OstafrikaChapter 8: Retreat free porn video

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Gerda and the first aid party try an erect some canvas shelters over the wounded lying on the ground. In the middle of the camp, the Captain remains standing, as the sun gets higher in the sky. A man takes him some water; he doesn't acknowledge or attempt to take the bottle. The man leaves it on the ground next to him.

It is about mid-morning before they see movement along the road from Rungwa, a party of riders and some wagons. The first-aiders watch nervously as the distant procession makes it's way towards them.

They see the Captain check his revolver again and then hold it in two hands across the front of his body.

Presently, the party of riders approach. Gerda's heart leaps as she spots her Leutnant beside me. Leaps with delight and apprehension as she eyes the bitter English Captain.

I also have George Carpentier beside me as interpreter. Tucked in behind him in the saddle is his native companion Shona. She refuses to leave his side.

I have tried to achieve some respectability, a bath and my full white Naval uniform. The Leutnant is in the same Khaki with which he went to battle last night. As usual his battered wide-brimmed hat with one side pinned to the crown, graces his head. Attached to the East African badge is the black and white hackle of the Uhlans.

Seeing the Captain standing there all alone, I trot my horse to him and ask for his firearm. There is no response, therefore I ask George Carpentier to translate for me.

"The Hauptmann asks for your weapon," George tells him in English.

Still the man does not look up. He seems completely broken, so I search around for someone else to whom I may communicate. Presently a Corporal with the red cross of the Medical Corps on his arm approaches. Through Carpentier, I ask him what his needs are.

He begs assistance with the wounded for they are overwhelmed. I have brought some wagons so I suggest we take all those able to travel back to Rungwa. The Corporal gratefully accepts our offer.

"Corporal, would you be so kind as to prevail upon your Captain to give up his weapon? I cannot permit him to go armed," I ask the man.

"I'll try sir," he replies, "but the Captain... he's not himself sir."

Before he reaches the Officer, Harris spins on his heels and comes over to me. He hands the revolver, butt first to me and stiffly bows.

"I am Captain Harris, sir, senior Officer."

"Hauptmann Ritter," I tell the Britisher, "Kommandant of Rungwa."

"Ah and Leutnant Spangenburg is..."

I look around to find Spangenburg in the arms of Gerda Carpentier.

"The Leutnant is busy," I tell the Captain.

Having overseen the situation at the British camp, I ride with the British Captain back to Rungwa. He speaks little, but is polite and civil. Upon his face is an expression similar to euphoria. I fear the Britisher has quite lost his wits.

Leutnant Spangenburg has elected to remain behind with Gerda, who has chosen to care for a number of the British wounded. Carpentier, therefore, accompanies me as interpreter, his Black woman tucked behind his back.

Back at Rungwa, I take the Captain to the hotel to meet his General. I give them a few moments alone. I presume they have much to talk about.

"Sorry business, old boy!" the General tells the Captain. "Damn it man, didn't you get my dispatch? Bloody French! Never should have relied on the bounder."

"I received your letter, sir," the Captain replies.

"Well!" the General blusters, "why the deuce didn't you act on it?"

"I... I don't know sir," the Captain says miserably.

"Don't know? What the devil an answer is that. Don't know? You're a commissioned Officer in His Majesty's Imperial Armed Forces, what the hell do you mean by 'you don't know.' You're supposed to know, God damn it!"

"Sir, I believed I could carry out my orders. I didn't want to distract Brigade from it's objective."

"What? That, my boy, is not your business. You've taken far too much upon yourself. What General Aitken chooses to do with the army is HIS business. Your duty was to inform him, Captain, and allow HIM to assess what to do. You've behaved like a damned amateur! Allowed yourself to be embarrassed by a rag-tag bunch of Hun part-timers and a crowd of milling Africans. This will just not do, Captain, not do at all!"

"Sorry sir..."

"Damned right you're sorry, Captain. And I'll make sure you stay sorry. You shall never, sir, command soldiers again, if I have anything to do with it. Frightful mess!"

Sullen and dispirited following his audience with the General, Harris stumps off under guard to his lodgings in another room at the hotel.

By the end of a day's hard riding, the Lancers' messenger comes into contact with the patrols of the British Expeditionary Force. It takes him another 2 hours to find Major General Aitken, the Force Commander. Exhausted and barely able to utter a sound, he brings the first word of the disaster at Rungwa. The General promptly calls a conference of his senior Officers and orders the Messenger to attend on them.

Now with the British army, as with all armies, a private is reduced to a quivering wreck in the presence of Generals. The poor Lancer is mercilessly grilled by these Officers as they try to gain a picture of the strategic situation.

Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck has led these Generals a merry dance throughout the colony of East-Africa. Consistently out-foxed, they are beginning to believe the German commander is a magician, able to know their decisions the instant they make them. Receiving little by way of intelligence from Mozambique, and then only from some panicky Portuguese, they begin to form the belief that our General has done it again. Perhaps, they believe, Lettow has outflanked them and is heading north as they head south. It would, after all, be typical of the man. This has been the only concrete sign of German arms for weeks and not from Portuguese Mozambique, but square on their flank.

They must, therefore, conform to Lettow's movements, as they understand them. Turn towards Rungwa, secure the town, then pursue Lettow North. Consequently orders are sent throughout the entire 55000-man army. They are to head for Rungwa by way of the headwaters of the river Rukwa.

The British and Indian refugees come straggling in towards the main army. Each has a tale to tell, one of courage and tenacity in the face of overwhelming might. None of these men, however, is party to the full picture. The only ones who know the reality of what went on there, are enjoying the hospitality of the Rungwa hotel.

Consequently, the British Generals hear of ambushes by superior numbers, each brilliantly executed by von Lettow himself. Indeed, some remember the General on a tall white charger... or black, directing proceedings personally. Few of these men would argue that they haven't been in a fight with the entire German defence force. Surely Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck is the only one capable of defeating the Bengal Lancers. All this confirms to the Generals that they are correct. Von Lettow is heading north and has just smashed the Rungwa scouting force. So the pattern here continues.

Such faulty military intelligence is not unknown throughout history and certainly not the preserve of the British Army. It is exacerbated, however, with the remoteness and vastness of Africa and the long lines of communications. It doesn't help, though, having the brooding hostility or indifference of the population to contend with. If only the British paid more attention to the natives, for they have an excellent communication network of their own, then perhaps their fortunes may have been better.

Within a day, we know the enemy is moving upon us with his full force.

Now is the time of anxious waiting. We must confirm the enemy's line of march before choosing the route for our withdrawal. Then we must ensure they have put as much distance between themselves and the river Pangali as possible. Thus we will give ourselves the best chance of meeting our waiting steamer unmolested.

At the average speed of a marching army, consisting mostly of walking infantry, it should take them five days to reach Rungwa at their best speed. That is presupposing they are not held up somewhere by unseasonal rains, broken bridges and such like. I intend to wait until they are but one day's march away before effecting the withdrawal.

The saloon of the Rungwa Hotel is now cluttered with wounded men of both sides. There are perhaps close to 100 souls with various wounds ranging from the life threatening to broken bones and such like. Through the day, more men are found and brought in, some suffering terribly from dehydration having been left under the hot sun all morning.

Some of the more grievously injured, those not expected to live, still lie in the tiny British hospital tent some 20 kilometres away. Gerda, however, and the Leutnant return accompanying the wagons containing the less seriously wounded British and Indians.

This is an emergency that recognises no National boundaries. British and German medics tend each other's soldiers sharing the common denominator of humanity. In the middle of such bitterness this is a miracle and a sight that gives us hope for the future.

The civilians over the river have all returned to their homes. Dr Otto and Frau Otto have immediately taken charge of our hospital. Other of the citizens are busy patching up any damage their houses suffered last night. The erstwhile owner of the cottage that houses Spangenburg, a trader, berates me as to its condition. He tells me it's full of bullet holes and demands it be repaired to his satisfaction. I have, I tell him, rather more pressing matters than the repair of a cottage.

Some of the white residents of Rungwa pitch in and help with the wounded. Others however seem more interested in their own comfort. This is often the way. George Carpentier, and indeed all the English speakers, are performing translation duties. His Shona wanders around after him somewhat at a lost.

The Brigadier comes down from his rooms upstairs and offers comfort to his soldiers. The Captain, though, chooses to remain in a sulk, ensconced in his apartments. He's playing cards, I'm told, with his Askari guard. Such strange behaviour! How can he remain unconcerned when some hundred of his men lie suffering below?

Such of the men that are able to stand unaided are encouraged to sit outside on the lawn, allowing more room for the more serious cases. The hotel staff have erected the brightly coloured awnings to offer some protection from the sun. The hotel concierge is quite beside himself, for most of his 'guests' now are coloured. He complains that his staff now have to thoroughly scrub down the whole hotel with carbolic soap. I can't stand the man!

Leutnant Spangenburg returns to his lodgings with Gerda. They are exhausted and fall asleep in each other's arms. Before he slumps into unconsciousness, Gerda elicits a promise that they will in future fight side by side. Fearless of the foe and contemptuous of the rigours of campaigning, he is forced to submit before the flickering eyelashes and soft skin of a beautiful woman.

George Carpentier takes Shona back to his house that evening. They too are tired after the day's activities. Shona is delighted to be at last lodged in her 'proper' place, in her husband's home.

Such remarkable things are happening here in the midst of war and suffering. Perhaps, George and Shona will eventually become the way of things out in Africa. Maybe, though, it's just an aberration in the midst of chaos. In generations to come it maybe that whole communities will consist of tan-coloured people living in a society that is a blend of the African and the European. It is for men like George Carpentier to say; he will not send his inter-racial issue to native villages to be raised apart from white society. Only then will we see any shifting of attitudes from that displayed by the concierge. And, indeed, the crackpot, intellectual bigotry of Dr. Otto.

Yes, I have learned many things out in Africa. We come as teachers to leave as students. Africa does that to you.

George Carpentier learnt Swahili from books written by German scholars who'd studied East Africa in the years following its inclusion in the Empire. He is grateful he lives in such a scientific and intellectual age. He is not pleased, however, that he lives at a time of the most savage war in human history. This is the true end of the Victorian era in world affairs. The diplomatic system that had deterred the great powers from slaughtering each other since the time of Napoleon has degenerated into this time of secret alliances and self-interest.

George is a thinker; an intellectual, humanist, scientist and a closet Fabian. For all his idealism he had found an Africa, not waiting to be brought to civilisation, but a civilisation waiting to be brought to the world. It had disturbed him how little his fellow Europeans understood what was under their very noses.

Although married to a rich daughter of an adventurous family, he did not really believe in the institution of marriage. It was, after all, merely a way the capitalist sorts out property issues and, at it's worst, another form of slavery. In Gerda he felt he'd had a spiritual union welding his missionary zeal to her thirst for adventure and foreign parts. They both, though, had changed. Africa does that.

Instead of adventure, she'd found isolation, hard work and drudgery. Rather than a culture thirsting for his guidance, he'd found a people steeped in their own mores and customs. And these customs had been perfectly adapted over many thousands of years to the land in which they lived.

Above all, he'd found a relaxed attitude to sex and marriage. He'd supposed girls were forced into marriages unwillingly, but this is not so. Girls can and do choose freely although formal arrangements are organised by the families concerned. They differ, however, in having the freedom to experiment well before their wedding day. By that time, the bride has often had a number of lovers. He'd also discovered a carefree interest among them in the European man's body.

One day his students invited him down to their water hole. There he'd found a dozen teenagers of both sexes laughing and cavorting in the water, totally naked. What's more, he discovered, these teens were quite happy to touch each other. He stood transfixed while a girl with large breasts invited the boys to suckle her like babies. There was more hilarity when one of the boys waved his large penis in her face. This sex play, though, did not seem to include intercourse. Apparently these African teenagers are encouraged to exercise some discipline in that regard.

Laughing, he was encouraged to shed his own clothes. He was then subjected to 'examination' by these delightful young teenagers as both girls and boys poked, prodded and eventually fondled him. The afternoon came to a conclusion when he discovered two girls servicing two boys with their mouths. They said they were having a contest. A third teenager then volunteered to perform the same act upon him. He discovered she was the same teenager with the large breasts he'd seen earlier. His voyage into what some might term depravity had begun when her mouth closed over his member.

Africa had awoken in him a taste for the young, black female body. As hard as he tried to resist, it was there waiting for him the next day, and the next.

George shows Shona around her new home. She stares in wide-eyed wonder at the fine European things and piles of books that are strewn liberally around. She promises George she will ensure the house is kept far tidier. Shona tells him that such a large house needs to be filled with many children.

Entering the bedroom, she smiles at the large canopied bed. To her it seems large enough for all her friends as well. George smiles as she bounces up and down delighting in the springs. She'd never slept on a sprung bed before. As she does so, George watches the movement of her breasts inside her loose top. He thinks he might have just enough energy to christen the bed properly.

A 55,000-man army requires a lot of organisation to move from place to place. A five-day march through the heat and dangers of the country to be ready to fight on the sixth is worthy of praise in itself. Throw into this equation the presence of several squadrons of armoured cars, much artillery and a 'train' consisting of motor lorries and horse-drawn wagons, then some may consider it a miracle they can arrive anywhere at all. Africa's heat and dust is anathema to the internal combustion engine. A good part of the Expeditionary Force's motor transport is now being hauled by bullocks. Most of the armoured cars will not drive into battle.

This unnecessary detour on the part of the British/Indian army, therefore, is a far larger inconvenience than it appears at first. Often a five-day journey for such an army requires at least that amount of time to prepare themselves for the actual march.

To an extent, the army of von Lettow overcame that problem by taking the least baggage with them on the move. Ammunition was concealed in secret depots; we lived off the land and abundant wildlife. We asked ourselves constantly, 'is this necessary to take?' if an insufficient answer was found, the item got left behind.

Same as Ostafrika
Chapter 8: Retreat Videos

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Author’s note: This series is devoted to my wife, for whom it was originally written. It is both a history of our sexual life as well as my means of sharing our fantasies, with alterations to names and times to protect our friends, but both the fantasy and reality are/were spectacular enough to warrant sharing with others. **This is a stand-alone story.** For those who have been following along, this is the fourth in the series. I return to the romantic and sensual here, so if you’re expecting...

3 years ago
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The Retreat

Author’s note: Well, it’s been an insanely busy spring and summer at my house. Hectic life has kept me hopping, but I FINALLY managed to get back to writing. I decided to do a contemporary story this time. I will submit the chapters as quickly as possible, but I apologize in advance for delays between chapters. As always, I love to hear what you think. Cheers, Haremgirl * Leslie Drummond awoke with a smile, stretching languidly before rolling over to bestow a radiant smile on her...

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Bathroom Retreat

Now Katie was the good girl, her halo was just a little off to the side. Her D tits were perfect to her and her curves were all in the right places. Katie always has to get a few beers in her to get things a rolling. Samantha on the other hand likes to instigate things. Her fire red hair and her smoking green eyes always lit up the room. She has small tits, only a B cup but she knows how to work a room. Samantha always starts Katie off and gets things going for herself afterwards. On this...

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Rogers Retreat

Many of the more well to do in the little town of Waterloo looked down on the Rogers family as did many of the not so well to do. There were many different reasons for this attitude, but they all had some bearing on the family’s way of life and physical characteristics. The men were short, wiry, towheaded, thin faced men. They all had prominent adams apples and their voice had a distinct southern whine. It didn’t help at all that they came from a poor hardscrabble background. Grandfather Rogers...

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The Cabin Retreat

She woke up to the smell of coffee brewing, sausage frying, and shafts of golden sunlight streaming in bars across the bed. She couldn’t remember how she got here. She was lying on an immense king size bed with a huge carved oak headboard. The comforter was a beautiful hand quilted design in muted reds, blues, and cream. When she sat up, she realized she was devoid of any clothing. Still not yet recalling the series of events that led her here to this bedroom, she slid out of bed, pulling the...

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The Rectors Religious Retreat

The new rector sent out to the country for spiritual re-awakening was making a swing through the fertile farming lands of the North Country resting at random parishioner’s domiciles without much fanfare and awash in welcoming hands.The sun was setting low on the far-away highlands when he dismounted in front of the stable that abutted the modest farm of the most devout Council member Jones and his all-female abode of a still-attractive spouse, a trio of healthy young daughters and a domestic...

3 years ago
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Broken AngelChapter 8 Evade And Retreat

I posted tomorrow's chapter this evening. Tomorrow I shall probably be gone. Not many people have responded. However the ones who have were all supportive, unless I missed something. Another FBI agent came up and yelled over the noise of the people. "You can't do that. I have a federal warrant here. She is coming with me." Two big outlaw bikers in full colors knocked people out of the way. One yelled in a hoarse voice, "She goes where she wants to, pig." He weighed over three hundred...

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A Golfers Dream Book II Chilly Winter Hot SummerChapter 26 Tactical Retreat

Dave woke at his usual time on Saturday morning. He felt tired after a very fitful sleep. He had tossed and turned all night thinking about Jennifer's concern over his meeting other girls while on the road. He had asked himself if he had avoided talking about Sheri because he knew Jennifer would be upset. Had he become too promiscuous? He had slept with a lot of women over the last year. His mind was still churning when he exited the elevator and saw Jennifer smiling at him in the lobby. He...

2 years ago
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TriadChapter 10 The Retreat

Helen hadn't expected us to return so soon from our shopping trip. We caught her in the pleasure palace, naked, hanging upside down from the ceiling like a trapeze artist, with vibrators inserted in both her pussy and her ass. Two strong elastic ropes - the kind which body builders stretch to develop their muscles - were fixed to the walls on either side of her. They were fixed slightly ahead of where Helen was hanging, roughly at the same height as her breasts as she was hanging in an...

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Divorce is a Dish Best Served Cold

John's life had been a shitstorm for the past year. He had found out that his loving wife of 16 years was an adulterous slut. Susan had been fucking his next door neighbor for almost 3 months. John had come home early on their anniversary to share a romantic dinner. He was surprised to find his wife naked and on her knees in their bedroom begging that little dicked, prick Ron to cum in her mouth. As it turned out Ron would not be fucking anyone for a very long time. John beat the living shit...

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We never make msitakes

WE NEVER MAKE MISTAKES. BY OLIVIA EVANS. The silver haired man in the white doctor's coat frowned in obvious annoyance at my complaint that a terrible mistake had been made. "Excuse me, but it is _you_ who are mistaken, we never, ever, make mistakes," he said frostily, offended that I would have the audacity to even think of suggesting it. "Then how do you explain these?" I demanded as I pointed towards the alien objects. "Explain what?" he asked, looking again where I had...

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7 March 2009Chapter 2

“What’s with you, Alex, ordering cooked chicken breast, baked potato, and veg instead of a burger and fries?” Susan teased. “You always say I should eat healthier, so I am,” he said, cutting his chicken. “Or would it have something to do with Jessica ordering the same thing before you?” “Mom!” He mildly protested, glancing at Jessica. “Geesh, I get the third degree for ordering something different for a change.” “That’s okay, Alex, I get the same treatment from Mom too,” Jessica...

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Ein Mdchen zu Sein Teil V

Ein M?dchen zu sein V --------------------------------------------------- Was bisher geschah: Es war ein ganz normaler Arbeitstag f?r den Elektrotechniker Sven, als ein Systemfehler den Teilchenbeschleuniger anlaufen lies. Ein Systemfehler mit schwerwiegenden Folgen denn am n?chsten Tag musste Sven feststellen, dass er sich ver?ndert hatte. Ein s??es, 11 J?hriges M?dchen blickte ihn aus dem Spiegel an. Wirrungen und Verwirrungen erwarteten Sven, der inzwischen den Namen Sonja tr?gt. Vom Jugend...

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The Seventh Slave

The house was big and imposing, in fact she wouldn’t even call it a house, it was more like a mansion. The dark brick walls rose high up in the air, the shiny windows mirroring the swirling winter clouds, a drop of rain fell onto her cheek. She brushed it off and walked up the marble ramp, next to the stairs. A fluttering butterfly in her tummy as she stood in front of the big wooden doors. She rang the doorbell and a moment later both the heavy doors swung open and exposed a shiny marble...

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Team Outing Plan Leads To Sex Paradise

Thanks everyone for feedback through email and comments for my previous stories. Ppl can send me feedback at This incident happened between me and my office colleague in Bangalore. We were in same team and used to like each other company but nth serious as she was married. We used to do leg pulling to each other. But we were knowing our limit too. Our manager was planning for Wonder La(Amusement Resort) team outing and whole team was very exited. But in last moment plan got canceled because of...

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My Dear Sister In Law

Uma is my sister-in-law. This is not a true story but just a fantasy of what it could be like to fuck her she is a divorcee, got married when she was 25 and in 3 months, she returned to her father’s home because her husband or the ex-husband was a psycho, doubting on her for everything she did and she did not. so, she returned home and later found she was pregnant, gave birth to a baby girl 9 months later and has been alone since her parents dearly wish to see her married cause me and my wife...

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Fucked Mu Tuition Teacher

guys i am student who is studying in a college, my math was so weak that i had arrears in all my math papers so i decided to go to tuition. I searched for many tution near my house and found one. That tuition mam was around 40 years old and she had a daughter who was also doing her college. Intially i tired my luck to fuck her only but it turned up to her mother. I went for my tuition daily inorder to see her daughter. She had very good pair of boobs and her dresses would reveal her cleavage...

2 years ago
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Weekend Sex Sessions

Joel Canaby was my best friend in high school, we went through elementary school and was on the track team in high school. We oft time spent weekends at each others homes. One weekend, Joel let me know his parents were going out of town and he would be home alone. His uncle would come by to check on him, but he didn't expect him to stop by but once. Joel asked 'David, why don't you come over for the weekend, we can watch the late show and have a good time'? I quickly agreed and went home to...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 501

Harry Jacobson was at the cars watching people coming and going. He sent a text that a group of six teenagers was coming, headed our way. We had ear wicks for all of us. I motioned for the girls to put the wicks in. I could hear them coming over the dune, all mouthy with a Mid-Eastern accent. I guessed they were arrivals to the area from one of the many relocation programs that had been in effect. All the terrorism raids had put a cold shoulder on those programs for the time being. People...

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Annie and the SchoolTeachers

To be honest, I was feeling pretty fed up that Wednesday afternoon. I had twisted my ankle the day before, and although it wasn’t that serious, it meant that I wasn’t able to go on the usual cross-country run with the rest of the sixth form. I liked cross-country. Although I wasn’t much of a long-distance runner, the chance to get off the school premises for an afternoon made it good for a laugh, especially as my best friend Helen and I usually managed to have a bit of a chat on the way round....

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Breaking and Entering Ch 3

-----------------------------------------------------------------------The saga continues... The third chapter in the tale... As with my Literotica posts, I retain copyright. Please enjoy!-----------------------------------------------------------------------The summer was in full-swing, and all the k**s had the days off. The hot weather lasted all day, and well into the night, making evening time a wonderful time to cool off, and the adults would gather with friends, and talk about the...

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A Cold Night in Moms Bed Becomes Very Heated

Its been many years now, and I don't remember all the details. This is what I recollect. I remember I was around 18 years old at the time. It was a very cold winter night. Sometime in the night the power had gone out. I remember waking up freezing and wondering why it was so cold in the house. I heard my mother making noise in the hallway. What's going on mom, I called out. The darn power went out. That's great I thought, no wonder it was so darn cold in here. It's just going to get colder too...

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American Horror Story

Pick your season of choice. It is assumed that all characters are 18+ in this retelling of each AHS series. All characters currently with sex scenes are listed in each first chapter of the series. I've also included those characters that I've planned sex scenes for too.

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Dost Ne Meri Gaand Maari

Hi guys, mera naam hai Ravi. Main Bihar se hu, aur meri age 21 saal hai. Is kahani mein mere alawa aur 2 log hai, jinka naam hai Ankita (my sister) and Ashish (my friend). Ab seedha story pe chalte hai. Aaj se 4-5 saal pehle Ashish hamare ghar ek kirayedaar ban kar aaya tha. Fir hum dono ache dost ban gaye. Hum ek sath porn dekhte the, aur iske alawa aur bhi bahut kuch karte the. Hamare ghar mein 1 room khaali tha, aur waha koi aata-jata nahi tha. To ek din hum dono usi room mein porn dekh rahe...

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the public bathhouse and seeing my first black coc

I remember when we were pretty young that we visited my cousins. The day after we got there we all got into the cars and went to the lake. They had a big public bathhouse where everyone went to change. We walked in following my uncle while holding a bag with our towels and swimsuits. As i walked past the showers, I was shocked to see guys walking around totally naked like it was no big thing, and then I saw 2 black guys in the showers. I stopped and stared. both of them had dicks bigger than I...

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BrownBunnies Thick Ass Daphne Roommates With Benefits

Thick Ass Daphne catches her roommate Jovan spying on her in the shower…again. This time she decides to put on a show for him. She soaps up her sexy body and shakes that booty for him. She calls him out and after he admits how sexy he finds her, she decides that maybe they can become roommates with benefits. She lets him oil up her body, giving him a massive boner. Shes shocked at how big it is and goes in for a taste. She sucks his dick and then sticks it in her tight pussy. They fuck in...

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Screams of Joy Part I

“I've just been fired... there was nothing else to say about it, no protest that would be listened to anyway. But... it’s my birthday! Even though birthdays were meant to be happy days, and everyone is meant to make it special, my new boss and the man that only six days before had been my boyfriend had just fired me." I think to myself as I sit on the hot bus wondering about how everything has changed so much in a week. I try to stop my eye from failing me, yet I still feel the burn of tears...


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