Ice Fishing
- 1 year ago
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We sat there for another hour. It evolved into a little trip down memory lane, thinking of events in our lives, things the girls had done or said, stuff like that. It wasn’t anything monumental, but it was important. that’s because we stayed there and talked. Nothing got solved, but at least it was comfortable for us to be there together.
I knew things would be okay when she leaned against me and laid her head on my shoulder.
“I’m tired,” she sighed.
“Yeah,” I said. that might sound like an odd response to you, but I understood why she was tired, and that it was to be expected.
“Samantha told me what you did for her, after she fell through the ice,” she said, softly.
“It was all I could think of at the time,” I replied.
“It changed her life.”
“All I did was warm her up,” I said.
“It was what you didn’t do that was important.”
“What didn’t I do?”
“You didn’t take advantage of the situation. You didn’t use that to force yourself on her. She was vulnerable and she knew she was vulnerable, but you didn’t take advantage of that.”
“Of course not,” I said. It was an automatic response.
“I think that’s when she fell in love with you.”
“She’s not in love with me,” I said. “At the most it’s a crush.”
Her head came off my shoulder and she looked at me.
“If I thought my daughters had some silly school-girl crush on you, would you be sitting here right now?” She asked.
I didn’t know what that meant.
“Sam came and got me,” I said.
“I know that,” said Gloria. “That was to do with that stupid idea of theirs. They thought if we slept together, everything would be fixed.”
“Kids,” I joked. “Gotta love ‘em.”
Her head went back down on my shoulder.
“That’s my point. I do love them. And because I loved them, I tried to listen to what they were saying. It was so strange. They’re sixteen, Bob. They haven’t even gotten their drivers licenses yet. But they didn’t sound like sixteen-year-old girls when they talked about this trip. They still don’t understand it completely themselves, but what I heard them talking about was fulfillment, the attainment of a goal they hadn’t even realized they were seeking. They thought they’d have fun, do something taboo, get a thrill, but what they found themselves immersed in was the realization that love - real, genuine love - can take you to a place of contentment they didn’t even know existed.”
“That sounds nice,” I said, “but I think you’re reading more into it than was there. It was cold and I kept telling them they were doing things wrong, that I was doing things wrong. I really did try to talk them out of it.
“Once again, you didn’t take advantage of them.”
“The law wouldn’t see it that way,” I said. I bit my lip, but then realized if Gloria had intended to involve the law, it would already have been done.
“Karla mentioned that part,” said Gloria. “I hate to admit it, but she’s right. They are above the age of consent.”
“Why doesn’t that make me feel any better?” I asked.
“Because, just like me, you love them too, and want the best for them,” said their mother.
That didn’t seem to call for a response. Her head on my shoulder felt nice. I wished this could continue, but it had been a long day.
“I guess I should go,” I said.
“You know, I remember those feelings,” she said, ignoring my offer to leave. “I remember what it was like to be wrapped in loving arms, to feel safe and content.”
“Yeah,” I said, as memories of Cathy rushed into my mind.
“Maybe they’re right,” she said.
“About what?” I asked, automatically.
“Maybe we should sleep together.”
“What?” I felt my shoulder go rigid under her head. She lifted it and looked at me.
“They insist you love me,” said the woman who was quite possibly my best friend in the whole world. “I argued with them about that. I told them if you loved me, you would have done something about that ... approached me ... said something. I told them if you loved me you wouldn’t have had sex with my daughters. That’s when I found out the lengths you went to, to resist them. I get it, Bob. They’re young and sexy. You’re a man. You had a deep, emotional attachment to them already. They threw themselves at you. And I, of all people, know how stubborn they can be. But they were also stubborn about insisting you love me, too.”
She glanced at me, but then looked down, at her lap.
“So is that possible?”
I swallowed. Suddenly I was transported to the same dance she’d talked about, where I was trying to work up the courage to ask a girl to dance. Not just any girl ... a special one. And now, somehow, things had been turned upside down and it almost sounded like that girl was asking me to dance.
“It’s possible,” I managed to whisper.
“Why didn’t you ever say anything?” she asked.
“I didn’t want to push things ... strain things.”
“Things seem to have gotten strained anyway, Bob,” she said. “Maybe they’re right. Maybe if we sleep together, the strain will go away.”
“That’s not how this is supposed to work,” I said.
“So you don’t want to sleep with me?”
“I didn’t say that. I just said the normal way of getting to that point is ... different than this.”
“So I need to go ice fishing with you,” she said. “Right?”
“Come on, Gloria,” I groaned. “You know what I mean.”
“What I know is that the world has changed, and I’m trying to see how I fit into that changed world.”
“It’s not that big a change,” I argued. “Things got out of control, but that’s over, now. Everything can go back to the way it was. This is good. Us talking is good. You have no idea how relieved I am that we still can talk like this. I was afraid I was going to lose my best friend.”
“Oh, you poor, poor man,” she said. “If you think those girls are finished with you, you’re only playing with part of a deck. Bob, every man they meet from now until they’re old ladies will get compared to you. You never forget your first, Bob, and because of the kind of man you are, their first time was glorious and fulfilling, something they’ll want to remember forever. They’re going to want a repeat, Bob.”
“Well they can’t have one,” I said, firmly. “Once was bad enough.”
“So it wasn’t fulfilling for you?” said Gloria.
“What kind of question is that?” I asked. “Do you want me to admit I loved it?” I froze. I shouldn’t have added that last part.
“Did you?”
“Gloria, I’m trying to salvage my relationship with you, not torpedo it.”
“They loved it,” she said, calmly. “It was very important for them, a turning point in their lives. It was a positive turning point, Bob. If I didn’t believe that, we wouldn’t be here, talking like this.”
“Why are we talking?” I asked. I was really tired and I wasn’t thinking very clearly.
“Bob,” she sighed. “You’re either going to be in our lives, or you’re not.” I winced and she reached to touch my forearm. “If you are going to be in our lives...” She stopped and I could tell she was struggling to communicate. She started again. “It’s like a giant picture puzzle. I know how they want to put it together. I just need to figure out where I fit into the picture.”
“How do you want to fit into the picture?” I asked.
“I don’t know,” she sighed.
“Oh.” I didn’t know what to say.
She stood up. She looked at me.
“Take your shirt off,” she said.
“Take it off.”
“Bob, I’ve been arguing with my daughters all day. I’m tired. I don’t want to argue with you. Please just do as I ask.”
I took my shirt off. I wondered if what I was feeling was similar to what a condemned man feels when they come to his cell and tell him, “It’s time.”
I took so long getting it off that I was astonished to find Gloria had removed her own shirt. My eyes watched it drop to the floor. She was wearing a plain, white bra. It seemed very full of soft skin. She turned and presented her back to me. When I didn’t do anything, she looked over her shoulder at me. I was confused, but not stupid. I unhooked her bra, thinking as I did it, that she could have done it herself. So why did she have me do it? Why were we taking our clothes off, for that matter?
Her earlier comment came back to my tired mind: “Maybe we should sleep together.”
With her back to me, she undid her jeans and pushed them down. Powder blue panties went down with them. Her ass was gorgeous. Strangely, though, my penis didn’t get hard. I thought about that as I got my own pants off.
“I’m embarrassed,” came her soft voice.
“You don’t have to do this,” I offered.
“I think I do,” she said.
Instead of looking at me, she pulled back the covers and got into bed. As she did so I was presented with a view of her pussy lips, between and below her ass. I could see wisps of dark hair around them. Once under the covers, she lay on her back, her head on a pillow, and looked at me. She made no comment as multiple items of clothing had to be removed before I was naked. She might be embarrassed about her own body, but it didn’t bother her to look at mine. I saw her eyes go to my penis. She didn’t comment on its flaccid state.
“Come to bed,” she said, softly.
I stepped towards her.
“Get the light, first?” she suggested.
I went to the door and flicked the switch, plunging the room into darkness. I returned to the bed based on an expectation of where it should be and bumped into it. I felt for the covers, and found only warm, naked skin. She’d pulled the covers back already. It was impossible not to find out where I was touching her, so my hand moved a little bit as my fingers explored. What I had touched was the skin over her solar plexus. As my fingers ran into the lower swells of a breast, she gasped softly.
“Sorry,” I said, for some reason.
I got into bed and was almost instantly taken back to Sam’s first ice fishing trip, when she’d gotten soaked. Gloria wrapped her arms around me and moaned in exactly the same way Sam had. She rubbed against me, writhing, like Sam had. But the memory of Sam was banished by Gloria’s more mature, more full, heavier body. Gloria’s breasts were much larger, much softer, much more malleable than either of her daughters. They had fed twins. Were she standing, they’d sag a bit, and as they flattened and rolled against my skin, it felt like I was getting a strange massage of some kind. Her legs wrapped one of mine and squeezed as she moaned with a deep, almost animal tone.
“It’s okay,” I whispered, again for some reason I couldn’t articulate.
“I know,” she gasped. “Just hold me.”
I did that. We were naked. My cock had achieved erection within fifteen or twenty seconds of feeling her against me. I knew she felt it, because her knee rubbed against it at one point. We were naked, but it felt like we were comforting each other after some tragedy, rather than making love.
Slowly, she relaxed, until we were just pressed against each other.
And that’s how we fell asleep.
Exhaustion, followed by being in a situation where you feel warm, safe and comfortable, can lead to deep, healing sleep. That’s what Gloria and I experienced that first night we slept together. Had we awakened normally, on our own, who knows what might have happened? But we were not awakened by our bodies’ normal circadian rhythm. Instead, the girls woke us up.
I had locked the door, but it was a normal bedroom lock, with a hole on the outside a long thin object could be inserted in to unlock it in an emergency. Sam used a paper clip to do so.
They insisted, later, that they thought I’d gone home and when their mother wasn’t up and preparing breakfast at the “normal” time, they got worried, afraid “something had happened” to her.
It was the combination of things that jerked us from happy slumber.
“Oh my gosh!“ squealed Sam.
“They did it!” gasped Karl. “They actually did it!”
Then, as if they were six, instead of sixteen, they both jumped onto the bed to “cuddle” with us.
I finally got to see Gloria’s breasts as the covers suffered ‘disarray’. Gloria didn’t notice it, at first. She was too busy yelling at her daughters. The girls did not get off of us, as ordered.
Instead they adjusted to sit on their knees. Karla ended up between my legs, which had spread as I rolled onto my back. Sam settled in, between her mother’s legs and the edge of the bed.
Apparently, the girls really believed that if their mother and I went to bed together, everything would be repaired. I say this because both girls were clearly elated that they’d found us in bed, naked. I had a magnificent hardon, thanks to morning wood, and it was tenting the covers, right in front of Karla’s excited eyes.
“Look!” she yipped. “He’s ready again!”
It was as she was pulling at the covers, clearly trying to unveil my erection, that Gloria exploded.
I won’t go into detail. Suffice it to say the girls left the room and I found myself in bed, staring at an angry, naked woman, stalking toward me from the door she had just re-locked.
She was beautiful. I guess I should elaborate on that. There are many kinds of ‘beautiful’. In Gloria’s case, it was the beauty of a mature, confident woman, whose body showed a few battle scars. She’d carried twins to term, and they’d stretched things considerably. Her breasts did sag a bit, but they sloped to a full roundness that begged to be lifted by a lover’s hands. Her areolas were a couple of inches in diameter, with large, perky nipples perched on them. The nipples were a dark brown color, set within areolas several shades lighter. Her belly was flat in a slightly rounded way. Her head hair, wildly in disarray, matched the fluffy protrusion of her pubic hair, which appeared to be untouched by any attempt to tame it. I knew Gloria’s swim suit was a modest one-piece garment, that wouldn’t be challenged by those pubes.
She stopped when she got to the bed. While she might have been embarrassed the night before, sleeping with me had banished that feeling.
“A perfect night,” she growled, “ruined by those two!”
“Perfect night?” I asked. My morning wood was still covered, but only by the sheet. The bedspread had been all but removed from the bed as the girls were chased out.
I saw her eyes go to the lump under the sheet. She crawled onto the bed and sat on her calves. It was remarkably like what Karla had done, except she was naked. Then, like Karla, she started tugging at the sheet to uncover the object she wanted to see.
“Last night was interesting,” she said, as she slowly pulled at the sheet.
“Interesting?” I said. I seemed to be repeating what she said, but it was as good a plan as any other I could think up.
“Sam told me about that first night ... the night where all you did was sleep ... naked.”
“Mmmm.” I replied, noncommittally.
“I think I understand how she felt,” said Gloria.
My cock was almost uncovered.
“How’s that?” I asked.
“It was wonderful,” said Gloria. “I loved it. It made me feel safe and loved.”
She finally exposed my penis, which leaned drunkenly to one side.
“I’m glad,” I said.
She leaned forward, clearly examining my manhood.
“It made me want more,” she said.
“More,” I sighed.
She crawled on top of me before I could react. She settled her pussy on my cock and crushed it against my belly. Then, as she rubbed a little, she leaned down to kiss me.
As odd as it might sound, Gloria and I had never kissed. I mean not even on the cheek. We were great friends, and had hugged each other countless times. I had gotten good night kisses from the twins for years, as well as a few kisses of gratitude for this or that thing I’d done. But Gloria and I had never kissed, not even air kisses.
This kiss made up for a lot of what we’d missed. It was full of passion, but it was also clearly a kiss of thanks. It said, “I like you more than I can say with words,” and at the same time suggested, “Isn’t this fun? Why didn’t we do this before?”
It was not the kiss of a woman consumed by lust. It was better than that. It was so good I leaked a little precum.
Then she got off of me, panting, and stood by the bed again.
“Not yet,” she breathed. “Okay? Can you wait?”
Her weight on my bladder had started to become painful, and my sigh, as she got off of me, was one of relief. I did not, however, think it was politic to tell her that. I knew what she wanted to hear, and I meant it when I said it.
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“If Cory walks in on us before we finish, she may want to join us but right now I want YOU to FUCK ME!” Wet from her vagina to her clitoris, she was so close that she knew just a small amount of additional stimulation would push her over to orgasmic nirvana. She wanted Bill to fuck her hard and slid a pillow under her butt to raise her vagina. Bill pushed his middle finger tip inside Sharon’s vagina and felt how swollen and wet she already was. It was a bit of a surprise that she was already...
I was working with a guy one night when the subject of fishing came up. I love to fish so when he said we should go fishing some time I was immediately on board. The fact that I had a little crush on him was just a bonus. Since we were both off the next day, and I love to fish at night I suggested we could go fishing that night when we got off work, and he agreed. I gave him our address and told him to come pick me up as soon as he was ready to go. When we got off at midnight I ran home told my...
Not me but as told to me by a buddy and it got me hard! It's nothing hardcore, but I enjoyed the experience just the same....I love to fish. I have a really nice bass boat with large front deck and I like to get it out often. When I first got it, I used to take my fiancé out with me all the time so I could fish and she could tan on the deck right behind the front butt seat.One time we were out and I decided to go fish the upper end of a long neck on a large reservoir. We ran up the neck till we...
"Hey Lils! I'm about to head out on the boat and do some fishing. Want to come?" "Sure! Let me throw my bikini on and grab a pole! I'll be out front when you get here!"I absolutely love fishing, so when my cousin Zack called me, I was not turning him down! It didn't hurt that he was really nice to look at, too. A day of fishing on the boat, with a blonde, tan, shirtless, hottie. I'm not complaining! Zack and I were never really close growing up, but since I moved back home, we have started to...
IncestThis chapter starts out in the early spring. Kim has moved away to live with her aunt in another state where she will have her baby that she gives up for adoption. It is spring break for John and me both. John is going away with his dad on a week long fishing trip. He and I stood in the driveway waiting for his dad to come out. “Janet you do know I would rather spend my spring break with you.” “But I could not tell my dad no on going on this fishing trip,” John explained as he stood there...
Before I get anymore in depth, let me describe myself and my nieces. I am Matt, 25, 6’4” and of average weight. I have blue eyes and brown hair and try to keep in shape by working out every other day. My oldest niece (Olivia) is 16 years old, blonde hair, green eyes and skinny weighing about 125 pounds and probably 5’10”. She is on the cheerleading squad and def has the figure for it. My other niece is Liz and she is 11 years old. She is 4’10” brown hair, brown eyes and about 80 pounds. Both...
Michael was in his mid 40s. He was amazed and relieved to be in his new country and his new community in a place that somewhat reminded him of his homeland Germany. Now he was in Tennessee close to the mountains he loved and more importantly in the country away from any big city and more importantly away from any large law enforcement agency that might look a little too close at his past. He believed he deserved a new chance to put his crimes behind him and get a fresh start. He was stunned by...
Off the bus, down the metal steps, onto the warm concrete. It was hot, but the wind was cool, coming in waves, ruffling my hair, ruffling my clothes. The heavy smell of petrol hit me heavily as the bus trundled away down the gravel path. The rumbling slowly disappeared behind the trees, leaving me standing in silence in the woods with my hiking bag on my back and my pole and reel hanging off my shoulder. There were trees all around; tall and brown and straight, no leaves near their base, the...
FantasySince my husband and I both enjoy fishing, we checked the WEB for somewhere to go this summer. North Carolina has some nice lakes but decided we wanted something more exciting where a person can catch fish in clean waters. A friend of my husband who belongs to a sportsman club suggested we check into fishing in Canada where many lakes are loaded with fish. He suggested an area in upper Ontario where they will fly people into a lake for a week. We checked their website and decided that was...
ExhibitionismNew Orleans - The fishing tripBy Barbara This paragraph summarizes part 1 of my New Orleans Conference. Monday morning began the meetings till early afternoon then free time until the Awards Dinner at 5. I received two of the three awards my branch won and afterwards my group hung out in the bar drinking and some dancing. I was unaware of a “black light” causing my long yellow dress to appear as a very transparent veil allowing my tits and pussy to be easily seen through my sheer sexy...
We were almost there. A trip I had been planning to take for years now. I was looking forward to staying in the ice fishing hut... fishing... drinking beer, and just kicking back for the weekend. It was just Jason and myself... we tried talking our wives (Jenn and Karen) into coming with us, but they decided to go to a spa for the weekend instead... go figure. I was glad Jason and I were still able to get along as friends, with no underlying issues, reguardless of what we have done with our...
GayThe Art of Good Fishing, © Spitman October 2000 It was a fine sunny afternoon in May, and the beach was pretty crowded fora day so early in the season, but it was rather warm for the time of year,with very little wind and a cloudless sky. Donna lay on her beach towel with her bikini top unfastened, enjoying thefeel of the sun on her back. Others more adventurous, dispensed with theirskimpy bikini tops, offering an impressive display of breasts proudly bared,to the warm rays of the sun, not to...
I was still married to my first wife, Candice, when we went on a trip to Bozeman Mt. We had been married eight years. It was 1982, and we were both in our mid 20's at that time. My wife was a stay at home Mom, and for the last 4 years or so, I had been working non stop to keep us ahead financially. I was due a two week vacation, and to help us out her parents took the k**s to Europe with them. So we took advantage of the freedom to visit some friends in Montana, whom we haven't seen in years....
It all started when my BF and I booked a holiday to Cancun in Mexico. As much as I loved him I sometimes found him a bit lacking in excitement especially on holidays. As much as I like sunbathing I also like to do things. Anyway I was trying to get him to take me on a trip and all he did was moan that they were boring or too much money so I had almost given up hope.In the resort there were lots of Americans who were usually loud but friendly. One of the guys was quite friendly and seemed nice...
I'm a 48 year old male, who loves to fish. Less than a quarter mile down the road from my home is a stocked river which is generally packed with like minded folks on the weekends. The road on which I live crosses the river via a thirty foot long two lane country bridge. There are low leaning trees on either side which along with the bridge itself cast a cool quite shade on the cement footings twenty feet below the roadway. This is my usual afternoon get away during the week, as I have it all to...
Oral SexKyle Richardson came from a very conservative family. The open-minded, free-spirited women he dated in college would have been considered sluts in his parent's eyes. But he didn't care what they thought. Kyle was born with good looks and knew how to charm the ladies. He would much rather have an experienced woman that might teach him a thing or two than a virtuous virgin any day.He'd had his fair share of conquests. One-night stands. Friends with benefits. He even had a few long-term...
CuckoldWhen I was in my late teens, I used to spend many a summer's day fishing for trout beside the river that circled around the outside of the town. My favourite spot was a 30 minute bike-ride from home, in a clearing down from the parking lot and bike path. It was great exercise getting there and back 3 or 4 times a week, kept me in good shape and put a healthy tan on my skin.There were a number of regulars like myself who I would see from time to time and we were all on a somewhat friendly...
A while ago, my son asked if he could go fishing with his friend Laurie and her mother. I had met Laurie before, a very cute blonde haired girl the same age as my son. I thought it was odd going fishing with her and her mom and I asked him about that. He told me that Laurie’s mom was a real outdoorsy type. She loved camping, hiking and fishing. The day after his fishing trip, he told me more about their fishing adventure and about Stephanie and how “cool” he thought she was. He went on and on...
I love getting away from all the city stresses mainly by going for walks in the deep countryside. Away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Away from the noise and the pressure. As a family we would walk for miles but now, as the kids have grown and moved on, it’s just my wife and me out on these rambles. Normally that is, but this time she was shopping with her sister in the city so I was alone. I’d left the car in the car park, map in hand, and headed into the hills. After a couple of...
Gay MaleI love getting away from all the city stresses mainly by going for walks in the deep countryside. Away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Away from the noise and the pressure. As a family we would walk for miles but now, as the k**s have grown and moved on, it’s just my wife and me out on these rambles. Normally that is, but this time she was shopping with her sister in the city so I was alone. I’d left the car in the car park, map in hand, and headed into the hills. After a couple of...
BECOMING THE SISSIFIED FISHING CAMP PRINCESS!!!!!!!! Between being raised by a strict single parent mother, and living far out the boondocks of a small remote New Hampshire country town, my life was different than that of the other town boys.. Yes homework and then houseword were all I ever seemed to be doing. By fully LEGAL age 18, I was a good three to four years younger in mental developement as my mom was super protective of me, I was also still the physical size of most jr.high school boys...
Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...
IncestGone fishing and getting treated as a sissy It started on a weeklong fishing trip when I was 19 years old with 6 of my friends. After we got to the lake and set up camp it was time to grab the beer coolers and the fishing poles for a couple of hours of intince worm drowning. When it started to get dark it was time to quit and head back to camp for food when we got there it was time to figure out who was going to be the camp BITCH! (all the cooking and cleaning) and since Jim's...
Sissy and I grew up in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. We were like most kids in the world, a happy family. We were blessed with loving parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. I don't really have any bad memories as a child, except for one. When my sister was four and I was five, our mom died. It was unexpected. We were just a couple of kids playing in the bathtub, me with my plastic police boat, and Sissy with her floating frog. Her frog was always the sea monster that sunk my police boat....
I am 18 , just turn last week, I work at National park for the whole weekendits a ice job, i go around in my golf cart helping people aroundI was lucky enought to be a fishing guide this summer so i get to fish and dont need to deal with garbage and cleaning of the parkthe group of older mixed guys in their 50s were so cool with me , I spent the day driking beer and fishing with themuntil it was dawn and all 4 were getting a bit drunk and weird with meslapping my little ass in my swimsuit...
I was born into a family that loved fishing. To be more specific, my older brother Drake and father Alvin were crazy about fishing. They tried everything in their power to get me hooked on this terrible hobby, but I simply hated it. Fortunately, my mother Rose was my protector in this regard, and although small of stature she was not to be messed with.Much to Alvin’s regret, I was a real ‘indoors’ kind of guy, something he and Drake found very hard to understand. I also think my smaller...
Gay MaleA few years ago, I had been dating this girl, Linda, for a few months, and we had been getting along real well, but although she seemed to like me, we kissed, a little bit of tongue, that was as far as she had let it go. I was getting a little bit frustrated to say the least.One day I asked her if she would like to go fishing in my boat. I have a 23 foot Pro-Line cuddy cabin which is set up for off-shore fishing. To my surprise she said she had never been and she would like to try it. I picked...
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