her hurt look sobered him. "I'm sorry, I'm a little slow. Its not your leg that hurts."
Gail blushed firmly, refusing to look at him.
"Ah, well, then trot up and tell Leah to take the rear and you lead us down to the watering strip on the lake." Neil challenged. He expected her to refuse and reveal her injured butt, but she gave him a growl and trotted forward. Neil laughed, until he realized Leah would be joining him.
Leah was a little timid, standing on her stocky quarterhorse and waiting for the end of the line. Neil smiled at her and she fell into line. "Hello poppet." he said lightly.
Leah gave him a cautious smile. "So I get to put up with you for another week, huh?"
"If you take Trail next week. I just get lots of punishments"
"Writeups and retests of my certs. Plus I'm on stable du..." Neil stopped, realizing his mistake, but it was too late.
"Stable duty you say?" Leah said with a light laugh. "Ah that will be terrible. Working in the stables"
"Yeah, well... I doubt they'll make me... do much, you know"
"Every morning"
"No... just, uh, a few days"
"With an audience, no less!"
"What? What audience?"
"Leah... "
"I like poppet"
"You... what? you do?"
"Do you know what a poppet is?"
"Isn't it a food or something? I heard it somewhere..."
"Its a fetish"
"A... WHAT?"
"Not that kind of fetish. Of course brits use it as a term for a child or girlfriend"
"Oh... well... that's not so"
"But that's not what it is. A poppet is a doll, used in spells."
"That's what a fetish really is, tying people up is a different meaning"
"Well. I..." Neil couldn't find the words. Leah was Leah, only ten times more so, tying him up in his own words and dancing around his attempts to escape... She was allowing the ride of the horse to bounce her, just a bit. Her breasts, though small, still managed to catch his eye. She was also looking at him just so. She laughed, and giggled and it was all hypnotic and distracting and so very, very Leah.
"Do you know what kind of doll a poppet is?"
"No... not... "
"How do you KNOW this?"
"Gail is into witchcraft"
"She is... she's WHAT?"
"Not like that, she thinks its interesting, like she studies it."
"Oh. "
"I asked her what a poppet was and she told me. In lurid detail"
Neil blanched and shook himself. "Look... Leah... maybe 'poppet' isn't the right... you know, name for"
"Its perfect. Don't you plan on knocking me up?"
"My big belly full of your offspring after you imPREGnate me?"
Leah started to laugh, holding her hands over her imaginary belly. "Big fat baby in my belly"
Neil laughed, but not as heartily.
"No babies for me, not for a while." Leah said, suddenly serious.
"Well... good."
"But you can imagine. And practice"
"Ye. NO! Wait."
Leah's laughter drew the attention of other riders, so Neil eased his horse ahead. He was sure he could feel her staring at him, but whenever he looked back down the line, she was always looking somewhere else.
Neil had an unexpected dinner guest. After a short and cold shower he walked up to the Cave and discovered Nathanial sitting at one of the side tables with his wife. Neil walked over and finally learned her name, Deb, and sat down with them at Nathanial's insistence.
"I understand you're back to work, Neil" he said with a nod.
Neil nodded back, trying not to pay too much attention to his supermodel level wife. Wherever he found these women, Neil wanted to pay a visit. His credit probably wouldn't buy him much, though.
"I must apologize for my... reactions..." he started.
"No... sir, it was understandable." Neil objected.
"Perhaps, but I still owe you something. I like you Neil, you took responsibility in a situation that was both unfair and difficult. That takes courage, and I like that. Are you going to college?"
Neil frowned. "Maybe. I'm actually going to work for my father for a bit, to build up some cash"
Nathanial nodded firmly. "Good. College is a right royal pain and should be avoided at all costs." he said with mock severity. "You should keep it in mind, though. It would do you good."
Neil nodded, not really following the discussion.
Nathanial handed him a business card, which Neil examined then put away. "If you do go to college... or decide to start a business, or whatever. Call me first. I'm not going to just hand you a wad of cash, Neil, you did drop my son off a horse. But I can give you advice, direction, or even help. My company might also be looking for smart young men who stand up for young ladies"
"Sounds like a great job" Neil said, watching Nathanial ogle his wife. Neil filed the "his wife" part away and refrained, but Nathanial winked at him. "Its a tough job, finding beautiful women. Very rewarding, though."
Neil wasn't sure where this was going EITHER, and tried to remain political and friendly. "I can only imagine" he said dryly.
"Ah, dear, Nathanial is a gentlemen. I like him even more."
Deb smiled broadly at Neil and wiggled. It was tiny, almost below his threshold of vision, but it was as unmistakable as a wink and ten times as erotic.
"The world needs more gentlemen." Nathanial mused, sliding his hand down Deb's arm. "A man who treats a woman as a lady, takes care of her."
Neil swallowed as the monster fought with the muscles in his eyeballs. They rotated slowly down and he had to blink and turn to face the table to hold them in check. "I guess so, sir."
Nathanial laughed, then caught that Neil was a bit upset. "Ah, I'm not making fun of you Neil. You are a good kid... a good man and I'm teasing a bit, that's all. I'll tell you what. Come into town with us tonight. We're leaving tomorrow and I plan on making a night of it."
Neil tried to put them off, but Nathanial would not be persuaded. Neil also noted Deb's interest and was growing very, very concerned. He finally agreed and slipped away to tell Dave that he was on his own for the evening.
"I have to. Rothcrest won't take no, and hell... who knows what an evening with that guy would be like"
Dave grumbled, then almost choked. Neil followed his gaze down the table and saw Ruth and Harriet.
"Neil, you're going into town?"
"Yeah... I'm going to..."
"That's a pity. We had plans tonight" Ruth said.
"With you and Dave" Harriet finished.
"But now..."
"It will just be us..."
"and Dave..."
Dave swallowed hard and looked at Neil with pleading eyes. Neil backed away from the table slowly, watching the hunger in the girls eyes. "Yeah, so you guys have fun..."
"We will" the girls cooed together.
Dave started to stand, but Harriet moved to intercept, forcing him down into the bench.
"Dave will just have to work... twice as hard" she growled.
Neil put on the only nice clothes he had and was picked up by Rothcrest at the admin building. Nathanial was wearing a dark suit and Deb an evening gown that was very, very revealing. Deb's dark, curly hair was up, cascading down over her bronze shoulders and framing her oval face. She was very exotic. Her large breasts were barely contained by a strapless dress that had an oval removed from her upper stomach, revealing her belly button. Neil thought the dress itself was very conservative until he saw the slit. It ran from her ankle almost to her waist. It was distracting as hell.
"I suspected that you wouldn't have any eveningwear, so we will be stopping to get you something fitting" Neil got a little embarrassed, but Nathanial stopped him. "Pah, who brings eveningwear to a horse camp?"
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August 25, 1981, Columbus, Ohio Jocelyn dozed off for about fifteen minutes, then woke up again. “Are you seeing Emmy tonight?” she asked. “Yes. Are you OK with that?” “Nothing changed in that regard, Mike. Until I get out of here and get better, we won’t have much chance to work on our relationship and figure out where things are going.” “You’re sure, Jos?” “Yes. Remember our plan. We need to stick to it. Nothing important has changed. I’ll just be a Freshman when you’re a Sophomore....
May 31, 1993 Looking unhappy, President Rohrbach said, “It was a quiet weekend.” Cabinet Member Neyer said, “There wasn’t a single riot or protest anywhere.” “Jade Force said they’d end the civil war in five days. It looks like they did it,” Cabinet Member Goil said. President Rohrbach said, “They printed the treaty in the Saturday and Sunday morning papers. We’re stuck with it.” He knew that the introduction of term limits on Senators, and competitive elections, would have far reaching...
The twelve of us in the house, plus Michelle and Don who continued to live in their own home, were content and living in relative peace and obscurity until one summer evening a year or so after everyone had moved into the large house. Matt and Nathan loved their craft beer, but had run out. Also, there wasn’t too much milk for breakfast. Thus, about ten o’clock on a hot Monday evening, the pair headed off for a quick run to the local convenience store. The news story in the morning paper...
March 1978 I dreaded going to school. I thought about staying home sick. I rarely did that and if I told Mom and Dad I was sick, they wouldn’t doubt me. I had missed exactly one day of school in the past three years. Unfortunately, that would only postpone the inevitable. I didn’t have any classes with Jennifer, but we did have lunch together as we had all year. I could only wait to see what happened. I saw several of the gang in the hallway or class, but nobody said anything or even gave...
“Well, Mr. Walker,” the Commissioner said, spreading his arms to include everyone in the room, “you’ve certainly convinced me that we can finally change our pervasive anger-management issues. You’ve also won over the most skeptical of opponents by convincing these cops, for whom traditional talk therapy has never helped. But we’re all interested in something a little more concrete. Say maybe a real-life demonstration?” “I was hoping I could treat Officer Waters, but his berserkers seem to be...
In the end, it was decided that Zevran would tackle Erlina, being the most likely to catch her if she was lying, while Aedan, Alistair, and I went to free Dougal and Loghain from their house arrest and bring them to Cailan to hear their side of the story. Both men were being guarded in rooms in a dim, slightly dingy hallway; the guards reported no problems with either man, and appeared to be quite relieved to be released from their duty. Aedan knocked, and then opened Dougal’s door; the...
Further to my two stories,My First Group Sex and My First Sex in Female UndiesI want to progress to the amazing experience I had when I was first fucked by men's cocks. As I told in my stories, I was now deeply involved with a very sexy group of three men, a woman and myself. A couple of years had past when I started dressing in womens underwear which resulted in me getting wonderful depraved attention from older strangers. I had never expected such a reaction from men with me dressed like...
“Damien!” the Native American born women had black soot like hair and darkened skin, called. Wearing spandex pants and a white tank top with ankle high, high heeled booties she closed her legs together beginning to get cold. Every house has an aura. Every building has a feel. Sometimes if it is strong enough it may manifest itself into a form. This circus house definitely had a physical form. Insanity was one word for it was it slid its way past the pathway behind her gibbering to itself in a...
Suzaine Chang is my uncle Dough'a wife. She is of uncomparable beauty being half Korean and half white. She had an oval face, almond shaped eyes and a super gorgeous body, a bit slim, firm but soft, her complexion is kind of a unique whitecreamy hard to discribe elegant taste. She has a very classy look and the contrast of wisdom and innocent in her eyes. Her breast was probably a B and her butt was tighly round and perfectly proportionate. I was just 11 when they got married but I immidiately...
First Time"You did say 'anything, ' didn't you?" Kevin had slid into the bed only a moment ago, cozying up behind me, his front pressed to my back. He was naked and ready. As he whispered his somewhat cryptic question, his right hand caressed my side—slowly, gently, his fingers tracing a long line from my thigh to my breast and back again. He knew what he was doing. I opened my eyes and looked at the wall. "What'd you have in mind?" I asked warily. But he wasn't giving out information....
My dear readers, I’m afraid I have little time to reveal all the secrets which surround me. You see, there is a little time frame at night when a few inanimate objects, blessed with a name, are able to communicate with humans. It’s the only time when I, K. Buch, the most prolific traveler and writer amongst the plush owls, can pen my stories. However, I can see, hear, and remember everything from the day my name was given, three years ago. My mistress, a pretty Bulgarian woman, received me as...
Group SexI can’t believe that I’m actually reviewing audio porn when I could just as easily be looking at some titties right now. All right, I’ll be nice to all the audiophiles out there. I’ll admit it, though, I’ve jerked off to some sound clips that I received from babes I’ve been banging in the past. I definitely get the appeal of listening to some skank moan in pleasure in your ear. You can close your eyes and pretend she’s in the room with you. If she’s got a professional recording setup, it’ll...
ASMR Porn SitesHi Friends Sammer again with a new story. This is a story when i was few year ago when I worked at a building and was doing repair work and I had to walk by an office. As I did, the blinds were open and I could see this hot brunette in there. I looked at her and thought she had to be hot . I made it a point to have to go in there to check something. I made small talk and was admiring her as I did. She had the sexiest blue eyes and they would have looked good sucking on my cock. Lucky for me the...
Someone tried to unlock the apartment door. The key scratched against the lock time and time again. Amanda looked up from her laptop, then she rose and walked into the hallway. “Greg, is that you?” she called hesitantly through the door. A muffled grunt answered her. Calming her nerves, she opened the door a crack, only to be face to face with her husband. The stink of whiskey was heavy on his breath, his hair ruffled and his expensive suit crinkled. “Lemme in, that damn key’s not working,”...
Hello ISS readers, I’m a normal south Indian guy, 23 years old, dark, 5 8′ medium built living in Chennai. I don’t wanna expose my name. Well about my sex life it was so good till last month. I hugged my friend (classmate Lakshmi ) in college which slowly led us to lay on each other’s shoulders. Then I started smelling her hair and finally, it turned into lust hugs. I also had a girlfriend whom I loved from childhood (at least I thought I loved her seriously until I had that incident with my...
I came away from lunch with Valerie with mixed emotions. Was I shocked? Not really. This, after all, wasn't some behind-the-times country village; this was 21st Century fashionable Hampstead where supposedly unorthodox relationships weren't uncommon. What were once regarded as bedroom secrets have become dinner party small talk. So, no, I wasn't shocked. I admit, though, I was surprised. Valerie was forty-two. She had been my closest friend for so long I'm not sure I can even recall how we...
Group Sex(all true)With no intention, I met this woman from Switzerland through a photo posting site I use. We started out commenting on each others photos, then quickly became friends and were messaging almost every day. We shared general likes and dislikes and started to bond after finding out we were both the same age (50).We became braver and braver with our emails and soon I had sent her a photo of myself naked and a nice cock photo or two. She was a bit shy but said she really liked them. shortly...
Seth Gamble is having issues in his sex ed class and the only way he will pass is if he fucks Ms. Rossi. She will take it no other way. There is no retaking the test, no extra credit. All she wants is Seth to fuck her and show her that he has learned something in her class. Is this what teachers are really like or is this another one of those pornos that always leads to sex and cum spraying on some part of the womans body. Well she is asking and what kind of guy would ever turn down sex?...
xmoviesforyouI'm not sure if it was the phone ringing or the warm mouth on my cock that woke me, but the phone was irritating me and interrupting an otherwise wonderful blowjob. I reached over and grabbed the phone, knocking the base to the floor in the process. I brought it to my ear and groggily spoke. "Hello?" I heard over the phone. "Hello." I answered, not very pleasantly. "Josh! Sorry to wake you but I need you to stop by the lab on your way into work. I want you to take a look at what...
Charlie held me tight as I tried to free my self from his erupting male member. Squirt after intensive squirt filled my oral cavity with copious amounts of his seed as he encouraged me '..swallow bitch, don't let none of my babies hit the damn floor...' I had no choice but to begin to swallow his ever spurt. The slick substance seemed to now it had to go down my throat and into my stomach. The thought of me swallowing his sperm caused me to gag, in between reflexes Charlie hunched strong and...
I'm a late forties married milf with an overactive sex drive. I have a job that takes me out of town some with overnight travel. That's my playtime. I had been playing some online card games for a few years on a site where you can chat with other players during the games. I'd been flirting with a man named Jerry for a couple of years. We'd always talked about what it would be like if I traveled to his town and the things we would do; flirtatious sexy talk. So when I found out I would be going...
Hi this chirag again continuing the story with my girl friend from theater to lodge after 2 days of our routine days she used to smile at me in college and whenever I find time I used to press her boobs and she never used to object, so one day she called me and told she wants to meet me so we decided a working day and we met at ghatkopar station and I asked her what was the reason she just blushed and said shall we go to movie I said instead of movie we will go to lodge for which she denied but...
Less than 24 hours after meeting and helping out Rachael after her car had a flat tyre she and I had shared a pleasant meal followed by a night of hot sex and now we had just enjoyed a sex session on her dining table with Joanne her estate agent who had called at the house early in the morning to show it to an older couple who were interested in buying it.I had filled Joanne’s pussy with a load of cum while Rachael had sat on her face and then she had licked my cock clean and sucked as much cum...
Ron Fleming woke the next morning to the familiar sound of dishes clattering and the smell of cooked bacon. He opened his eyes slowly, saw the late morning sun patterned on the wall opposite the bed, and stretched his sleep stiffened limbs under the rumpled sheets. He yawned his body awake, and then lay still, listening to Sharon's movements in the kitchen. The memories of the night before grated in his mind along with the pain of a slight hangover, and he groaned. What had possessed him?...
HOLESBy Dorothy StrangeloveMy credentials said I was a doctor, so I kept the title in front of my name and was surprised how many doors opened up for me because of it. Can doors be classed as holes? Holes are gaps, spaces where something should be, or used to be... I often thought about holes as I drove to work. The holes were all over, beneath the green fields. Hidden, but all the same, still there even if I couldn't see them. They were the legacy from the area's old mining history. I often...
Music fads out “It’s hot, it’s humid and I hope your air conditioning is working. We are going to break all the records by this time tomorrow. It’s 6 o’clock and time for WSEX drive time news, sports, weather and traffic. Chuck DuPree, I hear we have a problem on the out bound expressway.” “That’s right Dan, we have a major accident...” Mic Off, Off with this damn headset. Had them on for the last 2 hours waiting for this break. Suppose I should introduce myself before I go live at the bottom...
I'm Straight. (Interracial oral anal) Part 3If you are u******e to read this, don't. Know your local laws, don't readthis if it is i*****l. This is a story - not real-life. Safe sex is notused in this story, but you should use it in your life.* This is how part 2 ended * This all came to me as he continued on spasm after spasm of his cumpumping into me, I freely, wantonly urged more and more out of him draininghim soaking and sopping him up. And when Trey...
My mouth is currently on your dick. And it’s fucking SUCKING IT!!!! (The crowd ooosand aaahs) (I give them a thumbs up without stopping!) Isn’t it great to know the crowd’s impressed?! Then I say “lets go somewhere more private” and stand up and pull you into a private room backstage not too removed from the crowd’s earshot. We find a comfy beanbag!!!!! (Isn’t it nice to work in comfort to the narrative!?) (I’m so nice!) You sit on the beanbag and you comment on its comfort and then I pull up a...
ALL TOLD, it was a better day. ‘Better than what?’ you ask. Well, better than sitting in my room crying. It appears that I still have a job—or a whole business—and I’d better take care of it. Encrypted cryptos I sat in the room I will always think of as Dag’s office. If what Lars told me is true, it was now my office. Lars would take care of the books and hold the agency license until I’d completed my three-year probation and tested but he promised the business was mine and he would hand...
Hello readers, I am Ashwin from Bangalore. Ever since I attained puberty my life was focused on all beautiful girls. They may be sexy actresses to my maid servants. One such servant of ours was with us for a long time and these days I found her private intimacy that evolved with time. Her name was Parvathi. This is 100% real. She had been my queen because she was raw, sexy and more to that she had no husband. Her husband ran away with some randi. She had 3 children yet she was so sexy that even...
"Coming!" I rushed to the door.When the door opened a charming smile and beaming brown eyes greeted me."Oh! Ms. Marigold!" I smiled as a rush of excitement came over me. "How are you? I didn't know you were coming over! Did Andre know you were coming?""No, actually!" She brushed a lock of wavy dark hair behind her ear. "I was hoping I could talk to you both about the rent?""Oh no, he isn't here. But come in!" I stepped aside to let her in."Thank you." She said as she slipped...
LesbianI woke with the feeling of warm breath against my ear. I turned and looked deeply into Wade’s sleeping face. He looked so peaceful and young. My heart pounded hard against my ribs at the wonderful sight. His hand still softly cupped my right breast, as his arm came across my ribs. His touch was so warm, I thought to myself. If possible, I think I fell in love with him all over again. Memories came flooding back to our last time we shared each other’s bodies. I hope I heard him right and he...
EroticMore of Phil, the boy who fucks his Mum, and her sister. Part 3.Maggie did her make up. She was just finishing, when Phil walked into the bedroom. He sprawled on the bed, and watched her. She applied lipstick. She turned to him, “well, will I do?” She asked him. Then without waiting for an answer stood up, and walked to her wardrobe. She was dressed in a green bra, with matching knickers, and suspender belt. The knickers were cut high, and she knew her bum looked good in them. Phil’s gazed...
Hi friends, this is Vike back with another story of my adventure. Thank you for the wonderful response to my previous sex story. You can contact me at: for help, suggestion and sexual talks. Let me get to the story, this story is about Aditi my Facebook friend who is a wild sex lover and a audacious beautiful girl. She has long brown hairs, big black eyes, round boobs of 36C and a ass which gives her a perfect sand glass figure. We met on fb in 2009 since then we have been good friends, she...
Hi to all iss readers, i am hiten , i am about 24 year old i have near about 8’inch cock this is first time i am sending this story,this is the true story of my life This happen when i was at the age of 21, there was one aunty living near my flat, her name was rita aunty ,she had a perfect body and had a huge ass & boobs of about 32-26-32 ,she was very rich ,her husband had a job in very good company, but was always out from the town because of company trips,when i saw her for first time i...
At nineteen you think you know it all! Well, I did anyway. I really thought I could manipulate anyone in trousers to get them on my side and make my progress through life as easy as possible. And it had worked; until now. I seemed to have reached my 'nemesis' in the form of Jock Gray the College Principal who had given me a stark choice to make.My name is Candice but my friends call me Candy and I really try to live up to my name, presenting myself as a sugar-sweet, all pink and white,...
SpankingBefore I knew it, late May arrived and May's birthday was upon us. As she had for April, Laura took May shopping one on one. They had a marvelous time. A teen about Tommy's age had hit on May and a young guy in his mid twenties had tried to pick up Laura! They had both deflected the guys gracefully according to May. She did give the boy her phone number. Laura said, "He lost a lot of interest when I explained that I was meeting my husband later and I was shopping with my younger daughter...
your name is John Doe you were in An accident in a laboratory resulted in you gaining amazing skills and strengths - but also means that a secret government organisation is out to kill you! You must keep your identity hidden to the public, whilst also be using your powers for good! your superpowers are Super-Strength - Your powers mean you're now the strongest person alive, able to hurl cars at fleeing bad guys, knock over buildings with your bare hands, and accidentally wrench doors off their...
FantasyThe party host was kind enough to send me the details of what I missed out on. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dave, I’m happy to contribute the below details of the meet (unfortunately now that autumn is here – the speedo concept / pool party is likely to be put on hold until we hit spring again). Will change the names / location so that the group and members of the group are not identified. The afternoon went as...
got this from a internet forum, OP posted his omegle chat:Stranger: is this justin bieber??You: don't get any p*o on my weinerStranger: xDYou: pleaseStranger: umYou: This is Biebs. What's up girl?Stranger: um...You: I can prove itYou: Baby baby babyYou: OhhhhStranger: wow very niceYou: So what's up?You: Is your clit tingling?Stranger: no o.OYou: How old r u?You: 12?Stranger: 15 -.-You: Your clit hasn't dropped yet.Stranger: what does that meanYou: You have no sex driveStranger: well if you're...
ASHLEY'S COLLEGE EXPERIENCE Chapter 1: The Deal I looked at my sister and couldn't believe what she'd just asked me to do. "What are you saying?" "I want you to go with me and Colin to his frat's Halloween party! You'll have fun!" She said, totally skipping the strange part. "No, what was the other thing you said?" "I want you to go as Colin's friend Rob's date. No strings attached. Just a date." "Kimmie, has being a sorority girl bruised your brain? Let me point out a...
A consultant meets a beautiful IT Manager at a conference set up by a company hoping to sell their Warehouse Management system. Max’s part of the system makes picking easy using his voice software, instead of a hand held device. She is quite eager to learn more about it, and about him. This story begins with Max, a single, 42 year old software programmer, who owns his own consultant company. He’s been working with a company who developed a software that was used for big warehouses, to keep...
Hi mera naam amreen h.21 yrs aur hot hu bohat ladke line maarte the par mene kabhi bhav ni diya q ki mujhe in sab me itna interest ni tha aur koi mere status jitna tha bhi nai…mujhe guroor tha k mujhe koi bhi kabhi bhi ladka mil sakta h jab me chahu par ye baat galat nikli us incident k baad Wese me basically mumbai se hu bms kar rahi hu. Me direct incident pe aati hu jo k 2 mnth pehle hua tha me diwali k holidays k karan apni nani k waha rehne ja rahi thi jo aurangabad me h Mene travels ki...
We had painted for another hour when he stopped and sat down. He looked worn out. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “It’s really hard keeping my feelings inside the wall,” he said. “You’ve been doing that?” “Ever since the mirror,” he said. “What are you feeling?” I asked. “The crush,” he said. “You’re a teenage boy. Teenage boys think about sex every seventy seconds, if you believe what some people say.” “I never thought about sex at all until I met you,” he said. “You got erections,” I...
Corky dreamed he was flying. Green, hilly countryside slipped away beneath him, heady excitement filled him. His mind reached upward and his frame followed without effort, proceeding with the effortless grace of a great fish of the open ocean. Gaining in confidence, he slid downward until he was brushing the treetops, banking from side to side for the sheer joy of his motion, reveling in the wind on his face, the gentle heat of the sun on his back. Then, with a jolt, he was brought up short....
The enormity of what had happened, coupled with the horror that followed killing those men, in self-defense, caught up with me before Major Bradshaw could get much accomplished in the way of a debriefing. I realized I was hitting the end of my rope when Bradshaw repeated the same question for the third time, and then looked to Colleen for help. She reached for me, but I was already caving in. As I fell to the floor, I heard Colleen, Rebecca, and some other voices but couldn't make out a...
It is the annual alumni reunion event at the Lauderton High School, which they hold in the large gymnasium in the main school building. The events in these stories take place at various times during the evening, and to different characters; they are not chapters of the same story, but a series of separate takes. We are the invisible camera, panning around the scene and then zooming in for a close-up ... TAKE FOUR Jenny Neustein, the teacher who had done most of the work of...
Wednesday, December 20th Dave left at five o'clock the next morning, just as usual, to get to work on the other side of town by six. He left Olivia sleeping in one of the two twin beds in the girls bedroom with instructions not to answer the phone or open the door for anyone. He didn't want to even think about how to explain her presence in his apartment. The two had gone back out the night before. Dave had driven them back to the car rental lot where he had rented the van. He had returned...
Hi again,oh wow,my first day back at work after the holiday and I have a call early morning from Alana saying she wanted to come round tonight with Charlotte. Both Emma and Sue are suffering with flu the poor darlings,so they were out of the equation and I resisted the temptation to invite Jane and Vicky as I wanted my young girls to myself!. Well that was it,i could not settle all day,i was so excited,my panties were quite wet by 11 a.m. and luckily I had a spare pair in my bag. I confirmed...
Becoming a submissive chapter four. From part three THE NEXT DAY. “We have to get you ready, slut.” “Ready for what Mistress?” “I have contacted the twosome Mother Daughter I told you about and you will serve them this evening.” “I understand Mistress.” “Now slut, rest. I want you well rested and horny this evening, so don’t dare touch yourself.” “I will obey Mistress.” “Remember if you make me proud I may grand permission for you to see Belle again. If you like making out with her you know...
IncestWith a loud sigh, Madeline Myers laid the essay she had just finished on the growing pile to her left. Then, rather than reach for the next one, she opted instead for the open bottle of beer that rested between the two piles. Normally, the thirty-six year old redhead would never indulge while grading student papers, but in this circumstance she felt she would never get through them without doing so. Putting down the bottle, she again sighed as she picked up another paper from the now...
Backstage during a WWE NXT live event, John Cena, dressed in his trademark jean shorts, T-shirt and baseball cap combination, is watching Hideo Itami and Tyler Breeze battle in a competitive match up with an impressed look on his face. "If these guys keep busting their ass like this...The future is going to be just fine." Cena before he begins to walk down the hallway. He soon comes across NXT's resident hugger, Bayley, dressed in her bright ring attire which clings nicely to her nicely sized...
It all srarted when me and my mom, sister, niece and nephew( by the way my spelling not the best but I try) where headed to the beach when a drunk driver veered to our side of the road. Everyone had there seat belts on my niece and nephew were in there car seats but me being a protective Aunt I undid my seat belt and put my body over the both of them. There seats were close together. As the cars collided I put my hands against the top of the car seat and pushed my hardest to keep them from...