Stranded In A Foreign LandChapter 7: Self-Sacrifice For The Common Good free porn video

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"And then, when the teacher asked Martha for her answer—"

"Pardon me, Mr. President," the president's Chief of Staff said, entering the room and interrupting the president's daughter, Felicity, "we have a situation on our hands."

"Of course," President Atkinson responded, getting up without further preamble. "Sorry, Felicity, but as you well know, this job awaits no man."

"I understand, Daddy," Felicity responded, even as the door closed behind her father and his security staff. She swallowed her disappointment even as her mother took her in her arms, wishing once more that her father had lost the last election. While she didn't wish to hurt him, she'd rather have her father and her old life back rather than all the perks of being a wallflower in her own home. But still, if the rumors she'd heard lately were true, he had a tremendous surprise in store for her. If he could arrange a special show with her favorite star, she might almost be able to forgive him.

President Alan and Samuel White, though, were a bit too preoccupied to be concerned about such minor concerns at the moment.

"What's wrong?" Alan asked.

"It's Anton again," Samuel responded, not bothering to cover himself anymore. "We've assembled a few people in the Situation Room. It's a better place to discuss the newest developments."

Alan nodded, not bothering to ask questions, though his curiosity was killing him. If they were including the Security Council, there must now be a direct threat to the nation's security.

"We can't release this information to anyone we're not sure of," Alan pointed out, speaking softly so it couldn't be easily overheard by the security staff accompanying them. "We're likely to act quickly using drastic actions. The last thing we need is some mamby-pamby do-gooder leaking news of what's happening and creating a problem which prevents us from doing what we need to do. Something like that could cause a panic, which we aren't prepared to deal with."

"Don't worry. We've taken care of that," Samuel assured him. "You've established our priorities and I've done the rest. We've invited only those we trust, essentially career people. No 'politicians' who'd only be concerned with people's perception.".

"Good. That's just what we need. Good job." Alan smiled to encourage his Chief of Staff to continue anticipating his decisions. Good men like that are hard to find. There were just too many uncommitted people within his own White House for his taste.

It was a hike from the president's quarters in the East Wing to the Situation Room in the inner recesses of the West Wing. No one spoke the entire way and everyone they encountered scrambled out of their way, as their demeanor brooked no distractions.

Reaching one of three specific 'Situation Rooms' in the White House—each designed to provide the latest intelligence on a constant basis for the president—two military guards opened the doors for the dignitaries to pass. Though the president and his Chief of Staff didn't say anything, the two Secret Service agents knew better than to follow, instead stopping and waiting, hands folded and standing for however long it required. Curiosity was not a positive trait in this Service. In fact, raising any question wasn't good for one's career.

The president glanced around, noticing the absence of the normal buzz of the technicians and analysts. Normally each Situation Room had a staff of around thirty personnel from a variety of agencies. There were only a few senior staff here now. "Is everyone here authorized to hear this?" he asked.

"We've kept the people to a minimum," Samuel said as he and Alan sat down at the large table. "The other Situation Rooms are functioning as normal. This one is staffed by a select group of specialists and concentrating exclusively on 'Anton' related information," Samuel explained.

Glancing around, Alan noted the Secretaries of the Army, Navy and Air Force were absent, as were the Secretary of Defense, the Chairman of the Homeland Security Council, and the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. In fact the only leaders present were the non-civilians: Chiefs of Staff for the Army, Navy and Air Force, as well as the heads of the FBI and CIA. The only 'civilian' at the table was Tom Rogers, the current head of the NSA. Alan had stressed earlier that he wanted this information kept on a much stricter need-to-know basis than usual, and he'd instructed it be restricted to those they absolutely trusted. Everyone else was deemed inconsequential or a liability.

"There are two recent items of note which require your immediate attention," Samuel began, surveying the senior leaders listening. "First, a local TV station broadcast the following report over the air in a remote section of Arizona a little more than an hour ago. We'll play that for you now," he said, starting the recorded video of the broadcast staring Natalie and Alicia.

"Shit," the president sputtered, to which the various heads around the table nodded in agreement.

"Next, there was a single report—in the same vicinity—by a pilot of a small plane flying above the cloud line at 20,000 feet. He reported seeing a 'black cargo container falling out of the sky'."

"A cargo container?" Alan asked, looking at his Chief of Staff in confusion.

"Yes, Sir. As you know, most planes don't carry full cargo containers, and those that do keep them secured. What's more, although there are plenty of cargo flights over Arizona, there weren't any scheduled cargo planes flying over that area of the country at the time of the sighting."

"Do we have any idea what this 'container' was?"

"Alas, it didn't show up on radar or any of our satellites, nor did any of our observatories report any supposed meteor activity or any signs of anything entering the atmosphere. And, as I'm sure you're aware, we were closely monitoring this area of the country."

"You don't think it's one of the 'meteors' we detected earlier?" Alan asked.

"No, Sir. Those were each much smaller, and they were plainly visible entering the atmosphere, although we lost them shortly afterwards. This was larger, and it escaped all our monitors."

"So you feel certain this was one of ... Anton's friends?" President Atkinson asked, not sure how much the others at the table had been briefed.

"Yes, Sir, we do. What's more, it shows they have the necessary resources to escape all our tracking methods, other than a haphazard and ultimately lucky visual observation."

"Damn, I suspected this was bad, but this means we're defenseless in this conflict," the president said, more to himself than anyone else in the room, though they all noted he had effectively declared it an open conflict already, which had precise and specific meaning to them all.

The president leaned back, closed his eyes, took a couple deep breaths and ran his fingers through his hair. "Could this pilot identify where he saw this 'cargo container' land?" he prompted.

"Well, since this wasn't a pilot for a major organization and doesn't report to us, he took a while before he radioed the nearest control tower. Luckily, we were monitoring all the airports' transmissions at the time. We now have this pilot in detention and he's still undergoing questioning."

"That doesn't answer the question, though," Alan pointed out, staring at his Chief of Staff. "Where the hell was the object?"

"He couldn't designate a specific location. He had no GPS on board and the ground was obscured by thunder clouds at the time. We can't narrow it any closer than a 100 mile diameter in a remote area of south western Arizona." Samuel frowned, knowing the president wouldn't appreciate the multiple failures in intelligence this report represented.

"Isn't it odd that an aircraft wouldn't have GPS?" Admiral Winfield, the Navy Chief of Staff asked.

"Most aircraft nowadays do," the highest officer of the Air Force, General McGinn, said. "Unfortunately, most small older aircraft aren't equipped with them, so many noncommercial pilots don't install them."

"The pilot also said he was busy fighting heavy headwinds," Samuel explained. "However, this 'cargo vessel' never lost its vertical alignment. It fell with its largest surface buffeted by the wind and its descent, but was undisturbed by it."

"Really?" the president asked. "That would mean it's incredibly heavy. It would also mean it was either stabilized or it was 'dropped' under very specific conditions. Do you suspect this is a cargo drop? Possibly some type of weapons systems those other ships who already landed could utilize?"

"I couldn't say, Sir, but it's entirely possible."

"Damn! We need to find the craft and whoever is waiting for it. Still, one hundred miles is a hell of a lot closer than we were before." Alan leaned forward and rested his chin in his hand as he contemplated the information. "And you triangulated the broadcast with this observation?"

"It didn't help much. The broadcast was from their studio over two hundred miles away, and the station manager had no idea where his people were reporting from. They didn't mention a specific town in the broadcast."

"Hell!" the president cursed under his breath. "I assume we've recovered all copies of this damn recording?"

"Not all." Samuel frowned as he shook his head. "We've examined the TV station. The manager turned over all their copies of the tape, but the original news crew that recorded it hasn't checked in and the station doesn't know where they are."

"Don't their crews have GPS tracking in their vans to monitor where they are?" the Secretary of the Army, General Reddick, asked.

"They do," Samuel sighed. "Unfortunately it was apparently disabled, so they have no clue where they or the object were. They don't know if the tracker was turned off before or after the broadcast, nor how they managed to deactivate it. We've notified all local police departments to be on the lookout, but so far no one has any sign of it."

"So we either have a rogue news crew—who may have faked their broadcast to capitalize on rumors—or something happened to them after their broadcast," Gen. McGinn pointed out. But Samuel shrugged that they had no clue.

"How many people could this broadcast have reached?" Alan asked, his brow furrowing.

"It was broadcast during the six o'clock news, that's their biggest audience, but it was at the end of the broadcast when they have their lowest viewership, as that's when most people wander off once the major news is finished. They claim a viewership of 300,000, but that's just their on-air numbers, Satellite and Cable subscribers in the region would push those numbers up."

"Shit! While that's not a lot, it's still three to five hundred thousand people who know, and any of whom could spread the news," Alan said.

"Did the pilot report any more information on what this... 'craft' looked like?" Gen. McGinn asked, his professional curiosity prompting him to press for details.

"He reported that it was oblong and squarish, though the ends were rounded and the whole thing was an odd shade of black. He said it didn't look like any cargo container he'd ever seen, but he figured it had fallen out of an airplane as it had no means of flight and was freefalling at the time."

"And it couldn't be a simple cargo container that smashed into the ground?" the Chief of Staff of the Navy asked, to rule that out as a possibility.

"Again, there were no reports of any flights in that region at the time and the pilot reported he hadn't seen any aircraft, although he explained his airplane didn't allow him to observe the airspace above him."

Samuel halted as one of the analysts whispered something to him, and then continued. "It's been reported that if it had been a cargo container crash we would have detected it via our national seismic sensors. However, there was nothing detected. Whatever it was, however fast it was falling, it made a 'soft' landing."

"Given that, why are we assuming it was capable of flight?" Robert Towers, the Director of the CIA, asked.

"Because that's the only thing which would make sense," Samuel argued. "There's no other source from which this thing could have originated, and even if there was, there's no man-made structures that match the described specifications. If it was from an alien vessel then I can't imagine it was simply jettisoned for no purpose."

"Alright," Gen. McGinn, the Secretary of the Air Force said, "let's assume that it originated from space; could it have landed like a spaceship, utilizing thrusters to slow its descent? Or would it have required a landing strip? That would go a long ways towards determining where to search."

"All I can suggest is that such a landing would have set off seismic vibrations," Samuel said, shrugging to show he didn't know. "The fact we haven't recorded any discounts—but doesn't disprove—such conjecture."

"Have we considered that it may be some type of weapon?" General Reddick asked. "Or possibly that it contained a cargo which could have been released in a designed crash landing, like possibly an aerosol distribution or maybe remote monitoring equipment?"

"We haven't ruled anything out," Samuel stressed, "but again, the size of the vessel would argue against such a use. You don't need a vessel that large to disburse a small load."

"So, do we have any clue why it was freefalling from space?" Alan asked. "Or at least some hint as to its function?"

"Again, we have no hints, though we surmise they were afraid we'd detect their energy signature, so they turned off their engines until they fell below the obscuring clouds."

"If that were true, then we'd have observed it while it was in the upper atmosphere," the president's science advisor, Alex Peterson, pointed out. "Since we didn't detect any energy signature, either in the upper atmosphere or below the clouds, we have to assume we were unable to monitor their craft in any manner other than blind luck."

"This just gets worse the more we learn," Alan groused, folding his arms across his chest and scowling at his Chief of Staff.

"Would anyone have observed it from the ground?" Gen. McGinn asked, tapping his temple.

"There was a torrential rainfall at the time, so nearly everyone was either inside or under shelter. Without interviewing everyone who might have been driving at the time, we'll never know. And since we don't know how much of a disturbance it created, we won't know how many might have noticed it until we can locate exactly where it landed."

"We'll start tracking anyone who may have noticed anything," Tom Rogers said, speaking up for the first time. Everyone knew he meant the NSA would intercept all the telephone calls, cell phone and computer messages, emails or other forms of instant communications. "If anyone is talking about this, we'll identify who it is."

"Yeah, just like you've been so productive finding the last several suicide bombers," President Atkinson scoffed. He was still peeved at the NSA's inability to utilize their vast collections of data in any meaningful way. The last couple of highly visible failures had cost him politically, and while he defended the agency for its potential, he wasn't overly convinced of their effectiveness in parsing the massive datasets they collected willy-nilly.

"Don't worry. Once we know what to look for we can find virtually anything," Tom countered.

"I'll tell you what, just to be sure you do, select some of your best people, remove them from the rest of the analysts, and dedicate them to it," President Alan insisted. "I consider this a bigger security threat than any lone terrorist. A bombing, no matter how bad, is embarrassing, but someone with the technology to do massive damage with weapons and delivery systems we can't detect represents a much bigger danger."

Ignoring Tom as inconsequential, the president turned to the others. "Damn. Assuming we don't get lucky again, we can't ask the public for information without tipping our hands."

"We could always set up roadblocks, stopping and asking everyone if they observed anything, and stopping anyone who looks suspicious," the Director of the FBI suggested.

This line of speculation infuriated Tom, as he saw it as a bunch of small minded old stooges unable to give up on the investigative tools of previous centuries. No matter how much they kept reminding everyone what they could uncover, no one ever seemed to take him and his agency seriously.

"Yeah, and that wouldn't raise any questions," Alan reminded him, sounding annoyed. "And what would constitute 'suspicious'? Little green men? Somehow I doubt they'd hire a cab to get around once they've landed."

The president sat back and considered it for a moment as silence descended, since no one else wanted to disturb his concentration. He leaned forward with an intensely focused gleam in his eyes. "How many bodies could we get on the ground in that region, hopefully without anyone noticing?" he asked the room in general, tapping his fingers on the massive oak table as if sending Morse Code signals.

"It would take time to get people on the ground, which would also entail alerting all those people that something was up," Gen. Reddick advised, peering at the president, wondering which tack he'd take in this case.

"I'd suggest you strategically place select individuals to 'interface' with the local officials," Robert Towers offered. "Put out orders for the local police to stop any and all traffic, asking them to report on any 'unusual activity' but don't specify what we're looking for. If they turn up anything, have them report it directly to someone we can trust with the information. That way, if anyone starts asking questions we can release an Amber warning or something later on, telling them it's concerning someone we want to shelter from public scrutiny."

"That's what I love about you guys," the president replied with a smile, "you've got the most devious minds. Could we use your people for this?"

"Well, Sir, this is the kind of thing we specialize in, but as you know, we'll need an official Patriot Act declaration," he reminded the President with a telling grin.

"Ha, that's nothing. Since the Patriot Act prevents anyone from reading the details, it's not a problem. I'll rubberstamp a notice for you. But just to prevent anyone from jumping to conclusions, make sure no one flashes any badges."

"We could give them army credentials," Gen. Reddick suggested, "and possibly include some of our intelligence officers to boost the number of personnel on the ground. That way we can ensure no one leaks anything."

"That sounds like a decent alternative. Think up some excuse for us to be snooping in the business of the local officials and let's get some people there. If we have to schedule flights into the area, it might be too late. See if we can drop personnel using high speed helicopters. We need to address this before the opportunity passes us by. We've got no idea what they're after or what they're trying to accomplish. This is of the utmost importance and it requires immediate responses across the board. Nothing goes unreported! Do you all understand?"

Tom Rodgers once more bristled, thinking it insulting the president would ask everyone else to take a lead role while ignoring the role of his agency. But knowing he didn't have the president's ear at the moment he bit his tongue, biding his time.

"What do you want to do with anyone we find," General Reddick asked, "whether aliens or locals who've encountered them?"

"Yeah, it will be problematic if people start talking about what they've seen," the FBI chairman said.

"This is much too vital to waste time worrying about legalities," Alan said, glaring at the various officials. "Do whatever you have to in order to provide answers quickly. Everyone will forgive a few excesses once we reveal what we were facing. As they say, it's better to ask forgiveness than request permission. If we try to do this 'legally', it would take months before we could get started. We might lose the entire planet if we wait days!

"Set up a secure camp in the area, someplace we can hide people indefinitely without raising questions," President Atkinson insisted. "Ideally we could ship them to Gitmo, but there are too damn many civil rights lawyers watching it, so it would be reported if we used it."

They all nodded, silently agreeing with him and evaluating how they'd need to implement his orders. With that President Alan dismissed them, already thinking of other ways of addressing the possible complications of either this approach or some unforeseen action by these damn aliens.

"So, President Alan," Representative Frank Sanders, the Chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee began the secret proceedings, "why did you call this close-door meeting with us?"

"I've got some very important news to report that's vital for your committee and the country in general."

"And you didn't think it was necessary to let anyone else know?" the Republican Chairman pressed, trying to figure out what the president was fishing for.

"Frankly, this is important enough I haven't even informed my own Secretaries of Defense, Homeland Security, or the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff."

Representative Sanders leaned forward, as did the more junior members of the influential committee. "Is that because you filled those positions with fellow Democrats who helped you in the election, rather than seasoned officials?"

"Each of those positions were filled because the men were highly qualified and well respected in their fields," President Atkinson stressed, taking offense at how Frank kept referring to him as 'President Alan', a clear sign of disrespect. But he needed the man too much to make an issue of it—at least for now. "However," he continued after a pause, "they also got their positions because of their contacts, and as such, they... talk to a lot of people, and I don't want this information leaking out."

"And you don't think we'll leak it?" Representative Baker, a Democrat from Wisconsin asked, glancing at the Chairman, the implications clear even though he never mentioned it.

"Absolutely, because this Committee deals with funding of 'secret agencies'. You already know our deepest darkest secrets, and so far no one has ever revealed any of it."

"So," Chairman Sanders asked, "I take it you're here because you need funding for yet another secret agency?"

"Frankly, yes. Gentlemen, we have an invasion on our hands. Not an invasion by the Russians, North Koreans or even Al Qaeda. Instead we have an alien invasion by a fleet of ships, all equipped with advanced technology that make ours look like tinker toys."

"Wait, are you serious?" Representative Moore from Wyoming asked, sitting back and regarding the president and his people, looking for any evidence he was trying to pull a fast one.

"Abso-fucking-lutely," the president answered, throwing away all sense of decorum. "Samuel, play the video we confiscated from the TV studio. Bear in mind, gentlemen, that this was broadcast over the open air to hundreds of thousands of people."

The president and his people sat silently as the short news report played once again. When Natalie Romanus revealed the dead alien the committee members collectively leaned forward, peering at the image on the screen. When it was over, they turned to the president, all doubts erased and nothing but questions remaining. Not a person there assumed what the general public had, that it was an elaborate hoax.

"How did it die?" Rep. Baker asked.

"How did it fall into the woman's hands?" the Republican Senator from South Carolina asked. "If we were responsible for its death, shouldn't we have recovered it before it reached the public?"

"Do we know anything about their resources? How dangerous they are?" the Committee Chairman asked.

"Slow down, gentlemen," President Atkinson told them, smiling slightly as he enjoyed how easy it was to manipulate these men. You wait your entire career and frequently never get the chance to wield this kind of power. But then, one day it just drops into your lap and you can play people and achieve anything you want. What's more, no matter the outcome, you'll always be remembered as the person responsible for both calling attention to it and dealing with it—even if the problem persists for longer than your term.

"Yes, the creature on the video is very real, but it was 'recovered' before we could gain access to it, and the members of the news team that broadcast this video have gone missing. We're currently conducting an extensive search for anyone who witnessed anything which would tell us what happened to them."

"So you've got no clue how it died?" Rep. Baker asked, nervously drumming his fingers, a clear sign he was eager to take action, not debate the details.

"We have no evidence of how it died, but we think it was either an accident with one of their weapons or it was the effect of something in our atmosphere."

Frank Sanders laughed out loud at that point, surprising everyone in the room. "You're telling me that Global Warming and Air Pollution—which we've been fighting implementing restrictions on—have done more to protect us that the US military has?"

"We can't be sure of that, and I'm not sure we can depend on pollution to protect American lives. I'm sure these aliens have filtration systems and know how to sterilize their environments. Just because one died doesn't mean the crisis facing us is any less real. What it was, was lucky in that it alerted us to what we face."

"So this was the first we knew of them?" Rep. Baker asked, wiping his brow as he tried to calculate the extent of the problem.

"No, we've been monitoring them for some time. We detected communications originating from the outer edges of our solar system, but we couldn't determine what they meant. We now believe it was a demand for our surrender, and when we didn't respond they launched their invasion—or at least sent their agents to set up supplies and plan their strategies."

"How long ago was this?"

"It was almost a week ago," Atkinson told them.

"Wait? They reached here from the edge of the solar system in only a week?" Frank Sanders asked, looking shocked. At least someone here understood a little about science, Alan thought, though that shouldn't get in my way.

"They arrived here several days ago. We've been trying to locate and track them but their technology is beyond our ability to detect, which is why this is so serious. This was a lucky break which told us where to look. But we've got to act quickly now that we know."

"And we're only hearing about it now?" Frank Sanders demanded.

"We were trying to keep it under wraps for obvious reasons. If news of this leaked out the country, no, the entire world, would be in turmoil. Instead we've been scouring the world for where they went and have been organizing our troops to respond as soon as we found them."

"So you had no evidence of them between then and now?"

"We've been tracking them all along. We detected them when their initial scouts entered the atmosphere, but we lost them after that. But we've isolated them to the Western United States. It seems their ships are equipped with technology which can evade our best sensors. However this televised report and a pilot's sighting of a larger ship landing earlier today helped us locate them to a specific fifty-mile region. We're now sending troops in to search the entire region."

"And you want us to authorize you to circumvent the privacy rights of the people in the line of danger?" the South Carolina representative asked.

"Partially," Alan explained. "For that purpose, we mostly just need you to not support any congressional actions to investigate it. But we need a little more than that."

"And what would that be?" Frank asked.

"Let me answer that by describing a separate meeting I had earlier," the president answered, leaning back and letting the committee members stew in their own fear and nervousness. "I had an unexpected visitor. A member of another secret agency your committee created back in the fifties. He works in an area commonly referred to as 'Area 51', although they long ago changed that designation."

That revelation caused them all to sit up, even the president's own people who hadn't been involved in that meeting. His Chief of Staff had wondered why the president was wasting time with an unknown small town official when there were bigger things to worry about.

"He detailed exactly what happened all those years ago," the president revealed as he continued, looking each committee member in the eyes as he panned over the table. "He only came to me because they'd heard enough to realize we faced a similar situation. Ordinarily, the President of the United States isn't deemed essential enough to be included, just like I'm doing with my own staff. Presidents change every four to eight years, and the work they're doing on what they uncovered has been ongoing for over fifty years. And gentlemen, the things they've discovered by examining the one ship they couldn't understand has literally revolutionized this country.

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A Brother8217s Sacrifice 8211 Part 2

Hi friends it is amit back with the story A brother sacrifice pt2 the next pt of my life. Before reading this story you should read A brother sacrifice pt1. Tin din bit chuke the mujhe ghar se dur mujhe sona ki fikr ho rhi thi. Tbhi agle din ramesh ka phone aaya. Maine kaha aap ne phone kyo kiya. To ramesh ne kaha-“us raat ke liye sorry . sona apni maa se baat krna chahti h”.tbhi sona ne bola “mumma aap kaha chali gayi. Mujhse naraj ho kya”. Mai kaha _”nai sona tumhare Nana ki tbiyt achank...

Gay Male
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Stranded in a Foreign LandChapter 14 A Long Walk Alone in the Dead of Night

Entering the shuttle, Josh closed the door right away and quickly sat down. "Up" is all he said. "Up?" the craft responded, not understanding the request for the first time. Josh realized that every time he'd used it before it took him into the overhead clouds, and there were only scattered clouds today, which the ship might not consider reliable enough at the moment. "Outer space," Josh insisted. "Take me to your ship." "Ship?" it asked, seeming especially cranky today. "The...

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Stranded in a Foreign LandChapter 6 Helpful Assistance or Hindrance

Josh took a deep breath to calm his fluttering nerves before approaching the Clearance Wood Denny's where he'd agreed to meet whoever Jonathan McCreary sent. He realized there was a good chance they'd report him to the government, if they hadn't already. If he said the wrong thing they could either make a citizen's arrest or place a simple phone call bringing the authorities to his door. He may very well have signed his own arrest warrant, as well as those of his family and those he was...

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Stranded in a Foreign LandChapter 8 Threats Decapitations and Airing Dirty Laundry

Detective Thomas Andrews leaned forward despite everyone else at the table leaning back with their arms crossed, scowling at Josh. The detective glanced towards the door as if expecting someone to sneak up on him in the locked interrogation room. "As you may have noticed, we were ordered to simply hold you. The Feds have specifically asked that we keep no records. That's why we haven't charged, fingerprinted or photographed you." "So I can leave now?" Josh asked just to be an ass since...

3 years ago
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Stranded in a Foreign LandChapter 11 A Couple Detours

Jeffery checked his watch once again before pacing inside the shuttle. "Man, how much longer are they going to take?" "Hey, how should I know?" Josh replied from his command chair where he had his feet propped against the ship's control board. "They'll take as long as they need to." "Are you sure you should be doing that?" Becky asked, fretting he might accidentally launch them all into outer space. "How can you be so relaxed?" Jeffery pressed. "You know better than anyone...

3 years ago
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Stranded in a Foreign LandEpilogue

The television display was normal, broadcasting an innocuous program few cared about, but millions were sitting in rapt attention. Warnings had gone out for the past couple days, alerting people that the 'aliens would finally speak' as part of the ongoing YouTube video releases. The public was hungry to learn more about what was actually going on, and this was their one chance to finally decide for themselves. The government, despite the widespread rioting in the streets, continued to...

1 year ago
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SacrificeAnja The Jungle Queen

Sacrifice?.Anja The Jungle Queen ?Jungle Peril Chap 1 by Enigma This story contains bondage, torture and sexual theme?no minors Anja awoke from a fitful sleep, she stared at the sun and the new dawning morning knowing that this day would be like no other. Today the proud jungle queen would allow herself to be captured by one of her mortal enemies. As Anja rose and stretched her thin muscular body towards the new day she shuddered to think of all the torments and tortures that she was sure...

1 year ago
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My Best Friends Sacrifice

Katie is my best friend. At least she used to be before I turned her gorgeous body into my sex toy. It all started when we were still in highschool, where we met and turned into the best of friends. We went to the same college afterwards, and being there for each other all the time makes our friendship as solid as anything. Katie trusted me with everything, and would even allow me tug her into bed and watch her fall asleep. Perhaps she has trusted me too much, or perhaps she underestimated how...

Erotic Fiction
3 years ago
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A Mothers Sacrifice

Introduction: A mother offers herself to save her daugthers virginity for her groom In medieval times in Europe the law in some fiefdoms was that the lord had the privilege to fuck the bride on her wedding night unless the bridegroom could offer a certain monetary payment. The Latin term for the policy was jus primae noctis or first night rights. In this way the lord maintained his dominance over his manor, increased his coffers as well as experienced the obvious pleasures. This event takes...

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The Demons Sacrifice

“The demon,” the Great Mother spoke, and her voice boomed all around us, “is too strong!” Silence fell over the hall like a leaden blanket. A pair of feet shuffled on the floor next to me and stirred up dust. A choked sob sounded from somewhere further back. A muffled, crashing noise made it through the thick wooden gates and made some of my fellow sisters whimper in fright. I had seen him with my own eyes, felt the raw power spring forth from his hands and shake the foundations of our refuge....

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The Demons Sacrifice

“The demon,” the Great Mother spoke, and her voice boomed all around us, “is too strong!” Silence fell over the hall like a leaden blanket. A pair of feet shuffled on the floor next to me and stirred up dust. A choked sob sounded from somewhere further back. A muffled, crashing noise made it through the thick wooden gates and made some of my fellow sisters whimper in fright. I had seen him with my own eyes, felt the raw power spring forth from his hands and shake the foundations of our refuge....

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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Consensual ConsequencesChapter 31 The Sacrifice

When Penny had finally fallen into hypnosis, Mistress had quickly deepened her trance. Penny had gone so deep that she barely remembered anything that happened afterwards. She had a very vague memory of leaving the car, and of being bathed, but these were vague images more than memories. She also knew that Mistress had given her a few commands, but that she didn't need to remember them consciously. One thing that she had remained aware of, though, was her intense arousal. As she drifted,...

3 years ago
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The Ultimate Sacrifice The Meaning

This is not a new story this my way of saying thank you to my brothers and sisters who made the ultimate sacrifice. Please forgive me for run on sentences and bad grammar and punctuation. I like most people when I was young I didn’t know what meant to be willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to give my life for another. That is till when I was 19 years old in 1995 I decided to join the United States Army. I didn’t join alone though my two best friends who were like brothers to me joined with...

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Mothers Sacrifice

-The author allows copying of this story as long as all disclaimers remain attached, credit is given to the author in the pasted version, and the author is sent an email (at [email protected]) containing the destination of the copy and the name of the person copying the story. -No animals were harmed during the writing of this story (save moths). -Any relations to actual people, events, or places are strictly coincidental (unless the relation is to you, in which case I find...

4 years ago
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Blood Sacrifice of Innocence

Everything in Nature adores the chaste virgin, as she walks through her Almighty Father’s Garden of Paradise, naked and unashamed. She will never know sin, so long as the snake is kept out of Paradise. When she has matured, the lover sees the beauty so breathtaking to behold, and innocence so pure, surely she must have the blood sacrifice of innocence, to atone for accursedness in his seed. Her lover places her needs for security and commitment, above his own base instinct, elevating...

3 years ago
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A Worthy Sacrifice

I stood in what appeared to be dungeons below the old university grounds. I had no idea where I was as I had been blind folded and brought down here from my bed, but I had been expecting that. All the worst initiation shit happened after hours. I had been through hell and back this past week, and knew my hazing period was coming to an end. What I was not expecting to see when the blindfold was removed was a fully naked girl chained to a stone table with a gag in her mouth and a blindfold...

1 year ago
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My Best Friends Sacrifice III

I love fucking my best friend (just to recall, a half-white half-mexican beauty who rivals jessica alba). Since she promised to sacrifice her body, I've never stopped deducing sexual pleasure from her every single night. I didn't need her to enjoy or fuck back, I just needed the feeling that I'm using my best friend as a sex toy and that's already horny enough. In the past year, my best friend has become merely a piece of human flesh who is there for me to unleash my dirty desires. But that one...

2 years ago
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This story is about the storm from januar 18 2007 over the european mainland. It describes the story of a man stranded by the storm, unable to get home and finds shelter in a youthhostel. The first part is true, the second part of what might have happened if I had decided to wear panties that day (which I almost did). The Storm STRANDED The storm is raging over the land. The railroads have just announced to stop all traintravelling due to the storm. In a few hours they...

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A Rather Reasonable Sacrifice

A Rather Reasonable Sacrifice  A Rather Reasonable SacrificeByMad Lews?2006 all rights reserved Scottish Popular Ballads.1882-1898 O I forbid you, maidens a?,Tha? wear gowd on yer hair,Ta com? or gae by Carterhaugh,For young Tam Lin is there.????????????? ????? There?s no major motorway going direct from Kilnineve to Stirling. The A198 makes a major dogleg about Loch Lamont that adds at least two hours to the trip. The meeting was to be at one, and there was little doubt I?d be...

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We Never Sacrifice Virgins to the Dragon

“A dance?” Clara exclaimed, stunned. “You must be joking!”She sat at a kitchen table, knife in one hand and a half-peeled apple in the other, staring at her aunt as if the older woman had grown a second head. Ingrud, not stopping as she peeled an apple as well, shook her head.“No. It’s the way of it in Gulder.” She tossed the peel in a bucket of scraps. “We celebrate the sacrifice. When your aunt Helga…”“There is an army of demons less than a week from here!” Clara interrupted.“When your aunt...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Hedone 1 The Sacrifice

Introduction: Myka tries to sate her thirst, is he enough Hedone It was a Friday night like any other. Myka was going out with a couple of friends to her favourite club in town. Like every Friday she has gone out looking for a date. But every week she has gone home alone. Myka considered herself to be just an average woman. Size 10 with B cup breasts. Her hips were small but shapely showing off what she thought to be her greatest asset her ass. Though small her breasts were round and firm....

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Hedone 1 The Sacrifice

It was a Friday night like any other. Myka was going out with a couple of friends to her favourite club in town. Like every Friday she has gone out looking for a date. But every week she has gone home alone. Myka considered herself to be just an average woman. Size 10 with B cup breasts. Her hips were small but shapely showing off what she thought to be her greatest asset her ass. Though small her breasts were round and firm. Her areolar were small dark circles the size of a two pound...

1 year ago
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The Sacrifice

Warning this story gets rather gorey at the end Warning this story gets rather gorey at the end. Author?s note: This was a short story request sent to me by a reader.? The actual request was for a vulture, but as vultures only eat dead flesh, I modified the concept slightly to a giant eagle. To the reader who requested this story, I hope you enjoy it.  The Sacrifice "You have been chosen." The words echoed in Choya's ears as she was pulled from the crowd onto the platform in the middle of...

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The Traditional Sacrifice

I never knew my mother. She left when I was very young. My family told me stories about her. They told me she loved me, but they would not tell my why she left. That truth came when I became an adult. It came after I was married, after I had a child of my own. My life was supposed to be normal until then, as normal as it could be under the circumstances. My people needed me to be normal. They needed me to have children. They needed me to love and to feel loved. It was a necessary part of the...

1 year ago
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Virgin Sacrifice

Introduction: The village must select a virgin to satisfy the sexual hunger of a god. I stand naked in the caves entrance, shivering slightly as each breath turns to fog and vanishes. My heart pumps furiously as I try to urge my feet forward, reminding myself that I have a duty to perform, to my family and to my clan. Its an honor, I tell myself for the millionth time. My family will become wealthy as payment for their sacrifice. My reward from the Gods will be greater still: guarantee of an...

3 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 145 Foreign Relations

Foreign trips are a mix of smoke and mirrors and public relations. What they usually aren’t is anything substantive. Nobody flies halfway around the planet to meet with the high and mighty without everybody knowing what is going to happen ahead of time. So why do them at all? For one reason, just like in any other form of business, it’s usually helpful to actually meet the guy you’re doing business with and look him in the eye. At the minimum you can start to get a sense of the other...

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Stranded during a Blizzard

I left a business seminar early with my co-worker Tom because the weather looked like it was taking a turn for the worst. It was only a 3 hour drive back to Hartford so we thought we’d have plenty of time to head off the incoming storm. Driving south through New Hampshire is picturesque any time of the year but during a fierce snow storm it has an almost eerie beauty to it. We talked shop in an effort to take our minds off the ferocity of the storm, but we had been driving for an hour and...

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Stranded MF cons rom

Stranded By Spectre Emily slammed her car door and cursed loudly. It wasn’t enough that the damn car quit on her on this empty country road, she was also out of range for her cell phone to work. She leaned against the door and looked around in frustration. She was stranded. It was all because she had become so bored. Everything just seemed so routine these days. She was tired of it. Her husband had left her over six months ago, running away with a woman he worked with. Good riddance, she...

4 years ago
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Stranded during a Blizzard

Introduction: 3 pages, I hope you enjoy Page 1 – Blizzard – Co-worker, MF I left a business seminar early with my co-worker Tom because the weather looked like it was taking a turn for the worst. It was only a 3 hour drive back to Hartford so we thought wed have plenty of time to head off the incoming storm. Driving south through New Hampshire is picturesque any time of the year but during a fierce snow storm it has an almost eerie beauty to it. We talked shop in an effort to take our minds...

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I know being stranded on a deserted island sounds far fetched but it can really happen, trust me I speak from experience. It had been my father's idea that the family take a south sea cruise to celebrate my recent graduation from college and to break in his new schooner. He had cleaned up recently on the stock market and wanted to celebrate. My mother had taken a vacation from her job and me and my sister was at loose ends until the fall semester started up again in a few months. I had decided...

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I had been hoping against hope that the flight would not be cancelled by the weather. They had already delayed it twice and the snow showed no signs of letting up. I had a wedding to attend on Saturday, the rehearsal and dinner and a final fitting of my bridesmaid’s dress on Friday. Plus, I had been lucky enough to finally schedule an interview with a potential client that I had been courting for over a month now on Thursday afternoon. Because the weather had been iffy, I had actually booked...

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Due to the limitations of plain text, I have used the accent mark, ', to denote a character's thoughts Stranded By Kellie "Cowgyrl" Thomas It was a beautiful day when we took off from the tiny airport just south of Cancun. Four of us were heading out for an expedition in Costa Rica. Our flight path was to take us out over the ocean for a quick look at some pristine islands off the Central American coast. These were the stuff of legends, uninhabited nodes of paradise in a chaotic...

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Stranded MF cons rom

StrandedBy Spectre Emily slammed her car door and cursed loudly. It wasn't enough that the damn car quit on her on this empty country road, she was also out of range for her cell phone to work. She leaned against the door and looked around in frustration. She was stranded. It was all because she had become so bored. Everything just seemed so routine these days. She was tired of it. Her husband had left her over six months ago, running away with a woman he worked with. Good riddance,...

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STRANDED (Shifu’s Birthday Present) 2/7/08        I kicked the flat tire again.  I cursed it in my head.  I swore at it over and over.        ?Need some help??        I gasped as I jumped and turned to face the man who pulled over to help me.  My left hand clutched my chest as it beat rapidly within its confines.        ?Oh my God, you scared me,? I gasped for breath.        ?I’m so sorry.  I pulled over and saw you cursing and beating your poor car and thought you might need a hand.?    ...

4 years ago
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Stranded on Creton

My exobiologist was so hot and desirable that she became a distraction.I was the Commander of an exploration team back in 2318 assigned to explore and document the newly discovered planet of Creton, in orbit around CGS-29a, a star in the Virgo system.My team consisted of myself and five other scientists and engineers; the only woman on the crew was Dr. Carol Burgess, who I must admit was a gorgeous blonde that every man on the team had the hots for. She had blue eyes, a beautiful face, a great...

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The Peasant Mothers Sacrifice

In medieval times in Europe the law in some fiefdoms was that the lord had the privilege to fuck the bride first on her wedding night unless the bridegroom could offer a certain monetary payment. The Latin term for the policy was jus primae nocti or "first night rights." In this way the lord maintained his dominance over his manor, increased his coffers, as well as experiencing the obvious pleasures. This story takes place in 1453 AD in eastern France. “Mother, John will not marry me if the...

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A Mothers Sacrifice

This event takes place around 1453 AD in eastern France. The story “Mother, John won’t marry me if the lord fucks me first! You know that is the law – and the lord enforces it on serious penalty. What am I to do?” Madame deLong to her child, “Christine, of course, I know it – that is where your older brother came from – the lord’s father fucked me on my wedding night and nine months later your brother was born. Your father could not do anything about it. It is a terrible rule that...

1 year ago
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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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My Best Friends Sacrifice II

For an entire year the beautiful Katie has kept to her words. She sacrifices her body every night and let me, her best friend, use it for whatever I want. Tonight, as usual, I'm enjoying her sacrifice again. "Suck harder, you slave, suck harder," sitting on the edge of my bed, I put my hand on Katie's head, forcing her to keep sucking my rock hard cock even though she was choking, and I can see tears coming down her beautiful but emotionless face. That's what I really like the most, only I...

Erotic Fiction
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Emily becomes acquainted with her foreign exchange brother

Emily came home exhausted from college.  She has discovered that communicating all day in a formal classroom setting in a foreign language is exhausting.  She closed the door shut and yelled, “Hello, anyone home?”Silence.“Well, I guess I can take a nice long, hot shower and relax.”Emily went up to her bedroom and quickly undressed.  She went into the open shower and turned on the hot water.  Emily really loved standing under the hot water.  It was so relaxing as she ran her fingers across her...

First Time
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book1 Chapter 7 The Knights Sacrifice

Book One: The Quest Chapter Seven: The Knight's Sacrifice By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Acolyte Sophia – Western Deorc Forest, The Federation of Deoraciynae The two other elf hunters appeared silently out of the woods. Like Xera, they were gorgeous, tall and lithe, their bodies painted in greens and browns to let them blend into the woods. Their keen eyes flickered at Angela and me, their ears twitching in obvious curiosity at the sight...

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The Fourth Sacrifice

I was tired and hungry when I finally reached the little town in the valley that I had seen from some distance, walking down one of the hills that surrounded it, hoping to find a place where I could eat and rest; alms given me either out of charity or in return for what little I had to offer: my body, which, of course, I had no means to save from being taken for free, and my skills in making it provide pleasure, which, when I was lucky, were rewarded by a friendly word, a small gift, or a bowl...

3 years ago
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Foreign Exchange Yet another Dental Care sequel

nature and may involve non-consensual sexual acts between underage partners. Any resemblance to persons either alive or dead is purely coincidental. This story is intended for ADULTS only. If you are under the legal age of consent in your local jurisdiction, or if you are easily offended, kindly STOP READING NOW. Foreign Exchange - Yet another "Dental Care" sequel - by - The StoryMaster "Hey gimme a break man!" Ray Barrette practically shouted into the telephone. "What...

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A daughters sacrifice

A Daughter's Sacrifice - Part 1 (wife, M/F, M+F, mmF) "I have to tell you something, Anoop," mywife, Kamal, said. She sat across from me overbreakfast. Bright sunlight streamed through theapartment window behind her back. Kamal lookedstunning as always. She wore just a flimsy chemiseand her cotton panties. That was one thing I likedabout her. She always seemed to be in a state ofsemi-undressed. "Uh-huh," I said. My head was buried in themorning paper. I was following up about the story ofthe...

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Penultimate Sacrifice

Penultimate Sacrifice By (Miss) Zagros Carolyn Mingmei Kimiko Wu Copyright 2000 by (Miss) Zagros Carolyn Mingmei Kimiko Wu Michael Odum was looking to see the world. The 18 year old brown haired blue eyed American with a southern accent was curious to learn Japanese, having been fascinated by anime and manga since before he was a teenager. Now, the first chance he had to get away from home, he was going to take it. His parents were, at first, against his decision to attend...

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Adrielles sacrifice

Adrielle’s sacrificeBy Dr. TroyThe ParkIt was a sunny spring day and Adrielle was taking a walk in the park after a shopping tour. Having no school today she decided to enjoy today’s wonderful weather. Adrielle was a very beautiful young girl with long blonde hair, a cute baby face and an astonishingly shapy body with huge c-cup breasts. She was wearing a short black satin dress with spaghetti sholders, due to the warm weather; very thin sheer to waist black pantyhose and open toe high heeled...

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Sow and ReapChapter 40 Darkness and Sacrifice

Over the last few hours, Yugi, Honda, Pharaoh and I had taken turns sitting with Joey, rotating an hour or so at a time in pairs. None of us wanted to be alone when the machines went quiet. Pharaoh and I sat beside Joey's bed. We had placed two extra blankets over him because he was shivering in his sleep. I was beyond tears. Pharaoh had stopped praying. Joey groaned and we both looked up. He winced. He had requested that we reduce the amount of pain medication he was receiving and that...

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