A Charming ChoiceChapter 11 free porn video

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"I'm starving," I said.

The doctor checked her watch. "In about an hour, we're going a mile down the road to a plastic surgery center. We'll put you under sedation and implant the charm. Then we'll bring you back here. In the meantime, you can suck on ice chips. You shouldn't be eating anything."

The doctor, or someone, had arranged things so well I was through the hospital's door, into one of those awful gowns, onto a metal table in surgery and under sedation practically without a pause.

I awoke back in my room in the hotel. I don't mean that I came to after the anesthesia wore off. I had broken my arm when I was ten and they put me under to set it. So I knew what that muzzy headed numbness felt like, and this wasn't it. There was an IV thing in the back of my hand; a tube ran from my hand ran to a bag of liquid hanging on a stand nearby. I turned my head at the sound of rustling paper and saw Daphne, one of the doctor's assistants. She was sitting in a chair at the window, reading a paperback. She was a vision in crisp, maroon scrubs. She smiled when she saw I was awake.

"Hi, how do you feel?" she said as she walked over. She smoothed out a couple of wrinkles in my blanket and checked my IV.

"Fine," I said. "Is everything all right? How long have I been out?"

She looked at her watch and said, "You've been asleep for almost thirty-six hours."

"You're kidding," I said.

"Actually," Daphne said, "you awoke after the surgery. You said something about getting a hamburger and then fell asleep."

I shook my head. "I don't remember," I said.

"That's not unusual," she said. "I mean the not remembering ... not the excessive amount of sleeping. But the doctor said to let the charm do its thing and keep tabs, so here we are. She wanted to see you when you awakened, so I'll be right back.

She backed away from me as if she was reluctant to leave, but then she was gone. I could hear her muffled voice through the door. A minute later, the doctor swept into my room. She looked very businesslike in a black A-line skirt that fell to below the knee and a pink silk blouse that flowed over her breasts. She shrugged into a lab coat with a stethoscope sticking out of its pocket as she came to my bed.

"You're awake," she said, sounding relieved. "How do you feel?"

"Great, never better," I said.

"Hmmmm..." she said as only a doctor can say it. She pulled out her stethoscope and proceeded to give me the once over. A few minutes later she said, "Apparently, the charm has done all good things. I guess it's time to reveal the new you. Take a look." She crossed the room and stood in front of full length mirror that hung next to the closet.

Wondering what she meant, I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and stood. I almost lay back down. It took a couple of seconds for my blood pressure to catch up with my new vertical situation. I approached the doctor, and with a little flourish she stood aside.

I almost turned to see who was in the reflection. I looked ten years older. You could have chipped ice with my cheek bones, and the rest of my face was covered in a heavy stubble of beard that I could never have grown pre-charm. "Whoa," I said, peering at the new me. I combed my thicker hair into place with my fingers.

I felt a tug at my neck and lower back. The doctor was pulling at the ties of my hospital gown. When they were loose, she tugged the gown off my arms and let it fall to the floor. "Whoa ... again," I said. I don't know that my muscles were much bigger, but there was certainly more definition. I looked like one of those action hero actors who do nothing but work out and eat protein for weeks before a shoot. Unlike them, and thanks to the charm, I'd achieved my body while simply getting a good day and a half of sleep.

I caught the doctor's reflection in the mirror. She was giving me a good look, and not as a doctor. There was nothing clinical about her hungry eyes. My cock began to harden; hell, it reached full aching hard-on status almost instantly. I was suddenly so horny, I couldn't stand it. I turned, grabbed the lapels of the doctor's lab coat and pulled her to me. I kissed her hard on the mouth. She didn't mind. In fact, she was all for it. Our tongues went to war immediately. I pulled the coat off her shoulders, and then I popped the buttons off her blouse pulling it open and dropping it to the floor. I didn't so much as unclasp her bra as I wrenched it apart. The doctor's breasts were marvelously full and firm. I lifted them in my hands and rubbed my thumbs over the hardened nipples.

While I had been ravaging her upper clothing, she had slickly unfastened her skirt and now it joined her other clothing on the floor. I ended our kiss by sweeping her up into my arms. Her long hair brushed my back and hip as she snuggled against my shoulder. My cock probed at her ass as I walked to the bed. "There's one thing I have to know before I fuck the shit out of you," I said.

"What's that?" she said breathlessly.

"What the hell is your name?" I said.

She barked out a laugh and said, "Beverly, my name is Beverly."

"Okay, Beverly," I said as I dropped her onto the queen sized bed. She pulled off her beige panties and spread her legs in invitation. She was acting as horny as I was.

Strings of clear pre-cum dripped from my steel-hard dick. I painted her labia and tickled her clit with the tip of my cock-head until everything was glistening with my juice. "Ready?" I asked.

"As ready as any woman could be for that monster. I think you're bigger than Queen Marie ever was," Beverly said.

A thought struck me. It had to strike hard and fast to get past my sex infused brain and aching cock. "You're hedging your bet with Maddie," I accused Beverly. "You implanted the charm in me hoping that my semen would be as good as hers. Better in fact because she could control you and I might not be able to."

Beverly pushed herself up and crossed her legs until she was sitting eye to eye with my cum-slit. "Sandy said you had your moments of insight. Guilty as charged," she said. She lightly ran the tips of her fingers up my cock. It shivered and drooled pre-cum onto her palm. She licked the clear goo off her hand and savored it as if it was some decadent food treat. "Excellent," she said after swallowing. "It doesn't change the fact that we want to reunite you and your sister. It's totally in everyone's best interest." She then went to work on my dick. She coated her hands with pre-cum and jerked me with firm strokes while her tongue and lips did wild and wonderful things with my cock-head. I surrendered to the doctor's logic, not to mention her hands and lips. I rewarded her with a mouth full of my yummy cum, and then I continued her reward by coating her face and tits.

"That's so uhhh..." said someone behind me. I turned and saw Daphne standing just inside the door. She was leaning against the wall. She had one hand down the front of her scrub pants, while the other cupped her breast.

"Come over here," I said, pun not intended. I was horny as ever despite the load I'd unleashed on Beverly, so when Daphne was close enough, I turned her around, pulled down her pants and bent her over the bed. Her pink lace panties were barely there. I pulled them aside and slid my cock into her wet and very receptive pussy.

"Oh shit, that's a big cock!" Daphne cried. I grabbed her hips and held her at the right angle to drill her pussy hard and fast. "Fuck ... fuck ... FUCK ... FILL MY PUSSY..." she screamed as she came a dozen times. A minute later, I filled and overfilled her hot cunt. Daphne collapsed on the bed with my cum running down her legs.

"Wow, quite the show," said a feminine voice. Sandy and Haylee, the doctor's other assistant, were standing at the door. "I call dibs on the next orgy, but I have some information for us to look at now," Sandy said. She gave me an appraising look and turned away.

I took a quick shower and joined the others in the common room of the suite. My tummy rejoiced at the sight of food. Someone had stocked a sideboard next to the dining table with brunch. I heaped food on a platter to take care of my hunger. Apparently, being a super-stud would require a lot of calories, and then I took a seat at the table. Sandy had set up one of those desktop replacement computers at the end, and she tapped away at the keys. Beverly, Daphne and Haylee appeared from their rooms. Doctor Beverly poured a cup of coffee, while the girls picked over the assortment of food.

Sandy waited patiently until everyone was seated and then spun the computer around so that we could all see the screen. A slideshow of a nice looking young woman was flicking from picture to picture. I figured she was about thirty years old. She had short, blonde hair cut in an uneven, intentionally messy bob. She had a nice figure, but it was hidden mostly under a blue on blue police-looking uniform.

"Our first step is to determine if Maddie is still at the Table Top Resort," Sandy said. "She's not registered, under her own name at least, as a guest."

"You could look at the check-ins around the time the van arrived. The one we think she was in," I said around a fork full of scrambled eggs.

"Not a horrible idea," Sandy said, "but not something easily done. There are several places to stay at the resort. I can't flash my credentials at every reservations desk. Eventually, someone would check with my superiors and then they'd raise hell about abuse of authority. No, I can pull in some favors if we need them, but it's best to keep them in reserve." She gestured to the computer and the woman on the screen. "Given the ultra-stud treatment the charm seems to have graced you with, I propose we introduce you to this young lady, Leia Stewart."

I glanced around the table. Everyone was looking at me funny. I'm embarrassed to say that I was bent over my plate, pretty much shoveling food into my mouth. Hey, I was hungry. I straightened up, took the napkin from beside my plate, patted my lips and said, "Who's Leia Stewart."

"She," Sandy said with a smile, "is an assistant shift supervisor in the surveillance department for Table Stakes Casino and Resort. In other words, she has access to all the security cameras." Sandy put her hand on top of the computer. "This is one hell of a machine and it has a state of the art facial recognition software program. In fact, I can set it to looking for people in wheelchairs, or strapped to gurneys or even Braves baseball caps. You will meet Ms. Stewart and convince her to connect this to her office computer." She held up a USB drive that was only a slight bump on top of its connecter.

"And that'll give you access to the cameras, and then we can trace Maddie from the time of her arrival ... cool," I said.

"Right," Sandy said.

I reviewed the briefing papers that Sandy had given to me as we rode in a rental car to the Table Stakes Resort and Casino. Briefing papers ... actually they were a brochure for the place and some other stuff printed off the Internet. Years ago when the economy was doing well and Vegas was booming, a consortium of Internet billionaires and millionaires pooled their money and built Table Stakes. The place was enormous. It spread over four-hundred acres of land. The main idea was that the exterior looked like the top of a gaming table. The buildings represented stacks of chips and decks of cards. A tough hybrid grass that required little water was the green baize of the table. A golf course ran between the buildings. In fact one of the tee shots was from the top of one of the hotels. The PGA had a tour stop here. Celebrities would pour in and it was generally considered be the party stop on the tour.

A lot of cutting edge technology had gone into the buildings. There were almost no plain glass windows in the buildings. Instead, in between layers of insulating glass were electricity generating receptors and micro-sized LEDs. The buildings soaked up the Nevada sun during the day and returned it at night as dazzling displays on the building's sides. Traffic around the buildings was underground. The resort boasted one of the nation's largest subterranean parking garages. Electrically powered shuttles and trams kept the guests and visitors moving.

There was something nagging at me that wasn't covered in the briefing papers. I turned to Sandy, who was piloting us through the Vegas traffic, and said, "You know, I can't help but notice that you're sending me in there alone."

"You're going to seduce one young woman. It's not armed combat," Sandy said. "Besides, it wouldn't help if one of us was holding your hand while you were trying to hold hers, so to speak."

"I suppose," I grumbled.

"I'm only a phone call away," she said. "Honestly, you underestimate your appeal. Smile and be sincere; she'll practically fall over and spread her legs for you. It's all I can do not to pull the car over and drag you into the backseat."

I laughed and said, "Okay, let's not over sell me to me."

We went through the main entrance to the resort and descended down a long ramp. Sandy stopped in an unloading zone for the cluster of buildings known as The Bet. Above ground it looked like the pot of the game that was Table Stakes Resort. I suppose calling this area The Pot wasn't considered fitting. She wished me good luck. I exited the car and entered The Bet.

The main entrance to The Bet was huge. There were at least twenty people like me gawking at signs and direction arrows. There were five times that many people walking about in a meaningful manner. Apparently, they knew where they were going. The casino was dead ahead, and Sandy had told me to veer left when I saw it ... so I did. I entered a wide corridor and began to look for the Cup O' Joe coffee shop where I was headed. According to a source that Sandy wasn't about to reveal, Cup O' Joe was where Leia Stewart took a break at one o'clock ... without fail.

I entered Cup O' Joe about fifteen minutes before one and ordered a strong coffee cut with caramel and French vanilla cream. It was a little on the sweet side. At pretty much the stroke of one, Leia Stewart walked in. At least I think it was her. The picture that Sandy had showed me was of a cute young woman with dark hair in a pixie cut. This Leia Stewart had the same round face, but her hair was pure military. There was maybe an inch of hair on top, enough to part, and then it faded until there was only a stubble of hair above her ears. She was stocky, and wore a loose fitting light blue uniform shirt above navy trousers and patent leather shoes.

I was supposed to seduce that? Hell, she looked like the poster girl for bull dykes everywhere. Don't get me wrong; her sexual orientation is her business. But I didn't feel like making it my business. She bought two cups of coffee and took a seat where I could easily observe her. She sat motionless except to sip from her cup. Obviously, she was waiting for someone. I decided it was better for me to wait than to approach her. And you're right, that was the cowardly thing to do.

Two minutes later, Leia's face lit up like Christmas morning. A woman approached her table. She was wearing a yellow sun dress, was nicely tanned and had shoulder length ash blonde hair. Leia stood, pulled out a chair for her, and the two exchanged kisses on the cheek. The woman in yellow was nice looking and I figured she was thirty years old, give or take a year.

The woman in yellow did most of the talking. Leia smiled and nodded and spoke infrequently. I couldn't hear the conversation; there was too much background noise in Cup O' Joe. The women talked and sipped their coffee for around ten minutes, and then they stood to leave. I followed them outside. They exchanged kisses on the cheek again and went their separate ways.

Now what? I could try to salvage Sandy's plan and chase down Leia Stewart. Or I could opt for the far riskier idea of following the lady in yellow in hopes that she would be able to talk, her obviously good friend, Leia into helping me. Option number two seemed to be hopelessly optimistic and doomed to failure. I followed the swaying hips in the yellow dress anyway.

She didn't go far before entering a sandwich shop. I sat on a nearby bench and wondered if I should report my failure to Sandy now or wait. Before I could decide, the woman in yellow emerged carrying a drink in one hand and a plastic bag containing a sandwich in the other. I fell in step ten feet behind her. This part of the resort was a shopping mall. There were plenty of people around, so I could follow her at a short distance without fear of being noticed.

She walked confidently with her back straight, her hips swaying and her hair bouncing with each stride. She turned left down a narrower corridor where the shops were smaller. She entered one and I walked quickly to the display window. The shop was only slightly larger than the two display cases it contained. On one side of the shop was a selection of watches, and on the other were all sorts of sunglasses. The lady in yellow strode down the center between the cases and went through a door in the rear. A cute clerk with electric blue hair was showing a dude in tight jeans and a tighter tee shirt a pair of wraparounds. Or maybe they were only flirting with one another; it was hard to tell.

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      I had been thinking about his tasty cock all day and I couldn't get the picture out of my head all day. After we had dinner and were in the tents, we both just laid on our sleeping bags. I asked him if he minded if I sleep with no clothes on and he said only if I can too.  I asked " Hey, Michael can you get any sleep" and he replied " Nah.". After a while he suggested that we play truth and dare and i said sure. He said he wanted to go first and he dared me to suck his cock for 10...

1 year ago
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Rebel in the SouthChapter 17 Melissa

They had kidnapped the colonel's wife. That was all we heard. The staff officers did not say who had done the kidnapping or which colonel had lost his wife; they simply said to Foster's company: go fetch her back. So we dispersed after a glance at the oval miniature of the dark-eyed lady and a brief description of a twenty-some-year-old who stood about this high (the vain captain held his hand shoulder high) and weighed perhaps eight stone or so, so he said. There were likely ten thousand...

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Eager Horny CousinChapter 7

"The thing about milking cows is to be firm but gentle." Dave's big shoulders moved as he talked, fingers working Old Bess' udders and milk spraying into the bucket at his feet in long streaming arcs. "If you're not relaxed, it makes her skittish -- even cows can sense that sort of thing. And if Bess gets skittish, you get less milk from her." "Oh, I see." Susie leaned across his crouched form, watching his hands push-squeeze with determined intent. Morning sunshine filtered...

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A Merry Kitten Christmas

A Merry Kitten Christmas Aunt Bev came rushing into the diner filled with excitement. "Darla, Priss, Kittens what would you say if I told you we were going on a special trip for Christmas?" "You found Transportation?" asked our afternoon cook as she walked into the 'Milk Saucer' Diner that Aunt Beverly had taken over in Cougar Town after we'd been rescued from Azalia by the Alpha Alliance almost a year ago. "Momma?" we both asked curiously. We had no idea she was planning...

1 year ago
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Plastic Surgeryholics

Plastic Surgeryholics By Leticia Latex (formerly BlowMuP) (c)2002 "So...? What do you think?" asked Amber as she walked out of the surgeon's office. "I love them and I can't wait to try them," answered Mike as he reached out for her. A wicked smile formed on her full lips, "Try them? Michael Fraser, you perverted little tease!" she said. Amber Fisher and Mike Fraser had found in each other a common passion for plastic surgery. Their combined salaries allowed them to start...

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Strange RelationshipsChapter 12 The Setup

Thursday morning arrived, cool but sunny. Stick sat on the front steps of the school, sunning himself; boredom had sent him to bed early and gotten him up equally early, so he was among the first arrivals. A familiar vehicle entered the parking lot, and Teddy Frick extracted himself from it. Stick eyed the approach; Teddy was strutting a bit, mebbe? "Yo!" "Yo!" Teddy returned the hail, grinning. Yeh, he looked cocky, all right. "So, how's our woman?" Stick managed not to say 'bitch,...

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Making a public sex movie

There were three of us so we got two good cameras and headed down town to a rougher part of town. We found a spot where there was some pedestrian traffic but not a lot. It also had a couple trees that partly blocked the view of an alley that was off the street. My friends stood to the side with the cameras and I stood out on the sidewalk. Pretty soon a cute girl that looked to be in her late teens walked up the street. I stepped up to her, "Hi, My friends and I want to make a public...

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My Wife8217s Secret Desires 8211 Part 1

I was late for the office that day, noting unusual there, I have never had the reputation of being on time. I grabbed my laptop bag, planted a kiss on my wife’s lips and bid her goodbye. We have enjoyed a great relationship from the first day of our marriage. She is neither one of those who will blindly follow whatever I saw nor like those Indian women who dominate their household. Long story short, we shared such great bond that I rarely had a problem in my marital life. Though recently I have...

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Across the Ages Book One Ch 04

Alexander was irritated when he woke. The sun had not yet risen and there was a tingly sensation in his right arm that refused to stop paining. Growling slightly, he turned to shake the sleep out of his limb but stopped as soon as he saw her. Sleeping soundly, Brianne was curled up like a kitten in the curve of his arm. Her golden hair was tousled from sleep and hung like a curtain in front of her face. Even as she slept, her cheeks held a shy, rosy pink that shimmered within her tanned skin....

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The Rush How the Linebacker Met the Cheerleader

I am an adrenaline junkie, but not in the way you would imagine one to be. My high comes when I go to places I shouldn’t and do nasty things with a guy or a girl: bathroom stalls, public places, you name it and I get wet instantly. It’s the thrill of getting caught that heightens my excitement. The very first instance of my adrenaline rush came when I first began college at State. I had attended a basketball game my freshman year when a guy sat next to me and ran his hand up my leg. Lucky for...

4 years ago
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Chocolate Goodies

one day we where watching a classic porn movie about a young girl upducted by several BlackMen.Well my wife was getting horny normally if she watches porn loves the ones with a story line> I rather have action but thats me lol.After we watched she was horny and suggested she someday like to try a Blackmale.We have swinged before was a couple we meet through online Adult site. She enjoyed but was afraid to say that she has a hunger for dark meat. Well after that we searched the internet and...

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Helping a friend True Story

I spend a lot of summer weekends camping in northern Michigan. Sometimes with friends, but often on my own. Tent, hammock, nice fire, whiskey, maybe some weed and enjoy the fresh air, the water and the stars. This summer I was driving to my campsite on a Friday afternoon, when I saw a car on the side of the road. This was among the many stretches of road in the area where you might not see a car for miles, or hours. There was a girl sitting Indian style on the grass next to the car, calmly...

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Dads Two Little Earth Day DarlingsChapter 8 Saturday EARTH DAY

"C'mon, what should I wear?" Nikki asked in her whiniest voice. It was eight thirty in the morning and she was calling from her place. I was still in bed. My father was next to me. We were both naked. "I asked daddy last night and he told me we're truly going to get back to nature today. We're going to go nude – all day long." "Emily!" "And you should probably trim your pubes too. Daddy said he prefers a neat pubic bush." "Shut up!" Then the Nikkster hung up. Dad and I...

3 years ago
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One Long Happy Ending 7 of 7

“So, what do you think about Mark?” Jim asked trying to ease into the BIG question. “He’s nice. I’ve always liked him.” Janet replied, not knowing what was coming next. “Do you find him attractive? Would you sleep with him, if the opportunity were to arrive?” Jim acting like it was small talk. He would press on if she gave the right answer. “He’s tall, athletic, and his eyes are dreamy. I wouldn’t mind a roll in the hay with him, if I had the chance. Why do you ask?” Janet was...

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More Dirty Sex with Tania Part Two Looking for Pr

Part Two. On the hunt for Sex in the Red-Light Area Luckily most of the guests at the Premier Inn had now checked in so when we both went down through the reception area it was again deserted except for the receptionist who only acknowledged the door key being placed on the counter. There were a couple of people in the car park but most were only interested in heading for the Beefeater restaurant. One young couple did take a second glance, the guy’s eyes nearly pooping out his head. It’s not...

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My boyfriends Dad

You and the stranger both like Roleplaying. Stranger: hi I'm Marcus 22 m US You: Ok so Im your son's girlfriend, Alex. 5'5 Wavy red hair, Nice tits D-Cup. You hate me because you think im only dating your son for his money. Your son is on a trip and asked me to check on the house. You come home and find me sitting on the couch in a tight, white tank top, a lacy red bra, and shorts that barley cover my ass, which has nothing but a black thong on it, doing my nails and reading fashion...

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Working Hard

We have been asked by a few people from Xhamster to continue some of the stories we have posted and we so plan on doing so once more has happen and or when that feel for that story comes back around. But in the mean time I need to tell you all about this weekend and the fun my wife and I had. Please understand we wish no one any pain or to be hurt mut this even though painful was also pleasurable.We are about to get a new roof on our house and before they put the roof on, we wanted to clean up...

1 year ago
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MyGirlLovesAnal Megan Rain 22367

Megan Rain has been lusting for anal sex for a long time, but she always felt her boyfriend’s dick was too big. But she’s been practicing and stretching, and she’s super excited when her bundle of anal toys arrives for her man to see! He’s a bit taken aback, but he’s happy that his sexy girlfriend is finally gonna let him put it in her ass. Megan even dresses up in sexy lingerie to set the mood, and after lubing him up up with a sloppy blowjob, she bends over to let her man break ground in her...

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First Incest Experience

Here I am back with another sex story of mine. I don’t like to declare I am someone with 6 feet height and 10-inch penis as many of the writers here. I am a usual guy who is working in Bangalore since 7 years. I don’t write sex stories here, just incidents of my life. For any comments and opinions, you can reach me in my email id This happened in 2002 when I was 18 and during the summer vacation time. In my home, I am the elder one. Parents and others stay on the ground floor and I stay on the...

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Taxi ride paying for the ride

My wife and I decided to go out for a night on the town last Friday so we drove to a nightclub we'd heard some good things about. We arrived at 10pm and proceeded to dance and have the occasional glass of rum 'n cola. Sabrina, my lovely wife was dressed in a knee-length black skirt with a slit up one side, a sexy little spaghetti strap silk top, thigh-high fishnet stockings and a strapless bra. It was the perfect outfit to attract attention from most of the males in the club and my wife was...

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Mother My Life changer 8211 Part 1

Hi ISS readers. I am going to write down a life-changing story of mine. I came to know that my real sex satisfaction can be achieved only through one person, that’s my mother. My name is Raja Ranjith. I am working in the IT sector. I am always horny. I have a 5.5″ inch tool, which became bigger and better after having sex with my mother. My family consists of 3 people. My father passed away during the final year of my college days because of chain-smoking. He never satisfied my mother in...

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Confession Of A Sextress Part 8211 7

Fareeda narrates this part. * * * * * * * * * * While he is away, lemme write down something. This will one day become a part of his stories published. I know he will safeguard my identity. If I am to include all the sexual events or at least the most important cases, still my biography will be very long for him to bring to you. So, while he spends for me while I am here, I decided to narrate you the story myself. Anyway, let me begin. As you know I had to work far away from my home so there...

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Confessions of a Sex Crazy Cross Dresser Part 6

Here are the next two chapters of Sandy's adventures Chapter 11: Photo Shoot and the Elevator Ride I slept great on Monday night after my craziest night of cross dressing. My body felt great as I slept in late. However, I had to admit, I felt like my ass had been torn up from Stan’s incredible cock. I realized now that almost all men wanted to get their rocks off with strangers. Stan and Bob were perfect examples, they wanted to fuck a girl or at least get a blow job. They were so happy they...

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Bobbie Is In Denial

I woke up the next morning naked with Amy spooning me. She was fully clothed, even had her high heels still on. My mouth was dry and my ass was sore. I felt like a rag that had been rung out. What happened?Then I remembered kneeling in front of Joe, my ass hanging out like a juicy ham, practically panting and drooling over his thinly clothed cock. My sore little cocklet, which for some reason was tucked between my curled up legs, was already hard and leaking precum. Sometimes I push my cock...

1 year ago
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xdresser Foxxiroxxi fucked by daddies poker buddie

Sorry its taken so long for the final part to be written . So im in the car with my two black bulls one is driving and im sitting in the back seat with the other . This is when I get to see how big marcuses cock really is mmmmmm OMG its fucking huge ,like the size of my forearm . I have never seen such a huge thick cock in my life...

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Ted WhoChapter 21

We got to Camden Yards only a little late and still hours before game time, but coming there directly from the hospital was disconcerting. For me, the whole day had been feeling a little off. All those hours spent with doctors instead of with Sandy. Now, I was asking my manager for a day off. That wasn't like me, at all. Paul Warren, however, didn't raise an eyebrow. He just penciled-in one of the newly called-up guys at DH and mumbled something about getting a look at what the kid could...

2 years ago
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My First Sex Experience With My Virgin Girlfriend

Hello dosto…. This is my 1st sex experience story jo maine meri virgin girlfriend ke saath kiya tha….. Mera E-mail :- Mail zrur krna…Mails ka wait krunga okk friends…. Mera naam Sohail hai. Bachpan se hi Mumbai me reh raha hu. meri Age abhi 21 hai. Dikhne me Smart aisa mere frnds bolte h ;)… Mere lund ka size 7.5″ hai Normal size wala lund hai… but Lund ka top 3″ mota hai jiski wajah se meri gf ko bahot dard hota h chodne pe aur maza toh usse bhi kahi zyaada aata hai… Meri gf ke baare me...

3 years ago
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A Saint and a WhoreChapter 5

I was tingling all over as I climbed our bed and took Helen in my arms. I kissed her and hugged her, and her skin felt like hot lava against mine. I shivered, and my hurting cock pressed against her slender thigh. "Well, Tarzan, what are you going to do about it? Why don't you touch it and see if it feels any better than Saturday night. You know, it IS Alfred's sperm this time." Her voice was deep and raw, with a horny tremor to it, like I never heard before. I grabbed her left tit and...

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My First encounter with Hannah Part 2

Hannah and I just had our first time sex on the beach and we were heading back to my house for the evening and possibly the night, if all things go well. We were walking back to my car holding hands and with huge smiles on our faces, I know I still had some of her pussy juices on my face drying, but I didn’t care because I love the taste and smell of her. Hannah’s pussy smelt like sweets of my favorite kind, strawberries. We got to my car and jumped in and I started driving home. I looked over...

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Cheating on my girlfriend with some guy in the loo

So yesterday I finally gave into my Bi ways, after bouncing up and down on my dildo whenever my girlfriend isn't home the craving for cock got to me.Last week she and a few of her friends decided to go on a girls only holiday leaving me in the house alone for a week. Naturally I used these few days of having the whole house to fuck myself. After playing the dominant one for years it was nice to be able to take a dildo and have cute knickers on all the time.This day i had a very nice pink thong...

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