Masi'shen StrandedChapter 33 free porn video

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"Everything is set with Viktor's connections? They've set up the website and the streaming video links, and there will be enough server capacity so it won't crash when it gets hit with a tsunami of connections?" Mike asked.

"Oh, yes, no doubt. Viktor pulled out all the stops with his contact who owns a huge chunk of the network capacity in the U.S. Apparently the guy doesn't have a clue about what is going to hit the air, but Viktor's pulled a double whammy on the guy. He offered so much money as a guarantee, and hinted at financial armageddon if he didn't come through, that the tycoon doesn't know whether to celebrate a flood of new riches, or run for his life.

"But to answer your question, yes, most definitely. The internet server links are in place, and nothing short of a nuclear strike can bring it down. It's already patched into all the major news feeds for live streaming; all the stations need do is interrupt their normal programming and patch into our feed," Steve explained.

"Good, that's a big deal. It's nice not to worry about that end; we've got enough on our end to catch and uplink all the action," Mike admitted.

"I've taken it on myself to talk to Rhys and Martha. They went back to Twin Falls right after Marie's folks let them know that Viktor's group was stood down, and were now allied with us. Martha has excellent connections in the Twin Falls community, and she's going to use them to reinforce her credibility when she makes an offer to the news director of the local TV station. It's a small station, but is a CBS affiliate, so they have two-way feeds into the national network.

"She's going to offer herself and Rhys for local live interviews. The news people will be clamoring for all the background they can get, once they realize what's going on, and that it's for real. I'm thinking that if they can talk to a couple of solid, down-home folks who aren't clamoring that it's the end of the world because we have some alien refugees on the planet, it might inject at least a thread of sanity. That's our hope, anyway," Mike explained.

"Good idea, except after the interviews I think they'd better get out of town and stay lost for awhile. They'll get crushed in the stampede of news crews from everywhere else, trying to get their own footage, after the local feed airs," Steve warned.

"Right. I think they'll go back down to Salt Lake City for awhile; they have some very good contacts there, too, and if it's really necessary they can ask for help from the folks at Bonneville Broadcasting. They're the church station that owns and runs KSL-TV. There'll be no problem at all with their credibility once our antarctic scenes have aired, followed by their Twin Falls interview. It's a cinch they'll be safe in the hands of the KSL people both on and off the air. Since it's a church station, they have a lot of influence in that city and I don't think Rhys and Martha will have to worry about getting overwhelmed in a mob. They'll probably be put up in a penthouse suite and given 24-7 security to keep them safe and exclusive to KSL!" Mike laughed.

"No doubt," Steve chuckled. "I forget the unique cultural qualities of your mountain west, sometimes. No, I don't think they'll be in any danger with the entire resources of the city to protect them."

"There's another angle I've given a lot of thought to," Mike added. "The LDS have always been viewed as a 'fringe' religion by most, and as a 'cult' by a few Christian fundamentalist groups. So they have some experience with bigotry and estrangement. Most folks don't realize that part of their theology has an element of other worlds, at least in the Celestial sense. "Many rooms in my mansion, and worlds without number" is a fairly common expression in their beliefs. So I'd be willing to bet they're less likely to see our visitors as a threat. Especially the first time the church elders get a good look at Dee'rah in her angel maiden form!" he mused.

"Steve, if you and Marie will hang out with our skipper and his radio tech to make sure everything stays connected at our end, I'd better go visit with Dee'rah for awhile. I need to consult with her parents, and the ship's leadership council. As the juggler said while he tossed live hand grenades in a high circle above his head, Timing is everything!"

The Council

Mike's head no sooner hit the pillow after he'd secured himself alone in his cabin for privacy, than Dee'rah joined him.

Are you still frightened, love? he asked her.

No, Michael-mine. No longer. I forget sometimes, we have many capabilities. My father assures me we have little to fear from those bombs that your President has ordered dropped on us, she answered.

I thought not. But as long as the President and those who support him remain in power, there will always be a threat. Perhaps the worst threat will be their ability to generate hysteria through fear-mongering, and to incite hatred and bigotry. I have a plan to defeat them, but I must visit with your father and, I hope, perhaps meet with the ship's council of leaders?

Of course, Michael-mine. You are now one of us, you need not ask. It is your right—it will be given!

Michael moved with Dee'rah as she pulled his spirit-energy self with her; they emerged into the familiar surroundings of the great hall of the ship where he'd first met her parents. Jon'na-ren (Masi'na, male) and her mother Lyn'na-ra (Masi'ah, female) were waiting.

Michael-friend, it is a joy to see you! Jon'na-ren welcomed him. I sense that we have much to discuss, is this so?

Yes, my revered friend, we do. Has Dee'rah informed you of the bombing strike my nation's leader has ordered? And of our failed attempt to stop it?

Calm yourself, Michael; there is nothing to fear. I trust that you already believe that, or you would not appear so calm.

True. But yet I must visualize what I have seen of these particular aircraft, and the exploding devices they will drop. In our conflicts these devices have a unique and destructive effect on anything buried underground. They are intended to shake the earth, and collapse any subterranean structures.

Michael brought to mind the military film footage he'd seen of such penetrating bomb strikes, and their effects. He also visualized what little he'd seen of the delta-shaped stealth bombers that would be making the attack run.

Can your ship shielding be extended to stop these devices? Michael asked.

Not quite in the way you think, Michael. We cannot stop them exactly, but we can ensure they will do us no harm. But we will discuss that in greater detail. I understand that you wish to consult with the Mas'shi-dul, the ship's council. You are most welcome as a respected friend, a consultant, even as a valued envoy of your people. Come, Michael, we will go. They are assembling to receive us; as I am a senior member, I can assume they will not begin without us, Jon'na-ren smiled.

A joke! Sir, Dee'rah explained that you find our sense of humor and levity to be enjoyable—and you have spoken a small jest! Are you learning from us, so soon?

Perhaps we teach each other, Michael. Perhaps we learn much of great worth, together. Jon'na-ren smiled again.

So it is possible to do this ice-clearing at any time? All is ready, and you have only to command it done?

Jon'na-ren nodded his head in a gesture he'd found pleasing in Michael's habit; the other council members seated around the great table smiled in return.

And the ship may then rise, emerge from this trench that will lay open to the sky; the ship may lift and safely remain aloft over the island? With no hazard to it or yourselves, answering to her commands? he asked.

Jon'na-ren nodded again. There is no doubt, Michael. All can be done with perfect control, and quite safely. As for the rest of what we've discussed here, yes. We have communicated our requests and intentions, and we've made preparations. Do not fear, Michael. I trust we do not weary you with our assurances. We have many capabilities.

Later, meeting with Jon'na-ren, Lyn'na-ra, and Dee'rah in their private quarters, Michael asked the big question.

Dee'rah, your father helped me explain my plan to the Mas'shi-dul. I intend to accomplish two things. First, we will expose the crimes our President is committing against your race, the treaty protecting this continent, and against my nation's people. I believe this will be sufficient to remove him from power. My second hope is to introduce you, your race, to the world in a way they will never forget, yet will have no reason to fear. I believe they will see you as I see you: a people who may be our mentors and guides, that we of the earth may eventually evolve to join you as citizens of the stars.

Steve stood with Corky and the helmsman. They approached the edge of the ice shelf surrounding Siple Island. Nervous and cautious piloting brought their ship through the floes and bergy bits, nudging slowly between the large bergs and broken floes, leaving a trail of gray-black water behind through the smaller ice chunks.

"We're about five miles from the island itself, and that will give us an excellent view of anything as large as that ship when it emerges," Corky commented. "Steve, you better go stand watch with Lee in the radio shack. We can hold us in position with no problems. I see no danger of anything moving to pin us; the ice melt and breakup has been extremely favorable to us."

"Aye, aye, Corky. I'll holler for you when we get to the exciting stuff," Steve replied.

God bless Viktor's vodka-guzzlin' black heart, Steve thought to himself. I still can't believe it, even though I'm looking at it. A damned live feed, courtesy of an encrypted, compressed, and secret video stream coming into our video monitors. God only knows how many up and down and cross-links it takes to get here. Unbelievable!

Steve watched Lee's 21-inch monitor as it displayed a low-light enhanced satellite view of Mount Siple in all of its 10,000-foot glory, and the long, wide snow pack surface of the island stretching to the southeast of its base. He was looking at the entire area where the Masi'shen ship would blow open its grave and emerge from the dead. He was seeing it courtesy of the Russian spy satellite that Viktor Lucenkovich had "borrowed" and parked in stationary orbit over Antarctica for the event.

Lee talked on his satellite telephone to technicians in Russia and the United States through a conference link. He was feeding video from their own camera mounted in an enclosed rotor housing on a high corner of the pilot house. He aimed it at Mount Siple.

"Clear? Good feed? Excellent! We'll maintain the link. As soon as our guests arrive, I'll swing our camera to point down to the foredeck. We've rigged a microphone and we've already tested it; you should get excellent audio with our camera feed." Lee smiled at Steve and gave him the universal thumb and finger circle 'Okay!' sign.

"They tell me that all of the network links are up and ready. So, Mister Barrington, sir! The Ocean Endeavor movie production company is ready to make history whenever you folks are ready!"

Celestial Celebrities

Volgograd television, fer crissakes! What the hell am I doing here, sitting on my ass, bored out of my skull for the last ... oh, hell, it's been over half an hour now, staring at this monitor.

Fred James was one of several assistants to the producer for special events for WGZD-TV, New York. Orders came down from the General Manager the previous day to monitor a hookup into their studios for a special news feed, content TBA, to be announced. The instructions were unusually specific: a producer was to monitor the feed from the moment it came live, and to be ready to interrupt normal programming the moment anything unusual was seen over the special link. Without fail! This order was to be given the highest priority, the General Manager explained.

Ernie Thomas, the producer, was a skeptic, a cynic, and a hard-boiled veteran of the streets who had bullied and browbeat, back-stabbed and cheated his way into his producer's chair which his fat backside was holding down somewhere on the other side of the newsroom. He flirted with a perky little brunette who hoped fervently one day soon, "very soon, honey," Ernie crooned into her ear, to realize her moment as a news talent in front of the cameras. Ernie's priorities this day were not the General Manager's priorities. What the hell could come from Volgograd! We ain't at war with the Russians! was Ernie's rationale for stroking Betsy's ambitions; hopefully her motives would merge with his motive, and...

"Holy Shit!" Fred exclaimed to himself, as the video feed swung from the boring view of the snow-capped volcano somewhere in frozen nowhere-land to show several figures standing on the broad, stubby bow of a ship surrounded by water and broken ice. One of the figures was a tall, rugged-faced man in arctic clothing. The other three figures were not wearing arctic clothing. He couldn't tell what the hell they were wearing. They were glowing too brightly!

"Mr. Thomas! HEY, Mister Thomas!" Fred called as he jogged across the studio set, trying to stay out of camera range and avoid tangling with the maze of cables on the floor. He looked for but couldn't find his producer anywhere. He reached the other side. Grabbing another assistant, he spun him around to get his attention: "Amos, Amos tell me, where the hell is he, Mr. Thomas! He's gotta be here ... he's gotta see this! Oh, damn ... the GM's gonna have our ass! Where the hell did he go, Amos?"

"Jeezus, Fred, get a grip! Thomas was schmoozin' with that new intern, the little brunette. He's pulling the old you're gonna go far if you stick with me routine on her. They left to go get lunch. He said he might be back a bit late."

"Oh damn! Oh shit! ... crap! ... Dammit all to hell! Amos! We're fired! The whole damned lot of us are fired! Just as soon as the GM sees what we ain't got goin' out on the air like he ordered, we're all in the shitcan! Come look ... come with me, right now, and look at this. I'll show you what that asshole Thomas just missed, and it's gonna dump everyone's career in the crapper!"

Fred dragged Amos with him across the studio, where two other assistants and a junior producer gathered in front of the corner monitor that Thomas had left Fred to watch.

Beside the rugged man in a parka and the three glowing figures that caused Fred to have his panic attack, everyone was watching and listening to a fourth figure, a petite native American woman dressed in dark leather, decorated with sparkling beaded designs. She introduced the glowing figures as a family of space voyagers who were waiting for their ship to emerge from the ice.

"Somebody get this damned feed on the air! Now, dammit! We gotta break into programming and get this up now, live!" the junior producer yelled at them.

"Can't," somebody else yelled. "Only one in the studio with the authority to do that is Thomas, and he's out. He won't be back for an hour, at least. An' he left his cell phone layin' on his desk, so nobody would be callin' him. He didn't want to be disturbed; he had a feeling he was gonna get lucky."

At that moment, a frantic technician came bursting in from the adjacent editing and control rooms. "Hey! Everybody, come see this! You ain't gonna believe it ... the other networks broke into their programming and they're carrying a live satellite feed out of Antarctica. It's on all the other stations. They're on camera, LIVE! Space people! They're here!"

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Having visited a morning magistrate’s court in one in one of the UK’s major cities some years ago. I was a little surprised at the way many cases especially of prostitution were pushed through at such high speed. Thinking back on my visit the bones of this story emerged. I am sure what happened below is surely not possible, or is it? Tony woke up with a start as the cell door clanged and a police officer walked in with his breakfast. “Here you are miss, you had better hurry up and eat, you are...

2 years ago
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Pain And Pleasure

By : Fast Fucker Hi I’m Mac from Jaipur I’m now 21 and studying in Bba 2nd year this happened I was in 12th class and my board exams were near and I was trying to study but can not cocentrate on studies because some guest came to our house and it was small house no speare room for study so I decided to go to my masi’s house their house was big and anu my masi’s son he was also in studying, so I thought that we will study together and he can help me in solving problem He was intellegent in...

1 year ago
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Gail goes to Florida

Gail's husband had been lacking in his husbandly duties lately. She had become rather popular on a network social media site due to the combination of her modeling post and her sexy tattooed body. Since she had gained a following of over five hundred she never had to look far for an admirer. One particular guy caught her eye and soon they were texting back and forth. What started out as a friendship with tattoos in common turned into a online romantic adventure. One cold Sunday Gail's husband...

2 years ago
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My First Glory Hole

I had been messing with guys at school for a few years but it wasn't enough for me. I wanked several times a day over porno mags and vids and getting fucked by strangers got me soo fucking hot.I got so horny that I went on a tour of the local public toilets until one was quite clearly somewhere that guys like me went. There were holes of different sizes in all of the cubicles and I went to one at the end of the row and watched through the smallish hole in the wall.About 15 minutes later a guy...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 1 Victim Dupe or Accomplice

August 2, 1996, Chicago, Illinois Facing an angry pimp with a knife was not a situation which called for conversation, but I also didn’t want it to escalate to the point where the police would be involved. He knew I carried a gun, and I was sure he was convinced he could stick me with the knife before I could draw. What he DIDN’T know was that I was better off WITHOUT the gun at this point. In fact, having the gun on me severely limited my options. Without a word or any warning, I shifted...

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Meeting Tara

During a fight with my wife i was so pissed off that i had to go for a walk to the pub, stressed from work and wanting not to talk to anyone i sat at a table and lscrolled some social media pages. Now i am a 6 foot 2 inch 240 pounds of a 32 year old male. I love shemale porn it started with straight anal porn, however that doesn't do it for me anymore. Its shemale or nothing. Since i was going through puberty I would play with my own asshole thinking what all these sexy women felt when they...

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Awakening her inner sub

She had a boyfriend of a few months. Sean was 21 and also went to college with Eva. He was about 5'10” with short black curly hair. He was a senior but lived off campus in his own apartment. Eva was still pretty inexperienced. She had a boyfriend in high school she had lost her virginity to, but he was nothing like Sean. He was older and more mysterious. She was intimidated by him every time they hung out. The sex between them was great, but she always felt like he was holding...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Married Tamil Maid Jaya 8211 Part 3

Thanks for all the love you guys have shown for parts 1 and 2. I truly appreciate all of you who have liked it and personally emailed me. Just to recap, I applied Nutella on my penis and my balls and my married Tamil maid Jaya sucked my dick for almost 10 minutes like a lollipop. She used her tongue to clean all the remaining patches of Nutella on my dick and said – Jaya: Enough now, don’t make me wait more, come on. Make me feel heaven on earth right now and right here. Then I made her lie...

3 years ago
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Paradise Boarding School 8211 Part 26

Hello ISS readers. I am back with the next part of the story. Please do read the previous parts. My name is Aafi. I am from Bangalore. But I am working and living in Chennai. I am a 25-year-old Software Engineer. You can email me or hangout at . Let me continue from where I stopped last time. I left Eve and Abigail to their evil plans. I went to the other cabins where everyone else was there. Here they are! It’s weird, these two cabins are right next to each other while the other one that I’m...

3 years ago
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The Best Laid PlansChapter 6

“Franny, I started going to prostitutes so I didn’t have to deal with gold digger girls suing me. I know I came ten times harder this time than I ever had before. I’m undoubtedly going to need time to learn and lots of practice to get as good as your dad, but getting good enough so you smile at me the way you smile at him is now my top priority.” With the immediate future taken care of for all the girls, Holly and I toured South America together. We did lots of outrageous things. Holly found...

3 years ago
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Snowed In

It was December 18, 2010. That was possibly the best day of my life, to my memory thus far. I had the best group of friends in college, including my boyfriend, Jack, my best friend, Lauren and her boyfriend, Emmett. My name is Samantha, Sammy for short. I still remember this amazing day, as if it just happened yesterday.It was the aftermath of a snowstorm, which had trapped us in Jack's cabin for three whole days. December 18th was the third and last day we would be stuck in the cabin....

Love Stories
1 year ago
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Lady Tether and the Three Little Discards

Lady Tether and the 3 Little Discardsby A. P. Damien28 paused to pour another cup of coffee. "I really don't think age is important. Looks are. But I think my skin is getting dry. One year, maybe two. Then she'll discard me." The brunette did look a little more mature than the other two. Her only clothes were bright red vinyl boots, gloves, and a bikini bottom. "And your life will be, too. Doesn't that matter to you?" 272 was a brand new slave and seemed fascinated by 28's upcoming death. "Yes,...

2 years ago
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Rainy Day Part II

Rainy Day – Part II   Bill was mesmerized by Susan’s naked upper body now perched straddling his groin area. Her pussy pinned his cock down to his body, the only visible portion, its head, slowly regaining a hint of pink after   having released a huge load only minutes prior.   Susan had her hands firmly planted on Bills defined pecs . Her eyes closed for a few seconds, enjoying the sensation of skin on skin. His chest hair interwoven amongst her fingers, his muscular thighs pressing...

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eyes to a new worldrewrite

Day as long as I live, because that was the day my life got twisted up side down by one god damn women. Beep, beep as my alarm went off for work, and to no surprise I found my 17 year old daughter Sara laying next to me with her dirty blond hair in her pink pajamas she looked so much like her mother who I hate so much. That whore only left a letter saying she not meant to be a stay at home wife and she never got to live her life since she got pregnant at a young age of 15. If I look back at...

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The Velvet Glove

I’d been seeing Carla for almost three years. It was a fading romance, with the emphasis on fading, rather than romance. A year of separate colleges hadn’t done anything to pull us back together after the fading started in our last year of high school. I’d looked forward to the Memorial Day holiday as we’d both be home and maybe things would be better. In hindsight, looking forward to spending time with Carla and rejuvenating our relationship was optimistic of me.We’d gone out for a reunion...

Straight Sex
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At the Top Pt 4 Two Feet Clare

Bathed in morning sunshine in her bathroom, Clare checked her makeup and hair in the wall of mirrored cupboards above her sink. Finding zero flaws, she moved to the full-length mirror to measure her hemline. The sharp senior executive in a black miniskirt suit met her expectations.It wasn't her bathroom; it was his. However, if occupation counted, she'd taken over. Living miles high in the sky for the past two weeks, only the glorious white freestanding bath had prevented her from parading...

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Rural Corsicana Texas Motel

Ellen reported her story from Corsicana then checked into the Best Western Executive Inn. Ellen unlocked the door to her room, opening the door, she is surprised seeing me waiting for her. Ellen sighed, set the suitcase down on the bed, I stood up from the chair, grabbing Ellen's hand in my grip. " Well, let's go into the other room. I want some." " Oh, John," Ellen answered, trying to keep the tired whine out of her voice. " It's afternoon yet. I've just been up since 2am." " I...

1 year ago
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His eyes lingered at the bend of her neck for just a moment, stretched deliciously taut and exposed to him as it was, before he made his move Business By L  [email protected]    His eyes lingered at the bend of her neck for just a moment, stretched deliciously taut and exposed to him as it was, before he made his move.  Still kneeling, hunched and small against the tiles, she waited impassively. The suddenness of his presence, the heat of him against her, rocked her slightly ?...

3 years ago
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The Sergeants Affair Chapter 2

A continuation of their day in the park. She picked her head up from his chest, a secret smile on her lips as she licked them, imagining how his cum would taste. She looked up at him, as he lay there staring up at the dark rain clouds that were moving in overhead. She wondered what he was thinking about and if it was anything like her little fantasy. He glanced at her momentarily and smiled that sexy smile of his and she felt herself falling for him quickly. Everything about him...

1 year ago
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Only One Night

“You’re teasing me.” “Is that so?” he returned, cocking a half grin. “You’re my student. That’d be inappropriate.” “I want you.” Even softer said, I brushed my hand against his resting beside me. He remained quiet for several seconds. “Say that louder.” He said flatly. A former student reconnects with her high school teacher. Author’s note: This is based on my real sex fantasy. It’s a slow burn. My writing is purely for self-fulfillment. Mr. W, if you ever read this, my offer still...

2 years ago
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GinnyChapter 13

Pete reported back to John Gladstone with the statements from all three guys who lied about Shirley's pregnancy. They all pointed the finger at Bill Lambert's mother. He was glad that he didn't have to make the decision about what to do with this. The final decision about how to handle this evidence was up to his client so he posted the statements with his report on how the evidence had been obtained. Despite the fact that pressure had been put on at least one of the people concerned, he...

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Jack and the Beanstalk A Twisted Fairy TaleChapter 9

Once she had delivered the clothes to a still complaining Coreen, Elizabeth got a pan and a pitcher of hot water. She grabbed a cake of soap and a bath towel, which might do as a wash cloth for the giant, and returned to the dining room. Mortimer was still lying where she’d left him. “I brought something to get you cleaned up,” she said a little breathlessly, letting her eyes rove over his broad, muscled chest. She dipped the towel into the pan, soaking up all the water, then rubbed the...

1 year ago
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Adela the Servant Girl

The king studied the scroll carefully, his brow furrowed. “I’m not sure Governor,” he started, and Arcturus’ face darkened slightly, “Governor Morrigan’s architects are a rather talented lot...” The governor scowled. This deal would pour huge amounts of the treasury into his coffers, he needed this contract. Straightening up with a smile, he said, “They may be Your Majesty, but you cannot argue that our city is a grander place for a structure such as this.” The king pursed his lips....

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Transformations Nice Guys ClubChapter 16

Mark had flown a few times, back when Paul still had the good job. That had been before 9/11, though, and he was unfamiliar with all the new rigamarole. This was a first for Lindsey, but there had been so many firsts lately that she took it pretty well in stride. Being with Mark made it all more exciting than frightening, and she was able to get into the spirit of adventure. The relationship between the two teens had changed dramatically, and it was not just Lindsey's long-overdue...

2 years ago
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Shutter ReleaseChapter 56 Waters

We entered August, the last full month of summer, of vacation, and of divine mountain warmth. I spent all my time at Clara’s; Lara increased her hours at the shelter since Chuck hired her more formally and started paying her for her computer work. Our tent became lived-in and undeniably welcoming the more we used it and adjusted our setup. With Frej’s help, we’d flown an oversized tarp above the area that gave us some dry space around the shelter in times of rain. It remained a heavenly...

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Summer Hire Ch 17

Back to the GrindMelissa scooted inside the door, putting her hand out behind her to ease the screen door shut, rather than letting it bang loudly against the door frame. She was drenched from the short walk across the entry courtyard. A summer thunderstorm was blowing sheets of rain through the screen door, drenching the rug and flagstones in the entry area.She looked around the room, embarrassed by both her late arrival and the soaking wet blouse that was transparently plastered across her...

3 years ago
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Sex in the Surf

Ian pulled his car under the boughs of a large tree that edged the road to the beach, turning to his fiancée he saw the look of amazement as she looked across the sand to the rolling waves. ‘Oh Ian, it’s so beautiful,’ she remarked as she held his hand, she had come from the city and had never seen the beach up close. Seagulls swooped for tidbits as the surf crashed onto the shoreline, their voices seemed to scream above the pounding waves. ‘Come on let find a place to sit,’ said Ian as he...

1 year ago
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The Girl from JuarezChapter 3

There was an unlocked washroom attached to the warehouse. I gave the girl a towel and some soap from the truck and told her to go in and clean up. I searched around in the sleeper unit behind the cab for clothing she could wear. The best I could do was an old denim shirt of mine that would work as an over-shirt on her current outfit. My shirt would easily come down to her knees. When she came out of the washroom, she looked cleaner and her crying seemed to have subsided. "You can sleep in...

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