A Charming ChoiceChapter 3 free porn video

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So the next day we all piled into the family SUV and drove out to the farm. There was a long lunch while the grownups caught up with one another, and then my part of the family left for home.

Thad was a year older than I, although I was just as tall as he was. April was two years older and she had really blossomed since I had seen her the previous summer, not nearly as much as Maddie of course, but April was filling out nicely. She was pretty and wore her dirty blonde hair straight and shoulder length, like most girls her age.

Aunt Martha was a round little woman who wore lots of loose sweatshirts. She had plenty of energy though, and loved to cook. Uncle Jonathan was tall, rangy and never had much to say. When he did talk I often didn't catch on. I learned later that he had a dry wit that was lost on a kid my age.

Thad, of course, was the main reason I was down on the farm. He was the leader of our twosome and that was okay with me. We spent most mornings doing chores, and then we would have the afternoon to ourselves. We hiked and biked and went fishing and goofed off and did pretty much what we wanted. Aunt Martha required that one of us keep a radio with us for emergencies, and Uncle Jonathan threatened us with awesome punishment if we got into trouble.

Thad was a member of a club of farm boys something like the scouts. When they planned an overnight camping trip at a local lake, I was invited. We arrived at the lake in the early morning and spent the day canoeing and learning camping skills. There was a big cookout of burgers and hotdogs that night. Then we sat around a bonfire while the leaders tried to scare us with ghost stories while we ate s'mores.

Thad and I spent the night in a tent with five other guys. I was using Uncle Jonathan's sleeping bag and air mattress. When they turned off the lights it was pitch dark, and I felt warm and cozy. We had been firmly told to shut up and go to sleep, but there was little chance of that. The guys in my tent whispered about one thing and another, especially girls. I wasn't saying much because these guys knew one another and I didn't. Eventually things grew quiet, and then one of the guys said, "Hey, let's have a jack-off contest."

A couple of the other boys agreed, but Thad said, "Oh come on you guys."

"Hey, don't spoil a good time," said the first voice. "Are you in, Jason?"

It was nice to be singled out. I had spent the day known only as Thad's cousin. Besides, now that my mind was on the subject of jacking off, I realized that I was really horny. Being a guest at my aunt and uncle's house had thrown me off my masturbation schedule.

"Okay, sure," I said. After all, it wasn't as if anyone was going to see anything. I couldn't see my hand in front of my face.

The first voice spoke up again. "Great. Okay, the rules are the first one to pop off wins. But to be fair, you have to tell everyone when you're about to do it, so everyone can have a chance to win."

There was a general rustle of clothing and the sound of sleeping bags being unzipped. I really didn't care about winning, but getting my rocks off sounded like a great idea about then. By the time I got my sleeping bag open, my dick was already hard. I wrestled it out of my underwear and held it steady with my left hand while I began to stroke with my right. I reached under my cot and retrieved a damp towel that I had used to dry myself earlier in the day after we'd gone swimming. I was going to use it to catch my cum, so I spread it across my stomach and chest. It was quiet in the tent except for the sound of skin rubbing against skin and the occasional soft moan, which usually brought on a giggle or two.

I let my mind roam as I stroked. Visions of girls and boobs, smooth legs and pussies flitted through my head, but I kept coming back to April. I'd been around her the last few days, and several times I'd caught her looking at me. She was sexy, not like the way Maddie was sexy, but April was sexy in a cute way. I could imagine playing with those high set mounds on her chest and sticking my tongue in her mouth. The cum began to boil in my nuts and I knew that I was about to blow my wad. For a second, I didn't say anything. I didn't care about any contest, having a nice cum was good enough. But just to go along, I said, "I'm close." About five seconds passed. I was really whipping my hand over the sensitive head of my cock when I heard someone say, "Now."

Four flashlights clicked on. The beams of light jerked around and quickly settled on my dick, which was spewing cum by then. I had become proficient in keeping my output from making a mess, so I had my big cock pointed upward. The strings of cream were flying nearly to the top of the tent before raining down on my towel. At that point, I didn't care how many lights were on me or how many people were watching, I continued to spurt a healthy dozen more creamy shots onto that towel.

"Holy shit," said one of the boys in awe.

"Damn, I reckon," said another. "Look at the size of that thing."

"Are we supposed to make that much stuff?" asked another.

By then, I was regaining my senses. I realized what had happened. I was the new guy and the butt of a joke. No one had been whacking off but me. I looked over at Thad. He wasn't holding one of the lights, but he hadn't stopped the others. I was about to say a few choice words, when someone thumped on the outside of the tent.

"Okay, that's enough talk in there. You boys get to sleep." It was one of the leaders.

Lights clicked off, and no one had anything else to say. The next morning, there was a big breakfast and a meeting. I was the subject of a lot of stares. It was kind of embarrassing, but a lot of the guys had looks of envy on their face.

After we ate, Thad and I walked back to take down the tent alone. "Hey, man, I'm sorry about last night. I should have clued you in."

"Don't worry about it," I said.

"Thanks." We didn't speak for several seconds and then he said, "Dude, you know you're awesomely hung, don't you?"

"Yeah, pretty much," I said and that was that.

The day after we got back from the camping trip, Thad had a dental appointment. I was going to go along just to have something to do, but at breakfast that morning April whispered to me, "Stay here, we'll hang out or something."

That suited me. It was going to be a two hour round trip plus the time at the dentist, plus the time Aunt Martha would spend running errands. So I told them I was tired, and would just stay at the farm.

"Wimp," Thad said, with a grin.

"Hey, if your teeth weren't so rotten..." I retorted. To tell the truth, I wasn't entirely over the joke he'd allowed to be played on me in the tent.

Aunt Martha gave us a bevy of rules and warnings. They boiled down to don't do anything stupid and Jonathan is in the field, just a radio call away. They left and April and I were left to look at each other. We were both wearing tee shirts and shorts, though she filled out her tee shirt better than I did mine.

"Let's play a video game," April said.

"Okay, if you want," I said. I was surprised. Thad had said that she almost never played. That was the main reason the game was set up in his bedroom. We went there.

"What would you like to play?" I asked.

"Pick something you want," she said.

I chose a spy game where the two players had to cooperate in order to complete the missions. When our two black suited players appeared on the screen I said, "This first mission is easy. We have to break into this house and steal some plans from a safe."

"I'll follow you," she said.

I was becoming aroused. Not by the game of course, but April was sitting only inches away. We were brushing arms as we manipulated the controllers, and she smelled really nice.

I broke into the house and took out the first bad guy, and the second one and the third. I knew that I could probably finish this easy first mission on my own, but I wanted to get April involved. So I stopped in a hallway and said, "Okay, I know there's a bad guy on the left just around this next corner. Move past me and face the wall on the left."

It was obvious that April didn't play video games much. Her character tended to walk in circles and run into things. It took a few seconds, but then she managed to get into place. "Now just slide to the right through the door and shoot him," I told her.

Her character slid right, but too far. The crosshairs for her gun went past her target.

"Oops, back left," I said, "before he shoots you."

Instead of sliding left, April spun her character left, sending the crosshairs spinning until she was pointed away from the bad guy. He opened fire, shooting April in the back.

"Turn ... shoot," I said, "before he kills you."

"Where is he?" April cried. She sent the crosshairs waving around wildly as she fired. Holes appeared in the walls, ceiling and floor – everywhere but in the bad guy. After a few seconds, April's side of the screen went from pink to red and then black. She was dead.

"What happened?" she asked.

I couldn't help it. I broke up laughing and managed to choke out, "I think you missed him."

April began to giggle. We played like that for an hour, laughing at one another's mistakes. At one point, April said, "I like playing with you. Thad is always so serious and gets mad when I can't play as well as he does."

I wasn't about to do anything that would make her unhappy so I kept my suggestions light and if we died we died. Moving around on the soft mattress had brought us together. We were touching from shoulder to ankle and I had a hard-on that wouldn't quit.

Finally, when both our characters had gone to spy heaven for about the tenth time, April stood and put her controller on the shelf. She said, "Let's get something to drink."

We went into the kitchen where she poured cola and ice into a couple of glasses. We went into the living room. She took a seat on the sofa and patted the space next to her. I happily sat down. Like Thad's mattress, the old sofa sagged with our weight until we were almost touching.

"This is cool," April said. "I don't think we've ever spent this much time together alone."

"Yeah, it's nice," I agreed. I gulped down half my drink, not sure of what to say or do next. My dick had softened a bit in the kitchen, but now it was heading back to throbbing status.

April had plenty of plans though. She arranged two coasters on the coffee table that was situated in front of the couch. She put her barely touched drink on one coaster. Then, as she took my drink from my hand and put it on the other coaster, she said, "Let me show you something." Then she leaned over and kissed me. To say that I was surprised would be an understatement. I had a real live, pretty girl planting her lips on mine. To my credit, I didn't bite her or spread spit all over her cheeks. I guess I was a little stiff, though. After a few searing seconds, she put her fingers to my cheeks and with a little shake, she said, as her lips brushed mine, "Loosen up."

I softened my lips, and sensations that had been good became ... sensational. We kissed until we became breathless and had to stop. We separated and April sat back. I figured that was the end of that little experiment. I was planning to excuse myself and go to the bathroom, where I could get rid of what was becoming a heavy load of cum, when April said, "Let's do it with tongues."

Before I could tell her how enthusiastic I was about that idea, she was on top of me once more. Her tongue went between my lips and I returned the favor. An exciting tingle raced through my loins as she teased and flicked her tongue in my mouth. My hands began to roam over her shoulders and back. After grazing her breasts a couple of times, I took the leap and cupped one of her mounds. She moaned into my mouth and moved in a way that encouraged me to feel her up. Talk about dreams coming true. If only the guys from the camping trip could see me now. Well ... obviously not Thad.

April's hands did roaming of their own. She started with both hands on my chest, but pretty soon one of them slid down until it hit something long and rigid. She traced the length of my aching cock with her fingers.

"Did I do that?" she asked with a grin.

"I've been hard since we were playing the video game. Your tits are amazing," I said. My hand was still gently kneading her breast. For what seemed like a long time, but was probably just a minute, we silently groped at one another.

"I'll show you mine if you'll show me yours," April said with a giggle.

"Okay," I agreed quickly.

April rearranged herself on the couch. She turned and gathered her legs under her butt. Then she stretched and pulled off her tee shirt, leaving her breasts encased in her bra. It was the bra of a young teen, frilly and pink, complete with a neat little bow in front. I shoved my shorts down to my ankles, leaving my cock to strain against my pre-cum stained undershorts. We both hesitated, but then April's fingers went to that little bow between her tits and she unclasped the cups. She shrugged her shoulders and, in a second, her bra was laying on top of her discarded tee shirt.

That made it my turn, so I lifted my ass and shoved my tighty-whities down to my ankles. I was slumped on the couch so my cock swung until the head lay on my stomach somewhere above my navel. It was hard, but I swear it got harder when I looked at April's tits. They weren't big, but they were high on her chest and tapered to dark red nipples.

"Wow, you've got a big one," April said as she gave my twitching cock an approving look.

I smiled and said, "I bet you've seen them on the Internet."

April nodded. "My friend Beth can watch anything she wants. So we look at boys and couples and whatever."

"Maddie watches guys too," I said.

April frowned and said, "She's kind of young for that, isn't she?"

I didn't want to get into some argument about what Maddie should or shouldn't be doing. I put a hand on one of April's tits and rubbed the nipple with my palm. Then I took my cock in hand and gave myself a slow stroke.

"Mmmm ... that's nice," Maddie said. She watched my hand for a minute. "So that's how you do it?"

"Well, a little faster than that," I said, as I sped up my stroke. We both laughed at that.

"Let me do it," she said.

"Sure," I said. I wasn't about to refuse.

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Hi, Mom. Hello, Dear. How was school? It was ok, but I couldn’t think much about anything more than our trip to Germany. Where will we go? What will we do? When will we leave? How long will we stay? Slow down. Slow down. We are still trying to decide all those things. Your father is negotiating with his company to see if we can manage an extended trip or if we have to squeeze into a regular two week US vacation. A US vacation? I thought we were talking about going to Germany. We are. I...

3 years ago
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Tanks For The Mammaries

SUMMARY: This story is an original literary work. I wrote a story just to stretch my creative muscles. All scientists in this work are fictional. Any resemblance to anyone living, dead or born in the future, is purely coincidental. WARNINGS: Contains transgender themes, Sci-Fi, explicit sex, mild violence, bad words, and strange ideas. It has only the strange things that dribble from my head. If you are not old enough, mature enough, open minded enough, and especially not smart...

3 years ago
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Tingles Fifteen

TINGLES FIFTEEN By Katharine Sexkitten Since Brad's party, now twelve nights ago, my life of tingles had become an almost never-ending series of firsts. First gay kiss. First gay sex. First time wearing lingerie and feminine clothes. First time a man held me in his arms and kissed me and romanced me. First time sucking a cock, willingly, and first time swallowing cum. Most assuredly very willingly. YUM! The first time being fucked. First time being made love to. The...

1 year ago
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Lot of taking care of

It was the grandfather of all rugby tackles. I was running like hell, the ball tucked firmly under my arm – I glanced over my shoulder, to see a pursuer dangerously close, and then it happened. It was like the business about an irresistible force meeting an immovable object, except that it was more like one irresistible force meeting another.He appeared from nowhere, head down, arms widespread, and we must have collided at a combined speed of about forty miles an hour. He bounced me into the...

2 years ago
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Nothing Left To Lose

This is my first submission to Literotica. I also extend my sincerest apologies to NTRmaster for hijacking his ‘Reunited’ series, in my foolish attempts to offer some smidgen of resolution to the pathetic life of Terence. ***** My name is Terence, but most would just know me as the cuckold wimp that people could push around, humiliate and ruin. His name was Todd. But I just remember him as the asshole bastard motherfucker who ruined my life. Amy, Angela, and Lisa. They were beautiful women...

1 year ago
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Juicy Pussy

I have been reading SS for some time now and I would like to share my experiences. This happened about 5 years ago at work place. She, a Punjabi was my subordinate, about 32 years, married and the husband was working outstation. Daily she will be in the control room for about 4 hours a day and all the while I had no intention of having sex with her though I had quietly looked at her chest. She had big boobs and solid butt. Use to wonder how she is coping with her husband away. Out of the blues...

3 years ago
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The Brazilian Ambassadors WifeChapter 1

The Brazilian Ambassador's wife was an absolute total fox! Gabrielle Dominquez y Montefiore was descended from Iberian aristocracy and spoke pure Castillian and her English was flavored with a British flavor that made her sexier with every word she spoke. Gabrielle or "Gabby" as she was known to the entire international diplomatic crowd also spoke French with the distinct inflection of upper class Parisian society. The truth was that Gabby was more plebian in her roots. Her mother was a...

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Threes Company

This is a story of every woman's fantasy. It basically started about 21/2 years ago.  My friend came over one afternoon to talk with me.  We had been friends for a number of years.  It started off so innocently.  We exchanged email addresses and started writing back and forth.  We did this for a few years.  Sex never entered intot the conversations.  But, my friend was a very attractive man and he literally reeked of sexuality.  It was just a matter of time before we took it to the next level....

Group Sex
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The French Couple from the Spa

In the mid 1990s I used to go a naturist spa in north London, the days before it built in playrooms and became a swingers meet spot as well as a naturist Spa. I loved going there and being naked in front of other people. I would regularly talk to people, single men, single women and couples, and learnt a lot about people who went there. I had a regular night (Tuesday) as this fitted best for work, and I would arrive at about 6pm and leave at about 10 or 11pm feeling totally relaxed. As I said...

2 years ago
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Married woman is taken forcefully by her doctor

After almost sixteen years of marriage, like many couples, are sex life had become stale and almost nonexistent. Before then we had a very conventional but healthy sex life, but without any particular excitement. For several days I had a pain in my left breast which was bothering me and I finally got around to booking an appointment with my GP. It was late in the evening when I finally was shown into his surgery. I had been at the end of a line of other patients that had taken longer than he...

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The Van

Introduction: This is not a finished work. It still needs to be fleshed out, and is not very descriptive. I just wanted to see what people thought so far. I was walking through the Walmart parking lot, my mothers prescription in hand. It was so busy when I got here, I had to park way in the back, practically in the office depot parking lot. I remembered being frustrated on the walked into the store that I had to cross the gigantic black top in 110 degree weather. I was wearing a button up dress...

4 years ago
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Sweeties Beginings Part 4

When we got back to Danielle's (and now my) apartment, Danielle went to the kitchen and began cooking dinner. I began unloading the boxes I had brought, moving them into her bedroom. After getting the boxes into a corner of the room, and hanging my work clothes in the little space I could find in her closet, I went in to help her with dinner. "Oh, hi sweetie. Why don't you help me out by cutting up these carrots for the salad," she said, handing me the bag of carrots she had...

2 years ago
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Yes Mr Shaver part 2

His eyes quickly shot back when I gasped slightly, a shiver going down straight from my breasts to my crotch as Travis rubbed his splayed palms in a circular motion over my tightened nipples. I watched him lick his lips, obviously becoming aroused at my exposure and humiliation. “I hear you’ve been harassing my administrative assistant in the elevator.” Mr. Shaver’s stern voice contrasted greatly with his casual pose behind his desk. I watched the confusion and worry pass over...

1 year ago
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Blacked Tiffany Tatum Living My Best Life

Tiffany has been wanting to end things with her boyfriend for a few months now, but it’s like he has a sixth sense – he has showered her with gifts to keep her happy – and it has worked. His latest gift is a trip to Greece – she has always wanted to visit, and it’s only one more week. With her boyfriend keeping close by at all times, she has been flirting with the waiter at the resort and over her time there, the tension has grown to be practically unbearable. So...

4 years ago
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Motherinlaw Her sister me Pt2

The morning came and over breakfast l asked where was the nearest sex shop, Molly said there was one in town but she didn’t want to go there as someone could see her going in but found another in Kingslyn and would prefer we go there, so Kingslyn it was, l suggested we make a day of it and have lunch, Molly liked the idea. She finished her breakfast and went for a shower when l joined her she had her back to me, l reached around to her front to play with her tits then slid one of my hands...

1 year ago
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Jo and Me and Dave Makes Three

This story is the sequel of my “Boyz To Men In The RV”. In that story, I met Jo and her husband Dave for lunch near their home in Springfield , Pennsylvania . I hooked up with Jo several months earlier on an erotic literature site. She seemed to like the picture of my erect cock that I had posted on the site and commented that she would like to sit on it. But, commenting on another posted pic, she also offered to lick off the cum that was oozing out of my pee slit and running down the shaft of...

4 years ago
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The Third Door

This is my first story so be gentle. I walk past the doors and instantly it’s as if i’m walking into a different world. A world of sex, music and the flashes of colorful lights. My lips turn into a grin as I look around to see all the various couples engaged in different acts of almost animalistic fucking. I can feel my panties becoming wet as I bite softly on my bottom lip but I turn to the hallway and begin walking because i’m here for something else. I continue walking until I reach the...

2 years ago
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Its Donkey TimeChapter 8

Belinda blinked, surprised by that frantic baying from just outside the room. Curious, she slid from the bed, laying a slippery track in the wake of her sliding ass, and walked over to the window. She gasped at what she saw. Five big dogs were bounding and leaping about, slobbering and squirming--and every one of the excited brutes had a huge hard-on swinging under his loins! It was a sight that thrilled Belinda, who had been having fond thoughts concerning bestiality, to the very core of...

4 years ago
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Third Day Being Gay

After my first two days experimenting with gay sex, I was feeling extra adventurous. I had been ultra conservative thus far, only sucking 3 guys total and only swallowing two loads. I changed my online profile from being an inexperienced 19yo looking to suck cock to being a teen bottom that wanted his ass fucked. My inbox FLOODED with replies. Many hot older tops looking to get a piece of my 19yo hole. The first two experiences I had with cocks were not very impressive, size wise, so I was on a...

2 years ago
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My Twentieth High School Reunion Ch 2

I asked Kathy, "What time do you have to be home?"Kathy snuggled a little closer and said, "Bob's out of town, I'm free for the next two days!""Can I stay for the night and a breakfast in bed?” Kathy’s grin spoke volumes. “I think we deserve a reunion!”My mouth hung open as she pulled my head to hers and quickly inserted her tongue into the opening.We kissed for several moments and as we slowly parted lips, I said in my best sales voice, “Well, in that case, let me be the first to congratulate...

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It's hard after the fact to be sure, because the memory is affected by everything else that happened. I think I expected something, or suspected something, but who could know? There was something about her, something more distant than the usual chasm, even with the little faux-sultry looks I was getting, and her use of "sweetie," and what seemed to be her almost uncontrollable laughter. Was the ground thawing at last? Judith was completely agreeable on everything, kidding about everything,...

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A Journey To Remember

Hello friends, main hu Raj..aaj main aap ko jo story batane ja raha hu wo mere sath ghati hui ek sachchi ghatna hai.. Agar aap ko meri story pasand aati hai to aap mujhe mala is email id par bata sakte hai. Any girl, aunty, bhabhi who wants to have secret relationship can contact me. So without wasting your time I will tell you my sory. Pune se engineering complete karne k bad main benglore me job kar raha tha. 3-4 months me mera pune aana jana laga rehta tha. Ekbar aise hi holidays me main...

3 years ago
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The House of Freaks Episode One

One week before my birthday."Fam' you trippin', she comin' man."My boys' are trying to get me out of my slump.Oh, why am I in such a down mood? It's because of Carissa. I'm extremely anxious of her visiting.See, Carissa moved to an out of state university, and I barely get to see her. We video chat as much as we can. She's doing well, may I add. Her major is business, and her minor is language."Man, where is we gone have this party at?" My friend Shawn asked."The real question is when," I...

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Franks Holiday

I decided that I needed a break so decided to take a run down to the coast for a week to recharge the batteries and get some rest, Sally wasn’t happy that I was going alone so if I am honest it was no surprise that when I returned home there was a note on the kitchen table, Sally had decided to move on and with Lisa at college I had my house to myself although I will probably have a new tenancy manager.Lets talk about my holiday, I had rented a room in a guest house on the Cornish coast...

3 years ago
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A Married Guys First Time to Bareback Bottom

From my other story about my fist time sucking cock, you can tell that I am married, but like to use xHamster to jack off and enjoy my alone time. I have ventured out to use Craigslist a lot lately and from my other story, you know that recently, I sucked my first cock, and swallowed my first load. After that experience, I was wondering if I would turn into a slut and just suck every cock that I could find, but luckily … that didn’t happen. I decided to be very choosey when I was with another...

2 years ago
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White TrashChapter 2 Tinas Turn

I found the skeezy slut sitting on my deck steps rubbing her cunt and hitting the bottle of Jack. "Shit, that girl can hold some liquor," I thought, amazed at how much the tiny whore could put down and party on. I just hoped she wouldn't pass out or have to go to the hospital for alcohol poisoning before I fucked her. I grabbed her just below the barbed wire looking tattoo on her arm and said, "Let's go, skank. I'm gonna tear your ass up!" "Yeah, fuck me good, asshole. Make me feel...

2 years ago
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Journey before Destination

With a lazy hand, she reached out for the phone beside her on the bed, picking it up and blinking wearily at the screen, running a thumb across it, a mechanical motion which she put no thought into as she tried to clear the sleep from her eyes and mind. She pursed her lips slowly and furrowed her brow, it was half an hour before her alarm was set to go off. Blinking a few more times, still unaccustomed to the early morning light, she set her phone down and leaned up on her elbows, listening...

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