HorseplayChapter 12 : Fallout free porn video

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There was a light, hesitant tapping on Neil's door and he tried to get up and failed. The clock read 5, but he felt like he'd barely laid down. He sat up and croaked "come in".

Mae opened the door, which drew a low groan from Neil. "Are you... are you OK, Neil?"

Neil slid back into his blankets. "I don't know. I still have a job... although that's not something you'd want to bet cash on."

Mae came over and sat in the camp chair. "I waited for you, I thought you were... teaching me another lesson" she grumbled.

Neil looked from under from his pillow. "I was at the hospital, then I was at Derrick's father's hotel room, getting the third degree."

Mae accepted this, then started to stand. "OK. I just wanted. to... you know... see if you were OK."

Neil rolled a bit. "Mae, what did you mean, teaching you another lesson?"

"That's what those days were, weren't they? Teaching me a lesson?" She sounded bitter, but not angry.

"I suppose. I've thought about it Mae, and... well... it was cold of me. You didn't deserve..."

"No. No I didn't." Mae said sharply. She frowned and hugged herself, then sat back down. "But I was being really unfair. To you. I guess."

"You guess?"

"Well... yes. OK? I know! I know I was being unfair and it was wrong... but you... you hurt me... "

Neil sat up. "What?"

"When you left me here... when you ignored me... when you treated me... and I KNOW! I know you did it... because you were showing me what I was... but it's wasn't fucking fair, Neil. OK?"

Neil started to build an argument, but it fell apart. "No. You're right. It wasn't fair and I'm sorry. I wanted to... 'teach you a lesson' but I also wanted to get back at you for what you were doing to me. And that... that's not really right. I was cold, and I'm sorry, Mae."

Mae sat and nodded again...

"Forgive me?"

Mae nodded. "Can... Can I have it back?"

Neil blanked, having no idea what she was talking about.

Mae took it as Neil considering and looked up. "You never... told me that you stopped loving me..." she said with her voice edging into a whine. "So, can I have..."

Neil got the idea. "No" he said softly. "You had my heart and I never took it back... so I can't give it to you again."

Mae smiled sadly and walked over. "Its not right between us. You understand? I'm... really stuck now. I didn't want a boyfriend... and you won't let me be anything else." A tear started down her nose and Neil moved to wipe it, but she stopped him. "See? SEE? You can't... stop being Neil and I'm don't want..."

Neil grumbled and pulled her into an unwilling hug.

"At least we can be... friendly? A little?"

Mae relaxed into the hug and nodded. "No more Mister Mean?"

Neil nodded "Unless you want a little mean... "

Mae giggled and pulled away. "See, you're a fucking bastard at heart" she said without much malice.

Neil grinned and stretched. "I guess today I find out if it makes any difference. I may be on my way home"

"You really think Mom will fire you?"

"I don't know. But I wouldn't be surprised."

After his early shower, Neil took a walk to the stables to check on Arnoss. The big geld was perfectly content in his stall, with no injury markers on the posts. Neil gave him a good checkover anyway, noting a few minor dings in the shoes but no other issues. He was on his way back to the cabin when Harry called to him from the Cave.

"Hallo, Neil. I hear you had a bit of trouble yesterday."

"A bit?"

Harry chuckled. "I'm not one to listen to rumors, but I have to say killing a camper is frowned on. Especially when you ride your horse back and forth over his corpse!"

Neil sighed. "Is that what the latest is?"

"Well, some suggest you were hired by a mob family to kill him, then brought his head back as a trophy, but I'm not convinced of that one."

Neil growled. "Jesus. Derrick is fine. Broken leg, but otherwise..."

"And a cracked rib."

Neil nodded, then looked hard at Harry. "How... "

Harry grinned. "I got a call from a certain Nathanial Rothcrest last night. Very late, too. He'd been drinking."

"You... know him?"

"Quite well, actually. Nathanial is a sponsor of another one of my equestrian projects. Well... his wife was a client more than Nathanial."

"Derrick's mother?"

"Eh? oh no. She was his second wife, this was his third. Quite the avid dressage rider."

"The lady who was with him last night?"

Harry chuckled. "She is... his fourth. Or fifth. I don't know. Anyway, Nathanial and I became friendly, in a sense. He investigated some rumors concerning his wife and... well, me. Totally untrue, of course."

Neil sat in a daze. "That's... interesting..."

"You and I are due in Mom's office in an hour. You should eat."

The crowd in Mom's office was surprising. Along with Harry and Gwen, whose sharp features were dragged down with emotional weight, there were the two medics, the trail captain, a trail guard, Mitchell the stable master and a stable hand, Leah, Gail, one of his students, and surprisingly enough, Cynthia.

Mom and Nathanial arrived, talking to each other and a third woman, who was arguing vocally with Nathanial.

"He's in AGONY!" she shrieked.

Nathanial waved his hands "He's on medication and only seems to feel any pain when you're there."

The woman was statuesque. There was simply no other word. If her hips had ever borne children, they'd long since forgotten. She was older, but had no grey in her reddish hair. Her breasts were perky and clearly synthetic and she had a "worked" look to her face that suggested a lot of knives had touched up its surface. The sum, however, was only faded slightly by the construction. She was beautiful and shapely, even with her face always settling on "fury" or "grief stricken". Nathanial's newest wife was not in attendance and Neil did not have to wonder why.

Mom settled behind her desk and rapped a knuckle on it. Everyone turned toward her, expectantly.

"I've spoken with most of you here, but I want to hear Neil's side of the story. The WHOLE story" she said.

Neil sighed. He started with his earliest classes, discussing Derrick's issues with equipment and safety. He hesitated to tell Gwen's part, but he was finally forced to by Mom's unblinking stare. He continued through the safety test, stopping afterwards when Mom spoke up.

"Is this true, Gwen?"

Gwen sobbed and nodded, "I didn't tell Neil the truth, then, I was scared that..."

"Enough. Continue Neil"

Neil flinched, then continued. He described Derrick's riding issues, how he knew how to ride, but only through his dressage classes. He also described seeing Derrick's skill test, but left out the fact that he called Gwen's mother. It was a moment of personal dishonesty he didn't feel like sharing.

Mom pulled Derrick's folder and noted the scores for the group, then called on Harry.

"Its true. And I bear some guilt for not telling you, but Neil said he had nothing but bits and pieces. It was probably enough"

"It WAS enough..." Mom corrected, then indicated Neil should continue.

Neil described a few other scenes, including Cynthia's skill test and Derrick's threat.

"He'd NEVER!" Derrick's mother yelled, trying to stand.

"Sit DOWN Amanda!" Nathanial growled. "Your son has shown himself to be a dishonorable LIAR. I will not tolerate your outbursts".

Mom paused, then got to the point. "And so we come to yesterday. Neil?"

Neil nodded. "I assigned uh... Guido to Derrick. He's a level 1, a good trail rider, very docile. When we got out on the trail, though, I saw he was on a different horse."

"Arnoss." Mom noted. "The two are certainly similar, but not identical."

"No... they're not" Neil admitted. "Guido has a faint white star. I told Derrick to stop, and tried to halt the line, but the leader was pretty far ahead. So I stopped the rear third of the line. Derrick tried to pass, but Arnoss didn't like it. He reared and spun, then headed back down the trail. When we got to the intersection, he took off."

Mom paused, noting nods from the other girls in his class, then continued. "And we know the rest. Arnoss threw Derrick on the access road, and he broke his leg, cracked a rib and has other minor injuries"

"Minor?!?" Amanda shouted, standing again. "I'll SUE!"

Mom stared at her for a long moment. Amanda faded under her gaze, then sat back down. "You signed a release when your son arrived. Derrick was injured in a riding accident due to his own negligence. I invite you to sue me."

Amanda sat down heavily.

"Now. I've spoken to Harry and Cynthia, as well as the other campers and groundspeople and have no reason to doubt the story so far. Does anyone have anything else to add?"

There were silent head shakes around the room.

"So. Derrick is suspended from the academy for the remainder of the summer. His actions violated parts two, four and five of his camp agreement. Neil will be reprimanded for his failures as a counselor, but will retain his job, should he choose to stay."

Neil realized it was nearly a question and looked up. Mom gave him a curious glance and he nodded quickly.

"Done. I believe that Mr. Rothcrest and Harry should stay. Also Gwen for the moment. The rest of you are dismissed."

Amanda's protests faded down the hallway into the admin foyer and Neil steeled himself for the eventual "other shoe". Nathanial had a few quiet words with Gwen in the far corner, and she left with tears in her eyes and a huge smile on her face. She managed a last wave to Neil, then ran out. Neil looked up and smiled at Nathanial, who sighed.

"It hurts that she would... think I could deny her..."

"She's tough, I wish she could go back into Dressage" Neil answered.

"She will, I'll put her in some winter classes. She'll make up the difference, and Western is probably good for her."

Harry came over and clapped Nathanial on the shoulder. "What do you know about western... or horses... or little girls for that matter!?"

Nathanial chuckled and took a seat next to Harry.

Mom took her seat behind the desk and looked wearily at Neil. "You know, I got a long list of compliments from parents in the younger class..."

Neil was surprised, thinking back of who might have bothered to say anything to Mom.

"Sixteen." she said, pulling a stack of papers. "Ten hand written notes, four emails and a pair of those feedback forms we send out in the mail."

Neil smiled despite himself.

"Jesus, Neil... I wish you'd come to me." she said heavily.

"I'm sorry, Mom... I just didn't have... proof..."

"You had suspicions based on facts. Good facts. And THIS!" she said, flapping Derrick's skill transfer sheet. "What a pile of crap. I'll speak to Martha about THIS."

Neil nodded.

"Nathanial?" she probed.

Nathanial looked at Neil with a long appraising glance. "I'm satisfied that Neil did... what he felt was right. He certainly made some mistakes in judgement, but he's young and Derrick got better than he might have."

Mom grunted. "He might have gotten two horseshoe prints in his skull. Harry, why the fuck didn't you say anything to me?"

Neil jumped to hear Mom curse, but Harry's laughter shocked him more.

"Ah Abbey, I should've. I am sorry. The boy holds the world on his shoulders."

Mom threw the now balled up skill sheet at Harry, then regarded Neil. "I forget that you're only eighteen, Neil." she sighed, pulling a sheet out of her cabinet. "If I don't do something, the campers and parents will think you skated... so, I'm putting your Trail cert on probation. See Jackie for a refresher. It'll take you ten minutes, but at least it'll sound good. Your safety cert is revoked, go retake the tests. You're on stable duty every morning for the rest of the summer and you'll get a written reprimand from the stable master for not double checking the horses you assigned and a verbal reprimand on record from me. Plus I'm docking your pay"

Neil sighed and nodded.

"Yesterday from five on, today for... oh, three hours. That's... I don't know, fifty bucks or something." Mom's eyes twinkled and she threw her pencil at him. "Next time come tell me." she growled. "Now all of you get out of my fucking office. Harry, tell the students that I yelled at him for two hours."

"Like a banshee with hemorrhoids, Abbey"

"Get. Out."

Neil sat at breakfast in a state of shock. Every counselor's eyes were fixed on him, shocked that he was still alive and apparently employed. He ate quickly, deciding to head back to the stables for his first duty assignment. Ruth and Dave spotted him, but he shook his head and mimed "later" before rushing off.

Mitchell grumbled about having to write some damn reprimand and eventually assigned Neil to write it himself. He was doubly annoyed at having Neil underfoot, and ordered him to show up late the next morning and leave early. Neil wrote his reprimand as quickly as possible, unsure of how stern to be. He tried to show it to the stable master, who balled it up and threw it into a pile of manure.

"Bloody nonsense. It got lost, get out." he growled.

Neil had to remind himself that it was Friday, and ran off to find his class. They would be in the arena, and he wasn't looking forward to seeing them.

He sat the entire class down in the grass near the arena. "I've heard the rumors, and I'm sure you're all a little confused and concerned, so here's the honest truth. Derrick took a horse he wasn't qualified for."

There were several exchanged glances from his circle of followers, several of which were a bit guilty.

"Derrick lied on his transfer sheet, and wasn't qualified to ride western and trail. He took a faster horse, probably to impress someone." More exchanged glances and Neil was satisfied at the levels of guilt present. "It was a... bad decision. Arnoss is a runner, and can be a dangerous horse for a novice rider. Derrick got thrown on the access road on the far side of the lake. He broke his leg... badly and hurt his ribs."

The glances were more urgent this time, and some of the accomplices started to turn red. Neil took a hard look around as a few started to raise their hands, shaking his head to stop them. "Derrick has been kicked out of Silverspire." There were a few nods, and Neil steeled himself for the final part. He had to play this one for Mom and to drive a last sharp spike of guilt into those responsible.

"As for me..." he started, drawing every eye. "I am... currently going to be keeping my job... barely". Stunned looks greeted him as he let that sink in. He left the doubt out there for them to chew on for a while. "Although it was a... tight decision, the school has decided not to fire me for not stopping Derrick"

"But you didn't know!" one of the red-faced girls said suddenly. She had her hands over her mouth in a second, her eyes wide.

"No. I didn't. But its my job to pay attention to every rider, every horse, at every second. I've had two of my certs suspended, trail and safety. I've had my pay docked and I've been reprimanded by both the stable master and the owner of the academy. I've also spent a very long time discussing the situation with Derrick's mother and... father". Neil dropped father in a whisper, as if remembering a week of torture.

Neil let them think for a long moment, then stood. "Well, back to work then. We have our first competition tomorrow, and I'd very much like to see you all do well."

For the next hour, Neil put a very obedient and restrained group of girls through a solid workout in the Western arena. Even Leah kept to herself, smiling shyly at him between runs. Neil gave her a very reserved smile and kept the pressure on the riders. All told, it was probably the most productive arena time he'd ever put them through. By the end several of the girls seemed to have taken his advice to heart and, in a shocking twist, applied it to their riding.

Neil kept his sadsack face on through most of lunch, managing to get sympathy from Harriet, Ruth and even Mae. Dave was incredulous that he was still employed and tossed aside each and every claim of punishment and reprimand with a casual "Fuck that!" Neil was eventually forced to fess up, revealing the entire story in small, quiet bites to his slowly growing audience. Harry stopped by to chip in his two cents and Cynthia came over to make sure her part was accurately portrayed.

"I swear, you are amazing" Harriet grumbled.

"That's what Ruth keeps saying" he joked.

Ruth choked and coughed, giving him a deep look of "shut up"

Harriet's eyes grew and after a sideways glance at Ruth mumbled something like "chatty bitch" and slid over to have a conversation with her ladyfriend.

Dave continued his disbelief, but toned it down after Harry and Cynthia left. "I swear man, I drop a kid off a horse and I'd be dead... especially some rich Rothcrest brat."

Neil shrugged. "Yeah, look its done. I'm ready to move on."

"Yeah. Hey, Ruthie and Harriet want to hook up tonight, you in?"

Neil glanced over at Mae, who was concentrating on her lunch. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm in. I don't know what good I'll be, I'm seriously exhausted."

"Tell Ruth to do the work. She's into that"

"Doing work?"

"Being on top."

"Ah. Have you had a chance to, you know, reacquaint yourself with Harriet?"

Dave grinned. "Yeah. And a two-fer with Ruth"


"No, that's why I need you back. Not fucking kidding, man"

"They too much for you?"

"They work against me. One's talking dirty in my ear while the other works me over. Ruth held me down and rubbed everything she had in my face while Harriet blew me. I lasted like four minutes."

Neil laughed and Dave tried to smack him.

"Fucking serious, man. Harriet was going down on Ruth while I did her, holy... jesus. I about lost it. I had to pull out and cool down. Then they went at each other and gave me a play by play"

Neil cracked up, glancing over at the girls who were chatting away about some class. "They're a pair."

"A pair of ruthless bitches in the sack. If you're there, I can pass one off, you know? Tagteam style. Take it down a notch. Or they can double team you. How do you NOT blow?"

Neil shrugged. "Sometimes I do. Harriet got me yesterday at lunch, I was... uh, putty in her hands."

Dave laughed. "I just can't fight it, you know. They're hardcore"

"The monster in your head" Neil said with a grin.


"That's what I call it... what I think. Its like a monster in your head, a werewolf or whatever. It feeds on lust. Y'know"

"Yeah, that's pretty good. The monster in my head is a fucker. I can't stop it and BOOM, they win. Think about baseball my ass..."

Neil slapped Dave on the shoulder and stood. "I'll be your wingman."

"Tonight? Awesome."

With a wink to the two girls, Neil was off to the stables. They were due for a short trail ride and more time in the arena.

For the trail ride, Neil was triple cautious until they were out of the stable and on the trail. He sent Leah forward to lead, noticing that her teasing and flirting had eased back from nothing to barely any. He didn't need it right then, so she got banished to the front of the pack. Gwen returned from her morning with her uncle, and was in a talkative mood, so he set Gail as the tailgunner and rode with Gwen, listening to her chatter away.

She'd had a long talk with her uncle, and described him as a kind man with no free time who had haunted her life like some ghost who barely showed up for holidays. He'd been quite friendly and promised her that she would not miss any more summer courses.

"But if I take dressage, you won't be my teacher!"

"Well, you'll have Harry. He's nice too"

"But not as..." Gwen blushed and Neil gave her a quick glance.

"Not as tall?" he offered.

Gwen looked over and nodded, facing her saddle.

Neil chuckled but inside he felt the monster take heed. He was a bastard, alright, a bastard with a penis and a conscious who wasn't doing a fucking thing for him.

Neil had decided to take them down the East trail to the mazes, then back along the access road next to the lake. It was a bit of a exorcism for him, he didn't want to always associate the area with the accident, so he took them casually around the corner and down the road, the horses' hooves clopping on the gravel. Neil moved back until he reached Gail in the back of the line. She smiled gently, paying attention to her horse. Neil noticed her riding position and started to wonder.

"What's wrong with your leg, Gail?"

Gail shook her head, but his look stopped her. "I'm... sore from yesterday. We rode kind of fast back and I was paying more attention to..."

"Thank you, Gail." Neil said, interrupting her.

She looked up in surprise.

"You and the other leaders took over at a bad point, and I appreciate that. You got everyone home safe and the horses back in. That was a big help"

Gail almost blushed, shifting a bit.

Neil realized it wasn't her leg that hurt, it was her butt and he couldn't quite stop himself from laughing. Her hurt look sobered him. "I'm sorry, I'm a little slow. Its not your leg that hurts."

Gail blushed firmly, refusing to look at him.

"Ah, well, then trot up and tell Leah to take the rear and you lead us down to the watering strip on the lake." Neil challenged. He expected her to refuse and reveal her injured butt, but she gave him a growl and trotted forward. Neil laughed, until he realized Leah would be joining him.

Leah was a little timid, standing on her stocky quarterhorse and waiting for the end of the line. Neil smiled at her and she fell into line. "Hello poppet." he said lightly.

Leah gave him a cautious smile. "So I get to put up with you for another week, huh?"

"If you take Trail next week. I just get lots of punishments"


"Writeups and retests of my certs. Plus I'm on stable du..." Neil stopped, realizing his mistake, but it was too late.

"Stable duty you say?" Leah said with a light laugh. "Ah that will be terrible. Working in the stables"

"Yeah, well... I doubt they'll make me... do much, you know"

"Every morning"

"No... just, uh, a few days"

"With an audience, no less!"

"What? What audience?"


"Leah... "

"I like poppet"

"You... what? you do?"

"Do you know what a poppet is?"

"Isn't it a food or something? I heard it somewhere..."

"Its a fetish"

"A... WHAT?"

"Not that kind of fetish. Of course brits use it as a term for a child or girlfriend"

"Oh... well... that's not so"

"But that's not what it is. A poppet is a doll, used in spells."


"That's what a fetish really is, tying people up is a different meaning"

"Well. I..." Neil couldn't find the words. Leah was Leah, only ten times more so, tying him up in his own words and dancing around his attempts to escape... She was allowing the ride of the horse to bounce her, just a bit. Her breasts, though small, still managed to catch his eye. She was also looking at him just so. She laughed, and giggled and it was all hypnotic and distracting and so very, very Leah.

"Do you know what kind of doll a poppet is?"

"No... not... "




"How do you KNOW this?"

"Gail is into witchcraft"

"She is... she's WHAT?"

"Not like that, she thinks its interesting, like she studies it."

"Oh. "

"I asked her what a poppet was and she told me. In lurid detail"

Neil blanched and shook himself. "Look... Leah... maybe 'poppet' isn't the right... you know, name for"

"Its perfect. Don't you plan on knocking me up?"


"My big belly full of your offspring after you imPREGnate me?"


Leah started to laugh, holding her hands over her imaginary belly. "Big fat baby in my belly"

Neil laughed, but not as heartily.

"No babies for me, not for a while." Leah said, suddenly serious.

"Well... good."

"But you can imagine. And practice"

"Ye. NO! Wait."

Leah's laughter drew the attention of other riders, so Neil eased his horse ahead. He was sure he could feel her staring at him, but whenever he looked back down the line, she was always looking somewhere else.

Neil had an unexpected dinner guest. After a short and cold shower he walked up to the Cave and discovered Nathanial sitting at one of the side tables with his wife. Neil walked over and finally learned her name, Deb, and sat down with them at Nathanial's insistence.

"I understand you're back to work, Neil" he said with a nod.

Neil nodded back, trying not to pay too much attention to his supermodel level wife. Wherever he found these women, Neil wanted to pay a visit. His credit probably wouldn't buy him much, though.

"I must apologize for my... reactions..." he started.

"No... sir, it was understandable." Neil objected.

"Perhaps, but I still owe you something. I like you Neil, you took responsibility in a situation that was both unfair and difficult. That takes courage, and I like that. Are you going to college?"

Neil frowned. "Maybe. I'm actually going to work for my father for a bit, to build up some cash"

Nathanial nodded firmly. "Good. College is a right royal pain and should be avoided at all costs." he said with mock severity. "You should keep it in mind, though. It would do you good."

Neil nodded, not really following the discussion.

Nathanial handed him a business card, which Neil examined then put away. "If you do go to college... or decide to start a business, or whatever. Call me first. I'm not going to just hand you a wad of cash, Neil, you did drop my son off a horse. But I can give you advice, direction, or even help. My company might also be looking for smart young men who stand up for young ladies"

"Sounds like a great job" Neil said, watching Nathanial ogle his wife. Neil filed the "his wife" part away and refrained, but Nathanial winked at him. "Its a tough job, finding beautiful women. Very rewarding, though."

Neil wasn't sure where this was going EITHER, and tried to remain political and friendly. "I can only imagine" he said dryly.

"Ah, dear, Nathanial is a gentlemen. I like him even more."

Deb smiled broadly at Neil and wiggled. It was tiny, almost below his threshold of vision, but it was as unmistakable as a wink and ten times as erotic.

"The world needs more gentlemen." Nathanial mused, sliding his hand down Deb's arm. "A man who treats a woman as a lady, takes care of her."

Neil swallowed as the monster fought with the muscles in his eyeballs. They rotated slowly down and he had to blink and turn to face the table to hold them in check. "I guess so, sir."

Nathanial laughed, then caught that Neil was a bit upset. "Ah, I'm not making fun of you Neil. You are a good kid... a good man and I'm teasing a bit, that's all. I'll tell you what. Come into town with us tonight. We're leaving tomorrow and I plan on making a night of it."

Neil tried to put them off, but Nathanial would not be persuaded. Neil also noted Deb's interest and was growing very, very concerned. He finally agreed and slipped away to tell Dave that he was on his own for the evening.

"I have to. Rothcrest won't take no, and hell... who knows what an evening with that guy would be like"

Dave grumbled, then almost choked. Neil followed his gaze down the table and saw Ruth and Harriet.

"Neil, you're going into town?"

"Yeah... I'm going to..."

"That's a pity. We had plans tonight" Ruth said.

"With you and Dave" Harriet finished.

"But now..."

"It will just be us..."

"and Dave..."

Dave swallowed hard and looked at Neil with pleading eyes. Neil backed away from the table slowly, watching the hunger in the girls eyes. "Yeah, so you guys have fun..."

"We will" the girls cooed together.

Dave started to stand, but Harriet moved to intercept, forcing him down into the bench.

"Dave will just have to work... twice as hard" she growled.

Neil put on the only nice clothes he had and was picked up by Rothcrest at the admin building. Nathanial was wearing a dark suit and Deb an evening gown that was very, very revealing. Deb's dark, curly hair was up, cascading down over her bronze shoulders and framing her oval face. She was very exotic. Her large breasts were barely contained by a strapless dress that had an oval removed from her upper stomach, revealing her belly button. Neil thought the dress itself was very conservative until he saw the slit. It ran from her ankle almost to her waist. It was distracting as hell.

"I suspected that you wouldn't have any eveningwear, so we will be stopping to get you something fitting" Neil got a little embarrassed, but Nathanial stopped him. "Pah, who brings eveningwear to a horse camp?"

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May 31, 1993 Looking unhappy, President Rohrbach said, “It was a quiet weekend.” Cabinet Member Neyer said, “There wasn’t a single riot or protest anywhere.” “Jade Force said they’d end the civil war in five days. It looks like they did it,” Cabinet Member Goil said. President Rohrbach said, “They printed the treaty in the Saturday and Sunday morning papers. We’re stuck with it.” He knew that the introduction of term limits on Senators, and competitive elections, would have far reaching...

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The CircleChapter 12 Heroes and Fallout

The twelve of us in the house, plus Michelle and Don who continued to live in their own home, were content and living in relative peace and obscurity until one summer evening a year or so after everyone had moved into the large house. Matt and Nathan loved their craft beer, but had run out. Also, there wasn’t too much milk for breakfast. Thus, about ten o’clock on a hot Monday evening, the pair headed off for a quick run to the local convenience store. The news story in the morning paper...

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A WellLived Life Book 1 BirgitChapter 32 Fallout

March 1978 I dreaded going to school. I thought about staying home sick. I rarely did that and if I told Mom and Dad I was sick, they wouldn’t doubt me. I had missed exactly one day of school in the past three years. Unfortunately, that would only postpone the inevitable. I didn’t have any classes with Jennifer, but we did have lunch together as we had all year. I could only wait to see what happened. I saw several of the gang in the hallway or class, but nobody said anything or even gave...

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Speaking With Your Demons13 Revelation Fallout

“Well, Mr. Walker,” the Commissioner said, spreading his arms to include everyone in the room, “you’ve certainly convinced me that we can finally change our pervasive anger-management issues. You’ve also won over the most skeptical of opponents by convincing these cops, for whom traditional talk therapy has never helped. But we’re all interested in something a little more concrete. Say maybe a real-life demonstration?” “I was hoping I could treat Officer Waters, but his berserkers seem to be...

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There and BackChapter 129 Fallout

In the end, it was decided that Zevran would tackle Erlina, being the most likely to catch her if she was lying, while Aedan, Alistair, and I went to free Dougal and Loghain from their house arrest and bring them to Cailan to hear their side of the story. Both men were being guarded in rooms in a dim, slightly dingy hallway; the guards reported no problems with either man, and appeared to be quite relieved to be released from their duty. Aedan knocked, and then opened Dougal’s door; the...

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The Discipline Correspondance SchoolChapter 3

Dear Master, Saturday started really strangely for me, I woke up from dreaming about our meeting. I trembled at the thought of being in your presence and must confess nearly did not turn up, However I did show and was glad I did. I Selected the clothes you demanded I wear, took a shower making sure to clean not only my pussy but I had three enema's, self administered of course, to ensure my arse was clean for you. I took my time in shaving my cunt for my master's inspection as I know any...

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Something Unlimited

Something unlimited is a lewd superhero-themed resource management game. Al that you nerds ever talk about is how hot some superhero slut is or who the fuck would win in a fight. I get it. Some of these babes are hot as all hell. I’d love to have that elastic bitch from the Incredibles all tangled up. Could you imagine the crazy positions you could fuck her in? Damn. Oh, right, superheroes. Don’t you wish you could gather up all of your favorite superhero babes into one place? Imagine binding...

Free Sex Games
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Nan close friend Amma

Hi to all ISS readers am Rohit a kannada guy from Bangalore, some of you people might know who am I… Any ways let me describe an other encounter with my friend’s mom that toooo in kannada. Adhe halli adhe mane adhe jaga adhe friends adhe auntygalu aadhre auntygalanna bari aunty tharaha noddhe bere eneno kalpane madkollo vayassu avaga thane bandhithu andhre naanu school mugsi college seridhe. Idhe timenalli madhuve aagi ganda sathaginindha thavaru manelidha nanna friend amma mathe nanna friend...

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Bhatiji Ki Chudai 8211 Part 3

Readers, all of you read in my previous story how I fucked my bhatiji with my 9 friends in the absence of other family members. Readers I am bringing next part i.e. bhatiji ki chudai part 3 to you. Is story main aapko ye batunga ki kaise maine coaching main apne collegues ke saath tanvi ki chudai ki. Deepawali ki chhutiya off hone wali thi aur ab mujhe aur tanvi ko wapas coaching lautana tha. is baar maine 2AC ki puri ek cabin book kar liya. Main aur tanvi ghar ke sabhi member se milkar station...

1 year ago
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Unexpected Night Out

Linda was away on business for the second time in two weeks and having to be away all week this tie by the time it got to Thursday night she was ready to get out of the hotel for the night. As luck would have it a group of women had arrived earlier that day on a batchelorette weekend, so short on fun Linda tagged along with the on a night out. They started out at a couple of bars and Linda got to know a few of the women and was having a good time when they told her they were going to a strip...

2 years ago
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The PowerEpilogue Ive Got The Power

It wasn't all milk and cookies! On one side, I had a Coven composed of teenage girls, and on the other, a Coven of four previously abused women and one who voluntarily enslaved herself for access to Magic. There was no open antagonism towards each other though. They certainly had no issues if I wanted a mixed threesome with females from both Covens. The women wanted a set of things; the girls wanted a set of things. I was only one thing! We had to adjust to the brew of desires, wants, and...

1 year ago
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The redheaded Italian friend

Her friend got to our place around 6 and it was a bit akward because we all knew why she was there and we had known eachother for a long time, so it wasn t a spur of the moment thing, so the nervousness had a chance to settle in. We had a few cocktails (I made them and I didn t go cheap on the rum..). I had made osso bucco (her favorite) and we had a fairly good amount of wine. During supper, the talk really turned to sex, what she and we were into. We were talking generally but it had to do...

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Twin Daughters For DogsChapter 3

The very next afternoon found the twins back in the anteroom of the kennel building. They had selected a beautiful beagle to fuck. At this very moment, the aroused beagle, Leroy, was sitting on his haunches next to the teenaged girls. Saliva was dripping from his lolling tongue as he watched Dee and Kim writhing against each other on an old mattress they had discovered in a shed next to the kennel. The beagle's hardening prick quivered and dripped with pre- cum, protruding several inches...

4 years ago
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Young and Strong

Young and strong My name is Tom Johnson sophomore year in high school has been the best year of my young life so far I had a growth spurt between eighth and tenth grade and now I'm just over six feet one inch a hundred ninety pounds plus I have found a love for lifting weights shaping my body so now I have a six pack stomach and a chiseled chest that the girls just love . As I had my growth spurt every part of my body grew including my cock it went from a modest six inches to a whooping eleven...

1 year ago
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The Neighbor Part 5

As I stretched, waking myself up, I felt like I had been hit by a truck. Iwas sore and stiff all over. My hips hurt in a way I had never experiencedbefore.I ran my hand along my side and felt my nightgown, instantly reminding meof the world that had formed around me in the past few days. Out ofinstinct this exploration had led to my hand finding my penis. My small,limp, not-hard-in-the-morning, penis. I touched around it and felt where mysutures were. The tenderness was gone; It felt like the...

1 year ago
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Dont push me I might turn into a slut

Like many other husbands, I have fantasies about my wife having sex with another man. Even when we were having sex I would sometimes pretend that someone else was doing it to her. For a long time I never said anything about this to Amy, as I was fearful that she would be angry. I know that she never strayed, but I did notice that she would sometimes gaze at an attractive male at a party, or other function that we were attending. When I mentioned this to her she said, "Yes, I notice when there...

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My Sister and I Undress Masturbate and Fuck

I am Stan, a widower, 40 years old. My sister, Anne, is a widow a year younger than me. She lives in the next village to mine. I visited her recently and in her lounge we talked, among other things, of a program on television which showed paintings by Italian and Spanish artists, some of which were of naked females. Rather rashly I mentioned that I had found some naughty pictures and printed them."Do they show girls and men, Stan?""The ones I have are of naked girls because that`s what I`m...

3 years ago
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Softball Girls Part 4

He went upstairs to find the party over into her room looking to talk but what he found was a guy, feeling her up. “Hey asshole get off my sister or I’ll kick your ass.” He pulled the guy away, it was Iz’s ex Ryan. Mark threw him to the floor, “Get out of here! Now!” Ryan rose started to speak, but seeing the look on Mark’s face, left. “Thank you, Mark, I couldn’t fight him off.” Iz said, her buttoned shirt now undone. “I’m a bit weak from drinking.” “I figured you didn’t want that,...

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Coward Little Housewife

Let me introduce myself, I’m Geeta Singh Anant, age 21, fitted body, slender legs, especially curved thighs specially thicker than normal, firm and straight boobs as especially noticed by everyone, fair skin, height 5 feet 5 inch. I myself was amazed of the fact that 34 sized boobs could stand so straight without even bra. My nipples are semi brown in colour, my face has an innocent looks and lips are magnificent. The biggest fact of my life is that I’m coward. I don’t have guts to resist to...

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Hall Pass Pt 1

It just slid into her head again like the night before. 'I wonder if he fucks as well as looks?' She had sat with her husband around the pool bar at the hotel absorbing the chilled, relaxing feeling that only a good holiday can bring and it was topping off a day where she had lain on the beach topless for the most part letting the warmth of the sun soak through her body whilst she drifted and dozed between bouts of the steamy novel she had been reading. But now it was dark and midway through...

1 year ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 41

Jeff stood in the vanity area. Flopping his cock over into the sink, he started to wash himself when he glanced in the mirror. You idiot. You can't go to Kayla like this. You have to wash more than your dick. You're covered in sweat and pussy juice. Turning, he went in to take a quick shower. A few minutes later, hair still damp, he put on shorts and a tee-shirt and picked up his pants. After stopping by to get Little One out of her bedside drawer, he walked out of the suite and across the...

2 years ago
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Chandana 8211 My Masturbation Queen

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers The story started, let me introduce myself, am a young & handsome guy working in a MNC in Hyderabad. Am always interested in women to fuck them hard to the most and give them heavenly pleasure. I joined in office and usually started interacting with her and we became close and shares everything and i used to daily masturbate by imagining for almost 3 years. She is a married women with two cute little sons. We both resigned the job and changed to different...

3 years ago
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My First Day at a Girls Boarding School

When I woke up I decided it should be time for me to go to school today. I was told it is a very special school so I decided to wear my special uniform. First of all I took a shower and trimed the hair on my body. I made special care to shave my anus man vagina. When I was done I've put some lotion on a small tampon and put it in my vagina for it was a day for menstruation.After that came the miniature thongs, a short black schoolgirl skirt, my bra, a white shirt, and my favourite black and...

2 years ago
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Robin Girl Wonder Part 1 Body and Mind

ROBIN GIRL WONDER part 1 - BODY AND MIND This story is based loosely on drawings done by Fraylim. If you'd like some background on the characters in this story, please see their "biographies" at WikiPedia. This is a work of fan-fiction that includes characters owned by DC Comics. It is not intended to damage their copyright in any way. Tim Drake was in bed thinking about his plan; wondering if he could really carry it out. It was daybreak and the birds outside sang a...

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Cooperative InLaws Part 2

Hi friends.I am back.Sorry for the delay.I thank those who liked my previous story.My name is Gopal from Hyderabad and this is the story of how Radha,my daughter in law became my wife with my son,Rahul’s consent.This is second part.It might be bit long but I hope you like it.Co-operative in-laws – part 1 – incest indian sex stories (link on top) I said ‘you are my bedwife from today and tonight I will take your virginity’radha looked confused ‘but rahul took my virginity on my first night...

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A Black Woman Rejects Feminism

Sometimes, the arrogance of some people simply astounds me. Seriously. I think some White people, especially certain White women, were born with a sense of entitlement. They feel as though the world is theirs. Not because they’ve earned it but simply because of their skin color. And many of them think Black men and Black women, and all other so-called minorities were put on this planet to serve them. That we’re somehow genetically inferior. That’s why they depicted President Barack Obama as a...

4 years ago
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Uncle Charlie and my Summer Family Ch 4

Chapter 4. Thunderstorms (4600 words) As Tess entered her third week in Arkansas the weather turned nasty. The days became exceptionally hot with heat indexes in the high 100s between 10AM and 2PM. Between that and the bugs the outdoors were nearly unbearable. Then the afternoon thunderstorms would roll in and cast severe downpours that would soak you to the bone in moments. This led to them hanging out indoors much more than they’d like. For a family that chose an outdoor lifestyle it...

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Becoming A Sissy Slut part 2

I awoke Sunday morning alone in Kassy’s bed, still in the tight mini skirt, my ass was deliciously sore bringing back a flood of memories from last night. I had spent the evening in full drag dressed as a slut and serving my mistress’s rubber cock followed by swallowing my own cum. It was hands down the best night of my life, I had never came so hard, and the rush I felt while serving her was a high that I’d never known. I rolled out of bed and stood up, my wig had fallen off in the night...

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The Rogues Harem Book 1 Rogues Sultry WomenChapter 41 Soaring Over Beauty

Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this! Kora Falk I shuddered, the four of us breaking apart as our orgasm died. I shoved my fingers into my mouth, sucking off Aingeal’s honey. It tasted so amazing in my mouth as we stumbled towards Sven. He had such a bulge in his pants. I wanted to suck it. I wanted to give him pleasure, too. “Brother mine,” I moaned, leaning against him. “Ooh, did you like watching that?” “So much,” he groaned, Zanyia kneeling on the other side, rubbing...

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Pleasure GELF

Prima 9. The Future. I don't remember much before I was awakened. I didn't have a name originally. Just a number. PG#2654 G/A/SB. The "G/A/SB" stood for my breed. "Gay/Average/Swimmer's Build" was what mine stood for. Now I was Matt. The Pleasure Genetically Engineered Life Form Program or "Pleasure G.E.L.F." for short was started before the Earth died and mankind had taken to the stars to find a new home. We were the ultimate expression of sexual gratification. Man's attempt at creating the...

4 years ago
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Patricias Rainy Day Games

Sitting up in bed, Jordan looked over at the clock on the Night Stand. It's two o'clock in the morning, he thought. He could hear Patricia and Jane, the two petite little women he had spent the night with, breathing relaxed and light. He felt such warm affection for both of them as he watched them sleeping peacefully on each side of him. The two attractive women had indeed made his ultimate fantasy come true. For several torrid hours the evening before, they had given him a night of sweet...

2 years ago
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Wendys Boyfriend

Wendy's Boyfriend About six months ago I was dressing for pleasure. Yes I often dress up with nowhere to go and no one to see, that's something T's do. Anyway I was playing with an overly sexy secretary look, my hair was down loose with a little wave added to it. I was in my tightest corset, it takes me down six inches to twenty three, and what would be a high waisted pencil skirt except as short as it is there isn't much pencil to it. A rose satin blouse that really shows off...

3 years ago
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True Story My First Time

My first time.I just went through a nasty break up. I really thought that she was the one. We had been together for a few years and really did some exploring in our sexuality. A work buddy of mine that I had been working with for a few months knew what had happened. We had never hung out outside of work. But he was a pretty cool guy to talk to at work. Anyway. He was trying to take me out to help me get my mind off of her. I turned him down for about a week. One day I finally gave in and told...

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A Just RewardChapter 15

Mrs Olney rang as promised the following morning and Becca, as luck would have it, answered the telephone. "It's Martha Olney, my dear. Mrs Anstruther told me you had some ideas about redecorating this tomb and asked me to ring you." Becca laughed. "Tomb's the right word. Thank you so much for ringing, Mrs Olney." "Since you're on Christian name terms with my principal I think you'd better call me Martha. By the way, what do I call you now; Rosie or Becca?" "Thank you, Martha....

3 years ago
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my wife my cousin andy and i

I always believed that in a sexual act; two men only (not one) can satisfy a woman and one woman can easily satisfy two men. We arrived back at andy and paula promptly went in and took a shower. When she came out she had only a towel on and asked where she should ****. andy told her we could have the bed. We each then showered, first andy then me. When I came out I saw andy was lying on the couch. His legs hung over then end almost to his knees. paula was asleep in the middle of his king size...

4 years ago
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Virgin Sex 8211 Going With The Natural Flow

This is a story of friendship, love, romance, ecstasy, and passion. I have changed the names to maintain anonymity. It all started with a wrong Facebook friend request. I was wondering who is Riya. It appeared that she was in the same school as mine and had the same common school friends. I was around 24 years of age living in Pune back then. I was working as a fresher in a reputed IT firm. Facebook was not as big as it was today. I checked her photos. She had a cute smile and was on the heavy...

2 years ago
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1 Stormy MondayChapter 20

Detective Harris let Bobby and Collette out in front of the Simpson's home, and drove off with a wave. They looked at each other somewhat numbly, before they reached for the other's hand and began to walk up the drive. There was a sense of unreality to the morning's events for the teens. They had left Collette's home with Julie, expecting to be bringing her and her possessions back with them. Instead, they had helped carry Julie's stuff from her old trailer to Muriel Wilson's home...

3 years ago
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Tracy in TroubleChapter 37

Mr. Frank came back with what appeared to be a sucking machine. He said, “OK, let’s see if this cow can give us some milk!” He started attaching the suction tubes to Rachel’s udders and positioning the tubes so that they would go into a bucket. Then, he turned the machine on. Rachel’s nipples started getting longer as they were sucked into the cups, which were transparent so that everyone could watch. The more suction that was applied, the more her nipples went into the tubes. They were now...

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Business Pleasure Pt 02

Author’s note: This is a slight revision of Business and Pleasure: Part II, posted on July 19, 2003. After nearly a year’s hiatus from the story, I have decided to return to it, fix up the place a little – cleaning up any grammar and inconsistency mistakes it may have had – and hopefully finishing it. Or at least adding to it. So enjoy, if you haven’t already, and write me, even if you have already. It’s your feedback that helped me return, and it’s your feedback that will help me continue. ...

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DeborahChapter 7

Neither of them had far to go but each of their minds was full. Richard's head was whirling. She had kissed him. Not a peck on the cheek but a proper kiss on the lips. It hadn't been a peck on those either but a proper, intimate kiss. The fact that she had moved away before he had had time to react didn't matter at all. She liked him, really liked him. As for his feelings for her, the afternoon and evening had made her very, very much more attractive. Her eyes and mischievous sense of...

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Delta OriginalChapter 6 Building a Dome

The next morning things really started to happen. The first transport was already heading down with the first team. Cath had changed places with Biscuit. As their architectural designer, she was in charge of making sure everything came down in the order of what was required. She had spent the day before with Rolo working out the logistics, of getting everything sends down to the ground. The central dome was the priority. They soon had the second transporter loaded and ready to roll. Bing...

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a good life to cum

Introduction: this is my first story i hope u like it it was a friday night just like all others come home eat dinner, go to bed and yes the occasional look up of porn. while surfing the net i started thinking what it would be like if i were to hook up with my best friend who i always knew to be straight. so after a week or so of thinking about it i finaly made my move it was another friday but john (my friend) was over. he was tall and had black hair. me and him would always talk about...

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MyFamilyPies Lexi Lore Family Breakfast

Lexi Lore and her stepbrother Bambino just can’t seem to get along no matter how hard they try. This morning they’re fighting over breakfast while their mom Claudia Monet prepares her own meal in the kitchen just behind them. Bambino tells Lexi he’s going to pull her top down if she doesn’t share the milk and cereal, but Lexi shoots back that he should do his worst. When making good on his promise doesn’t phase Lexi, Bambino tries to one-up her by saying...

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Out of ReachChapter 04

On a Friday afternoon just before the mid-year holidays of the following year Ernie skips most of the cheerleader practise for the first time, ever. Melissa is now a few months over eighteen and Ernie is a few months over seventeen. Melissa is worried because he’s never missed one of her practises since they met; never, until today. Adding to her worry is the fact no one has seen him since lunchtime, and he didn’t mention anything to her about being away. It’s clear her concern is affecting...

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Blondie at the Club

My story begins this past summer when my friend and I took a visit to South Carolina. We spent most of our time in Myrtle Beach, and lodged in the neighboring city of Conway.Besides playing golf, and spending time on the beach, we came to SC so my friend can have his first experience at a strip club. This visit was my 3rd, so I had sophomore skills at these clubs.Anyway, we went on our first night to take a whack at it.My friend danced with a blue haired chick he thought was sexy as well as a...

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Water sport

My throat burned from all the cigarettes I’d smoked, and shots of whiskey I’d drank. Sitting at this bar for the last several hours was beginning to bore me. I had seen several interesting-looking men, but just didn’t seem to have the motivation to approach any of them. I figured I’d spend another night at home alone, jacking myself lazily, was what I had to look forward to. I was wrong. I stepped up from my barstool and headed to the john to take a last piss before I walked down the block to...

Gay Male
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My weekend alone part 1

My name is Jessica and I guess at first glance you would think I'm just your average girl. A simple well performing schoolgirl who had a good social life with plenty of friends and a nice body thanks to gymnastics and volleyball for eight years m bisexual with a strong attraction for both guys and girls. I was eighteen at the time of this story and received more than enough attention from guys around school. Standing at 5"4 with long brown hair reaching down to the middle of my back, 32B...

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The Business Trip

Ann heard the knock on the door as she stepped from the shower. Ann thought it might be Marci, her new assistant, with the presentation she was going to give in the morning. Ann wrapped her naked body in a hotel towel, covering as much of herself as she could and went to look out the peephole. Ann saw it was definitely her new assistant and opened the door carefully, "Hi Marci, I just got out of the shower I won't be a minute." "That's OK Mrs. Rice, I just brought the overheads so we could...

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Veronica Hart

Veronica Hart ranks at the top of adult film actresses. Sam Frank dedicated his book Sex in Cinema to her in hopes that she'd achieve mainstream success. She hasn't.The Las Vegas native started in mainstream entertainment at early age. She acted, modeled and danced.Hart lost her virginity at 18 :-). The guy she was seeing at the time was almost same age. "I had heard about sex so much, and I knew all about it from an early age. I have a lot of older sisters, and I used to read their little...

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Fun in the car

We had a ten hour drive to a work related trip. We were in my 4-door full size pickup truck and it was me driving, Jeannie, and our friend Jim in the back. After an hour or so, Jim said he was going to take a nap and lay across the back seats. After a few minutes I could see Jeannie was getting bored but more than that, horny. She was not aware I was watching her from the corner of my eye. She was fidgeting and pulling at her black top. I knew she did not wear a bra with it as she loved playing...

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FamilyHookups Madison Summers Gets her stepbro to help ger with a DikDok Challenge

Madison Summers convinces her stepbro to do a lap dance Dik-Dok challenge, but the catch is he can’t get aroused. Unfortunately for her stepbro once she gets grinding there is no way for him to hide his boner in fact, he gets so embarrassed that he runs out of the room. When Madison goes to talk to him, she decides that he just needs to get this out of his system so she strips down and pulls his fat cock out. She rides him so hard he can’t hold back from popping all over her perky little tits

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Natalies Family AdventureChapter 12

The next morning Natalie is up, showered, and ready to go before the clock on her tablet has turned to 6 AM. She starts a new diary entry for Day 3 of their time at The Center. Around 10 AM, according to the clock on her tablet, the locks on her door click open. She gets off the bed in time to see Emily standing there, fully dressed, with tears in her eyes. “No. No. Not you too!” Natalie says and begins to cry. Emily crosses the distance between them and takes the younger girl in her...

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