Fucked Hot Bengali College Friend After Interview
- 2 years ago
- 36
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Sarah’s Clan returned to the bridge on Dóchas after seeing Ariu, Aine, and Morrigan depart. Although the three left together Ariu was returning home while Aine and Morrigan returned to Tara to enjoy the celebrations.
After they had checked the ship’s status Maeve said, “Now that we’ve spent several hours with Ariu I am more comfortable with the concept they’ve proposed.”
“Aine’s initial concern surprised me,” responded Aoife. “Having spent time with them today it appears that she is no longer worried. Interacting with them in the manner they’ve suggested will be interesting.”
“Why?” queried Joyce.
“Because the proposed relationship is so very different from any we’ve known or read about.”
“I wonder how the rest of our family will learn of Their presence, and how they will respond, as They are quite different from those they may have worshiped in Sol.”
“I don’t think that that will be a problem as it will be a new relationship, especially with how They are proposing that we interact with each other.”
Maeve said, “Aoife, I see why you are concerned, but I think you’ve overlooked the impact of how we share information within our family. As our population grows we will likely segment into groups with a particular outlook. I don’t see the differences in the way we communicate growing to the point that it negatively affects our overall unity.”
“I am sure some visitors from other Worlds will try to exploit any such differences.”
“Well, as long as we have a good responsive leadership it should be successful, but only time will tell. Besides, They’ve indicated that They have a unique view of the fabric of time and destiny, so if we as a family listen and consider Their advice then ... we will prosper.”
“I agree. The times we’ve meditated as a Clan and looked at those aspects, we’ve seen them as a very complex matrix. I now wonder if our view is the same as Theirs.”
“A topic to raise when we meet.”
Jill said, “To change the subject, when do we want to tell the children about the Retreat?”
“Actually,” responded Sarah, “we ought to tell them tomorrow morning and ask them to keep it confidential. At our evening meeting tomorrow we can announce both the Retreat and that our alternates will be in command during our absence.”
“That will be a new experience for many. So, I take it that They’ve met everyone.”
“Not yet. But They will have by the time we make our announcement.”
Star said, “How will you handle your connection with me? Before you answer, I would like to say that I was very impressed with Her. From what you’ve shared regarding your meeting with Them I think that you will find the Retreat very interesting.”
“My spouses may disagree,” said Tara, “but I think you ought to maintain a link with us to the extent that you can sort of listen, that is if you can isolate that link from everyone else.”
“I think that is a good idea,” responded Aoife.
“We agree,” added their spouses.
“I can do that, presuming the current activity level.”
Sarah said, “Since all the Councilors will be out of touch with the family it will give us a chance to see how well our alternates do when we are not nearby.”
“They will all do fine,” replied Star.
“We have no doubts,” replied the Clan. “However, it will be a bit different to other times as we won’t be readily accessible.”
“Good point.”
Muireann queried, “Sarah’s Clan, do you have a few moments?”
“Sure, what’s up?” responded Erin.
“We think we have enough data on the watch ships to correctly identify their sponsors. Should we share this with the Atewa and Monque?”
“Probably, where are they from?”
“It looks like one is Iridien. Well let me clarify that, the ship was made in the Iridien World but it has no markings. There is one ship from each of the Oreschre, Tigsu, and Watsua Worlds. Today we identified a new arrival, which based on its external markings is from the Dutsuz World. This is a total of five but there could be more so we are continuing to look.
“The probable Iridien ship and the Dutsuz ship are being closely monitored.”
“As to sharing, Captain Laonize knows that we’ve found watch ships in the System. When we saw her earlier today she was concerned about the late arrival of a convoy. During the time she was with us she received a message letting her know that it would be arriving in a day or so.”
“Both Worlds have had issues with convoys not arriving on schedule. Apparently this has always been a problem. Although by what they’ve said it seems to have become more of an issue recently. We do know that they’ve considered sending escorts with them. Instead they decided to give the convoy commander a selection of routes with multiple legs and let him make the choices.”
“Sounds complicated and could make rescue difficult, if not impossible.”
“Well they think it has helped to reduce hijacking. Another aspect of their problem is that some ships are not being adequately maintained. Flexible routing doesn’t solve that issue; in fact it could make it worse.”
“Have you bugged the watch ships?”
“It is planned. Do you want to share anything that we get from that?”
“Only if we are asked if we have more information on them. As to the rest, we don’t see any problem with sharing. This may be an opportunity to learn more about their commercial shipping issues as at some point that information could be quite valuable.”
“Looking into the future again?”
“Yes. However it will be some time before we have a commercial fleet.”
“When we meet with the Atewa and Monque in the morning we will share what we’ve found and see what else we can learn.”
“Have you gone to the celebration yet?”
“No. We are going down in a couple of hours. I understand it is as much fun as Landing Day was.”
“It is. Have a great time!”
“Thank you. We will do our best.”
After dropping the connection Rusty said, “The watch ship sponsors are from everyone in the Alliance that we’ve had some form of contact with. So is that good or bad?”
Janet said, “Well based on what Captain Laonize said, I think it is neither. They are just seeking firsthand information on the activity in this System.”
“Since this is a closed system, perhaps their focus is on what their fellow members are up to,” noted Alena. “I am not implying that we should ignore their presence. Perhaps we need to reciprocate. Of course that presumes we have the resources to do so.”
Sally said, “From an intelligence aspect it is a good idea. However, unless we have a specific concern I see no need to rush into doing it. In any case we should wait until manufacturing is fully operational.”
“It is time to exercise,” said Sally. “Since we are at minimum staffing let’s exercise and eat in shifts.”
Alison said, “While I agree with doing our exercises and letting our milk down in shifts, we could all eat together here.”
“Suits me,” replied her spouses.
On the 6th Aine joined them as they were boarding Alpha 1 for their trip to the Retreat’s location. “Good morning,” said Sarah’s Clan.
“Good morning,” she replied with a smile. “Are you all ready for this?”
“Yes, but we do have some concerns,” responded Aoife.
“Isn’t this Retreat an effort to sort them out? But before we get into that, are we ready to depart.”
“Yes,” replied Sarah. “Briana’s Clan, we are preparing to depart for the Retreat.”
“Have a great time,” they replied.
Briana added, “Let us know when you are on your way back.”
“Aye. We will.”
Aine said, “Alpha1 AI, depart as if we were going to Carey. On reaching the coordinates for the base and at Flight Level 46, turn to a heading of 280 degrees. Our destination is 5,484 km from Carey.”
(Note: Ananu Flight Levels are in 100 meter increments so 46 = 4600 meters or15,000 feet)
“Where are we going?” asked Keri.
“Initially to a high mountain valley, it is then just a short walk to our destination, or so I’ve been told. Originally the plan was for us to teleport directly to the location but your hosts thought that getting there this way might be a better choice.”
“Can we show the flight plan on the monitor?”
“Sure,” replied Aine.
“So who are our hosts?” queried Kennith.
Smiling Alena said, “We haven’t said because we were asked to keep that to ourselves. Now that doesn’t seem necessary, besides, you’ve probably already met some of them.”
Iris said, “Would one of them be the woman who went dancing with you at the celebration?”
“Yes. Today we will meet the rest of Her family. We think that They are pretty special people.”
“They are,” added Aine with a smile.
“They must be, for all of us to be making this trip,” responded Moya. “How long will we be there?”
Sarah said, “At least until tomorrow afternoon. Why?”
“Just curious.” Glancing out the window she gasped when she saw two other shuttles. “I guess I know why Maureen’s Clan wasn’t very upset when we told them that we would be gone for a few days.”
“Why?” asked Iris.
“Take a look out the window. It looks like our sister clans are coming with us.”
As several adults chuckled Maeve said, “Didn’t you all listen to the announcement regarding this Retreat?”
“I did,” replied Deidre, “but I didn’t associate it with today’s trip.” The other children nodded their heads in agreement.
Sarah looked at each of her spouses and said, “Ariu is the name of the woman we went dancing with at the Founders Day celebration. She has two sisters named Cabd and Iodla. You’ve possibly seen them around Tara.”
“I saw Ariu with two other women a few times,” said Jordana. “I chatted with one of them and she seemed really nice. All three are lovely. It was the first time I’ve met anyone with grey eyes.”
“We agree that they are lovely women, in many ways,” noted Alison.
Sarah continued, “They, along with their parents, are hosting this retreat. Their mother’s name is Canu and their father is Laghdha. They have two more sisters and a brother and his family that we have not met.
Corey asked, “Are we meeting Ananu’s deities?”
“How did you arrive at that conclusion?”
“Well, they obviously live on this planet and no one has said anything about other residents. The three we’ve seen just seem to vanish and then reappear, which is different to the way Aine and her sisters move. In some Earth literature deities have grey eyes, and all of us are going to an isolated place for this meeting.”
“You are correct. They are this planet’s Gods and Goddesses. We’ve spent some time with Ariu, Cabd, and Iodla, as have our sister clans. This trip is to meet the rest of Their family and because They want to meet all of us. One purpose of the meeting is to discuss how we will interact and to outline some aspects of our relationship.”
Aine said, “Relax. Yes They are special, but you should interact with Them just like you do with us and other people that you have great respect for.”
“But how do we address Them?” asked Corey.
“Just precede their name with God or Goddess. If They want you to address Them differently They will tell you, just as I’ve given all of you permission to address me as Aine. However, I wouldn’t expect that offer to be made, especially if it is in a group or public setting. As an aside, when referring to deities in writing the first letter of the pronoun is capitalized, when speaking emphasis is placed on the first letter. Communication is actually easier telepathically and They are telepathic. If you aren’t sure, then address Them as God, or Goddess, followed by their name.
“As I said, relax, just be yourselves and you will do fine.”
“We’ll try,” responded Corey with her siblings nodding in agreement but looking a little uncertain.
A short time later the eight shuttles settled onto a field on Ananu. On exiting the shuttles there were many ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ as the occupants looked at the landscape surrounding them. After a few moments Aine said, “The path we want to take is over here.” With that she and Sarah started walking toward it with the others, in groups, quickly following them.
They walked for about half a kilometer before they came to a gentle bend in the path. Once around it they arrived at the entrance to a formal garden. Beyond the entrance they saw a group waiting for them. Aine said, “Sarah’s Clan, I know you don’t often do this, but it would probably be easier for Them to understand family relationships if the children were next to their birth mother as you meet them.”
Aoife added, “Let’s also line up by when we joined our clan, so Rusty and Sarah are in the lead.”
“An excellent idea,” responded her spouses.
A few moments later Ariu said, “Good morning Aine and welcome. It is good to see you again.”
As Aine began to respond with, “It is a pleasure... ,” her comment was interrupted by Ariu stepping forward and drawing her into a hug. After a moment she finished her thought, “ ... that I have been looking forward to.”
“I know. We will have a chance to talk later.”
“I will look forward to that but we can’t stay long.”
“We understand why ... but we will have the time at some point.”
Cabd said, “Ariu, there will time enough later so don’t hold up the line.”
“Fine, I’ll look forward to it,” replied Aine to Ariu before moving off to greet Iodla.
“Good morning, Sarah.”
“Good morning, Goddess.” As Sarah spoke Ariu drew her into a hug.
“I will try but it is difficult at times.”
“I know. There will be times when our interaction will be more formal, but not this time.”
“I sort of expected this to be formal.”
“We thought that meeting informally would lead to a more open discussion and a relaxed atmosphere. Since we are being informal please refer to us by just our name as that form of address is quite acceptable in this situation.”
“That will go a long way to creating an informal atmosphere.”
They gave each other a quick peck on the cheek before separating.
“Ariu, these are my children.” With that Sarah introduced her children and as she did Ariu gave each a hug just like the one she had given Sarah.
“Now go greet the others before Cabd starts prodding me again. I think she is anxious for hugs.”
“Good morning, Ariu,” said Rusty as Sarah and the children moved toward Iodla.
“Good morning,” she replied as she pulled him into a hug.
“We heard your comment to Sarah, and thank you.”
“Good that will enable the line to move faster. Believe it or not there have been times when we have experienced similar uncertainties.” As she was speaking they stepped apart.
When Sarah and her children reached Cabd she said, “Good morning Goddess Cabd, with me are some of our children.”
The children then said, “Good morning Goddess Cabd.”
As Cabd drew Sarah into a hug she said, “Remember today is an informal gathering, so relax and enjoy your time here. We need you to relax so Mother and Father will. It has been a long time since they have been to a gathering, and never one like this.”
“We will try but this is new experience for us,” said Sarah before introducing her children.
Corey said, “Goddess, it is good to see you again,” as she was hugged.
As Cabd looked at each of the children she said, “Yes. It is good to be with all of you again. I hope our relationship does not change now that you know I am a Goddess.”
“We knew you were special the first time we met you. We just didn’t know how special. Now, I suspect things will change a bit but we hope our friendship will grow even though we are in different realms.”
“My sisters and I would like that. Now go meet my parents as they are anxious to meet you all.”
Goddess Canu smiled when she saw Sarah and her children approaching. When they were close she held out her hands to Sarah and on touching her said, “Welcome to our World.”
“Goddess, this is a beautiful place,” replied Sarah with the children nodding.
“I think it is but then I am likely biased. Now, you’ve fulfilled the forms so it is acceptable to address me as Canu. Let’s seal the agreement with a hug.”
“Most certainly,” Sarah replied as their arms encircled each other. Sarah shivered as she felt warmth and serenity flow over her. After a few moments they separated and she said, “Thank you. It has been a long time since I felt a hug like that.”
“Thank you. I suspect we will share more of them in the future, and who is this with you?”
With that Sarah introduced her children. As each was introduced Canu gave them a hug. After Corey received her hug, with her face nearly glowing, she said, “Mom, Her hug gave me the same sensations I feel when you hug me.”
Smiling Canu responded, “Thank you.”
Keri said, “It felt the same way to me, but I was reluctant to say so.” The others nodded their agreement.
Corey smiling added, “If I hadn’t sensed what you thought of Her hugs I am not sure I would have made the comment.”
“Very perceptive,” noted Canu. “While I would like to spend more time with you all there are more to greet.”
The God Laghdha who was standing beside Canu said with a smile, “Now I get to meet the keystone of Sarah’s Clan.” He held out his hands to her just as the others had done. Sarah felt a tingle as their hands touched, then her senses were overwhelmed by the sensations she felt. To her it was just like when Rusty had hugged her the very first time. When He relaxed their hug it took a moment for Sarah to steady herself. “Are you okay?”
“Yes. The sensations I felt during our hug were almost overwhelming. It also triggered a memory of a hug a long time ago.”
“Ah ... would that be the first time you hugged Rusty?” He queried.
“Yes,” she responded with a surprised expression.
He smiled. “Good. I have to admit that both Canu and I were reluctant to have a meeting like this, but now we are very glad that our daughters were so persistent.” Before Sarah could respond He turned to the children and said, “So how do like this World?”
Smiling Corey responded, “Where are we? On the planet Ananu?”
He roared with laughter then said, “Ah, so you noticed. So what do you think of both?”
“From the little we’ve seen of this one it is pretty neat, but something seems to be missing. While it is a beautiful location, it doesn’t seem quite as vibrant as Ananu. Ananu is a great alternative to living in a spaceship and the need to be constantly aware of your surroundings. Ananu is also the first planet we’ve lived on with an atmosphere that allows us a lot more variety in our activities. Both Ananu and here are lovely places.”
“As to something missing here, there could be as this location is fairly new. Explore it while we are meeting with your parents. I would be interested in hearing how you think it could be improved.”
Seeing Keri’s expression change, He added, “But feel free to listen to our discussion if that is your wish. We can talk about this location later.”
“We are very pleased to meet You and Your family,” said the children prompting Sarah to smile.
“As am I pleased to meet you and yours, please help yourself to the refreshments while you are waiting.”
After meeting the Goddesses and God Sarah’s Clan moved further into the garden. They hadn’t gone very far when they reached a long table covered with a variety of fruits, cheeses, breads, and drinks. Behind the table they could see a fairly large bowl shaped area with seats at multiple levels around the sides. The layout reminded them of a theater in the round, although there wasn’t a stage. A short distance beyond that were two large tents. The one on the left was open and appeared to be an eating area. They guessed that the other was their overnight accommodations as the sides were covered.
When Siobhan’s Clan joined them several of Sarah’s Clan noticed a change in their inter-clan mind-link. This prompted them make a closer assessment of their links with the other clans. While their link with Siobhan’s Clan was now normal, and perhaps stronger than before arriving here, their connection with the other clans was very weak.
Tara said to her spouses, “I see you’ve noticed a difference in our inter-clan mind-link?”
“Yes,” they replied.
Aine said, “We think They did that so that They could meet each of you as if it was only you They were meeting today.”
“Aine is correct, and you all are very perceptive.” said Ariu. “I will admit that I had expected you to notice. We can talk about it later.”
Smiling both Sarah’s and Siobhan’s Clans replied, “Fine.”
Sarah added, “There wasn’t any concern about it on our part since it occurred here.”
Aine said, “As soon as Keriann’s Clan is through the line we will begin going back to the shuttles.”
“We thought you were staying for a while,” said Jill.
“Well the tea leaves are indicating that it would be better for us to be around the shuttles. We aren’t leaving the area and will be participating in the discussions at some point, probably toward the end.”
“Tea leaves?” queried Erin.
“Yep. We received a message suggesting that we monitor the shuttles while you are with Them.”
“If you need assistance, be sure to let us know,” offered Rusty.
“Thanks, but I don’t think we will need any help. I probably shouldn’t say this, but if the suspicions are correct it will result in some people loosing creditability. Besides, if it got to the point of us needing assistance They would become involved.”
“To change the topic,” said Sarah, “I thought Canu’s other children were going to be here.”
“Later today,” responded Siobhan. “They were detained by an issue in their World.”
Kennith said, “The food looks and smells very good. Is it alright for us to get some?”
“That was the offer He made,” responded Sally. “Let’s see what our choices are.”
Later, after greeting Jackie’s Clan, They walked with them to join everyone else by the refreshments.
Jill said, “The food is delicious.”
“Thank you,” replied Ariu and her sisters. Ariu continued, “Ann’s Clan was very helpful when I asked them about the food they serve. We like it as it is different from what we typically have.”
Canu said, “Once Jackie’s Clan has had a chance to get some food let’s sit in the conference center over there. It is the first time we’ve used an arrangement like this, so if it is awkward we will make some changes. While we are meeting feel free to get more refreshments at any time.”
Several of Sarah’s Clan glanced at each other and nodded. Seeing their reaction Cabd said, “We heard about the arrangements you had when hosting your visitors so we decided to try a similar approach. We like this seating as everyone has a view of the one talking.” Her comment resulted in several smiles.
Aoife said, “Your arrangement will work for us if we arrange ourselves by clan.” When she saw Iodla’s puzzled expression she added, “In situations like this we can sense our spouses’ feelings as we hear their thoughts.”
“I keep forgetting how dynamic your connection is with each other. Ariu and Cabd seem to be more aware of it than I but I think they have spent more time with you all than I have.”
Keri said, “Goddess Canu, we are unsure of our role today. While we intend to monitor those younger than us as we usually do, would it be acceptable for us to listen to your discussions?”
“I didn’t see your role here as any different to that of your parents, so the answer is yes, absolutely.”
Iodla added, “Several of us just realized that your parents haven’t shared the idea behind this gathering with you. In hindsight, that is likely due to the way we ask them to limit sharing the fact that they had met us. On your way here we suspect they indicated who you would be meeting, but they probably didn’t mention the reason behind it.
“Before I get to addressing that, I should address another item. I understand why your family likes to have both verbal and telepathic dialogue. The verbal aspect is currently a little bit of a problem for us. My Parents are still working on becoming proficient in your spoken language although we do understand you when you speak telepathically. So our discussions will be primarily telepathic.
“As to the reason for being here, it is so that we can learn more about each other. Most solar systems that are inhabited, or that soon will be, are overseen by a family of Gods and Goddesses. It is that family that guides the changes necessary to develop a sentient species and encourage them to prosper. Early in their development they become aware of us and a relationship develops. When they evolve to the point of logical thinking, and gain other traits leading to the building of a civilization, there is usually an acknowledgment of the deity’s role.
“A complication can arise when an advanced species, such as your family, settles a new planet. Just as members of a breed have different attributes and personalities, so do deities. We’ve seen this lack of knowledge about each other lead to ... well let’s just say ‘difficult situations’. Having seen what happened in other systems we came to the conclusion that it would benefit both of us to become acquainted. The question was, ‘how do we initiate that?’. My sisters and I have been observing, and occasionally interacting with, your family since you first entered this system. Mother queried the Old Ones about your family and we think she was surprised to receive a response. It was very positive. We were impressed to learn that a team of their Mentors had chosen to make their home with you. Based on all of this my sisters and I thought that we should meet you. However, it took us a while to convince our parents but eventually they did agree with us.
“There are two broad objectives for our gathering. One is to learn more about each other, such as personality, knowledge, values, experiences, abilities, etc. The second is to work out a way to interact on an ongoing basis. Since you’ve been on Ananu we’ve quietly walked among you and in most cases were visible. This has, I think, given us the opportunity to get to know you pretty well but there is still a lot we don’t know. While we’ve shared our experiences of being among you we’ve had difficulty in conveying some aspects of the relationships in your family. In particular how the logical bipeds fit into your family.”
“Excuse me, Iodla, but we don’t mind you referring to us as a bot as it is easier to say,” said Casidhe. “We see the relationship between the two types of beings in our family as symbiotic, in that together we are much greater than we would be separately. To me we expect to have a similar relationship with you all.”
Ariu, Cabd, and Iodla, smiled and nodded. Before anyone could respond Canu said, “It looks like the discussion has begun so let’s all move to the conference area so we can sit down. Children, did that clarify why we are meeting?”
“So to be clear, please join us as you can and we also appreciate your assistance with the younger ones.”
“Thank you. We will,” responded Moya. “Since you are conversing telepathically monitoring the discussion is much easier.”
“Mother,” said Ariu, “we should treat this as a family gathering.”
“I thought we were, although we hadn’t defined it as such.”
After they were all seated Laghdha said, “Before we continue, I think we have not allowed enough time to cover all that we want to so could you stay another day or two if the need arises?”
There was a momentary pause, then Sarah, Amy, Siobhan, Maureen, Keriann, Kathryn, Molly, and Jackie in unison replied, “We don’t see a problem, but we need to let the other clans know.”
Sarah added, “If the probability is high, we could let them know now that we are delaying our return by at least a day. This will make it easier for them to make any necessary adjustments in schedules.”
He looked at Canu and his daughters then said, “Let’s plan on it then.”
The Órarduine glanced at Sarah and nodded, a moment later she said, “It is taken care of.”
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Overwatch. A group of enhanced and talented individuals coming together to protect the people from terrorists and omnic threats alike. This is your job. A simple soldier in the ranks of the elite. You offer simple support and cover fire on the field while leaving the major healing and fighting to the more experienced members. Before we begin your story we need to gather some information.
Author's note: Back with another kinky little sissy tale. Like most of my stories, this one starts off well and quickly devolves into kinky situations that may not be all that believable. I hope that you will suspend disbelief and enjoy the journey. And if you have any suggestions about what should happen on day two, feel free to email me at [email protected]. Enjoy! xoxoxo Sissy Michelle, aka Emshon or Emshoninque. The Death of Craigslist I was shocked when the...
The morning rush hour traffic was still bumper to bumper as Elaine dropped her two boys at daycare and headed to work. However, her thoughts were not on the traffic. She still couldn't believe what her mother had told her about her affair with a black man. Even more amazing, she couldn't believe how descriptive her mother had been. She described her lover in explicit detail and talked about how incredible the sex had been. She said that she could still remember it as if it were yesterday....
She had always asked me to tie her wrists and told me a few times of her fantasies about bondage. I was never that interested until one day she took the cord belt off her dress and asked me to tie her hands behind her. Well what is a guy to do but oblige the lady, she came to stand in front of me with her hands crossed behind her and, as she had asked, I tied her wrists with the cord from her dress.Now Gillian always, always wore stockings, she knew my preference for tan stockings with white...
My wife had to go to the OB GYN doctor the other day for her annual checkup. She always has mixed emotions about going and we talk about it and have fantasies during sex. He likes her doctor but laying on the exam table with her legs in the stirrups is both exciting and a little frightening to her. Her doctor is a little older and she gets excited so exposed to him during the exam as he checks her breasts, which he always compliments and then as he has her lie down and feels her stomach...and...
(Story resubmitted with objectionable content removed) My story draws near its close, dear reader, and I shall do my utmost to do these final moments justice in their detail. The first thing I shall say is that Oluth was clearly born for the mantel of leadership. While I’d thought him to be little more than a beast when we first met, I had since come to recognize what a being of great power, intelligence, and patience he truly is. Even then, it was not until after the business with Aryth I...
SupernaturalI thought I'd washed thoroughly in the showers before leaving the gay sauna. But somehow the smell of the young man lingered on my hands. Musky and masculine, with just a hint of funk and condom rubber, the smell was unmistakably him and not me. I cursed the soap gel dispensers at that sauna, which always seemed to be half-empty, and difficult to use. A lot of guys there took their own toiletries, I'd noted. It seemed a rather French thing to do, but I resolved to do the same in future. ...
Gay Male"That is not correct." Sherry collapsed back in her chair. So close! The usual hushed assessments rustled around the circle. Six of the girls, including Sherry, were only a point away from winning. Five of the others were only two away. Tran, the new girl, silenced by stage fright, had forfeited her last question, and was short by three. It was the most evenly matched game anyone could remember. That was partly luck, but also skilled play; one of the goals was to get as many players as...
Louie pulled in and parked the car in front of the run down motel office as Art had directed him to do. "Go inside and get us a room Lou. We'll wait for you out here." Louie got out of the car and entered the office. He returned several minutes later clutching a key in his hand. The motel was located on the same old highway they had been traveling on about fifty or sixty miles from where the truck had broken down. Like the highway, it hadn't seen much traffic after the new inter-state...
It was a Saturday night. Wearing my short dress with nothing underneath, I was dancing on the dance floor in a club. Men were coming closer to me, talking to me, touching my ass. I was enjoying it all, but for the past few minutes, I was constantly making an eye contact with the man sitting at the bar. He looked like he was in his early thirties. He was tall, with short black hair and beautiful eyes. He was wearing a black suit with white shirt. We smiled looking at each other. A man came...
"Damm it Jake," I spoke to no one in particular as I picked up the boxer short. My young 19 year old nephew was staying with me in my beach house. The place was a mess when ever he came over. Still, I thought, it's nice to have so company as I walked to the bathroom and dropped it in the wJames basket. As I walked back to the front window over looking the lake, I took a look into the hallway mirror. 42 years old but still looking good. Sure I was getting balder each year, but I kept it short...
Again my dreams were filled with another trip to the grove. This time when I awoke the goddess in the grove had left my mind filled with knowledge of how to travel from place to place in a fraction of the time without using the Fae realm. As with every other day this week my head felt full to bursting with the knowledge of how to use the skill I had just learned. I awoke in the bed with no knowledge of having walked there and quickly rose. I drew on the mana to put the skill to the test. I was...
Walking into my sister’s house I see the clock on the stove read 2:35 am. I have to be up for work in about six hours max, and I am nowhere near sleep. It’s nice when she goes out of town and I get to watch her house, but at the same time my commute to work is doubled. I let the dogs out, and once they are settled back into their beds, I wander into the bedroom. I reach over and grab my cell phone to let you know I am home safe. I open my text messages and send Home safe baby. Still smiling ;-)...
ReluctanceOne night I was sitting on the couch with James, my head was in his lap and my eyes were closed. Everyone else had left the party, the alcohol of course had gone straight to my head, i was never much of a drinker. I cant remember the song that was playing but it was something very loud and irritating. James was playing with my long blonde hair, twirling it between his fingers. It felt nice. " James what is this shit?" I asked about the music. " Too loud hun?" He asked. " Hell yeah...
The first time I saw her was in the supermarket. I'd popped in to get some milk and a pizza for my tea and I saw her futher down the aisle. It was a hot July day, and she was wearing a little flowery dress. I distinctly remember that moment. It has stuck in my memory ever since. She was slim, with red shoulder length hair and as I slowly walked up the aisleway between the fridges I took the oppurtunity to look her up and down. Damn, she had a nice body!! When I got a little closer I could see...
"It's ok, mom. I don't mind." My mother was looking at my naked breast, my nipple standing up where she had just touched me, then pulled her hand back. It felt nice to be caressed by her. She has been lonely since dad left. And I've always been attracted to older women. I thought, "Why not share my body with her?" She touched me again and I let my eyes flutter closed at the gentleness of it. When I opened them, she had just put her mouth on my nipple and was suckling softly. "That's nice," I...
CUMMING HOMEI was going through a rough time. I just turned forty, my wife ran off with my best friend, my job was cut do to downsizing and my widowed mother was telling me she couldn’t maintain the house I grew up in. With nothing to lose, I decided to look for a new job in the town where my mother lived to see if I could at least help her with the house. Mom had just turned fifty-eight.I arrived at Mom’s midafternoon. She seemed so happy to see me. Dad had passed away three years ago and Mom...
I was debating whether to hookup last night when this bottom contacted me on BarebackRT. Early 40s, Latino, and just a few blocks from me. His profile said he was neg, which I thought was odd for a bareback bottom in his 40s. He says he’s up for coming over and I tell him to come over in an hour. Then he’s late and I ask if he’s going to come over. He says he was vacuuming his place and wanted to finish then he’d be over. Weird response, but he does finally arrive.When he comes in I recognize...
We usually go to an irish pub nearby on St Patrick's Day and this was as usual. We tend to gather with the younger crowd, and we found a few stand up tables near the back and asked if we could set our beers down and share the table. Everyone was fairly well oiled and we were accepted to join in. there were 6 guys at this table and all of them appeared to be 21-24. jerry was a very good looking guy and he kept talking shit about all the girls he was going to go over and pick up. he never left...
This is one of the first stories I wrote, now tarted up and wheeled out for your delight dear readers.God! I’m sure my cock grows a bit bigger every night. Some guys would do bad shit to own one like mine. The girth of it fills my palm, its purple bulb a fucking wonder between my fingers. This morning it's so hard it fucking hurts.Why is there never pussy at hand when you need it? God, Ryan, you’ll just have to think about how they moan when you push into them, how it opens them up and fills...
IncestI admit that I posted this elsewhere, but I AM the author and just want to share my story.The following story is fantasy and fiction. Camping actually took place with my close friend but although the sex never took place, it IS what I did really want to happen. I posted a fuller version of this in 'Sex Stories' on XNXX.comThis weekend took place long ago before I was able to feel out Shari’s feelings about being part of a threesome.So my girlfriend Shari and I decided to go camping together in...
“What? Why ... monkey?” Will stammered. “Very eloquent.” she laughed. “Monkey!?” he repeated. “It’s a witch thing.” Bella grinned. “He’s my familiar.” “You have a familiar now?” Will said, impressed. “Isn’t that pretty high up on the witch achievement scale?” “Middle-range, really.” Bella gave a one-shouldered shrug. “I had him watching from outside in case Jack came back.” “He told you all that with one terrible noise?” Will asked, finally buttoning up his breeches. “Yes. It isn’t my...
I wore my new clothes now everyday, Sam and Tim helped make sure that I learned that my underwear was in the right place and I had this terrible habit of not keeping my legs together when I sat down. At night I was always wearing my nighty and it all just made me completely horny all the time and it was difficult walking down the street not looking at boys.Every other day I tried the different ways of keeping my 'package' hidden so no one would notice too. As I was walking through the mall, I...
Aunty tries to resist meMy aunt Mamatha divorced my uncle when I was 16 years old and my parents sent me to stay with her . I am now 17 and just graduated from high school. Everything seems to go well and normal until one time I noticed my aunt standing outside the bathroom spying on me while I masturbate with her panties. It’s funny because I spy on her when she masturbates in her bed at night, too. I have always wanted to take my uncle’s place in my aunt’s bed ever since she left him because...
This is my first story using conditional variables, so please expect a few rough edges here and there as I figure out systems. My goal is to develop several branching paths concurrently, so hopefully there won’t be a bunch of linear 1-option chapters. Comment and let me know what paths and directions you’d like to see grow out more, feel free to craft thoughtful additions and submit them to me, or just plain enjoy. The continent of Ruhn in the world of Thenard is a land on a knife's edge....
FantasyWhere the heck is that woman? Joe thought to himself as he sat in his car. Sandy wasn't really late but Joe had been thinking about this day for weeks and was anxious to ravish her. Why had they decided to meet on the second highest level of the parking garage? They probably thought it added an element of intrigue to their secret affair.The two of them had been meeting infrequently over the past year. It never seemed like their schedules had openings at the same time. The hazards of being...
As you walk down the hall, you don’t hear me behind you. You stop to throw your keys and wallet on the table.I step up behind you and say in your ear, “Spunky man, don’t turn round. Just take your shirt off and your shoes and socks. Next take off your jeans and your jocks too. I want you naked.”You try to turn around but I slap you on your ass and simply say, “Don’t!”As you finish undressing, I speak again. “On the floor where you are. On your belly.”Down you go. You place your head on your...
MILFHello everyone, I am new here and this is my first submission (definitely not my last). I got to know about this sex story site from my ex-boyfriend, who is a frequent reader and blogger here. Also turns out, he is the main reason I am submitting this today. A little something about me. My name is Fiona, I am 24 years old and live in Mumbai. I am a girl with average height but with a good figure (at least that’s what guys say). My measurements are 36-28-36. I love to keep myself fit so I guess...
November 17, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, [Written November 18-19] We had a light practice, doing only the typical warmups, laps, and rondo. Coach had all of us adjourn to the locker room where we discussed the start of the state tournament tomorrow. We’ll be playing in the southeast regional, as will Petaluma, which got one of the two regional at-large entries. Fortunately, the draw does not have us in the same side of the bracket. The only way we could meet them would be to play them in the...
Chasen and Deirdre Wellington stayed until the protection people showed up and relieved the people that were protecting all of us. I never noticed it, but Mr. Wellington had another entire layer of security surrounding him the whole time they were with me. They must have been good at their jobs, or I would have noticed. Sienna called Jeanette and Sondra to come over as quickly as possible, as soon as the Wellingtons left with their entourage. Before the guards got the wrong idea, she...
"Coach Brad, you wanted to see me?""Yes, Katie, come in and sit down."She sat down in front of the desk. Coach Brad's office was always thought of as a bit of a scary place by the cheerleaders. But especially like this, after practice when the school was usually empty."Katie, do you like being squad captain?""Well, yeah obviously or else I wouldn't do it."Coach Brad didn't find her comment amusing. He looked at her intently, with those strong hazel eyes. She suddenly felt flushed,...
SpankingCraig Miller could smell her as she walked down the aisle of books; could envision her before she passed where he stood, leaning against the bookshelf. So he imagined her. From the gait in her walk, the smooth way her arms past her body, and natural deductive reasoning, he envisioned honey-blond hair, creamy tawny skin, and legs. The lovely vision coming his way did not pass, but turned down the same aisle, confirming his profile of her. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw him standing...
Hi All, I have been following ISS for quite some days. Finally I thought of put down my own experience as well. This is Sashank(Name changed) 25 years old from Mumbai, working for MNC company . And the incident is happened 2 years back; please bear me if any mistake as it is my first story. Will straight away go into the story without wasting any time. It’s a real story happened with a sexy neighbor girl in my society. She was 24 years old then and was working for a software company. Her name...
She had expected to have to do something gross, clean the bathrooms, eat a bug, drink a bunch of beer and run around the house. Something that you see on movies and tv shows. Hell she had even been ready to flash her tits or something. When she had been told what she had to do she had almost backed out. But she wanted it so bad. She headed back to the back of the stacks and located the camera she had been told would be there. On of the sisters in the sorority worked for the university as...
Hi, my name is Bhola I am from UP. I live in mumbai this is my first story so pls ignore my mistakes. I got my first job in mumbai so I am absolutely new to mumbai & people here. I am not to much educated so I got a job in a event company coming to my story this happened a year ago when I came to mumbai I rented a house near where I work this story is about my hot marina aunty( name changed) she is in her late 40’s but believe me she wont absolutely look like that she has perfect body huge...
This is real story of a two friends where we exchanged our wife with each other for bit lengthier live in relationship. Usually in swinging/exchanging wife with others, generally people will exchange partner for just a fucking session in just a week end visit or night visit to one of the couple’s home. In our case, to make our life spicy and have more thrill and adventure, we have decided to do this for bit longer period of time, where my wife will be with my friend for 2 months and where as...
‘Hey baby. Tasha. Wake up sweety. We gotta get out of here. Come on baby, let me help you.’ Emi helped the girl sit up and then to her feet. She grabbed a robe and threw it around Tasha before she led her back to the wardrobe area where they could shower and dress. They took their sweet time and Emi doted on the asian girl, making sure she was okay. Finally, they were dressed and ready to go. When they went out, they were surprised that Mrs. Whitman was nowhere to be found. Emi realized that...
(This story is pure fiction. none of it is nor ever will take place) Humm, where to begin. Well I guess I'll start with me. My name is Sean. I'll be 16 in a few weeks. Or at least I hope I will. So long as things go smoothly, my parents won't have killed me beforehand. But that’s getting a little ahead of myself. I live the "average white middle class family living in a average town" life. I play basketball, B-team. Never had the ambition, dedication, or coordination to make the...
When Kaif walked into the kitchen he noticed that Halima looked to be upset...perhaps nervous. "Is everything okay?" Kaif asked. "Everything's fine." Halima said. "Are you sure?" Kaif asked. "I'm sure." Halima said. "Okay." Kaif said. Kaif helps Halima finish dinner, they eat, do the dishes, then sit down to watch TV. More than 2 hours after he'd walked through the door Kaif can still see the concern on Halima's face. He knows she wants to talk but she doesn't want to be the one to start the...
Breasts can be a big liability - Stephanie’s extreme Interrogation Chapter 1 – The first half hour ?Stephanie, are you ready?? I asked. ?Yes, I am.? she replied. Stephanie stood in front of me stark naked. She was an attractive 31 year old brunette with a beautiful figure. She worked indoors mostly, and her complexion was very pale. She had beautifully shaped firm breasts, with pink areolas, and reddish brown nipples that stood forth proudly from them. She stood with her shapely thighs pressed...
Heloo all , i am imman i am from mimbai we are from a well known family . My moms name is rajani . She is 49 now nut looks likea 25 years old girl . She is a professor , i am in my in 2nd yr mbbs. My moms fig is just like a indian women . She is short , fatty, white colured skin . Its a amall story of u all like i will send many more . Her dress at home is maxi , or skirt with t shirt. For collage saree or salwar . My dad works with whipro & now in london . 6 months back i came from collage &...
IncestAs for the rest of the Houston trip, well the next few days became something of a blur! Allison had reserved the penthouse suite of one of the most expensive hotels in Houston, and had left clear and specific instructions that she wanted enough king-sized beds piled together to allow at least twenty people to fuck. Yes, she used the word fuck to the hotel manager very explicitly and repeatly. This was going to be a rock star level bacchanalian orgy of epic proportions, with groaning trays of...
I light some candles and gently heat some edible massage oils. I lay her down on her front I lean down close to her and tell her how beautiful she is. I rub the oil onto my hands and start with the back of her neck, after I've massaged it I give her neck a nice slow kiss. Next to be massaged is the shoulders and as with her neck after massaging them I finish with a kiss. I can't wait to kiss the small of her back and her buttocks but I won't rush I don't want to miss an inch. After the buttocks...
'Once maiden starts to monthly bleed, Clear increase in her spanking need.' I do not recall the precise source of this charming couplet. Perhaps it is Marlowe's, or from Alexander Pope. Or perhaps I penned it myself in days gone by, inspired to its truth in the observation of a young niece's jutting bottom. Frankly, I don't recall (although I do vividly recollect eventually obeying the maxim to the max with the self-same niece!) An undisputed fact is that the Dr. Spock "bible" of...
Her car wasn’t too far away but still, she had already spotted her ex coming from behind. He was drunk and stumbling around. She looked around seeing a crypt. She rolled her eyes, usually in the movies she would be the first one to die by going into the crypt and waking the ancient horror within, a mummy, a zombie, some other kind of undead abomination. She slipped through the already open gate of the ten by ten crypt. She could hear him calling, and he was a violent man, never quite forgiving...
Note- this is just fictionAfter my old aunt had seduced me and offered my services to a lot of her old friends, I had become addicted to fucking old ladies. But they were always just one fuck affairs. I wanted to build a relationship that provided a variety of sex. After all I was only 19 and found from reading that there was a lot of sexual stimulations on offer. It was a glorious summer when I found Sid and Mary sunbathing on beach in a small seaside town down south. With no thought but to...
‘I know you might not feel like hypnosis is for you. You don’t think of yourself as the sort of person who would listen to someone’s voice and simply doze off, you’re too alert and energetic for that. You can’t imagine it would actually work, hearing all the usual speeches about your limbs growing heavy and your eyes getting tired and sinking into a deep hypnotic slumber. You’re not sleepy at all. ‘But that’s not really what hypnosis is about. People associate hypnosis with sleep, because...
Chandni is a 27-year-old married woman. She is very beautiful. Her husband is working in an MNC. She shared her story a few weeks back and asked me to write down her story and share it with you all. I thank her for asking me to write on her behalf and I would like her to know that I really enjoyed writing this story. Everything was fine until one day her husband Sameer received a call from his cousin Mohit. Mohit had to come to the city for some work and had decided to stay with them for a...
My wife is currently upstairs and with her is a good looking asian guy with a large cock. How do I know this because I had to arrange it all on a swingers site. My heart is beating so fast as I know what is going to happen up there and yet all I can do is hear the occasional noise from downstairs. She has probably got his trousers down and is sucking his cock if I know her well and it won't be long before he has her undressed and is sliding his cock into her wet and eager pussy. I have no idea...