After The Energists: Mike's And Tempe's NIS WeekChapter 5: Jumpin’ Jack Flash free porn video

NIS Day 2 – Afternoon - Medway High School
12:55pm, Tuesday, October, 30, 1979
I tucked my hands under my butt to help me physically resist the urge to push Tempe’s mouth deeper onto my cock as she suctioned it between her lips. Tempe’s long blonde hair semi-hid a close-up viewing of her mouth’s bobbing over my cockhead. However, any of the art students watching us knew exactly what my partner was doing to me on the art studio’s bed.
“Tempe-Tempe! Oh! Gaawwdddd! Girl! ... You better pull off! Tempe! Pull ... Cumming! Ohhh! Shit!” I cried and pushed my hips up towards the source of my pleasure. I held my hips about three inches off the mattress as a powerful rush of hot semen fired from my cockhead into Tempe’s mouth. I lowered my hips after that first blast and then involuntarily thrusted back up as my second and third cum-shots sprayed the back of Tempe’s swallowing mouth.
Tempe quickly pulled off my cockhead and coughed a few times before she started laughing under her mane of blonde hair. With cum dribbling from her mouth over my cockhead, Tempe flipped her hair over her right shoulder. She then forced a large amount of air out through her nose. That blast of nasal air expelled a few globs of thick semen from her nostrils.
“I-I thought you said you were gonna pull off my cock before I came, Tempe,” I whispered as I watched her blow her nose another time. “I’m sorry, but I just couldn’t hold back any longer!”
Tempe looked up at me with effortful tears in her eyes and said, “I’m sorry I couldn’t swallow all your stuff. I tried, but those rapid second and third blasts forced some cum up my nose and...”
I couldn’t help but laugh as Tempe used the back of her hand to wipe a couple of ‘cum-snot’ bubbles from her upper lip.
“That’s not funny, Mike,” Tempe whined, but she soon began to laugh along me and a few students who heard or saw her unfortunate nasal experience.
“What happened to pulling off my cock?” I asked as she crawled up my chest to give me a kiss.
“After you gave me an awesome oral orgasm with your tongue, I wanted to surprise you by swallowin’ your stuff, Mike,” Tempe said with a smile on her face. “I knew I couldn’t go very deep without gagging, so I figured swallowin’ would be the next best thing.”
“I already told you that every blowjob is a good blowjob.”
“But I didn’t want this ... my first B-J to be ‘just a good one,’ I wanted it to be great!”
“Oh! It was great ... and memorable, too!” I stated with a silly grin on my face.
“You better not tell anyone about your cum coming out of my nose, Mike!” Tempe exclaimed as she lightly punched my chest.
“I’ll never ever speak of it!” I replied as I crossed my heart with my right index finger.
“But we can talk about it, Tempe!” Sharon Jumper joked from one of the front row art stations.
“Please don’t,” I softly asked and then added, “I know we’ve done some crazy stuff here in front of you, but let us keep this one intimate thing between us ... please.”
“I guess we can do that, Mike, Tempe,” Ellie replied as she looked around the art studio, and saw a good number of head nods and thumbs-up signals.
Just then Mrs. Stenn returned to the room after an unexpected restroom break. She said, “I’m guessing you guys are done with your relief activities.”
“We just need to get cleaned up a little, Mrs. S,” Tempe replied as she ran her right hand over her lower abdomen and felt the sticky fluids that transferred from my groin and semi-hard cock to her body.
“I brought a warm wash-cloth from the restroom, and here’s a stack of paper towels,” Mrs. Stenn said as she handed the wash-cloth to Tempe.
“Here you go, Mike,” Tempe softly said after she cleaned around her lower belly, pussy and face. When she looked at my messy crotch, her eyes got real big and she said, “I don’t think your cum is gonna come out of your matted pubes with just this wash-rag.”
“Just do the best you can, Partner,” I chuckled as she used the wet rag to pluck out some of the globs of cum from my twisted, matted pubic hair.
“I guess I’ll have to practice swallowing faster like that girl said, so this won’t happen again,” Tempe whispered with a wicked grin on her pretty face.
“Perfect practice makes perfect,” I chuckled.
“That it does, Mike, and I’m really gonna like this kinda practice,” my partner softly said.
“Attention, class! Because I’m going to body paint Mike and Tempe for Halloween, tomorrow morning, I don’t think it would be good for them to pose together, tomorrow. So, for this class would you like them to recreate yesterday’s pose or would you like to have them take another position?” Mrs. Stenn asked her students.
The prevailing vocalizations clearly indicated the art students wanted Tempe and me in a different pose for today’s class. Mrs. S then came over to us and said, “Do you think you’d be okay with sitting on Mike’s lap, with your back to his chest, Tempe?”
Tempe’s eyebrows involuntarily rose as she listened to Mrs. Stenn’s suggested couple pose. She then timidly said, “Can we try it, Mike, to see if it feels ... alright.”
“I guess,” I replied with my own eyebrow raise.
“If you sit with your back against the headboard, like you did yesterday, Mike ... that’s it; just let your legs rest out in front of you. You can adjust those pillows, so you can lie back some, if you like. Good!” Mrs. Stenn instructed me in how she wanted me on the bed.
“Now, Tempe, if you would just lie back on Mike’s chest ... easy does it. You can either leave your legs bent up like that or...”
“I’m good with them like this, Mrs. S. Are you okay with me on your body like this, Mike?” Tempe asked as she turned to her left to look at my face.
“I doubt your one-hundred pound body is gonna squish me to death, Tempe,” I faux-huffed my reply like she was forcing the breath out of me.
“I’m one-hundred and ten pounds!” Tempe snapped and bounced her butt on my lower stomach.
“Ugghh! Gawd love ya! Why do you girls get so ornery when we underestimate your weight ... dang?” I grunted as Tempe’s butt bounce indeed knocked some of the air from my lungs.
“You okay, Mike?” Mrs. Stenn chuckled as I squeezed Tempe’s tiny waist with my hands as she wiggled her ass over my lower stomach.
“I’ll survive, which is more than I can say about Tempe when I get through with her,” I chuckled.
“You love me and you know it!” Tempe laughed as I lightly dug my fingertips into her sides.
‘Dang,’ I thought, ‘Tempe didn’t appear to have that ticklish reaction to that type of stimulus.’ I then laughed, “If you slam your butt on me like that again, I may ask for a NIS divorce ... at least in art class.”
“And no judge in the country would grant that request!” Tempe chuckled as she lifted her left hand up to lightly touch my left cheek.
“Okay, class, when I get these lights adjusted, you’ll have twenty to twenty-five minutes of drawing time,” Mrs. Stenn announced as she dimmed one light and moved it over our heads. “Let me look at you from the students’ perspective ... Perfect!”
She then walked back over to us and whispered, “The students can barely see your privates with your legs bent like that, Tempe. Now, Mike if you’ll rest your left arm over Tempe’s stomach and put your right hand just over her...”
“Like this?” I asked as I set my long right fingers over Tempe’s mons.
“Is that good with you, Tempe?” Mrs. Stenn asked. When Tempe nodded, Mrs. S added, “Put your hands over his, Tempe and then we’ll be good ... Perfect! Now, just relax and chat if you like.”
Tempe and I softly talked about her gymnastics, my football, and then about the upcoming NIS band competition. I was beginning to think there was a conspiracy going on with all the girls in my circle of friends, because even Tempe suggested that I should sing at least two of the three songs should we decide to enter that competition.
“If it were me picking your best original songs, I would have to say these two or three stand out: Love Walks In and uh ... either Life is a Lemon or I Would Do Anything for Love or-or Best of Both Worlds. All those songs could even be tied in with this Naked-in-School program when you introduce them to the judges, I think,” Tempe said as she used her right fingers to move my fingers over the top of her shaved mons area.
“Yeah, those are on my list of favorite songs,” I replied as adjusted my butt to shift Tempe’s bottom slightly to the left. “The girls do a great of harmonizing on Love Walks In, and Best of Both Worlds. Then either Sammy, Lynette or Brick, er, Lisa gets to have fun with the female vocals on those other songs.”
“What ca-cover songs would you tha-think about doing?” Tempe softly said as her breathing picked up due to her fingers vibrating my fingertips against her sensitive upper pussy area.
“I haven’t really thought about it with all that has gone on after Mr. W told us about this competition,” I replied as I felt Tempe pushing my hand a little further down between spread legs.
When my NIS partner pressed my middle fingertip against her damp upper pussy lips and wormed it against her clit, I whispered in her ear, “My cock is going to come to life, Tempe, if you keep doing that ... and in your current position it’s gonna end up where I don’t need it to ending up.”
“Just, ah, move your finger real slow ‘cause I-ah, I wanna ... I need a small cum, Mike ... please,” Tempe barely whispered in my ear.
“You can’t move or shift your hips, or my cock is gonna spring free. I don’t want it to start poking around in places it doesn’t need to poke,” I whispered back as I pressed and slowly moved my middle finger as Tempe desired.
Tempe angled her face towards my neck as her respiration rate accelerated into overdrive. When she barely began to press her pelvis up against my finger, the gap created between our lower bodies allowed my semi-erect cock to nearly sneak free along her right butt cheek.
“There, Mike, I’m ... ohhh, yesss!” Tempe softly hissed through her gritted teeth as her body finally froze up with her mini-orgasm. I slowly pulled my middle finger from over her clit and laid my fingers over her greasy, meaty lips.
When Tempe’s body slowly relaxed and her pelvis dropped, her blue eyes flew open as we heard Mrs. Stenn say, “Tempe, you can get up from Mike’s lap if you’d like.” I chuckled when our art teacher walked from the door side wall to our seated positions.
When Tempe turned her butt on my lower stomach area, I whispered in her ear, “Jeezes, Tempe ... you left me with another sticky mess, here.”
“I think I left you with more than a sticky mess, Mike,” Tempe grinned as she stood with her back to the art students and lightly fingered my hard cock.
“You owe me ... Big Time!” I laughed as I walked over to Mrs. Stenn’s to snag that cold but still damp wash-rag to do a second clean up around my crotch.
We did a quick walk through the art stations beginning on opposite sides of the room. Once again, there was a wide variety of drawing perspectives. I softly laughed when I saw the surprisingly accurate facial expression of Tempe’s mini-orgasm on Cari Kendall’s charcoal drawing. The rest of her drawing was relatively sparse except for Tempe’s breasts and nipples.
After hearing my response to her drawing, Cari looked up at me with a smile and said, “I figured your fingers were doing something between Tempe’s legs, so I quickly sketched the outlines’ of your bodies and focused on her facial features and boobs.” The pretty brunette twelfth grader than chuckled, “Did I do a good job of capturing the moment?”
“Ohhh! You nailed it, Cari! You nailed it,” I replied as I put my hand on her blue cardigan sweater.
“What’s so funny over ... Oh! My! Lord! Cari!” Tempe asked and then shouted when she saw the older girl’s drawing.
“She has your squinty eyes and circled little mouth down pat, doesn’t she, Tempe?” I said as Tempe leaned towards the drawing and reached with her right index finger to that life-like picture.
“Ya-you couldn’t have gotten all that from that moment, Cari. Ha-how did... ?” Tempe softly stuttered as she stared at her orgasmic face.
“I remembered how you looked from your earlier ... so I just had to get your head orientation and your hair, right. I figured when you angled your head on Mike’s chest, that was how you’d...” Cari replied with a huge grin on her face. She softly added, “I would let you have it but I really need to include this in my art portfolio for Ryerson’s Art School, Tempe.”
“I didn’t know you wanted to go to art school, Cari. That’s so cool,” I responded to her statement.
“You’ll be a wonderful artist, Cari,” Tempe added as she leaned her bare breasts onto Cari’s back and gave the older girl a hug.
After saying goodbye to Mrs. Stenn, I put my right arm over Tempe’s shoulders as we walked towards my Latin class, and Tempe’s Biology class. When there was a break in the crush of students, I let my right hand slip down to her lightly tanned firm breast and tweaked her right nipple.
“Hey! Hey! Mike! That’s not nice!” Tempe squealed and ducked out from under my arm.
“Paybacks, Tempe! Paybacks!” I laughed which drew more attention to us than we already had from being naked.
“Ah, Mike and Tempe, we were hoping you’d do a few jumping-jacks for us, please,” Molly Bailey, a busty tenth grade girl asked in her squeaky-girlish voice.
“Who’s the ‘we’, Molly?” I asked, seeing a mix of guys and girls behind the female leader of their pack.
“Just us girls and a few guys,” Molly replied with a smile. “I, we, thought with you both here, it would be nice to see how your, uh ... your body parts look when doing a simple exercise.”
“Did Molly ask politely enough for you, Tempe?” I asked with a wink.
“I think she did, although I’m not a big fan of jumping-jacks!” Tempe said as she faux-glared at the boys in that group.
“If you did like ... two or three, I’m sure that would be good,” Merlin Daniels, a lineman on the junior varsity football team replied in a soft voice.
“Okay, move back and give us a little room, please,” I said as I shook my grinning face at Tempe.
“We only have to do two or three of these jumpin’-jacks, huh?” Tempe asked.
“That would be great, Tempe, Mike,” Molly softly replied as she backed up.
“Give us a three-two-one countdown, ‘kay,” I said as I moved slightly behind and off the left of Tempe.
“Three – two – one – go!” the group of students called, and both of us started to do these stride jumps for the eight or nine kids.
“Whoa! Her small boobs are really bouncing!” one of the guys exclaimed.
“Gawd! Your erect dick hardly moved, Mike!” Molly chuckled as she stared at my steel-hard cock.
“Merlin, did you see her long lips ... down between her legs?” a skinny little guy whispered and pointed towards Tempe’s groin.
“Those are some pretty pussy lips, Tyler,” Merlin softly replied as he squatted down a little for a better look.
“Is that good, folks?” Tempe asked after we completed an extra fourth jumping-jack for these students.
“Yes, thanks, Tempe, Mike! Thanks a bunch!” Molly replied with a huge smile on her face.
“C’mon folks, you have maybe thirty seconds to get where you need to be!” Mr. Reid, a PE and Health teacher bellowed as he stepped out into the hallway.
“Did you enjoy those Jumpin’ Jack Flashes as much as I did, Tempe?” I chortled as we boogied down the second floor hallway.
(Note: The Rolling Stones’ Jumpin’ Jack Flash is from their 1968 album, Beggar’s Banquet. It was a huge hit, reaching number three on the Billboard Hot 100, and number one on the UK charts. It has been the most played Stones’ song during their concert performances with over 1,200 performances.)
“I hate the Rolling Stones, so I’d have to say no, I didn’t enjoy those Jack Flashes!” Tempe replied with a negative head shake.
“You don’t like the Stones! Really? Why?” I asked.
“I’m kinda superstitious about my gymnastics and the only time I every slipped and fell out of bounds on a tumbling pass was to the Stones’ Shattered in the ninth grade. So, in my mind, Mick and the Stones are nothing but bad juju.”
“So I’m guessing you’d rather not hear any Rolling Stones’ covers by me and the Bandettes, huh?” I chuckled.
“If you did one, that might remove the bad vibes from those English boys, but I doubt I’ll ever jump back onto the Stones’ bandwagon,” Tempe replied as we came to Miss Auzins room.
“This is me,” I said as I gave Tempe’s neck a small squeeze.
“See you in PE in fifty-ish, Mike,” Tempe replied as she picked up her pace to get to Mr. Campbell’s biology class on the first floor.
In Miss Auzins Latin class, I felt my first little twinge of jealousy during my rebooted time in high school as I watched Warren Grainger finger Lynette’s meaty pussy during the relief session. I cringed when he sucked her clit after she begged him to finish her with his mouth. I know my ex-girlfriend had a fairly good orgasm as her six-pack abs contracted in a way I had seen countless times before. I guess the only good thing about Lynette’s relief session was that she didn’t have a major squirting orgasm, which would have provided my friends with the real reason why I called her both Cano and Lava-Lips.
After Warren cleaned up his face and returned to his seat, he turned around in his seat towards me and whispered, “Are you good if I ask Lynette out, Mike?”
“Yeah, Warren. I think you and Cano would be good together especially after her experience with that Banting dick-wad, Randy,” I replied as I peered over at Lynette.
“Thanks, Mike. I guess seeing Lynette naked and doing what we just did kinda takes a little of the mystery out of things, but I think we’d have fun doing other things, too,” Warren said.
“Cano is definitely a whole lot more than a pretty face and killer body, Warren,” I replied. I then gave my head a slight shake as I thought, ‘There’s a ton of mysteries for you to find out about Cano.”
When Warren turned around, I saw Lynette peer over at me, so I nodded to Warren and winked at her. When she gave me an eyebrow raise and a confused look, I nodded to Warren again and mouthed, ‘Date.’
When she grinned and winked at me, that earlier twinge of jealousy faded away as I really did want my Cano-girl to find a guy she could be happy with; and Warren was about as good a guy as you could find at Medway.
As I was walking out of Latin, I saw that Warren was hanging in the hallway. When he nodded at me, I simply said, “Good luck, Bud,” and hurried around to my locker to grab my gym bag.
“Hey, Cuda! Wait up! Wait up!” Sammy called as she and Tempe broke into a slow jog to catch up with me. For anyone who has ever saw the Baywatch babes running in slow-motion on the beach, the sight of these two naked girls jogging towards me... beat those television images all to smithereens!
“Mike, can I please take a closer look at your, uh, your penis and balls,” a petite redheaded ninth grader asked as Sammy and Tempe slowed to a walk about fifteen feet from me.
“What’s your name, Sweetie?” I asked as I towered over the five-foot-nothing girl.
“I’m Cindy, Cindy Daniels,” she replied as she twisted the ball of her right foot into the tile floors.
“You have a requester, Mike?” Tempe asked with a smile.
“I do. Are you Merlin’s sister?”
“No, I’m his cousin. Our dads are brothers,” Cindy said with some wire-braces showing from her a pretty smile.
“Well, Miss Cindy Daniels. Can I ask you to put your request on hold until tomorrow? I’ve got to teach my PE class right now, and I’d like to get down there as quick as I can to talk with my teaching partner,” I said with a smile.
“Not only will Mike pose for you, tomorrow, Cindy, you’ll be able to touch him as well,” Sammy said as she put her hand on the young girl’s shoulder.
“I have lunch in fifth period, would that be a good time to get with you, Mike?” Cindy asked.
“We’ll make sure Mike comes to the café to find in the fifth period,” Sammy said as she nodded to Tempe for Cindy’s benefit.
“Okay, then. I’ll see you, tomorrow, Mike,” Cindy replied and headed off in the opposite direction that Sammy, Tempe and I had to go to get to our lockers.
“See seemed like a sweet girl,” Tempe asked.
“She was like a mini-Sammy,” I chuckled.
“Yes, she did look like you, Sammy!” Tempe exclaimed.
Nooo,” Sammy hissed.
“In two, three years when she gets a few more curves, watch out! Mini-Sammy here she comes!” I stated.
“You, two are crazy!” Sammy said with a head shake. As I have come to know from my female friends, they were experts at changing subjects, so Sammy simply said, “Enough of this junk; I’m ready for some swing dancin’!”
“What are we gonna do, today, Teach?” Tempe asked as she slammed her locker closed.
“We’ll review and practice what we did yesterday, and then Lizzie and I are gonna show you a few more turns. If a guy can get you to do about four different turns, mixed in with a few of his own, then you’ll be well on your way to a solid dance routine,” I replied.
“Did you remember to bring an open cupped bra, Sammy?” Tempe asked as we bounded down the side stairs.
“Sure did! That school one yesterday was for the birds, if you ask me.”
“Yeah, I might as well not have had it on for all the good it did with my medium-ish boobs,” Tempe replied as she cupped her left boob with her right hand.
My second day in the girls change room before class was still eye-opening, although a little less raucous. I enjoyed seeing the wide variety of body types on display as the twenty-four girls and Mrs. Bumstead changed into their PE outfits. Along with Heidi, there were maybe four or five future Playboy model-types, as well as four or five contrasting BBGs, big-beautiful girls.
I made a mental note to ask for Elaine Roonee’s help in the shower on one of the remaining three days in the girls’ change room as I watched her swap out her frilly pink bra for a supportive black sports bra. I remembered part of her question to Mr. Williamson in music. I also felt like she was checking me out, but she once more tried to shield her own firm breasts and pudgy front side in the far corner of the change room.
(Note: With our Friday football game set for a three-pm kick-off, I wouldn’t have Art, Biology or PE this Friday. Thus, I only had Tuesday through Thursday in the girls’ change room and shower.)
In the gym, Elizabeth looked amazing in her hunter green demi-bra. Her gold bars looked amazing through her pierced nipples with her breasts exposed. Liz wore a pair of gold running shorts that complemented her minimal upper body clothing choice.
My pierced nipple teaching partner and I reviewed the basic East Coast Swing steps, and Liz’s finger-penis and hand-vagina from yesterday’s lesson. As I called out the timing pattern for the class, we both walked around to give individual pointers to our classmates. Once more, I emphasized the importance of the ‘rock-step’ as the key lead-in for the main dance steps.
The two of us then explained and demonstrated how the guy should position the girl’s hand to allow for a fast, tight overhead turn. Elizabeth and I showed them the correct hand over the spin-leg shoulder position, as well as how awful a turn looks and feels for the lady with an incorrect hand over the girl’s head position.
“Can you do that with me a few times, Mike?” Elaine bravely requested which nearly floored me.
“Sure can! Excuse me, Dennis,” I replied. I then said to the big man, “If I’m gonna have Elaine spin on her right foot, I’m gonna position my ... our hands over her right shoulder. Ready, Elaine?”
I danced with the grinning girl for a minute or so, and had her do several turns to the right and then to her left. I was glad to hear Dennis confidently say, “I can do that with her, now, Cuda.”
“Mike! Mike!” Elizabeth called from across the room and waved me over to her location.
“What do you need, Piercey?” I laughed as I walked up to Elizabeth.
“Stop! Now!” Elizabeth chuckled at my goofy nickname for her. She then asked, “When we’re dancing, I like how you do a little prep action with your hand that tells me what you want me to do. Think it would help or hurt, if we showed them that little movement?” Elizabeth used a ‘Should we?‘ look on her face to leave the choice up to me.
“I’ll show them.” I then blew the PE whistle and waited for the students to settle down because they were having a pretty good time dancing. “Liz just pointed out that when I’m leading my partner, I use a small little preparation move with the hands. I use that little move to tell her ... or any of my partners, what I’m going to lead her into next.”
I took Liz’s hands in mine and said, “If I’m going to spin Lizzie clockwise with an inside overhead turn with my right hand, I do a slight counter-clockwise prep move right before I begin to lift and turn her with my right hand. Guys, watch my RIGHT hand ... Ready, Liz?”
I then gave my right hand and Liz’s left a slight ‘out motion’, and then spin her back with an overhead inside turn. After we rejoined both hands for a basic triple-step, triple-step, rock-step pattern, I did the same out move, before I lead her into a ‘free-clockwise spin’ with our hands at her waist level.
When we finished demonstrating those two simple turns/spins, I asked, “Did you see those little ‘out-moves’ before I lead Liz into the overhead and then that free spin turn. They gave Liz a little fore-knowledge of what was coming instead of just an, ‘Oh! Gawd! I’m doing an overhead turn‘ now, feeling. I do that with my left hand, too if that is the arm I’m going to lead my partner with.”
“Give it a try guys! Just a subtle hand move gives your lovely partner a slight heads up, which allows us to easily follow your leads!” Elizabeth shouted.
We had a good fifteen minutes of East Coast Swing dancing before Mr. St. Georges yelled, “Unfortunately, we’re out of time ladies and gentlemen! You are becoming pretty smooth operators out there, gentlemen, and you ladies ... your spins and turns looked great, as did you! We’ll see you tomorrow.”
The guys’ PE teacher then called me over to say, “Behave yourself in the shower, Mike. I need a working brain out on the field, today.”
“Yes, Sir. I’ll do my best, but there are twenty-four or twenty-five naked girls in there, and some of them are pretty jacked up from all that dancing,” I chuckled.
“If something happens, make sure it’s with a classmate ... please.”
“Most definitely, Sir!” I replied with a chuckle.
My experience in the girls’ change room and showers was a whole lot better today than yesterday. I wasn’t a surprise that Mrs. Bumstead was in the shower. As she said over the PA this morning, Mrs. B-Stead was naked in the gym except for her pink open-cupped bra. I’m sure that Jon Lunby, Andrew Wearing, Wayne Psotkin and Big Dennis all enjoyed their time dancing with the bosomy naked PE teacher.
I didn’t blame Mrs. B-Stead for staying at the closest shower to the exit, while I was at one of the two furthest showers. Our PE teacher was the first person out of the shower, but I noticed she kept a line of sight from the changing area, while Shannon Pike, Ellie McIlharty and Chrissy Harris worked diligently with wash-clothes to rid my body of my sweat and the dried globs of cum around my groin. It took all three of these girls a good five minutes of soaping my body to be satisfied that I was truly clean.
I laughingly told them, “If you keep on scrubbing there, my crotch will soon look like Tempe’s clean shaven pussy.”
“Wa-we’re sorry if we’ve rubbed you too hard, Mike,” Shannon replied as she pulled her wash-rag from my scrotum like it was on fire.
Shannon Pike was one of those future Playboy model-like girls I mentioned earlier. Unlike Heidi, with her shaved pussy, Shannon was definitely a true honey blonde beauty as her carpet perfectly matched her drapes. Shannon was probably the best ever cheerleader at Medway and went onto earn a cheerleading scholarship from the University of Alabama after she attended a UCA (Universal Cheerleading Academy) event in Huntsville, AL. She also cheered for three years with the NFL’s Atlanta Falcons before she took a full-time PE teaching/coaching position at a high school in Huntsville, AL.
“We were just trying to get that globbed up cum from your pubes,” Chrissy added with a smile.
“You ladies did a great job. I was just messin’ with you,” I softly said and then reached out to lightly touch one of each girls’ super slick, hard nipples with my index fingers.
I quickly realized something was up when all the girls but the three who were washing me left the shower. Ellie, Chrissy and Shannon quickly moved to another shower head to rinse the soap from their bodies, and then scurried out of the shower. Just as Ellie walked out, she said, “I know you’ve both wanted this for a long time. Have a good time with Lizzie, Mike.”

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