OceaniaChapter 30 free porn video

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"It's time, people," Huxley shouted. "Fall in and assemble into your platoons."

Men and women sorted themselves into two groups of about twenty, awaiting Talbot to distribute their equipment: body armour, weapons and ammunition.

Each platoon was further subdivided into three squads of seven, each containing a sectional leader and a radio operator.

Valerie, Emily and Claire each carried an autocannon whilst Talbot had claimed the M120. The rest of the men carried automatic rifles or sub-machine guns. Everyone was provided a side arm.

"I know we're all feeling nervous," Huxley told them. "Some of you may not be coming back from this. All I can tell you is to keep a clear head, watch your back and those of the rest of your section, and just do your job. Good hunting."

They exited the building and made their way to the plane parked on the apron after an engine test the previous day.

Pete Sands felt scared, having only fired his service pistol twice in action. He had however racked up many hours on the police firing range and had his marksmanship certificate to prove it. However, that did not compare to going into combat where men and machines were going to do their level best to kill him. He caught movement out of the side of his eyes and saw Janice walking towards his group. She stopped in front of him, obviously sad to see him leave.

"I'll be fine Janice," he told her, wishing he felt as confident as he looked.

"I can't let you go like this," she said.

"I'll be back," he told her but she'd already turned her back on him and approached the Major.

Sands sighed, wishing that she hadn't made parting harder than it already was.

The Major beckoned to Talbot who led Janice back towards the hanger. A few minutes passed before the two reappeared but this time Janice was dressed in full body armour and carried a pump action shotgun.

"Shit," Sands gasped as he watched the smiling woman join his section.

"Like I said," she repeated, "I can't let you go like this."

"Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked.

"Somebody's got to take care of you Pete."

From out of the airport building, another five Hybrids suddenly appeared and walked up to Huxley. James was amongst them.

"This isn't really our fight," James announced. "But we care a lot about some of the people here. You've fed us and made us your friends. We can't stand idly by and let you risk your lives without offering our assistance."

"We'll take all the help we can get James," the Major replied sincerely. "Talbot, get these people suited up."

"Yes sir," Talbot snapped.

The group was gone nearly thirty minutes before Talbot re-emerged with the whole Hybrid contingent marching in strict formation behind him. The morale of the strike force boosted enormously as a result. More time was spent reorganising, forming eight sections instead of six.

They marched four abreast up the rear access ramp of the transport, gripping on to hastily improvised handholds that dangled from the roof of the cargo hold. Huxley and Emily followed Sleeper, who would serve as their pilot, into the cockpit.

It took several attempts but eventually the two powerful engines exhaled a plume of dense, black smoke and burst into life. Sleeper allowed them to rotate for several minutes until they ran evenly, filling the cabin with a steady drone.

"We go in three minutes," Huxley called over the internal intercom. "Hang on tight and try to keep hold of all of your equipment."

In the cargo bay, human and Hybrid slapped each other lightly in a gesture of solidarity, wondering what the next couple of hours would have in store for them. They clung to their supports as the plane rocked as it taxied slowly towards the end of the runway.

Sleeper applied the brakes and stared down the long stretch of concrete at the line of tall trees in the distance. He tried to estimate the effect of the weight of twenty extra bodies and hoped the airframe could be persuaded to generate the extra lift to compensate.

"Here goes nothing," he told Huxley, pushing the throttle forward and hearing the engines roar in response. The plane crouched catlike on the runway, waiting to pounce once Sleeper released the parking brake.

The initial acceleration pushed them back in their seats and they began to pick up speed. Occasionally they would hit a pothole in the concrete and the impact would jar through their bones. The trees rapidly approached and Sleeper kept a close eye on the airspeed indicator as it climbed towards the minimum needed for take-off.

"It's going to be close!" he exclaimed as the plane struggled to lift. He pushed the throttles against the stop, redlining the engines and felt relief as they slowly left the ground behind. The trees loomed large, filling the cockpit windows.

Emily closed her eyes, realising how close it was to being over before it had even begun. The tops of the trees passed barely beneath them and the aircraft jolted severely.

"What the... ?" Huxley demanded.

"I think we just lost our undercarriage," Sleeper replied.

"Is that bad?" Emily asked.

"Only when we land," he quipped.

After trimming the flaps, the altimeter levelled out at a thousand metres, reducing features on the ground to the size of toy models. The plane's shadow was visible as a dark shape that progressed rapidly over the lush landscape below.

Sleeper powered up a portable GPS and waited a few seconds until it obtained its satellite lock and displayed their position overlaid over a contour map. He banked onto a heading that would take them directly towards the Facility.

"We'll be over the target in fifteen minutes," he informed Huxley. "I'll drop down beneath their horizon on approach and climb at the last minute. With any luck I'll lay us down on their front lawn and we'll be on them before they even know what's happening."

As the minutes ticked away, Emily stood up and clambered back into the cargo area, anxious to be with her section when they hit the ground. As the aircraft neared their destination, the rear loading-ramp lowered and filled the cabin with wild turbulence from exposure to the outside air.

"One minute to insertion," Huxley's voice blared over the intercom. "It's going to be a very rough landing. Disembark immediately and target anything that moves. Secure the perimeter then advance to your designated assembly points.

"Emily, Claire. Take your teams around the side to the loading dock. Secure the production area then move onto the communication centre. Everybody else is with me. We go in through the front door and up the main stairwells. Our destination is the executive offices on the fourth floor. Good luck everybody and keep your heads down."

The plane lurched as it throttled up to clear the trees surrounding the perimeter and the sprawling Production Facility sprang into view. The vast concrete and glass structure sat with the mountain at its back and carefully landscaped lawns bordering the remaining three sides. The central glass atrium shone brightly as it reflected the midday sun.

"Brace for impact." The final instruction came over the intercom as the plane nosedived into the front lawn sending several employees scattering for cover.

Several of their force lost their grip and tumbled around the cabin as the aircraft decelerated rapidly. Leaving a deep trench in its wake, the plane spun on axis before a wing tip dug into the lawn slamming them to an abrupt halt.

Emily sprinted down the ramp, spraying the front of the building with automatic fire and catching a returning Infiltrator team in a hail of bullets. Their vehicle exploded, blowing in nearly every front facing window and showering the occupants with flying glass. Her team raced around the side of the building, laying down suppressing fire as they went.

Bullets hit one of the new Hybrids in the chest but his body armour managed to stop the rounds. The Hybrid let loose a return volley hitting his unprotected attackers and downing them permanently. The loading dock was swarming with Hunter Killers and Claire tossed an EMP grenade into their midst and watched as they collapsed. Pete Sands and Janice fired into their ranks killing a number of them and forcing the rest into retreat.

Huxley and Sleeper unbuckled their harnesses and rushed to join Valerie and Natalie as they dealt with any threat from the front of the building. Sporadic gunfire from one of the upper windows attracted a return volley from one of the autocannons that effectively silenced it. Anxious to escape their exposed position, they made a dash for the main reception area that was now a scene of total devastation. Glass was scattered everywhere and two men lay motionless in a pool of blood. A receptionist and two secretaries cowered behind what remained of the front desk and Valerie told them to remain face down on the ground if they wished to live. Bringing up the rear, Huxley entered the building, mentally picturing the route to his destination.

Meanwhile, Emily and Claire ran down the main corridor, shooting anything that opposed them. They split their force in two with Emily's and Talbot's section heading straight for the communication centre while Claire proceeded to the production area.

The space held all the equipment necessary for rebuilding them and she was enough of a realist to appreciate that it wouldn't be much longer before they took casualties. Securing it undamaged would be vital in the aftermath of the assault.

Simmonds jumped to his feet as he perceived the roar of the approaching plane and gasped in shock as it careened across the front lawn until it came to rest. As soon as armed men leaped out and started firing, he feared the worst. Most of his forces were patrolling the outer perimeter, the likelihood of an airborne assault having never been considered.

"Send out a general recall," he told Hodges. "Get everybody back here."

"Henderson," he snapped. "Get the defence system online now."

"It'll be five minutes before the coils are at full capacity."

"We should be able to hold them off until then. Network the HKs. Make sure they can all see what's going on."

"What about the main Datacore?" Henderson asked.

"If things go badly, we'll have to blow it. Arm the charges and route the activation sequence to my terminal. Also, call the pilots and tell them to start warming up the chopper."

"Are we leaving?"

"It's just a precaution."

Melanie and two other Infiltrators were with Howard Jackson when a large explosion shook the complex. The sound of approaching gunfire drove them into defensive positions and the woman looked around for likely points of entry.

Glass shattered and several dark objects sailed into view. She ducked for cover but the resultant explosions left her dazed and confused. Forced to reboot, she awoke as one of her companions was struck by several bullets and collapsed dead across a workbench. The man that shot him carried an automatic rifle that swept in her direction. She spun up and shot him then began searching out other targets. Another man was moving too quickly to hit and she realised immediately there were Hybrids amongst the assault force.

The Hybrid sped for cover but the remaining Infiltrator had extrapolated his path and fired once, hitting him in the neck. The Hybrid grunted and fell.

A high-calibre weapon opened up and Melanie watched the Infiltrator disintegrate along with the bench behind which he'd taken refuge. Spotting Howard's cowering figure, she felt the need to hit back at the man for not providing her with adequate means to defend herself. He'd always favoured the Hybrids over her own kind and she suddenly felt great antipathy towards him. Sensing her intent, Howard rolled across the floor narrowly avoiding her first volley. She'd adjusted her aim just as Janice materialised beside her. Even spun up, she couldn't retarget in time to prevent the shotgun obliterating her.

"Please No," Howard screamed as he faced his certain demise.

"Who are you?" Claire demanded.

"Howard Jackson," he replied anxiously.

"Good. I've got instructions to protect you at all costs."

"What do you want?" he whimpered.

"We're taking over the Facility. We'll need you to repair any of us that are injured in the process."

"You're a Hybrid?" he exclaimed, not recognising her profile.

"I'm Claire Savage."

"The prototype?" he gasped.

"Emily's on her way to the command centre while Valerie's attempting to reach Simmonds and the other directors."

"Emily and Valerie are here?" The man was exultant, all his fear dispelled.

"And Natalie. She's going to try and disrupt their internal network."

Howard stood and faced Claire, a father seeing his estranged daughter for the first time.

"I'm so happy to finally meet you Claire. I've always wondered what had become of you."

"I'm afraid the family reunion will have to wait. I'll leave Pete and Janice with you for protection. I need to link up with Emily," Claire informed him as the remainder of her section formed up around her.

"Claire," he told her urgently. "Henderson has constructed some form of defence grid around the Facility. I'm not sure exactly what its capabilities are but I suspect it's some sort of electronic countermeasure."

"Where is it?"

"There are dozens of the units scattered throughout the building. There's one in the corner over there."

Claire ran over to find a square box, the size of a small refrigerator. A digital readout displayed a readiness figure that currently indicated fifty five percent. She watched it climb two percent over the next few seconds and estimated that it would be fully charged within minutes. She relayed her findings over the radio and set off for the communication centre.

Howard scrutinised his security detail and smiled. He remembered Janice from when he'd treated her several weeks ago, as well as the man that was with her. He looked from one to the other, noting how at ease they were in each other's company. Janice touched the man possessively at every opportunity and the man seemed to welcome her attention. With a smile, he sat down as he received final confirmation of the suspicions he'd been forming for some time about the Hybrids and their capabilities.

Emily almost ran into an ambush. A dozen HKs were awaiting their arrival and it was only her ability to spin up that allowed her to escape their fire. One of recruits and another Hybrid were not so lucky. The human died instantly whilst several bullets pierced the Hybrid's body armour and took him offline.

She and Talbot faced each other and took out the last of the EMP grenades.

"On three," she told Talbot as they primed the weapons and counted down.

Both tossed the grenades into the midst of the Hunter Killers and waited for the devices to detonate. Emily crashed and rebooted then followed Talbot and three of the section into the fray. The HKs that were not destroyed fell back under their onslaught but soon found the courage to counter-attack. Two of their squad were wounded whilst Emily and Talbot became pinned down in an alcove, unable to progress or retreat the way they'd come.

"Go back," Emily ordered. "I'll cover you."

"No. It's suicide."

"That's an order Sergeant. I'll draw their fire, get back to the others and find another way to link up with Claire."

Talbot tried to stop her but she was already spinning up and charging forward, expending the last of her ammunition on the advancing HKs. He sprinted back up the corridor and barely perceived Emily take damage from the HK's armour piercing rounds. She fell to the ground and he would have been gunned down himself had someone not pulled him to safety.

"No. No. No," he agonized, seeing Emily's legs fly out from underneath her and her gun clatter noisily along the ground. The HKs converged on her while he and the remainder of the section ran in the opposite direction. Multiple gunshots rang out from the direction in which they'd retreated.

Same as Oceania
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Time for dessert

After dinner seduction He had to wait until his thick pulsing hard cock had a chance to settle down before they were able to leave the restaurant. Paying for the meal and making small talk with the waiter helped to pass the time and achieve the reduction in his boner. God he ached to be alone with Sheri, everything about her turned him on, and the fact that she initiated the discussion about adult nursing blew his mind. Sheri’s comment at the end of the sexy meal they had shared, that they...

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Annabels Awakening

After driving home Annabel thought back on how much her life had changed since the divorce. Her life had revolved around being a good Christian mother and wife, devoting most of her time volunteering at her local ministry. Thirty one at the time, she had looked much older because she was always covered from neck to toe in dark baggy clothes with her hair tied in a bun and she never wore any makeup. Her ex-husband had always complained about her appearance, saying she dress worse than a nun. He...

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Sauna Jim ColemanChapter 3

Jane did a lot of last-minute lobbying for her water rights bill and it passed by the narrowest of margins. She gave a lot of credit to the public reaction to her botched kidnapping; the TV show seemed to help a lot, from what she heard from her fellow senators. Along with Jim, Jane hoped that this spelled the end of the attacks on her, since the bill had passed and was now law under the Sauna government pact. The couple decided to take a vacation from legislative stress; Jim did not have to...

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First Threesome with Mary and with our friend Alic

First Threesome with Mary and our friend Alice (FMF)Ever since I'd met my wife I knew she was the one. We had just the right amount in common and enough differences to make our relationship fun and exciting. One of the ways we really connected was sexually. We both have perverted minds and are both horny most of the time.So I have eased into learning about what my wife, her name is Mary, is into sexually. I felt like I would scare her off if she knew everything I was into. Now there really is...

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Trudi Travel

As a freelance journalist on a small Caribbean island I’m always looking for ideas. Things to write about in a human-interest, non-investigative way. I don’t dig the dirt, don’t look for trouble, just try to find people and things that readers of local magazines will find interesting.That’s why I was at this press conference at a trade show in a fancy hotel (or resort, as they like to call them here). It was a showcase for the island’s travel industry and a networking opportunity for local...

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Youre my cousin CHAPTER1

It was my first day of my senior year and this will be the best year ever! I tried on multiple outfits, My plaid shirts and skinnies, My tube dress with a cardigan, and at last I found it! A perfect low cut v-neck that showed off my 35c cup breasts and jeggings that hugged my butt perfectly, a grey cardigan, and brown boots! I shake my long curled brown hair grab my bag and went on my way downstairs."Goodmorning Chelsea how about a bowl of cereal?""No thanks mom I gotta go to school. Can you...

3 years ago
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The Love of O

Her one weakness was her love of oral. She was expert in giving and she delighted in receiving. Her most extreme orgasms had always been the result of oral stimulation and she would offer herself for hours to receive such feelings. He knew this and shared her love of oral but he particularly loved to give her the pleasures she desired. They posessed a Burgundy red leather upright chair with deep padding and punched buttons and this was her throne. In the evenings she would sit there,...

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My sister in law her friends and Me

Many years ago in 1968 when I was newly married, I was passing thru Pueblo Colorado one morning on my way home from visiting relatives in New Mexico and since I was well ahead of schedule I thought I would stop off at my brother-in-law's house. I pulled into the driveway and noticed a strange car with Texas plates but my brother-in-law's car wasn't there. As usual, I just walked in without knocking and heard music playing quite loud down in the family room. I went down the stairs and as I...

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Melissa Shows Her Appreciation

Living in a college town, I've learned there's always plenty of eye candy, but also a general lack of experience to go with those young hard bodies. However, there's nothing I enjoy more than a young girl that seems so innocent until you've pulled their panties off, and then realize you've unleashed a monster...It was May, just a couple months ago, when I was out for a run by the beach. At the end of a 5 mile stretch, my mind was on a hot shower and a post-workout snack as I made my way through...

4 years ago
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Paradise LagoonChapter 2

It had rained during the night. The roof had done fairly well, just a few places where it dripped. Unfortunately, one place was right on Darcie and she let Mike know in no uncertain terms that he wasn't up to snuff as a builder. 'Oh well, ' he thought. He patched up the roof with additional palm fronds. Breakfast was bananas. The fact that there were banana trees proved people had been here before and planted them. He wondered if there were still people, maybe on the other side. How long...

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College Girls One Night Stand

Author's Note: I wrote this for a blog when I was a freshman in college. It's an awkward blend of fantasy and reality, though in hindsight the more mundane parts got the most creative license. I've spell checked and edited a bit, though it's pretty obvious I didn't do either when I wrote it. Accept my upfront apologies for shifting verb tenses if any have slipped past me. As always, reader feedback is much appreciated. Seriously. It'd be fantastic to hear from anyone. Pretty...

1 year ago
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A Second Chance Ch 4

I booked us into a double at the Comfort Inn. Shug and I took our bags into the room. I’d just set mind down when he gathered me into his arms. He kissed me with a passion and warmth that set my head spinning. In moments we were naked and lying in the double bed farthest from the window. Shug had left the lights on. I could see every feature of him as he lay himself down above me. He kissed me, beginning at my lips, then my forehead, temples, ears. He buried his face in my neck and I could...

3 years ago
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The Higher Order MultiplesChapter 3 We Are Family

The majority of the Travelers were still too shocked, ill, disoriented, depressed, or perhaps some of all that and remained attached to the place they were off loaded. Some few, less than a couple hundred, had ventured out in order to find food and provide for those incapable. Poor food, water, and sanitation alone would kill. Something must be done, must change dramatically, and soon. The left Bub and went to see how the Travelers were preparing their meals. “Scarlett?” Honey asked as she...

1 year ago
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Wild Five

Five Ahoy As he stood at the grand fireside at Mount Hall, Ann's father lit his pipe whilst speaking sporadically in his paternal fashion. "Well I suppose your brother Julian puff- has gained his leadership proficiency at cadet camp; so you wont be puff puff- entirely unsupervised -puff- at Karen Cottage." "Oh Quentin dear, soothed his wife Emily as she continued to knit in the old fireside chair, we've discussed all of this; Ann is growing up now." "Yes, I'm a teenager now father!"...

2 years ago
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Sexy aunt

Hello friend mera name raj ha..aaj ma aap ko real story batane ja raha hu..ja mari aunti or mere sex ki real story ha..ek din meri aunti ne muja awaj mari or bole ka raj tere ankal 2 din ka lea tour par ja rahe ha..or ghar par ma akeli hu.. Agar tum aaj ki raat mere ghar par soo jao to theek hoga..mane ghar par baat ke or mere parents na mara ko asha aunti ka ghar par sona ki parmissione da de.vasa to ma apne mohale ma sav sa acha good boy ban kar rehta hu.to kea ma sona ka lea asha aunti ka...

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The Internet Porn PimpChapter 7

Daisy was so excited after Tyrone broke the connection that she had to call Tricia. “You’ll never guess what I did. I sent my sexy pictures to the pimp. And he said that Black men would be willing to pay money to fuck me if I got some training!” “Wow, that’s so daring Daisy.” “There’s more. I asked him to be my Daddy and he agreed and now I’m his little girl.” “How can he be your Daddy. Aren’t you anonymous?” “He’ll be my virtual Daddy. We’ll just communicate on the web. But he will...

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Vegas party week

I love going out to Vegas, stay up all night gamble all day. I have even hired a few hookers out there. Hookers are great but it just seems like they are acting or always have some place better to be so its rare to find any worth paying. I enjoy the drinking gambling and if some pussy falls in my lap I will fuck it. This story happened to me 20+ years ago.One time at the blackjack table I fire up this convo with this hot red head. She must have been in her mid 40s, me in my early 20s. After...

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Sissy diary episode 2 crossing the border

Dresden 10/21/17I’m sitting in front of my computer and trying to decide on what to write in my Sissy Diary. It’s been a while since my last post and a lot has happened since then. My entire life is entirely different now. I have so much to share.So, what’s changed? Let’s talk about the simple things first: My English has gotten so much better with every day, there is a soccer match currently on air and I’m not even tempted to have the TV on for background noise, for the first time in five...

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Doctors Incestuous FamilyChapter 3 Big Brother Knocked Me Up

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Dr. Bernice Wilson I closed my eyes, my hands rubbing my large, naked breasts as I lay in bed. I had woken up horny again. I felt like a teenager instead of a woman of forty. For the last two weeks, ever since Cheryl Elliston showed up at my gynecological practice pregnant, planting the ridiculous notion that she had been knocked up by her own seventeen-year-old son Clint, I had been thinking of my own son, and not in a motherly way. James was...

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BSC07 the First Lifestyle NudistsChapter 33 Application Accepted

The ‘YIPPEE!’ coming from 10 Rose Lane, Porterville could be heard all down the street. Before the echo had even had a chance to die down Tom Barry was on the telephone calling Belinda and in no time at all she was there with Tom in his bedroom. In Tom’s hand was a large envelope that contained a wordy document from senator Rebecca Arnold’s administration office. Tom and Belinda were just looking at the front page because that one page told them all they needed to know. Emblazoned across...

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milf next door

This is just a little story I thought I would tell about one of my sexual experiences when I was 18yrs old not very good at righting these stories but I will tell it anyway.It was one new years party in my parents house some of the neighbours that lived around the area would come but this year Lisa that lived 2 doors down was there . Lisa must have been about 45/46 not much of a pretty face but what a body she had huge big tits great legs and a fine ass many a night I would wank my big cock...

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Being good to neighbours

My neighbors were a small family only a husband and a wife and no children, we had good relations with them and they were nice people once her husband had to go out of city on a business tour and she was staying here . One of those days while it was still early in the morning I went to her house, I thought she would still be sleeping so I rang her doorbell , she came quickly and I noticed she had not been sleeping , as she took me inside I told her that mom had sent me to invite her to dinner...

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SlutSkank Redemption Part II

SlutSkank Redemption - Part II Our falsely accused (and convicted) protaganist survived his first day in prison. Let's see how Day 2 goes. Part II After the day that I had, I felt like just crashing and getting some sleep but my new roommate, EB Bedding, had other ideas as he had a 1000 questions. The first of which was what happened when Bull pulled me away from the group while they all waited in the locker room awaiting further instructions. I explained to him that I ran into...

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A Helping Hand From a Neighbour

My and I had been married for ten years, and until recently our sex life had been fantastic both personally but we were also swingers, concentrating on the MFM threesome side of the scene and we’d enjoyed sexy fun with over twenty different men. Recently though, my ability to perform was severely restricted, after being diagnosed with emphysema. Sometimes while we were making love, I’d ask her if she missed having another cock at her disposal, but she always said it didn’t really bother her but...

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Grandmother Is My Wife

I am Nandu from Kerala I want to share my sex experience with my grandmother Prema. I am living with my grandmother as my parents are abroad she is 60 years old. My grandfather’s name is Kumaaran. He is having Alzheimer’s disease he is always in his bedroom. My grandmother looks after him for 3 years he does not getup from bed coming to the story my grandmother is really a sex bomb she has 36 size boobs and a great well built figure her boobs are in awesome shape like 2 mountains projecting...

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Destination Wedding

Destination weddings. Trips to destinations that cost a bundle, but fun can be had. I received my invitation for my best friend’s daughter’s wedding in Naples Florida. This was the first event that I considered going to after the death of my wife. It had been almost a year since she passed and I was considering this trip as my ‘getting restarted’ trip. It was time to start socializing again. I called my buddy that has a waterfront condo in Naples to see if it was available. To my delight the...

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The Games Of Bitches And Bastards Part 4 Entry of Anasuya and Sheila

Recap: We were in the master bedroom having a passionate threesome. I fucked Savitha for 15 minutes so hard spanking her ass and finally ejaculated in her ass. Till then I thought we were just three in the bungalow. But there were ‘eyes to the doors and ears to the walls’. Present: Soon after ejaculating my love juices into one of the finest assholes, I realized that the was someone behind the half-closed door of the master bedroom. I just went there and opened the door. I found Anusuya...

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Threesome With Cousins

This amazing incident took place when I had gone to my native for vacations. My cousin Rahul also had come and we stayed at our aunt’s house. Our cousin Saji had just graduated from college. She was 3 years elder to us. She had nice firm boobs that were damn white with pink soft nipples. She was thin and tall and looked very much appealing when she used to wear traditional dresses. We three were free all day and used to hangout. One day we were roaming in some nearby fields when all of a sudden...


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