She Needed ExcitementChapter 2
- 3 years ago
- 28
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I was accosted as soon as I walked inside, Ma calling me into the kitchen before I even had a chance to put my things in my room.
"Roger, I want a word with you please."
I couldn't tell whether the word would be good or bad.
"Anna came home sick from school today but I think there is more to it than that. You and she have been getting close lately and I was wondering if you'd have any idea why she might have been crying in her room for most of the afternoon?"
Ma was looking at me shrewdly. Anna had been okay this morning and we'd definitely been cosy together the night before so either we had somehow fallen out on the way to school or something had happened there.
I must have looked honestly puzzled, which I was; Anna had been okay with my visit to Hailey when we parted for class, even joking over how much harder it would be for me to get in to see Rosalee.
"No, I can't think of anything. Sorry. Has she really been crying all that time?"
"On and off. I think she slept for a little while so maybe she's been having trouble getting to sleep as well and something's just set her off."
"Would you like me to see if I can find out?"
"Would you Roger? Oh thank you. I know a teenage girl sometimes feels her mother is the last person she can talk to but if you think it is something I should know about can you try to get her to speak to me. I don't expect you to betray any confidences -- unless she's in actual danger."
"Okay, I'll do what I can."
Since I didn't know what had caused the problem I didn't expect the reception when I knocked on the door. "Anna?"
"Fuck off you bastard!"
"Must be something I've done," I thought. Well actually it was, "Oh shit! What have I done now?"
"Anna, what is the matter?"
"Just go away and leave me alone -- forever!"
"If that's what you want..."
"I do!"
" ... then I will but only after you tell me why you're upset with me."
I opened her door and stepped inside.
"I told you to go away."
"Yet you left your door unlocked. I think you wanted a chance to tell me why I'm such a bastard since I'm obviously too thick to know."
Anna stood. "The only thing I want is for you to feel as shitty as I do."
She swung a hand at me but I'd been trained to respond to all sorts of attacks, and to try to use an appropriate level of response. In this case I moved just enough to soften the blow while allowing Anna the satisfaction of a clear slap and some tingling in her hand.
I also caught her arm before she could launch into me again but I don't think it would have been necessary.
Anna had been prepared for fight and now it had happened she expected me to retaliate. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her forehead. "Anna love, I am truly sorry if I have hurt you. It has never been my intention and I really don't know what I have done."
There was no way she was ready to consider forgiving me but the adrenalin flooding her veins needed some outlet and Anna started shaking.
I moved her over to the bed and made her sit while I knelt and rubbed my hands up and down her arms.
"Why?" she eventually asked. I waited for her to elaborate.
"You said you were going to see Mark's little sister. Did you end up fucking Kyra?"
"Kyra?" I asked. "Why Kyra?"
"Well you're her boyfriend. You're around her house all the time. I saw you kissing her."
"Anna, I haven't fucked anyone since I left Hailey this morning. I'm not Kyra's boyfriend in the sense you mean but I have been helping her with something and that is why she kissed me."
"It was more than a 'Thank You' kiss and you were certainly doing more than saying 'You're welcome'."
"Kyra doesn't know about you and she doesn't think there's anything serious going on with Rosalee or Hailey who she has met. I guess she's thinking she might have a chance with me but she's stone cold out of luck. Okay, I admit I didn't object to kissing her. She's good looking and feels nice cuddled up against me -- but she's not you and I don't want her."
"But Loren said she'd said you were her boyfriend."
"Loren, whoever she is, must have got the public part of the story. If I tell you some of the rest you've got to promise you won't tell anyone, even Rosalee or Hailey."
"You know Kyra's father's reputation?"
"A little; it sound's bad."
"If what you've heard is only bad then you haven't heard enough. He can never know what I'm about to tell you and I may never be able to tell you the whole story."
"Okay, I won't say anything but I don't necessarily believe you."
"Kyra needed to convince her father I was her boyfriend for a while. It is only for a while but she and Mark convinced me it was important. If I thought it would become a matter for speculation I would have let you know first. I am sorry. I promise you I have nothing more than friendly feelings for Kyra."
"You've never done more than kiss?"
"Only because it was necessary."
"Necessary! You are a bastard."
"I could have simply said No but I don't want to keep secrets from you."
"Why was it necessary? And what do you actually mean anyway?"
I kicked myself for starting down the track of even partial honesty but I figured Anna was just as likely to approach Kyra and seek some sort of confirmation of my truthfulness as she had promised to do when I first dated Rosalee and Hailey.
"I really can't tell you everything. Mr Pringle had to think we were having sex. (True) We arranged it so we got caught. (Well the way we arranged things meant Michelle ended up catching us)"
"Did you enjoy it?"
"Have you ever known me not to enjoy it? But this was strictly an arrangement for me. I don't care for her. I care for you."
"I'm not sure that I care for you any more."
"I'm sorry for that."
"Why? 'Cause you can't get a little ever night?"
"Because I love you and value your friendship and would miss not being able to sleep next to you."
"So, did you 'sleep' with her again?"
"We did try a couple of times before I got called up before her father but he has made his views on my ongoing behaviour clear."
"You must be really good friends to get so friendly."
"It all started before we did anything and as far as I'm concerned it finished then as well."
"I don't know, that kiss seemed to say things were still going strong. It doesn't make any sense! Who has sex just to get caught by their parents?"
"What would you do to get out of an arranged marriage if one of the conditions was that the bride be a virgin? And I never said that!"
"Arranged marriages! Who does that any more?"
"Certain families that want to merge business empires and I'm not going to get drawn into that. I don't want you to get hurt Anna and if you say anything about this to anyone it could happen."
"What about you? If I could get into trouble just talking about it what risks were you running by being caught with her?"
"When I agreed I didn't care; since then I've fallen in love with three wonderful women. I'm just trying to ride out the storm until Kyra 'dumps' me. Spending time with Michelle makes me more acceptable and my life expectancy goes up."
"You're not joking -- are you?"
"Only a little. Kyra's father could have gotten nasty. As it is I just have to not 'do anything to make his daughter unhappy', according to him."
"And what if she doesn't want to dump you?"
"Kyra just wants her own future out of her father's control. I don't expect to do anything with her again now we've been discovered."
"Why you though? Surely she knows lots of guys?"
"They knew her father's reputation too well and hadn't just lost their whole family."
"Oh Roger, I hadn't thought you were upset like that but of course you would be."
"I'm not now. I've got new people in my life who mean even more to me."
"And you don't love Kyra?"
"I love you and Rosalee and Hailey, and I'm pretty fond of your mother but not in the same way."
"That's a relief at least." Anna paused. "Do you promise you won't have sex with her again?"
"Your mother?"
"Kyra, idiot!"
"I have no intention at this time of ever having sex with other than you three. I can't promise to love you forever and a day. I can promise to do my best to try to."
I got a hug though not a kiss yet. I wasn't quite off the hook.
"You hurt me."
"I'm sorry. Really sorry."
"I felt bad. Really bad."
"I'd like to try and make it up."
"What? More sex?"
"If that's what you want but I was thinking of running a bubble bath for you and getting you a hot chocolate."
"You think that would make it all better!?"
"It might make you feel a little better and that would be a start."
"Alright, but what am I going to say to Ma?"
"The guy you had your heart set on turned out to be a real jerk?"
"Hmm. That's certainly believable."
"More than that; it's the truth. If I thought I would ever have hurt you like this I'd have done things differently."
Possibly even staying with the second choice of host families so we would never have met.
"You took a while. How is she?"
"Going to have a soak and a hot chocolate. Apparently there was a boy she liked who proved unworthy of her affection."
The kettle was hot and I gathered the makings while it came to the boil.
"She said there was someone she was interested in. Did she say who it was?"
I shook my head. "I think she's going to be okay now though."
I lifted the mug. "I'll just deliver this while she's still decent."
"Thanks Roger. I think she likes you."
"I like Anna too. I never had a sister."
I opened the bathroom door and put the mug down on the floor by the side of the bath. "You look quite decent under all those bubbles."
"I wish you were under them with me."
"Does that mean I'm forgiven?"
"I didn't say you would be able to come up for air. No, it means I'm willing to consider sex as part of your apology."
"I could organise a big bubble bath for us all for Saturday if you like. I'm supposed to plan this weekend."
"I'd rather it was just us."
"Well Rosalie and Hailey have mass on Sunday -- we could spend some time together then."
"You don't have to go back to Kyra's?"
I'd been with Kyra and Mark the previous two Sundays.
"Mr Pringle is going away so there is no point."
"You really are only helping Kyra?"
"Anna, I promise I have no romantic interest in Kyra at all but I may have to pretend to for a while."
"Give me a kiss then and get out of here before we're caught."
I came out and found Ma just turning at the top of the stairs.
"Decent? Hmm!"
"Well, covered in bubbles. You can see for yourself."
"I don't doubt you Roger. I know you care for each other. Try not to hurt her though -- again."
I always said Ma was no fool.
"I don't want to see her hurt ever."
"I'll accept that, but I'll also be watching."
She went back downstairs and I went to start my homework.
Anna suggested I shouldn't come to her room that night. She'd mostly forgiven me but I guess still wanted to work through the whole "He screwed someone else!" issue. She did tell me she wanted to take advantage of both my offers though; a chance for a shared bubble bath and a chance to be alone. She also suggested I should go and see Rosalee for a while before it got dark as her parents wouldn't be too controlling then.
I was a little surprised but asked her if she liked ten pin bowling. When she told me she hadn't been I suggested it might be a fun outing for Saturday; we really needed to relate socially in a fun way as well as through sex. Anna agreed, so long as we got to have the sex as well.
"I'll see what I can do."
I called Hailey before going and asked her about bowling on Saturday after soccer. She agreed and then told me Rosalee hadn't believed her. I knew she meant regarding my nocturnal visit. She also said she hoped we would have as much fun the coming Saturday as we had the week before and I promised to do what I could.
Rosalee's father opened the door and called out to her when I asked if she was home. Rosalee came running with a joyous "Roger!" and it was only her father's continuing presence that prevented her launching herself at me.
"Dad, this is Roger. Roger, my Dad."
"Hello sir."
I turned to include Rosalee when I asked, "Is it okay if I visit for a while?"
"Have you finished your homework Rosalee?"
"All but a novel I have to read. I was going to do that in the bath."
"Okay then but I don't really want this to become a habit on school nights."
"I understand sir."
Rosalee grabbed my hand and pulled me after her.
"Stay out of the bedrooms!"
Rosalee changed direction and took me out the back instead.
I waved to her mother as we went past. "Hello Mrs Lafayette."
"Hello Roger. Bye Roger," she laughed.
"I've missed you!" Rosalee gave me a quick kiss before her father had a chance to peer out the window at us sitting on a porch swing seat. We were in plain sight yet out of hearing if we talked quietly.
"Hailey pass on my apologies?"
"She said you went by and the lights were off -- and that hers weren't and you didn't go by there!"
"A most accidental and yet fortunate occurrence. I think adding the danger of getting caught makes making love that little bit more exciting -- provided you don't actually get caught. That would put a damper on it."
"You actually made love in her room!?"
"You know her pink rug?"
"How could I forget it!"
"It makes quite a comfortable mattress."
"Well I can't sneak you in here. I've got to share with my little sister; she'd wake up and spoil everything. I can't even get up in the night without her stirring."
"Mmm, a challenge! You need an alternative. Do you have any free periods at school?"
"You want to meet me at my school!? Are you serious or just seriously crazy?"
"No I wasn't really serious. I like seeing you get worked up."
We held hands and kicked our heels on the back porch so the seat swung slowly.
"What are we doing Saturday? Have you decided yet?"
"I thought ten pin bowling and then bathing and perhaps a nice dinner."
"What do you mean bathing?"
"Anna wanted a big bubble bath we could all enjoy. I thought that sounded a good idea."
"But where?"
"Leave that to me."
"Okay. I wish you could come visit me tonight."
"I'd like that. When I was with Hailey we realised that we all needed to have some time together as well as our group time. We also need some fun time like the bowling in addition to our other fun times."
"Hmm, yes. I think you are right. Let me just check Saturday is okay."
Rosalee left me and put the group date proposition to her mother. Her father quite sensibly let his wife manage the task of saying no if she didn't think it appropriate. He trusted her decision and this way he was never the ogre for blocking his daughter's wishes and stood a better chance of being able to play the heavy should it really be needed one day.
He had heard about me but hadn't met me before tonight. Rosalee seemed happy -- other than on the Saturday following our first date -- and that, provided she was behaving properly, was the main thing. He liked the idea we were going out as a group of friends rather than pairing off as boyfriend and girlfriend; it was too soon for that -- plus there was the fact that I wasn't Catholic. Of course, the latter situation could be cured if matters proceeded in that direction. Unlike Adam Pringle, Mr Lafayette wasn't about to warn me off when it appeared I was just friends with all three girls at present. If I started seriously sniffing around Rosalee, well things might change.
My rosy Rosy came back with a grin on her face. "I can go straight from Soccer and I don't need to be home until 11 this time provided the other girls are with us the whole time."
"Well they might be in one room while we are in another but that would be the extent of any separation."
"That sounds good enough to me."
Knowing her father was settled in front of the TV, Rosalee became a little more amorous but the swing didn't really allow us to do much as it had a tendency to rock back a little way which made one feel it was going to tip us over backwards.
"Why not show me the garden?"
Circumnavigating the yard with our arms around each other was more satisfying than sitting swinging but still not as nice as properly kissing and cuddling. We didn't have long to ourselves though as Rosalee's brother and sister were finally allowed to come and bother us.
"Rosy's got a boyfriend. Rosy's got a boyfriend."
Rosalee was in no mood to disagree and just held my hand.
"This is John Eggs," she indicated her brother, about eleven I guessed.
"Benedict. John Benedict, John Eggs."
"O-kay. Hello John."
"And we know you're Roger. Rosy talks about you all the time."
"Well you do. Doesn't she Sal?"
The six year old nodded. This, it transpired, was Sally Teresa -- named apparently in honour of Sister Bertrille and Mother Teresa.
"So what's your middle name then Rosy?"
"It doesn't matter."
"I won't make fun."
She sighed. "My name is Rosalee Immaculata. I was named after Mother's aunt. What about you?"
"Sorry. I'm simple Roger NMN Torrent."
"NMN?" asked John.
"No Middle Name."
"Do you l-o-o-o-v-e Rosy?"
"Well she is a pretty special girl. I would think everyone would love her, don't you?"
I don't know whether Rosalee blushed more at her brother's question or my answer. I wasn't going to give them more ammunition to tease her though. Well, not much.
"Nah. She's a girl."
"I do."
Rosalee hugged her sister and then, to his disgust, John. The contrast with Kyra was noticeable.
"Hey, I said nice things too!"
So, of course, I got a hug too.
The sun was in the process of setting which I guess is why the kids were sicced upon us after we had first been allowed some privacy.
We went inside and Rosalee made me a coffee, offering to get one for her parents as well. We sat in the lounge to drink them and Mrs Lafayette turned the TV off. I don't think that impressed her husband but she wasn't going to be rude when I was the first young man to call upon her daughter since she was eight.
I explained a little of my circumstances and Rosalee made a point of taking my hand when I mentioned I'd been orphaned in an accident. Her action could be taken as sympathy for a friend -- or romantic interest. I didn't mind in the least.
When I finished I thanked Rosalee again and announced it was time I should be going. Mr Lafayette eyed the controls and apparently agreed.
"Will I see you at soccer on Saturday?"
"Yes," answered Mrs Lafayette. "I'll be able to go this week. I might even get someone else out of bed for a change." She was determined to make her husband dislike me!
Rosalee's siblings were sent off to the bathroom; Sally to get through first with her mother's help and JB to be ready to follow. Their house had an airlock type of arrangement at the front door and Rosalee took full advantage of the few minutes privacy to press herself to me and to swap a few litres of saliva.
"I'm going to be so horny now!"
"Well you can always do something about it in the bath. Think about what you would like us to do on Saturday; me or one of the others or all of us. Maybe we can make it happen."
"Now I'm even hornier. Thanks!"
"It's my pleasure."
I'd been rubbing a breast and it was easy to notice how her nipple had hardened. I was sorry I couldn't tease it further with my tongue.
Rosalee gave me a squeeze to prove that I was in a similar state to herself and I disengaged myself.
"I wish I was Anna."
"I'm glad you're not. I like seeing both of you."
"No. I meant then you'd be coming back to me, not leaving me."
"I'll see you on Saturday morning. Pack something you can wear bowling and something nicer for going out to dinner. Can you tell Hailey too please?"
"Okay. How nice."
"Special dinner nice. I'll have a tie and jacket."
I showered and then read as I sat next to Anna while she watched TV.
"You really like history, don't you?"
"It's interesting, especially when you read two or more different views on why an event happened the way it did or explanations about how ordinary people went about their lives. I want to go and see the places I've read about."
"That sounds lovely."
"It would be nice to show them to you."
"Oh like a date?"
"A very long date. I think once I started looking I wouldn't want to stop."
"Would we take Rosalee and Hailey?"
"Hmm. That could be fun. Would you like to?"
"I think I would. I know they wouldn't like to be left behind."
"I thought you might prefer to have me to yourself."
"I wouldn't mind but we certainly had fun together."
"I just wonder how I'll survive."
Anna turned to look at me. I'd sounded as if it was going to happen.
We went to our rooms when the program had finished. I don't know why Anna watched but I was appreciative that the rest of her family didn't want to. It allowed us to sit together and by the end she was snuggled against me.
I got a kiss goodnight at the top of the stairs and then a "see you in the morning" dismissal. We were friends again and cuddly friendly but Anna didn't want intimacies yet. I suspect I was being punished.
I heard Doug come up and shortly after Ma followed. Brent was out somewhere and I hadn't spoken more than half a dozen words with him since Saturday.
I drifted off, realising as I lay in my quiet room that I hadn't thought of the threat Michelle posed all evening. In fact it had only been when comparing Rosalee and Kyra that I had even thought of her. I decided that, on the evidence so far, Kyra might be justified in protesting her half-sister's existence.
I wasn't sleepy enough to miss the shuffle and the tap on my window. I wasn't sure what Anna wanted but I wasn't about to leave her out there.
I parted my curtains and lifted the window.
"Can I come in?"
"Any time." I helped her through.
"I need a cuddle. Is that okay?"
"One cuddle coming up. Are you sure you don't want to go back to your room?"
"No. This is fine."
It was too. We spooned together and Anna rubbed her butt against my crotch with the inevitable result. She let me hold her but indicated she was there to sleep so I made no advances. After a while that must have satisfied her level of adequate punishment and she moved my hand up to her breast. I held it, occasionally stroking her nipple as we finally fell asleep.
Days 24 to 26, Wednesday to FridayThump, thump.
"Time to get up."
Oops. That was Anna, not me. Had Ma noticed? She had kept walking so perhaps not. I heard her go down the stairs and gave Anna a gentle slap when she started giggling.
"I love waking up beside you."
"It is nice, but you're going to cause us grief -- big time! Let me check the way is clear."
Brent's door was closed; he had no classes until this afternoon, hence his late night. Doug could come out at any minute though but his door was closed at the moment. I pushed Anna out my room with another tap to her tush and closed the door quietly -- waiting until I heard her own.
There was a door but it wasn't Anna's.
"Morning Dad."
I heard her footsteps return and then go down the stairs to the landing.
"Can I have just a couple of pieces of toast today please Ma? Thanks."
She passed Doug as she climbed the stairs again and when she reached the top I came out to greet her.
"Good morning."
"Morning Rog. Sleep well?"
I grabbed her and gave her a big kiss just out of sight of the stairwell.
"Best ever. Catch you downstairs."
Anna seemed as reluctant to let go as I was.
Wednesday, Thursday, and, when Doug found I had nothing organised, Friday after school was spent learning to be a barista again. It was only for two hours at a time and that went fairly fast. Cleaning tables on the Thursday, I looked up to see Beverley and Michelle at the next table.
"Hello Roger."
"Hi Mrs Pringle."
"Beverley's okay."
"Thanks. Hello Michelle."
"Hello Roger. You work here then?"
"Either here or at the other shop."
"I hope you've got Sunday off."
"Looking forward to a rematch are you? I might lick you this time."
Michelle glanced at her mother but she was apparently taking no notice of the secret conversation we shared, being more interested in our cake display. She excused herself and went for a closer look.
"If the weather is fine maybe Mark could take us all out for a drive."
"I was thinking along those lines. I haven't put anything to him yet; I figured if he had time to think he might change his mind and then I'd have to convince him all over again."
"I knew I could depend on you."
"Depend on Roger? Why?"
"To suggest something nice."
"A snowball -- Iced white chocolate with frozen milk ice crystals and whipped cream topping."
"It does sound delicious. I'll just have a caramel latte please and a slice of Tiramisu. Do you want a cake dear?"
"No thank you, Mom."
I went to get their order though normally they would have to front up at the counter. Nepotism could also extend to the family of friends.
We took turns. Wednesday and Friday I slept with Anna, Thursday she slept with me again. We didn't stay the whole night through though after that first mistake.
Anna kept up the pretence that I was in her bad books though she continued to tease me and I was gradually allowed to do more for her. Thursday night I snuggled in behind her once more and this time she let me reach in to finger her pussy. Well I say let but she actually took my hand and slid it up her thigh. She came to a satisfying conclusion and then, on recovering, pointed out that I hadn't come (to her in this instance accurate knowledge) since the very early hours of Tuesday morning.
"Would you do it? So I can feel you coming next to me?"
"Do it?"
"Jerk off. You know, remember"
And so I lay back, wrapped one arm around my favourite girl, and proceeded to use the other to satisfy her curiosity and my need. I eventually drew closer and reached for the box of tissues I knew were nearby.
"Oh let me."
Anna moved down and wrapped her lips around my knob. Once in position she opened her mouth slightly and, when I proved somewhat dense, moved my hand back to my organ.
Keeping the tip within her lips I began to resume the interrupted rhythm until I had to acknowledge I was about to come. Anna's tongue flashed out and licked me before she stretched her mouth wide. I came and she caught every drop but then she crawled along my body and found my mouth to return it to me.
With no practical alternative I accepted with as good a grace as I could manage and then Anna returned to my prick and sucked on me until she had cleaned me inside and out and I was beginning to show signs of resurrection.
That was it though and I didn't get that much on Friday night though I fingered her to an orgasm in her own bed. With the plans I had made for Saturday and Sunday I was actually grateful she "let" me preserve my stamina.
Day 27, SaturdaySaturday morning saw us all up early again but only Ma, Anna and I were in the car for the journey. Rosalee's mother and her younger children were there already and Hailey, who had been given a ride with them, was warming up with Rosalee.
"Catch you later." Anna dashed off.
We had only briefly discussed what I should say to the others about Kyra. I pointed out that since Kyra had preceded me becoming involved with them it was not particularly relevant, especially since Kyra was not going to happen again. Anna accepted that -- or at least she said she did -- but I kept expecting one or the other to look over at me with a hurt expression.
They did look but always with a smile to find I was watching them and not one of the other sometimes more beautiful girls around the field.
This time the Coach waved to me; I was somehow encouraging his girls to play while at the same time distracting the opposition so he didn't mind me being there. When the line up was finished he actually beckoned me in closer.
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She was all mine for a while. I realize that you heard this before, but this is in fact a true story. Until recently, I have not shared these events with anyone. My ther****t now knows, and so does my wife of 22 years and certain members of my family. Let me provide a little background for you; My parents had a very difficult marriage. There were many times when my father would leave for many days, sometimes weeks at a time, and leave us to fend for ourselves. He was a heavy obese, uneducated...
After an hour with three-quarters of the supplies left, Lisa, Bart and Maggie were lying stationary on their mother. Lisa said in pain; ``Mom, my belly is stuffed and painful and I can’t get up.” Marge rubbed Bart and Lisa’s swollen bellies. Marge said; ``Kids, just lie down and rest. We’ll be home soon.” Bart said; ``I don’t think Maggie will rest, mom. She wants to explode herself.” Bart and Lisa watched big-belly Maggie sucking more breast milk from her mother. As they arrived home and...
I woke up late but refreshed on Friday morning having slept really well—with no dreams to disturb me. Well, I say late. I guess that nine-thirty isn’t really that late. Hell, for most students it would be classed as early. But I was an early-bird, usually up and about, showered and dressed by seven-thirty most mornings, so, for me, nine-thirty was a lie in. Actually, I’d been woken by Mark stomping about getting ready for his nine o’clock exam, but I smiled and rolled over to face the wall...
I sat on the love-seat sofa, waiting for my husband to call from his hotel before his ‘evening business meeting’. I always suspected my husband was cheating on me out of town and that was the reason for the few extra days delay. He was going to shack up with some bar-bimbo he picked up and bedded on the expense of the company account. Today was the day I was going to confront him about his infidelity when he called. I expected him to call in about a half hour, after his young brother, Douglas...
He sat on his usual bench in the small neighborhood park and smoked his cigarette. On nice days like today there were usually several others in the park having their lunch or smoking or both. Some times in company with small children or infants. Today for some reason the park was empty. It was beginning to turn cool. It had been nice and sunny earlier. This time of year you couldn't depend on the weather. It might be sunny one day and chilly the next or both in the same day. The leaves were...
Our first meeting in person had been a bit rushed. He was just going to be driving through our area. Due to time constraints, he ended up in a brief, yet extremely hot, backseat of our car encounter with my wife that mostly left us all yearning for more. All three of us were determined to have this time be more to our liking. We suggested a local hotel and gave him the address. He had already checked in and had called to give us the room number by the time we pulled into the parking lot. She...
Hi readers, I am here with the sixth part of the series, ‘Incest Journey.’ I hope you all enjoyed the first five parts of the series. Let’s start with the sixth part. Keerthi understood the situation in our house. The old days were restored. She is free in front of me now with no anger. My mother was also happy. Keerthi and I are very happy with our sex life. She told me to do sex with my mother once a week. Everything is going smoothly. When she entered the fifth month of her pregnancy, she...
IncestAlice hinted that I should call earlier than usual for our date. We had a routine of going to a movie, sitting in the same seats and leaving at 10 P.M. I assumed that she wanted to get an early start because the movie she wanted to see was a greater distance away. I called her as soon as I came in from my lawn work, about 4:30. "Do you have enough money to take me to a nice restaurant?" She asked, sounding tentative. "Yes," I answered without thinking about how much cash had accumulated...
Mehek introduced me to her friends, showed me around her town, and helped me settle in and acclimate to my new life. We were cousins by bl**d, but friends, and pretty soon best friends by choice. We hung out together, had the same group of friends, and shared secrets, everything that best girl friends do. She even told me about the night she lost her virginity to her boyfriend. I must admit that hearing her describe how it happened got me really sexually aroused, and that night while Mehek was...
Kevin and I had been friends from about 4 th grade on. We couldn’t have been more different. Where I was shy, insecure, a little overweight and not popular with the girls – Kevin had the physique, the gift of gab, and wasn’t shy. By the time I was 16 and he was 17, he was the most popular guy in high school and the school sports star. We were friends – best friends – and I truly admired him and in some ways lived vicariously through his successes. Late in his 16th year, he’d gone to a party...
When Aaliyah Love visits from out of town, she wants to make the most of her stay. Boarding at her good friend’s house, she wants to stay a few extra days to see some of the sights. It turns out that her friend’s husband Ryan wants to do some sightseeing of his own…seeing the beautiful sight of Aaliyah’s big white ass in the shower! But Aaliyah’s too horny to not notice him spying on her and jerking his dick to her glistening apple bottom, which inspires her to get a...
xmoviesforyouIn the year 1981, I was then 19, after my B. Sc exam over I had nothing to being busy. There was a mess nearby my house where some medical assistant of general hospital resided and I had closed friendship with some of them. Among the Sunil was my closest, so when he performed emergency outdoor duty, I spent my time chatting, gossiping as well as helping him. Thus I passed my leisure time and learnt medical first aid. Monika was the lady rowdy of my locality. She didn’t care anybody and led her...
The moon had followed them across the Atlantic, it was still late when they landed. Terry gave the taxi driver the address; it pulled up by a pair of large 6-foot high wooden gates flanked by an eight-foot high wall. Terry pulled out an electronic key pad and pressed a button. The gates swung silently open as lights switched on to illuminate the stone block drive. The taxi drove forward stopping in front of a double garage, to the left he could see the doorway to the villa slightly obscured...
We were very glad to get the issue of Ben and Beth settled. Maybe they'd grow tired of each other. We hoped not. On any given night, Beth was as likely to stay over with us as Ben was to stay over with her. They were both very good about making sure both sets of parents knew their plans. Ben always wrote his schedule on the white board by our phone. They were quite a pair: Ben, the lanky, brainy, outgoing hunk; and Beth, quiet, small, breath-takingly beautiful. Still painfully shy, she...
Yeh meri panchvi kadi hai apni nai chahci ke saath sunahra chudaai ke sambandh ke barey mein. Yeh samabandh jiasa aap jante hein 25 saal pahle shuru hua aur abhee tak jaree hai. Aapko pahle meine batay kis tarah hamar chudai ka samabandh Toronto mein shuru hua, jab mein Buffalo NY se vacations par Toronto aya tha, chachi ki pahli daughter, Shweta, ke janam ke baad. Nanhi shewta ko doodh pilate samay hamari chudai shuru hui, aur phir chacha ke job par jane ke baad roz pyari chahci nangee sabere...
Josh hung up the phone. He was definitely turned on now. His pants open, erection in hand, Josh got up to go grab some jergens and go to the computer. He thought he had some time before his mother got home to check some porn and maybe blow a load. But once he turned the corner, he saw his mother in the kitchen.Elaine looked right at his hand, holding his cock."Oh shit...." Josh stuffed his cock back into his pants."How long you been home?"Elaine studied him carefully. "Long enough," she...
100% fictional! I had never been close to my younger cousin mainly because shes not my age and her parents sheltered her. While my parents let is do anything we wanted. I said hi to her at functions and thats about it. She never showed any signs of liking me intimatly. She is definetly a pretty girl. About 5'11", 115 lbs , very small,tight ass and thin legs. Her stomach toned and her C cup tits didnt bloom until she was 18. She wore glasses and had a nerdy look to her. But, I learned she was...
IncestThis time Bob was in his office. "Jimmy. Obviously I've been expecting you. Nice outfit." I looked down to discover that I still had on my Robin Hood suit. I blushed and laughed, then switched to something more appropriate, jeans and a tee shirt. "Sorry about that. I took Allison and Shannon to see an old friend of ours." "Whoa, back up. You took Allison and Shannon? How did that work? And when did you find out you could do this?" "Oh yeah, sorry, uh, Friday night, Allison and I...
Jason woke up on the sofa at his father's house, and the first thing he realized was that he was desperately horny. He had been dreaming about sex again, and his eighteen year old cock was painfully erect. Idly, he listened for sounds in the house as he reached beneath the blanket covering him to stroke his bulge. The house was quiet, though Jason could tell it was already late in the morning. If he had been home, his mother would have dragged him out of bed already, whether it was Sunday or...
Poking the Bear Run, rabbit run Dig that hole, forget the sun And when at last the work is done Don’t sit down, it’s time to dig another one Roger Waters, Breathe, by Pink Floyd “Jim?” Ann had picked up at three rings. “Listen, I’m sitting in your driveway. I brought over my smoker and the old grill. I’m gonna set them up in your backyard. I’m not gonna need them and whoever buys the place can get their own.” “Okay, sure.” “Yeah.” Jim hesitated. What do you say to someone heading into...
Here is where I make my mistake. I thought I was supposed to pick them up at 3:30 P.M when in actuality I was suppose to pick them up at 4:30 P.M. I didn't know this so instead I leave at 3:25 to pick them up. I get to the school and head to the conference room. As I am walking up to the room I see through the window my daughter and wife talking to my daughter's 7 teachers and the principal. The odd thing about the scene was that all my daughter's teachers were male and so was the...
D?terminisme naturel Marc fron?ait les sourcils devant son exercice d'?conomie, mortifi? de ne rien y comprendre.Alarm? parce que tout le monde dans la salle ?crivait rapidement, il ?tait apparemment le seul qui s?chait, encore une fois le seul... Il sentait la prochaine banane venir, enterrant ses derniers espoirs d'obtenir sa ma?trise d'AES. Apr?s avoir redoubl? sa premi?re ann?e, puis sa seconde ann?e, et puis naturellement sa licence pour faire le grand chelem de l'?chec, c'?tait sans aucun doute logique que la m...
Greg and I had resumed our relationship as normal after my experience at Mistress Amber’s. I was enjoying being his girlfriend. He treated me so nicely, and we enjoyed our time together. It was the most intense sex life I had ever had with anyone. For the most part he enjoyed being the dominant one, and he was happy to make me his little fucktoy after a nice night out. But it was that line that he didn’t want to cross, and that line I felt I needed to cross, that gave us this itch once in a...
Hai,Iss Readers once again i am sugran 24 average looking guy.This was happened in last month.Oru nal ennoda mail idiku msg vandhu irundhadu.Tamilarasi kannadasanu thannai arimuka paduthik konda antha penmaniku vayadu 36,size 38 36 40,parka sekka sevelnu irupa.Kalyanam ana masathula avaloda kanavan avala vittutu oditan.Kadantha 18 varusama sex illama kasta padaratha msg anupi irundhanga.Than chennaila oru schoola teachera velai parpadha sonna.Ava enna hoteluku varachona.Nanum ekappata...
“Get up and shower, please, Daddy!” I heard from out of nowhere, jarring me from my slumber. “What time is it?” I inquired, not even knowing who spoke to me for a moment there. “Oh, I’d say about noon,” Sarah Weiss now leaned over me and kissed my face repeatedly, “come on, let’s shower!” “Wait, I have to work Mondays ... today is Monday, right? I overslept? Damn, I guess that’s what I get for not asking for a wake-up call! I’m not used to having no damn alarm clock!” I wiped the sleep...
You have just been at a really cool gig with some friends, Richard, who you know from when you were at school, and Sarah, his blonde ex-girlfriend with the double-ds that everyone you knew lusted after, but, unfortunately for you, they had to go early and you decided to stay in the bar afterwards. Suddenly you bumped into an old friend, Andy. After asking how you are, and you explaining that have been left here alone by the people you came with, Andy introduces you to two friends of his,...
Mr. Mason cleared his throat, clearly unhappy with the complete lack of disrespect for his class. It surprised him that Trixie was misbehaving, she wasn’t the class clown nor was she exactly a wallflower. Still, she was a good student and he had high expectations of her. His displeasure was only visible to anyone who looked at his face as he stalked down the aisle, approaching Trixie from behind. He had peeked over her shoulder and had caught sight of what was on her screen. He masked his...
Part eleven I woke up the next morning feeling quite odd after my weird date with Wayne. He has never acted like that before, so it kind of surprised me, but the biggest thing is that I wasn't sure how I felt about it. There was a part of me that was hurt by how dominant he was with me, but another part of me was quite turned on by how feminine and submissive being treated like a little housewife. I left for work a bit late and on my way out there was a knock at my door, it turned...
CHAPTER 1: HOW IT STARTEDJean Evans suddenly pulled her white Honda Accord sedan to the curb in front of a dark strip mall on the quiet avenue leaving the downtown area to the eastern suburbs and home. She turned in her seat belt and reached across the center console to a surprised young woman in the passenger seat, her daughter, Abby Evans.Abby looked around outside the car, even checking the car’s dashboard for some sign of trouble. “What’s wrong, mom?”Jean just stared at her daughter. Her...
Introduction: A couple rekindles their Sex life Introduction: A Slave finds two new Masters This was an idea from my girlfriend and life-partner Mallory. It is total fiction and has no basis, just a thought brought into a fantasy story. I hope that you enjoy. Please remember to vote at the end of reading. It will help others to read the story. Thanks, Jenny……. The Slave Girl Mike and Ashley had been married for over 7 years. While most of their life together was great, one part was not....
Hi my name is Sandy. My Anniversary was actually the day before when my husband and i Bruno went out for an awesome dinner at the Char-Bar after we went to a movie just like on our first date. Bruno and i where married a year, after dinner i knew i would have to put out so i prepared all day mentally and physically. i got my nails done and legs waxed. i hoped he would'nt take to long inside of me but still be happy.I had my head on Bruno's chest while my hand was playing with his chest hair...
“That's three,” she announced as she climbed off me, “and I'll bet you need into the bath.” She was right. As I came out, she was dressing. I dug out clothes and dressed. She had disappeared down the hall. I followed, finding her in the kitchen digging for breakfast stuff while the coffee pot gurgled and hissed. Over second cups of coffee, Jill told me a lot about how women feel and and what they want. I realized just how shallow my understanding had been. We took our coffee out to...
Jane thought to herself that she was really in big trouble now. In the last few days she's been repeatedly fucked in her pussy and ass and has been forced to sucked more cock and drink more cum than she has in her entire lifetime. As she sat in her brother's car trying to imagine what was in store for her this evening - feeling like any man's whore - she started to fall asleep. She drift- ed off. When she awoke, only about ten minutes later, the car had come to a halt in the driveway of...
Andi Rose is a slim, natural-bodied brunette with long legs, little tits and a deep adoration for anal sex. The fun-loving hottie wears sleek lingerie to accentuate her luscious bod, teasing and stripping through a hot intro. Director/performer Mick Blue chats with her in the following moments. Andi stands up to show off the butt plug wedged in her rectum. She masturbates on the couch. Mick stuffs a dildo into her anus, to prep her for the upcoming sodomy. Andi moans in ecstasy, spreading...
xmoviesforyouHi my fellow sexizens, I hope you all are doing well, and enjoying your sex life to the fullest. This is my first story on this platform. And I hope you guys would be kind to me since this is my first time. lol. Actually, I am an immigrant who came to the States to study. I am from the land of Kamasutra (India). Before I start, the U.S. is the greatest country on the earth and you guys should really consider yourself lucky to be part of this wonderful nation. You have freedom to express...
***Authors Note*** I would like to thank you all so much for letting me know how much you've enjoyed the story. Those really do make it worth sharing this... I did want to let you all know that I'm now caught up to posting where I am at in writing. I'll post when I can, so far, I've been averaging two chapters a week, so hopefully the wait won't be too unbearable. This one took a bit longer though, my daughters brought home the crud from school and shared with me. So this chapter was...
Angelique Lapiedra joins us for the third instalment of our A Private Massage With series, and this stunning brunette has a very special massage in store for her lucky client, Jimmy Bud! Armed with her perfect body and beautiful tattoos, Angelique gets straight to work under the table with a sloppy blowjob through the gloryhole, but that’s only the beginning for this horny babe as she goes on to mount her client and treat him to a wet and slippery fuck that has her shaking with pleasure until a...
xmoviesforyouThe nice summer cool breeze blow through the camp, it had been a hard day at the beach, the sun pounding down all day. There were 7 of us camping down on the east coast enjoying our summer break and celebrating the end of the school year and just having a good time. It was getting late at night but the moon was all but full so there was some light illuminating my path back to the camp from taking a leak. I was expecting there to be no one else about as the previous nigh after we had finished...
EroticDragons soaring the sky, wizards playing with magic, and of course, Princesses. Amalia was such a girl of 22, her abrasive personality was known far and wide. She was short with people, mean to her servants, and overall unfit the title of royalty in the Kingdom of Hazelmire. She would boss and bully and got away with it, not just because of her title; but also, her remarkable beauty. Women wanted to dress and look like her. Her golden hair always done, smelling like flowers. Clothing...
When we finally spoke, you told me it was a change in administrators. You told me this while we lay in bed after our love making as we cuddled. I wrapped my delicate arms around you, rested my head against your chest. Your hairs lightly tickled my cheek, as I give you, my husband, some comfort. You could never keep anything from me for long, so I knew if I waited long enough you would tell me. “The head of the English department at the college is retiring,” you had said. When I asked what...
And now let us leave Mademoiselle Danglars and her friend pursuing their way to Brussels, and return to poor Andrea Cavalcanti, so inopportunely interrupted in his rise to fortune. Notwithstanding his youth, Master Andrea was a very skilful and intelligent boy. We have seen that on the first rumor which reached the salon he had gradually approached the door, and crossing two or three rooms at last disappeared. But we have forgotten to mention one circumstance, which nevertheless ought not to...
She lived next door to a cute young boy. He was always watching her when she was out in her yard. He was a perfect age to enjoy and want sex. One day she saw him watching her and asked if he wanted to come over. He was so excited he jumped the fence. She let him into her kitchen and asked if he was hungry. He told her no so she took him to her bedroom. She asked him "Want to play house?" He looked at her and said "Yes." She then said "Well, we play house naked. Let me take off your shirt." As...
After dinner that night, Debbie broached the subject of modeling with her daughter. Meagan was dressed the same as when she had come home, except she had put on a hat which she pulled down over her eyes to keep from having to make eye contact with her mother. She was still rather embarrassed from what she had seen earlier in the day. "Meagan honey, can I talk to you about something." "I don't want to talk about it. I know it's OK to paint nudes, but I just want to forget about...
Mom decided to have a Christmas party at her home and of course all family was invited. She called me up to ask if I could come and put up some outside lights, and I told her I could and would be over a bit later. I had to wonder if there was going to be a surprise for me or not. But mom was as good as her word. She said she would have a few surprises but did not say when she would have them. I got to her place around three and she walked over to me wearing her glasses and gave me a nice...
Jerry thought about it all day at work. As soon as he walks into his apartment, he can't wait to get his boy clothes off, and put on a bra. Walking into the bathroom to look in the mirror, he likes the look, except for his flat chest. He thinks for a moment, then rips off a long strip of toilet paper and stuffs the cups of the bra. 'That's better,' he thinks, 'Now I'm Jill again'.After putting on the slip she wore last night, Jill walks into the living room to roll a joint and relax. She was...
TransMini Stallion was a tiny girl. She was only 4ft 4, weighing only 80 pounds. When Jax Slayher arrived he couldn’t find her. She was hiding in a little compartment underneath the TV. She was tiny, he was big. He could lift her up easily with just one arm. He undressed her. She gave him a blowjob. Standing up. His dick was right in her face. Then he lifted her up and fucked her tiny pocketpussy. His dick was so big it hit all the way to her stomach. He fucked her doggy and in all other deep...
xmoviesforyouLast night, Nov 8, Brett took us out for a prime rib dinner. On the way we stopped at a shop that sold adult material. Brett bought my wife Agness a small vibrator. At Brett's later, they began experimenting with the settings. Agness laid back as Brett hiked her skirt up revealing her purple panties. Brett then began rubbing the vibrator lightly over her panty covered mound. Each time the vibrator slid across the clit area, Agness legs would shiver. I was mesmerized and my cock grew hard as I...
Hi everyone and thanks for reading my story. This is my first attempt at anything like this so please give me a chance. First I’ll introduce my self. My names Ashlee I’m at high school, and live in New Zealand with my mum, my dad recently left us but that’s a story I’ll get to later. I’m 5’4” tall, blond straight hair only down to my shoulders, I have 12B breasts I’m not sure what that is in American sizing though. And I’m also very athletic. I love to play volleyball, which is hard with my...
First TimeI had long suspected my wife of cheating on me. I had no definite proof, but I was certain I was right. She was a hot and oversexed lady that had recently seemed less interested in me fucking her. I knew when we married that she had many previous lovers. But that was okay with me because she was insatiable and would fuck my brains out. Her lack of interest in sex made me very suspicious that she had found new lovers.Feeling deprived, I turned to masturbating to internet porn. At first,...
CheatingYup, it's me (sasha) and the third day of a great vaction.I think the events of the second day really had all of us very tired.We ate dinner and just sat on the deck and talked normal (boring) hahafamily stuff. I wanted to go to the lake and take a swim before it got to late, but no one else wanted to go, so the swim would have to wait.We watched a movie and most of us fell asleep.I woke up in the morning on the recliner and Pasha was making breakfast.Dad had some plans for us for our day...
I had been on the road for 10 hours straight. I was starving, and I needed to rest for a while. Route 87 in New York had been difficult, but only because I was so fucking tired. Nearing exit 19, signs indicated some restaurant options. I pulled off. I probably wouldn't have stopped at a place with a silo if I wasn't so desperate, but here I was, and I needed some rest and some food. Inside it was dark, but pleasant in a tourist kind of way. Seated at a small table near what I think was the...