SargeChapter 25 free porn video

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I slept late since I didn’t get to bed until late the night before. Which was why I pulled into my parking lot with the police car already in the driveway. I pulled in beside it, then maneuvered the bike onto the covered deck. I planned to clean the bike before returning it to its spot inside the house by the front door. The officer in uniform and the woman in civilian clothes exited the car.

“I turned to them, once I had the bike locked to the handrail on the deck. “So is everything alright?’” I asked.

“Yeah, why wouldn’t it be,” the woman asked.

“Who might you be?” I asked.

Detective Lois Bell,” she said. “So what could be wrong?”

“Something should be, since you seem to be holding my pistol for ransom,” I said.

“Not really, it’s evidence in an officer involved shooting,” she said.

“Technically, I’m not sure that’s what I would call it. The officer never got off a shot. She was the victim of an attempted murder,” I suggested.

“That is true technically. So would you mind answering a few questions for me?” she asked.

“If the questions pertain to the incident of course. If you just want to harass me, then I will want to call a lawyer. My lawyer is from Washington, so it might take a while before you can arrange a time. So what is it to be?” I asked.

“Why were you monitoring your CCTV that time of the night?” she began.

“I wasn’t the CCTV is my screen saver. As I was getting ready for bed I glanced at the monitor. There was a broken down car in the road in front of the old Sadie Mae Saloon. Since I now own it, I called 911 Then I sat down to be sure he was not up to something criminal.” I explained yet again.

“And you just happened to have the pistol handy?” She asked.

“I did. I keep it handy,” I replied.

“Why would you do that?” she asked insinuating there was something sinister about “Well if that happened after 1999it.

“Home protection,” I replied simply.

“Okay, so with no hesitation your rushed out the door and engaged the shooter?” she asked.

“We have been over this several times. You know that’s what happened,” I said.

“What if I told you we have evidence that your pistol was used in a suspicious death?” she asked.

“Well if that happened after 1999, I would say you’d made a mistake.” Prior to that the pistol belonged to the United States Air Force. I bought it at a surplus auction. It was part of the weapons issued to pilots during the Vietnam war. Could I ask you a questions now?”

“Of course,” she replied. “I may not answer, but ask away.”

“Would you rather that a citizen not come to the aid of a police officer in his or her time of need?” I smiled at her.

“That pretty much ends our interview,” she suggested.

“Interview, I thought these were just friendly questions,” I said.

I had noticed earlier that she carried a manila envelope. I figured it was filled with papers. When she handed it to me, I recognized it by its weight. It had to be the 1911 Remington. My antique from the Vietnam war. It had a slightly worn green finish, which was how I recognized it as mine.

“So this is how the Siler City police department returns seized property,” I suggested.

“Of course not,” the officer said. “Evidently it’s how the SBI does it.”

“Oh my god Lois, you failed to properly identify yourself,” I said nastily.

“Its Detective Bell to you,” she said.

“Of course it is Lois,” I said taking the envelope and going inside my lock shop home. I watched them drive away.

I decided to check for a surveillance team on me for a while. I had a bunch of cash tied up in the Tasha project, but I wasn’t desperate to get income from it yet. It might turn out to be a question of who could hold out the longest.

Since it was close to noon, I skipped breakfast and went right to lunch. I figured that I would take the scooter and ride over to Sanford. Siler City had a population of just over 8K, while Sanford’s population was 29K . It had almost four times the population. I figured with that, there should be more things going on.

I decided to give their Chinese restaurant, the Kings Chinese Buffet Restaurant a shot. It was very good, but I didn’t eat enough in those days to make a lunch buffet a deal for me. Still the food was good, and there was no waiting for it to show up. I did enjoy that.

After lunch I went from there to a Honda Motorcycle shop. Since I rode by the sign, on the way to lunch. I decided to take my scooter in after lunch. It was time I had my Scooter checked over. I wanted the oil changed, and the carburetor chemically cleaned by a professional. It cost me a few bucks, but I felt prevention was usually a good deal.

When I returned home, I got on the computer. First to see what was going on inside Tasha’s Dungeon. Then to check out a few things I might buy. In the end I found a five year old, one season TV drama that sounded interesting enough for me to give a try. I actually watched two episodes.

I was in the kitchen area pouring myself another glass of the iced tea I preferred, when the phone rang. I saw that it was Mason from the SJL.

“What can I do for you?” I asked.

“I thought I should call to warn you that you are now in the big time. Also to offer our assistance if you sould need it. Pro Bono of course.“ he suggested.

“What the hell are you talking about?” I asked.

“Detective Bell of the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation called to asked if you worked for us. Of course I told her no. I did explain our arrangement. I also explained that you were a serial do good-er, when she told me about the city cop you saved. Instead of a medal the fucking bitch wants you in jail.” Mason admitted angrily.

“She just can’t figure out why a do good-er had a pistol at him in the middle of the night, and rushed out to shoot at a shooter,” I replied with a laugh.

“I think I did mention you are fucking nuts,” he said and laughed as well. “Bye the by, Mr. Martinez’s friend is doing a life sentence in the state pen in Reidsville Georgia. When I say life sentence, I mean Life not some version of life. It is life without parole. So if he confesses to the killing of Evelyn, it will mean nothing.”

“You need to send a team down to Reidsville and talk to our new man. Get him to confess and then give you the name of the man who paid him to make dog food of Evelyn.” I demanded.

“I don’t suppose you would be interested. I know he is going to have a deal all ready for you,” Mason replied.

“I don’t know, let me think about it overnight,” I suggested to delay him.

“You can have Bitsy, but I’ll have to get a new Lawyer for you. Maurice resigned effective tomorrow,” Mason reported.

“I’m sorry to hear that. I hope it wasn’t anything I did,” I suggested.

“I don’t think so. I offered to keep you two apart, but it didn’t make any difference. I have a pretty good idea how hard you are to work with,” Mason said.

“I’m sure I’m an absolute prick,” I laughed as I spoke.

“Like your last boss said, but you get results,” Mason agreed.

“That’s not always enough,” I suggested. “Is it?”

“Not always,” Mason admitted.

After Mason rang off, I went for my evening’s ride. I did the twenty miles before I turned and headed home. I had learned the lesson early in my biking. It was to always keep your eyes open and expect the automobiles you pass to do something stupid. I saw the car with it’s lights out, so I didn’t expect the woman to open the door. I had just enough time to pull around her, but the move was so violent that the bike hit a patch of gravel. I went down. The pain was real, but I had walked away from more severe pains.

The woman watched me struggle to get to my feet, then she climbed into the car, turn it around quickly, then drive away almost in a panic, I thought.. I had been at the start of my tour de neighborhood. I had also been looking for suspicious cars. Ones that might conceal a surveillance team. The blond didn’t strike me as a cop type. One just never could tell though. The econo box from Korea was also good cover, if she was a watcher.

The bike ended up with a bent wheel. I found that out when I tried to ride it home. Instead I pushed it home. Fortunately it was a front wheel. Fortunately they were easier to find and replace. It was back to the mountain bike for a couple of days at least. I removed the bike wheel and tried to assess the damage. It was pretty awful looking. I decided to toss the wheel and buy another one.

I went onto Ebay and found a wheel. It was about a fourth of what I paid for the whole bike, but I ordered it anyway. It was coming from Indiana, so I had at least a three day wait. I determined to accept the job from SJL. That would give me something else to think about. I had to give my self some first aid to cover some road rash. I hadn’t noticed the pain at first. There was too much joint pain.

I rubbed triple antibiotic cream on it. Then I taped a two inch square gauze pad over each of two different spots on my legs. I went looking for a place to elevate my leg without having to go to bed. I knew I needed to choke down some pain killers to sleep. I also had to give them an hour to kick in.

I moved a couple of storage boxes to the floor in front of my chair. It took the stretch out of the road rash and that caused the pain to eased off. Then I added a Tramadol to my usual nightly pain meds. An hour later I found a position the didn’t hurt too badly and drifted off to sleep. I awoke after a half hour. All that pain killers allowed me to find a spot that didn’t hurt too badly while laying flat on the bed. Because the pain had eased I slept until 7 AM.

At 7:30 I tried to ride the bike but the ache in my hips and the burn on my knees due to the road rash prevented me from doing anything on the bike. I guess that I was lucky, since I didn’t have any broken bones. Obviously I fell harder than I thought.

Fortunately I still had a can of Pillsbury cinnamon rolls in a tube. I baked them for my breakfast. Yes moving was painful, but unlike before it was doable. I took my plate of rolls, and my thermos of coffee onto my deck. As I waited, I vacillated between answers to Masons offer.

Yes, would help fill a couple of days. No, would mean staying home home again. I might shoot myself after a few days. I finally decided to accept. I could get a couple of days off without complete boredom.

When Mason called I explained everything, but he still wanted me to go to the Ga. Penitentiary. We agreed that Bitsy and a new lawyer would be by for me at noon.

“Tell Bitsey I won’t be bringing a bike,.” I said as I hung up the phone.

I was beginning to think about the strange woman who had caused my accident. At first I had thought she might be SBI. But the more I thought about her the less that seemed likely. At best I would have been a small time criminal of little interest to the SBI. One not likely to warrant the resources necessary for a full time surveillance.

Then when I asked myself who else had an interest in my operation, the only one left was Martin. I actually had decided to call and confront him before I left for the Georgia prison. It turned out not to be necessary.

Martin was on the phone. “Hello Martin did your girl call, or come home with her tail between her legs?” I asked in a nasty tone.”

“Damn, you are quick,” he said.

“Not really, I just figured it out. So which was it?” I asked.

“What your are really asking, is do I still have your safe house under surveillance. The answer is yes. She and her partner will be there another couple days. So are you okay?” he asked.

“Not really. I got a couple of nasty road scrapes and my injuries from the bomb blast are acting up again. You know significant pain. I expect to have it a while. Tell your team to look after the place I may be gone a couple of days. Oh yeah, they might want to look out for the SBI.”

“I also planned to call to tell you, I have a friend in the justice department. I got them off your ass. You are welcome,” he said with a smile in his voice.

“Martin, you don’t do anything that doesn’t benefit you,” I said.

“True but it does some good along the way,” he replied. “Sometimes collateral damage can be a good thing.”

“Sure thanks,” I said. “Is that all.”

“Take care of those injuries. If you need to have them checked again, I think I can get you into Walter Reid. You were an honorably discharged vet. Didn’t they call it a medical retirement or something?” he asked.

“Something, thanks but I’ll struggle with the backwoods medical services I have,” I admitted.

“So where is your bleeding heart liberal hobby taking you today?” he asked.

“Sorry that is need to know, and you don’t,” I replied.

“You do know five minutes after you hang up, I will know?” he asked with an infuriating superior tone.

“Of course, it just won’t be from me,” I admitted.

I killed the phone and waited another hour and ten minutes for Bitsy and her new partner. Her new partner was an Adriana Mitchel. She had been a modern day white liberal during the early 1980s. In 1979 she graduated law school and joined the local public defenders office. In 2013 she retired and began traveling with her husband. He was a deputy chief of police in a larger city in the Piedmont Triad area. I guessed they didn’t love each other as much as they thought,.

Their divorce was quick and amicable. They agreed to sell everything and split the proceeds of the sale. She moved to a small apartment then found that traveling alone wasn’t any fun at all, so she became a paid employee of the Southern Justice League. She had never intended to practice law for them. Maurice’s fairly sudden departure left a void that had to be filled immediately. She jumped right in.

Same as Sarge
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Chat Log Daddy And Daughter

Dad has entered the room - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dad - Hi again - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - dad's girl - hi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dad - so tell me more, please - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - dad's girl - well, dad took it slow, which probably is why i went along with it. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dad - that's good - didn't frighten you off - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - dad's girl - yeah, i probably would've totally freaked out if he had tried to go all...

3 years ago
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The Lighter and the Scissors

I divide the story of my life into two parts: the years before the incident and the time since. What occurred rocked my world like a psychic earthquake. I was looking for a transformation, and I found it in the abyss of a human soul.Growing up, I had been a loner, an introvert who withdrew from the company of others. I avoided social gatherings whenever possible. This practice conflicted with the wishes of my aristocratic family, whose business dealings and political pursuits kept them...

1 year ago
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Behind bars

Barbara Harris looked over her shoulder as the steel barred door clanked shut behind her. For the next three years this would be her home, the Sexton Correctional Facility For women. How could have she been so stupid?!? Holding those drugs for Harry had been just about the dumbest thing she had ever done, so when the police broke into her apartment, they found two ounces of cocaine and an ounce of heroin. Harry of course was nowhere to be found, leaving her high and dry. Luckily this was only...

Group Sex
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I did, I admit, feel like hot shit. When I was sixteen I'd been seized by a compulsion to go out and buy some brushes and paints, and I'd never stopped since. I never really understood where any of it came from, though Mom made some mention of a likewise talented great-grandfather of hers. "You certainly didn't get it from me. To be frank, a bath and a salary, that's about all I can draw." I'd grown up with a few of that old man's canvases on the walls. Awful stuff. Seascapes where...

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Slag Mom Roopa

Hello, my dear Readers. This is the story of a raunchy Indian mom, narrated by her 24-year-old son, Abhijith. I plan to publish this as a series. The intent is to write stories with the sensibility and logic of porn movies, but also giving importance to emotions and relationships. Happy Reading! My mom, Roopa, had always been a slag. She was addicted to sex, and would shamelessly spread her legs for anyone who had a cock. She did not care about the age, size or looks of her sex partner. She...

4 years ago
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Surprise Graduation Fuck

Surprise Graduation Fuck “Slap my ass Jake! NOW! HARDER!” ordered Lucy, as Jake spanked her curved ass cheeks, leaving a red mark where his hand had made contact with her flesh. The couple had found themselves seated at a 5* restaurant in Manchester quays. They were back for Jake’s University Graduation that morning, both dressed in black tie from the big day. As they waited for the ‘Amuse bouche’, Lucy ran her foot up Jake’s trouser leg, thinking there was nothing funny at all about Jake’s...

4 years ago
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Commanders Pet Part II

“What the - “ ‘Be silent,’ a voice tells me. I think it was a voice, but I’m not sure if I actually heard anything. I try to open my mouth to call out. My lips don’t respond. My breathing becomes faster, and I make a move to exit my spotlight. Then I hear hissing, like water being thrown on a campfire. ‘Don’t Move,’ the voice says. My body becomes still. I struggle to lift even an arm, but I can’t seem to concentrate on the thought long enough to make it happen. My mind swirls with...

2 years ago
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I Had To Share Her With Her Father

I Had To Share Her With Her Father Charlotte was the cutest girl in my class and she agreed to go out with me. I was the luckiest guy in the world. Charlotte was fifteen years old and sexy as hell. Everything that she wore was either too tight or too short and I couldn’t help but desire her. When I finally got up my nerve to ask her out she said that I had to ask her father first. Then she told me to walk her home after school and where to meet her. I could not think about anything...

2 years ago
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God, every muscle in my body aches. I haven't felt this exhausted and kicked around since I took on those five archmages from the Brotherhood of the Crystal Flame- Wait. That was years ago. What happened to me? More to the point, where the hell am I? And come to think of it, who am I? I took a quick look around. Light forest, with moderate undergrowth. I was lying against the trunk of an oak tree at the edge of a small clearing. Complete with babbling brook running through it. A more...

3 years ago
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PippaChapter 13

Serendipity got under way just after fifteen hundred. There was still the last of the incoming tide running, but with the moderate south-westerly wind, Pippa handled the wheel as CC and Nadiya handled the mooring lines. The sails slatted as Serendipity drifted backwards into the fairway, then paid off and began to sail; CC, Nadiya and, with guidance, Nathan, adjusted the set of the sails and the boat began moving relative to the quay in a close reach. As they bore away for the reach by the...

2 years ago
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The Back Door Girl

Ralph heard it again. A rapping on the back door. Nobody came through the alley as a visitor. As a matter of fact, nobody came to his front door unless they were selling something. He’d better check it out. Somebody WAS there! A rather short pudgy teenage girl was looking through the door expectantly. He opened it and she introduced herself through the screen, “Hi. I’m Lucy and I live across the alley. Do you have any work I can do to earn money for a bicycle?” She looked so hopeful that he...

3 years ago
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Die Frau im roten Kleid

Die Frau im roten Kleid erotische Intelligenz gute Gef?hle Macht&Ohnmacht Geschrieben von: Die vierte Schwester am 08. Juni 2003 23:44:54: Die Traumfigur Sie ist ca. 175 gro? und Sie hat braune Augen. Die Augenbrauen sind leicht geschwungen gezupft und geben Ihr eine freundlichen, leicht erstaunten Gesichtsausdruck. Sie hat halblanges, dunkelbraunes Haar, bis ca. 2 cm oberhalb der Schultern. Um den Hals tr?gt sie ein Amulett mit einem Pentagramm, ei...

2 years ago
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Main Kunwari Se Chudakkad Randi Bani 8211 Part 2

Hi friends. I am ketki . back again to complete the next part of my story “Main Kunwari Se Randi Bani-2″. First of all thankxxx to all the readers jinhone meri story k 1st part ko padha or mujhe dusra part likhne k liye protsahan diya. Aapme se kuch ne mujhe story likhne ka dhang badalne ki kahi thi. Maine is story me try kiya hai… Ab m story pe aati hu. Us din sweeper se chudke mujhe bahut ganda lag ra tha. Mujhe khud k andar se hi badbu aa ri thi, ulti krne ka man tha. Uske lund ki smell or...

1 year ago
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A Halloween Surprise

As the maple and oak leaves turn their deep shades of autumn, the magical force within their transmutation grows steadily. From the changing face of nature the very terms of existence demand that enchantment be recognized and a silent reverence be paid to it. Make no mistake in understanding the fables and superstitions are aligned with the most enthralling moments in the earth’s cycle. As recognition of nature’s slumber impinges upon the human brain stem, the magic turns dark and animalistic,...

3 years ago
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Purana Ashiqe Ki Pyas Bujhai

Hello dosto,mera name param h.Pyar se log muje pam kahte h.M ek shadishuda aurat hu.Meri shadi 2009 me hui thi.Mere pati ek private school me teach karte h.M apni figure ke bare me bata du.Meri figer 36-30-38 h.Meri shadi 32 saal ki umar me hui thi.M thodi gol matol hu.Mere pati muje badi tassali se chodte the. Din rat meri chudai ka program chalta rahta.Isi tarah jindgi chal rhi thi.Mere pati muje apne school me le gye or m bhi wahan job karne lagi.Sara staff acha tha.Hmare school me ek...

3 years ago
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An Indiscretion Natasha Can Never know I am Aware

An Indiscretion Natasha Can Never know I am Aware of. Part 2There were two sofas situated facing each other in the living room of the apartment we had at the time and, when we got home my brother sat on one while I put some low music and dimmed the lights and Natasha went to fetch my good whisky. I made sure I was done before her and then lay on the other sofa in the hope that Natasha would sit next to Mark. However, my heart sank when she came in and sat with her knees bent on the floor...

3 years ago
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Shutter ReleaseChapter 18 Mountain Stream

Three girls, three cameras... And me, tagging along, superfluous but certainly enjoying myself. I offered to be their model a few times, but they seemed to prefer photographing each other. And there was the teasing, of course. Endless. “Nice, Muireann!” Heather chirped. “You’ve learned a lot about photography, I can tell.” “She has a good eye,” Shannon agreed. “Matt has been teaching me.” “Which makes it all the more surprising!” Funny... But even there, I was given three cute grins,...

2 years ago
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100real kissing cousins

i was 13 and my cousin was16 i whent over to see a movie whith her and her b*****r and s****r it got hafe way threw the movie she took my hand and put it on her pussy i was scared at first till she put her hand on mine and shoad me what to do i lent fast her eyes started to water and she bit her bottem lip later that night i felt some on tuching my cock it was her she toold me to lie back and lelax as she stated jerking me i took a minut till i came on her hand she licked the cum up and sead...

1 year ago
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My Dream about Fuckfan23

Last night I had a dream about Fuckfan23. I dreamed that he sent me a message telling me to expect a courier to arrive at my house in the morning. When the package arrived, I couldn't hold back my excitement. I shrieked like a little girl and clapped my hands together repeatedly. Unable to keep the smile from my face, I ripped open the tape on the cardboard box and inside was a cooler. I was puzzled. "ooooohh, what could it be?" I said out loud. I opened the cooler and to my surprise there was...

1 year ago
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Out of the Blue

 It all started when I met her through a contact site. You know that moment when you see someone across a crowded room and you know. In this case, it was a picture in a crowded monitor of thumbnails and I was instantly in lust. Several things drew me to her, the dark hair made her stand out a little from all the blonde women, the dark brown eyes engaged with you but it was her smile that held your attention and made you stare. It was her smile that captured me. I clicked on her image and read...

First Time
3 years ago
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Sorrento Pt 03

‘I have no idea what to call you,’ Anna said. Her voice, soft and gentle, washed over me like a warm breeze. ‘Mrs. De Carlo seems a bit formal now …’ ‘Now that you came on my face?’ I suggested. Anna laughed. ‘I was going to say now that we are lovers, but ok, now that I came on your beautiful face.’ I blushed. ‘It’s Katherine,’ I said, ‘but my good friends call me Kat.’ ‘And do you consider me a good friend?’ ‘I am beginning to think of you as a lot more than just a good friend.’ There...

2 years ago
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big city nights

It was the summer of '93, there's a reason I remember it well It was very hot that July and sbout to get hotter!! I was dating Jessica and 20 year old nymphomaniac, who was open to anything. Jessie is bisexual, witch was great cause I'm bi as well. Jessica Very hot, nice tits, great ass, shaved pussy(Or cunt, as she would call it)for such as beautiful woman she she had such a dirty mouth when we fucked, nothing was taboo! She gave me awsome bj's sometimes a smoking blow job(my previous...

3 years ago
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Blowing Up

Blowing up is not what you all might think, but in the end maybe it will be. Me and my wife have been struggling in our relationship and it has become a problem. I would rather be away from home instead of being home. So between fishing trips, business meeting and stopping off at the bar I am gone allot. So just in early November I was on a fishing trip and I had given my wife a date and time I would be home. Little did I know I change the date and time and forget to tell my wife. So once I got...

1 year ago
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Punished For Spying Part 2

Tom could only stare at his sister as she entered his room. Tammy had clad herself in a makeshift costume that resembled one of the girls in his beloved hentai videos. A short pleated skirt, white stockings and a crisp white blouse under a blue blazer. The blouse was unbuttoned just enough to display her tiny white bra to be visible. Wasn't she the same girl that he had caught balling her boyfriend not a few hours ago? She looked up from being boned and saw him looking through the partially...

2 years ago
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Fucking grandma

This is the a story of me and my grandma bernie.  It started out as a normal day i went out. to my grandparents house to help load up our pulling tractor my family. takes this very exspensive. tractor around the nation for tractors pulls.  Anyway i could not go because i had school the fallowing monday and they would not be back till monday night.  So it was my grandad my dad and both my uncles that were. goingAfter they had. left i decided that i would stay with grandma because. i never really...

1 year ago
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Remarkable Phase

My name is Ruchi and I am 26 years old. I am about to share with you the most remarkable phase of my life. *** It all started about a year ago when Rohit, my fiancée was got an admission from the Stanford University for doctoral studies. He had never expected to get a full scholarship be he did and so our wedding plans were put on hold. He left for USA and I was in Pune working in my dad’s company. Life without Rohit got boring and lonely and so when dad gave me an opportunity to go to...

3 years ago
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Pulled OverChapter 10

“Hey, Josh. I thought you were going to share. We want to fuck your big titted whore.” “Patience, guys. You’ll all get a turn. Just not until I’m done fucking her first.” Josh could feel those massive tits pressed firmly against his chest, feel their combined heartbeats as he hugged her body tightly against his. “Josh, please. I’m your mother.” With a firm grip on each of her butt cheeks, he slowly ground his hard cock into her pussy. “Someone get some rope so we can tie this bitch up...

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