Haley's CometChapter 11 free porn video

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I woke up and looked around the dark room confused about where or when it was. The good feeling in my loins reminded me of the evening of love and lust and I looked for Gail. She was gone from the room, but I did see the numbers on the clock, 11:45. I had sleepy in sexual exhaustion for about 2 hours. Under the closed door I saw lights from the hallway and I got up and slipped on pajama pants and went to look for Gail.

As soon as I opened the door I heard her humming happily from the laundry room on the second floor (great idea - wash and dry the clothes where you take and put them on, instead of dealing with a basement trip). I padded quietly past her room and looked in at her sitting at the folding table. There were 7 or 8 little stacks clothes, socks, various underwear, pants, towels, plus shirts and blouses on hangers. She was sitting on a stool humming happily as she folded things seeming more content than I ever saw her. I leaned on the doorway to just watch her so happy, just being herself. As I watched I realized that I hadn't done any laundry the whole time back from Florida. Things had been in the drawers when I looked for them. Normally when they weren't, I stayed up half the night doing laundry. She must have been doing it right along. Knowing she had only 5 or 6 outfits and some leisure clothes and underwear, I should have realized she was washing almost every couple days.

Something must have told her there was a presence in the room as she looked over her shoulder to see me watching her.

She only said "Hi sleepyhead, was I too much for you?", and I felt my loins stir again. I had no chance of performing, but the spirit was willing.

I walked in behind her and slipped my arms under hers as I leaned and kissed the side of her neck. She inhaled and exhaled deeply and tipped her head to look at me.

"Thank you for my life. I feel I've died and went to heaven. Can this moment never change?" She whispered confidently.

"You just needed the boot in the pants, everything else has been you. I love you for all you've made of yourself. You are a wonderful woman and I don't know how you turned it off for all those years. I hope the bitterness is gone." I chided her.

"It is. As bitter as I was, I've found I can be just as happy. So much so that the bitterness has faded and the happy memories of Mom and Sis live brightly in my heart and my mind, and I have you to thank for that. They live with me all the time."

"Do you think they're happy with me, happy with the way we've fallen for each other?" I asked.

She turned around on the stool to face me and she took her hands to the sides of my face and brought it close to hers.

"My Mom had a hard time with my running around when I was just 14 or 15. She knew from finding my pills and I suppose even looking at my under clothes, that I was not a good girl. But my Mom was very sexual and always had a steady boyfriend. I used to hear her at times at night and she was every bit as loud as I've been with you. I wanted to be that happy and perhaps that's what I was looking for when I was "tomcatting", as she called it. For me to be really in love and enjoying myself and my body so much, she would be VERY happy for me AND you. After she sent me off to live with Auntie Midge, she cleaned up her act so Sis wouldn't end up like me. I don't know if it worked, but I know her heart was in the right place when she sent me away. Sis would tell me she cried for me a lot. That made that fateful morning hurt that much more. Now I know I feel her spirit with us. It's weird but those times when I feel I'm about to pass out it feels so good, I think she's hugging me. Weird, huh?" She said without even a little tear or lip quiver. She was accepting it all now.

"I don't think it's weird, I think it's sweet and you should be happy to feel that way. She was a good smart woman who loved her daughter so much that she made hurtful sacrifices that showed she was not selfish about her own need to be with you. If she was half as smart as you, she was a great Mom. You always call your sister Sis, what was her real name?" I wondered, trying to add some personality to my image of her.

"She was Cecelia, after my Mom's Mom. She was CeCe for a while but it became Sis and it was always Sis. In her yearbook at school, it was Sis." She said, showing a little quiver in her lip.

I hugged her closely as she pulled me tightly to her.

"We can go to San Diego and visit the gravestones sometime if you like. Introduce me, OK?" I asked.

"I would like that. You are so sweet to me." She whispered.

"Come on, let's get to bed. We both have to work in the morning, TGIF." I said pulling her.

"No, let me put this stuff away and I'll go in my own bed tonight. Let's save sleeping together for special nights when we can stay in bed in the morning. We are lovers, but for living as lovers, it would be too soon for us. Every night would be like tonight, and that would make these special nights not as special." She said sadly.

"You're right, as much as I would like it too. We have the weekend to ourselves." I said as I kissed her deeply and said goodnight.

As I went back to sleep I heard her puttering, putting away clothes and was even aware, as I dozed off, of her coming in my room and putting things in my drawers. She came to the bed and kissed my cheek. I wanted that moment to last forever. It was pure affection I had never felt before.

The morning brought a shower of good feelings as I woke wishing she were here next to me. But, alas, as I professed just a few weeks and days earlier, taking it slow to be sure meant treating each other as roommates first and lovers later. Our times together would be "dates". When schedules allowed the ability to stay together and share sleep we would, but taking each other for granted in that manner would have to wait. Sleeping together, and I do refer to the sleeping part, is a most intimate act that culminates with the waking together and starting the day together. To do that at this stage would lead to a certain amount of taking each others presence for granted. As far as we had went in our love making and proclamations of same to each other, our relationship was still in its infancy, a fact we both seemed to grasp quite easily.

"Robbie, are you up?" I heard her yell as she zipped past my door and pushed it open as I saw her disappear down the stairs. Moments later, after I assume, brewing coffee, she was back up the stairs to kiss me goodbye. By the time I finished my shower she would have poured her travel cup of coffee and be at the bus.

"It's Friday, do we have any special plans for tonight?" She asked in between smooches.

"We could go to dinner and a movie, or just stay here and watch the birds in the yard. I'm open for anything. I have all next week off, so I'm not in a hurry to cram a lot of things into the weekend." I answered with a kiss and hug.

"There's a bunch that goes out for drinks after work on Friday, would you mind?" She asked.

"No, not a problem, but unless you can get a ride I'd rather you didn't take the bus. You can call me for a ride. OK?" I asked.

"They say they usually break up by 7, you can just get me on the way home. I'll let you know where we're going." She said as she gave me one more peck and was off to work.

I was happy she was making friends at work and taking part in their office rituals. She was adapting to a regular life as if she had it all planned out in her head, and I wonder if she hadn't just done that.

During the course of that work day I was in and out of my own office but I did check my messages and saw there was one from her. It was simply an "I Love You" and asking me to get her at Fuddruckers in the Perimeter Mall. She would meet me out front after 7:30.

This last day before my week off was longer than most, devoted to updated data and training. The 6 hour ordeal was my 4 in a series of such and after passing a test on the set of four, I could get my degree updated and sanctioned and put me in line for the next step on the pay scale. Days like this put me back in school again, taking notes and studying, but it was worth it. The industry had taken a lot of major strides in the past 3 years and I was sure to keep up with the technology. At one point during the day it struck me that Gail seemed to be up in the latest tech in geological CAD and gas and fuel research. How did she do it?

The last session of the class finished with a sign up for the certification exam that we were all required to take. There was one review scheduled and I planned to be in attendance for that as well. I all took place on my next rotation back to Atlanta.

After the class I officially signed out of the on-call register that left me free for the next 9 days until I need be in the Mobile/Pensacola district. I was off to the Perimeter Mall to get Gail. The Fuddruckers she was at was on the Mall access and as not connected to the Mall. They had Happy Hour specials and a DJ on Fridays in the lounge with a small dance floor. It was a noted AmeriFuel hang-out on Friday.

As I pulled up in front to let her see my truck I saw her in front with another woman from the office I knew, Shelly. Shelly had been my running partner in a couple Cancer Runs, marathons and I knew her as a friend. She had been married, but went through an ugly divorce. I was her shoulder to cry on at the time. Getting back into running shape was her broken heart therapy, plus she could vent on me. Shell had been around the block more than once and wasn't too trusting of men. Once she found my friendship was out of the "boyfriend" realm we became coffee friends at work and even went to a movie or two. She was a few years older than me and I never really looked at her as a love interest. She was a good ear and liked hockey. In short, we just hit it off and both of us needed a friend that we didn't need to worry about falling for. If you like the expression "like a sister", then that was it. As I got closer it was apparent that Gail had been crying and was upset. Shelly was there as support until I got there. She came right out and opened the door and let Gail in and squat down to talk.

"Hi Rob, Gail's a little upset, but OK. She had an incident here with an asshole from work, but she handled it well." Shelly said trying to put the best light on it.

"Who? What happened?" I said looking at Gail to be sure she was OK

"That fuckin' Blark hit on her and wouldn't leave her alone once she rejected him and he kept on drinking. You know, the usual shit for him." Shelly said rolling her eyes knowing I knew the score already.

Dave VanBlarcum was a self-proclaimed ladies man-stud. He did have stunning clean-cut good looks, but his ego and good looks usually left him out of bounds with a clear thinking woman. His M-O was to come on strong and leave no doubt what his intentions were. It must have worked often enough because he hadn't changed in years, but he dealt with the rejection by drinking and he was an ugly drunk and local police knew him well. He was probably only allowed in Fuddruckers with a promise of good behavior. If he was in his AmeriFuel uniform shirt, he was probably done. He had worn out many warnings.

"He came over to our table and made his way around saying hello and doing the shoulder massage thing with all four of us. I told her to not pay attention to him and he might go away after he had a few words with each of us, and it worked out that way. When I got us with Wendy to go to the ladies room he came over and sat beside her and whispered in her ear." Shelly explained.

Gail finally spoke up.

"He says "what does it take to get in your pants? The rest of these girls can vouch for my skills." So I said that first he ought to grow up and act like an adult, and I got up and moved to the bar to order another round for all of us, Margo just sat there because I guess she has slept with him and was embarrassed. He came up behind me at the bar and squeezed my ass wanting to whisper in my ear, but I didn't give him a chance because I slapped him. The bouncer was already looking for him and saw the whole thing. He grabbed him and had already called the police once he saw he was drunk." Gail said sniffling, but girding herself knowing she did nothing wrong.

"As the bouncer began to try and quietly escort him out there was a lot of talking back and forth and pointing fingers. When Blark saw the cops come in the front door he went crazy and didn't go quietly. He started shouting that he had slept with Gail and she wouldn't leave him alone, and she asked for money for oral sex and stuff like that. People were staring and that's when we went into the manager's office and waited until now. She told me about you and I assured her she was with a good man. (pause) You know Rob, you don't have to worry about the fraternization rules. The road men who are in the office for a week a month aren't held to that. I'm a counselor on the EEO hotline and you would be OK to let people know if you two are an item." Shelly informed him.

Gail was gathering her emotions, but needed a hug and scooted over to my side and we kissed and embraced.

"Are you going to be OK Gail?" Shelly asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine now Shelly. Thanks so much for your help and coming to my rescue. I thought I had handled it well, but I didn't know he was such a jerk." Gail said, seemingly fully composed.

"Thanks Shell. Are you all set for a ride?" I asked.

"I'm riding with Margot and I'm going to give her a piece of my mind for not jumping in when he tried to move in. I don't care if he did get into her pants with that line of shit, she found out fast what kind of asshole he was. Gail, I'll call you tomorrow early and get you to the doctors." Shelly told her.

Gail turned to me and answered my question before I could ask it.

"We talked a little girl talk and I told her I was going to the OB/GYN tomorrow and she said she would drive me and show me where it was." She told me confidently.

I just nodded my head and Shelly closed the door and we were off.

"Don't be mad about her driving me tomorrow. I really need a woman to talk to about, you know, woman things, girl talk. Once she said how she knew you, I knew I could trust her." Gail said as she rubbed her eyes of tears and redness.

"You picked a good friend there baby. She is one of my best friends." I assured her.

"Never any hanky-panky, right?" She said to be reassured.

"No, never even the thought of it. We aren't that way at all." I proclaimed.

"I began to panic in there and she centered me. She said she saw the look on my face and knew I was withdrawing." Gail said relieved she found a friend.

"Oooo all this psyche talk, we all had psychology minors or at least classes. You're sure you're OK?"

"I'm fine. I hadn't been hit on in a million years but I didn't expect it to be so frank and straight forward. When he grabbed my ass I knew I had to show him who he was fucking with. I was pissed. I've never let anyone treat me like that in public, especially a dirt ball like that. I hope I run into him in the hallways." Gail said getting more and more bravado as she thought about the incident.

"I don't think you'll be seeing him. He may have had his last chance with us. We kind of guaranteed the State of Georgia that he would be sober when he was working or on call. If was wearing our uniform, he's done, or at least suspended until he goes through the treatment again." I assured her.

"The cops knew him be name when they came in."

"That's why he's obviously canned or suspended. So, ummm... what do you want to do tonight?" I asked.

"Can we just get something to bring home to eat? I don't feel like going out again, and I've had 3 drinks, so I'm a little bent. I think I'll be in bed early." She said.

"Ohh? I was hoping you might sleep with me tonight. Not necessarily for making love, but to be together." I had hoped out loud.

"Ummmm, maybe not tonight. My doctor appointment is for 9 and I should really be up at 7:30 or so. I want to be able to stay in bed with you after we wake up. I've never woken up with a man before, much less one that I loved." She said with a bright smile coming over her face.

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WARNING: This chapter sets out what happens in real life as opposed to fantasies. It has a little sex and explains what happened to the main characters. If you want to end on a bright note, I suggest you stop at the end of the last chapter. 'Oooh, Nicky Baby, pound my cunt with your fat cock. Stuff Sam. It's my turn. Harder! Haaaaarder! NOW!' Samantha was tangled up underneath us, having been filled with my cum, straight after she had rushed into Rebecca's bedroom. Sam had become...

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office lunch

We had been seeing each other for some time now. I should say, literally, seeing, as it was as harmless as that. I was deeply and passionately in love with Sandy, but she, also was married. Although she knew how I felt, for many months now we had just been having casual lunches. A while back we would go out to various parks and have nice comfortable talks. I enjoyed several foot massages and some hand massaging to release tension. Once I even massaged her back. And several time we shared a...

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Motel Week Ending 2

*** Motel Week Ending 2 "What if you knocked up your sister?" That was the exact thought that had been on Newlyn's mind for the past two weeks. The thought permeated his entire being ever since they had left the motel. The family had been forced to into a motel for a week while the house was under repair. It was during this week Newlyn had shared a bed with his younger sister Juliana. It started as an accident and seriously bad judgment on his part that had then cascaded into the...

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By the Personnel Book Chapter 2

By the (Personnel) Book CHAPTER 2: Patti's Transformation Now that you know about my first day on the job at Specialized Personnel Services (SPS), I should give you some background. I majored in history, which of course qualified me to do pretty much nothing that involves a paycheck, so I wasn't exactly swamped with opportunities. I had just moved into the area and hadn't started making friends yet. No girlfriend. No guys to hang out with. Pretty much on my own. Physically, I'm...

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Time with Amelia

Okay, I’ll admit the truth. As a 29 year old male who had a few dates in his time, I hadn’t ever “been” with a woman…never to be honest. Don’t get me wrong. I’ve always wanted to be with one but my chances haven’t…well I don’t think I’m qualified as a man goes. The idea of being with a woman grew on me. They grew on me a lot and as I got older, the idea to be with one started to grow on me a lot. I felt I was becoming one and didn’t want to be one, but the truth for me was starting to surface....

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The Mysterious Case of the Vengeful Lothario Entwhistle Investigations 2

The Mysterious Case of the Vengeful Lothario The changing rooms were empty now all except Laura Robson, the Captain of the hockey team and it was time to make a move. Laura was in the shower and was singing the latest Rita Ora song completely out of tune. That alone might not be a reason for this, but it certainly added to her crimes. She took off shoes and then undid the zip at the back of her skirt before letting it fall to the floor. Slowly, deliberately she undid the buttons of...

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Dream StateChapter 20

The next day, June drove us all out to the airport to wait for Debbie and Aimee to arrive. Their flight was expected to arrive at 4:50 PM, and, wonder of wonders, the flight was actually going to be on time. Unfortunately, Dawn was a little ahead of time, and demanded an early dinner from Mary just as the flight arrived at the gate. Mary and June went to find a private place where Mary could feed our precious little bundle of joy. Meanwhile, Mely and I waited at the gate for the two women to...

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Andy 27

After my shower I walked into my room wrapped in a bathtowel to give Sarah a chance. One of the few points that had brought a negative change to our lives: We had to share the bathroom among three. And girls need their time... Now I stood nude in front of my mirror and turned so that I could see my back side. Nothing to see of the injection. If I hadn't seen the empty syringe, I wouldn't have believed it. How had that gone in so easily, and practically without my feeling it? It could...

3 years ago
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2 curvy university girls at once

My old University Professor asked me to come and talk to his students about the work I was doing, I don’t really like talking but I love smart university woman and knew often they throw themselves at guests. So on that thought I decided to do it.I talked for about an hour and took questions from the group. There were several woman that stood out for me in the crowd and my luck held as two of them stayed behind in the group after the class and eventually it was down to the two of them. They...

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Willow Book III Master CarlChapter 7

It was early evening when Carl returned to Rose House. He had found a coffee shop in downtown Pleasanton that had internet access and had been doing some research. He had used his iPad to find the hotel his friend Tom had mentioned. It was located just north of SFO, the common term used for San Francisco’s airport. He searched their website and other pictures tagged as having been taken in the hotel to get a feel for the interior. Of course there was no mention of an illicit poker room there,...

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Sex Enjoyment With My School Time Teacher Madhu

Hello everyone, my name is dinesh and I am from chandigarh. me is site ka regular reader hoon. So regular stories padh kar mujhe laga kyu na me apne life ka ek incident aap sab ke saath share karun. Ye meri pehli story hai so agar koi galti huyi hogi to i am so sorry for that. Aap mujhe Fb pe bhi join kar saktey hai. meri id hai Goyal dinesh chd. So aap sabhi readers se request hai meri is story ke feedbacks fb par jarur dein. Sabse pehle me aap sab ko apna introduction de doon. Me dinesh...

3 years ago
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The Bus Ride

You won’t believe what happened to me today down at the convention in Miami, so I’ll just tell you. The hotel we are staying at has nude pools, and almost no dress code whatever. It is really high end. They have an automated shuttle service with driverless shuttles that we have been using to go back and forth from the convention center.Well, today I was running a little late and went straight from the gym at the hotel where I was working out to the shuttle. I figured I would change at the...

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RawAttack Paige Owens 04262019

I’ll just start out saying this…Paige Owens is unbelievably hot. Her body is smooth, tan and tight. Her face is gorgeous and she has a devious personality. After taking cock for almost an hour and getting a huge load on her face I pick up the camera to chat with her. She has no shame, she loves cock and she gets what she wants. Fortunately for me she happened to want more cock and I was the guy in front of her at that moment. I had a fucking blast with this sexy girl and its safe to...

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I am such a slut9

This was the night that I had been waiting for, now dressed completely as a woman, completely, and in the hotel room with a man that Ihad met off of craigslist. And even more so, he was not an anonymous man, but someone that I sorta knew, recognizing him from my town. His name was Derek. We had kissed gently at first and then more deeply. And I had just nibbled and teased his cock before pulling his pants off of him to hang them up. I walked back across the room towards him, took a sip of my...

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The Insurance Lady

He had liked the sound of her voice on the phone,Enlish accent,clipped,formal but with a bit of banter.He had rang her company as she was to assess his flat for an insurance repair.He watched as she got out of the car.Dressed in business jacket,skirt and blouse.He also noticed that skirt was slightly flared at bottom and didn,t really have a business cut to it !He opened the door and let her in noting the classy smell of Poison perfume and noticed the blouse was buttoned low.She took a seat on...

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Adventures of Anita and Seema a dentists appointment

After the African trip me and Seema had to return home. It was a fun loving and a amazing trip. But it was back to work again at home. We got home and were tired from the trip so called it a night as we had to head off to work the next day. In the morning I woke up to find my husband was already off to work, I took a shower and heard the door bell ring. I went downstairs to get the door and peeked out of door to find Seema's husband at the door. "oh, hey wasn't expecting you so early? How are...

Cheating Wifes
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The Great Shift Travails of Love

The Great Shift: Travails of Love By Radioactive Loner CHAPTER ONE The Windy City was living up to its name that day. Anyone who had lived in Chicago through at least one winter knew that the gales that made their home in the skies above the Windy City (which seemed to, unfortunately, abandon its residents during the hot, sultry summers when they would be most welcome) made Chicago's winters most particularly cruel. That was nothing, however, compared to the cold that was blowing...

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The PrincessChapter 5

CeeCee finally managed to track down Ron after school one day. She introduced herself and half way apologized for having to interfere with his new friendship with Alexa. She explained that it was important that she be able to maintain order and discipline among the kids in school. Ron just shook his head and started to walk away. "Wait," CeeCEe called him back. "I have an alternative for you to consider. I know a very nice girl who would love to go out with you. She is pretty, has a nice...

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Small Towns and Homecomings

Hey everybody, long time reader, first time poster. I couldn't get this story out of my head the past few weeks so I decided to put it to (digital) paper. Please feel free to leave a review, or you can contact me at [email protected] if you'd prefer. The usual caveats apply, and please don't repost this without permission. Thanks for reading! _________________________ Small Towns and Homecomings By Akira Marx Where was that line from, "You can never go home again?" Maybe it...

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"Hi Darling", I said. "Hi Dan", she replied, "my Boss Ted let me go early because I said that we would go to his house tomorrow afternoon for a social game of tennis with him and his wife Barbara, now I don't want any complaints or you will be over my knee, besides this will good for my career", added my wife. I should explain, my wife, Janet, had been spanking me for a few years. It started as mutual spanking as part of our lovemaking, but soon she decided she preferred just to spank me, so...

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Real South Park Oh Butters

Yes, this is based on the tv show. This is my first story, be gentle! Butters Stoch was a strange boy. He usually danced and skipped his way to the bus stop, where his friends would meet him and procede to ignore him. He was on the fringe of their four person group: Kyle, Jewish and ginger. Has the worst and most strict mom ever! Stan, black hair, has been going out with his gf Wendy for years. Kenny, blonde. Extremely poor. Never seen without his orange hoody, and it is this hoody that...

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CherryChapter 9 The Last 3 Weeks of My Holiday

I suppose that you could say that we settled into a routine, parts very exciting and other parts not quite so. Friday evenings The Friday night poker is one of highlight of the week for me. I get very tingly and wet, as the hours count down, just imagining the things that they could do to me. The guys seem to be spending less time playing cards and more time experimenting with tying me up, suspending me in different positions and trying out all my new toys on me. As soon as Mick and Lewis...

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Senior Week Ch 07 Blinded

Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...

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Maya 8211 Cousin Love 8211 Part 6 Surprising Her

I kept a pillow on my lap to cover my nudity. Maya was wearing at-shirt. It covered only her thighs. Maya asked me about dinner. I left the choice to her. She said either we can order it at home, or we can go out. We decided to go to her favorite restaurant for dinner. We completed the formalities of calling our respective families. Maya got ready. She was wearing a red-colored open shoulder top and a short black skirt. She looked radiant spicy hot in that attire. We booked a cab to the...

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Triptych InterviewsBree

Saturday, August 13 (After Chapter 8 of Triptych) aroslav: Welcome. Come on in. BREE: Where's the camera? aroslav: What? BREE: Are we going to talk first or do I just get undressed and diddle myself? aroslav: Bree? BREE: I'm not doing sex unless you're paying me full scale. aroslav: This isn't a porn audition. BREE: Looks like it. You at a desk with a computer and me on a sofa opposite. aroslav: I'm just keeping notes on the computer. You didn't really think I was auditioning...

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EvilAngel Alyx Star Big Natural Titty Fuck Plus

Vivacious, flirtatious brunette Alyx Star squeezes her fleshy, natural tits in sexy fishnet lingerie. She peels the garment off slowly, stripping for hung stud Zac Wild. He whips out his big cock, and she kneels to offer him an eager, spit-soaked blowjob. Alyx wraps her lush lips around the head of his dick and thrusts his shaft down her throat, letting drool drip down her chin. She spreads her long legs and invites Zac to shove his meaty boner inside her wet pussy. The aroused girl moans...

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Carrie Catches Herself a Unicorn

1.When I met Carrie, I was perhaps at my lowest point in my dealings with women. If I'd have met Carrie at any other time, I might've had the good sense to get out, or not get involved. As it stood-- I was vulnerable, and desperate-- and for all of her faults, Carrie was quite attractive, masterful-- even insane in bed, and cunningly manipulative.Carrie was the first woman I'd been with in a long time who was more sexually experienced than I was, and (so far) has been the oldest women I've ever...

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Boyfriend Wanted Me To Have Sex With A Penis Flasher

As I have mentioned in my other sex stories, I have a 32F-25-38 figure. I have a big boobs so men always stare at me. In the apartment my friends and I live, there is a pervert who always stares at my boobs openly whenever he gets the chance. This pervert is the apartment’s electrician. So he is always around. He gets his chance when we are in elevator. Even when other people are around, he positions himself towards my direction and stares at my boobs. I’ve been used to this so I ignored...

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Daze in the ValleyChapter 110

Saturday afternoon was quiet and relaxing. The group commandeered the back courtyard again and everyone sat around swapping stories and talking about what their future plans were. "So, what is the casting scenario for 'Dragon Lore'?" Leslie wondered. "I know a lot of the big parts are going to go in-house. That makes sense. Shelly, what sort of parts are going to be available?" "There are a lot of thing up in the air," Shelly said. "Sarah originally planned for four warriors, a...

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