An ClochánChapter 78 free porn video

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Sarah’s and Keriann’s Clans met Captains Reyonte and Laonize as they approached the dining area at Tara Ardchlár. After greeting each other Captain Reyonte said, “How is the fort progressing?”

“Not quite as fast as we would like,” responded Claudette of Sarah’s Clan. “We do, however, have the impression that you are now making good progress with your base.”

“We are, and it is moving along a lot faster than is typical for projects like this.”

Captain Laonize added, “Although it hasn’t been acknowledged several people attribute that fact to getting rid of ... well let’s just call them the slackers or parasites. Another reason is access to the recreational area here as it really helps with overall morale.”

Keriann said, “If you don’t have other plans, why don’t you join us for dinner.”

“We don’t, so we will gladly accept,” assured a smiling Captain Reyonte with Laonize nodding. “We enjoy visiting with you all.”

After they were seated Chester of Keriann’s Clan said to the Captains, “Earlier you asked how our fort was progressing, at the moment progress is sort of stalled. The basic structure is nearly finished, but we are trying to sort out weapons placements that will yield acceptable fields of fire.”

“From what we’ve seen it appears that it is being built as a single structure,” noted Reyonte.

“Yes. Modeling indicated that it would be more efficient that way.”

“In some respects, it would be. Did you consider setting it up using the formation your 6 large ships are in?” inquired Laonize.

“We aren’t sure what you mean,” responded Kelly with a frown. “We are outfitting it in a manner similar to our large ships. The biggest difference is that it doesn’t include a significant propulsion unit and there is less storage.”

“Ah, but the weakness is that it will be a single failure point. What we like about your formation is the fact that you have six separate entities that can engage an enemy, plus a floater. While we are not certain, we suspect that your formation’s fields of fire have considerable overlap.”

“So are you suggesting that we should configure the fort as 6 weapon’s platforms in an octahedron arrangement with central support?”

“Except for the central support we’ve been evaluating that configuration. Based on our modeling we think the separation needs to be considerably larger than you have between your ships.”

“Wouldn’t that open up our backs?” wondered Sally.

“It could, if it was open space. However, if debris fields were placed between the weapon’s platforms and the central unit then you would have protection. You would need some paths through the debris in order to reach the central unit, but obviously they should not be direct paths.”

“We couldn’t then rotate a platform to fire through the formation.”

“True. However you should be able to rotate enough to provide support for an adjacent position.”

Reyonte added, “We looked at doubling the number of vertices. The primary advantage is that the area covered by one weapon unit could be smaller. A better alternative is to keep the field of fire the same, which greatly increases the field of fire overlap, thus an attacker has more to deal with.”

“If I remember my geometry correctly that configuration is called an icosahedron,” interjected Janet.

“Good memory,” smiled Laonize. “I had to look it up.”

“An interesting idea,” stated Rusty, “your suggestion of an octahedron arrangement addresses many, if not all, the issues we saw with our current plan. Since you are modeling a fort, does that mean you are considering one here?”

“We’ve been asked to develop a plan for one as it would reduce the need to have a task group permanently located in this system. If they decide to move forward with this there are several other factors that favor doing it in the near future. One of these is that we currently have an excellent construction crew here so they could easily be shifted to building a fort when they are no longer needed for the base. Deciding to do that then raises the issue of the increasing scope of this location’s activity.” He looked around then continued, “While it is true that we are developing a plan, whether it goes forward or not is speculation on our part. Although there were provisions for this in our agreement someone from Fleet Headquarters would discuss it with you before we begin any expansion.”

Sally said, “It would be beneficial to know how your World sees activity in this sector evolving.”

“When are you planning on visiting there?” queried Laonize.

“Tentatively, the last half of next year,” responded Sarah. “The Atewa agents we hired thought we should take our choir with us. Their idea was for the choir to give several performances during our visit.”

“I think the choir’s music would be well received,” responded Reyonte with Laonize nodding in agreement. “When our Off World Ambassador visits again you all should ask him about future activity in this sector. The fact that there is activity in this system will prompt others to look around for opportunities.”

Chester laughed, “I guess the dark side is already active.”

“Most of that is still pretty far away, although with our presence here commercial shipping may shift their routes to be closer. Actually, doing that would shorten some trips. They haven’t done this yet due to lack of facilities at convenient jump points.”

“Would any of that cause the “closed system” label to be withdrawn before we are ready?”

“How long this system keeps that label is your choice. If, in a few years, it is still active you will likely be pressured to remove it. Based on what I’ve seen, I think you all will be well entrenched in 5 years or less, and I think I am being pessimistic.”

“To change direction a bit,” said Laonize, “how are the Coschenz you rescued doing?”

“Since some are no longer around, they appear to be adjusting just fine. Their new leaders have a very different style to the old ones, so it is not only adjusting to being with a different culture; they are also adjusting to new leaders who involve others in decision making. While they are waiting to hear from Oreschre World we believe that quite a few of them are leaning toward staying here. We do expect that some will choose to return to Oreschre, if it is possible.”

“I hope it works out so all are pleased with the choices they have.”

Judy said, “I think those considering staying are not expecting to recreate what they had. On our way here we rescued a group from several different worlds. About a fourth of them were from the Oreschre World, and that number included Coschenz breed. All of them have fit in just fine. It seems like everyone who has joined us has brought their character, values, and some customs with them, but no other aspects of their former home and life style. I hope that makes sense.”

“It does. In the Atewa World there have been difficulties when large groups of immigrants arrived due to being forced to flee their homes. Because of the way they are temporarily housed their inclusion into our world and culture is delayed. This has resulted in small enclaves forming with customs like those in their old home, so they end up in an artificial environment. Those artificial environments tend to grow as new arrivals join them. This is in part because it is familiar but also because it is easier for government officials. This adds to the barrier preventing them from integrating into a new world. Added to this are economic issues. Well I could go on, but I think you see the difficulties it causes them and those around them.”

“So far we seem to have avoided those issues. Perhaps this is because there are so few of us. However, we’ve seen it in the World we came from. We hope to avoid that problem, but only time will tell.”

“Going back to the fort discussion for a moment, would you all be interested in commenting on our revised plan?” inquired Keriann with a smile.

“We would,” laughed Reyonte, “however ... let’s keep it at a general concepts level and do it informally. That way we won’t officially know any details. Now, if Fleet decides to add a fort to our location here, then we can be considerably more open about our participation.”

“Ah ... is there something we need to be concerned about?”

Sensing their concerns he responded, “No, definitely not, however if we are officially involved, and outside our own project, then it could expose details of your defenses to some of the people in Fleet Headquarters. While security is very good, there are leaks.”

“Well they will likely learn about them regardless, but we don’t want it to be easy for someone who doesn’t like us.”

Laonize said, “If Fleet decides to go forward with the project I think we would end up with a better layout if we collaborated with you. While the basic design is done at headquarters, we will be able to make adjustments as it is built.”

“We understand your situation and offer,” said Sarah. “Why don’t we get together for a brain storming session on what we think an ideal fort would look like in a week or so? This would avoid associating any ideas with a particular location.”

Laonize looked at Reyonte then said, “That is an excellent idea. We are in.”

“Good. Now, on another topic, in 6 clock cycles we will have our first New Year celebration here. Why don’t you join us?”

“Thank you,” said Reyonte. “We will tentatively accept. What is planned?”

“Not sure,” responded Joyce. “In the past our New Year’s celebration begins around dinner time the last day of the year, and continues through the first day of the new year. We’ve always adjusted work schedules so that everyone has a chance to participate.”

Laonize said, “I seem to recall that plans are already in the works for us to participate.”

“I don’t recall that,” responded Reyonte, “but I think participating is a good idea.”

“I believe it was at the security briefing last week. Staff indicated that they were planning on increasing their presence here for those 2 days, and possibly a day before and after. In thinking about it a bit more, the schedules for the staffing next week now make more sense.”

“I wonder how I missed that,” complained Reyonte.

“It is unusual for you to do so, but you had a few touchy issues to deal with last week.”

“True. Hopefully they won’t arise again.”

“With respect to the celebration,” said Joyce, “if you let us know when you will be at Tara we should be able to join you.”

Laonize looked at Reyonte then smiling said, “We will.

“Now I have an abstract question for you all. At a recent staff meeting an officer asked what the ramifications were for a personal union between Ananu and Atewa citizens. No one knew so I indicated that I would check.”

“In what respect?” queried Keriann.

“From the way the question was phrased, it seemed to be with regard to citizenship. That is, would the union result in an Atewa person becoming an Ananu citizen. Can an Ananu citizen also be a citizen of another World? Since this likely involves Fleet personnel, does it impact either person’s occupation?”

“I would think that 2 or more people joining together to form a family unit would not affect citizenship,” responded Emma of Keriann’s Clan. “But this is a topic that I don’t think we’ve formally addressed. The other aspect is that we haven’t quantified what constitutes Ananu citizenship.”

“While we haven’t quantified it,” noted Maeve, “I think that we consider anyone claiming Ananu as their home, or who is a crew member on our ships, as Ananu citizens. As to people formally joining together to create a family, I think we should treat that as a contractual arrangement in the forming of a new entity. When our citizens join together to form a clan we see it as a contractual agreement between them.”

Eleánóir of Keriann’s Clan added, “When a group formally declares that they are a clan, they are treated as a family unit. For an Órarduine it is the same as forming an indivisible bond with another, whether that is true for those who join us, only time will tell. I can see the need for it becoming more formal in the future.”

“Does the Atewa World recognize dual citizenship?” inquired Sarah.

“Yes it does. However, I don’t know the obligations a person incurs in holding a dual citizenship. I would think that there are some, especially if it involves money owed to the government.”

“Well we don’t have a currency yet,” said Janet.

“You don’t,” marveled Reyonte. “So how are people compensated?”

“Everyone has shares in what we have and shares are added as more is created. This begins when they begin assisting in our projects or filling a supporting role. Shares are time based and vary in size by skill, knowledge, responsibility, and risk.

“For those who are only with us for a short time, they receive monetary compensation that is consistent with their activity here, and where they are from or going to. When we were in Sol system we hired quite a few people to assist us. In those cases we paid them in whatever Earth currency they requested. We will do the same for visitors who work while they are here.”


“In addition to shares, everyone is provided food, shelter, and other necessities just by being part of our family and living with us. Thus far there has been little need for physical currency; however we do see that changing before too long. The issue is how to introduce it and be fair to everyone. A more difficult aspect is establishing initial values for the shares we are currently receiving.”

“I don’t envy those setting that up. When do you think you will take that step?”

“Probably not for at least a year. There are many more pressing issues that need our attention so it will be quite a while before we begin reviewing and discussing proposals. We have a group who are assessing ways to do it, as they have the time.”

“Laonize, we need to be leaving as it almost time for our flight,” said Reyonte.

“Ah, so it is.” Looking around she said, “I’ve really enjoyed our chat this evening. It would be nice to have you all visit us but we think our accommodations would be difficult for you.”

“We could solve the accommodations issue by coming in one of our larger shuttles,” responded Oriel of Keriann’s Clan. “They can be easily fitted for short term living.”

“Well that solves part of the problem, but before we make a commitment we need to check on whether the ceilings are high enough in the common areas we would be using. We would like to give you a tour of our base and there the ceiling height won’t be an issue.”

“We’ve enjoyed this evening,” said Keriann. “Let us know next time you are here so we can have dinner, and perhaps visit the entertainment area.”

“That sounds like a great idea,” responded Reyonte.

“We need to be going as well as we’ve lingered much longer than we anticipated.”

After Keriann’s Clan, Captains Reyonte and Laonize had departed Rusty said, “That was an interesting discussion.”

Sally said, “We should look at their suggestion for the fort as it is something we didn’t really consider, and now I wonder why.”

“I am surprised that they are considering that approach as I didn’t think it fit their command and control profile,” responded Rusty.

“Well if they treated each weapons placement as a separate ship, then communication issues wouldn’t be much different than those between multiple ships. Communication between fort locations wouldn’t be as detectable as between ships.”

“True. You are correct that in some ways it is like having multiple ships in a formation. I agree that we should look at it closely. If it looks viable then do we have enough rocks to build it?”

“We really only need to build one or two vertices at a time. If the need arose before it was finished we could place Badb-2 cruisers at the other vertices, perhaps in pairs.”

“A good idea, but we should run combat simulations to see how good an idea it really is.”

Joyce said, “Let’s check out the entertainment area before going up to Dóchas.”

“Another good idea.”

“So you want to dance this evening?” inquired Jill.

“We could. It just felt like we ought to put in an appearance.”

“Good. ‘Cause I’m tired, but not too tired to wander around a bit.”

On New Year’s eve Sarah’s Clan was just finishing dinner on Dóchas when Briana said, “Captains Reyonte and Laonize sent us a message that they would meet you at 29:00 this evening at your favorite place. They thought that Captains Tuska and Marika would be there as well. We said we would pass it on.”

“What do you mean by ‘favorite place’?”

“Well you all always seem to spend time at Earls.”

“Well they do have good music that isn’t so loud you can’t talk, besides, the dancing is good. So what are your plans?”

“We haven’t decided when to go down. We could go as soon as you come back, although it is more likely that we will wait till after breakfast tomorrow. There are a couple of choirs performances tomorrow that we want to attend. So, take your time this evening, we don’t see any reason for you to hurry back.”

“We’ll keep your offer in mind.”

Later that evening Jill said, “Its approaching 29:00, so we should think about returning to Earls.”

“Good,” replied Sarah, “as I am about danced out ... well for a while.”

“I am glad you added that last part,” chided Sally, “‘cause otherwise it didn’t sound like you at all.”

“Yesh, so now I can’t pause to catch my breath and quench my thirst.”

“So that is your excuse. I thought being ‘danced out’ meant you were tired.”

“‘Could mean a lot of things,” taunted Sarah.

Sarah’s Clan was part way to Earls when they saw Reyonte waving. With him were Laonize, Tuska, Marika and several others.

When they were near Laonize said, “It looks like you’ve already started celebrating.”

Laughing Alison said, “Certainly. We were at Earls earlier. We just came from Saoirse’s.”

“I don’t think I’ve been there,” responded Marika. “What is their speciality?”

“The music is more like the traditional Irish that many of us grew up with and includes pipes and whistles. It is excellent for traditional dancing styles and a lot of us like to dance in soft shoes. There is another place further down that is almost all hard shoe dancing and that gets kind of loud at times.”

“So what would you like to do?” inquired Joyce.

“Well we heard that the choirs were performing tonight,” answered Laonize.

“Several different choirs are performing and are scheduled into late tomorrow.”

“What is the difference between them?”

“Style and type of music. Since we now have the amphitheater the larger choirs are performing there. I suspect you’ve heard some of them, as they often perform as small groups at the various entertainment venues.”

“We’ve enjoyed listening to the groups that performed at Earls,” added Reyonte.

“Well in that case, let’s go there first and get some refreshments,” said Sarah. “While we are doing that we can check the performance schedules and plan our evening.”

“I am not sure we have time as the performance of the choir we enjoy listening to begins at 29:30 hours.”

“How long is the choir’s performance?” queried Reyonte.

“Usually about 45 minutes to an hour.”

Erin said, “Well there should be refreshments either at the amphitheater or on the way. So let’s head that way and come back to Earls after the concert.”

“That works,” replied Aoife as the group began walking toward the amphitheater.

Marika, Tuska, Reyonte, Laonize, and Sarah’s Clan had just sat down when the choir began assembling on stage. Once they were in their places Sorcha said, “Welcome to our last concert of the year, and it will also be the first of next year. A sincere welcome to those joining us for our first New Year’s celebration on Ananu. Just before midnight we will begin singing a song titled ‘Auld Lang Syne’. As it will be new to many of you the words will be shown on both sides of the stage. Feel free to sing along with us.

“Also, there will be a light display overhead at midnight, so do not be alarmed.”

With that the choir began their first song of the evening. The song was an upbeat tune which told of the beauty of sunrise. After each song the singer, and any musician who had a solo piece during it, was introduced.

Several minutes before midnight Chelsey, Sam, and Mairia stepped to the front of the stage and together said, “Our next song is ‘Auld Lang Syne’. When you see the words we think you will see how appropriate they are for the time of year. It will be sung at least twice so that all of you have a chance to participate.”

She nodded to the musicians to begin and after a few bars the choir joined in with, “Should auld acquaintance be forgot...” When the choir began singing the words appeared beside them as if floating in air.

They were on the second verse when the light show began. Even though they had been warned it still surprised many in the audience including, surprisingly, Reyonte and Laonize.

When the song ended Chelsey said, “Even with the light show you all sounded very good for a first time, so now let’s do it again.” On the second time through the audience did very well in harmonizing with the choir. Those in the seats near the top could hear the song being sung at other venues. As soon as the song ended everyone said, “Happy New Year!” and many hugged those around them.

After a few moments of celebration Sorcha began urging the choir and musicians back to their places. Once they were in place she nodded and they began their next song. Nearly all of their remaining songs were new. Some were ballads describing adventures they had heard about, others offered praise and thanksgiving for finding Ananu and its deities.

It was approaching 01:00 hours when Marika, Tuska, Reyonte, Laonize, and Sarah’s Clan made their way back to Earls. They found several tables near the back and sat down. After ordering drinks Joyce said, “So what did you think of the show?”

“I don’t believe I’ve heard a group with such a refreshing sound,” responded Tuska.

“I agree,” added Laonize. “They sounded a bit different to the other choirs, but I think there were more singers.”

“There were,” agreed Aoife.

“I would love to have recordings of the music we heard this evening.”

Smiling, Alison said, “Well recordings of much of the music will soon be available in the Atewa and Monque Worlds.”


“Our Atewa and Monque agents, whom I think you met, took a selection of our music home with them with the intention of distributing it.”

“Did it include tonight’s songs?”

“No, the choirs don’t feel those are quite ready yet.”

“You’re kidding.”

“Nope. They still have a few tweaks to add. While some of us join them at times we often have difficulty detecting some of the changes they feel need to be made.”

“So they like perfection?”

“Yes,” responded Jill. “Since they all fill technical roles, we like it that they are perfectionists.”

“However, they understand the limits of current knowledge so being perfectionists doesn’t keep them from completing their projects,” added Janet.

Later Tuska said, “While I’ve had a grand time visiting with you all and dancing, I need to be getting back so others can come down.”

Laonize said, “Wow, time has really flown by. I need to return for the same reason.”

“I suspect we all do,” added Rusty. “We’ve really enjoyed visiting with you.”

“I feel the same way,” responded Reyonte. Tuska, Marika, and Laonize nodded indicating their agreement.

Laonize said, “This is the most fun and relaxation I’ve had in a while. Thanks for coaching my dancing.”

“You picked it up very quickly,” assured Maeve.

“Well hopefully I won’t be sore later.”

“Since we are all headed back to our ships, shall we walk to the spaceport together?”

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The Threesome Next DoorChapter 17 Slut Daughter Dates a Naiumlve Virgin

About six o’clock Stacy, Ginger, and I peered out the front windows of the house as Troy arrived to take Jillian out to dinner and a movie. He was just as she described, very clean cut. She bounded out of the house, and he opened the car door for her, and then ran around and got in. The car was a nondescript sedan. I noted that Jillian had worn a very short skirt, so short that I was sure she’d be revealing something significant most of her date, especially since she’d admitted to going...

3 years ago
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My first black cock part 5

John had taken me to a local bathhouse, a place I would have never gone before and let me experience other black men. We had gone to a restaurant frequented by black men looking for hook ups. He encouraged me to crawl under the table and give him head. He liked the fact that I was his white bitch and seemed proud of it. He loved that I dressed the part of a sissy for him and wore my “black owned” leather collar for all to see. This excited him, when we would come home from our outings he...

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The Neighbor

My name is Kevin Somerville and I’m a pervert. I freely admit it to myself. I love porn and watching naked women and sex. The problem is I’m thirty-five married to a nice woman, who after giving birth to two children lost interest in sex.I compensated by building my business to get our family not stinking rich but very well off, that we wanted for nothing. I continued with my fascination with porn in the privacy of my home office.We live in a nice neighborhood, in a big house. It is a...

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Coward Little Housewife

Let me introduce myself, I’m Geeta Singh Anant, age 21, fitted body, slender legs, especially curved thighs specially thicker than normal, firm and straight boobs as especially noticed by everyone, fair skin, height 5 feet 5 inch. I myself was amazed of the fact that 34 sized boobs could stand so straight without even bra. My nipples are semi brown in colour, my face has an innocent looks and lips are magnificent. The biggest fact of my life is that I’m coward. I don’t have guts to resist to...

4 years ago
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295 ITrsquoS A DOGS LIFE

295 IT’S A DOGS LIFE [Translated from the original passed to me by an interpreter from Battersea] God why is it humans think we dogs always want the same old dog food, day after day, after bloody day… He`s worse, she at least occasionally shoves some of his lousy cooking under my nose its lousy, but it makes a change.My name by the way is Montmorency Major the third, he refers to me as Monty I of course but I am a hybrid Irish wolf hound from a long line of stud dogs, though granddad did have...

2 years ago
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LongshotChapter 6

“You are homo liberas. You will never grow sick, never wither or fade.” Standing on the cliff face, skin gleaming in the mist of the waterfall that thundered over the lip of dark brown rock at our feet, the words of our mother had the cadence of a rite. It was the morning of our fourteenth birthday. We had arrived at the falls after walking most of the night, reaching the top just as the lightline began to glow into dawn. The higher elevation of the upper summerland plains dropped...

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Fucked by the College Jock

Introduction: Blackmailed into sex as his slut It was a no-kickers under my skirt, type of day. Most of the student chicks wore trousers, but not in my secretary class, we wore skirts and looked smarter. Shoes not trainers, we were smart and professional and considered ourselves a cliche above the others. The jokes were great too does the secretary training include missionary? Do you have to bend over the desk? well, not yet! I had sucked of two boys in my tutor group round the back, and would...

4 years ago
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Girls Aloud Knickers Tales

Girls Aloud Knickers Tales All 5 members of Girls Aloud, Cheryl Tweedy, Nadine Coyle, Kimberley Walsh and Sarah Harding are all round at Nicola Roberts’s house catching up on all the key events that has happened to them over the past few months. They all sit drinking wine talking about each other’s solo careers and Kim and Sarah’s move into TV presenting but soon the topic shifts to their love life and current boyfriends. Cheryl says she still cares for Ashley despite what a scum bag he...

2 years ago
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On a Wartime Footing

The war started a long time ago but it had been fairly quiet for some time now. The sniper called Joe was not the sort to start a conversation about normal things but he was attracted to the middle-aged schoolteacher with the tight skirt that make her bum stick out like a Christmas present. Her name was Mrs. Honeybottom and she seldom talked to persons of the opposite gender unless they were under the age of ten. Most of the survivors from the purge of the cities on the coast had scurried to...

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How she became a cuckquean

This is ridiculous, completely ridiculous. There I was with my girlfriend of eight months, she was driving us back from the restaurant, that she made me NOT pay for in fact she refused to even let me pay to put fuel in the car. She pulls over and turns to me with a shy look and mutters something I was finding hard to hear, I look at her and ask her to repeat what she said. “I want you to have sex with other women” she says just loud enough for me to hear. Shocked I took a few seconds to get...

2 years ago
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The Little Witch Comes To Town Part Nine

MondayI was woken up briefly around seven in the morning on Monday by the sound of the back door banging. Realizing that it was just Sue and Jake heading over to their own place on the other side of the street, to get ready for work, I turned over and went back to sleep. Melanie and I had taken the day off work to spend it with our guests; it was going to be their last full day with us. They were flying back to Calgary on Tuesday morning. After that, no one stirred until gone one in the...

Group Sex
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Random Encounters

This is the story of how a lonely, frustrated life was changed one day in the most unexpected of places.5'5", long wavy strawberry blonde hair, turquoise eyes, DD cup breasts, voluptuous hour-glass figure. Lonely, depressed, repressed, frustrated, trapped, controlled, engaged. These are the words Beth uses to describe herself...this is what lead her to a random encounter."Crap I'm late again!" Beth mumbled as she ran out of the house and jumped into her car. ‘Buzz -Buzz’ her phone started...

4 years ago
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A Train Ride To Remember Revised

“Excuse me miss, would you like to take my seat over there?” the man asked with a sly smile that penetrated strait down to my core. The subway car took a sharp turn and he fell in close to me, his sweet cinnamon breath blew into my mouth. He lingered there for a moment boldly staring down my shirt until another sharp jerk pulled him away. Realizing that another turn could come at any moment, I accepted the seat with a smile and waited for him to lead the way, but he gestured for me to go....

4 years ago
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CulDeSac A Story in Around Ch 08

‘Who knows?’ Eric asked her. ‘Just you and me,’ she said into the phone. There was no way she could have done this in person, over the phone was much easier. ‘You haven’t told Bill yet?’ ‘No, not yet. Soon.’ ‘Soon enough he’ll notice,’ Eric commented. Yvoine let out a short, sharp yelp of laughter. ‘Bill doesn’t notice anything,’ she commented angrily. ‘I come home with whip marks all over my body, he doesn’t see anything. Each time I get a new piercing I have to point it out to him...

3 years ago
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My BiSide Switched Teams

When I and my wife divorced, I went my way and she went hers. She had her problems, mostly a lack of veracity, commitment and fidelity. I got an apartment and licked my wounds.I wondered if there was something wrong with me. My ex-wife was the only relationship that lasted longer than a year. And it was over before it was over, if you know what I mean.My apartment looked out over the bay and I used to sit on my balcony and read. I wasn't up to going out yet. I liked the warm evenings, the...

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The Nurse

"How are you Janet," I said to a former classmate of mine in med school. The woman turned and looked at me. I stared up into the eyes of Dr. Janet Nichols. She was as alluring as ever. She was a tall woman 5'10," but seemed larger in the 2-inch heels she wore. Plain brown hair pulled back accented her still vibrant 38-year-old face. She smiled and leaned in and kissed me hello on the cheek. We had talked from time to time in med school. I was a higher achiever, finishing sixth in...

3 years ago
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Dagger and Crystal

The arrow leaped off the bowstring and buried itself in the orc’s wide open maw, causing him to stumble backwards and drop his weapon. I reached down, towards the quiver at my hip, intent on plucking the next arrow. There were none left. Cursing, I dropped my composite shortbow and drew my blade. Just in time. The fallen orc’s comrades were upon me, three sweaty, stinking greenskins. In stark contrast to most tavern tales, they were no raging lunatics or inept simpletons. No, they moved in tune...

4 years ago
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PerfectChapter 2

How could she do this to him? She had him completely; he may not realize it but he loves her. Surely she could see that. Damn her! Damn her for ever laying eyes on him! If only I had realized that all he needed was for someone to pull him in, if only I had attacked him like she did. One look at his eyes and she was after him; the damn hussy! She couldn't be happy with just him though; she couldn't understand that he needed to take care of his education first. Damn her! And now what do I...

1 year ago
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Leah Cheats

He was playing with her nipple as they lie on the bed panting heavily after fucking for an hour when they heard a car pull up on the driveway. “It’s Jake! You gotta go!” cried Leah. “It’s too late for that now,” Gary calmly as they heard the front door open. “Well hide!” said Leah. “Where?” “Under the bed! Go, go!” said Leah as she pushed Gary forcefully. Gary was clutching his clothes and barely made it when the door opened. “Hi babe,” said Jake and kissed Leah. She was still naked as she...

Cheating Wifes
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Forbidden Desires Unwanted lust

Derrick layed silently in his unkempt twin sized bed. His legs and arms flayed in every direction as he let out a deep, long sigh. His dad came over for a visit yesterday afternoon. Only for about a half-hour so he didn't really get to spend as much time as Derrick would like him to. But he does sincerely appreciate the time his dad squeezes out from his busy schedule. About two months after he split up with his mom and moved out, he got a good position as a car salesman at the used...

3 years ago
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Married Deepika In Mumbai

Hello, guys, this is Ankit (Name Changed) from Mumbai and it’s my first time so please excuse my typo. I have been reading Indian sex story since last 8 years and have been a great fan since then. I have a lot of stories to share so let me start with the first one. Before I start all girls and ladies anywhere of any age and size as I respect all of them please send me an email on if you like my sex story and if you want to have pleasure. All things between us will be confidential and trust me...

2 years ago
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The Eldi Sex Club

My name is Gretchen and I am almost 21. I am not very experienced sexually and am not really sure about my sexuality My roommate Darlene is always trying to hook me up with some guy or girl and this night was no different, We had gone out to a local bar where all sorts of people hung out, gays, lesbians and heterosexuals. While there, Darlene and I met these two women, Ellen and Diana. The four of us got to chatting a bit. One thing led to another and I soon found myself leaving alone with them...

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Teachers daughter

"Now, the Greeks didn't appreciate this negative attention from the Persians, and-" The bell rings out sharply. You pack your pencils back in their case and stuff your backpack with the class's materials. "We'll continue this discussion tomorrow," Dr. Harris says, interupting the post-school chatter. "Please read from 16.1 to 16.4!" he yells as your peers file out of the classroom. You walk through the math wing of your school, eager to find your teacher for some additional counseling. "Hey...

3 years ago
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Keeping It In Her Panties

Sarah had started on her first job a couple of weeks ago. It was the dream job for the twenty-year-old girl, in a big consulting firm.It would have been perfect if not for one small detail. During her interview, Sarah made a daring move. She stripped naked for her interviewer, in an attempt to compensate for her lack of preparation for the job. Her interviewer at the time was very happy with the short, slim body he saw and invited his coworkers to see and enjoy the girl to make sure she was the...

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Hot Wife KatieChapter 48 Katiersquos Husbandrsquos Homecoming

Katie Jackson breathed heavily as she sat on her bed and stared at her phone in her trembling hands. Two weeks had gone by since she met with Norman in his office but she hadn’t heard anything from him which caused her stomach to heave. Her children were downstairs playing as she walked over and closed her bedroom door and dialed his number. She nervously sat down on the edge of the bed and after a few rings it went to voicemail again like it had done for the past week. Katie closed her eyes...

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Is this your White Wifes Story Blacken

The white wife lay beneath the black stranger in his bed. Her legs were spread wide and her hands gripped his muscular arms. The black stranger's cock was beginning to push ever so slowly stretching into her married pussy. The guilt she felt in the betrayal of her husband of twenty-four years was easily pushed aside by the compelling need to feel the large black cock inside her body. The mother of two had married her c***dhood sweetheart at the age of eighteen and had never experienced a cock...

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My Bua My Sex Teacher

Hello friends I m nik here for new story. This story about my aunt who is younger sister of my father.This story starts before she gote married. So let’s start. Ye kahani tab ki hai jab main school main padhata tha. Hamari family main mom dad and dada dadi aur chacha chachi nd bua aur main the. Ek baar diwali vacation main mere nana nani ( mom’s dady and mom) aye the. Hamara ghar main 5 hi rooms the to mom ne mujhe bua k sath sone ko bola aur mera room nana nani ko de diya. Baat kare bua ki...

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The Magic of LifeChapter 7

Wendy looked up from the magic book, as Polly, humming, stirred the pot. There was a part of her, a small part, that realized she should be helping with dinner. Helping set up camp. After all, it was the right thing to do, the fair thing to do. However, it was also the non-Witch thing to do. Wendy had busted her butt in the service of her Mistress. She had scrubbed the walls, scrubbed the floors, scrubbed the clothing, scrubbed the dirty pots and pans. Basically, her magical training had...

1 year ago
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My best summer experience

100% fiction! I was 19 years old and I was with my stepsister, Alexa. She's same age as me but I'm a few moths older. One weekend in the summer our parents decided to go to the beach for a month and left me in charge. Once they left I sat on the couch and watched tv as my Alexa went upstairs in her room. An hour went passed and I knew this was the weekend I could make a move on her. Alexa is gorgeous! She has long blonde hair that goes to her shoulders. She has huge double tits that i just want...

First Time
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Public Use Slut

WIP story. Sumbissive girl is most complete. Submissive boy getting there.  Feel free to try and add more chapters, I'll take a look and edit/add them if they're a good fit. Feel free to add a chapter and fill it with feedback in the feedback section if there's anything you want to ask for or tell me. ############ You're on your way back from a long trip outside the town where you live. It's getting late, and it's been a long drive back. You're tired and hungry, and it's still a fair way back...

3 years ago
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Mom Aur Roshan Ki Hawas 8211 Part 2

Roshan ke sath sambandh banane ke bad mom ab pehle se zyada khush rehne lagi thi. Mom ki umar 43 saal thi jis age mein aurato ko sex ki sabse zyada ichha hoti hai. Divorce ke bad Roshan woh pehla mard tha jiske sath woh sab karti thi jo woh karna chahti thi. Mujhe shuru mein bahut bura lagta tha kyunki woh mom se umar mein 18 saal chhota tha aur mere se sirf 5 saal bada. Par fir maine apne aap ko ye bol kar samjhaya ki mom divorcee hai aur har aurat ki tarah unki bhi zarooratein hai.  Par mujhe...

4 years ago
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Banging The Beautiful Neighborhood Aunt Pt 2 Fucking Amitha

This is the continuation of my previous story ‘Banging The Beautiful Neighborhood Aunt’. Read my previous story to know about how I banged a hot beautiful lady in her flat. Let me introduce myself. I am Vicky 24 years young from Bangalore. I’m a freelancer and I work for graphic designing in my own startup. After the erotic experience with her, I used to meet her regularly in the gym. She and I used to tease each other a lot in the gym too. I used to grab her boobs and ass and she used to do...

4 years ago
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Everything Comes to He Who Waits

Jenny was a lively, petite brunette who looked much younger than her fortyish years. Cheerful, easygoing and optimistic, she had always thrown herself into all her partnerships with men, and had often hurt herself in the process. But that had not stopped her picking herself up and trying again. For the past year she had been single again after a marriage break-up, and she had spent long months grieving for love lost. She had been glad that she had spent quite some time alone, able to heal her...

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Rob and Several Ladies

It had its start in high school. If it had happened a few years later it probably wouldn’t have amounted to much, but when you are a teenager you don’t look ahead to the possible consequences of your actions. Sue Ellen and I had been going steady for a little over a year and we had actually been talking marriage when we got out of college. Looking back I could see where it was probably silly of us. I mean we still had to graduate from high school and God only knew what would or could happen...

1 year ago
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Note : This story is completely fictional! I was about 18 at the time and I was on the internet looking through porn and a link for an incest site came up so I curiously clicked on the link. Inside I found loads of pictures of teen their hot mature moms and I just got me thinking about my mom and how she was actually really hot. My mom was 42, brunette, a nice big round bubble butt with measurements 36E-32-40. The day I say her masturbating was a turning point in both of our sexual lives. I...

2 years ago
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My First Time Is With Heather

Ever since I was sixteen, I found myself attracted to girls. I would sit in class and fantasize about being intimate with them. I would sometimes go to the restroom during study hall, go into a stall and quietly masturbate. After school at home, I would masturbate to the fantasies I had about some of the girls in my classes and even a few of my female teachers.This went on for two years, I was too afraid to act on my desire of being with another girl or woman. The thought of coming out...

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MBA Pass Part 3

Hi, readers! Sorry for not publishing for a long time. I have been getting requests to write more and thus I am continuing my story “MBA Pass”. I will also publish some of my of the stories soon. Thank you for your appreciation of my previous stories and hope you continue enjoying my new stories. It was 7 am in the morning. I was barely awake. Maya was smoking a cigarette and having coffee. She got a call from someone and she suddenly got tensed. She woke me up in a hurry and asked me to dress...

4 years ago
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a foot perv 7

Over the next few weeks Ann and Kate kept their word and gave me footjobs anytime I wanted. I was really liking getting footjobs once or twice a day but we were in the last few weeks of summer vacation and frre time to play would be limited. This comming week would be tough too as Kate and Ann were going camping with some friends and that meant no footjobs for me.The first few days were hard,I'd jerkoff a couple times during the day,then mom would get home from work and I'd rub her feet for her...

3 years ago
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Caddyshack 2

Cruising the golf course became a past time for me my boss and his giant trouser snake. He decided to increase my training to scooter bard shows, he took me upstairs to a place that overlooked his personnel area. He looked down rearranged a couple of things turned to me and told me to try it out? It was perfect I could see everything below. He smiled and said we will try it out this afternoon, I've got one little bitch coming over to drain my balls. He went down to rearrange his cock den a...

1 year ago
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A Brothers love

Note: This Story is completly fictional It all started the day steve came home after basketball practice. He went straight to the bathroom to tqke a shower, after his thirty minute shower he decidexd that since no one was going to home until later he would stay naked and do a little snooping in his sister karen's room. Steve is 19 and one of those guys that like to stay fit so you can imagine how muscular he looks, Karen on the other hand is 22 and a sexy bombshell she is skinny and has 36 DD...

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Trap House

"Sure, I'll try anything twice."It used to be a cheeky motto she would quote in high school and college when asked to experiment with new, sometimes illicit, often sexually explicit ventures. But she quickly realized how thrilling it was to actually abide by this ideology, to live fully and experience every sensation imaginable while she was still a young and impressionable adult.Having always been a fan of horror and thriller films and realizing that this genre had a surprisingly dampening...

College Sex
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Seducing Jennifer Pt 33

I drew a deep breath. ‘Okay, let’s think this through. We’re jumping to conclusions here. There’s no reason to assume it’s Vholes that got blown up. He’ll probably be here in a few minutes. And while we’re waiting, why don’t we go up to the roof and see if we can get cell phone service up there? No, wait. First I’ll try the land-line.’ I picked up the house phone and started punching in Vholes’ number. Carlo picked up. ‘Front desk. Ah, Mr. Jack. How can I help you?’ I imagined that I heard a...

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