Checkpoint 300
- 2 years ago
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"A Different Point Of View"
My fingers are trembling. I hit the "send" button. You get myemail and immediately start making travel arrangements. Re-reading theemail I got out of the blue a few weeks ago, I remember thinking of how I wantedyou then, but did not get you. Even though we are both married to other people,I will have you now. It has been 15 years since High School, but I amdetermined to have you.
Waiting patiently for your response, I can hardly breath. You do not disappointme. I open your message telling me to make the arrangements and you willbe there. I call my travel agent. My convention is in Vegas in afew days. I reserve plane tickets, a room and a rental car.
I pack my sexiest clothing and a few accessories for our adventure. Ineed to shave every intimate crevice on my body. My plane leaves in afew hours and I want to be ready when I see you.
In the shower, I think about your hands touching my creamy skin. As theflowery soap spreads softly over my body, I think about wanting to fulfill15 years of lust in a long weekend. I smear the suds over my tender pussy. Therazor blade is cold to the touch at first and is somewhat exhilarating. Witheach swipe, I rub against the side of my clit. The excitement of why Iam shaving and the images of what you are going to do with it are too muchto handle.
When I am as bald as the day I was born, I drop the razor and plunge two fingersin my excited pussy. Sliding in and out, I quickly realize how wet I am. Myfingers explore the soft folds of my clean, smooth lips. I tease myselffor just a while. My mind is swimming with excitement. Images ofyour head buried between my legs make me crazy and I have to have some release. Ivigorously flick my clit. Rubbing hard and fast, as waves of pleasureflood my body. My body convulses as my fingers dig in to my clit. Theorgasm is amazing. It is a good thing I am in a shower because I wouldneed another to clean up the juice gushing out of me.
I calm down and check to make sure I am as clean and smooth as you are expecting. Iput on my sexiest spaghetti strap tank top... the white one because I knowyou can see my nipples through the sheer fabric. I slide on my short skirt. Mythoughts go to weather I should wear a thong or go without. I rarely wearpanties and I know you will be more excited to slide your hand under my skirtand find nothing but my wet, smooth pussy. I put the thong back in thedrawer and head out the door. Look out Vegas... Here I cum.
I look out the window of the hotel. I am disappointed to only be a fewstories off the ground as there is construction outside. Men and millingaround making a lot of noise. I see them and they see me. One makesa gesture insinuation he want me to show him my tits. Disgusted by thepig, I shut the sheers and the blackout drapes and turn on some light musicto drown out the noise. Nothing is going to keep me from getting exactlywhat I want this weekend. I scatter accessories around the room, and takea quick glance at the clock. I am late. I hope you do not think I changedmy mind.
You pick me up in a rental car, you are driving, which suits me fine as itallows me to have my hands free. Since I haven't seen you in a while,the conversation starts out casually as we head toward your hotel... butmy eyes keep being drawn down to your bare knees and the hem line of your skirtjust above them. As you drive I drop my hand to your knee, pushing yourskirt up just a bit to lay my hand on the smooth skin of your leg. Youglance over at me and your legs open just a bit at my touch. I gentlycaress your inner thigh with my fingertips, just brushing your thigh up anddown lightly as we talk. Remembering what you have told me, I move a littlehigher with each stroke, until the side of my hand feels the heat from, andbrushes the smooth bare skin of you pussy. The second time my hand encountersyour lips, I linger a moment, and let my finger brush up and down them beforeit moves back down your leg. Luckily, we are at the hotel, though I need toadjust myself before I get out of the car.
As we wait for the elevator, my hand is stroking the back of your head, andI am moving my fingers through your long dark hair. I grab a handful andturn you toward me to kiss you. Lightly the first time, then harder, suckingyour lower lip into my mouth and biting it lightly. You return the kissand I taste your tongue as I slide my hand down your back to your ass. Igrab you and pull you toward me, and slide my hand back up your back, lettingyour skirt come with it. As I move my head down to bite your neck whereit meets your shoulder, the thought that others in the lobby can see your bareass makes my already stiff cock rock hard. I pull you into me so my cockpresses up against you, and you moan lightly as I bite you again. We geton the elevator and I press you up against the wall, kissing you again. Myfingers find your hard nipple through your blouse and pinch it, lightly atfirst and then with more force as your hand moves down to stroke my cock throughmy pants.
When I drive up in to my rental car it is obvious you were thinking about meon the plane as your cock is already noticeably looking for some attention. Itis always hot in Vegas so I am wearing a low cut, thin top that barely coversmy breasts. A little bead of sweat trickles down my cleavage and you aredying to lick it off. The flimsy fabric does nothing to hide my hard nipples. Imake sure my little skirt is already riding up my creamy thigh because I thinkit will look sexy. I have not seen you in so long I feel compelled toget out and give you a nice long hug making sure I press myself up againstyou. You put your strong arms around me and lift me off my feet a littlebit, burying your face in my hair and breathing in my perfume. When youput me down, you continue to embrace me as I give you a short kiss. Youlet your hand drop to the top of my ass to check to see if I was true to myword and did not wear any panties... you are not disappointed. We getin the car and start driving to the hotel. As we take off and your handsstart to explore my leg, you realize just how wet I am and it makes you wantto explode.
Waiting in the elevator, while you are kissing me, I start to fantasize aboutwhat we will be doing within the next few minutes in to our room and my pussygushes with juice. As you pinch my nipple hard enough to see pain on myface, you can not take your eyes off my full lips that are wet from our passionatekiss. You start thinking of how good it is going to feel to put your hardcock between those moist lips. Your excitement is obvious when I reachdown and grab your dick. I ask you to put your hand under my skirt andplay with my clit. I stroke your cock. Your finger slides betweenmy pussy lips with surprising ease. I am so wet. You feel juice drippingdown your fingers so you pull your hand out and stick your finger in my mouth. Iaccept it greedily and lick it clean. The smell makes us both crazy. Theelevator doors open and another couple gets in.
I turn to face the doors so you move around behind me. I am standing veryclose. You put your hand down my back side and raise my skirt. Ifeel you run your finger down the crack of my ass. You lean over slightlyin to me and make me bend forward with you. You put your hand all theway between my legs and bring your thumb up to the opening of my pussy. Iknow what you are going to do next and I could almost die. I reach behindme and rub your swollen cock as you easily slide your thumb in me and rub myclit with your finger while we wait for our floor, which can not come soonenough for either one of us. You slide you thumb out of my pussy justlong enough to use your thumbnail and finger to pinch my clit making me letout a little whimper. The doors finally open and you slide your hand fromunder my skirt. The other man in the elevator sees your wet hand and givesyou a little nod of approval as we exit..
We get off the elevator and I can't wait to get back to our room. We walkdown the hall as my hand feels your smooth ass through the fabric of your skirt. Youget out the room key as we approach our door, and before you can open the door,I push you up against the wall again, kissing you deeply, finding one of yournipples through your shirt. I twist it hard enough for you to whimpera little. I let my hand slide down your body all the way to your leg andlift your skirt as it slides back up. I bite you neck as my hand findsyour smooth, wet pussy and I moan at the feel of it. Spreading your lipswith my fingers, I rub your clit back and forth and then slide down to pushfirst one finger, then two up inside you. Your hips push forward as Ipush in. Your fingers dig into my back as I bite lower on your shoulder. Youreach down and rub my dick through my pants and find my zipper, freeing myswollen cock. Finally having your smooth skin on my hot dick almost makesme loose control and I pull back a bit to look at you, still pushing my fingersback and forth a bit as you pull on my cock. I remove my fingers and takemy dick out of your hand, then guide it up between your soaking wet lips anduse the swollen head to rub your clit. I lean forward, bite your lowerlip and whisper, "lets get inside." You turn around and putthe key in the door as my hand slides down the cheek of your ass and betweenyour legs, finding your dripping pussy once again as you open the door. Youreach back and grab my cock again to use it to pull me into the room.
We get inside and I can't wait any longer to see your pussy. I drop tomy knees and lift your skirt. Smooth and bare, swollen with excitement,the hot juice make your lips glisten and is even running down your leg a bit. Ilean forward and run my tongue up your leg, tasting the sweet juice as my tongueteases your lips lightly. You grab the back of my head and push it harderinto you. I lap lightly at your clit before I stand back up and push youfarther into the room. I push you back onto the bed and spread your legsopen. I rub your thighs and kneel down between your legs. I wantto tease you a bit first, so I lick the inside of your thigh, biting and nibblingas I move up to your pussy. Just as I reach it, move to the other thigh,just letting my face brush your lips in passing. Licking and biting upyour thigh again, I pause and just breathe hot air on your swollen cunt. Ilick your lips, then suck one into my mouth and bite lightly. You gaspand reach for my head. My hand suddenly spanks you, stinging your clitlightly. I slap your pussy again, then rub your clit. I continuekissing and biting your thighs while alternately rubbing then spanking yourpussy. You cry out with a little intake of breath with each spank. Feelingby your dripping pussy that you are ready, I spread your lips and lick slowlyup between them, then back down just missing your clit each time. Pushingyour thighs upward I drive my tongue deep inside you, fucking you as deeplyas I can with it a few times, drinking in your sweet juice, then slide my faceup a bit to give your swollen clit the attention it craves. I lick aroundit, flicking it back and forth, then suck it into my mouth, pulling on it ashard as I can, rolling it a bit with my tongue. You moan with delightas I suck it rhythmically, then I release. I bite first one lip, thenthe other before returning to your clit. One hand is pushing your legup toward your head as I devour your pussy, and the other is rubbing betweenyou cunt and your ass, getting everything well lubricated. Biting yourlips once more, I push two fingers up inside you, pump them a few times andthen pull them out to tease your asshole. Back inside you the fingersgo, then the third and forth fingers push up into your ass. Two in yourcunt, two in your ass, I push harder and harder in a double penetration withmy hand. Your hips thrust forward to meet each push. My thumb reachesup and rubs your clit in addition, and you cry out as my other hand pushedup under your bra and pulls on a nipple in counterpoint to my thrusts.
Getting off the elevator, I know what is in store for the both of us. Youdo not know, but I secretly prepared the room for our arrival. Your handsand cock drive me wild in the hall. I can not wait to get you inside theroom. I know your mind is preoccupied on what you are doing so I do notexpect you to notice your surroundings right away. I am desperately tryingto get the key in the door so you can take me inside and ravish my body. WhenI pull you through the door by your fully erect member, I notice the sweetsmells and soft music I put in place before I left to pick you up. Yourhot breath on my wet pussy while you are on your knees in front of me makesme want to smother you in my crotch. As you push me down on the bed, youstill do not notice the props I have laid out for you.
While you lick my pussy and ass in an attempt to make me even more excitedthan I ever thought possible, I grab the back of your head. It is time. Youhave two fingers in my ass and two in my pussy. You are biting my pussylips and thighs. If you do not give my clit the attention it is cryingout for, I will explode. With a hand full of your hair, I guide your facedirectly into the place I want it. You continue to tease me a little,but you want to hear me cry out in ecstasy so you give in. You suck myclit up in to your mouth hard. You begin flicking it with your tonguewhile nibbling it between your teeth. Within a few seconds, I scream withpleasure. You finally gave me what I have been wanting for so many years...a magnificent orgasm by your hand. (Or mouth, as the case may be.)
When I let go of your hair and relax to try to recover from the ordeal, youcontinue to kiss my inner thigh. Pulling your fingers out of me, I suddenlyfeel empty. I must have you inside me again. I sit up on the bedto be greeted by your passionate kiss. I can smell the fruits of yourlabor smeared all over your face. I can tell by the look in your eye,it is time for you to have a little release. I kiss you passionately. Youcan tell I love the taste and smell of my own pussy juices as I moan with pleasureand tell you how much I have to have you.
I start to unbutton your shirt. You stand up so I can get your pants offof you. You notice a bucket sitting beside the bed with a wine bottlein it because I am digging for a piece of ice. I put the ice in my mouthand continue to take your pants down. You start you pull at my top, butI push your hand away. I make it obvious I want you to stand there. Youput your hand in my hair as I lean in toward your throbbing cock.
I kiss the head as gently as I would kiss a sleeping baby. It is warmand I can smell your cologne, which turns me one even more. My lips arecool because of the ice I put in my mouth. I moan as I open my mouth toaccept your dick. You take a hand full of my dark, curly hair in to yourfist and pull my head over your cock. The surprise of the coldness fromthe ice excites you. My lips close hard around the head. You canfeel every inch of my mouth moving rhythmically up and down the shaft. Itake you down deep in to my throat. With your hand tightly grabbing myhair, you hold me there for just a second. The feeling of my throat constrictingaround the head of your cock drives you nuts. I pull back slightly andlook up at you. I see you staring back at me as you pull in and out ofmy mouth. You let go of my hair and wipe it away from my face so you canget a better view. The sight of my red lips sliding up and down your shaftwith my big brown eyes looking up at you makes you want to cum in my mouth,but you don't. You want to make it last a little longer. I pull backaway from you and place another piece of ice in my mouth as I guide you overto the bed and push you down. I make you lie down on your back as I climbbetween your legs.
I take your cock in my mouth again and push your legs up for you to bend yourknees. The ice in my mouth is melting quickly so I pull back from yourdick and wrap my hand around it while I suck one of your balls in to my mouth. Ihear you gasp and I moan. I stroke you gently as I roll your nuts aroundin my mouth. When I let them go, I notice you are looking at me againwhich makes me wetter yet. I put my thumb in my mouth to get it nice andmoist. As I take your excited prick back in to my mouth, I slide my thumbin to your ass.
Driving my fingers into you, my thumb on your clit, you writhe and moan asI pull on your nipple. You reach down and grab my head, pulling it downbetween your legs. I nibble on your lips while continuing to thrustinto you with my fingers. You moan louder, pressing your dripping wetpussy against my face, and I finally give you what you want. I bury myface between your lips and suck your clit into my mouth, between my teeth,nipping it gently, then rolling it back and forth with my tongue. I suckit hard again then close my teeth on it, pulling it with my teeth, and playingmy tongue over it as you hold my head, fingers in my hair and scream with delight. Yourpussy gushes with your orgasm and I release your clit from my mouth and continueto kiss and bite your thighs as you shiver and gasp for breath. I thrustmy fingers into you slowly a few more times as you relax and recover.
You sit up as I remove my fingers from between your legs, and I intercept you,kissing you hungrily. I can't remember the last time I have been thisexcited. You return my kiss deeply, breathing through your nose and clearlysavoring the wet pussy juice on my face and the taste of yourself in my mouth. Youstart unbuttoning my shirt and I stand up to get my pants off. You turnand get an ice cube from a bucket with a bottle of wine I hadn't noticed bythe bed. Your skirt drops back down as you stand up, and is now hidingthat beautiful pussy that I need so urgently. I grab at your shirt totry to get it off you, but you push me away and drop to your knees. Youlook at and stroke my hard cock for a moment then lean forward and kiss itsswollen head gently, making it jump as it swells even more. Your lipsare cool from the ice, and when you open your mouth and slide my dick betweenyour lips, the clash in sensations drives me crazy. I grab a handful ofyour hair and you slowly take my cock all the way down to the base of the shaft. Ihold you there a minute to enjoy the incredible sensation of having my dickcompletely engulfed by your quickly warming mouth. You pull back and suckme in and out of your mouth. You look up to see me watching you. Ipull your hair back from your face, mesmerized by the sight of my cock slidingin and out between your red lips. Your face is flushed with your recentorgasm, and I caress your cheek as you suck me, then reach a still damp fingerforward to feel where my cock is sliding in and out of your mouth.
Just as I think I can't take anymore, and that I am going to explode in yourmouth, you release me, grab another piece of ice, and push me back on the bed. Thesight of you climbing up between my legs makes my prick jump in anticipation. Youpull me back into your suddenly cold mouth and push my legs up, then take meinto your hand as you suck my balls gently into your cold mouth. Strokingmy cock with your hand, feeling my balls with your tongue, you look up at meagain. I can't take my eyes off of you. You sit up a bit and putyour other thumb into your mouth, I know what's coming and tense slightly inanticipation. You tongue and nibble the head of my dick while your thumbteases light circles around my asshole. Then simultaneously you take mycock down to the base of its shaft and slide your thumb up my ass. I gaspand close my eyes in pleasure while I thrust down with my hips to drive yourthumb deeper into me as you suck my dick up and down, stroking it with yourtongue, biting the shaft lightly, and then taking it so deep I feel your throatsqueezing the engorged head. I hold your head with both my hands and thrustmy hips in time with your moving head, keeping your hair out of the way soI can watch as well as feel. I wonder why I waited so many years for this,and realize that I can contain myself no longer, I want you too badly and thisfeels too good to handle. Sensing my impending orgasm, you speed yourpace and drive your thumb in time, and my cock swells to its greatest, squeezingagainst your throat and erupts, spasming for what seems forever and causingmy to shake with pleasure and my breath to hitch in my throat. You slideyour thumb out of my ass as you drink down the last of my cum, still movingyour head up and down on my stiff member.
I thank you breathlessly as you take my cock out of your mouth, and you climbup my body, straddling one of my bare legs as you move up to kiss me. Igrab the back of your hair and kiss you passionately, with the smell of yoursweet pussy still surrounding my face. I kiss you suddenly harder as yousit down on my leg, for while your skirt still hides the sight of your lovelypussy, nothing can hide the pulsing heat of its soaking wet lips as you grindyourself against my naked flesh. I pull my mouth away from yours and startto lift your shirt and bra, when you get up off of me, and pull it off yourself,then step out of your skirt. You smile at me and tell me you are goingto go freshen up.
I lay back on the bed in mixed exhaustion and frustration. Even thoughyou just gave me one of the best blow jobs in my life, I am not totally satisfied. Sinceour first conversation I have been fantasizing about spanking you - raisingbright red welts on your creamy white flesh. Pulling your hair, clawingand biting your flesh, and making you cry out as I fuck you, finally takingwhat I have been wanting for so many years. Stroking my cock back to life,I wait for you to finish in the shower, and plan.
I shove my thumb up your ass and I take your cock deep in to my throat. Yougrab the back of my head again. I pull back and let my tongue swirl aroundthe tip of your dick in my mouth. I moan with pleasure. I feel mypussy juice dripping down my inner thigh as having your cock in my mouth turnsme on. My mouth is now warm and inviting. I suck you in greedily. Youcan feel the delicate curves of my tongue sliding up and down your rock hardshaft. I can smell your musk and it makes my pussy ache to be fucked. Yougently push on the back of my head forcing me to bob your prick in and outof my mouth. I start fucking your ass with my thumb. I take yourcock down deep in to my throat over and over. It feels amazing. Ihear your breathing change as you moan loudly. You push my head down hardand hold it there until you cum in my mouth. The taste of your cum makesme want to suck you dry. Your hips pump upward as you fill my mouth. Iswallow all you have to offer.
I finish and rise from the bed to go freshen up, leaving you there, naked. Itake off my little skirt and top which are now sticking to my sweaty body. Itake a hot shower making sure to clean all your favorite spots. Consideringthe kind of afternoon we have had, there were plenty of places needing to becleaned. I get out of the shower and dry off then put on a silk robe justshort enough and light enough for you to be extremely interested in the wayit clings to my curves. I come out and you are still on the bed.
The sight of me with my hair down in the little garment gets you going again. Youcome over to the center of the room to meet me, put your arms around me andstart kissing my neck. Your tongue lightly dances over my soft skin. Youtaste the sweetness of my body oils. You breathe in my perfume. Yourdick starts to stiffen. I touch your naked body. My gentle touchover your bare back sends a shiver down your spine. I coo from the feelingof your soft touch. Your kisses and nibbles start out gentle but graduallybecome more forceful. Without warning, you start to bite my neck and shouldersharder than is comfortable for me. Your teeth painfully sinking firmlyin to my delicate flesh, but you are careful not to break the skin. You holdme tight to your body and become increasingly aggressive. I can feel yourbody tense up as your breathing becomes more shallow. I tell you to stopbecause I do not want you to leave a mark where my husband will see it. Withoutletting go with you teeth, you tell me to stop talking . You are consumedby biting my shoulders and neck, which is marring my soft skin.
I can hear you making sounds like a growling bear and it frightens me. Itry to pull away but you hold me tighter and tell me not to move. Youpush your pelvis in to me. I notice your rigid cock. You quickly walkme backward in this forceful embrace, pinning me up against the wall with allyour body weight where I can barely move. You overpower me and yank myhands up over my head as I start to struggle. With your knee you pushmy legs apart. I protest, but you continue as if you had not heard me. Youpull your upper body away from mine and secure both my hands up above my headwith just one of yours. Your hands are so much bigger that mine, you holdme there and I can not do anything about it. With your free hand, youtear open my robe to expose my naked body. You look me up and down witha dark look in your eyes. You grab at my breast hard and bend down totake it in your mouth, biting down firmly on my nipple. The pain is overwhelming.I try to get away. You are so big and you know you have me secure againstthe wall. I open my mouth to scream out for help and you suddenly raiseup, slap my face, then cover my mouth. You look directly in to my eyesand whisper to me that if I scream you will hurt me.
The look on your face scares me and convinces me to be quiet. I nod myhead in submission. You take your hand from over my mouth and seize myexposed breast. You are still leaning in to me with your entire body whileholding my hands above my head so I can not get away. Clutching my breast,you suck my nipple back in to your mouth. I whimper from the tendernessand fear. You bite down hard and let go with your hand so you can manhandlemy other breast and pinch my nipple. My nipples are on fire. My mindis swimming from the throbbing pain and confusion. I can not figure outwhat set off this chain of events. You abruptly let go of the nipple andreach down to grab my leg, pulling my knee up and out toward the wall. Youhold it there, sharply ramming your hips up and in to me, picking me up offthe floor slightly. Your cock thrusts in to my pussy, but it is somewhatdry from the shower. You push all the way in anyway in one brutal thrust. Itburns. You let go of my leg and grab my nipple again. The sensationof you biting one nipple, pinching the other and ramming your cock in to myunprepared cunt makes me lose my breath.
You fuck me hard, slamming in to me up against the wall. I can hear yougrunting and smell your sweat. I start to get wet from the friction sothe pain subsides. The feeling of your rock hard cock thrusting angrilyin to me hard and deep makes me want to cum. You are still squeezing onetit, burying your fingernail in to my delicate flesh, when you let go of theother with your teeth. You sink your teeth in to my neck and shoulderagain, biting and sucking hard. I know my husband will notice the darkmarks you are leaving. Out of fear, pain and excitement, I bite my bottomlip in a attempt to stay quiet. I do not know what you will do if I didnot comply with your instruction to be silent.
I get up off the bed and notice that you have placed some various props aroundthe room for our little adventure: Wine and a bucket of ice, some candlesand massage oils by the bed - a single red rose in a vase. All very nice,and maybe we can use most of it later... but not now. I have plans- things I have been thinking about for years, and I'm not about to let theopportunity pass. I grab my bag, which I dropped by the door in my needto taste your pussy, and get out several lengths of rope that I brought alongwith me. I tie two of the ropes to each side of the head of the bed, onelonger and one shorter, then move down and tie a couple of shorter lengthsto the feet at the bottom of the bed as well. Once I have the lengthsadjusted, I tuck them all under the bed, so they won't be noticeable. Ilight one of the taper candles and make sure I can have it within reach. Imentally debate about some of the other tools I brought, but decide to leavethem in my bag, which I tuck under the night stand in case I need them. Iopen the blackout drapes halfway, letting in the afternoon sun through theshears, and then turn off the lights.
I climb back on the bed as I hear the shower shut off and wait - my thoughtsof what is about to happen causes my dick to start to swell even before youcome back out of the bathroom. You are wearing a short little satiny robethat is clinging to your still damp body; it shows a delicious amount of smooth,creamy leg and clings pleasantly to your breasts. I rise to meet you andgrab you to me, breathing in the clean scent of your skin mixed with some temptingoils or perfume you put on. I kiss your lips and cheek lightly beforemoving down your neck, tasting you with my tongue, kissing and nibbling myway down to your shoulder. As you sigh a bit in pleasure, I move the robeaway from your shoulder and kiss it, nibble on it, and then, with my hand inthe small of your back, I suddenly sink my teeth into it while pulling youagainst me so you can feel my growing dick pressing into you. You cryout a bit and squirm as I continue biting your shoulder and neck, crushingyou against me. I bite harder up and down your shoulder, and the feelof your flesh between my teeth, along with your growing struggle causes mycock to throb. You caution me to stop and not leave marks. I pause with a mouthfulof your neck still between my teeth and tell you to be quiet.
I grab a handful of your loose, curling hair and pull your head to the sideto allow me to chew on the other side of your neck. You start strugglingharder and it makes me hold you tighter, and causes my passion to flare uphigher, but it is more difficult for me to keep you where I want you. Iwalk you backward until you are pressed against the wall and grab one of yourtits through your robe, feeling the nipple stiffen under my palm. Youstart to struggle more seriously, pushing your hands against my shoulders,trying to relieve the pressure of me pressing you against the wall with mybody. I grab your hands off me and force them over your head while I shovea knee between your thighs and pry your legs open, spreading you out up againstthe wall. I grab both your wrists with my left hand. Sensing no escape,you struggle harder. I squeeze with my hand, grinding your wrists togetherand yank your hands backward behind your head as I tear at your robe, pullingone side free with the sound of ripping seams, exposing one full breast anda glimpse of your tender, shaved pussy. I reach up and clutch your breast,digging my fingers deep into its soft flesh. I bend down and take yourlarge nipple into my mouth, biting my teeth down and turning my head to theside, yanking on your breast with my teeth while pulling your arms down harder.You cry out with the pain, and tell me to stop. I dig my fingers in harderand pull on your nipple a second time as if I hadn't heard you, looking upto see the pain on your face, I feel my cock throb against your pinned body.
Your fear is more frantic. You open your mouth as if to scream out. Isuddenly release your breast and crack you across the face with my palm beforeclapping my hand over your mouth and nose. If I didn't still have yourarms clutched behind your head, it would have slammed against the wall. Ican feel you trying to get a breath through my hand as your body quiver withsudden panic. "Be quiet," I whisper heavily, my eyes right infront of yours, my body pressing what little breath you have out of you, "Idon't want to hurt you, so just shut up and do exactly what I tell you." Youquiet and nod as much as my hand will allow. I uncover your mouth andhear you gasp for breath as I bend down and gently kiss the nipple I had justbeen tearing at. I twist my tongue around it and suck it gently into mymouth. I suck a little harder, opening my mouth to pull as much of yourlarge breast into it as I can while I let go with my hand to cup your otherbreast. Suddenly I bite down hard while twisting and pulling with my otherhand, trying to see if I can make you cry out. Biting your lip, you whimperto hold in the cry. Your eyes water with the pain. I suddenly reachdown and grab your thigh, again digging my fingers hard into your soft flesh,and raise your leg up. I guide my cock to the opening of your cunt, whilepulling down on your arms, I ram it as deeply into as I can. Your unpreparedpussy is still somewhat dry inside from the shower and the tight dryness makemy cock burn as I drive it up inside hard enough that I feel your foot leavethe floor. I thrust my hips and drive my prick into you again and again. Igrab hold of your nipple again, twisting it hard while I pull up on the otherwith my teeth.
Grunting with the effort, I keep slamming you into the wall as I pound intoyour cunt, until I feel your hips squirming a little and you grow wet withthe excitement. As it gets easier to fuck your now excited pussy, I letgo of your arms and cup the breast I have been biting, pinching the nippleright where my teeth had been, keeping the pain alive. With my free hand,I grab your hair and yank your head to the side and bite down hard on yourneck, not hard enough to break the skin, but just barely. I hear you whimperand I release to look at you biting your lip, desperately trying to stay quietas I squeeze your aching nipple and nail you to the wall again and again withmy throbbing cock.
As suddenly and I penetrated you, I pull out, and grabbing a handful of yourhair with both hands, I step back suddenly while yanking your head down andforward. You cry out in pain and fear as you crash down onto your handsand knees. Before you can recover, I slap the other side of your face,causing your cheek to bloom red from the abuse. "I told you to be quiet!" Igrowl at you as I grab your hair again and pull your head back, forcing youto look up at me. I grab your face with my other hand, digging my fingersinto your cheeks, I force your mouth open. "You're going to suck my cockagain - and you'll be careful, or you'll be sorry." You whimper yourassent as your eyes glance down to look at my swollen member in front of yourface. You reach up to grab my shaft, only to be met by another slap acrossthe face, "No hands!" You lean forward and open your mouth,and I grab your hair hard once again and suddenly ram my cock into your mouthas hard as I was just thrusting it into your cunt. I pause for a second withmy dick buried to the hilt in your mouth, then begin to thrust in and out ofyour mouth, pulling your hair to control the speed and depth.
As I begin to speed up, driving my cock into your mouth, I order you to grabyour own breasts, rubbing them and pinching the nipples. The feeling ofmy cock banging against the back of your throat with each thrust both causesme discomfort and makes me want to fuck you in every hole. Every timeI pound into you causes you to moan, whether in pleasure or discomfort I can'ttell. I suddenly pull my dick out of your mouth and tell you to stand up. Youlook up at me confused, and at your delay in following my orders, I slap youagain and repeat it. As you stand I push you toward the window, and tellyou to open the shear drapes. As you reach up to do so, I push you forward,so you fall against the glass. I push your legs open with my knees andforce your face against the window, bending you over. With no preparation,I ram my saliva sticky cock into your ass, and feel you try to pull away, butyou are trapped with no where to go. I dig my fingers down into your shouldersand force you toward my cock as I begin pumping into your ass. I can seeyour tits bouncing in the reflection of the window. The idea that thepeople in the parking lot can see them while I'm fucking you makes my cockswell more than I thought possible. I reach around and find your hard,swollen clit and I pinch it between my fingers, digging into it with my fingernailas I continue driving into your ass. I can tell that you are practicallybiting through your lip in your attempt to keep quiet, and the idea causesme to groan.
I yank your hair back and ask you if you like it. At your now conditionedsilence I smack your ass hard enough to raise a welt while pounding into youas hard as I can. I ask you again and this time you moan your agreement. Ican feel that you pussy is soaking wet every time my balls slap against it,and I know you are enjoying it. I love the feel of your tight ass as Iram into it again and again, but I don't want to cum again yet, I still havethe ropes to introduce you to.
My body responds to your violent attack. I want you to take what you want. Mypussy is dripping wet and I want to cum. Even with the unexpected natureof this, I am excited by your strong will. Just as I start to approachclimax, you pull out of me and force me to the floor. You demand a blowjob. It excites me. Reaching up to take you in to my mouth, I amsurprised by your abrupt strike. My pale white skin is on fire as yourhand print raises on my cheek. I do as I am told and take your cock inmy mouth.
My desire for climax overpowers the fear and pain. While on my knees Islide my hands down in to my crotch. My pussy is sore from the poundingit just took. You grab the back of my head and force my mouth over yourraging hard on. The pressure in the back of my throat makes it difficultto breath. My fingers from one hand in my pussy and fingers from the othermanipulating my clit coupled with pain and fear push me in to the most exquisiteorgasm of my life. I can not breath which enhances the high. Youare pounding in to my face and it is all I can do to stay up on my knees. Ido because I am afraid of what you will do if I do not comply with your demands.
You order me to play with my own tits and I respond immediately. My sorenipples burn from the abuse they have taken. You slam you cock down deepin my throat. I moan with excitement. I do not know how much moreof this I can take. Just as abruptly as you started, you withdraw frommy mouth and tell me to stand up. Desperately anticipating the taste ofyour cum in my mouth, I morn the withdrawal. My hesitation brings moreblows. You slap me hard twice. I get up quickly to stop the assault. Iam afraid of what you are going to do to me. I do not make a sound.
You push me over to the window and order the sheers open. My mind immediatelyreturns to the scene earlier where I saw the construction workers. Myfear over rides my modesty. I tear open the sheers and you force me overthe window sill, pushing my face in to the glass.
The air conditioner is directly under the window. You bend me forwardover it as it blows cold air up my body. The sudden sensation makes mynipples harder than they have ever been. I get my hands in front of meand push back slightly trying to relieve the pain of the window sill grindingin to my pelvis. As I push back I feel your rock hard cock violate myass. First the head punches through and without any regard for me, youram all the way in until your balls slap up against my soaking pussy with asick slapping sound. The pain is overwhelming. I lose my breath. Youslam in to me over and over.
I notice the construction workers outside the window. One dirty, sweatyman notices me then points my image out to the others. My exposed titsand erect nipples are bouncing up and down in the window for everybody to see. Yourstrong hands pulling down on my shoulders while you pound in to my ass is obviousto everyone. One of the men, alone in a crane, takes his cock out of hispants and starts jacking off at the sight of me being fucked in the ass inmy hotel room window.
My embarrassment is quickly replaced by the pain. Your hand reaches aroundme and you dig your fingernails in to my clit. I immediately cum. Thereaction is completely involuntary, but amazing. I feel my face turn redwith shame and excitement. Your cock swells as you pull my hair back andask me if I like what you are doing. I do not know if I should answeror if my answer will be met by more abuse. I bite my lip hard wantingto whisper how hot you have made me. You slap my ass hard and I let goof a whimper. You ask again and I answer. My ass is burning fromyour assault. Expecting you to cum in my ass, I brace myself for the endof this ordeal. The men in the parking lot hoot and holler in approval.
You abruptly pull out of me and push me over to the bed. You demand Ilie down on my back and spread my legs. You put one knee between my legsand bring it sharply up to my crotch, grinding your knee in to my delicatepussy. You lay part of your body weight on me to make sure I can not getaway. You tell me if I do not comply with your instructions you will makeme sorry. I believe you. While still holding me down with your body,you pull a bag out from under the bed side table and start searching for something. Mymind goes wild with fear. You pull out a ball gag and order me to putit on. You grab a hand full of my hair and whisper in my ear that it willbe better this way. I am paralyzed by the thought of what you are goingto do to me. I put the device in my mouth and secure the strap aroundthe back of my head. You reach out to the corner of the headboard andpull out ropes that have obviously been concealed under the mattress. I realizethis attack was planned. My imagination goes wild with the idea that thiswas not a spontaneous thing and fear washes over me. I wonder what else youhave in that bag.
I start to struggle. I know if I do not get away now, you will be ableto do anything you want and I will not be able to do anything about it. Youput all your body weigh in to me and hold my arms down. I lose my breathas you crush me. I am gagged and helpless. You look deep in my eyesand tell me to be still or you will hit me again. I realize I am helplessand you are going to do exactly what you want so the more I comply, the lesslikely it is I will get hurt.
I let you tie my arms with the ropes. You pull them tight so I am uncomfortable. Youget off of me and go to the foot of the bed. You pull more ropes fromunder the bed. I think about kicking but I do not want to be hit. Yougrab my feet and pull me down as far as my tied arms will allow. You spreadmy legs wide in a vulgar position and tie them down. I am completely exposed. Youstand up and survey the room. I see your erection and can not take myeyes off it. You walk to the head of the bed and look down at me. Asinister smile appears on your face. You pick up the candle that has beenburning and lean over me.
Point of view Okay, you asked. My story goes something like this: You have to see things from my point of view, to know how I ended up here. I wasn't just poor, I was invisible. Imagine, being the fourth of six children, with the only adult in the house a single mother who was always chasing the next dream dad for her kids. She usually just ended up getting pregnant, and then dream dad would take off with the next bimbo. Horrible thing to say about your own mother, but it's...
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Part 1 Damn, it was hot. Wishing once again that I'd been born in Alaska instead of Oregon, I strolled around the practice rings and holding pens. The rodeo was in full swing as the July heat rose in waves from the dry, dusty earth. I'd been looking for an hour now and still hadn't found man nor beast. I decided my best shot at locating Curt was the field where the pick-ups and horse trailers were parked. I searched the field methodically until I came across the truck I would know...
A New Way to Look At Things "Just a sec," Suzie said and left me on the couch. I was wearing my robe and my cock stood at full mast. Suzie had been doing a number on it kneeling between my legs. I didn't understand why she left me hanging so to speak. Suzie returned in a minute but it seemed longer. She was naked, her pert breasts stood out firmly above her narrow waist. I saw that she had applied a heavy layer of lipstick. She got on her knees and soon had my 7" in her mouth. I...
I am Ramya and I write this story to share my experience. I am a middle-class girl who completed her college and was looking for a job. I have been blessed with good looks. I am around 5’7 with straight black hair (till my shoulders). I have fair skin and quite an endowed pair of breasts (34B). People always stare at me and perhaps want to do more than just stare. This story starts about me getting rejected in multiple job interviews. I was very sad. Today was another interview and this time,...
[email protected] Lady Sally Blackrook, Victorian Adventuress By Gincrack Lady Blackrook?en pointe!The Forests of the Carpathian Mountains Urging his horses on the coach driver steered the carriage through the darkness of the forest. There was still snow on the ground and the gibbous moon shone from a cold cloudless sky its reflected light helping the driver to find his way, he light from the carriage lanterns being pale and ineffectual. Behind the screens on the carriage windows sat a...
Welcome to the Trance Spa and Resort. Here you will find just about everything you will ever need. In the heart of Sunny Miami Beach Florida where the sun is blazing all year around. Looking over the ocean and the beautiful Miami Beach scenery. Here are 5 of the most top-notch high class end towers. From the beautiful view outside to when you walk in it appears as each all look the same. However, when you walk in each tower as a different them. Each individual tower has its own theme. From your...
Tuesday, October 20th, 1990. Just over eighteen and a half years after the event.I stared blankly at the TV. I really wasn’t focusing on the programme. In fact, I only had it on that Tuesday evening for some background noise. My husband was working a night shift and I was just relaxing after putting our three young children to bed, before heading up to bed myself later that evening. I had no idea how long I had been watching the programme for but suddenly found myself being shaken from my dream...
SpankingChapter 1 I had sent a letter as reply to the answers I got to an ad in a Danish adult magazine called Weekend Sex, we were seeking a man to tie my husband and "rape" me! The headline in the ad said: TIE MY HUSBAND AND RAPE ME! 1 1/2 month had gone without getting any answer from him. (In the following I will call him Steen). His letter was rather naughty and I was interested in meeting him. I send him a new letter. 3 days later he phoned me, he had been send to work in Norway by his...
Last year, I wrote a story entitled Foul Language, wherein a bitter, angry Geoff Matheson had been through an ugly, unjustified divorce from his wife of 30 years. The most dispiriting part of the whole episode was the vile treatment he received at the hands of his wife’s divorce lawyer, one Claire LaPointe. Geoff survived the divorce, and moved to the West Coast to start a new life. He was not a happy man, and only the single good fortune of having a large corporation purchase an obscure...
many thanks. Jill walked into what felt like a normal day at the office; the office surroundings gave no indication that it was the last day of work before the Christmas break. Their boss was a strict short man, who had no Christmas cheer about him. The workers knick named him Scrooge behind his back, due to the sheer lack of generosity especially at this time of year. Jill knew Scrooge had a bit of a thing for her, as he would always go beetroot red when he spoke to her. Jill thought...
This all started when I got a promotion in the office. Now I was about to handle a team of some 10 people. It was a big responsibility. I had the responsibility of those 10 people and I was responsible for getting the project completed on time. In my team, there were 4 girls and 6 boys. Most of them were good at working. They were very much technical sound due to which my projects started to get easily completed. After getting one big project completed our client from the USA decided to sponsor...
When My brother-in-laws best friend graduated, My wife found out they were having a party. Seeing that my wife had already had sex with her younger brother several times, she asked him if we could get an invite. He grinned and said why are you wanting a lot more of that young cock. she said umm Ill owe you if you get us invited. Tom laughed and said ok. I'll see what I can do.We were invited and on the day of the party Peggy wore a sundress that was very light colored and if you stood across...
Where She appoints "This place is amazing! Hard to believe the Romans used this place for curses" "Its true though. you've seen the little markers, and heard the translation of the curses." "That last one was wild. 'May the one who finds my gold coin and does not return it lose his manhood in temple where she appoints' Who is She, anyway?" "Just some local version of Juno, the Queen of the gods" "Hey! This looks like a gold coin!" Later ..... "I'm a girl!" That curse...
The nausea isn't as all-consuming as usual when I crawl in my underwear across the air-conditioned lock-up to lie gasping and perspiring at its edge. I must be acclimating to time jumps.Coherent thought's a luxury in these first few minutes so I simply wait for my breathing to steady and the shivering to kick in as the chequer plate metal floor absorbs whatever residual heat I possess. That way, at least I know I'm alive.As the mind fog lifts and the hum of the cobalt fluorescent light replaces...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi"Can I help you?" the saleswoman asked from behind me. I tried not to suppress a guilty start, but my hand moved away from the black panty-shorts too quickly. I had walked into the lingerie boutique impulsively and would have left as soon as I realized I was the only customer in the store, but the shorts caught my attention. "I like those," she said smiling when I turned towards her. I had a problem with pretty women and stopping my eyes from staring; the Asian cast to her eyes fascinated...
My name is Linda and I’m married to Barry. I’ve been reading some of the stories he has posted about his cuckold life style. I told him I wanted to post a story with my point of view. The fact that he isn’t allowed to have sex with me is one hundred percent his fault. We had a perfectly normal life before he started hinting about for me to take an outside lover. One evening after dinner he and I where relaxing on the back porch having a mixed drink. Out of the blue he ask me if I had ever...
I found this story on a fantasy site. I find it interesting.AndiTitle : It was likely my bad choiceLike many guys, I have a very few close pals. Three guys I can count on for anything. We bonded when we were teenagers. I know them longer than I know my wife. As for my wife, she is a tall slim well stacked hottie with big sexual needs. Which I absolutely enjoy as one of her better qualities! We are married close to 5 years now and sex is just as hot as the first time she took me. Yes,...
My name is Linda and I'm married to Barry. I've been reading some of the stories he has posted about his cuckold life style. I told him I wanted to post a story with my point of view. The fact that he isn't allowed to have sex with me is one hundred percent his fault. We had a perfectly normal life before he started hinting about for me to take an outside lover.One evening after dinner he and I where relaxing on the back porch having a mixed drink. Out of the blue he ask me if I had ever...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I am about to put into type a story from a different perspective. Rest assured that the subject matter will be captivating if not completely stimulating. Well, sit back, make yourselves comfortable and put yourself into the essence that you are about to read. Here we go. It’s a Saturday morning and I have decided to go out with a few of the girls and check out some new clothes at the mall. I have just gotten out of the shower, dried myself off and am...
Incest“Who are they?” I asked once security cleared us to edge past the protesters in the wake of the bus carrying the interns. It had taken long enough that we had swung by the rental house so we could drop Jeryl to get the kids in bed. “Greenpeace? The Sierra Club?” “No,” Alison said with a scowl. “It’s a group called ‘Save our Shores’. The leader here is a man named Seymour Xavier.” I nodded. “And what, exactly do they think we are doing to harm the shores?” Alison shook her head. “The best...
It didn't matter that they were sitting in a family restroom at the airport, or that they had received several unamused and glaring eyes upon them. Yes, they bothered her but she had had a suit of armor wrapped around her arm as the woman donning thigh high boots clacked their way into the room with a large bag in tow. The elephant in the room was Amber's bulging mass underneath her silk red panties. Upon closing the door to the restroom she was demanded to strip completely. Well,...
The clock on the dash read quarter to nine. Lia exhaled slowly in an attempt to get a handle on her rattled nerves. Within the next ten minutes she would arrive at the designated spot. The place they’d agreed to meet. The notification tone on her cell phone chimed, she looked down hastily at her phone. It was a text from him. The text read that he would be there in twelve minutes. Lia was anxious, but semi-relieved that he was running later than herself. She tapped the breaks, as her car...
Jenna sat at the foot of her bed, it was her first day in the new apartment. She had just turned 18, recently graduated, and had found a possible roommate for her apartment. After days of getting the apartment ready, she sat, wearing booty shorts and a tank top, her long brown hair thrown up in a messy bun. She was about to close her green eyes as she laid on the bed, but suddenly she heard the doorbell ring. She quickly hopped up and scurried out to the living room and looked through the...
You live in a generic fantasy world (humans, orcs, elves, etc) with magic and pre-industrial technology. You make money by visiting brothels and writing reviews of succugirls (prostitutes) to be distributed in the local tavern and beyond. How does this earn you enough money to keep paying for sex? Well, it is a fantasy world after all. Go out and spread your wild oats. Create your own Interspecies Reviewer of any kind and join the original trio, or go solo. Or, if you want to be creative,...
FantasyThe clock on the dash read quarter to nine. Lia exhaled slowly in an attempt to get a handle on her rattled nerves. Within the next ten minutes she would arrive at the designated spot. The place they'd agreed to meet. The notification tone on her cell phone chimed; she looked down hastily at her phone. It was a text from him. The text read that he would be there in twelve minutes. Lia was anxious, but semi-relieved that he was running later than herself. She tapped the breaks, as her car...
CheatingJenna sat at the foot of her bed, it was her first day in the new apartment. She had just turned 18, recently graduated, and had found a possible roommate for her apartment. After days of getting the apartment ready, she sat, wearing booty shorts and a tank top, her long brown hair thrown up in a messy bun. She was about to close her green eyes as she laid on the bed, but suddenly she heard the doorbell ring. She quickly hopped up and scurried out to the living room and looked through the...
This story is a continuation from Pramila Bhabhi 4 – Free Groceries. “Good Afternoon. Welcome to Girija Traders, how can I help you.” The receptionist spoke at the office entrance. “I have come for the interview.” the arriving woman spoke. “Yes. Just follow the corridor on the right and at the end of it you will find a door with a sign saying ‘Interview Room’. Just outside there will a register. Write your name there and sit outside the room patiently waiting for your turn.” The receptionist...
Altered Fates - The Medallion comes to Fairview Part I. Revenge It was a hot August day as Justin pulled his classic, recently restored, 72' mustang into the parking lot of Fairview high school. The first day at a new school, was always tough, but another new school to start his senior year was just plain wrong, Justin thought as he pulled into a student parking spot. Although to be fair this was not as bad as the other times. His dad, Sergeant Major Sean Donovan, had just...
Altered Fates - The Medallion comes to Fairview By By Zapper and Eric Note4: I loved this story when it first came out Except for some of the ending and I asked Zapper if I could possibly collaborate with him on a possible rewrite. I was flattered that he agreed. So here is the result. The first two parts were edited and slightly expanded. The third par is a major rewrite. I hope everyone enjoys the tale. I think In Zapper we at FM have a major new talent on the scene, PART...
Today, for some reason, I started thinking about the lunch we had last summer at Cityview Tavern, the one up on a hill with a porch that overlooks the city. It was easy to lose myself in the sunny memories of that warm day. It's really a gorgeous summer, and I'm wearing my green sun dress, with shoulder straps, a full skirt. We go out on the back porch, and the sun is very bright. You leave your sunglasses on, as usual. Its sort of late for lunch, on a tues, so no one else is on the porch with...
Amy really liked the wine ThreeviewBy Lorddare Amy really liked the wine.? Mrs. Dalton was so cool, to let her hang out and sip wine on the deck with her.? Amy had been Mrs. Denton?s daughter?s best friend, until Cindy had fallen in with an older crowd.? Amy had been hurt by that, but Mrs. Dalton seemed to understand and had been making Amy feel more than welcome in her home any time she wanted to come over.? Amy had been coming over often.? As she slowly sipped her third glass...
'Before the great civil war, technology reached advances in genetics to the point where a person could become a hermaphrodite with both functioning genitalia, grow cat's ears, shark tails, fur, ext. with no side effects. After the civil war, the USA funded projects to figure out how to prevent a future self inflicted war, a project was pushed to allow brothels to become legal and marketed, many believe this was allowed due to corruption within the senate. With the new policies, a trend...
FetishA manager at a Wal-Mart had the task of hiring someone to fill a job opening. After sorting through a big stack of resumes he settled on four possible people who were equally qualified. He decided to call the four in and just ask each one of them all just the same one question. Their answer would determine which of them would get the job. The day came and the four applicants all set around the conference room table, the interviewer asked, “WHAT IS THE FASTEST THING YOU KNOW OF?” The first...
I could still hear the rain splattering against the roof above me when I woke. Hector and Armand both snored, and while it didn't bother me much when we slept outside, inside was another matter. I didn't get as much sleep as I hoped, I kept thinking that I left my enhanced hearing on, but that wasn't the case. These two were just noisy. I didn't know why I was up earlier than usual, but quietly washed and dressed. I disliked towel washing in the morning, I never felt clean enough...
Jorge had been a member of the Cabal for three months when he started to see changes in himself. At first the thought crossed his mind another Cabal member had been meddling in his mind. He dropped the idea when he realized the thought wouldn't have struck him if it was true. He kept asking many questions about the Cabal. Nothing about where they'd come from, but what they did. He got some pretty boring answers back from his contact. Mostly, the Cabal did nothing. One day a summons...
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AMPReviews! Where can you get a massage in the United States? And no, I’m not talking about one of those experiences you can get from any chain massage outlet. You know, where Butch the failed model massages your body like he’s ripping apart a pork roast talking about himself on repeat. Neither am I referring to a massage where some dip shit rubs you with his knuckles.Rather, I’m talking about the kind of massages with a happy ending. Catch my fucking drift, you dense mother fucker? Well, where...
Erotic Massage SitesShe walked into her bathroom and stripped down to her birthday suit. She admired her body, even though she wasn’t a skinny girl she was fit and looked great. She turned on the hot water in the shower and went pee while waiting for the water to get warm. She stepped into the shower and began to rub shampoo her hair. Her imagination was running wild with thoughts of fucking Brandon. This only caused her already damp pussy to become even more wet and puffy. She unhooked the showerhead from its...
Introduction: 2nd Chapter in my short story series of a couple falling in love. Melody woke up the next morning to Pedro licking her face. She giggled and kissed the small dog on the head before the realization of what happened last night sunk in. Her brother had humiliated her in front of Brandon and then had punked out and left her to pick up the pieces. She rolled her eyes sighing. She got out of bed and quickly put some food in Pedros bowl and then fed both of the sleeping kitties, Abby and...
Stan looked dubiously at the little crystal trinket dangling from his hand. His marriage was on the rocks, but he'd been hoping for something a little more useful than half-baked folk remedies. Both men took a moment to appreciate the curves of Tracey's ass under her short tennis skirt as she collected their empty beer bottles. Will's wife ignored their gazes and exited the room as silently as she'd entered. "Seriously? I remember you worrying about Tracey playing the field. And...
For the first part of this story, see Willing Slave, by dj_oh. My bedroom was ready for him. It’s his playground. I always lay all the toys out on the end of my bed. Rope, wrist and ankle cuffs, clothespins, nipple clamps, a couple of dildos, anal plug, wooden spoon, a plastic plumbing tool he likes using on my ass. There’s always a red candle lit. I never know what he is going to use or how. He has me lie down across the bed, face down. I’m wearing only a garter belt and thigh highs....
The third person I ever had sex with was my husband so you couldn’t call me promiscuous. I lost my virginity aged 18 during a drunken student party and I was not at all impressed with the whole sex thing. The second man came along two years later; he was my first long term love, well a few months anyway. Then there was Paul, we dated; we got engaged and eventually married. I didn’t know and didn’t care if our sex life was good or not, it was good enough for me. We had and still do have sex...
For the first part of this story, see Willing Slave, by dj_oh.My bedroom was ready for him. It's his playground. I always lay all the toys out on the end of my bed. Rope, wrist and ankle cuffs, clothespins, nipple clamps, a couple of dildos, anal plug, wooden spoon, a plastic plumbing tool he likes using on my ass. There's always a red candle lit. I never know what he is going to use or how. He has me lie down across the bed, face down. I'm wearing only a garter belt and thigh highs. ...
With my bag in hand I kiss my husband goodbye and tell him I will be back in a few hours. He says to have fun and be a good slut. I promise him I will do just that and I'd be back with a used pussy for him to play with later. I jump in my car and head off to a nearby hotel to meet my long time fuck friend Alec. When I arrived I noticed his vehicle in the lot. I could not wait to get inside and have some fun. I hurry to the room and knock on the door. He opens it, naked, already with a half hard...
On Saturday morning Trudy rose early to eat breakfast with Frank. She decided not to wake the girls; they would have been grouchy for having been rousted at that hour. She wanted to talk with Frank, anyway. "Frank, before you leave to play golf, I thought that I'd let you know—Gloria Warner called me up yesterday." "No kidding," he answered, "it must have been about the charity foundation." "How did you know?" "Don't you remember? We talked about it a few days ago." "Well, I...
Debbie's View We pulled her station wagon into the alleyway between the two buildings. "Howdid you ever find this place? I wanted to know. Deb tossed her head, her blondehair going everywhere. "I know a guy into the rave scene." That wasenough. The ravers are always one step ahead of the police. "Well, yousee one warehouse, you've seen them all." We crunched our way up to the stark building, its unremarkable metal doorrusting at the hinges. "OK, let's go in, and do one final checklist. I'm...
by Julie Hart [email protected] 1/ Hot and Bothered ~,';~%@ The last time Frankie and I had gotten together for a little fling, his cousin Karen and her two girlfriends butted in. After letting Frankie get off with me, Karen, Lissa and Micky dolled me up and the four of us had fun. I felt a little guilty about that day, with Karen shoving Frankie out like that. Today, sitting on a hill at the park next to Frankie, I brought it up. "Don’t feel bad that Karen left me...
The Judson Rocket football team was not used to these feelings. They didn’t lose. The players had grown up living the life of football gods, and their only losses came at the end of the season when meeting better teams from other sides of the state. Yet, even then, the players walked by the trophy case to their lavish locker room every day. The trophy case featured stories of twelve prior seasons, since the 1980s, when the team won the final game of their season, the state...
FACE THE STRANGE by Crazy Baron Chapter 10: Room with a View I came to with a slight start and comprehended that I was looking at a wall of white panels. The sight was not particularly magnificent and stirring for a first impression of afterlife, but at least I had gotten there and finished my journey. I had nothing to complain about. As usual, it took me a while to become reoriented. The ornamented paneling was in actuality not a wall, but the ceiling of a room; I was lying on...
Hello Friends I read many stories here and I really liked every one of them and this gave me courage to share my experiences with all of you. This is my 6th story. Now let me tell u about myself I am 26 male from Hyderabad (India) good looking, 5.9 ” Height, 67 Kgs Weight, 7 ” rod. About 2 months ago when my wife Kavitha and I took a trip up to visit her younger sister Lakshmi and her husband Suresh. We arrived about 9:45 pm and were pretty tired. Let me tell you a little about my wife’s little...
The Saturday after Christmas was Josie's baby shower. James' and Joe's wives, Beth and Mira Spio and Sushi all went together. I had dad and Alex escape to James' home. We played cards. I made reservations at Cafe Davis in Santa Rosa for all of us for dinner. New Years Eve was a party at the James' house. It was sort of bittersweet. Soon after the party we would all be going to our homes on Bangalore and Felandia. Sushi, Beth Spio, and I would stay until the interviews at the end of...
September 13, 1984, McKinley, Ohio On Thursday morning, Clarissa, Sandy, and I ate breakfast early, then returned to the dorm to dress for our interviews at McKinley Medical School. We met in the lounge, then took the elevator down to the lobby and walked to my car. We got in and ten minutes later we were walking into the main building of the medical school. We found the appropriate elevator and went up to the sixth floor where the interviews would be held, where we were greeted by a trio of...
KATHERINE ASKED HIM "had a good night did we? You certainly look very happy?" smiling at him, as he joined her in the interview room. Frank not only had a big smile on his face, but his whole physical movements had much more bounce than yesterday. "Well yes" he said a little sheepishly before adding "I am starting to believe that this whole process is going to work and I am going to find a compatible travelling companion. I have to confess I have had my doubts about what I am trying to...
The weekened before, I had gotten drunk with an old friend which led us to a hotel since neither of us had a place of our own. We had multiple sessions but passion and intensity were lacking. I now had more self-confidence in my woman pleasing abilities so I figured hey, why not check out the personals site. I craved being intimate with another woman, so I grabbed my camera and poured my heart out. Let the browsing begin. Instantly I realized the prospects were slim. I hid my profile and...
So I had just gotten out of work and planned on heading home after yet another long day of working two jobs. I probably didn't need to keep the second job after all this time, but it helped when unexpected bills came up and when we wanted to buy something or go on a short getaway. After my evening shift some of my co-workers were hanging out for a little while after work having a few drinks and asked me to join them. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary, but usually I would just...
Introduction: This one is gonna be from dads perspective. I sat down to write a part two of this story and was gonna start off with a recap of what happened last time from dads perspective, but it kinda took over and well, this is what came out… Hope you enjoy, I still plan on writing more chapters soon so stay tuned. So I had just gotten out of work and planned on heading home after yet another long day of working two jobs. I probably didnt need to keep the second job after all this time, but...