The Group 2
- 2 years ago
- 21
- 0
Dave's turn:
Carlita tells me that my memory is not good.
"I asked you why you wanted to buy me another swimsuit. I have one from the other day with Pat."
"I guess I forgot." I did forget. Probably a mental block that secludes thoughts of Carlita in a swimsuit. I could be wrong. She could look like a toad. I watched her move over to the sofa to pick up the book she'd been reading. Nope, no way that's any kind of toad.
"I've been reading. I talked with Pat. She says I will have to be tested to see where my education puts me in the American system."
"That could be a strange experience. I don't know what you know. I DO know that you sound well-educated."
"I tried to learn. There were people who helped me. I can read. I know something of English grammar..."
"I know kids your age who don't even know that English HAS grammar..."
"I am not like that, Dave. I wish to do well. I do not want people to say 'that is all Carlita knows how to do'. I want Carlita to have no limits. I can do mathematics. Add, subtract, multiply, divide. Algebra."
"There was a book at the school. I asked about it. They let me use it."
"Fourteen year old American students do not use algebra books. There is some algebra in their math classes."
"I can do this," she said. "The other day on the boat, you explained about the ... keel. And balancing forces. I understand those things. "Brazo de momento... " is 'moment arm' the correct term?"
"That's physics, Lita."
She stared at me, those brown eyes serene. "You are engineer. You cannot separate science from numbers. Physics is math with materials."
Inside my head the little guy was running around saying 'What?!?' Outside, I just smiled. "You surprise me, Lita."
"I hope it is a good surprise."
"It was a surprise when you popped up behind my seat. It's been getting better and better every day."
She turned around and walked up to me. I looked downward into her face. "Dave, I think you are a good man. I am glad you found me, okay? Very glad. Come sit. Let me show you what I learned today on the computer."
I sat on the sofa beside her, apparently not close enough, because she eased over, her thigh touching mine, and excitedly went through some websites.
"I can search. I type here. I get places to go. I learn."
"Be careful. Sometimes innocent searches can take you to places that are not proper for young girls. And there is 'chat'. Do not chat."
"What is 'chat'? Like you and me? Talking?"
"Yes, except on the computer, where people may not be as they seem. It is a common place for bad men to search for young girls."
"I know about bad men, Dave. I hear stories. I grew up in church. I know what is right and what is wrong. That does not change for me because somebody says that what I learned is not proper for today."
"Where did you hear that 'not proper for today'?"
"I listen on my travels. The men talk of their..." She paused, searching for the right word, "conquests. Talk to silly girls and tell them things to get what they want." She looked at me. "Men think that girls are for only one thing. Maybe two. Make babies. Keep house."
I remained silent, letting her talk.
She looked carefully at me, started a bit of a smile. "I can keep house."
"I can see what you did today. But keeping this house is not what Lita needs to do. Lita needs to be ... what Lita wants to be, not what some man wants..."
"Unless it is a special man who wants what Lita wants," she giggled.
"You will find that man, if you don't get distracted by one with sweet words and flashy clothes and a nice car," I said.
"I'm sure I can tell the difference, Dave..."
"Many a young girl has said that, Lita. Don't chat on the computer."
"I won't. You say no. Is no." She smiled. "Now, this is something I thought was interesting..." and she showed me more discoveries.
"You're smiling," she said.
"Yes, because my Lita is happy. I was worried. Big house, you alone here..."
"It is your house. Part of you is here always. And you have ME here. So there are two of us."
I didn't hear from Brother Bob for three days. In the meantime, I got used to having this remarkable young girl running around my house. It's been a long time ... Maybe it's because American kids are so jaded about things. Much of it was new and exciting to Lita. We went to the library one evening and stayed until they closed. We left with books.
I introduced her to ebooks. "You have given me the world, Dave."
"I just showed you the Internet, Lita."
"No, I'm not talking about that, Dave. I'm talking about how you have given me a place to stay and a place to learn."
Pat came over to check on Lita. Ran into a smiling girl, shorts-clad, acting like she'd inherited the kingdom. I let the two of them take off shopping. Tossed a credit card to Lita. Both of them looked at me.
I shrugged. "She needs to know how it works. Don't get crazy."
They were gone and I was puttering around, noticing that I was saddened by the empty house, when the phone rang.
"This is Dave," I answered.
"Dave, this is Bob."
"Brother Bob," I said. "Good to hear from you. I take it you're well."
"Better than yesterday, and the good Lord willing, I'll be better tomorrow. I have some information, Dave."
"Lita – Carlita is hoping," I said.
"I know she is. We talked. Dave, she's a precious thing. All children are, you know. I probably raised a couple of hundred orphans in Guatemala, but there was only ONE Carlita. She's bright in ways that an old Texas missionary can't fathom."
"I get some of that. Her English..."
"I know. We used her for a translator. A teacher. Fourteen. She called me, Dave. She says good things about you, your sister, your brother ... they accept her."
"What else is there, Brother Bob?" I asked. "I cannot begin to understand a person who would turn his back on her. Of course we accept her. I told her that she's good here as long as she wants. Not 'needs'. I know there are Federal shelters and programs that would provide food and shelter. I said 'wants'. I see Lita, I see a girl who wants the right things."
"Yes, as do I. I should have adopted her and brought her back with me, but when the narcos beat me, I had to come back before I could make those things happen. You have no idea how many nights I prayed for her by name. I prayed for all the little faces, Dave, but Carlita was in the front of them all."
"I can see her standing out. She's ... something."
"I know. Now, let me tell you what I have accomplished."
"Go ahead," I said.
"You can imagine that the government of Guatemala is, shall we say, open to a little persuasion, in the form of US dollars."
"I understand that much south of the border is like that."
"Sad," he said, "but justice and attention can be bought. The Guatemalan Ministry of Foreign Affairs issues passports. They have a consulate in Houston, some people I have dealt with, as well as some people others have dealt with, with, shall we say, negotiable ideas of Guatemalan law."
"I imagined they'd have a consulate in Houston," I said.
"They do. Working there is a Senor Juan Rios. He has indicated to me that he will be able to provide Carlita with a Guatemalan passport and a birth certificate."
"That's great!" I said. I knew there was more to the story.
"There is more, of course. He said that the fees and service charges for such activity would be five thousand US dollars..."
I didn't bat an eye. I have the money. I saw what that debit would do to my savings and balanced it against the face of Carlita Ortiz. Mouse versus elephant. "How do we do this?"
"Are you certain?"
"Is this a guy who, when bought, stays bought?"
"Ah-hah!" Brother Bob said. "The proverbial 'honest politician'. You're a smart man, Mister David Johnson."
"I read books without pictures, Brother Bob."
"Uh, just so you know, I had a friend do a background check on YOU. Carlita is precious to me. I worry."
"Except for a speeding ticket three years ago, I doubt that you found anything," I said. "And in your shoes, I understand. So what do we do next?"
"You show up at the consulate in Houston. Senor Rios will meet you and go to lunch with you. He is supposedly a well-read man. During the course of the meal, you will give him an envelope with five thousand dollars and two passport photos of Carlita. Expect your documents in two weeks."
"Will Senor Rios be available on Friday?"
"Yes. He is flying back to Guatemala on Saturday."
"And naturally, if he STAYS in Guatemala, I'm out five grand and Carlita's still stuck."
"He's a good politician. You can consider that my promise to you and Carlita."
"I will take Friday off and do as you say."
"Do not bring Carlita. Does she have a place to stay?"
"She has taken over my house," I said. "And my sister finishes the school year. I think she is off on Friday. If not, my sister-in-law is available." I didn't tell him a couple of things – first, that Carlita took over my heart as well as my house and second, that she had stayed here by herself with no problems.
"Good. Dave, this is an answer to my prayer. Carlita's, as well. Thank you so very much."
"Thank you, Brother Bob. For my little friend."
"Tell Carlita that I still pray for her and that I hope this works well for her."
"I will do that, sir."
"God bless you, Dave. Goodbye." And the phone clicked.
Carlita and Pat returned.
"Did you buy anything?" I asked.
"One thing, only," Lita said.
I noted Pat's off-center smile. "She DIDN'T buy another bathing suit, Dave. She told me..."
"I know. I forgot." To Lita I said, "So what'd you buy?"
"This!" she said, presenting me with a metallic foil covered box. "I liked the smell. Pat said you bought some once before."
I ignored the fact that she bought me a present with MY money. Where the money came from was insignificant compared to who was giving the gift.
"Thank you, Carlita," I said.
She stood in front of me, innocently twisting, expectant. I opened my arms. She jumped into my grasp, hugging me. Kissed me on the cheek. "Thank Pat, too. She helped me choose."
"Thank you, Sis," I said.
"She was insistent," Pat said.
"I know it is YOUR money, Dave, but maybe just a little bit of it is happiness from me?" She cocked her head, gave me those brown eyes. I was gone.
"It is from Lita. That makes it the best of gifts, no matter who pays."
"Well, I have a phone call to make," Pat said. "Lita, the offer to stay at my house still stands."
"Oh, Pat," I said, "Friday I have to go to Houston. Aren't you off?"
"Yes. Carlita? Would you want to run the roads with me?"
"I would love to, Sister Pat," Lita said.
"Good! Then call me when you're ready. We'll try to do something interesting."
"Very good," Lita said.
"G'night, y'all," Pat said. The door closed. Carlita went to it and turned the deadbolt to lock it.
She turned to me. "You will wear that cologne after you shower tonight?"
"For my Lita."
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I drove home at five in the morning, more than a little upset by Learners comments. No I didn't have a lot of forgiveness in my heart. That was the church's Job or maybe even the ADA's job, Cops were supposed to pick up the bad guys. Somebody else had the job of deciding their fate. If he got me bounced from the unit because of this I was going to be pissed. I fell into bed without even taking a shower first. I was tired and my ribs hurt slightly. It was a minor pain, but it was always...
"Why don't we order a Happy Maid?" The question, that started everything. And you yourself asked it, one evening. Why not, indeed? Your new neighbours across the street had one, your friends around the block had one… even the old couple in that tiny house next to the store had one. It’s fashionable right now to have one. It seems like the solution to so many problems: No more housework, no more cooking. A progressive society. Women are supposed to have careers. You sure had planned to have one....
Mind ControlBilly went to the door and cautiously peeked out, once he was sure it was clear, Billy exited closing the door behind him. I found some discarded paper and wiped away Billy's seed from my achingly tender bung hole. Adjusting my clothes I begin to count back from one hundred(100), I wanted to make sure I followed Billy's instructions clearly. When I had reached ten(10), I went to the door and listened closely. Hearing no one I slowly opened the door and peeked down the hallway, seeing no one I...
The following Tuesday, David fished Diana’s card out of his desk drawer and called her. He was expecting to get a recording but was surprised to hear Diana’s voice, “This is Diana.”“Hi, Diana. This is David Kingsley. Do you remember me?”“David!” she said with a tone of glee in her voice. “How very nice to hear from you. It’s been almost a week since you were here. I was beginning to think you might not call.”“When I was there, you offered to let me bring a date for dinner. I wanted to know if I...
MatureLast Friday night I had a threesome with a couple that I met online. A friend of mine recommended this couple as good fun. I spoke to them online before I arrived here and they seemed really keen and also rather experienced.Friday night came along, I met them at a bar in town after dinner. Lots of photos were exchanged beforehand and they looked like their photos. I told them I was bi and they said that the husband is 'open minded'. After just one drink we were getting along fine and the wife...
Laura Moore stood before her full-length dressing-table mirror, examining her body in the glass. She still had a youthfully good-looking figure, she was convinced, but the surprising thing to her was the depths of sexual pleasure she had been able to enjoy using this body as Ray asked her to. She blushed suddenly at the remembrance of how much she had enjoyed anal sex the day before with her husband. To think that she had been so reluctant now seemed silly. She had determined to trust Ray in...
The noise of a vehicle is heard as it stops on the driveway outside of a home. The engine is turned off as the door is opened before the male driver of the two-door compact gets out. He closes the door and locks the car before heading to the door of his home. Whistling a tune, he unlocks the door before entering his home. He quickly closes it and walks down the hall of the one story home then stops by a mirror and checks his hair. His name is Randy, thanks to the name tag on his blue shirt. He...
Tired after the long flight from San Francisco, by way of Paris, we handed our passports to the guy at the desk of the Monte Carlo, eager for our room and some rest. “Thank you, sir and young lady,” he said. “I see you are staying four nights. And the young lady became seventeen just yesterday. Moltes felicitats!” He appraised Ashley and grinned at what he saw, a girl who looked young for her age, with a winsome smile and long blonde hair framing blue eyes behind large glasses. If she had a...
IncestPrologue A new couple, the Hubbard's had arrived in Dr. Zaaijer office. Dr. Zaaijer was a psychologist who did both couples and family therapy. This would be the first session between Dr. Zaaijer and Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard., he didn't know what the problem was, but he would find out. The person claiming to be Mrs. Hubbard wasn't actually married to Mr. Hubbard. She wasn't his wife, she had been his first victim. Mr. Hubbard had used his hypnotic and other abilities on the person...
Sometimes when she took me up on the mountain for a hike, she'd let me have some more unconventional fun. I was in nowhere near as good a shape as her, so I was often asking to stop and rest. When we did, I would take photos of the view and of her. As there was usually no one around at all, I often got her to take her undress down to her sports bra and underwear and pose like she was some outdoorsy model or something. She thought it was fun and sometimes would indulge me further by posing...
This is a story about a closet cross dresser named Radhika who lived in Los Angeles .Being the only brother with 3 much older sisters, he was very comfortable with the opposite sex, almost too comfortable, His sister would often dress him up in their clothes just for fun. Little did they know that Randhir like d it so much that he wanted to be a girl. With the coming of teenage and the marriage of all three sisters done Randhir had the whole house to himself. He started to dress up as a girl as...
Gay MaleI approached the counter and asked the clerk if there were any messages for me and he checked the box for room 305, took out a slip of paper and handed it to me. As I was reading it two men who had been sitting in the lobby when I walked in got up and headed for me. I read the note. It simply asked me to call Detective Howard Miller and gave me a phone number. The two men walked up, one to either side of me, and the one on my right asked me if I was Frank Thomas. "Yes?" He flashed a badge...
"A Different Point Of View" SHE SAID: My fingers are trembling. I hit the "send" button. You get myemail and immediately start making travel arrangements. Re-reading theemail I got out of the blue a few weeks ago, I remember thinking of how I wantedyou then, but did not get you. Even though we are both married to other people,I will have you now. It has been 15 years since High School, but I amdetermined to have you. Waiting patiently for your response, I can hardly breath. You do not...
I lay there watching you sleep. Things are racing in my mind with all of what just happened between us. One thing I know I loved every minute of it. Staring at you while you sleep and smiling from ear to ear. Over the year of chatting I know now what it felt like to be fucked in the way I have wanted to be. I fall asleep in your arms. The next morning the sun wakes us both up as it comes through the d****s on the window. I get up and wrap up in a blanket and walk out onto the balcony. I am...
"Should we try the kitchen now?" I said and pushed Adori towards the table. "You know what to do." She blushed a little but climbed up on the table and laid down on her back with her head hanging from the edge. Before she had opened her mouth I was pushing my cock against her lips. When she opened her mouth she soon gagged as my cock hit her throat as I pushed my cock deeper in to her mouth. I started to facefuck her deep, fast and brutal. It didn't take long before Adori started to...
There was no interaction between any of the young people in Flossie’s ‘sexual education’ class that night. Jesse’s parents were going to a neighbor’s for supper and to visit that night, so he couldn’t dally on the way home. Because the blood brothers always did everything together, it was inconceivable to Johnnie Sue and Luthor to do anything without him being there. Neither of them even thought about it. At the Wilson house, there were television programs on that night that both parents...