Craft Faire LoveChapter 10: Show's Over, Jessi Goes On With Life free porn video

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Whew! Finally Sunday afternoon and the show is winding down.

We're not taking any more special orders for this show and there's four weeks until the next one, so any customs we have for the next show can wait. We need a rest, and I plan on resting!

We won't know for another couple weeks if Jessi is pregnant, but I have to tell you, if I had to predict right at this moment which is 4 days after the fact, well we've made love a few more times since, but if I was a betting man, I'd bet she was impregnated Thursday morning the second orgasm.

She is showing a glow. It's the kind of glow that only pregnant women carry, but we'll know for sure when we all get together for the next show. We know Jessi won't say a word until then, even if it is positive.

Jessica is a changed person. She has a bounce in her step and a new confidence in her persona. Both Mel and Hailey have mentioned it to me, and they've actually talked to her about it.

She says she just feels different now that she's a sexual woman. She so much wishes she could get over her lack of ability to share because she's so happy when she's with all of us, but that one on one desire is still her driving force. It's okay. I had faith that it would change over time, especially if she has our baby.

She knows she's loved very deeply in our little "family" and she will always be welcomed with open arms. There are no preconditions, just make the decision, communicate it, and move in. We're ready for her anytime she is ready for us!

While we were packing things up and putting them away in the trailer our conversation went everywhere. No subject left untouched if it was introduced. The breadth of knowledge in these three young women never ceases to amaze me. At least one of them is literate in damned near any subject I can bring up.

Something I respect and truly love is the fact that none of them has a problem with saying "I don't know". No BS, just "I don't know". I do know that it is noted, and researched at the next opportunity so she doesn't have to say, "I don't know" to that subject again!

It took about three and a half hours to get everything in its place, doors closed, locked, and ready to vacate.

I went to the office to check out so they knew our space was now vacant. They could check it off their list, and because of my past record they didn't even inspect the spot before releasing me, they knew it was clean.

Much to my surprise they handed me the spot assignment for the next show and let me know that the facility would be open for beginning setup on the Wednesday morning instead of the usual Thursday. It was tentative in its assignment meaning I could choose a different premier booth if I wanted.

Okay, shift of plans a wee bit. I'll have to talk to Mel and Hailey, come up with a plan then figure out how we're going to sell it to Janet. Little did I know that no sales pitch was necessary, Janet was already on board.

We all piled into the truck to move it for the rest of the evening. We wouldn't be leaving the hotel until the morning. I do that on purpose so that when the time comes to make the long drive north I'm fully rested.

Once I got things settled in the back of the parking lot we took a quick stroll down to the beach so I could get my salt-water fix.

We found an empty bench to plant our rear ends on and just talked. I was never at a loss talking to any of the three of them, but together they were very intellectually stimulating. Each had a different interest and knowledge surrounding that interest The others, though already knowing the interest, listened intently while someone else was talking.

One of the things I wanted to talk to Mel about was a strategy to work on her mother. I wanted her to stay, but knew that Janet wanted her home for at least a couple days after this show.

After a time we decided that we were all hungry and set out to find something to eat. It wasn't all that difficult because there were a great assortment of food types within a couple blocks so our problem was trying to figure out what each of us wanted, and if there was a restaurant that could accommodate all four of us.

Since none of us were picky, or insistent in our desires, we just found a high quality burger joint and had our supper before heading up to the room for the last night of this trip.

You would think that sex would be at the forefront of our desires for that evening, but none of us was motivated in that direction. We were just too bushed from the week of working so many hours.

We just had a group grope in the shower then sat on the bed and talked until the sleep fairy adorned us with her pixie dust. The four of us wrapped around each other and took the stroll to never-never land.

I don't know about the girls, but I got a great night sleep and woke up surrounded by three of the sexiest women I've known, save one.

Life was definitely good!

Jessi said her "see ya later's" and took off with her small bag in hand. Being a beach bum, like me, she didn't have far to go because she lived very near the beach, just down the way. She preferred the walk for the exercise and I wasn't about to argue with her.

After we left the hotel I dropped Mel and Hailey off at their respective homes letting them know I'd be back in 2 or 3 weeks for the next one. They were both bummed out, but accepted that the best thing to do was to just be cool for the time being so that others could get used to the idea of their potential relocation.

Janet was really the only one needing to be convinced as Hailey could do anything she wanted. She let her brother know what was probably going to happen and wanted to let her parents know as well, but figured her parents wouldn't much care anyway.

I was confident that Janet would come around because of what I was offering. Mel was a pain in the ass because she was bored to tears; there was nothing in her life at home that was challenging her intellect.

I think Janet was intelligent enough to understand the argument and even though the maternal urge would be very powerful, she'd know that she wasn't losing Mel but releasing her into an environment where she had the opportunity to flourish. Melanie was still going to be around and that Mel-2 wasn't quite so antsy ... Yet.

Both Mel and Hailey understood that if they came to "live with Uncle Bobby" they would still need to finish school and if they wanted, continue with college. With Hailey that was no problem, she was already a Jr. in College.

Mel would need some motivational efforts to get her to consider more options and I was going to rely heavily on Hail to provide a lot of that motivation.

I think the biggest problem with Mel was that she had no real interest in her education because schools have been dumbed down so much to accommodate the less motivated and the asinine tests of so called achievement.

Mel just needed some acceleration in her program and I think Hailey was the perfect person to drive that acceleration. We'd have Mel and Jess out of high school in less than one semester and doing some kind of community college until she decided what she really wanted to do. Jessi was going to have more of a challenge, but I had faith that she could do it.

I figured I'd try to motivate her towards business. She seemed to have a natural aptitude for it, and enjoyed the machinations of organization. I could have a budding CEO on my hands. Maybe the CEO of "Bobby Enterprises" I thought with a chuckle.

We'll see.

For now, I was on my own again, and enjoying it!

I finally arrived at home on Monday evening and pulled the truck and trailer into the "warehouse," as I called my 8 car two story garage, so that I could drop it off and head on up to the "mega-condo". I'd have to take stock of what was there on Tuesday and order up new stock, farm out some bulk manufacturing, and get to work in my shop as well.

I had a plan to get Mel and Hailey up to the north, but I needed to get my ducks in a row. I needed some serious help after the success of the show we just did and the prospect of the upcoming events. The standard stocked items were very depleted this time.

Using the three "foxes", I have never sold as much in any other show. In fact, we sold more stock than I'd sold in the past 5 years combined. It was phenomenal! I'm really surprised that we didn't run short of stock, but I did have about 3 years worth of back stock piled up that we essentially liquidated at this show.

The big difference this time is that I really didn't need to go out and unpack everything to count items because Mel had inventoried everything in the trailer, which was 95% of the finished goods I have and put it into a database she'd created. All I was going to have to count was the stuff in the warehouse and the materials for manufacturing, dyes, inks, soaps, screens and the like.

I wasn't quite sure how I was going to deal with the logistics because I'd never had to worry about it before. I do this for fun mostly but it's turning into a serious business venture. I certainly don't need the money, but it was great experience for my ladies and that really became my new focus. Do my thing, but let them "run the show," as it were. What do they say these days? Win win?

First thing Tuesday morning my phone rang.

Ugh. Who the hell would call me at 7:00am? People know that unless there is something going on, like a show, my brain doesn't come out to play until at least noon, and generally I'm up and about until 2 or 3 in the morning.

"Lo," I croaked into the handset

"Bobby? Oh shit, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to wake you."

"S'okay Janet. What's up?

Brain engaged. Janet? Why would she be calling me at this time of day?

What's up with Mel? Is she okay? I'm sure she's not pregnant; I know she had a hell of a good time. She was ... Oh crap, did she spill the beans on the down the road plans?

"Nothing much Bobby. I just wanted to talk with you and maybe see if I could come up for a couple days to visit if you have the time."

She sounded very perky and ready to "boogie" as they say.

"Hey Janet, that would be great. I need to talk to you about Mel anyway. I need some serious help in replenishment and would like to get both she and Hailey up here to do some work. Shit, I can't believe how well sales went."

"I think she'd like that Bobby; she hasn't stopped babbling about the show since you dropped her off," she giggled.

"Oh, and Bobby ... Thank you!"

"It was my pleasure Janet..." I tried.

"I'm sure it was," she chuckled at me, "Melinda told me all about her "week" and Hailey and Jessica. Which brings me to one of the things I called you about."

Why did my radar start to alarm? Janet isn't one of those that would ever be a "threat" to me, but for some strange reason there were alarm bells sounding.


"Yes Janet?"

"Wow, Yes? I haven't even asked my question yet and I already have the answer. It's the answer I hoped for by the way."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. What is it that my feeble, half-asleep, male brain has agreed to?" I tried to put in a disclaimer.

She started to howl with laughter at my comment, but then more seriously, "Bobby, I'd like a turn."

Huh? She'd like a turn? Oohhhhhh. I get it now. She wants to take me up on my bedroom offer from the café. Not a problem for me. If I'm going to boink on her seventeen, almost eighteen-year old daughter, the least I can do is share a little. Mel already knows and thinks it's a fantastic idea. Besides, if Hailey is here perhaps Janet could work on one of her fantasies as well.

Janet and her ex-husband had split up about ten years ago and shortly thereafter she announced that she was gay. In talking with her, I found that, as with most "converts", she wasn't really a classical gay woman, a true lesbian. She was now bi sexual preferring woman because, say it with me people, "Men are pigs".

Yes we are, genetically, as well as in our basic training. I'm not going to go into the psychology of raising a male child. There are hundreds of books written on the subject, and if you're that interested, Google on it and have fun reading. What I will say is that most males are raised to think they're superior, stronger, smarter, and a whole lot of other uppers as opposed to girls.

Hate to tell ya guys, not totally true.

Yes. There are physiological differences. Men's muscle structure has evolved to do the "heavy work" where women's haven't developed in that same way.

The male brain and the female brain are very different.

Hey, no shit Bobby? You wouldn't be trying to pull one over on all of us would you? Male and female brain different? What a concept.

I've always held that women are very special people, and I'll never be convinced otherwise, however, through therapy I've taken women off of the pedestal that I had put them on.

I have always been a "women's libber", even when I was a kid, before the days of bra burning and the like. I had those feelings even though my supposed "role model" for women was a belligerent, angry, violent, abusive drunken mother. My therapist has told me I've done rather well considering. She's also the one that got you ladies off of my pedestal, and trust me you are better off down here with the rest of us.

In fact, truth be told, in my very humble opinion, the radical side of the women's movement has done more to hurt the equality of women than enhance it. They'll argue that isn't true, but I believe that history bears me out.

I will say one last thing for now along those lines. I usually get raised eyebrows when I say that I do not believe that men and women are equal.

We're not guys and gals.

Women are better than men. Just think about it and if you consider honestly you'll know that what I say is correct.

Anyway, during the less than ten seconds it took me to go through that thought process, Janet was waiting for my answer and I was going to jump at the chance.

"Janet, you know you are welcome here any time, and if it pertains to the offer I made in the café, you're on!"

"Yes Bobby, it pertains to that. After hearing Mel yesterday afternoon, and Hailey in the evening I want you physically. For the first time in a lot of years, I am looking forward to having a cock stuffed in me."

Shit Janet, get off the fence. Tell me what you're really thinking. Could you be more blunt? I like that in a woman! Don't beat around the damned bush, come out and say it! If "the guy" can't handle it, that's his problem and perhaps you, as a woman, should move on and find a man that can!

"I look forward to it Janet. I've told you before, you are a very sexy woman but that I totally understand your point of view. I'll be very honored to fuck you silly!"

"You silver tongued devil you," she laughed. "After the 10 days you spent with my daughter and her friends, I'm surprised you have anything left."

"Oooooooh, low blow Janet, low blow," I whined. "Oh, and speaking of low blows, can you bring Mel and Hailey with you?"

I was laughing heartily at that point. She got my drift and I could almost see the look on her face.

"You're terrible," she intimated. "God, you must be a man."

"Guilty as charged," I giggled back at her. "But seriously, I know Hailey's folks are gone for the next couple months, but at eighteen she doesn't need parental approval. With your permission I'd like to have Mel here to work with me as well. I need a lot of help to replenish the finished stuff. With those three young ladies in the booth, I sold more products than ever."

"Yeah, Mel mentioned that. I'm really happy that it worked out well for you."

Then Janet observed, "Your 'bonus' was more than adequate Bobby. That kind of money for 10 days work is kind of obscene don't you think?"

"Janet, that bonus went to all three of the girls and was, more or less, agreed to at the beginning of the show. I knew I was going to give them a bonus, though they really didn't. I 'brain stormed' with Mel the first day and came up with the formula.

"I still held to the $100 a day straight pay, which is far and above what the booth monkeys make at shows like these. If they worked over 8 I paid them overtime just the same as I would any other employee."

I had a mental image of the look on her face when I referred to all the kids that do these shows as "booth monkeys". It's what we call them, what can I say?

"At the beginning of the show, and yes, before any 'sexual favors' were provided or promised, I let Mel know I was thinking that if things worked out well, I'd give her between a half a percent and one percent of gross sales as a bonus.

"It was an incentive to increase sales.

"Little did I know!" I said with a laugh.

"We did very well, Janet. I can attribute it directly to the girls being there, so giving each 1% of the gross was not a big deal to me. Mel is the only one that got the 'whole megillah'.

"It was all pro-rated to the number of days each had worked, so it was fair all the way around. Trust me, with my margins, I'm not going to miss 1% in the overall scheme of my business."

"I think that $2500.00 is a little much for a bonus to give a 17 year old for 10 days work Bobby," she lamented. "It will give them the wrong idea about working for a living."

"Like I said Janet, the income my business made in those 10 days was directly attributable to their selling. Yes, showing off those gorgeous teenage bodies helped a lot."

Janet giggled, and I chuckled.

"Sexist? Yes, but they didn't mind, I didn't mind, and nobody got hurt."

"They were dressed well, though to be honest, they'd have sold a lot more if they'd been in the skivvies they were selling, but I am not about to allow anyone, especially seventeen and eighteen year old girls, to be smutty.

"Sexist yes. Smutty? Absolutely not!"

"I know Bobby, and I know you understand that exploitation like that is one of my buttons, but from everything that Mel and Hailey said, you did it in a respectful and responsible way. I understand that "Sex Sells," and it goes both ways, I know, but sometimes it is taken overboard."

"I wholly agree with you Janet. Totally!"

Then changing the subject a little, "Did Mel mention that she's set me up with a basic computerized inventory and sales system?"

"Yeah, she mentioned it briefly, but said it was no big deal," Janet replied.

"NO BIG DEAL?" I nearly shouted.

"Janet, usually when I end a show I have to pull everything out, count it by category and size to figure out what kind of things I need to order and work on. I do it on 3x5 cards.

"This time, all I need to do is run one of her reports and I know what I have, which tells me what I need. That tells me how long it's going to take to replenish to get ready for the next show," I said enthusiastically.

Then finished, "No big deal my ass. I need to come up with a way to adequately compensate her for that work."

"Bobby, she was happy to do it. By the way, it also will serve as a project in the business class she's taking at the local College."

She didn't tell me she was already taking college classes. All I knew was that she was having issues in her final semester of high school. Ok, our acceleration project wouldn't take as long as I expected. We may be able to challenge the remainder of high school in its entirety. It shouldn't take more than a couple weeks with Mel's intelligence.

"Ok, let's get back to the good stuff!" I said jokingly.

I heard chuckling at the other end, so I now know that Mel was also listening in.

"Get off the line, Brat!"

Then after a momentary pause I asked, "When are you going to be here Janet?"

"How about later today?" she quipped.

"Oh, a little horny are we?"

"Bobby, Jeeezzzzeeeee. You ARE a man aren't you? The 'little guy' is already starting to do the thinking," she laughed out loud and I could hear more giggling which just confirmed that Mel was still there.

"Later today is fine Janet," I confirmed. "I have to look at some business stuff and place some overnight orders to start working on. Hey. If you're going to be here for a few days maybe I can get you to help out also," I said half jokingly.

"What makes you think either of us will have enough energy to do any work?"

"Ummmm, I'll be sure to take my vitamins," I chuckled back to her, "Have Mel pick up some oysters from Cousin Jon."

"Shall I bring some Vitamin 'V'?" she joked.

"You think I'll need it?" I shot back immediately.

"Well from the sounds of your latest performances, I wouldn't think so, but one never knows when you may be petered out, old man."

"Oh Janet, That was sooooo bad! I get accused of being a guy ... Sheesh!

"So, will you bring Mel and Hailey?"

"Oh, I suppose. If I must."

"Mom," I heard whining in the background but an immediate click of her hanging up the line. Guess she figured she better pack again. She hadn't unpacked so there was only replenishment and additions for a longer absence.

"Oh. Speaking of which, is Mel listening still?"

"No, she's going upstairs to pack more things. We actually talked about it last night, so I think she'll pack for the rest of the summer. I think I'm losing a daughter!"

"You're not losing a daughter Janet. She may want to spend her time with me for now, but I have a feeling she thinks it will all be fun and games. She may find she has to toe the line even more tightly with me as she does with you."

"I'm not so sure about that," she retorted quickly.

"I am. Janet, I treat them all with the same respect that I do any adult, but we also never lose sight that I see their ages for what they are. School is the most important "job" in their lives at the moment, and there will never be a break from that. Oh. That brings me to another subject all together."

"What's that?" she queried.

"I don't want anyone spilling any beans, but I want you to know that based on her grades in the last couple months of HS, I am going to make sure she gets at least 4 years of college if that's what she wants to do. The same goes for Hailey and her undergraduate work. If she truly leaves home and comes to live with me, I'll fund her education as long as she keeps her grades up which I don't think will be any issue. Hailey loves school."

"I think Mel will be a challenge, Hailey's going to be a piece of cake."

"My god Bobby, do you know how much that will cost?"

"Yes, I do, my dear. I also know it is variable. It is not a real problem. Education is one of the most important things we can do for those we love and I want to make sure they have every opportunity to 'be all they can be', to coin a phrase."

"As I said, the money isn't a big deal, but they have to toe the academic line if it's to continue. Oh, Janet, you can add Melanie to the list. I will make sure she has every opportunity to go to college if she wants as long as she keeps up with her grades and I count on you and Mel to let her know and impress on her the importance of what I'm offering!"

I could hear some sniffling at the other end. She was crying silently. It's something she had been trying to work toward, but life sometimes makes that incredibly difficult, especially for a single parent. For me, it's less than the petty cash account.

"I have no doubt that Hailey will jump at the offer and excel at any subject she chooses to pursue. I'd guess Hailey would pursue some more psychology or philosophy if not both.

"Mel is going to be a harder nut to crack, but with her creation of this database I'm using now and some of the other suggestions and ideas she's had for the business, I think she'd make an outstanding business student, but I have to figure out how to make it her idea.

"I'm also sure that if I talk with Hailey that she'll help me with the motivational effort. Melanie is up to you and Mel for the time being."

"Bob, how is Melanie supposed to pay you back for all of this?" Janet said with a suspicious tone. I knew where her brain was.

"All she needs to do is make me proud of her academically Janet, trust me I have no designs on Mel-two. She's going to be another man killer, but that's going to be your problem not mine," I said with a loud chuckle.

"Thank you Bobby, I appreciate it and I'm sure Melanie will be thrilled. She's already an exceptional student."

I couldn't help myself so I broached the subject. "You should consider advancing her Janet. If she's doing exceptional work in today's environment I don't believe she's being challenged adequately. That's Mel's problem one hundred percent."


"No buts, Janet. One of the things I want to do is have Mel challenge the remainder of her high school classes, all of them. She's so fucking bored she doesn't pay attention so she doesn't do well. Nobody challenges her. Well, that's about to end!"

"I'm not sure I agree Bob, but Mel is anxious to make it work. I'll have to give serious thought to Melanie."

"Please do Janet. Believe me I know of what I speak. I was the same as both Mel's. No teacher ever challenged me intellectually, not even in college. Having ADD didn't help me much, but I'm supposed to be very gifted. I had discussions with professors that I'm sure they wondered why the hell I was in their class - I knew the material already and was actually challenging their knowledge of the subject."

Then laughing a little, "A couple things Hailey and I have totally in common are psychology and philosophy. We've already had 'upper division' discussions about some psych philosophies. She's into child psych more than I was. My interest is abnormal psychology, which I'm sure shocks the shit out of you."

Janet laughed loudly at that. "Bob. Abnormal psychology? I think that is, philosophically, a perfect fit!"

I paused for a moment chuckling at her comments. "Okay. I also said at least 4 years for a reason, Janet. As long as they toe the academic line I am prepared to support them through the finish of any doctoral programs they may want to pursue. It also includes Jessica, but I'll talk with her separately."

Taking a deep breath, knowing I needed to tread lightly, "Janet, I think one of the reasons she's become such a handful is that she's bored to tears. There's nothing in her life that is challenging her. I don't care what age they are, if they are capable of doing the work, they deserve the consideration for advancement. It's just my prejudice I guess because of my own experiences."

"Bobby, I..."

"Don't over think it, Sweetie. Just get your asses packed up and get up here."

"Ok, we're working on it."

"Ok, Since Mel's preoccupied, I'll tell you that I know that you've been, shall we say, 'lusting' for Hailey," I heard a gasp from Janet. "Don't worry about it. What I wanted to tell you is you may be able to realize that fantasy, maybe while you're here."

"Bobby, you better not be teasing me!" she laughed out loud.

"Nope. Listen, Jan. Watching the two of them, actually the three of them going at each other was one of the highlights of the show. Hailey is one of the most passionate women I've ever experienced."


"Yes, really. She was a virgin and I thought she was going to kill me! Mel and Jessi too, but not with the same passionate energy as Hail."

Thoughtfully she replied, "We'll just play it by ear, Bobby. I'm really looking forward to making love with you. I know it sounds really weird coming from me, but I just..."

She just trailed off at that point.

"I'll make you proud Janet. You will experience Tabitha and Elaine."

"Your gay roomies?" she wanted to know.

"Yes. Two of the loveliest, smartest, most intuitive and kindest women I've ever known. I'll tell you the story someday."

"Maybe while you're forcing me to have my 4th or 5th orgasm," She laughed!

"Maybe," I shot back at her. "At least 4th or 5th. We'll have to see how much attention you're able to pay."

"Bobby, you're making me wet already. I'll round up the girls and see you in about ten hours. Be ready!"

"I'm ready for you, Sweetie. Just get that soaking pussy to me and I'll show you how a man should treat a woman!"

I heard a gasp, then a distinctive giggle and a whispered, "He will mom, trust me!"

I just had to smile.

"Bye..." I heard weakly in my phone.


Okay, I had ten hours to get done what I needed to get done before three horny women showed up at the house. Thankfully it had 7 bedrooms and 5 1/2 bathrooms and all the bedrooms were large. I actually owned the whole complex, so when I had it built my suite was extra custom.

Based on the last show, and knowing the following shows I'd have the prime locations I ordered close to 250,000 items, not to mention dyes, inks, and all the accoutrements needed to produce enough stock for the next 2 shows unless we did the same at the upcoming show as we did at the last show.

Using Mel's database I could see what the most popular items were, so after making a few phone calls, I farmed out about 99% of the stuff that is "regular" or what is listed as standard stock.

Same as Craft Faire Love
Chapter 10: Show's over, Jessi goes on with life Videos

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Craft Faire LoveChapter 18 Interlude Between Shows

When we arrived at the mini-monster-condo I just pulled things in, backed the trailer into the "barn", put the truck in its usual parking place and we just dragged our asses into the house. Once again it had been a very long day. Hailey and I had started about 5:30am getting things ready, having breakfast, and then making the rounds to pick up Jessica and Melinda. We probably hit the road home after picking up Mel at about eight or so. Because of the size and weight of the truck it wasn't...

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Craft Faire LoveChapter 19 Home and Beyond

The days Sandy was here were really fun. The girls let her decide what she wanted to do and when she wanted to do it. She definitely spread herself around a lot, but I think when she took off to go back south, she was looking forward to some rest. For me it was almost like the old days, but there were times when it wasn't all that pleasant. She and I talked about a lot of things, but we could only do that when the others weren't around. It wasn't difficult, we just went for walks in the...

2 years ago
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Craft Faire LoveChapter 7 Dinner An Uncommon Locality

The limo was here to pick us up right on time, and as we took our ride I asked Hailey what time she needed to be home so that I could figure what time to tell Sandy to be back to pick us up. I was a little taken aback, but extremely pleased when she said she didn't need to be home at all. When I looked at her with surprise, she smiled and said, "My parents are on a 4 month cruise and won't be back until late September and my brother is, well, basically living at his girlfriend's place,...

3 years ago
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The Darkmoon Faire part 1

The Darkmoon Faire (part 1) This first part has no sex in it. So if you want to bitch, moan and complain, do so elsewhere. Ahead of You, Down the Path, A Majestic, Magical Faire! Ignore the Darkened, Eerie Woods, Ignore the Eyes That Blink and Stare, Fun and Games and Wondrous Sights! Music and Fireworks to Light Up the Night! Do Not Stop! Youre Nearly There! Behold, My Friend: THE DARKMOON FAIRE! Copyright – Blizzard Entertainment. ..::.. Welcome, one and all, to the Darkmoon Faire! Its a...

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Renaissance Faire

Kennedy waited in hungry anticipation. She felt the sweat on her back mixing with the cool air of the air conditioner. She could only hear the soft movements around her, the roar of the air conditioner, or the hum of the butterfly clit stimulator buzz when Lorne pushed the button. Each time bringing her close to an orgasm, but always stopping early. She would fruitlessly hump the air until she felt the sting of the whip across her bare ass, causing her to yelp and whimper. Her wrists were tied...

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Craft Faire LoveChapter 6 Day 2 Getting ready for the Show

We ended up taking a lengthy shower, which consisted of general washing as well as some shenanigans and grab assing. Hey, she's a "kid", yeah right! Uh huh, like I didn't instigate any myself! We had a quick bite of breakfast in the restaurant downstairs and split up to do what we needed to do for the day. I will have to say that she was a real trooper. As sore as she is there was no indication, at least to me, that she was uncomfortable at all. She wore a really nice long madras...

2 years ago
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Renaissance Faire

Kennedy waited in hungry anticipation. She felt the sweat on her back mixing with the cool air of the air conditioner. She could only hear the soft movements around her, the roar of the air conditioner, or the hum of the butterfly clit stimulator buzz when Lorne pushed the button. Each time bringing her close to an orgasm, but always stopping early. She would fruitlessly hump the air until she felt the sting of the whip across her bare ass, causing her to yelp and whimper. Her wrists were tied...

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Craft Faire LoveChapter 14 The Last Hurrah Before Show 2

Sandy came back into the room from the changing room wearing next to nothing. What she was wearing was so sheer that it may as well been nothing because it hid nothing. This is the Sandy I remember and love or should I say this is the Alicia that I loved so much. Her smile was worth more than I can describe, and I hope mine reflected the same feelings I was seeing in hers. She moved alongside of the bed and sat next to me then leaned forward and kissed me passionately, a kiss that was...

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Craft Faire LoveChapter 17 Sex and show 2

We flashed through the lobby and noted that the bottle shop was open so we went in for a quick visit. The girls picked up some sodas while I grabbed a bottle of JD, some ice and a few glasses. The ladies didn't particularly care for JD but they all liked rum and coke, so I also got a bottle of "generic" dark rum and a half a dozen quarts of coke. Well, we did have a little less than 2 weeks and what was left over could be put in the trailer for next time. Up the elevator, through the door...

3 years ago
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Ye Olde Water Faire 01 The Dolphin Rides

All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and...

3 years ago
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Ye Olde Water Faire 01 The Dolphin Rides

Welcome to my blog. I asked Master if I could have a blog. He told me that I was just an exhibitionist slut who wanted the whole world to see my ass. I told him that was true, but what I wanted for a blog was more like a diary for all the world to see. So, he said I could create a blog.Master wants me to post everything interesting that goes on in my life but with the following rules: One, he is the moderator for my blog and has to approve everything I post; two, I can’t post pictures... ever;...

2 years ago
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Craft Faire LoveChapter 4 Dinner and Beyond

If you have half an imagination you can picture what went on in the shower without a blow-by-blow description. I'll just say, WOW. This girl is going to be some kind of fun! She also spilled the beans to me about Jessica and Hailey. I knew both from past visits, but had no idea what Mel had in mind until now. Jessica is a doll, but Hailey absolutely smites me, and it's to Melinda's credit, knowing that, she would even consider making an invitation. She said that Jessica was on the...

1 year ago
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The Darkmoon Faire part 3

Introduction: Part three of the Darkmoon Faire, since you guys asked for it. All ideas and content for World of Warcraft belong to Blizzard Entertainment. I just wrote the story. ^-^ So, uh, this will be a large advance into my twisted tale. Such an advance, in fact, that theres practically no sexytiems. Those of you who play World of Warcraft and have had any hunter, you know precisely what Im doing here. Karas leveling and training! Of course, its sort of set in Cata… with the foxes and...

2 years ago
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No Faire A Tale of Public Humiliation

No Faire A Tale of Public Humiliation        Brian had been dating Jan for about two years now.  A few times each year, she tended to disappear for a weekend to attend one of the local ?Renaissance Festivals? in nearby towns, but Brian had never had much interest in going with her.  Every time Jan tried to convince Brian, he would claim to be ?too busy? or make up an excuse.  One day, he found himself unable to think of a reason, and decided to blurt out his real opinion.?It just seems so...

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Craft Faire LoveChapter 11 Janet gets hers

When we arrived at the house Sandy parked the limo behind my Jeep. Janet and I kissed each of the girls and made a quick exit leaving the girls to "play" with Sandy. As we got out I heard, "Mom?" and after Janet turned, "Have fun mom, I love you." "I will, Baby. I know, and I love you too." With that, Janet and I disappeared hand in hand into the darkness. I was in no hurry, and in reality, I don't think Janet was either. I think she was pretty nervous, at least she seemed to be...

1 year ago
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Craft Faire LoveChapter 12 Bobby and Sandy tell some of their story

We grouped and had breakfast cooked, eaten and cleaned up in no time. Considering our condition from the night before, it was an amazing feat. Right after finishing, Janet begged off for some morning naptime. I could tell that she was pretty sore which made me feel bad, but I also knew that she had asked for each and every time. She had actually caressed me awake twice during the night. She knew she was going to be very sore but chose to continue. She came over and kissed each of us in turn...

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The Darkmoon Faire part 3

If you haven't read PART TWO OR PART ONE, DO SO NOW! It's recommended. C: -- I knew a long time ago that I should've stopped my moping around, but I couldn't. Keri made a habit of telling me that, and so did Silas, although he tried to put it a little more gently. I even wrote my friend Farley over the past few weeks, whose responses were always late. But he provided me with help, so I was grateful for anything I got from him. He told me, like everyone else, that it was time...

4 years ago
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Jessi at the Jacuzzi

Hi, I'm Jessi, and this really happened to me. Normally I'm a kind of shy person but after reading a lot of erotic stories online my natural shyness is starting to be overcome by my horniness! I can't believe this happened, but it did and now I often wish even more had happened, still I hope you all find reading about it exciting. Between what happened, and reading more stories, I now have so many fantasies about what else could have happened, and what else I imagine might happen that I'm...

2 years ago
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Craft Faire LoveChapter 2 Melindas Preparation

Watching Melinda pack for her adventure, Janet was sure she had no clue about being truly treated as an adult. Janet knew I was not going to be treating her as a child and wondered how she was going to deal with it when Mel came back to her ... if she came back to her. She had already faced the reality that Mel may choose to leave the nest. She was so young, but Janet knew if she chose to spend the time with me that it would be nothing but good for her. Mel hasn't really had a male...

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Craft Faire LoveChapter 3 Melindas Adventure Begins

Janet shook her head chuckling at her daughter's "whole trip." She had packed 2 very large suitcases, a medium suitcase, a closet-hanging bag with all 4 "formal" dresses she owned, and a small hand/cosmetic case. With all of that she still had the backpack that she kept in her possession instead of putting it on the pile with the other luggage. She packed like she was going to be gone for months. Janet looking at it realistically knew that for all intents and purpose, Mel was going to...

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Craft Faire LoveChapter 5 Mels Evening Continues

After Mel's formal presentation, and with the last barrier to my entrance removed, she slowly and deliberately moved her legs apart for me allowing my eyes to feast, for the first time, on her very center. I could see the look of apprehension on her face being fearful that I wouldn't like or appreciate the view she was giving me. It seems to be as natural with women, as it is with men. Men are always scared to death that "what they have" isn't adequate to satisfy the beautiful woman...

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Craft Faire LoveChapter 13 The Rest of the Story

I was right though, and when Sandy and I made it to the bed, we just collapsed in each other's arms. We exchanged gentle kisses and whispered sweet nothings to each other. We were both enjoying the feel of naked skin when the sheets moved a bit and the bed shook some. I looked over my shoulder to find Mel and Hailey had decided to join us, and like the two of us, gently held each other, kissing quietly. I turned to smile at Sandy, but she was already in the clutches of the sleep fairy, so...

1 year ago
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The Barbarian and the Wench My First Renaissance Faire

I would bring this girl to climax first, leave her panting in the dirt. Taking two fistfuls of hair, I pulled her head away. My cock popped out of her mouth with a sucking sound. “M’Lord, am I not to your liking?” she asked, looking up at me with genuine concern. “You’re wonderful, my love, but I want to see to your needs first.” “But I only want to satisfy you.” “You’ll satisfy me by doing as you’re told.” Rochelle gave me a puppy dog look. “I’ll...I’ll do whatever you want.” This ravishing...

First Time
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Requested DM Faire Alt Ending

So while it is rather short, I'm done. The people who requested it, please enjoy. This was requested by some readers at the end of part 4 and I thought it was a great idea. So here it is, starting from where Kara finds Thell by Sindragosa's Fall. (IMPORTANT NOTE: ONLY BLOOD, GORE AND VIOLENCE. NOTHING ELSE. LITERALLY NOTHING.) If you're looking for something to wank to, look elsewhere, don't waste time skimming it, finding nothing and then downvoting it. Thank you. World of...

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Requested DM Faire Alt Ending

Introduction: Wherein Jarred is a death knight and shit goes down. I am so, so sorry for the amount of time it took to finish this. I was uninspired for the longest time. So while it is rather short, Im done. The people who requested it, please enjoy. This was requested by some readers at the end of part 4 and I thought it was a great idea. So here it is, starting from where Kara finds Thell by Sindragosas Fall. (IMPORTANT NOTE: ONLY BLOOD, GORE AND VIOLENCE. NOTHING ELSE. LITERALLY...

3 years ago
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The Darkmoon Faire part 2

Introduction: The Darkmoon Faire (part 2) Rather short, as stories go, but … whatever. If youre looking to jack off to this, then… well, enjoy the ending. >,:) Think of it as a Valentines gift! <,3 I guess good things just couldnt happen to me, because if they did, I get hurt in the end. — So, um, what is this supposed to be? Jarred, next to me, looked defeated and slightly horrified. There mustve been something nice there before, but something ate it and left a present where some...

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The Darkmoon Faire part 4

Introduction: The fourth and final installment of my series. Please excuse mistakes. The Darkmoon Faire part 4, The End! I must say I had a really fun time writing this. Except for, well, reading part 2 and cringing at how bad it was. Im learning, okay? This one took me the longest time by far.. I actually didnt think it was going to go anywhere after part 2. XD Copyright: Blizzard Entertainment. I dont own the game nor am I making a profit. :3 —- Time had come and gone. Three years, in...

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Ye Olde Water Faire 04 The Ferris Wheel

After I finished cleaning up, puta and I ran over to the Ferris Wheel so she could get tied on. She called it getting hooked up, but what they used was more or less standard restraints.Naturally, she was the first slave there. She was practically bouncing up and down with expectation. You would think she was being given some great treat rather than being tied onto a wheel of pain. Well, having said that, I guess for puta, they are the same thing.She was led up onto a platform that had a section...

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Ye Olde Water Faire 04 The Ferris Wheel

All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and...

2 years ago
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Craft Lessons Lead To Lesbian Encounters

I’d finished my second lesson for the day in card making to groups of ladies at the two-day craft fair in a nice country town. As I talked to a number of ladies about their crafting problems I began to think about packing my equipment and looking for a motel. One last woman patiently waited my attention. We had a pleasant discussion about cards when she put out a hand to introduce herself. Liz had a firm dry handshake. She asked me where I was staying. I told her I hadn’t booked anywhere just...

4 years ago
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The Darkmoon Faire part 2

I guess good things just couldn't happen to me, because if they did, I get hurt in the end. --- "So, um, what is this supposed to be?"  Jarred, next to me, looked defeated and slightly horrified. There must've been something nice there before, but something ate it and left a "present" where some scraps and torn bits of cloth lay around it on the sand. "I spent a long time on that," he muttered in disbelief. "It's okay, I can help you remake it.." "No." He said...

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The Darkmoon Faire part 4

 I'm learning, okay?  This one took me the longest time by far.. I actually didn't think it was going to go anywhere after part 2. XD  Copyright: Blizzard Entertainment. I don't own the game nor am I making a profit. :3 ---- Time had come and gone. Three years, in fact, though Kara didn't seem to notice the time pass. She overlooked the complete transformation of her body; any remaining fat on her arms became muscle, her legs grew toned, her belly void of the "pudge" she had...

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Renaissance Faire Fundraising

?GOOD AFTERNOON, LADIES,? began Sarah Nilsson, speaking with the measured tone of the career politician she wanted to be. The light chit-chat amongst the Student Council representatives subdued into silence, as a dozen pairs of eyes focused on the Council President,        ?We have one issue and only one issue today: the pool.? The handful of girls who hadn’t been giving Sarah their full attention immediately did so. ?I have just been informed by Headmaster McGregor that, effective May 15,...

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Ye Olde Water Faire 03 The Race

There are four major events at the Faire, the Dolphin Rides, The Carousel, The Race, and the Ferris Wheel. The four segments stand more or less on their own but make much more sense if you read them in order. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely...

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Ye Olde Ren Faire

Once upon a time there was a couple that was extremely bored one autumn weekend. Rich and Kat had enjoyed summer, but with the turning of the leaves and both of them running out of vacation days their options for entertainment were limited. One day while they were watching Princess Bride on Netflix there was a knock on Rich and Kat's door. "Check it out," Kat said. "Could be a package." Rich got up and grunted, "It could also be a damn door to door Cable Salesman. No, I don't want to switch to...

1 year ago
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Pregnant Jessie finds a new lover

When her husband finished having sex with her he went to work. She was glad to see him go. Now she could satisfy herself. Harold never lasted over thee minutes with sex and went off prematurely leaving her hanging. She got her vibrator and rammed it in her pussy. Now she had after climax until her legs were shaking. Jessie looked at her pregnant belly and knew that Harold was good for something. She wondered if she would have a girl or a boy. Jessie looked in the mirror and squeezed her...

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Jessies surprise part 2

Licking my lips tasting both our cumm, my heart was pounding as I watched Cindy suck Jessies big cock. Jessie always wanted me to call it "her cock" not a dildo, it's was a real turn on to think my hot girlfriend had a cock for me! I pushed Cindy's blonde head down the thick 8 inch shaft till she gagged, then let her up the once again telling her "That's it suck Jessie's big cock, good girl....can I have some??" she answers with a muffled "Yaaahmmmmmmm.......(let's the cock pop outa her mouth)...

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Ye Olde Water Faire 03 The Race

I was already entered in the swimming race, so all I had to do was show up and get a number. Since there were too many of us to assign one to each lane, they just painted a big number on our backs and told us to not drown each other.There were about fifty or so of us in the race. At least, the highest number I saw was fifty-three. With that many in the pool turning around for the second half of the lap gets really interesting. Basically you have to take a really deep breath and then swim...

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Bent Over for Uncle Jessie

Mom's older brother, Jessie, was always a flirt and often thought he was God's gift to woman. He was always quite the womanizer and knew just how to work the scene, even given his advancing age. I could see this as he mingled with the large crowd of family on our huge deck at the family reunion mom had organized. I watched Uncle Jessie flow through the crowd of family eying female family members like they were just another woman. All of them smiled at him and he reveled in it. I just snickered...

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Faire Trade

Once upon a time, Jack had been a normal guy, like you or me. Well. Maybe a little more perverse than most. There was always so many beautiful ladies around, and he just wanted to touch them. One day, he woke up different, changed. There was no magic fairy, no voice of god, just the knowledge in his head that he could do as he wished, to anyone he wished. It was there firm in his head, as he got dressed in a simple black sleeveless shirt, with a v-neck and ties, a red vest, and a plain black...

Mind Control
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The Devil Inside Part I The Possession of Davina Faire

Love seems to rely on self-deception. Relationships are for idiotic breeders. It’s all bullshit, if you ask me. People constantly lie to each other and stab each other in the back; they break their promises and break one another. Their infidelities destroy their “picture perfect” family, and their selfishness eradicates all the noble virtues of love. That’s why I’ve been single for so long. I don’t live my life with my head in the sand. I don’t lie to myself and desire a fictional love story...

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The Borall Valley Faire

The city of Holly Grove. A small city by all respects, sits at the crossroads of the Borall Valley, a wide reaching expanse of farmland and forrests. Once every year, after the fall harvest, the faire grounds are prepared and the entire month is filled with revelry and celebration. Holly Grove swell in population, nearly 40,000 people come to attend the faire and partake in its events.

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Tailgating with Jessie

Disclaimer: I have posted this story on another site, but it truly is mine.The sun hung high and unobscured in the cool and clear autumn sky. Two professional football teams were making preparations for week six of the National Football League's season while I fought my way through masses of cars, pedestrians and traffic cones. I'd actually never been to a football game, and that streak would continue despite the fact that I was trying to get to the stadium on game day as quickly as I...

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Watching Jessie at the hotel

This is a continuation of the story Watching Jessie (glory hole).By the time I got Jessie dressed to leave the glory hole booth another cock appeared through the hole in the wall. Jessie wasn't about to leave it there. Jessie promised that she just wanted to practice her sucking skills. Jessie knelt down in front of the cock and began kissing and stroking it. As the cock began to grow Jessie stroked it more and licked it all over paying special attention to the head. When the cock was fully...

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Riding the Jessie Train

Introduction: The following is a follow-up to the account described in my previous story starring Jessie. It was a long-time coming. While much of this story is true, we added a lot to it to make it more worth writing, so I didnt feel right categorizing it as a true story. Again, in the same interest, preparatory and hygienic details were omitted. It was late afternoon, and Jessie and her husband were on their way from dropping off their son with Jessies brother. As they took care of the kid, I...

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Watching Jessie glory hole

This story follows "Watching Jessie "Jessie was so out of it I had to help her get her pants on. I guided Jessie to her car but it was obvious that I would have to drive us to her house. I suggested that we go to the hospital where Jessie could get the morning after pill. Jessie didn't talk to me on the ride home, other than to say that she didn't want to go to the hospital. My suggestion of the hospital had only made her colder to me. I could have stopped the guy from fucking Jessie in the...

4 years ago
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Watching Jessie cuckold me

What a dilemma I found myself in all brought on by my sexual perversions. The woman I loved and planned to spend the rest of my life with had helped convince me to take a lucrative job offer. Frank my potential new boss had my Jessie hooked on his big black cock. Worst of all Frank seemed determined to put his baby in Jessie. I'd played the scenarios out in my head and none of them really turned out the way I'd like them to. Jessie though was determined to make it work out.I had started packing...

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Faire LAmour Within the Winds Of Hell

originally published in Ophelia’s Muse May 2002 Lamps sputtered against dank subterranean air as he squinted at the papers. Fuel fumes stirred a bouillabaisse of tobacco, coffee, soup, sweat and mildew. The muted breath of those around him sounded more distant than the trickle of sewers beyond the chamber walls. “I’ll be dammed,” Bradley muttered in English. Six of the surviving members of Etienne duMarche’s Resistance cell exchanged uncertain grins, they might not understand his words, but...

2 years ago
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Jessie's story Jessie Es war wieder ein langer Tag geworden. Jessie schloss ihre m?den Augen, ihre Finger lagen noch auf der Tastatur. Sie hatte eine Idee f?r eine neue Story gehabt, aber irgendwie war sie zu besch?ftigt gewesen, um auch nur ein Wort zu schreiben. Es war bereits ?ber die Zeit, zu der sie normalerweise Schluss machte, und das meiste ihrer Arbeit war getan. Es war niemand mehr im B?ro, die Luft war rein. Sie ?ffnete ihren geheimen Ordner und begann zu tippen. Die t?glichen P...

2 years ago
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Jakob and Jessie Part 5

Jakob leaned against the door as he watched Jessie drive the truck, her long slender fingers wrapped easily around the wheel. He was lost in thought, mostly recalling their last night in the Webster farm before leaving for college. He had come in late from his last job—harvesting 1500 acres of feed corn. The ground had been unusually rough, possibly a result of the long drought, and the ensuing vibrations had tired him terribly. He was surprised that the house was mostly dark—it was only...

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Watching Jessie part 8

Watching Jessie (part 8)Frank was in the bedroom with Jessie when I got home from work on Friday. He hadn’t been over since last week. Now that he had Jessie pregnant I wondered if he was working on getting someone else pregnant. I was happy knowing that his wife Terry had given me an awesome blow job in the very same room at lunch time. Even though I didn’t get to fuck Terry I knew it was only a matter of time. I felt my cock getting hard as I thought about Terry’s beautiful black body and...

1 year ago
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The Theft of Jessie Gray

It was hardly the first time the two girls had gone out dancing together. They had, after all, been inseparable ever since the second grade when they first bonded under the thumb of their mutual bully, Deb Connors. From there their friendship had only grown. In fourth grade, they had each earned themselves a month long suspension for a prank their classmates still talked about in hushed tones. In the sixth, Jessie had dragged Lily along with her to volleyball tryouts and the pair had made...

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