Delta V Chapter 1
- 2 years ago
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Lee had another great week.
Her little crew worked very well together. Terry seemed to fit right in, Army crew-cut and all. Since he had started to get over his hero worship and treated her just like everyone else, she found she enjoyed his company.
He had a dry wit and was a bit of a practical joker. He and Jim both being of a similar age to her, they seemed to complement each other and had become fast friends. It was more common than not, for one of them to be with her during the shift.
They often found excuses to go with her if she had to go to other areas of the ship outside engineering and the workshops. If she didn’t know better, she would think they had become her protectors. They hadn’t let her wander off alone since the incident with Essco.
At first, Lee had thought that Sean had put them up to it, but she decided that that was fanciful. As she could whip both their asses in about two heartbeats, and she would most likely have to protect them.
Lee remembered one time she had tried telling Jim that he didn’t have to come along with her. She had been asked to go to the kitchen to fix the bread oven for Juanita. One of Juanita’s duties aboard ship was to make bread, bread rolls and pastries when she wasn’t needed for grunt duties. And she was a bloody good baker too.
Jim explained that a Knight could not go off to do battle without her favourite squire, and so, she had to let him go with her. It turned out that his brute strength came in handy. They had to lift the very heavy oven to remove the lead. It had been jammed under it on one of the jumps before the compensators had been fixed.
The use of the oven had slowly melted the cable until it shorted out. Once the cable was free, Lee was able to replace it easily enough. So, she stopped worrying about why the boys wanted to go with her and simply enjoyed their company. She decided she liked having friends and she spent a lot less time alone these days.
Rodger had also noticed that he never saw Lee alone anymore. At first, he had planned to try to lock her in somewhere again. Even though this method hadn’t been successful, so far. Lee’s chaperones would also make further attempts redundant.
Rodger had thought of several other ways that he could hurt her without anyone knowing he was responsible, but he’d had to discard many of them too. Witnesses didn’t suit his plans.
He was still racking his brains on how to make her pay for his lost testicle.
Lee soon found going to the gym after work in the morning to exercise with the Army grunts, was very satisfying.
Jim and Kyle had also started to turn up earlier in the week. A couple of days later, Debora, Sandra and Dave had joined them too. With eighteen of them in the gym, there wasn’t much room for anyone else to be in the open workout area.
So, most other people soon learnt not to turn up to use the gym, until after Lee’s ‘classes’ had finished or they got their exercise in earlier.
Kyle had worked out with Lee before on other jobs. He did it more to keep her company than to really exercise. She had taught him a simple kata to help keep him fit. She had even convinced him it would improve his bed aerobics.
Kyle also knew that for the jobs they did, it was better to keep up their fitness rating to improve selection on the better ships. He just liked to give Lee a bit of stick about her making him do exercise.
While the Grunts were combat trained, most of this team had not particularly trained in specific martial arts or fighting style. With the exceptions of Sean, Terry, Gary and Juanita, her friends and the rest of the grunts had bugger-all experience. And to Lee’s consternation, they watched far too many ‘Kung Fu’ vids from the archives.
Being from an Engineering core, most of the Grunts were of the opinion that as long as they could run away and shoot back, all was good. Many of them felt that they shouldn’t ever get into a bad situation where hand-to-hand combat was necessary.
Juanita, Terry and Penny wanted Lee to teach them some of her moves and even Gary insisted he wasn’t too old (at all of thirty-six), to learn some new tricks. So, Lee suddenly found she had been elevated to being the instructor with Sean as her 2IC (second in command).
Lee spent the first couple of mornings focusing on their general fitness and exercises that increased their strength and flexibility. Later she moved into teaching them how to fall from simple throws.
As she told them, in most cases, they would be the victim if attacked. If they didn’t learn how to fall correctly, then they would stay the victim. The class was amazed by her ability to slow motion the moves so they could see exactly what she did and how Sean reacted. She also talked them through each step.
When commented upon, she pooh-poohed the idea. Saying that while she and Sean had slowed the throws some, if they seemed even slower, it was because they ‘the class’, were interested and paying attention.
But no one believed her. Even Sean, who knew he never hit the mat, as hard as even he thought he should have. His woman was a hell of a lot stronger than she looked.
She taught the class very simple, but extremely effective moves to immobilise an attacker. She emphasised that height and weight were not critical for these moves, and anyone could do them.
She even teamed the girls up against the biggest guys to prove it. It was not long before they all agreed she was the best bloody instructor any of them had ever had.
Lee generally used poor Sean as her victim. He, in turn, found himself with his back on the mat many times. But as he liked the view, he never complained. After all, wrestling with Lee was one of his favourite past-times.
One time, when Jim and Terry had been practising one of the moves, they had gotten in a grappling session as Jim wouldn’t let Terry drop him on the mat (Jim topped Terry by 30cms (12”) and 25kg). Terry ended up falling badly. Fortunately, his ego was bruised more than his butt was.
When Lee had asked them, “What fucking move, was that?”
Terry had cheekily snapped to attention and replied, “A fuck-up, General Lee.”
There had been a lot of giggles, and Lee ended up with a new nickname. Gary had taken it one step further. He taught the civilians how to salute a ranking officer like a General.
So, by the end of the week, everyone had perfected their parade quality line up. At the start of the sessions, they now snapped to attention and saluted Lee when she came in before bowing.
While Lee was not totally amused, Sean thought it was hilarious. He also had decided she made an excellent General. With the way she approached problems and quickly and effective provided solutions, he would follow her into battle any day.
While a Captain himself, he understood the importance of good leadership. Lee tended to find a following wherever she went, even if she didn’t realise the effect she had on others.
Sean had been promoted before the deployment. He had kept the title of Lieutenant to save the confusion of having two Captains aboard. He had deliberately left what the civvies believed was the higher rank, with Captain Clark.
As far as the civvies were concerned, Clark was in charge as long as they were on the ship. For Sean, his soldiers knew who and what he was. He had never really been stressed about rank, as long as his people showed respect when it was required and followed his orders.
It was one of the reasons they rarely saluted him on the ship, and he didn’t encourage them. He had found the engineering corps tended to be a bit more relaxed than other branches when it came to saluting officers when on light deployments like this one.
Since Lee now didn’t get to bed until around 09:30 hours or a bit later if Sean could inspire her otherwise, she didn’t tend to get up until about 17:00 hours. Sean also altered his hours a tad, so he didn’t come back to the room until 17:00 hours. This was so Lee could get enough sleep unless of course, junior dragged him there earlier.
He enjoyed nothing better than crawling into bed with Lee after sorting through the endless meetings aimed at planetfall. He also hated dealing with the various shipboard disputes and arguments. He put up with the chore because it took a lot of pressure off Captain Clark.
This left the Captain free to worry about getting them to their destination. Sean also tried to direct as many of the relationship issues to Ulani, because she was also a trained marriage counsellor and far better qualified to deal with domestic disputes.
In the dinner, the Goldsmith’s, Veselovsky’s, Cheboi’s and Nick and Sung sat at a table that paralleled Sean’s table and the two tables often interacted. The rest of the Grunts had also moved to a table that was close to Sean’s and Lee.
In deference to the night shift workers, the groups tended to eat later at the 19:30 hours sitting rather than at the 18:00 - 19:00 hour, sitting. It was probably just as well. The three groups tended to linger over dinner, and they could be a bit rowdy.
Sean had found that since he could now team up with Philip and Ulani, most of the discord was kept to a dull roar. He was amused by the outcome of one dispute that happened early in the week. Sean had the ability to see the funny side of situations.
Sean was disgusted with the petty behaviour of the two of the scientists. He had threatened to confine one of the scientists to a week of confinement in the pigpen. So, he could learn how to get on with others. The pigs had better manners than they did, he told them.
The solution, when revealed, had become an effective deterrent to not pissing him off in future. Especial with the way gossip flew around the ship at faster than the speed of sound. Sean was very amused by the solution, even if some of the other ship personnel weren’t.
He had told his dinner companions what he had said, and they provided the solution. Dave, Terry and Jim bolted Lee’s old bed-rack to a wall. It was at the back of one of the as-yet empty pigpens. They put the bunks back on it.
They had then put beside the beds an ‘outhouse box’, built by Bones Tyson the night-shift welder. It had a hole in the top and a bucket underneath. ‘Pisser & No .2’s’ was marked on the little door, and a roll of toilet paper was attached to the side of the box.
The collaborators had even gotten Little Bear and Bones to make two sets of shackles with chains. They bolted them to the wall beside the beds and then they had taken a picture of the setup.
Debora had it blown up and put it on the community notice board. It had ‘BRIG’ typed in big red letters across the top and ‘Pigs have better manners’, along the bottom in pink and purple layered text. They had even encouraged Miss Piggy with Lee’s help, to sit in front of the bunks for the picture.
The picture had been on the board for two days before Sean saw it. He had wondered why things had been quiet for a few days. Gary had finally placed a copy of the picture in front of him at dinner. He asked Sean when he had gotten the ‘Brig’ built?
Gary was elected as the representative as everyone was just dying to see Sean’s reaction and had decided he was taking too long to find out what they had done.
The table had ended up in hysterics at his, “What the fuck!” reply. It also didn’t take him long to work out who the instigators of the practical joke were.
The interesting side effect was, as far as the rest of the ship’s personnel, who hadn’t been in on the joke were concerned, it was a real Brig. They didn’t relish spending a night shackled to a bed in a pigpen even if it was clean, simply because they couldn’t sort out their own petty problems amicably.
The Captain had even taken Terry and Jim aside and told them to leave it there for the time being. He was enjoying the peace and quiet it had created. Sean and Ulani both had to agree.
Professor Essco had taken ‘the Brig’ as a personal affront. He believed Sean had it built as a warning to him to leave them and the walking pork chop alone or that was where he would end up.
Essco was fully convinced that Sean as the effective Law Officer or as the Americans said, ‘the Sheriff’, as he had heard Sean being referred to, wouldn’t hesitate to use the brig if pissed-off enough.
Rodger also was not impressed. While Lee hadn’t told the crew what he had tried to do to her, he felt that she was just biding her time. He never did ask Kyle if Lee had killed the last guy who tried to rape her, as he had totally believed her.
He just stayed well away from her, only watching her from a distance. He didn’t want to end up in shackles either. He had just spent the most painful weeks of his life as a result of that bitch, not acting, as a good woman should.
It had been four weeks since she had broken his jaw and rib and ruptured his testicle. And even worse, as far as he was concerned, he now had a bent dick. He had not had an erection since, and it still sometimes hurts to pee.
Dr Yates had said that he must have landed very badly, to rupture a testicle and cause a penile fracture. The doctor thought he had been masturbating when he fell off the bed. He assured Rodger the operation should help, but it may take him several months to regain full function in his nether region.
The broken jaw had been complicated by the rough jumps. It was still wired up, and Rodger was still drinking soup through a straw. Hopefully, in a couple of days, he would have the wires moved so he can eat and talk properly again.
He had even lost a rear molar, and he hated the hole it created in his mouth. He had always been proud of his straight white teeth and no fillings. Not being able to brush them properly or floss also annoyed the hell out of him.
One good thing about his confinement was that he, Frank, Essco and Ben had become good friends. They all agreed that women had their place. That God had put them on the Earth to serve men and there were some real uppity bitches on this crew.
Rodger didn’t tell them about what happened with Lee, but they all agreed she was one of the worst. He had also learnt that Essco and even Ben to a degree, as well as being down on the place for women, and what they were good for, were also bigots. Essco, in particular, had a real thing about inter-racial coupling and gays.
While Rodger really didn’t care, he was happy to support Essco and Ben as he liked having friends for a change. He was glad to agree to about anything, as long as others agreed with his views of the world.
He had thought about sharing the payout with them if they helped him get rid of Lee. But he decided it was better if he did it himself. He really wanted her to suffer for what she had done to him.
Essco and Ben had also confided to Rodger that they had built the still. They had even managed to get several brews bottled before it was discovered. While the alcohol wasn’t as good as an aged whisky, it at least took the edge off.
They had kept a small flask filled for Rodger, to help with his pain during his first weeks of confinement. He was now up and around but still not fully recovered. Ben had put him on light duties and assigned him to the dayshift, even though he didn’t do much.
Ben was quite happy to leave the other two crew alone as he didn’t get any complaints from them and they always did the work he left for them. Even Isha’s afternoonshift team was working very well now that Roger wasn’t in charge of them.
Ben had not given Rodger a specific job, so he was free to roam the ship at his leisure. This suited Rodger no end, as he hated hard work. It also made it easier for him to monitor Lee.
Eventually, Rodger had become Ben’s and Essco’s errand boy, and he liked his new job. With Ben’s leg still in a foam cast, Rodger became his legs, even if it was with a slow and gingerly walk. His other new job was looking after the still.
The other men had removed the still three weeks before from where Sean had stored it. Ben had found a new location on level nine. He had disabled the access so that the central computer logs didn’t record the hall and the doors to the area being opened.
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It had been a busy week getting prepared for the Fortune’s second return. Esky had gotten the trip down to two weeks in flight, and they had decided on only one week in a dock on each leg. So, they had a six-week turnaround. Their new Employment agency on Earth had already picked and notified the next group. Now that Lee and Co could order the supplies they wanted to be delivered to the Moon, the ship didn’t have to wait at the space station for the orders to be filled. Justin and Lee had...
Lee had found herself in a sticky situation. When Justin went to vault over the box he was standing in front of, he placed both hands on the lid and then halted. They all heard the ‘click, click’. He looked down to find the lid lifting up under his hands. “No,” screamed Jahn again. “They are my boxes, you can’t have them,” he yelled in frustration and sent an immobilising spell at Justin. Justin blinked out of the way and reappearing in front of Kim, ready to protect her. She stepped up...
The wizards had a busy week building three new compounds. Gary, Gavin and Jim were busy churning out domes. They had already completed the domes in the UN Compound, and the crews had fitted them out ready for Robert, Pete, Antonio, Kostya and their families and support people to move into. The UN delegates were busy moving in to get ready for the first two ships from the Australasian and the North American blocks. The personnel from the Delta Space Police Force were also shifted to free up...
The next day the wizards had to go through the same crap again when the Americans arrived. Lee took an instant dislike to the man who was leading this party. To start with, he wasn’t a scientist; he was a General from the Army. He was a big man who had gone to fat and who was very full of himself. Lee noted the large paunch and thinning hair, red nose and pale complexion that suggested an office worker who liked to eat and drink to excess. She also noted that he didn’t seem well-liked by...
Lee rubbed her stomach. She now looked more as if she was five months pregnant and she agreed with Von that she would be lucky to make it to the twelve weeks. Sean had managed to do the deed, and Donny was pregnant. She couldn’t shift to male or any of her other forms other than faerie while pregnant. Lee hadn’t tried. She was happy to wait until she had Jackson before she experimented. Sparky and her village had been amazed when Lee transformed into a faerie for them. “Damn mum, I always...
Lee had a shift to get through. Damn, she had once laughed at Kyle’s ability to ‘fuck like a rabbit all night long’. However, after the last couple of nights with her hunky Lieutenant, she was beginning to believe Kyle wasn’t the only exception to the rule, after all. From her experiences, having a guy get it up more than twice in one night was rare. She had never had one perform four times in fewer hours, and she really couldn’t remember how many orgasms she had. In the past, she had been...
Sean and Lee headed for the diner. They found their regular chairs were vacant and waiting for them. So, they both grabbed some of the chicken dish from the bain-maries and joined the table. “Ah, the love birds have come up for air,” Kyle said. Lee set her plate down and then turned and thumped Kyle in the arm as he had sat next to her. Kyle rubbed his arm, “Hey, what was that for?” “You knew, didn’t you? You knew Gerald was related to Carl!” she specified. Kyle suddenly realised what...
~~ Delta - Nov/02 - (Earth - May/2095) ~~ I spent the rest of the Thursday getting through a pile of work. I sorted out the times to interview the people on Alec’s list over the three days I’d be in Clarksville. Many of them had indicated they would be at the party and asked if it would be easier to meet me there and I had agreed. I learnt the heads of the four Earth colonies would also be there and asked them if they would like to meet up with me as well. After a bit of round-robin, we...
Rodger was worried about them going to either planet. He had been told not to let Lee step foot on the planet. His uncle wouldn’t be happy if she did. The problem was that he didn’t know which planet, as he hadn’t been told that there was two. He was also having trouble finding Lee alone. Nor had he come up with a good way to get rid of her. Rodger wasn’t game to go for a frontal attack as he didn’t think it would go well for him, not after the last attempt. There was no way he wanted to...
Lee had a fascination with the crocs. She had a large female who had acquired a new mate living on her island. The dragons used to hunt them, and Lee believed the larger mate she had might have had fallen victim to them. The new male was smaller, so he was also younger. Lee suspected he had followed the female here and she had decided to keep him. He seemed perfectly happy to have her too. She wasn’t sure, if they were natives or if they had been brought here. She considered them one of...
Essco was not pleased. As Essco had suspected, the committee had decided on Tychy as the next destination. He did not intend to be stuck on Tychy for the next nine to twelve months. He needed to establish contact with the people on Futura. To set up mining of the energy crystals, so they could ship them home. He planned to be a wealthy man. He intended to live out the rest of his life with a revolving harem of big boobed young girls to look after his every need. He hated it when his plans...
Captain Nick Clark was walking around his ship. The damn thing pretty much ran without him, since Lee had played with the systems. The first week went by so fast. He had been able to get all his logs up-to-date and even found some quality time for Sung. The fact she had agreed to marry him and move to Clarksville hadn’t hurt his excellent mood either. She had loved the ring Berny had made for him. The ship’s crew were setting up for the first jump before he knew it. Even with the reduced...
The three dads, the von Holton’s, Henry, Captain Clark and Vincent, were sitting in Lee’s old room when they took the cover off. “Hi, Kids, were back, did you have fun while we were jabbering?” Robert asked. “Yep Lee and I were discussing how to make absent dads miserable. But then Sean went and spoiled it by reminding me, I was going to be a dad real soon too,” Kyle said as he grinned at the cringes made by Pete and Antonio. “I assume that discussion is best left until another day,” Lee...
Things were a bit different on this trip. The crews had elected a floating work schedule. As long as the work was done, they did it as required. In engineering, they all helped each other. Lee and Bing taught everyone how to perform necessary engine checks. Lee, Bing and Terry while aboard would still do the main checks and repairs, but the others could help by taking a short night shift every few nights to do the simple walk around checks. Hydroponics elected for a similar loose roster as...
The last week aboard the Fortune sped-by for the Ubobo’s. The Ubobo family kept the crew, and other passengers entertained every night with their music. The night they celebrated New Year’s Eve; the crew informed them it was actually going into July on Utopia. But they may as well enjoy the celebration anyway. Everyone did their level best to do so. The five oldest members of the Ubobo clan also managed to find someone else to celebrate with as well. The boys were amused by the starry-eyed...
The crews spent the next week settling into their new lives. They still had fitting out to complete and plenty of work otherwise. Juanita had effectively taken over the mining enterprise. With the Bolo boys, they had soon selected four locations they wanted to exploit to keep the recyclers tanks full. Sean and Lee went with them to the first location and helped Juanita plan how to protect the workers while there. Minnie had already produced new fencing materials and Bear bricks. The four...
At the beginning of the week, they got their next influx of new residents. Two families of Pixs and a clan of Prols, all sixteen of them, turned up from the entrance to the plains. Ten of Iain’s cousin’s kids, some by marriage and some by blood all of working age also arrived with Iain on his sailing boat. It wasn’t long before the new residents were all gainfully employed. Aegeus, the leader of the Prol clan and his four oldest sons and his brother Alum and his two sons, were all soon...
The next day Lee called a Wizards Meeting. Lee also invited Michella, Hador and the leads of the other main clans that were now in town. “Okay people, I had a bit of discussion with Kyle and Sean and other select wizards, now I wish to include all of you.” She had gotten Kyle to erect a big 3D screen in the community hall that she had commandeered. She flashed up a map of Utopia. “As many of you now know, I could end up controlling four decads of wizards. The way things stand now is that...
Lee and Sean were talking about the neighbours. Lee was hoping to get around to most of the communities on Futura to check how they were getting on. She wanted to go check out the three large townships that were apparently the original settlers on Davinia. These were the towns in the north that Allan’s people still traded with but not on as friendly terms as with those in Tuath. Possibly, because they were the people they had bombed and vice versa. Aeron’s people had mostly stayed out of...
Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do ?Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do. Well when I was a younger man and she was younger. But I still find her kind of sexy for a mature woman. So sue me for using my talent to have a little fun with what I consider a hot older babe. I enjoyed writing it. How you enjoy reading it.???????????????????????????????? ??? ??????????????? CAPTAIN JANEWAY CAPTAIN?S...
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The summer of 1890 was to be the start of my new life. At fifteen years of age, I was to be presented to society and I had expected that I would then be considered an adult. That, at long last, I would have a say in my own life, my own destiny. That was not to be, though. I was still just a doll to be dressed and used as decoration in the home of my powerful parents. I was made up and dressed and used to impress the visitors who came...
It was the year 2001. 15-year-old Newt looked at himself in the mirror. He could see some of his mother Laverne’s African American features looking back, but also blue eyes and a lighter skin tone that must have come from his unknown father. He growled, angry. Why didn’t his mom ever tell him who his father was? Her insistence that she didn’t know didn’t make any sense! She said that Newt didn’t look like who she thought his father was, and she hadn’t been with any blue-eyed white boys. His...
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Langdon Beech-Thorndyke III was 'a catch.' Mother and Father thought that he would be a perfect match for me. He was twenty three and I was fifteen. My parents hoped that we would become betrothed that summer and then a grandiose wedding would follow in three years after I turned eighteen. This was my sister's summer, though. Miranda would be married in August to a Vanderbilt cousin who she barely knew. The opulent affair...
Chapter 2. Paul's transition to womanhood had begun by his own hand! The pen is mightier than the penis! I thought to myself. Dr. Turnbull left with the signed papers and told us she would get a nurse who would take Paul to the surgical wing and straight to the operating room. As the two of us sat waiting for a nurse to come Paul asked me at least a dozen times, Dr. Turnbul said she may have to remove my penis, right? She would give me something that looks like a vagina,...
Mid Story Prologue: Well now what do you think my friend? Crazy twist of fate? Just punishment for my sins? Remember at the time of my second cancer surgery I was only concerned with staying alive. I didn't know there was a diabolical plot being executed as my "Just Punishment" for being unfaithful to my wife. Life is full of unseen twists. I guess the old saying is right "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!" From here until the end of my tale I want to shift the...
Chapter 4 A couple of weeks later on a Sunday, Katie had the opportunity to spend the afternoon with me. Katie actually worked out alongside me during my afternoon workout. She could bench press more than me; leg lift more than me and last on the treadmill longer than me! It was hard to comprehend my wife was stronger than me now. I knew I was rehabbing still but to be the weaker one of the two of us really stunned me. It showed I still had a lot of time in front of me before I was...
Chapter 5 My dad was a man's man and I knew he will never accept what I had done. As I approached the kitchen I could hear my mom and dad talking and laughing. I knew they were laughing about me. Not in a joking way, in a way that meant what a Fem! What a wimp! What a panty waist! As I entered the kitchen my father spoke first. "So, you're going to Tommy's skating party eh? Are there going to be any girls there?" he asked teasing me. "Dad its Joe's party. I am meeting Tommy to...
Chapter 6. As I woke up the next morning, I was feeling good for the first time since I was diagnosed with Systema Genitale Masculinum Spirilextradual. I felt I was finally accepting my situation with my cancer and the effects it has had on my body in a more positive manner. Last night I think my subconscious brought up the memory to me of my emersion experience as a teenage girl for one reason. It didn't destroy my life. I overcame what my mom had exposed me to and went on to...
Chapter 7. That's when I heard something rustle behind my seat. There had been some blankets in the back but I didn't pay any attention to them when I got into the car. Now I heard a voice coming from directly behind me, a voice of a man! Suddenly a man just popped up and said, "Hello Ladies! Now just stay calm and drive like there isn't an escaped criminal with a loaded gun pointed at you. Just to let you two babes know, I escaped from prison earlier today. One of you fine...
Chapter 9. Final Chapter "Oh, you are right Reggie, she is beautiful. You will make a beautiful bride, Paula!" The woman left the room and disappeared from earshot. "What" I yelled. "Bride I can't be a bride I'm a Ma" "Already married!" Katie broke in cutting me off in mid-sentence. "Her husband won't stand for it!" The visiting man said to the maniac, "Don't worry Reggie, Michele will get them prettied up and I will officiate the wedding, by the time her old man finds out, you...
The Firefly had to alter their course in order to bleed off their speed. Being down a fore drive meant they had to increase the size of their loop to approach Futura to bleed off more speed. They still hadn’t gotten the other engine working. The drive engineer said they didn’t have replacement parts for the engine. Their spares were still sitting on the dock at the space station. The replicator hadn’t been loaded with them, and he’d have to bastardise one of the aft engines to get it...
Justin was wandering around the halls of the ship. He didn’t have a destination in mind; he was just walking and thinking about his dad. He had been mourning his father for over four years. He had been shocked when he was given the vid from a woman call Glenda saying it was from his dad. He watched it with excitement at first and then with anger the second time. Apparently, his dad had been stranded on a planet. He had married again and had another three kids with three more on the way. Two...
So here he was, on a starship with his family crossing solar systems to go find his dad. He still couldn’t believe he had gotten a job in Utopia and a berth on the ship. When the girls tried to convince him to send in a resume’, he had been very reluctant. If their dad wanted them, then why didn’t he send for them? The twins decided that they would just go and find out. The other kids also agreed. They wanted to find their dad too. Justin grinned and wondered if the people doing the hiring...
In the morning, Justin wasn’t that surprised to find Kim curled up in his arms. Not long after they moved into the flat, he often found her in his bed. He had gotten so used to it he didn’t even wake when she crawled in with him anymore. She had told him she always felt safest when with him as she had dreams. Considering the stories that Tyson and the girls had eventually told him of what Paul tried to do on several occasions, he wasn’t that surprised. He had to go back to wearing his...