Jake s Journal The Philippines JoyfullyChapter 14
- 4 years ago
- 38
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I headed back to our rooms and proceeded to get some things moving. With the assistance of the Marriott hotel's concierge I was able to do a number of things. I contacted Cebu Pacific and rejiggered our flights to take us to Gensan the next day. I made a reservation at the Royal East Asia Hotel for the three of us in one room for two days. I also contacted an account person at the Gensan branch of the Banco de Oro, right by the Sydney Hotel at the corner of Pioneer and Pendutan Avenue. I explained that I was moving my affairs to that city. I intended to make large deposits into that bank and wondered, if they might be so kind as to provide me time the next day to meet with them and open an account? (In later years non-citizens would have to have an Alien Registration card to open accounts but not so then.) I also asked for the name of a top notch attorney for a variety of business and property matters. And finally I asked for the name of top notch realty company. With that in hand, I had my appointment at the bank set. I called the attorney's office, got an appointment there and lastly got an appointment to meet with a realty agent two days hence.
All that done, I turned around and saw both Joy and Abbey just looking at me.
Finally Joy spoke: You are an important man Sir Jake. We did not know. We promise, we be good to you.
Abbey was nodding her head up and down very fast. It was cute. I had done nothing other than what was needed, if we were to actually get things in motion. To the two of them, it was a world in which they had no experience.
Now that business was finished for the time being, the girls dragged me onto the bed. They both stripped and together they proceeded to undress me. Joy took a Viagra out of the pill bottle and brought it to me with a glass of water. Abbey asked her something – I didn't understand and Joy seemed to explain for what reason the pill was taken. I light flickered in Abbey's eyes and a smile spread on her face. She said to me: Take two!
Abbey then just latched her mouth onto my cock. Joy and I kissed and I played with her breasts. As I got hard I moved to enter Joy – Abbey was still a bit too tender – my face was close to Joys and I whispered, If you are willing, please lick Abbey's pussy while I kiss her. I got a moment of fear and then an acceptance across her face as she proceeded to do exactly as I asked. I had already started kissing Abbey when Joys tongue hit home. As the information was processing in Abbey's brain, she started to kiss me harder and harder. Joy started pumping her hips into me. Joy's tongue brought Abbey to orgasm. Her orgasm triggered mine in Joy's pussy.
Following a CR (comfort room) break, I had Abbey concentrate on her mother's breasts, sucking them for all they were worth, while I entered Joy's ass with my cock. We succeeded in getting Joy to squirt again during her fifth orgasms. I only dumped cum once in Joy's ass.
We all napped for a while and then down to supper we three went. The girls were a hoot during meals. They had never in their lives been at a buffet where they could simply take all the wanted. It was intimidating to them.
Back in my room, we snuggled for a bit, all three in the same bed. There was some TV watching and then an early sleep because we would leave early for the airport.
Three showers in the morning, (with two bathrooms, ) a quick breakfast and a cab ride to the airport (this time without a bribe) got us there in plenty of time to hear that our flight was delayed. Cebu Pacific was behaving just as I would learn to expect it to operate.
We were traveling now as a family. In the little time that we had been together, we had bonded. There were no dramatics. There was no holding on for dear life. Joy looked at me with a sense of relief and safety. Abbey was animated even though she was still a little stiff in the walking department.
The plane was late enough that it delayed our check-in at the hotel. We just dropped our bags there, I asked the staff to provide my family restaurant and lobby privileges until I returned and then took a quick cab ride to the bank. I could have used a tricycle (a motorbike with a sidecar was the ubiquitous and inexpensive form of travel), but I am too damned big to fit in them easily.
At the Bank (BDO) I met with a Mr. Dizon, who assisted me in filling out a myriad of forms. My passport was photocopied, as were other documents. I made an initial deposit and left on very good terms. My next stop was the law offices of Atty. Espejo. The Attorney was in his late 40's and seemed relaxed and comfortable in his world.
I explained that I was going to relocate to the Gensan area and there would be legal issues for which I would require guidance. Atty Espejo was dubious, as he explained the laws regarding employment of foreigners in his country. I was aware of the law, but waited for lecture to complete before I explained that my work was done remotely and was in essence overseas. I would not be providing services to anyone in the Philippines. I was providing services to companies outside the Philippines from my location. He smiled and acknowledged that there was no law barring that type of employment.
I then indicated the need to build a house that suited my needs, and he interrupted and informed me that I could not have a house, as once again I was not a citizen of the Philippines. On this matter, I was not as confident, but I had a plan and waited for this lecture to end before I broached it.
Atty. Espejo, do I understand that there is no law prohibiting me from leasing land?That is correct, Sir Jake.
And there is no law against building on leased land, Atty. Espejo?
That is also correct, Sir.
Then, Atty. Espejo, may I inquire whether a lease may last 99 years?
It may, Sir.
Atty. Espejo I would like you to draft a document that allows for the lease of land, not yet specified, for 99 years, with a buyout provision at the end or that time in the sum of P100 provided that the individual is both my direct descendent and a citizen of the Philippines. Please include that I may sublet part or all of the land at my sole discretion. Is that something you can do?
Sir Jake, I must be frank with you. It is rare to meet a man of your business knowledge and understanding of how to navigate through our laws. I think it will be a pleasure to work with you.
Atty. Espejo, I think the feeling is mutual. Now Sir, just this morning I established an account at the BDO. I only have this counter check to use today, but allow me to provide you a retainer against this and future work.
I wrote out a check and handed it to him. He agreed that the sum was suitable and I left.
From there it was only a five minute cab ride back to the hotel. We succeeded in checking in and retired to our room for a little unwinding. We showered again; have I noted how hot and humid it gets in the Philippines? Besides, sexual congress ought to be with clean bodies whenever possible!
Abbey asked me when we were drying off, if I was really sexually attracted to her? I assured her I was and asked her why she asked.
Because for the past two days you only fuck my mother. You leave me alone in that way.
I laughed so hard I almost lost my breath. She was not amused.
Abbey, you could barely walk this morning! My sweet lovely girl, I would love to be inside of you right now, but you are sore.
Abbey was having none of that and her response was animated: Hindi! (no!) I am not sore. Just stiff and if you would put your cock inside me I would no longer be stiff!
So that is exactly what I did. I took my naked thirteen year-old lover to bed and with Joy right there fucked her but good. I had her feet in the air, as I pounded her pussy. I had Joy suck her tits as I proceeded and Abbey orgasmed, good and long. When we were done I asked her: Better now?
With a big smile on her face, her answer was: Opo.
Dinner that night was at the hotel. The Royal East Asia Hotel restaurant had an excellent reputation. It was reasonably well deserved, though the Marriott in Cebu was far better. The menu was a combination of Filipino foods and international cooking. Gensan is famous for tuna and the hotel had tuna sashimi on the menu for P80. It was – I am not kidding – 8 ounces of fresh caught tuna with soy and wasabi. I was in heaven. That and a vegetable dish of pork stuffed ampalaya (bitter melon) and rice was enough for me. I was full! The food was great, the price was right and life was good.
The next day I had three missions. One was to find land and the second one was to find a place for my girls (and me) to stay, while our house was built. I would be gone for about two months in the beginning, but I would be returning and that would be before the house was completed. The third was to find an architect I could work with – remotely when needed. I left the girls with some pesos; they were in walking distance of two Malls. I told them I would see them for supper and left.
The process ended up being far easier than I expected. The realty agent with whom I dealt knew of a property owner who had both a home in town and farmland north of Gensan. The farmland was going for P800,000 a hectare but at 50 hectares, I was able to get the price down to P650,000 per hectare. I leased the house for P15,000/month while our place was built.
The owner of the land loved my lease offer and agreed to it readily. We called the Atty. Espejo together and provided him with all he would need to complete the document. It would be ready the next morning. I provided the owner P45,000 (first, last and security) and got the keys to the house in return. The place was partially furnished. We had a place to sleep!
I had three more days in the Philippines before my flight home. There was the matter of the architect. I called Mr. Dizon at the bank. I said that I knew this was a personal favor I was asking, but who were the best architects in the City. I got three names and addresses. I found a taxi driver who allowed me to rent him for the rest of the day, including waiting for me at my appointments. I handed him the addresses and told him to take me to the closest one. We would be doing all three.
The first place was simply underwhelming and we were quickly on to the next. Here we found gold. The architect, Mr. Reyes, had done some wonderful work, had an up to date office with the needed technology and a work/billing ethic with which I was comfortable. He showed me some plans he had done for another client. I immediately saw that while there would need to be a few changes, the basics were all OK. We took a couple of hours going over the changes I needed. He agreed to check out the property to see if there were other issues I had not contemplated, and get back to me electronically in about a week. I left him a retainer and all my contact information.
It was late afternoon by this time. I headed back to the Hotel. The girls had not returned yet. I picked up my cell phone and called Jun. She answered on the second ring. She was in good spirits when I gave her our temporary address. Once her employment was over, she was to come here. There was not a moment's hesitation. She took the information down and told me that she would tell her parents that she was no longer returning to them. She would give them our address as well. I told her I thought she was doing just fine and looked forward to our all being together.
About thirty minutes later my girls arrived with just three small packages. I was surprised, but they just laughed. When I asked why, it was my turn to laugh.
Joy: You are getting us a house? Yes?
Me: I did. It is done.
Joy: Then we will be spending money on that. So, we save for the house.
They knew I had money, but they were being careful with it. It was my turn to laugh and I did. I told them we would go to the house tomorrow.
Joy: When we go?
Me: Bakit? (Why?)
Joy: We have surprise for you tomorrow.
Me: What do you mean surprise?
They laughed and Joy repeated: When we go?
Me: After breakfast.
Joy: It is far from here?
Me: No. It is about ten minutes by taxi.
Joy: Mabuti (Good)
For dinner we went over to a new place that had just opened called Grab a Crab. The food was excellent and the KongKung (Joy laughed and said that's a weed! Hehehe) was braised and out of this world. The Crab in Chili sauce was not all that bad either.
After dinner we showered and I took Abbey in her pussy and Joy in the ass. I was spent by that time. I told them I wanted to watch Joy lick Abbey, until she had an orgasm. And that was what happened.
Sleep came upon us all.
The next morning we moved into our temporary home. Like all such places in Gensan the exterior of the property is an 8 to 10 foot high fence/barrier with something like broken glass embedded into the top. It is designed to be a security barrier and it does that pretty well. The weak spot is usually the gate. This gate was iron and substantial.
Inside any such compound there will be a house, possibly a garage and a shed type structure plus a yard, some with plantings. Ours had all of it.
The five bedroom house had two large kitchens, (one inside and one outside, ) a large dining room, living room, two large porches and two bathrooms. My girls were in awe.
Joy: This is for us?
Me: Yes but not only you.
The next day was the beginning of the long and arduous trip back to the States. The length of time it takes and the number of planes I had to ride was appalling and not worth retelling here. A day later I was home in the US and after a few hours rest, I had my work cut out for me. I had to do the following: sell off the part of my business which was involved with physical things and arrange for some services to be transferred to others. Notify clients that while I would be available for...
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This is a side story to Gregg Sharp's "Happi Days" fic, which was authorized by him. Mr. Sharp can be reached for comment at [email protected] , but the main story you'll have to search for separately, since his web page went down. A knowledge of the Ranma 1/2 series is helpful, but I've included a little glossary/character guide at the bottom. [Editor's Note: As part of understanding the nature of the Bishoujo Brides of Fuurinkan incident, we believe it is helpful to...
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Amber's eyes widened as she saw the small book. It was perfect! She raced to her father at the counter and placed it on the conveyor at the cash register, right next to the beer and chips he was buying. "This one Daddy, I want this one!" She squealed, excitement in her eyes. "Alright honey, how much is it... three dollars? Fine". Her father eyed the book. Hot pink and covered in little flowers, everything about it screamed that despite her age, she still had the taste of a prepubescent girl. He...
Mind ControlI know when I had my first wet dream. That was when my journal transformed from occasional scribbles to compact cursive handwriting. The spine of the simple book broke from overuse. It is hard looking through the contents to find contents that are not erotic after that point. It began with the dreams. Strange dreams.11/14/---aI had a dream about sex this morning. A prisoner, I was supposed to be afraid of the “general” who would kill me if I didn’t do something. Instead I found myself enjoying...
TrueI had no idea that my holiday would be anything other than that. It was my first time abroad and my friends and I had decided we would try Trinidad during the carnival season. Oh best introduce myself and my friends. I’m Julie, at 18 I am the youngest of my friends, well work mates. The other 3 women are Georgina we call her Gina for short is the eldest and sort of mother to us though she is only 28. I think she is the best looking, standing almost 6ft tall she has really long slim legs a...
Marci's Journal By Sarah Goodwoman Day 1 My name is Doug, and I lost a bet to my wife, Helen, which means I am to be her house slave for the next 30 days. At the stroke of midnight, she woke me up to inform me it had started. I am now a sissy house slave named Marci, and she is Mistress. She said the next time I am allowed to call her Helen, and she calls me Doug, I will not be her sissy slave anymore. To make this journal easier to write, I will not be including the...
Sammy It was no accident that we met that night in August of 1991. My mother arranged for us to be seated next to the Oldham table. And while I complained about my parents pushing us together, I was secretly thrilled. The challenge of laying the groundwork, setting the trap and watching Sammy take the bait dominated my thoughts. I liked what I saw. Yes, he needed work, but he was malleable and I decided I could mold him into the man I wanted him to be. Sammy pursued me and I liked the way...
After May left, Jana, Gem, and I were alone in my house. Jana was wearing tight jeans and a tee shirt because she had been riding the bus from Manila to Baguio. Gem was wearing very tiny, very tight jean shorts and a red bikini top. The top still fit because Gem’s breast growth wasn’t noticeable yet. “At home, can we call you daddy? I like feeling I’m your daughter. I must be some kind of pervert, but feeling like I’m your little girl always makes me feel very, very sexy and very, very...
Guilt at failing Brandy so badly had been nagging me since Bailey revealed how mixed up her mom had been about love and sex. I felt like I had taught all my other daughters well, and it gnawed at my gut that one of my girls was so unhappy and didn’t know how to give her love or find a partner who could give her the right kind of love, so she had no chance of finding happiness. I’d been concerned about whether my age would cause my sperm to be more likely to cause birth defects and whether it...
Author's note: A while back a reader of mine told me of an incestuous relationship that he and his daughter had and he asked if I would help him put his story down in words. Once that story was posted I began to receive numerous stories all purporting to be true. I don't believe that even 5% of those that I received were true. Short of seeing an incestuous couple in the act, there is not much to go by to verify the truth. What I do is send continuous questions to the writer, hoping to get a...
My work takes me around the world but I found myself on repeated trips to Manila which eventually grew into a year long assignment. After getting accustomed to the country and settling into life a bit I couldn't help but notice Filipina women were very much into western men like myself. I also found them to be attractive, with their petite frames and tan skin. A very attractive woman named Rosa was actually the manager of the building I stayed in and I began to hit on her a bit. She was...
This is a story for a girl I fell in love with in the Philippines taken from our online chat after I got back home to my own place.. It’s written like I’m telling her what I’d like to do with her when we see each other again..I'd imagine I pulled up to your house in the car I'd rented, a pick-up truck with two seats and a big open space in the back. I'd be wearing loose shorts and a t-shirt and as we had agreed you are in skirt and a sexy top showing off your boobs in the most sexy way, and...
My first time in the Philippines was quite the grand one as I had never been there before and did not know what to expect. Willie was a very good guy and he told me that he would show me the ropes. We started out at a rock bar. The beer was nice and cold and the women where nice and hot. We spent two hours there getting warmed up. After spending time in the rock bar we walked down main street the P.I. was know for having the most bars down one street in the world. Willie said that the better...
InterracialThe branch of a very large family from a small town in New Hampshire are on their way to a family reunion, which this year is happening in Hawaii. While on the last leg of the trip over the Pacific Ocean the private jet they clubbed together to charter for the trip is struck by lightning, and blows out both engines. Just as they were about to hit the water there is a flash of green light and everyone blacks out. They wake up on a deserted island, no idea how they got there and no sign of the...
Incestso after we have fucked it was pretty late and we were both drunk time for bed the morning head arrived it was a beautiful day once again we get ready to go snorkeling usually my wife would wear a one piece swimsuit while going snorkeling but she walked out of the bedroom in her sexiest bikini I was not complainingwe grab our towels sunscreen and head off for the day we are going for a day trip 2 some islands wanna filipino traditional catamaran style boat we meet up with jenny and dave on the...
In April 1995 I married the sister of one of my co-workers Lisa in the Philippines. They were very good with my sexual as Lisa told them. Her older brother David and I got it on while I was over there. He introduced me to his friends and all five of them enjoyed fucking me. David I did it first before he introduced me to his friends. We started out the day getting some stuff at stores. It was very humid there as we walked around and took a few jeepneys. We finally go back home in the afternoon...
A few years after a sexless marriage and painful divorce I decided to start dating again. I found a free dating site from the Philippines(PI). It was there I found a bevy of beautiful single ladies of all ages to chat with and get to know. I posted a few pictures and to my surprise most could type and speak pretty good English. Since I was looking for a mate I searched women in my age area 45 to 50. One lady in particular seemed more aggressive and interesting then the rest and soon they fell...
This is a true story. It all started four years ago now while I was over in the Philippines on a work related investigation for my company back in the USA.I was staying at a remote small hotel far from what we all know as being anywhere close to civalisation....the place was clean and the staff were most pleasing to deal with on every level of positions within the entire facility.The day had been a long one and I had to get ready to move out in the morning to another location far across the...
Your sister has always been a bit wild, but she seemed to settle down when she got married. Now however, she’s been divorced and left alone to raise her son. Things seemed rough but now, now something isn’t right. And so you’ve found yourself poking around her place while her son and her went on a trip to NYC, looking to see if your haunch was right. when you found her journal. With shaking hands you open the journal to the start and look at the date, it seems like she started writing a few...
IncestAll the events and people in this story are fictional and bear no relationship to any people, living or dead. Journal of Mark Trewidden October 7th 2012 I have decided to start this journal because of the worries that I have about my health. I am not 100% sure when the problems started, but I am fairly sure that it all could be linked to the dig. I went on the dig with Jen on Tean in the Scilly Isles. It was back in June, we spent two weeks working as volunteers on a dig, that was...