How To Tame A Dragon Ch. 04 free porn video

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She only agreed as a favour to her sister — but he more than made up for the inconvenience…


When Daniel went back a couple of hours later, it was to see that all of the receipts and bills had been placed neatly in the two folders, all excepting a small pile, which she had left out to one side.

Izzy was sitting back in the swivel chair with a look of happy satisfaction on her face.

‘Hi,’ she smiled up at him. ‘I sorted out your bills into two lots…’ she told him, ‘one for cash, and one for all the bank payments that you make. I set you up a simple spreadsheet, so that you can put them on it… like this.’ She spun around in the chair to show him on the computer what she was doing. ‘See? Then you can tick them off like this, from your bank statement when it comes.’

‘Thanks…’ was about all he could manage, as he realised the thought and effort she must have put in to this job. ‘What about these here?’ he asked indicating the pile she had left out.

‘Oh these are the ones that need to be paid, still,’ she told him pushing them towards him.

Daniel shoved them back and leaned across the desk to open a drawer near her leg. The back of his hand brushed against her thigh as he did so, and Izzy sucked in a little breath. He pulled out a cheque book and some postage stamps and dropped them on the desk in front of her. He gave her a little knowing smile as he did so, and she suddenly just knew that that brush of his hand had been deliberate!

‘You write out the cheques, and I’ll sign them,’ he ordered briskly.

Izzy shot him a dirty look, but wordlessly opened up the cheque book, and picked up a pen.

‘I’ll be back in a minute,’ he told her as he made for the door, ‘you just carry on.’

‘Yes sir, no sir… three bags full sir!’ Izzy grumbled softly.

By the time Daniel came back — carrying a tea tray, Izzy had written out all the cheques and paper clipped them to the bills they were made out to. She’d also written neatly on each bill to indicate which cheque number had been used to pay it. Daniel sat in the chair opposite, and began signing the cheques. As he handed them back to her, she would put the cheque and, the payment slip into a pre addressed envelope, and seal it before attaching a postage stamp.

By the time they were finished she had a neat pile of envelopes in front of her all ready for the mail.

Izzy sat back with her cup and gave a happy sigh of satisfaction.

Daniel looked at her curiously. ‘I think you enjoyed doing that, didn’t you?’ he asked.

She smiled briefly at him. ‘It was good to feel useful again, and to bring a little order to your chaos.’ She gave him a cheeky little grin before hiding behind her cup again.

‘Yes, well… the man who used to do all this for me… he fell ill just before Christmas and decided to retire. It’ll take a little while to find someone to replace him I suppose.’

‘Well, if you file things away as you get them, and mark them on the spread sheet like I showed you, you should be able to keep on top of it, until someone can take over for you.’ Izzy told him quietly. She sank back in the chair as she felt the familiar lethargy creeping over her.

Although she’d been sitting down all the time, her body was telling her how much energy she’d used up.

Daniel watched the colour gradually leaving her face. She looked absolutely washed out and he wondered about it again. He’d asked her a couple of times if she was ill, and she always denied it. Richard and her sister were always fussing about her — and even his own Mrs Coats had gotten into a flap over her.

Not for the first time he felt that there was something about her that he wasn’t being told.

He stood up and picked up the tray. ‘Well, I thank you for your assistance Izzy,’ he told her abruptly as he turned and stalked out of the room.

Izzy looked after him in surprise, ‘what on earth?’ she wondered a little dazed.

She dragged herself to her feet, the hot sweet coffee had given her a little boost, but she knew that it wouldn’t last, and that she needed to rest.

She made it to her bedroom, to curl up on her bed and fall into a deep dreamless sleep.


Daniel walked past her bedroom, and noticing her door ajar, he glanced inside. He’d only left her five minutes ago, and now look at her! She was dead to the world. He frowned down at her for a moment before picking up the throw draped over a nearby chair and covering her with it. He pulled the curtains too and left closing the door quietly behind him.

Izzy woke hours later to peer groggily around her room. Something was different, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it. She snuggled under the throw before frowning at it. ‘Who?’ she wondered, and she was sure that she’d left the curtains open when she came in.

She gave a little sigh as she realised that it was probably Mrs Coats checking in on her again.

She was just drifting off again, when there was a knock on her door and that little lady popped her head around. ‘Oh good you’re awake!’ she exclaimed. She came in, carrying a small tray with a mug on it. ‘Mr Daniel asked me to bring this up to you.’ She frowned as she put the tray down on the bedside table next to Izzy. ‘I must say I didn’t even realise that you were up here… are you feeling alright?’ she asked worriedly.

Izzy sat up and took a sip of the hot drink. She sighed as she felt it warming her insides and revitalising her. ‘I’m fine Mrs Coats — honestly,’ she smiled, ‘it was just a bit of fatigue, and now that I’ve rested, I feel great.’

‘Well that’s good then, because dinner will be ready in about an hour,’ she said leaving the room.

Izzy’s eyes flew to her watch. She’d been asleep for nearly four hours!

She gulped down the coffee, and dove under the shower. As she soaped herself down she worried about Daniel entering her room whilst she had slept. Her childish fantasies were one thing, but to actually have him in here without her realising! He’d been kind enough to cover her over, so that she wouldn’t catch a chill, and he’d closed the curtains and the door. She wondered if he’d just been in the once, or if he’d come back to check on her before sending Mrs Coats. She stepped out of the shower, wrapped a towel around her, and towelled her hair dry. She was brushing through it as she walked back into her bedroom to find Daniel leaning against the other door.

‘Oh!’ Izzy exclaimed as she clutched the towel to herself.

‘I just wanted to make sure, that you were alright,’ he told her gruffly, his eyes trailing down the length of her bare legs. There were drops of water running down her, here and there and he seemed fascinated by the routes they followed across her skin.

‘I’m fine Daniel, so if you don’t mind…’ she asked feeling flustered. A drop of water trailed down from her hair and trickled slowly towards the hollow between her breasts. Daniel moved forward as if to stop its journey.

‘Daniel!’ Izzy protested in panic.

He seemed to pull himself together suddenly, and went back to the door. ‘I’ll see you down stairs,’ he said over his shoulder and closed the door behind him.

Izzy was just pulling a dress over her head, when there was another knock on the door.

‘Just a second!’ she called out in panic. She heard the door open and frantically pulled the dress down to cover her. ‘I said, just a second!’ she snapped as her sister came into view.

Jessie looked at her with her eyebrows raised questioningly. ‘Sorry, all I heard was a muffled something or other, and I wanted to make sure you were ok.’

Izzy sighed and shot her sister an apologetic look. ‘Sorry,’ she sighed with a slight twist to her lips. ‘I’m just beginning to feel like my room is in the middle of the M1 or something!’

‘What?’ Jessie looked at her confused.

‘Nothing Jess, it doesn’t matter,’ Izzy s
ighed again. She shot her sister a bright smile, which didn’t fool her in the least. ‘So did you and Richard have a good day out?’

‘Fab!’ Jessie smiled before giving a little giggle. ‘I brought you something… It’s down stairs.’


‘Come and see,’ her sister invited holding her hand out to her.

Izzy shot her a suspicious look, before taking her hand and letting Jessie lead her down stairs.

They walked into the living room to find Daniel and Richard talking quietly together.

‘Uh oh,’ Jessie murmured. ‘I think I’ll give it to you later.’

Richard however was already on his feet.

‘Here you go Izzy! I don’t know what the fuss is all about, but Jessie insisted that we buy this for you — so here you are.’ He handed her a small framed picture.

It was a cartoon with a little man sitting on top of a massive dragon, and they both had huge silly grins on their faces.

The caption underneath read: ‘I tamed the dragon!’

Izzy read it, and blushed bright red, as she looked quickly across at Daniel.

Daniel frowned and wondered why she looked so uncomfortable. He walked across and took the picture off her, so that he might study it. His brow lifted in query but the two girls just looked back at him with innocent eyes.

He shrugged indifferently and handed it back to her, before walking away again.

‘So what was one more mystery? They were piling up so much now, that his head was beginning to spin.’

Izzy felt sure that Daniel was sulking during dinner. He sat barely speaking, and when he did, it was surly one word answers, that killed the conversation dead.

‘So Izz what did you do with your day?’

‘You know it really is ridiculous how you two insist in shortening each other’s names!’ Daniel suddenly snapped. ‘The next thing you know you’ll be ‘I and J’,’ he said sarcastically.

Jessie looked at him in surprise, but Izzy had had enough of the big brother Daniel and his strop. ‘It’s called affection!’ she told him sharply, before giving him a naughty little smile. ‘I don’t suppose there is much point in calling you Danny or Dan — is there?’

Richard choked on the wine he was drinking, and Jessie gave a nervous little giggle. Izzy looked straight across at Daniel however. Her eyes angry and defiant refused to leave his.

He returned her look with one of anger and offence… he didn’t move, not a muscle but Izzy suddenly thought that something in his eyes changed.

Under the table Izzy felt his leg brush against hers.

Her knee shot up thumping the bottom of the table making everyone jump.

‘Is there a problem Izz?’ Daniel drawled sarcastically.

She shot him a look that should have frozen him where he sat, but he just sat smirking at her.

‘Cramp,’ she muttered standing up, and limping from the room rubbing her leg as she went.

She had just reached the bottom of the stairs when she felt Daniel’s hand on her arm.

‘Oh no you don’t.’ he whispered in her ear. ‘You’re not escaping that easily.’

He turned her around and led her to the living room. ‘Come and sit in here for a bit, you’ll feel much better, sat in front of the warm fire,’ he said loudly enough, for the benefit of the other two.

‘Another piece of pointless ostentation,’ she hissed spitefully.

Daniel smiled coldly at her. ‘But of course,’ he murmured, ‘didn’t you know that that’s all I’m good for?’

‘And sneaking into a girl’s bedroom, when she’s either asleep or half undressed!’

Izzy watched in horror as the colour entered Daniel’s cheeks.

‘Oh Daniel!’ she whispered, ‘Daniel I’m sorry… I didn’t mean it!’

He gave a little sneer, ‘but it is true, isn’t it my dear Izzy?’ He gave a mocking little laugh. ‘Maybe you should think about locking your door at night?’

And without waiting for a reply he turned and stalked away.

Izzy sank down onto the sofa, her face pale and miserable looking.

Richard joined her there, shooting her a look of sympathy.

‘I understand from Daniel, that you helped him out this afternoon… with his paperwork?’ he began.

‘Izzy you didn’t!’ Jessie just in the process of curling up in Daniel’s chair, leapt back up again her face surprised, but delighted. ‘That’s wonderful, it’s great for you to have a challenge again!’ she declared, a bit foggy about what it was that Izzy actually did.

‘Yeh… much good that it did me!’ Izzy grumbled sadly.

Richard glanced across at the door which Daniel had pulled too as he had stormed out.

‘Izzy…’ he said quietly. ‘I think that I should tell you something, but I’m not quite sure how to approach it…’

Izzy looked up at him curiously. ‘What are you talking about Richard?’

He gave a little sigh before fixing her with serious blue eyes. ‘It’s about Daniel,’ he gave another little sigh, clearly not sure how to begin. ‘Did you know that he’d been married?’ he suddenly asked.

Izzy looked at him in surprise. ‘No… how could I? Before I came here I didn’t even know that Daniel existed!’

‘Yes… I know,’ he said quietly.

‘What happened?’ she asked dying of curiosity.

‘Well… before I get to that, I wanted to tell you about how Claudia was, before Daniel married her.’ He paused as if thinking about how to phrase the next bit. ‘She was a tiny little thing, all big eyes, and tiny hands… she was…’ he hesitated again, and gave a little laugh as he glanced at her. ‘Well… she was a lot like you actually,’ he finally finished.

Izzy flushed, alarm screaming from every fibre of her. ‘What do you mean?’

Richard gave another laugh and his eyes slid away from hers. ‘She was tiny, and frail, she was pretty, and useless. She was all sweetness and light!’ he finally finished with another little laugh.

Izzy looked at him with daggers. ‘I don’t think I’ve ever felt more offended in my entire life!’ she finally managed through gritted teeth.

‘I don’t mean to be offensive!’ Richard looked her in the eyes, and continued quietly. ‘You see that’s the problem… you both portrayed this image…’ He shrugged his shoulders slightly. ‘and with both of you, it wasn’t true.’

‘Now I’m really getting confused!’ she wrinkled her nose at him. ‘And I think a little angry.’

‘It wasn’t true for you,’ he hurried on, ‘because you’d been ill, so the girl he first met wasn’t the real Izzy.’

‘Okay…’ she said slowly. ‘I’ll buy that, but what about this Claudia? Why wasn’t it true with her?’

He gave another sigh, and ran his fingers through his hair. ‘It wasn’t true with Claudia because for her it was just an act,’ he said sadly. ‘The minute she got that ring on her finger she changed. One second the cute little kitten, and quite literally the next second she became this spiteful little cat!’ He glanced at her again trying to make her understand. ‘Daniel didn’t know what had hit him! I think that he really loved her, and it destroyed him that she couldn’t or wouldn’t love him back.’

‘So what happened?’ she asked again quietly her mind in pieces.

‘She divorced him, and took him to the cleaners!’ he finished bitterly. ‘Everything… she took almost everything, except for the factory, and this house,’ Richard told her looking around him as he said it. ‘I think that when she went after the house, that was when he started to fight back.’

He looked down at her again ‘So you see Izzy, it’s not you that he’s lashing out at. It’s something that you remind him of… or rather someone.’

Izzy sighed. ‘Well thank you for telling me Richard. I’m not sure what to do with it though.’ She shrugged her shoulders and gave a bitter little laugh. ‘I can’t pretend to be something that I’m not.’

Richard smiled sympathetically at her. ‘I know Izzy. You are who you are, but maybe the next time Daniel has a go at you, you’ll realise that it’s not actually you that he las
hing out at, and you won’t take it so personally.’

Izzy sat quietly. It wasn’t the odd time that Daniel snapped at her that she was thinking of. She was remembering the times when he’d treated her as a desirable woman. Was he just thinking of Claudia when he had touched her? And that time he’d kissed her? Had he been thinking of Claudia then as well?

Izzy didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. The first man who’d ever showed any interest in her, and it wasn’t even her he’d been interested in!

‘Probably the story of my life!’ she muttered bitterly.

Izzy retreated into her own little world to try and rebuild her defences. After a quick look at Jessie who silently shook her head at him, Richard moved away to pour them all a drink.

Izzy gradually became aware of soft music playing, and Daniel sat down next to her. She turned and looked blankly at him for a moment, before bending her head and allowing her hair to fall as a protective curtain.

‘I’m sorry Izzy,’ softly spoken, but to Izzy it should have caused the earth to shake with its intensity.

She looked back at him and her eyes filled with tears. ‘Oh Daniel, I didn’t mean it! I swear I didn’t mean it!’

Daniel winced slightly as he realised just how upset she was. ‘I know Izz, it was all my fault, I goaded you — and you hit out.’

She gave him a watery kind of smile and he grinned back through a face lined with stress. ‘Friends again?’ he asked with a twisted kind of smile.

Her face lit up, her eyes shone and she threw herself at him. ‘Oh yes please Daniel!’

Daniel tensed his arms flying out wide in shock, before curling around her in a huge hug.

Jessie and Richard had been talking quietly at the other side of the room. Now though, Jessie came sailing down the room, full of the wrath of the avenging angel, all prepared to kill or maim for her little sister.

She stumbled to a halt as Izzy threw herself into Daniels arms. She watched in amazement as Daniel returned her affection, the two of them laughing softly together.

‘Izzy? Izzy is everything alright?’ Jessie asked hesitantly.

The couple on the sofa looked up at her and smiled pathetically at her. ‘I’m okay Jess… honestly,’ Izzy said softly.

Jessie stood there uncertainly, not wanting to intrude, but unwilling to leave Izzy when she was so obviously upset. In the end it was Richard who solved her dilemma by coming up to them and handing drinks all round and then sitting in one of the arm chair by the fire. Jessie gave a sigh of relief and sat in Daniel’s chair.

The evening which had begun so badly, ended wonderfully for Izzy. Daniel sat next to her, holding her hand all evening, absently stroking the back of it with his thumb, as he talked with Richard or either of the sisters.

Jessie would often look speculatively at them, but she managed to refrain from commenting.

As the evening grew late, Jessie suddenly gave a huge yawn and stood up. ‘Time for bed I think,’ she said a little dramatically. ‘Izzy?’ she looked pointedly at her little sister.

Izzy felt a flash of annoyance at her sibling, for her interference. Supposing that she didn’t want to go to bed? Which in point of fact, she didn’t! Jessie had made it impossible for Izzy to stay with Daniel, without creating a fuss.

Shooting her sister a look of daggers, she rose and bid the two men a quiet goodnight.

Jessie ignored her sister’s glare, and followed her from the room.

She shadowed Izzy right to her bedroom door where Izzy stopped with her hand on the handle and turned to her sister. ‘I really am tired Jess, so I think I’ll say goodnight now.’ She smiled sweetly at her sister who merely snorted, and pushed the door open to bundle her inside.

‘Oh no you don’t!’ Jessie hissed, closing the door behind them and leaning against it. ‘I want to know when you and Daniel got so cosy.’

‘I don’t know what you mean Jess,’ Izzy said innocently, turning her back on her sister so that she wouldn’t have to look her in the eye. She took her night gown out of a drawer and laid it deliberately out on the bed.

‘He’s out of your league Izz! He’ll hurt you, and not even realise that he’s doing it.’ Jessie said softly.

Izzy did look at her sister then, a little flash of pain in her eyes, before she smiled at her in reassurance.

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Heart of the Dragon

Sometimes traveling for work can be tedious. I am happy that I don't travel often, and usually the customer is waiting on me when I arrive. A couple of weeks ago, I traveled to Syracuse, New York, to assist with the start-up of a new machine. We had made a significant change to the hydraulic system and it could not be fully tested on our assembly floor. I needed to make and monitor a small programming change, so I expected to spend only four hours on site. After I arrived, I learned that my...

Wife Lovers
5 years ago
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Curse of the dragon

Chapter 1: Dragon unveiledThe sharp sound of the alarm clock speared through Olivia's ears as she woke up. Her eyes were broad open but her body was still exhausted from the work that drained her through the week."It is Friday finally, just one more day!” Olivia tried to encourage herself, in an attempt to put some life in her complaining calves and back.The morning sun rays slowly seeped through glass panes and the warm sunlight bathed her over her body, after skidding on the morning dews. She...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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Flight of the Dragon

One of my ex girlfriends loved this story but wouldn’t let her teenagers read it, she said it was too sensual. I told her OK if you say so lol. the story isn’t very long, point of fact most of the stories I have written are petty short but intense , that’s an apt word ———————————- With the rising of the sun, she awoke to the warmth of its glow, lying on the ledge, high on the mount near its crest. She felt its warmth on her scales, its light sparkling as it reflected back from her scales the...

2 years ago
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Double Dragon

‘Remember your breathing.’ Shinku said his voice barely above a whisper. The man didn’t seem to be rooted to the earth or affected by gravity at all. He was almost gliding over the hardwood flooring without so much as opening his eyes. His chest rose and fell with perfect rhythm that set the pace for the rest of his movements. It was almost like he was dancing across the floor but dance wasn’t a powerful enough word to describe him. What Shinku was doing was refined and beautiful but it was not...

3 years ago
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The Red Dragon

I began my career in law enforcement as a Chicago beat cop. Since I was female with a cover-girl body, some favors were sent my way an in no time I passed my Detective exam and was promoted immediately. They needed a pretty face to take some heat off of their normal hiring policies and the pay was good, I loved what I was doing and who cares if my being promoted was political, I was still promoted and happy. Our division centered most of our efforts on the gangs with the most power, which meant...

4 years ago
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Choices John And The Dragon

How had I got myself into this situation, I was asking myself. Why me? What had I done to deserve this? Well, the answer was — if I was being truthful with myself, that is — that it wasn't what I had done; it was more a question of what I hadn't done. Sound confusing to you? Yeah, me, too, but now it was time for me to do something drastic, and bloody quickly as well, before things reached the point of no return. Let's go back a little and I'll try to explain what happened. What it had...

3 years ago
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Techno CultivatorChapter 19 Release the Dragon

-Monolith at Midnight- Setting the scene of this romantic rendezvous, or rather, this prince rescuing the princess moment, the night’s sky was beautiful. The dual moons were high in the starry heavens, bathing the world beneath them in a calming and harmonious mellow glow. The stars shone in strange and bizarre patterns, like ripples being created by rain drops. Not a cloud could be seen Apart from James, garbed in his new handsome light blue robe and the little blue ferret sleeping...

4 years ago
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How to Slay Your Dragon

Welcome to the quaint viking island village of Berk where it snows eights months out of the year and hails the other four. If someone were to ask you to describe the location you would tell them that it is "...just south of freezing to death and far north of absolute nowhere, a place fit for only the strongest and hardiest of people, but we vikings make do with it". You are Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III altgough you tend to shorten it to Hiccup Haddock and most people you know, which is quite...

2 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 163 Kurdish Dragon

The Sunday news shows all ran the footage from the Brooks and Shield interview, and the chattering classes all pontificated on what it meant. The liberals were rather unhappy with my barbaric worldview and the conservatives couldn’t understand why I hadn’t gone after Iraq in 2001 when I had my first chance. The only one who seemed to understand, or at least was able to express it cogently, was Bob Schieffer, on Face the Nation. He devoted his personal essay piece to it. “President...

3 years ago
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Housing A Dragon

Turbulence rocked the small aircraft, sending Zeke’s stomach into a tailspin. This is better than a roller coaster, he thought, although he wished for a smoother flight. Flying wasn’t one of his favorite things to do, but it would become a necessary evil in his line of work. Thankfully, he didn’t have to pay for this one. His flight from Sarasota to Detroit had gone very smooth, but the commuter shuttle from Detroit to Dayton, Ohio was rough almost from the start. Wind and rain battered the...

3 years ago
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You and Azure the WinterDragon

But then there it was. An apartment building, not different like the others in the block, but it radiated with the knowledge that your goal was within. So you approached, luckily you had not to ring the bell as someone just came home and held the door open for you as you approached - obviously believing you lived here as well. But you glanced at the name-tags at the entrance to make sure you knew which floor to go. Floor 14; out of 30. You went with the stranger into the elevator, that...

3 years ago
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The Girl With The Angry Dragon

I’d heard the ’pop’ of champagne cork often before, but tonight it was remarkably more of an aphrodisiac than I was used to. The white, frothy liquid began to overflow from the bottle,almost to foreshadow the night’s coming attractions. Yes, it reminded me of a nice big cock releasing its creamy white after sucking it, gagging on it, and jerking it off for an hour or two.We stood in my open kitchen, toasting the night by clinking our champagne flutes together and slowly made our way to the...

3 years ago
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The Dragons Of ArborChapter 17 The Anvil of the Dragons

The knowledge that Durin's body wasn't in the crypt built for him here in Peloi was one of those details that slipped past us in our rush to get here, I guess. Like Sid's not being aware of what could happen to an unattached Wizard. I shared the general dismay over the lack of new information here as well, but everything now was colored by my efforts to resist the call I was feeling from the ocean nearby. It called to me in a way no body of water ever had. That it called was exciting...

2 years ago
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How to Tame a Dragon Ch 01

Copyright2012©totallyatease **I’ve been told that this story is terribly corny, and I have to admit that it is in places, however I do hope that you enjoy it – faults and all. Also it is very much a romance rather than an erotic story and so I have been hesitant to post it on this site. On the plus side this is a finished story of about 11 chapters and so if people do like it, then I’ll be able to post on a regular 3 – 4 day basis.** She only agreed to do it as a favour to her sister — but...

2 years ago
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Sindara The Planet of Dragons

A Treatice on the Draconic Inhabitants of Sindara Written and Published by Alctios Firestand, Archmage of the Royal Mystic University in Argendale Physically, the planet Sindara bears many similarities with own. We orbit the same sun, both have two moons, most of the planet is covered in watery oceans, similar atmospheres, etc. etc. This volume is not about the planet itself (although if you are more intrested in the geology and natural history of the two worlds, the book of my colleague,...

2 years ago
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A Place of Dragons

I twiddled my thumbs nervously as I stared out the large transparent-aluminum viewing port that was designed to show off the docking ships. Normally I wouldn't have been uptight, but currently there was only one ship docked at the star-base and it was a "Dragon" owned ship. My chances , it seemed, of getting out of my 6 month unemployment streak were slim. Most of the humanoid dragons preferred to keep a pretty straight-forward crew of just "Dragons", but there were occasions...

2 years ago
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Queen of Dragons

*** Dana, the huntmistress of the Serpent King, she who was known in the land as Dragon Queen, blew down the dusty corridor in a powerful stride. Servants scuttled to corners to allow her passage, their heads jerking low in subservience. Guards snapped to attention and prayed she did not have time to notice any minor lapse in protocol. “Lady Dana! Truly a pleasure to catch you – might I trouble you for a moment of your time?” A minor noble, a lad of barely sixteen summers, tried to...

3 years ago
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Holy Fuck A Dragon

...Is the most common thing you hear as you fly swiftly over the endless landscape of fields and open farmland. Commonfolk look up and point as your mighty figure swoops over the land and cower as you beat your powerful wings. ”A dragon indeed,” you think as you think about where you are going to settle down for the night. You have no land of your own and you have no idea what types of dragons live in this area either. You see a formidable rock formation on top of a hillside in the distance....

4 years ago
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Hunting Dragons

The rift between realms remained open for eight days before closing. Dragons and their cousins came through and spread like ants. There was no one that lived to give a number as the dragons and drakes flew away. Huge lizards crawled and ate anything green and wingless dragons hunted anything that moved. My father was a smith and my mother a mage alchemist. I did not have magic and did not want to be a smith. I did enjoy the way a weapon felt in my hand. When the dragons began raiding and...

4 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 7 Dragons

Work was progressing nicely, and the base was down. The eight airlocks were in place, and the bottom 4m of perpendicular walls had gone up. The supports for the dome roof had been erected. They were waiting to be covered. This dome didn’t have the same radius in its height to its base. It more closely resembled the top third of a ball after being cut-off. Unlike the dome on the ship, this dome appeared smokier, due to the intense light. The glass’s special properties were going to be very...

4 years ago
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Tame or Wild Princess Leia Female Rebel

To our readers, What is History? As most would define it, History is the re-telling of what has been. We must agree that this definition is a good one, although not encompassing all the subtleties of this science. But in this very definition is embedded a 'flaw'. By the time you read this sentence, so many events with potential historic signification happen all across the New Republic that they could not all be recorded, even if we devoted each and every of our computers to that task....

2 years ago
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Tame story for the ladies

A little toned down sexy story for the ladies (and the guys who have a tame side). This one was harder to write because it the written form a daydream of mine ive been preoccupied with recently.. but I wanted to write something for those of you asking for a more romantic type style… Anyway, if you are looking for more hard core stuff check out my other 2 stories ;) plenty of lube and anal in thoseFirst stab at a romance:She looked up into his brown eyes - it wasn’t hard to do as he stood nearly...

4 years ago
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The TamesChapter 2

Jean-Paul walked behind the two way glass to find an engineer and two deeply enslaved drones monitoring the results. The Engineer nodded to him. "I just began the new audio that James recorded yesterday to the feed. While under control, a Controller had commanded James to read about four pages of script that would be used to further brainwash him. Over the intercom in front of one of the drones James' voice could be heard coaxing him into a deeper level of submission: ... you are such a...

2 years ago
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We Never Sacrifice Virgins to the Dragon

“A dance?” Clara exclaimed, stunned. “You must be joking!”She sat at a kitchen table, knife in one hand and a half-peeled apple in the other, staring at her aunt as if the older woman had grown a second head. Ingrud, not stopping as she peeled an apple as well, shook her head.“No. It’s the way of it in Gulder.” She tossed the peel in a bucket of scraps. “We celebrate the sacrifice. When your aunt Helga…”“There is an army of demons less than a week from here!” Clara interrupted.“When your aunt...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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Stroking the Dragon

“For God’s sake, Peter. Couldn’t you turn up on time just once? You know Geoffrey’s away and  we’re short-staffed at the best of times.”It was Mrs. Turner doing the berating and I was the Peter who was being berated. I was a waiter in a small seaside hotel, having breezed into town for the summer and chanced upon this job. It required little in the way of talent or skill, but I think she had hired me because I was polite and well-spoken, neither of which I could take much credit for. You get...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 1107 Slaying the Dragon

"Rhonda," I squeaked as I turned to look at her. "You can't say things like that. I can't..." She stomped her feet into her boots and stormed out the back door. Shit! I couldn't have Rhonda saying things like that. I left the bread in the bowl and grabbed my boots. She was already in Gypsy's stall when I got to the barn. I didn't bother with either Princess or Jingo. I went into the same stall and put my hands on her shoulders. She stiffened. "Rhonda. Honey. You can't say things...

4 years ago
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A truthful dragon

It was late in a summer evening and Celestia's sun was drifting down over the canopy of the Everfree Forest. The young dragon had recently had his twentieth birthday and had therefore been allowed by his older sister to explore the Everfree by himself. A task he quite often used to gather gems for his beloved Rarity, often alongside her but sometimes when she was busy or if he wanted to surprise her he went alone. Today was one of those days. "It's getting late though." He thought to himself,...

2 years ago
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A Truthful Dragon

It was late in a summer evening and Celestia's sun was drifting down over the canopy of the Everfree Forest. The young dragon had recently had his twentieth birthday and had therefore been allowed by his older sister to explore the Everfree by himself. A task he quite often used to gather gems for his beloved Rarity, often alongside her but sometimes when she was busy or if he wanted to surprise her he went alone. Today was one of those days. "It's getting late though." He thought to himself,...

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Lavender Ghost StoryChapter 7 With The Tears Of Dragons

At the South end of Lavender Town, the high cliffs were met by rickety wooden bridge that stretched off into the hazy distance over the ocean far below. Occasionally connecting with the mainland for extra support, and slowly slanting downward, Route 12 served as the most direct path from Lavender to Maiden's Peak. To the left of the old bridge, however, were a set of wooden stairs that hugged the rough curves of the sea battered cliff face, winding their way down to a long wooden walkway at...

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Introduction: My half-brother wasnt at home when I came to fix his computer, but his stepdaughter was home. Lets just say that the computer wasnt the only thing I got my hands into… TAMERA By: x1021 Dallas, TX This is my first story, so please leave feedback. Try not to be too hard on me, but I can accept constructive criticism. This is also a true story, and the only thing I really had to fabricate was the dialogue because I cant, of course, remember everything that was said between us that...

3 years ago
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Binita tames the Thakur

The marriage preparations were abruptly stopped. As usual, there was no provocation for it beyond a sharp exchange of words, and egos were bruised on all sides. The boy’s father, Thakur Hari Singh, flew into a rage when his plans for the young couple’s future were challenged by the girl in front of her father and other family elders. But what really set the stage for what happened next was the way in which the disagreement became a war of words. In the typical swaggering style of a feudal lord,...

2 years ago
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By: x1021 – Dallas, TX This is my first story, so please leave feedback. Try not to be too hard on me, but I can accept constructive criticism. This is also a true story, and the only thing I really had to “fabricate” was the dialogue because I can’t, of course, remember everything that was said between us that fateful day… Tamera by x1021- Dallas, TX Anal, Consensual Sex, Creampie, First Time, Male/Teen Female, Oral Sex, Teen, Virginity, Young Me – Dan (20) My Half-Brother...

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Belanna Torres Gets Tamed

       Okay, by popular demand I have finally finished the second Star Trek story staring B’Elanna Torres the half Latina/Klingon beauty. I am working on the third story with Seven-Of-Nine. Needless to say this one is a bit tougher so may take some time. I have gotten requests to do a T-Pol but I barely got past that awful theme song so don’t much about the character except she is hottie. I hope you enjoy the story.                                                                            ...

2 years ago
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How to Tame a Dragon Ch 11

Copyright2012©totallyatease She only agreed to do it as a favour to her sister — but HE more than made up for the inconvenience… * Hearing the car pull up outside, Izzy flung the front door open and rushed out. ‘Laura! I’m so glad that you could make it!’ she cried, grinning wide. Laura’s grin matched hers width for width. ‘I wouldn’t have missed this for the world,’ she told her as climbed out of her car. They hugged each other tightly, and then Laura turned to look up at the big house...

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There Be Dragons

"The warrior heard of this legend as he sat in the dark and smoky tavern and a great hunger arose in him," the old man said, gleeful that his tale had captured the complete attention of the eight children sitting before him under the spreading branches of the oak. It was a fine day to be out with his grandchildren, telling them the old tales his grandfather told him when he was a boy. The sounds of village life had receded as the tale grew in the minds of both the listeners and the teller....

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How to Tame a DragonChapter 4

When Daniel went back a couple of hours later; it was to see that all of the receipts and bills had been placed neatly in the two folders, all excepting a small pile, which she had left out to one side. Izzy was sitting back in the swivel chair with a look of happy satisfaction on her face. "Hi," she smiled up at him. "I sorted out your bills into two lots..." she told him, "one for cash, and one for all the bank payments that you make. I set you up a simple spreadsheet so you can put...

3 years ago
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A company of three tames Lindsey

It was Saturday night and once again Lindsey was going out on the town with some of her friends. She was just out to have a bit of fun, have a few drinks and a laugh, and to dance the night away. She didn't have any intention to get picked up, just to have fun with no complications.She is 5 feet 4 inches tall with long wavy blond hair that hangs a couple of inches below her shoulders. She is quite good looking, slim and with a firm 36C chest. She get plenty of attention, which she enjoys a lot....

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