JudgementsChapter 47 free porn video

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Elspeth and Brianna traipsed slowly down the stairs, heads close together and speaking quietly, sombrely to each other as Hope eased the door closed behind them.

"I'd feel better if they'd accept a lift," Mr Nakata muttered, quietly.

Hope turned to him with a tired smile. "I think they just want the fresh air." She shrugged, leaning back against the door.

"I get like that, sometimes. I just want to be outside, away from all the walls and doors and people pressing in on you."

"Marcus, too." Shawna said, from the couch. "Me, I prefer curling up with a blanket and a bottle of wine in an armchair, pulling the covers over my head, and just wrapping myself up."

"I suppose we all have places to go, sometimes." Mr Nakata said. "I... well..."

"You're allowed to admit you go visit Mum, Dad," Faith whispered, peering into the carry-cot as the baby gurgled.

"I... I could use a walk myself," Hope decided.

"Would you like some company?" her father asked, and she smiled and nodded as Faith looked a little awkward.

"I'll... I'll stay here, Emily's just dropped off."

"I can watch her," Shawna offered, then blushed slightly. "I mean... you know... if you want."

"I didn't think you liked babies?" Hope asked, slipping a jacket on.

"I don't want babies — yet. I don't mind borrowing someone else's for a while."

"Well, you shouldn't get any trouble from her," Faith assured her, "She's fed and changed. She'll probably sleep for an hour or so at least."

"I've got my phone if anything happens." Hope assured her, and the trio walked out, leaving Shawna to curl up on the sofa with a book. When Marcus emerged from their room a half-hour later she'd not finished the page.

"Hey, sweetheart." she greeted him, closing the book, gently.

"Did everything get sorted?" he asked, looking around for signs of people.

"Sorted? Not... In a way. Brianna found another lump, or, rather, Elspeth did."

Marcus paused for a moment, in the middle of the room, pondering the significance for a moment.

"How is she?" he finally asked.

"Resigned, I think, is probably the best description. She was saying all the right things, about how it could still be anything, and there are treatments and whatever, but... I think she's expecting bad news."

"It saves you from being disappointed." Marcus reminded her. "How did Tony take the news?"

"Oh shit!" She jumped up from the seat and headed for the phone, jostling the carry-cot as she went. Flustered and startled, she turned back and snatched the blanket off the baby in panic, waking her.

"Go phone." Marcus nudged her, and reached in just as Emily started to cry. Picking her up, he laid her gently across his arms, and whispered quietly to her for a moment to calm her down, as Shawna began scrolling through the names on her phone. Marcus was just taking his seat when the door opened, and Faith nudged past Hope into the hallway.

"We heard her start crying." Faith pointed out, holding her coat closed around herself and giving Marcus a strange look.

"I'm sorry... she was crying... I just... I didn't do anything."

"We know." Hope assured him with a smile. "It's not like that, Marcus. It's just an instinct thing. She seems to be settling down well enough."

"She does," Faith admitted, blushing a little. "Sorry..."

"It's OK. Did you want her?" he asked, but Faith waved him back into the seat as Mr Nakata closed the door gently.

"No, no it's alright. You seem to be doing fine."

"You seem to be quite comfortable there, young man," Mr Nakata offered as he took a seat opposite Marcus, who just shrugged.

"Do you want some of your own, some day?"

"I..." Marcus stared down at the tiny form in his arms with a resigned sigh, and then held her gently out to her mother. "I can't."

"Oh... I'm sorry to..." Mr Nakata began, obviously embarrassed, but Hope cut him off.

"Nothing stopping you, Marcus."

"It'd be pretty irresponsible, knowing what I'm passing on," he pointed out. "No offence, Mr Nakata, I'm sure you didn't know, at the time."

"True," he observed, as Marcus got to his feet.

"You don't know that you'll pass it on, Marcus," Hope pointed out. "And even if you do, it doesn't mean the end of everything. You do fine with it. Others do, too."

"I wouldn't wish my childhood on anyone." Marcus pointed out.

"I wouldn't wish it on anyone, either," she agreed, "but that had more to do with your parents problems than with yours, and with no-one around you really knowing what they were dealing with. Your kids wouldn't have that problem."

"Easy to say, Hope." He said, heading quietly for the kitchen. "It's not easy for me to bond with people, though — imagine what sort of relationship you'd get between a parent and child who both struggled to read each other like that?"

"I can't believe we forgot about him." Shawna shook her head, gently, sitting back into place on the sofas. "Where's Marcus?"

"Forgot who?" Faith asked, as Hope nodded towards the kitchen.

"Tony, Brianna's brother," Shawna explained, raising a curious eyebrow towards Hope.

"Daddy asked him about having children — he seemed really comfortable with Emily."

"He loves kids," Shawna said with a sympathetic smile. "And he seems intent on not having any."

"Doesn't that..." Mr Nakata began.

"Don't, Daddy," Hope interrupted.

He started to reply, but she raised a finger to cut him off again. "Not everyone looks at it like that."

"I do," He pointed out, and she nodded. "But not everyone else does. Fair enough. I'll go talk to the young man anyway, if that's alright?"

"Alright." She waved, dismissively, a gentle smile creasing the corner of her mouth while Shawna watched the byplay with a confused frown. Mr Nakata crossed to the kitchen as the kettle began to heat noisily.

"What was that all about?" she asked, and the two sisters shared a look and a shrug.

"As far as Daddy's concerned," Hope explained, "the major purpose of getting married is to have children."

"Go forth, increase and multiply," Faith quoted, with a distracted shrug, staring down at Emily as she clutched at a finger.

"Wow... he must object to Marcus and I on so many levels right now," Shawna said.

Hope just chuckled. "What did Tony say?"

"I couldn't get through to him. I left a message for him to call us."

"What are you going to tell him?"

"I've no idea. I figured I'd probably just tell him Brianna would appreciate a visit."

"That's a fair idea," Hope agreed. "Did you try Lorraine's number?"

"Damn, no." Shawna turned on the couch, grabbing the phone from behind her on the small table, and turning back as she searched the address book again. "My brain's been like mush all bloody day today."

Marcus froze for a moment as Mr Nakata appeared in the doorway.

"Would you like a cup of tea?" Marcus finally asked, which drew a light chuckle as Mr Nakata slipped into one of the seats.

"I don't know that I've ever met a group that drinks as much tea as you and your friends," Mr. Nakata said. Marcus paused for a moment, and he continued. "No, thank you, Marcus. I'm fine."


"Would you sit for a moment?" Mr Nakata gestured across the table and Marcus hesitantly joined him at the table.

"What... I'm sorry about Emily, sir. I really didn't mean to wake her."

"As I understand it, Marcus, you didn't," he acknowledged. "That's not why I came in here, though."


"Hope's told you about Tommy, I know."

Marcus nodded, unsure of what to say.

"He's... By many definitions he's a burden more than a son, a chore more than a reward. People who don't live with us, who don't know him like we do, look at him and see a trapped, haunted soul out of touch with his body and his world. You probably appreciate that in a different way to me, but you know what I mean."

"I... it's not..." Marcus started to talk, but Mr Nakata raised a hand, waiting for him to stop.

"You don't see it like that, I know. I don't see it like that, either. I've had three children, Marcus, and each of them is different. Each of them is unique. Faith was a challenge from the moment she was born. She's always been headstrong and forthright. Hope's... meek isn't the right word, but she's always needed to be coaxed out of her shell, urged to show the world what a wonder she is.

"They're both beautiful young women in every sense, and I'm proud of them for so many different things. Faith has a beautiful child of her own — my first grandchild — and a husband, and is following her dream of running a business from home. Hope is flowering here in a way I couldn't have dreamed of even a year ago...

"Tommy learnt to tie his own shoes this year. He's been out of nappies for sixteen months now, and he can speak nearly two-hundred words, and I'm as proud of him as I am of them. Yes, he's hard work, in his way, but trekking a few hundred miles today to see Hope wasn't easy."

They fell silent for a moment, waiting.

"I'm sorry, Mr Nakata, I get the impression that you wanted to convey a point, but I have no idea what it was." He flushed, slightly, embarrassed, but Mr Nakata just shook his head with a smile.

"What I'm saying, Marcus, is that when you have children, it doesn't matter how they come out, you love them and cherish them and nurture them regardless. Tommy has problems, but he knows without a doubt that he's loved unconditionally. I don't know any of the details, but I get the feeling that wasn't the case with you... You don't have to be that sort of parent, and people with autistic children don't have to be those sorts either."

"How do you know what Tommy feels?" Marcus asked, looking up. "I mean... he may be quieter and more comfortable at home, but that could just be the familiarity of regular surroundings."

"There's an element of that," Mr Nakata admitted, "but... you can see it in his eyes sometimes. It's not as frequent as with Faith or Hope, not as obvious, but it's there. It's rarer, but so much more precious for all that. All I'm saying, Marcus, is don't presume that having a disabled child means you've failed or done something wrong. The Lord has a purpose in all things." He smiled and stood, pushing his chair back under the table. "It may be that the Lord sends you a child like you so that you can do a better job than was done with you."

He was out of the room by the time Marcus looked up and muttered his reply to himself.

"Then what did I do wrong to get put where I was put?"

"What did she have to say?" Lorraine asked, climbing into the passenger seat of the van as daintily as she could, smiling at the slight incongruity of the long, formal dress and the battered Toyota flatbed.

"That Brianna could use a visit." Tony flipped the phone closed with a confused expression and climbed in beside her. "What the hell's that supposed to mean?"

"Maybe she's..." Lorraine trailed off, in thought. "Alright, I have no idea at all. Bri' seems pretty independent, I can't imagine what she'd want... Tony?"

Tony's whole demeanour shifted as she spoke, a weight seeming to settle on his shoulders.

"Damn," He whispered, and jammed the key at the ignition, needing a second attempt to get it in.

"Tony, what is it?" Lorraine leant forward a little to look at him, putting a hand over his as he tried to put the truck into gear.

"You're right, Bri's pretty strong-minded, she doesn't need much support... usually."


"She got pretty down during her treatment — losing her hair and the chemo and all that."

"You think it's come back?"

"I... it's probably an over-reaction." The gears ground a little as he forced them into place. Then he took a long breath and settled himself before pulling away. Neither of them spoke before they reached the halls of residence. They found the girls' room empty.

"She might just be ignoring us?" Lorraine offered.

"No, she'd let me in," he shrugged. "Maybe they're at Shawna and Marcus' place."

"Then why wouldn't Shawna have said?"

"Because they left, then came back. That message was a while ago." He started to move off, but Lorraine caught his arm and dragged him to a halt.

"Are you alright, really?"

"I'll be fine." He forced a tight smile. "I just want to know what's going on."

"You already know what's going on," she told him, grabbing his other arm and turning him to face her. "Or at least you suspect it... Just don't forget that I'm here for you."

"I know, Lo-Lo." The smile this time was genuine, if a little weak, and he gently kissed her knuckles as he raised her hands to his lips. "Thank you. Let's go see if we can prove my worst fears are unfounded first, shall we?"

"They've not come back here," Hope confirmed, looking gravely at Marcus and Shawna as she carried on her half of the conversation. "They didn't say, they just walked out. You might want to try some travel agencies... They were talking about going to Egypt... Really?... Well, we'll let her know you're looking for her if we see her... Yeah, see you later."

"Has he twigged, do you think?" Shawna asked.

"Twigged?" Mr Nakata looked up, with a faint smile. "I don't think I've heard that phrase for years."

Hope smiled at him as she passed and settled onto the sofa.

"I think so," She said, sadly. "He seemed pretty intense."

"That's not really Tony," Shawna pointed out, needlessly, and they lapsed into silence for a few minutes.

"Well, Hope, I'm afraid we're going to have to head off if we're going to get to your Aunt's before bed-time." Mr Nakata broke the contemplative quiet after a while, and Hope sighed, turning towards the clock.

"I'm sorry. It hasn't really been the visit I'd hoped it'd be," she said, standing and moving to help Faith start packing the bags.

"Well, some things were beyond your control. No-one can help when they get ill — and some things came out that might otherwise have been kept secret." He pointedly looked at Marcus — who froze, uncertain of how to react — and Shawna, who raised an eyebrow at the implicit criticism. "You're happy, though, and you have good friends around you, so I've got all the reassurances I came here for." The rest of the packing and the goodbyes took another half-hour, and by the time they were loading up the car Elspeth and Brianna had returned to lend a hand.

"Well, it was nice to meet you all," Mr Nakata finally declared, Emily safely ensconced in the car as he and his eldest daughter bade their final farewells.

"It was nice to meet you, too, Nakata-san, Nakata-sama," Elspeth replied, with a slight forced chirpiness.

"Nakata-sama?" Mr Nakata peered at her with a questioning glance.

"San for men, sama... for... wom..." she began to explain, and trailed off with a slightly cleared throat. "That's not right, is it?"

"Typically, the —san suffix is polite if familiar, and the —sama one is more... formal, but to a superior. Someone you work for, perhaps, or maybe a teacher," He explained, trying not to lecture.

"Thanks, Bri." Elspeth turned her embarrassment round. "I thought you knew languages?"

"Romance languages, El," she pointed out. "Latin, French, Italian..."

"You didn't correct me, either," Elspeth said, rounding on Hope who was trying not to laugh.

"Me? Why would I know."

"You're... well, not Japanese, but... of Japanese extraction."

"The nearest I've gotten to speaking Japanese was a couple of Judo lessons and watching the Kill Bill scene in the Blue Leaf house or whatever the place was called," Hope pointed out. "Born and bred in Scotland, that's me."

Crossing her arms in a mock pout, Elspeth snorted loudly, then started giggling herself as Mr Nakata drew Hope aside and hugged her gently before getting into the car. Faith was more demonstrative, pulling her sister in tight and whispering a few words in her ear which got a laugh before she too slipped into her seat.

"What did she say?" Shawna asked, as they waved the car away.

"That Daddy completely forgot to ask about my boyfriend."

"You've got a boyfriend?" Brianna queried, leaning forward. "You didn't say anything."

"We, uh..." Hope looked at Shawna, and the pair started giggling. "We broke up."

Marcus retreated to the kitchen to make tea and coffee as Shawna and the others settled into the seats in the living area.

"Are you guys OK?" she asked as Elspeth and Brianna nestled in together on a single cushion of the sofa.

"What can you do?" Brianna shrugged, after they shared a look. "We took a walk, had a talk... nothing's settled, nothing's certain. We don't know for sure that I've got anything, yet, so..."

"You're taking it well," Shawna observed.

"Me? I've been through it before." Brianna turned and pulled Elspeth even closer, nestling in against her neck. "She's been incredible. She's still a cancer-virgin."

As well as she might be taking it, none of them could fail to notice Elspeth's flinch when Brianna said the word, and they silently agreed not to say it again. Hope rose quietly, snatching her phone from the table, and disappeared into the kitchen.

"Something wrong?" Marcus asked, turning as she walked in.

"No." She held the phone against her ear as it started to ring. "I just didn't want Bri to hear me telling Ton... hang on. Tony... Yeah, it's Hope. Listen, Brianna's come back here... Just a minute ago, she's going to be a while... No, he's not even finished boiling the kettle yet... I'll get him to put on extra... Is Lorraine coming? Right... See you in a minute."

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Last night's activities left me wanting more, needless to say getting myself using my favorite toys did not do the intended job. I craved the real thing. I desired ten inches of thick white cock."You're staring," Jacob said as he brought me back to my sad reality."I can't help it," I said, trying to keep my eyes from Kyle's crotch.I was beginning to think that last night was a mistake on my part, who cares that his girlfriend and soon to be wife was in love with him. I wanted what she...

4 years ago
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Love Spell

This is a story for the Valentine’s Day contest. I would really appreciate if you would vote at the end of the story. Thank you and enjoy! ————————————————- ‘I am not going to do that!’ Jenny Marshall declared, drawing a number of curious stares from people sitting at nearby tables. ‘Well you said you were desperate,’ her friend Hannah Randall said from across the table. ‘Besides it worked for me.’ ‘I am not going to your herbalist to ask for a love potion,’ Jenny said in a lowered voice....

2 years ago
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With Help from Michael OLeary Pt 07

Chapter 31 Michael the Millionaire Michael lived a simple life, but winning that much money would make anyone want to go shopping and buy things that he did not need and could do without and he was no different. Now, that he learned how much the jackpot amount that he had won and, now, that he decided to keep the lottery ticket and cash it in, he, suddenly, felt like a lottery winner before he even received the check from the lottery. He bought himself a navy blue, cardigan sweater with a...

3 years ago
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Mere Friend Ne Mujhe Randi Banaya Part 2

Hello dosto kaise ho? Aapke feedbacks padh k bada acha lagta hai, motivation bani rahti hai stories likhne ki. Meri id hai , baat karne k liye ya feedback k liye mujhe contact kare. Maine apni last story mein apne ek reader ki kahani sunayi thi. Ab uske aage ka kissa batata hu . To apni last story continue karta hu ab bina aap logo ka zyada time waste kiye. Us din k incident k baad sab normal ho gaya tha meri college life mein. Normal college mein classes aur masti hoti thi lekin ab bas ek baat...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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The Second Sweetest Gift

“Terry, what is love?”I grinned at her, “What we have. That’s love.” I was sitting on the side of her bed, holding her hand, rubbing my thumb up and down along it’s side. I felt the dry, almost waxy skin through which her bones just about showed, and tried to ignore that IV line dripping into the back of her hand.She smiled, “Yes, it is. But what is the definition of love?”I frowned. She was getting serious, and I didn’t want that.“Well, as you know, I always thought Robert Heinlein had it...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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An Unsinkable LoveChapter 10

Danny: Danny moaned as Lizzie caressed his face. He wanted so much to take her then and there, but they needed to get away. Danny watched the storm from inside the cave. It was definitely winding down. Soon, he would see if their escape was unnoticed. Danny watched as the eye of the typhoon moved over the local area. There was no sign of the guards at all! Danny quickly roused Lizzie. "Princess, lets go. It's time to move on. We need to find a cave further away." Danny led Lizzie out of...

4 years ago
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Best Friends 19yr old Girlfriend

I knocked on the door and my best friend opened it "Hiya Dave " I said . We went into the kitchen where Tammy was getting ready . Dave had invited me to go out with them to our favourite nightclub a few days before . Tammy said "Hi Jeff" and offered me a drink , she had already opened a bottle of strong liqour and asked if I wanted to share it with her . I poured one out whilst watching her put on her makeup . I had always fancied her and I always felt abit hard when I saw her but I never...

3 years ago
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Jake and me

Part one How we met. I am your average guy, I love to play video games, i like to play sports, watch movies, and Tv and even read a good sci fi book every now and then. in many ways i am like two polar opposites in one body, i love doing nerdy things like playing D&D with friends play MTG card game, and i love sci fi movies, games and books. on the other hand i love to work out, and i love playing sports and being outdoors. so yeah, im a relatively normal guy who goes to the...

4 years ago
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One Day With My Girlfriend

Hi, guys, I’m new here and don’t have any experience before. If there is any problem in my sex story, I apologize. One fine day, my parents went to my hometown due to a marriage function. So I called my girlfriend home. She too was waiting for this situation. We both are so much excited. And in the morning I bought some jasmine flowers (south Indian girls love flowers). She called me and asked me to pick her up near her home. Then I went and picked her and came home. As soon as we reached home...

4 years ago
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Skylar at the Beach

When I happened to go over to the beach, I decided to take my yellow lab with me, and was I ever glad I did. Any way, as I walked through the dune access, there happened to a family set up just off the beach entrance, and as I walked past the family, an older lady stepped out of the “Easy up” sun shade and remarked, “She looks like a good dog.” I simply acknowledged her by smiling and saying thanks as I moved down past where they were to set up. After quickly setting up my umbrella, a beach...

4 years ago
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David and Kayla

She got out of bed and went over to his, gently pulling his sheet down so she could see it. She heard him mumble in his sleep and was afraid she had woken him up, but a quick glance at his face showed her he was still asleep. “Mandy, I love you.” he mumbled, and she grinned to herself. Mandy was their next door neighbor and friends with them both. He was dreaming about a different girl? Kayla thought she could use this to her own advantage. She reached over and lay her hand on his lower...

3 years ago
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Ambush at the CampChapter 4

I opened the chests and found an impressive amount of gold. Some of it was in bars and some of it was in coins. I gave each of the women 10 golden Krugerrands. I was not sure of the current value, but I was sure that each one was worth on the order of $1,500 each, at least. That was a drop in the bucket for how much gold was in the two chests. Now my problem was how to deal with that much gold. There was at least 200 pounds of gold, plus the weight of the chests, so I literally had an...

1 year ago
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BFFs Sierra Nicole Nicolette Love Eve Ellewood Volleyballin

Sierra Nicole, Nicolette Love, and Eve Ellewood are three best friends in town for a regional volleyball tournament. They have never been to this city, so luckily the league provided them with a liaison to act as their ball boy and escort around town. They wanted to stop by the beach for a makeshift practice and blow off some steam. The ball boy took them and watched as these girls barely practiced, and just engaged in silly shenanigans. It was time to get them back home. Once there, the girls...

3 years ago
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Latina Maid with Benefits

I am a 52-year-old single man with a very active sex drive. I usually hook up with women on dating websites. There are lots of desperate women but sex with middle-aged women was less than satisfying. I was married for a couple of years about 20 years ago, but I have been single for most of my life with no children (although there have been some close calls). I have been prudently saving for my retirement but my fortunes changed when one of my uncles passed away recently. He left me one of his...

3 years ago
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The Hotel

Dan was upset because his wife had been denying him sex for over a month. He was horny and needed to fuck some one bad. He decided to drive down to 4th Ave and pick up a whore standing there. As he drove he didn't see one he wanted till a young girl with huge tits was walking down the street. She also had the ass you just want to sink your cock in. He pulled up beside her and she came to the car as he rolled down the window. She looked at him and said "Want to have some fun with me?" He...

2 years ago
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The Rise and Fall of Marcy DentonChapter 19

Marcy's next film about castaways on a tropical island garnered her a great deal of attention as her beautifully tanned body was almost constantly undressed and she made love with abandon to the men and women on the island, eventually being crowned queen. It was within a few days of the time the film was released that Marcy got a call from Sean Davies. Marcy had been learning not only her craft, but her profession as well. She knew Davies as one of the most influential and successful adult...

3 years ago
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Dark Rapture I Innocence

Chapter 1 We entered the new house, and there was a chill in the air. My parents had just bought the house. They said they got a great deal on it because no one wanted it. No one wanted it because everyone said it was haunted. But "We don't believe in ghosts," my dad said during the whole process of buying the house. The house itself was huge, and everything in it was old. All the old furniture was still there, as if the former occupants had just run off, not caring about what they left...

2 years ago
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Tied Up

My name is Doug and I'm 26 years old. I've been married to Jan for 3 years now. Jan is every thing a guy could ask for. She is 23 years old, 5 foot 2 inches tall and weighs 104 pounds. I call her my little pixy because of her cute face and tiny upturned nose. Although she is small and cute, she is still all woman. Jan has long straight brown hair that hangs down almost to her waist. Her breast are a full 32C and are just as perky as her nose. When she puts on a sexy baby doll outfit or...

3 years ago
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Rose the Bunny

Rose the Bunny Rosey Red gave me this idea. Make of it what you will. His name wasn't Scrooge, but it might as well had been. His actual name was Richard Rose, and throughout the small town he lived in, there was no one richer, but no one less kind or less generous. And yet there was one person who wanted nothing more than to see his heart soften. Her name was Penny, and every night she prayed for him, saying, "Somebody must have hurt Mr. Rose, which is why he's so mean. So...

2 years ago
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ReconnectingChapter 6

Quite unexpectedly, a stirring in my own bed caught my attention, and without warning a warm, slender hand joined my own at the base of my cock. Erika was awake! How much had she heard?! My heart was pounding even harder than before, mostly due to shear embarrassment at being busted by my wife with my ear to the wall of my parents’ bedroom. My cock felt like it deflated immediately. But without a word, Emika’s hand moved upward and found my sensitive plum marinating in its own juices. She...

3 years ago
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Even Big Girls Need Love

Even Big Girls Need Love Hi, my name is Donna Wilkinson, I am 19 years old, I work in a pharmaceutical packing company, on the packing line. My boyfriend, David Johnson is 18 years old, has just started an apprenticeship as an electrician, we live together in a small flat in a place called Doncaster which is in South Yorkshire. I am a typical overweight teenage girl, 5' 8" tall and weigh 205lbs, my hair is shoulder length black, I have a pretty but chubby face, a small double chin...

4 years ago
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Dads Being ReplacedChapter 11

Lani woke up at her usual time but didn't feel like getting out of bed. She looked over at Patrick, still fast asleep, and felt a wave of disgust. The bastard was cheating on her again. Fine, let him cheat! She didn't care any more. Lani had done her best to have a good marriage but her husband wasn't satisfied. Well, this wasn't accomplishing anything thought Lani after about five minutes of fuming. She could stew all day and feel sorry for herself but she still had her obligations even...

3 years ago
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My Best Friends Dad

"Jesus Christ Tom, can you do nothing right? I am sick and tired of you doing everything half-assed." Dad wasn't home for five minutes and he was already screaming. "Do you have any reason why I asked you to clean the dishes this morning and there are more than there were this morning?! One thing! I ask you one motherfucking thing and you slap me in the face with this shit." "Dad, chill. I lost track of time, I'll do it rig-" "NO!" he screamed. GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE. I'M...

2 years ago
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The Slave and the Sissy Part Seven

Honey was viewed like a new toy by her new master’s people as she was led whimpering to the ominous looking padded pole, the males jostled to fondle her soft white bottom and rubbed their erect cocks against her sweet little body at every opportunity; the womenfolk smiled with eager anticipation at the prospect of seeing a whipping; the sissies looked on with blank faces, having tasted the whip before. The males at the front howled with wicked derisory laughter as they viewed Honey’s little...

1 year ago
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Marriage Is a ContractChapter 2

I was more than ready to drop a couple of times during the action, but I persevered, and boy was I glad that I did! I could feel the sweat pouring down my face, as I burned off so many of the calories from my late lunch (or was that early dinner) inside Deanna’s sweet slit. I had already fucked her wonderful pussy twice that afternoon, but now she was going for a third and she seemed bound and determined to wear me out. This time, we went doggy-style, whereas before we did the missionary and...

4 years ago
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An Opportunistic Sexual Encounter

Setting the stage: Two summers ago, I worked for a company that occupied multiple floors of an office building. Having worked there already for a few summers, I was allowed a great deal of freedom and access to every floor they owned. The story: One day, my wonderful girlfriend (at the time) decided to surprise me at work with lunch. Upon her arrival, I noticed she looked particularly hot. At 5’8”, her tan athletic body looked fantastic in the outfit she had picked for the day. Wearing fitted...

3 years ago
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The Best Sex Ever

How many times have we had sex now? Not more than half a dozen times in the last eight months. Blow jobs and hand jobs in the car don’t count. I am talking only about getting completely naked on a bed (or maybe the floor or on a sofa) and having real, good old fashioned sex. The first time was wild. I know you didn’t plan it. Sitting on your sofa, and I took my shirt off, and then my pants, lying there next to you in my briefs. It started out as a hand job, then it turned into a blow job and...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Von Grossendicken Manor chapter one

The lawyer had told Robert Dickens that although named a manor, the sitting ground of his european relatives was more akin to a castle. He certainly was of a mind to agree, as he ran the bell of the massive door. The taxi had left him with his luggage after a three hours ride in Germany's mountains, in a secluded valley only accessible from three way point, that the driver had called The Pussy, The Mouth, and The Asshole.The door finally opened to show an old portly man, in a classic black...

4 years ago
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Infinity Chapter 3

“That’s 3 for 3, you’re a natural!” Matt said proudly. “I have a good teacher… I was wondering, do you think you could put a good word in with the boss, I’m looking for a job and you know how much I like this place” “I can ask for you… No guarantees though” Matt answered as he patted me on the back before going to check on the others training. Working out on the weights, my body was already starting to adapt. In the past it was only once Infinity had launched its second update, altering...

1 year ago
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A old evil awakens part 10

When they where at the museum James always followed at the back of the group a little on his own he liked it that way it was nice and silent he liked that . Meanwhile the class had arrived at a vase that was found in the jungles of Brazil in a old Aztec temple the teacher a well good looking lady at the age of 50 was explaining that there rests a curse on the vase everybody who says the words written on the vase will get cursed by the gods . James didn't believe in those fairytales so he...

1 year ago
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Family Changes Part 5

Family Changes part 5 Danny enter onto the school grounds, he looked around he saw his friends in the group of male cheerleaders, they were all together either sat on or embraced with their football player boyfriend, chatting happly. Elsewhere he could see his sister and her friends of the former chessclub player, they no longer played chess, prefering rather to spend their time chasing after the boys. Danny went to join his friends and begain chatting to them as he sat on his...

2 years ago
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Generous OffersChapter 5 DAY FOUR Advice

“Between your computer classes, you two will have to do a few things. Learn to drive, buy a car and sign up for classes at a community college. Take one class like biology or philosophy for non-majors and some fun class like cooking or interior design. I can help you with math. It never hurts to understand algebra. Your classes will keep you from being bored. “As twins, you should be able to share a car. PLEASE resist the temptation to show how rich you will be in less than two years. Get a...

1 year ago
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Rising to the Occasion

“Well, there’s nothing physically wrong with you, at least.” The Consultant Urologist had the biggest and bushiest eyebrows that Ben Farmer had ever seen. “I would say, at your age, the problem is most likely psychological.” Ben nodded. He’d thought that was the case but better to be safe then sorry. “I am reluctant to prescribe any medication. The risks of side effects are always there and medication treats physical shortcomings, er, if you understand my meaning?” Again Ben nodded. It was...

1 year ago
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My Brother part three

Later that evening, the same day my brother got home from his training for the Army, we were having dinner. My mom had made lasagna just like my brother had asked her to. We sat and… Later that evening, the same day my brother got home from his training for the Army, we were having dinner. My mom had made lasagna just like my brother had asked her to. We sat and ate like we had before he had left. Everything seamed so normal. That fact that him and I had been alone in my room earlier and...


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