A Mercenary's TaleChapter 9 free porn video

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It was just as they were finishing breakfast, that there was a loud banging on the door. There before them stood an angry, richly dressed man. He had four guards with him.

“Can I help you?” the priest asked

“Yes. I want to speak to the bastard that attacked the captain of my guards yesterday. I was told he was staying here.”

“Ah, that’ll be Sir Donald. Just wait a moment I’ll see if he is free.”

“I’ll come and see him, myself!” the man said as he pushed passed the priest and entered the house.

“Sir, please, there are ladies present. Please, come into the study. I’ll just fetch him for you.”

Donald, hearing the commotion, came to see what the problem was.

“What’s the problem, here?”

“I’ve come to see the man who nearly killed the captain of my caravan guard yesterday!” the man stormed

“And you are?” asked Donald, dangerously.

The man looked properly for the first time at who he was talking to. He quailed slightly when he saw the size of Donald.

“I am Nathaniel, Trader. Was it you who attacked and nearly killed the captain of my guard, yesterday?”

“Sir. I do not like you or your manner. Either you behave respectfully in this house, or I shall be forced to remove you. I am Sir Donald, formally of Gilbert’s Honourable Mercenary Company. I recall having to defend myself, my wife and our friends against an oaf who wished to rape them. If this is the same man as you are talking about, then all I can say is you have a poor choice in captains.”

“What are you talking about? Rape? Who said anything about rape?”

“Your man ... I didn’t catch his name ... attempted to attack and rape my wife, the Lady Isabella Blackmore. I did what any husband would do. I stopped him. I am surprised he has lasted this long. Did the surgeons say what his chances were?”

The man’s face dropped. He went ashen. That fool tried to rape a Lady. Not a tavern wench, not a storekeepers daughter, although that would have been bad enough, no, that idiot tried to rape a Lady. Not only that but with her husband present! Just then a woman stormed in. A very angry woman.

“Are you the man responsible for that oaf that attacked us yesterday? Have you come here to apologise? To think that such a man as that would dare to attempt to lay his filthy hands upon my person. I hope you will have him whipped!”she stormed, not giving the man chance to speak.

“Milady, I’m sure he didn’t know who you were. I’m certain if he knew you were a lady then he would never have troubled you in that way.”

“Troubled me? Troubled me? Do you know what he said? He said he wanted to rape me! Both me and my companions! If not for my husband here then I shudder to think what the outcome would be. Can you imagine my fathers reaction if that brute had defiled me? He would have hunted you down like dogs and killed every last one of you! Another thing. What if I had been a simple serving girl? Would that have made it alright? My husband is Sir Donald of Homedale. He is lately of Gilbert’s Honourable Mercenary Company. They do not rob. They do not rape, and they do not pillage. If these honourable men can wage war and still keep their decency, then why can’t a few caravan guards go for a drink without the need to molest and rape women?”

“I am truly sorry that he troubled you so. He is not expected to live. They give him a day or so at most. It seems despite their best efforts infection has set in. He already runs a high fever, as I say, he is not expected to survive. Unfortunately this is the way of things. Men will be men.”

“Things would not be this way if my husband were in charge. Oh, no! Certainly not! He would maintain discipline. He would not allow any woman to be molested, interfered with or ‘troubled’ as you put it. If he were in charge he would show you how to run a proper company!”

“Well, this unfortunate incident has left me without a guard’s captain. Would your husband consider the position?”

Donald looked at Isabella. What was she doing? These were the same self men who tried to rape her yesterday! What was going on?

“First tell me your destination.”

“We are bound for the port of Bridgeport”

“If we are to enter negotiations then at least let us be a little more comfortable.”

She looked over towards the priest who was standing there open mouthed. This was not the Isabella he’d come to know! Oh, no! This was The Lady Blackmore, aristocrat. She was dealing with her minions.

“Be so kind as to ask my maid to bring some watered wine and a few biscuits, would you, Father Patrick? Please, Nathaniel, sit.”

This was not a request, this was a command. Nathaniel sat. Wine and biscuits were soon brought.

“We ourselves are putting together a caravan, we intend to leave in three weeks. After witnessing what happened yesterday I would estimate that it would take my husband that long to bring those men of yours up to standard. You do realise that many will leave as they will not be able to make the grade. We may have to find more men. For our services we will do you the kindness of only charging you a hundred crowns. We will incorporate our animals in with yours. My husband will be in charge of the guards, but I will be in charge overall. I will of course consider any recommendations you may have, but my decision will be final. Is that understood?”

The man’s eyes widened. This was outrageous! This woman, a woman mind you, was going to take over his caravan! Never! He allowed his outrage to settle. He had been in this game a long time, he was anything but stupid. He looked again at this woman with new eyes. She was good, very good. Now, what was she after? She had her own caravan did she? She had no guards. She needed his guards while he needed her husband. A hundred crowns indeed. He’d offer her ten. She needed to acquire her animals, her goods and recruit her guards. That is why she needed those three weeks. He had the animals, he had the guards.

“I intend to leave at the beginning of next week. I will offer you ten crowns. You say you have your own caravan, have you found your animals yet? Have you assembled all of your goods yet? I do not think so. This is why you need the time. If necessary I will delay one more week. One more thing. I retain control of my caravan. It’s my caravan. You will do as I say.”

“We require fifty crowns. We will also require some animals.”

“Twenty, find your own beasts.”

“Thirty, and thirty horses.”

“Twenty, and twenty horses.”

“Done. I am Lady Isabella Blackmore. I make this deal.”

“I am Nathaniel, Trader. I make this deal.”

“I am Sir Donald of Holmvale. I make this deal.”

It was settled. They were going to Bridgeport. Now all they had to do was to find some goods.

Nathaniel looked at them and asked, “Do you know how a caravan works?”

Donald and Isabella looked at each other.

“Well, we assumed that you would have several merchants along, who you charged a fee to escort them to their destination.”

“For the most part you are right. Some are made up like this, others are wholly owned by the caravan master. He is the merchant and everything is his. Most are a mixture. I have several wagons of my own goods as well merchants who I am escorting and protecting. Some merchants have their own guards. They will only protect their master’s goods. I do not have any of those in my caravan. All the guards, no matter who they work for, protect all of the caravan. If they are not agreeable to this then they can find another caravan. It makes for too many difficulties, otherwise.”

“This I can understand. You only want one commander, and all the men working together.”

“That’s about the size of it.”

They saw Nathaniel out, telling him that they would be along in a couple of hours. They then went to talk to the others.

“Lady Isabella has signed me up as a caravan captain with the same caravan guards that we had trouble with, yesterday. I was wondering if any of you wished to sign up as well?”

Simon immediately stepped forward and said, “Where you go, I go.”

“My duty is to the Lady Isabella. Where she goes, we follow,” Alan stated. David and Henry nodded

“My place is at her Ladyship’s side,” Bishop Rathbone declared.

Paul looked over towards Miriam and said, “We wanted to go south, anyway. Why not earn some money on the way?”

“Go on. I know you wish to continue this adventure. I had better come along to keep an eye on you. I can sign on as a cook, I suppose.”

They looked over towards Michael and Brianna.

“Of course we’re going. I’m still your maid aren’t I?”

“Of course you are. You can also help Miriam do the cooking.”

“I’m coming, too. Nothing will keep me from Brianna.”

“Very well, in that case, all the men come with me. If we are going to be guards then we’d better look the part. First let me have a look at your armour,” Donald told them.

He was appalled at the state of what he was shown. None of the men had so much as a coat of mail, they just had a padded jacket. They all trooped out to where the baggage was kept. He retrieved four coats of mail, a stout boiled leather jacket and two helmets. There were also two sets of leather greaves, reinforced with bone. He also collected his best armour.

“We need to make an impression when we arrive. I think this should do the trick.”

“These are magnificent! They must be worth a fortune!” exclaimed Alan.

“They are, so take good care of them. Keep them clean, and look after them. They are almost literally ‘worth their weight in gold.’”

Again they were astounded at the generosity of this man. He had just given them a fortune.

“Now then, let’s have a look at your weapons.”

He inspected their weapons. Alan’s sword was in reasonable condition, not the best, but serviceable.

Henry and David’s swords were, to put it bluntly, rubbish. He turned to his supplies, and brought out what he considered to be adequate swords. He carefully unwrapped them, and gave them to the two men. They were astounded. These were the better than the best swords in Lord Blackmore’s armoury! They had never dreamt of owning swords of such quality. Next Donald inspected their daggers. They were adequate. He did however show Alan his dagger.

“Look at the design of this dagger. Can you see these two tines along side the main blade? This is known as a ‘sword breaker.’ Look, take one of those old swords and swing at me.”

Alan did so, Donald trapped the blade in his dagger and twisted. The blade stuck fast.

“If I twist any harder I will snap the blade. I have a couple of these, once we start training I’ll teach you how to use them to disarm your opponent.”

He looked over at Paul and Michael.

“I will not give you swords, you cannot yet use them. Archers. You can both use a bow. Here, take these. They are pole-axes. See, they have a thick sharpened spike here, and on the other side a narrow axe blade. The spike is for going through armour, helmets and the like, the axe is for softer areas. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you are well trained in their use.”

To both boys he gave light bows and hunting arrows.

“If we are attacked, aim for the horses. If the horse goes down, the rider will follow. The ground will hit him harder than you could ever manage.”

They all laughed at this.

“Right then, let’s collect up the others, and see what we have let ourselves in for.”

They made an impressive sight as they made their way towards the caravans. They walked through the town, Donald at the front, looking magnificently imposing in his armour. Next to him was Lady Isabella, dressed scandalously in leather jacket and trousers carrying her bow. Next came the Bishop and Carlos. Behind them were Miriam and Brianna followed by Lieutenant Alan. Michael, Paul David and Henry were flanking them.

Nathaniel was talking to one of his guards when they arrived.

“Oh, shit! Who the fuck are these?” the man exclaimed as he saw the procession approach.

Nathaniel smiled. The woman really knew how to make an entrance.

“That is our new guard captain. I think there are going to be some changes around here, don’t you?”

“Changes? Most of the men are going to shit themselves. Where the fuck did you find them?”

“That’s Sir Donald of Holmvale. He’s the man that did for Eric, yesterday.”

“Eric fucked with that? What did he do? Try to fuck his woman?”

“Yes, that’s exactly what he did. His wife is the Lady Isabella Blackmore. That’s her next to him.”

“Who’s that with them?”

“Her personal guard and entourage I would imagine. I expect I’ll have to sign all them on, as well.”

“Well, I’ll tell you something. I wouldn’t want to mess with any of them. Shit they must be good. Look at their armour. It must be worth a fortune.”

“Indeed it must. There’s more going on here than meets the eye. Well, let’s go and meet our new captain, shall we?”

They went over to greet them.

“Welcome, Sir Donald, Lady Isabella. I see you have brought some companions with you.”

“Yes, we have. May I introduce Bishop Rathbone, his man-servant Carlos. Lieutenant Alan with my personal guard David and Henry. Brianna my ladies-maid and her husband Michael. Paul and his wife Miriam - my cook - with their son Peter; and last but not least, my husband’s squire, Simon.”

“I must say that’s quite an entourage. I take it you would like to view the guard.”

“Yes, and the animals. We must have an idea on what they are able to carry.”

“Tell me, if necessary would your guards be willing to protect the caravan?”

“That is something we could discuss. It would be to our mutual benefit, now, wouldn’t it?”

“Yes, yes it would,” he said, and turned to his companion. “William, assemble the men. It’s time for them to meet their new captain.”

The men were assembled. There were around fifty of them. Donald looked them over. He was not impressed. Many of them were hung-over, and some were still drunk from last night’s excesses. He walked up and down the line not speaking. Finally, he nodded and turned to face them.

“I am Sir Donald of Holmvale, formerly of Gilbert’s Honourable Mercenary Company. I have been a warrior for the last twenty years. I have probably forgotten more about fighting than most of you will ever know. I have been appointed your new Captain, after the last one had an accident with my blade. Yes, that’s right it was me who killed your last captain. Do you wish to know why? Well, I’m going to tell you why. He tried to rape my wife and her companions. This is my wife. The Lady Isabella Blackmore. If any man tries to harm or molest her, or any woman in our party ... that is, the entire caravan ... then I will personally geld him before I gut him. This is now Nathaniel’s Honourable Caravan Guard. We do not rape. We do not rob. We do not break our word! Now, if anyone is unhappy with this, see the paymaster, collect your pay and leave. As of now, the free ride is over. From this day forward, we will train. I will make you the best caravan guards in the entire kingdom, even if it kills you. We will train every day, starting at dawn. Kit and uniforms will be cleaned, and inspections will be done at lunch. We will continue to train until dusk. Those not passing inspection, will be very hungry and very unhappy. I will make sure of it. Do I make myself clear? Good! Carry on. Inspection in one hour.”

The men looked at the warrior standing in front of them. Several of the older, fatter ones moved over towards where the paymaster was sitting. They looked daggers at Donald. Their nice comfortable life was over. They decided to leave. The others made their way back to the barracks to clean and inspect their kit.

He turned to where the others were watching.

“That was quite a speech. I can see why some of the older ones are thinking of leaving. How many do expect to keep?”

“At best, half. I will not go too hard on them, at first, but they have been used to an easy life. The shock will get to them. Those that stay, however, will be the best guards you will ever see. I have given them an hour to prepare their kit for inspection. I don’t expect to be overly impressed. Now then, while they are doing that, why don’t we go and look at some horses?”

They made their way to where the horses were tethered on several long lines. There must have been over three hundred.

“Well, there’s the horses, go and choose your twenty,” Nathaniel told them.

Donald asked Michael and Isabella to assist him in choosing them.

“We need pack horses, what do you think of these?”

Michael looked up and down the line. He would stop by one and pull it out. He asked Donald to run with it. He then approached it and examined it’s legs and hooves. He then ran his hand over it’s back. If he was satisfied he would lead it to another area, hobble it and return for another one. He did this thirty times.

“We agreed to twenty horses, not thirty.”

“I haven’t made my final selection yet,” Michael told him.

Isabella watched, entranced, as he chose each horse. She thought she knew horses but she could see no difference between most of those he chose and those he discarded.

Michael walked down the line. He came up behind each one, then clapped loudly. If the horse jumped he rejected it. Finally, he had his twenty.

“Very good, young man, very good indeed. You know exactly what to look for in a pack horse. I think you probably have the best horses in the string. You must have been around horses a long time,” Nathaniel said to him.

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My dancing pt 3 Autumn pt 2

I put the word out that I was looking to host large group classes in town and one of my friends picked up on it. She got with some of her friends and eventually got a group of around 25 or so students that showed up on a regular basis. Teaching this class a couple times a week would be enough of a pay day to keep my finances in order and even have fun on the side. I was thrilled to say the least. The classes went pretty well. However, I was having problems getting to some of the more...

3 years ago
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A whole day for myself

“Wow” Laura thought by herself while was waving at the car “ a whole day for myself. That stupid teacher broke her leg and the fire alarm watered all the school. Lucky I found a lift by the Math teacher. She’s nice. I would so much all the teachers could be like her. Wondered if mom already back home” In her thoughts she turned the key in the door and came in the large living room… and her whole world, as she knew it, ceased to exist. Her best friend Lisa was at her four on the carpet.....

2 years ago
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The names James Hardon Part I

In case you are wondering, this is a James Bond gay spoof.Riding in a personal escort vehicle and in the back, I felt nice and cozy in my suit and white tie. I looked down as I sat in the large seat and could feel a nice poking in my black trousers. A nice tent rising up to meet me as I got comfy in my dress slacks. Damn it felt so good to be horny!The portable screen in front of me shut on and a white haired woman named B appeared. I almost closed my legs at the surprise. I was never used to...

1 year ago
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Kitty and Mr Connors

Part 1 The last year of school had been a drag for Kit, science in particular. Mr Mathers, a grumpy old coot with little patience and a quick temper had been making life hell for her. Most of her school life Kit had enjoyed science right up until she got Mr Mathers. Now she groaned in despair whenever she thought about attending that class. Sometimes she wished the old goat would just keel over, have a fit, fall down a flight of stairs and break a leg, anything really just so long as she didn’t...

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The Book Club

Saturday at noon, the book club was meeting at my home. Our husbands had left early this morning for a full day of fishing, followed I’m sure with an evening at our favorite strip club. I made an apple pie and rhubarb pie the night before. This morning I made chocolate fudge, butter pecan cookies and chocolate covered strawberries. There were four bottles of Dom Perignon along with four bottles of Joh. Jos. Prüm Riesling (white wine) in ice buckets.The table was set with my fine china and...

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Halloween party 2014

This year my wife was invited to a private Halloween party that one of her co-workers was throwing.The weekend after she was invited she and I went shopping for her costume.I had figured it was for both of us but I was wrong I later found out. I asked her about mine costume and what was I going as ? She said we have yours already and I know just what you'll be . The night of the party I was ordered to get ready first so she could take as long as needed. I was told to shower and shave everything...

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Neighbourly Lap Dance

I'm Grant and sexually I've led a sheltered life. I'm 44 yrs of age and until recently I had only fucked two women - and I had married both of them (and divorced one of them). My sexual liberation happened when I was sent to Adelaide to work. My wife stayed in Brisbane and I commuted to Adelaide on a fortnightly basis. I found a unit in the city fringe of Adelaide. It was in a block of 4 other units. I didn't see or hear much of my neighbours until one day I had a problem with my hot water...

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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 84

"Oh, Shit!" Jack said. "Did you call Silverwood?" We were on the way home from the grocery store. "Yeah, I talked to Claude. They all left early today. He said we didn't miss anything." "That's good. I'm sorry. I didn't even think about it till just now." "That's OK. They're my customer so it's my responsibility, not yours." We got home and Bozo must have smelled the chicken because he followed us into the kitchen, his nose in the air. He was quite disappointed when I...

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German Wellness Hotel

After a days hiking i came back to my hotel to shower and get ready for my evening meal. When walking to the dining room my back started to ache and during the evening it worsened. So no beer that night (well a little one) and early to bed. No hiking was planned for the following day so i had a lie in.Thing is - the lie in seemed to make it worse. The waiter saw me hobbling around at breakfast and asked if i was ok. So i told him the problem. He said 'we see this a lot. If you go for a sauna,...

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Hooking up with my Exs mom online

"$300 than you can fuck me, cum inside me, anything. We'll keep this as a secret and nobody has to know about it" Tempting.. From all the photo she had i can only imagine how great it'll be like. But i wasn't going to pay to get laid or if you think about that's basically prostitution. Still i played along and got her to send me a couple more photos of her along with 2 other videos. While watching one of the video right away i notice the room.. It looks exactly like one of my ex's mother's room...

1 year ago
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More Than Just A Game

Luke Bloodoff skated up the boards. Cradling the puck on his stick, he looked up. His girlfriend, Taylor Rogers, stood before him, skating backwards. He looked to his left and saw his teammate, Andrew Carrick, skating up the middle of the ice, with his neighbor, Vladislav Agarfield, covering him. He saw an opening in between the two of them, and faked a bank shot off the wall, fooling his girlfriend. As she tried to pin him on the boards, he made his way around her and skated with all his speed...

2 years ago
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BloodstoneChapter 12

Isobel stared at the person standing in the shadows of the big doors, her body shaking with what she'd just experienced. She could feel Magnus still standing between her legs, his cock slowly falling out of her, letting loose a rush of fluids to bathe her thighs with the stickiness of their spending. "Who are you?" Magnus growled again, pushing against Isobel to stand. He quickly replaced his codpiece, covering himself even as he left her lying there, naked and exposed. "M-My n-name is...

1 year ago
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My friend from Pakistan

I am a real nudist. At home I am always naked, and when possible also outside. One day I was online chatting and I started talking to someone from Pakistan. After a while he asked if he could see my webcam, so I warned him: It's fine with me, but I am naked. He said that was no problem but he did ask why I was naked. I explained him I liked being naked. It gives me a sense of freedom, but I have to be honest, I also find it a turn-on when people see me naked.For weeks we saw eachother regularly...

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What my sub wants

You hear that knock at the door that you've been waiting for all week. Your heart skips and your cock twitches in your panties that I have told you to wear. They're a pair of your slut wifes that she thought it would be funny for you to have to wear.It's your master and he's there to claim his slut and take her on her first dogging trip. She's spent the day getting ready, shaving her pussy and ass and making herself look at her slutty best for her stud... she knows he loves her to please him...

1 year ago
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Awakening From A Dream

Awakening from the Dream The dream. It starts at a work happy hour at a downtown bar. A neighborhood type place, except it is in the middle of a bunch of office buildings. It’s the dive the professionals go to, not the locals. I go with the usual crowd, the usual b.s. around the office, is now just taken “offsite”. I really go because my friend Heather goes. Truth be told, I really couldn’t care about anyone else. Heather is a true friend and just gets me, understands me. We’re both in the...

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Thumper Ch 05

Note: This story veers into BDSM territory. Fun as it might be for some, it’s not to everyone’s taste. *** Previously… With their marriage on the rocks, Abby and George turn to a most unlikely source for help. Unbeknownst to George, Abby has agreed to let the incubus, Damian, and his mate, Britt, act as marriage counsellors. Their first session has broken down some barriers. The next session promises to be even more challenging. *** ‘I made you an omelette. Just the way you like it.’ ...

4 years ago
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river me sex ka mjja

The Story goes back quite a some time. Those days my friend was looking out of a piece of land nearby Mumbai to experiment his agricultural hobbies. We scouted a large area and then pinned down on certain locations. Then began a series of negotiations with different people. Finally the deal was made and we got some land in a little village. Me and my friend than used to go to the village alternatively to see for the works to be done there. Till some time i.e. about a year or so no structure...

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While you were sleeping

Note : This story is completely fictional! For the past few years, I’ve been struggling to get my life going, unable to get a job that pays me well enough to move out on my own. Fortunately for me, my mother Sarah is a loving parent who allows me to still remain at home until then, despite that I’ve already hit twenty four years of age. It’s no big deal though. Ever since I was a kid, it’s just been the two of us. My dad was a cop who’d been killed in the field. My mother grieved for a while,...

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nude in public

i worked as a bartender at a biker bar a few years back.i didn't ride but always wanted a bike.i saved my money and finally bought the bike i had been dreaming of.now bartending was a great life for a single guy i was 26 years old. so i am working one day and this hot young thing comes up and says "so i hear you ride now" i say why yes i would love to take you for a ride sometime.so she says there is a rally this weekend and asks if we could go together.now this sounds promising so i agree. i...

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Tanisha 8211 Introduction

Year was 2012 and occasion was my cousin’s engagement at Chandigarh where I first saw Tanisha. I don’t know what drew me towards her. She was certainly not the first girl that I got my attention but being in my 30s I had always been interested in matured girls. Tanisha in her 20s was rather an unusual attraction. After spending entire function observing and digging information about her all I know that she is my cousin’s cousin and pursuing her MBA from a reputed institute in Noida. But this...

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Star ChamberChapter 26 First Anniversary

Washington DC Cadet Center: The man was dressed in dark clothes waiting in the bushes. Once the gate was open at 6:03 A.M. he waited a few more minutes then ran as hard as he could to a black ship. First, he tried to open the obvious door. It looked and felt like it was welded on. Even when he obtained a purchase the screwdriver bent. If I can only get inside that hundred ounces of gold by the Canadian Businessman will be mine, he thought. He felt a presence. He turned to look. There was a...

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MyPervyFamily Sierra Nicole Be Honest8230 Do I Look Good Naked

Sierra is so hot, I can’t help myself but spy on her. She’s also my stepsister, but that’s just a small detail. She’s talking to her boyfriend, they never have sex and she seems frustrated. She hangs up on him and goes to have a shower as I watch her get her teen body all wet and sudsy. Once she’s done and she thinks nobody is watching her, she goes to her room and starts rubbing on her pussy. I play dumb and walk-in & she covers up quickly! I guess she was...

2 years ago
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Jen a Girl a Car a Roadgetting Her Kicks on Route 66Chapter 5

On the road again and Miss Swifty fairly glowed as she purred down the Mother Road as we cruised toward East St. Louis. The road was straight for a change with traffic very light, and it was a cloudless, sunny day. I'd put my foot down hard on the gas pedal some time back and was doing well over a hundred miles an hour when I flashed by a crossroad and some big, roadside billboards that got my hackles up. Sure enough, I looked in my rear view mirror and saw the flashing red gum ball machine...

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Softness and hardnessA man bumps against a woman in a hotel lobby. During the collision the elbow mound against the chest thereof. They are both surprised. The man turns to her and say,"Ma'am, if your heart is as soft as your breast, I know you will forgive me."To which she replied:"If your cock is as hard as your elbow, I'm in room 221."Influantes StatsA businessman boarded a train and finds himself sitting next to a beautiful woman. He notices that she is reading a book about sexual...

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Smoke and MirrorsChapter 5

Within days of Merlin’s return to work, gossip was buzzing around the office about him and Steffany. She swore she’d said nothing and he certainly hadn’t been bragging to anyone, but there it was anyhow. The rumors apparently caused some of the other ladies in the office to begin looking at him with renewed interest while a few horny males cast envious and sometimes resentful glances his way. But had Merlin been the observer rather than the observed, he probably would have seen the source of...

3 years ago
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I Kissed A Girl And I Liked It Part II

Leeann Benson and Ashley Hannigan in Part I, discovered their new love for each other—more than just being best friends, but having sex with each other. Their worries earlier in the day of their first experience how it would affect their sex lives with their husbands disappeared when they had sex with their husbands, Brad Benson and Kevin Hannigan, that evening and into the wee hours of the night. The sound of music from Kevin’s phone alarm fills the bedroom. Ashley cuddles up with Kevin. He...

4 years ago
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My girlfriend gives a friend his birthday present

My girlfriend and I are both 28 and we’ve been together for the last three years. She’s 5’6′, very lean and medium body size. Last week a friend of ours was having his birthday party, but due to a lot of work we didn’t have time to get him a present. We got to the party kinda sad that we didn’t bring him anything, but he didn’t seem to mind. After a while at the party, we were at a table talking to some people and my girlfriend whispered to me, ‘I know what to give him for his birthday.’

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Sarahs Story

Mistress Turned By Sascha IllyvichIn the dark room, music kicked in.  A spotlight shone down just in front of Jackie, emphasizing the cold stone floor before her.  Loud, thumping bass beats accompanied by symbols and electronic rhythms pulsed throughout the room that sent vibrations straight to her swollen pussy. The room smelled of cinnamon and violet.  Jackie knew in this particular club that the tops could create a full scene with their bottoms through utilization of incense and a mixture of...

2 years ago
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My First Love Part 2

The next few weeks were business as usual. Sage and I went to school in the mornings and then we both had jobs on campus. We usually studied together in the campus library. We came home together and horsed around with Sarah and ate dinner with Mom, Dad, and Sarah. Sarah usually sat between Sage and I and dad avoided eye contact with Sage. At night, after everyone went to sleep, Sage would enter my room and he engage in passionate satisfying sex. Sometimes we only do oral, sometimes...

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Protection and Preservation Book 03Chapter 5

[Preservation – Jim's Story] My name is Jim Sinclair. I am a General class ham operator. I was twenty-seven on the Day. I worked for a large company and traveled for them on projects. I lived in Richmond, Virginia, before the Day. I was single and, as of a year and a half before the Day, my older sister and I were orphans thanks to a drunk driver. Because of my travel, I didn't have any significant female. One attempt at a relationship after college cured me. On the Day, I was in L.A....

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The Collar

You are at home all alone one night when you suddenly hear a knock at the door. You open it up to find me standing there holding a bag. Before you can say anything I pull you in close and kiss your sweet lips. As I pull away I hold a finger up to your lips and hand you the bag. Look inside. You open up the bag and find a dozen candles and a collar inside the bag. I tell you to go put on your sexiest outfit and wait for me on your knees in the bedroom. You quickly change into some sexy lingerie...

3 years ago
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They Are AOK Ch 32

*Authors note: This chapter doesn’t fit into any neat category, it is more story than sex and helps transition to John’s new adventures. Adam and I awoke so early the next morning that the sun was not yet above the horizon. When I suggested a shower and more sex he told me that the sex would have to wait. He wanted me to come to his house in town. I didn’t really see any reason for the change of venue and protested mildly, even though I knew I would give in. While we showered he told me that...

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My Stepdaughter and I p5

The next morning when I woke up, I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom and just as I finished peeing and fixing to turn the shower on, Joanne came in and sat down on the toilet to pee, "I went ahead stripped the bed and got the coffee started Sammy love.""You must have got up as I was leaving the bedroom, to have all of that done all ready.""Yes I did and didn't think, I was going to be able to hold off my peeing till you got done, as bad as it got before I got the water in the coffee...

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His Horn Blew at MidnightChapter 5

The young accused witch Hilda was a bit of a nuisance to I, Alphonse D' Paris because she was constantly at my side like a shadow cast by the angle of the sun. Fortunately, my dalliance with Drusilla did not suffer due to the strange effect the girl's presence seemed to have whilst I held the willing juicy wench in close embrace. She was never as emotional as when she knew the young girl's eyes were on my cock sliding into one of her available openings. I had no problem with that at all...

1 year ago
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Magical Moments With Olive Part 2

That very day I enjoyed at most in the party of my friends engagement. It’s late in the morning, I’m still sleeping due to the effect of the alcohol. At around 10:30 am in the morning the phone rang. I got up after a struggle and say “hello”. “Good Morning” a sweetest voice greet me. “It’s me, Olive“ she continue. “I still remembering the sweet belonging of yesterday evening, how are you doing?” I asked. “Fine”, she said.“Can we meet today?” “I guess so.”“When can we?”“It’s up to you.”I’m in...

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The Incredibly Lucky Ron Stoppable

Ron runs up towards the stage area, where Kim is currently fighting Shego. Its another one of Drakken plan to take over the world thats drawn the two here. This one involves the kidnapping & brainwashing of the President, so this Mission is High Priority. Shego & Kims battle is heated & epic, more than normal, with no one having the clear advantage. Dr. Drakkens up high on a podium, holding the President hostage, and hoping for protection from Kim. Ron reaches the platform stage just as Shego...

1 year ago
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Across the Tracks Ch 05

(Sorry it took so long. I’m dealing with a recently dislocated wrist and some other problems, but I cranked out what I could.) * ‘Ok, so Otis grew up on the Hill with me and my sisters. All he’s ever had was his dad and his papaw. Otis momma left at a real young age, and no one knows where she went. Otis’s daddy was a firefighter, and he died in a fire a few years back. Otis wasn’t really right after he lost his daddy. He kind of went off the deep end, and got into drugs and drinking. Me...

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